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The grandchild of Rabbi Barukh Abraham Joshua Heschel O Lord, sometimes I feel rotten inside. Rabbi Allen Maller Longing to come near You Judah HaLevi (trans. Solomon Solis-Cohen) I can see the cup of life Congregation Emanu El, Houston, TX Lord give me the courage Shulamis Yelin The entire world Nahman of Bratzlav Rabbi Shmelke of Nikoslburg Rabbi Dov Peretz Elkins We have come to this sacred place Congregation Emanu El, Houston, TX adapted We are loved by an unending love. Rami Shapiro Moses, our brother, led us, Rabbi Leila Gal Berner On the Day of Renewal--we can decide Kol Ami, Northern Virginia Reconstructionist Community Machzor We stand in humility Mishkan HaNefesh, Reform Machzor I need to speak these words aloud Mishkan HaNefesh, Reform Machzor For the sin we committed before you . . . Rabbi Dov Peretz Elkins

This service was compiled and edited by Rabbi Brigitte Rosenberg for United Hebrew Congregation, St. Louis, Missouri, 2015. 'Q¨k ohsIn ¦ Ubj«©b£ § t 'Ubh«¥v«k¡t h§h¨ k«F©v k©g /,¤r«¨©t§p¦,§kU sIc¨f§k 'v¨r¨P©f§kU v¨jh¦k§x¦k§u v¨khj§ ¦ n¦k limchilah v’lislichah ul;chaparah, l’chavod u’ltifaret. Al hakol Adonai Eloheinu, anachnu modim lach, /s©g¨k o¨H©e§u ,¤n¡t Wr¨ §c§sU /s¤g¨u o¨kIg§k shn¨ ¦ T hj © k¨F hp§C ¦ W§n¦J Qr¨ ©C§,¦h /Q¨,It ohf§ ¦ r¨c§nU umvarchim otach, yitbarach shimcha b’fi kol chai tamid l’olam va’ed. U’d’var’cha emet v’kayam la’ad. Ubh,In ¥ J© § t rh ¦c£g©nU 'k¥t¨r§G¦h ,h¥C IN©g ,IbI£g©k§u Ubh,IbI£ ¥ g©k j¥© kIxu § k¥jIn Q¤k¤n '¨h§h v¨T©t QUr¨C Baruch atah Adonai, melech mochel v’solei’ach la’a’vonoteinu v’la’avonot amo beit yisrael, u’ma’avir ash’moteinu /ohrUP ¦ F© ¦ v oIhu § k¥t¨r§G¦h (§u ,¨C©X©v) JS© ¥e§n '.r¨ ¤t¨v-k¨F k©g Q¤k¤n 'v¨b¨J§u v¨b¨J-k¨f§C b’chol-shanah v’shanah, melech al kol ha’aretz, m’kadesh (haShabbat v’) Yisrael v’yom haKippurim. Praised be Adonai our God, Sovereign of the universe, Rock of all creation, righteous in all generations, the faithful God whose word is deed, whose every command is just and true.

For the Torah, for the privilege of worship, for the prophets, and for this ( and this) Day of Atonement that You, Adonai our God, have given us (for holiness and rest) for pardon, forgiveness, atonement, for honor and for glory, we thank and bless You. May Your name be blessed forever by every living being, for Your word is true forever. Blessed is Adonai our God, whose forgiving love annuls our trespasses year after year, Sovereign of all the earth, You hallow (the Sabbath,) the House of Israel and the Day of Remembrance.

Please rise. :oIkJ ¨ vh«¤¨ ,Ich,§b ¦ k¨f§u 'o©gI«b h¥f§r©s vh«¤¨ f¨r§S :rXª ¨ t§n vh«¤¨ f§nI,u § 'V¨C oheh¦z£ ¦ j©N©k thv ¦ oh¦H©j .¥g Eits chayim hi la’machazikim bah, v’tom’chechah m’ushar. D’racheiha, darchei no’am, v’chol n’tivoteiha shalom. It is a tree of life to those who hold fast to it, its ways are ways of pleasantness, and all its paths are peace. /os¤ ¤e§F Ubhn¨ ¥ hJS© ¥j /v¨cUJ¨b§u 'Wh¤k¥t h§h¨ Ub¥chJ£ ¦ v Hashiveinu Adonai elecha, v’nashuvah. Chadeish yameinu k’kedem. Help us to return to You, O God; then truly shall we return. Renew our days as in the past.

The Ark is closed. Please be seated

19 Blessing before Reading of o¤vhr§c¦ ¥ s§c v¨m¨r§u 'oh ¦cIy ohth ¦ ¦c§b ¦C rj¨ © C rJ£ ¤ t 'o¨kIg¨v Q¤k«¤n Ubh«¥v«k¡t h§h¨ v¨T©t QUr¨C Baruch atah Adonai Eloheinu melech ha’olam, asher bachar bin’vi’im tovim, v’ratzah v’divreihem 'IN©g k¥t¨r§G¦h§cU 'IS§c©g vJ ¤ «n§cU v¨rIT©C r¥jIC©v '¨h§h v¨T©t QUr¨C ',¤n¡t¤C ohr¨ ¦n¡t¤b©v hane’emarim be’emet, baruch atah Adonai, habocher ba’Torah uv’Moshe avdo, uv’Yisrael amo /es«¤ ¤m¨u ,¤n¡t¨v h¥t h ¦c §b ¦c U u’vin’vi’ei ha’emet va’tzedek.

Praised be Adonai our God, Ruler of the universe, who has chosen faithful prophets to speak words of truth. Blessed is Adonai, for the revelation of Torah, for Moses and the people Israel, and for the prophets of truth and righteousness.

Isaiah 58:1-14 Cry with full throat, without restraint; raise your voice like a ram's horn! Declare to My people their transgression, to the House of Jacob their sin. To be sure, they seek Me daily, eager to learn My ways. Like a nation that does what is right, that has not abandoned the laws of its God, they ask Me for the right way, they are eager for the nearness of God: "Why, when we fasted, did You not see? When we starved our bodies, did You pay no heed?" Because on your fast day you see to your business and oppress all your laborers! Because you fast in strife and contention, and you strike with a wicked fist! Your fasting today is not such as to make your voice heard on high. Is such the fast I desire, a day for men to starve their bodies? Is it bowing the head like a bulrush and lying in sackcloth and ashes? Do you call that a fast, a day when God is favorable? No, this is the fast I desire: To unlock the fetters of wickedness, and untie the cords of the yoke to let the oppressed go free; to break off every yoke. It is to share your bread with the hungry, and to take the wretched poor into your home; when you see the naked, to clothe him, and not to ignore your own kin. Then shall your light burst through like the dawn and your healing spring up quickly; your Vindicator shall march before you, the Presence of God shall be your rear guard. Then, when you call, God will answer; when you cry, God will say: Here I am. If you banish the yoke from your midst, the menacing hand and evil speech, and you offer your compassion to the hungry and satisfy the famished creature — Then shall your light shine in darkness, and your gloom shall be like noonday. God will guide you always; God will slake your thirst in parched places and give strength to your bones. You shall be like a watered garden, like a spring whose waters do not fail. Men from your midst shall rebuild ancient ruins, you shall restore foundations laid long ago. And you shall be called "Repairer of fallen walls, Restorer of lanes for habitation."

Blessing after Reading of Haftarah r¥nIt¨v in¡ ¨ t¤B©v k¥t¨v ',IrIS©v k¨f§C eh¦S©m 'ohn¨ ¦ kIg¨v k¨F rUm 'o¨kIg¨v Q¤k«¤n Ubh«¥v«k¡t h§h¨ v¨T©t QUr¨C Baruch atah Adonai Eloheinu melech ha’olam, tzur kol ha’olamim, tzadik b’chol ha’dorot, ha’El hane’eman ha’omer 'ohth ¦ ¦c§B©v k©g§u 'vsIc£ ¨ g¨v k©g§u 'vrIT© ¨ v k©g /es«¤ ¤m¨u ,¤n¤t uhr¨ ¨c§S k¨F¤J 'o¥H©e§nU r¥C©s§n©v 'vG ¤ «g§u v’oseh, hamdaber umkayem, shekol d’varav emet vatzedek. Al haTorah, v’al ha’avodah, v’al han’vi’im, ('v¨jUbn¦k§ § u vXª ¨ s§e¦k) 'Ubh¥v«k¡t h§h¨ Ub«¨k T«©¨ ,¨b¤J 'v¤Z©v ohrUP ¦ F© ¦ v oIh k©g§u ('v¤Z©v ,¨C©X©v oIh k©g§u) (v’al yom haShabbat hazeh,) v’al yom haKippurim hazeh, shenatata lanu Adonai Eloheinu, (likdushah v’limnuchah)

18 Deuteronomy 29:9-14 and 30:11-14 Jht ˦ k«F ¼ ofh º¤ r§ ¥y«J§ É u ¿o¤fh¥b§e¦z ofh¥¤ ½ y§c¦J oɤfhJt ¥ r«¨ o·¤fh¥v«k¡« t vɨIv§h h¼¥b§p¦k of§ º¤KªF ¿oIH©v ohʦc¨M¦b oT©¤ Î t W§½ r§c¨g§k :Whnh¥«¤ n ct«J Ë¥ sg ¼© Whm¥ º¤g cÉ¥y«jn«¥ Wh·¤b£jn«© cr¤ ɤe§C r¼¤J£t W§º rÉ¥d§u ofh º¤ J§b ¥ oɤf§P©y :kt¨«¥r§G¦h IÂk oIÎH©v ÏW§,«t« Îohe¨¦« v i©gÉ©n§k :oIH©«v W§¼ N¦g ,Ë¥r«F Whv« º¤ kt ¡ vɨIv§h ¿rJ£ ¤t I,¨ · kt§«¨cU Wh¼¤v« kt ¡ v˨Iv§h ,hr§ Á¦c¦C e¼¨j§m¦h§k o˨v¨r§c©t§k Wh,«c º¤ t £k«© ¿g©C§J¦b rʤJ£tf§«© u Q·¨kÎr¤C¦S r¼¤J£tF«© ohv« º¦ k t k«¥ ¿W §KÎv¤h§v¦«h tUv§ Ê u og§¨ ½ k rÎJ£¤tÎ,¤t Ïh¦F :,t«Z©« v v¼¨k¨t«¨vÎ,¤t§u ,t«ºZ©v ,hr§ ɦC©vÎ,¤t ¿,r«F ¥ hf«b¦ ½ t«¨ o·¤f§S©c§k o¼¤f§T¦t t«k§ Ë u :c«e£« g«©hk § U« :oIH©«v Ub˨N¦g v«P ¼ UBÁ¤bh¥t rˤJ£t ,t§ Î¥u Ubh·¥v« kt ¡ vɨIv§h h¼¥b§p¦k oIºH©v sÉ¥n«g ¿UbN¦ Ψg v«½P IÂbJ¤ § h

o¦h¼©n¨X©c t«k Ë :tuv¦« ve«j ¼¨ r §Ît«k§« u W§º N¦n ¿tu¦v ,tË¥k§p¦bÎt«k« oI·H©v W§¼ U©m§n h˦f«bt«¨ rÁ¤J£t ,t«ºZ©v vɨu§m¦N©v h¦ÀF tu·¦v o¼¨H©k r¤cË¥g¥nÎt«k§« u :v¨BG£«¤g«©b§u V¼¨,«t Ubg¦ Ë¥n§J©h§u UbK º¨ vɤ¨j¨E¦h§u ¿v¨n§hn¨ Ω X©v UbʨKÎv¤k£g«©h hn ɦ r« ½nt¥k tu·¦v r¼¨c¨S©v WhÁ¤k¥t cIr¨ ËeÎh¦F« :v¨BG£«¤g«©b§u V¼¨,«t Ubg¦ Ë¥n§J©h§u UbK º¨ vɤ¨j¨E¦h§u ¿o¨H©v r¤cÊ¥gÎk¤t Ubk ¨Îr¨c£g«©h hn ɦ r« ½nt¥k :I,G£« gk«© W§¼ cc§«¨ k¦cU WhËp§ ¦C s«·t§n You stand this day, all of you, before Adonai your God — your tribal heads, your elders and your officials, all the men of Israel, your children, your wives, even the stranger within your camp, from woodchopper to waterdrawer — to enter into the covenant of Adonai your God, which God is concluding with you this day, with its sanctions; to the end that God may establish you this day as His people and be your God, as promised to you and as sworn to your fathers, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. I make this covenant, with its sanctions, not with you alone, but both with those who are standing here with us this day before Adonai our God and with those who are not with us here this day. Surely, this instruction which I enjoin upon you this day is not too baffling for you, nor is it beyond reach. It is not in the heavens, that you should say, "Who among us can go up to the heavens and get it for us and impart it to us, that we may observe it?" Neither is it beyond the sea, that you should say, "Who among us can cross to the other side of the sea and get it for us and impart it to us, that we may observe it?" No, the thing is very close to you, in your mouth and in your heart, to observe it.

Blessing after reading the Torah g©y¨b o¨kIg h¥H©j§u ',¤n¡t ,rIT © Ub«¨k i,«¨b © rJ£ ¤ t 'o¨kIg¨v Q¤k«¤n Ubh«¥v«k¡t h§h¨ v¨T©t QUr¨C Baruch atah Adonai, Eloheinu melech ha’olam, asher natan lanu Torat emet, v’chayei olam nata :vrIT© ¨ v i¥,Ib '¨h§h v¨T©t QUr¨C :Ub«¥fI, §C b’tocheinu. Baruch atah Adonai, notein haTorah.

Praised be God, Sovereign of the universe, who has given us a Torah of truth, implanting within us eternal life. Blessed is God, Giver of the Torah.

:vJn ¤ s©h§C h§h¨ h¦P k©g k¥t¨r§G¦h h¥b§C h¥b§p¦k v¤Jn oG ¨ rJ£ ¤ t vrIT© ¨ v ,t«z§u V’zot haTorah asher sam Moshe lifnei b’nei Yisrael al pi Adonai b’yad Moshe.

This is the Torah which Moses placed before the people of Israel, God’s word through the hand of Moses.


Torah is taken from the Ark.

(Omitted when Yom Kippur is on Shabbat) 'ohp¨ ¦k£t¨k s¤xj«¤ r¥m«b :,¤n¤t§u s¤xj«¤ cr§ ©u 'o¦hP©«©t Qr ¤t«¤ 'iUB©j§u oUjr © k¥t '¨h§h '¨h§h Adonai, Adonai, el rachum v’chanun, erech apayim, v’rav chesed v’emet. Notzer chesed la’alafim, :v¥E©b§u 'v¨t¨Y©j§u gJ¤ © p¨¤¤«¤u iI¨g tG«b ¥ Noseh avon v’fesha v’chata’ah, v’nakeh. The Eternal, the Eternal God is compassionate and gracious, patient, abounding in devotion and truth, assuring steadfast love for a thousand generations, forgiving transgression, iniquity and sin, and granting pardon.

/s¨j¤t ¨h§h 'Ubhv««¥ kt ¡ ¨h§h 'kt¨ ¥ r§G¦h g©n§J , Adonai Eloheinu, Adonai Echad. Hear, O Israel, Adonai is our God, Adonai is One! /InJ § trIb ¨ u § JIs¨e 'Ub«¥bIs£t kIs¨D 'Ubh«¥v«k¡t s¨j¤t Echad Eloheinu, gadol Adoneinu, kadosh v’nora Shemo. Adonai is One: God is great; holy and awesome is Adonai.

:.r«¨ ¤t¨cU o¦h«©n¨X©C k«f h ¦F 'sIv©v§u j©m«¥B©v§u ,r«¤ ¤t§p¦T©v§u vrUc§D© ¨ v§u v¨Kªs§D©v h§h¨ W§k L’cha Adonai ha’g’dulah v’ha’g’vurah v’hatiferet v’hanetzach v’hahod, ki chol ba’shamayim u’va’aretz. :Jt«r§k k«f§k t¥¬©b§,¦N©v§u v¨f¨k§n©N©v h§h¨ W§k L’cha Adonai ha’mamlachah v’hamit’naseh l’chol l’rosh.

Yours, O God is the greatness, the power, the glory, the victory, and the majesty; for all that is in heaven and earth is Yours. Yours is the sovereignty, O God; You are exalted above all.

Blessing before reading the Torah :QrIc ¨ N© § v h§h¨ ,¤t Ufr¨ §C Barchu et Adonai hamevorach :s¤g¨u o¨kIg§k QrIc ¨ N© § v h§h¨ QUr¨C Baruch Adonai ham’vorach l’olam va’ed. :I,rIT ¨ ,¤t Ub¨k i,«¨b§ © u ohn© ¦ g¨v k¨F¦n Ub«¨C rj«¨ © C rJ¤ ¤ t 'o¨kIg¨v Q¤k«¤n Ubh«¥v«k¡t h§h¨ v¨T©t QUr¨C Baruch atah Adonai, Eloheinu melech ha’olam, asher bachar banu mikol ha’amim v’natan lanu et Torato :vrIT© ¨ v i¥,Ib '¨h§h v¨T©t QUr¨C Baruch atah Adonai, notein ha’Torah. Praised be God, to whom our praise is due! Praised be God, to whom our praise is due now and forever! Praised be God, Sovereign of the universe, who has chosen us from all the peoples by giving us the gift of Torah. Blessed is God, Giver of the Torah.

16 Please rise. /Ub¥kIe gn§ © J !Ub«¥F§k©n Ubh«¦c¨t sh’ma koleinu. Avinu Malkeinu! Hear our voice. /Wh«¤b¨p§k Ubt«¨y¨j !Ub«¥F§k©n Ubh«¦c¨t Avinu malkainu chatanu l’fanecha. Avinu Malkeinu! We have sinned against you. /Ubh«¥,IbI£g k¨f§k k©j§nU j©k§x !Ub«¥F§k©n Ubh«¦c¨t Avinu malkainu s’lach u’m’chal l’chol avonoteinu. Avinu Malkeinu! Forgive and pardon all our misdeeds. /Ub¥P©y§u Ubh¥k¨kIg k©g§u Ubh«¥k¨g kIn£j !Ub«¥F§k©n Ubh«¦c¨t Avinu malkeinu chamol v’al olaleinu v’tapeinu. Avinu Malkeinu! Have compassion on us and our children. /Ubh«¥k¨g¥n c¨g¨r§u cr«¤ ¤j§u r¤c«¤S v¥K©F !Ub«¥F§k©n Ubh«¦c¨t Avinu malkeinu kalei dever v’cherev v’ra’av me’aleinu. Avinu Malkeinu! Make an end to sickness, war, and famine. /Ubh«¥k¨g¥n ihy§ ¦ G©nU r©m k¨F v¥K©F !Ub«¥F§k©n Ubh«¦c¨t Avinu malkeinu kalei kol tzar u’mastin me’aleinu. Avinu Malkeinu! Make an end to all oppression. oh ¦cIy oh¦H©j r¤p«¥x§C Ub«¥c§,¨F !Ub«¥F§k©n Ubh«¦c¨t Avinu malkeinu katveinu b’sefer chayim tovim. Avinu Malkeinu! Inscribe us for blessing in the Book of Life.

/v¨cIy v¨b¨J Ubh«¥k¨g JS© ¥j !Ub«¥F§k©n Ubh«¦c¨t Avinu malkeinu chadesh aleinu shanah tovah. Avinu Malkeinu! Let the new year be a good year for us. /Wh«¤,Ifr¦C¦ § n Ubh«¥s¨h t¥K©n !Ub«¥F§k©n Ubh«¦c¨t Avinu malkeinu malei yadeinu mi’birchotecha. Avinu Malkeinu! Fill our hands with blessing. /WN© ¤ g k¥t¨r§G¦h i¤r«¥¤e or¨ ¥v !Ub«¥F§k©n Ubh«¦c¨t Avinu malkeinu harem keren yisrael amecha. Avinu Malkeinu! Give strength to Your people Israel. /Ub«¥ghJIv ¦ u § s¤x¤j¨u v¨e¨s §m UbN¦g ¨ v¥G£g 'ohG£ ¦ g©n Ub«¨C ih¥t h¦F 'Ub«¥b£g©u Ub«¥B¨j !Ub«¥F§k©n Ubh«¦c¨t Avinu malkeinu choneinu va’aneinu ki ein banu ma’asim asei imanu tzedakah vachesed v’hoshieinu. Avinu Malkeinu! Be gracious and answer us when we feel empty and alone. Treat us generously and with kindness, and be our help.

15 By ignoring our children. By indulging our children. / / /Wh¤«b¨p§k Ubt«¨y¨j¤J ty¥ § j k©g Al cheit she’cha’tanu l’fanecha. . . For the sin we committed before You . . .

By letting our anger control us. By suppressing our rage and righteous indignation. By foolishness and childishness. By not laughing enough and not playing enough. / / /Wh¤«b¨p§k Ubt«¨y¨j¤J ty¥ § j k©g Al cheit she’cha’tanu l’fanecha. . . For the sin we committed before You . . .

By being selfish. By not loving ourselves and not caring enough for ourselves. By ignoring God. By relying on God instead of ourselves. / / /Wh¤«b¨p§k Ubt«¨y¨j¤J ty¥ § j k©g Al cheit she’cha’tanu l’fanecha. . . For the sin we committed before You . . .

By ignoring the past. By living only in the past. By saying "We don't make a difference.” By pretending we can save the world.

/Ub«¨k r¤P©F 'Ub«¨k kj§ © n 'Ub«¨k j©k§x ',Ijh¦k§x VI© «k¡t 'o¨KªF k©g§u V’al kulam, Eloha s’lichot, s’lach lanu, m’chal lanu, kaper lanu. For all these sins, O God of mercy, forgive us, pardon us, grant us atonement.

14 'gr ¨ Ub §m©g¨h /r¤e¤J Ub§k©p¨y 'Ubx© § n¨j 'Ubs©z § 'Ub§g©Jrv§ ¦ u 'Ubhu¡ ¦g¤j /hp« ¦«s Ubr«© §C¦S 'Ub§k«©z¨D 'Ubs«©d¨ § C 'Ubn«© § J¨t 'Ub §c©g¦T 'Ub,© § j¦G 'Ub§g©J¨r /;r ¤«g UbhX¦ ¦ e 'Ubr© §r¨m 'Ub§g©J¨P 'Ubhu¨ ¦g 'Ubrr¨ ©x 'Ub §m©t¦b 'Ubs© §r¨n 'Ub §m©k 'Ub §c©Z¦F /Ub§g¨T§g¦T 'Ubh¦g¨T Ashamnu, bagadnu, gazalnu, dibarnu dofi. He’evinu, v’hirshanu, zadnu, chamasnu, tafalnu sheker. Yatznu ra, kizavnu, latznu, maradnu, niatznu, sararnu, avinu, pashanu, tzararnu, kishinu oref. Rashanu, sichatnu, ti’avnu, ta’inu, ti’tanu. Of these wrongs we are guilty: We betray. We steal. We scorn. We act perversely. We are cruel. We scheme. We are violent. We slander. We devise evil. We lie. We ridicule. We disobey. We abuse. We defy. We corrupt. We commit crimes. We are hostile. We are stubborn. We are immoral. We kill. We spoil. We go astray. We lead others astray.

/ / /Wh¤«b¨p§k Ubt«¨y¨j¤J ty¥ § j k©g Al cheit she’cha’tanu l’fanecha. . . For the sin we committed before You . . . By not reading enough. By reading too much and not acting on our reading. By not serving our community. By serving our community and neglecting ourselves and our families. / / /Wh¤«b¨p§k Ubt«¨y¨j¤J ty¥ § j k©g Al cheit she’cha’tanu l’fanecha. . . For the sin we committed before You . . .

By having a narrow point of view and not listening to those who disagree. By listening to others always and not having convictions of our own. By chasing after material possessions. By thinking we are unworthy of owning nice things. / / /Wh¤«b¨p§k Ubt«¨y¨j¤J ty¥ § j k©g Al cheit she’cha’tanu l’fanecha. . . For the sin we committed before You . . .

By neglecting our dearest friends. By chasing friends and running away from ourselves. By saving the world and ignoring our own people. By saving and ignoring the rest of the world. / / /Wh¤«b¨p§k Ubt«¨y¨j¤J ty¥ § j k©g Al cheit she’cha’tanu l’fanecha. . . For the sin we committed before You . . .

By disobeying our parents. By obeying our parents and suspending our rational mind.

13 Silent Confession

I need to speak these words aloud and to know that the universe hears them. I get in old patterns and paradigms; I am stubborn and hard- headed. In the last year I have missed the mark more than I want to admit. Forgive me, Source of all being, for the sin I have sinned before You: by allowing my body to be an afterthought too often and too easily; by not walking, running, leaping, climbing, or dancing although I am able; by eating in my car and at my desk, mindlessly and without blessing; by not embracing those who needed it, and not allowing myself to be embraced; by not praising every body’s beauty, without quirks and imperfections; by letting my emotions run roughshod over the needs of others; by poking at sources of hurt like a child worrying a sore tooth; by revealing my heart before those who neither wanted nor needed to see it; by hiding love, out of fear of rejection, instead of giving love freely; by dwelling on what’s internal when the world is desperate for healing; by indulging in intellectual argument without humility or consideration; by reading words of vitriol, cultivating hot indignation; by eschewing intellectual discomfort that might prod me into growing; by living in anticipation, and letting anxiety rule me; by accepting defeatist thinking and the comfortable ache of despair; by not being awake and grateful, despite uncountable blessings; by not being sufficiently gentle, with my actions or with my language; by not being pliant and flexible, but obstinate, stark, and unbending; by not being generous with my time, with my words or with my being; by not being kind to everyone who crosses my wandering path.

For all these, eternal Source of forgiveness: Help me to know myself to be pardoned. Help me feel in my bones that I’m forgiven. Remind me I’m always already at-one with You. /h¦k£tIdu § hrUm ¦ h§h¨ 'Wh«¤b¨p§k h ¦C¦k iIh§d¤v§u hp ¦ hr§ ¥n¦t iImr§k ¨ Uh§v¦h Yihiyu l’ratzon imrei fi v’hegyon libi l’fanecha, Adonai tzuri v’go’ali.

May the words of my mouth, and the meditations of my heart, be acceptable to You, O God, my Rock and my Redeemer.

Communal Confession

/Ubh,¨B¦ ¥ j§T¦n o©K©g§,¦T k©t§u 'Ub,¨ ¥ K¦p§T W¤b¨p§k t«c¨T 'Ubh ¥,IINt§ ¦ u Ubh,Ic£ ¥ t h¥v«kt¥u Ubh¥v«k¡t Eloheinu v’Elohei avoteinu v’imoteinu, tavo l’fanecha t’filateinu, v’al titalam mitchinateinu.

Our God and God of all generations, may our prayers reach Your presence; and when we turn to You, do not be indifferent. Adonai, we are arrogant and stubborn, claiming to be blameless and free of sin. In truth, we have stumbled and strayed. We have done wrong.

12 When Yom Kippur falls on Shabbat we include V’shamru. :o¨kIg ,hr§ ¦C o, ¨«r«s§k ,¨C©X©©v ,¤t ,IG£g©k ',¨C©X©v ,¤t k¥t¨r§G¦h h¥b§c Urn¨ § J§u V’shamru v’nei Yisrael et haShabbat la’asot et haShabbat l’dorotam b’rit olam 'o¨kIg§k thv ¦ ,It k¥t¨r§G¦h h¥b§C ih¥cU h¦bh¥C Beini uvein b’nai Yisrael ot hi l’olam, '.r«¨ ¤t¨v ,¤t§u o¦h«©n¨X©v ,¤t h§h¨ v¨G¨g '¨h§h v¨G¨g ohn¨ ¦ h ,¤J«¥J hF ¦ ki sheishet yamim asah Adonai, et hashamayim v’et ha’aretz :J©p¨B¦h©u ,©c¨J h¦gh ¦c§X©v oIH©cU uvayom hashvi’i Shavat vayinafash And the Children of Israel shall keep the Sabbath, to make the Sabbath an eternal covenant for their generations. Between Me and the Children of Israel it is a sign forever that in six days God made heaven and earth, and on the seventh day God rested and was refreshed.


We stand in humility, conscious of our failings: Sh’ma koleinu - Adonai, hear our call!

True sacrifice to God is a penitent spirit; You treasure a crushed and repentant heart.

For You are close to the brokenhearted; and You give strength to a suffering soul.

You are the healer of shattered hearts; You are the one who binds up their wounds.

Return now, Israel, to Adonai your God, for you have fallen because of your sin.

Take words with you, and return to God. Ask the Eternal: forgive what is wong; accept what is good.

We stand in humility, conscious of our failings; we set before You the wrongs we have done.

We trust in Your compassion, for You know who we are; Sh’ma koleinu - Adonai, hear our call.

11 KEDUSHAT HASHEM – God’s Holiness 'W¤«th ¦c§b s©h k©g cU,¨F©F 'oIrn ¨ h¥n§J ¦C I,It ohJh ¦ S§ ¦e©N¤J oJ§ ¥ F 'o¨kIg¨C Wn¦ § J ,¤t JS© ¥e§b N’kadeish et shimcha ba’olam, k’shem she’mak’dishim oto bish’mei marom, kakatuv al yad n’vi’echa :rn¨ © t§u v¤z k¤t v¤z tr¨ ¨e§u v’kara zeh el zeh v’amar: We sanctify Your name on earth, even as all things, to the ends of time and space, proclaim Your holiness; and in the words of the prophet we say: /IsIcF § .r«¨ ¤t¨v k¨f t«k§n ',It¨c§m h§h¨ JIs¨e JIs¨e JIs¨e Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, Adonai tz’va’ot, m’lo chol ha’aretz k’vodo. Holy, Holy, Holy, is the Sovereign of Hosts: the fullness of the whole earth is God’s glory! !.r¨ ¤t¨v-k¨f§C W§n¦J rhS© ¦t v¨n 'Ubh¥bIs£t h§h¨ 'Ub¥rhS© ¦t rhS© ¦t Adir Adireinu, Adonai Adoneinu, mah adir shimcha b’chol ha’aretz. Source of our Strength, sovereign God, how majestic is Your presence in all the earth! /InIeN¦ § n '¨h§h sIc§F QUr¨C Baruch k’vod Adonai, mim’komo. Blessed is the glory of God in heaven and earth. uhn£ ¨ j©r§C Ub¥ghn§ ¦ J©h tUv§u 'Ub¥ghJIn ¦ tUv 'Ubh¥F§k©n tUv 'Ubh ¦c¨t tUv 'Ubh¥v«k¡t tUv s¨j¤t Echad hu Eloheinu, hu Avinu, hu Malkeinu, hu Moshienu, v’hu Yashmi’enu b’rachamav /hj-k¨ ¨ F h¥bh¥g§k l’einay kol-chai. You alone are our God and our Creator; You are our Ruler and our Helper; and in mercy You reveal Yourself to all the living.

"!o¤fh¥v«k¡t h§h¨ h¦b£t" Ani Adonai Eloheichem! I AM ADONAI, YOUR GOD! /V¨hUk§k©v 'r«s¨u r«s§k iIH¦m Q¦h«©v«k¡t 'o¨kIg§k h§h¨ Q«k§n¦h Yimloch Adonai l’olam, Elohayich tziyon, l’dor vador Hal’luyah. God shall reign forever; your God, O Zion, from generation to generation. Halleluyah! t«k Ubh«¦P¦n Ubh«¥v«k¡t W£j§c¦J§u 'JhS§ ¦e©b W,¨ § Xªs§e ohj¨ ¦ m§b j©m«¥b§kU W«¤k§s¨D sh¦D©b rIs¨u rIs§k L’dor vador nagid god’lecha u’lnettzach n’tzachim kedushatcha nakdish, v’shivchacha Eloheinu mipinu lo /JIs¨E©v Q¤k¤N©v h§h¨ v¨T©t QUr¨C /s¤g¨u o¨kIg§k JUn¨h yamush l’olam va’ed. Baruch atah Adonai, HaMelech HaKadosh. To all generations we will make known Your greatness, and to all eternity proclaim Your holiness. Your praise, O God, shall never depart from our lips. Praised are You, Adonai, Holy Sovereign.

Please be seated.

10 /iUn,¨ ¥ j¥h rUP¦F oIm oIh §cU 'iUc¥,¨F¦h v¨b¨X©v Jt«rC B’Rosh Hashanah yikateivun; uvYom Tzom Kippur yeichateimun.

On the Day of Renewal--we can decide And on the Day of Repentance--we can determine: Who shall truly live, And who shall cease to live--although in the midst of life; Who shall attain fullness of life through sharing, And who shall cut him or her-self off from living by selfishness; Who shall be consumed by the fires of arrogance, And who shall be quenched by the waters of despair; Who shall be cut down by the sword of envy, And who shall be devoured by beastly hatred; Who shall hunger for love, And who shall thirst for friendship; Who shall be shaken by the rejection of sacred values, And who shall be plagued by the scorning of cherished virtues; Who shall be strangled to silence, And who shall be stoned into submission; Who shall find rest in home and hearth, And who shall be driven to wandering; Who shall attain tranquility of mind and soul, And who shall be beset with anxiety and doubt; Who shall have a life poor in accomplishment, And who shall have a life rich in satisfactions; But Teshuvah, Tefillah, and Tzedakah - Repentance, Prayer and Righteous deeds Have the power to change the character of our lives. Let us resolve - to repent, to pray, and to do righteous deeds That we may begin a truly New Year.

We must begin with ourselves, but not end with ourselves. Turning, teshuvah, means something greater than repentance and acts of penance. It means that by reversal of one’s whole being, a person who had been lost in the maze of selfishness where he had set himself as his goal, find a way to God, that is, a way to the fulfillment of the particular task for which he has been destined by God. Repentance can only be an incentive to such active reversal. Those who go on fretting themselves with repentance, those who torture themselves with the idea that their acts of penance are not sufficient, withhold their best energies from the work of reversal. It is written: “Turn from evil and do good” (:15). You have done wrong? Then counteract it by doing right. -Martin Buber (adapted)

9 /oh¦H©j ohv ¦«k¡t W§b©g©n§k 'oh¦H©j©v r¤p«¥x§C Ub«¥c§,¨f§u 'oh¦H©j©C .¥p¨j Q¤k«¤n 'oh¦H©j§k Ub«¥r§f¨z Zochreinu l’chayim, melech chafetz ba’chayim, v’chotveinu b’sefer ha’chayim, l’ma’ancha Elohim chayim. :vr¨ ¨G ,r§z¤ ¨ t§u o¨v¨r§c©t i¥d¨n '¨h§h v¨T©t QUr¨C :i¥d¨nU gh«¦© JInU r¥zIg Q¤k«¤n Melech ozeir u’moshia u’magein. Baruch atah Adonai magein Avraham v’ezrat Sarah.

Blessed are You, Eternal our God, and of our ancestors; God of Abraham, God of Isaac, God of Jacob; God of Sarah, God of Rebecca, God of Leah, and God of Rachel. The great, might and awe-inspiring supreme God, who acts with lovingkindness and creates all, who recalls the devotion of our ancestors and with love brings redemption to their children’s children, for the sake of God’s name. Remember us for life, our Sovereign who delights in life; inscribe us in the book of life to fulfill Your will, O God of life. Blessed are You, O God, Shield of Abraham and Protector of Sarah.

GEVUROT – God’s Power

's¤x«¤j§C oh¦H©j k¥F§k©f§n :©gh«¦JIv§k cr © 'vT«© ¨ t k¨F©v v¥H©j§n 'h¨b«s£t o¨kIg§k rIC¦D vT© ¨ t Ata gibor l’olam, Adonai, m’chayei hakol ata rav l’hoshia. M’chalkeil chayim b’chesed, 'ohrUx£ ¦ t rhT© ¦ nU 'oh¦kIj t¥pIru § 'oh¦k§pIb QnIx ¥ 'oh ¦C©r ohn£ ¦ j©r§C k¨F©v v¥H©j§n m’chayei hakol b’rachamim rabim. Someich nof’lim, v’rofei cholim, u’matir asurim, 'Q¨K v¤nIS « hnU ¦ ,IrUc§D k©g«©C WIn¨ « f hn ¦ 'r¨p¨g h¥b¥Jh¦k I,¨bUn¡t o¥H©e§nU um’kayeim emunato lisheinei afar. Mi chamocha ba’al g’vurot, umi domeh lach. :v¨gUJ§h jh«¦© n§m©nU v¤H©j§nU ,hn¥ ¦ n Q¤k«¤n melech meimeet u’m’cha’yeh u’matzmiach y’shua /ohn£ ¦ j©r§C oh¦H©j§k uh¨rUm§h r¥fIz 'ohn£ ¦ j©r¨v k¥t 'WIn¨f hn ¦ Mi chamocha, El harachamim, zocher y’tzurav l’chayim b’rachamim. :k¨F©v v¥H©j§n '¨h§h v¨T©t QUr¨C /k¨F©v ,Ih£j©v§k v¨T©t i¨n¡t¤b§u V’ne’ehman ata l’hachayot hakol. Baruch ata Adonai, m’chayei hakol.

Eternal is Your might, O God, and great is Your saving power. In love You sustain the living; in your great mercy, You sustain us all. You uphold the falling and heal the sick; free the captive and keep faith with Your children in death as in life. Who is like You, Mighty One, Author of life and death, Source of salvation? With tender compassion You remember all creatures for life. Blessed are You, Eternal our God, the Source of Life.

UNETANEH TOKEF- Affirmation of this Day /o«h¨t§u trIb ¨ tUv hF ¦ oIH©v ,Xª © s§e ;¤e«T v¤B©,§bU U’n’taneh tokef k’dushat hayom ki hu norah v’ayom.

Let us proclaim the power of this day - a day whose holiness awakens deepest awe and inspires highest praise for Your dominion, for Your throne is a throne of love; Your reign is a reign of truth.

In truth, You are judge and plaintiff, counselor and witness. You inscribe and seal. You record and recount. You remember all that we have forgotten. And when You open the Book of Memories, it speaks for itself - for every human hand leaves its mark, and imprint like no other.

8 And so we sang until our words flowed into chant, until our chant merged into rhythm, until our rhythm blended into dance.

At the Sea, we were men again, At the Sea, we were women again, At the Sea, we were people again filled with the plenitude of Freedom.

:tk ¤p«¤ vG« ¥ g Ë ,«K¦ ¼v§, t˨rIb Js«· ¤E©C rɨS§t¤b v¨f«n¨ ¼ F h˦n vº¨u«v§h ¿ok¥ ¦ tC«¨ v¨f«n¨ Ê fÎh ¦n« Mi Chamocha ba’elim Adonai, Mi kamocha ne’dar bakodesh, nora tehilot oseh feleh. :Urn¨ § t§u Ufh«¦k§n¦v§u UsIv o¨KªF sj«©h © 'o¨H©v ,©p§G k©g Wn¦ § J§k oh¦kUt§d Uj §C¦J vJ¨ ¨ s£j vrh ¨ J ¦ Shirah chadashah shib’chu g’ulim l’shimcha al s’fat hayam, yachad kulam hodu v’himlichu v’amru. :s¤g¨u o¨kIg§k Q«k§n¦h h§h¨ Adonai yimloch l’olam va’ed. Who is like You, Eternal One, among the gods that are worshipped? Who is like You, majestic in holiness, awesome in splendor, doing wonders? (Exodus 15:11) ,It¨c§m h§h¨ Ub«¥k£t«D /k¥t¨r§G¦h§u vsUv§h ¨ W«¤nªt§b¦f vs§ ¥pU 'k¥t¨r§G¦h ,r§z¤ © g§C v¨nU «e 'k¥t¨r§G¦h rUm Tzur Yisrael, kumah b’ezrat Yisrael, u’f’dei chinumecha Yehudah v’Yisrael. Go’aleinu Adonai tz’va’ot :k¥t¨r§G¦h k©t¨D h§h¨ v¨T©t QUr¨C /k¥t¨r§G¦h JIs§e 'InJ § shemo, k’dosh Yisrael. Baruch atah Adonai ga’al Yisrael.

Rock of Israel, rise up to Israel’s help, redeem, according to Your word, Judah and Israel. Blessed are You, O God, redeemer of Israel.

Why does it say: “God of Abraham, God of Isaac and God of Jacob” and not simply: “God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob?” Because Isaac and Jacob did not merely take over the tradition of Abraham their father, but they themselves searched for God. -Hasidic

Please rise.

AVOT V’IMAHOT – Our Ancestors :W,¨ ¤ K¦v§T sh¦D©h hpU ¦ jT§ ¨ p¦T h,¨ © p§G h¨b«s£t Adonai, s’fatai tiftach, ufi yagid t’hilatecha. Eternal God, open up my lips, that my mouth may declare Your glory. 'e¨j§m¦h h¥v«k¡t 'o¨v§¨r§c©t h¥v«k¡t 'Ubh,In ¥ tu ¦ Ubh«¥,Ic£t h¥v«kt¥u Ubh«¥v«k¡t h§h¨ v¨T©t QUr¨C Baruch ata Adonai, Eloheinu v’Eilohei avoteinu v’imoteinu. Elohei Avraham, Elohei Yitzchak, /v¨t¥k h¥v«k¡t¥u 'k¥j¨r h¥v«k¡t 'v¨e§c¦r h¥v«k¡t 'vr¨ ¨G h¥v«k¡t 'c«e£g©h h¥v«kt¥u v’Eilohei Ya’akov. Elohei Sarah, Elohei Rivka, Elohei Rachel, v’Elohei Leah. 'k«F©v v¥bIeu § 'oh ¦cIy ohs¨ ¦x£j k¥nID 'iIh§k¤g k¥t 'trIB© ¨ v§u rIC¦D©v kIs¨D©v k¥t¨v Ha’eil hagadol hagibor vehanora. Eil elyon. Gomeil chasadim tovim. V’konei hakol. :v¨c£v©t§C In§J i©g©n§k o¤¥vh¥b§c h¥b§c¦k v¨kUt§D th ¦c¥nU ',Ivn¦ © t§u ,Ic¨t hs§ ¥x©j r¥fIzu § V’zocheir chas’dei avot v’imahot. Umeivi g’ula liv’nei v’neihem, l’ma’an sh’mo b’ahava:

7 'o¤fh¥v«k¡« t §h §h h ¦b£t :ofh¥«¤ v«kt¥« k oha«s§ ¦ e o¤,h¦h§v¦u 'h¨,I§m¦n-k¨F-,¤t o¤,hG£ ¦ g©u Ur§F§z¦T i©g©n§k L’ma’an tiz’k’ru va’asitem et kol mitzvotai, vi’h’yitem k’doshim lei’loheichem. Ani Adonai Eloheichem, :o¤fh¥v« kt ¡ ¨h§h h¦b£t /oh¦v« k tk ¥ o¤f¨k ,Ih§v¦k 'o¦h©r§m¦n .r¤ ¤t¥n o¤f§,¤t h¦,t¥mIv rJ£ ¤t asher hotzeiti etchem me’eretz mitzrayim lih’yot lachem leilohim. Ani Adonai Eloheichem. You shall love your Eternal God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your might. And these words which I command you on this day shall be upon your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children. You shall speak of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up. You shall bind them for a sign upon your hand. They shall be for frontlets between your eyes. You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and upon your gates. (Deuteronomy 6:4-9) So that you will remember and do all My commandments and be holy to your God. I am your Eternal God who led you out of Egypt to be your God. I am your Eternal God. (Numbers 15:40-41)

On this day, let us be like Moses, heavy of tongue, who had to struggle over each sound. On this day when we shall say more words than on any other day in the year, we strive to find one sentence, phrase, word, or letter that will begin here on Earth and reach to the heavens. -Michael Strassfeld

GEULAH – Freedom Moses, our brother, led us, the men, out of Egypt. Miriam, our sister, guided the women from that narrow, constricting place.

We were afraid. Nachshon, our bold brother, leaped into the Sea and we followed, fear still with us, but losing its grip. The waters parted and we rushed to freedom.

In Egypt, our manhood disappeared, In the wilderness, in burning bush and bramble thicket and desert brush, we became proud men once more.

In Egypt, our womanhood was abused, In the wilderness, Miriam's well sustained us, We gave birth to children, born into freedom, In the desert, we became proud women once more.

In Egypt, our courage disappeared; At the Sea, in the waters, in our frantic swim-wade-walk-run across the water's bed, we became brave once more.

And so we sang until our lungs filled with the breath of the bold, with the spirit of the free.

6 We are loved by an unending love. We are embraced by arms that find us, even when we are hidden from ourselves. We are touched by fingers that soothe us, even when we are too proud for soothing. We are counseled by voices that guide us, even when we are too embittered to hear. We are loved by an unending love. We are supported by hands that uplift us, even in the midst of a fall. We are urged on by eyes that meet us, even when we are too weak for meeting. We are loved by an unending love. Embraced, touched, soothed, counseled... Ours are the arms, the fingers, the voices; ours are the hands, the eyes, the smiles. We are loved by an unending love.

What a great wonder that a person should be able to draw so near to God in prayer. How many walls there are between a person and God! Even though God fills all the world, God is so very hidden! Yet a single word can topple all the walls and bring you close to God. -Likkutim Yekarim

SH’MA – Our One God :sjt hh 'ubhvkt hh 'ktrGh gnJ Shema Yisrael, Adonai Eloheinu, Adonai Echad: Hear O Israel, Adonai is our God, Adonai is One! /s¤g¨u o¨kIg§k I,Uf§k©n sIcF § oJ ¥ QUr¨C Baruch Shem k’vod mal’chuto l’olam va’ed. Blessed is God’s glorious kingdom, forever and ever.

Please be seated. V’AHAVTA – And You Shall Love v¤K½¥t¨v ohr¨ ɦc§S©v UÄh¨v§u :Ws«t«¤ n § Îk¨f§cU W§¼ J§p©bÎk¨f§cU W§Ë cc§«¨ kÎk¨f§C Wh·¤v« kt ¡ vɨIv§h ,t ¼¥ T§º¨ c©vɨt§u V’ahavta et Adonai Elohecha b’chol l’vav’cha uv’chol naf’sh’cha uv’chol m’odecha. V'hayu ha’d’varim ha’eileh ¿W,h¥ Τ c§C W§Ê T§c¦J§C o·¨C ¼¨T§r©C¦s§u Whº¤b¨c§k oɨT§b©B¦J§u :Wc¨«¤c§kÎk©g oI¼H©v W§Á U©m§n hͦf«bt«¨ rJ£¤ Ît asher anochi m’tzav’cha hayom al l’vavecha. V’shinantam l’vanecha v’dibarta bam b’shiv’t’cha b’vei’teicha :Wh«¤bh¥g ihË¥C ,«p¨ ¼y«y§« k UËh¨v§u W·¤s¨hÎk©g ,It§ ¼ k o˨T§r©J§eU :W«¤nUe§cU W§¼ C§f¨J§cU« Qrº¤ ¤S©c W§É T§f¤k§cU uv’lecht’cha vaderech uv’shochb’cha uv’kumecha. Uk’shartam l’ot al yadecha v’hayu l’totafot bein einecha; :Whr¨«¤g§J¦cU W¼¤,h¥C ,IËzªz§nÎk©g oÁ¨T§c©,§fU uch’tavtam al m’zuzot beitecha u’vish’arecha. 5 HATZI - Reader’s Kaddish V¥,Uf§k©n Qh¦k§n©h§u 'V,Ug ¥ r¦ §f tr§c ¨ h¦S t¨n§k¨g§C /t¨C©r V¥n§J JS© ©e§,¦h§u kS©D§ © ,¦h Yitgadal v’yitkadash sh’mei raba b’alma di’v’ra chirutei v’yamlich malchutei :in¨ ¥ t Urn¦ § t§u chr¨ ¦e in§z¦cU © t¨k¨d£g©C /k¥t¨r§G¦h ,h¥C k¨f§s h¥H©j§cU iIfh¥nIh §cU iIfh¥H©j§C b’chayeichon u’v’yomeichon u’v’chayei d’chol beit Yisrael. Ba’agala u’vizman kariv v’imru amen. :t¨H©n§k¨g h¥n§k¨g§kU o©k¨g§k Q©r¨c§n t¨C©r V¥n§J t¥v§h Y’hei sh’mei raba m’vorach l’olam u’l’almei al’maya. t¥¬©b§,¦h§u onIr © ,¦h§ § u r©t¨P§,¦h§u 'j©C©T§J¦h§u Qr¨ ©C§,¦h Yitbarach v’ v’yitpa’ar v’yitromam v’yitnaseh 't,¨ ¨ rhJ§ ¦ u t,¨ ¨ f§r¦C k¨F in ¦ t¨K«¥g§k tUv Qhr§C ¦ t¨J§sªe§S V¥n§J k¨K©v§,¦h§u v¤K©g§,¦h§u rS© ¨v§,¦h§u v’yithadar v’yitaleh v’yithalal sh’mei d’kudsha b’rich hu l’ela min kol birchata v’shirata, :in¨ ¥ t Urn¦ § t§u 'tn§k¨ ¨ g§C i¨rhn£ ¦ t©S 't,¨ ¨ n¡j¤b§u t,¨ ¨ j§C§JªT tushb’chata v’nechemata, da’amiran b’alma, v’imru amen.

Let the glory of God be extolled, and God’s great name be hallowed in the world whose creation God willed. May God rule in our own day, in our own lives, and in the life of all Israel, and let us say: Amen. Let God’s great name be praised for ever and ever. Beyond all the praises, songs, and adorations that we can utter is the Holy One, the Blessed One, whom yet we glorify, honor and exalt. And let us say: Amen.

BAR’CHU – Call to Worship :Q¨r«c§n©v h§h¨ ,¤t Ufr¨ §C Barechu et Adonai ha’m’vorach Praise the Eternal to whom praise is due! :s¤g¨u o¨kIg§k Qr ¨«c§N©v h§h¨ QUr¨C Baruch Adonai ha’m’vorach l’olam va’ed Praised be the Eternal to whom praise is due, now and forever!

YOTZER OR – God the Creator :k«F©v ,¤t trIcU ¥ oIkJ ¨ vG ¤ «g 'Qa« ¤ «j trIcU ¥ 'rIt r¥mIh 'o¨kIg¨v Q¤k«¤n Ubh«¥v«k¡t '¨h§h v¨T©t QUr¨C Baruch ata Adonai, Eloheinu melech ha’olam, yotzer or, u’vorei choshech, oseh shalom u’vorei et ha’kol. :,hJt ¦ r§c ¥ v¥G£g©n shn¨ ¦ T oIh k¨f§C J¥S©j§n IcUy §cU /ohn£ ¦ j©r§C vh«¤¨ k¨g ohr¨ ¦S©k§u .r«¨ ¤t¨k rht¥ ¦ N©v ha’me’ir la’aretz v’ladarim aleha b’rachamim. Uvtuvo m’chadesh b’chol yom tamid ma’asei v’reishit. k©g Ubh«¥v«k¡t h§h¨ Qr¨ ©C§,¦T :W«¤b¨h§b¦e .r«¨ ¤t¨v v¨t§k¨n '¨,h«¦G¨g vn§ ¨ f¨j§C o¨KªF /¨h§h Wh«¤G£g©n UCr © v¨n Mah rabu ma’asecha Adonai. Kulam b’chochmah asita, mal’ah ha’aretz kin’yanecha. Titbarach Adonai Eloheinu al 'rht¨ ¦ T iIH ¦m k©g Js¨ ¨j rIt /v¨k¤X WUr£ «t¨p§h ,h«¦¨ G¨g¤J rIt hrI ¥ «t§n k©g§u /Wh«¤s¨h v¥J£g©n j©c«¤J shevach ma’aseh yadecha. V’al m’orei or she’asita t’fa’arucha selah. Or chadash al tziyon ta’ir, :,IrItN© § v r¥mIh h§h¨ v¨T©t QUr¨C /IrIt§k vr¥ ¨v§n Ub¨Kªf v¤F§z¦b§u v’nizkeh chulanu m’heirah l’oro. Baruch ata Adonai, Yotzer Ha’m’orot.

You abound in blessings, Eternal God, Sovereign of all time and space, who forms light and creates darkness, makes peace and creates all things.

4 We stand this day, all of us, in the presence of our God. Youth and elders, women and men, those close to tradition and those who have been estranged - all are welcome in this community of prayer. Around the world, all Israel greets this holy day. We stand with them, a people united by our history and fate - linked in mind and heart to generations past, who stood before God to be cleansed of their sins in Russia, Poland, Germany, and Spain; in Morocco, Egypt, Brazil and India. Our great-grandparents are here with us today, and our great-great-grandchildren, as well - all are present in memroy and hope. We stand this sacred morning, all of us, as one.


We have come to this sacred place on this Yom Kippur to talk of what has happened and what is yet to happen -- to search our hearts, to accept responsibility for our actions, to admit our mistakes. We are here to repent, to do teshuvah. We are here to look inside, to see ourselves and our mistakes, to turn from the wrong direction to the right one. Doing teshuvah can be painful, but it is a healthy pain, like the pain of exercising to strengthen our bodies. Except today we are strengthening our souls. We can do teshuvah anytime, but today it has a special meaning.

On this Day of Atonement…

We will not seek to escape responsibility for our own selves. We will not fault parents, siblings or childhood traumas for the weaknesses we display. Nor will we blame society, the economy, or our institutions for their failure to make us perfect. teaches us that we are free, not free to do anything we want, for we have obligations to others, nor free to be anyone we wish, for we are influenced by others. But free to choose, a dozen times a day, how we will react to life’s challenges, and in this small way to mold ourselves to become better than we are.

On this Day of Atonement…

We need to accept responsibility for our own selves. We cannot be perfect, continuously happy and successful, always attractive, popular and healthy. We seek only to be better, to be a little kinder, braver, and more patient. To do a few more mitzvot, to share a few more simchas. To be at one with ourselves, our values and our dreams, as well as being at one with our people, our traditions and our God.

Please rise.

3 I can see the cup of life as half empty or half full. Optimism or pessimism, confidence or insecurity, which shall it be? In the past year did I reach out and live to the fullest? Or did I just suffer through things half-heartedly? Did I treat myself with respect? Did I care for myself?

Did I treat others fairly? Did my confidence come from within, or from putting people down? Was I able to give to my family and friends when they needed me or did I fail the test? Was I for others as well as myself?

Did I understand why I was doing what I was doing? Did I think things through or was I impulsive? Did I account for all the consequences of my actions before I took them?

This year can I say with pride, “I was for myself, but not only for myself, and I took the correct action at the correct moment?”

If so, I pray to You God, keep me on this path. If not, I pray to You God, let me love myself and let me love others and let me love You so that I may find my way back to You and to my true self.


To what extent we are free no-one knows, but we should act as if we were free. -Bahya Ibn Pakuda

Even if it seems inadequate in your eyes, none of the good you do is ever lost. -Nahman of Bratslav

To have found God is not an end but in itself a beginning. -Franz Rosenzweig

Today has never existed before nor will it ever exist again. The task at hand is totally new. The duty rests upon you. - Nahman of Bratslav

******* God, give me the courage to live and repair my resentment with gratitude. Make me thankful for the day and hopeful for the morrow. Dissolve my self-hate. Let me taste the veritable sweetness of my own worth, I, who am created in Your image.


Rabbi Shmelke of Nikolsburg once described the true meaning of teshuvah, the true greatness of teshuvah, the true indispensability of the process of growth which teshuvah implies; when he said that life is all about teshuvah - about change. He said: If I had a choice, I would prefer not to die. Why? Because in the Next World there is no Yom Kippur. And what can the soul of a person do in the Next World without Yom Kippur? And what purpose is there to life without teshuvah? The third century neo-Platonist philosopher Plotinus, defined teshuvah as the task to constantly re-make yourself in the divine image, in these words: “Withdraw into yourself and if you do not like what you see, act as a sculptor. Cut away here, smooth there, make this line lighter, this one purer. Never cease carving until there shines out from you the God-like sphere of character.”


The grandchild of Rabbi Barukh was playing hide-and-seek with another boy. He hid himself and stayed in his hiding place for a long time, assuming that his friend would look for him. Finally he went out and saw that his friend was gone, apparently not having looked for him at all, and that his own hiding had been in vain. He ran into the study of his grandfather, crying and complaining about his friend. Upon hearing the story Rabbi Barukh broke into tears and said: “God too says: ‘I hide, but there is no one to look for me.’”


O God, sometimes I feel rotten inside. Empty -- phony. And no one else knows how bad I feel. They think I am fine. . . doing well. . . successful even. But I know all the times I have failed. The people I disappointed. . . the mitzvot I avoided. What hope can I have for the new year, I shouldn't even make new promises Seeing how my efforts in the past. . . failed. Last Rosh Hashanah's resolutions soon faded away. My bad habits. . . remain unbroken. My good intentions. . . remain unrealized I can make no new vows. . . I can make no new efforts I give up. And then, during the Kol Nidre, I heard your plea, "Get up! I only commanded one day for afflicting your soul. I gave you ten days for repentance, For turning over a new leaf in the Book of Life. Now you will have fifty weeks. . . to be renewed. Even if you don't have faith in yourself I have faith in you. Get up off the floor and get up quickly Falling isn't the worst sin, Staying on the floor is."

******* W§,¨c§r¦e hT§ ¦ J©r¨S Longing to come near to you, /Wh,t ¦ r§ ¨e h ¦C¦k-k¨f§C With all my heart I pray. W§,tr§ ¨e¦k h¦,t¥m§cU As I go out to seek You, :Wh,t¨ ¦ m§n h,t ¦ r§ ¨e¦k You meet me on the way.


Rabbi Tarfon used to say: The day is short, the work is great and the Master of the house is insistent. You are not obligated to complete the task, but neither are you free to desist from it. -Pirkei Avot


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The gates of prayer are sometimes open and sometimes closed, but the gates of teshuvah, of repentance, are ever open. As the sea is always accessible, so is the hand of the Holy One always open to receive those who return. –Midrash

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