
Volume 29, Number 1 January 2019 Manipulations of for Enhancing Radiation Therapy Responses: A Historical Perspective and Novel Hypothesis ince the discovery that free scavengers could pro- induced during aging, has led to the proposition that the Stect against radiation induced injury in animals,1 scien- random stochastic free radical damage caused by ionizing tists studying radiation have been at the forefront of radiation during cancer therapy may accelerate the onset of the field of redox biology and medicine. This seminal obser- the persistent metabolic that has been associ- vation also led to the free radical theories of toxicity,2 ated with aging.6-8 aging,3 and cancer.4,5 In addition, for the past 60 years, these theoretical constructs and resulting experimental data have also driven the development of several modern approaches The “Horse and Cart” Model for for enhancing cancer therapy responses, while protecting normal tissues from radiochemotherapy. This work has also Selectively Targeting led to a paradigm shifting theoretical construct for under- Metabolism, Signal standing the relationship between oxidative metabolism and Transduction, and Gene gene expression pathways that could be very useful moving forward for continuing to refine metabolic manipulations Expression in Cancer Cells, directed at improving radiochemotherapy. While Protecting Normal Tissues Albert Szent-Gyorgyi€ was one of the first scientists to propose Radiation Biology and Redox that the life force necessary to maintain living systems was derived from easily oxidizable substrates providing for the Metabolism movement of from higher orbitals to lower energy orbitals releasing energy that could be harnessed by For many years, it has been well recognized that the deposi- 9 tion of energy from ionizing radiation to the formation biological systems. This theoretical construct together with the chemosmotic hypothesis proposed by Peter Mitchell10 of free radicals directly on critical target and well coupled to the discovery that mitochondria could produce as indirectly from the of H2O to form hydroxyl ¡ 11,12 6 (O ) and peroxide (H O ) can radical. These free radicals are known to to covalent 2 2 2 now be unified with the free radical theories of cancer and changes in critical biomolecules that significantly contribute aging6-8 for the purpose of improving cancer therapy. to radiation-induced cell killing as well as transformation 6 The “Horse (oxidative metabolism) and Cart (gene expres- and normal tissue injury. In the latter half of the 20th cen- sion)” model provides a novel unified theoretical approach for tury, it has also become well-recognized that the initial free radical damage caused by ionizing radiation is accompanied understanding the fundamental regulation of mitochondrial oxidative metabolism, signal transduction, and gene expres- by the induction of oxidative metabolic dysfunction that per- sion in aging, cancer, and normal tissues injury (Fig.1).8,13,14 sists for many months and years following exposure, leading 6,7 The essential oxidation/reduction (redox) metabolism which to normal tissue injury and genomic instability. The recog- extracts, stores, and moves the electrons necessary for main- nition that these radiation-induced late normal tissue dam- taining living cells occurs in the mitochondria/cytosol and can age effects are indistinguishable from similar pathologies be considered the “horse” that is connected by redox sensitive “ ” Disclosures: DRS was supported by R01 CA182804, P30 CA086862, and signaling pathways to the cart representing the nuclear gene P01 CA217797-01A1. DRS has a sponsored research agreement with expression pathways (Fig.1A). Given this model, it would be Galera Therapeutics, Inc. predicted that the mechanistic relationship between gene

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.semradonc.2018.10.010 1 1053-4296/© 2018 Published by Elsevier Inc. 2 D.R. Spitz

expression and /O2 metabolism would be based on the radiation injury. In the paper by Aykin-Burns et al. a similar ability to extract electrons from food sources via metabolic approach to selectively protect normal tissues, while enhanc- oxidation/reduction reactions to the generate ATP and reduc- ing cancer cell therapeutic responses is proposed using vita- ing equivalents for (ie, NADH/NADPH), while min E analogs where the differential redox biology of 16 consuming O2 by 4 reductions to make H2O. The is being exploited. In a similar line of investi- cellular proteins necessary to carry out these metabolic pro- gation the paper by Hillman explores the redox biology of cesses are regulated by the flow of ATP, reducing equivalents soy isoflavones for inducing radiosensitization, while miti- (intheformofNADHandNADPH),andreactiveby-prod- gating inflammatory responses leading to radiation-induced ¡ 17 fi ucts of oxidative metabolism (ie, O2 ,H2O2, organic hydro- normal tissue injury. In a nal investigation along these peroxides, etc.) through redox sensitive signaling same lines of inquiry, Mapuskar et al. discuss the utilization pathways to coordinately regulate the gene expression pro- of small superoxide dismutase mimics to inhibit gram required for maintaining cellular structure needed for radiation-induced normal tissue injury, while preserving normal function. cancer cell responses based on fundamental differences in In normal cells, redox metabolism (horse) and gene oxidative metabolism leading to the formation of expression (cart) are tightly coupled via nonequilibrium superoxide.18 steady-state fluxes of reactive metabolic by-products and electron carriers through redox sensitive signal transduction pathways (Fig.1A). In this way, the flow of electrons from Cancer Biology and Cancer reactions governing energy production and biosynthesis Therapy Responses directly regulate gene expression pathways governing assem- bly of the protein and structures necessary to maintain The proposed “horse and cart” model predicts that degenera- normal cellular functions and differentiation (Fig.1A). When tive diseases associated with aging, including cancer develop- this nonequilibrium steady-state is disrupted, the reactive ment, arise from the disruption of metabolic , ¡ by-products of oxidative metabolism, such as O2 /H2O2,as where metabolic oxidation/reduction reactions are losing well as reactive oxidative damage byproducts (ie, aldehydes efficiency as a function of time and producing increasing lev- and organic hydroperoxides), produced by the “horse,” can els of reactive by-products formed from 1-electron reduc- cause covalent damage in the genome, that if unrepaired or tions of O2 (electron leak) in mitochondrial electron mis-repaired will lead to the gradual deterioration of the transport chains. One electron reductions of O2 lead to the ¡ “cart” (Fig.1B). The gradual deterioration of the “horse and formation of O2 and H2O2, which together with redox cart” relationship can lead to dysfunction of cellular pro- active labile (Fe+2 and Cu+1) catalyze oxidation cesses on multiple levels, due to stoichiometric mismatches reactions on critical biomolecules leading to the formation of between protein expression and the assembly of the mito- organic hydroperoxides, alkoxyl/peroxyl radicals, and alde- chondrial/cytosolic metabolic machinery needed to maintain hydes. This gradual dysregulation of metabolic oxidation the efficiency of electron flows, leading to steadily increasing reactions also disrupts the coordinated production of energy levels of reactive species produced as by-products of oxida- and reducing equivalents necessary for cell survival, prolifer- tive metabolism as a function of time. This increasing ineffi- ation, biosynthesis, and differentiated function that results in ciency in oxidative metabolism and increasing steady-state the acceleration of aging related pathologies including carci- levels of reactive species can lead to the exponential deterio- nogenesis. This model allows for the proposal that the flow ration of the genome during aging resulting in of electrons during metabolism are both necessary for living and death (Fig.1B). The increasing levels of reactive species systems as redox signaling molecules and detrimental in and damage products that occur during aging are also accel- mediating damage to the genome causing increased meta- erated by radiochemotherapy-induced damage and can be bolic inefficiency accelerating the processes of senescence, as targeted (Fig.1B, red X’s) to inhibit normal tissue injury/ well as onset of degenerative diseases associated with aging degeneration during cancer therapy. (Fig.1B and C). In this context 5 papers in this issue of seminars in radia- In the process of carcinogenesis, this model predicts that tion oncology address strategies being explored for targeting the cellular and metabolic dysregulation leading to malignant metabolism for the purpose of protecting against normal tis- transformation is due to the age-related increases in steady- fi ¡ sue responses, while enhancing tumor responses. The rst of state levels of reactive oxygen species (ie, O2 and H2O2) these papers by Schoenfeld et al. discusses the proposal to and toxic products arising from free radical reactions that exploit pharmacological doses of ascorbate (given IV to lead to immortalization of cells capable of cell division (pos- blood levels of »20 mM) to enhance metabolic oxidative sibly involving the induction of telomerase) as an adaptive stress in cancer tissues, while protecting normal tissues from response to the stress caused by the accumulation of oxida- radiation-induced injury.15 The underlying mechanism for tive damage to the genome. Once immortalization has this approach is proposed to be the increased presence of occurred the transformed cell has adapted to the dysfunc- redox active metal ions in cancer tissues making high levels tional relationship between oxidative metabolism, signal fi of ascorbate selectively act as a pro-oxidant generating H2O2 transduction, and gene expression; but also exhibits signi - leading to cancer cell radiosensitization, while retaining anti- cant genomic instability, loses the ability to perform differen- oxidant function in normal tissues protecting against tiated function, loses control of cell proliferation, and Opportunities in surgical oncology 3

Figure 1 The “horse and cart” model for understanding the fundamental relationship between mitochondrial oxidative metabolism, redox-regulated signal transduction, and gene expression in degenerative diseases associated with aging and cancer. (A) The essential redox metabolic processes occurring in the mitochondria and cytosol can be considered the “horse” and gene expression can be considered as the “cart”. In normal cells, oxidative metabolism (horse) and gene expression (cart) are tightly coupled via the nonequilibrium steady-state fluxes of reactive metabolic by-products and electron carriers through signal transduction pathways. (B) When this nonequilibrium steady-state is disrupted, ¡ O2 and H2O2 as well as highly reactive oxidative damage products from oxidative metabolism (the horse) can cause the deterioration of the genome (the cart). If this disrupted oxidative metabolism continues to progress leading to the assembly of inefficient metabolic structures, the persistent exponential deterioration of the genome will inevitably lead to cancer induction and/or senescent death. (C) The dysregulated oxidative metabolism in cancer cells, which are immortalized and incapable of normal differentiated function will eventually drag the living system off the cliff into the valley of end stage malignancy and organismal death. 4 D.R. Spitz continues to progress to malignancy. In addition, the natural further advancing this research into clinical trials is also pre- extension of this hypothesis is that continued targeting of sented. We thank all the authors for their thoughtful contri- only the malignant cell genomic dysregulation without tar- butions to this issue and hope that the reader can utilize the geting the malignant cell’s metabolic dysfunction (Fig.1C) information presented to push forward with translational will significantly limit the potential success of stopping can- research efforts needed to realize the full potential of these cer cells from overwhelming the organism (Fig.1C). This the- approaches for improving the practice of medicine in radia- oretical construct predicts that the most efficient way to tion oncology. target metabolic frailties in cancer cells is to selectively increase the production of reactive species, while compromising the protective pathways. This model would Acknowledgments also predict that exploiting the biochemical hubs of cancer The author would like to thank Gareth Smith for graphical cell redox metabolism including: (1) , (2) NAD(H)/ assistance with preparing the figures. DRS was supported by NADP(H) levels, (3) activity, (4) R01 CA182804, P30 CA086862, and P01 CA217797-01A1. - and thioredoxin-dependent metabolism, DRS has a sponsored research agreement with Galera Thera- (5) metabolism, and (6) redox-active metal metab- peutics, Inc. olism would be most efficacious for the development of combined modality cancer therapies.8 DouglasD1XX R. Spitz, PhD*D2XX In the context of this metabolic targeting strategy, the Free Radical and Radiation Biology paper by Lewis et al. provides a rigorous overview of NAD+ Program, Department of Radiation metabolism in the context of the cellular responses to ioniz- Oncology, Free Radical Metabolism ing radiation as well as presenting novel combined modality and Imaging Program, Holden Com- therapy approaches that target NAD+ metabolism to enhance prehensive Cancer Center, B180 Medi- radiation therapy responses.19 In the paper by Ashcraft el al. cal Laboratories, Carver College of the authors explore the novel preclinical as well as clinical Medicine, The University of Iowa, Iowa evidence supporting exercise modulation of cancer therapy City, IA 52242. responses as well as the potential biological mechanisms E-mail address: [email protected] involving alterations in oxidative metabolism that may account for these effects.20 Another exciting line of investiga- tion is reviewed in the paper by Floberg and Schwarz, where References a strategy targeting glucose- and thiol- mediated hydroper- 1. 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14. Allen BG, Spitz DR. Metabolic production of H2O2 in carcinogene- protecting normal tissues. (this issue Seminars in Radiation sis and cancer treatment. Redox-Active Therapeutics, Oxidative Oncology). Stress in Applied Basic Research and Clinical Practice. (Batinic-Hab- 19. Lewis JE, Singh N, Holmila RJ, et al. Targeting NAD metabolism for erle, Reboucas, Spasojevic, St. Clair, and Warner, editors), Springer enhancing radiation therapy responses. (this issue Seminars in International Publishing Switzerland. 2016. https://doi.org/10.1007/ Radiation Oncology). 978-3-319-30705-3 20. Ashcraft KA, Warner AB, Jones LW, et al. Exercise as adjunct therapy in 15. Schoenfeld JD, Alexander MS, Waldron TJ, et al. Pharmacological ascor- cancer. (this issue Seminars in Radiation Oncology). bate as a means of sensitizing cancer cells to radio- while 21. Floberg JM, Schwarz JK Manipulation of glucose and hydroperoxide protecting normal tissue. (this issue Seminars in Radiation Oncology). metabolism to improve radiation responses. (this issue Seminars in 16. Aykin-Burns N, Pathak R, Boerma M, et al. Utilization of ana- Radiation Oncology). logs to protect normal tissues while enhancing anti-tumor effects. (this 22. Luo M and Wicha MS Targeting cancer stem cell redox metabolism to issue Seminars in Radiation Oncology). enhance therapy responses. (this issue Seminars in Radiation 17. Hillman GG: Soy isoflavones protect normal tissues while enhancing Oncology) radiation responses. (this issue Seminars in Radiation Oncology). 23. Naz S, Kishimoto S, Mitchell JB, et al. Imaging metabolic processes to 18. Mapuskar KA, Anderson CM, Spitz DR, et al. Utilizing superoxide predict radiation responses. (this issue Seminars in Radiation dismutase mimetics to enhance radiation therapy response while Oncology).