

'Member of 'Audit Bureau of Cireulatloni ’ConteBti Copyrighted by the vCatholic Prei* Society, Inc. 1947— Permission to Reproduce, Except on Articles Otherwise Marked, Given After 12 M. Friday Following Issue FORT LUPTON PARISH PUNS DENVER CATHOUC TO ERECT $40,000 CHURCH REGISTER Parishes Begin Campaign i J O B H S Basement to Be Used The National Catholic Welfare Conference Newt Service Supplies The Denver Catholic Register. We Eave Also the International News Service (Wire and Mail), a Large Special Service, Seven Smaller Services, Photo Features, and Wide World Photos. (3 cents per copy) For Services Until VOL. XLn. No. 31. DENVER, COLO., THURSDAY, MARCH 27, 1947. «1 PER YEAR. Construction Is Done Governor, Mayor Ask Reverent Plans for the construction of a $40,000 church in Fort Engagements for the spring and early summer announced this Lupton were completed at a recent meeting of the building week by Archbishop Urban J. Vehr committee of the Fort Lupton parish. According to the include a number of important plans the new edifice will be built to accommodate 400 peo­ Observance of Good Friday events. Among them are three or ple, and will be situated near the center of the city. Prop­ dination services, nurses’, high Urging all Christians to observe closed from noon to 3 p.m. April 4. Capitol Buildings be closed at noon school, and college graduations, erty for this new parish center has already been acquired. Good Friday reverently, both Gov. In an executive order, the Gov­ on Good Friday, April 4, 1947, in an extended' Confirmation sched­ Four lots were donated to the parish by the late Mrs. Lee Knous of Colorado and Mayor ernor commanded that the state order that the state officials and ule, the Memorial day Mass at Mt. Feiertag, pioneer member. Ben F. Stapleton of Denver have capitol buildings be closed so that employes may lay aside their usual Olivet, the silver jubilee of Fa The new church, which will be ordered their adroinistraUve offices “ state officials and employes may occupations and by appropriate ther Joseph O’Heron, and the known as St. William and St. Jul­ lay aside their usual occupations worship commemorate the Cruci­ golden jubilee of the Cripple ian’s,'will be built entirely of cin­ and by appropriate worship conri- fixion. Creek church. The full list follows: der block and faced with either SPISI PRIEST memofate the Crucifixion.” GIVEN under my hand and the Sunday, April 20 — Seminary, brick or stucco, according to a de­ Holy Week Mayor Stapleton, in an official Executive Seal this 25th day of annual Mass for the St. Vincent sign already drawn up by John K. proclamation, calls on all business March, A. D..1947. de Paul society. Monroe, Denver architect. Immed­ houses of the city to “join with LEE KNOUS, > Monday, April 21— Annual meet­ iate plans call for the construc­ the cessation of all activities on Governor. ing of the Denver deanery; annual tion of a spacious basement, which Devotions Good Friday from the hours of meeting of the Catholic Charities, will be used temporarily as the 12 noon to 3 p.m.” He asks all 8 p.m. church, until the complete struc­ citizens “ reverently to observe and Tuesday, April 22—;-St. Ann’s, ture is finished. commemorate this day with pray­ Annual Play Shown hero are Harry Healy and Nearly 350 workers who are can­ Arvada, Confirmation, 7:30 p.m. * A total of $3,000 has already m SI.TIIM IS' Impressive ers and other fitting ceremonials Thomas Mulligan, members of St. vassing for pledges reported more Tuesday, May 6— S t Elizabeth’s, been accumulated in the building recalling the sacrifice made by the Francis do Sales’ parish, making than a third of the quota at the Confirmation, 7:30 p.m. fund, and $3,000 has been pledged The solemnities of Holy Week Son of Man on the cross.” returns in the parish expansion second meeting of the group Tues­ Assigned on the faculty of St. Tourney Set Wednesday, May 7— Our Lady by members of the building com­ Thomas’ seminary to replace the will be observed with special serv­ Following are the complete texts campaign being conducted. Par­ day evening. It is expected that of Mt. Carmel, Confirmation, 7 :30 mittee, according to the Rev. of the proclamation and executive ticipating in the drive are eight the total will reach $175,000 late Rev. Manuel de Francisco, ices in Denver churches* Impres­ p.m. . Thomas Doran, administrator. A C.M.. is the Rev. Samuel Manzanal, order: parishes of South and West Den- Wednesday evening and that the Thursday, May 8 — Sacred bazaar, which will be held in June, sive ceremonies, such as the Tene- For Saturday ir and adjacent communities, quota of $250,000 will bd reached C.M. Father Manzanal is teaching brae and the Tre Ore, will be PROCLAMATION Heart, Confirmation, 7:30 p.m. has been planned to raise the in­ the classes in Spanish at the sem& which plan erection of or exten­ by Monday, when a victory cele­ Friday, May 9— S t Clara’s or­ itial construction cost of $10,000. held in several of the larger WHEREAS, The season again The annual drama tournament nary. sive additions to parish plants. bration is planned. phanage, Confirmation, 4 p.m. The new building will fill an churches, news of which is given reminds us that we should give sponsored by Loretto Heights col­ Sunday, May 11— Mass for the imperative need long existing The Spanish priest came to this below. For the time and nature praise to Him who gave His all for lege will bring representatives Archbishop’s guild; Cathedral, So­ among the Catholics in the Fort country last year from with of other devotions consult the par­ the redemption of the souls of men from five Denver high schools to the campus for competition in the dality Living Rosary, 8 p.m. Lupton areaPr he present church, two other young Vincentians who ish columns. as we near the anniversary of the were ordained at the end of their day upon which Our Savior Jesus presentation of one-act plays Sat­ Priest Visiting in Denver Monday, May 12— S t James’, which was built in 1908, can ac­ In the Cathedral the services Confirmation, 7:30 p.m. commodate only 90 people and is third year of theology. They are will begin with the blessing of Christ made the supreme sacrifice urday morning, March 29. A trophy is awarded to the school presenting Tuesday, May 13— St. John’s, inconveniently located on the out­ completing their theological course alms and procession before the that we might have eternal life; in this country for the purpose of E and the best play performance ana Confirmation, 7:45 p.m. skirts of thp city. The parish now olemn Mass at 10 o’clock Palm Ordained in War Scene Wednesday, May 14 — Holy numbers more than 160 families— learning English before going to Sunday. cash prizes amounting to $15 will WHEREAS, The life of Jesus be distributed to the outstanding Family, Confirmation, 7:45 p.m. 120 of which are Spanish speak­ the Philippine islands as mission­ Christ on earth brings to mind the aries. The ‘J'®n®brae services will be individual performers. By Dino Orlandt priest, from the Province of North Thursday, May 15— Seminary, ing. great comfort and blessings to be Father Manzanal will conclude held in the Cathedral on Wednes­ The roar of American planes Belgium, arrived in America seven ordination; St. Philomena’s, Con­ Members of the parish now ac­ ained on this sacred day through Schools enter^ in the festival, his theology studies with the pre^ day. Holy Thursday, and Good and the bursts of German ack- months ago fop his tertianship at firmation, 7 :30 p.m. tively engaged in soliciting funds aith, hope, and prayer, especially the name of their productions, and ent fourth-year class at tee semi­ Friday evenings at 7:30 o’clock, f ack during his ordination in Lou­ Pumfort, Conn. He came to Den­ Sunday, May 18 — Glockner, include Ollie Brewster, George in view of the circumstances sur­ faculty directors are as follows: nary. Father Franciscors Latin with Archbishop Urban J, Vehr vain, Belgium, in July, 1944, are ver last week on a visit to his Colorado Springs, graduation of Feiertag, Robert Brenken, Frank rounding the recurrence of such an­ Annunciation high, Our Lady's classes are being taught by other presiding and music provided by the most vivid memories of the uncle, the Rev. Arthur Versavel. nurses, 4 p.m. Vogel, Gottlieb Gabel, and Phil niversary at this time when plans Tumbler, Sister Mary Irene; SL members of the faculty. the seminary choir. The speaker Rev. Pierre Goedertier, S.J. The S.J., of church, and Thursday, May 22— Cathedral, Artese. on Wednesday evening will be the for a lasting peace are uppermost Joseph’s, The Game of Chess, Mrs A. C. Poth; Holy Family high, intends to return to Pumfort joint graduation of nurses, 8:15 Rev. Duane Theobald, on Thurs­ in our minds. Enter the Hero, James Kenna; St Easter Sunday. p.m. day evening the Rev. John B. NOW, THEREFORE, I, Ben F. Sunday, May 25 — Pentecost, Ebel, and on Friday evening the Stapleton, Mayor of the City and Francis de Sales’, Afrs. Murphy’s In excellent English with a Chowder, Miss Peggy Chambers; Flemish accent. Father Goedertier Cathedral, Pontifical Mass and Rev. Frederick McCallin. No ora­ County of Denver, Colo., do hereby Confirmation. and Cathedral high, Be Homs by described the unusual circum­ torio will be presented this Good proclaim Friday, April 4, 1947, as Monday, May 26— Blessed Sac­ Pigs Is Pigs: This One Midnight, Miss Frances McMahon. stances of his ordination. The war Friday evening. rament, Confirmation, 7 :30 p.m. GOOD FRIDAY Judges announced by Earl Bach, planes, he explained, were never On Thursday rooming blessing Tuesday, May 27— Frederick, and call upon all Christians rev­ college director of the festival, will too dangerously close, but their o f the holy oils. Solemn Pontifical Confirmation, 7:45 p.m. erently to observe and commemo­ steady droning and the punctuat­ Mass, and procession with the be Mrs. Genevieve Kreiner, instruc Wednesday, May 28 — Golden, Clears $60D for Church rate this day with prayers and tor of speech and dramatics at East ing bursts of the Nazi anti-aircraft Blessed Sacrament to the reposi­ other fitting ceremonials recalling Confirmation, 7:45 p.m. tory will be held, beginning at high school, and Miss Margaret fire could be heard plainly. MASON LEWIS, gentleman fames* gave Father the sacrifice made by the Son of Grace, instructor of dramatics at Friday, May 30 — M t Olivet 9:30 o’clock. Holy Communion Regarding the political situa­ cemetery, Pontifical Mass, 10 a.m. Doran a pig. Father Doran is the administrator of the P®’^‘*hes Man on the Cross. North high school. SEMIRY BURSE will be distributed every half hour tion in and around his country, the Saturday, May 31— Cathedral, in PlatteviUe and Fort Lupton, and he offered the pig I further urge that business beginning at 6 o’clock. Tre Ore The purpose of the dramatic 34-year-old priest said; “ The Red ordination to the sacred priest­ prize in a contest. His church was badly in need of stuccoing, houses join with the cessation of The drive to establish a sem­ services will be held Friday from' tournament is to create, sponsor, specter seems to have gained some hood,^ 9:30 a.m. and the pig seemed like a good drawing card. all actmties on Good Friday from inary burse in honor of Marv Im- 12:15 to 3 p.m., including Mass and promote an intelligent inter­ maculata yeacbed the sum of $2,- control over a great part oi Ku* Sunday, June 1— Seminary, gen­ of the Presanctified offered by the the hours of 12 noon to 8 p,m. est In better speech and dramatic rope, but, fortunately* Belgium eral ordination MoAF Reverehd'''XrtSBiSIfr take- aidviuw- artrEiiiphasIy’Is toward vHHf-goHand-iii'iitimilwv Bimgppmr "'Tre'e’Uaey; 7 i » e S-^^TwCTiiy-flflh tage o f this pausr from official lufjoSswere received ‘as ’ ronow ^ r T ______mon by the Rev. Bernard J. Cul the' inatruetion of the individual J. P. Theisen, Denver_____ $ 6.00 countries least under its influence, annirereary of ordination of Fa­ asked tee weight of tee alleged pig. The priest enthnsiastically len, assistant Chancellor, and Sta­ duties for prayer and observance student rather than the competi As far as I can see, there is no declared that it was a 300-pound Ha^mpshire boar.' — Thereupon of the day. A friend, Denver...... 5.00 ther Joseph P. O’Heron, 10 a.m. tions of the Cross. On Saturday tion among schools and students. serious danger of Communism in Wednesday, June 4— St. Mary's IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I Anonymous, Denver______60.00 he was given a lesson in pigs. h'* ^^.7 .Plf morning there will be the bless­ The points on which the plays my country. According to rough academy, naduation, 10:30 a.m. t a pig, it 18 a h«." "owj ah have hereto set my hand this 26th Archbishop Urban J. Vehr is over 100 pounds is not a pig, it is a h ^ . _ j ni® ing of the new fire. Paschal candle, will be judged are directing and estimates, only 10 per cent of the sponsoring the fund to pay for the Friday, June 6 — Colorado confusion 'could have been avoided if Father Doran had called and baptismal font, beginning at day of March, A. D. 1947, and have stage mechanics, acting, and the population back the Communists, caused the seal of the City and education of a seminarian study­ Springs, graduation at S t Mary’s the pig a swine.) 8 o'clock, followed at about 9:30 value of the play. Each competing nine per cent o f whom are in high school. * • • * * by a Solemn Mass eoram Arehi- County of Denver, Colo., to be af­ school will be assigned a girl from ing for the priesthood. The sum of Southern Belgium. In the north­ fixed. $6,000 must be raised for capital Sunday, June 8— Civic auditor­ AT ANY RATE in tee course of events tee contest was M d . tpiseopo celebrated by Monsignor the college dramatic club who will ern part, which is Flemish, the ium, joint high school gn-aduation, Joseph J. Bosetti, V.G. The St. BEN. F. STAPLETON, investment, as all burses are es­ liepeople are strongly Catholic and The pig was given to I. N. Raney. Mr. Raney heard that Fateer Mayor. have full charge of the group. She tablished in perpetuity and only 3 p.m. Thomas seminary Falso Bardoni will assist the cast, obtain stage therefore adverse to the Russian Doran had kept the pig in his parlor the day before, and decided to the accrueirinterest is used. It is Tuesday, June 10 — Loretto choir under the direction of the EXECUTIVE ORDER properties, and set the stage. All ideologies.” restore the porker to the padre. The priest immmediately declared the hope of Archbishop Vehr that Heights, graduation. Rev. Thomas Barrett, C.M., will Closing State Capitol Building! plays...... will be...... 20 minutes • in length. le ■ he would auction the Hampshire boar to the highest bidder. the fund will be oversubscribed by Asked about the attitude of his Thursday, June 12 — Welby, In the spirited bidding Lewis Camp emerged with a claim to provide music for all the services, Good Friday An additional five minutes may be people toward the Americans, he Confirmation, 7 :46 p.m. popular subscriptions. All contri­ the swine with an offer of $105. He declared that he would (Turn to Page g — Column 6) ORDERED: That the State used for setting the stage. said: “ We, and all of , are Wednesday, June 18— Cripple butions in any amount will be not hog the pig, and so he too gave the Hampshire back to gratefully received. Forward your indeed grateful for the generous Creek, 60th anniversary of church, gift to the Most Rev. Urban J. aid Americas are sending over. Bel­ 10:30 a.m. Detemined to be rid of the swine or hog or pig, the enter- gians are looking hopefully to Vehr, Chancery Office, 1536 Lo­ prisins: priest announced another auction on the spot. Several Denver Youth Revives Manuscript America to prevent the spread of gan street, Denver 5, Colo. minutes later, Felix Coming wa^ the sum ised. owner o f a St. Patrick’s parish, Holyoke, Communism, which usually breeds Programs of Easter in the midst of starvation and cold. Hampshire boar and indebted to the Platteville pansh for $101. became the 13th pariah in the * • • V • archdiocese to open parish drives Foodstuffs and clothing ‘already Music Next Week Art of Monks in Medievai Period sent have done much to stem the PERHAPS THE SWINE had a chamed life; at least it had to raise seminary burses. Father Tb* programs of Easter Francis Brady reported that his Reds. To continue this aid is of five owners in one afternoon. Mr. Coming gave the pig back By David Prudhomme gold, and occasionally silver. Man­ that cannot be duplicated by the the most vital importance.” music in churches of Denver Holyoke parishioners had already to Father Doran, and the priest declared another auction. Fearful Joseph Manfred, Jr., has fred keeps as close to the medie­ colder and more formal character­ and vicinity will he printed in contributed more than $2,000 On the subject of our country that the Platteville priest was detemined to get rid of the 300 brought a “ lost art” to Colorado. val color combinations as possjble istics of mechanical printing. The Denver Catholic Register toward a seminary burse. and the people, he became very pounds of mobile lard, Lloyd Koehler bid $85 for the animal In an age of linotypes and rotary For pens, the monks used reeds “ When one manuscript is fin­ enthusiasnc. It is a veritable par next weak. Pastors and choir and took it home. . • u c* printing presses this 25-year-old and feathers,-filed at the ends to ished, there is only one of its kind adise compared with Europe, he directors are asked to have The net result was $600 and a good stuccoing job for at. native of Denver and veteran of give the type of stroke desired, in existence. Every manuscript is exclaimed. The great quantities of them in this office hy Mon­ Nicholas’ church in Platteville. The stuccoing will be finished by World war II is running competi­ and fitted with small metal pieces different, no matter who the ar­ Fr. Eichenlaub, food and commodities available to day. Hours of Masses should Easter. With the exception of a suitable mam altar, St. Nicholas tion to the monk-artists of medie­ to hold the ink. For his heavier tist is. It is this individuality that the Americans amazed him. And he given in full. If copy is church is completely finished. val Europe. Known as an “ en­ strokes, Manfred uses a wide, has kept the art’ alive more than the Catholics here, he thought, ap­ not typewritten, please print grosser and illuminator,” Manfred chisel-pointed steel pen. “ One of anything else.^' Former Pastor pear to be much more active all names. has spent long years in the study these days I’m going in to a market After attending Cathedral high in their religion than those in Eu­ of medieval art and is opening his and get some turkey feathers,” he school and the Univcrsity^of Colo- rope. own manuscript business in Den­ said. “ If they worked 500 years Father Goedertier a. as bom in ago, they ought to work now.” rado, Joe spent three years in the In State, Dies Noted Twin Priests, Uncles of Editor, ver. He uses nearly the same tech­ army, serving as a technician:nni with Antwerp, Belgium, in 1912 and en­ niques that prevailed in European Joe’s obsession for engrossing a malaria survey unit in New Gui­ The Rev. Leo Eichenlaub, tered the Jesuit novitiate at Lou­ monasteries during the middle and illuminating goes back a long nea. Before and after his dis­ O.S.B., 81, who served in the Bene­ vain in 1931. He has received de­ ages. Monsignor Joseph Bosetti way. “ I have been studying art charge he worked as a draftsman dictine parishes and institutions grees ih mathemaDcs and physics Served Together as Associate Pastors said of him that he “ should have history ever since I can remember. for Die War department in Wash­ of Colorado for 27 years, died Feb. from the University of Louvain been born in 1521 instead of 1921.” Almost every book I took out of ington, D. C., and took courses in 14 in S t Vincent’s archabbey, La- and served for one year as profes­ background and my early reporter they were listedlss pastor and as­ Manuscript art in the 20th cen­ By Monsignor Matthew Smith the library was illustrated with George Washington university. He trobe, Pa., it was learned this sor of mathematics. Following this experiences. sistant, but they actually divided tury, Manfred revealed, has be­ beautifully colored manuscripts of assignment he went to Amer­ (Aferoot'r* of a Catholic Editor) returned to Denver in June of last week. Except for my maternal grand­ the pastoral authority. They al­ come so neglected that there are medieval tiroes. I was so fasci­ Father Eichenlaub was bom in ica for his tertianship. For six (Copyright, 1947; reproduction ways appreciated the fact that, as year and is now supplementing his mother, all my grandparents died only 100 first class engrossers in nated by this sort of craftsmanship Erie, Pa., July 11, 1865, and at­ months he remained in Pumfort, forbidden) a reporter, I listed them as “ asso­ manuscript craft with courses in before I was bom. Patrick Smith, the , and, as far as that I began doing it myself. And tended school at St, Vincent’s Ckinn. He left Feb. 10 to act is Before moving West with my ciate pastors.” Father Matt had advertising and designing at Den­ my father’s father, died just a he knows, he is the only commer­ now it is my business.” school and archabbey, Latrobe. chaplain in the Boston City hos­ memoirs, I wish to gather up a few refused parishes of his own, to stay ver university. short time before the ordination to cial engrosser in Denver. Most “ People are attracted by this Married to a Minneapolis girl, On July 11, 1887, he was solemnly pital for one month. more facta about my boyhood with his brother. of the craftsmen in this field work the priesthood of his twin sons, Most art’,” he said. “ There is Joe lives at 1836 S. Lafayette professed as a member o f the Thomas P. and Matthew S. Smith. His twin brother, Thomas, was in Eastern studios. something warm and personal street and is a member of St Benedictine order, and five years “ There are many uses for this Th'e twins became_ separated in first Chancellor and then Vicar about it. It has a certain charm Francis de Sales’ parish. later, April 2, 1892, he was their diocesan affiliation by an General of tee Altoona diocese. type of work,” Manfred said, “ di­ -L ordained. OFFICERS FOR OILS’ BLESSING plomas and honorary degp*ees for 4- + -+- odd bit of ecclesiastical history. He built and paid for a large par­ For the next 18 years, he la­ The Pittsburgh diocese was in fi­ ish ‘plant, raised $35,000 in his colleges, testimonials for business bored in Pennsylvania. He held nancial straits and the Bishop, to parish for the present majestic Al­ houses, memorials for private in­ various administrative positions in HOLY THURSDAY ARE LISTED toona Cathedral, and also left dividuals, resolutions for legisla­ the distress of his priests, suc­ the school and monastery at La- ceeded in getting it divided 'in two, more than $30,000 in the bank tive bodies. All these cafl for a Trobe and gave missions in the when he died for a prospective special type of printing and embel­ OFFICIAL with the formation of the new East. After his health broke in Diocese of Allegheny, which was new church. The new church, how­ lishment that can be done only by 1920, he came to Colorado. The following are kindly asked to assist the Most Reverend suppressed after his death. The ever, was not built for reasons I do hand.” Using high-grade paper In his residence in Colorado, Archbishop in the Pontifical Mass in the ceremony of the blessing premte chose the less encumbered not know. The fund was used for and parchment, he works out his Father Eichenlaub was succes­ m of the holy oils in the Cathedral at 9i30 o'clock Holy Thursday of the two dioceses. The twins brick fences and elaborating the manuscripts ih colored inks, water sively assistant pastor and pastor colors, and tempera. mnrning: followed the diocesan affili­ rectory. 'With a newspaperman’s at St. John the Baptist’s parish, strange sense of things to come, Lettering Based on Monks* Work Assistant Priest— Very Rev. Francis Koeper, C.M. * ation of their home and became Longmont; a professor at old St. students for the Allegheny diocese. I had foreseen this and had tried Tracing the art of manuscript Benedict’s college, Pueblo; pastor Deacons of Honor— Very Rev. Harold V. Campbell and Very writing as far back as the 11th Rev. Joseph P. O'Heron. It seems that they did not have to get my uncle to_ build before of St. Leander’s parish, Pueblo; he died. Because his health was century, Manfred explaihed that administrator and teacher at Holy to do this, and the Bishop of Pitts­ Deacon of the Mass— Rev. Deacon Walter Jaeger. burgh, at the time when the Alle­ failing, he thought it better to the various types of lettering used Cross abbey. Canon City; chaplain Subdeacon of the Mass— Rev. Deacon Robert Frendenstein. today in magazines, newspapers, gheny diocese was suppressed, re­ leave the task to his successor. at the Mullen home for aged, Den- Masters of Ceremonies— Norman Smith and Jacob Joerger. Materially and spiritually, these and books are based on the way fused to take both of them hack ver ; and missioner to many remote Procession of the Holy Oils! great old twins left a parish that the medieval monks used their into his diocese, but took one. His parishes of the archdiocese. Snbdeacons for Oleum Infirmornm— Rev. Deacons John Har­ still stands as a wonderful monu­ pens. “ The upward strokes were motive was to punish my grand­ • 'J X n - I - Father Eichenlaub' returned to rington, Lawrence White, Thomas O’Brien, Albert Baida, ment to them, r never knew more thin; the downward strokes were im father for making a choice of the St. Vincent’s in 1934. Andrew Augustyn, David Miller, William Curtis, respected priests. All through my heavy. Modern printing follows Allegheny diocese. The result was boyhood, I basked in the glory of this technique consistently.” Deacons for Oleum Catechumenorum— Rev. Joseph Laborer, that the twins were sent to sepa­ Manfred pointed out that the Central Catholic High Rev. Joseph Koontx, Rev. Herbert Banigan, Rev. Deacons rate major seminaries and were their name. William Jones, George Evans, Sherlock Weir, and Albert The Rev, Matthew S. Smith was medieval scribes, in turn, based not ordained together. One spent their letting on the old Roman al­ Chaves. 20 years as a priest of t^e Cleve­ Uom Aug. 28, 1859; was ordained Is Planned in Pueblo in Cleveland July 2, 1882; was af­ phabet. “ It was mostly the neces­ Priests for Sanctum Chrisma— Rev. Leonard Abercrombie, Rev. land diocese and the other worked Bishop Joseph C. Willging this filiated with the new Altoona dio­ sity ^or speed that caused the va­ Robert Syrianey, Rev. Charles Jones, Rev. John Haley, all his clerical life in Central Penn­ cese on invitation of'•Bishop Eu­ riations in lettering. Actually the week announced plans for a new Rev. Charles Salmon, Rev, Donald McMahon, Very Rev. sylvania, first as a priest of the alphabet hasn’t Ranged at all. half-million-dollar central Catholic Claude Kellerman, O.F.M.t Rev. Albert Schnlx, S.J.; Rev. Pittsburgh diocese and then as one gene A. Garvey of Altoona March high school to replace the present John Daring, O.P.i Rev. Thomas LoCascio, O.S.M.; Rev. of the Altoona diocese, most of 1, 1902: and died Jan. 12, 1924. Rome bequeathed it to civiliza­ He regularly contributed to clerical tion, and the monasteries of Eur­ Pueblo Catholic high. A drive for Carl Schwarz, C.SS.R.; Vary Rev. John OHiods, C.R. which Was carved from Pittsburgh. magazines and once wrote a local ope saved it from disappearing.” funds will open this spring. The The reverend clergy appointed for the procession of the holy Twins Were 'Associate Pastors’ two-stoiy building will have 60 oils sire kindly asked to bring their own amice, alb, cincture, and The twin priests spent 20 years historical series that raised the Retains Color Combinations subscriptions of the djpeesan paper In their embellishment of Bibles rooms and accommodate almost whita vestments. at the end of their lives as jo in t ind Church documents, the monks i 1,000 persona. The gym will serve By order of the Most Reverend Archbishop, pastors o f the Sacred Heart by one-third. A book of his, osed mainly red, green, blue, and] as a community center for Pueblo REV. BERNARD CULLEN church, Altoona, which one of From the Cenacle to the Tomb, a . Joseph Manfred, Jr., with sample' of his manuscript art. Catholics, I Assistant Chancellor them had established. Officially,' (Turn to Page 4 — Column 4) ’

/■ PAGE TWO Office, 988 Bannock Streef THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, EEjrstone 4206 Thursday, March 27, 1947 ACADEMY GLEE CLUB TO GIVE 615 ITHi Street OPERETTA, ‘THE GONDOUERS’

A Choice of T O l E A i m i K (St, Mary's Academy, Denver) R«y de Paulo, and Ray Readw3ni, IRE iPBESSIVE On April 14 at 8:30 p.m. the Holy Family high. Completet Well Saimarac Glee club will present Playing ths leads are Jeanette Gilbert and Sullivan's operetta, Planned By TAe Gondolien, in Phipps audi-, Riesdorf, Tessa; Doris Splear, Geo- torium. A dress rehearsal for the netta; Pat West, Duchess of Plaza Denver clergy is to be given on Taro; Shirley Weiman, Casilda; The annual meeting of the Dan* Sbnday afternoon, April 13, at Lou Dell Waters, Fiametta; Caro­ fContinued From Last Page) Breakfasts ver-Dpanery Council of Catholic 2:30 p.m. Women will be held Monday, April lyn Unger, Victoria; Mary Ann and seminarians will be the minor Assisting the Glee club will be ministers. Priced from 45e to 9^e 21. Arcbbiahop Urban J. Vehr will the following students: Felix Gon- Pleasanta, Giulia; Ann McCarty, speak. Maks in Holy Ghost church on W« FeSkur* Exelativa BUnd of Coffoo sales and David Langfield of St Inez; Felix Gonzales, Giuseppe; Thursday will be offered at 8 Swool Rolli Bakad Frath Daily From Our O to b i At the last monthly meeting an Francis de Sales’ ; Tom Cook and Irish entertainment was presented. Tom Cook, Marco; Julian Atencio, o’clock, and services will be held Julian Atencio of Cathedral; Bob Duke of Plaza Taro. on Wednesday, Thursday, and Fri­ Open Week Dayi 6 :3 0 A.M. • Sundays 8 A.M. Leo F, Kelleher, manager of the Fahey and Johnny McGowan, Re­ St. Vincent de Paul Salvage bu­ Members of Chorus day evenings beginning at 7:45. gis; Bemie Warner, Bill Mullane, Mass of the Presanctified will open reau, asked the women to save old Those in the chorus are Jean Eastep Greeting Cards clothing and other articles for the the Tre Ore'services at 12 o’clock Special Sunday Dinner Coughlin, Mary# Killian, Gloria bureau. on Good Friday, at which Mon­ Choica 6 Appatixara, 2 Soups, 7 Eatraos, Ineluding Hallen, Dolores Kavan, Beth El­ signor John R. Mulroy, pastor, will W KIIS LISIID deliver the sermon. Blessing of Bookmarks and Holy Cards liot, Margie Hanson, Joan Dick- Peter AIbi Presideei the fire, Paschal candle, and bap­ ROAST BEEF, HALIBUT 7 Cat man, Virginia Goodheart Helen tismal font will begin at 7 o'clock Gf D. U. Newman Glub Mapelll,. Catherine Murphy, Elisa Holy Saturday morning, followed ladiridually Bakad GHIGKEHPIE * ! ? r E rre, Margaret Reinert, Catherine by Mass. • Newly elected officers of the Uni­ 3 2 Salada, 10 Daaaartt and Drinkt 5 p.m. only versity of Denver Newman-club Hall, Mary Lon Bromme, Anne St. Elizabeth’s church will have ~ J b HI65 ClBBIIE * are Peter Albi, president; Rita McCarty, Grace Burke, Patsy Tre Ore services beginning at 12 ! 400 Seats • No Liquor ^ Organ Music j Jones, vice president; Ardith Ann o’clock on Good Friday with Mass Chambers, Betty Jean Francis, Bsadquartsrs for ColUns, secretary; and William of the Prcsanctified, followed by SPEECH CONTEST Rosa Marie Jordane, Joanne Mur- CHURCH Smyth, treasured. Initiation for a sermon on the Seven Last Words, ARTICLES OP DEVOTION tha, Jean O’Mara. Judy Higson, new members Was also held the and concluding with Stations of CHURCH FURNISHINGS Jackie Bolton, Theresa Tallon, GOODS evening of the elections, conducted the Cross. The,novice speech meet held at Natalie Boggio, Betty Walker, BOOKS FOR THE CATH­ in Holy Ghost hall. Twelve mem­ The Rev. Charles F. Kruger, S t Francis de Sales’ high school, Joan Deline, Mary Farrell, Jeanne OLIC LAITY AND CLERGY bers of the Denver club will attend S.J., will deliver sermons on the HOUSE Denver, March 22 was attended by Steinhart, Mary E. Lawrence, ■ lO H n s n n s the Intermountain province conven­ Seven Last Words in Tre Ore serv­ 11 high school novice speech groups Mary A. Sullivan, Louise Wise, 1636-38 Tremont Street Phone TAbor 3789 tion in Greeley April 12 and 13. from National Fo'rensic leagues in ices at Loyola church on Good m ouinc Mary Freiberger, Jo Ann Weiland, Friday from 12 to 3 p.m. STORAGE & CO. parochial and public schools in and Pat Snider, Joyce Hiftvkins, Mary around Denver. The enthusiastic Gwen Morrissey, Mary Ellen Seep, St. J 0 s e p h’s Redemptorist z o c a a A Lom e eawAm cm , The Denver Catholic response and interest of the novices and Rita Baber. church will begin Tre Ore serv­ has made directors feel that such ices with Mass of the Presanctified A group of girls from the dan­ a meet should be an annual affair. St 12 noon, followed by medita­ > I O V I ] V G Refister cing class will do the dances for Gavels were given to winners of tions on the Seven Last Words, the operetta. They are Betty Mur­ Published Weekly by the first places and ribbons for sec­ and congregational prayers and ond and third places. ray, Marlene McCabe, Jean Shea, For the Safety of Your Goods Cetbolio PrMB Society, Ine. Kay Booth, Betty Little, Jo Mulli­ hymns. ^■SKID SAFEfY 938 Bannock Street, Denver, The winners are as follows: gan, Betty Walker, Joanne Mc­ Tenebrae services will be held After dinner, third place. Kel- Colo. Carthy, Natalie Boggio, Virginia in St. Dominic’s church on Use Johnson Service on Every Move legher. Annunciation school; sec­ Goodheart, Mary Sue Dick, Doro­ Wednesday, Thursday, and Fri­ AGENTS FOR UNITED VAN LINES, INC. Subscription i |1 Per Tear ond place) Barbara Schaeffer, St. thy Burgett, Marlene Reidy, Mary day evenings at 7:30 o’clock, and Francis de Sales’ ; first place, B. the Tre Ore will be observed from “TO AND PROM EVERTWHERE” Entered as Second Class Mattar Evelyn Lawrence, and Pat Wis- Warner, Holy Family school; de­ senbach. Dances are-ibnder the di­ 12 to 3 p.m. on Good Friday. WITH STORAGE - PACKING SHIPPING at the Poat Offiea, Denver, bate, third, Sharon Fitzpatrick, rection of Martha Wilcox Studios. Holy Family school; second, Mari­ Offict of th* Phone PE 2433 Denver 221 Broadway Colo. Barbara Lee James is the accom­ TREASUBER lyn Miller, St. Francis de Sales’ ; panist. CItr and Canntr at Dasrar Q U A iilT Y first, Ruth Tynan, S t Francis de Mnnidnal Bnildlng Sales’ ; original oratory, third, L. The production is under the di­ Danrar, Colorado Can jar. Annunciation school; sec­ rection of Mrs. D. Amen, instruc­ Na. K-4M tor of speech at St. Mary’s and NOTICE OF PURCHASE OF REAL ES­ ond, Elaine Thomas, St. Francis de TATE AT TAX SALE AND OF APPLI- Sales’ ; first, E. Barlock, Holy Fam­ former instructor a t Loretto CATION FOR ISSUANCE OF TREAS­ ily school; Heights. Mrs. Amen holds a Mas­ URER'S DEED. ter’s degree from the department TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN, and RECAPPING Extemporaneous, third, Earley mort oapcclallr to AUrad H. Ramna. Frank o f speech of Iowa State univer­ G. Richardaon, Citr and Coanty of Danvtr 9AIANCES YOUR RICAR and Stevenson, Regis; second, B. sity. Patay Chambers, president of Tha Moffat Tunnal Improraraant DlatricL Warner and E. Barlock, Holy the Glee club, is in charge of ticket You and aach of you ara haraby notlflrd LIKE A NEW TIRE Family school; first. Hoover, Re- sales. Tickets may be obtained that on tha tSrd day of Nouambar, IIST, is; impromptu, third, James Gow, tha Manattr of Rtvenua. Sx-Offleio Treaa- from the Glee club members. urtr of tho City and County of Danrar and OlVES LONGER MIllAOl t Francis de Sales’ ; second, f Mother Viiits Stata of Colorado, sold at public aala to NO SHIMMY Towey, Regis; first, Patricia Shan­ Frank G. Riehardfon, tha applicant, who non, St. Francis de Sales’ ;* humor­ St. Mary’s was honored last hao mada demand far a Trcaaurar'a Dead, week with a visit frOm Mother tha follpwlnx dtaeribad roai aatata, aitnata ous, third, Patricia Boehm, St. in tha Oity and County of Donvtr and Francis de Sxles’ ; second, J. Rum- Edwards, Mother General o f the Stata of Colorado, to-witi Lota Twas- ley, Holy Family school; first B. Sisters of Loretto. She visited ty-Ona (tl) and Twanty-two (ti), in Block GENERAL Warner, Holy Family school; classes Thursday. Arlene Hahn, a Twanty-Ona (21) Diffa UnivaniW Addi­ graduate of last year, will present tion, that aaid Ux aala was mada to satis­ TIRE Dramatic declamation, third, W, fy tha delinquant Spaelal tazaa aiiaaiad a program of marimba soloS 'for -ainat aaid real astato for tha year 1926: Luhenbacher, Cathedral; second, at said real aaUta was taxed In tha name Ellen Steputis, St. Francis de her on Thursday. The senior class S is presenting a choral reading pro- of Alfred H. Ramps; that tha statutory lOAUHRECAPPINfiliQUIllBilintt Sales’ ; first, M. £. Mulcahy, S t period of rodemption expired Nor, 22, 1946: ram in honor of the Feast of the •uornlead worlneiwtililp Mary’s; oratorical declamation, that ths samt has net bean redeemed; that even Dolors. Mother Edwards is aaid property may ha rtdaamad at any time Saat tarvio*. . . Oewda A Tiwdk Qm Mp AN APPROPRIATE SERVICE third, R. Mokesky, Holy Family f the guest of honor. Joan Deline, before a T u Dead is iaaoed; that a Tax school; second, Charlene Phalen, Deed will ba issued to the aaid Frank G rubber. . . boat tgulpmoAl !• towwl Doris Splear, Jeanette Reisdorf, WITHOUT FINANCIAL BURDEN S t Francis de Sales’ ; first Jones, Richardaon, lawful holder of said eartifi- Jeanne Steinhart, Mary Ann caU, on tha 18th day of July at 2 o'clock Longmont; poetry, third. Little, St p.m. 1947, nnicas tha sama has bean re­ Mary’s; second, Albi, Regis; first, Pleasants, Mary Lou Bromme and Catherine Hall are singing the vo- deemed before 6 e'eleck p.m. of said data. Jones, Longmont; impersonations, WITNESS my hand and seal this 10th cal'perts of the program. third. Annunciation school; second, day cl March, 1947. JOE KAVANAUBH toT* and respect for the departed may be fittingly expressed in a Boulevard F. E. WILSON (Seal) Longmont; first, Holy Family Spaaks on Vocatioas Manager of Rovanuo, Ex-Offielo Troaa- service at the most moderate cost. Boulevard has everything to oiler school. The Rev. John J. Regan spoke urar, City and (tounty of Denver In tiio LINCOLN AT 7TH to the student body on the religious Stato of Colorado. 'which can contribute to providing a complete servlet witheat ananthor»i By Roy W. Ctu, vocation at a vocation assembly Doputir TnasuNr. PHOHLTA. 1261 ~ Ised charges# Monday. First Publication March 12, 1947 Sister M. Georgetta, head of the Last riibllcatlan March 27. 1947 Every family served by Boulevard, regardtesi of circumstances, it entitled French department, attended a to all of our experience and skills and our every facility. . . and gets them. meeting of the Catholic Renais­ sance club, held at Webster jWhether the price of the service selected be high or low, there are NO college, St. Louis, Mo., and the junexpected extras. One charge covers all costs and every service Is meeting of the North Central As­ sociation of Catholic Colleges and complete. This considerate policy has deservedly won the confidence Secondary Schools, held in Chi­ ei thousands of families in the Denver area. cago. NFL Taka* Members PHONE FEDERAL AT NORTH SPEER The St. Mary's NFL chapter has added three new members, Ann McCarty, Jean Coughlin, and Mary Ellen Mulcahy and 12 pledges: Mary Alice Altendorf, Barbara Blake, Mary Craven, Jo Anne Duffy, Marlene Freuden- stein, Ruth Kennebeck, Betty Jane Little, Marlene McCabe, Shirley McNamara, Annabelle Monaghan, HRS. JA$. P. MtCONATY • JAS. F. McCONATY • JOS. P. M.CONATY Betty Murray, and Beverly Mur­ ray. The new members will be for­ mally received at a pledge tea to be given in the home of Mary Ann Pleasants on Friday, Marclj 28. iVew . Difforent - Exciting Betty Jane Little placed first in poetry reading and Mary Ellen Ladies’ Millinery Mulcahy first in dramatic reading Coatom Made at the S t Francis speech meet. r Finest $9.95 John Ryan Baptized iMalerials up I in Cathedral Rite Easter’ s a Coming iHARRY A. STIER GG.S John Charles Ryan, son of Mr. Room 103 in Lobby and Mrs. John J. Ryan was bap­ Mining Esebange Bldg. tized March 8 in the Denver Ca­ 1030 15TH ST. DENVER thedral by Father Frederick Mc­ Call in. The baby wore his mother’s baptismal dress. Mr. Ryan is the son of Mrs. A.B.G. OGLL SHOP Alma Schauer of Albany, N. Y. * * * » *<- • !t*e* * • Mrs. Ryan, the former Anne Lons- New Dolls and Toys key, formerly clinical instructor of Doll Buggies and TrflcM nurses at St. Joseph’s hospital, is a sister of Sister Charles Ellen DOLL WIGS Marie Annette of Sacred Heart Religious Statues Repaired school. ISIS Arapahoe MA. 7617 The sponsors were Mr. and Mrs. William H. McCanna of S t Domi­ nic’s parish. Following tha chris­ Auto Body and Fender tening a dinner wai held in the home of the matemel grandmother, REPAIRING AND PAINTING PRES ESTIMATE TIME PAYMENTS of Cathedral school, and Sister Mrs. Mary Lonskey. Guests were SWAYNE-JVIMBUSH Miss Ann McKnight instructor of S80 BANNOCK TA. 6119 nurses of S t Joseph’s hospital ahd {Mlllni PORD8 81n« I tll Mr. and Mrs. William Casey of Rawlins, Wyo. Miller’ s are anticipating the happy « altoam day with festive food array! iServkf iung latistO •' Troyf‘ STGRE HGURS

8t30 a.m. to StSO p.m. MO Mondaye thru Saturdays Bn— — Except 15th a n d Lawrence millER'S Street Store . . . 8i30 a.m. to 6t30 p.m. week daya and 8i30 a.m. to DENVER INDUSTRIAL B4NK 8 :3 0 pmi. Saturdays. 1S34C^rfom»eSt. Ptum,MAln 5135 < Thursday, March 27, 1947 Office, 988 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, E E ystone 420B PAGE THREE Servers for Aged at Mullen Home DRS. LEE C. HANEY & SON OPTOMETRISTS 827 15th ST. . TA. 2690 PTI Mi. 31II Membera St. Vinrent de Paul Pariah A S e r u i c e A good name in which the public has faith comeM^nly after years of conscientious servide. We are now, as in the past, happy to offer our services for the solution of FOR THE JUi v i n ^ ST. your visual problems. How much wiser it is to take (St. Philomana'a Pariah, Denrar) the sensible step toward family Mother M. Augustina of St. Wal- protection now. OLINGER’S burga’s convent, South Boulder, For EASTER DINING FUTURE NEED PLAN is the will address S t Philomena’s PTA logical answer to this problem. at the monthly meeting March 31. ! In a Pleasant Atmosphere Membership provides Future The meeting is slated for 2 p.m. Where Service eeunU in S t Philomena’s school hall. Steaks, Sea Foods Need Protection for every The Benedictine will speak member of the family, regard­ on her experience with Theresa Choice Poultry less of age... at a cost of only Neumann, famous German stig- a few cents a day. For com­ matic. Members are u rg^ to bring their friends to hear| this talk. plete information, consult our All mothers of children who are Advisory Department. . . there URF to receive their First Holy Com­ > H Y ’S is no obligation. munion are urged to be present A series of Lenten movies on the Mass and the life of Christ was 16th at Speer at completed this week in S t Philo­ f m i OODS Boulder Q ltu u ith Sherman mena’s school with the showing of fl ■ f u a 111 s the movie, King of Kings. About 150 parents and Cub CATHOLIC MEMBERS of out Scouts assembled at the school hall personnel and the finest equip­ the evening of March 21 for BROADWAY AT ELLSWORTH ment and facilities are assigned pack meeting under the direction of Mr. Carver and Mr. Hickman. A Open 11 AM to 2 PM Cloied Tneodays to every Catholic Service. movie on cub scouting was shown by Joseph J. Cook. f . Men’i Club to Moet The monthly get-together of the Men’s club is schedule for Thurs­ KEEP YCUR CAR IN A-1 GCNOITICN day evening, March 27, in the Shown above are three of the leading meraberi to right ape Mr*. Ella Mnllen Wackbaagh, tha school hall. Membership is open to of the clergy and laity who terved the annual Rt. Rav. William Higgin*, and Mr*. John L. It may need a Tnne-np or every man in the parish and the fa­ dinner for the old folk* in the Mnllen home for Dower. The lervor* were gue*t« at a meal follow­ thers of the children in the school aged, Denver, on St. Joaeph’* day, March' 19. Left ing the dinner for tha aged. Coinplete Engine Overhaul are especially urged to enjoy the EXPERT MECHANICS — GENUINE FACTORY PARTS facilities offered by the club. The children of the school will Blessed Sacrament Altar Society Plans COMPLETE FEIVDER & BODY DEPT. present a program for the sisters FREE PICKUP SERVICE in honor of the Feast of the Seven 1 Dolors Thursday afternoon in the PE. 45S school auditorium. The fourth and Flower Collection on Sunday, Mar. 30 Sj 4641 VINER CHEVROLET CO. Bdwy, HARRISON GALE fifth grades will sing “ 0 Come and Mourn With Me Awhile.” The Announceg Hit Candidacy for sixth grade will present a panel (Ble**ed Sacrament Parish, of Mrs. W. L. Zint, physical educa­ HOLY WEEK SCHEDULE discussion on the Seven Sorrows. Danvar) tion instructor. The program for Holy Week fol­ The seventh grade will discuss the Following the Masses on Palm Mr, and Mrs. George J. Friend lows: Cin COUNCILMAN history of the Loretto society, tell­ Sunday, March 30, members of the left last week for an extended Palm Sunday — Palms blessed ing particularly of the foundation Altar and Rosary society will be vacation in the South. , ^ before tlpe 12 o’clock Mass; Look at Your Hat— District 3 (South Denver) in the Rockies. The eighth grade in the vestibule to receive dona­ Patrick S. Dolan, a patient at W ednesday— Confessions, 3; 30 will dramatize the various works to 6, 7:30 to 9 p.m.; regular Len­ **Everyone Else DoesV' Veteran Pol. Ad». The Taxpayer^ Friend tions for flowers to be used on St. Joseph’s hospital is much im­ engaged in by the sisters. Marilyn the altars in Holy Week and on proved and plans to he out and ten devotions/ 7:45 p.m; The Well-Dre*«ed Man 1* Using Murphy will portray a postulant, Easter Sunday. They will include: around in a few days. Holy Thursday—-6:30-7:15 a.m., Thi* Service Jane Coupe, a novice; Frances distribution of Holy Communion; At 7 a.m.— Mmes. J»y J. Drink- FACTORY nNISHED/ Neavill, one of the founders of the Circle Feted 8 a.m., High Mass and procession ard, Alfred H. Rampe, and W. J. of the Most Blessed Sacrament; society; and Nancy Everett, McMcnamy; 8 a.m.— Mmes. E. At Tea Room AIR Jeanne "Galvin, Mary Jess Stra- Mrs. Edward McCabe, Jr.; Mrs. adoration at the repository all day; ROBERTS Downing, Howard Clennan, Max 7:45 p.m., devotions to the Blessed chan, and Mary Sliemers will rep- L. Gray, and Chester Wibel; 9:30 Harry Sims, and Mrs. James Mosier — the hat man i resent present-day activities. A were hostesses to members of St. Sacrament; Confessions; a.m.— Mmes. William C. Weldon, Good Friday—9 a.m., Mass of the ’ LADIE8’ HATS TOOl tribute to the sisters will be pre­ Milton W. Allen, Peter D. Walsh, Joseph’s circle on Friday, March COMPRESSORS sented by members of the various 21, at the Daniels & Fisher tea Presanctified, followed by the ven? SPruce 4726 PICK-UP AND DELIVERY 258 Broadway and Thomas B. Lynch; 10:45 eration of the cross; 3 p.m.. Sta­ rooms. a.m.— Mmes. Louis Dispense, Da­ room. Bridge honors were won (Electric and Gas Engine) The Sisters of Loretto enter­ by Mrs. James Mosier and Mrs. tions of the Cross; 7:45 p.m., Sta­ vid B. Douglas, H. A. 'White, and tions of the Cross and meditation tained graduates of the school in Paul Albrecht; 12 noon— Mmes. James Cassells. the convent Tuesday evening. Mrs. George Cattermole was on the Passion; Confessions; Andrew M. Hagerty, Joseph Mix, Holy Saturday—7 a.m., blessing ELECTRIC WELDERS Maurice Reidy is recovering Joseph Nesladek, and Thomas E. hostess to members of St, Jude’s Easter Gifts ciricle in her home on March 21. of the new fire. Paschal candle, from a tonsillectomy in Mercy hos­ Greene. Mr. Waller J, Kirwln ACETYLENE WELDERS pital. Bridge prizes were won by Mrs. Easter water, and baptismal ^ t ; Parish clubs meeting this week Members of the society will also S. A. Stauffer and Mrs. D. S. 8 a.m.. High Mass and Holy (Com­ Associated with include Mrs. J. D. Goodrow’s, with form a guard of honor throughout Brown. Mrs. William Fizette, in.- munion; Confessions, 3-6, 7:30-9:30 CHAIN HOISTS AND TRESTLE Mrs. Anna Campbell, on Wednes­ the day on Holy Thursday. active in the circle the past year, p.m.; abstinence binds all until 12 JOS. M. FISHMAN day; and Mrs. P. F. Giblin’s with Barney Boosters was welcomed back. o’clock noon, when Lent ends. PRESSES->/2- to 80-TON Mrs. J. F. Mohan; Mrs. L. A. Have Session Mrs. L. Cabela and Mrs. J. W. Scout Caremony Sunday Jeteeler and Optometrist Fair’s with Mrs. Robert Reardon, O’Neil entertained St. Norbert’s The investiture of the Girl Scouts DIAMONDS • LOCKETS and Mrs. J. A. O’Neill’s with Mrs. The Barney Boosters, a Regis circle in Mrs. Cabela’s home on of Blessed Sacrament parish will WATCHES • ROSARIES PAINT SPRAY OUTFITS Margaret O’Connor, on Thursday. Mothers’ club, enjoyed the hospl March 21. Bridge honors were won take place in the church at 4:30 CROSSES - COMPACTS tality of Mrs. Walter Schwied at by Mrs. George McCorison and ST. CHRISTOPHER MEDALS Palms will be blessed before the on Palm Sunday. MIRACULOUS MEDALS *n4 CHAIMt (Gas Engine or Electric) 5:45 Mass this Sunday, and will the Daniels & Fisher Tower room Mrs. Thomas D. Fahey. SCAPULAR MEDALS be distributed at all the Masses. for the March meeting. Guests Mmes. Georve Springer, Earl Glasses on Credit Thrasher, and A. Freppel received were the Rev. Bernard Karst, S.J.; 807 15th St. TA. 0029 Mrs. Ellis Starr, and Mrs. St. Clair members of Little Flower circle at TOM KILLIAX Riesenman. Bridge honors were the Blue Parrot tea room on March won by Mrs. Frank Davis and Mrs. 21, Mrs. E. K. Barre won bridge !Z% St. Clair Riesenman. honors. St. Vincent de Panl\ Parish Boy Scouts of Blessed Sacra' Mrs. Grier Keyser and Mrs. J. 1236 Broadway, Denver TAbor 0128 ment parish will be featured in C. Gannon entertained St. An­ the circus being held this week at thony’s circle on March 18. Mrs. rtlOtE FON TOON H0D6EGR0CEIiY^•^^^I;^|JJ^^l. III Slim 'HEim T City auditorium. March 29 will be David B. Douglas won bridge hon­ ors, and Mrs. W. D. Bryson was the day on which parish scouts lit roiir MvitiQ* earn; 2105 E. Virginia SP. 7505 received as a new member. aorev.SAFElYI Higher BILL EHJCEffiS, Prop. I'alhedral will perform. W e have added complete (Sacred Heart Pariah,.Denver) Mrs. Walter Kranz left on 85 Attend t))an average eamlDgi Tonight, March 27, the women on savtog«---protec.s Us Yonr Prescription Mambera of St. Vtncaal STORE Sacred Heart church at 9 o’clock, home of Mrs. Paul Horan, with interviewed last week on Mrs. Mrs. John F. Healfc Jr., co-hostess, Evadna Hammersley’s program on 6> -Ods a>SOC'«*''On 2707 E. Louisiana RA. 3739 4* Ptal’a Psriab and concluded with Benediction of At LMisiioa and Sovth Clayton the Blessed Sacrament at 3 o’clock were the Very Rev, Harold V. KOA and was "Toast of the Week” IV [|li[ GRILl in the afternoon. Breakfast and Campbell, the Rev., F i^ cis Pettit, on a KLZ feature, “ Three Sharps and a Natural.” lunch were served in the school and the Rev. Joseph Leberer; Byron and Marla WUllaBa Mrs. E. R. Girard and her PRICE’S Colfax at Downing lunchroom by Mrs. Angela Miller Mmes. Thomas B, Lynch, Howard Denver )7Ui and Waahlnften MAIn 1717 Clennan, Louis Dispense, Paul A1 daughter, Mary,, of Omaha. Neb., RONIVIE RRAE fCEjitone 3217 and her assistants. Five members PHARMACY of the sodality who were absent brecht, Harry White, Chester Wi­ visited Mrs. Girard’s brother-in- from the day of recollection con­ bel, Arnold B. Olsen, Vincent A. law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. P. S. 638 19th Street NOB HILL INN The firms listed here de­ ferences were attending retreat Smith, John F. Vail, James Eakins, Dolan, en route to San Francisco Shopping District C. R. Courtney; to await Mr. Girard’s return from M«w and Modem PrsscriptioB .tie BAST COLFAX serve to be remembered exercises at El Pomar in Colorado Department Springs. Mmes. Andrew M. Hagerty, Wil Korea, where he has been on a COCKTAIU busineM trip. Cemplcto Fonntaln end Lancheonette when you are'distributing The Sacred Heart PTA was well Ham C. Thornton, Peter D. Walsh, David Dolan has enrolled at Service -HOLTZ- Delicious Dinners represented at the CPTL all-day Harold F. Collins, Joseph H. Nesla­ CONOCO PRODUCTS your patronage in the dif­ Colorado university, Boulder. Eeiter Candy *nd Gift* conference Thursday, March 20, dek, Grier Keyser, W. E. Dolan, RED & WHITE HOT AND COLD LUNCHES Mrs. William Heper, formerly of Perfamts — Dmse and Sandri** Lubrication. Car Washing, Batteries ferent lines of business. with 40 members and Fathers A. S. and S. P. Keating, Jr.; Yo«r Bosloeu U Appreciated Bere the parish, a sister of Father Rich­ Member* of St. Francia De Sale* Pariah Recharged, Tire Vulcanizing FRESH MEATS — HSH * Dtmichino, SJ., and Martin A. Mmes. Mark J. Felling, Ed ard Heister. announces the birth of Groreries & Vegetables Schiltz, SJ., and Sister Mary Downing, Thomas J. Morissey, W. BONNIE BRAE DOWISIISG STREET C. Weldon, T. E. Greene, Frank a girl on March 20 at S t Joseph’s We Deliver CH. 4703 Your Patronax* Appraetoted . LENTEN FOOD HEADQUARTERS Joseph present. hospital. CONOCO SERVICE DELIVERY SERVICE SP. M il The school PTA has appoiij^ J. Guiry, James M. Dutton, John PHARMACY 724 So. University • PE. 9909 2626 E. Looiaiana at S. Oayton GEORGE U. HILL. Prop. the following nominating commit­ C. Marsh, D. G. Mulligan, J. Leon Alamo Dairy • Grocery ard Swigert, Roy Cleere, James J. Profeuional Pharmacist PHONE CB StS7 tee members: Father Schiltz, Sis­ Phonr CHrrrr S767 ter Mary Dorothy, and Mmes. Ben Brennan, Max L. Gray, Jack Mc­ Preisser’ s Red & White Bonnie Brae COMPLETE LINE OF COSMETICS AKT> 1515 Rett Colfax Olguin, J. Albert Harris, and Peter Laughlin, Alfred H. Rampe, Jo­ MERCHANDISE Denver 6, Colo. Hotra~ seph M. Spaulding; Dru^ I o. Under N*« Mantseraent Open 18 Hour* * Oxr Are Your Creditors, Grocery and Market ICI Dewnlnt St. Dmrrr Holy Week Schedule Mmes. J. C. Daly, Walter M. ALFRED a ANDERSON. Ownar-Manacar The schedule of services for Holy Young, David B. Douglas, James FANCY MEATS. VEGETABLES. AND Prescriptions Filled As QUALITY GROCERIES AT f Your Doctor Orders Week follows: Palm Sunday: G. Simpson, W. J. Mulligan, LOWER PRICES ftp en Ihn and ISite Blessing and distribution of palms George Springer. A. B. Baumgart­ FOUNTAIN SERVICE Becoming Unhappy? Free Delivery SPraiee 4447 before the 10:30 o’clock Mass; Holy ner, John W. O’Neil, Eugene Mc- JUI 2. Obt* Ava. (Sa. Untr. and Obla) 763 So. University PE. 2255 CAPITOI. HILL Thursday, Solemn Mass at 7:30, Mullin, Ralph Hogan, Paul J, Moy- CAFE and Holy Hour at 7:30 in the eve­ nihan, Earl Thrasher, and George ning; Good Friday, Mass of the Dunn, and Miss Mary Carr. 735 E. Colfax Now no one wants impatient creditors, so if you haven’t been Presanctified at 7:30 a.m., and Tre able to meet alt your payments and bills as they came due, per­ Pint foods at fait Prices Ore service from 7 to 10 o’clock PTA to Meet KOIITH CAYLORD in the evening; March 31 haps a loan will help you. Call os on the phone, or stop in our 1509 E. Colfax KEyitone 4667 Holy Saturday, blessing of East­ The March meeting of the PTA office, or lerile. You will be pleased with our prompt^ courteous 5^hopping Stor* Boar*: l;M A.M. - *:M PM. er water and Solemn Mass at 7:30 will be held Monday afterpoon, service. Payments on our loans are arranged to suit your con­ a.m.; Easter Sunday, Low MaNses, March 31, in the parish hall. Chil­ venience, We have made over 300,000 loans to satisfied bor- <569Cslfid£H 6:30, 7:30, 9, and 12 noon; Solemn dren o f each grade will present Mass at 10:30. entertainment under the guidance Denver, 6 p1a Mary Anne Bakeries Pli«MlAh»r9793 Milady’* Favorite Store for [omiRunity Ploier Specialists In APPAREL AND SHOES LOANS QUICKLY MADE ON \ + n r o 1043 SOUTH 6RyLOW) PARTY PASTRIES Open From 10 to 10 /TOIB PHONE SPrucc7318 ts Broadway lUS 8a. Gaylotd I QUEEN CLEANERS ; CLEAN Autos, Furniture, Collateral, First and Second Mortgages en Sun. 3-9 SP. 7413 PE. 7315 1231 Ea«t 13th Ava. Improved Denver Real Estate and to Salaried Employes on their VAN ZIMMERMAN. Mtnasar IFa Cater to Organisations (Near Marion) ' plain note, without an assignment of wages and without notify­ Ln-U AN BRIK. Own*r ! 1092 So. Phonaa W* SpecUlin In Clcenlnf ( COAL ing the employer. PE. 3 4 6 4 NANCY LEE’S Gaylord BOB’S PE. 3 4 6 6 IDRAPES Gaylord Drag Co. DO NUT SHOP • BLANKETS 1219 E. Colfax AL. 6014 • SMALL RUGS Loans Made Outside Denver by Mail Grocery and Market J. BOY SMITH. Prop. Spick 1059 So. Gaylord SP. 3345 Groctwles, Meat* and Fancy Prescriptions Carefully Filled and Vegetables HATHA WAY’S by Registered PharmacieU Span The Store of Quality and Price ^ City Lace Cleaners D elivery The firms listed here de­ 218 East Seventh Ave Phone TAbor 7907 JIM HIRtONG So. Iiaylord; serve to be remembered CURTAINS PILLOWS CAREFULLY, CLEANED AND RE­ when you are distributing Lreamery TURNED SAME SIZE. SPECIAL CARE GIVEN TO TABLE 1735 Welton St. KEyitone 2224 GmndeFnd& your patronage in the dif­ m ilk — CREAM — BUTTER LINENS. BLANKETS LAUNDERED WITHOUT SHRINKAGE. Oa*a Daily ItM ta Itllt Satardsy* TUI 1 F. M. Oar Broach Otflc* Open 8 a.m. to 11 p.m. daily at Farlaas Aato Ca.. U« Brsadoray, It Oyta TUI lilt JP, M. ferent lines of business. WORK CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED 2nd at Santa Fe Drira TdepkoM TAbor 22H ■vt. H

At PAGE FOUR OfiRce, 938 B annock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, E E yston e 4205 Thursday, March 27, 1947 i Mnistrel Tickets Twin Uncles of Editor Pupik Give J170 Were Associate Pastors ,S p irU / Are Distributed In Relief Drive A treasure io be reverently cherished es the very symbol (Continued From Loot Page) i family and who walked home by a of Bester is a radiant roury (C^tkadral Young Peopla’t Club) (St. Vincent de Paul’s Perish, study of the Passion published | short cut over an unsettled hill chosen from our fine collection. Ticket! for the minrtrel ehow about 30 years ago. is stiil sold. while the priest went ahead over O anvm ’) and glee club concert which will See them now .... a.fg Refuted Divinity Degree the regular road by horseback. “ I Father Manus P. Boyle has an­ be presented in Malo Memorial hall saw an Irish fairy, one o f the nounced that the parish donations April 17 at 8:16 p.m. were dis­ The R t Rev. Monsignor Thomas P. Smith, bom Aug. 28, 1869, en­ wicked kind, on the hillside. It to the War Relief collection taken tributed at the meeting o f the asked me: ‘ Where are you going?’ up last Sunday sunounted to Cathedral Young People’s club tered the Pittsburgh p rep arat^ semina^ with his brother in 18TO. I told him, ‘Home,’ and he said: $699.25, nearly one - fourth of March 24. Howard Heffeman is ‘Follow me and you’ll get there which, $170.60, was donated by the chairman of the ticket committee. and finished his work in the Grand seminary o f , where he quicker.’ Now if I had only kept children of St. Vincent's school. So much interest has been shown my flannel mouth shut, I would in the production, of the “ Planta­ refused a Doctor o f Divinity de­ A prize of a week in camp is of­ gree out of humility, because there have been all right, but because I fered to the scout of troop 140 who tion Minstrels” that a capacity spoke to the fairy I had to follow crowd is assured. Tickets selling was “ no such thing in our diocese.” shows the most advancement to the He was ordained July 6, 1882. He him, and he misled me all over the date for the trip by th> Mothers’ for 60 cents'may be obtained from hills all night long.” any club member or at the Cathe­ established the Sacred Heart par­ auxiliary o f the troop, which met '■ Perhaps the old man had a flask dral rectory. ish of Altoona in 1890 and worked in the horn* of Mrs. R. J. McGlone, in it until his death. Sept. 21,1928, along and because of the cold The religious movie, The King 657 S. Gaylord street, Monday. If £ i c o r l ! He became Chancellor in 1904 and night imbibed too freely; but this the contest tesults in a tie, the of Kinge, was well received by a Vicar General in 1910. He was is a too easy and a foolish ex­ money will be divided to help pay large crowd in St. Paul’s chapel You can choose no lovelier made a Domestic Prelate Feb. 12, planation. The chances are that the expenses of the winners. The of the Cathedral at this meeting. eecort for Easter than a 1923. Monsignor Smith played a his vivid peasant Celtic mind really next meeting of the auxiliary will Lucille Becker had charge of the major role in the founding and de­ led him through what he thought be held on Monday, April 21, with gleaming, gold-filled cross and committee in planning arrange­ velopment of the Altoona diocese was an objective experience. chain from our charming and ^ ments and serving refreshments. the fathers of the boys present, and d ^ ou c^ u et and was the closest adviser of the One Irish woman, well educated, will take the. form of a potluck complete collection. 1JO Up Questionnaires have been sent to first two Bishops of the see. swore to me later that she saw a supper. all CYPC members. Frank Cem- H»r* It our Caifor Pororftr Ihol h Ih* tm iK* Both my priest uncles were ex­ hearse with a headless driver go Carol Ann, infant daughter of ich, vice president, has asked all by at a spot in Ireland where for 4 WAYS TO PAY of Spring, Full blown roiot and lofi rolling ceptionally eloquent pulpit orators Mr. and Mrs. Robert Miles of 1632 members to return these forms as and they lookeij so much alike, many years it had often made its ★ Cash croafo tbo prorocoliro illuthn of 99 soon as possible. The information S. Milwaukee street, was baptized during a large part of their lives, ghostly and ghastly procession, Feb. 23, with Father Boyle offi­ ★ Charge domuro eharm and twoof lophitlltaHon. oti will be valuable in the. club’s that many people did not know with six spirit horses drawing it. ciating. , ■k Layaway Whilo, pink, American boauty, ic», rod, records. who was who. My own life was so Whatever the explanation, the A softball team is being organ­ I p f i f entwined with that of these men, spiritual side of life, even apart was such a charnel house less than Year to Pay tharirouto, end aqua. On* of tho many ized and practice sessions' are to who visited our home constantly from religion, was as real to these fxtding ttylot In our Spring tollodion, _ a century ago. start within the next few weeks. and kept in touch with every step people as the material. I would The team will play its games on When the war was over, and the in our careers, that no relation rather bel{eTe''in leprechauns than soldiers were coming home, my Saturday afteraoons and Sundays. except parenthood could be closer. doubt God and His angels. The excellent material available as­ grandmother saw some of them After we came West, the commu­ Let nobody believe that these without legs or arms. She had not sures a first-class team. Those in­ nication continued, by mail and Irish believed in angels and in SIBYL HATS terested in playing are asked to heard that Patrick Feeney had, exchange o f personal 'iisits. leprechauns for the same reason. lost a limb, but she knew that he call Gail Heffeman at KE. 0821. They believed in angels because 1619 STOUT STREET Just Off 16th Street, Should enough interest be s h o ^ The old men were scholarly had been badly wounded, and she . BACK AQAINJ i enough that they often read the God had revealed the existence of feared that he might come back in a girls’ softball team, the club such spirits; their religion was Joe Heaton Is Back in the Same Location plans to organize one, Latin classics for the sheer amuse­ to her seriously crippled. The ment of it, and they told me that built on real faith in a God who young wife hid behind a door and East-Side Club they had mastered every line of can neither deceive nor be deceived. refused to come out until he as­ 309 TABOR BUILDING the Breviary, a feat that only the They believed in leprechauns, and Selects Name sured her, from the other side, To exUad th* saais frisndlr and coerUoni ssnric* to his sssnr friends most expert Latinists can appre­ fairies, and banshees because ^ e that he had both legs and arms. uid enstosaen in the fatnro that ho has in ths past. (S i. John’»-St. Phiiomena’ s Club) Celtic mind loves mystery and ciate. Their faith was that o f Family Geos Back to 350 A.D. At the meeting held in St. Philo- simple children. They could read romance; but not because God had Making All Types of Loans from $50 to $1500 on mena’s school last week members me like a book, even in things I revealed such creatures. Some of It was not unfitting that a voted upon names submitted by did not want them to know. Yet the old Irish offered the poetic Feeney should be a soldier. The Signature, Automobile and Furniture Easter Flowers the committee, The name selected in many respects my personality explanation that, it seems, many name in Gaelic means Militiaman. by the group was the “ K-Ducat was completely different from angels remained neutral when The family line, which goes back sfOE HEATON Club.” The name derives from the theirs. It is a curious fact that Lucifer rebelled, and God pun­ to 360 A.D., was founded, so the initial letter of Christ’s name in tiipse old scholars spent their late ished them by making them into legend goes, by Brian, son of Back Again Doing Business as Greek and the Latin word "ducat,” Gening hours seeking recreation leprechauns and fairies, but not by Eocha Moy Veagon, High King of which is translated “ let him lead.” in detective and Wil^ West sending them to hell. The Celts Ireland. That Kmg’s ancestry, the The name thereby signifies the in­ stories. President Woodrow Wilson did not believe this because God legends say, goes back to Ir, son tention of t ^ young people in the had the same habit, to relax before had revealed it, but because it of Miletius, the Spanish king HEATON FINANCE CO. All Easter Plants club ^0 let Christ lead them in all going to bed. I often wondered seemed Irishly reasonable. T^ey whose widow and sons conquered their activities. what the clerks thought when the heard no Vermons about lepre­ Ireland long before Christ (their AL. 3686 royal progeny is many thousands 309 Tabor Bldg. Club members are still enthusi­ venerable old padres bought the chauns and they never prayed to strong). was also progenitor astic in their praise o f the group magazines. elves, spooks, and fairies. I r on Display in Our‘ of the Smith line, and its branch which staged the Truth and Conse. Saw Big Family Die Labored a* Marbla Cutter quences show last week. Frank gave 36 princes as Kings of Ulster, If careers are considered, my My maternal grandfather, Pat­ who kept their court at Eanhain. Convenient Show Morrato, Aldo Notarianni, Carl rick Feeney, settled first in Phila­ Selander, and A1 Lamport have set father’s side of the family was by Tbb particular line was founded far the more picturesque, but my delphia when he came to America by Queen Macha (Mongrua) who, Proven a high goal for other groups to and learned the trade o f a marble shoot st in club entertainments. mother’s certainly did not lack the legends assert, was Macha of Rooms P p I m color. I have already spoken about cutter. His wages were $4 a day, the Golden Tresses and the 64th Approximately $40 worth o f do­ extraordinary for that period. His EYE nated items were given to prize­ her grandmother, the “ grande monarch o f Irelandjindeed its only dame” of the family, who as a wife’s relatives had gone to Al­ reigning queen. Her court was , winners. All who participated in toona, a city established in 1849 Sunday widow brought her children from held in the city o f Armagh, where any of the events received prizes for the opening of the Pennsyl­ EXAMINATIONS and a number o f special awards Ireland at the time of the Potato St. Patrick established his see cen­ Famine. Their name was Guinivan. vania railroad and from the begin­ turies later. This Smith family, de­ Special Care were given. ning a division point and railroad About 40 members were'-preaent Every descendant who bore that spite the commonness of 'its name, name is now dead— 11 of them shop center of that huge system. seems able to trace its line back For Special Cases for the corporate Communion in Some o f my relatives have lived Bt. Philomena’s church last Sun­ from one family unit, d l o f whom to 667 B.C. HYPERPHORIA died of tuberculosis, together with there since 1849. Because Mrs. But, alas, all this royal Smith PHOTOPHOBIA The Store will be open for day. Members sat together in a Feeney was not in good health, the body. Afterwards most of those their father. The widow lived far blood, which included 25 High VERTIGO into bid age with a widowed couple decided to move their fam­ Kings of Ireland (among them the your convenience on that day. present joined for breakfast to­ ily from to Altoona, gether at a downtown restaurant. daughter-in-law and her son and, picturesque Macha of the Golden DR.A.D.KLEYHAUER though great houses rose on all where Patrick, unable to get work Tresses), has been diluted through 45 Attend sides o f her, she refused during in his profitable trade, took up a the.centuries by so much peasant Optometrist then much less better paid job as Order Early for Best Selection Communion Breakfast life to sell her little old yellow blood that I fear the royalty has 1511 Welton Su KEystona 1044 wooden house, where 12 members a railroad shop mechanic. long all but disappeared. My (St, Jetapb's Young Poeple’s Club) of her immediate family had died. At the time o f the Civil war, al­ grandfather, Patrick Smith, never­ More than 46 members attended One of the 11 children, though though there was then a good- theless, with his strange title The The BRI8HT SPOT FLOWER SHOP the St, Joseph Young People’s club not a jeweler by trade, was fas- sized family, he volunteered as a Downian, was recognized by his Communion and breakfast held c i n a t e d by clockmaking. He Union soldier. He wished to go and fellow immigrants as a chieftain Sunday, March 23, and later in the shocked his Protestant neighbors felt that he would be drafted if of the old line of Macha, At least, FR. 2745 Josphine at 5th Ave. day enjoyed a bowling party at the by working all day Sunday, after he did not go. Hence he took ad­ this is the on^y reasonable explana­ Prompt COAL Delivery South Denver Bowling alleys. Mass, making clocks. There were vantage o f the dreadful legislation tion of the title given to me. The Floteero Telegraphed Everytahere Bowling is to be a regular Sunday clocks in every room, even the that ^ ow ed a rich man to send a family, determined to be truly event o f the club. The breakfast ceUar, and when he died the tick­ substitute, provided the rich man American, said little about the Boulder VuUey, lump or egg...... ton $8.16 was arranged bv the spiritual com­ ing and tocking and clanging and gave the substitute $300. Patrick matter. ^ mittee, under the chairmanship of tinkling went on dramatically all gave the money to his wife. Golden Ash, lump dr egg...... ton $8.16 Mildred Hertmes. The intra-^ub He was badly wounded in one I have nothing but leanied over the house while his wake was books to prove all this ancestral Harrii, e g g ...... ton $10.61 bowling group is under the direc­ 3eing held( I am told that it was of the Battles o f Bull Run, when tion of Bess Fisher. his horse was shot under him and hantasy; it may be as fanciful as eerie and solemn. As he was dying, frandmother F e e n e y’s lepre­ Harris, n u t ...... ton $9.51 “ Football Reviews” and several he tried to make his relatives see fell partly on him. Surgeons did g other motion pictures were shown not know much about ruptures in chauns, but it is a nice story, and Centennial, lump or egg...... ton $9.76 angels in the room. He described typically Gaelic. As for me, I to the club at its social meeting them in detail. Evidently his Sun­ those days. Despite this injury, he SUITEDSPRING on March 19. Cards and ping-pong served all through the war and would rather be an American day labors, which he o f course editor than High King of Ireland. were played. The club extended deemed mere recreation, did not ended it doing a captain’s duty, So. Denver Englewood Phone SP. 4478 sympathy to George Fillis on the keep him out of heaven, and if the although he was never formally death o f his mother. angels were there in numbers at commissioned. Congratulations were given to his death it is doubtful that he An effect o f the war for him H E A L T H F U L * ■ Miss Ruth Ruggles and Sam Jarvis lingered in purgatory. was that he could never eat mo­ Kroonenberg Coal Co. upon the recent announcement o f Cousin’* Death Impressed Editor lasses after it; the reason was that, EASTER SHOES their engagement when he was once opening a barrel For 1909 so. BROADWAY 23 Years in Present Locadon Matching HAT The story of the angela im­ of molasses in the army, he found John Bell pressed me deeply, but not so a naked dead Negro baby in it. Growing Little Feet To Entertain Club much as what happened at the Sometimes I myself have found off-the-face type of death o f a four-year-old first molasses a bit difficult when I (San Lull Rey Club) cousin o f mine, George O’Neill, a thought o f this, milan straw, -with tai­ ' Members of the Young People’s playmate o f my early life. The The house built by the Feeneys lored feather trim. club o f St. Louis’ parish, Engle­ 3oy was especially intelligent and is still standing in Altoona, though wood, met in the school hall on had the use of reason. He made not where they built it before the Dozens of others to March 26. John Bell will be host his First Confession on his death' Civil war. In the early part of the to club members in his home, bed and received his First Com­ 20th century, and before, it was select from. 3167 S. Bannock street on April 8. munion as Viaticum. He died of not uncommon to have houses Each meinber will bring a new contagious disease and my moved through the city streets, member with him at this time. mother, shipping her family to our sometimes for blocks, to another Keep your from $15 Miss Doris Thompson enter­ paternal grandmother’s, went into location. I saw this exciting oper­ tained club members in her home the house to help care for him and ation happen four or five times ih last Thursday. to be with her grieving sister, who my boyhood. Tracks were made was seeing death stalk her home with heavy movable timbers like savings for the first time. railroad ties, and houses were Sf. Clara’s Aid Croup Twenty minutes before his shoved along these tracks right death, the boy’s mother saw him through the center o f the streets Postpones Apr. 2 Meet gazing intently at a comer of the by means of a peculiar sort of room. She asked what he saw wheeled ^cks, each manned by a where "A beautiful bine light,” he de­ The St. Clara Aid tociely laborer. They edged along just a clared. "Come, fnother, and put few inches at a time. It took a ^ Denvar will not meet on your head on the pillow beside Wednesday, April 2, but will week or two to move a house sev­ me. You can see the light” She eral blocks. The frame buildings bare tha regular party April 9 tried, but saw nothing. you get at the orphanage. stood the ordeal well. that added something p Just before the child died, he Our house was on the side o f a NOTIM TO CREOrrORS said: “ Mother, I know now who hill, but I saw two houses moved is this beautiful ^ ESTATE OF Francis Carr, also known os Francis R. Csrr, deceased. No. 80879. the light is. It is the Blessed up the fairly steep grade right in Virgin. She has come for me.” In every THREE-SKIN Notice is herebr siren thst on tl» Z2d front o f it. The process occurred, banking service dsy of Msreh, 1947, letters of sdmlnistra- that moment he died of course, before automobile traf­ tton were issued to the undsrsitned ss ad­ Every time I see a blue light, I fic made every street a boulevard. ministrator of the abort named estate and think of the Mother of God. all persons bavins clslms ssainst said ca- Civil W ar Was Great Impact Baum Marten Ute are rednirsd to Die them for mllowanet The old Irish took not only their Whether you have a large reserve of cash. . . or are The Civil war had a great im­ In tbs Coontr Court of the OiUr' end reli^on but their folklore aeri- saving regularly out of income . . . or plan to start a Scarf County of Dnrtr, Colorado, wiOiln the ously, mother often told me, pact on the Feeney family. When months from said-date or said claims will be forever barred. as a child, about what happened Lee'» army marched into Pennsyl­ savings account. . . you benefit by having your account of traditional B. C. HHXlAJtP, Jr., Administrator. when her mother, Margaret, was vania jnst before the Battle of Gettysburg, the most important here where every banking service is available on onje “hamilton” about to leave the Old Sod. She went out on a hUl for a last loving and most fiercely contested floor. For example. . . quality skins— look, and suddenly, down at the struggle of the Civil war, rumor you may want an International checkin'g account, not bottom o f the hill, she saw a big spread that the invaders were to only $ 3 3 0 inc. tax rock move and a little capped head pass through Altoona. ’The frantic only for the convenience, but to help build credit and stick out. A wee old man, a people buried all their treasure. prestige; or you may want a business or real estate loan; leprechaun, gazed around, saw no­ My grandmother saw neighbors Hat, Suit, Scarf Sketched from Stock body, and leaped out, followed by dig holes deep enough to cover the or may need the services of a bond or trust department; other leprechauns. Thejr had a huge four-legged “ square” pianos or may want a safe deposit box . . . merry game of football, Irish style, that were then the vogue. The Select Your SUIT . . . and then leaped back into the hole Southerners, however, passed the Brown and no matter what banking service you need it is only a little city by. and pulled the big rock back ovgr Black few steps from the counter where you place your savings. Lee’s Confererate army had 73,- Thif U it! Sait •xciUmant at iU gejeot. Doieni of oxquitita the hole. If they had seen Mar­ o f fo r 000 men and Meade’s Union army Nice selection shoes Savings accounts are welcomed. Come in and see tts •tylen in gabardina, coTort and othar quality matariaU. Siaat garet Guinivan wa.tching them, Confirmation and First dear knows what would have hap­ had 88,000 in that dreadful battle, • •«ioon* 10 to 18. Only BALDWIN Builds the pened 1 the scene of which is today a forest Communion. from $39,95 ACROSONIC PIANO I find it hard to believe in of monuments. The battle w u X-Ray Fitting leprechauns, “ stuffed or other­ fought July 1-3, 1868, and Presi­ T h e, wise” as some o f the Irish put it, dent Abraham Lincoln delivered NO GtFESS WORK Store Houn THE BALDWIH but my grandmother and my his immort^ Gettysburg Address h a m ih mother believed the story.. Just at the dedication o f the national Rudolph’s Shoe Store g:S0 to 6:90 OHS cemetery on the battlefield in No­ INTERNATIONAL TRUST PIAHO GO. what really happened, I cannot INC. Mtfflbsr Ftdtrol Ospotil Inturonc* Corp. venture to guess. vember, 1863, The site now is a 804 15tb St. Mombsr Ftdtrol NsMrvg Syiltm 1623 St. Neither can I explain the story peaceful farming community, with FREE GIFTS FOR /& 6 of the old man in Tunnelhill, Pa., a sleepy old-fashioned town near­ ^iout (Street 2)enper THE KIDDIES **The Weu't Leading Furriers" Denver 2, Colorado who went one night to call the by. One shudders to think that a 17th and California Streetii Denver 2, Colorado priest to -» sick member of the place o f such peact and beauty J1

A Thursday, March 27, 1947 Office, 938 B annock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone. K E ystone 4205 PAGE FIVE

A m u S D C i m CPTL Marks 10th Anniversary TO SPOIISOn SALE y

(Holy Family Pariah, Danvar) The Altar and Rosary society will hold its annual bake sale in the school hall after the Masses Palm Sunday . Special services for Holy Week vrill be as follows: Masses on Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday will be at 8 o’clock. Holy Communion will be distributed on Holy Thursday at 6:30, 7, 7:30, and in the 8 o’clock Mass. Evening Baby Chicks—Started devotions will be held at 7 :30 on Wednesday, Thursday, and Good Friday. The Stations of the Cross will be made at 3 p.m. on Good Chicks a closer relaf lonship Friday. Confessions will be heard Orders Taken and Filled between Wednesday afternoon from 3:30 to 6 and after the devotions in the When Wanted manager and patron evening; and on Good Friday after the evening devotions; also on Easter Saturday from 3:30 to 6 18 Popular Breeds Available call -Horan^s and 7:30 until 9 in the evening. 2-3-4 Week Old Started Chicks Masses on Easter will be'the same W rit* for Price* and Litaratnra as on Sundays. The 7 :30 Mass will where every service is persenally je a High Mass and hymns will oe sung at the 10 o’clock Mass. VICTOR CHICKERY 754 So. Broadway OPEN SUNDAYS PE. 0913 arranged by the owners* On March 23 Father Leo Flynn administered the sacrament of iaptism to the following: Thomas Shown here aro toraa of tke gueita and mem- are John J. McGuire, inspector of tha Federal VVWWVVVVVVWSIVVVVVVVVVVWVVVVVVVVA/VVWWVWAIVt Patrick, infant son of Mr. and bar, of tha Catholic Parant-'foachart’ laagua, which Bureau of lavettigation, principal tpeakari Mrs. Anthony J. Zariango, CPTL president; Mrs. John Mrs. Thomas P. Coursey, with Jo­ marked ita 10th annivaraary March 20 with a ? seph and Ann Conrsey as spon­ Miller, Mrs. Harold Steffen, Mrs. Bert Keirns, and sors; Larry Richard, infant son Innchaon maating in a local hotal. Loft to right, tha Rev. Hobart Newell, moderator. Cleaning at Its Oast of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Erwin, + + + + + with James Thomsberry and Eleanor Erwin as sponsors; Mary 3 DAY SERVICE Alice, infant daughter of Mr. and 800 PTA MEMBERS ATTEND IF Pickup and Delivery Honan &Son Chapels Mrs. Ernest Robinson, with George and Mary Lou Becker as TWO STORES KEystont 6297 KEystone 6 2 9 8 sponsors. JUBILEE MEETING OF CPTL Mrs. John P. Rudden has re­ 594 So. Broadway — PE. 4686 1527 aeveland Piece turned from a two-month trip, dur­ ing which she visited in Wisconsin, Nearly 800 women attended the the child who does not learn hon­ 2025 W. Alameda — RA. 0612 , and Arizona. 10th anniversary celebration of the esty, discipline, sportsmanship, MUlLumj,iMJU,UlUu.ua PTA M««t( Catholic Parent-Teachers’ league and respect for authority from his (Across From ‘Valverde School) at a luncheon meeting in the Shir- parents is fully as much of ^a III CtTIEDRtl The regular PTA meeting Mon­ ley-Savoy hotel, Denver, March day evening was well attended. The social problem as the child who is 20. They heard John J. McGuire, schooled in crime from his in­ SOUTH DENVER CLEANERS nominating committee was named The Rev. Roy Figlino, spiritual and a budget was fixed for the assistant inspector to J. Edgar fancy. Mr. McGuire was the prin­ Hoover of the FBI, declare that cipal speaker at the session. director of the Denver comitium rental o f educational films for the of the Legion of Mary, has an visual-aid machine. The coin march Other speakers who addressed the group included Governor Lee nounced that the legion will hold Parts Distributor amounting to $15 was won by Sis­ its annual acies in the Denver ter Jolm Joseph’s second grade Knous and Mayor Ben Stapleton, both of whom praised the member­ Cathedral at 4 o’clock Palm Sun­ with 113 per cent in attendance. Slower to Benefit day, March 30. Active and auxil­ TO OUR OLD FRIENDS The second naders entertained ship for the work being accom­ plished by the league for the com­ iary members of the junior and with a little play. Spring. Refresh­ senior curiae will attend the func­ AND PATRONS ments were served by the seveiB^h munity. Mrs. Anthony Zarlengo, resident, was toastmaster, and tion and the reception to be held FORD FERTILIZER and eighth grade room mothers afterward in St. Paul’s chapel. as hostesses. Missionary Nuns Mrs. Thomas Morrissey, past pres­ ident and national officer in the This year marks a change in the Remember . **Ammonium Sulphate^* Father Joseph Koontz, Sisters usual procedure, in that members Chartina and Brigid, and 28 Catholic PTA organization, re­ The Archbishop’s guild of of junior curia will join with the W e will ceatinn* to giv* mothers attended the annual Cath­ viewed the history of the group Denver will hold a city-wide tea senior group for a combined meet­ olic Parent-Teachers’ league con­ since its founding. yon the best of ferric* TIRE CHAINS and shower at Holy Ghost hall Paying specim tribute to the ing. ference last week. Sunday, April 20, for the benefit PTA officers of the war-time pe­ The RL Rev. Monsignor W. M. on Pint Communion and 1314-1338 ACOMA MAIN 3111 Society to Meat of the Missionary Sisters o f Our riod, Mrs. Morrissey outlined the iggins, pastor of St. Philomena’s Confirmation Picture*. The Altar and Rosary society Lady of Victory. This tea will church, Denver, will officiate at Ob Civie Canter extent of activities that were spon will meet Thursday, March 27, in enable the people of Denver to sored by the organization. Several Solemn Benediction closing the the school hall instead o f April 3, help furnish a home for this band million dollars’ worth of bonds were event. Father Berard Giblin, the ren la r date. The change was of sisters, who will do missionary purchased, salvage drives were O.F.M., and Father John Haley, UNITED PHOTO made because of the Holy Week work among the underprivileged sponsored, and there was a full spiritual director of the junior curia of the legion, will be deacon services. Arrangements for the of the city. Donations of useful contribution to the war-time ac­ 1521 CurU* TA. 3412 Easter decorations will be made household articles and good used tivities of all community groups. and aubdeacon, respectively. Fa ther Figlino will be master of LOOP MARKET Refreshments will be served by pieces of furniture, suitable for Mr. McGuire emphasized the "If UndKiM CaU United" FIFTEENTH AND LAWiUNCE Mmes. Bacca, Bakes, Ballback, the convent, to be located at E. growing instances of crime by ceremonies. F fM Parking With PnrdiM* of SO« or Moro nt 14X0 Lawrene* Beach, Berger, and Bergin. 22nd and Treraont, are sought youthful offenders, and declared All members will recite an act St. Ann’s circle met Tuesday in At a special meeting called by that only in Christian homes, of consecration to the Blessed Virgin, and the active members the home of Mrs. J. F, Garry. the general chairman. Miss Cathar­ where the virtues are taught by will re-pledge their fealty to her St. Rita’s circle will meet at ine Maloney, for this Friday, vigilant parents, can juvenile de SOLES the home of Mrs. Peter King, 4625 linquency be checked. in a special act o f consecration. March 28, in St. Francis’ high In addition, the annual reports o n a o u n s e b t ic b Teller St., March 26 at 1:30 p.m. school library, officers and past The Rev. Hubert Newell, mod­ of the two groups will be pre­ Statk W nMo’i and ChiUnn'k presidents and a delegation from erator of the league, thanked the sented to ttie Most Rev. Urban J. BaU Salm FAVOR RECEIVED Holy Ghost Altar society will plan members in the name of Arch­ All Walk Oaaraataad bishop Urban J. Vehr, who was Vehr, who will attend the func­ A Register reader wishes to ex­ the tea and issue invitations. It r e p a i r unable to be present at the gath­ tion and deliver the allocutio. LOOPAHOB SHOP press thanks for a favor received has been decided that the past ering. The Rev. John Regan will give E L K COAL LOOP MABXKT presidents, including Mmes. Mar­ after devotions to the Infant Jesus the sermon. Music will be under rial Rlm d . . W W F ■ ■ garet Volk, Margaret McCallin, Special Blend and S t Ann. the sponsorship of Our Lady and Marion Kelly, and Miss Mary Queen of Martyrs praesidium of Exclorire wlUi Elk Co*l Ca. Thl( ipmUI Blad I* Nadorff, together with Miss Mar­ St. Elizabeth’s parish. Refresh­ garet Lynch, president, and Miss Officers Named cheaper than hard coal. Better than Soft Coal! OaosUna* ments at the reception will be the beat festarc* ef each. Laboratoir Teetedt Maloney, will make up the general served by Our Lady Queen of \ committee. The other officers, Heaven praesidium o f S t Francis Misses Isabelle McNamara, vice By ACCN Chapter de Sales: jiarish. president; Madelyn Nalte, secre­ IT' Auxiliary members are urged to tary; and Josephine Hytrek, treas- Colorado Springs.— At a recent attend the affair and become d the otteurer, will headd the otteurer, other commit­ meeting of the Archdiocesan Goun Telephone better acquainted with the legion tees and name their assistants. cil of Catholic Nurses, Colorado Springs chapter, held at St. FraU' operations, as this is one of the Main Mrs. Katherine Henshaw was cis’ hospital, the following ofBcers few functions in which all mem­ NOTHING DOWN hostess to Our Lady of the Rosaiy bers can actively participate. circle at the March meeting. Fol­ were elected an4 installed: Little a* $5.00 per Month lowing the buainess meeting, a President, Clare M. McKay; “ round-robin” letter was written vice president, Mrs. Adrienm COAL CO. 5 3 3 5 to Mn. Josephine Koster of this Young; secretary. Rose Ann Sii EdgewaterWomen ELK 3635 Blake S t circle, who is at present in Roches­ mon; treasurer, Mildred Dorffeld ter, Minn. Those attending were Mmes. Frances Burke, Mary ' in Clean Church Rosengren, Nellie McEnery, and Catherine Sweeney, and Misses (St. Mary Magdalene’* Pariih, Mayme McAndrews, Frances Edgawater) Hankey, and Elva Loeptien. The members of the Altar so­ Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Kelher an­ ciety will prepare the church for nounce the birth of a girl on Holy Week and Easter services March 15 in a Denver hospital. on Tuesday, April 1, at 10 a.m. Mrs. Kelher, the former Mar­ The following members ure to be guerite Bisbing, is a long-time present: Mmes. Grant, Rufien, member of Mystical Rose circle. Seigfried, Kolbel, Aylward, Sea- Several members of the guild, wright, Stevens, Valiant, Boyle, living within the boundaries of the Sronce, Kayaen, and Cowgill. united parishes of South and West The altar linen committee for Denver, are taking an active part the month of March includes Mrs. in soliciting funds for the support Rohder, altar cloths; Mrs. Ben of a parochial building program Branch, small linens; Mrs. Feeley, within these parishes. surplices; Mrs. Kolbel, albs. The altar and sanctuary are in charge The frogront and flaltering woy of of Mrs. Wind and Mrs. Seigfried. The‘ following members of the felling her she’s the grandest lady SHOE REPAIRlkD Altar society will receive dona­ In the Easter Parade . . . tions for flowers at the Masses WNILE YOU WAH Sunday, March 30: 6:20 Tfjpss It's You Perfume, by Elizabeth Arden. Mrs. Howe and Mrs. Osberg; 8 o’clock Mass, Mrs. Seawright and Or Violet Essence, a spring Mits Clara M. McKay, R.N. Mrs. Joe Jueschke; 10 o’clock ass, Mrs. Margaret Goebel and corsage coptured in a tiny bottlel Chairmen for the standing com­ Siss Evelyn Goebel. 8y HMtRIMfi mittees are: Membership, Olivia The blessing of palms will take JEWELLD EASTER EGG containing McCall; p r ^ a m , Marie N. Bader; place at 9:46 a.m. before High IPi You PoffuRM, 3/1< IL ox, AJO ■■■ ty, Theresa Ryan; budget Maas Sunday. and finance, Mildred Dorffeld; On Easter Sunday, the High SATIN CHICKEN (containing Dun Grow telephone, Rose Marie Simons. Mass will be at 6 o’clock followed SadMt) and Jowallad Egg eentoinlng the Colorado “ ‘ - Springs- chapter by Low Masses at 8, 10 and 12 h't Yoo Ewfaiat, 3/16 L at, 3 JO has a membership of 60 and is o’clock. hoping to increase this number. An Holy Week services will be held ACETATE CORSAGE BOX containing interesting yearly program is both morning and evening Good ' 9>■ B g . . . . VWat EiMnca, 7/32 «. ax., S.00 being outlined for presentation at Friday. Stations of the Cross will RrtCM IBM* the next meeting. Tnis will include be at 3 and evening services at the annual retreat, which is to be 7:30. The sermon on Good Friday Rubber heelu, top Ufta, toe a permanent part of the program. evening will be given by a priest \ Cosmetics Another important feature will be from Itogis college. Street Floor pieoesx half aolea, full aolea, securing nationally known speak­ ers for coming meetings. attached by experienced Any Catholic registered nurse Orphanage Aid Society interested in joining the organ •hoemakera while yon work ization should contact Miss Olivia Schednies Parly May 20 or ahop. We alao remodel McCall at Glockner hospital. The Queen of Heaven Aid so­ ahoea, cut out toea or heels, Swallows of Capistrano ciety of Denver held its regular meeting March 18. Plans for rebind, take In sides to fit, Arrive Four Days Early the spring card party and luncheon make shoes longer or wider. San Juan Capistrano, Calif. — be held in theneto orphanage May The swallows of Capistrano disre­ 20 were discussed. Woe Queiitjr Shoo Repedrbsg af garded their century-old custom of Mrs. Rose Carbon! was enrolled Popular PHeas Visit Our Shoe returning- to the mission on the as a perpetual member and the Feast of St. Joseph and flew in following became yearly members: Repair Dmpia tmmf four days early. The 200 birds Mmes. H. Hennessey, E. W. Row­ "Where Denver Shops teith C enfidena^-K tyt^n* 2111 were too numerous to be taken for land, Lucy Carrado, Rose Ven- the “ scouting party” that some­ degna, Jgmes McNichols, J. F. times arrives before March 19. Fitzpatrick, and £. J. McCone. PAGE SIX Office, 938 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOUC REGISTER Telephone, E E yston e 4205 Thursday, March 27, 1947 HACG BRO§. ACCN WILL CONDUCT MEETING Recent Bride FATHER KRUGER TO CONDUCT MARKET S P R IN G SALADS CORN FED MEATS AT MERCY HOSPITAL MAR. 27 TRE ORE IN LOYOLA CHURCH FISH AND POULTRY Salad time is hero, and what’s 1030 W. Colfax TA. 7297 The Archdiocestn Council of school nurse because of ill health (Loyola Parish, Danvor) children’s recent musicale, "Tis a salad without a good dress­ Catholic Nurses will hold its following an accident last year. Father Charles F. Kruger, SJ., Irish We Are,” are going to en­ monthly meeting Thursday, March Lt. Jane ZelUinger Mahoney is of Regis college will be the speaker tertain the soldiers at Fitzsimons ing? With Duchts* or NuMado 27, in Mercy hospital, Denver^ at a patient on Ward F2, Fitzsimons at the Tre Ore services to be held ho^ital. you’re sura of salad success. 8 p,m. Benediction will be pven General hospital, where she is in Loyola church on Good Friday Sister Agnes Maria has been ill in the hospital chapel. Dr. Lewis awaiting discharge from the from 12 until 3 o’clock. Father of the flu. Berbato, Denver university psy U. S. army nurse corps; Capt, Joseph A. Herbars, S.J., will read Father William O’Shaughnessy, • • . • . «•« « S im a ___ DUCHESS chiatrist, will speak on “ Mental Dorothy M. Donahue writn that the prayers between each dis- S.J., baptized the following Sun­ Health.” Fred Nesbit, KOA radio she is stationed at Anchorage, counK|, day: Dale Aurelia Bonner, daugh­ Salad Dressing singer, will entertain with soloa, Alaska, and that the Catholic The "Seven Last Words of ter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Bon­ and his wife will sing at BenediC' nurses may reach her at 188rd Christ," by Dubois, will be sung ner, Dorothy Sauls, sponsor; 8-oz. glass ..23e tion. General hospital, APO 042, e /o P. by the following: Mmes. J. Dunn, CheryV Christine Cousins, daugh­ A meeting of the executive com* M. Seattle, Wash. Christine Wetb* Edna Williams, S. Andrews, Mar­ ter of Mr. and Mrs. Craig Cousins, 16-oz. glass ,41o mittee was called March 20, Mrs. ington, St. Joseph’s parish, was re­ garet Vasquez; Misses Agnes Ca- Dorothy Sauls, sponsor, Stevens -•Edward j Leatherman,- ■ son of----- Mr 32-oz. glass .7 2 o Ilf • a wUa mother who servea Bernice Kitten reported on the cently discharged from the army, zen. Flora Remiey, Viola Mares; corporate ^mmunion Mass in May. and is now attending the Univer­ Joe O’Neil, J. Allen Grubb, Wil­ and Mrs. Earl Leatherman, Edward American Beauty 8pag> Tickets for the breakfast may be sity of Colorado, She is a sister of liam O’ Hara, Johnny Phelan, Terry and Nettie Fitzpatrick, sponsors; hrtti to her children. obtained at the next meeting. Mrs. F. W. Boyle, 666 Galapago Evert, Melvin Tucker, John Helny. Martha Louise Knober, daughter CUFFEE MAYONNAISE Contaiiu all the vital Claire Marker, co^ihairman of the street The music will be directed by of Mr. and Mrs. George Knober, William W. Sloan and Agnes Kno? elements needed by games party to be given May 2 in Mrs. Isabelle Meayer, 2928 Colo­ Mrs. John M. Evert with Bliss NuMade ber, sponsors. growing bodies Oscar Halo hall, said that tickeU rado boulevard, was released as a Louise Nielsen at the organ. Airway will be distributed to the members and brains. patient from a local hospital March Palme will be blesied it the 6 PTA Honors Pastor 8-oz. glass ...... _ ...2 8 o at the monthly meeting. 18. l-lb. has „ 41c C2S> o'clock Mass Sunday and will be The Loyola PTA honored the 1 6 -0 1 . glass...... 4 9 o Agnes Tierney, former Denver Denver Unit Meets distributed after every Mass. pastor. Father Joseph Herbers, public school nurse, is leaving "i^c* S. J., at the meeting on March 18. Nob Hill The Denver committee. Public Wednesday at 7:30 there will be son. Aril., for a visit at 1926 Sixth Health section, Colorado Nurses' Mrs. Anthony Zarlengo, president avenue, Oakland, Calif. Mlss_ Tier- Shown above is Mrs. Chester J< a lermon on the Blessed Sacra­ l*Ib. bair 44c CRACKERS association, met March 24 with ment and Benediction. On Holy of the CPTL, was guest speaker. ney resigned from her position as Borolli, the former Eleanor Ko- The pupils of the school enter­ lay representatives, Alfred Kess­ Thursday Communion will be ler, executive secretary of the Den­ mole, who bocamo the bride of tained with some of the acts from Edwards Supreme Chester J. Berelli in St. Cather­ given at 7 o'clock, and at 8 o’clock ver Tuberculosis society; Mrs. their recent play, “ ’Tis Irish We f ine's church Feb. 9. a High Maas and procession will Are.” l-lb. CKfl ^ 49c 1- lb. pkg...... 23c Enjoy Yourself Completely Lena Tobin, president of the Ash­ be held. Adoration will be held land PTA and vice president of all day and night Blrs. T, Williams was named 2- lb. pkg...... 45c Skinner PTA; and the Rev, On Good Friday Mass of the Pre- chairman of the nominating com­ Hills Bros. mittee and Mrs. E. Wollenhaupt Hi-Ho Matthias Justen, C.SS.R., chaplain sanctifted is at 8 a.m. I-Ib. can and Mrs. L. Scheer, co-chairmen. of the Denver General hospital. Evening services will include or glass . 51c l-lb. pkg...... - ...... 28c 'M This meeting was called to or- the Way of the Cross at 7:30 |).m. The fourth grade mothers serv­ ganize the program and publicity On Holy Saturday there will be ed refreshments and the second for Public Health Nursing week. grade won the proceeds of the n _ * • - Thompson S««dl***, C l , . the hlessii^ of the new fire at 7 I v a iS ln S l-Ib. Kraft bag...... O I C 4-lb. b&g . $1.00 April 20-26. The week is espe­ a.m. and High Mass at 8 o’clock. penny march for having the largest III U \l U)l room attendance. cially significant this year, as it Masses on Easter Sunday will Breakfast G«ms, extras. t i n / : - / s commemorates the 70th anniver­ be at 6, 7, 8:30, 10, 11, and 12 Room mothers in charge of the Eggs Gr. A. Ig*., d s .___ _ 52c Mtd., dot. __ 48c sary of pubHc health nursln^^^ This spring, as thoughts turn to noon. The 8:30 Mass will be a next meeting on April 16 will be the United States and the housecleaning, think too of the St High Mass. Benediction will be Mrs. C. Becker and Mrs. M. Gol­ Kraft Chees* Food, den. Velveeta H-lb. p k g .------2 1 MURRAY BROS. DISTRIBUTING GO. birthday of the national organiza­ Vincent da Paul Salvage bureau given after the 12 o’clock Mass. 29c .b. pkg___ 99c tion. and o f its charitable work. Every­ There will be no services on S t Catherine’s bridge club will ;Robert H . — Panl V. — M. T . Marmy , , The nurses present at the or­ thing you may be discarding, even Easter Sunday evening. meet with Mrs. H. Humphrey on 2 1 April 1. American Cheeie p^!’. 29c .b, pkg. $1.07 ganization meeting were Mrs. down to soiled scrub rags, assumes The Senior Girl Scout troop 36 Rose Allen, State Division of Pub­ philanthropic proportions when of Loyola will go to Pueblo over Forty-five members attended the Milk Mesdow Gold, lic Health; Mrs. Rosamond Han­ passed through the hands o f the the week end to attend the senior CPTL conference at the Sbirley- quart bottla 17c 2-qt. hot. „ 33c Savoy hotel. sen, Denver Tuberculosis society; de Paul men. Girl Scout convention. Members Hummers Delicatessen Wearing apparel that will not go V 4 . Miss Faustina Cavsjeri, Metro­ will, attend a banauet Friday eve­ Cocktail Juice 18-os. can 15c ^6-ox. ran _ . 33c politan Life Insurance .Nursing back into clothes closets is par­ ning and also a luncheon Satur­ A NATURAL AID FOR LENTEX. DISHES service: Miss Marian Grimm, Den­ ticularly needed at the bureau. day noon. Miss TarmaB, univer­ Sunnr Dasrn, ver public schools; Miss Mary Hart, regardless of condition or vintage. sity student from Estonia, will RheHmalisni Tomato Juice No. 1 san ___ 12c 48-ox. ran _ . 27c prepared ready to take home 65e up Visiting Nurse association; Miss Men’s trousers worn thin are also speak at the luncheon. In the after­ Lucille Munzer, educational direc­ welcome, for from these the seam- noon they will make a tour Kidnay-Bladder Tomato Juice no! “ ran’. 13c 47-oz. can . « 30c 311 East 7Ui Avc. KE. 1986 tor, St. Anthony’s hospital; Mrs. streues produce boya’ trousers. through the C. F. & I. mills and Matilde Taguchi, Denver Munici­ Men’s hats, coats, vests, and shirts, visit other places of interest in DiMrders Gardensids Cut, Logmn mnd Grant** , pal Tuberculosis dispensary; and regardless o f condition, are asked Pueblo. Green Beans No. 2 ran ...... 16c Kuner _____ 2 1c Mrs. Vesta Bowden, chairman of for. Those who are attending the the Public Health section of the Little boys and girls, both in Don’t neglect what Dsl Monts Diosd, 13c Kuner Si. convention are Mrs. J, Doherty, D e e C I No. 801 g ls ._____ No. S can 13c PHONE: GL. 3261 Ret. Phone I CH. 1760 Colorado State Nurses’ association. this country and abroad, need scout leader, and Margaret Burke, may aeem to be a siloes. Recently an appeal was re­ St. Joaeph’s Hospital Ann Doherty, Elaine Hilbert, Bar­ trivial ache or pain Nation’s Prldt, Whole KsrnsI 1 C ,. H'«l>»ay Crsam 1 C _ ceived for shoes and clothing for bara May, Maxine Mohrbacher, and allow a aerioua Com Golden Bantam, 12.0X. ran_____ i O C St. No. 2 ran... I D C JOE MARQUEZ Ann McKnight, instructor, is on 60 destitute New Mexico families a lecture tour over the state for Mary C. Reischman, and Patrida ailment to develop. WHOLE8ALB AND XKTAIL to whom, through the Franciscan Sullivan. Try Mountain Val­ Kunsr Big Swsat the recrtltment of student nurses. Fathers at Cerrillos, N. Mex., the Peas No. S ran 19c Sugar Belle 20c FRESH EGGS & POULTRY Mrs. Inchard Macker, the former Several of the members of the ley Mineral Water bureau shipped 40 large cartons from Hot Springs, 1346 WEST 36th AYE. DENVER, COLORADO Faye Jebms, class of *41, is office An additional quantity of shoes secretary l ^ D r . George S. Catter- W* Usk* Old Bh«** Look Uko fftw Ark., as a natural Tomatoes So“" ’« 17c No. 2H can 22c and clothing for men, women, and COMPLSTE UNB OF aid fo r stiffened mole. children was contnbuted this BHOI SUPPUBS A son of Mrs. George Evans, Joints and aching PnSsd Rice, month to the siiten at S t Wal- Quaker Sparkies r*g. pkg. — 14c Puffed Wheat _ l i e Delicious who is a seminarian at St. Thomas’ Master Shoe Rebnilder muscles. Pre­ burga’s convent at South Boulder scribed for more Hot Cross Buns seminary, will be ordained to the to enable them partially to meet 503 15th Su Phone TA. 0812 priestho^ May 81. than 75 years. WEDNESDAY, FRIDAY, A SATURDAY the heart-rending appeals from Mrs. Mary Gieger Roethi, '21, relatives in Germany. MASTER KEY SHOP Sold XzclmlToIr St Oar t StarM former VNA staff nurse, it living Even used table leaves hidden MOUNTAIN VALLEY 87 So. Broadwsy 758 So. University at 700 W. Palmer, Compton, Calif. away in many homes are appealed Several St. Joseph’s nurses in that for. They are needed in the manu­ MINERAL WATER 1550 Colorado Blvd. community have formed a circle. facture and repair o f furniture Order a Case Today Mrs. Roethi is the sister of Mrs. which is so much in demand. * VOLLMER’S BAKERY E. L. Lawless, new council mem­ Chain, of course^ are also ber. needed. It does not matter that IN Uth St. TO. SSU Daep Rock Water Do. Mary Trammell entertained St. they are broken. New parts can SBXVICB CALLS AUTO U T B Joseph’s hospital pinochle club last be turned out in the wood-working3-' HAIL OBDBBS ACCBPTBD 614-27tli StrMt TAker 8121 INTERMOUNTAIN ELEVATORS week end in honor of Mrs. Cath- shops and yean o f usefulness re­ DENVER erine Abbey, who is living in stored to them. Dresten and COLFAX MARKET Cheyenne, Wyo., and was inDan- chests of drawers, regardless of — COLFAX AT COLFAX AT ver this week. DOWNING MAKION condition, are urgently appealed FORT MORGAN Mrs. Evelyn Wright Barry will for. ■ A . A . A . ' leave in the near future to make Overcoats which will not be GROCERY AND MARKET, INC. her home in Cheyenne, Wyo. worn another winter are much in EARL BAILUE and ANDY SERFOZO, Proprietors FLOUR MILLS Phone Mrs. George Reynolds has been demand. Men going to a varieW RYAN’S FORT MORGAN TA. *1776* added to the ACCN membership of jobs in mountain areas see!ek 4058 Tejon Street GLendale 7753 Fish and Poultry BRANCHES AT— * nnB Fna committee. She Is alio chairman warm clothing at the bureau every Armour’s Fancy Laan R J o CHOICE T-BONES A E. LONGMONT . . . YUMA LOVER’S HOST 1150 of the arrangements committee. day. SLICED BACON, lb...... v O SHORT CUTS, lb...... 65' FROM COAST TO Colfax Ave. Lee Zanon received her degree Coffee Jan and glass con- Snekod Hams, 12 to C Q c A.A'.A. Special Lean HUDSON . . . HILL ROSE COAST" from Denver university this quar­ talnen o f every variety, tews jjflir*- MILLERS AND HANDLERS Of! FAST COURTEOUS FREE CJTT-WIDl 16 lbs., wholo or 14, Ib. O w GROUND BEEF. Ib...... 35' DSUVXEY ter. papen, magazines, old books, rags, RICCOTTI ej-c CHOICE GRADE POT FLOUR, WHEAT, CORN, BARLEY, SERVICE Annette Kelly, former operating pictures, mattresses, dishes, cobiok- CHEESE, lb______D O ROAST, Ib...... 45' OATS, AND MILL FEEDS room supervisor, is employed in ing, utensils and, . in fact, . every­ ever Country Shipperot the hospital at Leadville. thing, with the exception o f tin Spocial Grado A FRESH ITALIAN PEANUT BUTTER, lb. G O SAUSAGE, lb. 55' Conottpi Your Shipment To Vt The firma listed here de­ Mrs. Ruth Shannon^’was ad­ cans, will be gratefully received mitted to the hospital for the The bureau’s trucks operate in U* Stsr* Tsar Hsa fsr Bsstcr. No Chari CLARK’S FLOWERS serve to be remembered second time this month. North Denver on Monday and DUPLETE LINE OF COT FLOWERS" when yon are distributing Maribn Brown, St. James’ par­ Saturd^, in South and West Den­ AND FOTTED PLANTS ish, is a new council member. ver on 'Tuesday and Thursday, and |W* tMlrer TA. your patronage in the dif­ St. Anthony’* Hospital in East Denver and Park Hill Floral Sprayi and Cortagea ferent lines of business. Miss Dorothy Alley, alumnae every Wednesday and Friday. To ICOLFAX DRTVB-IN IISS E. COLFAX/ president, is critically ill. avoid disappointment it is import­ Miss Martha Freeland, ’44, be­ ant that pick-up calls be placed a came the bride of Capt. William day or two in advance. HOME PUHMC MARKET White Valentine day. Mrs. White The telephone number is CHerry Park Free FOR HOME OR FARM was formerly anesthetist for 1^. 6603. 0 4 . Shcq) and Save Ralph Stuck. The Whites are making their home at 7005 Stan­ ley avenue, A pt A l, Berwyuj 111. Play Spoison Thaak ROCKY Mrs. White is visiting her sister Beautiful IF FISH at 1836 Cherry street for a few Friends and Palms days. Fresh Cut Flowers IS YOUR DISH QUALITY MOUNTAIN The alumnae of S t Anthony’s The Missionary Sisters o f the training school of nursing voted Sacred Heart and the officers and MEAT MARKET to finance a nuraing applicant for members of the Queen of Heaven Large Assortment of Potted the first year of training. They arb Aid society in Denver wish to Plants and Funeral Designs Somathing New for SEED CO. establishing policies to deter-also expreu their appreciation and Denver mine whether or not the scholar­ m titu de to the public and their ship will extend through the sec­ frienda for their fine attendance I* at Yonr Sarvica JERRY BREEN Quality Meat ond and third yean. at the play in which the children The dinner dance for the 1947 of the achool portrayed the life * Popular Prieei 1947 Catalogue Still Available graduation class sponsored by the of St. FrancesI XavierXavii Cabrini. alumnae will be given in May. The play, Through Him Who Florist , CALL 1325 15th St. MA6134 Miss Lois Sawyer, ’47, has been Strengthons Mo, written by Miss added to the VNA staff. Emily Grover, was presented five 1456 CalUonila MA. 2279 Mercy Hospital times and a capacity audience was “ We’ re Qualified for Quality** Sister Mary Jerome, superin­ present for each performance. No TAbor 0322 FAGAH’S tendent of nurses, is convalescing admitsion wai charged but a gen­ “ The Whole Town’s Talking’ Spring Style Parade after surgery, erous response wai ihown in the Froa Dalivary Fise Sea Food C laiMrs. ClaireClaiMrs. Marker, ACCN sec­ silver offering. The silver contribu­ Hems FubHe Market retary, was called to Fort CoUins tion on Sunday afternoon, the last Denver 2. Cole, Starts at recently because of a oardiac at­ time the play was presented, was MA. 0541 tack of her mother, M n. J. 0. given to the Bishops’ War Relief Delivry Coming. , fund and amounted to $100. MOUNTAIN Yes We Will Have PARADISE GLEANERS! Other Hospital* Miss Pearl Wagner, Denver Gen- Cavaleri is taking Miss Herton's ADDISON’S place in the Denver office. FRUIT CO. TA. 2758 en l alumna, is a new council Qnalltr FnHa nod Vegetables Now’s Just the time to have wilted member. Agnes Lima resigned her posi­ Fresh and tsllsd NntMssts HAMS garments refreshed by our Dry Clean­ Miss Eleanor McDermott, mem- tion from the VNA to take a course Candied Prulta and Candlea in midwifery at the Catholic Ma­ Calavos ing experts so you can take the benhip chairman, Presbyterian HKXaiNO TIDBITS and also hospital, obtained M n. Emma ternity institute in Santa Fe, lead in the season’s modish N. Mex. FOR LENT SCOTCH OAT MEAL Burris and Mrs. Kathryn Tierman KONNII VEBNON BOB WEBEB HACABONI AND SFAGHITTI march. as new memben. Other members Beb Wshsr Is a rnsaktr sf I t Bess s4 • Fnah GraoaS Psoant Bnttsr And, you also can throw the include Edna Kagie and Loretta Lima Parish DoUdouB TEA und COFFEE LAMB ■pring spotlight on Drapes, Cur­ Cline. tains, Slip Covers, and Bed- EvelTO Horton, formerly super Dreads by renewingrenew them thespreads visor of the nuning service for the PARADISE way! Metropolitan Life Insurance com for Easter pany, has been transferred to Good Rakery Goods Phone FRemont 2783 Nashville, Tenn., and will serve for Piek-np Service in the same capacity, Faustina FRENCH FRIED CONVENIENT LOCATIONS ONIONS VOSS BROS. JESS Super Market CoUas at Adama FRENCH FRIED Colfax at Qatbee POTATOES DEUCATESSEN U7 E. Colfax (Dtar Catbadral) Creolo Shrimp JSth Atc. at Grant STOP! Sixth at Marion Frogen Fiah SHOP FOR MEAT HENRY'S Other GOLD SEAL «nd VA1.UES AT PRIDE HYBRIDS Lenten Foods m S*s*_provta ssiiifs^iosr la FHSIIH "Vis" SaMeaherg. Ham 0HI0A80 MARKET 3i* Ro«fc)t MOUOtSIO______SfCS. r FrosM Fooda far Yoor ’Round ApnaHta, V s^tlsi s4sp<«d h t itiiiuds spmms Sslcslsd for srsia WE SELL FOR LESS - HIg A^QUALITY - “SHORTY” THE BIG BUTTER, Wr!k/trHt/nt CtUhg. Mountam Frozen Foodi fxn \ N E W MARKET DAIRY EGG, AND CHEESE MAN — LENTEN FOOD HEADQUARTERS -^^KE. 9570 .iiAiooS wraKHSlfOtO I 416 W. Warrea PE. 7574

I 1

Thursday, March 27, 1947 Office, 938 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHDUC REGISTER Tdephone, EEystone 4206 PAGE jSEVBN

Prelate Dons Apron pinisH m rmwEii eiFTS When You Can*t Alford Disnppointment in RimiSEmEnTS—DininG Good Food and Service . i RECREATIOn TO BE RECEIVED < Dine at Theatre Holland’s LaRAY HOTEL PARK PE. 9877 IT SI. JIMES' RUSSBEiEn 1028 S. Gaylord In Golden ... for Dinner ’fharidar • Friday - Satarday, Lafayette. — The parishioners (St, James* Parish, Denver) March 27-It.2> are urged to receive Holy Com­ The following members of the You will find a nice selection of tea foods on onr menn tlmmgli Alan Ladd - William Bcndix - munion this Sunday for the free­ Altar and Rosary society will re­ Lent.. . . in addition to onr fine steaks, chops, and fried ehiekea. RESTAURAirr Brian Donlavy - Barry FiUKcrald in dom and the conversion of the ceive offeringe after the Masses TWO YEARS BEFORE Russian people, as was requested this Sunday for the flowers to be Dining Rooms open from 12 noon to 2 p.m. and 5:30 to 9:80 • BREAKFAST THE MAST by Monsignor F. J. Sheen in his used on the altars on Holy Thurs­ p.m. Mon. thru Sat, Sundays and Holidays from 1 p.m. to 9 p.m. • LUNCHEON added radio address March 16. The 7:30 day and Easter Sunday: 6:30 Tcchnieolor Faaturetta: Mass will be said for that inten­ o’clock Mass, Mrs. James Reid and "GOLDEN SLIPPERS" tion Mra. Thomas Degan; 7:30, Mriu Telephone GOLDEN 68 for reservations DINNERS Novena services in honor o f Our Vincent Halpin and Mrs. William or just drive out and come in. Sanday-Menday-Tatiday-Wcdncaday, Lady o f Perpetual Help are held Van Dyke; 8:80, Mrs. C. M. Noll Priced from 7 5 ^ March 2«-21-April 1-21 every Tuesday evening at 7:30. ami Mrs. Nick Kohler; 10, Mrs. Philip Dorn - Catherine McLeod in ' This is followed by a religious dis­ E. J. Fattor and Mrs. Charles Gar­ rison; 11, Mrs. Francis Smith and A Wid e v a r i e t y o p I’VE ALWAYS LOVED YOU cussion forum, which began with (In Technicolor) The Music of Artur Lent and has seen a constant in­ Mrs. 0. J. Schmitt; 12, Mrs. Harry THE BEST FOODS Rubinstein, World's Greatest Pianist crease in attendance and interest Bigelow and Mrs. C. H. Helman. and Mr. and Mrs. James Whitlock BOWERY BOMBSHELL The first half hour ia devoted to the subject of the evening; the announce the birth of a girl 16lh al Broadway in St. Anthony's hospital last week. MATINEES) SATURDAYS. SUN­ next hhlf hour, to questions on Tho Rt. Rev. John R. Mulroy, di­ the Mullen home for the aged, Greene s Drive-h Restaurant DAYS, AND HOLIDAYS, 2 P.H. that particular subject; and the Mrs. Whitlock is the former Betty 7 aja. to l'P .B . — 7 D»»t ■ W««k rector of Catholic Charities, at Denver, St. Joseph’s day, March Wood, daughter of Mr. and Mrs West 8th Ave. at Speer Blvd. third half hour, to questions in right above, was one of tha score 19. At the left it J. T. Glheon of general on faith and morals. The C. Wooi10 of this parish. leading priests who served the the Gibson Constructioji company. F eatu rin g.... subjects are as follows: The ex­ annual dinner for the old folks in Baptized Sunday were Wendy 5 istence of God; Jesus Christ, God Beryl Theresa, infant daughter of • BREAKFAST from 45c and Man; the : the and Mrs.^urton Smith, with Sacraments in General; the Com­ William and uosephine Parry as • LUNCHEON from 45c mandments of God; the Command­ Four Qenerations Present ark lane hotel onsors; and Donna Marie, infant • DINNERS from 65c ments of the Church. aughter of M ^, and Mrs. Hubert COCKTAIL LOUNGE Holy Week services are sched­ (. Brandon, with George and Jose­ * Booth and Counter Service uled as follows (all are held A s T tu o Qirls Become Nuns phine Anderson as sponsors. !! Music in a ' in Lafayette, unless otherwise The Tekakwitha circle met in OPEN 24 HOURS UAILY Sentimental Mood noted); Palm Sunday: Blessing e home of Mrs. James E. Feely Four generations of a family, including Mrs. Michael at 1361 Wabash street last week. For Your Convenienc* — Courteous Curb Service with the and distribution of palms will begin at 7. Waainger of Denver, were present for reception cere­ Mrs. Charles Ruwart was wel­ Confessions every day bafore monies held by the Sisters of St. Joseph of Concordia comed as a new member. Mra. Clyde Commillo the daily Maw. March 19. Mrs. Wasinger’s mother, Mrs. John P. Bollig, Robert Schell will entertain the Wednesday: Confessions from 90, of Hays, Kans., hail the privilege of seeing the fifth April meeting in her home at 1838 Quartet to 8 p.m. o f her granddaughters and the first of her great-grand­ Oneida street. Holy .Thursday; 8 o’clock High daughters received into the congregation at the same Mrs. C. M. Noll entertained the FOR SEA FOODS - STEAKS AND CHOPS Mass fmlowed by procession and ceremony. St. Theresa circle in her homo at 1 Featuring Vocals by MIKE DI SALLE all-day adoration by the parish­ The great-granddaughter, Mra. Wasinger’s grand- I860 Newport street. Eight mem­ EBtartainiag Nifhtly 8:30 P.M, to 12:30 A>M. ioners. Each grade o f the school daughter, was Miss Lucille Herman, who ia known in religion bers were present. High score was SUNDAYS 4:00 TO 8:00 P.M. will be assigned a special hour: as Sister Mary Richard. The granddaughter of Mrs. Bollig held by Mrs. J. V. Shields. The :30 p.m.. Roly Hour for all. was Miu Edna May Bell of Hays, who received the name April meeting will be held in the R e d No Cover For Beaervatioiv of Sister Ann Leonard. home of Mrs. W. W. McCaw at or Minimum The Good Friday morning serv­ 450 So. Marion ices will begin at 8 o’clock. At Other grandchildren of Mra. Bollig in the Sisters of 1796 Leyden street. Charge Phone PE. 4611 Catechism classes will be held RESTAVRAINT p.m., sermon, Stations, and Con­ St, Joseph of Concordia are Sister Adeune Marie, who will Breakfaat - Lunch • Dinner and After Midnight Snacks fessions at Erie. Tho tame services observe her silver jubilee as a nun on April 28; Sister this Friday at 4 p.m. will be held in Lafayette at 7:30 Mary Robertine, Sister Mary Florence, and Sister Rose Confirmation will be adminis­ Open 23 Hours and 58 Minutes Every Day .ro. Beatrice. tered by Archbishop Urban J. Vehr in the parish Monday eve­ Holy Saturday morning services The four generations present included Mrs. Bollig; Delightful Cocktail Lounge begin at 7 o’clock. There will be a ning, May 12, at *T :45, All chil­ HARLEY CROSS Mrs. Wasinger; her daughter, Mrs. Michael Herman; and dren of the parish who have passed 340 17TH ST. OPPOSITE BROWN PALACE HOTEL High Mass. Confessions: Lafay­ Sister Mary Richard. ette, 3 to 5 and 7 to 9 p.m.; Erie, their 10th year and who have not At the New Hammond :80 to 6 p.m. as yet received this sacrament will Easter Sunday: Lafayette: Hi^h be eligible for this class. Classes DINNER MUSIC 6 TO 8 P.M. Mass at 6 o’clock. The adult choir) GOLDEN SOCIEH PURCHASES are hmd every Friday for children All Rtqueat Mueio under the direction of Mlsa Lucille who are attending the public t to 11 PM . in tho DiGiaeomo, will sing. Miss Anna schools; those enrolled 4n the Marie Bittner is the organist. Chil NEW ALTAR OF REPOSITION neighboring parochial schools will 6 6 ^ dren’s Mass at 8 o’clock; hymns receive the necessary instruction by the children’s choir, under the in their respective schools. Classes 1 4 1 0 ” Cocktail Lounge direction of Miss Bittner; 10 Golden.— St. Agnes’ circle held S t Joseph’s Altar aociety Easter for adults will be announced lateri ’clock. Low Maas; hymns by the the montiily meeting March 20 in Sunday, April 6, at the Colorado AUDirORinil HOTEL the church hall, with Mrs. Hugh Central Power c^ p en ^ . Special­ 14th and STOUT STS. adult: choir. Erie: 8 o’clock. Low Maas; 10 Beers and Mrs. John Polosky as ties will be chicken pie, and col­ UHle Flown Guitar ’clock, High Mass. The adult choir hostesses. A social evening was ored Easter eggs for the children, will sing under the direction of enjoyed and refreshments were but there will also be many other To Field Two Ninot Jerome Kovarik. Mrs. Donna Hunt served. In the brief business meet­ baked foods in this annual pre- is the organist ing, the circle voted to purchase Easter sale. a repository altar for us* on Holy More than 78 boys have turned M,®™’yPAcross o ll/y© rie A Benedictine Father from Hoi Maria Howard Is Bride out to try for positions on two Thursday, Hostesses for the April from Crosa abbey. Canon City, wil Mias Marie Howard, daughter meeting of the group will be Mrs. Do(^er baseball teams of the Lit­ DANBY CASUAL Cosmopolitan assist in the parish work during of Mr. and Mrs. William E. How­ tle Flower Community center. The Hotel LUNCHEONS . . . 50c Holy Week aha bn Easter Sunday. William Spain and Mrs. Zeiher. Baked foods will be on sale by ard of Mead, former Golden resi­ boys will be represented in the DINNERS . . $1.00 ITp'’ I^e adult choir in Lafayette dents, was married to I. Robert Young America leame and will ractices each Sunday morning be- Taylor, son of Mr. and Mrs. I. R. piny m City park under the direc­ Tremont Cocktail Grill ore the High Mass, which u at Taylor of Golden, in St. Joseph’s tion of Coach Willie Garcia, 'for­ 10:30. More male voices are Bake Sale Slated at Italian French Specialty church before the Rev. Barry J. mer Welton Street star. Broadway needed. Wogan March 18. The bride was The new church fund is making attended by her two sisters, Mrs Offict vf tht steady prom ss. h Julesburg on ’THBASURER John Sullivan, as matron of honor, City ts4 Coanty of Dtartr rOUB PAYOUTS DAISY AND The S t Ida guild sponsored • and Miss Wilma Howard. Gordon MsnicIstI Bsildiss Tom Birke’s IC l CBBAM IPOT St. Patrick’s day card party on Miner of Golden was best man DtBTtr. Colors4t March 16 in the parish hall. Holy Saturday Nt. K-UI A reception waa held In the church NOTICE OF PURCHASE OF REAL E8- PRODUCERS DAIRY The indulgences for tha Sta­ hall following tha ceremony, and TATE AT TAX’ SALE AND OF APPU- tions this* Friday, the Feast o f the tha couple left on a wedding trip, CATION FOR ISSUANCE OF TREAS­ Roosevelt Grill Julesburg.— At a meeting in the URER’S DEED. 933 BANNOCK Seven Dolors of the Blessed Vir­ home of Mrs. George Allen, March Mrs. Taylor has made'her home TO WHOM IT MAT CONCERN, snd mort ttpteltlly to Ltna Thompton, Frank Famou* for OlrMtlr Jitnm Uit StiMt Ptvb gin, will be gained for the parish 18, the Altar and Rotary society in Golden for some time and was oners wh» died in the service of G. Riehardton, William H. Hurnat. City Tht BteteUt planned to hold a bake lale in tha graduated from Golden hii and County of Dtnvar, Tho Moffat Tnnnal FIN E FOODS the country. Safeway store ^ the morning of school. She is the second dau^- Iffiprovtment Dlttrict. LUN(3fES Holy Saturday. Tht proceeds from ter of the Howards, and is now You and oaeh of yon art hmby notifltd Cocktails the tale will be added to the new employed in a doctor’a office in that on the 23rd day of Novembar, 1927, FOUNTAIN SERVKX PTA PttI PntldMils tha Manasor of Rtvtnuo, Ex.Offlelo Trta«. Fast Courteou* Sortie* church fund; last year this amount­ Denver. urtr of (he City and County of Danvor and and the be${, in ed to $100, It is hoped that even Mr. Taylor is president of the Stato of Colorado, told at pnbllc tala to Plan Heeling Apr. 2 more will be realized this year. junior class at the Colorado echool Frank 6. Riehardton. the applleant, whh 18th and California DAIRY PRODUCTS hu made demand for a Treaaurer’i Daad, Hostesses at the meeting were of mines, and a football letterman tha followins detcribod real aatate, aitnate The PTA Past Presidents’ club Mrs. George Allen. Mrs. Victor He served three years in tho U. S In the City and County of Denver and ir w wwwww w ' will meet Wednesday, April 2, at Bellairs, and Mrs. Adolph Lanck- navy before returning to complete State of Colorado, to-wit; Lot Fire (I) riet. his college work at Mines, where and South One-Half (8 % ) of Lot Four 10:80 a.m. in ^ e H<>ly Ghost hall, (4), in Block Elsht (2), Eltctrie Heishta, BIDE-A-WEE CAFE HALL HOTEL Denver. The Cathedral members 13 Hours* Dovotyen Held he is a membar of Sigma Phi (hat laid tax lale wax madt to ttUtfy tht S AJI. TO 7)tS PJf. DAILY COFFEE SHOP will serve refreshments and pro­ The annual Thirteen Hours’ de­ Epsilon social fraternity and Blue delinquent Special taxta aueated asaintt KXCEPT SUNDAYS Key, honorary leadership socieY- tald real eatata for the yoar 1986; that taid UnStr N tv Miiwfftaint •! vide entertainment. Mrs. F. H. votion was held March 16, Tha The couple will be at home rtal aatata waa taxed in the name of Lana • BREAKFAST •LUNCHEON JOE M. BLAND, Mgr. Thompson, president, will preside. Rev. Peter J. Moran o f St. Bene­ Thompton; that the atatutory period of • DINNERS dict’s hospital, Sterling, gave the Golden. redemption expired Nov. 22, 1940; that the Hall Hotel Coffee Shop Tht llrmt lUttS hurt dtttrvt te Holy Week Services Listed tame hat not been redeemed; that aa)d 1023 Broadway KE. 9731 1221 Curtli StTMt be rtmembtrtS whta you art 4li- closing sermon, and the Rev. Emile property may ba redatmtd at any tima be. A askaaaaaaaaaab tributinc your patreutft tt tht 41f« J. Verschraeghen sang the Litany The schedule of Holy Week fort a Tax Deed It iatutd; that a T*x Daad ferent llact of bueiitttt. of the Sainta and officiated at the services follows: will bt istued to tha taid Frank Q. Rich- Benediction. The Rev. Frank On Palm Sunday, palms will be ardion, lawful holder of eald certificate, on Offict tf tht bleseed before the High Mass at 10. tho 18th day of July at 5 o’clock p.m., i h b a s u b b r Brady of Holyoke led the Rosary. 1947, unleta the tame hai been redeemed City ««d Cttnty tf Dtartr Present also were the Rev. Nor- On Wednesday, at 7:46 p.m., before 6 o’clock p.m. of taid data. MORRISON DINING ROOM Mualelptl BalMlnt bert Walsh of Stoneham, the Rev. there will be evening devotions, WITNESS my hand and teal thla 10th Dtfietr, CtltrsSt Rosary, sermon, and Benediction, day of March, 1947. A lpin e 1111HOO Grant St. Alpine 1111HOO Nt. K-427 Leonard Redelberger of Sterling, F. E. WILSON (Seal) NOTICE OF PURCHASE OP REAL ES- and the Rev. Albert Godelewski of Confessions following services. Managar of Revenue, Ex-Offieio Treoe- ANNOUNCING TATE AT TAX SALE AND OF APPLI­ Oshkosh, Neb. On Holy Thursday, Holy Com­ urer, City and (k)unty of Denver in the OUR NEW HOURS— 11:30 to 8:30 P.M. CATION FOR ISSUANCE OF TREAS munion will be distributed every State of Colorado. By Roy W. Ciat, EXCEPT SUNDAY — 1 to I P. U. URER’S DEED. Junior Newmanites TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN, and 16 minutes from 6:16 a.m. At Deputy Treaiurer. NOON LUNCH— 11)30 TO 2 P. M. ALSO ■sort ttptcUUy to Union MoTtgnft and Dia- Plan Picnic 7 :30 there will be High Mass, and First Publication March 12, 1947 count Corporatioa. “ Frank Q. T Blehardaon. procession of the Blessed Sacra­ Lilt Itoblication March 27, 1947 SPECIAL SANDWICHES - SALADS City and Coon^ of Dtavtr, Tht Moffit The Junior Newman club plana (GOOD PARKING SPACE) ’Tunnel Improvement District. ment. At 7:46 p.m, there will be a picnic to be held after Easter. Rosary, sermon on "The Holy We Still Feature Our 7-Course Dinners for 91.00 You u d each of yon art hartby notlfttd Edward Meier and Margaret San­ that on tht 2trd day of November. 1917, Eucharist,’’ and Confessions. Is o b o te rs Wo Cater to Bridge Luncheons, Weddings, Birthday Parllee, Etc. the Manager of Revenue, Ei-Officio Trena- ger, president and secretary, re­ On Good Friday, at 12 noon, orer of tha City and County of Dtavtr and spectively, announced that a busi­ MUSIC BY MUZAK CLOSED WEDNESDAYS Mass of the Presanetified will be State of Colorado, told at pubite aala to ness meeting will be held at the A PERENNIAL FAVORITE Frank G. Richardaon, tha applicant, who offered and will be followed by bott by Ott. baa madt demand for a Treaiurer’a Deed, next class to discuu plans for the Stations of the Cross, sermon, the following dMcylbod raal catote, altuate for those who like a well-bred casual , . . crease-resistant, annual spring picnic. veneration of the cross, and Con­ In the City and County of Denver and The new church fund now tebilized rayon gabardine . , . double stitched details . . . Stata of Colorado, to-wit: Lota Twanty- fessions. At 7:46 p.m. there will arrive Three (26) and Twenty-Four (21), in Block amounts to $36,068.42. With the be a musical selection, “ The Seven fine pearl buttons and cuif-Iinka . . . pink, maize . . . aqua, help of the Easter collection and Twenty-Ont <21), Iliff Uaivaraity Addi­ Last Words,” Dubois; sermon on tion, that said tax lalt waa tnada to aatlafy the self-denial Lenten folders, the and whitewine . . . sizes 10 to 20. the Passion, "Inflammatus,” Ros­ tha delinquent Special taxes aateued trustees hope to raise the total agalnat said laal aatata tor tha year IM* i sini: "Vide Domine,” Gounod; alive fund to $37,000. The house on the $12.95 “SAFEGUARDS that said rtal aatata wni taxad in tha name veneration of the cross, and Con' of Union Mortgaga and Diaeount Corpora, southwest corner will be moved fessions. tion; that the statutory Dtriod of redemp. on the first of May, and the (ion expired November 2lrd, 1941; that tht ground will be prepared to be On Holy Saturday at 7 a.m tame haa not been redaaniidl that laid jthere will bo blessing of new property may ba radatatad at any time be- marked off for the new church. fire, baptismal water. Paschal CONRAD’S Mail Order Dapt: Daavar 2, Cole. for AMERICA” fore a Tax Deed it iuuad; that a Tax Deed will ba ittutd to tha said Frank G. Ktehard- candle, and reading of the eon, lawful holder of laid eartifleate. on Prophecies, and at 8, High Mass. Encloied find ....(ehaek or monay ordar) Listen to the “Answer Program” that the 18th day of July at 5 a’eloek p.m. 1947, Estef Park Sanrices unleu the came has been tedeimad bafore Lent ends at 12 noon. Confessions at 4:80 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. On tells you HOW Communism was born, E o’clock p.m. of said date. Daaby Catnal, aiae.. ...color...., W IT N IM my hand and itsl thti 10th On Easier Announced Easter Sunday, High Mass 8 and W H Y it spreads. day of March. 1947. Low Mass at 10. Johnny Ott has lobsters F. E. WILSON (Seat) Manager of Revenue, Ex4)ffielo Trtai- Estes Park.— Good Friday serv­ shipped to him direct IS minute* of drama that thrill* and inform*— and urer, City and County of Denver In tha ices will be held in S t Walter's name (plaasa print) Stata of Oolorada. Alumnai lo Umr Talk from Rockland, Maine. makes you thankful you’re an American! By Roy W. Cast, church in Estes Park at 7:30 in Deputy Treasurer. the evening, and on Easter Sun­ These lobsters arrive alive. That’s First Publication March IS, 1947 day a High Mass will be sung at On Plaeameal Sarvios street number Tune to Station Last l^blieation March 27, 1947 10:30 o’clock, announces the Rev, one reason why they taste so Francis J. Kappes, administrator Dr. Catherine Nutterville of th|, Sunday Mass in Estes Purk, o f­ KFEL Loretto Heights college faculty other reason is the magic touch fered in the high Kbool building city stata Six Big Weekly Programs will speak on "Placement Serv­ c/u)ot during the winter months, will be ices” at a business meeting of of Johnny Ott...and the drawn celebrated in the church beginning the Denver chapter of the Loretto butter sauce... the crisp French Every Wednesday night in March and the first two Wednee- this Sunday. Mass is offered at 12 day nights in April 8:00 to 8:15 p.m. Heights Alumnae association o’clock ex(;ept on the last Sun March 31 at 8 p.m. in the K. of C. fried potatoes... and the - but 503 16th St. day of the month, when it it at 10 hall, 1675 Grant. Mrs. John Dinan words can’t describe these meals! 53 Broadway SPONSORED BY o’clock to afford parishioners .an will preside. Arrangements for 774 Santa Fq Dr. N'4 .^5->2 opportunity to receive the sacra­ Come down and find out for your­ the meeting were made -by Mrs. 3457 So. Denver Connell No. 539 ments. . Joseph E. Barry. self. Treat the family’- o r guests CONRAD’S Broadway IMMEDIATE - t o a broiled lobster dinner at... AIR AND ITRAHEB other shops In KJNIGHTS OF RESERVATIONS ARGONAUT HOTEL ALL LINES AT REGULAR RATES Where Denver’s Society Entertains for Luncheons and Dinners NO 8ERV10K CHARGE FT. COLUNS • BOULDER • MONTROSE CALL FOR SPEQAL RESERVATIONS FOR BRIDGE PARTIES, CARL STEELE COLFMBIJS DANCES AND DINNERS PHONE MAIN 8101 GRlEELEY • STERLING • FT. MORGAN WORLD WIDE TRAVEL'8ERVIOE Open every day • PrivaleDinirig Rooms Beanlifnl Ballrooau k Private Dining Room* S24 17th Btraat Pk. ALpInt tilt n27.IcfijB0Bt ?U s& ikaya PAGE EIGHT Office, 938 B annock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, E E yston e 4205 Thursday, yarch 27, 1947 Si. John’s Parish Denver Officer ALL-NIGHT ADORATION SUTED St. F r a n c i s de S a l e s ’ Takes Bride P B 10 l l ^ [ PUCKETT’S R a d io t Appliaaees IN ST. JOHN’S HOLY THURSDAY TOOLEY’S Conoco Service Salts and ServUm Dwyer Drug Washing and Greasing HONEST WORK-PAIR PRICES (St. Joha’i ParUh, Denver) guests. She was assisted by Mmes. FOOD STORE It was announced this week that Gertrude Carroll, Joseph Kava- -Cut Rate Dmgs- C tn C«U«d for tod DoliTorod St. John’s church will have Noc­ naugh, Marvin Anderson, John CHOICE MEATS . FISH FRANKLIN ANDERSON turnal Adoration of the Blessed Barry, Frank Cooke, and John Prescriptions Called GROCERIES 6th Ave at York. EA. 9932 2316 E. 6(h A n . EM. 9S86 Sacrament all night long on Holy Cutshaw. Mrs. Lduis F. McMahon For and Delivered FRESH FRUITS AND Thursday for the intention ijt and Mrs. John Toiler presided at Wines - Beei«, Etc. VEGETABLES Enchanting: : : IrrstisHbls peace. Parishioners will be asked the tea table. A social hour fol­ By Bottle or Case BIRD’S EYE FROZEN FOODS to volunteer for hour whtches lowed. (Oar Lady of Mt. Carmel Pariih, FROZEN FOOD LOCKERS OLIVER’S throughout the night. Mrs. James B. Kenney and Mrs. Denver) 1400 Sb. Broadway All other Holy Week services Edward Mdllen will be in charge Friday, March 28, is the Feast 900 So. Pearl S P .6587 will be conducted in the parish, o f the altars and sanctuary in of the Seven Dolors. Masses will RA. 2405 < 3 1 ^ 0 1 beginning with the blessing of April. be at 6, 7, 8, and 9 o’clock. Joe Dwyer Herman Lidke MARKH palms at the 10 o’clock Mass on S t Rose’s club members were The new Mass schedule will A joy to have . . . a Palm Stfliday. Palms will be dis­ Denver*8 Finest guests of Mrs. Edward Egloff for start on Sunday, March 80. The joy to wear, because tributed after that Mass and the luncheon and bridge in her home Masses will be at 6, 7, 8, 9,10, and ifi cool, comfort­ Selection o f Maues at 11 and 12 o’clock. on March 25. Mrs. Egloff and Mrs. 12 (noon). The 8 ’clock Mass will James Delohery able, so completely beautifuL Call us FISH & POULTRY Evening devotions will be held George Rothweiler were awarded be for the children. today for your RilliuK COLD WAVE. GRAIN-FED MEATS on Wednesday, Thursday, and Fri­ the bridge honors. Blessing of the palms will take 128 BROADWAY day evenings at 7:45. Confessions Mr. and Mrs. Frank Freeman place on Sunday, March 30, be­ MYLADY EDITH BEAUTY 1312 East 6th Ava. will BV heard on Wednesday, have returned from a three-week fore the 10 o’clock Mass. The sing­ Fine Food Wine and Beer Hione PE. 4629 MINNIE E. d CUnODC n U r r L Thursday, Friday, and Saturday vacation spent in Phoenix, Ariz. ing of the Passion will also take MEET YOUR FRIENDS AT JIM’S KESSEI.ER. liar. afternoons and evenings. Mrs. George McCaddon arrived place at this Mass. 2804 E. 6th Ava EA. 0788 On Holy Thursday High Mass in Denver from her home in Kan­ Persons wishing to make an of- sas City, Mo., to visit her parents, will be sung at 8 o’clock, followed ferii^ for flowers to be used dur­ Mr, and Mrs. John P. Akolt, Sr. FAST EXPERT CLEAI^mO by procession to the altar of ing Holy Week may do so as soon Mrs. Akolt has been removed to repose. as possible. her home from Mercy hospital and CIRCLE DRIVE MARKET The Mass of the Presanctified S t Philomena’s Study club will Cur Own Dry Clranlng Service ^ is recovering from a recent illness. Under New Management — R. A. ft Eve L. McDonald will be said on Good Friday at 9 meet on Friday, March 28, at 1 o’clock. Thomas B. O’Connell will arrive p.m. in the home of Mrs. Anna Plant Now In Opei alien in Denver on Saturday, March 29, 2422 East 6ih Ave. - FR. 8891 - We Deliver In a recent ceremony at St. Jo­ PTA EIm U Officers Pagluiso, 3720 Quivas street The from Boston, Mass. Mr. and Mrs. study club will not meet again Choice Meats ■ F | sh - Fmits - Vegetables seph's church, Pin% Bluff, Ark., The March meeting of St Satisfaction Guaranteed Miss Rosemary Merrill of Pine O’ Connell have sold their home in until after Easter. The members John’s PTA was held in the school the parish and will leave with Bluff became the bride of Lt. auditorium March 24 with Mrs. of the club are all busy sewing The firms listed here de­ James J. Gleason, of Denver. Mrs. O’Connell’s mother, Mrs. articles for the coming bazaar. COnOUER’ S W. D. Stewart presiding. Rose Boerum, on April 8 to make serve to be remembered The bride is the daughter of Mrs. On Wednesday, April 2, Confes­ BROADMOOR CLEANERS Mercedes Merrill of Pine Bluff. Mrs. Harry O’Rourke, chairman their home in Boston. sions will be heard, for the chil­ when you are distributing FOOD STORE Lt. Gleason is the son of Mr. and of the nominating committee, pre­ Miss Mary Campbell ^ g ers, dren from 10 to 12 a.m. and from Pickup and Ddivery Anywhere in Denver if ttimuhi A* S«»" sented the following slate of offi­ daughter of Mr. andid Mrs. ' Charles your patronage in the dif­ Mrs. Thomas F. Gleason of Den­ 2 to 6 p.m. and at 7:30 p.m. for ver. The couple are making their cers for the coming year: Presi- Stanley Rogers, and Gunther G. the adults. On Holy Thursday, PE. 8485 Burke Bros. 712 So. Pearl ferent lines of business. home in . dentj Mrs. M. L. McCarthy; vice Rahm, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fritz April 3, Holy Communion will be 171R E 6TH AVE. president Mrs. George Rock; sec­ K. Rahm o f city, were distributed at 6, 6 :30, 7, 7 :S0, and retary, Mrs. Paul Brookover; united in marriage in an informal 8 a.m. Solemn Mass and proces­ treasurer, Mrs. S. P. Newman; ceremony in St. John’s church on sion will be at 9 o’clock. At 7:30 end historian, Mrs. IHero de Luise. March 1. Father Moran officiated. in the evening there will be a ser­ Why Be Without Your Rugs? Pfc. John Zigler, This slate was accepted by the Miss Rogers had Miss Patricia mon on the Passion. On Good iMcMahan’ sl We Clean Your Rugs and Carp^ing thoroughly and members. ^ Collins for her maid of honor, and Friday, April 4, Solemn Mass of _____ sdentlfieolly on your floor— Mrs. Warren Reck, author of Miss Marifrances Kemme, cousin the Presanctified will be at 8 DRY WITHIN TWO HOURS AND READY FOR USE children’s books, gave ^ short o f the bride, was bridesmaid. o’clock. At 8 p.m. the novena in BFOWlf Harry Suit was Mr. Rahm’s best Cleaners — WITH OUR FAMOUS MULTI-CLEAN SYSTEM Denver, Pictured talk on children’s Uterature«:^ and honor of the Sorrowful Mother her young daughter, Mariori.K man, and D. Russell Ford and will be held. At 7:30 in the eve­ Your — FURNITURE SHAMPOOED — a third-grade pupil in St. John's E)red H. Kemme, uncle of the ning the senior choir will sing For Estimates Call FR. 7 4 5 9 school gave an interesting reading bride, were ushers. “ La Desolata” and the Rev. EUEPf lYeighborhood of one of her mother’s latest A reception in the home of Mr. Thomas Lo Cascio,' O.S.M., will In Army Journal and Mrs. Fred H. Kemme followed Cleaner LA PETITE CLEANERS books, The Little Lost Boy. give a sermon on the Passion of the ceKmony, and later the Wayne Jackson, soloist in the Our Lord. On Holy Saturday, 2314 E. 6th Ave. couple leNkfor the Broadmoor ho­ 1383 S. Pearl SP. 49081 (St. Elixabeth’s Parish, Denver) Cathedral boys’ choir, sang several April 5, services will begin at 7 tel in Coloraxlo Springs. They will In the Stares and Stripes, Feb. selections, and John Shibi, second- a.m. Confessions will be heard 17 issue, Pfc. John Zigler, son of grade pupil, entertained the continue on to the “ Trade Winds” from 2 to 6 p.m. and at 7:30 p.m. St. Philomena’s Mr. and Mrs. George Zigler, of 1236 in , Fla., before going mothers with a tap dance. They to where they will a d tm Lipan, was pictured in a group of were both accompanied by Miss make their home. Marsolek’w Radio & soldier students taking TIP in­ Jerry O’Neil at the piano. JACKSON’S Kathleen Ann, daughter' o f Mr. Paulettes Need SHUTTO BROS. Appliance Store structions in a class in Tokyo. The sixth, seventh, and eighth- Our Fabulous Collection Cut Rate Drugs John was graduated from St. Jo­ and Mrs. Hubert Bettridge, was FINEST IN FRUITS 2606-08 East Coifez EA. 5141 grade girls sang several Irish baptized Sunday by the Rev. of Famous Makes PRESCRIPTIONS seph’s ^high school. Ho will be melodies. AND VEGETABLES home in about a month, on leave. Charles Jones. Sponsors were John Sewing Machines FOUNTAIN SERVICE Stll E. CoUsz Numbers on the program were J. O’Malia and Myrtle Bettridge. FBEB PROMPT DELIVERT £ A 4586 FR 1909 Edward Petersen, fireman sec­ introduced by Ethel Zorichak of Michael, son of Mr. and Mrs. COSTUME JEWELRY Can SP. 3445 tXnrains A Alueeda ond class, son of Mrs. Stella Peter­ Th^^^’aulettes, a group of Regis Frss DsIItsst SS-Dsy Gaaraatse S4-Hsar SsrriM the eighth grade, who also pre­ William E. Doyle, was baptized NEXT TO BLARNEY BARBER sen of 1Q36 Navajo, returned to high BC^ol students’ mothers, sented a piano solo. Sunday by Father Moran, with Denver, spend x>ne day every week his ship, the S,S. Grand Canyon, Following the meeting refresh­ Robert Dick and Mrs. John Car- at Regis college in sewing and Alameda Drug Sioro after a leave. While overseas, ments were served by Mrs. C. A. roll as sponsors and Mary Sue mending to meet needs of the fac­ V. 0 . PETERSON. Pro*. iBLOCK Edward was received by the Pope. McFadden and Mrs. R. Knox and Dick as proxy. PELLS Mrs. John Rock, moUier of Mrs. ulty and institution. In like man­ FLORAL CO. 2412 EAST COLFAX a committee of third - grade Tom O’Hara, who has been ill ner, members of the Rera guild, Cut Rate Drugs George Zigler, has moved from mothers. in his home for the past month, is 8238 E. Colfax at Adama FEATURING Eastlake to take up residence at an orgranization composed of rela­ Fonotein Service • School SoppUee St. John's PTA was well repre­ showing improvement. tives o f the Jesuits, gather each EM. 3351 Steaks and Home-Made Pies 1236 Lipan with her daughter. S COURSE DINNEB8 sented at the Catholic Parent- Mrs. Ruth Shannon is ill in St. week to care for the altars, vest­ Yonr Business Appreciated Opp. Bine-Bird Serwd from 4 p.m. ontil A p.m. week days St. Elizabeth’s PTA Teacher league luncheon March Joseph’s hospital. ments, and sanctuaries. Alameda and Broadway Member 12 Doon antll 8 p.m. Sandays St. Elizabeth’s PTA had a good 20 in the Shirley-Savoy hotel. Dr. and Mrs. John W. Berry The untiring efforts and loyalty I Florists Telesrsph DsliTery Assoeisttea | Clossd Wednesday representation at the all-day con­ Over 65 at Altar Meeting have returned from a week’s ski­ of these groups working unceas­ ference of the Catholic Parent- Mrs. John F. Murtaugh presided ing trip to Aspen. ingly for God and His men have Fine Candies Ice Cream Teacher league, held in the at the meeting o f S t John’s Altar 13 Scouts Get Badges gone unmentioned too long, and Shirley-Savoy hotel March 20. St. and Rosary society, which was held Thirteen members of St. John’s only now, when the need has BUCHANAN’S Elizabeth's won the birthday cake, March 21 in the home of Mrs. scout troop 161 received tender­ grown greatly and a lack of ade­ Christian Bros. Wines INTEMANN’S baked for the convention by Mrs. Fred Davis. Sixty-five members foot badges and were awarded quate equipment makes their tasks and several guests were in attend­ AU PopaUr Beers Ted Clinton Manon Igcino of St. Catherine’s their neckerchiefs as members of a problem, are they appealing for We Deliver parish. Present at the conference ance. The Rev. John P. Moran (Oar Own Msnofsetare) the reorganized troop at the court assistance. were Mmes. J. J. Murphy, Walter opened the meeting with prayer, o f honor held in Gove junior high Two or more sewing machines PE. 1777 3 7 7 S o. Bdwy 3225 E. Colfax EAst 2690 Lichtenfeld, Katherine Fischer, and then Mrs. M u ^u gh thanked school March 24. Among the bo}rs would alleviate the situation and At Drastically George Zigler, George Keough, Mrs. Davis for inviting the society were Dick Cloughesy, Pat Mc­ aid immeasurably in the mainten­ Katherine Weigle, Sarah Stanley, to meet in her home. Carthy, Jack Rae, Donald Brous­ ance o f this splendid work. Any Reduced Prices M ERK’S St, James’ and Father Felix Reitlingshofer, The committee chairmen who sard, Bill Dines, Leo Horrigan, offering may be made to the Rev. O.F.M., pastor of S t Elizabeth’s. will serve for the ensuing year Paul Jacobucci, Thomas King, Paul Distler, S.J., or to* the Rev. ILSO Ear Rlni $1.00 DRUG STORE The nominating committee for were introduced as follows: Mrs. David Little, Paul Murray, Charles Stephen Krieger, SJ. (FORMERLY MAHONEY DRUG) — LENTEN SPECIALS — Hugh Stewart, membership; Mrs. 2 > a a i ( i 4 ? . the April elections includes Mrs. Sonnen, Bobbie Dan SulUvan, and tt.M O u M sUim ... $3.00 PreecrlpUona Acevrately Filled MAY WE SERVE TOUT SAFE SERVICE Robert Cody, Mrs. Charles O’­ James B. Kenney, program; Mrs. Bobby Joe Tully. Skyline Dining Room Grady, Mrs. James Hofsetz, Mrs. Ralph Dines, budget; Mrs. Clem The attractive yellow necker­ Ic. Cream — Foontain Sarviea Diamonds 12.75 Cotton* Plus-. $2.00 Phone Finnigan For 5904 East Colfax Avenue J. J. Murphy, and Mrs. (ieorge N. Kohl, deanery; Mrs. Thomas chiefs featuring an emblem de­ 1300 So. Pearl PS. 7589 Keough. O’Keefe, publicity; Mmes. W. P. picting the Mount of the Holy AUTO PARTIES LUNCHEONS DINNERS Wedding Rings TELEPHONE FR 1310 The Third Order of S t Francis Horan, Jr., and Albert DeBey, hos­ Cross were designed by the boys 12.75 CettuB* NMkUera. $2.75 TIRE, BATTERY, BRAKE OH met Sunday. The order has gained pitality, Mrs. Edward Madden, themselves. MOTOR TUNE-UP SERVICE Msnaasment: Ann and Dick Janck^ Helen L. Williams many new members in the past vigil lights; Miss F. Peavey, Eu­ Scoutmaster of the troop is Rosaries Sal. Pric. IncL Fed. Taz ROTOLO’S year. APPLIANCES The firms listed here de­ charistic; Mrs. Redmond, altar H ^ h B. McDougal, and L. W. J. A. * W . J. WOLF 796 So. Broadway REPAIR SERVICE The Holy Week schedule is as linens; Mrs. John Toner, flowers; Hickman is acting as assistant Crosses Over Quarter Century In ALL MAKES serve to be remembered follows: Mrs. John Moran, new circles; scoutmaster. Committee members St. Francis de Sales Standard Gas and Oili MO JOB TOO BIG OK Palm Sunday— Blessing o f the Mmes. Louis A. Kintzele and John who have greatly assisted in the OPEN 7 TO 7 WEEK DATS TOO SMALL when you are distributing palms before the 9:15 o’clock Toner, visiting the sick; Mrs. Roy work of re-forming the troop are Cloied AU Day Sandayi 6740 EAST COLFAX 3 High Mass. sunomnn’s Tour patronage in the dif­ G. Atkinson, homes for the meet- William Stewart, Paul Murray, DEXTER 1788 Holy Thursday— Solemn Mass ingrs; and Mrs. John Cutshaw, re­ J e W I Colfax at Newport ferent lines of business. Jean J. Jacobucci, Joseph C. Tul­ Watchmakers & Jewelers Tbs firms liatsd hmt d.Mrr* ta and procession at 8 o’clock; ado­ freshments. ly, Michael O’Donoghue, Emmett 11 ERST QflVflUO flVE. 5RI573 " bt rsmembtred wb.n you ar* dia- ration all day; Holy Hour, 7 :46 to tributlnf your patronaza to tba dif- Father Moran addressed the Cloughesy, James McNeive, and 59 So. Broadway ianat linea of■ hue bnslneis. 8:46 p.m. meeting and expressed his willing­ John Martin. Good Friday — Three Hours’ ness to co-operate with the society service, 12 noon to 8 p.m., Mass of in a project to award $100 at the Annunciation Blessed Saerament the Presanctified; “ Seven Last meeting to be held in May. Mmes. Words” and Stations; 8 p.m. Sta­ Roy G. Atkinson, Fred H. Kemme, Yes, we will have hams tions and veneration of relic of and Clem N. Kohl offered to serve IF YOU WISH TO SELL John C a True Cross. r-BISHOP’S— 1 YOUR PROPERTY as co-chairmen of this project Scholl Holy Saturday— 7 a.m., blessing Mrs. George B. Greer offered the but you better order them of Paschal candle and the other 5 e TO $1.00 STORE use of her mountain home in Bear FINliST ceremonies; 8, Solemn Mass. Biair J. KIHIeson Creek canyon for a silver tea to MEATS AND early. Easter Sunday— Masses at 6, 8, 1626 E. 34th AVE. vritb be held at a later date. 9:15, 11, and 12:16; Solemn Mass Hcintoib-Barton A Co. GROCERIES . T E L CH. 7507 Formerly Globe Realty Co. and Benediction at 9:15. Father Moran then intro^ced Friendly — Dependable — Experienced 2815 Fairfax the Rev. John Haley, an assistant DUKE’S GRILL EA 4HS 1553 Broadway TA 4235 FR. 27H Wm. McGlone Nominee at Cathedral parish, who spoke on 1,001 ITEMS 1 “ The Humanity of Christ” nNEST OF FOODS We Specialize in Pemument STOP-AMD-SHOP For Your Shopping 1 For Board of Health After the meeting adjourned Under New Manazamcnl af Rental Library Waving and Hair Styling Mrs. Davis served tea to her Convenience I SUPER MARKET DOMINIC CROW THELMA KASSON 7540 E. Colfax at Rosemary William F. McGlone, Denver Tba "Smillna Cop“ PARK HILL Catholic attorney, is one of nine WE RECEIVE NEW BEAUTY SALON — You Buy It— We deliver it— WHERE FRIENDS MEET MERCHANDISE EVERY D ATl members appointed to the new Hagus Hall Party 1523 B. 24tb Ava. TA. 3243 BOOK STORE THELMA EASSON, Manatsr DE. 1581 - 1532 state board of health by Gov. Lee Shop BlSHOrS Often MARGARET GRINSTEAD 2874 COLORADO BLVD. Knous March 21. The nominations 4624 E. 23rd Ave. DE. 1361 PHONE DEXTER 1183 were sent to the Senate for con­ Set for Mar. 29 DENVER. COLORADO firmation. Mr. McGlone, one-time St. Joseph’s Parish city manager of revenue, has been •'There's No Fuel DRUGS rn’ o ^ V E B (Aanunclation Paruh, Denver) Like an Old F u ^ The firms listed here de­ PREPARE FOR active on Dr. Florence Sabin’s SINCE 1914 post-war health committee and is The Altar and Rosary society serve to be remembered will hold its annual ham and chairman of her legislative steer­ DOWIVING when you are distributing SPRINQ NOW NATIONAL Bob & Van’s ing committee. ames party at Hagus hall on iaturday, March 29, at 8:30 p.m. Coal & Hardware Co. J g jto K otok* your patronage in the Bailey’s Texaco Service MEAT MARKET A ton o f coal and many other, 28th and Fairfax valuable prizes will be given away. 3260 Downing TA. 2515 3431 PRANKUN gT. ferent lines of b u sin g .’ BRANDS STORE 744 Sanu Fo Drive H«vly Ghost FR. 9924 HIGH GRADE MEATS The co-operation o f all is solicited PHONE TA. 9104 . in m&king this party an outstand­ VEGETABLES and GROCERIES ing success. FRESH FISH * Holj Family PHONE) MAin 6066 JOE LOFFREDA 741-743 Sanu Fo KE. 0747 GOOD CLOTHES NEED St. Anne’s circle wiU meet in n o t BE EXPENSIVE the home o f Mrs. Andrtw Dem- shki, 2545 Clermont, on Tuesday, M CORN FED HEATS AAA Landscaping Co. April 1, at 1 o’clock. 0 K 1 POULTRY AND FISH J Landscape Designing Call THE A bazaar meeting will be held Traaa'iiad Sbmba Triiamed and Ramoved and Sprayiny Lawiu and Flowar Bada Thursday evenii^ at 8:16 o’clock CLEANERS A DYERS 1 TENNYSOX 900 E. 12TH AVENUE STOVERS in Hagus hall. 'The bazaar will be BOOK TOUR ORDERS EARLY BONDED AND INSURED IRA T. THOMAS, Prap. CUT RATE ENGLISH held July 31 and Aug. 1 and 2. 1 Meat M arket VICK’S The LCBA ^ 1 meet in Hagus IRay We Serve You? 1 4016 Tennyson GR. 0443' hall Tuesday, April 1, at 2 p.m. WINES, BEERS, E T C DRUGS TAILORS 4120 Tennyson GL. 5084 901 FIFTEENTH STREET ROCKY MOUNTAIN NURSERIES Bottle or Case Ws HMt sr Bast AD Fr. MeCallin lo Be Adrtrtlssd Drsf Pricss Combine (duality and Style “ T o p s’Em We Deliver Prescriptions at at Prices You CCan Alford ' Aid Heeling Speaker For Quality Bakery Goods Woodman P(|fiiinacy Try with SUPERIOR NURSERY STOCK from 238 Santa Fe Drive Lower Prices 4400 Tennyson'" GR. 1321 EVERGREENS to FRUIT TREES and m SANTA FK St, Vincent’s Aid will meet at — ROSES. KE. 6532 KE. 7943 St. Joseph’s Parish the home of Mrs. W. Fountleroy WEISSBAKERY l i e Sick ^ Are Never Onr Landieape 1 ^ will call at yonr bomt if yaa Bead help in dealgniac yonr croonda. (POUSH) Arnold,. 2400 E. 13th avenue, 4024 Tennyson St. * R e fill^ at This Store Denver, Tuesday, April 1, at 2:80 BUILDERS of ORNAMENTAL LAWN, CYCLONE. p.m. Miss Eva Walsh and Mrs. PICKET and PINECRAFT RUSTIC FENCES at lowar P^eat and on EASY TERMS If you wiab. The firms listed here de­ Fred Kimme will be co-hostesses. Watkins & Sons The Rev. Fred MeCallin of the JDry Goe

Coach Larry Varnell'and members of the Regis college Boxing is the best minor sport a school can have. That is basketball team will be honored at a dinner to be given by Of 1 1 Oenver Schools the conviction, strongly held and eloquently defended, of the Regis Men’s club Monday night at 7:30 o’clock in the Morrey Pade, Denver policeman, who is acting as match­ college dining hall. maker for the AAU-Parochial league boxing tourney. Jay Ambrose, Denver business man and owner of the “ Boxing trains an athlete in timing and co-ordination, Denver Nuggets, will be guest speaker, and the program will Morrejf; ^ade, Matchmaker, Schedules Record the fundamental elements of all sports,’’ said Pade in an in­ be highlight^ by the awarding of sweaters and letters to terview this week. “ I don’t know of another sport that re­ the team members. The Rangers recently completed a suc­ Number of Bouts to Determine High quires as much emphasis on these fundamentals or develops cessful season that saw two of the them so thoroughly. And I’m not Tourney Entrants players, Harvey Moore and Bob School Obempions alone in my conviction. There are Tourney Entrants Fisher, leading^ the entire Rocky plenty of college coaches who en­ courage their athletes to go out Mountain area in percentage of Plenty of fistic action is promised to followers of Paro- points scored per game. for boxing to sharpen th^ir talents Guests at the dinner will in ial league athletics and to ring fans in'general by the of­ for other sports.’’ elude athletic coaches from a)l ficials of the^ annual AAU-Parochial league boxing tourna From his experience on the Den­ Catholic high schools of the city, ment, slated "to begin Thursday night at 7:30 in the West ver police force, of which he has newspaper and radio represei)ta- high gym. An estimate issued 'Tuesday by Matchmaker Mor- been a member for 11 years, Pade tives, and members of the cojjfcge cited other arguments to support faculty. « rey Pade placed the number of bouts in the tourney at 117, a his belief. H6 feels that boxing Stephen L. R. McNichw, Re­ near-record total. is a personality aid second to none, gis ’36, president of tljy^ Regis At least 20 bouts will be fought the first evening, and an excellent weapon in combating Men’s club, which is com/osed of the remaining fights of the first juvenile delinquency. Only dis­ alumni and friends of the college, and following rounds will take advantage of the sport, according will preside at the dintir/r. place Friday evening, Saturday to Pade, is the fact that it re­ It will be the first, opportunity Parish Loop afternoon, and. Saturday evening. quires expert supervision, al­ for a large group of dub members Trophies, furnished by the AAU, though, granted that supervision, to meet two recent additions to will be awarded after the windup it is no more dangerous than any the college staff, Ed Williams, bout Saturday to the final-round form of athletics popular in Holy Cross ’29, publicity director Revises Plan victors. America. and alumni seer^ ry , and John A. Entfants in the tournament Fade’s belief in the varied val­ Flanagan, Re|^s ’43, graduate have been classified on the basis of ues of the squared-circle sport is manager of ^nletics. experience in order'to avoid over Shown above in fighting >tti- 30s. Both lads are entered in the based on long experience. In the Reservations for the dinner may For Softball matching any of the fighters, and tnilo are Norman left) and Albert AAU - Parochial league boxing middle 20s lie was amateur middle­ be made b^^^^calling GL. 3633, ext. trophies will go to the champions Jenkins, beira to the great tradi­ tournament, and will fight under weight champion of Denver, but 17, during the day or SP. 8332, in both the experienced and nov tion establiabcd by Ham Jenkins, the banner of Annunciation high despite hiq^ prominence among the during the evening. At a meeting held in the past ice classes. Five of Denver’s pa tbeir uncle, a great Colorado school. “ simon-pure” he never took out week the Catholic Parish league rochial high schools have organ­ 1>oxer of tke late 20s and early a profeissional license. abandoned its plan for a “ major’’ ized the sport on a team basis, Pade quit the ring in 1929. but Pete Lombard, Holy Family higb softball league and adopted a more and all five number former cham­ continued his association with the Gtl Mar«t, Annunciation klfh Slovenes Flee informal program in its place. The pions on their rosters. Cathedral sport as a coach and manager. He Rev. James Moynihan, director of and Regis f il t e r s will enter the Wildcats Take City Title entered several teams in the DAG the league, said that the decision tourney individually, together with tournaments, and from 1927 to ^"ds With Famed was made because of the heavy boxers from four public schools. 1935 handled a West Denver en­ expense involved in setting up try in the Elks tournament each league to play under the lights. The Jenkins’ Nephews Carder In Junior Basketball Loop year. Among professional hope­ image of Virgin outlay for uniforms and entrance An indication of the cniallty oi fuls that have fought under his fees would have approached $500, ring fare to be provided for fistic management are Leonard Videtich, Zurich, Switzerland.—The tragic a sum beyond the resources of most minded fans is given by the head­ S t Catherine’s Wildcats added p, ii-b. The St former lightweight champion of flight of the Slovenian Franciscan of the parish societies entered in line entries from Annunciation another championship to their list Joseph squad doubled its scoring Colorado; and Willy Williams, who friars and the entire population of the league. high. The Cardinal sluggers will be of 1947 triumphs last Friday aft­ output in the closing periods, but once held the Colorado welter­ four largo communities, bearing Under the new plan the leag^ue’s led into action by Albert and Nor­ ernoon by downing St. Joseph’s S t Catherine’s cagers kept an weight title. the miraculous statue of the games will be played on Sunday man Jenkins, nephews of Ham (Redemptorist) squad, 18-16, in edge down to the final gun. A member of Holy Family par­ Blessed Virgin from the of afternoons at the Regis field. There Jenkins, one of the greatest and the Regis gym. The ^m e, largely Top scorer for the winning team ish, Pade is assisting Joe Fanning, Kostanjevica, to , to escape will be no entrance fee, and uni­ most popular fighters in Colorado a defensive contest, in which St. was Collins, who poured m six Tiger coach, in the training of the forces, of Marshal Tito, was forms will not be required. Though history. Professionals who have Catherine’s represented the North points, and Captain Leo Kennedy, Holy Family high school’s entries described by an eyewitness in a no definite schedule arrangements seen the pair in action have de­ side and St. Joseph’s the East side, besides racking up four points for in the AAU-Parochial tourney. letter to the Swiss newspaper, Afeue have been made. Father Moynihan clared them worthy of the Jen­ was the play-off tilt for the city the Wildcats, played an outstand­ Married for 18 years, he has four Zuercher Nachriehten. predicted that play would not be­ kins tradition. championship of the Junior Paro­ ing floor game. Ortiz, with nine children attending the Holy Fam­ chial league. That the people wereTdetermined gin until the early weeks in June, The AnnuQciation team is being points, was the S t Joseph star and ily schools. to avoid the Red Yugoslav yoke, to avbid conflict with the Parochial trained by “ Hap” Volosin, assisted Keep Scoring Edge the game’s highest scorer. the writer declared, was shown by Baseball league. by Phil Grommet, Sr.; Kevin Fee- JUNIOR PAROCHIAL LEAGUE the manner in which they aban­ ly, and Bill Carver, Among other Throughout Game 1947 BASEBALL SCHEDULE doned everything. Homes, farms, standout sluggers in their stable The Wildcats took an early lead NORTHSIOE DIVISION PAROCHIAL BASEBALL W m Ic of April 13 and camps were deserted, cattle LEAGUE are Gil Mares and Jpe Garcia, both in the game and were ahead by a He Came te Beg; St. Catharine's va. St. Clara's silaughtered, and property was OFFICIAL 1947 SCHEDULE titlists last year; Tony Riedel, Joe comfortable six-point margin at the SL Dominic’s va. Mt. Carmal team burned. The migration consisted April 13 Guerrera, Joe Goboteo, Dexter close of the. first quarter, which Holy Family team vt. St. Vincent’s of all classes, townspeople, in­ St. Francia’ va Mullaa hifh Woods, Art Trayello, Gerald Ara­ ended ?A . They retained the ad­ Answered Nun’s home Dan Lucy, St. Joseph’s St. Joseph's va. Holy Family loam Presentation team vs. Assumption team Goorf* Webber, Mullen bifh tellectuals, peasants, and workers. Annunciation team va. Cathadral gon, and Johnny Stubert. vantage through the second period, Week ot April 20 April 20 and the second half began with Presentation team vr. St. Dominic's Bishop McEntegart Calls The decision to take the image of Bulldogs Hava Four Champa SL Clara'a va. Hoiy Famiiy toam the Blessed Virgin/to the Italian St. Francia’ va. SL Joaapb’a Linguist Need Virtues Basis of Living Annunciation team vs. Rcfia Topping the list of entries from St. Vlncent'a boma vs. St. Catharine’s Collegians He^ur Gorizia was made itfter.the people Mullan biyhi va. Cathadral St. Joseph’s high is a quartet of Truman Ordurs Drive Ml Carmel team va. Assumption team April 27 Week of AprU 27 had told the Franciscans they former champs, Kenny Milne, Ray St. Dominic’s va. Assumption team wished it saved from possible dese­ Annunciation team va. St. Joaoph'a Philadelphia. — A formidable Buffalo. — “ The things upon Rafis va. Mullan hisb Marquez, Jerry Johnson, and Dan St. Catherine’s ve. ML Carmel team Vocation Talks cration. The ^ t u e nad been lo­ On Reds in Govemmenl array of languages and national Preaentetion team va. Holy Family which man lives and progresses, Cathadral vs. Holy Family team Lucy. Bulldog fans expect a tro­ cated at Kostanjevica lor hundreds May 4 bapl^ounds entered into the so­ taam the things on which civilization is Annunciation team va. St. Francis* phy from Andy Davis, 168-pound lution of a linguistic problem that Sl Clara’a ve. St Vincent'e home of vears and thousands of pilgrims Washington.— Preaident Harry Week of May 4 (Loratto Haights Collaga, DenTcr) Holy Family team va. Racia slugger. Other veterans on tne St. preeented itself to Mother Anna built and by'which alone it can en­ had visited it annually. MuUan high va. St. Joaoph'a St. Clara’a ve. ML Carmel team Vocation week activities at the Joseph squad, coached by Fete S. Truman has ordered an all-out Dengel, Superior General of the Presentation team ve. SL Vincent’e dure are the intangible and spirit­ The Slovene situation has Mav II Steffen, are Jim Eberley, Steve Mullan high va. Holy Family team drive to purge the government Medical Mission Sisters. home college opened Wednesday morning ual things of life, the elements of brought about the organi»tion of Smith, Aaron Montoya, Charles AsBumptlen tBam vt« St. CtthtrinB's Rtgis va. St. Joaaph'a of subversives— Communists, Fas­ with a symposium of three talks love and sacrifice, of justice and the “ Friends of Christian Trieste,’’ Catbodral vs, St. Francis' Lansville, and Clyde Latzer. New­ Herself an American bom in Holy ramilynily toam vt. St. Dominic't WMk of May 11 honor,’’ Bishop Bryan J. McEnte­ approved by Bishop Antonio San- May IS comers to the squared circle are cists, or any other kind— and keep the Austrian Tyrol, Mother Dengel given by the entire studeht assem­ tin of Trieste and affiliated with Annunciation team vs. Holy Family received a letter in Portuguese St. Cathotina’t vt. St. Domlnic't gart of Ogdensburg asserted in his team Salvado de Carlo, Chuck Herra, them off the payroll o f govern­ Mt. Carmtl team vt. Holy Family taam bly. The program chairman. Miss Catholic Action, the report said. from a priest in Brazil. No one Atiumptioo taam va, St. Vincaat^t address to more than 1,000 Ladies St. Joseph’s va. Cathadral Larry McGreevey, Frank Pom- ment agencies from now on. He Margaret Sullivan, vice president of Charity at the annual Com­ It aims at making Venezia. Giulia St. Francis' vs. Regia ponio, Richard Ochs, Richafd at the mother-house could trans­ boma munion breakfast here. the .bulwark of a Christian Italy May 25 set new standards of loyalty for late it, but just then Father St. Clara't vt. Praaaatatioa taam of the alumnae association, was in­ Mullan high va. Annunciation team Abeyta, and Steve Luciano. Waak of May 18 and'the West against the advanc­ government workers so drastic Laurence Mahn from Macao, Attumptlen taam vt. Holy Family taam troduced by Miss Betty Jane Bishop John F. O’Hara, C.S.C., Cathedral vs, Ragts Ray divas and Bob Anaya are ing forces of Red Yugoslavia and St. Francis’ va. Holy Family team that even "sympathetic associa­ South China, walked in to discuss St. Vincant*t homa vt. Mt. Carmal Strauss, student chairman. Ar­ of Buffalo was the celebrant of Mullen high’s chief hopefuls since Russia. [NCWC Wire] Tima o( gamaai 13 noon, 2 p.m., and tion’’ with any group held to be with Mother Dengel means for aid taam the Mass which preceded the break­ 4 p.m. both annexed trophies in last St. Catb«rine*t vt. Pretaatatloii Uam rangements for the program were inimical to the American system ing the 7,000 destitute orphans St. Clarm*! va. St. DomiaU't fast, and Bishop Joseph A. Burke, year’s fighting. Both are fast hit­ under the direction of Mrs. T. B. Auxiliary of Buffalo, assisted. Abbot From Hungary is grounds for discharge. under hie care. The letter from Weak of May 2S ters and cool ring workers. Tl^e PrateatatloB team vt. Mt. Carmel team Burriite, executive secretary of the The President, in effect, made Brazil? Oh, yes, Father Mahn En Route to Brazil Ineorporation of GWV Mustang boxing class also includes could translate it! Portuguese is Ataumption team vt. St. Ctarm'i alumnae association. Bert Olivas, Bob and Gene Ben­ it clear that he is as determined to St. Vinceot't heme vt. St. Demloic*t EXPERT WATCH REPAIRING Budapest. — Abbot Krisostom the second language of Macao, Holy Family team va. St. Catherine*! Speakers included an alumna son, Lou Gusman, Ray Gonzales, stamp out subversion in the gov­ Keleraen of St. Martin’s abbey in Is Urged in Congress which is a Portuguese possession who talked on marriage. Miss Ma­ Pannonhalma, Hungap^, has left Bill Smith, Joe Valardi, Greg ernment at home as he ii eager Alfred M. MOSER to combat Communism elsewhere. Father Mahn ie a native of EASTSIDE DIVISION rie Smith, director of the Colorado for Brazil where he will conduct a Schel, Louis DePaemelere, Jack Hongkong and has been laboring Week of April IS Child Welfare bureau, who dis­ Room 204 Washington. — Rep. Thomas J> Dunnebecke, Ray Cordinaz, John­ Annunciation taam vt. St. Philomena*t visitation of the Hungarian Bene­ the Gremlin contenders for individ­ in Macao for the past 36 years cussed the field of social work, Telephone KEystone 7873 dictines. He is expected to return Lane of Massachusetts has intro­ ny Maes, George Webber, Tony St. Louit* vtp Blatted ^erament team 15X0 CHAMPA ST. DENVEK duced a bill to provide for the In­ ual championships. The St. Francis He is pastor of two parishes, the St. Vincent ^ PauTt vt. St. Jotepb*a and Mjss Rita Abegg, who consid­ in time for the election of the Vargas, Rudy Alira, George Mc- chaplain of Sacred Heart college, St. Jobn’t vt. Loyola ered medical technology. WALK UP AND SAVE corporation of the Catholic War Cready, Tony Valasquez, Bill sluggers put on an impressive card Abbot Primate in Rome, some charged with the spiritual care of Week of April 20 Veterans by Confess. The organ­ Praetor, Jimmy Johns, Ross Mar­ for the Knights of Columbus at a St. Pbilomeoa't vt. Loyola Vocations in the field of science seven months hence. two leper colonies, and also chap­ ization was founded in 1935 by the tinez, Jim Smith, and Joe Miller. smoker held several weeks ago, St. Joteph*t vt. St. John*t will be explained to freshman Rev. Edward J. Higgins, an army and the form displayed in the in­ lain of the orphanages conducted Annunciation team vt. Bleated Sacra­ chemistry students by alumnae WEDDIIVG Ex-Navy Bexar la Coach * ternecine battles ^ v e promise of by the -CanoMlan Sisters. ment team BOWLINR chaplain in World war I. St. Louit’ vt. S t Vincent de Paul'* next Monday evening following ANI^OUl^CEMENTS In introducing the measure, Mr. Jim Moore, ex-nayy boxing crowd-pleasing action in the AAU- Father Mahn came to this coun Week of ApHl 27 supper in the student union rooms. champ with a long string of vic­ Parochial tourney. try to petition aid for his 7,000 St. Louit* vt. St; Jobn’t Speakers will include Mrs. Ruth FIVE STYLES AVAILABLE KNIGHTS OF Lane told of the work that the Annunciation team va. St. Vincent de CWV have done for veterans of tories to his credit, will enter a The Holy Family high boxing starving charges. The housing Paul's aginsky of the Mercy school of Frank Mancini Press COLUMBUS LEAGUE every race, creed, and color, and strong St. Francis’ squad in the squad, coached by Joe Fanning shortage is so bad in Macao that Loyola vt. St. Jotepb't nursing, speaking on collegiate Frank J. BeJmonta, M^r. for men in the service. He cited tourney. Barney Gaffey, Bob Smi- and Morrey Pade, will feature Father Mahn has to house his Blotted Sacrament teem vt. St. Philo- nursing programs; Miss Natalie 3630 Osage St. GR. 0768 the praise given them by military lanic, Tom Young, And Joe Hart­ Pete Lombard, Ralph Beminzoni, orphans in two unused factories. mena't Swan, former dietitian at the Wal­ Team Standings Week of May 4 and national leaders. ford are the most experienced of and Tom Martelon. Even rags are a luxury. Sl. Jotepb't vt. St. Pbiiomena't ter Reed hospital, on dietetics; W. L. Avg. St. John's vt. Bleated Sacrament team W.ardsni ...... i.iL.------62 29 784 Miss Frances Quinn, medical tech­ Ntvisaton ...... Li^ola vt. S t Vincent dt Paul's nology; Miss Rosemary Witherow, ------49 82 794 Annunciation Uam vt. St. Louit' Daputlaa ___ _ ------47 14 792 industrial chemistry; and Dr. Jean Chanetllora ...... ____ 46 36 770 Woek of May 11 Loyola vt. Blatted Sacrament team Guards ...... ------19 41 769 St. Francis^ High School Boxing Team McMahon, medicine. Send Your Boy to Trustrss ...... — 88 48 782 St. Vincent de Paul's vt. St. John's All students have been invited Grand Knishts ___ St. Joseph's vt. Annunciation team ------81 60 768 St. Louit’ vt. S t Philomena’s Secretaries 28 58 789 to the function, which is being di­ Week of May 18 rected by a ^oup of freshman Individual Standings Annunciation team vt. S t John's Games Avg. Loyola vt. St. Louis' science majors. Chairman is Miss Kavanaugh, Chan. ______46 182 St. Vincent de Paul's vt. S t Philo- Bertha Culig, assisted by Misses Butts, Dep ...... 76 179 Btna't Janet Harenza, Mary Margaret Scherrer. Wat...... 69 177 BUtaed Sacrament team vt. S t Jo- Grindinger, Jane Koelbert, and Carr. Guardi ...... 72 175 toph't Lauvetx, Trus...... 66 171 PLAYOFFS— May 29 or SO. Mary Frances Campbell. La Uotte. See. ______68 168 Fisher, Nav...... 78 167 K. Mariacher, Chan. ______81 187 Reilly, Trus...... 61 187 ATTENTION YOUNG MEN AND WOMEN Near Koeky Mountain Na­ Kruse. Dep...... 76 164 T. Berlin, Dep...... 81 188 tional Park in the heart of Mulligan, Nav. ______76 182 Business Needs You—If You Are Trained Moran. Guardi ____ 88 182 America's most majestic Coupe, Nav...... SO 162 Our Streamlined Butinete Courie* ITill Fit You Ramsey, War______81 180 for a Poiition in the Minimum of Time mountains. Alff. G. K...... 80 180 Day. Nav...... 68 159 McKenna, Sec...... 72 158 C 44 C N 5 O M Alcorn, G. K...... 67 167 Hariaux. Chan,______72 }S6 RETARIAL SCHQOG Cuba. War. ___ 78 156 Dm Prijatu. See. ____ - ______46 165 1232 PENN DENVER KE 1448 Open This Summer Swigert, Dep...... ______72 151 Dehmer, G. K...... 72 150 Milla. Sec...... 6 ISO Kane, Trus. _____ 78 149 Miller, True...... 67 147 Korpal, Trus______69 147 Mason, War. 78 146 Setaro, Chan...... 78 146 Mr. Alvin Cohen July 6 to Aug. 24 A. Wagner. War...... 68 145 Debague, Chan. __ 80 141 Norton. Guards ______69 189 Announces the purchase and St.'S a W eek Allen. Dep...... _____ 88 188 lasillo. Guards ._. _____ 78- 182 Reichardt, Dep, „ ____ 9- 132 personal management of the J. Berlin. G. K. .. ____ 78 180 Jarratt, Sec. _____ ...... 21 128 Lerg,' N a v ...... ___ _ 78 no Rowe, Guards ____ ...... 8 no Wm. Bensev Cigar Shop Under personal direction of High Individual Game Day .._....______258 822 17th St. (Boston Bldg.) MA. 9655 RT. REV. MONSIGNOR Carr ...... 266 Al« ...... 248 JOSEPH BOSETTI High Individual Series Carr ...... 841 Cttitom Cigars for the Custom Trade Care of Chancery Office Plaher ______882 La Motte______609 Butti ___ 809 High Team Game ' 1536 Logan Wardens ...... 985 Shown aboTo is S). Francis da SaUs’ boxing aqnad, mombara Dick Talbott, Bud Schmitz, Jack Andraat, Ed Day, Joe Schiel; The World's Finest / Navigators ...... 933 of which staged a card of three-round no-deciaion bouts March 10 second row; Chuck Mulquaen, Bob Wonxingar, Gerald Knight, Phil Denver 5, Colo. Seeretarics ______982 te provide entertainment for a smoker held by the St. Francis Miller, Mika Casey, Mike Carroll, A1 Sebwindt, Phil Watson; kneel­ High Team Series Holy Name society. Left to right, back row, are Ray Thorpe, ing, front row, Woody Wilson, Barney Gaffney, Joe Hartford, Bob Cigars - Tobaccos - Pipes Guarda ...... 2,694 Wardens ______1,871 Jim Hegge, Den DuBoii, Bob K«Jubek, Jim Owsley, Jerry Guerin, Smilanie, Tom Young, and Coach Jim Moore.— (Photo by Robort D. JChansallors ...... - 8,818 Dick CMsiilyt Bob Yeuagi third rowi J ia Morkay, Read Mitchell, Lluako). ------■ — ------1------

1 ; J iL PAGE TEN Office, 938 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, K E ystone 4208 Thursday, March 27, 1947

Embattled Hungary Church Honored for USO Work Corporate Cominunipn Held ALTAR BREADS Whai is 80% Collision SEWING LIttJa GIrli* OrtwM. EmbraUny. Just what is this 80% collision By Young Ladies’ Sodality Uanecrtaiiiic, Etc. . ^ policy we hear so much about? Carries on Mission Work . V ------THE SISTERS OF THE Simply this— State Farm Mutual pays 80% of your collision bills (St. Patrick’s Parish, Denver) (Marguerite Carroll) are the par­ GOOD SHEPHERD from one dollar up to $250 and Budapest.— Recent Catholic ac­ thedral of Gyoer, which began the The Young Ladies’ Senior so­ ents of a girl, bom on Sunday, TELEPHONE PEARL 24tl 100% of all over that amount tivities in Hungary were hi|;h- ten-week religious celebration in dality held its March 'meeting March 16, in St. Joseph’s hospital. Phone or write your nearest State lighted by a huge mission meeting th« Cathedral to mark the anniver­ March 13. Corporate Communion The infant is the first grandchild Farm Agent today. in the Hungarian capital at tyhich sary of the bringing to Hungary of was held on March 16. Miss Doro­ of Mrs. Anna Carroll of this par­ Cardinal Joseph Mindszenty, Pri­ a specially venerated picture of thy Negri, prefect, is sick in her ish. A. H. ERPELDINO mate of Hungary, pointed out that the Blessed Virgin and the' Holy home. R . P . M . 212 PitUnon BMt* Holy Hour will be held oi^’ Fri­ CHERRY tSSS ALPINE 62S2 the country is continuing its for­ Infant by the Irish refugee Bishop A meeting of bazaar workers day afternoon at 3 o’clock. LOAN & FINANCE eign mission activities despite the Walter Lynch during the reign of will be held on Friday evening Daily Masses during Lent are STATE FARM INSURANCE COMPANIES poverty of the persecuted Church Cromwell. after Lenten services. A fine at­ offered at 7 and 8 o’clock. Lenten ^ CO. o( BloominKten, Illinoli at home. Some 13.000 received Com­ tendance is urged because com­ services are held every Wednesday Th* World’i Larsett Auto Iniuranc* Co, The Cardinal, as a parish priest, munion in the mission and about mittees must be organized to func­ and Friday evening at 7:45 o’clock. LOANS educated four poor boys for the 26,000 marched in a candlelight tion before the bazaar. The date A. Casagranda is recovering riesthood. They are now all la- procession. Bishops Coloman Papp will also be set. from recent illness. OF ALL KINDS oring in the Taming mission in of Coyer and Alexander Kovacs of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Losacco The St. Patrick’s day games Szombathely, two Abbots, and a PE. China. party was a success and the Holy Suite 1, 312 17th Su PE. large number of the clergy parti­ 4679 4679 Some 18,000 HungRnRHSf mostly Catholics Predominate Name society is grateful for the MA 6571 COAL of the laboring class, took part in cipated in the celebrations. attendance. Widat and Harris In New Belgium Cabinet HIKE MARTELU the three-day mission in the Ca- New Publication Launched The Rev. Edward Prinster of Lump and Est----- $10.60 at. Jimt* Btdc. (Upp. Brown P tlin The newly launched publication Brussels.— Paul Henri Spaak Steamboat Springs was a guest at Ratel) on ITth St, Wash and Eacit ^ $8.25 Irish Bishop Is Given the rectory last week. Lump and E f i ...... of the Liberty party. Tomorrow, formed a new Belgian cabinet 2H'' Daubls Scrrtn U . S . Medal of Freedom declared in its first issue that it Not ______— $6.95 stands for Christian morali^. Out­ here consisting of eight Socialists Belfaat.^The Most Rev. Neil lining the party’s policy, Desider and nine Social Christians, the! Sulyok, the paper’s editor-in-chief latter the Catholic party. No You can be the HIT OF THE EASTER PARADE SUPREME GOAL GO. Farren, Bishop of Derry, was given and leader of the Liberty party, Communists were included. Spaak 1144 So. Pennsylvania . . . if you have your old outfit Sanitone cleaned NOW. the U.-S. Medal of Freedom, with the largest party of the opposition, holds both the premiership and the foreign ministry in the new For Sanitone cleaning refreshes colors, restores textures, Silver Palm, in recognition of his declared: “ Our political creed is renews fit and style . . . and the press stays in. City-Elite’s efforts for the spiritual welfare of based on the development of a government. He is also president Optometrist and Optician of the UN General Assembly. amasing Sanitone service actually makes dresses, suits, and American troops {tationed in Christian morality, pure democ­ coats look, foel, and fit like new! Enjoy Northern Ireland during the war. racy, and social betterment.’’ that “ first time I wore it’’ feeling again in Helen Walhh The pre-sentation was made by The editor of a Socialist paper New Jersey Nun Author ^ Tbg Major General Clayton I. Bissil, the Easter Parade — Have your clothes AiuMHat# has demanded the remoVal of the Of Non-Religious Novel SANITONE cleaned . . . C l , ” ”’ who flew from London for the pur- statue of the late Bishop Ottocar W. R. iOSEPB ose. Bishop Farren was Vicar ProhaSzka, great proponent of so­ Lakewood, N.J.— Sister M. Con- For Flek-sp and Dslivtri Strviot jast call s!YK8 EXAMINED lelegate of the U. S. forces in solata, iiistmctor in English in «*c;. cial welfare, from the public gar­ John C. Moody, director of the he took charge of the largett club ^ Una, Phont .^tAbitt ISSO Northern Ireland, representing den of Budapest Georgian Court college, is the au­ Cardinal Francis Spellman of New USO dob in Santa Fa, was made in the ttate of Wathington, where 21 e MslMtk Rld- Left-Winger Gets Post he received an award in 1943 at thor of Prajf Love, Remember, a CITY-ELITE LAUNDRY York, Military Vicar for the armed an honorary colonel on the staff novel published by Farrar, Straus Julius Ortutay, 37-year-old pro­ tha outitanding program director C. Werthman^ forces of the United States. and (Company, Non-religious in SANITONE ^D r. D . fessor of theology in the Budapest of the Governor of New Mexico in of the USO. He then terved a character, it has been chosen by I and Associate ^ Gutenberg Bible Bought university, has been appointed recognition of hii work with the year in Hawaii and won another the Catholic Literary Foundation Minister of Religion and Educa­ gervice organisation. The commit- commendation. Following thit he as its book of the month for JUVie. > D entists ^ In England for $88,000 tion to succeed Desider Kereszth- tion wat pratanted by Montignor became regional tupervitor of the London. — Booksellers recently ury. Clarence Schoeppnar in the pret- USO in Louitiana, Texat, and New I PLATES i bought a copy of the first issue of Ortutay, who is also president of enoe of a number of dittinguithed Mexico. He left tbit pott to direct ^60S ISta lStrMt ises m h StiMt 4 volume I of the rare Gutenberg the official Hungarian radio sta­ guettt. Mr. Moody for teveral the club in Santa Fe. I KErilUne 8721 TAber S7S1 * Bible for approximately $88,000. tion, belongs to the Left-wing sec yaart wat ratident director of the Mr. and Mrt. Moody are thown The volume, bought for a private tion of the Small Landholders’ Vail Community center in Denver. above examining the Governor's collector at Sotheby's auction, was party and is known as an ardent Leaving Denver for USO work. commission. Edwin B. Clayton one of the first books printed with supporter of optional religious movable metal type from the press education in state schools. News PlbfS. & Htif. Co. of Johannes Gutenberg ana Jo­ of his nomination was received Reds Want to Handle DPs 1618 LAFAYETTE ST. hann Fust in Mainz, Germany, in coolly in Protestant and Catholic DENVER. COLORADO 1455. Church circles, which favor retain Remember the Church MA. 2310 ing the old system of compulsory Bm . Phan. — EAit S2SS religious training. In Own Ruthless Manner Kereszthury, a Catholic, resigned ______following attacks made on him by 9tove and Furnace Parts LEARN TO Leftist party leaders. It was \ Still Available charged in some quarters that ap­ Moscow.—Russia’s repeated at-^tions at the Coundl of Foreign pointment of a Protestant t»' suc­ tempta to project the problems o f Ministers,...... attended Sunday Masses — Don’t WiUt DRIVE in S t Louis’ church. The celebrant ceed him was contrary to assur­ displaced• ph • persons in Europe into in TheXGeo. A. Pullen ances given by coalition leaders the Moscow Council of Foreign was the Rev, George A. Laberge, THE CORRECT WAY that the post would go to a Cath­ Ministers even though the matter A.A., of Worcester, Mass., who ompany has been stationed in Moscow, AT olic, because of the fact that the was not on the agenda is evidence 13^ Ltwrene* Streat majoritymajonty ofox HungariansHuneanan are Cath- of the Soviet’s unwillingness to since late 1945, the only Catholic Y0U8 WILL TABOR IS2l\ DENVER, COLO. olics.— INCWC Wire] allow the United Nations to handle priest in the Russian capital.— JEAN GULICK'S the DP problem. [NCWC Radio and Wire] Secretaiy of State George C. N. Y. SoloRS Approve Marshall, in stating the position of SCHOOL the U.' S., declared that the United Friars’ Bodies Wuh. and Eafla Parochial Health Aid States is giving support to the Lump and Egg------$8.25 of Driver Education International Relief Organization of the United Nations, which was R E M E M B E R THE 2H” Double Screen Albany, N. Y.— A bill authoriz­ Exhumed First Nut ...... $6.95 and Training designed to care for the DP prob­ ing boards of education to provide lem. Although the Reds are tem­ Streeter Lump 1323 SO. FEDERAL BLVD. health and medical welfare serv­ porarily silent on the subject,^ it end Egg ...... ^10.40 Time in 1882 POOR MISS ONS Denver, Colo. ices to private and parochial 18 expected that they will bring schools was passed by the As­ FUEL SERYIGE SPruce 6881 the matter up -again. The con dwaj sembly here. It had previously stitution of the International Re Carmel, Calif. — An account of passed the Senate. lief Organization was accepted at the first exhumation of the re­ OF THE ARCHDIOCESE The measure also permits ab­ the UN conference in New York. mains of four 18th century Fran­ sence of public school pupils for The effort to bring the DPs into ciscan friars, an event that took Colorado’s religious observance and instruc­ the Moscow conference is sufficient place here 66 years ago, has been tion, thus giving state approval proof that the Soviet Union is not preserved for posterity through the Leadmg Hatchery for the released-time religious edu­ willing to accept UN management efforts of a Washington, D. C., ’'Chicks''that Ltvs and Lay art ths Chicks thst cation plan. of the problem. It is a return to the resident. Pay." P^lgreed Slrsd, Big Typo English Whits contention that the camps harbor The Sacramento Daily Union Leghorns ynd Besvy Brwdt at Amsxing Sav­ Methuen, Mass.—^Use of public war criminals. Fascists, members Record for July 3, 1882, published ings. Sexcil or St. Ron U. S. Approved chicks of various allegedly military for­ Form of Bequest for thst trs brbd for Kvsbility. rapid fcatberinx, school nurses in this town's three an article describing the exhuma­ parochial schoo's will be continued mations hostile to Communism. tion of the bodies o f Fathers John quick msturfng. snd for high tgg production. Establishment of IFrite for Price List and Special despite a protest by the Massachu­ Molotov has demanded that all Crespin, Junipero Serra, Julian .Ditcounts setts Civil Liberties union, town camps be disbanded and the peo­ Lopez, and Fermin Francisco La- officials declared. ple repatriated by July 1. zun. A copy of the paper is in the Funds for Education COLORADO HATCHERY The town counsel notified the The need for constructive ac­ Library of Congress, hut its con­ school board that the United States tion by the United Nations cn the dition is v e ^ fragile. A photostat of Priests: 1416 L a r im e r Supreme Court has ruled funds DPs becomes urgent The Soviet of the pertinent section has been Denver 2, Coloraflo MA. 6767 raised by taxation could be used will continue to press for its own procured by Miss Marie M. Ready to provide public school bus trans­ solution and -for the right to in­ of Washington. portation for parochial schools. He spect the camps and designate the The 1882 story tells how the St. emphasized that parents of paro­ so-called war criminals. If the UN Patrick Cadets of San Francisco chial school childi^n are taxpayers is slow, resistant, and ineffective proceeded to the ruins of Carmel and as such pay for the nurses’ in the matter Russia’s pressure mission for the purpose of “Why Pay Mofe?” services. for its own solution will gain force. identifying the remains known to Because the U. S. was instru­ be resting within its walls. The (Trademark) mental in putting the constitution graves were opened and the friars of the IRO through the United named above were identified; they SEE Nations Organization, the success had been buried between the years Wm.W.Myer Drug Stores of this method of dealing with 1784 and 1803. the suffering and want represented Fathers Serra and Lopez were INCORPORATED by the DPs rests primarily on the found buried in one vault Dirt WM. EICH U. S. Unless the IRO proves cap­ had fallen in and broken the lids Colorado Owned Stores able of handling the problem of the coffins and covered the re­ Englewood 800 Santa Fe Dr. swiftly and well, it may become mains. A century old, the redwood 15,52 Lawrence difficult to prevent a swing to the coffins “ had not decayed in the Broadway and Ellsworth 16th and California Russian solution of abandoning least.’’ 15th and California MA. 8862 the victims of war’s destruction The skeletons of all of them," and political upheavals. the story reads, “ excepting that We Do Not Have Special Sales But Sell You at Our 12,000 Attend Maofet of Junipero Serra, were exposed Lowest Prices Every Day on All Drug Merchandise, Jewelry — Gifts More than 12,000 persons, in­ to view, and were found in a fair cluding representatives from the state, the skulls being complete, British, U. S., and French delega- having been encased in lime. Pieces of their silk shrouds were handed up and distributed among the spectators. . . .’’ “ The coffin which contained the remains of Rev. Julian Lopez was found to be lying on its side on tofk of Junipero Serra’s remains, and the Mission having been without a keeper for a period of 11 years, leads to the belief that during that interval some one must have broken into the vaults . . . for the purpose of robbing the remains." Father Serra’s body was not ex­ posed to view, since lifting the A PERMAHEHT BURSE FOR THE PERPETUAL EDUCATIOH OF coffin of Father Lopez would have entailed scattering his remains. A SEMINARIAH IS $6,000. ANY PORTION OF 250 Delegates Attend THIS, HOWEVER, CAN BE LEFT. Liturgical Music Parley Washington.—A Solemn Mass of Requiem for the deceased promot­ ers of liturgical music, offered in the National Shrine of the Im maculate Conception by Monsignor Edward B. Jordan, vice rector, and THE SUM OF $450 WILL TAKE CARE a children’s song festival in the university gymnasium climaxed the two-day liturgical music con­ ference sponsored by the music de­ OF A STUDENT FOR ONE YEAR partment of the Catholic Sisters’ college of the Catholic university. More than 260 delegates from 16 - statu and Canadian cities attended. For Further Information, Apply at

Our graues give you bigger yields CHflnCERV OFFICE •I low coit Well cictned. Cretied Wheat Grass, Brome, Gramms and Buffalo Grasv Tall Slender Wheat 1636 Logan Street Denver, Colorado and Western WheatGrass. Clovers. Alsike. Timothy.. FREE CATALOG. WEitIRN SEED CO..DENVER k d Thursday, March 27, 1947 Office, 988 B annock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, K E yetone 4205 PAGE ELEVEN IIS'SIJRANCE STATEME9TTS St. Catherine’'s School in Denver P ro p h e t Isaias Aaans IniKranct cMBpaniM UconMd lo trmfuset bulnoM te C*loim4* fcy Um Onr Reputation aad Our Name Add to Evorytbing But the Pric* VttU IfiMnnet DtMrtatat tw tJiMt priiit«4 bclaw u f«lbw»: Announces Leaders in Eight Grades Is Often Called CENTRAL STATES Tha foUewlnf eompaaloa roproaoatod HEALTH AND Fifth Evangelist April 6th (St. Catiharina't PAritli, Danvar) Taterski u aponsors; ’Therue Ltwii, H. L. Weber, 0 . Stoab, T. Sal- Hvan, A. E. Zarlengo, M. (ioeke. J. The clsM lesden for the p u t Anne, infant daughter of Mr. and ACCIDENT REED & CO. Somma. H. Greenberg, O. Buehler, period ere: Eighth grsde, Frank Mrs. John A. Pollice, 'with John SehenSeU. J. Negri. A. Diehl, P. GoaM; By . Rev. Francis Syrianit Easter Suruday ASSOCIATION 6. A E. Bld(. CH. «(TI K s f k s ; Mventh grade, Vincent 0. and Celente Collins as sponsors; Mraei. L. Kennedr, M. J, Cullen, F. Of all the prophets of the Old OMAHA^ NEBRASKA Belmonte: lixth grade, Charla Fraiieed Rose, infant daughter Blihop. B. Gontalei, Joieph Barth, 8. Testament probably the greatest Schneider, V. Brown, L. Rbgera, E. W . was Isaias. Nowhere were his Crain; fifth grade. William Law- of Mr. and Mrs. Roxie Same, with Dale, 3. DeRengo, J. Henneeier. Craig. STATE OF COLORADO Car\o and Thereu Hambly u Purcell, L. Sentangelo, A. Lombardi, A. prophecies more exact and detailed Iniaruce Department leu; fourth grade, Anthony Derry; STATE o r COLOBASO third grade, Marilyn Dell; second sponsors; David Bryan, infant son Bouney, C. Lynch, E. Fanelll, T .-M c- than in regard to the Passion oi Iim ru e* Daputaimit Synopsis of Statement for 194{ ee rendered Gione, Z. Tecehner, H. Brlnkbaui, W. Bmeptii of SUtemtnt for 1946 h rtniiorod to the Commieeioner of Inturanee grade, Barbara Schwarz; firat of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Miller, with Cearen, L. Glaimann, W. Turley, J. Christ. So true is this that.the 53rd to th( Comniuioncr of laiunine* Mlllara Netlonel Inearanee Cempeny grade, Thomu Gemel. Lucille Flaherty and James Good­ Picotto, L, Pinelli, F. Berce, R. Cloie, chapter in the Book of Isaias is Control SUUt Hoolth oaS AccMont Aoto* Chicago, lU. T. 3. Hitl, E. Fanelll. W . Bourne. E. riotion Aisete ______|i,402,429.54 Attend CPTL Setaien win M sponsors; Karen Marie, in­ often referred to as “ The Passion Hinmin, 8. Galaico, J. Longer, K. Ma­ of Our Lord Jesus Christ Accord­ Omilu, Ntbrookn LUbilitiet______i,l77,97l.*9 The following attendod the fant daughter o f Mr. and Mrs. lone, Mary Tbompion, D. ■Reinieke, Anna A«m U ...... - ...... 41«.»78.S5 Permanent Fund ...... 1,000,000.00 CPTL conference on March 20: Harold L, Bullard, with Catherine Gleaibn, V. MeVeigb; ing to Isaias.’’ U n biU tlM ______4«,liS.72 Rtaervt to adjuat Stock Vtlua* Hmei. D, Reinert, U. Lucy, T. Seheer, The concept of a Messias who tlon to the lower of eoat or The Rev. D. A. Lemiouz, Ifmes. Murray and Eui^ne Schierburg as UnoMlcaod fund* ------tt.U l.U sponsors; Patricia, infant daughter H. Udick, J. Webiter, A. Perriam, P. would redeem the Jews accord-^ (Cap7 of CortIfIcoU of Aathorltr) market quotetloni ...... 43,004.0)1 L. J.Weber, F. Foley, H, Anderson, ThomI, C. Liley, E. Young, R. Hucton. Surplus ______1.400.317.02 •J. E. Dulmaine, J. Kolb, G. Rowe, of Mr. and Mrs. Benny Marquadt, DeiMoineaux, H. Grout, Stockwell. ing to the promise of God included STATE o r COLORADO (Copy tf CertificaU ef Aatbarity) CEETiriCATE OF AUTHORITY A. Klamman, D. Raub, F. J Lawlor, with Mr. and Mrs. Benny Duran Buck, Lirtegue, Ralph Blakley, K. only a Messias who would rule in Offieo of Caaaiuionor of Inraranco STATE OF COLORADO Albert Zarlengo, Lanny Lousso, as sponsors. Nahring, H. E. Hiller, A. L. Winter. exsltation. The ides of suffering I, Luko J. Kavantoth. Commiulonor of CERTiriCATE OF AUTHORITT Fred L. Brady. J. R. Paiterikl. J. P. Arthur Sanders, Agatha Denning; Heateaa List PublUhed Kearney, Laiham, Rynn, Thaler, R. or humiliation in connection with Iniuranco, do hortbr cortif; that th«. Office af Commitsiener ef Intuance the Messias was not considered, Contra! StabM Hoalth and Aeddont Aiao- ' I, Luke J. Kavanaugh, Commiationer of Mmes. H. Lewis, Roy F. Was- The hosteu list for the recent Hebert, Leo Uidlgtn, J. Kolb. T. Maca- aiation, a corporation organiced under the Iniurance, do hereby certify that the Mil- inger, 0. Buehler, James lacino, luio, Charlez Sartore, Anderion, D. or, if it was considered, it was Altar and Roury lociety St. Pat­ Shannon, J. L. DIckerion, Melltol, W. lawi of Nobraaka, whoM principal offieo lart National Inaurance Company, a cor« quickly rejected by the Jews who Ruuell Di»ensfe, Carl Vorev^or- rick’s card party was as follows: Langifald: la locatad at Omaha, in eonaidaration of poration erganixed under the lawa of Illi- man B. Smith, Frances Welsh, Mmai. Clara Laldig, H. Andencn, P. J. sought temporal power and glory. eompHanoo with the lawi of Colorado, la Mmef. Hazlett, R. Slattery, R. Mer- noia, whose principal office it located at Charles F. DesMoineaux, L. J. J. Gonaalei, W. Grimm, M. Baras, L. •hon. I. J. Scott. E. A. Floyd, J. That is why it is difficult to see horebr authoritod to tranaact the buiineoa Chicago, in eonaidaration of eomplianet Petranc, T. Chapin, E. T. Waldaman. C. W e in v ite oot forth in the ptooiaiona of ita Charter McDonald, M. E. Cooke, John O’Brien, F. O'Brien. R. Craig. A. J. how they could so completely ig­ with the lawa of Colorado, It hereby au- J. Canny, Lombardi. B. Otttaralchar, Zanel, G. Canny, J. P. Ditolls, G. C. or Artldoo of Incorporation permitted hr tiioriied to tranaact the buainata aet forth Garin, Bert Oestereicher, C. Nute; Chtrlti Ruwart, DaBonkI, D. A. Mund- Schumacher. L. M. Golden; T. E. O'Brien. nore the prophecies of Isaias. Y ou to 3ee the oaid lawt, oapiring on the lait day of in the provitiona of its Charter or Articlca wiUtr, W . Kelly, F. Beard, A. Pleooli, D. Raliinan, F. Monaghan, B. MeiHnger, Isaias is positively eloquent in robruary in the year of our Lord one thou Mmes. J. Burkhardt,.V, Perrella, or Incorporation permitted by the said G. A. Rounsville, Gleuon, F. J. T. Riehardion. A. R. Greanburg, J. F. Leonard. A. SvobOda, P. Jamei. A ., peaking of the “ Man of Sorrows.” Our unusual large selection, aand nine hundr^ and forty-oitht. lawi, .expiring on the lest day of February Brldgai. Patronc. A. Lilly: Maytag, 3. Kohout*k. T. Floyd. 3. Piici-' IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have here, la the year of our Lord one thouMnd nine Kemme, A. M. Girardo, H. Ma^lli, Mmei. S. Dominico, Ed Gotehay, P. J. tilia, A. IL Novak. F. Veltrie, M. Mc­ He calls Him “ despised and the which consists of gold, silver, pearl unto tot my hand and eaua^ the teal of hundred end forty-eight. R. Himstreet, J. L. Dickerson, R. J. Atborno, F. Orrino, C. Walker. R. M. Gowan; most abject of men.” "Surely He my offieo to bo affixed at the City and IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I have here­ Slattery, E. E. O’Connor, V.* L. Ctrretlel, DeBries, Kirk, G. Diehl, P. Mmei. 3. L. Johnion, E. K. Moore. A. hath borne our infirmities and and fancy colored crystal beads. County of Donvor thia fint day of March unto eat my hand and earned the leal of iiPUla. I. A. FnUtr. J. Woodford, J. Cinocco, F. W. Camphetl, 3. Grout, Y . A. 0 . lt4T. my office to be affixed at the City and Coffey, W. Webb, W, L. Roberts, SparaeinO, Gannon, R. L. Pippinger, H. Cronin. H. D. Sheppard, Damalelo, L. carried our sorrows.” “ He was fSEAL) LUKE J. KAVANAUGH. County of Denver this first day of March, C. H. Ruwart, R. M. Murray, G. H. Johnion. A. Spare, R. Johnion, M. wounded for our iniquities. He was Priced from ,j.BO Commiaalonor of Inaurance. A. D. 1947. O’Day, H. A. Grout, Dwight Shu, D«nny, B. Guit. M. Falk, M. Cloeiano. bruised for our sins.” (SEAL) LUKE J. KAVANAUGH. C. Pinelli, H. Jacquei, Gannon, R. W, Including Federal Tax Commieeioner of Inaurance. D. DeLeo, M. Woods, L. C. Ste­ Stewart, F. Eppich, L. Nleburger. M. Many times Jesus was referred phen. Henry Weber, and J. Pi- Maier.V. Foley. M. Rowe, S. C. Lewii, J. to as the “ Lamb of God,” because STATE o r COLORADO quette. ♦ Rites Are Listed Murdock, P. Piecone, A. DIei. H. Shep- of His meekness and docility. More SEABOARD SURETY Insurence DepartaicBt The following were baptized re­ pard: . _ than 760 years before Jesus’ SynopiU of Statement for 194(^aa rendered Umei. L. S. Stephen!, M. Lucci. P. to the Commlwloner of Iniurance cently: Gerald Joseph, infant son Clark, R. Aiterno, E. Ctoitellan. R. De- death, Isaias said of Him: “ He COMPANY American Indeauilty Cempeny of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald NatalC; Roie, J, Wamier, T. Lewii, A. Barnabe, w u offered because it was His own GalTeitoa, Texas with Elizabeth and Thomas Rotar E. Mauola, W. Joyce, T. Steinhart. L will, and He opened not His mouth: At St. Joseph’s A. Johnion, M. Schmito. M. Bridgn, NEW YORK, N.Y. AiteU ...... 35,512,232.30 as sponsors; Sally Lynn, infant He shall be led as a sheep to the Bo h m -A llen Liahilitiee______3,512,222.20 Kemme, A. Holland, A. Harrington. E. QUALITY JEWELERS slaughter, and shall be dumb as CeplUl ...... I______1.0*0,000.00 daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Harrington, Mane, F. LaBele. D. aiNCE I67B Surplus ______1,000,00*.00 Bridges, with Mr. and Mrs. Jouph (St. Jotepil’t Radempteriat Paritb, Flah*rty, Sanderi, F. W . SUinke, C. J. a lamb before His shearer, and ■TATE o r COLORADO (Copy ef Certificate ef Autherity) Denver) Zanol. L. Dulmaine. J. D. Num. Bw He shall not open His mouth.” DENVER Inanranet Dapartaant 0'(tonnor. Cxarnowiky, S. Guef. H STATE OF COLORADO The blessing of the palms will Celnen. R. Deniioc, G. H. Hiller, M, The propitious nature of the ■ynoptia of Statement for 1941 ot rendered CERTiriCATE OF AUTHORITT take place Sunday at 9:15 o’clock • 600 SIXTEENTH STREET • to the Commiiatofier of Inturanee Hayei, R., Meziola, D. C. Neiliep. E. P death on the Croaa is clearly mani­ ■eebeerd Surety Cempeny Office ef Cemmitelenar af lanranca before the High Mass. In the eve­ Melon, B'. Boievear, E. DeLeo. R. C. I, Luke J. Kavanaugh, Commieaioner ef fested in this prophecy of Isaias; New York, N. Y. DUBUQUE FIRE & ning at 7:30 the Rev. John Pul- “ If He shall lay down His life fot Aieeta ...... V...... _$9,il9,224.0b Iniuranea, do hereby certify that the Hmee. S. J. Doherty, M. Penkoekl. E. American Indemnity Company, a corpora- ford, C.SS.R., will deliver the final LlabiHtiee ______8,0»9,I14.41 B. Diley. R. Uwlor, B. G. Bonner, E. sin, He shall see a long-lived seed, Uon organized undar the lawa of Texas, MARINE CO. Lenten sermon of his course on E. Miller. D. Durrie, G. F. Eppich. J. CtpiUl ______1,000,009.00 ami the will of the Lord shall be sptcr/vnvi Voluntery Reetnre 1,I29,909.S4 whose principal offiet la located at (Ulvet- characters in the Passion. Voile, G. Dyer, Dunn, F. 3. Huber, ton. in coniideration ot compliance with Bonger. N. Comdillo. F. Bowem J. prosperous in His hand.” Surplnt 4,000,000.00 DUBUQUE, IOWA Wednesday, Confessions will be The Evangelists were aware of (Copy of Certificate of Authority) tha lawa ef Colorado, ia hereby guthorixed Walib, D. Berry. R. DeGidio, V. K. Koch, COAL heard from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. In M. Martin, C. Bohnert. B. Beer. C. A.< ■TATE o r COLORADO to traniaet the buiincte aet forth in the the full significance of thie greet provlaioni of ita Chartar or Articles of the evening at 7:30 there ■will be McDaniel. 8. Serpi. M. Courier. M. Prompt and (Courteous GLAND DISFASES CERTiriCATE Or AUTHORITT Laidig. L. Guit, A. C. Reid, A. Zarlengo. prophecy of Isaias. Both S t Mark Office of Comaltilener of Intaranee Ineorporation permitted by the laid lawa, STATE OF COLORADO Stations and Benediction, followed ^ Dk RWFpt axplring on the lest day of February in Iniaranet Department A. Putreafeio, F. Auitin, Arteie, J. Con­ and S t Luke quote from this SERVICE I, Luke J. Kavanaush, Commiaiioner of by Confessions. nell. M. J. Crotty, B. Coffey. V. Pentok. identical passage in referring this Inaurance, do hereby certify that tha the year ef our Lord one thouaand nine Synopilt of Statement for 1945 at rendered hundrtd and forty-eight. to the CommUtiontr ef Insurance Holy Thursday morning. Com­ H Vorce. E. 0. Nelion. A. Wagi»r, prophecy to the Passion of Christ All Gradea o f Aatbeu, lUv Fmr. C«Unk Seaboard Surety Company,, a corporation McLaughlin, B. T. Baxter. J. Lonergan. DtafataariieM. Haejarl^" organiied undar the Iowa of Ntw York, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have here­ Dahugue Fin 4t Marine Inturanee Company munion will'be distributed at 6 and He “ was reputed with the wicked, Coal & Stoker Coala Uaai HoiM. DIuImm. Tk» unto set my hand and caua^ the eetl of Dubuque, laws A. Eaiter. A. Wait, F. Welih, C, R. •OIMa. 1^ « Ear Dtema^ whoaa principal otfiea ia located at Naw 7 o’clock. A Solemn Mass is slated Ogleiby. P. Duriey: and He Ijath borne the sins of CaUrart. Anhritia. HnrHla» York CHy, In eonaideratien of oompllance my offlee to he affixed at tha City aad AaaeU ------„.37.846,470.07 Urmplaea Wood oiut KtndUaag ftbnmaUuM. PrMUtiL County of Denver thie first day ef March, LUbilltim ______* ______6.577,857.50 at 8 o’clock, followed by proces­ Mmet. H. L. Buckley. B. Gonxalea. A. many,” said Isaias. Mark is ex­ Wp. Liff A BmR ralnA with tha lawa of Colerado, it hereby an> York, M. Dono-*an. J. Piquette. W . W. SncrallUx * aacfO^iRlUl A. D. 1S47. Capitol ______1,150,900.00 sion. Adoration throughout the CALL PE. 4604 TWranr. lined Pr—mw. thoriied to trantact the baaineee eat forth Gamel J. W. Guyer, John Barth. D. tremely explicit in referring this K$Mtre«k Baamiaatlna af tW In the prevlaiona of Ita Charter or Articlw (SEAL) LUXE J. KAVANAUGH, Surplus______1,111,112.57 day will be as follows: 9 to 4 9>m4. Elnrtreate TWr»RR fat Ceramisaioner ef laauraBca, (Cepy ef Certificate ef Authority). Shea. B. Burkhardt, J. Sullivan. J. B. passage to Jesus when He was of Incorporation permitted by the cold o’clock, school children; 4 to 5, Armetrong. C. Wanabo. P. RbiimiUer, bibtrMl In# DliaaaM. na Mnr»i STATE OF COLORADO * crucified with two thieves. He says: nwMnn. Pnralyata, TuMnti. ««. lewi, expiring on the , liat day of Febru­ U Brahle. Tanko. Moran. B. Plpplngar. i CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORITY Altar and Rosary society; 5 to 6, RAY COAL CO. ary in the year of our Lord one thouaand W. 8. Hearti, C. Scibona. S. AKano, J. “ And the Scripture was fulfilled Offlee ef Commitaiener of Intaraneo Young People’s club; 6 to 7:30, . US duTdi n. nine hundr^ and fortyraight. Hamilton. G. Sehweiger. F. W. Stejnke. which saith: ‘And with tha wickad lies so. PENN 230 m a i IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have here­ I, Luke J. Kavanaugh, Commluioner ef Holy Name society members. At J. Moynihan. F. DeSalvo, J. J, Sullivan, Iniurance, do htnby certify that the He waa reputed’." unto aet my hand and caoMd thd actl of UNION UFE Sinopll, R. Bruno. D. S. Merahon. Dubuque Fin A Marine Inaurance Com­ 7:30 p.m. there will be Eucharis­ Finally, of extraordinary sig­ my office to be affixed at tha City end tic Holy Hour ■with sermon. Con­ Lumper. Ctorlin. A. DlPUla. 0. W . Major, County of Denver thie first day ^ March, pany, a corporation organiz^ undar the P. J. Doherty, R. Ogle. Hayea, B. Me- nificance II the prophecy. He "haUi INSURANCE CO. lawa of Iowa, whou principal offiet it fessions -will be heard after the A. D. 1947. ^ Cftbc * rayed for the transgressore.” Heurai 9 to 12| 1 to 8 Pbono MAia 3437 (SEAL) LUKE J. KAVANAUGH, loeatad at Dubuque, in conaideratioB of evening devotions. Mmei. J. Lameri. E. P. Maion. t f brgiveness of one’s enemies it an Commiulencr of Iniuranea. LITTLE ROCK, ARK. oomplianoe with the lawa of Colorado, is Good Friday, the Mass of the Kelly, L. King. E. CaitiUpn. F. Lueel. hereby authorised to tranuct tha hualm J. A. Fitipatriek. D. C. Durant. T. N excluaively Christian concept Yet set forth in the provitiona of its Charter Presanctified will commence at 12 Burni. C. Pariiohettl, Hauptraan, B we know that as Jesus hung dying or Articlea of Incorporation permittod by o’clock noon. The entire congre- Knight. A. KUmann. D, E. Monty on the Cross, one of His last words tha said lawa, expiring on the last day ef Dr. J. J. O ’Neil, Dentist STATE OF COLORADO iration is asked to take part in the Griiiora, F. Wllion, J. Melphy. ®o**l> waa to pray: “ Father,, forgive BUFFALO Ininrann Department February in the yur ef our Lord one thou- Martelli. R. Horne, Palladmo. E. Harvey, Synopila of Statement for 1946 at rendered •and nine hundrtd and forty^ight iturgical veneration of the cross. B. R. Dever. F. Bromme, 3. peFao. them, for they know not what tti>liey to the Commiaiiener of Iniurance IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I have here­ After the Mass, meditations on the Lyoni, G. Harrii, V. M. Luey,^ F. ttoieo. do." Suite 722 Mack Building, 16th and (Dalifomia Streets INSURANCE CO. Union Lift Ininrenet Company unto eet my hand and eaus^ the seal of Seven Last Words will be con­ Beck, W . Farrell. R. D. Lucy, L. Steveni. Although Jesus wee absolutely Little Rock, Arkenaaa my office to be affixed at tha City and ducted by the priests, and congre­ J. J. Burni, M. Nahring: ^ AiaeU ...... 12.832.314.54 County of Denver thli firaNday of lifareh, Mmei. B. Taleott, J. Brady, B innocent, He took on Himself the BUFFALO, N.Y. iLUbfliUea______2.689.5U.83 A. D. 1947. gational praying and singing will Sehneringer. Hellen. Lehnera, F. Bruno. sins of mankind that He might Capital ...... 100,000.00 (SEAL) LUKE J. KAVANAUGH, ^e a feature of the devotions. Con H. Wniimuth, P. Bruno, T. Kliiel. A atone to His Father for them. Unilleottad Roierve ______17,593.01 Cemraiiaionor ot Inturanee, fessions will be heard after the Sanderi, B. Horne, Flore, 8. C. This vicarious suffering of Christ Surplus ...... 175,000.00 Bauman, J. HaiioU, A. Tl»clt«ll«. K. Itvffl PATTOO (i{el STATE o r COLORADO Tre Ore services. In the evening Page*. E. Dieieeo. J. Faely, V. Lathrop, could scarcely have been invented. Inearanee Department (Copy of Ccrtlficito of Anthority) The fellewing compaaiee repreaaated at 7:30, the adult choir will offer L. VUlona. A. Girardo. K. Glbboni. 8. It was the inspiration of God mov the iMvor ta this m k ...... Synopiif ef Statement for 1045 as rendered STATE OF COLORADO a hymn, followed by sermon. Way Morgan. F. Root, A. Lunka, J. Kirk. A. bo the (kimmittloner of Inturanee CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORITY L. Batei, H. B. Thorniberry, Mauro. and ing the prophet to write propheti­ yom ora o to .0 or yoemtort Baffelo Iniaranee Company Offieo of Commloolontr of Iniaraiica of the Cross, and veneration of the B. O'Connor. cally that thus becomes so clear Baffilo, N. Y. I, Luke J. Kavanaugh. Commiationer ef cross. Confessions will be heard The following donated prizes for us in the predictions of Isaias. Aaieta ...... „I3,I07,535.5I Inaurance, do hereby oertify that the UabUiHee______4,493,975.31 J. J. CELLA after the Tre Ore aervicei. In the O’Connor Plumbing company, Ries Considering how extraordinary OieStiM: Hew ca. a Ufa ieearawe Union Life Inaurance ^mpany, a cor­ evening at 7:30, the adult choir apK poration organised under the laws ef Ark- INSURANCE AGENCY Bakery, Mrs. -Armstrong, Olinger were the facts in connection 'with compaay imi* ym a mlwy Voluntary Raserve 700,000.00 will offer a hymn, followed by ihit aet anly payi is full anaat, whoeo prinelpal offiee it loeatad at IIM Security Bldg KE. 2IU Mortuary, Public Service company, the Passion and dea^h of Jesus, we Surplus 1,993,559.30 Little Rock, in eenaideratioB of compli­ sermon. Way of the Cross, and can see that Isaias worthily merits (act amount, but rttrrm$ (Copy of Certifieata ef Autherity) Leher Floral, Quinn Floral, Mrs. tk4 frtmmwu f t tew ttU ance with the lawa of Colorado, ia hereby veneration of the crou. Confes­ the title sometimes given him, that STATE OF COLORADO authoriied to transact tha buaincea aet C. Vorce, Clarke’s Church Goods, m* CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORITY forth in the provitiont of its Clmrtar or STATE OF COLORADO sions will also be heard after the and Rex Service Station. Mrs. M. of the "Fifth Evangelist." Offlee ef Commluioner ef Iniurance Artlciet ef Incorporation permitted by the laanranct Departosant evening devotions. I, Luke J. Kevenaugh, Commieaioner of lacino donated an lacino cake. laid lawa, expiring on the last day of Feb­ Synepaia ef Stateraont for 194C at rendared Holy Saturday morning, the The committees that served to Inturanee, do hereby eertify that the ruary ia the year of our Lord one thou- to the Commiaaioner of Inaunnoa Nafiosal Library Givaa Buffalo Iniurance Company, a corporation aand nine hundred and forty-eight Bepublic Iniuranco Company blessings will commence at 6:16, make the party a success The CAPITOL LIFE organlted under the laws of New York, DiUai, Ttxat IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have here- followed by the High Mass at 7 ;30. Food sale— Mrs. William Farrell, whose principal offiet ia loeatad at Buf­ Aaaets ...... Ul.918,012.58 Confessions will be heard in the chairman; Mmes. J. Hamilton and INSURANCE COMPANY falo, in coniideration of compliance with unto set my hand and cauaed the aeal of Rare Philippiaa Books MOKf omet I'lNMi coiozAOO my offiee to be affixed at the City and Liabilitiaa______6,994.088.41 the lawa ef Colorado, it hereby autheriacd C a p itol...... 2,000,000.00 afternoon from 3 to 6, and in the Dwight Shea; ticket committee— to tranaaet the bneinasa let forth In the C:ounty of Denver this tint day ef March. A. D- 1947. Contingency Reserve -- ■■ ■ 1,273,471.88 evening commencing at 7 ;30 p.m. Mrs. Piquette, chairman; Mmes. ■Washington. — Doetrina Chria- previelene of Its Charter or Articles of Surplue ...... 2,545,484.64 Masses on Easter Sunday will be S. Schneider, Gould, Kevin, San­ Ineorporation jiermitted by the laid laws, (SEAL) LUKE J. KAVANAUGH. tiana, the first book ever printed Cemmiaelener ef Inearanee. (Cepy ef Cerilfleato ef Aitherito) at 6:30, 7:30, 8:30 (in church and ders, Klaman, Mershon, Nelson, expiring OB the last day of Ftbruary In the ■TATE OF COLORADO in the Philippines, in 1593, and the O’Day, Morrow, Johnson. Wamser, year ef our Lord one thouaand nine hun­ CEITITICATE OF AUTHORITY St Anne chapel). Solemn Mass Ordin(fncea of tha Dominican Order dred and forty-eight Office ef Cemmiisioner ef Inenranee at 9:30, followed by Benediction. and Lonergan; prizes— Mrs. Rowe, IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I have here­ I. Luke J. Kavanaugh, Commiaiioner of in the Philippinea, printed in 1604, The (Irma listed here deearea to The last Mass will be at 11:30. No chairman; Mmes. D. Jones, Lash- unto let my' hand'mhd cauMd the leel of Iniurance, do hereby certify that the have been presented by Lessing J. be remembered when you art die- Confessions will be heard Easter am, and Slattery; refreshments— my office to be affixed at the City and Republic Inaurance Company, a eorport' Rosenwald, rare book collector, to County of Denvtr thie firat day of March tributlng your eatraBaga to tha dif­ Sunday morning. Mrs. Gonzales, chairman; Mmes, ferent luce ef butfaMse. tloh organized under the laws of Texas the Library of Congress. They are A. D. 1947. whose principal office ia located at Dallas The games party will be held Lilly. Stewart, Bishop. Thompson, (SEAL) LUKE J. KAVANAUGH, In coBiidaratioB of compliance with toe Foley. Burkhart, Kolb, Buehler, believed to be the only copies in Commimioner ef Inaurance. Monday evening at 8 :80 p.m. existence. laws ef Colorado, Is hereby authorised to and Cooke. traniaet the busineaa sat forth in the pro- Novena devotions will be held at Doetrina Chriatiana, browned vlsiona of its Charter or Articlea of In 3 and 7:30 p.m. The Altar and Rosary society corporation permitted by the said lawa. and brittled, on paper mede from will meet Tuesday, April 1. Re­ mulberry leaves, w a s printed axplring on tlm last day of February in The monthly PTA meeting will freshments at 1:30 p.m. will pre­ the year of our Lord one thousand nine be held, after Easter Sunday. De­ nearly a half century before the Morgan, Leibman and Hickey hundred and forty-eight. cede the business session. first book in continental North IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I have here­ tails of the program will be listed INSURANCE SINCE 1597 unto aet my hand and cauaed the aeal of in next week’s issue of the Regia- $27,200 Paid for Copy America. It was present4)d to King my office to be affixed st the City and tar. Philip II of Spain and is believed 926 Gas and Electric Bldg. TA. 139.'5 County of Dtifver this firat day ef March The Very Rev. John Buttimer, Of Book of Apocalypse to have been stolen from the Span­ A .D . 1947. (SEAL) LUKE J. KAVANAUGH. C.SS.R., conducted a week-end re­ London.—The sura of $27,200 ish archives many years ago. Mr. Commluioner of Iniurance. treat at El Pomar for 68 sodality was naid by a London firm at Rosenwald bought it from a New STATE OF COLORADO STAI^ OF COLORADO members. The Rev. Evan Gau Sotheby’s auction rwently for a York dealer who discovered it in IniBrance Department Iniuranco Departmont STATE OF COLORADO Synopiii of Statement for 1945 at rendered Iniurance Department treau, C.SS.R., finished his mis­ copy of thele Apocal^se, printed last year. to the Commluioner of Inaurance Synopsis of Statement for 1945 as rendered sion at Holy Rosary church, Globe- in 1460. The book con- to the Commissioner of Insurance Synopiii of Statement for 1946 as rendered in Germany NOTICE OF FINAL SBTTLEMBNT AND Agriraltaral Ininranr. Company to the Commluioner of Iniurance ville. The Rev. Robert Kreutzer, tains color illustrations of the life DETERMINATION OF HEIRSHIP Watertown, N. Y. The Eegle Flat Company ef Naw York Commercial Caenalty Inearanee Company For added cenvonionce New York. N. Y. C.SS.R., will assist at Durango of St. John. It is believed that ESTATE OF MIGUEL 8. MARTINEZ. AiicU ...... 322.849.233.8'i Newark, N. J. ALSO KNOWN AS MIKE MARTINEZ. Aaeeta ...... 32.580,211 19 during Holy Week. The Rev. An­ $27,200 is the highest price ever Llabllitiu ...... 14.807,892.86 Asiets ____ 113,320,419.77 DECEASED. No. 79509. and comfort * *. Llabllitiee ...... 1.280,314.92 Capital ...... 3,000,000.00 Llabllitiu ______18.968,780.69 thony Huber, C.SS.R., will conduct paid for a block book. NoUet ii banby givon toat on tbc 5tb day Capitol ...... 1,000,000.00 Voluntary Reeerva for Con- Capitol ...... 1,000,000.00 of May, 1947, I will prcMot to too (tounty Surplus ...... 449,988.27 a high school retreat and assist in The copy of the Apocalypse tingenciea ...... 300.000 0( Surplue ..... 8,865,689.08 the parish at Carrollton, 111., dur- was part of the library of Dyson Court of tbc City and (tounty of Denvor. Surploi ...... 4 241.R41.2t' (Copj of Certificat* of Authority) (Copy of (^rtifleate ef Aathorlto) Colorado, my account* for Anal lottiomcnt Go BURLINGTON (Copy of Certificate of Anthority) STATE OF COLORAD'o STATE OF COLORADO ing Holy Week and Easter. Perrins of Davenham, Malvern. of th* adniniitration of laid catou, when STATE OF COLORADO CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORITY CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORITT and whore all poraona in intorezt may ap- CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORITY Office of Commissioner of Intnranr* Office ef Commluioner of Inturanc* poor and object to them, if they ao doatre. WHiN YOU Q Q ^ 5 J Offirt of Commluioner of Ininranr* I, Luke J. Kavaniugh, Commiaiioner oi I, Luke J. Kavanaugh, Comminioner'ol Notice ia alao beraby aiven that thare I. I.uk* J. Kavinruo-h, Cninmii'inner nl Insurance, do hereby eertify that the Insuranoe, do hereby certify that the Photographer Honored baa bean AM in acid aatota a patitloo aak. Insurance, do hereby ccrt'fy that the Eagle Fire Company of Ntw York, a cor Commercial Casualty Inaurance Company Inc for a judicial aacartoinmant and da- A::ricultural lamrsncp Company, a co'- poration organized under Uie Itwz of Nea 1 corporation organiied under the laws of termination of the heir* of such deocaaad, roration organized under the lawi of New York, whose principal office Is located at N(W Jttsey, whose principal offiet ia lo­ and aetting forth that th* name*, addretiet Dependable Daily Service lo C H IC A G O *S T . LO U IS York, whole principal office ii located et New York City. In eonsIderatioD of com- cated at Newark, in coniideration pf com and relationihip of all paraoni, who tre or Watertown, in conaiderat'on of comnlim'ice niinnee with the lawi of Colorado, is pHance with the lawa of Colorado, ii hereby claim to b< beira of aaid deccaaed, ao far aa with the lawa of Colorado, ii hereby au hereby autborlzed to traniaet the buainaM authoriied to transact the business acl known to toe petitioner, are a* (ollo-wa, to- n For a truly enjoyable trip— (xo Burlington! You'll thoHzed to traniaet the busineu let forOi let forth in the proviiiona of its Charter or forth in the provisions of its Charter nr wit: Moaea J. Martinea, 212 E. 5tb. Flor­ enjoy the roomy comfort of Burlington trains . . . the in the provliloni of its Charter or Article, Art'cles of IneorporatioB permitted by the Articles of Incorporation permitted by the ence, Colorado, brother; Julia Gallegoi. of Ineomoretian permitted by the laid said laws, expiring on the last day of Fel>- said laws, expiring on the last day of Feb­ 1916 Goa* Straet. Bouldar. Colorado, ibtor. Accordingly, notiea la tiae hireby given complete assortment of sleeping car accommodations lawi. expiring on the lut day of February ruary in the year of our Isjrd one thouaand ruary in tha year of our Lord one thouund that upon toe daU aforeatid, or tbe day to in the year of our Lord one thouund nin' nine hundred and forty-eight nine hundred and forty-eight . . . the coaches with individual reclming seats. . . the hundr-'d and forty-night. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I hgve hare- which tot hearins may bt continued, the IN WITNESS WHEREOF. T have h-re IN WITNESS WHEREOF. T have here- unto aet my hand and causod the u tl of Court wUl proceed to receive end hear fine meals in spotleu Burlington dinmg cars. No extra unto set my hand and caused the seal of unto set my hand and eauiad the Mil ^ my offiee to be affixed at the City ton proob concerning tha heir* of lueh de- my office to be affixed at the City and my offiee to be affixed at the City and County ef Denver thia first day of March. c e a ^ , and, upon the proob lubmitted. fare on any Burlmgton train. County of Denver this first day of hlarch. County of Denver thia fint day ef March A. D. 1947. wilt enter a decree in taJd eitato detarm- A. D. 1947. A. D. 1947. (SEAL) LHKE J. KAVANAUGH. inlng who a n tbe heire of lueb decaaaed (SEAL) LUKE J. KAVANAUGH. (SEAL) LUKE J KAVANAUGH. Commiaaioner of Inaurance., oereon, at which hearing all peraona claim­ ______- TO LINCOLN - OMAHA • CHICAGO ------Commluioner of Inturanee. Commissioner of Tnsuranca. ing to b* hair* at law of such decoaacd STATE OF COLORADO may appear and pretent their proof*. Danvar laaaaUlan Nambar STATE OF COLORADO STATE OF COLORADO Infurann Dopirtment B. C. HILUARD, Jr.. AdminUtrator. Zayhyr flyai Twalva Insurance Department Insurance Department Synopiis bf Statement for 1946 at rendared leave Denver,...... 4K>0 pm...... 2i00pm...... 9i00 pm Synopsis of Statement for 1945‘ as rendered Synopsis of Statement for 1946 ai rendered to toe Commluioner ot Insurance to the Commluioner of Iniurance to the Commitaioncr of Inaurance Firemen's Insuranrs Company ot Newark, Arrive-Uncoln ...... 11136 pm...... 11120 ptn...... 10:00 am Detroit Fire and Marine Inearanee Southern Fire Inenranee Company New Jiruy Arrhr* Omaha...... 12i42 am...... liOOam...... lltSOum Company Durham, N, C. Newark, N. J. • Arrive Chicago;. . . . . $i35 am...... 11:30 am...... 8:45 pm Detroit. Mich. Aaiata ______12.884.084.87 Aaiets ______$55,486,008.8' A s s e t !...... 36.445,582.72 Liabilitict „ ...... 1,284,843.94 LiabiliUca______88.885,458,91 LUhllltito______2.187.518.55 Capitol ____ 800.000.0-> Capitol ______9,897,590.00 IxeailUan nyar and Danvar Zaphyr and Capitol ______l.OOO.OOfl.Oh Surplus ...... 1,149,241.93 Snrplui 8,852.859.46 cannariing train* innnactlng train Surplus ...... 2,373,219.17 (Capy ef Cortifleato af Authority) (Copy of Certificate of Authority) (Cepy ef Certificate ef Authority) STATE OF COLORADO STATE OF COLORADO TO .8T. JOSEPH- „ ArrN# Unedn..... • • • • 11:20 pm...,...^ ...... 11:36 pm STATE o r COLORADO CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORITY CERTIFICATE OP AUTHORITT K A N S A S C U T - Arrive Xomai Oty 7:20 ...... 7JI0 *m CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORITY Offlc* of Commiuianer ef Intunuc* Office of Commlufentr of Incuranca FINE FUR I Office af Cemaiulener ef Inaurance I, Luke J. Kavanaugh, Commluioner of ST. LOUIS Arrive Si. Leulz ... 1:25 pm...... 1:25 pm 7. Luke J. Kavanaugh, Commluioner of I. Luko J. Kavanaugh, Comraissloner of Iniurance, do hereby eertify that the Insurance, do boraby eartify that the AT FAIR PRICES -Through alteping car, Donver-Kaiuaa City: Insurance, do bercbr certify that the Firemen's Iniueance Company of Newark. uirough coach, Danvar.Sh Louia. Detroit Fire and Marine Insurance Com­ Southern Fir* Insurance Company, a ca>- Naw Jtraey, a corporation organiied under pany, a corporation organised under the poration organised under the laws of North the )awo of New Jersey, whose principal Vet of World War No. t laws of Michigan, whose principal office is Carolins, whose principal offiee ia located office Is located at Newark, in considerY located at Detroit in consecration of com­ at Durham, in consideration of compliance tion of compliance with the lawa of Col« with the lawa of Colorado, la hereby au- COLFAX AT WASHINOfON Infermetien * Retervofleni • Tickeft pliance with the laws of Colorado, it herebv rado, ia bertby authoritod to traniaet the Joe Roaenthal in San of the flag raising at Iwo Jima, luthorixad (o tranaact the bniineu set forth thorltod to tranaact tha butintci aet forth busineu set forth in tot provisions of ita Francisco receive* engreved basis for the Seventh War Loan KR 4B7C in the provitioni of ita Charter or Articlu in tha provitiona o( ita Charter or Articlea Charter or Articlu of Incorporation per­ lURLINGTON TRAVEL RURUU of Ineorporation parmittod by tha said of Incorporation permittod by the said mitted by toe said lawa, axplring on the fold coin, the TreasiSk depart­ driva, mad* that campaign “ tha lawi, axplring on tha iu t day of Ftbruary laws, axplring on tha last day of February last day of February in the year of our ment’* higheit award, rnkp Louii most inspirational of all tho na­ in tha year of our Lord ont thouaand nint l7Hi end Champa • Fhenet Keystone 1113 in the year of our Lord out thouund nine Lord ono thousand nino hundred and forty- Carow (right) of th* dep^Mpent'a tion’s bond drive*.” Roaentbal, HANSEN A HANSEN hundred and forty-eight hundred and forty-eight eight. aavingi bond divifion. L a n ^ F a n - new a “Cbrenicle” pbotograpkar, Denver S, Celerod* IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hero- IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I have hare- IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have here­ JEWEI.ERS . ■ unto act my hand and eauttd the aul of unto aet my hand and cauaed toe teal of unto aet my hand and caused the u el of ning (center), managing ed{1(qit{f of took tha flag raising pietura Fab. my offiee' to be affixed at the City and my offiee to be affixed at tha City and my offiee to be affixed at tha City and th* “ San Francitco ChronMy,” 23, 1945, for Associated Press County of Denver this fint day ef March. County of Denver this first day ef Marea, County of Denver this fin t day of March. 1628 17th St. A. D. 1947. A. 0. 1947. participated in th* ceremony. newspapers. It wen blm a Pulitzer ^g|ffl[|ya:a..iu:-mn«»umeMmm A, D. 1947. ONS STORE ONLY ■BIBriiffiiraeiilBBMBI (SEAL) LUKE J. KAVANAUGH. (SEAL) LUKE J. KAVANAUGH, (SEAL) LUKE J. KAVANAUGH. entbel received the award, Cerdy prise aad sis ethar major awards Cwnmiaaienar of IniunBOt. Cowmiatinpey of iMttraiMtk Comaluioau ef luuraaaa. gaidi biwauMi bis. famou* pictuM He is a coBvort. I

fAOE TWELVE Office, 98S Bannock Streel THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER TelephoneT^l^ystone 4205 Thursday, March 27, 1947

FOR OREATER SEE POWER French Nuns Teach Chinese

For greater ease and comfort wear glasses if necessary. Don’t BOSWORTH, SULLIVAN tindermine yonr vitality with eye strain. Swigert Bros.’ seien- tifie eye examination will tell if glasses are needed. Phone & COM PANY for an appointment nWESTMENT BANKERS Successor to SWIGERT B R O S . BOSWORTH, CHANUTE, LOUGHRIDGE & CO. Optometrists and Fition Good Service Washingrton.— Archbishop John SULLIVAN & COMPANY At Right Price* T. McNicholas, O.P., of Cincinnati, for Every Age KEyttone 7651 chairman of the Administrative JOHN J. SULLIVAN, President ISSO California board >of the National Catholic Welfare Conference, has ex­ 17th at California Street* Denver 2, Colorado GLAB8B8 IND1VI DUALLT 8TTLID pressed the thanks of the Bishops' Relief committee and the NCWC War Relief Services to the secnlar press of the nation for news cov erage and editorial comment given Now Is the Time to Have Your to the Bishops’ Relief Campaign THEODORE REQUIESCANT for Victims of War, and to the four major broadcasting com RUGS, FURNITURE & DRAPES IN PACE panics and to independent radio stations in the U. S. for devoting HACKETHAL time and personnel over a two- JAMES PTTTS. Hueband of .Mary month period to campaign pro­ CLEANED Air Conditioned Pitta; brother of Edvard Pitti. Hermota grams. Beach. Calif.; uncle of Mre. Francit Zehna, Denver; Mre. Donald Scbaul, and A complete round-up of broad PHONE CH. 2984 Jamee Oakt. Requiem Mata vat offered casts dealing with the campaign MORTUARY in the Cathedral March 21. Interment Mt, Olivet. W. P. Horan A Sona ecrvice. discloses that the ABC, NBC, 1449-51 Kalaipalh Su ANNA K. THOMAS, Little Sittera of CBS, and MBS networks carried MULLIGAN’S the Poor. Requiem Matt wee offered in nation-wide pronams including an the Little Sittera of the Poor chapel appeal by Pius XII; an address by Phone MAin 4006 Thuradey mornina, March 27, at 6 Carpet and Upholstery Rmnnintiimiiimiitmniimbmimmuminminv!iiimmiiiinumni8 o'clock. Interment Mt. Olivet. W, P. Cardinal Francis Spellman, Arch Horen A Son aervice. bishop of New York; the Boys Cleaning Service U L U A N WILSEY. 717 S. Emerton Town, Neb., choir; and a playlet street. Mother of Frances E. Wiltey, Lawrence P. Wlleey, Portland; grand­ featuring motion picture star Pat 2079 Washington St. BRONZE mother of Mary Ann Wllaey, Denver, O’Brien from Hollywood. and Barbara and Janet Wiltey, Port­ land. Requiem Matt vat offer^ In St. Transcriptions of a sermon by Cliia«t« orphans MEMORIALS Rote of Lima's church March 22. In­ Monsignor Fulton J. Sheen of the pM ci;U IRE~| terment Mt. Olivet. Boulevard mortu­ Catholic University of America from Franco. This photo shows a clataroom in tha | it flavorod with a daeidedly French accent. J E E P E R S ! ! ary. niEB LtTEKATUBB ON BXQUE8T MuitM w l«nr. kf now on vorft of • ROBERT LEWIS TEZAK. IS40 Raea were heard over 301 stations, and Seng Mon-Yah (Blatsed Mother's garden) orphan- Moving Storage Ptrp«txuU tilt mtmory of tout lortd having Brat child. To data no place at ontt with ■ bronit meniorlal. street. Son of Mr. and Mrs. Joaeph A. more than 270 stations throughout Btoan U mott endarins, Itut Teaak; brother of Edward Teaak and the country carried spot announce­ oar own, toon, no ploco ot alt If yoa Juanita Gorokam. Matt of the Aacclt czptotitt ments on the campaign. In addi­ can help, PLEASE call BA 8121. Easily was offered in Annunciation ehurcb GOVERNMENT CANNOT IGNORE FFPf nicfiidrai Low Rates March 28. Interment Mt. Olivet. Boule­ tion many speakers in the various daaporata ax GI, KE. 6425 2149 Welioa Si. qC A L IT Y vard mortuary. dioceses spoke on local stations \ 1 MEMORIAL CO. BASILIO OLIVIERI, 1880 W. Clyde regarding the campaign. RELIGIOUS BASIS OF LAWS place. Huiband of Carolino Olivieri; The secular press generously S518 E. CoUut father of Don B. and James A. Oliver. Requiem Matt was offered in St. Cath treated the objectives of the cam EA. 239S erinc'a church March 18. Interment Mt. paim, both editorially and in gen- By Paul H. H allett presumed to have had, some in­ HigUighs Parley Olivet. Boulevard mortuary. eralral newsI coverage, in metropoli­ Indicative of the gfrowing sense fluence on the builders of the na­ HELEN SMITH, 2127 Irving street. tan centers and in the smaller of the unwisdom— indeed of the Mother of Earl F. and Ruth M. Smith unreality — of lejral i^ orin g of tion— we mean Voltaire, Rousseau, In one of its most interesting aunt of Sitter Regina Margaret. Re. communities. [NCWC Wire! and especially Montesquieu— did the determinative religion of the meetings the Ozanam club of DRYER & ASTLER quiem Maas is being offered in St. not believe in the feasibility or Dominfe'e church Thunday morning, Denver heard three of its mem­ land is agitation for "the Chris­ abstract desirability of absolute March 27, at 9 o'clock. Iptermcnt Ht. Hangman’s Noosa Hid tian amendment,’’ which would bers give excellent talks on cur PRINTING GO. Olivet. Boulevard mortuary. separation of religion and state. JULIA M'NULTY, Ht. ElUabeth re­ change the Constitution to read; rent topics. On Monday evening Programs and Circulars treat, Mt. Morrison, Mother of John C. Rosary of Condemned "We, the people of the United Washington, in his first address at the Lancaster hotel before a McNulty of Denver. Mrs. Bernice Hear­ States, devoutly recognizing the to Congress, declared: “ No peo­ large gathering. Miss Katherleen Tickets for ing. Wichita. Kant.; grandmother of authority and law of Jesus Christ, ple can be bound to acknowledge Sheil gave an interesting talk bn Sitter M. Virginia of Wichita, Kana.; Munich, Germany.— Carrying a Bazaars and Carnivals . Maurice J., Robert E., and Richard 0. the Savior and King of nations, and adore the invisible hand which the present FEPC bill before the rosary around his neck, Friedric conducts the affairs of men more Quickly Produced McNulty of Denver. Rotary tervieci in order to form a more perfect Colorado state legislature and fol will be held Thursday tvening, March Ritter von Lama, distinguished union,” etc. The movement, than the people of the United lowing this talk an excellent ora­ Reatonahly Priced 27, at 8 o'clock. Requiem Male will be Catholic writer formerly residing offered in Mt. Eliiabeth retreat ebapol which has headquarters in Topeka, States.” l^oclamations of fast tion on the history and present- UNION LABEL IF DESIRED Friday morning at 9 o'clock. Interment here, went to the gallows at Stadel- Kans.,. and publishes a monthly and thanksgiving, from President d ^ conditions in Poland was Mt. Olivet. Boulevard mortuary. heim prison Feb. 6, 1944, after bulletin called the Christian Pa­ to governors and mayors, were given by Mrs. Stella Radyx. Miss 1936-38 LAWRENCE ST, FRED J. PHILLIPS, Leadville. Hut- being sentenced to death by a Ges­ band of Pearl Phillips; father of Helen triot, is now pushing consideration frequent in the nation until after Katherine Maloney concluded the KEystone 6348 Oliva, John H.. Mary Anne, Mathew H„ tapo court, it is now learned. for its bill by the 80th Congress. the Civil war, that great water­ discussions with an excellent dis­ O r d e r IV o w nnnnnnnnnn and Jamtt Earl Phillips. Seven grand- Mr. von Lama, born in Salzburg, Forty thousand signatures are shed in the moral life of the coun­ course on restricted covenants. children also aurvivt. Rotary aervicee Austria, Sept. 4, 1876, grew up in try. As late as Nov. 4, 1B96, For will bt held Friday evening, March 28, claimed in its support. Previous to the talks on cur­ Let na ehow ron monnineBt* Bavaria. He formerly was associ­ President Cleveland mentioned at 8 o'clock. Requiem Mail wiU be Though entirely Protestant in rent topics a report on the show­ we have erect^ in Ht. Olivet offered in Holy Ghost church Saturday ated with the publishing firm of Our Lord in an official document, s p r in g ' d e l i v e r y Cemetery. morning at 9 o'clock. Interment Mt. Pustet in Regensburg and became the persons of its proponents, ing of religious motion pictures when he said in his Thanksgiving was given by the president, James Olivet. Capitol mortuary. widely known for his books on neither in the letter of the pro­ proclamation: “ And let us A. T. THOMSON LOUIS J. BLANCHARD. Huiband posed change nor in its collateral P. McNeive. It was decided PRE-WAR QUALITY of Mery L. Blanchard; father of Albert, Theresa Neumann, stigmatized through the mediation of Him Frank, Emoit, John, Charlei. Rote, and peasant woman of Konnersreuth, tendencies is there anything that that the Ozanam club would spon­ MONUMENTS who taught us how to pray, im­ sor a basketball team made up of Free Estimate Esther Blanchard, Mrs. Helen Hall. Bavaria. could be* reasonably objectionable plore the forgiveness of our sins 600 Sherman St. TA. 8018 Mary Gymiiki, and Norman Cloaa; to a Catholic, or for that matter young men who are potential and a continuation of heavenly brother of Cbarlea Blanchard, Rote to a non-Christian, for the bill counselors at the Denver deanery Donahue, and Mary Ruttell. 'Thirteen favor.” In 1892, a justice of the provides that the amendment is camp this summer. The young grandchildren alto survive. Requiem Supreme Court pronounced, in the Uhti was offered in Holy Rosary church not to be taken as abridging any men are Denny Kelly, captain; Solemn Requiem Holy_Trinity Church case: “ These, March 24. Interment Ht, Olivet. Capitol present right and it authorizes Joe Waters, , Donald Sullivan, ERIGKSON mortuary. and ‘ many other matters which Congress to furnish a modified Richard Kemme, Jim Brennan, INES CEJA. Wife of Jote Ceja; might be noticed, add a volume mother of Adolph and Joo Ceja and Sung for Leader oath or affirmation for those whose Frank Byrne, Joe Havorka, and MEMORIAL 00. Margaret Chavex; grandmother of Me­ of unofficial declarations to the Schaefer scniples prevent their giving un- Ed Udry. linda Ceja. Requiam Mata was oSertKl mass o f . o i^ n ic utterances that ini 820 Speer Blvd. Denver, Cole. in Sacred Heart church March 28. In­ Solemn Requiem Mass was of­ quiualified allegiance to a specincalTy this is a Christian nation.” Motien Pietara Slatad terment Mt. Olivet. Capitol mortuary. Christian constitution. T e n t 9k Awnfaig Co* ANASTICIA SANDOVAL. Siitor of fered for G^rge Scharf, whose So much for the theoretical as­ The Ozanam club will conclude Monuments Markers Loniie S. Ortit, Lat Vegat, N. Hex.; death was announced last week, in The ancestor of the pi present bill pect of the question. The prac­ its Lenten religious pictures with aunt of John S. Ortia, Las Vegat; Mrs. St. Louis’ church, Englewood, was introduced in 1894, and high the showing of the Life of St. H, J, Crist and Crutle Eapinoaa, Den­ tical necessitjr of openly acknowl­ The Finest in Cemetery March 11, with the Very Rev. Jo­ hopes of its success were enter­ edging God in our fundamental Francis of Assisi at Holy Ghost IS4-I -A7?JfPAf*0'E Srnn£T ver. Requiem Haae ie being offered in tained, but it never got beyond a Memorialt Sacred Heart church Thursday morning, seph P. O’Heron as celebrant, as­ law grows increasingly clear as we hall on Sunday afternoon at 2:30. March 27, at 9:16, Interment Mt. Olivet. sisted by Fathers Aloysius Fellini subcommittee hearing. A second prepare for an ideological battle, Capitol mortuary, bill was given consideration be­ and Victor Koegel as deacon an< which can end only in either de­ REPRESENTATIVES NICHOLAS A. ONORATO, Fireitone. fore the House judiciary commit­ Requiem Mast wai offered in St. Thc- subdeacon, respectively. feat or victory for a foreign en SPRUNG tee in 1896 and provoked nation­ CONVENIENT ECONOMICAL SHOPPING Dtnvtr: Colorado Sprincti reaa'i church, Frederick, March 21. In­ Mr. Scharf, born in Germany in emy whose sole necessary object terment Longmont. wide interest, but it too died in HOUSECLEANIIVG Jar Butter 1^*<‘*J* 1885, had resided in Englewood for is the destruction of the Christian J. Chat. Kobrahn “ ®* No. Nevada SOPHIE ELIZABETH H E L M E R, committee. A similar fate met a Cob ba maSa eaaiar 1296 S. Lincoln. Wife of Rudolph F. 35 years. He was one of the foun­ religion, and for an internal compromise bill proposed a few with tha Classified Ads Greeler. Colo.1 WeiterB Slope i Helmer; litter of Hie, Lewie, and ders of St. Louis’ parish and had enemy, which''js a secularism that Ror Adanta Eugene Hawkine. Hrt. Mabel Thompton, served as treasurer of the parish months later, which included the It win pay you to read ALL of tha foUowing advertisaraants. Lee XL GIbeon and Mrs. Ann Brocker; mother of R. is robbing the nation of population Eze Mop & Poebloi St Vincentde Paul society for the name of God but not that of Christ. and crowding our courts and pris­ Southern Cole. I Michael J. Fither Willard Helmer end Lucille Votler. One Proposals of^the same order con­ 720 Palmer Ave. grandchild alto turvivet. Requiem Heee past 12 years. He also was a char­ ons. As the Christian Patriot Cone Wringer Carl R. Lee wee offered in St. Louie' church, Engle­ tinued to be made until 1910, but 120 Cimarron, Wyoralnf! ter member of the Holy Name so­ says: ‘The practical difficulties of LAWNHOWERS abatpanrd. 11.78. Callad wood, March 24. none of them passed to the floor (or and dalircied, Jaya Hardwara h Ba- La Junta, Colo John A. Jaeober ciety. making a constitutional confes­ Hands neTtr toack CRUCITA MAESTAS, 2011 CalifomU of Congress. vatar pair, 42S6 Tannyson. GR. 7998. street. Mather of Deta Robinton, Ruby Pallbearers were Gordon Bell, sion of the Lord Jesus Christ are WRITE FOR FREE CATALOG The theoretical issue on which EXPERTS on houainz ahortaca. Hava baan WAHTED TO REHT Spaeth, and Ferman Maeatat. Two grand­ John Bettinger, John Wothen, Jack many, but the alternant dangers • Na Seratchinx children alto survive. Requiem' Matt Walsh, Lester Galvin, and Ed the adoption of this amendment apt. huntinz alzht months. War vat and REGISTER STAFF WRITER was offered in St. Cajetan't church hinges is summed up by the Chris­ of rejecting Him are unspeakably • flaata Enarir wifa with no children or pata. If yon can March 24. Interment Mt. Olivet. Demers. help ua, plaaaa call Barbara at PE. 8471. needs apartment badly. Can’t bring hia tian Patriot in this question: “ Is worse. . . . Already the cham­ • Saraa Tlaa Spitlane Mortuary EMMETT BOLAND, 8088 S. Cherokee Requiem High Mass was offered pions of secularism and irreligion bride to Denver until be flnda' ont. street. Husband of Hrt. Ivy Boland. the American tradition such that • Sanitary MUSICAL March 26 by request of the S t Vin­ are using a secular interpretation War veteran, college graduate, non­ Requiem Halt was offered in St. Francis no one religion may enjoy the 1545 So. Broadway PEarl 0723 cent de Paul society for Mr. • Too anit ba •atiafiad sr yaur RICCAROA FORREST MOONEY — Vio­ drinker. Call David Prudhomme, de Sales' church March 24. Interment special loyalty of our constitution of the doctrine of separation of Aspen. Scharf. Church and state to batter down aonay back. lin • piano - aniambla. Convanient to KE 4208; if no answer, call EA 8988. Afra. John H. Spitlane ' ELIAS GONZALES, 1848 W. Atbury. and government?” Obviously not: St. Joaaph'a and St. Francis da Sales Surviving are his wife, and a the pillars of Christian culture on Fraa Daliaary in Danatr 0 Q OBT Registered Funeral Director Rutland of Antonia Gonialet; father of No government explicitly ignoring and Snbarba — ONLY Parisbea. 128 Ptnnaylvania. Phone RA 3303. Eliat, Jr.; Freddie, Lull, and Bennie; sister in Germany. A son, George, which American democracy rests. WANTED TO RENT and Embalmer ion at Doroteo Lambaren; aon-in-law of a former Regis college student, was the dominant religion or religions OUTINGS By so doing they are destroying Get Your* Now— CR. 0431 Ho u s e or apt. bedrooma, permanent. Hr. and Mrs. Cattulo Lopet. Requieij killed in the Italian campaiign in of its nation ever existed prior 2 Hats was offered in St. Cajetan't churc! American democracy.” Shipped Anywbara. SSc axtra. CHURCH GROUPS ATTENTION! KE 4208. World war II. to 1792, when the radical Ja­ Your mountain outing parties or ratraata March 26. Interment Mt. Olivet. cobins seized control of France; Indeed, it is in practice impos­ Eze MorHop A Cone Wringer Co. HOUSE or apartment, couple and one JOHN P. CORBETT, San Franqlom sible for any government to ignore 8821 Winsna Ct., Danrar 12. Calo. can now ba bald at tha Lighted Lantern child. Arvada 1188-J. CHECKER Calif. Brother of------Alice -Porter ao^'EUen r'EUet grandchildren also aurviva. Interment and even Robespierre had his cult Mtn. Lodge, atop Lookout Mtn. 4 warm Corbett. Requiem Mass waa offered in Mt. Olivet. Boulevard mortuary. of the Supreme Being. Of the at least the broadest principles on cabins and a lodge, kitchen facilitia. ac­ Young man wants three room apartment St. Francif de Sales' church March 26. fathers of the republic, too often which the dominant religion of ONE DAT SERVICE THE RULE— commodations for 24. Saddle hones, square for wife and infant Call KE 8888, Hr. CABS Interment Ht. Olivet. JOHN R. M'COVERN NOT THE EXCEPTION dancing, by arrangement. Archery and Gindhart. carelessly designated as “ deists,” the governed rests. For the gov other gama. Rates 78e per person per ED DUNDON, Mfr. John R. HcGovera, 82. of 8244 W. ROOM WANTED Alta Slaht-Seeinr Tripe Daily even Thomas Jefferson, the most emment must make its laws and Poblie Cleaners night. For reservations call Fred G. En- FRANK PETERLIN Slst avenue died March 21 In tha Santa All Garmanta Insarad Asainit Firs bolm, GL S218. House parents Mr. and Requiem Maia waa offered In Holy Fe hospital in La J.unta. A nativa of radical, included the name of God decisions and frame its policy in MOTHER of Priest wiihea room or' small TA. 2233 ■^nS Thaft. Mn. Paul J. Kermiat. Rotary ehurcb March 22 for Frank Ireland, be cams to this country aa a in his most important document. consideration of the manners of apartment in North Denver near Church. Peterlin, 4712 Baldwin court, who died young man and settled in Colorado. For The most radical of the French the people, and their manners are GL 1781. in California March 18 foliowingr a heart 40 yeara he was yardmaster for the WALLPAPER A PAINT Santa Fa railroad. Mr. McGovern waa philosophers who had, or may be determined ultimately by their the­ MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS attack. Bom in Auatrla Feb. 2. 1889. Hr. This is the place to buy paper and paint, Peterlin came to Denver when be was 19. a member of the Holy Name eoclety and ology. The government’s chief IZORICI Reconditioned pianos, players, granda, or­ plastic ploater, at downtown prices. Also In 1901 he married the lata Mary Male the Woodmen of the World. Surviving duty is or should be the mainte­ CARMIMT cieanihg system gana (pipe and reed), orchestral inatrumenta. arc hia wifa, Ellen; three daughters, Bidault Denies France paper hanging and painting tools for rant. vie. He waa employed aa a blaekamith nance of law and order, and to SANTA FE WALL PAPER CO. . 720 SanU T. R. Walker. 2S6 Broadway. SP. 7884. in varioua railroad ahopa here, and later Mrs. W. O. Magor aad Mrs. Irene Follows Communist Line he waa foreman at Swift A Co. Ha waa Wallie, both af Denvar, and Mrs. Wil­ this end it cannot ignore the Fa Drive. KE. 4829. PAINTING, CLEANING member of the Woodmen of the liam Johannes of Kansas City, Ho.; and chief source of law and order, three brothers, John L. of Denver, Wil­ PAINTING, Walla and Windows washed. World and the American Fraternal Moscow.— (INS)— Georges Bi­ which is religion. In a Christian Puttying and Caulking. First elasa work Union. Survivinic are four children, Mrs. liam R. of Wichita, Kans, and Bernard American Pennant Emerctney Dry Ctaaaing Sarrirt 2 done. Retaonable. PE 6084. Mary Marolt, Mrs. Agrnet Faetael, Mrs, J. of San Francisco. Nina grandchil dault, French F orei^ Minister country there will either be a prac­ heara or leas at alight additional cost Lillian Luke, and Joaeph Peterlin; and dren also survive. Requiem Mass waa and staunch Catholic, asserted tical union of Christianity and Mfg. Co. PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING ftve grandchildren. Interment Ht. Olivet offerad in St. Dominic's church March Oar Own Plant Oparatad en tha here after his conference with the state, such as we know from Praaisaa. MFGR’S. OF W. P. Horan A Son aervica. 28. Interment Mt. Olivet. Boulevard HI-SCHOOL AND FEAT. BANNERS. FOR PAPEB HANGING and painting mortuary. Stalin, Soviet dictator, that France official documents and attitudes PHONE ALPINE 2192 A. Beringer. 168 Madison. ^ 2285. is not following the Communist actually did exist before the Civil i l l 18th Straat Denver 2. Colorada SEALS, STATE PENNANTS. SCOUT MRS. CATHERINE WALTER BANNERS BRICK REPAIRS Hra. Catherine Walter, 84, of 4S6 S FRANK H. SCHUTTE line. On the contrary, he said, war, or there will be a practical CHENILLE EMBLEMS. Requiem Mats was offered In St. MONOGRAMS AND CAPS SPECIALIZING in brick pointing A repair­ Logan itreet died March 22 in her home the policy of the French govern­ prejudice against the dominant re­ ing. also caulking A painting. MA 8684. after a brief illneet. A native of Germany, Elizabeth's church March 22 for Frank ment is a policy for France, and ligion, such as is evidenced today 184 18th SL. FonUaa Bnllding, KE 8887 H. Schntte, 80, of Morrison, who died Show Them the came to Colorado in 1889 and settled is govemen by the concern for in Aspen. She married the late Stephen March 18 in a Pueblo hospital after a in our state universities or even TOIWY F E R R F m HE HIGH QUALITY long illneas. Mr. Schutte, who was born BOULEVARD VACUUM Walter there, and in 1890 they came to French interests as related to the high schools, where anti-religious No. I Warid War Vat in Siegel, III., came to Denver in 1892. You Really of our finest granite monuments Denver. Mr. Wqlter died in 1942, a peace of the world. Bidault hopes books are admitted or even InvHaa Hia Old Friands and Customan to SWEEPER COMPANY For 28 yeara he was engaged in the short time after they had celebrated Hia Now Stors . is atuined by the channel grocery bustnes. In 1918, he began to be a mediator between Russia adopted and religious books REPAIRS and PARTS their golden wedding anniveraary. Sur­ C are. . . by for all Makes and Models process of quarrying and the viving are two sons, Paul J. Walter of operating a summer retort and ranch and Western powers. banned. on Turkey creek near Mt, Morrison, The Congress Clothing Co. Called for and Delivered Chicago and Edward J. Walter of San New Cleanert Available newest line production meth­ Francisco, Calif.; and a daughter. Mri. where ha had since made his home. At the same time K was an­ At the time of its drafting it Insisting on , 433 1BTH ST. T A . 4 7 1 8 Surviving arc hia wife. Carrie M was not necessary, although it was 'Special Attandon to Clergy" Frank Havel 2824 Colo. Blvd. ods of carving. We join with R. S. Poat of Denver. Requiem Maaa nounced in Rome that Italy and DExter 9218 was offered in S t Francla de Salea' Schutte; two daughters, Hrt. Frances highly proper, tb. declare in our TsOm Mods Ready Made lUlitary SappUaa other well established dealers Simon of Albuquarqoe, N. Hex., and Mrs. France had signed a treaty of church March 28. Interment M t Olivet. friendship, whereby Italy promised Constitution that the religioq of FLOWERS in in W. P. Horan A Son aervica. Marie Curtis of Boston; and ont son, group buying, for cash, Bernard Schutte of Wichita, Kans. In- to help reconstruct the nation it the American)people >> Christian; carload lots. Because of these termant Ht. Ollvat. Theodore Hackethal that was taken for granted. Today from , To buy or sell e»n MRS. MARY M. MARKS mortuary. invaded in World war II. advantages, and our own large Requiem Mast waa offered in S t everything that makes the Consti­ Catherine'a church March 22 for Mra, volume, we are able to o S r tution American, that is, Christian, LUDWIG & CO. DEGAN REALTY ? Mary H. Marks, 78, who died of a heart MRS. FRANCES GILBERT Parishes Are Warned is under attack. It must noW Far Beet Deals you— attack on her way home from California, Mra. Frances Gilbert, 84, of 820 E. EA tSTI where she had been visiting relatives. 16th avenue died in St. Anthony's hot- Of Fake Ad Solicitor openly declare itself, so that no Florists Calfax at Paplar (1U4 Poplar) • Finest workmanship Mrs. Marks, who waa bom in Hays, pital March 28 after a loug illnaii. Bom Florence, Ala.—The Rev. Albert one may use our fundamental law ROBERT G. SCHELL ^ guned RaprastnUttvas to AM Ton G. F. WILLIAMS Kana., attended achool there and mar­ in Central City Nov. 28, 1892. Mrs. HilMr, O.S.B., pastor of St. Flor- for the furtherance of a philos­ l>hoBM PE. 2561 A Eng. 652 JAMES M. DEGAN ^ T. G. DEGAN ■ • A wide selection of ried the lata John Marks. They came Gilbart came to Denver in 1901. She 2739 So. Broaidwzy to Denver in 1904. She was a member was the widow of Edward Gilbert. Sur­ isn^, has issued s warning to all ophy contrary to the religion on designs of the Queen of Heaven Aid society. viving are her mother, Mrs. Mary pastors and parishes to beware of which it is founded. Surviving are aix daughters, Mrs. Mi­ Bullena and a cousin, Raya Griffith, A Limitorl Nnmbar of Reconditioned Reed Orgaint, Some • A choice of 8 beau­ chael Covilla, Mri. A. J. TrWathen. and both I " I IM \Ti: YUl |{ 28 E. 6th Ave. Tabor 6468 nawara Picture book group: Benjamin MA I I’UIMINC ,|ni5." Wraath at graat baaaty, li t . Aa apptw- Busybody, by Lorraine Beim; in­ C oil a priats sapraailea at araipathy fraa a tr a GEO. P. HACKETHAL or a gronp. termediate group: Tks Rain For­ est, by Armstrong Sperry; older FUNERAL DIRECTOR Abegg-Fellows Printing Go. THE BLOSSOM SHOPS ZOIVE CAB VK - VV(iKI I> 'A \K II Brown Pataca Hetal TA. 1828 boys’ group: Galapagos Bound!, by 2205 East Golfa;^ at Gaylord COLD SPRING Felix Reisenberg, Jr.; and oldei MAin 7171 iOKMI'KM MONUMENTS Uptovra. 221 E. Tth Avsl CH. UI8 Pivapl. Csurtsooa Sanies EAit 1857 Park HUL l i l t Lecaat DE. U98 rls’ group: Wuloto Hill, by Phyl - i ’ iiiAuriruL 6KAnir<$ CHEAPER BATES Klv :• 1 lih St. -CALL AMO CMAEOE IT* aI Whitney. OUUM MIW CAR* 1

Thursday, March 27, 1947 Office, 988 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, EEystone 420B PAGE THIRTEEN The D en v er Catholic Register ..^ oit Rev. Archbishop Urban J. Vehr, D.D. Presidant- Registorials “ We have outgrown the superstition Editor:______..Rt. Matthew Smith, Ph.D., LL.D., Joar.D. Manasina Director______l^.-Rey. John B. Cavanagh, M.A., Litt.D. called S I N / ’ says correspondent Auoclate Editon*T-M. P. fifterett, Jour.D.; Rev. Walter Canavan, J.C.D., LlttD.i Rev. Edward^'A. Breen, M.A. Litt,D.; Rev. Francis preme Court decision and Presi-j part of capital or labor, race no extraordinary advantages for in California. Syrianey, M.A.; Linus Riorda



Recently Wed FR. C. M. BREEN WILL SPEAK Innovations Will Feature ilVE YOU BETTER SERVICE INSURANCE All our faellitiea are concentrated In one modem AT S t. DOMINIC’S SERVICES Bazaar at Regis College •treamlined atore. JOS. J, CELLA (It. Davleic’t Periib, Dearer) will arrange tha repository on tha Four Optometrists to serve you: 1120 m d$. Attractive innovations and a repetition o f the most popular The Hev. Clement M. Breen, Evil A. Briakkaui Phone KEyttune 2633 aide altar for Holy Thursday and events of past years will feature the third annual Regia bazaar to Herman J, Brinkhaut O.P., will be the gniest speaker at will use the eatin-finished brass Ed. J. Brinkkani Ray Dillon the Holy Week exercises. Father be held April 17, 18, and 10, on the college grounds at W. 60th Breen is the superior of the South­ repository for the second time. ’This and Lowell boulevard, Denver, W i invite you to hava your glasses adjusted west Dominican mission band, with repository was donated by the so­ All but last-minute details were completed at a recent meeting of committee chairmen at the college library and the co-chairmen, headquarters at Houston, Tex. He ciety last year. Arrangements are W, G. Joyce and Paul Villano, announced that eteps have been m m has recently returned from serv­ being made by the society for the ice at a chaplain in -the United pre-Holy Week cleaning of the taken to care for an even larger throng than the record-breaking ll543LARIMEir^ M States army. , sanctuary and sacristies, attendance of last year. A ham dinner will be served in the college dining hall from Father Breen will speak at tte Palma will be blessed before the 6 to 8 o'clock on Thursday, April 17. Tha Regie gymnasium will •ervicas Holy Thursday evening High Mass at 10:30 Sunday, March again/ha tha canter of bazaar activity but arrangements are being and will conduct the Three Hours’ 80, and will be distributed after " irrj. made this year to move some of the booths outside if the weather V ^ \ / ' from 12 noon until 3 o’clock Good that Mass and also after the 12 ip favorable. Friday. He will give the sermon o'clock Mass, Of interest to those plan to attend on the final night is at the Good Friday evening serv­ 'Spring Program the committee’s decition,«Ab end activity by midnight Saturday so ices in connection with tha Tenc- tiipt those in attendance, especially mothers with children, can be ( 32M5tli St. IttWHii Oiompa mi Stout Sts. MAin 8760 brae. Planned by HNS home at a reasonable hour. i Holy Week services will berin Wednesday evening, April 2, with The publicity committee of the In addition to the many prizes, there will be the same special BacoR & Schramm Rosary, Tenebrae, and Benediction Holy Name society has worked out a m attractions as last year. a program of activities for the Among the innovations this year was the decision to drop the COMPOSITION ROOFING at 7:30, followed -by Confessions. Morning services on Holy Thurs­ apnng and summer months at a rties whfclLhad blen staged in the small gymnasium and use the joint m eetly with the membership TILE ROOFING day, (iMd Friday, and Holy Sat­ space inste'^d u an appropriately decorated cafe, where lunches committee. 'Tnis report will be sub^ ROOF REPAIRING urday will begin at 7:45. Por­ may be f rchased and where patrons may rest. . i Recommended Firms tions of the Tenebrae will be mitted to the full membership at Qft^airmen Joyce and villano are assisted by Mrs. Margaret 4020 Briiciiton) Bird. CH. 656$ the next regular meeting Thurs­ chanted on Thursday and Friday M cG ^an, president of the Regis Mothers’ club, the organization day evening, April 10. ui)4«r whose auspices the bazaar Is sponsored. evenings at 7:30. The first social event of the par­ for AUTO Holy Communion will be brought - / The various committees and their chairmen are: ish after Easter will be the card to those confined to their homes on Fancywork, Mrs. Julia Colaiano, assisted by Mrs, Teresa Albi; party and bake sale Tuesday eve­ Monday and Tuesday of Holy guild booth, Mrs, Frances McMenamey, assisted by Mrs. Jennie ning, April 16, in the church audi­ Jacqueline M. O’Keefe, market Week. Parishioners are expectad Maguire and Mrs. Marie Douglas; apron booth, Mrs. Marge Bridges, SERVICE torium, In addition to the com­ reporter for the Denver Union assisted by Mre. Marie Seaman; to notify the rectory so that the mittee chairmen already announced priests can make the necessary ar­ Stockyards company, was marriad Program committee, Paul Villano, asaiited by Mrs. Marie the following will also serve in to Thomas W. Cherry recently in Seaman; special, Dennis Hallinan; candy booth, Mrs. Agnes Killian; rangements to bring the sacra­ various capacities: Prizes, Mrs. ments to these house-bound parish­ Hoir Family church, Denyer. Tha cake booth, Mrs. Margie Villano, assisted by Mrs. Josephine Vec- J, H. Frther; refreshments, Mrs. brioa wora a brocaded satin gown ^biarelli; alumnae booth, Mrs, Kate Wade and Mrs. Emu Frei, co- ioners. G. A. Bugg; p riz^ Mrs. Frank Bnckley Bros. Motors Will Prepare Altars with full-length toU and carried a chairmen; snack bar, Walt Sullivan; Stone and Mrs. W^illitm Wells; prayer book with^ a white orchid The Altar and Rosary society Automobile committee, Dan Shannon and Tom Gleason, • co- Sales — SIUDEBAKER — Service tickets, Miss Madalene Sullivffnji and stephanotkf, T h a conpla, chairmen, assisted by Mrs. Marion Shannon and Mre. Anna Gleason; Denver’s Finett anil But Equipped Shop telephone, Mmes, Francis ShevUilf shown aboeo, will make their homo ham booth, Ray Schmittling; decorations, Mrs, Arielia Mayer; and Opra Bmilnss AUTO RKPAIBINQ ON ALL HAKE CARS L. F. Hoffman, Raymond Love, in Denver after returning from treasury and finance committee, W, J. Wade. EXPERT BODY AND PENDER WORK - QUALITY PAINTING John Bniggeman, Jack Winti- , whara thay want on The dinner committee is made up of members of the Regis STEAM CLEANING - WASHING - LUBRICATION - SERVICE D . D E U TS C H baugh, 0. H. Hastings, R. J. San­ errOMCTBlST u Tmt* Pnwtiw thair wedding trip. The bride ia college Mothers’ club and includes Mrs. Ray Schmittling, Mrs. 660 So. B’dwy. New Location —• RA. 2826 ders, George Magor, Peter Burns, the daughter of Mrs. Gertrude Myrtle Olsen, and Mrs. Clara Ryan. Mary Trunck, Margaret Feather- O’Keefe and Mr. Cherry is the sen stone, A. C. Reid, and Michael Tim­ of Mr. end Mrs. Geoij[e W. Cherry. AUTO REPAIRINO mins. Beth are natives of Denver. Broken Lenset LOYOU ORGANIST DESCRIBES PACKARD ^ ; .OnpHeated The active and auxiliary mem Experienced Mechanics hers of the pariah praesidium of TIm Oalr Fsckird 8«rTlc« Is D ram All Uakt Cara Ocn lists* PrascE^tioa Filled the Legion of Mary will attend the Packard Denver Co. Gat —* Oils — Lobricatlen annual acies to be held Sunday Globeville Parish SACRED ORATORIO BY DUBOIS Wo Girt 8 A H Croon SUmpo Dintribstorn ...... te Bee” afternoon, March 30, in the Cathe­ Now In Onr New Bnlldlnf 1700 Liaeoln TA. IMI Hours SERVICE Par sad Near 7. dral. Mrs. Anthony Ward, presi­ The following description of the expressing confidence in the prom- OtMad all la SM dent, will be in charge of the Most Holds Mission tif a*. Braadway IP. MIT At Reasonsklt Prieos Ph. TA. IS41 "Seven Last Words,” by Dubois, iM of Onr Savior. Holy Rosary group from this praa- was written by Marie Evert, choir In the rendition of the Third 1519CwrtiiSt sidium. (Holy Rotary Paritk, Danvar) director and organist at Loyola Word, we are asked to contemplate *King of Kings* A successful mission, conducted church, Denver. The “ Seven Last the suffering of Our Blessed Slated March 31 by Father E. B. Gautreau, C.SS.R., Words,” will be presented in sev­ Mother; "See 0 woman here be­ LOGA]^ GARAGE was concluded Sunday evening. A eral Denver churches as part of hold thy Son beloved.” The muted We Specialise in Front End Work / D O Y LE ’S The members of the parish -will special meeting of the Holy Name Tre Ore services: voices of the chorus form the beck- be afforded an opportunity to see PHARMACY society was held in the mission. One of the truly Inspiring musi­ ground for the solo parts in this Wheel Balancing — Body and Fender, and Ante Repairing the motion picture. The King of It was addressed by the mission­ cal works commemorating the suf­ Word. CORNER. , . TIm Pattlealar Drantst Kina$, at a showing in the church ary. Ho mentioned how the Holy ferings and death of Our Lord is Organ Introduction auditorium Monday evening,_ March 275 So. Logan SPs3811 17th AVE. AND GRANT Father is interested in the Holy that of the “ Seven Last Words.” The majestic organ introduction lOTH AVENUE 81, at 8 o'clock. Thie pietu're was Name societies and gave several This sacred oratorio was composed KE. HIT rSEB DELIVERY of the Fourth Word prepares us viewed by the school children practical suggestions on how to by Frances Clement T h ^ o r e Du­ March 26 and met with such uni­ for the loneliness ana sorrow of AT BROADWAY make the meetings interesting to bois, .who was born in Rosnay, Our Lord expressed in the moving versal approval that tha pastor. the members. ^ Marne, France, Aug. 24, 1887. Father Vincent Hughes, O.P., baritone solo, "God My Father RADIO i^ERVJCE Dubois came to Paris at an early LES T ER ’S scheduled it for Monday evening. The adult church choir deserves why hast Thou forsaken Me?” ‘All A Complete New Service for Car or Home Radios special commendation for providing age and entered on a brilliant who were My friends all have now OPEN EVENINOS ^ No tickets or admission will be re­ course of study at the Conserva­ WATCH REPAIRS quired. The film is full evening music every evening during the forsaken Me and they that hate Me ir« fFUl Serve You Best T-Osr forrles mission. toire, gaining successively first do ndw prevail against Me, and he Ono-Tear Gaarantos length, running about two and one- prizes for harmony, fugue, and UNTIL 8 O’CLOCK half hours, and is equipped with Palms will be blessed and distrib­ whom I have cherished, he hath organ. Finally under Ambrose betray’d Me. Even the vine that I JAMES MOTOR CO. PUnty PfrkiHg Spae» 1529Welton CH. 2447 sound music, but not voice repro­ uted before 10 o’clock Mass Sunday, Thomas, he won the coveted Prix duction," March 80. have chosen, and that I have de Rome. planted; wherefore art thou now 1278 Lincoln Dodge A Plymouth Sales & Service KE. 8221 During his appointment as so strangely turned into bitterness, maitre de chappelU at SL Clotilde that I by thee am crucified?’ in 1867, he produced the important “ I am athirst!” is the Fifth COLORADO WOMEN dramatic oratorio, "Lee Sept Pa­ Word. Here the doloroso move­ roles de Christ,” known to us as ment is followed by the recitative, BEWER’S FIXEST demand good taste...in clothes...and In bread the “ Seven Last Words.” This "And the Jews then passing by work was first produced on Good Him and wagging their heads at BODY A PAIIST SHOP Friday and later performed at the Him said unto Him!” And the QUICK SERVICE! “ Concert Populaires” in 1870. chorus dynamically sings its deri­ Creatai Atmeaphere of Drama sion in the scornful: “ Vah-vah— Body • Fender • Paint • Upholstery TOWN TALK BREAD The prologue creates the atmos- Thou woulds’t fain destroy the }here of the drama that is to fol- Temple—if thou be Jesus, Son of A ll R akes ow. After the somber organ intro­ the Fathgr, now from the cross de­ » QUALITY AT A FAIR PRICE duction, the soloist singes the ex­ scend Thou— that we behold It pressive, "O f all ye who travel and believe in Thee when we be­ upon the highway, 0 all ye who hold i t ” travel upon the highway hearken Sung in Cantebile Style CAPITAL CHEVROLET CO. to Me and behold Me, was e’er The entire Sixth Word, "Father 13th and Broadway TAbor 5191 sorrow liks unto My sorrow?” into Thy Hands I commend My The speaker gives a discourse on soul,” is sung in a cantabile style, each “ Word” tnat is followed by the sustained choral work follow­ its musical dramatization. ing the solo. This Word expresses SEAT COVERS DODGE - PLYMOUTH In the First Word, “ Father for­ complete confidence in God in its give them for they know not what “ For Thou art My God and Fa­ Plastics • Fibers OWNERS they do,” the fury of the mob is ther; Thou art My Savior.” Women utho set the standards for their own illustrated in the chorus singing, Yon’n get a lot of real satisfa^ Following the introduction “ And Rayons ' lion ont of driving a car serviced “ He is death guilty, take Him, with a loud voice, Jesus cried ex­ Avanabl. in Many Popnlar take Him: let us crucify Him.” In­ Patarna and Calora I by oar trained mechanics, osing < claiming,” comes the Seventh factory-engineered parts. ¥00*1] terspersed through this one hears Word; “ It is finished.” Here again the appealing baritone solo, “ Fa­ CONVERTIBLE TOPS ’ get mnch better performance, the chorus forms the background INVESTIGATE OUR , too—greater economy and long- < ther Forgive Them.” for the soloists. Then the recita­ EASY PAYMENT PLAN The Second Word opens with the er life! And yoa’ll like onr rea- tive, “ And it was about the sixth ^sonable prices! intimate circles. . . maintain leading roles In tenor solo depicting Christ’s words hour and the sun was darkened and " Woodrew Wilson to the good thief, St. Dismas, as darkness covered the earth until TOWING SERVICE they hung upon their crosses of about the ninth hour and the veil of Anio Upholslery crucifixion: "Verily thou shalt be the Temple was rent and all the I I Mambtr St franeli da Salaa' Pariah in Paradise today with Me.” The earth did quake and the rocks were Standard Motor Gos plea of the thief, “ Hear 0 Lord, rent and all the graves were 692S.Bdwy. PE5264 13th A Clenarm CH. 6596’ remember, remember me when opened wide.” This is followed by their communities. . . and grace their homes thou comest into thy kingdom,” is th(e superbly ...... descriptive organ followed by a beautiful duet be­ work in its swift changes of stops tween tenor and baritone in which and accidentals picturing the dev­ Young | they are joined by the chorus in COM PLETE astation o f Jerusalem at the scene PACKARD SPEaALIST close four-part harmony, the words of the Crucifixion. WILL MAKE YOUR CAR YOUNGER The finale to the Seven Words MOTOR TUNE-UP is the choral singing the ^ct of Speedometer Service Auto Service Station. adoration; "Christ we do all adore * * . Sodalists Hear Bannock and Twelfth CH. 8 2 ^ with dignity are accustomed to demanding the Thee, and we do praise Thee for Automotive Parts ever.^' Wholesale and Retail EXPERT^*’" " " Father Trame Though he contributed several Masses and many sacred works to SeoH Battery Co. AUTO REPAIR' (Cathedral High School, Denver) the Church, Theodore Dubois will A ll M a k es Our Lady’s sodality at Cathe­ be particularly remembered for Willard Batteries Easy Time Paymenta dral high heard Yhe Rev.' Elmer this narrative journey to Calvary. I4tb at Bannock best in all things. Because of that, they appreciate Trame, S.J., o A Regia college He died in Paris June 11, 1924. “ The Seven Last Words of Christ” Civic Center MA. 0258 Northwestern Auto Co. Monday, March 24, in Oscar Malo 549 Broadway TAbor 6201 hall. was first published in this country "Students, you should thank in 1899 by G. Schirmer, Inc. God for the great opportunity of being able to attend a Catholic DTs Gs Ja LETFW I ‘Largest in Denver’ ! school,” said Father Tratqe. "You . and habitually specify. g. this bread of have life, God’s philosophy and Schaeuble truth. It ie^^the soul of your school NEW and USED aWYSUR-PLYMOUTH' and you will never get or find it in another school, no matter how Optometrist i u v o m M O T O R CO. ^ bard yon try. It is up to the young 1908 BROADWAY CH.5fe2fel PARTS Catholic youth to save America. Special iff It is the true Catholic principles For Visual tar Rvvrr Car aaS Track recognized exceflence. taught in Catholic schools which Eya Care will have to overrule Communistic NEW SEAT ideas.” COVER8 The advanced Glee club, under 310 Mack Bldg. KE. 5840 tha direction of Forrest E. Fishel, Make Tour Car Last Longer— OMned the assembly with the Shop at ■’Kyrie,” “ Sanctus,” and "Bene- HARRIS dictus” from the Missa Brevis, by AUTO and PARTS CO. Montani. Singers were Maryellen -KE.0121-1 MARSHALL 1649 S. Bdw’y Baptist, Verleen Brown, Lillian B.ttsst Neabsr la Tewa PE. 4661 Cavarra, Mary Chirico, Mary AUTO SUPPLY Chase, Rita Eckelman, Joanne El­ ORDER liott, Losis Eppich, Margaret' J. B. DONIPHAN, MST. Fiolkoski, Frances Glotzbach, AL. 2083 Tbs Hrais listed hare dtatrve te Margaret Grant, Mary Lee Guy, ha ramaabarad wbaa you are Orleatha Halbur, Mary Hale, 1530 BROADWAY tributlnt your patronafa te tba dif. Dorothy Halter, Betty Love, COAL larani llnat of bueinaas. Jackie Lowery, Beverly Miller, NOW Mary Kay Miller, Jane Mohen, Jean McHugh, Lenora McLuster, Better fo Be Safe and Warm BRAKE RELIHE 110.95 AND UP Betty Jane Nothaft, Madeline Reiger, Glenna, Schafbuch, There­ Than Cold end Sorry FORD. CHEVROLET. PLYMOUTH sa Sliemers, Winifred Smith, PROMPT DKUVCRY Otbvr Cars Prapertisaattlr l.air Jeanne Vostrejs, and Georgia Win­ fCRVICK Have Yours Cheeked Nose Avoid the Rush! ter. STATE INSPECTION DUE NOW A senior, Wanda Luchenbach, ( IF YOU HAD A MILLION DOLLARS merited third place in dramatic Rugby Coal Co. declamation March 22 at the St A R T MALNiATI Francis de Sales’ speech meet. 1144 Fifth St. TIRE AND BATTERY SERVICE YOU COULDN’T BUY BETTER BREAD Wanda gave a cutting from the 17SS Clenarm TAbor 8287 fla y St, Joan, -by G. B. Shaw.

I Thursday, March 27, 1947 Office, 988 B annock Street THE DENVER CATHOUC REGISTER Telephone, K E yston* 42Qg P i Velly to Honor SPORTS EDITOR TO ADDRESS Gleowood K. of C PTA IN COLORADO SPRINGS AAA Rock-Legs spumes The Wonder Meat and Egg Producer lady o[ Sorrows Colorado Springs. — Tht April Engelbert and Mra. George Bar­ Attend Breakfast meeting of S t Mary’i PTA will ney were the delegates, and Sister Multi-PuHorum Tested be 'held April 0 at 8:15 in the Camilla and Sifter Gerald Marie BTATB BirPBRWBD * PETE BERONI W elby.— (Assumption Parish) school asiembly hall. Mrs. A. W. attended as ^ e e ts of the aesoeia- Glenwood Springs,— A good at­ J. O. CrMik C. D. O’Brita — Friday morning a Hish Mass En^bert, president will preiide tion. Mrs. if. S. Maddock and Mrs. tendance was noted at the annual Chicks from 14 Breeds FURimURE SHOP will bt sung at 7 o'clock in nonor of at the meeting, and ’Tom McLaugh­ C. E. Borden accompanied the del corporate Communion nonsored UPHOLSTERING. Our Lady of Sorrows. Adi members by the Knight o f Columbus Sun ATAILABLR NOW RE-UPHOLSTERING AND lin, sports editor of the GattH*- egates and guests. Write for rrlca and Ltlarataro PEBEINS-SHEAItEB of the Third Order of the Servants TtU brapk, w Make Canchr Dratiingt day, March 28, at the 8 o ’clock ■ ' ' •■■II CkMW ■ CM* REPAIRING Slip Covert and Draperies of Mary are requested to receive speaker. His i On March 20 members of the Mass, celebrated by the Rev. C. E. SAVE MONEY BY PLAaNG 102 No. Tejon Made to Order the Holy Eucharist in a body. At Keuler. The group marched in a letics in the School.” After the Catholic Daughter! met at 2 p.m- YOUR ORDER NOW COLORADO 8PBIN08’ Farnitnro Bladt to Ordor 2:80 the Stations of the Cross will meeting, tea will be served by the in the home of Mri. L. Waddell body to the Colorado hotel, where breakfast was served. SMARTEST 8T0RI TH 8. CMcoilt Avt. Main ItH be held for school children and hoipitality committee. to make cancer dressing!. adults who cannot attend the eve­ Several memberi of the PTA at­ Mrs. Victor Caldwell, Sr., who The grand knight, Jalnes Quig­ Store for Men ning services. Perpetual novena in tended the state convention of the has been at the Green hotel in ley, was toastmaster, and intro^ ERDLEY HATCHERIES WILLIAM 0. CRARON honor of Our Lady of Sorrows will Catholic Parent-Teacher lea^ e Pasadena, Calif., since January, duced Miss Patricia Guadnola, who B071 Shop be held at 7 o'clock. in Denver March 20. Mrs. A, W. will arrive Saturdi^ to visit her sang two vocal numbers, aecom- Women’s Casual Shop Optometrist H oIt Week Rites Listed brother, Joseph O’Hearn, en route anied at the piano by Miss Alice Holy Week services will be as to her home in Omaha, Neb. ley Schutte. - o n n m w host raoaBaaRiTB" U i Nartk Tejaa 8k follows: Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sehneebeek The state deputy, Thomas J. SHOP PHONB MAIN U U On Palm Sunday Masses will be announce the birth of a girl on Lynch, addressed the gromp on rOR GTSLS IS TO 11 .COLORADO SPRINGS. COLO. at 7, 8:80, and 10 o’clock. Before March 18 unification...... o f.... the order. ■ Fit' Father Tbs Caieade Laandry t Dry OltsBin the 10 o’clock Mass, the blessing of Mrs. Norman Sample and MrssjKessIerKessler gave an inspiringins] talitalk. The Complete Laundry & Dry Cleaning Service the palms and procession will take Barbara Caldwell will leave Sun­ program closed witn group sisinging Wa Call (or aad Oallvw THE MOST BEAUTIFUL place. The palms will be distribu­ day to spend a few days in Chi­ of “ God IBless America.” DINING BOOH IN TBB a T T I ted during Mass. ISCELEinilED cago. Sunday, March 16, a number of > 1847 Market S t Tabor 6370-6379 HEIDELBERG'S On Wednesday Confessions will Joseph Benner will spend Easter the Glenwood council motored to CLOTHING RUYH’S OVER be heard from 2:80 until 6 p.m., in Chicago with his daughter, Mary Grand Junction to attend initiation Banner, who attends Koiary col­ ceremonies, when three degrees MOST DisnNcrrvE c o f f e e s h o p and 7 till 10. On Holy Thursday, Han’t Fumlthinet High Mass will be at 8 with gen­ III FORT COLLIIIS lege at Lake Forest, III. were exemplified for 28 candi­ FINE PA STR IE S eral Communion and procession io Mrs. Walter Brandes will be dates, among them seven from 10 NORTH TEJON ST. 220 No. Tejoo St. the repository. Holy Hour with hostess Tuesday at a 1 o’clock cov­ Glenwood Springs, John J. Quig­ sermon will be given at 7 in the Fort Collins.— (S t Joseph’s Par­ ered-dish luncheon to members of ley, Merle Haws, Prank Wilson, G e t ' B o u t * * (of Denver)' evening. A guard of honor all night ish)—The annual corporate Com­ the music section. Mrs. Howard August Nardin, Jamea H. Keegan, COMPLIMENTS OF will be furnished by members of Lyons and Mrs. Fred Cross will Sero Rosa, and Peter Bershayi, Jr. CASH Candy and lee Cream at munion and breakfast for all men the Holy Name society. assist Mrs. Charles Walker will A banquet served by the Grand OLSON A BENBOW and boys of Holy Family and St Johnson-English Good Friday— Mass of Presanc Joseph’s parishes, sponsored by the lead a discussion on 20th century Junction council in St. Joseph’s We Will Pay Cash for Small PLBG. A HTG. COi tified will be at 7:30. Evening Knights of Columbi^s council 1214, trends in music. hall concluded the da^'s activities. services in honor of Maria Deso was held March 23. Engagement Annonneed The Junior Catholic Daughters Homes in or Near Denver. Drug Co. 116 North Weber St. lata will be held at 7. The breakfast, held in St. Jo­ The engagement of l^Iiss Lois enjoyed a social meeting Sunday, Quick Action — Call or See LENTHERIC Toiletries Tel. Main 8066 Holy Saturday services berin seph’s school hal], was prepared Denton to Howard Johnson, son of March 16, in SL Stephen’s hall. Taiaa at Bliea 8 t Pbaaa I4M at 7 with the blessing of the fire and served by the women of St. Mrs. Alvin, Johnson and the late Games furnished the amusement and water and the prophecies, fol­ Joseph’s parish. More than 200 Mr. Johnson, has been announced and refreshments were served by the counselors, Mrs, James Wilson ’’If Your Needt Are Ele^rical lowed by the Mass. men and boys attended the break­ by Miss Denton’s parents, Mr, and g r e e r c The Murray Drug Co. Easter Masses .are at 7 (Low) fast after which an interesting Mrs. Eugene Denton. and Mrs. J. Zanella. u m u n m s & Call Main 959” and 8:30 and 10 (High Masses), The Newcomers’ club will be en­ A statue of the

K s • y ^ N Office, 938 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone,'KEystone 4205 Thursday, March 27, 1947

Prom Queen Is Chosen j H l i H S mm & 16 mm Movie Film Rental Library) HOMEMAKER’S Fr. D. A. Lemieiix Enijlewood Sckol DEPARTMENT I Card Tables a a a a Sfieaks for Drive Takes Active Part I At Your Friendly Patronize These Reliable an<> Friendly Firms

< E A R L J. • At Presentation la Vocation Week I BARNARD FURN. CO. THE

STROHMINGER McVeigh Company (Presentation Parish, Denver) (St. Louis’ Pariah, Englawood) I 4040 Tejon Ph. GL. 1796 PAINTING AND The Rev. Dr. D. A. Lemieux, Vocation week was observed in Electrical Contracting pastor of St. Catherine’s, occupied 3t. Louis’ school with a talk on LtMHMd «nd bonded io City of Denver DECORATING M B K Complete Stock 8 mm & 16 mm Film Subjecti CONTRACTORS the pulpit at Presentation at the vocations and question box, by Fa 817 14th St. Sunday Masses on the occasion of ther Joseph Leberer of Blessed 1328 Inea K £. 0718 the parish-wide campaign for Sacrament parish. The program membership in the Presentation was opened with a hymn to the FURNACE Builders’ society and the West- Holy Ghost and a prayer for vo­ Dumas Painting & Decorating wood Catholic Founders’ society. cations by the Very Rev. Joseph IVORK ^ - .Rgjflr The blessing of palms will take O’Heron, and closed with a hymn Complete Line of R epairs place before the 6 o’clock Mass to the Blessed Virgin. xoewalem 8HEKT MKTAL this Sunday, and they will be Captains who are obtaining Devoe Paints - Varnishes - Wall Papers WOKK PLUMBING distributed after each Mass. memberships in the parish BuilcL Paint Brushes and Supplies ers’ society are Ed Bettinger, John Pearson Heating Co. Holy Week schedule will be as Emergency Work A Service Bettinger, Harry White, Rqlph follows: Wednesday at 7:30 p.m., White, E. Puetz, Anton Albracht, 4014 Tennyson St. GL. 1171 1231 Wazee Ph. TA. 3628 1163 WELTON TA. 4444 Rosary, Benediction, and sermon Ray Pinnell, W. I. Pytlinski, Wil­ by the Rev. Bernard Cullen, Con­ ACE PAINTING fessions after services; Holy liam Smythe, Mrs. Perry Fisher, ROUSH Mrs. Cresta Pfeiffer, and Mrs. G. CONTRACTORS, Ine. Thursday, Holy Communion at 7 a.m., High Mass and procession at Patricia Phenix, center above, She will be attended bjr Ellen M^- Smilanic. - STEPHEN L. SCHAKK. Prop. Refrigeration Service rie Steputis, left, and Charlene 8, Holy Hour at 7 :30 p.m.. Confes­ has been chosen queen of the an­ Palms will be blessed before the COLORADO UPHOLSTERY CO. M'MURTRY'S PAINTS R nual junior-senior prom of St. Elizabeth Phelan, right. lO o’clock Mass this Sunday morn­ Household & Commercial sions after services; Good Friday, VARNISHES Francis de Sales’ school, Denver. ing. . Fine Selection of WALL PAPER - KEMTONE Mass of the Presanctified at 8 a. GuarAnteed SerTice Weekday Masses during Holy KtM EitImtUs m.. Stations of the Cross at 3 p.m. + + + + + Garden Furniture and Week, Monday through Wednes­ 1934 So.. Broadway PE. 0265 KE. 1657 848 B’dwy, and 7:30 p.m., Confessions after Trellises 85c and up evening services; Holy Saturday at day, will be in the church at 6:30 WILSON WINDOW a.m., blessing of the new fire, PATRICIA PHENIX TO REIGN and 8 o’clock. On Holy Thursday, Furniture Rebuilt NDERSO Easter candle, and baptismal font, Mass will be at 8 o’clock. ‘ and Renpholstered SHADE CO. followed by a High Mass at 8 a. On Good Friday, Three Hours’ & PARISH. Mar, m.. Confessions 2 to 5 p.m. and 7 AS ST. FRANCIS' PROM QUEEN services, beginning with the Mass Interior • Exterior Painting to 9 p.m. of the Presanctified, will be from 2 Pieces $69 and up New Shades Made to Order Officere of the Presentation noon to 3 p.m. There will be eve­ (St. Francis de Salea’ Parish, Mrs. J. G. Loeffel will preside at Big Selection of Fabrics Phene CH. 6581' ON Shad*. Clrantd A R.ptlrMl Parish guild elected for the com­ ning devotions Wednesday, Thurs­ Denver 6, Colorado E.[lmaiM ChMrfullv Pumiilwd ing year are: President, Ed Rider: Denver) the PTA meeting to be held day, and Friday of Holy Week at 2.501 16th St. Ph. GL. 2304 104S\ v u Santa Fe Drive KEytlone 7926 1046 Santa Fe Dr. first vice president, Frank Krupa; Since the highlight of junior- Wednesday, April 2, at 8:15 p.m. 7:45 o’clock. second vice president, Mrs. Fred senior spring activities at St. Fran­ in the high school auditorium. Marcus George* Northrup, infant Farler; thifd vice president, J. M. cis de Sales’ high school is the Judge Joseph Cook will be guest son of Mr. and Mrs. George North­ speaker. His subject will be "Giv­ Delivery in One Week’ Mclnerney; financial secretary. junior-senior prom, boys of junior rup, was baptized Sunday. Spon­ ing Youth a Good Example.” Howard Maerz; and recording sec­ and senior classes met March 21 to sors were James 0 . Wilson and ASSOCIATED Draper’s Furniture- Selections will be given by the SUN-GLO VENETIAN BLINDS retary, Miss Peggy Newcomb. elect the queen of the prom and Helen Wilson. intermediate grades. The council Attend CPTL Rally her attendants. The senior boys CUSTOM-MADE Wedding Ii Held meeting will be held in the high DECORATORS Upholstery Shop chose Patricia Phenix, senior, as Father O'Heron, Mother Agnes Miss LaVe'rne E. Richter and school library at 7:15 p.m. Mothers queen. Patricia has been a student and Mmes. B. Kevins, F. Thomp — Custom Built — Wade Byron Gose, Jr., were united from the sixth, seventh, and eighth at St. Francis’ for four years. She son, J. Pruzina, W. Arend, P. Fish in marriage March 22. Witnesses grades will be hostesses. Remodeling & Repairing SALES ^ ^ M K ^ ^ S E R V I C E were Alfred Stewart and Lucille is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. er, H. V. Welch, W. Lee, G Decorators Richter. Mrs. Gosgis the daughter Alexis Phenix of 3133 S. Acoma. Ve*tment* Are Described Smilanic, A. Michaud, K. Down Al)/work guaranteed ISSOlctmaSI. Ph.MUn3644 of Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Richter She will be attended by Charlene Following recitation of the Ros­ tain, J. Young, G. McPhillips, E of this parish. Elizabeth Phelan, daughter of Mr. ary and a talk by Father Gregory Gleen, W. Roach, and J. Flood & Painters FREE ESTIMATES At the recent PTA meeting Sis­ and Mrs. Frank Phelan of 4127 Smith on the vestments worn at were among those who attended the Mass, the Altar and Rosary so­ the all-day conference of the COMMERCIAL - SPRAT 33 years experience ter Mary Adrian’s room was Julian street, and Ellen Marie Ste­ Jack J. Ware. Sapt. Specializing in Quality Plumbing and awarded the penny march for hav­ putis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ciety convened in the rectory for Catholic Parent-Teacher league 926 W. 6 Ave. Ma. 4507 ing the largest representation Fred Steputis of 2861 Bellaire. The the monthly business session, with March 20. 155 Hazel Ct. PE. 6454 Heating Repairs present. attendants were chosen by the boys Mrs. Leo Wenzinger presiding. Girl Scout troop 14 of the parish The chenille bedspread given by of the junior class. The annual mother and daugh­ was on the program. They were the PTA was awarded to Mrs. R. ter Communion was set for May accompanied by Mrs. Weith and League Elect* Officer* Mrs. Burke. SLATTERY & COMPANY L. May of 100 Quitman street. The following were elected as of­ 18. FACTORY TO YOUR HOME Frances Sedlmayer was awarded Mrs. C. E. Kelsey, chairman of The women of the parish are ficers for the league of the Sa,cred Custom Built PLUMBING and HEATING CONTRACTORS the prize for the children. Heart at a meeting held March 18; boys’ cassocks, asks for volunteers asked to meet Tuesday, April 1, Attend CPTL Meeting to repair the cassocks to be used at 10 o’clock, to clean the church 1726 MARKET STREET Mrs. A. J. Dunst, president; Mrs. The following women attended M. P. Masterson, vice president; until the order for 40 cassocks and for Easter. Lunch will be served in Living Room^ JOHN J. CONNOR, President PHONE MAIN 7127 or 7128 the CPTL meeting held last week Mrs. James Andevies, secretary; 56 surplices is received. The fol­ the rectory. in the Shirley-Savoy hotel; Mmes. Mrs. Margaret Boss, treasurer; lowing will meet at 9:30 a.m. in H. Sheets, G. Ibold, E. Sedlmayer, Mrs. Maurice Brockish, registrar; the rectory March 31 to assist: Suites H. Kerstiens, J. Moran, E. Rider, Mrs. W. Schrodt, deanery repre­ Mmes. Treralett, Lowe, Linnett, Hour to Tell Events R. Cason, E. Jacobs, C. Valdez, F. sentative; Jjlrs. L. Wenginger, Leonard, Dyon, and Wenzinger. 41% LeM Thau Downtown Pric«« May, P. Gorman, J. Fleming, F. care of leaflets; and Mrs. M. Mas­ Mrs. 0. Henceman will be as­ Of First Palm Sunday Lee, J. Scheer, M. Mclnerney, M. terson, calendar. sisted in decorating the altars by IHARCH SPECIAL Seidlinger, F. Imrie, and F. Kna- Mrs. Gushurst. All the historic events bearing Velvet Suite*, flat arm* felc, and the Rev. M. J. Blenkush. Mrs. Frank Berg announced four or aemi-kidney*...... Women of the parish are asked on the entrance of Jesus into Jeru­ new perpetual memberships. They salem on the first Palm Sunday, Fimeet to help clean and decorate the are Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Rab church for Holy Week and Easter ITERARY as they might have impressed Si Upbolsterimf toay, Mrs. Josephine Alcorn, and mon of Cyrene, will be dramatized Sunday Wednesday, April 2, at 10 Arthur Alcorn. a.m. The Altar and Rosary society on the Ave Maria hour to be lAGEANT The corresponding secretary, broadcast from KFEL, Denver, will serve coffee. IT SAU H HAUOT The Needlework club will meet Mrs. B. Hynes, sent out 36 letters Sunday at 11 p.m. April 3 in the home of Mrs. P. and cards of sympathy and con­ Simon, according to the Goiroels, Thinking It Over, by Thomas F. Langfield, 221 S. Hazel court, at dolence in the past month. came from the country to Jeru Woodlock ($3), and After Black 10:30 a.m. The deanery report was given Salem for the festival of the Pasch TAbor 1393 1721 Lawrence Coffee, by the Rev, Robert I. by Mrs. Holmes. and, as Christ was being taken to Tentative plans have been made Gannon, S.J. ($2), both books for a spring card party by the Al­ Those reported ill were Mrs. T. Calvary, was selected from among published by the Declan X. Mc­ the bystanders by the Roman sol­ tar and Rosary society, to be held Mullen Co.. N. Y. » Kerin and Mrs. Eugene Franz. SANDING AND some time in April. diers and made to carry the cross. It is the fashion these days to The following will care for the FLOOR REFINISHING Raeent Baptisms sanctuary: March 22, Mmes. Leon­ In the present dramatization we express the reviewer’s enthusiasm witness, through the eyes of Si­ Recently baptized were Timothy ard, Masterson, and Wenzinger; GET RID OF PESTS FREE ESTIMATES - EXPERT WORKMANSHIP for a book by saying that it is mon, the entrance of Jesus into Ray, son of Mr. and Mrs. N. J. March 29, Mmes. Lowe and Schei- CERNICH Floor Sanding & Refiniahing Co. Cress, sponsors, Timothy Bana- “ required reading.’’ If these two Jerusalem, the driving of the Roaches - Bed Bugs - Rats - Mice - Termites books were literally required man; April 6, Mmes. Holmes, money-changers from the Temple, 045 S. SHERMAN 8 P . 7 0 5 2 han and Mary Cress; Anthony Dyon, Henceman, and Kimnins;' IN YOUR HOME OR PLACE OF BUSINESS Douglas, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clif­ reading u. circles that most badly and the other events that led to need them we might experience April 12, Mines. Kremlett, Berg, the tragedy of the Crucifixion on JFe Guarantee to keep your premises Clean and ford A. Farfel, sponsors, Elwood Verlinden, Kelly, and Hutcheson. J. Farfel and Bertha E. Farfel; something like a revolution, with the first Good Friday. Free from all annoying pests. none of its unpleasant associations. Circle Meet* April 1 Charlotte Ann, daughter of Mr. 8P. 1144 T. J. Cowdra Foil Lint of lRi*ctlcklts Mmnnfteturad tn Our Own LaboratorlM and Mrs. John 0. Mayns, sponsors, Thomas Woodlock, now dead (and The Holy Rosary circle will meet Member of George Zigler and Mary Zigler; how sorely spared!), is presented in the home of Mrs. Carl Mott, 426 Preaentation Pariah Denver Pest Control & Service Laboratories in more than 100 editorials, Gil- TOM’S Karen Frances, daughter of Mr. S. Humboldt, Tuesday, April 1, at (SERVING DENVER AND COLORADO SINCE 1>2») and Mrs. Walter W. Neff, spon­ braltars of Scholastic and Ameri­ 1 p.m. Mrs. Wynn Schroat will be UPHOLSTERING sors, Lt. Alfred Catalono and Irene can thinking on education, demo­ assistant hostess. SHOP 24 E. Alameda Ave. Denver SP. 4673 cracy, the Constitution, education, Llvlnrroom Suites Rebuilt Hartzel; Dolores Brunette, daugh­ Ksw Suites Made to Order 0 ^ ter of Mr. and Mrs. James J. Bru­ economics, war, and peace. We 1442 S«. Knox Ct. nette, sponsors, John Juinn and think it rather regrettable that Freo Estimstes the paper with which Woodlock Low War-Time Agnes Carey; Sharon Kay, daugh­ INSTALL THE NEW ter of Mr. and Mrs. William A. was associated calls itself the Wall Gee Bee Electric Johnson, sponsors, Donald Street Journal. That name may excite prejudices in many minds. RICHARD LANGE, Prop. Schmiedbauer and Virginia New­ Morals Add to iMember BIcaaed Sacrament Pariah) comb. Actually, this great journalist’s thinking stands far above class Radios & Appliances GAS-A-FIRE interests—his essays are as death­ Agencies’ Work Sales & Service Rotary Again Ponders less as many of the papers of WORK GUARANTEED Conversion Burner Orestes Brownson, in whose tra­ 251 Broadway PE. 4596 dition he writes. New York. — Lowered moral And Enjoy Purchase of Calvary standards produced by the war Similar to Woodlock’s essays in Perfect Heating Comfort subject and power of thought, and have presented Catholic and other Gemelery for Offices with sprightliness added, is the welfare agencies with new and Draperies in Your Home Thi* Winterl complicated problems, according to collection of after-dinner speeches Complettly Aotomatlc — No Work Representatives of Rotary clubs by the president of Fordham uni­ the Rev. James J. Lynch, director of All "Types Immediate DellTcry Initellad In in Colorado, Wyoming, New Mex­ versity. The Jesuit and Catholic of finance of New York Catholic One Day Charities, in a radio address on' For Homes, Churches, ico, and Nebraska are meeting in ideal of education is treated in a NO DOWN PAYMENT — 36 MONTHS TO PAY Denver today to inspect the Cal­ style that loses nothing of its behalf of the 28th annual fund ap­ Schools, Theaters, Etc. vary cemetery grounds proposed pungency for being genial. Such peal of the organization. Wa Specialtaa ia as the site for the international widely ranged top'cs as “ The Father Lynch cited the disrup­ BAUAN & c : o . headquarters of the organization. Women of Ireland,’’ “ What South tion of family life caused by over­ PADDING KNEELERS HEATING CONTRACTORS PORTRAIT OF A MAN Rotary International now holds America Can Do^for Us,’’ “ Pure crowded homes, the confusion of for Cbarehes Thronfhont Colorado an option on the old Catholic bury­ Motives in the Far East," and veterans returning to civil life STEAM — HOT WATER — GAS — REPAIR WORK after years in uniform, the “ truly ing ground on York street adjoin­ Art and Tradition" are also not Witaschek Drapery Co. AL. 3044 O*o«e St. firing a Handley Hrown ing Cheeseman park, and a resolu­ to be missed by anyone who alarming" rise in juvenile way­ 24<2 Brrsnt 8 t. Denver tion to move the headquarters to appreciates fine thought delight­ wardness, and the plight of de­ Phones GR* 3488 *nd CR. 0320 Denver from Chicago will be in­ fully expressed. pendent and neglected children, a.« troduced at the organization’s in­ Pere Lagrange and the aenjh Sen conditions that have multiplied the FURNACE BURNER ternational convention in San turei, translated by the Rev. Ricn- demands on welfare agencies. Nationally Knoten Francisco in June. A similar reso­ ard T. Murphy, O.P. (Milwaukee, “ The home life of America has Barber Gas Conversion You, too, can enjoy automatic, modem heat with the lution was voted down last year in Bruce Publishingblii ■ ■ Co., - $3.76) not recovered from the wounds in­ Atlantic City. flicted by the loss of parental con­ Handley Brown Conversion Burner. Can usually be installed It is fitting that France, which a \'1i i/J, Burners by one man in ^ day. Low initial cost— low operating cosL trol during the war years," Father V- through the apostates Renan and Lynch said. “ Today, Catholic Gas FumaccB . . Gas FTBor Furnaces Ge* Famace* in Stock Lojsy has done so much to retail See Your Dealer or Furnace Man or Call Charities, through youth counsel­ All With AVXPMATIC CONTROLS Can inttall note. destructive German criticism of the ing service, the Catholic Big Immediate Instaliation Scriptures to the world, should also Brothers, and the Catholic Youth FREE ESTIMATE EMPIRE GAS & EQUIPMENT CO. O’Brien Furnace & 'Sheet have produced its tnost eminent organization, are engaged in a defenders, none of then! higher htwn campaign to prevent juvenile UNITED NEATING & Metal Works than Father Marie-Joseph La­ delinquency and to correct it 182115th St. A L 4616 lU l Larimer KE M47-CB UlS grange, O.P., founder of the Ecole where it has occurred.” [NCWC AIR CONDITIONING GO. Biblique Internationale of Jeru­ Wire] How’s YOUR roof? salem. His Biblical studies are CH 5511 1326 Larimer St. Bntfc to IiutitstSoM called by Cardinal Lienart “ the For Yom COMFORT, ECONOMY, CONVENIENCE S3.S0 24 hr*. most complete ensemble, or, may Jehovah Wihisssss Hit PABCO Hileo Floor Suidor we say, Buhma of Scriptural knowledge produced in our age.” B y Proposed Dills Enjoy the controlled, comfort­ ARROW PAINT & It was he who first exacted respect Sthft* M et able warmth provided by a for Catholic exegesis from the skep­ WALL PAPER CO. tics who dominated Biblical criti Quebec City.— In a move to pro­ adds both beauty and BARBER BURNERS COLUMBIA Nutipe Conversion 152# Lovreaet St. CH. 2 m cism outside the Church. This vide heavier sentences for Jehovah value to your hom e... GAS BURNER. Minneapoiis- book, consisting of six summaries ctei Honeywell controls; 26 years THE BEST IN LUGGAGE disturbing the peace through the preserves shingles... of the learned Dominican’s work Barber Patented “ Scrubbing flame” ap‘ experience devoted exclusively or All Kind* written by outstanding French distribution of allegedly “ sedi­ assures longer life for to the manufacture of finest gas Catholic scholars, will be of chief tious" literature, the government Maximum plication to heater side walls— d ir ec t- value to the Biblical scholar, but announced two proposed amend­ your roof. ‘ burners; quiet operation, low no loss of heat deflecting ii. may also be pursued with profit ments to the Municipal Code and cost. by the layman who wishes a closer the Cities and Town act. Green knowledge of the principles that Red Heat SAFE CLEAN EFFICIENT Both measures contain wide au­ MODERN Bat. ISTS guide the Catholic scholar in in­ thority for Quebec municipsdities Brown The Barber Ga* Burner principle with lii4 B*woy. terpreting the Divine Word. Of permitting them to take stringent it* acrobbing flame application and ita COLUMBIA DUCTLESS GAS BURNERS Furniture Cleaning particular interest is the article legal action against persons ac­ Properly development of 1900 degree* Fahr. tem­ Throw* max I mom on the Old Testament, where the cused of distributing “ circulars, perature ha* for over 25 year* proved IMMEDIATE DELIVERY question of what is to be taken advertisements, prospectuses, or lUune at flrepot wall AND Rug Shampooing to the moat akeptical that it produce* where Breateit heat Sven Good EqaipniaQt Moat Be Inaullad Properly AUTO UPHOLSTERY CLEANING literally and what figuratively is other printed matters” illegally. tranafar ia made. Wall-lo-Wall Carpet Cleaning most difficult, and that on the com- The municipalities, under the legis­ higher efficiency than average mechan. Soom*heat taater. Del Patrick Heating and Sheet Metal moth proofed and intured parative history of religions and THOMS Applied atay warm longar . . lation, can prohibit the distribu­ ical mixer-type burner*. •t lowtr coat. 200 B'wny pEnrl 7862 MacCRACKEN the revealed religion, which is so tion of such literature "on the Linoleum Studio Bocccaaora to Vanderpool r-ri oaern often made a ground of attack roads and in public places, aa well 1438 Court PI. MA. 2288 717 UNCOLN t H . Kd77 against the faith. as in private dwellings.”

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