
Subject: Footsteps of American Audience: Cub and Boy Scout Leaders

Are you looking for some additional activities?

Footstep of American Saints

Share the lives of these remarkable individuals with the youth in your unit and find out how they made an impact on the Catholic American landscape. Maybe…just maybe…one of these Saints lives will touch your youth and inspire them while they are on their faith journey.

There are 10 activities to pick from each year. Work on them individually or as a group. Earn one or collect them all. No matter how you decide to use this program, you will be amazed by their accomplishments.

Available Activities Future Activities

Saint Saint Isidore (the Farmer) (Jan 2010) Saint Blessed Junípero Serra (Jan 2010) Blessed Blessed Carlos Rodriguez (Jan 2010) Saint Peter Claver Saint Camillus de Lellis (Jan 2010) Saint Isaac Jogues Saint Jane Frances de Chantal (Jan 2010) Saint Blessed Marie-Rose Durocher (Jan 2011) Blessed André Bessette Saint Paul of the Cross (Jan 2011) Blessed Mother Saint Rose Philippine Duchesne (Jan 2011) Saint Katherine Drexel Blessed Miguel Agustin Pro (Jan 2011) Blessed Damien of Our Lady of Guadalupe (Jan 2011)

For more information about this program, visit our National Catholic Committee on Scouting website or email us at [email protected] .

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Are you looking for an activity to work on with your unit or family?

The Footsteps of American Saints activities are a great way to share the lives of several remarkable individuals that helped shape the Catholic American landscape.

There are 10 Saint activities to pick from. Work on them individually or as a group. Earn one or collect them all. No matter how you decide to use this program, you will be amazed by their accomplishments.
