Сторінка молодого вченого UDC 332.2 CURRENT STATUS AND TRENDS OF GREEN ZONES USE IN KIEV R. Derkulskyi , PhD student* National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine E-mail:
[email protected] The current state of Kyiv city green areas was analyzed in planning, land management, legal and environmental aspects. This article provides comparison per capita green space provision between Kyiv and European cities. Keywords: land governance, public land management, acquisition, management and disposal of state land, green space provision, green areas, city land cadastre, city-plnning cadastre, state land cadaster, urban forests. The problem formulation correlat- ervation, improving effective mechanisms ed with Willi Zimmermann’s (Germany), for their protection has become a priority opinion,who said that public property of economic and environmental policy. assets (which should include green belts, Cities and urban landscapes research public green space, green areas) are of- has always paid much attention. Green ar- ten mismanaged, and nearly all countries eas researches are especially important for underutilize these resources. The power to modern big cities. This is due to the fact that allocate public land is of great economic these areas are showing significant posi- and political importance in most coun- tive impact on air quality and climatic con- tries, and it is a common focus of corrupt ditions of the urban environment, increase practices. Public land is often treated as its attractiveness, promote biodiversity a “free good”, whereas “good” land in urban landscape, providing favorable con- terms of location, use and service delivery ditions for the rest of the urban population is in fact scarce and valuable.