
J Comp Physiol A (1999) 185: 389±392 Ó Springer-Verlag 1999


H.-J. P¯uÈ ger á R. Menzel , its roots and future

Accepted: 17 June 1999

Abstract Scholars in a particular scienti®c ®eld should Johannes MuÈ ller, and Emil du Bois-Reymond, that the be familiar with its historical roots. Such knowledge will foundations were laid for linking with events in put their own research into a historical perspective, and, the . in addition, will allow them to assess current strengths and weaknesses in their particular area of research. To keep an exciting ®eld like neuroethology alive and close Historical roots of behavioral to fast moving scienti®c frontiers, it is necessary to constantly adapt and broaden its approaches to newly The ®eld of was established by pioneers such as emerging ideas from other ®elds, and to quickly incor- Oskar Heinroth, , Niko Tinbergen and porate new methodologies. The following article tries to . Behavior was described and analyzed expose some of the roots of neuroethology, and, in ad- by careful observation of in their natural habitat dition, will present some evidence as to why the authors or natural-like habitat in . A major diculty in think this ®eld needs a broader de®nition than that any behavioral study, the high inter-individual vari- formulated in the past. Doing so after the 5th Interna- ability of behavioral expressions, was reduced by fo- tional Congress of Neuroethology in San Diego in Au- cusing on particular forms of behavior and on the gust 1998 seems to the authors the most appropriate selection of . Rhythmic motor time. (walking, ¯ying, swimming) and communicative behav- iors (particularly in the context of courtship) were pre- dominantly studied (see also Camhi 1984; Hoyle 1984; Burrows 1996). These behaviors are to a great extent inherited, and thus vary less between individuals. They Introduction are released or controlled by rather ®xed stimuli and are displayed by the animals rather stereotypically. Birds The word neuroethology itself is a merger between and insects were the animals of choice by many ethology, according to Konrad Lorenz (1981) ``the ethologists. (1969, 1970) pioneered be- comparative study of behavior which applies to the be- havioral (Verhaltensphysiologie) by focusing havior of animals and '', and on the elements of rhythmic behavior and examining the (or neurobiology, to use a di€erent de®nition), ``the of the nervous system by localizing and ana- study of the function of the nervous system''. Therefore, lyzing the mechanisms of release and expression of these in its simplest de®nition neuroethology is the study of elementary forms of behavior. the neural mechanisms underlying behavior. Thus, it Ethologists developed the concepts of ``®xed action was only when general knowledge of the morphology patterns'' and ``sign stimuli'', a connection between and function of the nervous systems in humans and and response which could also be applied for animals became available and was accumulated in the rather complex stimuli and elaborate behavioral pat- 19th century by pioneers such as Ramon y Cajal, terns. Both the strength and the weakness of classical ethology is expressed in these concepts. On the one hand, the focus on inherited behavior provided re- searchers with valuable and reproducible data sets, but H.-J. P¯uÈ ger (&) á R. Menzel on the other hand, guided them away from the other Freie UniversitaÈ t Berlin, Fachbereich Biologie, Chemie, Pharmazie, Institut fuÈ r Biologie, Neurobiologie, major source of information underlying behavior ± in- KoÈ nigin-Luise-Str. 28/30, D-14195 Berlin, Germany dividual . This aspect of behavioral biology was 390 studied intensively by the American school of experi- impossible to record intracellularly from in a mental () (Skinner 1938; Hull performing animal, and aiming for particular individual 1943) and from a di€erent vantage point by the Russian neurons is still limited to small nervous systems or (1927). Behaviorism and Pavlov's chopped-o€ (sliced) portions of bigger ones. Multiple re¯exology dealt di€erently with behavior variability, recordings from single neurons are possible only in rare namely by bringing the animal to the , cases in behaving animals (e.g., place cells in hippo- reducing the complex environment to a small number of campus), and optical recording from ensembles of neu- external variables, and focusing on simple behavioral rons, a necessity for understanding the spatial and patterns which are easily learned by the animal under temporal organization of a large number of neurons constrained conditions. Behaviorism has been extremely during perceptional and behavioral performances, is still valuable to behavioral biology by setting standards and a goal to be reached. The techniques are still rather procedures for experimentation with animals. The ex- dissatisfying, compared to the secrets we want to un- perimental paradigms developed belong to the core of ravel. However, acceleration in the development of new modern behavioral biology, but in general methods and the improvement of existing ones is im- and neuroethology in particular have gained little on the pressive. Therefore, we should continue to defend our conceptual level from behaviorism. This is because the stronghold and search for questions by careful obser- nervous system was conceptually eliminated by behav- vation of animals in the wild, despite the unavoidable iorists on two grounds: (1) little can be said about the consequence that we have to make so many compro- nervous system when only input-output relationships are mises. studied, and (2) the output is thought to be fully con- trolled by the input with the nervous system considered to be a mere computational machine working according Comparative studies to rules de®ned by the input. The concepts of ethology were di€erent in this respect. The intrinsic productivity Each species has neighbors on an evolutionary scale, and of the nervous system was a basic notion; evidence was they are potential sources of information when we want established for spontaneous and input-independent ac- to understand a neural mechanism and the design tivity (``creativity'') of the nervous system. The depen- principles of the underlying networks. The reason is that dence of behavioral expressions on the internal status of modi®cations induced by adapting to a particular eco- the animal (including the nervous system) was consid- logical niche can indicate which structures and functions ered to be a major component in the expression of be- are more closely related to the performance involved. havior and its variability. Thus, ethology has been Comparative studies are a speci®c realm of biological conceptually closer to the roots of modern cognitive . Their value for the research process is not al- neuroscience, but the school of behaviorism has never- ways fully appreciated, because arguments based on theless helped enormously to avoid simple anthropo- comparison are correlative in nature and do not provide morphism and to establish a tradition of critical a direct insight. However, analysis of (closely) related experimentation. species will open our eyes to the multitude of relation- ships between structure and function, and provide hints about neural strategies. For example the study of brain Where are the questions coming from? structures in song and non-song birds provides insight into how the nervous system had to undergo morpho- A bat ¯ying in total darkness; a orienting its ¯ight logical and physiological changes to achieve the new path according to the polarized light pattern of the blue task of controlling singing in birds. sky; a blue jay ®nding stored items at hundreds of In favorable cases might have led to the places ± behavior of animals confronts us with endless development of specialized or reduced systems which questions about how this is achieved, what the under- may be more easily accessible using techniques at hand. lying neural mechanisms are, how it was developed in , for example, could be considered as a special the course of evolution, and how it suits the animal's form of learning or a special form of epigenesis, and needs. Neuroethologists ®nd their questions outdoors such a mixed system provides us with the opportunity to but have to bring them into the laboratory for analysis. study the relationship between genetically controlled This is a quite complex process, often with limited suc- developmental processes and experience-dependent cess. The major questions need to be reduced to smaller, modi®cations. workable ones, and there is a danger that the overriding Phylogenetically less advanced nervous systems come question might be lost by the constraints posed by lim- with a smaller number of neurons and often solve rather ited methods. Probing the brain for neural correlates of similar problems as do those with a large number of behavior imposes enormous restrictions and eliminates a neurons. For some unknown reason, such small nervous large proportion of the quite exciting problems, and thus systems often contain particularly large neurons which may reduce the relevance of the ®nding to the original can be individually identi®ed in favorable cases. Such a question. Although great methodological advances have situation is particularly appropriate for current electro- been made over the last 20 years it is still nearly physiological and anatomical techniques. Using such 391 systems, it has been possible to probe the rich capacity and Wernecke who discovered areas in the temporal of single, dedicated neurons. An additional advantage of lobe of the brain essential for speech production these systems is that they may produce, at least partially, and recognition. Memory is a cognitive faculty, and the behavior under the restrained conditions in the labora- question of where it resides in the brain was an impor- tory and unravel the complex functions of individual tant one for neurologists who were exposed to severe neurons. form of memory deterioration (e.g., Alzheimer, The true ethologist may be taken aback when even Korsakov syndrome). From 1920 to 1950 Karl Lashley movements of internal organs such as intestines, hearts (1942) dominated the scene. His failure to identify par- or ventilatory muscles are subsumed under behavior ticular brain regions that were speci®c to, or necessary (Selverston and Moulins 1987; Harris-Warrick et al. for, memory storage called for alternative approaches in 1992), but the fact is that without such studies, in¯uen- memory research, and these were initiated by the psy- tial and useful concepts such as those of the identi®ed chologist Donald Hebb (1949) and the neurologists and the central pattern generator could not have Brenda Milner and Wilder Pen®eld. Hebb postulated been formulated. that cognitive functions can indeed be distributed, be- The identi®ed neuron concept still proves useful for cause dynamic assemblies of neurons work together to circuit analysis, in which individual neurons are identi- represent and store information, rather than a ®xed ar- ®ed as components of neural circuits by (1) their struc- chitecture of nets. Milner and Pen®eld discovered ture, (2) their physiological response, and (3) often by the contribution of the hippocampal complex to recent their immunoreactivity (see Burrows 1996). Some par- memory and the establishment of stable knowledge ticularly conspicuous neurons, better known as giant about facts, faces and spatial layout, although old neurons, could be identi®ed as command neurons whose memories were intact in patients who had their hippo- activity is necessary and sucient to trigger the initial campi dissected (Milner et al. 1998). fast parts of, for example, the escape behaviors of The notion that memory is not an integrated faculty cray®sh, earthworms or squids (Edwards et al. 1999). but is divided up both into temporal phases and with Studies on individual neurons have proven that for a respect to its contents, facilitated the identi®cation of functional analysis it is necessary to know the identity of brain structures as substrates of these capacities. It was a particular neuron not only with respect to its structure only after these discoveries on patients that animal or position in a neuronal circuit but also with respect to studies again became important in memory research. its involvement with ion channels or intracellular sig- Meanwhile, we know that di€erent memory phases are a naling pathways (see also Baro et al. 1997). This is a property of nervous systems in general and somehow completely new area which has not yet been fully inte- re¯ect the self-organizing dynamics of the brain (Squire grated into neuroethology. 1987). However, we barely understand why such dy- However, the notion that single large neurons im- namics evolved, and which ecological and behavioral plement rather stereotyped and fast functions of the conditions can be better coped with when ®nal memory nervous system re¯ects only one aspect. Single, dedi- formation is postponed. A typical domain of neuro- cated large neurons can also represent a complex func- ethological research, the comparative approach, will tion (e.g., the rewarding components in appetitive provide us with clues to these puzzles, and observations learning; Hammer 1993) and can be highly adaptive. of animal performances under natural conditions will But neurons do not work in isolation, and function- ultimately help us to ask the right questions. Memory ally ¯exible ensembles of neurons are most likely the contents determine the location of the memory trace not building blocks of the nervous system (see below). only with respect to the sensory and motor channels involved but also with respect to multimodal and cog- nitive integration levels. For example, the hippocampus Learning and memory or/and its phylogenetically related structures serve as an integration and storage site for spatial orientation in Experience-dependent modi®cation of behavior has not ®sh, birds and mammals. Does this mean that neural been at the center of ethology, and behaviorism has not mechanisms underlying spatial representation and stor- provided any concepts about the neural implementation age in vertebrate brain are homologue faculties, which of learning and memory (see above). It is thus not sur- are elaborated when behavioral demands are greater, prising that memory research routes derive from a dif- and reduced if less demanding behavioral strategies are ferent line of historical development in neuroscience. A applied? Support for this notion comes from compara- major question in during the last century was tive studies in food-storing and non-storing-birds that of localization of function. Franz Josef Gall divided (Clayton and Krebs 1994). These studies are an excellent the human cortex into 27 faculties, each residing in case for the strength of neuroethological research. Not di€erent parts of the cortex (phrenology). Although this only do we learn more about structure-function rela- attempt was not backed up by experimental results or tionships, but we also gain insights into the evolutionary objective observations, it initiated the search for mech- process leading to higher brain performances. anistic relationships between cognitive capacities and Following this research strategy we might in the fu- brain structures. This view was substantiated by Brocca ture even understand why and how declarative forms of 392 memory in humans (those memories which we con- lems (Singer and Gray 1995). The analogy with a com- sciously recollect) are related to the same brain struc- puter has been creative and stimulating, but it also limits ture, the hippocampus. the view to pre-designed, restricted circuits. The call for more general theories of nervous functions is certainly one of the most pressing ones, and again the compara- Single neuron versus ensembles of neurons tive attitude of neuroethologists with their conceptual foundations in evolutionary theory may be a creative The concept of the single neuron being the substrate of driving force behind the pursuit of such a theory. complex integration and decision making in the brain reminds us of the ethological notion of sign stimuli and Acknowledgements The authors would like to express their grati- innate release mechanisms. Would it not be wonderful if tude to Wurm for helping with the English manuscript, and nervous systems had the sign stimuli/release mechanisms Sabine Funke for expert secretarial work. implemented in superneurons residing with a network of handshaking cells in a hierarchically organized nervous system? Indeed, there are neurons which cause the ani- References mal to perform a fully integrated piece of behavior (e.g., tail¯ip in decapods; Edwards et al. 1999) when one of Baro DJ, Levine RM, Kim MT, Willms AR, Lanning CC, Rod- them produces one spike. There are also neurons which rigues HE, Harris-Warrick RM (1997) Quantitative single-cell- reverse transcription-PCR demonstrates that A-current respond rather selectively to particular combinations of magnitude varies as a linear function of shal gene expression in inputs (e.g., face neurons), and ± as mentioned above ± identi®ed stomatogastric neurons. J Neurosci 17: 6597±610 there is a neuron that serves the reward function in ap- Burrows M (1996) The neurobiology of an insect brain. Oxford petitive learning (the VUMmx1 in honeybees). Are these University Press, Oxford Camhi JM (1984) Neuroethology. Sinauer, Sunderland, Massa- dedicated neurons exclusive models of brain functions? chusetts Certainly not, since overwhelming evidence indicates Clayton NS, Krebs JR (1994) Memory for spatial and object-spe- that many neurons have to co-operate in the extraction ci®c cues in food-storing and non-storing birds. J Comp Physiol and coding of sensory features and the control of motor A 174: 371±379 Edelman GM (1993) Neural : selection and reentrant patterns. The response pro®le of each of these neurons is signaling in higher brain function. Neuron 10: 115±125 determined by many other neurons, and this interactive Edwards DH, Heitler WJ, Krasne FB (1999) Fifty years of a process can be highly dynamic. But neural processing is : the neurobiology of escape behavior in the likely to be even more dynamic, leaving each single cray®sh. 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