2. Environment - Tranquility

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2. Environment - Tranquility 2. Environment - tranquility The wonderful surroundings of Kandersteg allow for countless locations contemplation, silence and relaxation. It is always worthwhile to consciously perceive the variety of shapes, colours or opposites. 1. Oeschinensee 2. Sunnbüel 3. Allmenalp/Üschenetal 4. Gasterntal 39 1. Oeschinensee 3 4 6 2 1 At the mountain station of the gondola lift Kandersteg-Oeschinensee Eastern view 1 Wilde Frau 3,274 m 2 Ufem Stock 3,221 m 3 Blüemlisalp-Rothorn 3,297 m 4 Blüemlisalphorn 3,661 m 5 Oeschinenhorn 3,486 m 6 Fründenhorn 3,369 m 40 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 Schwarzhorn 3,105 m 2 Roter Totz 2,848 m 3 Felsenhorn 2,782 m 4 Steghorn 3,146 m 5 Wilstrubel 3,244 m 6 Tschingellochtighorn 2,735 m 7 Gross Lohner 3,049 m 8 Chlyne Lohner 2,587 m At the mountain station of the gondola lift Kandersteg-Oeschinensee / Southwestern view 41 1 2 3 4 5 1 Blüemlisalp-Rothorn 3,297 m / 2 Blüemlisalphorn 3,661 m 3 Oeschinenhorn 3,486 m / 4 Fründenhorn 3,369 m / 5 Oeschinensee 1,578 m 42 Oeschinensee - world of contrasts 1 2 A selection Wet Humid Dry Gas Liquid Solid Humidity Seawater Glacier Rock Boulders Gravel Black Coloured White Flat Hilly Mountainous Horizontal Steep Perpendicular Plants Animals Man 1 Oeschinenhorn 3,486 m 2 Fründenhorn 3,369 m Fründenhütte SAC 2,562 m 43 1 2 3 4 5 6 Path Oeschinensee-Kandersteg 1 First 2,549 m / 2 Hohwang 2,519 m / 3 Stand 2,320 m 4 Golitschehöri 2,194 m / 5 Chilchhore 2,159 m / 6 Elsighorn 2,341 m 44 Hiking area, Nordic walking Activities Summer toboggan run at the mountain station Boat rental at the lake Oeschinen Firepits by the lake Summer Mountain tours Fishing 45 Repeating, similar structures (1/2/3) as a unit of great design value 1 2 3 4 Ski area Oeschinen / Southern view 1 Doldenhorn 3,638 m / 2 Kleindoldenhorn 3,475 m / 3 Doldenstock 3,232 m / 4 Bim spitze Stei 2,829 m 46 1 2 Activities Oeschinen Winter Ski and snowboard area with valley run Hiking, Snowshoeing Ice Walks on Oeschinensee Toboggan run to the valley station of the gondola lift Paragliding Fishing 1 Wilde Frau 3,274 m 2 Ufem Stock 3,221 m 47 2. Sunnbüel At the mountain station of the Kandersteg-Sunnbüel cable car 1 2 1 Rinderhorn 3,448 m These two mountains belong to the Bernese Alps, but are in the 2 Chli Rinderhorn 3,003 m municipality of Leukerbad, in the canton of Valais. 48 In 1252 the word "Gemmipass" 4 5 5 appears for the first time. 1 2 3 However, this path already enabled the Romans Gemmiweg south of the Sunnbüel mountain station the crossing of the Alps from Valais to the Bernese Oberland. 1 Daubenhorn 2,942 m / 2 Schwarzhorn 3,105 m 3 Roter Totz 2,848 m / 4 Felsenhorn 2,782 m / 5 Üschenegrat ± 2,300 m 49 1 2 5 1 Bire 2,502 m 2 Zallershorn 2,743 m 3 Dündenhorn 2,862 m 4 Jegertosse 2,155 m 5 Fisistöcke 2,946 m 1 2 3 4 View below the Sunnbüel mountain station in a northeasterly direction 50 3 4 1 2 Hiking area, Nordic walking Activities Climbing areas Sunnbüel Biking Gemmiweg towards Sunnbüel Summer Freeride trail Sunnbüel-Kandersteg Mountain tours 1 Fisistöcke 2,946 m / 2 Doldenstock 3,232 m / 3 Kleindoldenhorn 3,475 m / 4 Doldenhorn 3,638 m 51 1 2 3 Ski lift / Fat bike Activities Mountain trails Snowshoeing Sunnbüel Winter hiking trail to Gemmi Winter Ice climbing Ski mountain tours 1 Oberes Tatelishorn 2,962 m / 2 Altels 3,629 m / 3 Rinderhorn 3,448 m 52 3. Allmenalp-Üschenetal 1 2 Allmenalp 1 Chlyne Lohner 2,587 m / 2 Bunderspitz 2,546 m 53 Steinweidli 54 Variety of shapes and colours 3 both in terrain and on the 2 firmament 1 Straight, curved, tapered, steep, flat, branched, Shapes rounded, striving upwards, parallel, humped, eroded, jagged, split Colours Blue, green, yellowish, brown, gray, white, black 1 Sattelhorn 2,376 m / 2 Ärmighorn 2,742 m / 3 Zallershorn 2,743 m 55 3 2 1 Activities Hiking area, Allmenalp Nordic walking 4 Climbing trail Summer Paragliding 1 Wilde Frau 3,274 m / 2 Wyssi Frau 3,648 m / 3 Blüemlisalphorn 3,661 m / 4 Oeschinensee 1,578 m Mountain station of the Kandersteg-Allmenalp cable car 56 2 3 1 Exit Allmenalp towards Üschenetal 1 Wilde Frau 3,274 m / 2 Blüemlisalphorn 3,661 m / 3 Fründenhorn 3,369 m 57 1 2 1 2 3 3 Exit Allmenalp towards Üschenetal 1 Balmhorn 3,698 m / 2 Altels 3,629 m / 3 Rinderhorn 3,448 m 58 1 2 3 Path towards Üschenetal 1 Rinderhorn 3,448 m / 2 Chli Rinderhorn 3,003 m / 3 Gällihorn 2,284 m 59 3 The quiet Üschenetal is primarily used for agriculture. 1 2 The Alpbach also serves to generate electricity in Kandersteg: Enchanting path to the Üschenetal 1 Steghorn 3,146 m 2 Tschingellochtighorn 2,735 m 3 Gross Lohner 3,049 m On the other side of the Lohner massif is Adelboden. 60 3 1 2 Activities Hiking area, Üschenetal Nordic walking Climbing routes Summer Biking 1 Steghorn 3,146 m / 2 Tschingellochtighorn 2,735 m / 3 Gross Lohner 3,049 m 61 4. Gasterntal Kanderfalls in the narrow Chluse Street with bridge towards Gasterntal 62 The Kander flows freely and untamed through the Gasterntal. With its changing dynamics it creates an alpine meadow landscape which was placed under protection in the Kanderfirn area and in Gastereholz. Gastereholz Avalanche trains, rubble cones and side streams also structure the area. In addition to a traditionally used cultural landscape, there are numerous habitats for rich flora and fauna. Source: 5 Balmhornhütte SAC 1,956 m 63 Wild world of contrasts Opposites create significant fields of tension. For example, without darkness light cannot be captured and vice versa. To recognize the positive, the negative is necessary. Fields of tension can therefore not be clearly divided into positive or negative. Four examples from the mountains shall demonstrate this. Source: 6 Fields of tension Affinity for the positive Affinity for the negative Cold Glacier structure Freeze to death Rushing of water Relaxation Drowning death Avalanche Spectacle Death risk Rockfall Dynamics Case of damage 64 Source: 7 From the 300 m high south wall of the lower Gasterntal, the Geltenbach falls into the valley in warm weather. Geltenbachfall The Geltenbach cave is only accessible via the exit point of the 70 m high Geltenbachfall. Until winter 2016/17 2'995 m of corridors were measured in the cave. However, the extent of the cavity system is much larger. 65 Summer impressions in the Gasterntal 2 1 Gross Lohner 3,049 m / 2 Gällihorn 2,284 m 66 1 1 Hiking area, Nordic Walking Activities Biking Experiences: Floodplain landscapes of Gasterntal national importance, wilderness, Summer botanical diversity Firepits on the Kander 1 Hockenhorn 3,293 m 67.
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