
I f f 1 Z C /^/\/\ • n I \/ Member of Audit Bureau of Circulation ' v ICITOri Hw In 1 1 )1 )1 ) i n H n ^ f Y p n r CwileotiCepyrtghtbytheCaUioUcPreeiSodety, me., 19»-penm f»lcm to Reproduce. Except Y l O l l C U k j y ill I \JOI I C V JI On Article# OtherwUe M*rked, Given Aiter 12 M Friday FoUowing I«ue New Chapel Is Constructed At Ccibfiiii Shfin^ RcC^lwrtR B B B B B A AA B A A A A ABA ABB y^L lhi. No. Th u r sd a y, JUNE 25, 1959 denverT colorI do

A beautiful new chapel of Lyons sandstone OVER NINE YEARS has been erected at the Mother Cabrini in Mt. Vemoi\ Canyon west of Denver. The chapel, which will accommodate 100 persons for services on the upper level, will be blessed in connection Missionary Covers with the annual pilgrimage in honor of St. Cabrini on Sunday, July 5. at 2 p.m. Construction of the new chapel was in the charge of a Towns From Denver group of laymen who form the Mother Cabrini Shrine Com­ mittee. They include Frank Merelli. chairman; John A. Camp­ bell. Sr.; Frank Notary, Clifford E. Bohannon, John Malpiede, Joseph J. Scavo, and Louis R. Tezak. To Kansas Border Mother Cabrini Statue P re s e rv e d In his past nine years of motor mission work, The new building measures 35 by 35 feet on the upper level. This main chapel contains the altar topped by the Father Richard Gieselman, C.M., has spoken in al­ statue of Mother Cabrini which was moved from the original most every town on U.S. highways 40 and 34 be­ grotto that formerly stood on the site. tween Denver and Kansas. Formerly on the faculty The front of the upper level has a rose glass wall with of St. Ibomas' Seminary. Den­ redwood partitions and the chapel is topped by a redwood ver. Father Gieselman was traos- cross. The celling is of red cedar, and the pews are finished a ferred to San Antonio. Tex., lu t brownish green. Indirect lighting furnishes illumination. The year, but haS return^ for the floor is o f flagstone, and the roof is of shakes. summer's work. He is accom­ The patio or porch of the upper level is surrounded by a panied this summer by Thomas wrought iron railing. The Communion railing of the chapel SU tt#y. a seminarian of the^ likewise is of wrought iron. Archdiocese of Denver. The lower level, which measures 22 by 35 feet, contains The close of the missions last in honor of the of Jesus, St. Joseph. St. week at Deertrail and Stras- Anthony, and the Infant of Prague. All new statues were bu g marked tbe completion of acquired for the shrines. a three-year series in that area The lower level opens onto a walk which leads to the of the state. covered spring which was discovered by MoUier Cabrini and has never been known to cease flowing. Farmers Work Miles LanU was the architect fog the building. Late in Fields A public address system will be installed which will have Attendance was cut. because chime# every hour, music, and the Rosary, recorded on tape. the farmers were working late There are 2,000 votive lights in the chapel proper, and in tbe fields and late store 1,000 on the lower level. Exhaust fans provide air conditioning enings saw to the rest.' with the cool mountain air. Some of tbe questions from tbe small gathering were not Jlluminategi Daily Untii Midnight too complimentary. Snch waa On the hill behind the chapel is a Rosary walk and stations the query, “Why do Catholics of the .cross leading up to a large sutue of the Sacred Heart of cuss?" Jesus surmounting the mountain. The shrine, walk, and statue The new chapel at the Mother Denver, conducted by her sis-1 the mountain. Near the statue St. B e rn a d e tte at Lourdes. The missioners made their are all illuminated until midnight for the convenience of Cabrini Shrine in the foothills ten. Nearby is a spring Bis- is a heart which Mother Ca- France. The bench-lined walk in headquarters 70 miles away at Rev. Richard Gieselman, C.M. visitors. west of Denver Is shown above. covered by the herself. On brini herself ontllned in stones front leads down to the spring Hugo, where Father Gieselman This fall it is planned to blacktop the extensive parking The chapel is on the grounds a^ the hillside behind the chapel on the mountain top. discovered by Mother Cabrini. offered Mass each morning for lot near the shrine, and to complete the planting of the lawn. quired hy St. Frances Xavier are a Rosary walk and statiotu of The statue in the shrine at The chapel proper, dedicated to the DUDS who were conducting 1 5 Donors Push Shrubbery ia now being planted to complete, the landscaping ^ b r in i herself for use as a the cross ascending to the large (he right of the chapel is of Mother Cabrini Is on the upper relipous vacation school there. o f the chapel grounds. summer camp by the girls of statue of the Sacred Heart of Our Lady of the Immaculate level; the lower level has sev­ On the long drives back and St. Jude Burse Next year a new road will be constructed, leading into Qaeen of Heaveu Orphanage, Jesns, visible at upper left atop ConcepUon. as she appeared to eral shrines. forth they recited the 15 dec­ the shrine from the vicinity of the Magic Mountain develop­ ------^ ades of tbe Rosary for tbe suc­ ment on Highway 40. For this summer the present road, also cess of tbe mission. Beyond $1,000 entered from U.S. Highway 40, will contlnoe In use. ONE-THIRD o r ALL BIRTHS CATHOLIC Some of the questions sub­ The new building replaces the stone grotto, a semi-replica mitted revealed the ignwance Tbe St Jude Burse for the of the gntto'at Lourdes, that was erected in honor of Mother and misunderstanding of tbe education of future priests for Cabrini in 1920. The building had deteriorated in the course Church that it is tbe cluef work tbe Archdiocese of Denver of the years. 301,899 Catholics Listed in State of the Motor Mission to dispel: p in e d the $1,000 mark this “Do the priests really date tbe week through the contributions Novena of Masses Begins June 26 CathoLcs in the state uf 1C 4 per cent of the state's priest numbered 3,057. Of the of Denver reported 66,942 in­ or sisters?" “Wliy can’t a of 15 donors. The m m of S74 was added to The annual novena o f Hasses offered at the Shrine of Colorado number 301399. ac­ esumaied total population, 2,140 marriages reported ia patients and 61,770 out­ Catholic marry a ProteiUnt?” Mother Cabrini before the anniversary of her canonisation will cording to figures in the which is I,6tt.000. The per­ the Archdiocese of Denver, patients in the year 1958. "Why can't there be many true the previous $049.51 to give oi begin Friday, June 26. Mass will be offered at 7 am daily In Offieiai Catholic Dirsetory for centage is about 16 in the both parties were Catholics With the 70,313 patients re- Churches?" "Do Catholics think grand total o f $1,023.51. the new chapel. The novena will conclude Sunday. July 5, the 1959. The Archdiocese of Den­ Archdiocese of Denver, where­ in 1,435; o f the 917 marriages p ^ e d by hospitals in the they are the only ones who will Sacred Heart Parish, Sontb day o f the annual pilgrimage honoring St. Frances Xavier ver, comprising the northern as more than one-fourth of in the piocese of Pueblo, both Diocese of Pueblo tbe state be saved?" “Can tbe Pope com­ Benlder, sent in $6630 for Cabrini. half of the state, reports the population in the area of parties were Catholics in 771. total comes to 199.025. mit sin and still be infallible?” its own seminary fund. This week's donors to tbe St. In the year 1958, 55,709 visitors from every state in the 196,906 o f the faithful, and the Diocese of Pueblo is Cath­ The 146 mixed marriages in Tbe figures indicate that One person, revealing the ef­ Jude Burse included W.RJI., Union and many foreign countries signed the register at the the Diocese of Pueblo, 104,993. olic. The Denver metropolitan the Diocese of Pueblo are a a large number of non-Catb- fects of the POAU type of anti- olics are treated in Catholic Georgetown, $5; B J ., Evec- Mother Cabrini Shrine. Since only about one in three visitors The figures show an in­ area likewise is considered to considerably smaller propor­ Catbolic propaganda, charged green, $25; V .E 3f„ Colorado registers, it is estimated that more than 165,000 persons visited crease of 27.779 above the be about 25 per cent Catholic. tion of the total than the 70S hospitals. the Church with resorting to Springs, $5; K.U.. Lakewood, the shrine in the course of the year. totals given in the preceding Figures Conservotive in the Archdiocese of Denver. Tbe picture given-by tbe pressure, asserting: "I could $17; The Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart at the Queen issue of the Directory. The The figures in the Official There were 690 deaths of figures in the 1959 “Official never a c c e p t the Catholic Mrs. A.D., Denver, $5; Mr. and of Heaven Orphanage, 4825 Federal Boulevard, Denver, conduct Archdiocese of Denver re­ Catholic Direciory are well- Catholics in the Dioceae of Catholic Directory" ia a con- Church. I value my freedom too Mrs. L J j\ „ Denver. $1; ICE.. the Shrine of Mother Cabrini. They are the sisters founded ported an increase of 22,196, known to be conservative, and Pueblo and 1.543 in tbe Arch­ linnition of the spectacnlar much." Another said; '1 don’t Denver, $5; BA.S., Denver, $2; by Mother Cabrini The shrine is on the grounds selected by the actual number of Catho­ diocese of Denver, a total of growth which the Cbarcb has need a Church to worship God. and the Diocese of Pueblo, R.W.S., Denver. $5; anonymous, the saint as a summer home for the girls from the orphanage. lics in Colorado would prob­ 2.433 for the state. had in Colorado since the end I worship Him in my hesrt-" 5,581. Denver, $1; Mrs. W jt.L., in (AddiHonal story on age 3.) Catholics are thus about ably be considerably higher Hospitab in the Archdiocese of World War II. See story of page 3 alto) than that given, were all those thanksgiving. $1; Mrs. B.K., SUPERINTENDENT OF VICTOR MILL counted who are not known Denver, in thanksgiving, $1; to their pastors or are remiss M.L.C., Leadville, $1; J.G., Denver, in thanksgiving, $1; ,in their religious duties. Hiss A. W., Denver, $1. An indication that the Di­ The sum of $6,000 will estab­ Dennis J. Carion Melded Millions rectory figures are low, as lish a seminary burse in per­ well as that Catholic families petuity for the education s, of WILLIE IVEY'S attraction;Church he has already received!sa>-t "there is so much to leam. so many prayers to be memor­ were filled with ambitious stu­ to convert instructions. will become the Catholic cadet sion team. In this period he t^urse, one preferred the slower to the Church became activated:the help he sought. » • « chaplain at the U.S. Air Force traveled 643.026 miles by air in, CSASrv le.. ^ through•HwamwK his si work’opU at thA the Regu ', Guidance, min ihic this case, came ized. It's not so in tbe Presby- dents who realized they had to Academy in mid-July. 2,599 hours. This month theithe burro, ler as a Linotype operator. He from Father John Brady, the tenan or Baptist Church. "You make the best of their abilities “WERE THE AVERAGE Succeeds Fr. Zielinski priest observed his 25th year as' could hardly avoid reading the'Jesuit who instructed him. Ad don't have to go to school to^to succeed. Negro made aware o ( the Father (Col.) Stephen J.la priest by offering a Mass of THERE IS NO RECORD of Catholic press as be set its miringly. Willie said that his become a member." Church's teaching on integra­ O'Connor. C.SS.R., will succeed Thanksgiving in St. Anthony's a holdup dunng Denny C a rlon 's^ py The message of its edi- teacher in the faith has helped . ■ • WILLIE SEES AN URGENT tion and given a little encosr- Father (Col.) Constantine E. Church, Cohasset. Mas.s. where years as superintendent of iheHoriaJs caught his sincere at-,to solve a personal problem andi WILLIE C.AME TQ DENVERineed for the Negro in the West ■gement, there would be more Zielinski, O.F.M.f^nv., who is members of his family are pa-mill . . . and for ? very goodltenlion and convinced him theibas given workable advice in|from Charlotte. N. Clr.. primar-Uo better prepare himself for converts. Tbe Jetiovab's Wit­ leaving on extended active duty rishioners- (T urn to Pape 2 — Column 2i 'Church he had admired was I rearing his family. Willie found'ily because he thought be would job and bousing opportunities. nesses are doing it." TtUphoat, Kayitont 4^20S Thurtifoy, Jun* 2S, 1959 FACE T W O Offkt, 938 8«nnock S(r««t THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Educator FABULOUS DENNY CARLON WAS SUPERINTENDENT Newly Ordained to Assume Duties WHI Give Ltetures SHOWERS BY 'WORLD'S CLEANEST MINERS' Seven newly ordained priests, signed to St. Mary's Parish, Colo­ mer and will return to the arch- At loritto Heights along with three additional rado Springs dioccM in September. members of the clergy of the Father Madden is attending a Father Greenilade 4us de­ CCD leadenhip course at the parted for Rome, where be will Brother Philip Herric, O-SJ*.. ArebdioeeM of Denver, will take SAVED THOUSANDS FOR GOLD MILL IN VICTOR up their new aulgnmenta this CalhoUc Unlversjty of America take a two-year course in Church director of *tudent penoonel of (t^ontsnued From Pope On«) from the mlU clear across the ported, these guards were sta­ packed and slippery steps ^p wtek in appointments made in Washington, D.C. for the sum­ music. St. m od a’ Collefe, Brooklya. reeaon. He did not believe In canyon waa a "must" for all of tioned every quarter mile all the side of the mountain ('‘u earlier by Archbishop Urban J. will open ■ two-week lecture taking chances. The men who them, especially during melding along the track of the old nar- high u two or three city build­ Vahr. toMion 00 ^ d a o c e on June 38 guarded the gold wrn expert operatlooa. roi( .gauge from the mill Into ings” ) In order to reach the level The appointmenU become; Victor, a distance of about two ground above where the tram •t Loretto Heiehts College, marksmen. Target shooting When gold waa being Irans- effective Friday, June 28 mliea. Other guards, with high- would pick them up and take Two othir priests of the arch­ D o o m . povi«red rlHu, rode the engine them into Victor w u something diocese, awigned to further An author of Mreral youth and tabooM. From Victor on none of them ever forgoL studlu already have auumed: fuidanee texta tod numerooa into Denver, the Wells Fargo W hen th e y reached the their rolu al stodents. [iinfeiilnnil articlea, be holda a Co.. tMk over. church, the pastor. Father Don­ Auum iog r o lu u aaaistanU nelly, met them at the door and PhJ>. from Fordhan UniTersity During melding operations, in periabet are the Rev. John Denny Carlon stayed right at thrust a lighted candle into Rae, in Holy Family Parish. tod ll listed in Wfio'a Who in the for u long u 48 hours Len's frost-bitten Iktle fisL Denver; the Rev. Maurice Mc- Antrkan EdiuMion and Who's at a90etch, never leaving there Then Len, together with the Inemey, in SL Catherine's Par­ Who in the £ a st to est or sleep. His boys took other first communicants, dump- ish. Denver; the Rev. Jam u Mor­ Ha is leetaring this summer bis meals to him. and if be slept clumped his way up the middle gan, in Annundation Parish. to Catholic and public school at all, it w u with a loaded gun aisle to a designated pew. He Denver; the Bev. Lawrence St. teachwi in four atatee and the under his pillow. swears be can still i m 1 that Peter, in SL John the Evange- District of Columbia and will • • • long overcoat flopping about bis lUst's Parish. Denver; the Rev. snow ta g oita d b ^ , and the' be chadiman of a seminar on WHEN THE GOLD BRICKS Leo Kennedy. In St. Mary's Par­ welcome warmth o f the little radio and televiaioa at the reached the mint in Denver ish, Colorado Sprinp; the Rev Franda^ Educational Confer candle . . . Richard Hanifen, in Our Lady of ftej were subjected to some ence in Dayton, 0., Aug. 10-12. t o o the HouDlalna Pariah. E«.te» foolproof twting: A small bole THERE 15. TOO, the story w u drilled clear through the Park; and the Rev. Raymond of starry-eyed, six-year-old Ma­ brick to make sure it wu not Jones, in SL Anne's Psrish. bel, who ^ t i e d the milt with “laced” with lead. The shavings Grand Lake. her parents, old friends of the from this drilling proceu < New Choplom Carlon family. She w u a daugh ^inlllng out of lbs boring in At Hoapitol ter of Mr. and M n. Steve Me a beautiful golden caacade, and The Rev William Sleven. NlcboU of O'NeUl. N eb„ and thaee shavings were presented aniitant in Annunciation Par­ a first cousin of Colorado's to Denny Carlon u a bonus. ish. Denver, fot- the p u t four preaant Governor. Generally speaking, be fub- years, becom u the new chaplain iooed them into tiny roaebuds, While going through the mill, at SL Anthony's Hospital. Den­ little Mabel w u fasdnaUd by four leaf clovers, etc., u keep- ver, replacing the Rev. Jdin f i m the sight of the gold bricks that ■H (Hdi. CMTOt., full pewtr, taku for his friends. Scsnnell, who retired this month amOtiil ear. • • • had been readied lo t the mint. becauw of 111 health. Tearful moments followed Taking up duties In St. IU85 ONE OP DENNY CABUHT8 Denny Carlon's attempt to ex Soaat nhrtra M>r. first and most important u Mkhacl'i Parish. Craig, is the power btakee, plain that the “ pretty” bricks Rev. John Nelson, OJI.I.4 for­ td white. menu in the Victor mill bad were far too vduable to be merly assistant in SL John the SMoelhing o f a Sherlock Holmes taken home u “soovenirt.” SI095 “flavor” abont it: Find out Evangelist's Parish, D e n v e r . m port VMerU, K a H, Forte- • • • what w u happening to several Father Nelson will be utlgncd BuUe, w.w. THE OLD MILL BURNED thousandi of dollars' worth of temporarily tp the Craig psrish to the ground in 1008 and w u (995 gold that w u diuppetring from during the convslescence of the * Candle Sticks • iMadonnas ■IS Owe. BeUlre. 44>r. Tuteee, never rebuUL Denny Carton 8tr, Pewergndi, w.w. the mill each month. Re*. John Anderson, psstor. later supervised construction of To Be Working • Pictures RECALLS GOLD RUSH DAYS Quietly he went about the in • Holy Water Fonts SC9S the West Colfax Viaduct in Den­ With Migrants t* Hereuiy Mentcrcr. H 4 R, vntigation, and came up with ver, plus numerous other im­ Here 0 Hatle. This is the S5-year*old scale model of a mighty The Rev. Jam u Overman, • Crucifixes the answer: The men were rub­ portant early-day' projects. autstant in St. Catherine's Par­ * Statues steam engine that once powered machinery in the fa­ bing the ''dust'' into their hair Shortly befme hli death in 1917 ish. Denver, for the past year, • Crystal Book Bill Roberts mous old Economic Gold Extraction Company Hill. Victor, in during the day and washing it be w u engaged in supervising will leave this week for the • Family Bibles Colorado's Gold Rush Days. It was presented to Leonard J. out when they got home at constniction of the drilling of Ends 7se a arMdwer Fort Lupton area, where he will Carlon o f Denver by his father, Dennis J. Csrlon, longtime night! the six-mile C-ans^in Psdfic t A . J -M rs anist In the migrant workert' superintendent of the mill. The size of the model can be seen Those were the days of the Railroad tunnel through Mount OPEN EVENINGS program. For Father Overman Closed Safarday at !\iooa by comparison with the 12-inch ruler alongside it. “Saturday night bath.” but Sir Donald in British Columbia. this will be the fourth summer Denny Carlon changed all that. D uring June. July, .August His widow, Alice Slattery Car- of work with the migrants. He “ Cleanlineu would bo next to lon, lived to be 91 She died in fulfilled this suignment for godUneu” in hia mill from there Denver in 1965. a member of two years u s seminarian and on ouL be decided, and all em- L e i b m a n , T e B o c k h o r s t g Co. 5 Prissts Given S t Pbilomena'a Pariah. last summer in his first year u ployu would be required tq Beiidea Leonard J. Carlon of a priesL tbower before leaving the mill. The James Clarke the Detroit addreu, lighting en­ The twe priests who bsve si- Assignments in The “showering" netted the gineer with the Albert Sechrist ready departed from the arch­ company theounds ef dellan H A U /lO H C e AUtU Mfg. Co„ there Is another aen, diocese to pursue further studies Church Goods House in geld dust In a BMnUi's A. B. “Bue” Carlon, of Port­ sre the Rev. Edward Madden, W 9 7 Pueblo Diocese time, and. wUhsnt doobL land. Ore., northwest field rep­ formerly sssistaot in Holy Fam­ 1633 Tremont Place TAber 5-3789 some of the iadutry's most resentative for the National As­ ily Parish, Denver, gnd the Rev. Appointments announced ear­ startlingly clean miners. sociation of Manufacturera. Robert Greeniltde, formerly as­ lier for five prlesta of the Dio­ The “showering” also applied cese of Pueblo become effective to the mill’s pet cat. and the caL this Salurdey, June 27. The new to rumor had IL wu likewise assignments and changes were ■noaded.” made by the Very Rev. Mon- • ♦ • signor George Holland, Chan­ DENNY CARLON wu born cellor. in Utica, HI, the son of Hr. and Assuming positions as assist­ Mrs. John Carlon who had ants in parishes will be two moved to from Ireland, GAS t aECTklC HDG. newly ordained priests, the Rev. vU Albany. N.Y. He had little Clement Harcantonio, In St MRA4* 3 HRaKHAMM TAber 5424t formal education, u we know it Peter's Parish, Rocky Ford, and today, but be bad plenty of the the Rev. Joyce Huber, in Sacred informs] kind . . . years of Heart Parish, Alamou. valuable experience in the Native o f Denver Homhstake Hines in Deadwood, S. Dak., and, later, in the mines Father Marcantonio is a na­ tive ion of Denver, and Father and tniiu of Colrwado. Huber w u bom in Palisade. He accompanied the men who Both were in the class ordained did the original surveying of by Archbishop Urban Vehr in the Moffat Tunnel, and, while the Denvec Cathedral, June 6. dcring so, staked out dalms M the entire top of the In other moves, the Rev. Ml- TonneL “ Just In ca u ,” he ex- cbael Corbett, aislstant in St. plahMd to his family, “ gold is Peter's Parish, Rocky Ford, be­ ever discovered up there.'' comes the new assistant in Ss- cred Heart Cathedral, Pueblo. Fortunately or unfortunately, depending on one's viewpoint, The Rev. Robert Bartcb of gold w u not discovered atop Sacred Heart Parish, Alam ou, the famous Tunnel, 'a fact that assumes the dual role u a mem­ bu probably wrung many a ber of the faculty of Pueblo u lty tear from preaent-day Catholic High School and of the bondholders . . . staff of SL Jouph't Preparatory Seminary. DENNY CARLON waa a The Rev. Charles Home, as­ brother of the late Thomu Car- sistant in the Sacred Heart'Ca­ loa, pioneer Denver attorney, thedral, Pueblo, becomes the who recalled walking down a new assistant in Christ the King Denver street with him in the Parish. Pueblo. days when automebUu were re­ To be anlgned at a later date ferred to u “borseleU| ear- are the Rev. Michael Cavanagb riagee.” He aaid that each time of Denver, and the Rev. John they pasted ona of the “new­ power, both of whom are visit­ fangled contraptions.” Denny ing relatives in Ireland, and the would throw him»*lf fiat on the Rev. Alexander DanowskL All ground under IL regardleu of three arc newly ordained. his clothing to see “ what m ide the wheels go round.” J; Two Wyoming Priests Denny Carlon and his wife were, at one tune, members of Receive Appointments SL Elizabeth's Church in Den ver. and they were attending Wyoming's newly ordained Mau the morning the beloved Have all you want priests have received summer and saintly priest, Father Leo ssilgnments, with the Rev. Eu­ Heinrichs, O.F.M., w u shot and gene Sullivan named to St. Pat­ killed by an assassin. Len Car- of the important rick's Parish. Kemmerer. and lon, their son, wu an altar boy the Rev. C«w ld Sullivan ap­ during those days, and usually pointed to SL Antbony'a Parish, sltemated with another boy in Kamkap Kookout wagon Cuper. serving Father Leo's Mau. It silk print dresses! just so nsppened that it w u ts the smortest barbecue wogon ever designed! And it cooks as good The Kemmerer assignment the other b^'s tun to serve the w u made necesury because the mining Fa^er Leo wu killed. as it looks. It boosts a copper finish body and hood, motorized spit, Rev. Thom u OTlannigan. as­ • • • sistant pastor of the parish, will chrome-ploted grid with high-low odjustment, convenient horwlle- frillgr’s b*rrtvet so stronqiy in Ih* great n*ws o f silk, substitute for the Very Rev. LEN CARLON’S First Com­ munion wu an unforgettable rock, sturdy steel legs, dome style, copper finish wheels . . . ond both now and for the seasons 'round, that we have Philip Krau, pastor of SL Fran­ cis' Parish, Thermopolis, who is occasion, in more ways than has a large cutting board ond w orking su rfo ce ! j ^ brouQht on* o f the most complete colteetions o f drtsses spending the summer in one. The snow w u waist-high In Victor on the morning of the Downtown, housewares, fourth floor of home fashions. fe eur customers in e perfectly priced event. Stand in At Cwptf, the Rev. Gvald eventful day. and the Carlon Sullivan will take the place of good stead with both your budget and fashion plans by home, located near the mill, Uoiversity HUli, home center, second floor; also at CAd Alice Morales, plan tbe activHies of the Guild. program of the Arcbdiocesan Council of C^tholk Women. Left^ The Guild will continue to INTERIOR OF MOTHER CABRINI CHAPEL hold regular meetings during DURING DEERTRAIL VISIT the summer on the second Mon­ ■ccommodale some 100 persons for services. THE INTERIOR of the upper level of day of every month. the new chapel at the Shrine of Mother The ceiling it of red cedar, and the exterior Resulor Meetings Cabrini in the foothills west of Denver is shown-construction is of Lyons sandstone.— (Story on in FIREWORKS GREET MOTOR MISSIONERS above. The statue of Mother Cabrini is froroiPage 1.) Planned Summer Later in tbe summer the the original grotto on the site. The chapel will| , indulgences, tbe relation The missionaries made their Guild will sponsor a workshop Firecrackers and te le v is io n religious movies?'' Tbe films of the Anglican Church In'the Deertrail headquarters in the on Church music for all those were the obstacles when motor are produced by the Christo­ AS SUMMER HOME FOR ORPHANS , and tbe Cath­ home of a retired school teach­ who are interested in this work. missionaries F a th e r Richard phers, snd show what 'individ­ olic Church’s claim to full au­ er. Theresa Maher, *h o b visit' ;This workshop will probably Gieselman. C.M., and Thomas uals can do to make tbe world thority in matters of religion. ing in CtUfivnia. : consist of half-day sessiona for Slattery, vbited Deertrail. better. Site Where Cabrini Shrine Now Stands I two weeks. Subjects to be Salvos of firecrackers ex­ About 10 can attended each j treated include organ technique, ploded on two evenings during night of the four-night “stand" [liturgical repertoire, vocal pro- tbe Christopher movie. A ques­ in Deertrail. The missionaries Was Selected by Saint Herself in 1912iduction. choral conducting, and tion dropped In the missionaries are certain, however, that many 'the theology of the liturgy. question box following the Tint persons listened from nearby outbresk showed that it wasn't porches and through open win­ On July 7. 1946. tbe first U.S. ireplica of the famous grotto at picting tbe IS 5lysteries of the I Fourth of July celetwation— dows. Questions ran g^ from citizen-uinl in the history of I Lourdes, was erected in her Rosary. "How do you like firecrscken?" “Do you like Episcopalians? 1 the Catholic Church w u canon- {honor in 1929. The grounds have been beau­ Higher Training tified. with additional landscap­ Televisloa get the blsme fer Do." to "Are you a Catholic?’* lu d. Her name is Frances Notional Shrine Xavier Cabrini. and the national ing. tbe blacktopping of the Plan Expanded at reduced stteadsiice. snd led 'Whot's Wrong ihrine that was founded to per­ Since 1947 road that leads to the shrine, Fsther Gteseimu te deter­ WiHi Rock 'n' Roll' The Ml. St. Frances summer and the erection of a large cru­ mine te prerlde more risnsl UPRIGHTS petuate her memory is located One question showed a con­ {camp became a national shrine cifix near the entrance to tbe sids. in Mt. Vernon Canyon west of Glockner-Penrose ceit with today’s culture: $5 per rocMiUi jin 1947 and since that time stairway leading to the statue Denver near Golden. Threatening weather kept tbe “What's Wrong with Rock and , there have been innumerable of Christ. Tbe story of this remarkable The postgraduate training missionaries apprehensive, but RoU?” Another asked a question improvemenb and additions. At Public pilgrimages are held woman, founder and first {program at Clockner-Penroae the th u n d e rs to rm s always that probably often concerns tbe top of the mountain there to tbe shrine each year, and SPINETS Mother General of the Mission­ Hospital. Colorado Springs, h u seemed to blow over in time for Father R ob^ Freudensteln, b a life size statue of Cbrbt persons from all the world in­ ary Sisters of the Sacred Heart, been expanded u> include a the evening's program of talks $10 and up per monlli that was imported from . cluding every state in the na­ who cares for tbe Deertrail mis­ begins In , Italy. She residency in bospital pharmacy, on Catholic doctrine and Chris­ Leading up to it are the Stationa tion have come to vbit thb me­ sion from Hugo—"Why b your was bom there in 1850 and while according to an announcement topher movies. Tbe movies, iad- of the Cross and 15 marble ped­ morial to Mother FVances Xav­ church so little?" atill very young expressed a de­ by Dr. Chirtb H. Waldon, dean denlally, were evidently too estals that contain carvings de­ ier Cabrini. Another who dropped ma­ GRANDS sire to serve as a missionary in of the College of Pharmacy of secular to satisfy one viewer, terial in the question box bad China. Her future travels, how­ the University of Colorado. who asked “Why don't you sb6w $10 and up per moDtk DO question, but wanted to get ever, were mapped out by Pope Dr. Waldon stated the hos­ rtwaiitafi Administrative hb view across. "I believe in Leo X lll, who advised her to pital was approved by the uni­ Rangers 129th letting everyone choose bu own go West rather than East. versity for the residency pro- religion." Broughs Sisters Appointments :grain and that an applicant will The Rangers of Regb College. be assigned to tbe position at Denver, ranked 129th out of 885 Another question might have To U.S. in 1889 a later date. major snd smsil college basket­ concerned nuns, “ Do they have Mother Cabrini arrived in tbe Glockner-Penrose Hospital ball teams in the nation during to dress fancy and wear bats?" U.S. in 1889 with six sisters and has two full-time pbarm adib, 195849. according to the na­ which will surprise many good soon founded an orphanage in two part-time pharmacbta. and tions] rating chart produced by sbters. tbe lower East - Side o f New two apprentice pharmacists on Dick Dunkel for the Keds sports Quettioners, however, also York City. In her lifetime she duty at tbe present time, accord­ department. showed interest in devotion to eras to establish 87 institutions, ing to Sbter Cyril, administra­ including schools and hospitab. tor. They are found all over the Groduote Students Academ y Cadet S c h e d u l e world and. in the US., these For tbe 1959-1960 year. Clock- foundations of Christian charity ner-Penrose will have 16 gradu­ may be seen in Denver, New ate students on its staff, includ­ S t r e s s e s R e l i g i o u s A c t i v i t y York, , , ing four interns, three residen­ If you wish. 6 months rental and'cartage , and Seattle. cies in general practice, six in The report made to President but all attendance may be off She once told a Buhop that therapeutic radiology, one in Dwight D.'Eisenhower by Board tbe base. During b b last half will be applied in full on purchase not even the entire world was diagnostic radiology, and two of Visitors to the U. S. Air Force year, attendange b yolunlary on large enough for her endeavors. in pathology. Academy reveab that consider­ the cadet's,part Thu great love was expressed Sbter Cyril said the hospital able stress b placed on attend­ The report also disclosed con in her own words in a personal hopes to continue (he expansion ance at religious services. tiderable voluntary participa­ notebook found after her death. of its graduate program to in­ Cadets are required to attend tion in such religious activities She wrote: “0 Jesus, 1 love You clude residencies in medicine, services of their choice for tbe as choirs and religion instnic TTieChaB.E. Wins MUSIC so much! I am being consumed surgery, pedutrics. and obstet­ first two years with tbe cadet tion classes. Besides conducting by Vour love. Give me a heart rics. wing. In the third year the ca­ these religious activities, the - MM caurotNM tt NIC MM. as large as the universe, so that The adminbtritor of the hos­ det may attend one service per chaplains play an important part 1 may love You. if not as much Doris M. Capen Prances Finnegan pital b a “preceptor" in a hos­ month in • church of hit own in the academy’s counseling pro­ as You deserve, at least as pital adminblration residency Ichoice off the base in lieu of gram. The cadet chapel b one S(or« d om at I P.,\f. Safurdoyt during lummar months. much as I am capable o f " EFFECTIVE IN SEPTEMBER : course but no one occupies the attendance with the cadet wing. of the few buildinp not com Ooe hour free perking. Munidptl Patlung Garage. 1745 Stout St St. Frances came to Dehver residency in that field at Glock­ In the first half of tbe fourth plete on tbe permanent site, but on Oct. 24, 1902, and cstab- ner-Penrose at present. 'yetr he must attend services b now open for bids. Ushed the Queen of Heaven Orphanage, under the super- Administrative Positions vbioD of Bbhop NichoUs C. Matz, the second Bishop of Denver. Are Awarded at Heights In -1912 she purchased 900 Sbter Frances Marie, presi­ acres of ground atop ML Vernon department will be Don Brown, for a summer school and b«ne dent of Loretto Heights College, who wilt join the college for the for Denver orphans. Mother Ca­ announced new adminutrative first time with the start of tbe brini had been warned lb «'e appointments at the college for new school year. the coming Mbool year. Ef­ was no water on the site, but Educationol Backgrounds while out walking one day she fective with the 195940 school overturned a large rock and im­ year, several of the Resent Of New Appointees mediately water began to flow Loretto faculty members will be The new appointees all have from under it. moved into admlnbtrative posts. impressive backgrounds in tbe Heading the Ibt of new ap­ After her death in Chicago on educational fields. Dr. Bacb b pointments b Dr. Earl C. Bach, Dec. 22, 1917, her body was in­ one of the West’s foremost who has been affiliated with the terred in the chapel of tbe Ca­ speech and dramatic professors brini High School in college for 15 years and is cur­ and b very active in Denver City. rently the director of the de­ community life. partments of speech and drama. Her cause for Miss Capen received her un­ Dr. Bach moves into the post of and was begun 10 dergraduate training at (be Uni­ director of the Loretto Adult years after her death. Tbb versity of Wyoming and holds a Education Program. meant waiving the ciutomary graduate degree from New York rule that 50 years mutt ebpee Dorb M. Capen, who has been University. Mbs Finnegan bad between death and the introduc­ with tbe college tince 1954 as hea undergraduate work at tion of a beatification cause. chairman o f the department of Loretto Heights College and At the spot where Mother Ca­ secretarial studies, will under­ holds a graduate diploma from brini discovered tbe natural take the position of asautant Colorado University. She b a spring, a stone grotto, a semi- director of admbaions effective member of Kappa Gamma Pi thu summer. bonoran' scholastic fraternity. DOLLS — WIGS ^ SHOES : The appointment of a new aa- Mr. Brown b a former mem­ jsbtant regulrar will be filled by ber of the NCAA All-American Dolb Dressed te Order I Frances Finnegan, who has swimming team. He was voted A.B.C. Doll Hosp’rtol been with the college for the the outstanding amateur athlete ^past four years. in 1954 and while at Denver BAIGIOUS STATUn XXPAHia) Tbe new director of the Univenity set six Skyline Con­ Mri. J. A. McCouTt I Loretto sports program and ference sw im m ing records, 616 Downing HA. ^7617 head of the physical education three of which stilt stand today. RELIGIOUS ARTICLES •STATUES *ROSARIES •MEDALS •PICTURES •PRAYER BOOKS •PENDANTS •BOOKS •PLAQUES

Uw *1 keKflwi ArtkWt far Chiirth aitS Ham* A. P. WAGNER & CO. CHURCH GOODS

606 14fh St., Between California & Welton TA. S-8331 I Hour FHFE Parking Directly in rear of our store— Welloa Si, tbitrance FACE FOUR OfHce, 938 Rannock Strtet THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER TtltpnoM, K «y ite n « 4^205 Thwri^oy, Junt 25, 1959

NO 'SPIRITUAL ISOLATIONISM' T-RM ftE^BUT -T R U P S Littit-Kim FkU for Cithoiltt L h •l M. L MURRAY CwFrH^V M.C*a Utrm Culture in U.S. Is Our Problem Too By KxN Prm s prenion.The Catholic Church continue to stand on the per­ REGISTORIRLS CO.M M ENCEM ENT AO* (not to much individual iphery and merely critieiza. DRESSES should be post­ Catholics) seems to be in 'The moral and intellectual . CATHOLIC COMMENT ON CURRENt' EVENTS poned until about 13 years many minds synonymous with culture of our country will be after graduation. There is no “sntl-blrth control," lobbies shaped either with or with- I ------certain way to provb it. of for aid to parochial schools, out us. It is up to us to cbooM- . courH, but it Is a good bet political blocks, picket lines, that "seasoned veterans" in and letter-writing campaigns. UNFAIR DISADVANTAGE the world campaign would Some o f these are neceasary get more out of them. at times, to be sure, but the At any rate, now that this Church's positive side, its year's crop of young warriors beauty, Us saving mlnlstra. The Squeeze on the Private College hu been sent off, in the tiona for our modem times, are largely caught in the words of the .commencement By Paul H. Hallstt outside the state. This in turn aeates a demand fc^ more and speaker, "to meet the chal­ undertow. HEN THE PRESIDENTS of Colorado’s 18 private more facilities, and in turn higha taxes lenge of the modern world." WHAT IS THE REMEDY W for the lituation? and public junior and senior colieges met at I N THE FAST YEAR, at private colleges and univer­ it is a good time for us veter­ sities over the nation, tuition charges went up 9.5 ans to look at tome of the John Cogley, staff member Regis College, Denver, in the first week of June they ^BOf/lT>IC£. l 4 things they were told. of the Fund for the Republic revealed something shout a trend in Colorado higher educatioo per cent over the 1957-58 school year charge of 1526. fm n oti OF aoZMOtfiC ONE OF THESE, in par­ and columnist for Comawm- (hat has counterparts all over the tutioa. But for resident students at public schools the inaetse was pfca/yMfMWll____ ticular. flicked my editorial tocol, gives one. He says that Of (he 6,167 Colorado college freshmen this year, only only 5.8 pa cent. Catholics should "stop acting tuicieui AmcLK e«M» a n d M w 6 o m conscience. 765 went to private insticudoiu. 'There are 35,000 college stu­ The small private collie, having no tax aid, can expa^ i n S t v o t i . It was the theme reiter­ like a besieged minority cut B y THt INHABITANTS OA only in proponion as it attracts students able tq pay a necessarily W! off from the main stream of dents in the state altogether. OeCftAMMndAU.SCM OF ated in several addresses higha and higha tuitioo, or in proportioa u it can gatha modem life." He pleads for In 1950, private schools enrolled 40 per cent of Colorado's - 4 ! THI FAMOUS MSSKM Pl«y, from widely scattered areas volyooxy contributions from the general public And so the MV oisnAvio IN IMS us to realize our duties to the collegians. Just nine yean liter they had only 25 per cent. that we Catholics have only trap is sprung; Higha tuition rates tend to divert students CURIOUS AND ORIOIHAL ourselves to blame for some society in which we live, and Though growing in numben, enrollment in private colleges »w w u m . o f the wrong impressions that the foremoat of which he is declining in proportioa to the totaL who might odtowise attend diese institutions. Lade of mcome rntmima/ great segments of ttw Ameri­ maintaina ia "intelUgeBt par­ Over the oatioa, it is estimated that 11,201 annually must makes needed expansioa more and more difficult. Lack of can public have about the ticipation" In it. That partici­ needed facilities in is turn divens students. The result is that, m o d tr n a^ureJt be paid for the education of a reaideat girl student at a private Church. This year's gradu­ pation, in bis eUimation. though the absolute rise in the ouinba of youths sedting col­ M d J W i W f~ gards the tax-supported institution. ture of the Church and her Bishop James V. Casey of to attend a private Mbool is penalized five to six Coiareci fiA ts. m iuion in this country. Lincoln. Neb., offers uother hundred dollars a year for making that choice. T his is w h a t the out-uid-out secularist wants. He Their elders (that's us), ap­ thought. After commenting on There is no such thing, of course, as "free," i.e., gratuitous, makes no bones about the fact that he would like NECESSARY TODAY parently, have not put the the fact that a "clearer pic­ educatioa State universities charge less for niitioa, not beause private education displaced by public at both college message a c r o s s . Instead. ture of the Church is coming they are less expensive— most often the revase is true—but tod loara levels. He sees exclusive tax favon to the public insti- Archbishop Leo Binz of Du­ into focus today," he cau­ tutkn u a means of achieving this end. tions that “ the needs of our beause the taxpayer, including the parents of those who send buque tells us than "it is fre-. their children to voluntary colleges, make up the diffaence. But mosa Amaicans do not like that sort of un-Amaican quently the case that non- day forbid you to be ‘spiritual pressure. They realize, or should realize, what voluntary educa­ Censorship Protects Catbolics feel the Church in isolationists.' Rather, you are When it is aught in the price spiral the state university the UB. is nothing more than urged to follow the example need not always raise tuitioo rates; it on ask for furtha grants tion has meant in Amaia history. Most of what has ban a kind of prenure group of St. Paul who went to live from the Legislature, or depend on its Itnd endowments. achieved in higha eduatioo has been adiieved through the whose object is to restrict in a pagan community in or­ Among private colleges ooly the very fortunate few are richly private college. - Freedom of Society liberty." der to have the opportunity endow^ The money for their support has to come from higha The deaeasing proponku of students attending private A READING OF MANY of to preach to them ‘of an un­ and higha tuition charges, or from goiaal contributions. colleges, and the ne^ for expanded eduotional facilities in M e n tio n ' ce n so r sh ip' to a certain class of per­ known God'." the news reports of Protes­ B^use most of the burden ot their support is shifted eduation genaally, are cogent arguments for an equalization of sons) and it is an emotion-chared homb that (Ce r t a i n l y , we u Catho­ tant Church gatherings in burdens benefits, so that the poor as well as the rich stu­ ' eiplodes in a burst of seemingly irrational, fragment- the past five years would lics will not have an influence from (be student to the taxpaya. state universities, already iied sucemerts, without rhyme, rcAsoo, or direction. Thus the certainly bear out that im- for good on our society if we largely overcrowded, draw more tod more students, even from dent may have a chance to aneod the college of bis choice statement of Emerson Greetuwiy,. president of the American WHERE ARE LAST YEAR'S JOKES? Library Aaodaiioo, that "free men in a free world have to ENOUGH LAND AND FOOD have free access to printed tnataials." He proceeds to quote frcHn the "Library- Bill of Rights" against "censorship of books, urged or practiced by volunteer arbiters of morals. ■ 6,000,000 Hungry Americans Lament for the Funny Bone How supposedly mteiiigent men can arrive at the totally By Ed w a u T. Smith obscure jests of ancient Lat­ tbe court of George II fails to By J- R. W alsh better off. The U.S. is getting foods, such as powdered eggs, irradooa] conclusioa that any form of censorship, no matter how IT IS ONE of the minor ins and Greeka. arouse my hearty guffaws. SIX MILLION Ameriant rid of surplus products by dried beans, canned meat, and reasonable or well controlled, will desire^ their freedom, is be* disappointzneDts of literature I THINK MOST OF US, in Tbe saddwt part of this de­ g o to bed hungry every night. donations to school lunch pro­ o th a items f a families de­ yond us. Censorship is simply in the public sphere what self* pending on furpiuf food allot­ that, although the great tngie clau or out, have had ^ tty cay of comedy Is that satirs Utis figure is a severe indict­ grams, persona on relief rolls, discipline is to the individual, and it protects, rather than de­ writings maintain their pow a much the tame experience. —the type ol bunrar that ment for the wealthiest coun­ relief programs at home and ments. stroys, freedom. Just as the individual who will allow himself Though not elegant fare, indefinitely, tbe once light Guilder’s' T t o m Is — at least experts assure us Is the fin­ try in the world. Even with abroad, aiid barter with U.S. these foods would be a tre­ and py compositions of the first part of it—is a de­ a l and most intelligent— is to read all manner of suggestive material and view lewd en­ government allotments of sur­ firms providing strategic ma­ mendous addition to diets of humorists seem to lose their lightful bit of whlmsey that first to go. Horseplay—the tertainment will find himself a slave to his passions, so a plus foods, these U.S. citizens terials. commeal, powdered milk, charm u tbe years go on. appeals to children and to pie-tn-the-face type of amuse­ society that allows pornography to be distributed freely to have a diet that does not meet IT IS PARADOXICAL as flour, rice, and other products Id one of bis essays, most adults. ment—may not be very funny those of all types and ages will find itself imperiled by all man­ the requirements of health. well as a disgrace that &000,- on which 6.000.000 Americans Charles Lamb recalls with But somehow tbe solemn to begin with, but whtt humor ner of sex aimes. Another problem of the day 000 Americans remain hungry. are subsisting. The tdll in some bitterness a forma assurances In tbe footnotes it has, it retains, here IS REALLY NO QUESTION here of academic concema the rapid increase in And this at a time when gross T Congress deserves careful eoo- (e a cb a who reduced his that this sentence or that is THE BITING WIT, bow- world population and UB. national income and pr^ u c- freedom. Serious and qualified scholars have ac­ tidention from a generous classes to a bored silence by a hilarious barb directed at e v a , the ridicule of human farm surplus foods. Birth con­ tion and farm surplus are at cess to material that is and should be barred from the American people. laughing unroarlously at the some forgotten poUtldan in foibles, the g ib a that purge trollers talk as though over- purient-minded and simply curious, or those not sufficiently the highest in history. F a a our minds o f stupidity tod pt^ulation ia a problem now mature and inceiligeot Practically every library we know has naiion that shows great con­ our hearts of pettiness as and in the near future, where­ cern for (he undernourished OF THE CHRISTIAN KIND they rouse us to laughta— its seaion of boob which can be obtained only with special as population experts admit In other countries, this neg­ these, alu, lose both their permissidn, and are not accessible to the general public Even that it is impossible to predict lect of Us own should stir us mirth and their powa to re­ volumes on the Church's Index of Forbidden Books—a prime birth trends beyond 15 years. into action. Catholics May Be 'Communists' form u tbe situatlona and target for the foes of "censorship"—may be read, with proper Tbe birth rate upsurge is re­ klgures' compiled by the permission from the spiritual superiors, for purposes of re­ garded as temporsT)'. persons that provoked them Commodity Distribution Divi­ By Rxv. Da h ih J. PLAHEmr only beause tbe term "Com­ of worldly dedm and to en­ fade from our memoria. SOME $9,000,000,000 worth search and scholarship. sion of the Department of MAY CATHOLICS be com- munism" Id modem pariince hance personal independence. The pompous antks of a of U.S. farms products are be­ It seems ridiculous that a sociery that will legislate and Agriculture show that in monistlc? Many o f the faith­ hss come to be confined to One cannot love to exceu Falstaff and the lunatic fook ing held in surplus, of which regulate and fulminate from dawn to dusk for purposes of March there were 6,532,592 ful would answer: “Certainly one Id a : Russian or atheistic what one d o a not have. ithness of a Don Quixote tUU- $3B00,(X)0,CI00 \ s in wheat. physical safety, health, comfort, and convenience will leave the Americans eligible under a not! Communism ia diamet­ Communism. There is another BUT BECAUSE thoe euly have the p o w a to Inspire in mental and spiritual side of men open to all kinds of warping, $2,400,000,000 ia In corn, and law passed in 1935 to receive rically opposed to Catholi­ kind. Cbriitlani and our religloui us a pleasant grin or even an $1,200,000,000 Is in cotton. degrading, and diseasing influences. surplus commodities. And 3,- cism." And to a certain extent COMMUNISM Of Its es­ brethren today choose such a occasional hearty chuckle. This total concerns only Amer­ 741.298 actually were receiv­ life it d o« not follow that it A REPORT MADE BY A COMMITTEE of 104 Cath­ they would be right, but, in sence is not evil, but u ex- But part of the fun In FaK ica, but birth controllers are ing them. answer to queries, let us re-ex- imessed by the Soviets It has U enentlal to gaining talva- staff for Elizabethan audi-. olic, Protestaot, aod Jewish leaders of New York concerned about the world's tloD. It is convenient, nothing ALTHOUGH THIS allot­ amlne the question and dte taken on evil in tbe form of e n ca w u that Sbakespure City to Mayor Robert Wagner declares that the city’s ability to produce enough to more. One ean also practice ment is made, the chief con­ some exampla. There may be atheism and tbe denial of the made him speak frequently In mo^ and spiritual climate is being harmed by newspapers, feed itself. poverty and not forfeit one’s cern is that the allotment, room for clariflation. r i^ t of private ownership. In an oventuffed form of Ian-' Common sense forbids chop­ pouesaioni, for the principal magazines, rMio, and television. Members urge that newspapers given to families who because In the fin t instance, if we the e a ly -, the world would be a year buying basic protein position, but if it does, it is means to esa p e the tyranny n the universe?” it is reported that Judge W. May part o f tbe Christian ideaL lege drams clubs before ap-' Walker asked the four White youths convicted of at­ TRADE RELATIONS STEP IN WRONG DIRECTION Destitution is an evil; it is not five audienca of fellow itu-* identical with poverty. What denta who, like Queen Vie-; tacking a Negro girl aftv be had passed sentence upon them. ii non-Christian ii the as­ It should come as no surprise chat not one of them had. "The toria, are not amused. sociation of the idea of eco­ THE GREAT COMIG Supreme Ruler of dw Universe is God," the jurist instruned A Naive Plan to Reform Chinese Reds nomic plenty with the phil­ STORIES of Cbauca, tbe them. osophy o f economic material^ once hilarious dnm u of Mo- It is regrettable that the four youths had to wait until too By PHtt RlTTBS apparently finds this credible. for the newsmen. It might be out that only three of IS ism. Materialism bolds that liere, the biting quips of Dry-J late to receive some religious instrucion. Their background THP MATTER of this IN AN ALMOST unbeliev­ well to call to Representativt countria in the F a E u t tbe purpose of human activ­ den and Pope— all are today; seems to be one of broken homes, indifferent parents, and little country's official relationship able plug for the Reds, Con­ Porter's attention a report it s e lf r e c o g n iz e the Red ity is the production of goods of more intereat to scholan or no influence of religion. Had they received the proper with Communist China is gressman Porter of Oregon made by LoaU Wiznelzer, a government and bolds the desire for pos­ than to a man looking for a' session a virtue. coming more and more into says. "Tbe fact that the pres­ Brazilian journallat. who was JAPAN, HE SAID, at­ good laugh. religious training, it is highly improbable, to say the least, that It is this upect of the plan­ the news u the Red rulers ent Chinese regime has not able to see more than most tempted to trade with Red I may be wrong, but I think they would have callously and cruelly committed (he aime ning of modem economists apply more and more pres­ honored its international obli­ visitors because the Coiq- China thia p u t y e a . But they even Uk rib-fickling fooliab- for whkh they have now beat convicted. that brings Christianity into sure for recognition. gations and observed inter­ munisU have special designs gave it up when Peking imme­ n eu o f Gilbert and Sullivan —Rev. John B. Ebel conflict with atheistic Com- One member of the House national sm em tia does not on and are diately tried to dicUte Japa- ia losing its punch. munism. If th o e is commu- of Representatives recently mean that it will necessanly being especially nice these Maybe the highly perisha­ neM poUcy in iu relations nisra among (Hirisllans its addres^ bis colleagues for continue to ignore them. days to persons from thoe. ble nature o f the gay sod tbe The Denver Catholic Register with otba Fa Eulem coun­ goal must be to assist one an- 60 minutes on the advantaga .Neither does it mean that it WHAT IM P R E S S E D Mr. amusing in books is a re-' President...... Most Rev. Ardibisbop Urban J. V ehr.D J). tries. otha in loving God. From of establishing trade relations cannot, or will not. change its Wiznitzer most about Red m lod a that we are only way­ Editor___ R t Rev. Matthew Stdth, PhJD., Jour. D., Litl.D., 1 1 ^ , Many countriea, Coogrets- this point of view ecoDomic with Peking— the fin t step w ays " China w u the fanUstic hate farers looking for a happiness Managing Director___ Monsignor John B. (^vanagh. MJk.. PhJ). man Judd empbuized, de­ plenty is a means, not an toward diplomatic recogni­ This the Congressman finds campaign that is going on Executive E d it a ...... Rev. John B. Ebel, U-A., litt.O., Hist.D. pend on the U.& for leader­ end. that is more permanent. tion. plausible also, innumerable against the West in g eoaai Advertising Managa...... - ...... Jack Murphy ship. If we hack down and But it is certain that, u Assoebte EdJtorv-Rev. Daniel Flaherty, ILA.; Linus Riordan. IN A BL'R.ST of naivete. MU of bad faith seemingly do and the UB. in particulu. In recognize Red China either Heray Is conservative and many TV comics have been' PhJ>.;'Paul Hallett LittD.; Frank Mwrlst, BB.. LL.B.. UttD. Rep. C b vles Porter of Ore­ not mean a thing. tbe report of his tour, des­ u officially or onofficially. the confomiist: orthodoxy re- forced to learn, there Is noth-' Entered as second class matta at tbe poetoffiee at gon declared that by denying cribed in UB. N ew s and THE MOST PRESSING 1$- Asian countria will realize q u ira creative thinking. — Ing sadda thin an udent Denva. Colo. capital goods to the Chinese ' before us, be goes on to World Report, the correspon­ (bat the battle la o v a and F a lb a Paul Henry, SJ. joke. Communists we continue to Published Weekly by say. is the need for reliable dent said. "The country is will proceed to start talks throw her into the arms of facts m relation to tbe trade covered with thousands, mil­ with tbe Red rulers in China. OFFICIAL: ARCHDIOCESE OF DENVER THE CATHOUC PRESS SOCIETY, (Inc.) the Soviet Union. The unpli- potential of Red China. To lions of posters where the 938 Bannock Street, 1 cation is ihst. by dealing with get them he suggests sending U.S. is being b a n g ed or SOON EVERY EMBASSY Tbe D enva CathoUc R egista merits our cordial ap­ Telephone, KEystene 4-4205 P.O. Box 1620 tbe Red Chinese we could newsmen to China to help us kicked or shown u s snake, in the F a East would be an proval. We confirm it u the official publiafion of the archdiocese. Whateva appears in its colomns ov a the drive a wedge between that .ain a realistic appraisal ot in octopus, a rat. This g o a apionage centa for Peking, signature of tbe Ordinary or those of tbs Offielala of government and tbe Soviet and it would not be too long Subscription: China's trade potential. He on over the radio, the press. our Curia Is h aeby declared offleiaL Union. Whom is he trv'ing to that our correspon- It is a 24-bour nation-wide before all of tbe F a East 84.00 per year. kid* denu would go where they hate campaign of a size that fell into Communist hands, W s hope Tbe R egista will be resd In every hooM of tbe archdiocese. Canada, $5.50 a year per subscription. He admits that tbe Peking wanted to. ask the questions I don't believe bu exis­ regime so f a has' failed to they wanted to. and Intemew ted—not even jwNari Ger­ Tbe eternal (!od a u i a the Wo urge pastors, parents, and tMchers to cultivate Foreign countries, Including honor any agreements, but anyone they wished. many." / * soul to blossom forth and to a taste in the children o f the archdiocese for th* reed­ ing of The Regista. Philippines, 87.00 a year. this, the Reds say. ran be Things do not work out In discussions following produce good fruit of vir­ blamed on the I'S. becauK quite that way. The Reds Representative Porter's ad- tue: and the joy In that soul • URBAN J. VEHR we have not ciu n them a ".ould arrange a “Cook's dre». Representative Walta DO tongue can tell.—Blessed Archbishop of Denva Jan. 28,1942 42 Thursday, June 25, 1959 chance. The Representative tour," and that would be that Judd of MinnesoU pointed John Taula (1300-1361). Tataphena, Kaytfana 4^205 PAGE FIVE Thursday, /unt 25, 1959 OHica, 938 Bonnoek Straal THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER SUMMER MASS SCHEDULE Rector Chosen Archdiocese of Denver For Cathedral BAKERIES (CIlR and Sava for Future RtforoncalCAMP IT. XALO, AUtnapark—Jnna. am.; boly dayi, 4:19 aad 4 am , I and It aJB.; July and Aufuat, aod 7 pm. Home of Fine PaUiiee DINVfR 7:10 and It tm. MANITOU SPRINOS: Ow Lady ef In Cheyenne CATHIDEAL, K CaUu 4baau4 and CAMP SANTA HAEIA; (Nina mllaa Pirpatual Help Chapol-^ptombor 66 &•. Breadway throusb June. 8:34 am.; July and Loeaa Street—Suadapt, 4, 7. I. t, ahova hallay) 0 ijn. (baftnalns A farewell reception was held 763 Se. UslvarMty N, aad 11:30 i.m.. 13:30 aad 4:13 Jana T Uireii]|& Labor Day). AufusL 7 aad 9 a m in Holy Name Parish, Sherldsn, 1660 Celarede Blvd, p m j (help dim, A 7, S, S, 10, aad CABCACC: Holy Roatiy Chapel—See. MEAD: Guardian AnfaW—1-44 am ; 2410 Eeol 3r4 Avp. 11:30 am., aad 13:ll UM 4:30 pm.; tembar thret^ June, It tJB.; July holy daya. I:1S am Wyo, in honor of the Very nut PMdapt, A 7, tod 7:a and Autuft, i and it a.B>. MEEKER: Holy Pamlly-lxt, 3rd, and Rn. F. J. KimmeU. newly tp- and 4:30 pm.; w**k dap*. 4:30, 7. CASTLI ROCK: SL P nnds'-ie am. Mb SoBdayt, 11 am.; m and 4tta aod 7:44 am.). CKNTIIAL OTY: 8t MarrY of (be Sundaya, I a m pointed rector of St llarjr’s ALL SAINTS’, W. Harvard Artbue AiauapUoi^KkM am. I6INTURN: SL Patrkfc'a-O a m Csthednl in Cheyenne. He suc­ aad S. Padaral Boolavard^. I. t, CHKYCNNI WXUI& Sacred Baart- NEDERLAND: SL RlU's Cbapal- ceeds the Bt Rev. Honsignor TRY 14, and 11:30 am., tad I3 :» and 7 and It ajD. 4:14 pm. June, 4 am.; July and Aufust, I Jsmei A. Hartmann, who re­ CIUIO: 8L Hlebaera-t:St, t. and aad 4 a m ANNimOATlON. S. SOth Aranoe .It . ajB.___ tired after 47 years of aervice. tad Bomboldl StraH—6. 7:30, 4:30, CRIPPLE CREEK: SL Patai'»-«:lt NEWCAS1U; Preeloua Blood—tad, 3 < a l b j u L S:I6, and 1A44 am.; U omd, aad un. 4th, and Stta Sundays, 11:10 am Hundreds of adults and chil­ * nRST 4:10 pm. C ^ K : SL PaUr'a-S ajn. on tad OAK CREEK: St. Martln‘t-10 am dren attended the farewell BTMaart gACRAMENT, Endora and 4th Sondayai to ajn. on IsL PETTZ: Sacred Heart Church—7:34 Gifts • Hardwsre • Paint Sirbet and Mootvlew Booievard— trd, and 6th Suodiyi. and 9:34 am. ceremonies in Sheridan. Father 7, I, 9:30, tad 10:44 a.m.. 13 aoOA DILLON: Flrat and 3rd Sondayf, I PLATTEVILLE: SL N lc h o la a Of Philip CoUbraro, editor o f the Glass - Toys Mm'a—I am. and 9:10 pm. Wyominp Cnthofic Bepister, was Pipe Threading CHRIST THE KINC, 1. K|shUi Ava- EifeU: SL Mary'a-ltt. 3rd, and BANGELY; SL ItnaUus'—IsL 3rd. aad BUe aad Hat Sweat—4, 7:30, I, 10, Sib SuDdayi, 7 ijn.; 3nd and 4tb 6th Sondaya, t am.; Ind and 4th master of ceremonies. A spirit- Window Shada - Key aiM 11 am , aad I lls aad 4:1S p m Sunday*, 11 aja. Sundaya, ll am. EAST LAKE: Our Lady of Serrowa ED CLD^ ML CamM — lit. 3rd, ital bouquet in a framed printed DupUeatinc CURE IPARA K- 33od Avaeoa at HlaWea—t:3e ajn. and Mh Sundaya, 10:34 am.; tad scroll was given from the par­ DaAUa Street—4. 7, A >A aad 11:10 EATON: St. MIchaaT*—• aja. and 4th Swadaya, 7:34 am. ish to Father Kinunett Inatsl- Open Friday A Monday Boat, am , aad 7 pm. ELBERT: Sacred Heart—Laat ScoMUy RED FRATHBR LAKES: Miwao la GUARDIAN ANCELB', 1043 W. Slad Of nMath, It ajn- Commuaity Church—4 p m Juao lation ceremonies for the new n Broadway PE. I-2960 Avoau^r, 8:34, 14, aad 11:30 a m EUZABETH: St. Mary'a-3bd Sunday. » , July 9, 13. 1*. 34, Aos. 3. II, rector are to be held later. HOLY FAMILY, W. 44th Avinue 10 am. tad IE tnd UUC4 Street— MS, T;30, I, DUE: St. SchoUfUca’a—&30 am. lirL tn iL MaryV-O am.; boly daya, 10:11, aad 1I:U am , aad 13:16 u d KSTSS PARK: Our liito of the 7:14 w Hountalna—June and Saptambar, ROGOEN: Sacred Heart Church 4 pm. t:3t, t, and 11 am.; July and (South Rei|ea>—4 and 10 am.; HOLY GHOST, lOtb tad CalUonU Ausual. t4t, S, and It am., 13 holy daya, I a m and 7:30 pm, Streata^. 7. 0:18, I:1S, 10;lt, aad noon, and 7 pm. Aof. 18. aama ai SILT: Sacred Heart-7 am.; holy U:U am.. aiM lAU aad 7 p m Sundaya In AnfuiL days, 7 a m G ive : HOLY ROSARY, tSTl Paarl Straat— EVERGREEN; ChrUt the SNOWMASS: SL Beaedlet'a Moaaa- A A aad 10 am and II a.m. (thraush Labor tery—No ftcUHlet for vlaltora this Religious Gifts of Significance MOST PRXaOVS BLOOD, S. Colo­ weak end). year. CATHOLIC YOUTHS AT BOYS' STATE rado Bealavard lad Din—7, A *• PAIRPLAY: Second and 4Ui Sundaya, STEAMBOAT SPRINGS: BMy Naoe 10 1 0 . aad 11 am , aad 11 aooa. am. am. and 6 pm. the mock government week, held June 12*20 at ruariNG: SL PatarV>7 and 6 am. THESE STUDENTS from Denver MOTHER OF GOD. Spatr Booievard 8TERLINC: St. AsUMoya-4, T, 6, ^ohn, fi. (D aM djut Qo. PORT COLLINS: Holy rasUly-l and 9, and 14 am. Cat|)olic high schools were delegates to Colorado University, Boulder. tl Lofan Strict—4:30, 7J0, IJO, 10 am. A30. 10:10. tad 11:30 a m 8TONEHAM: SL Joho'a-lat, Ind, the annaal Boys’ State sponsored by the Ley* There were also delegatei from St. Mary’s PORT LUPTON; SL Winiam'*-7:30 and 6th SuadayK 7 am.; Sra aad NOTRE DAME PARISH, A SharMaa and 10:30 am. 4th Sandaya, 1:34 am. ReligioDS Articles den*ChUes-Wickenbam Post, American Legion. High Sriiool, Colorado Springs; Pueblo Catholic Boulevard aad W. Baieip Plici PORT MORGA.N: SL Halana'a-4:lt, .WALDEN: SL Ifnatlua'—July aad Left to right, front row. are Edward Knafele. High; Holy IVinity, Walaenburg; and St. An­ 7, 4:30, 10, aad l l : » am I, and t:S0 am. AuiviL 440 a m And Church Supplie* POUNTAIN: SL Joaapb'a—• am. thony’s, Sterling. Forty-two Legion posts co­ OUR LADY OF GRACE, 3St0 E 48Ui WEl^NA: SL Fnad* ot AoxtiTi St. Joseph's; James Shea, SL Francis'; Michael Avtau^T, 4. 9, 10, aad 11 am., PRSDEHICK: SL Tbamaa't —7 and 1:46 am Summer Store Hours: MuUin, Mullen; and Ronald Bruno, Our Lady operate in sponaoring the Boys’ State. District and 13:13 pm. t:tO am.; boly daya, 7 a.ga. and 7 WIOGIN8: Our Lody of Lourde pm. Juno, S pm.; July and August, 0 June through August — of Mt. Camel; bac|f row. Ken Jameson, Regis; Judge Joseph .Cook is chairman of the Boys’ OUR LADY o r GUADALUPE. 3401 OXORGRGBTOWN: Our Lady of Lourdti KalamaUi Strict—4 and 11 am. Don McEndaffer, Regis; Ed Owens, Boys' State State commission. Two delegates were chosen, am. WeiODLAND PARK; Our Lady of tho Week days—>9 a-m. to 5:30 p.m.* OUR LADY o r LOURDES, 8. Logu CILCREST: Sacred Heart Cburob— fhalrman for the Legion post; Ronald Guida, by the Boys’ State, to attend Boys’ Nation in Wood*-740 and It am. Street at m if-4J0, 7:10, l:3S, 1:30, 10 am. WTUY: SL Alldr«wY-7:34 and 9:30 Soturdays—9 o.m. to 12 p.m. Cathedral; Roger Peirce, Annunciation. Young Washington. taid 11 am , aad 13:16 p m CLENWOOD SPRINGS; SL Stopbaa’a am.; holy day*, 7:10 and 9 am. McEndaffer was elected one of the mayors at OUR LADY o r MT. CARMEL, 3440 —7, 4, aad 9 a m (Pram flrat Sun­ YUMA: SL Jobn'»-7:34 aod 9 am.; Nteiii StraM I, 7. t, 0, 10, aad day la Juea to aecoad Seadiy la holy daya. 9 a m and 7;46 pm. 11 am., U aooa, aad 7 p m Soptamber.i (Patten an caked te r*perl my IRAND LAKE SL Aaot-^lana aad chanpee er certecHcn*) 1120 Broadway K£. 4-8233 OUR LADY o r VICTORY, 1904 W Septoabar, 7 aad 1140 am ; Jaly — USED CARS — 13lh Avaooe—0:30 a m (Porfthe* net Mated dM not tubmit aad ^u^Bsi, 740, t, and 11:30 am., lafennaHen) “ENJOY THE ECONOMY OF QUALITY” Grads Honored PRESENTATION, W. SrrcaUl Aviinii and P30 pm. Clean Can Wantad aad JiUlaa Street—4, 7, A AJd, GRAND VALLEY; St. BraedanY 10:30, and 11:30 a m Chuicl^lft and 3rd Sunday*, 11:30 STAN'S AUTO SALES By Guild Circle SACRED HEART, 3»tb and Lailmir a.m. SUMta—<:30, 7:30, 0. aad lOJO GREELEY: OurLady Of Peace Church kK 7440 B. Colfax DExter 3-6334 ^ (Archbishop’s Guild, Denver) am. and 12 aoon. —7 and 11 am., and 7 p.m. GREELEY: St. Potor'l, 1125 Ninth ST. ANTHONY OT PADUA'S, SMI Graduites of the eighth grade Avaaua—7, t:16, 9:30, tnd 11 am , W. Ohio—440. A 0. 10, aad li am., and 8:46 pm. kV at Queen of Heaven Orphanage, 13 neon, aad 6:30 pm. GROVER: SL Mary's—1ft Suadai, Denver, were honored at a gar­ ST. CAJErAtrS, 1164 Ninth Sbeet- t:36 am.; 3rd Sunday. 7 am. 4:30, 1:30. aad 10:30 am , and U:1S HAXrUN: Chriat the KLaa-MU am Pray to Denver's Canonized Saint den party in the home of Angela and 7 pm. HOLYOKE: SL Patrlck'i-7:34 and Demmer. The graduates were ST. CAITIERPfE'S. 4300 Pedaral 10:30 am. H APPLEWOOD WEST Boulevard—4. 7. 0, 0, 10:16, and IDAHO SPRINGS: SL Panl'*-I am Victoria Granida, Mary Alice 11:19 am., tad 13:19 aad 6:30 p m lUFF: SL CatbcrlncY—4 am. on IxL Greico, Connie Martinez, Muma ST. DOMINIC'S. W. 10th Avaaui and and Sth Sundaya: 10 a m on THt CASTLE OF Fideral Boulevard—5:30. 7:30 , 0, U, aiis 4th Suadayi. Oberoaler, Georgana Romero, and 11 am., 13 aoon. aad 6:30 p m S JOHNSTOWN: SL John's—a am. YOUR DREAMS and Bonnie Jo Weber. ST. ELIZABETM'8, Curtli and Iltb JULE8BURG: SL Anthony*—740 and Stmta—0, A *:1A aad 11 am , and 9 am. St. Frances Xavier Cabrini aam trva • HUTCHINSON'S Our Lady of Lourdes C^te 1 2 :1 6 p m KEENESBURG: Holy Family Cbureb ST. niANClS DB SALES’. Aiamada andionfing AFFIEWOOD will have a picnic Wednesday, —• am.; holy day*, 7 am AviDoa aad S. Sherman Street— KIOWA; SL Aim'o-lft and 3rd Sun­ JiHy 1, at 'Etitch's. WEST. Hara li a new kind of 9, 4, 7, 6, 9, 10, aad 11 am , and day* (and 4th Sunday U tbar* ar* Betty Bragg will be the June 13 noon. flvo Sunday* In tbo month), 14 am. fatmly living loiierad lo ST. IGNATIUS LOYOLA'S, E. 33td ~ CARSON: SL AufuaUnoY-O aja. at St. Philomena's Church hostess for Queen of Heaven Avaaui and York S t m l'^ 7 ,1 :^ MMUNQ: SL Piter'e-4 am. your own MlHfacKan in a Circle. and 10:30 am , 13 Boon, and 4:10 AYnTE: tiamaeulxU Ceneoptlon cspItvaHng aatting. —7 and 1 0 am SL Patrick's Circle will be en­ S'^''j}uaS', 1304 Newport Strait— LBADVILLE: Annoadattoe Clnirth— I. 7:11, 0:30, 0:44. aiM 11 am , aad 0:30, 0, and 10 a m East 14th and Detroit tertained at the June meeting 11;1S tad T:Se pm. LEADVtLLE: SL JooopilY—040, 0, SSondlUYlNHutdmn by Kathy McDermott ST. JOHN THE EVANGEUSTTL E and 10 am. Pat Canino of Notre Dame Sm ath Avenoi and Dliabttb LONGMONT: SL John tbo BipllftY *l25r.EuiKtola>ta Slreei-4. 740, 9, and lAlO am , - V I , 9. 10, tad 11 am. Circle is in SL Joseph's Hospital anid 13 aoon. LOVELAND: 3t. John tho-Evani*- Novena Devotions begin next Friday, June 26tb at 7:30 P.M. Ifttime in an aUoblnhad for surgery. ST. JOSEPH'S (Pellih), 617 E 46th UftY, 1730 W. 11th Street (two Avinue—4, 1:30, and 10:30 am.; bloelta woft, two blneka ooulh of community. Friew from S17.3S0. Immaculate Conception Circle blip days. 6:16 and t am , aad 7:36 Lake LovctaiadW7, 0, and 10:30 Every night until the Feast July Sth. will be entertained June 26 in % ^ .'‘^bSXPtrS {Radampteitst), Sixth the home of Margaret McCallen. Avaaui and Calapafi Stmt— MODEL JEWELERS Infant of Prague Circle will 0:30, 7. 0. 0. 10, and 11:10 im ., and Rk MedI, Member Cathedral tf(voauiWaii»Hito 7:30 pm. Pariah Services on Sundays, June 26tb and July Sth at 5:00 P.M. Mass % meet July 7 in the home of YaungflaM and turn ufehtnson ST. LEO’S THE OBEATS, « « 10th EXPERT WATCH Philomena Peetz. Stmt—840 and 11 am. North a WacH la 2M. ST. MABY MAGDALEN’S, W. ISth BEP AIRING / d St. Thom u More’s Circle will Avenue aad Zeaobla Stmt—4:11, F1new 11:36 am. AURORA: St TbanM% E 13tb aad appetrance of your aummar cotton faahlona. K antoa^ T, E 6, 14. and 11:16 am , aad 13:19 and 940 p m BROOMPtlLD: NalMtp M Our Lord laervleat la Enplrc Federal Si«- C a ll M A 3 - 6 1 8 1 Inca buildlna)—S, t40. and II am. Our new gold truck# eonte your way every (74e. 0. aad 10:30 la June. July, and Auruat). day, even Saturday. DERBY: SL Catbartae’a—7:30, 0. tad 10 am. ENGLEWOOD: AU Soola', 4400 8. Ssvs 10% Cash & Carry Lqiaa Stmt—7, 6, and 11 am. ENGI^OOD: SL Louis', 3300 Sherman Stmt—I, 7, 6, 9,10, and 11 am , and 13 noon. seoo w. Aiamada PORT LOGAN; SL Pamck's. 3M6.S. NEW 1959 GENERAL ELECTRIC Irvtas Stmt—a, 9:19, and 10:39 »663 W. Coltax Dun 5 0 th v( db am. GOLDEN; SL Jiaepb'a—7. E 10, and 9 3 p E. Colfax 11 am. M obilette D ishw asher LAKEWOOD: Our Lady of PaUma— Buy One aid Hudaon I and 10 a.m. Xcu’ Method LAKEWOOD: St. Beraadltli'i, 7M0 I d l e Kramarta CLCaMRS SHlBT LBUNOBV W. 13tb Avenue—0, 740, 0:30, 9:30, and 10:30 am., aad 13 noon. LITTLETON; SL Marp'o-4, 7, E 6. 10. and 11 am., and 13 noon; addi­ TODAY tional Miaaei In achool hall, 9. 10. anO II a.m. OUR LADY o r THE VISITATION: Adams Ceuntp, two blocks east ot , Fadaral Boulevard at Uth Avenue ! -4:30 and 11:30 am. at I THORNTON: Holy Croti Church, 3761 Ep; '■ 14, and 11:34 am. iWELBY: Assumption—4. 7. I, and 14 I am., 11 noon, artd 7 pm. WESTMINSTER: Holy T r in ity - JOE i Masaei la Waetmlnster Public Hish i I School. 7300 Lowell Boulevard-7. Needs no Instsllstioa- 1:16, 9:30, and 10;4S am., and 13 aoon. rolls on wheels I WHEAT RlDOE: Sts. Pettr and Paul'a ONOFRIO'S —4:30, 8. 9, 10, tnd 11 am., and 13 noon. nV COLORADO 4PRIN01 Flushsway drain - CORPUS CHRIST!. 2313 N. Cascsdl- V 7, 4, 9, 10, and II am., and 13:19 hV eliminstss hand rinsing N o w , O n ly pm. OntlNE REDEEMER, 1930 Cache Li H Poudre—7. a:38, and 10 am., 13 BOOB, and 5 p m . HOLY FAMILY (Securltp VlUaai)—7, Holds service for 10 Swimming Beach Open 0, and 11 am. (after June 7). OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE, 140 E H CaeUUa—0 aad 11 am , aad 7 p m NOW ready for your enjoyment it the finest swimming beoch and all- PAULINE CHAPEL, Broidffioor—7 kK Sinrtiies dishes to halp s 95 4:30, 10. and 11 am , aad 13 aoon. around fun ond recreoHonal center in the Denver area. SACRED HEART. HM W. Colorado protect your lim ily’s health Aviatie-^:30,1, to, and 11:30 am , and 7 pm. Located at colorful, sceiuV ST. MARY'S, 32 W. Kiowa S tm t- H 0, 7, 8, O.aod 11 am , and 13:10 and IV 1 8 9 9 pm. OTHIR CHUnCHtS Foothills Country Club AKRON: St. Joaipb'a—0 and 10:30 am. kV ASPEN: SL Marp'a-7 aad 0 am. Lorge sondy beach with lifeguord on duty. AULT: 1:31 am. M BAILEY; Sacred Heart Chapel—10:30 Beautiful picnic sites, with magnificent panoramic view of am. (May 34 to OcL 11). hV Red Rocks and the foothills. BASALT: SL Vlncent'a—10:36 am. (Auf. 19. 7 pm.) BOULDER. Sacred Heart of Jceoa j o t Atftroctive clubhouse with shower and locker rooms . . . Church. 2333 14th Street—4, 7:30 dining room . . . lounges . . . snock bor. t:30, 0:30, aad 10:30 am , and U;1S and 7 p m Fishing privileges fran docks or shore. BOULDIW: SL Tbom at Aquinas' Chapil. 4M 14tb Street—7. 4. aad PIAHOS-ORGANS 14:30 am.. 13 aooa. and 7:19 p m APPUANCES -TV -H t-F I Doily fee . . . only 95< per person. BOULDER (Soutbj: Saerad Baart of Nothing hut Annual family swimming and yeor-oround Social Mary Cbureb—4 and 4 am the Finest BRECKENRmGE 2nd and 4tb Son- and Recreotionol membership . . . only $40 plus daya, 0 am Since 1900” > rf h 20% tax. BRIGGSDALS: SL Jiaepb'a—3nd and L 7 9th Sundaya. 9:30 am ; 4th Sun­ Jutt feUom lift IMP out W. HampeUn 10 (ha PoMkiU* tlgn by day, 7 am HOW Of TMC FAMOUS lESnt-itTST toss FI AMO, BRIGHTON: SL AucusUae'i. lU 8 Lowxrr OCCAM AND Tt)( NIW HARDMAN DUO PUTEt Joe. Jr. >lw wott bMutiral lokof b> Eoitam Cotorodo. Sixth Avenue—4, 0, 0, 10, u d 1141 FREEtP.ARKING OPEN MONDAY BRUSH; SL Herr's—7 and 10:30 am. Box 307, RL 1. Mowison, Colorado NAUeiial M681 BUFFALO CREEK: SL Olzabctb'i 1332 BROADWAY CH 44556 14 a m ithreugh SapMobari. BURLLNGTON: SL CatbertaCo-? and 1.34 am PAGE SIX OHict, 938 Bannock Stroat THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Toltphone, Kayilona 4-4205 TtiMrtdoy, Ju^na 25, 1959 HELP WITH HOMELESS BOTg K. of C. Auxiliary t o r u n f o r s ix w e e k s June 27 Is Opening Day St. Vincent's Aid Seeking Members St. V in^nt’s Aid Society ia June Meeting SL Vincent Aid group fo^ the. AiiNJl-b«„«-pi..e<.iOf Lady of Rockies Camp currently conducting a drive for The June meeting of SL Vln- coming drive in the fall r the smorgasbord * ^ t is be-i ' 'for new members. The society is cent'i Aid Society waa held in Sister Mary Ursula thanked mg spoasored by the Coronado one of the oldest welfare organi- the home of Mrs. Ella M. Week- the members for the many gar­ The staff of Our Lady of the by Miss Catharine Maloney, an­ K. o f C. Ladies' Auxiliary, utlona In Denver, having been baugb. The R t Rev. )fonaignor ments that bad been donated Rockies Girls' Camp will assem­ nounces (hat Miss Theresa Lodo Welby, Sunday. June 38. from organized in 1883 to asalit the William H. Higgins w u the (hrough the efforts the ble at the camp site on Thurs­ of Washington, D.C., will again S to 8 pjn. in the Coronado of the home In their guest speaker. Needlework Guild group. Miss day. June 29, in preparation for resume the duties as director Council Home. for homelesi boys. Any Eva Walsh is ebainnan. The di­ opening day— Saturday. June 27. for a fourth season after an The preaidenL Mrs. Francis All are invited to attend and interested in the worit of rectors are Hmes. Grant Wim- camp, sponsor^ by St. absence of one year. She will be J. Campbell, announced that to bring their favorite d the society is invited to become Mrs. William J. Flanagan will be bush, R. J. McGione, Emmet Rita's Court o f the Catholic accompanied to Denver by two ings enough for oigbt a member. Dues are $2 a year. Dwyer, Joseph J. Wilsh, George Daughters of America. Denver, other counselors from the Wash­ the chairman for the luncheon The price U 19 cents. 10 Further information may be ob­ Bsder. and J. Morgan Cline. is open to Catholic girls between ington area. Miss Roberta Swi- benefU to be held at Ht. St. and 5 cents for tained from the pretidenl, Mrs. The meetings will be discon­ the ages of nine and IS, who gert will return for her fifth sea­ Vincent’i Home in September. All proceeds wiU be used for Campbell, at PR. 7-8052. tinued during the summer. Tbs to take advantage of this son and again will be In charge Mrs. Campbell also announced the payment o f the dishes and next meeting will be in the mountain retreat, located of the horseback riding activi­ Mrs. L. E. Waters will be the utensils that were purchased by Married of Mrs. John P. Akolt oa : 35 miles from Denver. ties. HEIGHTS HOME EC CLUB United Fund eba in nu for the the Ladies’ Auxiliary for the . SepL 1. Director's Fourth Yesr At St. Dominic’s kitchen in the Cortnado Coundl A head counseior. a nurse and' NEWLY ELECTED OFFICERS of ihe Home Eco­ committee, beaded a cook, all new to the camp this The nomics Club at Loretto Heights College check plans for season, as well as four junior the 195960 academic year. Tb^ are. left to right, front row, 6th Are. OLIVER'S and senior counselors of last Writ Anmia Phannenstiel. PbyUis Groetkin, and Rosalie Straogi; & season, will make up the rest o f' standing. Patty Varra. Kay Kayser. and Sheryl Fulcher. ...CARPETS Dr. James P. Gray this year's staff. Marion Meat Market OPTOMETFRIST Information for reservations asd Saallar RUGS or returning of applications Pinochle Circle t o M e e t ‘‘Serving Oenoer Stfice 1923 With Qiudiiy MeoSa** should be made by prospective I ■i|ii~ MtoctMa* ta tki cttr Eyes Examined campers as soon as possible, u (SL Vinccnl de Paul's Parish. lain the SL Thomas Aquinas' CHOICE STEAKS-ROASTS*^ Order Furniture':: rk ri-r; the six-week period is filling up Denver) Pinochle Circle on Saturday eve- Visual Care fu t. Those interested may write Mr and Mrs. Fred Pillion. 792 ing. June 27. Freali Poallry Fish eia liJO Mr. Boynton is a son of Mrs. Catherine Boynton. Toronto, Canada. Chariot Toynbee of , Portland w u best man. Ushers were Robert Farrell and Gerald Archer of Denver I Following Ihe wedding a re- you , UviL in , 'ception w u held in Ihe home of .the bride's parenla, 2975 Ingalls 'street. The couple left for a y o u A , 'wedding trip near Eates Park and will reside In Portland. •i -'1 I _ . . . . . Nancy Joan Sorrels S c v u k n , . . a Bride and yoar Nhsippinjf K lartN a t

. I - jn ’- i .

Nancy Joan Sorrels, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. GARDEN CENTER ^ Leonard C. Sorrels. 489 S. Gay­ K V lord. Streei. became the bride of Cordon Famer Heggem. son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Famer Heg- '•> “ Hetaeri, here ve comer' gem. 799 S. Harrison Street. Florida E. 4tith Ave. at Jarkson Father Paul Harrington, auist- 5-7361 (2 Blocks West of Colo. Blvd.) ant p u lor. officiated at the douhle-ring ceremony in St. Vin­ TAKE YOUR DREAM HOLIDAY-ANYW HERE cent de Paul's Church, penver. ■ v-:v;- The bride Wu given in mar­ riage by her father. Mary Gar- of Denver v u maid of Maryanne Thompson of Denver w u a bridcsinaid. Dale A M t K i C W TRAVEL Wiimeth of Colorado Springs was best man. Ushers included N A T I O X i L f t i.V K Our Store is Dallas Copen and Vern Peter­ PLAN son of Denver and William Goble of Chicago. The bride attended St Fran­ cis de Sales' High School and Newly Arranged is a graduate of Denver Uni­ versity. The bridegroom at­ WILL GET YOU THERE! tended South High School and Denver University. They are making their home in Denver. Dresses ... 50c up Eng:ag:ed A s little as $d a week, saved through American .Naiionil latest information on transportation and helpful Iilera- Suits $5.00 up TRAVEL PLAN, will add up to next year's vacation m ture on the vacation spot you choose Your TRAVEL Hawaii or Mexico. $14 a week will provide round tnp PLAN savings earn the full S'o interest compounded transportation to Europe or South .America! American four times a year. Tailored Pants $1.00 up National TRAVEL PLAN works for you on short trips, too— to Arizona, California, anpuhere.' Plan pour cscope, note.' Your Travel .Agent will give Children's Clothes. you lots of ideas for ideal vacations. His services are free. Yes, the American National makes holiday trip saving surprisingly easy— particularly when you save For details, visit or phone the American National D resses...... 25c up automoticolli/. You get guidance in planning your trip. Bank, AMherst 6-2161. Numerous Other Items HAVE THE TIME OF YOUR LIFE-AT LEAST ONCE IN YOUR LIFEI ^ PLAN NOW-QO SOONER THAN YOU THINKl A LL Cleaned and Pressed

A M E R I C A N N ATIO N AL BAN K St. Vincent de Paul Mrs. Loretta Rogers an­ nounces the engagement of 17th and Lawrence —’/j hour free parking next door to the Bank on Lawrence her daughter. Jacqueline K. Retail Store Rogers labovei. to James J. Turner, son of .Mr and Mrs. 1951 Lawrence St. CH. 4-0775 MEMSeR FEOeWAL OCWOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION Joseph Innacito RAGE SEVEN Thnr«4«y. June 2S, 1959 Offic*, 938 Sannocic SfrMt THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER TcUphofM, K>yi»on» 4-4205

FULL SCHEDULE LISTED ACCOMMODATIONS LACNING Housekeepers of Priests ^ ^U^ojfUUtL ThuvA, W om en's Unit Cancels 3-Day Retreat Program

Plan El Pomar Retreat The Catholic Laywomen's The finl of these days of Retreat Association of Denver recollection will be held on A fuU schedule of retreats is Catholic Women hu reserved regret! to announce that ow­ Sunday. Aug. 23, at Marycrest planned at El Pomar Retreat for the third retreat for the week ing to (he lack of accommo­ Convent of the Sisters of St Women, Broadmoor. Colorado end of July 10 to 12. Women dations. at present they are Francis. 8200 Federal Boule­ Sprlnp, for the month o f July, from the entire archdiocese are no longer able to sponsor « vard, Denver. the fin t of them for prioats’ expected to fill the house. Fa­ three^lay retreat. Full details of the day of housekeepers. This is a mid­ ther Jerome Healy, O.S.B., from In place of the three-day re­ recollection will be announced 14 Years of Ouolity Service week retreat begumini June 30 Holy Cross Abbey. Canon City, treat, the association plans to at a later date la the Reguttr. and ending July 1 It is a new will be the retreat master. have a day of recollection idea in retreats, but is fast be- The fourth and fifth of the four limes in the year. cominf popular with similar re­ July retreats follow on succeed­ 100 PIECES — $1.00 0t< Jtifltd NOW l*r tlMH FWI l*i*«n. All n*a m *ltri*li. •w*rl*d iiw treats beins scheduled through­ ing week ends and are open to knw 100% «*ol. (Itvrt* m W *4«M c*)r*iit ISm I out the country. ReservatiOM all women. The retreat master St. Clara's Aides lor nukl>« ^ 1 1 ckthot. «IH olaeki. b*iMr llwn, McolteRt lor rourw are already in from sereral is Father Francis Novak, a Re- Planning Parties £S"^00 ***''"*"’ t»»a*K" 0" 0«ioi»nltod. fo» 1o i < f states. demptorist. **" CENTRAL ENTERPRISES MS Minim lidtam* «M|. iM l) Dsiwor ], ceie. The second is. a “Holiday The last of the July retreats, St. Clara's Aid Society will Weekend” retreat beginning July 31 to Aug. 2. should appeal bold monthly card parties July 3 and ending July 3. taUiig to school teachers and vacation­ though the summer monthk at in theilHMirth of July. Both re- ing businasa women of the area the orphanage, 3880 W. 29th treata'will be given by Father well as those who do not Avenue. Denver, in the cool of NOT A PENNY LOST! George Brown of the Chicago work on Saturdays the orphanage’s basement floor Diocesan Mission Band. All retreato. except the mid­ while the first floor is being On June 27 the Federal Savings and Lean Insurance ACCW Resemtlon week retreat for priests' house­ renovated. All members and Carporatlan will celebrate Its 28th anniversary with The Archdiocesan Council of keeper!, open with dinner at 8 friends are invited to attend and net one penny lest by a u v er In an iu ared Savings 1 p.m. Friday and close with din­ enjoy a luncheon, with special and Lm h Aiaoriatioa. ner on Su^ay. Latecomers on and table prises. Friday evening or early Satu^ Continuing payment of Dividends at day morning can be accom­ Sharon I..a Von Gibbs modated. the rale of 4% per annum Retreat captains in Denver Wed at Holy Family and Colorado Springs are taking The marriage of Miss Sharon .Sore by the JOth— tarn from the 1st reservations. Denver women LaVon Gibbi to Victor Daley w s irt aoR f a s i s a v i av mail kit v e invited to call Mrs. Elsie Dunham was witnessed by the Ball. PE. 3-1829. and in Colo­ Rev. Forrest Allen at Holy Fam­ Free Customer Porlcifip on Our Lot TOM WAI.KER IMA,NOS rado Springs Mrs. Eleanor ily Church. Denver, on June 6 N* Ml *. < OR Y J •* j NEY »»NCt I M' KMta swino, i«i«a«n. « m Ceney at ME. 3-8989. Reserva­ before more than 300 friends jmm fftflck fiiflw tions can also be made by writ­ and relatives. ing direct to El Pomar Retreat The reception was held at the G O L D E N sa v in g s & loan C, G. Cooq Eleciric Organ V7V/U wCI^ ACcnriATiOKi Flee RMoadilioDvd Piano* Center. Broadmoor District, Continental-Denver Hotel in the ^ ASSOCIATION 'O' •• -'Bf Cdorado Swings. Colo. South American Room. is4a a tnoAOwav sr r * » >-tso« GOLDEN, COLORADO Hr. Dunham it attached to the >f & LOAN 4*vSCMANCt C( “ Navy, and the couple plan to HAMILTON WATCH AGENa make their home in Olathe, Ph. CR. 9-2825 Hoars 9-5 Sat: TU Naea Showing Large Selection PROM BY MERCY HOSPITAL NURSING SCHOOL Kans. THE MERCY HOSPITAL School of -staff of M fc y Hospital, and w u'presented a Nursing, Denver, held the annual prom bouquet oF red roses. at the Denver-Continental on the evening of Chaperones for the evening were doctors fURNITURE & APPLIANCES J e w e l e r s June 19. The theme for the evening was "Star from the medical staff and their wives. Hie Dust.” Jtek La Forte's orchestrs supplied the junior clau sponsored the event. musk for the occasion. Shown above are. center. Margaret Tierney, reduced The prom queen, elected by popular vote of daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George 'Herney of the student body, w u Miss Margaret Tierney of Colorado Springs; at left, Rosalie Long, daughter C'H.WGE OF OWNERSHIP SALE Colorado Sprlnp. a senior student who will be of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Long of Oak Crert, graduated in September. Miss Tierney’s atten­ and Maxine Olson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. f^rimsley'a on Tennyson comer 2 blocks north df Flilch'a dants were Miss Rosalie Long and Miu Maxine Robert L. Olson, Oberlin, Kans.; at right. Phyllis KVEKYTHUVG IS RF^Dt’CED! Everything ia guaranteed, plus the continued SnCUS-LflUJLOR Olson from tbr junior class and M iu Sanlyn Sebeopner, daughter of Mr. and Mrt. Clarence fine service rslablished by 41 Grimaley. Oiie-of-a-kiml A Moor Samples Leonard and Min Phyllis Sebeopner of the Scheopner, Goodland, Kans.; and Sanlyn Leonard, I543 LARIMER ST >'830 17 th ST. freshman clau. Miu Tierney w u crowned queen daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hendrick Leonard. Jr., of the prom by Dr. Robert Wllaon of the medical of Monte Vista. ENGRAVED To Be Married PLASTIC 3-Day Retreat for Women SIGNS & DESK PLATES Is Sponsored by ACCW

A three-day retreat for (Cath­ 920. A 95 deposit u.requested' BflONZE TABL'ETS olic Women of the Archdioaeae anlb each registratiOB of Denver is being sponsorad: H ie retreat will begin with by ibe Arcbdkoceaan Cotmcilj the supper Friday at 8 p.m.. enioy quIoitiqIk fQinloll" spimkiing of Catholic Woman at El Potnar’ and close following tbe Sunday Retreat for Women. Broadmoor.- evening dinner. -.-th Colorado Sprinp, on July 10, loformatioo or reservations' 11. and 12. may be obtained by contacting w vovsvO uwxUc It it not neecuary to belong Mrs. Walter Wade, chainnan, 17 Modern double drener. mirror and bookcase bed suits, from $ 5945 to any Catholic organiation to DE. 34783, 1212 Glencoe Street, 2 Modern double dresser, mirror, cheat and bookcase befl . .. 24445 15943 oulomotKBHy (ontrolled mak« this retreat. Non-Catholics or M n. J Morgan Cline. RA. 2 Small m a {^ dretaen with m irrors...... reg. 4845 2945 Icwn S golden wQieiing tytiem are also invited by tbr ststen to 2-3190. 533 South Umveriity 3 Maple panel beds . . . ..u p l o 2946 945 attend.. Boulevard. 4 Odd Chests, maple, cherry or walnut ...... up to 69.95 4948 Inneiipring mattreaa or box springs, full or twin. ea...... 24.95 The retreat muter will be Wagon Wheel bunk beds, maple with, maitreu, complete___ . . . 99.95 Father Jerome Healy. O.S.B., of Set /f just once for all season long! Occuional Swivel Rockers, ass't...... up to 59.50 39.95 Holy (?Tow Abbey. Canon City. 500 Will Attend liiiiKiii MW mtf Wh 9^9 IWM Platform Rockers, blond or mah., asst covers...... up to 34.95 19.95 auM mm «Rm L Cmm md t» •* gbarnm. El Pomar la the former Spen­ Nurse Gathering 100' Modem coral loose cushion sofa, foam ...... reg. 237.95 119.95 cer Penrose estate, which wu Sofa and chair, innerspring cu^ions, turq...... reg. 18945 139.95 * Mrs. Verna Frost of Denver Sofa and chair, foam cushions, brown ...... 239.95 18945 donated to the Sisters of Char­ An estimated 800 nurses from announces the engagement ity of Cincinnati in 1944. throughout Colorado are ex­ Hide-a bed, ipriog cushions, aqua tweed ...... * . . . reg. 219.95 15945 of her daughter Ann Maureen Hid^a-bed, coral prim, foam cushions ...... reg. 249.95 19949 CWMv Hfl ffTIMAH Bus Schedule pected at the convention of the Frost (above), to Dale F. Adel- 8 pc. Modern dining room, table, 4 chain, buffet ...... reg. 237.96 189.95 Colorado Nurses' Association at VKttk thi M*titOJiUtlc ln'M> Hi •MrilUa m gren. son of Mr and Mrs. Joseph A chartered bus wilt leave, the Corner China, mahogany ...... reg. 9943 7945 tbe Cosmopolitan Hotel in Den­ oMiOiiAfiC CRisiwaiae Ik* JkIi Ptrr Sh*w rMni Mm ., Wm. m* Irl. Continental Trailways Bus Ter- 3 6 ' mhg. C h in a...... reg, 994 5 89.95 Adelgren of Chanule, Kans. ver June 29 through July 1. The brideelect is a graduate minsL 17lh snd Broadwq^, on Blonde Buffet ...... reg. 97.50 3945 The theme of the meetings Mahogany Console TV, Zenith ...... reg. 259.95 15945 Installed By of Ml. Carmel High School and Fridsy, July 10. at 1.30 p.m. will be “Through tbe Looking Automatic Washer, famous make - ...... reg. 269.93 19945 now atUnds Central BusineU and take the pauengers di­ rectly to El Pomar. The bus aritl Glass: I Examination.” Keynote MayUg automatic Electric Dryer...... reg. 20945 15945 College. Mr. Adelgren is a grad­ pick them up Sunday. July 12, speakera for tbe convention will 9 X 12 rugs, tweed & blends ...... 3445 MOISFO-MATIC OF COLO. uate of Valat High School of at 8 18 pm. following dinner be Barbara G. Schutt of New Steel utility or broom csbinets . . ... reduced H off Chanute. Kans. and urved 16 Unfinished Chests and bookcases ro u te d tk Mf 3930 HoUv St. , Denver 7, Colo. and return them to the bus York City, editor of the Amen- months in Germany in the Phan* DE 3-9590 station in Denver. The round CON Journal o / Nurstnp, and Dr armed forces. HI NDREDS OF OTHER nT;MS REDl’CKP trip will be 94. Faye G. Abedellah, senior con- kl 0. Nord, President An early August i-vedding is suitant in nurting research, Di­ H*mb*r, Ckrul th* Kiat Cbarek planned by the couple. The offering for the retreat is vision of Nursing Resources. Annual Antique U. S. Public Health ServiGe. The Colorado Professional GRIMSLEY FURNITURE CO. Nurse Award of 1980 will be .1980 TennMM*n Open Evenings Till Flight G L. S 4 3 9 I Show is Slated presented at the conventioo. Big Fish Sale at Safeway! July 27 to 30 The sixth annuil "World. rapt. Choice Brand. 1 lb. Wide” Antique Show will be' YOUR PARISH ONE-HOUR MARTINIZING HALIBUT STEAKS Nice large white center slices. Pkg. 59c held in the Lincoln Room of the Shiriry-nvoy Hotel. Denver, on July 27. 28. 29. and 30. Hours C'apt. Cbeice Brand. Boneless. 1 lb. are from noon to 10 p.m.. ex­ CATHEDRAL HOLY FAMILY PERCH FILLETS Large selected sOces. pkg. 39c cept on July 30. when the show closes at 6 p m. 226 E. 13ih Ave. la ftetleU Sum< Mrki ; 3Rlh & Sheridan Alpha Omicron Pi Alumnae 10 01. Harold Gleavrs, Mgr, John Landrum, Mgr. chapter is the local sponsoring pkg. BREADED FISH STICKS 33c organixaljon for the event A p otion of the proceeds <4 the Emrs Fancy 14 OL show will benefit A 0 Pi's local HOLY TRIN in Pkg- 55c philanthropic project the Wal­ North Gate Shopping MOST PREGOUS BLOOD lace School O n l e r rapt- Choice brand. 10 aa. Each tiokri admits two for an Colo. Blvd. at Evans Breaded Shrimp Ready to cook. lAg. 59c 80 cent donation. Tickets may 7130 No. Federal Ted Martin, Mgr. be obtained from Mre. L. Joseph Frank Richardson, Mgr. Pitlroff. 2170 S Wolcott Court. 6 a**ft S*. *1 »*>i F*M itttm D M ia a k A U f T w a i i AGc i u l o ' P*«ky Meuntain. Average weight WE 84183; or from Mn Rich­ K0II1D0W 1 rout 4 Ih. Caaght and dreraed daily. lb. 1 .2 5 ard A 2arlengo. 375 Beryl. Broomfield. BR. 821. Tickets ST. THERESE (AURORA) STS. PETER AND PAUL'S may also be purchased at the 1 lb. door. 7393 W. 44ib Av*. CATFISH FILLETS Frionor brand. Baaekeat. pkg. 39c 10222 E. Golfax ST. MARY'S. UTTinON OUR LADY OF FATIMA Lee O'Connor, Mgr. ALL SOULS', ENGLEWOOD Joseph Sticksel's* '.Sam f.nhn. Mgr. CapL Choice brand. 1 lb. 73 E. Bellevirw 1490 Carr HADDOCK FILLETS Boneless. Sktakaa. pkg. 49c Daughter to Wed Ray Belair. .Mgr. Bill Mynn, Mgr. Mr and Mrs Joseph Sticksel NOTRE DAME ST. BERNADETTE AND Cape Ann Brand. I Ib. of 1723 Pontiac Street. Denver, WHITING FILLETS Waste free. pkg. 33c announce the engagement .of ST. ANTHONY AND ONE HOUR DRY CLEANING ST. MARY MAGDALENE their daughter. Phyllis Ann. to ST. ROSE OF LIMA AT NO EXTRA CHARGE T hom u Henning, the son of Colfax at Pierce Mr snd Mrs Thom u Henning, Irvin g & W. .Alnmeda PATRONIZE YOUR PARISH ONE HOUR Anthony Pocmieh, Mgr. All Pricts in This Ad Good in Denver Thru Soturdoy, June 27 M. l.ucero, .Mgr. Jr. of t'hicago MARTINIZING PLANT Miss Hlicksel attended St James' Grade School and Si Francis de Sales’ High School. COLORADO SPRINGS Den\er. and recently w u grad­ uated from Marquette I'niver- 317 So. Nevado 2320 L Platte Ave. Golf Acros SAFEWAY sity Her finance ta also a re cent graduate of Marquette Food Bank Shopping Center Shopping Ctnttr The couple plan to be mar Dewey Johnson. Harold Berg^en. W« Rtsurva the Riaht to Limit Quantities. None Sold to Deolert. ried in St James' Church. Den­ Mgr. M?r. William Trotter, ver. on Dec. 28 They will make Mgr. Ibeir home m Chicago.

mm Telephone, Keyetone 4-4205 Thursday, June 25, 1959 PAGE EIGHT OfNce, 938 Bonnock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Westminster Altar Group 1 AMUSEMENT— DINING Installs Slate of Officers (Holy Trinity Parish, Officers who served daring RECREATION Westminster) the pist year are Irene Thach, New officers of the Altar and vice president: Noreen Judish. Rosary Society were installed treasurer: Angela Cunningham, June 9 at the Westminster High secretary: Jean Kummer, cor­ School cafeteria. responding secretary: and Jean Frances'Jarigese Is the new Kummer, historian; and Carrie president. She succeeds Louise Aldrich, auditor. J Sullivan. Other newly elected Men’s Club officers are Betty Judisb, vice president; Noreen Judisb. treas­ The Men's Club met June 3. urer; Vi June, secretary; Faye John Hurley is the new presi­ Aldrich, corresponding secre­ dent. He succeeds Emmett tary; Pluma Groesbeck, his­ Lowery. Other officers installed torian; and Irene Blatter, audi­ are Don Hinley, vice president; tor. Carl Judish, vice president; Dan Hallinan, secretary; John Prunk, ” WE'RE ALL &OING- TO MEET AND treasurer; Michael Kleeman. have a 8l& CgLESRATlON AT ^ the best movies marshal; and Pete Martin and John Groesbeck, delegates. WILD FAHOUS^ every night Anyone who promised books FOR of trading stamps to the Altar D u f f u ' s are on and Rosary Society is asked to bring them to the church within SHAMROCK "Academy Theatre" the next two weeks, as July 15 b the deadline. Every hook re­ 1645 TREMONT. ceived will be used toward DUSB COFFEE CU-ic t(f Stc-WK. TaCacc equipment for the new kitchen, NORTHEASTERN JUNIOR COLLEGE NEWMAN CLUB which must be ready for the dedication in the near future. ' THE NEWLY FORMED Newman Club of North­ Hocknadel, J. Hettrick, J. Sanger, and Thomas Smithhlsler, fac­ The Sewing Circle, making ulty adviser; front row, H. Synder, L. McGee, B. Singleton, K. K O A li eastern Junior College, Sterling, shown above, are, left altar linens for the new McCrodcn, J. Keister, P. Kloberdani, treasurer; M. McMurrin, N BC in DENVER ■ church, will meet every fourth to right, back row, J. Kosmiski, J. Atkins, D. Bettale, J. Stark, J. p. Potter, R. Steib, J. Grant, aecretary; T. Baker, president; J. 'Thursday throughout the sum­ Harley. Father Peter 0 . Urban, chaplain; P. Campsnero, B. Immell, vice president; and L. McCabe. On Occasions.,. mer in the home of Frances ' Jarigese, 7860 Raleigh Place. When yon have important gneits to entertain, and can­ not afford dieaNointnent in good food and serrioe, bring Newman Club Organized for Students in Sterling them to the Holland House, and enjoy the thrilling atmosphere of Colorado's scenic grandeur. The Newman Club of North­ Sterling. Father Robert Hoff­ man apostolates at Northeastern G r a n t secretary; and Pat They will be impressed with the beauty of our various eastern Junior College. Sterling, man and a team of Newmanites Junior College followed. Special Kioberdanz, treasurer. The club Dining Rooms. AtFamous was officially established re­ from Colorado States College, guests included: Father Emile is affiliated with Intermountain SWIM cently when 22 members were Greeley, conducted the initia­ J. Versebraeghen, pastor of St. province—Colorado, Wyoming, initiated in a formal ceremony tion ceremony. Anthony's; Father Hoffman, Fa­ and Utah— and has applied for ELDORADO SPRINGS at S t Anthony's High School in Preceding the event prospec­ ther Peter Urban, club chaplain membership in the National Wonderful radon healed pool . . . ft’s refreshinfi! tive candidates attended Mass and assistant at S t Anthony's; Newman Club Federation. and received Communion in a Mr. Anderson, dean of men at Bob Schriener, Former IMP GOLDEN,COLORADO OPEN DAILY — 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Family Night Set group after which breakfast was NJ.C.; Miss Coorsberg, dean of Extension vice chairman, and Ask About Family Tickets served. Benediction of the women at N.J.C.; Thomas Smilh- the Newman Club of Colorado Olalag r «■ epflr traa la m w «• a PJd.i iise PM . i* a PM. State College assisted Father • 440 Acres of Ployground Blessed Sacrament concluded hisler. faculty advisor and mas­ imaMr. HelMiyx fvM tS mmm !• • PM. On June 30 the initiation. ter of ceremonies; V ictor Urban, Mr. Smithhlsler, and stu­ * Furnished Cottoges for Rent, day or week A banquet honoring the New- Baniak, Intermountain province dents of NJ.C. in forming the Ph. CR. 9-2594 * Dance liall available for For Playgrounds chairman; and the initiating club. privale parties team. Members of the initialing team from C.S.C. were Mary The Denver Public Schools Seek National Recognition Domenico, Barbara McDonald, Summer Playground program is Video-Audio HI 2-8659 Officers of the NJ.C. Newman Michael Homyak, Chuck Cassio, s p o n s o rin g a Family Night, Club arc Tom Baker, president: Jim Dorsey, Tom Moran, and 7 Miles South on 93, Tuesday, June 30. at all 64 play­ G u id e |..':jJtm Immel. vice president; Jean Pat Wilkinson. grounds. Turn West on to 398 Compiled by The activities at most play­ Bob R«mi«V grounds will begin at 5:30 p.m. Ratings of TV Movies and be in session until 8 p.m. The following ere movies to bs Each playground will hold dif­ shewn In the Oonvir «nd Colorodo THE LINCOLN ROOM Springe areas In the weak of Juno ferent types of activities. 37-Juty 4. Dtnvtr TV slalloni and ehanhtls art KOA-TV |4|, K6TV (t), Hospitality Center Parents and children can par­ KTVR 13), and KLZ-TV (7). In Cole- ticipate in games played each redo Springs they art KROO-TV (13) Banquet and Meeting Room* an K K W (11). day. such as chess, checkers, Thasa films have bean checked 12-1200 PERSONS miU, adi, parcheesi^ Chinese apaintf tha Legion of Doctney't clas- T A . .'>•2151 Mrs. Long slflcatlen. Films marktd A-l art un- checkers, table tennis, tether- oblocflonabla fo r gonorat patronaga,- ball, volleyball, softball, four­ AS, uneblacllenablc for adults; B, oblactlenaelt in part for all; and C, Shirley-Savoy Hotel square, and others. condemned. At all grounds parents will be SATURDAY, JUNE V PRIVATE NURSE. A-2 (Si; HERE .K £. 4-79I8 p able to learn about the special COME THE CO-EOS. A-3 (3); NIGHT and regular activities to be held CAB. not Haled <2l; FOREVER AND A D A Y , A - l (31; T H E S H A N G H A I throughout the summer. Crafts GESTURE, B (2); obJecUoo: Excee- live sordldnesa and low moral tone; JhsL <£oiuA. (Ruojvl that can be made will be on KANSAS CITY CONPIDENTIAL, B display. Nature activities that (13i; objection: Exceailve brutality, (I(MMIM*M et K*th«> frank fongl MYSTERY SEA RAIDER, A-l l»i. Ninth A*«nug at Spe«r Bird. are being done will be displayed C A U G H T , B (»); obJecUon: RefletU and discusaed. the acce^billty of divorce; COME COMPLETE ORIENTAL STAFF LIVE WfTH ME, B (111; objection: U iht treatment of maniiEe; ARSE­ FINEST CHINESE AND NIC AND OLD LACE, A-3 (4): TWELVE CROWDED HOURS. A-i AMERICAN FOODS Current M ovies (4). SUNDAY, JUNE 3t A Bwullhil Luilani UgbiM otlng Rom Is Ika Betovr are Legion of Deceney rat- BLOCK HEADS. A-l <3|; SHANG­ Vslsrmss of Farstga Wnra Hsra« ingt of new motion jkoUiret cur- HAI GESTURE. B i3i; objection: Ex­ DwiAi>«w The Rev. Joseph J. O’Neill, M.M., J«bs S SUwsrt P m i Ns I r«nllv tiunrine In Danver theutari cessive sordidness ind low moral fnaryKnOII rneSlSr^ional director of Maryknoll ac- Opra Is tbs Public R s ftn p i of wcondTun and olAor tone; THAT HAMILTON WOMAN, II S.IH. Is 10:S0 pun.—Ssl, lUI 12:30 s.a. Jilnu can b( found (och toetk In l)i« A-3 (2); TOP GUN. not listed (13i, ^ J . D a 4 »A »f*e tivilies in the Rocky Mountain area, (Osssa TussOsysl NtnoKAL edition of D ie R w u m . LIFEBOAT, A-3 l9l food drama star- ring Tallulah Bankhead and BUI WOnOUCi KeireOTS ,nd his assistant, the Rev. Bernard A'1, unoblecllenible for gtneril Bendlx; THE BEGINNING OR THE P. Byrne, are known for conducting retreats in the Denver area. pilrenege; A-2, uno(>|ectlan«ble for E N D . A - l (111 story on A-bomb stars *del«K«nli end edulH; AS, uneblee- Brian Donlevy, Tom Drake, and the Father O'Neill (left) and Father Byrne (right, above), arc THIRST OOME tianeble for edulH; B, oblecllonabla late Robert Walkec. located at the Maryknoll House in Denver and recruit vocations In part; C. condemned. MONOA10 JUNE 2t from nine surrounding diocese for the Catholic Foreign Mission] SAY ONE POn ME. A-l ACCIDD4TS WILL HAPPEN, AS Ui; THAT HAMILTON WOMAN, A-3 Society of America (Maryknoll). SOUTH PACm e, A-3 l2i; CAREER. A-l (41; OUTPOST IN T H I R S T SERVED! IT HAPPENED TO JANE. A-1 MOROCCO. B (2): objecUon; Sugiei- GUNAIAN FOR LAREDO. AS tlve aequence; LAST OF THE WILD HORSE SOLDIERS. Not Lilted HORSES, A-3 (2i; THEY LIVE BY .SIGHT, not Usiod (4l; RUGGLES OF ASK A.NY GIRL. A-3 RED GAP. A-l tSi. First Communion Class DONT GIVE UP THE SHIP, AS TUeSDAY, JUNI 30 DOWN TO THEIR LAST YACHT. PLAYS A-3 (4i: OUTPOST OF MOROCCO, B WEST SIDE STORY, completely ob- (3): objection: SuuesUve sequence: Receives at Notre Dame Jectlooeble. ADV^URE IN B altimore. a -i TIME REMEMBERED. Adulti. (41; ABILENE T01VN, A-3 (3); OUAL- (Notre Oame Parish, Denver) arrangements, asks for as many rrv STREET, A-I (4l; THE GREAT volunteers as possible, and JOHN L.. A-2 (Si atory of one of bos- Seventy children comprised Inf's most famous flfhlers; PHAN­ hopes that all will be able to TOM RAIDERS, A-l (III. the first class of first communi attend the meeting Thursday WBOHESDAYt^JULY 1 cants in Notre Dame Parish on fisd ig h iiL EXPERIME.'ir ALCATRAZ. A-2 evening. (41; ABILENE TOWN, A-2 (2i: MUSIC Sunday, June 21. Prior to this FOR MADAME. A-l (4'; PARK UN­ DERGROUND, A-3 (21; BEST OF THE time the first communicants BADMEN, B (4): objection: Tends to from the parish were instructed fijw qJuunA. condone wronsaolnf end susgeative costuming; GILDED LILY, A*3 (Oi; and received their First Com­ THE KID FROM TE-\AS. A -l i l l ' . munion at the All Saints' Parish THURSDAY, JULY 3 MUSIC in conjunction with the classes I IJKE YOUR NERVE, not listed for any occosion O r t i i a d i D (4i; PARIS UNDERGROUND, A-2 (2); at the catechetical center. DOUBLE DYNAMITE, A-2 l4l; FOL­ The First Communion was LOW THE HUNTER, not listed (2i; IKE LEE^S KOA, Denver THE BRIDE CAME C.OD^ A-2 (4'; held at the conclusion of the SULLIVAN'S TRAVELS. B" (*); ob­ two-week summer school of CATHOLIC HOUR— jection: _L^ht trcslment of man Orehe««lra Sundert, t;30 a.m.. Rev. Ber. Hig«; ABSOLUTE qUITT, A-2 (ill. religion. During the summer “ BesJ in .Music” nerd Tbeell. O.S.B., ef llte icI- FSlDAY, JULY 3 school 357 stndenls g ot the ence depertmenl et the Cilh- D Y N A M IT E P A S S . A - l (41: F O U olic Unlvertity of Amerlce. LOW THE HUNTER, not luted (2L first six grades received their Call DE 3-6294 ASK AND L IA R N - DIAMOND JIM, A-2 I2i; KING OF catechetical instruction six o r w rite Sundiyi, 1S:M p.m. ALCATRAZ. A-2 (3); 'THE CRIME NOBODY SAW. A-I (»i: CORONER mornings a week from 9 un­ 2636 Madison CREEK, A-2 (2i 1948 WeMem til 12 o'clock. KLVe. Leadville ring Randolph Scott and Marguerite Denver Colo. 0utfy s' d elicio us © rinks of © enver MASS— Chapman; GALLA.NT BESS. A-l (111 Two Sisters of Lorello and fattier James B. Hamblin pro. a must see for horae lovers; IN 12 lay teachen and helpers sants tilotiUghti of tha Mass WHICH WE SERVE. A-2 (4(; MID­ offered each Sunday in An­ NIGHT EPISODE, not listed tl3l; were the instructors for the nunciation Church. Leadville R E M B R A N D T . B ‘21. children. Mr. and Mrs. Charles. 11:0S-11:9S a.m. Adult and chll- Progroms of Interest Fink were the directors of the! dran'i choir Matured. The following are progrenu program. The Central City Hermit KFSC, Denver scheduled during the coming The women of the Altar and THOUGHTS FOR THE DAY week on Denver and Colorado Rosary Society prepared and Father James Kallar, MJA.— Springs slaiions. Monday threush Friday, 12 served breakfast to the first neon. DENVER KOA-TV, Channel 4. Icommunicants after the 8:30 SACRED HEART PROSRAM— KRMA-TV (Educational) Channel <- o'clock Mass on Sunday. June Chas. B. Young's lEnglishi—Monday through Fri­ KLZ-TV. Channel 7. ;21. Coffee was also sen'ed the day, t a.m. KBTV, Channel 4. (Spanlih)—Saturday, 1 a.m.,- COLORADO SPRINGS parents of the children. Sunday, 7:1S a.m. KKTV, Chennel II. K R O O -T V , C h a n n e l 13. Bazaar Meeting THE CHRISTOPHERS— SATURDAY, JUNE 17 8 th A n n u a l Appearance Sunday, 7 a.m. DA.NCING PARTY; Channel 9,1 This Thursday evening, June Liwrencf Welk celebrates the firth I,- „.:n Kn» THE LAMPLICHTER- inlversiry of his Sslurdiy n i g h t , 25. there Will be a b n cf bOt Menday through Friday. . . 'important meeting of all those! p.m. SUNDAY, JUNE 21 CHRISTOPHERS; Chennel 4. ' Pur- who are to help with the din­ Telling the Famous Story of the KOLR. Sterling poK Makes the Dlffei-ence" Ken ner to be served during the SACRED HEART PROGRAM- Carpender gives i d insight Into the chiracter of Abrahim Lincoln. last day of the parish bazaar. Saturdays, t:4S a.m, Also music selections and a film The meeting will be held in "Face on the Bor Room Floor" excerpt starring Vlrginis Cre)-. KFKA. Greeley MONoiY,DAY JUNE’24 - ’ ,'h® Parish cafeteria at 7:30 (U1S kc.i BASEBALL^ Channel 9, BeaiT pjiyio'clock. Mrs. Frank Gartland, LoulsvIUe Colonels In Bears’ Sts-| AVE MARIA HOUR— who is in charge of the dinner Sundayi, 12:30 p.m. dius), Denver, 7:SS pan. Sporuored by KVOR. Colorado Springs Chaa. Young and Lt. Gov. SACRED HEART PROGRAM— Sundsys, t;IS a.m. KNIGHTS o r COLUMBUS Robl. L. Knous KR.AI. Craig SACRED HEART PROCRAM- Bishop Tihen Council Sundayi, 11:30 a.m. Dates of Appearances at Central City KBOL, Boulder (I4t0 ke.i iBsim ^ (DjomsL Teller House SACRED HE/yiT PROGRAM— Monday through Saturday, 1:1S 1575 GRANT STREET a.m. Current lerlts: "The Es- cttslvo Mercy of My Heart" June 2 7 , July 4, July 25, (About 13 premises ins Sacred Heart made to St, Margartt JULY 4, 1959-9 P.M. Mary Alacoquaj. M u s i c by Hormony Polko Dots August ], August 29 Celebrating Their 100th rDmp a letter or postcard to these slatlona, telUng them you Admission $1.00 per person Annivereary 16^ At Cleveland Place appreciate these profrems.j Thuridoy, June 25, 1959 Office, 938 Bannock Street THk DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, Keystone 4-4205 PAGE NINE


JvWVWbWWWWWMW^^WWWWMWiViVWii*' W inning N ot Important By Mank R o zm Vocation time seems like a pood opportunity to take time out from the eurreet sport* happeninps to offer a resume of tohot ho* token place in Notional Industrial Basketball Leapue circles since the Jwme-toum Denver-Chkago Truckers ond the In Inter-Parish Leagues other MBL clubs packed auxty, their hardtoood pear at the was enongh to make him dig end o f March. By Phu. Rittm There are definite rules gov­ Operate on an honor systiein. into his own pocket to the . u c- tr Eleven of the 46 teams play­ erning league play. No Inning Playing the best nine boys all On the general side of the picture the addition of three the way is out. Every boy on extent of SIM to provide his ing in the Catholic Youth Recre­ can start in any league after an new dubs to go along with a full quota of 1958-59 holdovers every team is guaranteed that sqhad with the bare essen­ ation Association baseball hour and 15 minutes have now brings the loop up to nine dubs. he will play. Once a yooogster tials for playing balL The few leagues have not yet won a elapsed. In Class A (8-9 year Accepted for membership are the Alien Investors, with glove* tbe boys did have were game. But it does not really mat­ olds) games are limited to five enters the ball game, he stays headquarters In Bonlder, playing out of San Francisco; the in for at least one turn at bat of 1M6 vlnUge, Wilson laid, ter. The important thing is that Innings or an hour and one-half Cleveland Sweeny Pipers out of Cleveland. 0.; and the Tech­ and one inning in the field. and the couple of bats were in every boy on every team in all time limit, whichever comes nical Tape Company’s Tack Tapers, an nnsuccessful entry in There is only one situation in even worse shape. five leagues is getting the op­ first. Ii^ Class AAA (10-11 year the 1959 National AAU Tournament, out of New Rochelle, N.Y. which a boy might find himself His magnanimous g e s t u r e portunity to play ball. olds) games can go six innings. e * The Major League games (12- sitting on the bench. Tbe young­ helped the boys, but it did not The Tapers, the last dub accepted, replaced the McDonald The 850 boys who are active 14 year olds) can go seven inn­ ster who misses several games solve it, McNevin stated. In an Scots of Lake Charles, La. The Scots, a colorful crowd-pleaser in the program will attest to ings if the boys are not running without telling the coach bis effort to meet tbe problem the from the bayou country, were offidally in the league less than that. The rules are set up In out of time. If time runs out and reason for being absent is league is asking each boy to two months and never played a league game. such a manner as to guarantee the teams are tied, the game likely to find himself warming contribute a quarter to a gen­ A LoDisUna law. recently declared unconstitutional by the that the maximum number of goes into tbe record as a tie. tbe bench untU his attendance eral fund. Of course any organ­ United States Supreme Court, prohibits -competition between boys see action In every game. The coaches In the league improves. ization that wishes to do its Negro and White athletes. The Scots, who reached the AAU This is the second year of part to make baseball possible + -h + tournament quarterfinals In 1957 and 1958, were forced to summer baseball for Catholic Many Problems , for tbe boys at Mt. St. Vincent's STANDINGS withdraw their entry from the league. youngsters in Denver. Joseph Home will not be turned down. MAJOR DIVISION Face Diroclort During the period when the Scots were in. an eastern and McNevin and John Payton, mem­ W L T Running an operation the size The league also needs more western division setup was planned. The plan has been can­ bers o f St. Vincent de Paul’s Holy FimUy ...... 4 0 0 men to umpire the games. Those St. PhUotnsnt'i ...... 3 0 0 of this one invites problems, celed at least for a year as has the annual east-west league Parish, were instrumental In the Next Proclout Blo<^ A ...... 3 0 0 and the directors have them. who are interested are urged all-star game at the end of the regular season. organization of the program. St. Jtmu' C - _____ 1 1 0 to contact the coaches of the RACE DRIVERS VISIT ST. VINCENT'S S t. Ro m of Uma’i A ...... I S O One of the most discouraging * * * Last year 425 boys turned out. team their son plays on. Those Next year, 1980, is an Olympic year. League officials St. Vincent'! Gold ...... I 1 0 vras tbe one encountered at Ht. SUNDAY, JUNE 14. a group of drivers from the Moat Precious Blood B ...ISO who do not have any.boys in decided any prolonging of the schedule, including division Fields Provided St. John's ...... 0 S 0 SL Vincent’s Home. Tom Wil­ Rocky Mountain Midget Racing Association visited Mt. S t. R o m of Lint's B . 0 3 0 son, one of tbe most scUve the program at present but ployoffs, would make for unnecessary difficulties at the end For 46 Teams St. VlDccal’i Rod ____ 0 S 0 St. Vincent's Orphanage. Denver. As entertainment for the chil­ backers, went out to the home who wish to do their part can of the season. It was encouraging to the C L A U A A A dren they also took along their midget race cars. Northwest Division to organize teams. find but how by calling Joseph The revised schedule calls for each team to play 32 league sponsors when the regis­ The children spent two hours climbing in. around, and over WIT The situation he ran into McNevin at RA. 2-4498. league g^es. Last year's schedule called for 30 games per Holy FtmUy Gold ...... 3 0 1 the cars, which fascinated them. After many questions were trations this year just kept com club. The Truckers, for example will play two games with St. ROM Of Lima’s A ...... 3 1 0 asked, and much fun was had, some of the children said that ing in, but it did create a very Holy FamUy Red each of the other entries on the Denver boards and two at Ht. St. VInccnfi Home . } I I they wanted to be race car drivers when they grew up. difficult problem. When you sites to be designated by the opponents. S L Ro m of Limt's B .0 3 The boys of ML St. Vincent's were guests of the association have 46 teaihs playing every St. Anthony's 0 Half 3 Price Sale * V week, what do you use for C LA S S A A A Jim Vickers of Wichita, current NIBL president, noted at the racing program held at the Englewood Speedway Saturday fields? S oulhtitl Division on all Bedding Plants that with the Investors in San Francisco and the Tapers evening, June 20. W L T SL Vincent’s Green ...... 4 0 0 planning 10 games in the New York metropolitan area and Jack DcSboh, local midget race driver, is shown above with a Fortunately, co-operation St. FhUoment’t Red ______4 0 0 Large Flats ...... $ 1 .6 9 possible games in Boston and , the organization group of boys from Mt. St. Vincent's and his race car. has been excellent. The men St. Vincent's White ______3 0 0 Most Predous Blood A ____ 2 1 0 Sm all Boxes—69c ...... 2 fo r $1.00 becomes the first and only coast-UK:oast basketball loop in running the league lined up St. Jemof' B lu e ...... 2 2 0 history. TO RUN SWIM FACILITIES the last necessary fields only St. James' Gold ...... 2 2 0 G e r a n in n is ...... 6 f o r $ 5 j0 0 SL PhUomaoa’S W hite ...... 1 . 3 0 Other league action included approval of a raise in pay hours before the start of Hoft Precious Blood B . .. 1 3 0 Groceries— Frozen Foods— Ice Cold Watermelon for referees to $100 per game. This is 15 per cent more than is league play. St. Vlncent’i Bed ...... I 3 0 CIOARETTIS — NO CITY TAX SL John's Green ...... 0 3 0 paid officials by any other league in the country. Full-Time Aide Added The City Recreation Depart SI. John’s Gold ______0 3 0 (To be continual ment is providing 14 fields two St. James’ Green ...... 0 3 0 C LA S S A WILD BILL'S sSL nights a f ^ k . and the City Northweil Divislen W L T 15 So. Slwrldtn — BE. Z-3S04 Water Department gave the St. Anthony's ____ ... _____3 0 0 Williams Rambler, is Athletic Staff league permission to use two Holy Fsmlly Blue ...... I 1 I fields on top of one of their Holy Family Green ______1 1 1 Arthur W, Kalehcr, 36. of feel it is time for a re-evaluation S I. R o m of Lima’s A ...... 1 1 0 reservoirs. S I. R o m of Llms's D .1 0 1 Authorised Rnmbler and A'asA 5a/e* & Serrire Louisville, Ky., was named and extension of our physical SCHWINN BIKES S t. Ro m el Lima's B ______1 3 I g Denver University authorized Wednesday to the full-time ath­ education and Intramural pro­ S t. Ro m of Lim t's C ...... I S O WHY SETTLE FOB ANYTHING LESS? i the use of three of their fields ML St. Vlncent’t Home ....000 letic staff at Regis College, Den- gram." Father Daly said. “We C LA S S A Expert iMeehanical Work-.%U Makes ver. should have a man who can de­ for league play, and Mt. Carmel SouHtoiSt Division TORNADO MODELS W L T Kaleher is currently assistant vote the majority of bis time to Parish, though not participating S t. V in c e n t’s B e d ...... 3 0 0 20" ...... $39.95 24’ * 26" ...... $4455 O p in football and basketball coach at these programs." this year, is letting the league SL James' Gold ...... 3 1 1 2030 S. University E v in in g i S H . 4 -2 7 8 1 SI. John’s Green ______t 0 0 KIDS . . . Come In and Pick Up Your Free Copy the Shepherdsville, Ky., High Kaleher may also work with use their field. Playing areas L John's Gold ...... - I 0 0 of Schwinn Bike Thrill Comics School. the head basketball coach. are also being provided by SL Junes' GrMR ______1 1 1 Meet Precious Blood 1 1 1 The Rev. Fred Daly. S.J.. Joe B. Hall, on the intercol­ Precious Blood Parish, St. SL Phllomens’s Bed ______1 1 0 AMERICAN CYCLERY Regis athletic director, said legiate sports program. He Thomas’ Seminary, Mt. SL Vin­ SL VBicent’s Green ...... 1 I 2 8L PhlJomena’s W hite ...... 0 2 1 1901 So. Broadway PE 3-S180 Kalehcr will work' primarily will join the Regis staff on cent's Home, and Regis. 8L Vincent's Blue 0 2 1 with the physical education and Sept. 1. intramural programs, and will Kaleher received his B.A. from the University of Louis­ ville in 1954, majoring in physi­ c a l education and political sci- jence, and is scheduled to re- Iceive his M.A. in education from I Louisville in August. I He and his wife. Lots, have I three children, Arthur, J., 10. and seven-year-old twins, Janet YPUR 'PARISH' SERVICE STATION FOR THE SAFETY OF YOUR GOODS ! and Janice. USE JOHNSON SERVICE ON EVERY MOVE j Kaleher has taught history Horo is n helpful directory. Look for the lilting of your AGENTS FUR UNITED VAN LINES, INC. ST. DOMINIC ST. JOSEPH -HOVINC WITH CARE EVERYWHERE" land assisted in basketball, foot- nearby "parish" service station. Its friendly operator 221 Broadway Daovor, Colorado ! ball, and swimming at two Louis­ is asking this speeiol means to invite your potronege. ville schools in addition to his 4 ^ You'll find that this extro friendliness is matched with Hal HUDSON present post at ShepherdsviUe. ONE PICKUP FOR DIRECT SERVICE ^ E L iy > cheerful service and expert attention for your car. He's For the past five summers be ready to serve you with gas and nil, tires, batteries, : has managed various awimming lubrication ond other convenient services. By "pulling wiHcvaaosi TO BOTH COASTS pools in the LouisviUe area, and is currently in charge of the Zion's Skelly Service in" at his station regularly, you will reciprocole his largest public pool in Louisville. friendliness and get the best in service. HOOD TIRES • WAIIIM* A Ttti IIRAtl — BATTERIES — ST. VINCENT de PAUL ST. PATRICK ■ MIABI»6 • BATTItllB p iJ u a o im K i 4 Him PACtIM *• POLlbillH* George Philbin Acceasories FT. LOGAN l - g g T I B I S Expert Lubrication UoMrn Sun luftrUg Eoulprrwfrf Virginia Carter Service PUNNING A flip IN AtVtMt Becomes Doctor Etf E. GalltQhcf, Op*fiiof Cen«l« m l W « G tM SAN Or«tn Stomp* 45th & JarkaoR Denver UU. 8-Lt67 swimming facilities when the de Sales’ Parish, Denver, was CARTEI OAS B OILS graduated from Cbieigbton Uni Op*n ; dart 4 WMk Service new $527,000 fieldhouse is com­ 7 A M . t e 7 P A L ' T t i E l l * versity School of Medicine, ST. PHILOMENA LOYOLA pleted on the campus late this Virginia & Vine PE. 3-7912 Origin*! Eavigmrii 3445 5. Fi4«tl Omaha, Neb., on June 3. ll«»lK«m*i>r Firli SU. 4.2ltl year. Bartlett's *ICfbLEVARD lAT Intramural Program He is a graduate of St. Fran­ cis de Sales’ High School and Stondord Complete Motor Tuning CATHEDRAL John & Ed Savard Will Be Exponded also of Regis College. ih*k frlnidt ( ) MMII Sm S nila in lornlr Ptriih “The new fieidhouse will give Dr. Philbin will serve his in­ Service W iikiH - S tttiltf Phil's Conoco Service Is lirgg In it liwlr us additional facilities, and we tership in St. Joseph's Hospital. 2101 I. Colfta Av*. CA 3-4245 s a FrM P kltt a Dtlittrr new iocillon Oa>, on, Tim, • x t r t L WMhinj, 475 MOBIL MOTOR SERVICE Pit Cempitft Orutlng, 4nd Smm CiMnIng. So. Colo. Blvd. OPENING JUNE 28 1001 8. Gaylord SP. 7-1974 COURTEOUS SERVICE Aft* $wkt EA. 2-9987 (Fornwrir *1 HOLY FAMILY 18th 4 bci) CURE D'ARS lA. S-9S2* An. d PMunvIvaiiid Expanded Camp St. Malo ST. FRANCIS BLAIACK'S Park Hill CHRIST THE KING Conoco Still Has Space for Boys Conoco standard Service 33rd and Holly Fahey's Sinclair Because of expansion of facili­ ;and information obtained, by Products ties at Camp St. Malo near, writing or calling the Rev. Rich­ 44Ui, Tennyson GR. 7-9968 FrM Flekup'B D tllrtry Service Y»ur N«tr«tt Canoce Lubrication Lubrication • Tires ■ Bafleries MMW T«M -M Dolce BttftrlM Eslcs Park, there is slill space ard Hiestcr, ISOl Pennsylvania Htrrr Cr»w« FR J-4443 Irak. Strviet for b o ^ who wish to attend one '■ CAR WASHINO Street. Denver 3. Colo ; MAJn Cemplatt Auto Sorvkt or more sessions this summer. !3-0233. MT. CARMEL MOTHER OF GOD W. A. (Dutch) Thomas lOlk a JuaiiM $1,_____ BE 3.4747 The camp, located in a strik-. Alimtdt 4 L«9«n PS 34B44 ing setting at the foot of Ml I IHE BU I IN LOGGAUb Vince's Stondord Service Walt A Ronnie's NOTRE DAME 41 •» ST. PATRICK Meeker on the South St. Vrain Wulll^ Highway, fc'ill open Sunday. SPEER & BANNOCK ACROSS FROM NOTRE SfMtiH June 28, according to the Rev. TEXACO DAME CHURCH Arrow Richard Hiestcr, director, and A c c n M r ttt Comultlt Lin* *f Ace*itorl*t will be open for seven weeks. O L 5 -*n « t1r«a, Strtirla Motor TuiM-vp • Lvb* Job Fr*« PKk-up tnd Otllrtry Service Station New Improvements 4MI T«lM SI. Acctutrln - Ctmtlft* Among improvements at the S K T kt Mwfflar ClMCfe-vp MIVI IN WITX CONflBENCZ OtM I m 4 Sltatpa CATES TIRES 4 BATTERIES TUMEJIf 4 HAKE SnVICE camp this year will be a new ST. BERNADETTE 3211 F«*i 175 t * M K l KE. 4 - m i Green Meadows stable erected for the horses SL 50737 Conoco Service provided for ihe boys The FrM Pickup ST. JOHN swimming pool has been sanded. Be Ahead A M l v i r y Wg Givt PIONEER Stdrtv* ST. JAMES I the baseball field is enlarged, w i t h 2145 i. Sk*rl4<* 'and the other facilities, such as Bernie's Texaco CHERRY WA 2-404* ' badminton and basketball courts, ® <^^APIT4£_ IIW WtdtwoHta ST. VINCENT DE PAUL BOB^SfeOUnSERVICE have been pul in first-class con­ Btriurd E. ltk*w o«d dition. UrtMD BE 3.4JI7 CREEK (^unselors at the camp are BOULEVARD BAY Export Autometlv* l•rvle• students for the priesthood new car ST. LOUIS SERVICE Tir*t—e«tt*r(4*—Lubricotion from St. Thomas’ Seminary. Ell W hllthtad, LntM 4 75 So. CoLt. Free Pkk^ji & Delnery [Denver, many of whom arc i\- APirAL. SAM'S CONOCO SERVICE mo servlet Inspection Station 1889 Guardian Savings goes to-4% Effective July SiH CfMih st«ckup A Dclivtty ^ 1st! Dividends are compounded semi-annually. Icamp IS the extensive hiking ? ICKBrtont ▼ Green Stamps John & Ed Savard 3298 S BrMdwBv i 439$ S. liotOwiv For Complete Every Guardian Savings account is insured program provided to many of S *m J F m Pick Up Afta Mivery will be hippy to serve you a p i t a u . Cen«6 ProOuCtl ^rtrndlv S^rvKt 271 UnIvtnity PR. 7"t7S7 (Form*rljr 4l E. 18th •r»d k«c<) to $10,000 by the Federal Savings and the magnificent spots of inier- Service - Stop est in adjoining Rocky Moun­ Loan Insurance Corporation. tain National Park, one of the in at the Save where it pays— safely! n-'.tion's most bcaiuiful areas of service mountain scencr> S e r v ic e TROSTEL BROS. If you wish to have your •\ registered nurse is on dul> FROM al the camp throughuni the Service Station listed, coll SINCLAIR STATION season y- J l A P I T A The fee for tHe camp is S30 Advertising— KE. 4-4205 8711 No. Washington ^ O A /U tg A per week, plus $5 for those ^ C h e v r o l e t Thornton, Cok>. who wish 10 have horseback ond L0A \ ASSOCIATION 13th Ave.BR0ADWAYt LINCOLN riding. TA-5-5I91 AT. 7-4460 1535 WEITON / 915 SEVENTEENTH / DENVER, COLORADO Resen'ations mav be made. PAGE TEN Office, 936 Bonnock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, Keystone 4-4205 Thiirtdoy, June 25, 1959

TwoNi/nsConducf mciteU^Hni Vacaffon School CHAPEL ROSE J . PHILLIPS, S2. Um S. Rirt> ran. Wheat RIdie: 'the brother of IL Auatgen of Chicago; brother of t«n. Sbe w u (be wl<« of Sllko P h il- Mrs. Edith fQuts. Loe Angeles. Calif.; Albert of Chicago, Ralph and Ivan Um ; th« mother of Robert Sendy, Mrs. Leath Yager and Frank Flem- Auatgen of Englevrood. Miriam Ken­ At Idaho Springs OF Keren, end Georfi PhiUlM. ell of Itkg. Pleasant View; Uward Flem nedy and Dorothy Condon of Chi­ Denver: tbe deughter of Mre. PbUo- tng, Mt. Hornaon; and Tbomaa Plem- cago. Requiem High ^ a t was of­ (St. Paul'.t Parish. meoe rerri; end tbe eleter of WU* Ing, Arvada. ReRUletn High Mass l> fered June 22 In St. H arv'i Church. PEACE Hem. Joenn^ Helen. Sem, Miry, being offered Thursday. June U . at UlUelon. Ntckela-Hlll Mortuao' Idaho Springs) George, end im le Pern. eU of Den­ t a-m. la St. Maty MafdaleDe'i VIROINtA MAS YOUNOSLOOD, Religious vacation school was 15M Lmitten Blvd. ver, end (he late Carl Pern. The Church. IntermcDl ML OUvat. Boule­ ta fa n t. of 228 Oalapago, She waa the LlttlMMi, Col*. Roeery *111 be recited Thursday, vard Uortuan. daughter of Mr. and M n. Bumes A. conducted June 6-21 by two June 2S. at IJO pjn. In (be Boule­ CLARA A - PEARSON, 73, 4»U KlDg Youagblood; granddaughter of Mr. Sisters of St. Joseph of Caron- vard Mortuary chapel, N. Speer at Stm t. She was tbe stater of Mrs. and Mrs. B. L. Youngblood. Daniel KederaJ Boulevard. Reoulem High Anna Blecba. Denver, and Prank Lo- Mlera. Gnvealde lervlces June 13. delet. Sister Rosarita and Sis­ Maaa wUI be pffered m dey. June mlca. Lemon Grove, Calif. Requiem Interment Mt. Olivet. Trevino Mon ter Charles Marie. On Thurs­ 26. at S ajn. In $L Antbooy of Pa- High Maaa was offered June U In tu a r}’. dua'e Churrh. tnlem enl Mt. Olivet. SI. Calhertne’a Church. Interment LUCY OONZALtt OARCIA. 63, of day, June 18. Archbishop Urban Boulevard Mortuary. HI. Olivet. Boulevard Mortuary. 24 Meade Street. Sbe waa the wife J. Vebr administered Confirma­ CARL H. FLIMINO, SI. M41 Bee- MAROARST A. DOHSRTV. 1048 of Manuel C. Garcia; m o th e r of ton Street. He waa the huaband of Milwaukee. She waa the mother of Henry Gonulaa of Denver; ntece of tion lo the following; Margaret nem lai: t h e fa th a r o f Agnea Gardner. Maiterson, Tex.; Josefita and Juanita Sanches of James Fitzgerald, W illia m Mn. Hargarct LeMrron: the fatber- Anne Sells. Salt Lake City, Utah; Raton, N. Max.; ahe la also survived In.law of Deltnar D. LeBarron; tbe Susan Sethalar and Kathryn H ^er, by five graadchUdren and nven Fisher. Michael Ace, Kenneth grandfather of Uar)orte Joy LeBar- Denver: WlHIan J. Doherty, Trln- gteat-grandchlldren. Requiem Maas Grillo. Tony Brezek, Thomas ehera: and Chariet A. Doherty, Ver- was offered June 24 In St. Cajetan's meje Park, N. Mex.; lifte r of James Church Intennent Mt. Olivet. Tre­ Brozek. Marion Petrovic, Bill J. and Joseph Caaaldy, Qeveland. vino Mortuary. Durham. Kim Jensen, Fred N. Hexj she la turvtvM also by 13 HELEN hULL, o f 22S Vv. F o u rth CHRIST THE KING PTA OFFICERS gnndcmJdren. She waa a member Avenue. She was the sister of Satur' Leighton, Ronald Le Clair. Don­ To lervo rtvoranUy . . . with f f f f f f of the Oaughteis of laabelli of nino and Kike Hernandez, Petrita Canon City, the Oblales of St. Bene­ Salazar: aunt of Fred Garcia; friend ald Haskins. Jerry Haskins, AT THE FINAL MEETING of Ihf PTA Frank Tully. second vice president; Mrs. John dltnlty and boauty .alway*, and dict, and the Altar and Rosary So- of Daniel Arias. Requiem Mass waa Newton Paul GriHin, Jerry Dunn, historian: back row, Mrs. Charles Mc- offorlng th* utmoat la eonildora- clew of St. Phllomenav Parish. Con­ offered June 22 in St. Cajetan's of Christ th«^ King School, Denver, the cluding services in Trtnldsd. Boule­ Church. Interment Mt. Olivet. Tre­ Buckley. Diane Blake, Linda Gurn, auditor; Mrs. George McCaddon, presi­ tio n . f f f f f f vard Mortuary. vino Mortuary. Blake, Phyllis Calabrese. Dixie above new officers were installed by Mrs. George dent; Mrs. Clinton Paul, out-going president; iO tIPH C. MINCIN, III, 11, of LILLIAN DURAN, o f 444$ C he ro­ 2129 S. Xavier Street. He was the kee Street. She was the daughter of Frye, Teresa Petrovic, Chyrie Learned, CPTL president: Left.to right, front Mrs. George Learned, CPTL president; Mrs. PY. 4-6376 son of Hr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Men- M r. an d Mra. E la y Duran; s is te r o f Tboennes, Dixie Waiters, Lucy row, Mrs. William Paukovlch, treasurer; Mrs. Herbert Flannery, Jr„ corresponding secretary; Who Wants To Be cln, Jr,; the brother of Kartn Ann, Bonifacio, Rodolfo, and Roaemary Alan Jay, and Mgr^ Loulse_ Hencln; D u ra n . Mrs. Jose Chavez: grand­ Ficklin. Janet Miller. Sally Don Christopher, first vice president; Mrs. and Mrs. VincentiReady, recording secretary. and the grandson of M r. and Mrs. Jo­ daughter of Isldora Montoya. Re- Guanella, Linda Holmes, and seph C. M en^. R^ulcni_Hlgb_HaasRMUlt _ . . . ulem Maas was offered June 19 In A CARBON COPY? w u offered June IS In Notre Dame at. Cajetan's Church. Interment Ml. Connie Riebel. Church. Interment ML Olivet. Olln- Olivet. Trevino Mortuary. On Sunday, June 21, tbe fol­ ger Mortuary. L U C Y J. OAINES, o f 1204 E . 24th Requiem at St. John's CORA ARCHULETA, 56. Of 1374 Avenue. She was the aunt of Audrey lowing children received their W. 43rd Street. She was the mother Look. Requiem Mass waa offered in First Communion: Kent Blake. of Mrs. Florence Selak, H n. Nancy Sacred Heart Church June 24. Inter­ NOBODY wanfa Id be «xaetly Hernandes, and Charles Archuleta, ment Mt. Olivet. Jerry Fitzgerald, Betty Brozek, For George McWilliams like everybody elae. Neither you all. of OatiUnd, Calif.. Mrs, Marie SARAH HARRISON. 74, Of 1213 Ceil Gargan, Lori Jensen, and Look Wflio's Selling Garcia and Dave Archuleta of Den­ Clarkson. Requiem High Mass was The Rt. Rev. Monsignor John Field included a color guard, nor your family wonts to dreaa Mary Scott. At Georgetown, or think or livo like duplieotea ver. and Mrs. Mary Ann Gomez, offered in the Cathedril June 20. In­ P. Moran, pastor, offered Re­ firing squad, and bugler. Manitou Springs; daughter of Mrs. terment Mt. Olivet. Jeanette and Victor Haskins and quiem High Mass for George C. of all ethera. Human lives are J. J. Pall, Gulnare; stater of Mrs. JAMES M. KILKER Mr, McWilliams, 48. had the Ford Trucks in Denver! NOT carbon copies) BlUe Gonxales, Denver, Mrs, Herman Requiem Maas was offered June 24 Ursula Wittek received First McWilliams in St. John the served on the editorial staff of Pals, Gulnare, Mrs. Eznima Mala, Oak In St. Augustine's Church, Brighton, Communion. Why, then, should your family's land. Calif., Mrs. Jean Barrego, Agu­ for James .V. KUker of Route I. Evangelist's Church. Denver, the Denver Catholic Register, final homo in the cemetery be ilar, Mrs. NonJe Townsend, S ilt L u e Brighton. Interment was in Mt. Oli­ Newton Paul Griffin was bap­ June 22. Interment was in Ft. 1937-39. He was aviation editor OW. Utah; tbe la also survived by vet Cemetery. tized, received First Commu Logan National Cemetery. A IT'S OFFICIAL! D e n ve r AuTo~ a duplicate of all olhert? You 19 gnodefaUdren. Bequlem High Mr. KUker died June 21 In Mercy o f the Denver Post at the time hove special memories of your Mass WSJ offered June 23 In St. Pat­ Hospital, Denver. He waa 79. nion and was confirmed. military escort from Lowry of his death and was that rick’s Church. Interment Mt. Olivet. B o m N o v . 15, 1B79, la D e n v e r, he mobile Dealers Association figures for Rrst people — a separate sentiment paper's space expert in follow­ and story to tell. Only a sepo- Capitol Mortuary. later moved to the Brighton area. EVA M. MARKS, « , of 1462 Ju­ He was employed as a farmer dur­ J9I IN VACATION SCHOOL ing the development of missiles. role m em orial.. . . YOUR symbol ing most of his life. four months of 1959 show that of 239 new lian. She was the wife of Ariateo Monsignor John B. CavanBgh, of YOUR memoriea.. . . wltl tell Marks; mother of Ernest and John H e waa a member of the Knights Harks, Mrs. Eugene Beasley. James of Columbus In Brighton, and the managing director of the Repis- YOUR story. B rig h to n E lka L o d g e N o. 1586. Ford trucks sold thru April by 11 area Ford Select e cemetery lot in a naonu- Marks. Mrs, H am Kortmeyer, Rob­ First Communion Class ert, Hlcbard, Mildred, Jenue. Elea­ Surviving are a daughter, Mias ter, gave the sermon at the Fu­ menl cemetery, where you may nor, Lawrenca, and Katherine Marks; Mary Ehlen KUker; (wo sons. James neral Mass. Present in the sanc­ dealers, Omeara's sold 9 0 .*.3 8 % of totol the Is also survived by seven grand­ H.. and David KUker, aU of Brigh. ovoid "row house" remembrance. ton; and seven grandchlldreni tuary were Monsignor Elmer J. children. Req^em High Mass la be­ Receives at St. Josephus ing offered M onday. June 2$, In MRS. MARY LABRIOLA Kolka, director of Catholic Denver Ford truck sales! Holy Ghost Church. Intennent will Requiem High Mass waa celebrated JACQUES BROS. be b ML Olivet. Hackentbal-Noonan June 22 In Our Lady of Mt. Carmel (St. Joseph's Parish, Golden) ver, tbe CCD of the parish, and Charities; the Rt. Rev. Monsi­ H o rtu e ry . Church, Denver, for Mrs. Mary La- gnor William Higgins, pastor of briola of 1922 W. 38th Avenue. In­ The following children made other laity. The teachers were .tfonumenfs o/ Oialinciion PAUL E. AUST9BN, 51, o f 1111 S. Windermere, Littleton. He was the terment was In Mt. Olivet Cemetery. their First Communion Sunday, Sister Thomas Marie, Sister St. Pbilomena's; and Monsignor. S in ce 1M2 husband of Helen V. Auatgen; father Mrs. Llbriola died June 18 In her Walter Canavan, pastor of the ho m e . She w aa 78. June 21: Catherine Michelle, Sister Fran­ MEARA of Paul Phillip and Nancy Louise 13700 W. 44tb Ave. HA. 4-79B4 Auatgen. Littleton; eon of the tate Born July 4. 1880, In July, she Mary Kathleen ^llen. Bealriz cis de Sales, Mrs. Doris Hinkle, Cathedral. Albert Nicholes Auatgen and Cora came to Denver In 1SS2. In 1895 she Priests present included Fa­ 1100 WEST COLFAX ESE Open Daily was married to the late Angelo La- Arrieche, Ellen Georgine Aver- Sharon Kotwica. Mary Lou Ko- i One Block East of Ht. Olivet on briola In Denver. mann, Michael Babb. Debbie rosec, Mrs. Cecil Fleebe, Mrs. thers Jerome Weinert, assistant ______. I _ W e st 44tb Surviving are three daughters, at Holy Ghost Church, and Rob­ Mrs. Louise Dursey and Mayme La- Benning, Mary Louise Casado, Lorane Wagenbach, Mrs. Carlin, briola of Denver, and Mrs. Frank Dennis Cox, Donald Cox, Scott Mrs. Moffett, Wally Dee, Mr. ert Durrie, assistant at St. Gallagher of Seattle: four sons, John's. Monsignor Moran con­ F lo ris t Jerry, George. Henry, and James, all de Louise. Bonnie Duncan. Deb­ Anderson, and Mrs. Jean O'Don- of Denver; two sisters, Roslna HJ- bie Foster, Andrea Fredrick, nel. ducted graveside ceremonies. cotta, and Angelina Francalscclo, A Rosary service was held in 1004 I.Sih St. both of Denver; eight grandchU- Donna Lee Gallegos. Catherine The First Communion picture dren and two groat-grvtdenUdren. Hamlin. James Hinkle. Donald the church June 21. Is a college education MAin 3-2279 Boulevard Mortuary handled the taken by Mr. Moffett will be on arrangementa. Hoefer, Douglas Kailey, Arnold Mr. McWilliams is survived MRS. THYRZA SHERMAN BECKER Kimminau, Robert Meunier, display after the Masses on Sun by bis wife, 745 Elizabeth Requiem H|gh Mass was offered day, June 28, at the religious out of reach for someone June 19 in SL Catherine's Church, Diana Perez, Linda Perez, Rob­ Street; a daughter, Mrs. Judy Denver, for Mrs. Thyrza Sherman ert Roberts. John Stuart, Re­ article counter in the back of Kluge: and two sons, Mike and The job of constant vigilance Becker of La Vets. the church. Mrs. Becker died June 12 In St. becca Stevens. Ron Eggleston, Sean, all of Denver. you love? or know? to protect that predoos eyesight is an obligation of Joseph's H o s p ita l. She w as To. Bruce Rich, and Dianna Young. The parish picnic will be Bom June 8. 1889, in Silver Creek. parents. For a life time of good eyenght your children Neb., ahe came to Ultletoo as a Also attending the 8 o'clock held on Sunday. July 12, at chUd and was educated In Denver the picnic area just this side need adequate light^ eye treatment and correction when Mass and receiving Communion schoo ls. In 1911 she w as m a rrie d to were the children who attend of tbe Teepees on U. S. High­ Requiem Slated indicated. Have your children's eyes checked regularly. tbe late Charles Jory, who was killed It needn’t b e. Is France In the flrat World War. the vacation school. This con­ way 40. The Holy Name So­ In 1919 she was married -to S. C. Becker In California. cluded the two-week vacation ciety will furnish the drinks. For Sarah Walsh Mrs. Becker waa a member of the school, which had an enroll­ Parishioners are to bring Altar GuUd In La Vets. SWIGERT BROS. Surviving are a daughter, Mn. ment of 191, and was con their own lunch, and there Dorothy Mattox, Denver: a slater. ducted by the Sisters of Loretto will be games for the children At St. Elizabeth the tril/#Cotlege Mrs. Laura, Holbrook, San Diego, 1550 Cdit/omia O|ltOD10tl*istS ftFystone 4-7051 Calif.; and a grandchild. from Holy Family School, Den and fun for all. The Rosary will be recited >r-»v Education Plan Thursday. June 25. at 8 p.m. in Better Vieion Good Sertrice V for Every Age At Right Prices the Boulevard Mortuary, S. V Colorado Boulevard at E. Mis- GLASSES INDIVIDUALLT STTLED cisfippi Avenue. Denver, for ) Mrs. Sarah M. Walsh of 1540 is a new and unique servica Logan Street. Solemn Requiem offered by the Colorado National to help Mass will be offered Friday, June 26, at 10 a.m. in S t Eliza­ young people get a college education. beth's Church, Denver. Inter­ e n v e r r y o o d s o ment will be in Mt. Olivet Ceme­ It enables parents to finatKe the ^ D ^ ^ C . tery. student's major college expenses MiK NMiR satft Vila ««Bris(iti Mrs. Walsh was the mother of Mother Marie Catherine of tbe for a period up to four years. • • M v iH H 4 7 III Sisters of St. Francis, who Cm^SwI.ltiiH iiMi •fabeA . «Uhm Mill teaches at St. Elizabeth's Acad­ emy, Alleghany, N. Y. Life insurance is available to guarantee Bom in April repayment of the loan and completion Come to our Infants' Shop 13. 1879, Mrs. Walsh came to Colorado and attended St. Pat­ of die student's college education program. before you pock up and go rick’s School in Denver. She and the former John P. Walsh It will pay you to investigate Biis plan. TRAVELING with Baby were married in Victor in 1901. Mr. Walsh died in 1931. For complete details, come in or calL She was a member of the

Third Order of St. Francis, the liuwMco m ill* m liiW * by IM Cipitoi Ufo Inanne* LCBA, and the Altar and Rosary CoiXHoy, O tm r, M m i 6o .. Society of St. Elizabeth's Parish. Surviving, in addition to Mother Marie Catherine, are an­ other daughter, Thelm a B. Robinson, Denver; a son, Ed­ ward R. Walsh, Denver; eight grandchildren, and 13 great­ NATIONAL*. BAN K OP DENVER grandchildren. IITH * CM4WP4 . eiHVIK, eOlOROeO - WlK.IItt MACHEBEUF HIGH ASSOCIATION OFFICERS Boulevard Mortuary bandied arrangementa. NEWLY ELECTED OFFICERS ofiand Mrs. Omer Hensen. corresponding secretary Machebeuf High Sctwol Association. Den-;c«>“Ple; and Mr- and Richard Foley, vice ver, were iiuUlled at the meeting May 26 byipresident couple: seated. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Siesto Stroller . . . in Folding High Chair . . . Mrs. George Learned, Catholic Parent-Teacher Hidkey, president couple; Sister Thomasine, hon- League president. lOrary president: Mrs. George Learned; and Mrs. two-tone green or aquo. folds 7’/2 " flat fully as­ ONE MORE BIG Pictured, left to right, standing, are .Mr. and Arlie Lease, recording secretary. 3-posi'tion reclining sembled. Chromium- Mrs. Melvin Barmettlor, treasurer couple; .Mr. CENTENNIAL WEEK! S^rolter-wolker w ith plated legs, stainless chrome-piated tubular steel tray. Upholstery steel handle and chossis. wipes clean with domp Mother Cabrini Novena Capro-MurpAy Canopy; eosy snap-out cloth. Red, yellow, fiesta We’ re Giving troy. Folds flat. w hite. Set at St. Pbilomena's IVedifiRg Held at 22.95 (St. Pbilomena's Parish. 'Tom Allen, .sponsored by Flour- 18.95 Denver) [csccnt Maintenance Co. In the Mother of God A public novena in honor of 8 and 9-year-age group, there are Silver Dollars :St. Frances Cabrini will begin,the While team coached by Dave ^ (Mother of God Parish, on Friday. June 26. al 7:30 p.m. McCIouskey and (he Red team Denver) and close on Sunday. July 5.'coached by Tom Hoffhines. with Janet Murphy, daughter of| with the 5 p.m. Mass. , Harris Auto Parts as the spon- Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Murphy, On Sunday the novena services j sor and Andrew J. Capra, son of Away! * will be held at the 5 p.m. Mass.. The Cub Scouts will hold a Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Capra, On all other days services will I pack meeting Friday. June 26. I were married Saturday morn­ be at 7:30 p.m. for the conven- al YiSO p.m , in the school audi- ing. June 20. before tbe Rev. We'll g^^you o silver dollar for ience of the parishioners. torium The cubs have been . Paul Reed. Father Reed also Si- Frances Cabrini was the working on projects of their offered the Nuptial Mass. Wit­ first U.S. citizen to he canon own solicitation for advance- nesses were Gene Schnabel and every S5 cleaning order you bring ized. Many miracles hate been!menl, and these projects will lJulia O'Rourke from Coeur accredited to her intercession.|be on display at the meeting. I d'Alene, Ida. us befween now ond Saturdoy! The novena will consist of pray-[Prizes will be awarded for tbe Both the bride and bride-1 Infonseot . . "world's ers and Benediction. .best*projects completed. groom are graduates of Cathe­ best baby sitter." Pedi- Baseball League Active i The Men's Club will meet at dral High School. The bride' I The Summer Baseball LeaguelCongress Park at 6 p.m. Thurs- was graduated from Loretto Qtricoliy correct to pro­ P lo y P e n ... of tubular |of the parish, under the direc- day. June 25. for a softball Heights College and the bride- NO GIMMICKS; FREE DOLLARS! vide support; use to steel and nylon net. 'tion of Sand) Brunetti. keeps a game. Following the game a groorti. now an engineer for corry 8oby or during Lightweight . . . folds 'busy schedule practicing each meeting will be held m the the Martin Co., from Notre feeding. Pink, blue or easily. Complete with its might and playing games Tues- school auditorium with refresh- Dame L'nivcrsily. maize plostic with re­ own woshoble plqstic idays and Thursdays. menis following, Pope John XXlil conferred’ versible pad and giant covered pod. Yellow, red i These teams are made up of The PTA needs more mem- .his blessing on the couple. They GIGANTIC rattle beads. or ton. 40"x40". , boys 12 to 14 years of age. called; bers for the Bowling League in 'will make their home at E. 22nd "the Majors." and coached by September, Registration must be Avenue and Newport Street. C LEANERS & L A U N D R Y Mr. Brunetti and sponsored by'made this week Anyone inter- Circle Will Meet 8.98 26.95 Ted’s Liquors. ested is asked to contact -Mrs. Queen of Heaven Circle will Among boys 10 and 11 years, Joseph Barry or Mrs. Marion meet at 12 noon Thursday. July Offer Good at ALL Stores Downtown, third floor Cherry Crook, tocond Door there arc two teams, the WhileFBialik. Lakedde. upper level 2. in the home of Mrs. Leonard team coached by Jim Leyden^ Prayers are requested for Wil- •A Tangney for a bridge lunch- :and the Red team coached byiiam F. Hahn, who is ill. ieon.

I fpiij? Thursday, Junt 25, 1959 Office, 935 Bonneck Sheet THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, Keystone 4*4205 PAGE ELEVEN


Phone KE. 4-4205 Today To Place Your Classified Ad in the Register — Ask For the Classified Department

PERSONALS CATERING 4A REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 33 MISC. FOR SALE 44 AUTOS (New) 59 ERUNILL NEW HEALTH SALON iWWWW bVWiVsSW 33—SL Bernadette’i Get Rid of Un-needables Am CONDITIONED S UCENSED OPERATORS "FOR Till through a REGISTER CLASSIFIED For sale by owner-luxury type AD. That Is where folks look when m ni< 9U . Hf$. 9 ijn . Is S p.m. BEST IN home In Applewood HlUi. 5 bdmu,, Neu)'S9 SW bolfiY loss Irssdwiy Open SUN. TA. S-fm theyth e y need things. PHONE KC. 4- FOODS" I bethe, large rcc. nn., beeuUful 4285. CaU yard. Must aeo—Price reduced for quick talc, BS. 74378. 1840 Apple- Building Molerioli 46A D r. Joh n J i. M iller wood Drive, Lakewood. Cklropodiil DIAL-A Fowl Spoeiaiul 33— SL Vincent’! NEW AND USED 2889 So. Belltlre m DINNER I ST. VINCENT’S SK . S-29SS BUILDING MATERIALS AC. 2-4891 Just four Uocki from this quellty Flumblny • Steel 0 Windows 1505 Dallas .w Per Fast Hema Oellverv I home tor large fim lly. Birch • D eera lark E M . 4 - im SPECIALIZING IN Chelee Prime kllcleen, h.w. heat 1 1 4 bathe, pan- By Appotnlmtitc Only ,Rib, ftaked Vlrgmle Ham, Sevtb-, aneled basament, three bedroomi Kerdy Wrecking t?eluae 2* CATHOUC $100 CASH 1938 S. Broadway SH. 44111 FINANCE REGISTER c u do so mucii for so to Churches. Schoole, Scouts, Alter FOR SALE JttUs. CaU CLASSIFIED TODAY at Societies, Guilds, etc, Phone AM. 2- KG . 4.4 2 0 $. BUYING OR SEIXING 1955 Monterey Mercury 9 pusen- f DREILING Heads of Precious Blood 19 Are Graduated 1144 or write Don Braun, 119 Z. ser stsllon wagon. Low mileage, w aeoTOR CO. Lewb SL, Wichita. REAL ESTATE? radio, beater, lutomatlc trane- In one of the largest lod most tie .o e mission, metal storage rack on WEST ALAMEDA MR. AHORNEY To Church**. School*. Cteb*. ScoaU important transactions of your life top. New premium tires end bet- Bazaar to Meet June 25 From 8th Grade of *nd Orgmelaallee*. Jn*( **U gs seek protesilonal advice thra Iv- tery. No trade. TA. 54824. For public DotJess uas tbs Dsn- Uc* of NatkiB* Deebl* Strength ■ene Halvorsen, DU. S-2M2 (28 yrs. (Most Precious Blood Parish, the religion school will stay in vsr Cstbollc Rsflstsr. Vanilla. Detail* Call; AM. I-IH S . agpertenee In appraising and aelUng Denver) the home of Mrs. Ward Phares, Refolar Iscal rates, rsptd, aeeu. real estate). Member of SL John’s Leadville School rite ferries on affldavits. P e rish . Furnifure For Sole 47 There will be a meeting of the 2375 South S t Paul, PEarl SITUATIONS WANTED— ------r r — r - : ______(Annuaclation Parish, Mail Your Legal UtilUat la bazaar committee chairmen on 3-7857, MALE 11 ANN LAMPERT, REALTOR Leadville) Office 324 Holly F L . M IS I Ibursday, June 25, at 8 p.m. On Sunday, June 29, melnbers DENVER CATHOLIC Man, In early Stf*. excellent heaJlb USED FURNITURE Special attractions will be a of St Monica’s Circle will re­ Nineteen students were grad­ desires any klhd of work (except REGISTER drlvtBg). CaU PS. S-SMl. On Tennyson Corner 2 Blocks Nprth of Elitch's Chevrolet station wagon and a ceive Communion In a group in uated June 7 from the eighth Cline & Hardesty $500 bond. One hundred silver the 10 o ’clock Mass. Following grade o f St. Mary’s School. They P.O. Box 1620 EDUCATION 13 F u ll size C oil S p rin g s ...... $ 1 .0 0 up were Kathleen Kehoe, Patsy dollars will be given to one of the Mass they will enjoy a Private musical Instruction on all b - "Sells Homes" Mattresses, full size ...... $ 1 .0 0 up the salesmen. brunch at the Cherry Hills Roybal, Joyce O'Connell. GaU NhTICB OF FINAL SETTLEMENT atruments by profeeHonal Instruct- ...... $ 9 9 .5 0 ori. Accordlona end guitars loaned Buffet, China, Ext. Table, 4 Chairs .. Country Club at 11:30 a.ro. Grant. Carolyn Pinamonti, Mar­ ESTATE OP GERTRUDE U. HILLS, S. J. TONIOLII, Agent Shortly, a box for donating also known as M. Gsrtrads Kills, free to beginners. Rose Occ. Chair ond O ttom an ...... $ 1 2 .5 0 trading stamps, to be used for To Honor Jubilarians garet Koucherik, Becky Vincent, Marls Gertrude MUls, Uarie C. Brentwood Music Studio AC. 2-7584 1020 Sherman So. Federel et Asfaury WE. 9-7193 Blue Sofo Bed ...... $ 2 2 .5 0 prizes, will be at the doors of Our Lady of the Mountains Rita Maez, Gloria Alires, Julia Hills, Mrs. Fred H. UUIs sad H n. F. M. MIUs, rDeceiied). Notre Dime Parishioner Red Sofa ond Chair,"very good ...... $ 9 9 .5 0 • the church. Circle will honor Mr. and Mrs. Mondragon, Rosemary Alires, N o . P 4567 . 4100 W. 49th ...... $ 1 9 .9 5 School to Start June 29 J. C. Broderick of this parish, Mary Irene Espinosa, Virginia Notice is hereby flven thit 1 2-bdrme., bemt., comer lot, nicely 2-Pe. Red Sofa ond C hair ...... Religious summer school will who are celebrating their 50tb Aldaz, Theresa Gutierrez, Don­ hive flled my final report In the Sybil Hosmer Spear landtcapied, beautiful family mom 8-Pc. Dining Room Set, round table ...... $ 2 9 .9 5 County Court of the City and with sliding doors onto patio, CaU start Monday, June 29, Monday wedding anniversary. The circle ald Tritz, Lawrence Kelly, Ar­ County of Denver, Colorado, and TeaehEr of Piano Bud. GE. 3-4168. Used Metoi Beds ...... >.... will sponsor a tea, to be given thur DuPont, Phyllis Jiminez, that any person deilrln( to object Red Platform Rocker, good ...... $ 1 7 .5 0 through Friday, inclusive, from to the same shaU file written objec­ Counes In Harmony and Peda­ Avery Realty in the home of Mrs. Fleenor, and Gloria Atencio. 3411 W. 72nd G E . 3 4 IM 9 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Bus sched- tion with the said eonrt on or be­ go gy. 4-Pc. Oak dresser, bed 3383 S. Corona Street, on Sun­ The graduation exercises were fo re J u ly 21, 19S9. i ules will be put up ne:rt Sunday. 1S44 Bellairs f r . 74139 chest, nite stand ...... $ 1 2 9 .5 0 held in the A nnunciation James W. Creamer. Attorney REAL ESTATE WANTED 35 I Bus passes ($3 for one, $5 for day, June 28. from 2 to 4 p.m. 4S4 H a je s U c B id e ., all over one child) are on sale, The tea will be in honor of the Church. The Rev. Leo M. Blach, Denver Z, Colo. USED APPLIANCES i The sisters who will teach at Brodericks. la s to r of St. Ignatius' Parish in Fred W. MUls. E x e c u to r Baby Sitter Service 15A For Result! L ilt W ith 8-ft. Westinqhouie Refriqerotor, quar...... $ 9 9 .5 0 langely, was the guest speaker. fPnbUsbed In The Denver Catholic Lady wants Child Care, pKferably 7 -ft. W estinghou se R e frig e ra to r, g u o r...... $ 9 9 .5 0 . History Display R e flfte r ) North Denver. B ully preffr infant John F. Bruno First Publication June 11, Itsa care In their home. CE. 34S32. Servel Gas Refrigerator...... $ 1 9 .5 0 Several history projects pre­ Lest PubUcatlon, July S, fan. pared by the fifUi, sixth, HOUSES— Realtor 3 6 -in c h (3os R a n g e ...... $ 2 5 .0 0 NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT 40-inch Electric Range ...... $ 6 9 .5 0 seventh,‘ and eighth grade stu­ ESTATE OF JOHN LUND (De- UNFURNISHED 24 EAST OFFICE ^ dents were on dlsplsy June 5-15 esased). £**t 23ad A Kaarficy No. P.)lt07 3936 Zunl St., near Ml. Carmel HL D E . 3 - 4 2 M in the Cinderella Shop window, Notice U hereby siren that I bare S-rooms, modern, with refrtgerator. GRIMSLEY FURNITURE CO. through the courtesy of Edward fUed my final report In the County SOUTH UFKICE Court of the City end County of 1I80 S. Cslarwd* Blvd. Open Evenings 'til S Liberal Terms 5HINN PHARMACY L. (Ned) Mitchell. Denver, Colorado, and that toy per­ Unfumithed Apt. 26 9 K . 8 - 1 8 7 7 The seventh and eighth grade son desirtne to object to the same f-rooms, newly decorated, Stove, re- 3985 Tennyson St. G L . 5 -1 3 9 4 “ loMT Parish DrugUon” shall fUa written objacUoa with the pupils spent many months in frtgaralor, garage. UUUtiei paid. ED 2-1035 and HU 2-1036 said court on or befora July U, 2nd. floor. S79. SL Domlnk's. 2834 Want 4-Room House • the historical research of the 1998. Vr. 34th Ave. GR. 74469. Northern Hotel Bldg. “Nortlurn Coiorado’i JOHN LUND, JR., EXECUTOR In HL Camel or SL Patrick's Par­ city. Each youngster was as­ ishes. Trade email double. GR. 74252 Lading Dtpnrtmtnl S fo r e ” Thomas E. HcCsrthy The Store with a Smile signed a particular task to com­ SQ2 MUs HUh Centar OFFICES and STORES or C L 94477, Denver 2, Colorido Ace Reeltv Co., Realtor pile the book of Leadville, AHberst 84731 FOR RENT 28A 5297 Stuart St. ONE DOLLAR SPECIAL which was included in the ex­ (FubUahed In The Denver Catholic R e e ls te rl For Leaae—newly decanted for bus­ PIANOS, MUSICAL To Introduce Yoa to the H eeler Classified Seelion hibit. Among the handicrafts men or office, 1 1 8 0 sq . f t . 1 0 6 8 Please Patronize F irs t P u b U cstlo n J u n e 4. 1959 South Gaylord. SP. 748(13. Blythe-Goodrich was a Spanish mission, beauti­ Last Publication July 2, 1999 INSTRUMENTS 39 Your REGISTER SHOP areund then aav our piano FOR $1.00 YOU o n 20 WORDS OR LESS iMortuory fully created by Terry Meyer of NOTICE OF HEARINO OF PETITION TO SELL REAL ESTATE Business Opportunities 30 valiM E . Advertisers and the sixth grade. TOM WALKER PIANOS TO BUY, SUL OR SWAP Ambulance Service IN THE COUNTY COURT Block Plant For Salt Easy Perking Other interesting items were: In and for th t City and County of Jack W . GtHtdrich Mention W rite to Kersey Block Co. 134$ 9. Bdwy. SP. 7.73M Lake dwellers, by N a d y n e Denver and State of Colorado Kersey, Colo. rax IN COUPON 1 WORD PER BOX HU. 2-3206 No. P.13238 THE REGISTER Pacheco, grade six; covered IN THE MATTER OF THE ECTATE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 33 wagons by Joan Green and OF MARY REUTER, alio known ss Brentwood Music Studio iiwwnaayiinM iiiwiaiwiuiMJB r a ^ Daniel Stewart, both grade five; MARY M. REUTER and HISS MARY H. REUTER, Ward. 36— All Saints' Seles and rentals of new snd used catapult by Jack Frank, grade musical Instnim cnti. Accordions The People of the State of Colo­ and gUUari loaned free to beftn- six; medieval rock thrower by rado. to Mary Reuter, aka Mary M. BY OWNER HARVEY PARK o e ri. Colorado Springs Don Youmans. grade six; doll Reuter and Misa Maiy M. Reutsr, Ward, Denver, Colondo; Andrew iiutchlason brick S-bdrm, full So. F e d e re l e t A s b u ry W l. S-7993 iiiiinrriiByinit*iiiriHnMniBii>jiiifia[f» wardrobe by Sheryl Moffett, Wysowateky. Coasem tor of the Es­ dlnlngm. with sliding door to Notre Dame Parishioner grade six; and models of the tate of Mary Reuter, also known as covered pitlo with full min, Mary U. Reuter and Hiss Mary H. view. Poll bsmt. ettacbed gar, Lincoln period by James Kou­ Reuter, Ward; Mrs. Billy Dee. Los fenced yard. Near achool. shop­ SEWING MACHINES 40 J. U. CROUCH cherik, grade seven. Angeles, C allfom la^rs. Leonard Os­ ping center, bus. C. D. O'BRIEN • borne, Richland, Wishlnstoo, Ma­ 3979 W. Oartmovlli WE. 4-1191 Clay models of the pyramids W lilte Rotary, perfect eond„ beauti­ M AY REALTY thew Reuter, Address unkown; end ful walnut cab. Sews fwd. and rev., were created by Thomas Jimi­ Robert Schiff, Atty., 104 Broadwsy, with ittachmenti. S58 w ill finance. Denver, Colorado, Guardian ad 33— .All Seals’ S U . 14032. nez, grade lix, and prehistoric Litem for unknown heirs and tU a jp 11.00 TO IT AND MAIL TO REALTOR animals by Danny Hoffman, persoDS under Isfal dUabllity. Near All Souls’ School NSCCHt CONSOLE Near new, xlg-zaga, monograms, over­ Persons in Interest In said estate, Assume Lers# 01 Loan ClasEined Adverliaing, The Resiater, grade six. A scrap book of the 3-bdnns., IM baths, rooted patio, il- casting and many applique designs. GREETING; Also buttonholes end nukes deco­ INSURANCE . LOANS Lincoln age prepared by James You are hereby notified that on tacbed garage, fenced. Jennie Nau. S U . 1-7837. rative designs. Assume our last 5 Box 1620, Denver 1. Colo., or Phone It In to KE. 4-4205 Koucherik and an authentic this 19th day of June, A.D. 1999. Ao- payments of 86.88 per month. No copy of the Gettysburg address drew Wysuwateky, Conservator of Riebling Realtor, PE. 3-3718 equity required. GC. 34795. T e jo ii tald estate, presented to and filed In 725 N. St. acquired by Gene Mattinson, Slid court his petition for the sale 1890 E. Evans Quality Apparel of certain real estate belonging to Colorado Springe, Colo. both of the seventh grade, were said estate and situate In the City 33— Blessed Sacrament IN COU3RAOO SFIUNCS displayed. and County of Danver and State of S IN C E 1872 2094 tUDORA—H block to Blessed Other scrapbooks included in Colorado, more fully described In SERVICE DIRECTORY ME. S-7751 stid petition, reference to whkh is Secramenl. By owner — S-nn. bunga­ Kiowa and Tajon Straatt the exhibit were “Our Old hereby made. ' low, f.f. bsmt., 2 fplacee, V^Ulnds, h.w. boat, fenced yard, large garage. KE. 4-420S World Background" by Connie You are further notified to ippear end easwer or otherwise plead to F R 7-8443. Gray, grade six; "Maps of the said peUtloo In writing on or before Park HUI 6-rm. brick bungalow srith- The Heyse Sheet World" by Tana Lewis, grade the 3rd day of August. A.D. 1999, the tn walking distance of Keeacd Sac­ Please Patronize day eel for the hearing thereof, or rament Church, School, FarrUly-rre., ASH HAULING GUTTERS ROOFING & REMODELING seven; "My History Scrapbook” on or before the day to which such bdrm., Ule both, cedar41ned closet* Your REGISTER M e ta l & R o o fin g ; hearing m » be adjourned, or sold M iller Trash OervM* by Patricia Koucherik, grade In ba n t EA. 2-1976, evenings. PKkup Saturday AL. 9-im A Drip Around INCORTORAICO petition w ill be taken for confessed. Advertisers and six; “Presidents of the United Given under my hand and the seel 33—Christ the King The House? Call HEATING ROOFING States" by Phyllis Jimiaez, of laid court at Denvar, In the City SHAFFER'S RUBBISH Gntters Spouts Mention SHeei MEIAL and County of Denver and Stata cn CHRIST THE KINO. Newer 4-bdrm- REMOVAL Ws Bpoeiulixu bi Cutlur grade eight; “Picture Story of 2 baths, 27 ft. Uv’nn.. separate din- Pb«9*> ME 2-4ese e«L isai Colorado, this ISth day of June, A.D. COMMERCIAL AND Spout RopUcMBOOl THE VILLAGE THE REGISTER America" by Paula Trevethan, 1999. nn.. elec, kit., f. bsmt. us $0 NEVADA VICTOR B. GRANDY, Dora Wolf Realty DS. 34114 RESIDENTIAL Cottoro Guauuri a» 4 R a p o lr o * grade five; and “ United Nations Clerk of the County Court REASONABLE RATES Ihovouffclp Cup«rt««co4 ROOFER Pete Beroni Flags" by Samuel Chaveg, Celia By Martin J. FInnerty, Sr., CHRIST THE JONG AL. 5^3310 DopeeduhU. Pacheco, and Tana Lewis of Deputy Clerk 712 Forest: Charming 3-bdrm. Repairs Ohr SpecUltT Fornitiire Shop Dr. John A. Ordahi (Published in The Denver Catholic bungalow (large rooms and BRICK . UPHOLS1ERING grade seven and Julia Mon- R e g H te r) plenty of closets), f.f. bemt., 141 American Roofing All type* of roofing. Gutters ' RE-UFHOLSTRRmc AND OPTOMBTatSy dragon and Phyllis Jiminez of F irs t P u b lic a tio n , J u n e IB, 1999 baths, 2-car garage. Priced under Flreplacee. brick repair, potntlu and Downspots. Work Guar­ R Z P A n W C L u t P ubU esU on, J u ly 18, 1999 tftlmatce. BUD NOLAN. DE. 34E90 m NORTH TBJON STREET grade eight. Three historic S26JM0. Uoyd Mansfield. FL. Sheet Metal Co. anteed. Denver metropolitan SUa C«*«n mm* M B . 2-U41 NOTICE TO CREDITORS 9-1406. Mad. M Or*mt drawings of Leadville were Building and Remodeling area licensed. All Catholic COLORADO SPRINGS, COLO. ESTATE OF AUCE SWEET HAT- CH 4-3486 21J7 Downing emplt^ees. Paraitvra Mads la Ordar made by Samuel Chavez, grade SON (Decoaaedl. MOORE RsmodeUng. addlUona, flnlsbed base­ A l i n 6 Ojm. SU. l-toas 5 S 4 -a t 1 W a b M ttfe A t ME S-a40l' seven, and . Arthur DuPont, No. P-184I4 Resifor PE. 34911 ment rooms, tile flom . Uceased Hank I-arsen A ll persons having claims agslnst and Insured. HcKelvey. Hembvr of AB Seels Pansk grade eight. the above named estate are re­ 33— Holy Family RA. 2 1349 S P . 74942 1240 LitUeton Blvd. quired to file them for allowance PY. 4-2138 In the County Court of the City Older Zatory brick near Holy Fam­ CARPENTER WORK u |» *’ DRIVE IN LEGAL NOTICES and County of Denver, Colorado, on ily. 6-bdrms., 2 baths or 3-bdnns. or before the I2lb day of Decem­ for owner plus separate rental. For sny remodeling In your home LINEN SERVICE Odd Jobe My Specially Double garage. 4477 W olff. Home Repairs; Painting. Cabinet­ NOTICE OF HEARING OF PETITION ber, 19U. or said claims shall be — Inside or out — MOTEL forever barred. Call Jack Ral* MOUNTAIN work. Remodeling. All work guar­ TO SELL OR MORTOAGE REAL 4589 NEWTON—VACANT. 810900; anteed. J. AL Rebchmen. EA. 2-3230. ESTATE Andrew Wysowateky, S64 mo. PJ.T.I. 2 baths, gas, h.w. AC. 2-149* O L. 9-3828 TOWEL A SUPPLY CO. J IN THE COUNTY COURT Administrator heat, full bsmt., dbl. brick garage. Htmbei of PreMDtsUon Pariah Stay with “Joy" B. W. Beektas. Haneg*' In and for the City and County of (Published in The Denver CethoUe Good rental. Good for large family 2090 S. Grant KA . 2-7041 820 N. Narada Denver and the Stale of Colorado R e g is te r) home. Currier, GL S4IS4 or £A. CEMENT WORK ROOF WORK N o. P 4845 F ir s t P u b lic a tio n . J u n e 11, 1999 2-7227. New roofs Installed, roofs re­ IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE Last PubUcaUon July 9. 1959. PAINTING ^Z£CHA & ADAMS] OF KATHERINE WATERMAN, Holy Family, 4-bedrooms, full t)ur- CEMENT WORK paired and guaranteed, roof also known as KATHERINE HEAD iseol. new furnsce. By owner. Res- Call An Batabllehed Deeontet palnUng and OlUng, immediate CoDDCo 5«rri€9 Sution < WATERMAN and KATHERINE sonsble. 4S37 -Newton. Drivel, patio floors, retaining 20 Years In Denver PalaUag - Texturing ■ Pepering serviee, reasonable. MEADE WATERMAN, Deceased. well*, brick and block work. Im­ The People of the Siste of Colo- 33— Lady of Lonrdes F retee e Estimate...... — Reasonable mediate service, reasonable. W. R. McKelvy SP. 74542 PE. 3-8969 rtdo. to William Head. EUubeth lOM Near Lady of Lourdes. 2186 S. Emer­ Hager, and Edward W. Head, per­ son. A belter older home. 34Klrras. sons In Interest In said estate, TO Very good location, close to bus, PE. 34)969 GREETING: schools. Owner. PE. 34192. PALVriNG Trash Hauling You are hereby notified that on BestdentlaL commarelaL Very An. %% CacIi# this lllb day of Juna.^AJl. 1919. An­ 33— St. Catherine's Parish drew Wysowateky. Administrator of CURTAIN LAUNDRIES neat and tboreugb painting, roofs TRASH HAULING said estate, presented to and filed Auy Plaee In MeiropcUtan Denver 3385 W. CLYDE PL. FRANUS LACE CURTAIN CLEAN- painted and oUed. Immediate Dey or Night Calls Please Patronize In said court hla petition for the LARGE RRS, CURTAINS. CROCHETED service, reasonable. sale of certain real estate belonging Rent W ith Option to Buy E A . 24998 Aley Drug Co. TABLECLOTHS, DRAPERIES. 3430 High StTMt to said aetata and alcuilt In the City Price reduced. Vecant. Owner out of Your REGISTER town. St. Catherine’s Parish, Open BLANKETS. SPREADS, LINEd and County of Denver and Stale of PE. 3-8969 , PRESCRIPTION OR SMALL NEEDS Sunday 2 to 9 pjn. Call Hr. HUUgan, CLEA.SCD BY IATE8T METHODS. Colorado, more fully described In UPHOLSTERERS Advertisers and W E . S-I9B1. HAND PRESSED ONLY. 1219 DRUGGISTS said petition, reference to which Is SOLVED QUICKLY KALAHATU. TA. 94SZ7. Mention hereby made. JAMES A. HICKAM PROF. QUILTING He-Upbolstering by ralalble Arm. Pk. ME. 4-ISOS SS2 So. Ttiew 9l You are further notlfled to appear RA. 2-2121 Raaltor 308 S. Broadway DRUGGISTS 31 ysare axperianeo—te rn . THE REGISTER COLORADO SPRINGS and answer or otherwise plead to Alaski OuUtlng Shop Machine quilt Ft m EtUmate AC. 3-1373 said petition In writing on or before P h o n o St. Catherine’s Parish YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS tng, remodeled down and wool com NATIO.-vAL UPHOLSTERY the 27th day of July. A.D. 1999, the wlU be ruled correctly at 2145 Court HI. near East 28U) Ave. day set foi; the hearing thereof, or By Owner. 2'bdnn. borne, fenced forte. Wool bam fur sals. 9421 E yard. 1 block from scbool. Immedi­ WASHINGTON PARK PHARMACY 3rd Ave. DU. 8-2662. on or before the day to which the Pb. SP. 74679 lOK South Gaylord hearing may be idjoumed, or said KE. 4-4205 ate Poaaesaion. Only S8J90. 4309 WALLPAPER, PAINTS pellcJon w ill be taken for confessed. Blot SL GU S-TOa. GUTTERS REMODELING The Murray Drug Co. Given under my band and the sea] Wallpaper—lOe a roll and op. Komac of said court at Denver, In the City 1 33— St. James' paints, paper haaglAg, free ectlmate. PraKriptiaa* Aeearataly Fitlad and County of Denver and Stale of Say “Charge It” KE. 4409 969 SaoU Fe Dr, Colorado, this U lh day of June, A.D. 1920 KRAMERIA GUTTER WORK REMODELING Main Slore— 116 B. Pikes Peak MR. 2*1.593 1999. Beautiful Zatory Colonial by owner, AddlUone, convenions, modern­ VENETIAN BLINDS VICTOR B, GRANDY. ('enter hall, all electric, ceramic tile New gutters installed, guUera re­ ising. basAnents dug and fin­ ISorth Store — R32 Tejon MR. d-IRfil I Cleik of the County Court kitchen. 3 baths, f.f. bsmt., 2 full paired and guaranteed. Immedi­ I B> .s Paul W. Pomponlo sire twin bdrnu., I large mister ished, inunedlats aervlce, reison- ADORN REGISTER WANT ADS ate urrlqe, reaaooable. WINDOW SHADE CO. I Deputy Clark bdrm. Luxuriously landscaped, 137.- tble. 8year financing. PROFESSIONAL PHARMACY I (Published In The Denver Catholic 500. Life Insurance loan of 925,000 New atksdei end Venetian bllndt I Register) t at 5194.00 per month aviUablo. Call PE. 3-8%9 PE. 3-8969 made la order. Shades cleaned and 501 North Tejon MR. 4.5311 i F l n l P u b llc itliia , J u n e 29. 1999 lor appototreenL EA. :4E23 or KE. rep^red. K liich Drapery Hardware. (Last Publication July 22. 1999 Do Jobs In a Hurryl 4-7178. AC. 2-4473 1047 Breattway PAGE TWELVE T*l«phsne, K«ytten* 4-4205 THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER CHict, 938 Bannock Stroot Thuridoy, Juno 25, 1959

f i t


B E W E E ! the second annual NOTRE DAME BAZAAR

*RAIN JUNE 2 6 th - 2 7 th - 2 8 th OR Join the fun at West’Evans and South Sheridan

BAKED HAM DINNER-SUNDAY, JUNE 28TH 2 :0 0 P M . TO 7:00 P.M. Adults $1.50 Children 75c


' Nightly COME ONE Attendance ■ Amusements Gifts and Prizes COME ALL ■ and Pony Rides games of skill for Fun and Prizes Plenty of free 1 for the children all age groups for the Entire parking Family

Compliments of Best wishes to Father Koontis and Parishioners RIVIERA DRIVE IN Of Notre Dame for a most successful bazaar / YOUR FAVORITE EATING SPOT Featuring Our DeUcioua n u z m MAfi-LEE MANOR SHOPPING CENTER 19c BURGER Real Estate, Insurance, Notary WEST FLORIDA AND SOUTH TENNYSON —Across Sheridan from C hurch- 1936 So. Broadway SH. 4-3318 2165 SO. SHERIDAN BLVD. MAR-LEE REXALL DRUG DOLLY MADISON LJ PASTRY SHOP BALL MUSIC STORE r Serving Notre Dame Area MAR-LEE RESTAURANT & LOUNGE Compliments o f a HESTED’S STORES Your Neighborhood Realtor BOLTON’S SHOE STORE A. G. EAKER CO. MAR-LEE BARBER SHOP Duncan GAMBLES STOKER AUTO STORES and GIGANTIC CLEANERS Friend DYERS CONOCO Duncan SUZANNE SHOPPE ALLSTATE INSURANCE WE. 6-2331 2187 South Sheridan VOGT SHOE SERVICE MAR-LEE LIQUOR STORE Compiimentt of (arving Rraakfatt, Lvnch and Dinnar MAR-LEE BEAUTY SALON MILLER’S SUPER MARKET Green Meodows Conoco Service BEAR VALLEY INN WEE MODERN CHILDREN’S SHOP WESTINGHOUSE LAUNDROMAT Catartaif ra Pamrilt$ Yevr Pivertta Cpcktill 2195 So. Sheridan JIN (a . fhariOan —««ron th* rintt from N««r* D*m* Churc)^ In tha Rtar Valtar thanplnf Cantar Autemotiv* tarvic* Pham WA. 240M Opan I ajn. ta I ajn.

CompUmanO of c a n i.c « , uphehttrlng y w i 900* il> p c a m s r«4 IntKilitM m M tproa* MODEL'S DRUG SHERIDAN LIQUORS ONE HOUR MARTINIZING im .APERIES Pru triptUm SptetaUiU C0LLCO6 View IHTfRIORS U A R VALLCY IHOPPIHO CINTIR (PACKAGE) 14S5 So. Sheridan m i Sovth PaOtral ULCARO IHOPPINO CINTIR 1274 So. Sheridan “ T he mo*t in irr dtomintl'' DCS V IA COLORADO tA tlA W R SHOPPIN9 CINTIR tHtaiDAN SHOePINO CINTIR W A J.J336 tarM ra La Oalla, CemuHartI Phans tU. t.Mar RM H«hM, Owiwr PtwiM Wl. Service Satisfactiea Sarinfi