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DENVER Catuaic Woman Hopelessly III Is Cured

DENVER Catuaic Woman Hopelessly III Is Cured

Member of 'Audit Bureau of Circulations 6ont«8tt Copyrighted by the Catholic Preu Soeioty, Ine. 1947—Permiuion to Raprodnca, Except e» Articles Otherwise Harked. Giren After 12 M. Friday FoUowint Isatio Woman Hopelessly III Is Cured DENVER CATUaiC Doctor Flatly Calls Plans Made to Accommodate It ‘Miracle;’ Came Thousands of Pilgrims July 6 REGISTER » » After Devotions to The National Catholic Welfare Conference News Service Applies The Denv* Catholic Register. We Preparations havp been made to accommodate at least 10,000 pilgrims atT!he St. Fran­ Have Also the International News,Service (Wire and Mafi), a Large Special Service, .Seven Soialler cis Xavier Cabrini memoHal, above Golden, for the first annual pilgrimage to be held Services, NCWC and Religious News Photos (3 cents per copy) Sunday afternoon, July 6, at 3 o’clock. State and Denver policemen tvill direct automobile traffic and care for the parking of cars in and near the grounds of the . VOL. XLU. No.' 44. DENVER, COLO., THURSDAY, JUNE 26, 1947. $1 PER YEAR. St. Frances Cabrini The policemen have decided that all cars will enter by way of the Mt. Lookout high­ By J ames T. F oxy way, U. S. highway No. 6, and leave by U. S. highway No. 40. By this procedure, the auto­ An old Denver Italian woman mobile traffic will not be the prob- had faith—great faith—in the Only 26, Educator lem it was feared that it would 4 in Family Serve Field Mass at Boy Scout Camporee Has Brilliant Record be at the time of the pilnimage. power of the nation’s first citiren- The members of the Knights of Long as Religious , Frances Xavier Cabrini, and Columbus, the Columbian Squires, of St. Anthony. and the Catholic Boy Scoute will A year ago she was a hopeless assist the police departments in DENVER I PROF. directing the pilgrims. The roads incurable. At least six doctors, in­ have been widened, and electricity cluding one specialist, had told her has been connected on the grounds so. T ^ay she is completely well. of the memorial shrine. No trace of her malady, for which Grotto Altar li Gift medical science knows no cure, re­ The pilgrimage processional, mains. with the Most Blessed Sacrament, Her doctor, one of Den­ ■will begin from the chapel of the ver’s best known Catholic RE STRDV RLURS main building and terminate at the RDIDEN JRDIIEE snrgeons, who has asked that Grotto of Mother Cabrini, in all his name be withheld, says By Dino Orlandi approximately a quarter of a mile. ^ Some evidence that religious life flatly that it is a miracle. It That there should be more study The new, beautiful, and spacious IS not only spiritually healthgiving, is at least an extraordinary clubs interpreting current events altar in the grotto is a gift of an but physically beneficial has been cure. in the light of Catholic philosophy anonymous donor. Preceded by brought to notice by the visit at The woman is Mrs. Vivian Ci- is the conviction of Malcolm D. Archbishop Urban J. Vehr in the Loretto Heights college of Brother nocco, who once walked the .same Crawford, a new faculty member processioji. Monsignor Charles H. Alexander Mattingly of the of the University of Denver’s col­ Hagus will carry the Host and ceL North-side streets as did St. Fran­ Brothers of St. . lege of law. He is teaching in the ebrate Benediction of the Most He has spent the past two weeks ces. She is a member of the new fields of corporate and labor law Blessed Sacrament, assisted by the visiting his elder sister. Sister Our Lady of Grace mission parish and serves as executive secretary Very Rev. Harold V. Campbell as Mary Ruth of the college, who has in Elyria and mother of Steve of • the university’s research bu­ deacon, the Very Rev. Felix Reit- spent more than 56 years as a lingshofer, O.F.M., as kubdeacon, Cinocco, well known in local ath­ reaus. I^rettine. This privilege was given A Catholic convert, Crawford and the Rev. Edward J. Fraezkow- him in honor of his own 50th year letic circles. is especially enthusiastic over the ski as the master of ceremonies. as a Xaverian Brother. The only “The doctors ail told me it St. Benedict center in Cambridge, The Very Rev. Thomas M. Lo- other living members of the family was . hopeless,” she says-. Mass., which is in his opinion one Cascio, O.S.M., will deliver the are Brother Silvan, also a Xaver­ “They told me to eat and of the best study groups in the sermon. The minor offices will be ian, and Sister M. Eulalia of the drink anything 1 liked be- cared for by the Mass servers from Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet. Above 1* a picture of tbe Rev. Michael J. Kavanagh, aeiittant Troop 21 boys present were Dick Harris, Leo Noll, Glen c o u n ^ . He attended the weekly Vause, so far as medical sci­ meetings of the center during his Mt. St, Vincent’s home. The choir The former will celebrate bis paitor at St. Mary’s in Colorado Springs, saying a Field Mass at Plush, Charles Page, Kay Don Hartman, Albert Ludwig, Michael ence was concerned, nothing will be composed of selected voices golden jubilee next year and the Camp Alexander in Eleven Mile canon west of tbe city. Tbe oc> Milner, Roy Urban, Ronny Della Croce, Frank S'mentowski, Bob and. two years at the Harvard graduate could help. school and in that time became a from the Queen of Heaven orphan­ latter, five years hence. casion was a camporee attended by troops 21 and 12. sponsored by Dick Walters, and Jack Gossaga. “But 1 continued to make age. Corpus Christ! and St, Mary's churches. good friend of the Rev. Leonard Born of Mr. and Mrs. James T. Troop 12 boys present were Bill DaMast, Joe Walters, George ^ novenas to Mother Cabrini Feeney, S.J., its director and the Water from the spring discov- Mattingly of Grayson eSunty, Ky., The adults 'present were Ray Harry, scoutmaster, and Rex Tayoya, Ralph Maetas, Leo Pankan, Jim Montgomery, Louis, Dick, 'x and to pray to St. Anthony, efed by St. Frances Xavier Ca­ the four veterans in religious life Walters, committeeman, troop 21; and these officials from troop 12: and George Haefcle, Bill Bignell, Max Guest, and Bill Oox. 'i^d snddenly 1 was cured.” author of Fiek on Friday. He ex­ brini and beautiful souvenir bro­ Orville Trainor, scoutmaster; James Peck and Bill Dant, Jr., assist­ pressed the hope that eventually are the only children td reach Also present at the Mass was Ray Ryerson, chief executive of the •Mrs. Cinocco's ailment is known Denver will have an organiza­ chures with the newly indulgenced maturity. Brothers Alexander and ant scoutmasters; P. L. Montgomery and Ralph Haefala, committee­ Pike’s Peak council. Mr. Ryerson, though net a Catholic, never prayer in honor of Mother Cabrini technlc;ally as atrophic cirrhosis of tion like it. Silvan were first attracted to the men. misses the ceremonies of the Catholic troops. will be distributed at the place of Xaverian congregation by a visit the liv \. Similar in its effect to Crawford, who is only 26, has registration in front of the main attained a remarkable record since to their country home of two Am­ cancer, the disease causes an exces­ building. erican pioneers in the order. The sive formation of tissue, and, in its he was graduated from the Uni­ versity of Colorado cum laude in But Serrice May Ba Arranged jubilarian’s first assignment was Ceremonials of Greek Orthodox Church atrophic form, causes the liver to economics in 1943. After four If sufficient numbers should re­ to St. Mary’s Industrial school, shrink. One ofHts effects is to pte- quest bus transportation, it may Baltimore, ^d., an institution months as Regional Farm Labor made famous for its education of nt the kidneys\rom functioning. Program assistant for the War be" arranged with any local bus Babe Ruth. Through 36 years of It was in Jatmary, 1946, Food Administration, he accepted company. The round trip should teaching. Brother Alexander In Denver Strongly Akin to Catholic Ones that the disease st^ck. Mrs. a fellowship to the Harvard Tufts cost about 31. Groups should ar­ served in various houses of the Cinocco was taken tu the hos­ Fletcher school of international range plans for bus transportation (Turn to Pages — Column 3) pital, and an operation was law. In 1944, after gaining a mas­ with and in their respective par­ By Rev. J ohn B. Ebel separated from us in government, To which we gave a hearty discrepancy, however, the solidity performed. ter’s degree, he returned to Den­ ishes. The Catholics in Colorado Perhaps few Denver Catholics but united with us upon almost all "Amen.” of the doctrine on the Blessed “When I saw what ver and took a position with tne Springs have made arrangements points of belief, and sharing with navy V-12 program at the state to have four busses make the trip FUND FOR BURSE realize there is another place in the Difference! Few in Number Mother is shown by the fact that I closed the incision,'’ Sfys city besides the familiar Catholic us, through the valid Orders of the surgeon. “I knew notMi university as an economics in­ to the shrine. their.priests, in the rich graces of The differences between the the church on street structor. churches and chapels where Mass Catholic and the Hellenic (Ortho­ is dedicated to the Blessed Virgin could be done." Visitors are welcome to spend is offered, the sacraments are con­ Christ dispensed through the Mass The only way the woman cou! In a few months Crawford was any part or all day of July 6 at NOW OVER $5,000 and the sacraments. dox Church must not be exagger­ Mary under the title of the As- ferred, and the Blessed Sacrament ated, Father Diacandreou pointed (T vm to Pages — Column i) (Turn to Page S — Column t) Tum to Page 10 — Column 4) (T um to Page 10 — Column S) is reserved upon ^le altar. This We came awaj' from .an in­ out. As a matter of ;5®ct they ate The Mary Immaculate seminary place >s the 6i;pek Orthodox formal interview Vith the pastor, burse passed the 3h>000 mark .Chow*- of' tlnf ;thff Rev. ■ this, wrek■"With an anonymous do- Sixth avenue and Pennsylvania deeply Impressed by his hospital­ street. Here worship earnest and ity, his kindliness, his dMp Chris­ D I f w n H H jnYtfgfi fQ tteeieptioh haHoii of f 100. The total ndw is Peter Bracchiotis, stressed the fact 35,090. Only 3910 is needed to sincere Christians unfortunately tian faith and charity. “Do you that the differences are not se­ TRAHsnkm TO think there is hope of reunion be­ vere. The main controversy cen­ For New President complete the stipulated sum of Grandmotherf Aged 99, tween the Catholic and the Ortho­ ters about the Papal supremacy, For Hegro Vacatira School 36,000. dox Churthes?” was naturally the with the Orthodox Church readilyily •All students, alumni, and friends Archbishop Urban J. Vehr, who question to which we led. "Indeed, PATERSON, N. J. wttinir Bc- college, Denver, are in- dignity,granting supremacy of dignity,granting For the fin t time, bus service have little chance vOf is sponsoring the Mary Immacu­ At First Solemn Mass great hope,’’ was his emphatic hut not of authority. tint ^ vited to attend the reception for reply, “as long as we strive to fol­ WkshiiittoB. — The Mott will be pr^mdedt]gnde for youngsters quainted with God His Com-jthg Very Rev. Raphael C. Mc­ late burse, also announced that S t low the true teachings of Christ.” The Eastern Chwch is noted for Rev. Tkomet A. Boland, mandments, and who 'Hre apt to Carthy, S.J., niwlj; installed presi­ One of the persons attending the its rich and fervent devotion to attending the vacation school for Augustine's parish, Brighton, will first Solenfh Mass of the Rev. Auxiliary Bishop of Newark, go astray in the idle v ac a^ n days. dent, it was announced this week the Blessed Mother of God. A'visit N. J., tinea 1940, hat baen Colored, which will open July 1. gather funds for a burse. Joseph Hebert, S.J., in Annuncia­ Four Charity Sisters frOTn the by Mrs. William D. Phoenix, gen­ tion church, Denver, last Sunday Lay Women's Retreot to the beautiful little church named by Pope Pint XII to Classes will be held daily until eral chairman 'of the reception The archdiocese is facing an in­ showed us that the place of honor be tbe tecond Bithop of July 27 in the NCOS club, the Cathedral school, assisted by 0^ creasing burden in the cost of was the celebrant’s 99-year-old petent instructors in art committee. The affair will be held grandmother, Mrs. Louisa Alex­ Sloted Aug. 28 to 31 was given to a large painting of Paterson, N. J. Word of the Catholic Charities annex, E. 17th Monday, June 30, from 8 until 10 education of youqg men for the the Madonna in the center of the transfer was received by tbe avenue and Grant street. The music, will be in charge .of th priesthood. The tuition for one ander. classes. Billie Bernard ■will direct 'p.m. in the Knights of Columbus ceiling, surrounded by various Apostolic Delegation here change was announced this week clubrooms, 1575 Grant street./ seminarian is 3450 yearly. The Mrs. Alexander, with unusual The annuel lay women’s titles that are familiar to us from June 25. by the Rev. Arthur F. Versavel, the musical programs. The annual interest from the principal sum of vitality for her age, made the trip retreat held at Loretto picnic marking the end of the Plana for the reception were our Litany of the Blessed Virgin. Bithop Boland was born in S.J., of parish, direc­ completed June 23 at a meeting 36,000 does not cover this cost from her home in Idaho Springs Heights college, Denver, will The sanctuary is separated from Orange, N. J., in 1896. He tor of the St. Peter Claver so­ work will be held July 27 at Rocky entirely, but it helps appreciably. and was able to take part in the open this year Aug. 28 and the rest of the church by a panel Mountain park. held at the Knights of Columbus studied at tbe North Ameri­ ciety and of the vacation school. home. Reports were read by Mrs. Donations in memory of loved Mass, the breakfast, and the after­ close Aug. 31. The Rov. richly decorated with ikons or can college in Rome and was It was made necessary because A card of membership entitling noon reception. She has resided in Charles Clark, S.J., will be Walter J. Wade, chairman of the ones, made either outright or as paintings of the . Fatheir Dia­ ordained in the Eternal City no location for the classes could the pupils to free transportation refreshment committee; Mrs. Karl bequests in wills, are a splendid Colorado for 46 years, since coming the retreat master. Anyone candreou expressed the teaching Dec. 22. 1922. He was be found in the neighborhood of will be issued to each youngster to the U. S. from Germany in wishing further information is Mayer, chairman of the hospitality way to assist in this worthy work. on the use of religious pictures Diocesan,' Chancellor before those who will attend. The school on the opening day. Bus stops committee, and Mrs. Mark V. Fel­ Any amount will be accepted. 1862, Her father served in the asked to call Mrs. Philomena' and statues in words that might being consecrated as Auxil­ is free to all, with hooka and will-be made daily as follows: Civil war. Hodges, EA. 0462. ling, chairman of the decorations Gifts should be sent to the Most have been taken from a Catholic iary of Newark and Titular supplies furnished gratis. Although committee. The reception is under Rev. Urban J. Vehr, Chancer; catechism. “ We .see the represen­ many non-Catholics send their ^ 8:30 a.m., comer Williams Tolies Quolies Indulgence Granted Aug. 7 of Hirinatjuly 25, 1940. and 22nd avenue; the direction of the various organi­ Office, 1636 Logan, Denver 2 tation of the saint; we think of his The first Bishop of Pater­ children to the classes, there is sations connected with the college. Colo. holy life; we are led to Imitate son, tbe Mott Rev. Thomas no religious obligation placed on 8:35 a.m., comer Franklin him.” t H. McLaughlin, died March them in any way. The only object and 24th; Pontifical Mass Will Mark In the middle of the partition 17 of tbit year. [NCWC is to teach the main principles 8:40 a.m., comer Marion DENVER VET IS HOME WITH HIDE separating the sanctuary from the Wire] of Christian-life to children who and 20th; body of the church is a large sliding panel. This is opened at 8:45 a.m., comer Emerson St. Cajetan 4th Centenary various times in the Mass, reveal­ OVER 20 PRIESTS AHEND JUBILEE and 26th; GAINED IN STORY-BOOK ing the altar at which the priest is 8:60 a.m., comer Five celebrating Mass. Upon the altar Points, Welton at 27th; B y M a r y E is b n m a n C a r s o n Berlin government office 18 In observance of the 400th anni­ risty, and altars, as well as the the Blessed Sacrament is reserved OF ST. PETER'S IN CRIPPLE CREEK Love skirted an ocean arid de­ months ago. The romance led to a versary of ihe death of St. Caje­ walls, will be-completely repainted. in a small gold-plated pyx. Cruci-\ 8:55 a.m., comer Welton fied the red tape of nations when NuptiSrMass in Berlin said by a St. Cajetan belonged to the no­ fix upon the alter, Missal, chalice and 26th; a Denver soldier met a beautiful ,^ormer Denver priest, a hone rmoon tan, founder of the Theatine order, Praising 50 glorious years of “The record lives eternally,” he 3 a-Bolemn Pontifical Mass will be bility of Vicenza, where he was —all were familiar. 9 a.m., comer Welton and and accomplished German girl,:iih in historic and' fabulous Berchtes- born in 1480. He renounced his J service to God was the sermon of concluded, “written in letters of 23rd. Deny Immaculate Conception gold in the book of life.” -{- ^ ' gaden, and passage to the United offered in SL Cajetan’s church, wealth and ecclesiastical dignity the Rt. Rev. Monsignor Charles ' States ahead of a long waiting list Denver, on Aug. 7. Archbishop Greek Orthodox, it is surprising Hagus a t the Solemn Mass offered The formej pastor recounted to devote himself to the poor and to discover, do not believe, strictly of other Americans and their Urban J. Vehr will be the cele­ the suffering of his native town. June 18 in St. Peter’s church, the sacred event of the Last Sup­ brides. brant. According to word received speaking, in the Immaculate Con­ Cripple Creek, marking the 50th per when Christ offered the first He founded the Congregation of ception. The Blessed Virgin, they The home of Mr. and Mrs. John this week by the Very Rev. John Clerks Regular, also known as anniversary of the laying of the Mass, the terrifying afternoon on G. Givan of 1636 Jasmine street, Ordinas, C.R., pastor and Provin­ tbe Theatine.s, in 1524. teach, was cleansed of original sin cornerstone of the church; Arch­ Calvary when Christ shed Hw cial of the order in the United only at the time of the Annunci­ bishop Urban J. Vehr presided at Denver, was thrown open this Cajetan, who wa.s canonized in Blood. “From that day to this, week to welcome their son, John, State.s, the Holy Father has ation. The Catholic teaching, based the Mas.s. which was atteijded by •said . Monsignor Hagus, “ Holy; granted' a plenary indulgence, 1671, was one of the most out­ upon solid proofs from Tradition more than 20 priests, from and his bride, the former Liane standing theologian., among the Mass has been offered ■wherever i Raudres, probably the first German toties qiioUes, to all who visit the and ^ m theological reasoning, is throughout the state. there has been a priest of God.” ' church on the Feast of St. Cajftan pre-'Triaentine Catholic reformers. th a t^ a ry was preserved from all Monaimor Hagus, former pas­ Catholic girl brought home to the His institution of pastoral clergy For 60 years, concluded the Mile High city. and say the prescribed prayer.4. taint of original sin from the very tor of the venerable church and speaker, this Holy Sacrifice has bound by vows and living in the first moment .of her conception, in now pastor of the Annunciation Radiantly Happy in U. S. An international committee has community was a great force in view of the fact that she was to been and is being offered in the Radiantly happy with “these been appointed to plan for the church, Denver, was celebrant of Church of St. Peter for the sanc- the Counter-Reformation. • be the Mother of God. Despite this the Mass, assisted by the Rev. An­ wonderful United States” and with observance of the feast. Among (T um to Page 1 0 — Column S) Denver, “the 'most beautiful city those on the committee are C^ardi- thony Elzi,'deacon; and the Rev. Robert Hoffman, sul|deacon. The in tbe world,” the charming blonde 'latH Elia Dalla Costa, Archbishop Berliner said that she. never of Florence, ; Archbishop GLAMOROUS SILVER DOLLAR DAYS music for the Mass #as sung'hy the combined choirs of St. Peter's CHARITIES HEAD dreamed the Americans would be Vehr, the Most Rev. Joseph C. so hospitable. Even the Givans’ Wfllging, Bishop of Pueblo; and and St. Victor’s, Victor, under the WILL BE CONDUCTED ON JULY 2-5 direction .of Mrs. Mamie Wells, neighborhood baker had sent a fes­ the R t Rev. Monsignor Matthew O N H O S P IT A L tive cake depicting the voyage. Smith, editor of the Register. The organist. The 19_th annual Knights of Columbus Silver Dollar The Rev. John Doherty, pastor The couple met while Mr. Givan, Tijeatine priests serve in both the ( Turn to Page S — Column 4) Denver archdiocese and the Pueblo Days grhts of Columbus home, 1576 List of Donations Grant, instead of the Catholic Charities annex at E. 17tH. parish will be the Rev. Gmer The R t Rev. Monsignor John R. servance, work will begin next and Grant. Foxhoven, former assistant at Mulroy, director of Catholic Char­ week pn the redecoration of St. The affair this year is under the general chairmanahlp Holy Family parish, Denver. ities -of tbe Denver archdiocese, For Infirm Priests Cajetan’s church. Sanctuary-jac- of Leroy Volk, who has for many seasons been Identified Archbishop Gives Address Wedneiday was named by Gov. with the successful promotion of the event. Mr. Volk has The Archbishofi in a short ad­ Lee Knous a member of the new Given by Chancery Liberal Peter's Pence many new ideas and surprises in store for the thousaSb of dress at the Mass congratulated Colorado Hospital Advisory coun­ regular patrons who yearly go to this popular carnival. the people of the parish for their cil. He will serve for a three-year ■ Returns in the collection for Among the many attractions to be on display are a new achievements of more than half a term. aged and infirm priests taken up Contributions Asked 1947 Ford automobile, a Zenith radio phonograph combina­ century, and called for an even The council will assist the state in the Denver archdiocese May 19 tion, various electrical appliances, and a completely stocked greater loyalty and steadfast faith department ot public health in de- were announced this week by the The annual Peter’s Pence col­ hopt chest to combat the evil influences teonining the need for hospital fa­ Chancery office as follows: lection this Sunday, June 29, of­ cilities ^nd health centers and in In addition to the Knights of Columbus, Ihe Arch­ which threaten to undermine tbe DENVER PARISHES fers an opportunity for sorely bishop’s mild, tbe Junior Catholic Daughters, and the Church, country, and Christen­ the construction of these facilities C ttb c 4 n l ______...M87.0# needed charity to suffering people Ozanam club are participating. dom. under a federal aid program. An AnnuD«istlon ______77.00 all over the world. Funds for the Grand Knight Peter Wagner has announced that the Monsignor Hagus in his sermon appropriation by' Congress gives Bltsied Sstrsment ...... 4SO.OO Holy Father are used chiefly by Holy Fsmily ...... 90.00 chairmen of the respective activities under Mr. Volk are recounted the history of the Colorado 3650,000 a year for five Holy Ghost ...... — 425.00 him to alleviate desperate distress Lawrence Schlereth, Victor Itebert, Edward Clinton, Edward church in the once prosperous min­ years for construction of non­ Holy Rosary ...... SO.OO among Bishops, priests, sisters, and O’Connor, Bert Beckius, deorge Stock, Joseph Rowe, ing t o ^ and told of its ^ e a t in­ profit hospitals and health center*. Lsdy of Mt. Carmel.. ... 60.00 lay people who have lost all in Presentation ...... 89.52 Charles' W. Reilly, William Dolan, and John Gallagher. fluence on the vicinity since its The federal aid, which will amount Saerad Heart ...... 86.30 the war. Archbishop Urban J. Tickets are under the supervision of William D. Menard; founding by Father T. Volpe in to one-third of the cost, must be St. Anoe’a (A rvada) ___ .... 43.39 Vehr in his letter announcing the lights, Ray Bowes; booths, Lem Landis; cashiers, Gene Mc­ 1A97. The graces of these years matched by private funds equal to St. Caietan'i ______. . 9.15 ccdlection asked generoug dona- CROSSING THE THRESHOLD of a new life ip America St. Catherine’s .... 190.00 Mullen; and publicity, Frank Hession. are innumerable,” said Uonsi- two-thirds 0/ the cost, St. Dominic’s ______tiyis to help the Pope carry on the are Mr. and Mrs. John Given of Denver. Mrs. Given, the former .... 100.00 gnor Bagus as he pointed out the' A survey will make an inven­ Liana Raui^s of Berlin, Germany, is a member of a Calholio family St. Elisabeth’s ...... 198.98 of the Church and meet grand work dona by tne priesta tory of existing facilities and de- St. Frsnets 4e Sales' ... 450.00 pij'eomt appeals' for aid. persecuted by tbe Naau. Tbe couple met while Mr. Given was doing l/oyola S1.5S and sistera in St Peter’s school (Turn to P ages — Colum n t j war :work in BezBn. (TumioFagelO — Column s)

a A I p Xg e t w o Office, 9S8 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEystone 4205 LV Xaverian Brotlier amONIALS Of GREEK ORTHODOa Prayers to Saint 615 17th Street STRONGLY AKIN TO CATHOLIC ONES A Good Book A Choice of (Continued From Page One) day, and is in many of the larger Followed liy Cure is the best traveling companion sumption, a dogma universally be­ Orthodox churches, but in smaller Complete, Well lieved by Catholics, but not yet rarishes the custom is to offer the (Continued From Page One) formally defined by the Church: Holy Sacrifice only on Sundays (Continued'From Page One) Give Your Friend Planned order; SL Patrick’s school, Lowell, Although somewhat strange to and feast days. Masses are not be kept alive was to tap her ab­ Mass.; St. John’s, Danvers, Mass.; a Catholic used to the Latin Rite offered at funerals, but arc of of offering the Mass and confer­ fered for the dead us well >as for domen periodically and drain off BREAKFASTS Mt. St. Joseph’s high school, Bald- ring the sacraments, the Greek the living. Weddings, however, the accumulated waste fluid. For OUR LADY OF FATIMA more, Md.; Cathedral school, Rich­ Orthodox ceremonial would be may take place at Mass, according the next seven mdhths she was ^priced from 45c to 95c mond, Va.; S t Xavier’s high perfectly familiar to a member of to the wish of those being married. tapped on the average of once a the Greek Uniate Church. Vesper Wa Feature an Excluiire Bland of Coffee school, Louisville, Ky.; and finally, Birth Control Condemned w e«, with at least a gallon of ^PRAY, LOVE^ REMEMBER Sweat RoIU Baked Freib Daily From Onr OTeni S t Joseph’s school, Bardstown, Ky. services are held, and Matins, Birth control or planned ^rent- another hour of the Divine Office, hood is condemned as severely by fluid being removed each time He was assigned to the latter (Tht Jsnt MltcUon of Uio Cs Um Uc Literary Foandstion) Open Week Days 6 :30 A.M. - Sundays 8 A.M. are sung in preparation for Mass, the Orthodox as by the Catholic In the meantime she continued institution following a nearly fatal On Saturday evenings a service Church. "We must teach and act to pray unceasingly to her favorite illness 14 years ago, which forced called "Supplication to the Blessed according to the Holy Scriptures, or saints, to the Blessed Mother, and him to abandon teaching as a Virgin’’ is held (Saturdays are says Father Diacandreon. “We SPECIAL SUNDAY DINNER dedicated to the Blessed Mother to the Sacred Heart. And she never steady occupation. Since that time, know from the Scriptures that par­ Choice 6 Appetizera, 2 Soapa, 7 Entreea, Including also in the Latin Rite). ents merely co-operate with God missed her daily novena prayer to he has acted as maintenance offi­ AFTER BLACK COFFEE Mass may be celebrated every in the creation of children in mar­ St. Frances Xavier Cabrini. CHOPPED STEAK, HALIBUT cer in the Xaverian institutes. The riage. They have no right to in­ Bardstown school to which he is terfere with such a holy act Il was on Sept. 25 that ihe To Take on a Vacation Trip, Denver Vet Returns was Upped for the last time. Individual B^ed CHICKEN PIE „ now attached has even a more his­ In the question of divorce, how­ ever, evidently a certain amount Two weeks later the doctor 11 a.m. to torical background than the noted called and asked why she had 2 Salada, 10 Deaaerta and Drinka S p.m. only of laxitv has crept in since the (3r- St. Mary’s of Baltimore. It was With Bride Won in thodox broke away from the Papal not been in for the treatment. The James Clarke Church Goods House |400 Seats • No Liquor • Organ Music founded in 1816 by the pioneer authority. The situation, however, When she explained that the is nowhere near the comi^ete fluid was no longer acenmu- 9 Bilhop Benedict Joseph Flaeet, the lating and that she felt fine, A Complete Line of first priest to do pastoral work Story-Book Setting breakdown that has occurred in Protestsmt teaching on marriage. he asked her to come in for west of the Appalachian moun­ an examination. tains. It came into the hands (Continued From Page One) In the first place, all divorce cases CHURCH GOODS AND RELIGIOUS ARTICLES ■'He told me it was a miracle," WM U n I K 3 Ho n■■ ' Bs 1 of the Jesuits in 1846, but finally, now a civilian, was employed in in Orthodox marriages must be in 1889, was converted into, an the Office of Military Government, submitted to the Bishop. An ef­ she asserts. "He said he had done Mail Orders 1636 Tremont Place S T O R A G E a m o u i n c C D . orphanage. In 1911, the Xaver­ fort is made to effect a reconcil­ nothing, but he’s a good doctor. in charge of recruiting German iation, and it is only after a con­ ian Brothers purchased the build­ workers. Miss Raudies had a simi­ Filled Promptly • Denver 2, Colo. ing and have operated it success­ siderable length of time that the Maybe he helped, too, with Mother lar post in a civilian employment divorce is granted. Qbrini ahd'M. Anthony.” fully as a school ever since. office near by. Their \;edding took In the chapel of this famous old Once the divorce is granted by After that examination, Mrs. place April 26 before the Rev. the Church authority, remarriage M O A A I S e school. Brother Alexander will Maurice E. Powers, C.S.C., a na­ Cinocco went to Gdifomia to visit renew his vows on his golden jubi is permitted. No one, however, is tive of Denver, now senior military allowed to remarry more than her son, Nicholas. Upop her return lee day. Sept 8. At that time, the chaplain in Berlin. TO GIVE YOU BETTER SERVICE Fer the Safety of Your Goods four veteran, religious will be re­ three times. The Premier of she again was examined by the doc­ AU our fadlitlei art concentrated in one modem atreamlined itora. Their wedding trip, in a sto^- Greece at the time it was under united on the g o ^ Kentucky soil, book setting, included taxi s.ervice tor, but the malady shows no signs Four Optometriata to aerve you: Use Johnson Service on Every Move where they were reared more than N ^ occupation, related Father Emil A. BHokbvuv Hermvn Briokhiuv in horse-drawn phaetons, a cruise Diackndreou, attempted to marry of recurring. Ed J. Brinkhaus Ray L. Dillon a half century ago. on an Alpine lake, and a vacation AGENTS FOR UNITED VAN UIXPS, INC for the fourth time. The Bishop A miracle can he simply We invite you to have your glasses adjusted. *TO AND FBOM EVERTWBERE’* in Berchtesgaden, a garden spot of Athens, however, forbade any defined as a “sensible^ fact STOBAGE - PACKING - SHIPPING near Hitler’s famous retreat; an Greek Orthodox clergyman to oi- that is extraordinary. * and Atlantic crossing, and a visit to ficiate at the wedding. divine.” In the case of a Phone PE 2433 Denver 221 Broadway FORD Niagara Falls and other scenic Receive Eucheritt Often physical core it must be sod­ spots in America. Questioned about the practice of den and complete. 1 , __ . \ A.B.C. DOLL SHOP BETTER SERVICE Father Killed.by Nazis Confession and Communion in the The enre of Mrs. Cinocco HANSEN & HANSEN SWAYNE The fears and privations of war odox Church, Father Diacan- was cerUinly extraordinary I f ' 1 i New Dolls and Toys are left far behind by the young r u became enthusiastic. "Our and complete. But only an VN-V J! JEWELERS DoU Buffgiea and Trikea MARSH bride. Her father was killed in a people receive Communion fre­official pronouncement of the Nazi concentration camp on a quently,” he said, “and I have Church could settle the ques­ 1698 17th Si. DOLL WIGS WIMBUSH, Ine. found especially a great interest 850 Bannock St. TA. 6113 trumped-up political charge, one tion of its miraculous nature. ONS STORE ONLY Religious Statuea Repaired brother died on the Russian front, in ConfeMion.’’ Sometimes dur­ A native of Italy, she came to Selling Forda Since 1912 ing the last two weeks of Lent, he 1515 Arapahoe MA. 7617 and another is believed to be held the United States and to Denver 42 prisoner in a Siberian camp. Her recounted, he was kept in the mother and sister, the la^r be­ church by Confessions until 2, 3, years ago, in 1905, with her hus­ ing a linguist and poet, still reside or 4 o’clock in the morning. This band, Nicholas. Though she lived \ in Germany. a priest can well understand, for in the North side at the same time The new Mrs. Givan, whose Father Diacandreou is the oniy priest serving some 2,000 members the saint worked here, she has no deep-set eyes are jade green in of his parish. recollection of having seen her. color, comes from a long line of ■"QdCOZZ German Catholics. She sang in the Since Mass in the Greek Ortho­ There are five children in her parish choir, and was schooled in dox Church is offered in the peo­ family, Angelo, Nicholas, Steve, the congregational singing of the ple’s native tongue, it would ap­ pear to be easy for them to under­ Michael, and Mary. Her husband Mass. She hopes to try some of her died 15 years ago. Her mother, as native dishes here, where supplies stand and to join in the Mass. This LAUNDRY is true for the older people, the are more plentiful than in her well as three sisters and a brother, priest assured us, but the younger is a Denver resident. homeland. generation that has pown up in A former student in the Abbey this country is as ignorant of hem ym school, Canon City, and in Regis Greek as most Latin Rite Catholics college, the bridegroorir has com­ are of Latin. “I will offer Mass CHARITIES HEAD p lete a long term of overseas half in English and half in Greek service with army and the Al­ if they insist,” he said. lied Military government The Co-Operation Urged NAMED TO BOARD AN APPROPRIATE SERVICE couple 'will make their home in Our common belief in Tradi­ Welcome Tourists Denver. tion as well as in Holy Scripture (Continued From Page One) Mr. Waller J, Kerwin WITHOUT FINANCIAL BURDEN keeps us close,’* declared the Or­ Polond Gives Welcome thodox priest. “We must co-oper­ tentline where and to what extent Aaaociated with ate to prove to nonrbelievers and such construction is needed. The atheists that in the main princi­ need will be studied in relation to JOS. M. FISHMAN To Cardinal Griffin ples we are all united.” He cited population, tourist visitors, and tov* and respect lot the departed may be fittingly ezpressed.in a Boulevard as an example of the understand­ other factors. Jeweler and Optomelriat service at the most moderate cost. Boulevard has everything to oiler Warsaw.—The visit to Poland ing and tolerance that should exist Representatives to the Hospital DIAMONDS - LOCKETS Advisory council are one-third WATCHES - ROSARIES which can contribute to providing a complete service without onauther* of Cardinal Bernard Griffin, Arch­ between Catholics and Orthodox CROSSES - COMPACTS bishop of Westminster, proved a the funeral of an Orthodox priest from state, county, and municipal ST. CHRISTOPHER MEDALS iied charges. great success, according to reports held recently in Price, Utah. The bodies, one-third from non-profit MIRACULOUS MEDALS and CHAINS here. Earlier fears in some circles Catholic priests of Price attended hospital associations, and one-third MEDALS Every family served by Boulevard, regardless of circumstances, is entitled were that the British prelate’s fre­ the funeral, he said, end this ex­ from consumers of hospital serv­ Glasses on Credit to all of our experience and skills and our every facility. . . and gets them. quent criticisms of the Russian- acted much favorable comment on ice. The following were named dominated regime might lead to the part of members of the Ortho­ in these respective categories: 807 15th St. TA. 0029 Whether the price of the service selected be high or low, there are NO “unpleasantness.” dox Church. Three-year term: Ward Darley, About 100,000 faithful In Lo- In the matter of the Soviet lead­ M.D., Denver; Monsignor Mulroy; unexpected extras. One charge covers all costs and every service is wicz, near Warsaw, turned out to ers’ about-face concerning the and Ralph B. Mayo. complete. This considerate policy has deservedly won the- confidence welcome Cardinal (jriffin when he Russian Orthodox Church, Fatbei Two-year term: Mrs. Esther Diacandreou is no more deceived oi thousands of families in the Denver area. participated in Corpus Christ! cele­ Thornton, Akron, Colo.; Herbert brations. The crowds included than are his Catholic confreres. A. Black, M.D., Pueblo; and D. H. thousands of Poles who had trav­ "The rulers in Russia don’t believe Hunter, Manzanola. PHONG (^)UlMdt626 FEDERAL AT NORTH SPEER eled hundreds of miles to greet the in any religion,” he said. “They British visitor. are merely obliged to tolerate it." One-year term: S. S. Kanvar, M. As we left the hospitable Greek D., Denver; Walter Christie, Den­ a llo a m / a Orthodox priest after- enjoying ver; and Joseph Grant, Denver. \ W.U.. The Denver Catholic with him a cup of rkh Greek cof­ NOTICE TO CRE0IT0B8 iSerncf fee, we thought of the words of ESTATE OF EU«n Mary Hambly, alio Mode*!*'. \ Pope Pius XI in defining once and known aa Elira M. Hambly: alio knoam Trarfi Register for all the proper Cauiolic atti­ aa Elltn Hanblr. JeecaMd. Cksutw N a A14S7 Published Weekly by the tude toward the non-Catholic East­ NoUea It hanbr ziven that on the tu fat ern Christians: “People do not day of Jane, 1947, Icttert of Adminietra- HRS. JAS. P. HtCONATY • JAS. F. McCONATY • JO S. P, McCONATY Catholic Press Society. Ine. realize how much faith, goodness, tlon ware tuned to the nndetaitrned u 988 Bannock Street, Denver, and Christianity there is in these Adralalatrator of tba above named eatate nnan**"*- and all pariant bavins elalma asainat aaid DEPdsnr 60x1$^ Cola bodies now separated from the astate are required to tile them for allow- age-long Catholic truth. Pieces abet in the County Court of the City too Subscription: fl Per Tear broken from gold-bearing rock Connty of Denver, Colorado, within •la themselvea-bear gold. The ancient month! from aald date or lald elalma will PtNVER INIHISIBiAlBMIlL Entered as Second Glass Matter bo foraver barred. at the Post Office, Denver, Christian bodies of the East keep Barnard I.. Hambly, ------CiORCI ». ROCK. PrtiMaof —------w, so venerable a holiness that they Adminlatrator Cola deserve not merely respect but JAMES W. CREAMER, complete sympathy.” / tOS edajaatie Bids., Denver Jeepers! Attomay for Eatate They Ride From Far j y i f f j-jr LET’S EAT and Wide WITH to MillePe for SPAGHEHI TONIGHT Value ThriUerat QUALITY PORK AND BEANS PRUNE JUICE Kuner’i. Full Lady BetBetty, 25c Del Monte, 27c No. 2 c a n ______quart___ RECAPPING GT. PATRICK'S BAZAAR DINNER BLACKBERRIES VALANCES YOUR RECA^ Gresham Oregon fancy In heavy Chicken of the Sea. LIKE A NEW TIRE WEST 34TH AND PECOS ■yrup. Full No. 2 c a n ______No. 14 can______38c OlViS LONGER MILiAOB PRUNE PLUMS NO SHIMMY * 1 5 0 Oregon, in heavy syrup. Red Dart Sugar. A per plate Children e Big No. 2H c a n ...... Full No. 2 can.... 12ic G E N E R A L PEACHES ^ TIRE w Matmor Fancy Cling Halves San Luis Fancy. I Big No. 2% can------Full No. 2 can___ lUUniECtfPMCKttHMTEK Jnne 26, 5 to 8 P.M. ' I-1 Fatl tarvtea . . . Qra4a A Tniak OvaNry i :^'i raUbar . . . bail aqalpaiaal la lawal GRAPEFRUIT L-H. FuU Bazaar—Jane 36, 37, 38, 39 Ko. 2 can ....■ millER'S JOE KAVANAUGH I i'''i LINCOLN AT 7TH SPECIAL AnRACTIONS MORE FUN SUPER m BRKETM PHONE TA. 1261 ~

■Jtiiat .... Thursday, Ju n e 26, 1947 Office, 938 B anqock Street THE DENVER gATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, EEystone 4206 PAGE THREE OUR LADY or GUADALUPE PARISH Recent Bride Reunion of Grails Dr. L m C. Haieir Dr. Richard L Haaay TO HOLD FESTIVAL JULY 3 TO 6 Optometrists Marls Breakfast (Onr Lady of Gnadalnpa Pariah, Danvar) Members of S t Vincent de Pad Parith The grand bazaar for the benefit of the new church Is set for July 3, 4, 6, and 6. A 1947 Ford sedan will be (Holj Family Pari^, Danyar) on display at the bazaar. The bazaar committee includes 827 IRh SI.-Phone TA.269D the following: Chairman, Mr. Trevino; secretary, Mies Forty members of the class of Priscilla Sanchez; treasurer, Father Andrew Burguera, C.R. '42 attended the reunion breakfast Every night different types of food will be served, in the school hall following Com­ and there will be various refreshments. munion in the 9 o’clock Mass June The following will be in charge' o f boothsThe Ren­ 22. The former classmates wish to don, Blason, and Ward families, Mmes. Trevino, Lopez, Ortiz, Comacho, EsquibeL Gurele, Chavez, and Navarro, and Rwominended by Duncan Hines thank the following for the fine LI- breakfast: Mmes. V. J. Moore, C, Messrs. Lobato, Luna, Mora, MonUnio^ Lopez, Trevino, Isenhart, Mary 2^iss, J., Toohey, Greening, Tony Sanchez, and Louis Esqnibel; Mr. and Mrs. STEAKS W. Wagner, L. Merkle, and Mary Benavidez, and the Young Ladie^’ sodality. MOUNTAIN TROUT In planning for your family’s future wel> Lou Zaiss. The food will be served and prepared by Mrs. Maestas, fare, consider the wisdom of securing Mrs. Trujillo, Mrs. Archuleta, Mrs. Sofo, and other mem­ CHOICE POULTRY Brother Gregory of the Alexian bers of the Altar society and Our. Lady of Guadalupe society. PRIVATE DINING ROOMS FUTURE NEED PROTECTION now, order is a visitor in the home of There will be a merry-go-round and other entertain-^ during the years of earning income. Undef his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde ment for the children. Everyone is assured a good time. * OLINGER’S FUTURE NEED PLAN you - Isenhart, until July 1. can secure this intelligent provision for Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Woert- man announce the engagement of MANY AHRACTIONS TO BE OFFERED URF > H Y ’S every member of your famil^— regardless their daughter, Joan, to John Col­ of age. The cost is very little.. .only a lins of St. Francis de Sales’ par­ few cents a day. Consult Olinger’s Advis' ish. The wedding is planned for AT 4-DAY LOYOLA PARISH FESTIVAL ory Department. . .there is no obligation. late fall. ^ i n t Mr. and Mrs. James 4i[elley are OODS the parents of a son bom June 21. (LoyoU Parith, Denver) chairman, and James Bible and Fine Cocktailn u d The -annual bazaar of I^yola James Bramer, co-chaipnen. Fountain Service Mrs. Clara Heiderstadt has as V her guests, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur parish will open on the church Other members of the parish 16TH at SPEER at Berger from Alice, Tex., and Mr. grounds at E. 2.Srd and York on who will be in charge of particu­ RROABWAY AT ELLSWORTH Thursday, June 26, and will con­ lar booths are: Games, Bill May, Open 11 A.M. to 2 A.M. Clesi^ Tuesdays JTl' BOULDER SHERMAN and Mrs. Robert Heiderstadt and tinue through Friday, Saturday, Bill Dolan, Bob O’Haire, Mike iniiTii/RiES son, Richard, from Laramie, Wyo. and Sunday. Many attractions will Mrs. Berger is Mrs. Heiderstsdt’s Regan, L. Landis, and B. Schler- be featured. The games and spe­ eth; refreshments. Altar sodality, Departments Call, GLendale 3663 daughter and M(. Heiderstadt, her cial events on the church grounds son. Mrs. W. J. Wade, Mrs. Eniil Frei, will open Thursday evening, June and A. Cromwell; electric washing CATHOLIC MEMBERS of our personnel and the Wedding Held 26, at 7 :30 o’clock, under the di­ machine will be on display under LDOk at Your Hat— finest equipment and facilities are assigned to Miss Corinne Frances Burk, rection of Mike McNulty, general the direction of Mrs. Marie Sea­ daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank man. **Everyone PJlse DoesP* every Catholic Service. _ J. Burk, and Nicholas Anthony Members of S t Anthony's club, Prior to a Nuptial Mat* May 31 The Well-Dressed Man Is Using Manfro, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mich­ Mary Quintana Mrs. C. E. William, Mrs. John in St. Philomena’* churck, Danvar, This .Service ael Manfro, were united in mar­ Nalty, and Mrs. J. Sullivan, will Annotta LaTonratta (abova), ba- FACTORY FINISHED I ^ J riage in Holy Family church June have a special booth. On display cama tbe brida of James Fealy, 16. Father Omer Foxhoven offici- Becomes Bride will be a set of Rogers’ 1847 sil­ mambar of tba editorial staff of ated at the double-ri^g ceremony. ver, a Toastmaster electric iron, The Rerister, Tbe Rt. Rev. Mon- The bride was given in marria)^ two matcRing table lamps, and a signor William M. Higgins cele­ ROBERTS by her father. Her attendants were (St. Cajetan’i- Parish, Denver) Dutch oven. brated tba Mass, which was fol­ — the hat man Elaine Gust, maid of honor, and Miss Mary Quintana, daughter Fish pond sponsors are Girl lowed by a breakfast in the Park LADIES’ HATS TOO! • Mabel Boggio and Mabel Messina, of Mr. and Mr« Larry Quintana, Scouts of Loyola parish, with Mrs. Lana bo.tel and a recaption at the SPruce 4726 PICK-UP AND DELIVERY 258 Broadway bridesmaids. The bridegroom’s at­ and Benjamin Duran, son of Mr. Joseph Reichman as chairman. The home of tba bride's parents, Mr. tendants were Nick Fiasco, best and Mrs. J. E. Duran, were wed girls will have on, display a Road- and Mrs. John LaTonrette. After man; and Gerald Messina and Jim­ in a double-ring ceremony June master bicycle with* balloon tires a wedding trip in the Southwest, Dr. George T. Hein, D. C. my La Guardia, ushers. Patricia 22 in St. Cajetan’s church before Sponsoring the cake booth is the tke young couple are making their Satterwhite was organist and Nick the Very Rev. John Ordinas, C.R. Young Ladies’ sodality, with Mary home in Denrcr. Adjustments Vitale, vocali.st. , , The bride was given in marriage Agnes Routzon in charge. A Following the ceremony, dinner by her father. Miss Lillian Maes, hope chest will be displayed by James Dansberry Heads KEEP YOUR CAR IN A-1 CONDITION -v Colonic Irrigations was served for the wedding party cousin of the bridegroom, was the members of the PTA under tMe Foot Correction in the Tiffin, and a reception was maid of honor, and fienry Duran, a direction of Mrs. E. Grant and It may need a Tane-np or held in the evening at Potenra hall. brother, was best man. The brides­ Mrs. A. Linnebar. State Druggist Group Electro Therapy On their return from a wedding maids and ushers were Antoinette Ham and bacon booth will be Complete Engine Overhaul trip to the western part of the Duran, Candy Le Sage, Edna Cha run by Emil Frei; beer booth, Guy Colorado Springs. — James F. EXPERT MECHANICS — GENUINE FACTORY PARTS Hydro Therapy state, Mr. and Mrs. Manfro will con, De Ann Quintana, Eleanor Routzon; popcorn, Jimmie Bible; Dansberry, Catholic druggist of make their home in Denver. The Sanchez, Charles Duran, Toney candy booth, Gilmore Mohrbacher. Denver, has been named the new COMPLETE FEXDER & BODY DEPT. Maes, David Quintana, Toby Es­ 1410 So. Broadway RAce 0606 bride is a graduate of North high A new Ford de luxe sedan, president of the Colorado Pharma- ' FREE PICKUP SERVICE school, and the bridegroom re­ pinoza, and Johnnie Contreras, equipped with radio, will be on cal association which held its 67th cently received a discharge from respectively. Flower girls were the grounds. Another special at­ state convention here. He is also Betty Lou Gonzales and Kathaleen the coast guard, with which he saw traction will be afforded. president of the Denver Retail 4641 VINER CHEVROLET CO.)iB d w y . “DENVEB’S MOST PROGRESSIVE*' three years’ service. Quintana, and ring-bearers were W. J. Wade, assisted by Marie Druggists association, a member St. Rita’s circle held its la.st Charles Sandoval and Barbara Celia, Mr. Lewis, and Mr. Gilliam, of the first aid executive commit­ The Cascade Laundry & Dry Gleaners meeting until fall June 25 with Jean Pritchard. will have charge of lights. tee of the American Red Cross in Mrs. W. J. Koerber as hostess. The bridegroom served in the Infant Baptized Denver, a member of the congres­ Complete Laundry & Dry Cleaning Service The following were baptized army in Germany, France, and Baptized June 22 by Father sional committee of the National W* Can for and DolWor Sunday, June 22, by Father Leo England for 27 months. A recep­ William J. O'Shaughnessy, S.J., Association of Retail Druggists, 1847 Market St. Tabor 637(M>379 Flynn: Sandra May, infant daugh­ tion was held in the bride’s home. was Michael Terrance Sullivan, and a member of the house of dele­ ter of Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Mur­ GonxaUi-Siinerot Rite* infant son of Mr. and Mrs. William gates of the American Pharmaceut­ phy, with Peter and Margaret Ric P. Sullivan, with Patricia Sullivan ical association. Miss Rose Sisneros, daughter of and Sam Maroney as sponsors. ci as sponsors; Barbara Ann, in Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Sisneros, and I'a th e d ra l fant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jo­ Pete Gonzales, son of Mr, and Mrs. Ph. CH 6565 Cor. 34th and Gilpin seph F. Pughes, with Gerald and Phil Gonzales, were married June Virginia Ballinger as sponsors; 22 in S t Cajetan’s church. Aid Group Awards LOST! Lynefte Marie, infant daughter of Precious time running around E l O l ^ O U f Y r. and Mrs. Fred J. Silberberger, The bride was given in marriage by her father. Miss Nina Garcia, town to pay bills. Do it the easy, St. Vincent de Paulas Parish Nazt M Clarka't Cirareb Ooodi with Leo and Santa Silberberger Life Memberships as sponsors, 'a sister of the bride, was maid of time-saving way with a Dime-A- '*JFhen in lorn »pirtu call Jerry** honor, and Tony Garcia was best Time special checking account Work has started on the new ad­ man. The maids and ushers were The June meeting of the Queen HODGE GROCERY Washes*#" Pat* MkL 1634 Tremant KE. 4554 dition to the school and church. Emma Martinez, Susie Garcia, Del- of Heaven Aid society, last meet­ No danger of theft or loss; your FREE DELIVERY FREE PARKING la.Nuanes, Jennie Sisneros, Ma­ ing of the fiscal year, was held at cancelled check is your receipt. 2105 E. Virginia SP. 7505 rina Garcia, Tess Duran, Ann the orphanage in Denver Tuesday An account may be opened We have added complete BILL HUGHES, Prop. A REPUTABLE DRUG United Photo Studio’s Abeyta, Albert Maynes, Lino Uli- afternoon, June 17. Mrs. 'S. Chil- for any amount from $1 up. 20 Une of FROZEN FOODS ero, president, presided. Mrs. John Complete Food Service STORE "Commercial, Portraits, Weddlnx’* barri, Tony Zamora, George Gur- Meats . . . Groceries CLARK’S FLOWERS naro, Bennie Olivas, Jimmy Gur- Schmitt recorded the minutes in checks $2. This lOc-a-check cov­ 598 South Gilpin MAIL ORDERS ACCEPTED Fresh Fruits & Vegetables COMPLETE LINE OF CUT FLOWERS naVo, and Bennie Cruz, respective the absence of Mrs. Irene Koser. ers all the costs of your account! •Tt's Smsrt te B. Thrifty" AND POTTED PLANTS 1521 Cartia TA. 3412 ly, Flower^irls were Amy Sibay In accordance with the rules of Open your Dime - A - Time SWa DtUTtt -TA. 1(»! "If Undecided — Call United" an and Jackie Fernandez, and ring- the society, Mmes. Katherine Har­ special checking account now, at Floral Sprara and CorsaRM bearer was David Sibayan. rington, Elizabeth Slattery, and LEN’S Pharmacy JAMES GROCERY [COLFAX DRiyE.lN IISS E. COLFAX Denver the Denver National Bank, a Colfax at Downing R. A. Moauro, having been mem­ L. C. FEHR. Prop. FRED HEUdSWORTH. Prop. KEystone 3217 bers for 25 consecutive years, were member of the Federal Deposit H.mbo'.St. Vinnnt d* Psot’s Psrisb FANCY GROCERIES awarded life memberships. Insurance Corporation. Have Yonr Doctor Phone VEGETABLES - FRUITS dow nh^g s t r e e t The deaths of Mrs. Ruth Dooling Dime-A-Tfine accounts may U* Yonr Prescription CHOICE MEATS and of Charles Zarlengo were also be opened by mail, at the 2707 E. Louisiana RA. 3739 1923 E. Kentucky PE. 2478 PHARMACY noted. I GEORGE H HILL. Prop Denver National Bank.—Adv. At Lealslsna sod Smth CIsyton The Shirley Garage ' Profpuionat Pharmacist J. J. Campbell made an appeal to OFFICIAL AAA GARAGE Phon* CHerrr X7I7 the members to assist in conduct­ PHONE TABOR till COMPLETE LINE OP COSMETICS AND ing the pilgrimage to be made to Dar uid NItkt Storac*. Ktpalrlnc. MERCHANDISE the shrine of St. Frances Cabrini Wdihhit and G rtuinr Gaaaltna aad Olb Dndtr Ntw Uanxpmmt BOXXIE BRAE U11.S7 LINCOLN ST (M Oownlnt St. Om t«i on Sunday, July 6, The members present pigged to assist. New members - admitted are Shopping District Hatcbeft Drug Store Where Friends. Meet . . . Mmes. Phil Clarke, J. H, Earley, Valena Jones, and Phil S. Pauline, ON SAVINGS **Tlia Star# of Qvftlity mad Serrleo^ yearly members. Reinstatements include Mmes. -HOLTZ- ? ..* '.{ ." S S J - 701 GRANT iviiEcm Elmer Hanljn and E. E. O'Con­ L«t your savings asm CONOCO PRODUCTS Comi>eondhif pmorlptiont It the motf nor. A perpetual member is Mrs. mor«..SAFELY! Higher Lubrication, Car Washing, Balleriet RED& WHITE important port of our botin«a. Brron and Marl* Wllllaaif than average earnings 17(b and WaBhinftan MAIn I7t1 Ruth Dooling, and life members on savings—prelected Recharged, Tire Vnicanizing FRESH MEATS — nSH are Mrs. Mary C. Schneider, Mrs. by government insured BONNIE BRAE Groceries & Vegetables W. H. Murphy, Misses Eleanor and guaranteed iirst Voor Patronsn Appiedsted FOR THE Murphy, Helen Marie Mahoney, mortgage home loans. CONOCO SERVICE DELIVEBT 8KKVICB 8P. 1(U Kathryn Jane Mahoney, Mrs. Jo­ Withdrawal at any 724 So. Unlvershy • PE. 9909 2626 E. Lonisiana at S. Clayton Safety of Your Car seph Onofrio, Elizabeth Mattel, time. 'Deposits by lOlh See La For ' John P. Harrington, and Mrs. J. earn Irom 1st. Mail Goodyear T i r e a P. Harrington. deposits welcome. Praisser’s Red & White Bonnie Brae Bowert Batteriea Mrs. John Schmitt received the B r u g I 'O o attendance award. 4IS Majestic Btdg. Grocery and Market O.K. Recapping ALFRED a ANDERSON, OwpsT-Msasgse The sisters served refreshments 29$ K lb.St, Denver FANCY MEAT8. VEGETABLES. AND Texaco Prodneta following the business session of qUAUTT GROCERIES AT Pretcriplimu Filled Am Mechanical Work the meeting. A report of the, recent LOWER PRICES Your Doctor Ottdert TRANK YOU party was ntade and the committee ^lumbiA S a\’i n^vS Free Delivery SPrnce 4447 FOUNTAIN SERVICE •569Co3i&l£tx SERVICE was dismissed with thanks. B'.'llDiHb 6- loan association t33I S. Ohi. Ava (So. Univ. ui'd Ohio) 763 So. University PE. 225S Denver, 6ola Wrijchl O.K. Rubber IWlAh>r9793 Welders 2313 B. Celfix EA. S705 FR. 0747 •.. tkat restores VACATION LOANS NOIITH GAYLORD Milady’s Favorite Store QUEEN CLEANERS tke skow room sparkle Chopping 1231 Eaat 13th Ave. No, it isn’t necessarily nnwtse le borrow money to finance a (Near Marion) to your furs needed vacation. If a loan will enable yon to take a trip which LILLIAN BRIK. Owner STORE HOURS: 9:10 A.H.-9:00 P.H. will return you to your jo4 happier and rafreshed, sea os. Mary Anne Bakeries “They’ll come dean” You’ll fall in love with your furs 1509 E. Colfax KE 4667 You may repay up in convenient monthly payment*. We have [omiiiunitij FIdojef' Specialittt in “If they’re from Queen’’ all over again! Yes, you’ll say it must be mada many such loans to satisfied borrowers during the past StOFE PHONE SPruce73l8 PARTY PASTRIES COLFAX DRIVE-IX magic when you sec your furs 30 years. It Brosdwv 1024 So. Gaylord SP. 7413 PE. 7315 MARKET rei^italized . . . made gloriously VAN ZIMMERMAN. UsuMStt lustrous and silky again . . . by P honn Free Parking Space PB. 2 4 6 4 RE-VITALIFE Custom Fur Cleaning. One LOANS QUICKLY MADE ON BOB’S PE. 2 4 6 8 Phone TA. "1776” Gaylord Dmg Go. AL BONINO, Mcr. of several exclusive RE-VITALIFE features '■ Autos, Furniture, Collateral, First and Second Mortgages on Grocery and Market J. ROY SMITB, Prep. is a moisture-proofing process 1059 So. Gaylord SP. 3345 Improved Denver Real Estate aad to Salaried Employe* on Groceries, Meat* and Fancy — ANNOUNCEMENT — that protects fiirs against rein and Vegelabte* Pretcriptiont Carefully Filled their plain note, without an assigamant of wage* and without by Registered Pharmaeitte The Store tf Quaiity and Price N A X C Y LEE’S snow ,.. at no additional cost, l9ring in notifying tho amployor. 4 BAS 2 STORES TO SERVE YOU your furs . . . today! SOUTH GAYLORD DANISH ROLLS •. DONUTS Quality Cleaning 3605 W. Colfax 1219 E. Colfax AL. 6014 BtlNO IN YOUt niKS FOt ITORAOII Loans Made Outside Denver by Mail . SUPER MARKET Washington Park Mtmbtr of Assoeisted Grocers of Coloroda Ovr ttliigtrsttd. moisnitt.coatroUtd rsnlu proua roar furs sgunst moihi. frt, bergUrs Cleaners Finest OnalilT Meats, Emita, sod snmmcr htat Approved by Far lasotne M. W. CHRISTKNSFN Vegetables. Grocerle* HATHAWAY’S of Aagetics. ^ FREE DAILY DELIVERIES n 1087 S. (;aylord SP. 7898 1004A v N re Oa S.. Gaylordw a /* i 9r u o 8p!r * • v2(61 o * ^ | ,* City Lace Cleaners JIM FURLONG WATCHES DIAMONDS JEWELRY l>.cLmilTeTk *JA WATCH, CLOCK m d . 218 East Seventh Ave Phone TAhor 7907 ) JEWELBY REPAIRING HARDWARE • CURTAINS . PILLOWS CAREFULLY CLEANED AND RE- TA. 2611 1735 Welton St. KEystone 2224 PYREXWARE. 8ILEX COFFEE MAKERS 7 REMTONE — McMURTRT PAINTS t u r n e d sa m e siz e . SPECIAL CARE GIVEN TO TABLE 1616 STOUT STREET SULLIVAN’S HOUSEHOLD WARE UNENS. BLANKETS UUNUEHED WITHOUT SHRINKAGE. Open DaOv 8:30 to 5:30; Saturdays Till 1 p.m. Onr Branch This leg, lerfc-steM te ye*r‘genef«i, yeerestees t** gteeitt'^ Office at Furlong Anto 0>., 539 Broadway, is open till §:30 p.m. Oonnie Drae Jewelry So. Gaylord Hdw. Go. WORK CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED te -V il^ ^ M M S fjw (leMipt. (xtleiive i« lUs tHy il this slere. 1048 S. Gaylord SP. 6026 1055 So. Gaylord SP* 2961

[y PAGE FOUR Office, 988 B annock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone. EEystone 4205 Thursday, Ju n e 26, 1947 Denverite to Note LORITTO HEIGHTS COLLEGE EXPECTS RECORD CLASSES AT SUMMER SCHOOL HaryboD Priest 7 2Stk Jubilee as ^oratto Heights College, Denver) vance enrollment of more than Sings First Mass The largest summer enrollment 200 summer students. Already 103 on record is expected at the 27th Sisters of Loretto from Loretto annual summer session of Loretto schools in Arizona, California, Heights college, which opens on Colorado. , Kentucky, New Acolyte on Altar Monday, June 30, Faculty mem Mexico, Texas, and Missouri, and In Stfatherine s bers from colleges and schools in sisters from many other orders 10 states from Kentucky to Cali­ in Denver and surrounding states LOVOIA CHURCH (SactmI Haart Paritli, Danvar) (St. Catherine’s Parish, Denver) fornia, together, with many lay are planning to attend. The Rev. Richard Mershon of 'Saturday morning:, June 28, at scholars, make up the present ad- In addition to the regular Lo­ 9 o’clock Otto Gerapach will cele­ the Maryknoll Missionaries of­ retto Heights college faculty, sev­ fered his first Solemn Mass in brate hia silver jubilee as server eral courses of study will be di­ and' acolyte in Sacred Heart St Catherine's Sunday. Assistant Circle Members Set rected by notable visiting pro officers at the Mass were the Rev, church with a Solemn Mass. The sorS. The Rev. Joseph Duhamel, officers of the Mass are: Cele­ Dr. D. A. Lemieux, assistant S.J., professor of moral theology priest; the Rev. John Haley, dea­ brant, the Rev. Joseph Hebert, Baked Food Sale in at Woodstock college, Md., will S.J., newly ordained; deacon, the con; the Rev, George Evans, sub­ offer a course in Christian moral­ deacon; and the Rev. Michael Kav- CABNIVAL Rev, Albert Schulz, S.J.; subdea­ ity, which includes a scientific anagh, speaker. The priests pres­ con, the Rev. Raymond Derrig, Golden for July 13 study of the particular duties that / S.J., newly ordained; and assistant ent in the .sanctuary were Fathers immediately concern relationship Charles and William Jones, Rob­ priest, the Rev. Martin A. Schiltz, to God; of the moral obligations S.J. The pastoi;, the Rev. A. S. Golden.—St. Ames’ circle met pertinent to the theological vir­ ert Syrianey, Herbert and Robert Dimichino, S.J., will preside at the June 19 in the church hall, with tues; of the first three Command Banigan, Duane Theobald, and East 23rd and York Street organ. Immediately after the Mass Mrs. E. L. Bamhard and Mrs. Eu ments of the Decalogue; and of Walter Jaeger. St. Catherine’s the two newly ordained priests will gene Bolitho aa hostesses. A social the reception of the sacraments of choir sang, under the direction of give their individual blessing to evening Was enjoyed and a short Penance and the Eucharist. the Rev. B. John Paolazzi. those present. business meeting was held in which Gene, infant son of Mr. and the circle meml»rs decided to hold In the field of political science. Mrs. Andrew Barifn, was baptized JUNE 26, 27, 28, 29 Father Derrig sang his first a baked food sale after both Mass­ Dr. Paul G. Steinbicker, head of with Joe Pavone and Marie Glioia omMO r*r«Mn Solemn Mass June 22. The Rev. es on Sunday morning, July T3. the department of .government at as sponsors; Marc Edouard, infant AT HO fXTIA con Philip Derrig, S.J., brother of the Recently baptized by Father St. Louis university, will lecture son of Mr. and Mrs. Edouard Es­ celebtent, was assistant priest; the on American national government Barry J. Wogan were Katherine pinosa, was baptized, with Manuel In 1740 ihc lira jurgenuen vtichnuker nude A declaruion of his own . . . ■ D cd in - Rev. Migene H. Kessler, S.J., dean and on the conduct of American and Delia Baca as sponsors; and of Regis college, was deacon; the Lucille Malley, infant daughter of foreign affairs. non of Oepcndibitiiy of juigensen watches. HU d^endem s, right up to the present day, Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Malley of Michael Angelo, infant son of Mr. have pteieried tSat pitjtgt! Rev. John Quirk, S.J., subdeacon; Evergreen, for whom sponsors A special feature o^ the sum­ and Mrs. Angelo O’Dorisio was the Rev. Robert Simms, S.J., were Earl and Audrey Druggis; mer session will be a guidance baptized with Frank Zarlengo and Today you can depend on it . . . a Jules Jurgensen watch represents the acmt master of ceremonies; the Rev. and Lana Carol Smith, infant clinic, held from Aug. 18-28, Minnie Ann O’Dorisio 'as spon­ of KCiuaie servica, the quintessence of quality value! William O'Shaughnessy, S.J., de­ for religious deans and principals, sors. livered the sermon. Father Dimi­ daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Amos counselors and advisers of high chino played the .organ and di­ Smith, for whom sponsors were school boys and girls. The clinic 1947 FORD rected the senior choir. ^ymond Bettinger and Mary will be under the direction of the Anne Minter. Lt. Col. Elmore Moore This Sunday morning,-June 29, Mrs. W. Doy Neighbors under­ Rev. Gerald Kelly, S.J. about 30 children from the sum­ went a major operation in St. An­ Many members of the Lofetto Is Back From Japan mer vacation school now being Heights faculty are studying and thony’s hospital in Denver last teaching at other universities conducted at Sacred Heart parish week. will receive their First Holy Com­ throughout the country during^.the Making sure that his Reguter De Luxe SEDAN Mrs. Mildred Delaney enjoyed a would be roilted to Fort Ban­ summer months. Sister Mary Flor­ munion in the 7 :30 o’clock Mass. week-end vacation at Dak's Okoboji Watch and Clock Repair Service ence, dean of the college, will re ning, Ga., instead of to Japan, 400 17tli St. KE, 2838 Friday evening at 7:30 there and Spbneer, la., visiting with rel­ turn to Loretto this week follow Lt. Col. Elmore P. Moore called will be the usual devotions for the atives and friends. ing the completion M>f a course of at the Register office this week CLOSED JULY 4 and 5 on Display perpetual novena in honor of the Mrs. Karl Unertl and children, special study for college adminis­ while -on leave. ' Sacred Heart. Jimmy, Billy, Nancy, and Lena, of trators at Catholic university in After three years in the Orient, WEDDINGS Wausau, Wis., are visiting here Washington, D. C. Sister M. Alon- Lt. Col. and Mrs. Moore, former SIGHTSEEING with Mrs. Freda Burtscher, who is za is attending the North Cen­ Denverites, will report after 50 Our Specially Mrs. Unertl’s mother. tral workshop at the-University days to the Georgia infantry post. CHECKER CABS Sunday, June 29,1947 Mr. and Mrs. Fred Clark, Sr., of Minnesota. Also, in St. Paul, Mrs. Moore, the former Evelyn ED DUNDON, Mar. HOOYER’CRADDICK are enjoying an extended vacation Minn., is Sister M. Aubert, who is Baum, daughter of Mrs. Ada TA. 2233 trip to Maplewood, La., where they studio; KE. 8(54 Rea. CH. 5758 at the sociological institute, after Baum of 75 S. Grove street, has 40S m h St. TA. 4125 sire visiting with their son-in-law which she will continue her sum­ spent the past year id Japan. Lt. i 328 E. COLFAX AVE. and daughter, Mr. and Mrs, Phil mer studies at Catholic university. Col. Moore is a graduate of Regis VvwwwvvwywwMWA N A T U ItE I\ADZ IT PURE' Garrison, and family. Sister Peter Joseph, director of college and attended St. Thomas’ Tommy Garrison and Billy How­ the Loretto choir, is in seminary. He is a veteran of the ard are spending a short vacation city at the Pius X school of New Guinea and Philippine cam- 7 in Estes Park. ALL OF LAST YEAR'S LESTER’S liturgical music. Sister Helen Ce- laigns. A brother, Edward Moore, \ cille is studying at the ives at 1276 S. St. Paul street THAN LOW BANK INTEREST RATES... Musical college. Sister M. Maura WATCH REPAIRS C. D. of A. Study Club is doing special research in Mon­ T-D«7 Strvle# treal, Canada, in connectio;i wi^h St. Clara's Aid Group SEE.THE Q o ttn c U FIRST FOR.r. Successful Features Oim-Tmi CatrantM Holds Finol Meeting her studies at Laval university. • SAURY AND • FHA HOME REPAIR AND 1529W clton CH. 2447 Sister Marie Clyde and Sister Te­ To Hold Party July 2 PERSONAL LOANS MODERNIZATION LOANS The C. D. of A. Study club closed resa Marie are teaching at Web­ ster college, Webster Groves, Mo. St. Clara’. Aid aociety will • AUTOMOBILE ’ • FARM MACHINERY the year’s activities with a luncheon aponaor a party at the orphan­ Aik your Appllatie. and card party at the Lakewood FINANCING LOANS or Aulofflotiv. Om Iw TO BE REPEATED age in Danver Wedneaday, ’ St stop by Ht« lank. Dr. G. J . country club, Denver, June 19. At Colorado Exceeds Quota July 2, at 1 o’clock. Tho • SMALL BUSINESS • HOME APPLIANCE AND the business meeting, all the offi­ In Cancer Society Drive hofteaa will ba Mra, John LOANS FURNITURE LOANS cers were re-elected: Mrs. G. W. Schmitt. All are wolcome. Schaeuble Schneider, president; Mrs. H. Gor­ Colorado contributions for the You need not bo • dopoiilor . . . Centrol Now-Woy Bonk Croditik don, vice president; Mrs. W. J. 1947 fund-i/hising campaign of the ovoiloblo to ovoryono ... individuolt, firmi, buiinosM*. Optometrist Foehl, secretary; Mrs. Irene Koser, American Cancer society have CONSUMER CREDIT DEPT., SECOND FLOOR treasurer. Mrs. W. J. Foehl was reached $18,000 more than quota Moving • Storage SpeeJalist hostess for the occasion, one of the the state division of the society an For VUnal most succesuul affairs of the sea­ nounced today. Contributions so Express The CENTRAL BANK & TRUST CO. son. There was a good attendance far tabulated amount to $118,000, Eye Care of members and guests. and returns are still reaching state Low Rates 15TH & ARAPAHOE STREETS— DENVER, COLO. — « „ Meetings will be resumed in Oc- headquarters of the cancer-fight­ KE. 6425 2149 Wellon St. 310 Mack Bldg. K£. 5840ltober. ing organization.______STARTS NEXT JULY 2

YOU’LL STRIKE SILVER TOO! July 2-3-4-J k » H i PARTICIPATING ORGANIZATIONS , ON DISPLAY » * ★ Zenith Radio Phonograph Junior Catholic Daughters of America Hope Chest ★ ★ I Archbishop's Guild War Bond

★ Silver Dollars Galore Ozonom Club

★ Alkin YOU’LL SEE LOTS MORE Knights of Columbus NEW 1047 FORD ON DISPLAY NOTE! New Locatiorii t nV T fi HOME AIVD KMGHTS OF COLIIMBFSDU 9 GROIJIVDS EAST 16th. AVE. & GRANT n J ...... Thursday, June 26, 1947 Office, 988 B annock Street THE DENVER CATHOUC REGISTER Telephone. KEystone 4205 PAGE FIVE p ' Beverly Ann Boston Wed in Church in Missouri Drive-In Theater DR. JAMES P. Weds Roger Walker To Be Opened Soon GRAY Mim Beverly Ann Boston, Something new under Colorado daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Optornetrut R. Boston, became the bride of skies, a Drivs-ln theater, is now Roger Daniel Walker, son of Mr. being built on East Colfax across nSVAL CARE . and Mrs. P. W. Walker June 14, from Fitzsimons hoepital. An early EYES EXAMINED at Holy Ghost church, Denver, in opening date will be announced a ceremony at which the Rev. Jo­ soon. The manager, L. J. Alber- VISVAL TRAIMNG seph Bosch officiated. Miss Boston, was given in marriage by her tini, is a Catholic. father, and was attend^ by Miss DHve-In theaters first'became 212-13 Colo. Bldg., 1615 Calif. St, Carol Wenzel, maid of honor, and popular in California and now Pfionjg for Appointment Betty Babcock, Charleen Mahoney, have spread all over the nation. and Anne Doremus, ’ bridesmaids. Up to now, Denver has been the TA. 8883 Mr. Walker was attended by his only city of its size that has not brother, William Walker, best man, had this form of entertainment and Arthur Bonger, Robert Vande- grift, and Thomas Anderson, The newest improvements in n.shers. Vocalist was Dr. Charles design provide for a huge motion Phillips. picture screen four to ^ e times the size of the normal theater A reception was held later in screen, plus separate car speak-! Lifer's Tjoo Short! the Mayfair room of the Brown ers which permit individual volume: Palace hotel, following an extended control. TO SLAVE IIV A HOT KITCHEIV Better Parking wedding trip to New York, Wash­ ington, Niagara Falls, Lake Louise, The Denver Drive-In Theater D/IVE HERE IN COMFORT Canada, and Yellowstone park, Mr. corporation is spending $125,000 Facilities and Mrs. Walker will make their to construct the newest and most home in Boulder, Colo., where he modern Drive-In theater in the AIR-CONDITIONED—REFRESHINGLY COOL country. It will also be one of the Visitors find plenty of will continue his studies at the CLOSED* MONDAYS NO PARKING state university. largest, providing space for 780 cbnvenient parking space at cars. It will be a locally owned ^ p r o b l e m s Both Mr. and Mrs. Walker arc independent theater. the W. P. Horan & Son graduates of North high school. •Mrs. Walker is a graduate of the NOTICE or FINAL SETTLEMENT Chapel. Because the lot ad- -.tate university of Colorado and ESTATE o r MARIE PODGE, DECEASED Oolden riLanteni s a member of Alpha Chi Omega. NO. 80IS9. RESTAURAIVT joins the building, no one Mr. W'alker is a member of Pi Notice it hereby riven that on th« SU. day of July. 1947. 1 wilt pretent to the 1265 Bdwy. Near 13th Ave KE. 1204 has to walk more than a Kappa Alpha fraternity. He saw County Court of the City and County ol, s service in the navy, where he held Denver, Colorado, my aecounta for FINAL few steps to reach the the rank of ensign. SETTLEMENT of adminlatratlon of ea d eatata. when and where all pereont in 'n. chapel. tereet may appear and object to them If Free Dancing Lessons' Gerald E. Diamond, a graduate man; and Virgil Nanneman, at­ they 10 deilra, of Cathedral high ichool, Denver, tendant. The Nuptial Matt wai B. C. HILLIARD. Jr., Available at Schools and ion of John Diamond of Ak­ celebrated by the Rev. B. H. Lub- Adminiitritor. Cleaning at Its Best ron, Colo., look at hit bride Mitt bering. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT AND Mary Nanneman, in St, Mary’t Otbert from Denver who went DETERMINATION OP ^BEtRSHIP Free Up dancing instruction church, Wien, Mo., on May 12. to Miitouri for the ceremony were ESTATE OF Loub F. L. Gnthntr. Da- 3 DAY SERVICE will b« given to Denver youngsters Milt Nanneman it the daughter of the bridegroom'i titter, Mrt. Vir­ ecased. No. SOZM. starting this week, according to Mr. and Mri. J, H. Nanneman of ginia McGowan, aAd an aunt^Miti Notiea ta hereby riven that on tha 22nd Pickup and Delivery Horan & Son Chapels Mrs.. Dot Jo Campbell, supervisor AVien. Regina O’Neill. day' of July, 1947, I will preaent to the County Court of the City and County of TWO STORES KEyston* 6297 KEystone 6298 of women’s and girls’ activities Brother! and tiiteri of the Mr. Diamond ipent four yean Denver, Colorado, my aceounii for final on the summer playground pro­ young couple attended them at of army duty in the ETO, and it •ettlement of the admlniitration at laid 1527 Cleveland Place gram. the altar; Thareie Nanneman, now employed with a photottat eatata, when and when all pertona in In- 594 So. Broadway — PE. 4686 maid of honor; Regina Diamond, company in Denver, where the tareat may appear and object to them. If Four instructors, Anna Fraser, they so detIre. 2025 W. Alameda — RA. 0612 Frances Fraser, Jean Ricciardi, brideimaid; Jack Diamond, hett couple will make their heme. , Notice ia alto henby riven that thare K^ljlilllljl^iMini/MailiiJiri/iMiMM,iu„...... ;' (A c bo m From Valverde School) and Ernestine Smith, will visit hat been filed :in taid eatata a patitlon most of the supervised play­ aikinr for a judicial aicertainmant and determination of the heire of eueh deccaaid, grounds and will give weekly in­ YOUNG PIANIST' IS TO APPEAR and settlor forth that the names, addrcaan struction. and relitionehip of all pertona, who an or SOUTH DENVER CLEANERS The following is a schedule of claim to bt hein of said deeeaard, so far IN FIRST RED ROCKS CONCERT as known to tha patitionar, a n at fol- instruction: Mondays, Beach court, lows, to-wit: Colfax, Lawrence street, Mont­ The petitioner, Louise A. Shanley. 446 clair, and University Park schools; Waahinrton Street, Denver, Coiorado, 0 ^ Leonard Pennario, youthful pi­ The concerts will start at. 8 Daughter. I Tuesday, Park Hill, Emerson, 3 LOCATIONS J V, Sherman, Bamum, and Eagleton anist who will be guest star with o’clock-in the evening. Hulda Guthner, 445 WaahlHV^n Street, the Denver symphony at the open­ Denver. Colondo, Widow. HO’^1TO SSRVE YOU! schools; Wednesday, 24th street, Tickets for this civic event—only Accordinriy. notice la alio henby rivvn LOANS Smiley, Elmwood, Fairview, and ing concert of the Red Rocks Music $1.60 for single performances and that upon the date aforaaald, or the day • 3531 SOUTH BROADWAY festival this Friday night, in a to which the hearinr may ^ eontinuad,' 7(/iU«taVeectf Denver’s Largest Dealer Fairmont schools; Thursday, |8 for the season—are on sale at Ebert, Ashland, Whittier, and few short years has risen from the the Court will proceed to receive and bear (laiUwead 2045) status of “boy prodigy” to the the box office of the May com­ proofs concerninc the hairs of eueh de- AUTO, FURNITURE Mitchell schools, and Highlands ceated, and, upon the proofs eubmitted. • 7401 EAST COLFAX AVL "After All, IPs Service That Counts** ark; and Friday, Boulevard, stature of accomplished virtuoso, pany and at all downtown de­ will enter a decree in said estate dcler- _ (lAat 1797) COUAnRAt LOANS 'eller, Swansea schools, and St. according to Saul Gaston, conduc­ partment stores, leading hotels. mininr who an tha heirs of such dtceaaed tor, who will wield the baton in the perton, at which bearing all pertona eliim- • 14TH AND BROADWAY amsgsd privaltly. Charles and Globeville parks. United Stafes Federal center, and ing to be heirs at law of such deceased MAIN open-air series. may appear and present their proofs.. (K iytlan a 6321) 1335 Broadway 1314-1338 Acoma Denver music lovers who have the Young Women’s Christian as­ Loulae A. Shanley, \ MONTHIT FAYMINTII / Reccfit Bride followed Pennario’s musical ca­ sociation. Mrs. Henry C. Van Adminietratrix CMvtilianL Qaidc, Friendly ServUel Schaack and Mrs. Walter Lawrence JAMES W. CREAMER, On CItIc C«nUr 3111 reer recall with interest the cheers 205 Majestic.Bldg. he received when he played with are chairman and co-chairman of Denver. Colondo SECURITIES CREDIT CORP. the Denver symphony, first on the ticket committee. Attorney for Estate. Dec. 3, 1942, as a 17-year-oId high school youth, and next, on Dec. 10, COLORADO WOMEN STORE YOUR 1943, as a ^ v a te .first class in Che army air forces/i Former GIs / FURS NOW who served in the China-Burma India theater during World war II ucmand good taste...In clothes...and In bread Modem VttulU remember him as a concert pianist V»t «f W*rM War N*. t who not only could wrap the long COLFAX AT WASHINOTON underwear trade around his 10 KE 4 S 7 S dexterous fingers, but'could also send the solid trade with his hot­ TOWN TALK BREAD wire rendition of the low-flown boogie. ‘Mutical Sentation* He did Rachmaninoff’s C Minor Cbncerto in Minneapolis some For A Well-Dressed Junior years ago when Dmitri Mitropou los conducted a memorial concert in honor of the great Russian com­ poser and pianist. Upon this oc­ casion he was acclkimed “musical sensation of our time.” Both as soldier and civilian, he has played with practically evary Mrt. Eugene Shelly Marcello, major symphony orchestra across above, before her recent marriage the country. Besides the Denver in Our Lady of Mt. Carmel church, symphony, he has been guest solo­ Denver, wai Mitt Evelyn Celen ist with lie New York and Los An­ Women mho deeply relish lffe*§ tano. She it the daughter of Mr. geles philharmonics, the Chicago and Mrt. Jamet Celenlano. Mr symphony, the Chicago Women’s Marcello it the ton of Mr. and symphony, and many others. He Mrt. Anthony Marcello. has been heard on the major radio networks with the top orchestras. The couple are making their The concert in’which the forme*.. heme in Denver. GI will demonstrate his mastery pleasures glow with an unmistakable of the keyboard is the first in the series of six weekly concerts con­ stituting the initial symphonic use' of Denver’s unique Red Rocks the­ INSURANCE ater. Other ArtUtt Listed " J o s . " c e l l a ""’ ^ Other famous soloists and their radiance that Is all their own. In their 1120 Seru.rltv Bldg. dates are: P lio n e KK vstunr 26.1.Y Igor' Gorin, Metropolitan opera baritone, Thursday, July 3; Don­ ald Dickson, motion picture and > Dr. D. C. fVerthman^ radio baritone, Friday. July 11; ^ and Associate i Todd Duncan, noted Negro bari­ tone, and Camilla Williams, famous dress or on their tables. • * even the ^ Dentists ^ Negro soprano, Friday. July 18; and Jennie Tonrel, distinguished ► PUTES ^ Metropolitan opera mezzo soprano, ^SH lltk StrMt IIM Iftk Strtvt 4 Frida]^ July 25. The final con­ 1 KKjtlMt till TAkar Sill < cert, Friday, Aug. 1, will bring to Denver “an outstanding attrac­ tion,’’ announced Maj. Gen. John least of things Is Important And F.'Curry, festival-chairman. SHOE REPAIRIHG Central City WHILE YOU WAIT Opera Star so, because of Its surpassing merit they

S Y H M l t U M f i ^ \ Y o m ts H o e s Washable ’ Spunroy Slack Suits

Dressy enough for “company” . . . sturdy enough for play. The Dan River “Spunray” fabric is guar-, anteed by “Good Housekeeping.” Slacks have match­ ing belt. Shirts are short sleeved with tailor-wide collars. Summer color combinations of brown and Kuhhpr hrvis, lop lifts, lo^ tan, light and dark blue, green and yellow. In san­ piecps; half soles, full soles, forized sizes 4 to 12. attarhed by experieared shoemakers while you work 5,98 or shop. We also remodel shoes, cut oul loes or heels, The Denver-Boys’ Shop—Third rebind, lake in sides to fit, Ragina Resnik, blond dramatic make shoes longer or wider. soprano of t h e Matropolitan Opera compkny of New York ar- For i)uaHty Shorn AegaWng-af rivod in Cantral City Saturdap, Popitlat PHeot— KItfl Out Shot Juna 21. She will aing Leonora, Dimtm Sitpt wM C«vUnMl"-K|yft«ii* 3111 Hepait n^pt. . , . Batpmrnt the leading role in BeethoTcn't opera, “Fidalio,” 12 timet in tha IF YOU HAD A MILLION DOLLARS Cantral City Opera Fettiral. Tha firtt preaentatlen will ha Tueiday YOU COULDN'T BUY BETTER BREAD ^S essr^ia 'ljiesl^ avaaing, July 1. Vf

PAGE SIX Office, 9S8 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEystone 4205 Thursday, Ju n e 26, 1947 Parish to Honor ARCHBISHOP VEHR CONFIRMS CLASS Execulive B nnl OF 37 IN CEREMONY IN LiniETON YOllR FAVORITE

Rev. F. A. Pettit Littleton. — First Holy Com-i day, June 20, for a month’s visit OfACCNloMeet COFFEES munion and Confirmation were with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. riven in S t Mary’s parish on Sun- William W. Heckethom. Mrs, (Bleieed Saernment Pari«k, ay, June 22. Twelve children re­ Haftnett will be remembered as The executive committee of the DenTer) ceived First Communion, and 37 the former Miss Anne Heckethom. Archdiocesan Council of Catholic The Dade* club of Blessed Sacra­ children and adults were confirmed Mr. and Mrs. Albert Singer, Sr., Nurses will meet in the Knights ment parish will sponsor a recep­ by Archbishop Urban J. Vehr at and their two daughters, Helen of Columbus hall, 1675 Grant EDWARDS tion in the parish hall Sunday af­ 4 p.m. and Therese, have returned from .a street, Denver, on Tuesday, July ternoon, June *29, from 3 to B The children who received their two weeks’ vacation trip to Kansas, 1, at 4 p.m. At this time the finance Drip, Regular, or Pulver- A O A o’clock, honoring the Rev. Francis First Holy Communion were Juan­ where they visited relatives and committee will present the 1947 ized, 1-lb. can...... "IOC A. Pettit, who will take up new du­ ita Prado, Christine Rebhold, Delia friends. They made the trip by budget for approval. ties at S t Anthony’s church, Hugo. Fernandez, Helen Gutierrez, Rita automobile. Women of the various parish Gutierrez, Yvonne Ritter, Tommy Miss Catherine Scharping, chair­ Airway Coffee i Mr. and Mrs. Louis Higgins ^ d man of the retirement committee, groups will assist men of the Dads’ Gannon, Larry Rooney, Frank Nob Hill Coffee l-lb. club in receiving guests. Father GerUts, Michael Anderson, Ronald their daughter Janette are spend­ has called a meeting for Monday, bai _ Pettit will, be presented with a Bartusick, and Manuel Acosta. ing their vacation in Kansas, June 30, at 4 o’clock, in St. Jo­ purse at the reception. Margaret Ritchlin and L in d a where they are visiting relatives seph’s hospital nurses’ home. Hu­ Hills Bros. Coffee Z Mr. and Mrs. Frank Warner and in Fort L^venworth and Kansas bert Hughes, business manager of Smyth were the flower girls who City, They plan to be gone about Wakefield Coffee their two children, Billie and led the communicants to the altar. St. Anthony’s hospital, will serve Karen, of Twin Falls, Ida., were two weeks. as an adviser to the committee. A breakfast for the children was Mr. and Mrs. Harold V. Craig guests of Mr. and Mrs. Max L. held in the home of Mrs. Jerry Mrs. Mary Murphy, 864 Sher­ CLEANSERS Tomato Juice Gray the past week. Rooney. Among the other raests and Joan, Jerry, and Johnny left man street, presided at the finance by car on Wednesday, June 18, meeting held in her home June 24. DAINTEE Two From Parish were Father Hubert Newell, and for a trip that will take them to Soaplett liquid* Apple Sauce mn___ Sister .Anna Joseph, Sister Regina A tentative budget for the year 86-0*. kU.....__ _ 25c Hospital Patients Portland to visit rel^ives, to was planned and will be submitted Margaret, and Sister Marie of Washington state, and into Can­ Mrs. Milton W. Allen is a pa­ Carmel from Englewood, who at the next executive meeting for BABO Grapefruit . 15c tient in Mercy hospital, where she ada. They will come home by way their opinion. CHher members pres­ CiMiiuer, taught the vacation school classes. of Yellowstone park.' 14-01. c « n ____ „12c C n r y t Country Home Whole Kernel underwent an operation last .week. Dolly Cecchin, Shirley Spahn, and ent were Mrs. (5laire Marker, Mrs. UOrn Golden Goit BanUm, 12-or. can____ 16c Mrs. J. Leonard Swigert iinder- Patricia, Kathleen, and Maureen Cynthia Ann Koran, four-year- Mary Reum, Mrs. Viola Fanger, SPIC & SPAN Cl««ner n n Laraen, went an operation in St Luke’s Rooney were also present. Mrs. old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rob­ and the Rev. Hubert Newell. Veg.AII No. 2 can______17c hospital June 17, and Mrs. ’Thomas ert Koran, returned to her home J8-or. pksr. ______fcfaC Rooney was assisted by Mmes. St. Jotapb’i Hospital Brown Beauty Phoenix and Miss Jeanne Crapo, John Lievens, Maurice Ohrel, and from the Porter hospital on Tues­ WHITE MAGIC who were hospitalized the past few Frank Cecchin. day, June 17. Cynthia Ann under­ Mrs. Anastacia Ries, St. Joseph’s Bleach g t i DaKCUBaked BeansD eans .tyi*.’*** SOO can 13c went an emergency appendectomy parish, has been added to the staff. Qt. SU______...... l i e weeks, have returned to their The junior choir of St. Mary’s homes and are improving nicely. church provided the music for the at the hospital. Mrs. Dorothy Kenna, 1272 Grape, WHITE MAGIC Spaghetti .. 15c '^Mrs. Harold F. Collins and Mass. The choir was directed by Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Conrad and is a patient in the hospital. Bleach daughter, Patricia, will leave July their infant son were the guests H -sal. ffU. ...i____ Sister Marie of Carmel, and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Yeager, Luncheon Meat 12-01. can__ 39c to spend a month on the Eart Robert Ritchlin was organist of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed­ 1280 Fairfax, announce the birth WHITE MAGIC coast Bleach n a Among the children who sang are ward Conrad of Louviers, last of *a boy, Thomas Edward, born Soup Mix „ 1 0 c A. W. Trice of Ada, Okla., who week end. The former are no« June 19. Mrs. Yeager is the former 1-araI, g t a .______JOC Noodle, pkg. was In Denver to attend a con­ Marie Ritchlin, Barbara Hecke- thorn, Kathleen Rooney, Maureen residing at Wray. Lena Elizabeth Pancio, a graduate 46*oz. ference of federal circuit judges Rooney, Joanne Karnes, Mary Kar­ Fred Cecchin has been ill of the of St. Mary’s hospital school of Orange Juice 13c can ...... —^ 29c last week, was the guest of his nes, Patsy Anderson, Wilma Hanz- mumps at his home on North Win­ nursing, Rochester, Minn., The ma­ Gardcntide sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and lick, Betty Price, Theresa Prado, dermere, but is now feeling ihuch ternal grandmother is Mrs. Carlo Tomatoes 18c No. 2H can. 23c Mrs. Robert J. Dooling. Jean Wan, Rita Contreas, Dolly improved. Pancio, Boise, Ida. Karen Lee Ann Jones, infant Miss Rose Anna Brooks, daugh­ Cherub Milk ^ 12c 2 for 23c daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Cecchfn, Shirley Spahn, Alice Ash­ Miss Anne Kombal, office nurse croft, Janice Huls, Helen Bauden- ter of Mrs. Anna Brooks, is work­ or Dr. Eugene Auer, has returned Cocoa l-lb.* 26c G. Jones, was baptized by Father distel, and Bobby McCarthy. Rich­ ing in the a-ssessor’s office at the 14c can .. P ettit with Mr. and Mrs. A. R. rom a vacation to 8-lb. ard Fernandez was soloist. county court house for the sum­ and San Francisco, Calif. In San Royal Satin $ 1 .1 2 Saraceno as sponsors. mer. She recently completed her 39c Xla. —....— Mrs. William Thorntoti and son, Rita Contreas, Dolly Cecchin, Francisco she visited with Belva Puffed Wheat Puffed Rico Maureen Rooney, and Shirley freshman year at Loretto Heights Olson, former nursing arts instruc­ Sparkle. 14c Tommie, are spending next week college. 11c Rex. pkx. — in Colorado Springs. Spahn helped the Sisters of S t Jo- tor at the hospital. Sister Ann Breakfaat Gema, Lx. Ex., Gr. A, Med. Ex., Gr. A C O - . 'eeph from Englewood during the Several of the parish women Leonard, former night supervisor, 55c 1-dox. c t n . ____ O itC St. Joseph’s Circle met at the church on Friday, June 1-doz. ctn. vacation school. The girls helped who is now stationed at St. John’s J Mr*. W right’a Wheat or Enr. l'.k-lb. supervise the recreational program 20, to prepare it fo: the First Holy' hospital, San Monica, Calif., is re­ D re a a ^ h it* . SUced, l-Ib. loaf______11c l o a f __ 15c Has Outing Communion a n d Confirmation On June 19 members of S t Jo­ of the children and also aided the covering from a recent operation ^i-gal, sisters in classroom projects services. Those present were Clorox gUaa 18c 27c seph’s circle enjoyed the day at the Mmes. John B. Gannon, William Mercy Hospital xlaaa — cabin home of Mrs. Howard Clen- The senior choir of St. Mary’s Stegeman, Frank Cecchin, and |7I_ Spray with 6% DDT S2-OX. nan in E v e^ een . Co-hostesses church sang at the Confirmation Mrs. Adren Grabow, 672 S. riy-ueu glaaa ______20c xlaaa — 35c Charles Bolis. Logan, is recovering from with Mrs. Clennan were Mrs. services. The choir was directed by The Ave Maria circle of the James J., Johnson and Mrs. James Miss Catherine Maloney, with Mrs. sprained foot. Archbishop’s guild met on Wed­ New ACCN members include TEA Cassela. MVs. Edward Udry and Robert Ritchlin as o r g am i s t. nesday evening, June 25. Mrs. L. BUTTER Mrs. D, G. Mulligan were guests, Among those who sang were/Rose Mrs. Louise Dunn, 1233 Fillmore Canterbury Orange Pekoe King Gertig was hostess for the Meadow Wood with bridge honors being won by Anna Brooks, Mary O’Brien, meeting at her home on Cedar street; Mrs. Francis Hawker, 1915 « -lb . Mrs. Adrian Maguire and Mrs. D. Gloria Cecchin, Charlotte Kolde- Logan street; Mrs. Martha C. pkx. .. ___ 23c Sweet cream type. Salted* avenue, a G. Mulligan. way, Patricia Gerety, Kenneth Wessell, 3911 W. 24th avenue; W-lb. Creamery ex. gr., l-lb. ctn... 74c At a formal wedding ceremony pks. - „ 45c Mrs. Frank Guiry and her Gertig, Jack Jones, Mrs. Wayne held in St. Mary’s church on Sun­ Miss Theresa Wethington, 655-Gal- l-lb. White Rock daughter, Susan, left by plane Duckworth, and Mr. and Mrs. L. day afternoon, June 15, with apago street; Mrs. Claude Yeager, pkx. .. _ 87c June 23 for Buffalo, N. Y. They King Gertig. Louis Neff was 1280 Fairfax street; and Mrs 16-bag Creamery fint-grade Father Newell officiating, Miss p k x ...... 14c l-lb. ctn...... 71c will motor from there to Quebec, .soloist J Ruth Carson, daughter of Mr, and Martha White, who is making her Canada. Before returning home Misses Catherine Maloney, Glor- Mrs. William M. Carson, became home in Berwyn, 111. This brings Canferbun* Green Bredan— Meadow Gold or they*will visit Mrs. Guiry’s brother, la Cecchin, and Mary O’Brien the bride of Benny A. Cyboron, the total membership in the Den­ 16-bax Joseph Clifford, in New York and spent Saturday and Sunday, June son of Mrs. Mary Cyboron. Miss ver area to 484 paid members, 69 14c Brookfield 1 jb...... 71c relatives in Detroit and Chicago. 14 and 16, at the Chalet ranch in Mary O’Brien was maid of honor of whom are Colorado Springs Estes Park, where they attended for the bride, and John A. Bower, members. 1 2 0 9 • I 5 tm s t r e e t the state convention of Colorado Jr., served as best man. A recep­ Sacred Heort High Business and Professional Wom­ tion was held for the newlyweds at IIAUi; BROS. A.FEWAV en’s clubs. The trip was made by the home of Leonard Grant,, after automobile. which they left on a short wedding; Class of '34 Plans Mrs. Keith Allen and her two trip. They are now residing on MARKET The House of Quality Meats and Groceries children, Donald and Janine, are the ranch of the bride’s parents, CORN FED MEATS making their home In Littleton where Hr. Cyboron is associated nSH AND POULTRY Reunio'n on Sunday temporarily while Chief Petty Of with his father-in-law in the oper­ MAPELLl BROS. fleer Allen is serving overseas in ation of the Carson dairy business, 1030 W. Colfax TA. 7297 INTERMOUNTAIN ELEVATORS The class of 1934 of Sacred China. Mrs. Allen and the children 221 15th Sl We Deliver TA. 5311 Heart high school will hold a class are residing with her mother, Mrs, reunion on Sunday, June 29, from Louise Coan. / 'A.9 POT ROAST 45c n. Mrs. Eugene Hartnett and her ^ FORT MORGAN 3 until 5 p.m. in Adelphian hall. infant daughter, Nicole, arrived GROCERY AIVD MARKET, EVC. Special The reunion is being held to by plane from on Fri- Cora F td b o il i n g RIBS 25Cn. honor two members of the class, EARL BAILLIE and ANDY SERFOZO, Proprietors FLOUR MILLS the Rev, Raymond Derrig, S. J., 4058 Tejon Street GLendale 7753 New ShipmeDt—Pure Italiaii OLIVE OILS and the Rev. Joseph Hebert S.J., Sorority to Give FORT MORGAN Full Line of Femoo* S t Loui* R-F MACARONI PRODUCTS who were ordained on June 18 and PURE LARD, Hills Bros. COFFEE, BRANCHES AT— 1-Ib. carton...... 2 0 * Drip or Reg., 2-lb. can O w Imported ITALIAN CHEESES celebrated their first Solemn LONGMONT . . . YUMA Masses on June 22. Members of Dinner for Grads WIENERS, Snnswaat PRUNE zSaasJme HUDSON . . . HILL ROSE the class of 1934 and other Sacred Skialeii, lb /...... 38* JUICE, full qt...... 27' Heart alumni friends are cordially MILLERS AND HANDLERS OF GROUND BEEF, Bluhill SALAD C Q c invited to attend. (St. Lenit* Pariih, Englewood) FLOUR, WHEAT. CORN, BARLEY, In charge of arrangements for A membership campaign is being Extra Lean, lb...... 35* DRESSING, full qt...... O w OATS. AND MILL FEEDS Hummers Delicatessen the reception are Mrs. David W. conducted by members of the Mar­ 'Armour Star HAM, Pasteurised Creamery Country Shippers! Carr (Denise Mariaux), Mrs. ian sorority of the parish. This H or Whole, ib...... 57* RUTTER. Ib...... O C Consign four Shipment To Vs Family-Size Chicken Pot Pies, serves 3 to 4_$1*40 Frank W. Gold (Anna Marie group, for girls of post-high school Hungarian Goulash Noodles, serves 3 to 4____$ 1 .0 0 Wade), John Morrison, and T. J. age, is giving a dinner for this Spaghetti, serves 3 to 4....„...... 8 5 ^ McMahon. year’s graduates Thursday evening Fresh Shrimp Creole with' Rice______$1 .1 5 at 6 :30 o’clock in the Bucklen res­ taurant in Englewood. All gradu­ MILWAUKEE SAUSAGE rotra favorite oairi aRo ates are invited to attend. 311 East 7th Ave. KE. 1986 I d CREAM RFOT The Altar and Rosary society is “Betioeen Logan and Grant” sponsoring a games party in the PRODUCERS DAIRY school hall Thursday afternoon at 1:30. There will be no evening HOME PUBLIC MARKET 933 BANNOCK party. Park Free 8h(y and Save D lnctir Actm* the ItrMt Fraa The San Luis Rey club met in 0 4 . -JO TIm R*eiita the school hall June 25 to plan future activities. The first of LUNCHES these will be a horseback ride on Tuesday, July 1. All' members FOUNTAIN SERVICE should meet at the school at 6:30 and the best in p.m. k Large Assortment of Potted IF FISH BESURETOEAT DAIRY PRODUCTS . Plants and Funeral Designs Mrs. Schmitt Is Hostess IS YOUR DISH For Aid Society Meeting * Wxdnaiday, July 2, at 1 p.m., Mr*. J. Schmitt will be MURRAY RROS. DISTRIBUTIN6 GO. iPica n boitei* for the St. Clara Aid society, which meat* at the JERRY BREEN FROM S S S Robert M. — Paul V. — M. T. Mum^ SSSSS orphanage in Denver. A good Beauty attendance U desired. * mUCMIbNI PRODUCTSI Quality Meat Mkt. LOOP M ARKET MASTER Florist CALL FIFTEENTH AND LAWRENCE 1456 California HA. 2279 ”We?re Qualified for Quality** Fraa Perldag With ParebaM of 50o or More e l 1429 Lewresee KEY SHOP FAGAN’S **The Whole Town*g T alking 803 IStb St. SOLES ALpine 4641 Fine Sea Food OniEOIATE 8ERVICB Free Delivery A NATURAL AID FOR lla 'ib Wem u il Children^ MLAs 0541 Bklf Solw Delivery AD Work GuTutMd Rhssmalitffl Mountain Fruit* Co. ' ONt SIORB ONLY DRIVE CAREFULLY LOOP SHOE REPAHl SHOP IN THE tOOP PUBLIC MAnKET-ISH-HAWKSNCt QnaUty PrxHi end Vtxitakl** LOOP MARKET K f .bOlO i-r MA.3Q87 Kidiey-Bladdsr SERVICE CALLS AtjTO KEY8 RONNIE VERNON BOB WEBER RAIL ORDERS ACCEPTED Bob W tbsr I* a a .a ib s r *f St. Rom of **You might kill one of our emtomert" Disorders L ia i Porhh ADDISON’S TA. 2758 **Yon Will Always Play Safe** When you get Quality Heats at Don't neglect what The firms listed here de­ Japan Taa ...... 1.00 lb. may seem to be a FOR THAT PICNIC Formosa Oolong Taa... ..1.20 Ib. ORDER COAL NOW— tribal ache or pain serve to be remembered Gunpowder Tea and allow a serious ...... 1.20 Ib.(pinhead) ailment to develop. FRENCH FRIED when you are distributing Young Hyson Taa...... -.1.20 Ib. We Recommend Try Mountain Val­ Black Tea*...... 75c, 90e 1.00 lb. ley Mineral Water your patronage in the dif­ All Ntw T*,* Jess PINNACLE-WADGE from Hot Springs, ‘ POTATOES Nutmeati sad CandUd Fruit* Ark., as a natural ferent lines of business. SUPER MARKET HARRIS-BLACK WALNUT aid f 0 r stiffened joints and aching IN BITUMINOUS COALS musclea P r e ­ scribed for more PIKEYIEW COAL than 76 years. M A A i m DENVER’S CLEANEST UGNTTE HENRY'S JWA. V i n t pjQ SOOT—NO CLINKERS Good Bakery Goods YOU’LL ALWA'YS FIND i MOUNTAIN VALLEY FBSIIN CHOICE CUTS All Grade* of Stoker and Steam Coala M IN E I^ WATER Order a Case Today S K o m s VOS$ BROS. AT THE PIKES PEAK FUEL ★ Ceep Rock Water Co. Mountain Frozen Foods Uhirago Mkt. 635 Curtis St Phone MA 6181 J 614-27tb StTMt TAber 8121 i l 6 W. W amn PE. 7574 Thursday, Ju n e 26, 1947 Office, 988 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOUC REGISTER Telephone, KEystone 4205 PAGE SEVEN

SnON GUIID Givm St. James' Parish THE THING TO DO SUMMER MASS SCHEDULE , PARTY ON THURSDAY nmusemEnts—Dinine Gives Novena Hour When You Can’t Afford Disappointment IN DENVER ARCHDIOCESE , The Seton guild will entertain ENJOY AN INVIGORATING DRIVE REtREDTIOn (St. Jamea’ Pariak, Danear) with a party at 1:30 p.m. Thurs­ To day, June 26, in the Gas and Elec­ The perpetual novena devotions tric building, Denver. There will in honor of the Sacred Heart will 'O’ks summer schedule of Masses ARVADA. S t A nat'a, 8 and 10. be refreshments and prizes. Host­ Theatre be held Friday evening at 7:45. in tks Denver archdioeeee in par­ AURORA. St Tharaaa’a, 1808 X. 14th Holland’s LA RAY HOTEL Baptized Sunday were Michael esses will be Mmes. Joseph Mc- SWIM PARK PE. 9877 ishes that have reported the Mass Ava., I and 10. Closkey, William McCanna, A1 Terrance, son of Mr. and Mrs. BOULDER. Baerad Heart of jaana, tS tt 1028 S. GarlerU tims to the R e g is t e r t< given below. Garbella, H. Weber, John McDer­ m GOLDEN Robert V. Leydon, with John and 14th St, I JO, 8, and 10. In Clean, Pastors arc asked to send in the mott, and Nolan, and Miss Nell WadiMaday-Tkaraday-Pridar- Mary Leydon as sponsors; John BRECXENRIDOK, 8:10, 2nd Sunday. Miller. ■■ S atardaj. Breen, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. schedule of their parish if not BRIGHTON, S t Angaatina'a, S. 8th and For Luncheon or Dinner Heated Jane IS-tf-tY-II: John B. Brennan, with Robert and listed, in order that ■. a complete Buah Sta.. 8:19, t, I (Spanlah), and The g(uild will hold its regular 10 JO . Waakdaya. t . meeting at 12:30 Thursday, July Wallace Beery - Edward Arnold in Barbara Kelly as sponsors; and schedule mag be made for the bene­ Yoa*ll Like the Food, Service and Atmosphere fit of summer visitors. BRIOGSDALE, 8 t Joaaph’a. 10 JO. 2nd 3, in the C. D. of A. clubhouse, Drinking THE MIGHTY McGURK Gayle Lee Ann, infant daughter aad Ith Sundaya; I JO, 4th Sunday. and of Mr. and Mrs. William R. ANKtINCIATlON, 1621 Humboldt. 1:11. 1772 Grant street. A dessert lunch­ DINING ROOMS OPEN DAILY Jack Canon - Martha VIeken in 7:20. 8:20, 9:20, 10:46, and It. BUFFALO. 10. eon will be served at 1 p.m. Host­ Prom 12 to 2 at noon—5:30 P.M. to 9:30 P.M. * Water Swiler, with Joseph and Harriet BLESSED SACRAMENT, 4920 Ment- LOVE AND LEARN BURLINGTON. Bt Catharina'a, 8:)0. esses will be Mmes. George Roth- Sundaya and Holidaya From 1 P.M. to 9 P.M, Flanagan as sponsors. yiaw Bind.. 7. S, 9 JO, 10:46, and It. CAMP SANTA MARIA, 8 and 9 JO weiler, George Strahl, L. C. Mrs. Frank Harmer of 1550 CATHEDRAL, Colfax and Loraa, 6, 7, 2, SUNDAY THRU Sanday.llonday-Taaeday- 9. 10, 11:20. and IX JO. (Jnnt 8 to Sept 14). Bunker, George Bucher, and Pla- Phone Golden 68 for Reservation, or Wedneeday. Newport street has as her guest HOLY GHOST, 022 19tk atraat, 0, 7:16, CASTLE ROCK, lat and 3rd Sundaya, 11 mondon. Members and friends are SATURDAY Jane It-SI, Jaly I-Sl her sister-in-law, Mrs. John Cal­ 8:16, 9:16, 19:16, 11:16, and 12:16. (Junt, Aug., Oct), 9 gJnly. ^ t . just drive out and come in Nov.). invited. UGM'a Amaiinn Motion Picture laghan, and her twin daughters, HOLY ROSARY, E. 47th Ava. and Paarl. 1 to 5 P.M.-7 to 10 P.M. 0 and ID. CENTRAL CITY. It (July). GALLANT BESS Barbara and Mary. The Callaghans LOYOLA. 2201 York St., «. 7, 2:20, Adults 60^, Children 35<' (In Color) are fropr St. James’ parish, Port­ 10:20, and 12. Holy dtya, 1, 7, 8. CHKYXNNE WELLS. Sacred Heart. and land, Ore., where Mrs. Callaghan and 9. 9:10. lat Sunday; 9, 2nd Sunday: Educators Addressed Geonre Montcomery-Naney Guild In OUR LADY o r IIT. CARMEL, 2649 10Jt. Srd Snnday; and 9, 4th and PROGRESS PLUNGE is the organist. NuTUio S t. 8. 7, 8, 9, 10, and 12. 6th Sundaya. THE BRASHER DOUBLOON Mrs. Anna Luehs is in Hobo­ PRESENTATION, W. 7tb A t#, and Jn - CUMAX. 8:80, 8rd Sunday. By Former Deverites 3300 W. FLORIDA lUn S t, «. 7. 8, 9. 10. 11, and 12. * Blk*. W. F « t BWi. ken, N. J., where she went to be CRAIG, 9 JO, Ird aad 4th Sondaya; 12, Matlncea: Snnday, Saturday with her sister in her last illness. SACRED HEART, 2760 Larlmtr, I JO, 2nd Snnday, Tak* rt, Losan boa at Alamada and Hatineca: Snnday, Saturday 7:20, 9. 10:20, and 12. Niels C. Beck, associate dean of Greene $ Drive-In Restaurant Bdwy. The sister died last Saturday. ST. CATHERINE'S. W. 4tnd Aya. and CRIPPLE CREEK. S t PaUr'a, 8 JO and Parks colle^ of aeronautical PH. WESTWOOD 386-W F edanI, «, 7:20, 9, 10:80, and 12:16. 10, aJtamata Sundaya, baginniag 1:20 Weit 8th Ave. at Speer Blvd. ST. DOMINICS. 2006 FtdamI Bird.. Juna 8. technology of S t Louis university, 1 JO . 7:20. 9, 10:20. and 12. DEER TRAIL, S t Joaaph’a, 11. lat Sna- addressed the annual meeting of Featuring.... ST. ELIZABETH'S, lltk and CurtU. f. day; 7:10, Ird and. 6th Sundaya. the American Society for Engi­ 8. 9:16, 11, and 12:16. Waakdtya. EAST LAKE, I. neering Education at the Univer­ • BREAKFAST from 45c 0, <:«6, and 8. ST. FRANaS DE SALES', Alaaaada and EATON, 8:80, 2nd Sunday and 4th Sat. sity of Minnesota. His subject • LUNCHEON from 45c S. Sharman. Sondaya and Holy dnya, nrday. was “Liberal Subjects in the 1. (. 9. 8. 9. 10, 11, and I t. ELBERT. 8, tad Sunday; 1^, 4th San- Aeronautical Engineering Cur­ ST. JAMES'. 1248 Newport 6:20, TJO, day (Junt, Aag.); 8, 4th Sunday • DINNERS from 65c 8:20. 10, 11. and 12. (July, Oct), riculum." 8T. JOHN’S. F ifth and Joaaphina. 6, 7. ELIZABETH. 10, 2nd Sunday. Beck is a former resident of * Booth and Counter Service 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12. Waakdaya 7 and 2. Denver and a graduate of Regia ST. JOSEPH’S (Poliab). 117 E. 41th ERIE. St Scholaatica'a, I. OPEN 24 HOURS.DAILY Ava., 6. 7 JO . 9, and 19 JO. ESTES PARK. St WalUr’a, 7. 9 JO. and college. Also attending the annual ST. JOSEPH'S (Radamptoriat), W. 6th 11 (J a n a ); 7. 8:10, 9:19, and 11 meeting of the national society For Your Convenience — Courteous Curb Service and Galapaso. 6:20, 7:20, 8 JO, 0:80, (July and Aug.). was the Rev. George Bischof- 11:20. and 8 JO (St Anna'a chapal). EVERGREEN. 8 and 10. berger, S J., regent of Parka col­ ST. LEO'S. 002 10th S t, 7. 9, 19:20. FLEMING. St Peter’a, 7 and 9 (Sun­ nnd 12:16. daya and holy daya). lege. Father BischofberMr also ST. LOUIS'. 2200 E Sharman St.. (, 7. is a Regis graduate and former 8. 9. 10. and 11:20. FOUNTAIN, 9, lat and 8rd Sundaya. Denver resident.- TIFFIN DINING ROOM I ST. MARY MAGDALENE'S: W. 26th FORT COLLINS. St Joaaph’a. 898 W. and Drpew. 6:20, 8, 10, and 12. Mountain avenna, I, 7, 8 JO . aad 10. ST. PHILOMENA’S. 2820 E. 14ih Ava. Waakdaya. 8:80 and t. and D etro it 6:46, 7. 8:16. 9:20, 11. FORT LUPTON, 7 and 8. and 12:16. Waakdaya, OJO. 7:16. FORT MORGAN. St Balena’a, 801 SUU Irospectin’ and 8:16. St. 7:20 and 9.' Holy daya, 7:16 and ST. ROSE OF LIMA’S. 1820 W. N tvada 8:20. PL. 8 and 10. ST. VINCENT'S, 4200 Lowall Blvd., FREDERICK, St Tharata’a, TJO and for a 6:16. 10:20. ST. VINCENT DE PAUL'S, E. Ariiona GEORGETOWN, 9. and S. Josephine Sta., 6:20, 8, 9. 19:80, GILCREST, 12. and 12. GILL. 8:20. 4th Sunday and 2nd Sntnr- g o o d d in n er! COLORADO SPRINGS day. CORPUS CHRISTI. Cauada at Jaekaon. GLEN WOOD SPRINGS. St SUphan’a. 7:80. 9:20. and II. # 7 and 9 until 2nd Sunday In Sept PAULINE CHAPEL. Broadmoor. 7. 9, GOLD HILL CHAPEL. 8 JO, July and and 11. Waekdaya, 8. Ang. SACRED HEART. 2018 W. Colorado Ava., 8, 10. and 11:10, Waakdaya, GRAND LAKE. 8, fJO. nnd 11:10. 8 7:10. and 8, Aug. 16 Tom Burke’s ST. MARY'S. 22 W. Kiowa, I. 7. 8. 9. GREELEY. St. Patar'a, 9th avtnat and ark lane hotel 11. and 12:10. 12th a tra a t 7, 9, and 10:80. OTHER CHURCHES OF GROVER, St Hary’a, 10:20, lat Sun­ ARCHDIOCESE day: 8:10, 2nd Snnday. COCKTAIL LOUNGE Roosevelt Grill AKRON, St Jotaph't, 10:20, lat and 2rd HAXTUN, OJO, lat Ird. and Ith San- daya; 8, 2nd and 4th Sundaya. Holy 16th and Ogden MA. 0177 Sondaya; 8:80, 2nd< 4 th, and fth daya, 9:20. There’s no PRESENTS Famous for Sondaya. HOLYOKE, St Patrlek'a. 8. la t 2rd. and JEAN AND PAUL SHANK j r w w w w W WW w w w w w ▼ w Ith Sundaya; 9 JO, 2nd and 4th Sun­ place like ‘‘Architects of Appetites’* FIN E FOODS daya. Holy daya. 8. BEST FOLKS OF ALL HUGO, S t Anthony of Padna'a, 7 :80, The Navarre...to take a date DANCING Cocktails lat Sunday; 9. 2nd Sunday, 11, 8rd Nightly . “EAT-AT-THE-HALL” and Ith Sundaya; and 11:16. 4th San- Fatt Courteous Service Joa M. Bland, Mgr. day. ...to get good lobster...good ARGONiALT HOTEL IDAHO SPRINGS. S t Panl’a. 8 and 10. Music by tha IRONDALE, 7:80 (at tha Irondala Where Denver’s Society Entertaini for Luncheons and Dinners 18 th and California Hall Hotel (Coffee Shop aehool). steaks...good andsoforth. It’s 1221 Cartia Btraat JOHNSTOWN, 8:20, 2rd Sunday aad lat FOR SPEOAL RESERVATIONS FOR BRIDGE PARTIES, Satnrday. run by Johnny Ott for'dis- DANCES AND DINNERS PHONE MAIN 3101 DiSalle Quartette JULESBURG, St Anthony'a, 7:20, 8 JO and 9:20. Beantifnl Ballrooms Private Dining Rooms KERSEY, 8:80, lat Snnday and 8rd Sat- criminating people like you. Weekdays Dancing 8i30 to 12i30—Snndayi 4 to 8 Jirday. KtfOio w’“ a , l, trd Sunday (July, Ang. A favorite Denver dining spot dW A rt aa . No Cover for RcMrvatlona s Oct); 11 (July, Sept, Nov.), THE FAMILY RECREATION SPOT KIT CARSON. 10:46, lat and 2nd San- 4 5 0 S o . M a n o n or Minimum daya; 9, trd Sunday: and 10:46. 4th since 1888. « Charge Phone PE. 4611 and 6th Snndayi. KRBMULING, 9, Snndayi and holy Open every day • Private Dining Rooms daya, LAFAYETTE. St Ida'a, 109 W. Cannon, 7:20 and 10 JO. LEADVILLE. Annoaeiatlon, 7 and 9. EACH RECORD Week daya, 7 JO. THE LEADVILLE, St Joiaph'a, 424 W. 2nd. 8:20 and 8:20. HOT SULPHUR MINERAL BATHS Each new album . . . brings your LIUON, Oor Lady of Victory, 9:11, lat p ,„ » V « .r and trd Sondaya; 7:20, 2nd Sonday; 1727'Tremont PIace,^enver librarj’ a greater ability to satisfy and 9:46. 4th Snnday. __ I V a t c '— AND LITTLETON. St Mary’i, 8 aad 10. your ever-changing mood. LONGMONT. St John tha Baptlat'ii 8:20, 8. and 10. LOUISVILLE. S t LonU*. 7 and 9. Weak MAKE OUR RECORD DEPARTMENT daya, 7 JO. SWIMMING POOL YOURS . . . m s HERE FOR LOVELAND. $i. John tha Evangcliafa 6th and Grant Sta., 8 and 9 JO, Jana d t YOUR PLEASURE 7a 9:89, and 11, July and Aug. MEAD, Goardian Angel church, 8. MEEKER. 9. 2nd Sunday. MONUMEN'T, laat Sunday In month: Hot Sulphur Springs, Colo. COLORADO APPLIANCE CO. Jnnt, July, and Oct, 11; Aog aad S P f ^ t M C S S ep t 9. 28 Broadway 1135 Broadway NEDERLAND. 8. NEWCASTLE. It. let Snnday. PARKER. 9, lit Sunday (June, Ang., Oct); 11, lit Snnday (July, Sept ATTENTION YOUNG MEN AND WOMEN Nov.). The Finest Spot in 9 9 PEETZ. Sacred Heart, 7 J9 and 9. Weak- daya, 7 ;S9. South Platte Canon Business Needs You—If You Are Trained **Coine to Church in the Mountains PLATTEVILLE. 9. RED CLIFF. 9. 4th Sunday. Our Streamlined Bu»ine*i Course* Will Fit You RIFLE, 9:29, lat Snnday. \ DANCING EVERY for a Position In the Minimum of Time ROGGEN. Sacred H e a rt 6. M i s i l ^ , 8. SHERIDAN LAKE. t. lat Bandar. STERLING, S t Banedfet'a hoapitai, 719 SATURDAY f C MffSS ON S. 6th Ave., 6. SaCMETARtAL SCHOOO GRArVD LAKE ESTES PARK STONEHAH, St John tha Evangeliat'a, 0 8 J9, lat Snndayi 19J9. 2nd Snnday; STEAKS — TROUT- 19 J9. trd and 4th Saniya; and 8:29 1232 PENN DENVER K£ 1448 5th Snnday. CHICKEN - 8TRA8BURO. St Gartmda'i, 11:89. 2nd LIBBY AND JULIE THE FINIGAN DRUG CO. Snnday; 7J9, 4th Sunday. STRATTON, St Charlti', 7 aad 19:19. COCKTAILS FOOD MARKET ELKHORN AVENUE Week daya, 7. VICTOR. St Vietor'a, 8J9 and 19, al- Cabins for Rent A H o m A L / temau Sundaya, baginning Jana II PETTINGELL’S (8 J 9 ) . ESTES PARK LCMBER CO. YUMA, St John'a, 8:29, let and trd w e e k ! BROWNHURST COTTAGES "PLANNING FOR A BETTER PLACE Sundays; 19:29, tad. 4th, aad Ith G. E. CASEY, Mgr. TO LIVE" Sundaya. 4 MODERN — PHONE 12-W WELRY, Aaaamptloa, Routa 2, IJ9, Jerry’ s Jaw COME TO CHURCH IN THE MOUNTAINS 7:29. and 9:29. WRAY, St Andrtw’a, 8 and 9:19. Holy THE DAVEN HAVEN LODGES daya, 7 J 9 and 9. HOTEL OR COTTAGE ACCOMMODATIONS MeCONNELL’S PHARMACY Trumbull Inn PRIVATE BEACH HORSES BOATS PHONE 30 The Comer Drug Store ESTES PARK, COLO. TOURISTS V Get to Know Lee, the Druggist FISHERMEN Phone Deckers 858-F-5 THE PINES THE ESTES PARK DRUG STORE COME TO MASS 5 Mile* JTe*t of Sedalia B i u , y 7 ) e W o u e MODERN COTTAGES AND ROOMS 1*H. N. 7 MR. AND MRS. W. B. TODD on Highway No. 67 LEO F. TIGHE. Prop. AT BUFFALO E d w a r d c A b n o w The Corner Cupboard OPEN JUNE 12 Evarg Sun', at 10 A. M. (ONE MILE NORTH OF DECKERS) ■ TO SEPT. 28 MONATkEEMAN HOTEL AND GUEST CABINS FISHERMAN CABINS REAS. MR. ANP MRS. HENRY W. RHONE SILVER SPRUCE PHARMACY FINEST PHAKMACEU'nCALS IN THE WORLD MASTERSON SIGHTSEEING TOURS IN BUPINBBB tt YEARS MAIN OFFICE 811 SEVENTEENTH STREET 3A&im DOORS CMiroPN/A MOUNTAIN HOME CAFE AND CABINS IN ESTES PARK — LOOK FOR FRONB (3ER R Y 294S In Lobby of 8m Kotal A B itre a n . 1 0 : 4 5 NELLIE AND JAKE YOliNG L a is rtu u 7 PaiM agar CaAlllac Cars City aad MounUina MOUNTAIN HOSPITALITY Monahan Motor Co. T H E LARIAT THE TRADING PJ)ST A Western Welcome SPORTLflnD BEACH CLUB DON NEGRI ALLEN8PARK. COLO. JEFF SNIDER Completa Touriat Aceoramodatloni RED N ear Ban Male Boyi Camp E. 32ND AVE. AND MONROE ST. Modem CaUni — SaMIe Horaai Bnilding Sitaa LARGEST OUTDOOR POOL IN THE WEST FARRELL Mildrad lalea. Mgr. M U S IC m m h i “The Drug Store Complete” Wire cr Call BeaUey Exchange fer THE ONLY SAFE. REFINED, Reaervatlena SANITARY PLACE TO SWIM OUT-OF-DOORS IN DENVER. THE LAKE PHARMACY DARK HORSE INN Opens June 14th The Inn With the Rortet F. 8. SNIDER. Prop. WESTERN UNION ^ Saturday 28 YEARS GROCERIES 10 A.M. TO 6 P.M. DAILY OF ZMCK^S( MEATS EVERGREEN SERVICE HARDWARE Season’s Membership GRAND LAKE 2 Book—20 Swims lU. E, Herman, Prop, KING’S 18.50 GRAND LAKE GARAGE HARDWARE . BUILDING SUPPLIES PHIL MULLIN, VET. WAR H. HOB. FIRST CLASS WRECKER SERVICE THE BEST OF EVERYTHING" S !l HUDSON SALES AND SERVICE PINE CONE INN OPENS JUNE 1ST LISTOIV LODGE Ertry Pidlfty for Yoar Saoimtr and Wlntar Ratrtat Winitriz«d Rooms With Bath TOURIST ACCOMMODATIONS GLENWOOD SPRINGS ExeeUant CuUiaa Coektall Lounta rear Ttoand gatartafamant Grand Laka U Jim Uatm, Ownar—Vat Wa^ 2 Evirgnaa 12( “The Sea Beach in the Mountains’* 9 EL NAVAJO LODGE Evergreen Service Station OFFERS MODERN • RUSTIC BOOHS AND CABINS Excellent Hotel—Cabin—Retort A Dude Ranch Accommodations BWDOUNO - GOLFING - BOS8IBACK HIDING - PISHING TEXACO PRODUCTS Vaper Cava Bathi fa t HaalUi Write to Sagntory Chwhat at C auaita tar LHantua 1

PACE EIGHT Office, 938 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, EEystone 4205 Thursday, Ju n e 26, 1947 Quick Sehfice Quality Work Shower Planned Silver Dollar Days Aides EdgewateF^ Parish Francis de Sales' Reasonable Prices Dwyer Drug TOOLEY’S B r o a d m o o r C l e a iv e r § At Annunciation Workers Chosen >€ui Rate Drugs- FOOD STORE Burk* Brat. (Hembert of St. Franeit da Sale* Pariah) CHOICE MEATS • FISH (Annnnelation Pariah, Denver) (St. Mary Magdalena’s Parish, Prescriptions Called GROCERIES PE. 8485 ’ . 712-718 So. Pearl The Young Ladies’ sodality will Edgawatar) For and Delivered FRESH f’-RUITS AND sponsor a shower to purchase arti­ The alUr and sanctuary work Wines - Beers, Etc, VEGETABLES cles for a hope chest Thursday eve­ during the month of June is in By BotUa or Cas* BIRD’S EYE FROZEN FOODS §t. John's Parish ning June 26. Margaret McCul­ charge of Mrs. Howe and Mrs. FROZEN FOOD LOCKERS lough has been designated as chair­ McLaren. In charge of altar linens 1400 So. Broadway man, and extends an invitation to and alb.s is Mrs Edmonds; large all women of the pariah to help linens, Mrs. Hursting; small linens, RA. 2405 900 So. Pearl SP. 6587 PCCKETT'S Radios & Appliances make it a success. Mr.s. Branch; surplices for altar Jo« Dwyer Herman Lidke Conoco Service Sales and Service The Elyria-Swansea gropp will boys, Mrs. Feeley. __ <* • The third and final week of the HONEST WORK-FAIR PRICES meet Thursday evening at 8 Washing and Greasing o’clock in the home of Mrs. Thomas vacation school began on Monday, June 23. Ninty-five children have JACKSON’S Can Callad for ta4 DaUrarW AL-FIN RADIO Donavant. been enrolled since Mohday, June BUCHANAN’S The Pinochle club will renew its 9. 6th Ave at York. EA. 9932 2316 E. 6th Are______EM. 9 ^ Christian Bros. Wines Cut Rate Drugs tourney in the school Friday eve­ The marria{fe of Dudley R. She! PRESCRIPTIONS ning, Jpne 27. nutt and Marie A. M affn of this All PspaUr Bssr* FOUNTAIN SERVICE - BROWIV'S - COnOUER'S A meieting of the bazaar work parish took place June 8. Eugene Ws DsIWsr FREE PROMPT DEUVERY Maffeo and Diane Shelnutt were Con SP. I44S Domiliit A AlsmsSs Red & White ers and all parishioners wishing PE. 1777 377 So. Bdwy niBSB MEATS- FISH. GBOOERIES FOOD STORE to make the bazaar a success wil the witnesses. Vatetablta. Fralu, Bakarr G

4 .1 Thursday, June 26,'1947 Office, 938 Bannock S tr^ THE DENVER CATHOUC REGISTER Telephone, KEystone 4205 PAGE NINE


Pete is like a lot of human drift­ per month, and he was a sober and The Fourth of July will bound back to its old-time fer­ ers who have just about “hit bot­ respected citizen of his commun­ BALLOON, tom," except that his speech and ity. vor this year in Denver. For the first time in six years tbe American Legion has been able to secure the tops in LIGHTWEIGHT mannerism somehow setth him ' apart. “Pete is not a Catholic. Though AND TANDEMS One senses in talkingtig with him a he is not irreligious, he bad put fireworks and sky-high acts. culture which, in another day, pro­ all his trust in mankind and was, The Leyden-Chiles-Wickersham post spared no expense Carl J. Hausen, Prop. vided him with the finer things of of course, disillusioned. He ac­ this year to present a Fourth of July show at ^ e Denver Ufe. knowledged the need for super­ university stadium designed for the thrill of a lifetime for (Mtaibw SL Vlncnt d. Psal’i Pailth As with hundreds of other tran­ natural nelp but was not ready, children and Idults alike. sients for whom Larimer street he felt, to talk with a priest. He Fireworks more brilliant and costly than ever were built Expert Repairing, seems to be a magnet, he called did begin frequent visits to a by the manufacturers this year and we Legion contracted TIRES — PARTS at the St. Vincent de Paul Salvage church upon our assurance that for the best they had to offer. ACCESSORIES bureau in Denver, requesting that, Christ was there in the tabernacle FULL LINE OF TRICYCLES in exchange for services, he be eager to assist him. For the first time, too,,the Legion has been able to obtain five death-defying stunts that rate as the best in the Our Prices Are Right given clean clothing that he might “He was in to see us this week nation. Three of them will take place 100 feet in the air. present a respectaole appearance with a new outlook on life. He has to prospective employers. a good job. The savings account Another innovation of the mammoth show will be a American Cyclery His approach to a given task is again growing. He has affiliated steady run of capen by the nationally famous Legion 1401 So.Bdwy. PE 3180 demonstrated more than average with Alcoholics Anonymous and clowns. The show will be speeded up over former years, intelligence, and the bureau ex­ we cannot escape the conviction with clowns filling in as the rapid-fire events race to a perienced no difficulty in finding that some day Pete will be back bomb-shell climax of gigantic fireworks. permanent employment for him. on top, and a member of the A parade of 20 bands, military units, and flashing Optometrist and Optician He heeded a few dollars for room Church. majorettes will open the show. rent^and food which the Salvage “But what if there had been no Hundreds of Denver orphans and wounded war veterans Helen Walsh bureau advanced and which Pete will be guests of the Legion at the annual event, which was Salvage bureau where he could Anedat* promptly returned on his first pay have obtained clean clothing and started when the city council banned the shooting of fire­ day. the sympathetic understanding his works in Denver. W. R. JOSEPH He opened a savings account predicament required? The Legion uses the proceeds of the show for chari­ ATBS EXAMINED that quickly grew to $200, and re­ “Pete is only one of the many table work among war veterans and their families. Ticket Phoo.‘TAko« 1S80 ported to the bureau with proud sales at the Denver Dry Goods store promise packed grand­ who have been similarly helped. SlS-319 UalMU. BU» regularity to demonstrate his sin­ How many so successfully we do Mambert of the Amorican Legion clowns, all The center clown is Ed Paul, 57, oldest of tl stands. cere intent at rehabilitation. not know, for we seldom see them of whom entertained the yonngstars at St, Clara’s famed fun-making group. In the front row is Then Pete disappeared. Nothing again. We know the work is worth orphanage Sunday, are pictured above. Dolores Gone Freeman, five, the youngest. Orphan children was heard of him for more than a while, for we take inspiration from Archnleta, to the right of the center clown, has and patients from Fitssimons hospital will he Bishop Espeiage month, when he came back blean^- the parable that 'there is more joy attended every Legion “Sainte to America” in guests at the annual Legion show July 4 in the eyed and disheveled. Three trips in heaven over one sinner who Denver since the event was started nine years ago. Denver U. stadium. VESTMENTS - SURPLICES to the bank had exhausted his say­ does penance than the 99 just Receives $1,800 ings. He was broke, hungry, aiid who need not penance’. discouraged. “And that is the typo of work ST. DOMINIC'S ANNUAL CARNIVAL For Mission Work ALBS - STATUARY “We sat down with him,” the Catholic families are assisting i bureau manager said, “for a long, Guild Festival when they contribute discarded serious talk. His climb in the busi articles to us. Items of every na SUCCESSFUL DESPITE WEATHER The Most Rev. Bernard T. Es­ ness world, we learned, had been ture are needed—clothing for men, Sf. Christopher Medals for Motorists steady and at the time of his wife’s peiage, O.F.M., Bishop of Gallup, women, and childrefi; furnitui^, N. Mex., spoke at all Masses in desertion, his income was $600 bedding, dishes, utensils, and even At Presentation (St. Dominle’t Parlik, Denver) efforts were: Margaret Speas, rags, newspapers, magazines, In zpite of iftclement weather, $25; Doris Goetz, $16; Pat Ber­ the Denver Cathedral Sunday, Mother Xabrini Statues and Medals bottles, etc. the annual parish carnival proved ger, Carolyn Bale, Mary Silk, Paul June 22, in behalf of the missions most successful and was enjoyed in his diocese, and received the COMPUTE IINE OF REIIGIOUS ARTICIES FOR CHURCH AND HOME “Our trucks cover every section by a la^e number of parishioners Murphy, Leroy Reichardt, James of the city twice each week and Opens on June Haddox, and Robert Boisvert. proceeds of a special collection, Send Your Boy to and friends. A Plymouth sedan will gladly call for anything fami­ was awarded to Donald Hartley, which amounted to $1,800. lies no longer want or need, The workers and members of Presentation Parish, Denver) 2730 W. 25th avenue, and a vaca­ the various committees of the car­ Bishop Espeiage will use the whether the quantity be large or The Presentation guild festival A. I*. W a« i\ kh tion trip to Notre Dame, Ind., to nival will be entertained at a social money to further the welfare of small. They are in North Denver will open Thursday evening, June Margaret Monahan, 2216 Lowell in tbe church auditorium on « III lU'ii <;

GIVIS GUILD ApUds Apple Maftels COMPLETE INSECT CONTROL CarenUe I. ■••• tk«* 36 HOURS Bark and Weed Bering Insects Bean Beetles FESTIVAL Cabbage Wenns THOROLY TESTED Cattle Grabs and Tlcka Cora Bezezs FULLY GUARANTEED Cera Eoz Wenu West 7 th & Julian S t . Onion Maggots ) Onlpn Tbript Car IVo. 75 - From the Loop Leal Miners t C B T B o The U. S. Department ol Agriculture Found 9nt and Web CHLORDANE (be most eliective toxicant letted Werau ior grasshopper and ant control CHLORDANE Wire Werau was lound superior to 7500 toxicants tested ior louse control by Army and Navy Sciantists. NOW—CHLOR­ I DANE is availabla to you in COLORADO .44 OCTA-KILL. HAM DINNER—Tonite—5-8 P. M.

* 95% to 100% effective kRI. • lip to 15 times more effeetivo tiiaN D. D .T . • KiHIng effect bets fer 3 weeks or longer. Special Attractions! • KiHs insects not kilted by D. D .T. • Non-irritating, no offensive odor. 1 1947 PLYMOUTH ON DISPLAY

★ ★ ★

/ ^ Refreshments

garoo^ - ★ ★ ★ ALSO Availabla in Custom-built Concentrations and Emulsions e ' (water soluble). * , c 6 6 YOUJ* For Fartliar Ihfomiatiea Aboot COLORADO .44 OtTA-IttU WHIR NOW TO \ o ' * ^ Rides CHEMICAL CORPORATION of COLORADO DE:n VER. COLORADO . 1 — T r / t /V

:t PAGE TEN Office, 988 B annock Streel THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, K E ystone 4205 Thursday, Ju n e 26, 1947 r * Classroom in China OVER 20 PRIESTS BE ON YOUR GUARD : :i Watch lor signs of danger—hei^ches, squinting, nervousness. A T JUBILEE IN BOSWORTH, SULLIVAN .1 Keep your eyes always alert- any emergency. Consult us —even before faulty vision s^ d s out'its danger signals. CRIPPLE CREEK & COMPANY

(Continued From Page One) INVESTWENT BANKERS tification of the people of<3ripple Successor to SWIGEj^T BROS. Creek. BOSWORTH, CHANUTE, LOUGHRIDGE & CO. , Banquet li Served Ofjitometrigta Good Service and B«tt*r yUlon ^ Following the Mass a banquet At Right Prices was served in the Imperial hotel. SULLIVAN & COMPANY for Every Age KEystone 7651 The Rt. Rev. Monsignor Francis JOHN J. SULLIVAN, President 1550 California ? Brady acted as toastmaster and 17th at California Streets Denver 2, Colorado OLASaif INDIVIDUALLY ITTl ED introduced Archbishop Vehr, the Rev. John Doherty, pastor of St. Peter’s church; Monsignor Hagus, Father Elzi, and Mayor Guy Rora- baugh of Cripple Creek. The Archbishop complimented REQUIESCANT Father Doherty on the success of Now Is the Time to Have Yonr THEODORE the occasion and on the jubilee IN PACE booklets compiled by the pastor on the history of the gold mine RUGS, FURNITURE & DRAPES HACKETHAL town and St. Peter’s parish. ALICE A. CANADA, 830 Newton Clergy present at the celebra­ street. Wife of Floyd M. Canada; tion were Archbishop Urban J. CLEANED Air Conditioned mother of Colleen, Genevieve. Gene. Mina. Paul, Michael, Shirley, and Floyd Vehr, Denver; the Rev. Francis J. Canada, Jr.; daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Brady, Holyoke; the Rev. Anthony PHONE CH. 2984 N o r t u a r v Xavier Michaud of Fort Collfni; daugh­ Elzi, the Rev. Michael Harrington, ter-in-law of Mrs. R. V. Canada of Den­ the Rev. John F. Nelson, O.M.I.; ver. Four brothers and five aiitcrs also 1449-51 Kalamath St. survive. Requiem Mass was offered in the Rev. William Kelly, the Rev. MULLIGAN’S Presentation church June 21. Interment Harley Schmitt, the Rev. William Phone MAin 4006-' Mt. Olivet. W. P. Horan & Son service. J. Mulcahy, the Rev. Robert F. DONALD VINCENT STEINKAMP, Hoffman, and the Rev. Michael Carpet and Upholstery 1375 Pearl street. Funeral services Member, of the lecond-year metbematic, clat, algebraic formula under the guidance of bit teach­ were held June 21. Interment Mt. Olivet. at Ttiagtao Amarican icbool, Ttingtao, CSTna, er, a . Kavanagh, all of Colorado Springs; . Cleaning Service iftjuuuuL e.».> ■ ji..» ■ a e a ju m .e ji ■ « W. r. Horan A Son service. watch with interest as a classmate unrayels an the Rev. Pacificus Kennedy, WILLIAM P. THOMPSON, 2300 W. O.F.M., Denver; the Rev. Thomas 28th avenue. Husband of Teresa G. 2079 Washington St. DRYER & ASTLER Thompson; father of Mrs. H. Market. Mulkern of Korea and Ireland, Omaha. Neb.; Mrs. C. T. Harbin. Kittery, SPAGHETTI DINNER TO OPEN BAZAAR now in Colorado Springs; the Rev. PRINTING CO. Me.; and Hi’S. A. J. Leslie, William J.. Leonard Redelberger, Sterling; the Robert L., Richard, John F. Herbert M.. Rev. Herman J. Leite, Iliff; the and James P. Thompson, all of Denver. H o arii 9 te '1 2 i 1 to 8 Phono MAin 3437 Programs and Circulars Requiem Mass was offered in St. Pat­ OF ST. PATRICK'S PARISH JUNE 26 Rev. Norbert J. Walsh, Stoneham; Tickets for rick’s church June 20. Interment Mt. Monsignor Charles Hagus, Den­ Olivet. Boulevard mortuary,. ver; and the Rev. David Maloney, Bazaars and Carnivals VENNETTA G. STADLER, 4189 De- catur street. Wife of Henry S. Stadler; COLL[CIIOII IISI (St. Psitrick't Pariah, Danrar) thers Achille Sommaruga and Denver. Dr. J. J. O’Neil, Dentist Quicifly Produced Bother of Dorothy and Frank Stadler. The annual bazaar will be for­ Haas; workers include Mrs. Roxie Lay guests from out of town in­ ilequiem Mass was offered in St. Cath­ mally opened on Thursday evening, Vendena, sodality girls, Mmes. J. cluded W. J. O’Brien, Mrs. John Rea^nably Priced erine's church June 2L Interment Mt. (Continued From Page One) Olivet. George P. Hackethal service. June 26, with a spaghetti dinner DiPaolo, J. Natale, Melvina Dalla, J. Butler, Mr. and Mrs. L. J. But­ Suite 722 Mack Building, 16th and California Streets UNION UABEL if 'd e sir e d JOSEPH BOOTH, 1410 Seventh street. St. James’ ...... ItSO.OO which will be served from 5 to 8 Sisters of St. Joseph, Mr. and Mrs. ler, Ray Harry, Colorado Springs; Brother of Mrs. Ida Martinez and Ella St. John's S89.SQ 1936-^5 LAWRENCE ST. r Trujillo. Three grandchildren also sur­ St. Joseph’s (C.SS.R.) ...... 110.00 o'clock. On Sunday eyenin|:, the Roger E. Seick, Mrs. S. Chiolero, Ralph Woodward and Miss Laura IfitEystone 634B j vive. Requiem Mass was offered In St. St. Joseph’s (Polish) ______17.60 closing of the bazaar will be Altar and Rosary society, Mrs. Woodward, Idaho Springs; Mrs. WWWWW'WW w w w w w w wwwwwwwwwwww ww w W W ns KHzabeth's church June 21. Interment St. Leo’s ...... 26.00 marked with the final display of a W. H. White, Mothers’ club, A. Ray Kolander, Oakland, Calif.; ^TTWTrWinrrTnnr•inr¥Tr»TryinryTryvyyrirt Mt. Olivet. Theodore Hackethal mor­ St. Louis’ (Enclewood) ___ tuary. St. Mary MaKdalene’t Philco refrigerator, a Thor wash­ Canzona, William Dubois, Mmes. Mrs. Albert Smith, Boulder; Mrs. CONVENIENT ECONOMICAL SHOPPING CHARLES MOORE, 1425 16th street. (Kdicewater) ...... 06.00 ing machine, and other articles. B. Berlinger, Joseph Petralgia, E. J. E. Swift and Miss Edna Swift, Requiem Hass was offered in St. Eliza­ St. Patrick’s ______U.______64.81 The complete staff in charge is Carrier, H. Thompson, Junior Denver; Mrs. Dan O’Keefe, Mrs. beth's church June 26. Interm ent Mt. St. Philomena’s 200.00 Newman club, Frank Vendegnia, Martin Downes, and Mr. and Mrs. 1 Olivet. Theodore Hackethal mortuary. St. Rost of Lima’s ...... 36.40 as follows: General chairman, the Classified Ads 4 SEE OWEN HOWARD GALLAGHER. 1838 St. Therese's (Aurora) ...... 26.00 Rev. Theodore Haas; vice chair­ Thomas Rotar, Syl Franks, J. B. H. Seals, Denver; Charles ^ It will pay yon to read ALL of the following adTortiiamanta. ^ E. 3Srd avenue. Son of Mr. and Mrs St. Vincent de Paul’a ...... 76.00 men, Mmes. J. Natale and Joseph Vendegnia, Joseph Melphy, Ralph Schwalbe, St. Louis, Mo.; and / Hugh E. Gallagher: brother of Frank H PARISHES OUTSIDE DENVER- Melphy, Sanford Lucy, L. La- Petraglia, and Frank Vendegnia; Kalph H. Swearingen, Blackhawk. A A A A A A A A. I and Edward L. Gallagher and Virginia Akron—St. Joseph’i ...... 62.00 A AAA Ad Slaughenhoup. Requiem Mass was of­ .secretaries, Louise Zanon a n d Guardia, Fortunate Brothers, A. Aspen—St. Mary's ...... Canzona, William Dubois, Joseph PAINTING SERVICE DIRECTORY WM. EICH fered in Annunciation church June 21. Boulder—Sacred H eaft-______Bernice Archer; treasurers, Fa- Interment Mt. Olivet. Olinger mortuary. Boulder. South—Sacred Heart of Cirolini, Thomas Rotar, and H. ROBERT NEAL DREHER. 4484^ Pilgrimage July 6 INTERIOR A exterior pelntina. expert WALL WASHING, wallpaper cleaning, rug Mary ...... 11.28 Edmonds. worltmanthip at Reel, prlcee. GR 6964 or and uphoUtery ahampooing, painting, ALL 15.52 Lawrence Tennyson street. Son of Mrs. Dontoa Burlinston ...... j...... 38.66 Dreher and Robert V. Dreher; grandson GL 6908. HELP BONDED. B A B Housacleaning. BriRxsdale (mission of Stone- Sullivon - Taylor Family Reunion Enjoyed KE. 8008. of Mrs. Edna McKenzie and Kenneth Mc­ ham) .... —...... 4.20 Mr. and Mrs. R. Brickman and To Draw Thousands MA. 8862 Kenzie; nephew of Shirley and Maria Brighton—8t. Auguttine’f ...... 105.00 PAINTING & PAPER HANGING Roof and Trim eontractor. For an honeat McKenzie and Ruth Bancroft: great Brush—St. Mary’s ...... 16.62 daughter will leave this week after job with beat m'ateriala Call Bemia Land. grandson of Mrs. Prances E. Wilkins. Calhan—St. Michael’s ...... Rites Are Held 8 OR PAPER HANGING antf palncint eali TA. 1007. a visit with Mrs. Mary Battaia, (Continued From Page One) A Berinxer. 169 Ma'ilioB. EA 2286. Msas of the Angels was offered in St. Cheyenne Wells— Sacred Heart.— -48.00 mother of Mrs. Brickman. A short Jewelry — Gifts Catherine's church June 24. Interment COLORADO SPRINGS— . the Mother Cabrini memorial. Two WANTED TO RENT Jdt. Olivet. Olinger mortuary. Corpus Christ! ...... 79.80 visit in Grand Lake was enjoyed Masses will be celebrated on the BRICK REPAIRS WILLIAM J. HANDRAN, 3660 Del Sacred Heart ...... 132.60 The Blessed Sacrament church, by the couple. A family reunion D. U. Vet and wife need ami fum . apt. Call TA. 1928 or KE. 8876. gany street. Husband of Marguerite St. Mary’s ..... 260.00 Denver, was the scene of the wed­ morning of July 6, at 7 and 10 SPECIALIZING in hriek pointins and re­ Handran: father of William. Robert, Ed­ was held June 22. Those present o’clock. pairing, alao caulking and painting. HA St. Paul’s (Broadmoor) ...... 168.00 ding June 20 of Miss Mary Eliza­ Catholic couple, 1 child, deaperately need ward. Douglas, Kenneth, and Marguerite Craig—St. Michael’s ...... ______were Mrs. Mary Battaia, Mrs. 1666. WALTER EVANS. 1946 Pearl 8t. Let Of show 700 monumenu Handran: brother of Ann Lund, and Jo beth Taylor, daughter of Mr. and Frances Perry a'hd daughter, Car­ France has its Lourdes; Canada, house or apt. furn. or unfum. Beat raf- we have erected in Mt. Olivet Cripple Creek—St. Peter’s ..... 6.40 erencca. GL. 7619. saph, James, and Thomas Handran. Re­ Crook—St. Peter's (Iliff) ...... 18.11 Mrs. Ralph F. Taylor, 1830 Cler­ ole Ann, Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph its Shrine of Ste. Anne de Beau- WOOD SALE—Kindling, range, heater, Cemetery. quiem Maas Is being offered in Annuncia­ Deer Trail (mission of Hugo).. 16.20 pre. It may be the will of God to (urnice. fireplace blocka, mill cndi—De­ Betinosa girl wanu small fum. apt near tion church Thursday morning. June 26, mont, t« James Franci.s Sullivan, Battaia of Denver, Mr. and Mrs. Elbert ...... —...... Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. James have the property of the shrine livered 18.00 KEjatone 2460. Church. TA. 4111 days. A. T. THOMSON at 9 o’clock. Olinger mortuary. Estes Park—Our Lady of the Henry Battaia and daughters of CONSUELO N. TRONSCOSA. 1424 H MounUins (Loveland) ...... 10.86 F. Sullivan of Cathedral parish, Pueblo, and Mr. and Mrs. Brick­ near Denver consecrated as a spe­ INSTRUCTION Young Catholic working couple desire fur­ I>awrence street. Daughter of Sadie EvcrgrMn—Christr«4n- th« King fortner residents of Binghamton, cial place to obtain the graces of nished apartmeijt. EA. 2872. MONUMENTS Tronscosa: slater of Rosie Trontcosa man of Detroit, Mich. LINVILLE PIANO STUDIO: Courae for (Golden) ...... God through the powerful inter­ FOR RENT 600 Sherman St. TA. 8018 granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Firming—St. Peter’s ...... N. Y. The Very Rev. Harold V. Mis.ses Melvina Dalla and Louise children and adnita. 600 Tabor Bldg. Lovato and Mrs. UrsullU Tronscosa; Campbell, pastor, officiated at the cession of St. Frances Xavier Ca­ FORT COLLINS— Zanon have returned from a two- MA. 8718. ' One room furnished basement apL 2 em­ niece of Frank Tronscosa, Aurelia Tre­ double-ring ceremony and cele­ brini. ployed girls preferred. 677 Inca, vino, and Alfredo. Josfe, and John Ix> Holy Family ...... 6.86 week vacation trip spent in va­ LAWNHOWERS ibarpened, $1.76. Called vatq. Requiem Mass was offered in St. St. Joseph's ...... 109.00 brated the Nuptial Mass. rious points in California. The people of Colorado should (or and delivered. Jajri Hardware 4k Re­ FE SALE—REAL ESTATE Cajetan's church June 21. Interment Fort Logan—St. Patrick’s .. 60.64 The bride, attired in white slip­ * Jane Hertneky Bride consider themselves fortunate to pair, 4286 Teonyaon. GR. 7998. Spiliane Mortuary Mt. Olivet. Fort Lupton—St. WIlHsm’s be residents of a state that Mother 2212 E 23rd Ave. Open 6-8 p.m. Thursday PRISCILLA DURAN, 2422 Stout (Plstteville) ...... per satin with a court train and Miss Jane Hertneky, daughter of Will eare lor your children in my home and Friday. Across street from Loyola street. Mother of Wilfred T. and Doris Fort Morgen—St. Helena’s ...... 24.00 finger-tip illusion veil, was given Cabrini honored while in this church, 8 bedroom brick bung., newly dec., 1545 So. Broadwar PEarl 0723 Mr. and Mrs. J. Hertneky, aitd world. A special way to show de­ by day or hour, DE, 6174. L. Doran; daughter of Mr. and Mrs Frederick—It. Therese’s ' ...... —.. 18.00 in marriage by her father. At­ Raymond C. Brown, son of Mr. and modern kitchen. Terms. AL 0214. Jack Mrs. John H, Spiliane Antonia J. Duran. Mora, N. Mez.: sister Glenwood Springs—St. Stephen's.. 61.60 votion to her is for all possible to Shelton. Realtor, AL 1781. of Jose B., Miguel A.. Iveopoldo E.. olden—St. Joseph's ...... — 69.06 tendants were Misses Eleanor Mrs. Charles F. Brown, were jnar- O'Neil, a cousin of the bride- take an active part in the firSt an­ Registered Funeral Director Remiiio. George w., and Flavio E. Duran, irand Lake—St, Anne’s ried before Father Haa.s June 21. nual pilgrimage in her honor July American Pennant and Embalmer and Mrs. Ferdinando Maestas and Mrs. (Krrmmling) ______— room; Katherine Deus, and Edith The bride was attended by Miss REAL ESTATE Patrick D. Sandoval. Requiem Mass was GREELEY— teidy, the latter two classmates 6. offered in St. Cajetan's church June 26 Marion Tate, maid of honor, and WANTEd ' t O b u y —Prom owntr, D*n- Mfg. Co. Interment Mt. Olivet. Our Lady of Peace ___ _ of the bride; William B. Taylor, It is ' the fervent prayer and St. Peter's ...... —...... 60.00 Miss Josephine Basso, bridesmaid. T*r vueaiit two or tlir**-h*drooni hou**. HFGR’S. OP best man; Daniel Sullivan, Robert strong hope of the Missionary Sis- modtratelr prle*d. doo* to Cotholle D ) Grover (mission of Stoneham).—.. 6.10 William Michela, cousin of the HI-8CHOOL AND FRAT. BANNERS. 1 MRS. J. W. POPE Haxtun—Christ the King Reilly, and Thomas Powers. The teir of the Sacred Heart of •cfaoo). trontporUtlon. SEALS. STATE PENNANTS. SCOUT 5UIDE’ Mrs. James Worden Pope. 89. of 1226 bridegrroom, was best man, and BANNERS (Holyoke) ...... bridesmaids wore heavenly 'tilue Paul Recen, attendant. Ushers and the members of the Knights WRITE P. O. BOX 124. DENVER Pennsylvania atreet died June 23 in St Holyoke—St. Patrick’s ______81.06 moire taffeta with full-length of Columbus that the Mother CHENILLE EMBLEMS. X Joseph’s hospital following a short illness Hugo—St. Anthony's ...... 26.60 were Frederick Ketron, Robert MONOGRAMS AND CAPS Mrs. Pope, who was born in 'Syracuse, Idaho Springs— St. Paul’s __ _... 10:t)0 gloves. Eye, and John Petrillo. Cabrini Shrine of Colorado will be­ 684 16th S t. Fontias Bnilding, KE 6867 f i l N. Y., came to Denver in 1900. She IlilT— St, Catherine’s ...... — 22.06 come a national shrine. was a graduate of Georgetown Visitation Present in the sanctuary were A reception was held following TOIVY FERRETTI S.-' Julesburg—St. Anthony’s ___ _ 81.19 the Rt. Rev. Monsignor William ' <(■ 1 il convent, Washington. D. C., and a mem Kremmling—St, Peter’s ...... the. ceremony, and after a short N*. X W*rM War V«t BOULEVARD VACUUM ber of the Colorado chapter of the Keenesburg and Roggen— M. Higgins and the Rev. Bernard wedding trip the couple will re­ Philadelphia Auxiliary loTitM HI* Old FVltncU and Cu*tom*r* t* SWEEPER COMPANY Daughters of the Amerjc&n Revolution Holy Family ..... ______20.00 S. Karst, S.J. HU New Store t y Her husband. Brig. Gen. J. Worden Pope, Lafayette— St. Ida’s side here. Given Honorary Degree REPAIRS and PARTS died In 1919. Surviving are a daughter. The bride, a graduate of Loretto Gargan-Caiafranda Ritei for all Makes and Models Mrs. Henry Lyne, and a son. Worden LEADVILLE— Philadelphia.—Bishop J. Carroll The Congress Clothing Co. Called for and Dellverad -| Annunciation 46.76 Heights college, did graduate study Miss Maria Ca.sagranda, daugh­ 433 1STH ST. TA. 4718 Pope, both of Denver. Requiem Mass on a scholarship at Laval univer­ McCormick, newly consperated New Cleaners Availabla is being offered in St. John the Evange­ St. Joseph's ...... —... ter of Mr. and Mrs. A. ,Casagranda, Auxiliary of Philadelphia, was "Speclil AttmUon to Clergy" Frank Havel 2624 Colo. Blvd. your Selection list’s church Thursday morning. June 26, Limon (mission of Hugo)___ Ts'.'ei sity in Quebec, Canada, after became the bride of Thomas J. Tellor Made Ready Hada Military Sgpplle, DExter 9216 cMemorial at 9:80. Interment Arlington National Littleton—St. Mary’s ...... 66.00 which she was French correspond­ awarded an honorary degree of MAII ORDERS Longmont—St. John the Baptist’s 86.66 Gargan June 17 prior to a Nuptial cemetery. Arlington. Va. W. P. Horan ent at the Swiss Bank of America Doctor of Laws at the graduation Manj people have delayed the par- A Son service. Louisville— St. Louis’ ...... 25.00 Mass celebrated by Father Haas in exercises of St. Joseph’s college. ehate of a monament. Thii happens Loveland—St. John’s ...... 86.82 in New York city. She then re­ S t Patrick’s church. The Rev, time and afain when there are so MRS. NELLIE DECKER Manitou— (Mission of Sacred turned to Denver to become per­ , , Judge Vincent A. Carroll of Phi._ Distinctive Printing many places for money. Bat today, Requiem Mass was offered in Holy Heart—Colorado Springs)...... 18.46 sonnel director at Neusteter’a. Barry Wogan was present in the jelphia’s common pleas court also LEAVES GOOD IMPRESSIONS AND thinra are different! There are so Ghost church June 24 for Mrs. Nellie Mead— (Mission o( Frederick)—.. 6.16 sanctuary. yygj presented a dcg^’ce many things that can't be bought, Patricia Decker. 64. of 1956 Broadway Peett—Sacred Heart —...... 22.86 The bridegroom attended the The bride, who was escorted by helps your business that It seems an Iddal time to "catch who died June 21 in a local hoapital Platteville-—St. Nicholaa* ...... ——. 21.80 University of Notre Dame-three her father, wore a gown of white Bp" on those that can. And a truly Mrs. Deekeri born in Majryland. moved to Ride—St. Mary’s (Craig) ...... fine monument le one of them. Omaha with her parents when she was a Steamboat Springs—Holy Name...... years before entering the army. .satin with a sweeping train. Her ABEGG-FEllOWS Printing Co. child. In 1917 she married H arry E Sterling—St. Anthony's ...... 46.84 He was a captain in the OSS, on finger-tip veil of bridal illusion We are memoriai craftsmen of many Stoneham—St. John’s ...... —. 11.61 DORAN SIS Utb Street KEystone 4084 years* standing in this community. Decker, who is employed by the Otis duty in the Mediterranean and was held in place by a beaded Elevator Co. In 1934 they moved to Strssburg— (Mission of Hugo).... 8.20 Whether you wish a simple marker or Stratton—St. Charles’ .....—....— Pacific areas. He is now attend­ Juliet cap. She carried her First HATTERS an elaborate monument, may we help Denver, where they have lived since. Surviving, in addition to her husband Superior—St. Benedict’s ing Regis college. The young cou­ Communion prayer book w'ith a *3*1 Recondltionlni you to make a wise selection? are a daughter, Mrs. Clara Pycha, (South Boulder) ...... 2.66 ple will make their home at 750 8*rrlc* EzeloaiTaljr" Victor—St. Victor’s ______7.47 shower of stephanotis. Omaha: a brother, Tom Bowles: and two Glencoe, Denver. The bridesmaids. Misses Pat ERICKSON sisters. Mrs. Julia Grau and Mrs. Mar Welby—Assumption 86.00 733 £. Colfax at Clarkaon garet Rothschild, all of Omaha. Inter Wray—St. Andrew’* ...... 16.85 Pimpl and Leona Ecker, were OALL MAIN 6838 ment Ht. Olivet. Olinger mortuary. Vum*—St. John's (Akron) ...... 60.00 gowned in blue and gold taffeta For Prfo Pick*np and D*ll**r7 AMERICA’S GREATEST DENVER— 8*rric* MEMORIAL CO. Anonymous— (Fitzsimon* ho»- D .U JP ro f Friend. gowns and carried colonial bou­ EDWARD N. PHILLIPS piU l) ---- ...... 1.00 quets. Charlene Hardy wsus flower 920 Speer Blvd. Edward N. Phillips. 62, widely known Reffi* collese ...... 12.80 girl and wore a full length frock Oppoiite Sunken Gerdeni Denver musician, died in Fitzaimons Colorado Spring*—St. Franc!*’ Genera) hospital after a ' long illness, of white dotted swiss. William ONE DAY SERVICE THE RULE— TRAVEL BARGAIN hospital ...... 17.30 u fS o d y Groups Hr. Phillips was bom in Boulder, and Clark, college roommate of the NOT THE EXCEPTION came to Denver at a child. He was the son of the late John S. Phillips, a pioneer bridegroom, was best man, and Public Cleaners Denver policeman. While in Sacred (Continued From Page One) All G irm m ts Intared A ftiiu l FIrt ROUND-TRIP Coach Fare from Denver, Couple Are Married Jack (^lark and Jerry Surb Theft Heart school Hr. Phillips studied music, awarded a scholarship to the Yale ushered. After the Mass a bouquet and. after graduation in 1914, he studied was presented to the altar of the Colorado Springs and Pueblo to under private tutors. During World war In Cathedral Chapel school of law and started his 1 he served with an army musical unit classes there in February, 1945. Blessed Mother according to the After the war be was a musician at the . .In two years a Bachelor of Laws Senior sodality tradition. IZORICI Orpheum theater, in the Denver Moniei After the wedding breakfast, CARMEMT ClEAMIHC SYSTEM pal band. Eliteb’s and Paul Whiteman's Christian Thoroe and Thurman degree was conferred upon him. GLENWOOD SPRINGS orchestras. Ill health forced his retire­ Hopkins Tozier were wed in St. During this time he also. taught which was held in the Olin hotel, ment 10 years ago. Surviving arc his economics at Yale university and the couple received their friends mother, Mrs. Agnes Phillips: a brother. Paul’s chapel of the Cathedral, Den­ labor economics at Albertus Mag­ in their new home. The newlyweds Arthur; and two nieces and nephews, all ver, June 20, before the Rev. Fred­ will reside in the parish upon their of Denver. Rosary aerviees will be held nus, a Catholic college for women Gmcrtency Dry Clexaing 8*mc* 2 Go Any Day $ 7 00 Friday evening, June 27, at 8 o'clock. erick McCallin, The brjde, staff art­ at New Haven, Conn., where he return from a wedding trip. hoar* or Ics* at slight addlHonal coat Requiem Mass will be offered in An ist at the Denver Dry Goods com­ also assisted Dr. Harold Williams Miss Casagranda Is a graduate O ir Own Plant Operated on th* nunciatiOB church Saturday morning at 9 of the University of Denver, Where PremU^ o’clock. Interment Mt. Olivet. Olinger pany, is the daughter of Mr. and in establishing an economics de­ Go Either Way plu FadertI mortuary, Speer boulevard and Sherman partment. she was a member of Delta Phi PHONE ALPINE 2191 Mrs. Christian Thoroe of Washing­ 621 llth Str*et Denver 2* Colorado Tax af $1.66 Back in Denver since Api*il of Delta, Mortar Board, student REQUIEM OFFERED FOR CONVERT ton, D. C., and the bridegroom is or iW em orp this year, Crawford has been help­ council. Phi Beta Kappa, an^ is Requiem Mass, a* Announced !n last an x-ray technician at St. Joseph’s listed in W/io’g Who in American is an invariable force in God's week’s Denver Catholic Register, was hospital. The bridesmaid was Ena ing his mother, Mrs. Gladys Ellis, Colleges and Universities. Mr. GO ONE WAY-RETURN THE OTHER offered In St. Francis de Sales* church Johfison of Albuquerque, N. Mex. by managing the Denver Conva­ June 19 for Asa Turner, who died in lescent home, which they jointly Gargan has been attending the Built Like New miraculous plan of life. Mem­ Mercy hospital June 26. Mr. Turner, A reception was held in the Olin University of Notre Dame, where j ON ANY REGULAR TRAIN convert, was baptized and received into own. His duties as an assistant ory holds us close to those we hotel. he was a manager of student] the Church three m onths ago. His in« professor "'at the University of j via terest in the Church was first aroused Denver’s college of law started publications. He will continue his love and gives us the inspira­ by the work of the Sisters of Mercy, studies at Regis 'college. ' who were conducting a hospital in Ouray German Doctor Appeals with the opening of the summer • Colorado River » Royal Gorge tional comfort of their guid­ at the time. Mr. 'Turner, who recently se'ssjon June 16. lost his sight, was very interested In OR Catholic doctrine and Church history, For Aid of JU.S. Women Erery Fyineral li Scenic Shortcut Route ' ance, not for just a day, week, and never tired of listening to the ex* planations that he could not read for Homecoming for Jesuits Under My Perional Return Limit 10 Bars month or year, but through himself. Surviving Mr. Turner it his wife. Pearl. Interment-was in Mt. Olivet Baltimore, Md.—An appeal of Superriaion every moment of our lives. cemetery. a woman to a woman was voiced Slated July 6 by Guild UPHOLSTERING M Don’t wait. Plan a memorial by the chairman of the Catholic E Finest Selection of Fabrics Otnvar • Rlt Grandt Waatarn Ballread FLOWERS German Womon’s union. Dr. Gertal Members of Regis Mild of Den- H Sptdml Fantral Sprar reiil. of SniMnil B at Prices that Satisfy NOW and make every day Krabbel, to a fellow-doctor here, *'1® ^ Sunday, E E Flaw.n B your own MEMORIAL DAY! Wr*«th of tre a t baaotr. $19. An appro- Dr. Elizabeth Bouchelle. The G er-|f“ 'y J ® homecoming • Remodeling TICKET OFnCE priata czpreation of ormpathy from a Srm man woman describes the suffer-i®*'®?™*’^ D 8T. • Repairing or a tronp. ing and (listress in Germany and FkJ JACQUES BROTHERS THE BLOSSOM SHOPS other stricken countries of Eu This will include the Masses of the 0 • Refinishing 64B 17th St. new priests at 9 on that date, fol-; 0 Brown Palact Hotrl TA. 8826 rope, a condition which falls most M All Work Guaranteed Since 1902 Uptown. 221 E. 7th Ara. CH. 6468 lowed by breakfaat and a social 1 Park Hill, 1610 Lornat I DE. 1693 heavily on the shoulders of the D 1331 Stout St. MONUMENTS OP DISTINCTION women. hour. N "CALL AND CHARGE I f ’ 1 GALL G L 2549 These women are so spiritually Because the Fourth of July pre­ A C TAbor 1162 28 E. 6th Are. TAbor 6468 TAk^r 2764 cedes the date, arrangements must and physically ground down, says BUILTWELL Fox^NichoIson Studios be made in advance. Members are V the writer, that they can hardly asked to make their reservations FURNITURE AND Photographs of Distinction fulfill their tasks of looking sifter early—July 2, if possible, and not 1642 Broadway food, clothing, and the home. Cath­ later than Thursday noon, July 3. UPHOLSTERING CO. olic women are implored to use The members are asked to call DAY MORTUARY COLD SPRING • CONFIRMATION Tim Corbetts Angelo Di Tolls MONUMENTS • FIRST COMMUNION their influence with the govern­ Re^is college early ((JL. 3633), 2406 Fedarql BWd. lltAUTIFUt (MDltfS • GRADUATION ment to save the German people giving the name and the num ^r ^/o^raJr^e GL. S709 3420 Quivas • WEDDINGS from th» threatened extinction. for reiervationa.

"5 r

Thursday^ Ju n e 26, 1947 Office, 938 B annock Street THE DENVER CATHOUC REGISTER Telephone, KEyatone 4205 PAGE ELEVEN i The Denver Catholic Register President...... Mott Rev. Archbishop Urban J. Vehr, D.D Registorials Editor...... ___ Rt. Rev. Matthew Smith, Ph.D., LLD., Jonr.D. ManaginK Director______Rev. John B. Cavanagh, ^M.A., Litt.D. Hear Associate Editors—M. F. Everett, Jour.D.; Rev. Walter Canavan, God the favor when we go to great gift of faith, that God has J.C.D., L!tt.D.; Rev. Francis Syrianey, M.A.; Linns Riordan, A.B., It's Justice church. Religion, after all, 18 Better Quit shown special love and favor for LittM .; Rev. James B. Hamblin, M.A.; Rev. John Ebel, M.A.; Rev. them in asking them to join His To Go to Church fundamentally a matter of justice. Ego-Prying own. And they are thankful The Robert Kekeisen, M.A. Whether we get a laugh out of it priest, too, who had the sublime A sk and Learn By Rev. J ames B. Hahbun By Millard F, E verett Entered as second class matter at the poet office at Denver, Colo. or cook up a game of golf does privilege of baptizing them is If you are looking for a good not make much difference. The There haVe been several cases thankful that he, a poor human Published Weekly by only important thing is that we in recent weeks in which “psychol­ creature, was chosen by the Al­ cry, I recommend * Collier’a for worship God in the way He wants mighty to be the instrument of June 21, page 89. One of the ogists” were exposed as fakes. Ap­ THE CATHOLIC PRESS SOCIEIT (Inc.) to be worshiped. And so, let us parently there is little supervision their salvation. KOA 938 Bannock Street, 1 saddest articles 1 have read in go to church, but not to have fun. of this type of practitioner, and To all Protestants, in the name V some months is entitled "It’s Fun many persons are so credulous that of the one true Church, we issue \ Telephone, KEyatone 4205 P. 0. Box 1620 to Go to Church.” For my money they aedept the counsel and minis­ an invitation to join us. This is it perfectly illustrates why the A Woman Convert trations of a man who has nothing no new call. Christ, the Master, 11:15 '.i , Subscription81 per year. world ohtside the more than a winning personality made it when he told the Apostles Qnb Snbscriptlon, with The Re^ster, l^cal Edition, $1.30 per Tear. is giving up the struggle for Goes to Work to fit himself for practice. to teach all nations and to bap­ V No Club Subscription Price Offered Outside Colorado. Christianity and giving in to the tize them; when He told the para­ By Rev. F rancis Syrianey Although a psychologist may be ble of the marriage feast to which EVERY SUNDAY NIGHT ■ir allurements of modem paganism. of real help in some cases, in our Thursday, June 26, 1947 The article is by a well-known There was considerable specula­ all were invited; when He pic­ estimation to talk with a capable tured Himself as the Good Shep­ cartoonist and its thesis seems to tion a little more than a year ago priest, or in the case of a non- herd anxious for the welfare of all • Questions on religion submitted by the radio be this—go to church in cirder to when it was announced that Con­ Cathoiic with an experienced min­ His sheep. It is the desire of OFFlClALi ARCHDIOCESE OF DENVER ister, usually would be df far Christ that "all men be saved and audience answered on the archdiocesan broadcast. supply material for funny books. gresswoman greater value. The services of a ite Denver Catholic Register merits our cordial approval Says the author, quoting from the had entered the Church under the come to a knowledfe of the truth.” We eoii^rm it as the ofHcial publication of the Archdiocese. What­ good psychiatrist are needed in He wants everyone to join the wonderful booklet his "Good Time tutelage of Monsignor Fulton some instances, for there are ever am art in its columns over the signature of the Ordinary or Charley” minister was inspired to Catholic Church, the one He Booklets on Catholic Church available free of cost those onue Officials of our Curia is hereby declared official Sheen. Catholics and non-CathoIics mental, as well as physical, ills founded and gave the means of write (the parentheses are mine): alike wondered what this extremely to all inquirers. We '^ p e The Register will be read in every home of the "Formula for Fun— a firm resolu­ that demand a highly trained spe­ salvation, the only one which Archdioc^ta. able woman would do. One of her cialist to effect a cure. Even here bears His personal stamp of ap­ tion is the first ingredient Go to first announcements was that she caution must be used, for some We uitte pastors, parents, and teachers to cultivate a taste in church grimly (get that) deter­ proval. WRITE TO the childre>r{)f tee Archdiocese for the reading of The Register. was retiring from her position in psychiatrists operate from a ma­ mined to enjoy yourself. (Not to Congress vnthout seeking re-elec­ terial basis and- rule out religion What does the Catholic Church 5 I f URBAN J. VEHR, adore God—to enjoy yourself.) have to oflier you? Eternal life. ASK LEARN, Station KOA, Jan. 29, 194Zi Archbishop of Denver. tion. This in spite of an active term entirely. The religious impulse can T ^ singing.* Even a futile effort that won her many admirers from a disturbing elementliebe in twisted How? By effecting in your soul Denver 2, Colorado will be fun. (Forget about prais­ among her male compatriots in personalities; but it is fundamen­ the infusion of sanctifying grace ing God, have fun.) To sit down Washington. tal in human beings. Ruling it out that makes you Godlike. With and get up with the rest of the entirely is like cutting off a broken what means? The sacraments, The Problem of the Protestant congregation will help you relax. Speculation then centered about which were instituted by Jesus ■nmRnmuMnracri' the prospect that Mrs. Luce would leg instead of curing the injur}’ (Now the church competes with to the leg. ' Christ, the Son of God, as a vis­ Minister Who Doubts the gym teachers.) It’s fun to resume her Broadway playwriting ible sign of invisible grace. WWW w w w w www w w m W'm mwwww career in which she had previously By Pact. H. HAw.ktt married and one, Dr. Orchard; impress your neighbors with the Probably the worst fault per­ earned a name for herself. To sons commit, however, is self- The Church offers you spiritual lost his wife long before entering large bill you casually toss into care from birth to death, and even Sectarian ministers have sup­ the Church. Only Brownson had a the collection plate. (Impress your date she has not done so, although psychoanalysis. It is an accepted : MORGAN, LEIBMAN & HICKEY ^ plied some of the most., brilliant we cannot help wish that she fact that physical ills may be after death, when ,that care is familjr, and he was a journalist at neighbors, that is the motive.) If perfected unto a glorious eter­ i converts, among them l^w nson, the time of his conversion. NeW' you have that about-to-be-bored might make a few more tries at caused or aggravated by exagger­ the greatest in America, New­ playwriting. Her admitted talent, ated self-examination and worry. nity of supreme happiness. Holy i man had to live through a long feeling, look around; there’s a Mother Church gives you spirit­ tniSiJRANCE SIIVCE 1897 < man, the greatest in EMland. chuckle in every h at Smile at combined with her new-found Unnecessary prying into one’s ego and agonizing period before he faith, should produce something ual birth into the royal family BUY MORE FIRE INSURANCE NOW Two of the foremost moden^um- could make his submission, but his someone. You might even look at may be even more upsetting. Few of God, with Christ as your inaries of the Church, Monsfimor difficulties were purely doctrinal. the minister. He’s funny to look far better than the usual Broadway persons are fitted for self-psycho­ i Ronald Knox and the “ Rev. V. m'.T. fare. analysis. But with a smattering of Brother. She gives you strength The moment these problems were at—but who isn’t? It’s fun to against evil and against error, ^ Ga* aaJ B*ctrk Phan* TAbar IMS ^ Orchard, were of their ranks. ljj»t resolved he could enter the watch the organist set the pace It was announced some time ago psychiatric terms and a few bits of through Confirmation. She gives ► it is suggestive of the church; as far as his mode of life It’s most fun for the minister, that Mrs. Luce is busy at work on knowledge they solemnly examine themselves and then rush off to a you food when you are hungry— problem that faces the in inis^,j^j^ concerned he was g priest whose job it is to see that a good an apologetics text in the hope of the Body and Blood of the Savior. with “Roman fever," as our sep-Taire,Jy‘ time is had by a ll” (So that is isyehologist or psychiatrist for bringing to others something of elp. She cures you when you are sick arated brethren like to call it, VBut the average Protestant min­ what they are for—not to preach in sin, actually forgiving your sins, that of these four two were never the logic and reasonableness she ister who begins to be embarrassed the word of God or to offer sacri­ found in tee Catholic faith. In Dr. C. C.-Burlingame, former not merely praying for their for­ John B*nro)r Frank L. Smith by'^tee cogency of the Catholic fice, but to be a sort of USO host view of her masterly account of president of the American Psychi­ giveness. She joins you in super­ DRY CLEANING position knows that the clearing —to see that everyone has a good the reasons behind her entry into atric association, recently des­ natural wedlock that bears fruit Colorado Josuits away^of his doctrinal doubts will time.) tee Church, as recounted in three cribed the situation frankly: “Hun­ for eternal citizenship. She selects JOHN HARVEY That Satisfies only accentuate misgivings of a And the climax, the thing that issues of MeCaU’a magazine, her dreds of thousands of persons, some for her sacred ministry, giv­ practical order: How can he, really sets this minister on top of book should have a most convinc­ satiated with a superficial knowlr ing them power to do the work of Honored by Guild edge of psychiatry and psychiatric Jesus for mankind. She anoints QUALITY FURNITURE 14 Hour Call and Delivery now in ftvjddle age and with a wife the cartoonist’s totem pole: “One ing appeal. Mrs. Luce definitely or childrtm to support, make a liv­ has a brain and knows how to use terminology, are beginning to'in­ you with oil at the hour of death, On June 22, at Regis college, ing? MiiAters are not likely to Sunday morning while the choir it. terpret every trivial thought and that you might have no fear of 2404 Ea*t Colfax Avenue Accounts Solicited Denver, friends of their school have any f e c i a l skill tlAt can sang, Mark (not Rev. or Dr, or Mr. feeling■ iii in psychological terms. Con­ past misdeeds, for the grace of — but good old Mark) walked We were particularly struck re­ sequently, people in all walks of at Jo*«phln* days and family friends greeted readily be \exchang^ for cash. cently by reading the entire text God is in you. And long after your the recently ordained Colorado Lecturing a1^ writing can be slowly down the aisle to my pew. life are being instilled with the be­ body is decayed in the grave, the He tapped the shoulder of a man of a commencement address which lief that they need psychiatric at­ Terms, of Course TEJON CLEANERS Jesuits at the reception given by sources of liv^ihood only for the the former Congresswoman deliv­ Church applies to your soul* her the Regis guild. Those honored exceptional few. The teaching sitting directly in front of me. tention to save their minds, if not tremendous benefits, enabling you Mark (good old pal Mark) said: ered for graduation exercises at their souls. Telephone EA. 4679 were the Rev. J. Raymond Derrig, profession is b ^ e d to many by St. Mary’s college. Holy Cross, the sooner to attain heaven if Phone GL. 7979 S.J.; the Rev. Walter Francis Har­ requirements of ;]wecial degrees. Mr. Jepson, I’d like you to “There are approximately only you have been detained in pur­ meet Mr. Machamer. You two Ind. (She is much in deniand as .a ris, .S.J.; and the Rev. Joseph L. As a result of thJ^s material ob­ peaker, and is using the lecture 4,000 psychiatrists in the country, gatory for purification. Hebert, S.J.J of Denver, and the stacles the Romew^ facing min­ cook up a golf game for us next and, unless this dangerous preoc­ Dear Protestant friends, we Wednesday.’ Then he strode, robes platform very effecUvely as a Rev. Eugene 0. Latta, S.J.i of ister often dares ifjjy,, probe too representative of the Church.) Her cupation is quelled, thousands of know that you are good in the Sterling. deeply into his spiric(^l ground, billowing, back to the pulpit. That’s people seeking psychiatric assist­ sight of God if you honestly fol­ why I like Mark Hogue. And address to the girl graduates was The large number attending the with the result thatMhe often on woman s rolllie iri the world— ance will be unable to have their low your consciences and believe reception testified to the happy stands on it until deat'^vobviates that is why I like going to church. condition medically evaluated, and in the truth of your faith. But It’s fun.” currently a very popular topic. bonds existing through the years. the question. Following iw,p pass- Summarizing woman’s position many who. are delicately balanced your leaders have betrayed you. Mrs. A. P. McCallin was the age from a-letter, out ofrieveralorfii Now I enjoy a good laugh as after the ‘Successful” fight for will resort to the questionable aid They really started their perfidy, chairman of the evening. The we have received from Protestant well as the next fellow—and I Mrs. Luce turns to recent of quacks.” willing or' not, with Luther ana president, Mrs. Adrian F. Maguire, ministers, which illustrates i^h^t like to play golf—but I still make rs of Pope Pius XII: “Let us "The public mind today,” Dr. Calvin and the rest. Now it be­ MOVING & STORAGE and the Rev. Stephen R. Krieger, may be going on in the heart^pf Burlin^me warned, "is turned comes yet more noticeable, when bold to ask (I know'it may sound say at the outset that for us the S.J., guild moderator, greeted the many a leader of a Protestant cvVi- problem regarding woman, both predominantly toward the nega­ high Protestant Churchmen den guests as they entered. Assisting gregation, to all outward appesf'-^“**9*®*childish and old-fashioned and tive psychiatric implications in the natural law, approving birt! to this exponent of in its entirety and in all its many were Mmes. W. J. McMenamy, ances contented enough with details, resolves itself into preserv­ life. Too many people seem to be divorce, andacontrol, other evils. Richard J. Cordes, Thomas Dunn, denomination and with Protestant­ phisticated humor): "Where so lost in a morass of psychologi­ Do not trust them I They have for­ STORAGE SPrucfl 2671 \,^s God come into the picture?” I ing and augmenting the dignity LOWEST PRICES Thomas E. Floyd, David B. Doug­ ism in general:- (Certain details which woman had from God . . cal jargon and theories that they feited their right to your confi­ IN THE CITY 12.58 So. Peai4 las, Philip Clark, and James J. have been altered to prevent any Ais always under the impression are seeing psychiatric disorders dence. Believe the Holy Father, th& churches have to do with the “To envisage the question any Teeling, with Misses Rose and possible recognition): other way . . . would be tantamount in perfectly normal emotional the Pope. The Holy Spirit is with Nano Mahoney pouring, as junior worlSpp of God. We go to church swings. him, preventing any error in faith “I think I would swallow my dif­ to p ^ and worship, we go to the to shirking it without advantage to members of the guild served. The ficulties and return to the Church anyone, and least of all to woman "How can we direct public at­ or moral teaching. junior members included Mmes. movies^ laugh—or at least that if I could support my wife. I am is what^teey told me in school. herself . . . tention toward the affirmative as­ There are many churches but Edward Curran and Frank Hara- 48 years old—have to wear a "Hence, it follows that those pects of life? Certainly not by there is only one Church. At the YOU PAY ONLY 5 0 ^ A ROOM A MONTH way, and Misses Margaret and Jo­ hearing aid—so my days of teach Come to';'teinl< of it, I wonder Last Supper, Our Blessed Lord whether tite cartoonist-clergyman systems cannot treat the question furthering wholesale psychiatric ann McCallin, Claire McMenamy, ing are over, .Anyhow, you might of woman’s rights Moperly which warnings and admonitions, how­ felt bad because He knew there and Sylvia Cordes. duo know there is a God, From the pray that I will have a chance to article I thiqk not — because, exclude God and His law from ever much that may satisfy our would be many churches. That is Members of the Regis commun­ make my submission before death the social life, and give precepts ego. Instead, let us admit an^-re­ why He said: "Yet not only for ity mingled with tee g^uests and although thre«r\columns are given these do I pray, but for those comes. Despite my handicap this over to this steepled fun house, God or religion at most a lowly place in joice that the human mind is a is t in c t iv e h o t o g r a p h y many were given opportunity to little parish pays me $3,600 a year, man’s private life.” resilient thing which has met and also vteo through their word are D P renew acquaintance with the Very is not mentioned^nce. No sir, we pays my telephone bill, and gives have golf games, ^lly Tiats,' etc., Mrs. Luce points out in agree withstood many ordeals during the to believe in Me, that all may be Rev. Raphael C. McCarthy, S.J., me $600 a year for other ex course of the centuries; let us call one, even as Thou, Father, in Me newly installed president of Regps but not God. And, discourse, since ment that there are two circum and I in Thee; that they also may Commercial penses. I could live in one room we leave God out o^Hthe picture, stances in which no woman can for a return to the homely, easily college. ! ______—but not my wife, who has no there is no mentio^^of prayer preserve any dignity, grace, or understood, affirmative rules of be one in Us, that the world may Advertising Roman fever. She likes the Church either. mental health.” believe that Thou hast se n tjle .” and feels that it is either Rome power: or but is utterly without a worry I say-the article is saJ because "One: When she obeys, or is Publicity CATHOLIC that it makes any difference where it is always a tragic thing when forced to obey, godless men. For Open Letter Dr. Richard L Haney she is. The Roman stand on Com­ people lose sight of values, yihen ^ le s s men will be quick to be- Wedding RADIO. LOO munism is pretty decisive with energy is expended with no dear ittle, exploit, degrade, and at last, At Optometrist Meeting me, however.” idea of why it is being spent, whqn to enslave any element in society To Protestants Portrait which is physically weaker than Station KOA This minister, as we know, has men lose sight of their goal. Anv' By Rev. Robert E. Kekeisen Taking part in ceremonies com­ dogmatic difficulties in the way of yet, this is exactly the^situationif^®®"**^^®* TA-3697 CATHOLIC HOUR — Sunday, One of the greatest joys in the memorating a half century of serv­ returning to the Church ("return” apparently at the Westwood Hills "Two: When she obeys no one ice to the visual needs of the Amer­ 3 p.m. is used in the broad sense in which Congregational church. I feel aM, nothing at all. For no woman life of a priest is the deep sense of 830 18th St. ASK AND. LEARN — Sunday, appreciation that most converts ican public by the profession of WILSHIRE STUDIO 18th at Champa every baptized convert may be said sure, of course, that Protestant­ —rv^iiicui man either—can command optometry is Dr. Richard L. Ha­ llilS p.m. to return), but he has been drawn ism generally has not fallen to withh’THgnity who has not learned to experience when they are received Station KVOD obeyy love." into the Catholic Church. They ney, well-known Denver optome­ nearer and nearer by the present such an estate. Surely the whole know what they have been missing;, trist. He arrived in Atlantic City HOUR OF FAITH — Sunday, infiltration of the Communistic- process of Protestantism has not The e'^ire text of Mrs. Luce’s 9:30 a.m. and they are anxious to assure for the golden jubilee congress of ally minded into his denomination become just another means of ex­ talk is tod'^ong to treat here but their spiritual guide of their long- the American Optometrists’ asso­ // Station KMYR and by the jettisoning,‘by many citing the funnybone. Most minis­ we recommend her sensible, and FLUFF DRY" is not "rough" dry!... SACRED HEART PROGRAM— sought satisfaction. The effect of ciation. preachers of the principal tenets ters nave retained at least a hazy Catholic, views. Her strongest ar­ true conversion does not differ Among the many technical mat­ Week day* at 7:1S a-m. of Christianity. We dare say he idea of what religion is all about, guments support her thesis that . . . Citr-EUle’* "FLUFF DRY” la aemi-finiahed. All flat-work (labia Station KFEL namely, the worship of God. much among those who have earn­ ters that will be discussed at the liacii, bed lin.n and kitchen lln.n) la waihed. ironed and ready to aae. is the exemplar of many another. the daughters of Eve must become estly searched the way God wants convention are contact lenses, oc AVE MARIA HOUR— Sunday, Some day a practical solution may But the article does demom the daughters of Mary. This she to be worshiped. Some have cupational vision, industrial eye Hankie* Sniihad, only Ze each extra. Shirt* Aniahed, only lOe each 5 a.m. and 11 p.m. be found for the problem of the strate to what foolishness men now admits is accomplished com known few Catholics in their life protection measures, and the part extra. All ather artirlea neatly folded and ready for ironins . . . *o FAMILY THEATER — Thur*- Protestant pastor torn between can go when they make man in­ pletely only in the Catholic Church. 'time;'others have been constantly faulty vision plays in highway ac­ hcaatifnily done that many of our cnatomcra me two duties of apparent conflict stead of God the starting point in them WITHOUT IRONINGI Minimum bundle. 08c. day, 7 p.m. Mrs. Luce has become an able associated with those of the faith, cidents, hunting accidents, juve­ The Only In the meantime we can pray for religion. It shows how wrong we apologist for the Church, one who even by marriage. All, however, nile delinquency, and school prob­ him. are to think that we are doing will be increasingly influential. seem to know, by. force of the lems. Fir Fiek-ug and Dtllviry Sorvleo just call / Llsttn to FULTON <1 I Take a Homemaking Short-Cut! LEWIS. JR. Oallr. H*nS*r 'THI FINIST LAUNDRY AND DRY ClIAHINC StRVia" thra FrUtr For the homemaker, any short-cut. that saves time and »;S( P Jf. KFEL TAbor 3385 labor is a welcome one. That’s why so many housewives I0»/o Off for Cash & Carry at 2701 Lawrence, 1462 York, 1809 Champa. use Checkmaster in paying bills. With Checkmaster, you can pay bills through the mail at a cost of only 10c per check. No minimum balance is required. Open YOUR Checkmaster account at the American now. MAin 5314 Our new Parking Plaza i* a parking (hort-ent, too. Con- ijfr ff.:. A. venient parking for the general public) 9t-hour free m ir ;'- parking for bank patron*. F . aj. K ir c h iio f FRANK KIRCHHOF Chairman, Board of Directore CoiVSTKUrTION ADOLPH KUNSMILLER AMUICAN Preeident • I I f ^ i ’4 it-? :'-l] 1(1 N4tH>MAt MNK BUILDERS x 5AJUWCAW MATQtM t We Appreciate Your Patronage t i l 708 Lawrence St Denver, Colo.

KSTABUSHKO SINCE IMS of The American Fixture Co. ‘Maonractunr* *1 ■s. CHURCH PEWS AND ALTARS THE AHEBICAM NATIONAL BANK Denver CHURCH FURNITURE BAR, AND STORE FDCTURES SEVENTEENTH AND LAWRENCE STREETS MiUwork of AU Kinde FRAtiK KlRCBBOftrJ^rerideni 1262 ARAPAHOE ST. C F. STAHL, Secretary DENVER. COLO. FACE TWELVE Office, 938 B annock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, EEyatone 4206 Thursday, June 26, 1947 KOREAN CHURCH, 200,000 STRONG; Mass Is Central NEPHEW OF GLENWOOD PARISHIONER N\AKt YOUR V lta-Flvff BEGAN WITH CATHOLIC READING Act of Worship ORDAINED IN IRELAND FOR PUEBLO Tha WorUTe Pinatt Shampoa BWURY LAST'. > t$ Availabla at By Rev. Patrick O’Connor, S.S.^C. The faith came to this land in Glenwood Springs.—Mrs. Christ Miss Mary Patricia Mullen, who Seoul, Korea.—^Handsomely set a unique way. In 1776, when For All Mankind Quigley of Spring Valley was the attends college in Greeley, re­ i AVALON BEAUn SALON Keep electrolyte on a hill, Seoul’s highest building is Americans on the other side of the happy recipient of a cablegram turned with them. the Catholic Cathedral. Sixty world were fighting their War of June 10 in the form of a blessing The vacation school opened on 825 E. Colfax Ave. CH. 0S45 I at proper level Independence, Korean envoys to By Rev, Francis Syrianey from her nephew, the Rev. Sean June 9 for a three-week session. years ago there was no Catholic If the sacrifice of the Maaa is Denver 3, Colo. church at all in Korea. Paris Mis­ the Chinese imperial court brought McGrath, who had just been or­ Sisters Patricia, Augusta, and Fe- some Catholic books back from the sacrifice of surpassing effi­ dained to the priesthood in Tipper­ licita are in charge. Make sure cables sionaries built this, the first, in cacy as we believe it is, it is well The Large Economy Siee May 1892. Peiping. Other Koreans were de­ ary, Ireland. The young man has Father • Kessler went to Lead-' are soupd lighted. “Here is the answer,” to consider briefly what place this been ordained for the Pueblo dio­ ville to attench Father Edward L. Be Purchased by Mail 1 Seoul, capital of Korea, is en­ they said. Eucharistic sacrifice holds in the cese and tvill come to the United HoVgan’s jubilee ceremonies. tirely unscarred by war and is In 1784 one of them sought organization of the C a t h o ii c States the latter part of August. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Andrea of iveepKeep your batterypoi utterly different from half-de­ Church. Not only is the Mass the Graduatei Attend Meti Chicago, 111., and Miss Hortense More than 8 montha stroyed Tokyo. Though the peo­ Baptism in Peiping and returned to Korea, where he instructed and supreme act of worship for us, As has been the custom in St. Cattriola of Osage, Kans., visited ■apply only $500 3 fully charged ple were under Japanese domina baptized others. When the first but it is also the central act of Stephen’s church for a number of at the Jerome Gamba home. Mias tion for 40 years, they dress, talk. Catholic worship. So much is this years, the Catholic graduates re­ Cattriola is Mrs. Gamba’; sister PtwrMitc* and act differently. missioner, a native Chinese, Father ^ Have generator Tyou, came in 1795, he found 4,- truci that it is by assistance at ceive Holy Communion in a body and Mrs. Andrea, her niece. -000 Catholics, a number that in­ Mass on Sundays and holy daya of on the day the baccalaureate ad- Miss Betty Neislanik arrived re' set properly Winona Bishop’s Father creased to 10,000 before he was obligation that we fulfill the first ress is delivered at the school au­ cently from Pasadena Calif., Taken in Death at 89^ martyred 10 years later. obligation of our religious wor­ ditorium. This year, nine gradu­ where she has been employed the ship. The old dispensation mere­ ates received on June 1 in the past year. She departed Monday ^ Keep the terminals After 30 priestless years the ly required men te keep holy 8 o’clock Mass celebrated by Fa­ for Detroit, Mich., where she will first Paris Missioners came, also Reepnimended Firms clean and tight Winona, Minn. — Coadjutor the day of rest. The Christian ther Clarence E. Kessler, who also visit indefinitely. Miss. Bernice Bishop Leo Bins of Winona offered to meet martyrdom. They trained dispensation, as interpreted by directed his sermon to the group. Neislanik has been spending her the first Korean priest. Blessed the Churcji Christ founded, de­ Members of the class were Loy- vacation here also with her par­ rl ym iMf Mm k the Requiem Mass here for James Andrew Kim, vfbo was martyred a ftf^ U T O lnMM... Mot tm MM Iw ftH C. Kelly, 89, father of Bishop clares that we fulfill the law of etta Gamba, Paula Hutchings, ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Neislanik. year srfter returning to his native God in a particular way, that is Rose Marie Rosa, Katherine Neis- She is a nurse at Fort Logan. A Francis M. Kelly of Winona, who land. Wave after wave of perse­ by assistance at the sacrifice of lanik, Mary Jane Petrocco, Law­ third sister, Dorothy Neislanik, died at Houstoh, Minn. A former cution followed until the govern­ the Mass. rence Leonard!, Harry McMillan, was graduated in June from the SERVICE state legislator and Houston bank ment granted religious freedom in DeVon Schroeder, and John Paul Mercy hospital school of nu the ’80s. The Catholic Church was president, Mr. Kelly leaves two founded by Christ as the great Schutte. Mrs. Tina S t^ p , class in Denver. r i ’iN fi In' 1925 76 Korean martyrs institute of salvation. As such sponsor; Miss Patricia Guadnola, Miss Johanna M cN ulty^ stu­ I other sons and two daughters. were beatified by Pope Pius XI. musical instructor; Miss Margaret dent nurse at St. Joseph’s hospital, THE BATTERY PICKED BY ENGINEERS it preserves for men not only His In 1900 Catholics numbered 24,' teaching, but also His precious Egan, and N. J. Stubler, athletic spent her vacation with her par­ 000; in 1911, 77,000. Today there sacraments, the sources of the director, marched with the class. ents, Mr. and Mrs. T. F. McNulty. Buckley Bros. Motors are nearly 200,000, the majority grace that He merited for men Knights Msst Miss Donnis Gallagher, who at­ of whom are in the American-occu­ As Christ redeemed mankind espe The Knights of Columbus met tends Colorado university at Boul­ S a les — STUDEBAKER •— S e r v ic e pied zone. dally by the bloody sacrifice of in regular session June 15. Leo der, has arrived to speno the sum­ DanvaPs Finest and Best Equipped Shop Vic Hebert About half the priests in the Langley and Bet Zancanella re- mer with her parents, Mr. and AUTO REPAIRING ON ALL HARB CARS the Cross, so does He carry out EXPERT BODY AND PENDER WORK - QUALITY PAINTING country are natives, and there are His Work of redemption in His poirted on the state convention in Mrs. P. F. Gallagher. three native Bishops, named in the Church chiefly by the unbloody Triinidad. Miss Alyce McGuirk, daughter STEAM CLEANINO - WASHINO - LUBRICATION - SKRVICK HUDSON war years. Pans Missionaries, sacrifice of the Mass, which is the Dr. and Mrs. Leo Leonard! are of Mr. and Mrs. R. W. McGuirk, 660 So, B’dwy. New Location — RA. 2826 Benedictines, Maryknollers, a n d essential representation and mys­ visiting relatives in Glenwood has arrived home from Greeley, TA. 1478 3660 DowmiK S t Columban Fathers are the for­ tical renewal of His death on the Springs from S t Louis where Dr. where she is a junior at Colorado eign priests working here.lNCWC Cross. In the Secret prayer of Leonard! was graduated from S t State college. AUTO REPAIRINQ Salei and Service Radio and Wlrel the ninth Sunday after Pentecost Louis universii^ school of medicine Mrs. A. McBreen has returned PACKARD June 9. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. SERVICE Experienced Mechanics we read: “As often as the com­ to her home at Minturn; she b t Julio Leonard!, went to St. Louis Tk« O I PtekwS S«rT

J 1

PAGE FOURTEEN Office, 938 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, K E ystone 4205 Thursday, June 26, 1947

To Wed in August KIRAY SCHEDULES FIRST PICNIC Cathedral Sodality 8 mm & 16 mm Movie Film Rental Library HOMEMAKER^S WALNUT WATERFALL IN MOUNTAINS TUESDAY, JULY 1 Has N e w Officers DEPARTMEIVT TYPE (St. John’* Pari*h, .Denver) ing, cooking^, and other second The Cathedral senior sodality CEDAR CHESTS Patronize These Reliable and Friendly Firms The first KIRAY mountain class tests. Each scout is expected of Denver met June 18 in St. picnic will be held on July 1. Ac­ to bring two potatoes, four ounces Paul’s^ reading room for election At Your Friendly commodations on the picnic are of meat, a scout knife, hatchet, of officers for the following year. necessarily limited to those .who and compass. Cars will leave St. Miss Catherine O’Brien was elect- ROUSH ACE PAEVTlNCi made reservations at the last John’s school at 9 a.m. and take CONTRACTORS, lae. meeting of the club for high school the boys to Filius park, where the BARNARD FURN. CO. Refrigeration Service pupils. Those who made reserva­ hike will begin. Scouts will return BTEPBEN U SCaArr, Prop. tions will receive cards in the by 5 o’clock. 4040 Tejtn Pb. GL. 1796 .i Household & Commercial M'MURTRY'S PAINTS * mail, which give the necessary The scout ^committee for troop VARNISHES instructions. Special mention is 161 held a dinner meeting in Complete Stock 8 mm & 16 mm Fihn Subjectel Gusrsntesil Serrics WALL PAPER - KEMTONE PiM E fttB ltM made of the fact that individuals the Knights of Columbus home KE. 1657- 848 B’dwy. are not to bring their own lunches, on WedneAday evening, June 18. 1934 So. Broadwap PE. 0265 as all food will be provided by the Jean Jacobucci presided at the Moran, pastor, the fountain near the entrance. witnessed by the Rev, A. G. Rit­ (St. Joaeph’a Yonag People*’ has returned home after se n d ­ Upholstered ter. The .ceremony was held in Club) ing some time in the East. While Phone GL 2304 on his vacation he made a visit the Shrine of St. Anne in Arvada Activities of St. Joseph’s Young CONVERT CLASS Large Selection of Fabric* on June 17. Peoples’ club have increased great­ to the Church of St. Francis Xavier in Caughnawaga, N. Y., 7i*I lltn (Jiut Aeron llth St. Vladnet) The bride was ^ven in marriage ly in recent weeks. Members have enjoyed several highly successful whefe the remains of Ven. Kateri by her father. Miss Norma Mikes, Tekakwitha are preserved. ORGANIZED AT sister of the bride, was maid of events and are looking forward to honor. more outings. Mrs. F. D. Jennings and Mrs. On the evening of June 7, some Lenore Struther will be in charge ST. PHILOMENA'S SANDING AND Ruth Brauch and Louise Mikes, 49 members joined in a truck party of the care of the altars and FLOOR REFINISHING sister-in-law and sister of the bride and wiener roast in the mountains. sanctuary in July. were bridesmaids. Misses Nancy It was a well-planned event and About 125 members of the (St. Philomana’* Pariah, Denver) FREE ESTIMATES - EXPERT WORKMANSHIP Lucius-and Marilynne Ann Brauch A class for converts has been were flower girls. a great credit to the social com­ Altar and Rosary society attended Floor Sanding & Kefinishing Co. mittee. " the complimentary tea mven in organized at St. Philomena’s. The 648 & SHERMAN SP. 7952 Sgt Bill Jones was best man, The club’s next activity was a the mountain home of Mr. and group will meet on Tuesday and and Dixie Wright and Wayne social and dance held in St. Jo­ Mrs. George B. Greer on June 23. Thursday evenings in the rectory, Mikes ushered. seph’s parish hall. The members of Mr. and Mrs. John Cutshaw en­ and the instructions will be given TAbor 1393 721 Lawrence Mrs. Williams is a 1946 graduate St. John’s-St. Philomena’s club tertained St. Thomas’ circle mem­ by Monsignor William M. Higgins of Holy Family high school. Wil­ were the honored guests. The hall bers in their home on Saturday and Father James Hamblin. Ail liams s ^ e d 17 months in the was beautifully decorated in Ha­ evening, June 14. interested persons, Catholics as Sunglo Announces 24 Colors' now navy during the war and is now a waiian style, entertainment Was Maureen Jude and Marie Elena, well as prospective converts, are I IVEW SERVICE- member of the armed forces. furnished by members of both infant daughters of Mr. and Mrs. invited to attend the sessions. Available in Baked Enamel The couple will make their home clubs, and the big name bands of Frederick Nesbit, were baptized The Men’s club -will meet Thurs­ REPAmiNG OF ORIENTAL REGS in Tampa, Fla., where Williams the country provided the music Sunday by the Rev. John Bergin, day, June 26, in the school hall at I Steel Slat Venetian Blinds is smtioned. through the courtesy of Nick 0. S.J. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Crow 8 p.m. This will be the last meet­ .were sponsors. John Murtaugh, Dtlirerr ta Caatmn-Uad* n J Emil Schnider was organ­ Lodeon. Many expressions of ap­ ing under the direction of the Rev. ^ By a Masier CrafUman Ob ( W nk IB Dcdtw preciation were extended to the Jr., and Donald Murtaugh were Paul Reed, and a good attendance ist and Collet Shea was vocalist proxies. SALES SERVICE A reception followed in the refreshment and social committees is urged in tribute to Father Reed, church basement. for a very enjoyable time. the founder of the group. Sunday, June 22, was Commun­ moth proofed 1360 Acorns Si. Ph. MAis 3844 ion Sunday for members of the Scouts df St. Fronds' Sister Catherine Marie has. re­ Ruf( Cleaning club. After the weather cleared, turned to'St. Philomena’s convent and insured 45 young people enjoyed a day of Win First Aid Honors after attending a choir masters’ Draper’s Furniture- course at Webster Groves, Mo. MacGRAGKEN swimming, roller skating, dancing, Baeemort to Van4erpool and horseback riding at Eldorado 737 LINCOLN Nationally Kntmn Upholstery Shop Springs. The social committee Second place in the state first again deierves an A-plus for a aid contest in the Boy Scout divi­ Picnic Slated June 29 Barber Gas Conversioii — Custom Built — well-planned outing. sion went to a' team from troop Bomers Remodeling & Repairing The next meeting of the club 126 of St. Francis de Sales’ parish, By Catholic Daughters Gas Furnaces.. Gas Floor Fumaeas will be held in the parish hall, Denver. The members were Don All work guaranteed Wednesday, July 2, at 8 p.m. All Wienecke, captain; Richard Cas- M l With AUTOMATIC CONTROLS members are invited to attend to bum, Earl Reum, Richard Ott, Court St. Rita 625, Cath­ Immediate Installation FREE ESTIMATES help with the planning of future Melvyn Sheets, and Jack Barney. olic Daughter* of America, FREE ESTIMATE events. Each member received a book con­ will eloia an active year with SS years experience a picnic at Elitcfa garden*, Al. Bennett UNiTED HEATiNG A St. Francis* YPC taining $5 in savings stamps. Denver, Sunday, June 29. The 926 W. 6 Ave. Ma. 4507 The following scouts were mes­ La Fonda picnic pavilion ha* To Have Square Dance sengers in the contest: Edward Men’s Clothing Dept* (St. Francis’ Young People’* been re*erved for member* AiR GONDITiONING GG. Bishop, Robert Morris, Richard during the hour* of 4 to 8 t Club) Woertman, Merlyn Sheets, and GH 5511 1326 Larimer Sl Thirf evening, June 26, the St. p.m. The co-ho(tei*e*. Mil* Jerry Roberts. The team and mes- Regina O’Bqyle, Mii* Anna Society Brand & Francis de Sales Young People's seng^ers wera taken in a bus to club will sponsor a square dance Limacher, and Mr*. Margaret Red Rocks ^ r k for a barbecue Malloy, have arranged to Brayton Clothes at the Redman's hall in Barnum. and entertainment. The troop met The hall is located between *erve hot coffee and ice cream at Lincoln school last Thursday fraa to member* and their A Seventh and Eighth avenues on evening:. Cars took them for a guetti. BARBER BURIMERS Knox court. The club has secured swimming party. the services of a caller and appro­ The mnv Co. priate music will be provided by Rato* to laiUtotien* a three-piece Hill Billy band. All Parish Circle Plans $3.80 24 hr*. 2ND FLOOR Barber Patented “Scrubbing flame ap> who plan to attend are asked to Rilee Floor Sendtr meet at St. Francis’ high school Picnic in Mountains Maximum plication to heater tide wall*—-direct—“ at 7 :30 o’clock. Transportation ARROW PAINT & no lot* of heat by- deflecting It. Hid** *t7liis *81*** DU7 b« ■wannittg will be needed. The Holy Rosary circle of SL UrailU*. One* or twie* tack 7<*r * few Last Thursday evening, June Francis de Sales’ parish, Denver, WALL PAPER CO. of tho tormite*. tho wfaifoS roprodne* Ill* Lewnac* St. CH. 11S8 66^ Tb« BarW Ga* Boner principle with 19, a group of 90, comprised of will entertain the families of Heat tlTos. rwirm front tholr groand neota to 1947 graduates of St. Francis’ members with a picnic at George 'Why Pay More?” it* tcrobbing flame epplication and ha atari now cotonfo*. Swaraicr terailtoa high, as well as many regular Mulqueen’s mountain cabin Sun­ THE BEST IN LUGGAGE (Trademark) derelopment of 1900 degree* Fahr. tern* Inv* behind them thouoand* of worker members, enjoyed a hayrack ride, day, June 29. Cars will leave at Of All Kind* Properly peratnre ha* for over 25 yean proved termite* to **t th* wood in roar homo. dancing, and refreshments at the 1 p.m. from St. Francis’ church, to the mo*t *keptleal that it prodnees Mississippi stables. The affair where transportation will be pro­ CaU SP. 4673 for was one of the most successful vided.' Wm.W.Myer Drug Stores higher effieienej than average meehan. ever sponsored by the club. Con­ Applied ical mixer-tjpc burner*. Free Inspection by Our tinued co-operation of the same INCORPORATED kind will give young people of Trained Engineers EtU UTS Colorado Owned Stores the parish whblesome entertain­ U44 B'war. ment among membere of their own F O P A ' - Englewood 800 Santa Fe Dr. Colorado Terminix Go. faith. Broadway and Ellsworth 16th and California Htmber of Warid'a Largoat K’Ducat Club Has F /A m m A T I.5th and California Tcrmtto Control Organintion Successful Picnic 24 E. Alameda Denver (K-Ducat Yount Paopic'i Club) We Do Not Have Special Sate* But Sell You at Our Serving Colorado Since 1929 Despite threatening weather LASTS Lowett Price* Every Day on All Drug Merchandlte. last Sunday a large group of mem­ bere of the Young People’s club We Fix All Makes of SL John’s and St. Philomena’s The parishes turned out for the jiic [New Radios $16.45 up[ NDERSO nic held at Eldorado Spring. MULTI-SERVia I Comb. Radio & Player, $59.95^ UOl Horseback riding, swimming, hik ing, dancing, and roller skating Cee Bee Electric ^ t 4 bterior • Exterior Painting were enjoyed by the group. Din­ L RICHABD LANGE. Proprietor Phone CH. 6581 ner was served at a cabin rented ’ (Mciaber Slotted Saertraent Ptrlth) ' for the occasion. A special vote YmiSK t All Work Gaanntoed 4 Denver 6, Colorado Broedwar PE. 4 6 H . of thanks is extended to Kathyleen i r . ^ ^ A. e. 1042-44 Santa Fe Ogive Rourke, club secretary, and to all members of the special committee which arranged the affair. ASSOCIATED Mountain Lodge Blessed DECORATORS By Archbishop Yehr ilA u r r i J Decorators "Chalet Marie,’’ the beau­ tiful mountain lodge of Lor- etto Height* college located & Painters near Denver in Turkey Creek THOMS canon, wa* bletiad by Arch- COMMERCUL — SPRAY of bi*hop Urban J. Vakr at pri­ LINOLEUM STUDIO Jack J. Ward. SapL Samp'®* . PORTRAIT OF A MAN vate earvices June 23. The ICS r*d*r*l Bird. PEatl SITS 1438 Court Place Archbi*hop wa* a««i»t*d by D onnr 4. Colorado the Rev. Hubert Newell, the Phone MA. 2288 firing a Handley Brown Rev. David Maloney, and tha Lin-x beer* the seal of Rev. William Kally of Colo­ the Underwriter*' rado Spring*. ELECTRIC FIXTURES APPLIANCES Laboratoile*, Inc., a* The chalet will be used ex­ FURNACE BURNER ^ an anti-dip floor treat' tensively in the student activ­ ities program of Loretto m eat Jn*t wipe it onl Heights, student* at a. moun­ Yon, too, can enjoy antomatic, modem heat with the Drie* qnicklyl C. A. BENNETT fhiasf Since Handley Brown Conversion Burner. Can nsnally be installed tain playground for summer and wintar sports. Upholsiatiaff 1923 by one man in ^ day. Low initial cost—low operating cosL Vritoii *f gmawm-WauemaMimjawm ELECTRICAL CO. See Your Dealer sr Fummea Man ^ FALBY’S South Denver Electric Co. CONTRA(^ING AND REPAIRING t UPHOLSTERYI John W*rd Successor to H. G. Reid EMPIRE GAS & EQUIPMENT CO. PAINTS — HARDWARE GLASS Specialitti in Wiring — Repair* Phone MAin 2303 329 14th Straat 3S35 E. Colfax Ave;<4Sft'||^'’lPhone DEzter 0988 32 BROADWAY PE. 2940 CoBipttoBt Mta — Fre* Eitlaato* 182115th Sl AL4616 DENVER 2, COLORADO “Settee tsmd Br S.-iv Miti t ITU 8. Colerade Bird. 8P 7710 A