Maryland 883 The greater part of these arms were issued to Volunteer Militia companies outside of Baltimore,usingthewarehouseofwoolford&Pattersoninthatcityasadistributionpoint.On 19 April 1861 this warehouse was broken into by a pro-Southern Baltimore mob and everything there taken-some 370 infantry muskets and a small number of cavalry arms and accouterments.TheseweaponswereusedtodispersetheWashingtonBrigadeofPhiladelphia when that unamed and hapless command tried to march through Baltimore. Some of the weapons in the hands of the Baltimore Volunteer companies found their way into Virginia, and most of the remainder were seized on the govemor's orders in June. This forestalled any large shipments of small amis to Marylanders in the Confederate army and providedasmallstockforthenewregimentsbeingraised.Thereafterthestateappearstohave played no part in procuring arms for its volunteer and home guard commands save through U.S. Amy sources. It ended the war with little or no stock of serviceable shoulder arms. During the reorganization of 1867 the state was obliged to purchase ams for its new MarylandNationalGuardinadditiontothefieldartillerymaterialitobtainedfromthegeneral government. The small arms and related accouterments secured were: 7,943 U.S. rifle muskets (Model 1863?) 7,354 sets infantry belts and boxes 3,000 cavalry sabers (Model 1860?) 3 ,OcO cavalry waist belts 500 light artillery sabers 500 light artillery waist belts All these items were U.S. regulation patterns, including the belt plates. All were won until after 1872, when our period ends. 2+ 'usA mqulc~d zS <¢.A i;I`^r_tl!to_/ . ORDER OF BATTLE: VOLUNTEER MILITIA I st Light Division (Baltimore) `. lstRegtcav / C)a/cJ Comps distinctively dressed. Had a mounted band. 1~ lst Regt Art)r (consol 1860 with City Guard Bn) 2C) No information on equipage. i. 5th Regt inf (broken up) 'o 1861 3° ;:SOR:: X:;:ifdG[;:cRoeng;:t::'asq.av.c)onsoi of 5th and 53rd Rests hi, and Maryland Guard BD 1867 On (Included Lew Grays, Jackson Guards, German Guards, National Grays, United Guards) ro J86J.. comps disthctively unifomed. /867-/87/.. state Ml 867 dismounted clothing, cadet gray color, piped with black; black and gold Lcops on cuffs.Ml863riflemusket;USregaccoutements./87/on..graytallcoalthmmedwithblackandgold.3rowsofbuttons comecndwithblacklace;grayorwhitepants;blackbearskinhat;whitecrossbelts;whiteandblackepauletsforEM,gilt for officers (uniform modeled af(er 7th Regt of New York except for bearskin hat). 884 ORDER OF BATTLE /confi."ned/ \. 53rd Rcgt Imf ouken up) A/a 0Vominal]y included Maryland Guard Bn, a.v.) (also lst Maryland lnf Regt, CSA a.v,) (Included Baltimore City Guards, Independent Grays, hafayette Guards, National Blues, State Guards, Montgomery Guards). Camps distinctively uniformed. I • lstRECRcgt to 1861 (?) € a Comps probably distinctively uniformed. V. Baltimore city Gund Bn 1858-1865 efn (also loth Vol lnf Regt) Fed serv: 6 mos, 1863-1864 ro/86/..dckbluetallcoat,triln)nedwithljghtblueandgold,lightblueandwhiteepaulets;lightbluepants,doublewhi(e sthpc; black bearskin hat with gold tassels; black bel(s. Oficcrs: same with gilt epaulets and dress cap wi(h pompon or egret plume. Junior members wore sane as rank and file but with black fur busby. ^ • Maryland Guard Bn (broken up) 1859-1861 ?fi (also lst Maryland Imf Regt, CS^, q.v.) F«// dress,. dark blue zouave jacket and light blue zouave vest, both trimmed with yellow; full dark blue pants with yellow sthpe; red sash; light blue cap trimmed with yellow; drab linen gaiters; Ml 855 rifle musket; white waist belt with yellow lnetal plate; rigid knapsack printed with ``53" on rear, white straps; dark blue blanket rolled on knapsack so as to show red "MG." Ur.drcfs.. dark blue shell jacket over same zouave vest; black pants with nanow yellow stripe; same cap. These uniforms won in 4 "c)asses" or combinations, using dark blue overeoa( and black waist bel(. ` (A» other com]nands were of comp size, and all lceated outside Baltimore.) rosT-clvlL WAR NATIONAL GUARD Cavalry eo (AIl commands wore stan M1867 clothing of mounted pattern; M1860 saber; US reg accouterTnents.) • lst Bn, lst-Brig ®alinorc) 1867-1870 • ls( Bn, 2nd Brig (Baltimore) 1867-1870 • 2nd Bn (Baltilnore co) 1868-1870 • 3rd Rest (Anne Arundel co) 1867(?L1870 • 5th Bn (St. Mary's Co) 1868-1870 • 8th Bn quarfnd co) 1868-1870 Ar,i'lery qo • lst Bn OaltimoTe; Tecoustitution of old lst Regt Arty?) 1867 on (?) StateM1867clothing.mountedpattem,trimmedwithred;EMworedresscapwithredcordandpomponandbrasscapdevice with battery lcttcr. Light arty saber and accouterments. Officers wore US res clothing with dress hat and feather. Irifantry rco (AIl cominands wore state M1867 clothing of dismounted pattern; M1863 rifle musket; US reg accoutements.) • lst Regt ®altiJnerc) 1867-1870 • 2nd Rcgt ®altiirore) 1867-1870 • 3rd Rest oalinorc) 1867-1870 • 4th Regt (Baltimore) 1867-1870 • 5th Regt: see VOLut`ITEER MILITIA, above 885 ORDER OF BATTLE /confz.need/ • 6th Regt ®alfrore) 1867 on • 7th Regt (Baltimore) 1867-1870 • 8th Rcgt oaltimore) 1867-1870 • 9th Rest (Baltimore) 1867-1870 • loth Regt (Baltimore co) 1867(?L1870 • llth Regt (Anne Arundel co) 1867(?+1870 • 12th Regt a=rederick co) 1868-1870 • 13th Rcgt cralbot co) 1868-1870 • 14th Regr (Cecil co) 1868-1870 • 15th Regt (Allegany co) 1867(?+1870 • 16th Rcgt (St. Mary's Co) 1868-1870 • 17th Rest (Prince George's Co) 1868-1870 VOLUNTEER LEGION • Puncll Legion iio 1861-1864 Cav Bn (dismounted and merged into 8th Imf Rest, 1864) US res cav clothing. /862: Colt army revolver, M1840 saber. /86j: Merrill carbine. Arty Bn (rcorgan as Btrys A and 8, lndependen( Light Arty, 1862) Imf Regt (disb 1864) /862.. Rifled M1842 musket, springfield rifled muskets. J863-/864.. Enfield rifle, Springfield rifled muskels. (Unless otherwise no(ed, all commands below issued US reg clothing and accouterments.) VOLUNTEER CAVALRY - 120 • lstcav Reg( (lst mgcons) 1861-1865 /862-/86j.. Sharps carbine; Colt army revolver; M 1840 saber. • lst Bn. Potolnac Home Brig cav 1861-1864 l§t Rcgt. Potomac Holne Brig Cav (2nd Cav Rest; Cole.s Cav) 1864-1865 • 2ndcavRegt 6 mos. 1863-1864 J863.. Shalips and Sfnith carbines; Colt army revolver; M 1840 saber. • 3rd Cav Regt (Bradford mgoons) 1863-1864 3rd c8v 8. 1864-1865 Dismounted July 1864. • Smith's lndcpcndent Cav Comp /30 1862-1865 vOLUNmeER ARTILLERy • lst Heavy Arty Rcgt: failed to complete organ • Independent btrys light arty: Btry A (RIgby.s Btry, forlneTly Btry A, Pumell I.egion); 1861-1865 / /C7 Btry 8 (Snow.s Btry, formerly Btry 8, Pumell Legion); Btry A, J`inior Light Arty (Brucc's Btry); BtTy 8. Junior Light Arty (Eagle Btry); Bruce's Btry; Ballimore or Alexander's Btry. VOLUNTEER INFANTRY • lst Rcgt (lst hdcpendcnt vols) 1861-1865 /.fo /862-/86j.. Enfield rifle. /864: M1863 rifle musket. • lst Regt, Potolnac Home Brig 1861-1865 /4013th Regl 1865 /86j-/864.. Enfield rifle. 886 ORDER OF BATTLE /confl.#wed/ • lst Regt Eastern Shore (lst Regt, Eastern Shore Home Guard) 1861-1865 /ro /862.. M1842 smcothbore musket. /86j-/864: Enficld rifle. • 2nd Regt (2nd Independent Vols) 1861-1865 / 80 /862-J86j.. Enfield rifle, Springfield rifled muskets. /864.. M1863 rifle musket. • 2nd Regt, Potomac Home Brig 1861-1864 •40 2nd Bn, Potomac Home Brig 1864-1865 • 2nd Regt Eastern Shore (2nd Regt, Eastern Shore Home Guard) 1861-1865 2o® /862-/864.. Enfield rifle. • 3rdRegt 1861-1864 ®o 3rd Bn 1864-1865 j862-/864.. Enfield rifle, Springfield rifled muskets. • 3rd Regt, Potomac Home Brig Jlfo 1861-1865 ® 4thRegt 1862-1865 j3® /862-/86¢.' Enfield rifle • 4th Regt, Potomac Home Brig: failed to complete organ 2to • 5th Regt (Public Gua['d) ?SO 1861-1865 /862.. Enfield rifle. /863.. M1842 smcothbore musket. /664.. M1863 rifle musket. ® 6thRe8' 1862-1865 2Ci* /862:Enfield rifle; Austrian rifle musket, cat. 577 with blcok and leaf sights. /863-/864.. Enfield rifle. 1862-1865 a.co7th,R8e6g_,864..springf.eidrifledmuskets. • 8thRe8' 1862-1865 2to /862-/864.. Enfield rifle. • 9thReg,#O 6 mos, 1863-1864 • loth Regt: see Baltimore City Guard Bn, VOLUNTEER MILITIA • llthRegt3co 1864-1865 • 12thRegt 3Jo loo days, i864 • 13th Regt: see lst Regt, Potomac Home Brig Imf jj2C} • Baltimore Light Imf (Dix Light Imf; consol with 3rd lnf Regt) jL3o 1861-1862 • Pafapsco Guards (MCGowan's Independent Comp) j3t(? 186'-1865 • Oakland Railroad Home Guard (White's Independent Comp) j[Eo ? U.S. COLORED TROOPS RAISED IN MARYLAND • 4th Regt lnf, U.S.C.T. 1863-1866 3Go /863.. Enfield rifles; some springfield rifled muskets l864. • 7th Regt lnf. U.S.C.T. 1863-1866 370 /86j-/864.. Enfield rifles; so]ne Springrield rifled muskets 1864. • 9th Regt Imf, U.S.C.T. 1863-1866 %0 /863-/864.. Enfield rifles; some Springfield rifled muskets 1864. • 19th Regt Imf, U.S.C.T. 1863-1867 3co /864.. Enfield rifles and springfield rifled muskets. • 30th Regt Imf, U.S.C.T. 1864-1865 400 /864.. Enfield rifles; Springfield rifled muskets. • 39th Regt lnf, U.S.C.T. 1864-1865 4/o /864.. Springfield rifled muskets. 889 ORDER oF BATTLE: VOLUNIEER CAVALRT (c.s.A.) • lst Regt (Maryland Line; fomerly lst Cav Bn) 1864-1865 4Zo Cs clothing and accouterlnents. 1862-1864 • lst Bn (Maryland Line; increased to lst Cav Regt) 4/j5Z) J862.. Comp 8 wore gray forage cap, jacket and pants; arlned with sabers and revolvers. • 2nd Bn (Gilmor's) 1863-1865 4f4/a Carried ANv battle flag. VOLUNTEER ARTILLERY (C.S.A.) (Comprised 3 btrys designated as lst, 2nd [Baltimore Light Arty]. 4th [Chesapeake], 1861-1865. Au wore CS light arty clothing.) 4(JP VOLUNTEER INFANTRY (C.S.A.) 1861-1862 • lst Regt (Elzey's; disb). 7£o /86J.. officers generally wore blue forage caps with gold braid trim, single-breasted gray frok coats orjackets with rank indica(ed by US reg shoulder straps, and gray pants with sthpe. .„:stF8n6{Tc¥dBL;hoe,:reoroar;Tac¥e:n:;:fbTueegrLmT+ • 2nd Regl (Maryland Line; formed from lst Imf Bn) 46C>C* • Wes.on.s Bn (also called Wes(ern's Bn Maryland Line; broken up) „C>t • Zavona Zouaves (comp; also called Maryland Zouaves; reorgan and assigned to 47th Virginia lnf Regl) Sc)Fo SOURCES Adjutant General, Maryland, Rapom, 1857, 1859, 1867, 1869.
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