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Finnish Chief Arriv Talk

Finnish Chief Arriv Talk

Public Health Nurses Solicit Your Financial Support This Month

A ttirtig B Daily Nat Ptcm Run The Wealher For the Week Ended October 14, IMl ForeoMt of D. S. Wenfher Botom

Clear, eold tonight. l 4iw te to 13,389 M. Tomorrow meetly amiiiy and Member of tlw Aadlt' Burma of Oirealntlon wammr. WIgfi abent M. Manchester-—A City of Village Charm

VOL. LXXXI, NO. 18 (SIXTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1961 (Olaaalined Adrertlalag on Page 14) PRICE FIVE C E ^ Congo Government State N ew s Search on Remains Adamant Roundup For Plane Finnish Chief Arriv Dempsey Curtails Lost in Test On Taking Katanga Jobless Pays Now York, Oct. 16 (/P)— A force of 22 planes and four Hartford, Oct. 16 {IP)— Gov. surface vessels resumed a T alk Leopoldville, The Congo, Oct. 16 (/P)— Premier Cyrille John H. Dempsey says a pe­ search over the Atlantic to­ Adoula, protesting the new U.N.-KatangA pact strengthens riod of substantial unemploy­ day for an Air Force jet President Moise Tshombe, declared the Central Congo gov­ ment in Connecticut is over. bomber that disappeared with ernment is still determine to take over the rich secession­ Accordingly, he has direct eight men during operation ist province. ------ed a halt in an emergency pro­ Sky Shield II. JFK Lauds The U.KT. meanwhile got a warn­ were going ahead on the assump­ Additional military and civilian tion the agreement would be ap­ gram of extended state job­ ing from Tshombe that imless the less benefits. elements probed Inland areas of U.N. Advisory Committee on The proved by the ad\isory committee. the East Coast in the possibility They said Tshombe had sent word In a statement Saturday, Demp- the, eight-jet B52G craft may have Congo ratifies the agreement, he the U.N. prisoners—mostly Irish— sey said more than 26.500 persons Finn’s Love will hold as hostages the 184 UJ^. gone down ashore. It was to have had alreadv started for Elisabeth- who had exhausted their reguiar come in at low level somewhere troops taken prisoner in the re­ benefits received an additional $7.1 cent fighting. ville from their compound at Kol- between New York and Philadel­ wezi. million in extended Jobless pay. phia. Of Liberty Dr. Sture Unner. head of U.N. Connecticut started the program operations in The Congo, appeared of extended benefits in February The bomber, from the 4241 harried after a heated two-hour when the unemplojnnent rate rose Strategic Wing at Seymour John­ Washington, Oct. 16 (A=)— conf(?rence with Adoula last night. Lost Postcard to a level at which the special ben­ son Air Force Base, N. C.. waa President Urho Kalevo Kek> A U.N. spokesman said Adoula efits could be paid. liated as missing at 1 a.nu yester­ was “not very happy” about the day, An hour after the 12-hour na­ konen of Finland, Soviet Rufl- new cease-fire agreement signed The' law defines unemployment tionwide air defense exercise had sia’s Western-inclined next Friday' that, in effect, recognizes Hurts Repute as substantial whenever the job­ ended. It waa at that time that less rate of those eligible for un­ door neighbor, arrived today the right of Katanga to defend it­ the plane should have run out of for a tw ^ a y visit with Presi­ self from attack by Central gov­ employment compensation is at fuel. ernment forces. Of Peace Corps least 6 per cent of the work force dent Kennedy and was given for eight o f 10 consecutive weeks. Eighth air force headquarters of Adoula declared in a radio ad­ the Strategic Air Command at a red carpet welcome. By ROBERT M. LINDSAY Dempsey noted that the period 'No ■visitor could be more wel­ dress that the Leopoldville gov- of substantial unemployment, as Westover Air Force Base. Masa., •mment has a right to use “suit­ Ibadan. Nigeria. Oct. 16 UP)—A .said the plane’s last known posi­ come,” Kennedy told Kekkonen. defined by law, ended Oct. 7. Kenhedy flew back from a week­ able means” to end Katsinga’s se­ postcard that went astray has “This is heartening evidence of tion was about 850 miles off the cession.______He____ did_ not______elaborate but ^ven the American Peace Corps New York metropolitan area. end on Cape Cod and waited at the the basic strength and resilience airport to greet Kekoonen when the Central Congolese forces are al- its first black eye in the field. of Connecticut’s economy," the A score of planes scoured the ready massed on the Katanga bor­ Nigerian university students de-1 conneciicut s e Finnish president arrived at An­ manded yesterday that the Governor said. “ But even with thi.s area yesterday without picking up der. corps 1 drews Air Force Base In suburban unit sent to teach Nigerians be ex- to.Brovement in the employment a sign of the craft. A token force Maryland. A U.N. spokesman said the U.N. pelled because of criticism of i picture there rests on ^11 of us remained on the spot during the The President apd Mrs. Kennedy was “not backing dowm” on its de­ primitive living conditions in this the obligaUon to work energeUcal- night, and orders were i.ssued to aurlved at the air base 10 minutes termination to clean out foreign year-old African republic written i and unceasinglv in creating Increase the force to a total of one before Kekkonen’s plane landed. mercenaries in the Katangra forces. by an enthusiastic—but “ thought­ more and more jobs.” coast guard, two navy and 19 air Mrs. Kennedy joined In welcoming A The new agreement, he said, less"—girl in the group. When the period for the special force planes at daybreak. the Finnish president and his ■wife. merely supplements the provision­ Her postcard home, dropped ac- benefits began in February there Four coast guard cutters — two In his welcoming address, Ken­ al cease-fire reached with Tshom­ were 63,000 persons on the list for from Norfolk, Va,, and two from nedy told Kekkonen Americang es­ be at Ndola Sept. 20. cidenUlly on the campus, stirred _ . , 1,000 students at Ibadan College to jobless benefits. On Oct. 7, there New York — also participated in pecially respent Finland for her * ^ a t^ e !g j, angry demonstration denounc- were 37,000. the search. Jove of freedom. ratified by the U.N. Advisory com American volunteers as Dempsey noted, however, even Planes from Warner Robins Air Throughout your long history mittee on The Congo before be­ imperialism.” now those who exhaust their reg­ Force Base, Ga.. spearheaded the have come to recognize your coming permanent. 'Hie committee Margery Michelmore, 23. Smith ular unemployment compensation inland search, aided by elements of determination to maintain freedom was expected to meet today in College honor graduate from Fox- benefits will be eligible for addi­ the Civil Air Patrol. and Integrity.” Kennedy said. He New York. boro. Mass., quickly apologized to At (Charleston. W. Va.. Capt. E. lauded the FHnns lor “ such quali­ Tshombe warned that the U.N. tional assistance under the Federal the .university authorieles for writ­ Temporary Extended Unemploy­ rt. Chieves of the West Virginia ties as courage, fortitude and per­ prisoners—due to be released to­ ing the “ thoughtless card ' and of­ Civil Air Patrol said that organiza­ Vice President Lyndon B. John.son, right, welcomes his guest, Pakistani camel cart driver Bashir Ah­ severance,” and said these quali­ day—"will not be liberated if the ment Compensation Act, which ex­ fered to resign from the corps in pires in June, 1962. tion would put three aircraft and mad, at New York’s IdlewHd Airport. ’They flew to Texas last night for a visit to Johnson’s ranch. ties have been demonstrated by agreement is not approved.” an attempt to quiet the uproar. half a dozen vehicles into a search (AP Photofax). Finns who have migrated to this *T am honest and I hope that Peace Corps director Sargent of an area on either side of a line country. people I am dealing wdth are hon­ Shriver said in Washington he Ansonia's Worst Fire from Morgantown, W. Va., to Replying to Kennedy’s off-the est,” he told a news conference in talked to the Nigerian ambassador Ansonia. Oct. 16 <1P>—A fierce Lynchburg, Va. cuff welcoming words, the bald, his capital of Ghisabethville last and “ he did not seem disturbed. lumberyard fire touched off an­ “That’s our graveyard.” he said, Johnson Gives bespectacled Flnnlah president read night. “If the UJJ. wants to cheat, He said, it was the type of thing other at an oil company by a freak referring to the hearily mountain­ 45 Cubans in Miami a prepared statement in EngUsh in let them come with their jets and you could expect in this kind of accident Saturday. Veteran fire­ ous area. which he expressed the hope that we wrlU fight them, even with operation and I agreed wnth him.” fighters called It the worst blaze Officials at Seymour Johnson Camel Driver hia visit would “ strengthen tha bows and arrows.” in tnMLTl’s ___ identified those aboard the.aliasing good and friendly relations which 1^ VJ7. •ffieials In Elisabethville (Oontlniied on Page Elgkt) ' have always existed between our burning oil o i^ Raring like plane as: After Island Rescue two countries." an ignited well, for a time serious­ Capt. Roland C. Starke Jr. of Royal Routine ly threatened to touch off two Richmond, Va., the aircraft com­ Kekkonen said Americana ot 10,000 gallon fuel tanks at the Finnish descent are "a living bond mander; 1st Lt. Kenneth L. Payne Miami. Fla., Oct. 16 UP)—Forty-6the British Bahamas, issued brief Jomson City, Tex., Qct. 16 ^JF)- between our two peoples.” Kasden Oil Co. of Carey, Idaho, pilot; Capt. Paul statements Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson It waa brought imder control B. Fellows Jr. of Silver Springs, five Cuban refugee*. 18 of them After the airport welcoming Two Rocket Firings The British go'vemor, ■who sent plans today to give a 44-year-old ceremonies, the Kennedys and the When a volunteer fireman, Edward Md., radar-navigator; 1st. Lt. Rich­ children, arrived in Miami today policemen to the tiny island to Cotter, a reporter for the Ansonia ard C. Wiksell o f New York City Pakistan camel cart driver the Kekkonens flew by helicopter to after a Coast Guard rescue off investigate, said riiots had been the IVhlte House. Sentinel, ran up to It and turned (Jackson Heights, (Queens), navi­ the Bahamas island of Cay Sal exchanged between “ two Cuban same gilt-edge treatment that haa off the valve while other firemen gator; 1st. Lt. Dean A. Upp of After lunching together at the with a U.S. destroyer standing by. fishing boats” just offlahoie after charmed heads of nations. White House, Kennedy and Kek- Set for This Week checked the flames with fog noz­ Greenfield, Ohio, electronics war­ the refugee* landed. ” zles. Cotter burned his hand. fare officer; Staff Sgt. Helmuth The destroyer sped to the scene Bashir Ahmad, who sports Willmore told newsmen: flovring black mustache, and John­ (Contlnaed on Page Blghl) ’The original fire started from Christ of Rochester, N. Y., gunner; after reports that a Chiban boat Airman L. C. Francis B. Jones of “ I spoke with the Cuban politi­ son ai^ved at the latter’s Central Scout Saturn an unknown cause at the Ansonia had fired on the small, leaking cal refugees and they said that Texas ranch last night. London fog Lumber Co. on Canal St. It de­ Columbia, S. C., maintenance spe­ f. Washington, Oct. 14 UP) — A Cape Canaveral, Fla., Oct. 16 (JP) craft bearing the refugees. But they were not shot at and that and the grounding of American civ­ stroyed five of the company’s cialist, and 2nd Lt. Gary B. refugee arri'vals In Miami said Scout r o ^ e t designed to ’- some,” was the unanlmoua report ish territory and yet so close to answered,” Bashir told Mrs. John­ landings on the moon. lines. When the lines split the of six women aboard. Cuba, is considered a Brandenburg son, who met him and the vice mt^catdons and for the tracking transformer on a nearby pole blew ing eight men has marred an and guidance of space craft. The National Aeronautics and othervi’ise highly success ful ma- The womwi and children were Gate to freedom by many Cubans president at the air atrip back of TURKISH EXJEonoN cuosm Space Administration reports the out. This caused a 440-volt line taken to a Miami hotel. 'The 21 who flee Fidel Castro’s reglm.e In the LBJ ranch house. “One prayer The solid fuel Scout, a four- from the transformer to send too Ankara, Turkey, Oet.' 16 (F) firing will take place within a few men aboard were detained by im­ small, unseaworthy boats. was that your family was in good stage rocket 72 feet high and great a charge Into a pump motor (Continued on Pago Eight) — Election offloiida obraptly weighing nwre than 1? tons, will days if no problems arise. With 1.3 migration authorities for ques­ Almost dally one or two of these health and the other was that I million pounds of thrust—about 30 at the fuel company a few hundred suspended today poUle aae be latinched from Wallopa Island. tioning. boats are beached on Ca.y Sal and would come to America.” nouneement of retuna tai Tor* million horsepower—the first Sat- yards away. A Coast Guard boat took the other little islands in the Cay Sal The camel driver waa then Va. It will carry aloft a 04-pound tum is three times more powerful The motor burned out, rupturing key’s see-saw general etoettona package of instruments. refugees to Key West from Oay as party leaders nrgeatfr than any previous U.S. rocket. and igniting the fuel line. Sal. From there a bus brought (Continued on Page Five) (Continued on Page Eleven) The rocket’s final stage will re- The maiden flight will test the An estimated 5,500 gallons was sought means to avoU a dsau- Bvain attached to the eight-sided l\ew8 Tidbits them to Miami. first stage only. Two upper stages burned up. “Thank God,” breathed a sun­ look threatened Iqr the doaeat scientific patdoage. They are ex­ ■vrill be filled with 23.000 gallons of from the AP Wires y vote In Turktoh Ustoiy. Wtth pected to fall into the South At­ burned w;oman named Joseiflna as water to simulate weight of the op she herded her six children into almost half the vote tabniated, lantic. 3,900 miles from the launch Attacks Cupid’s'Agent erational rocket. the Tamlami hotel. the Peoples Rcpidilloaa Forty Bite. No recovery attempt will be The flightr plan calls for the 162- Wallingford, Oct. 16 (/P)—Robert Sklndiver from Long Island Island Volcano Victims of former President Ismet bona made. R. Nielson, 28, of Bri(^;eport, Her fisherman husband had foot, 462-ton Saturn to accelerate spends 11 hours in Groton submar. made it to Miai:^ a month ago. was naming almost neck and The National Aeronautics and to a speed Of 3.700 miles an hour tried last night to patch things up toe base decompression chamber nddi with the rigtit-wUig Jnstioe Bpaoe Administration (NASA) with his former fiancee. He fail­ Josefina planned to surprise him during the one minute, 57 seconds as result of diving accident near during the day. View Modern World Pm-ty, whldi sought and nppnr* said the probe, designated the burning time of its eight big en­ ed. Fire Island, N. Y...Lawyers and ently won support from the P21, will measure the denaity of So, police said, he went looking P. S, Willmore, ch ief‘immigra­ gines. In that time it wnll consume Judges gather to Hartford for start tion official in Key West, and Sir once huge b a lin g of ousted electrons and other characteristics 300 tons of fuel. for vengeance on a source of his of two-day 86th annual meeting of Prime Minister Adtau Menderee, o f the ionosphere — an electrioal- troubles. Robert Stapledon, governor of Cape Towm, South Africa, Oct.fFriday. During their sUy here When the engines cut off the ve­ State Bar Association of 0>nnectl- they will be taken on a tour of the executed last mouth for crimes ly charged area starting 40 miles hicle will coast upward on a ballii- He was arrested moments after cut in Statler Hilton. 16 _ The 260 Islanders of against the owuiltntlon. Tristan Da Cunha, dispossessed by Cape Peninsula smd attend special above the earth and gradually tlc trajectory to an altitude of 95 he heaved a huge garbage c Philadelphia Orchestra, In rush through a window of the jewelry a volcano, arrived -in Cape Town film shows and a special thanks­ merging with outer space. miles before plunging back Into the of activity following settlement of Lawyers Told giving service in Cape Town's An­ BRITAIN ACTS ON BEBUN Tha apace agency has fired two 20-day strike, schedules concerts today for their first bewildering (Contlnaed on Page Eight) glican cathedral. London, Oct. 16 (AO — Britain wevious kmospheric probes in the (Continued on Page Three) every night this week except Thurs­ contact with the 20th century The British Frigate Leopard acted today to speed nsoves for P21 series, and plana one more day .. Coast Guard helicopter picks 10 Firms Hold world. ' sailed from the doomed island to­ a negotiated settlement of the eaily next year; ’This week’s rfwt up seven chilled and tuckered Sea They arrived aboard the Dutch day after loading movable pos- Berlin crisis despite FMnoe’s in­ will measure daytime concentra­ Scouts end two adult leaders from Liner Tjlsadane, which picked sion.s the people, largely farmers them up from neighboring Night­ sistence on m slowdown, dohu tion of electrons and the next shot Long Island Sound after their 36- Most Trials and fishermen, left behind. Russell, chief Foreign Offies will chart nighttime activity. foot cabin cruiser sank in hpa\y ingale Island in the South Atlantic The sailors salvaged everything Judge Criticizes State after their own island was shat- spokesman, announced Britain’s NASA said ionoapheric data is w'aves•- ...... ^. 1...... i portable of value from the desert­ top expert on German affairs. Hartford, Oct. 16 UP)—Chief Jus-; tered by violent eruptions.' ed village of Edinburgh. They shot "very scarce” for the" area between Singer Lu Ann Simms is married to Sir Evelyn Shuckburgli, proba^ to Casper Stolt, 32, of Rochester, tice RajTnond E. Baldwin • told A l» g e crowd turned out atondoned pets that could not be 200 and 600 miles and virtually greet them. Many o f the wel­ bly wlU Join his American, nonexistent above that height. On Rights of Accused N. Y., liquor salesman .. Giant members of the State Bar Associ­ expected to fend for themselves. French and West German op­ auction in $18 million industrial comes had clothing.and other gifts The ship’s captain, Clmdr. P. ' -M During the ascent, the probe ation of Connecticut today that a for the Tristanders, ‘a. people of posite numbers in Washington will broadcast on two frequenciee. plant begins in Oklahoma, Calif., concentration of trial business in Hlcks-Beach, radioed Cape To'wn soon for poUcy-maklBg talks. V- la in pipe shop of Moore Drydock. British descent. The refugees are that the eruption was continuing. 12.267 megacycles at 1 watt of New York, Oct. 16 fjP) — Con-^-obtained before the accused saw I relatively few law offices is one' expected to make for Britain The date for this meettng has power, and 73.6 megacydea at necticut needs legislation reinforc­ a lawyer. Four high school boys drown of the big factors cdHlributlng to yet to be set, BosseU told netws- eventually. (Continued on Page Eight) men. He said It would leplaoa half-a-watt. ing the rights of persons accused Reid, 24, waa eonricted of the and four still missing in boating current congestion of the docket. Only a dozen had ever before NASA said the Ugber frequency of murders, a federal judge has hamm«r-«la>’ing of a Hartford disaster in central Luzon Island in An analysis of activity for a sin­ the four-power Western meeting The Philippines .. Hea\-y weekend left their isolated, mountainous said. woman. gle year, he said, showed that 10 colony of 42 square miles, domi­ tentatively set for LondaB (Ooattoned ea Page Three) The legislation is needed for the rains bring greater danger to South firms or individual lawyers’ offices Ford Wants Crews Thursday but which toe Ftench Reid’s argiunents were accepted Viet Nam and Cambodia, already nated by the 7,640-foot volcanic blocked. guidance of state law enforce­ last year by Federal District handled the great bulk of the work peak that for centuries was ex­ ment officers in view of the num­ hit by worst floods in more than In each of the three largest coun­ Judge J. Joseph Smith of Hart­ dozen years. tinct. Earthquakes accompanied Back bv Midweek JUDGE BOBOON NAMED Sand • Filled Truck ber of instances where murder con­ ford., who ordered a new trial. ties, Hartford, New Haven and the eruption last Monday. victions have been appealed on the However, the State appealed to New York Oily has $.511,240 po­ Fairfield. Hartford, Oct. 16 Gfl —• Gov. tential %'oters registered for Nov 7 Ten firms or individual lawyers! Men, women and children Detroit, Oct. 16 (JP) — The Ford dolm N. Dempsey today an­ grounds of coerced confessions. the second circuit and ' Judge Motor Co. aimed today at having t-- •: Aids Berlin Escape Judge Ciharles Clark of the U.S. election of mayor and other of­ entered in 2,092 o f 2,3361 crowded to the rail of the vessel to nounced toe vpototm ent at Smith waa reversed by a 4-1 vole. ficials . . . Manhattan's fashion­ court and jury cases on the trial gaze wide-eyed at the "outside its 120,000 production workers Second Carcuit Court of Appeals Clark also dissented in that de­ Abraham S. Bordon of West BerHn. Oct. 16 WT—Bast Ger­ able St. Thomas Church abandon­ list in Hartford (Jounty, he said, world” as the bulk of table moun­ back at their jobs by Wednesday, said In an opinion released Satur­ cision. tain loomed before them In Cape the United Auto Workers having Hartford, retired asaoriftB Jus­ man poUce threw tear gas gren­ day. ing Its long-time system of reserv­ 10 handled 761 of 990 in New Ha­ tice of the State Su^eme Court ades at a West Berlin crowd to­ In bis dissent on the verdict ing private pews. ven County, and 10 handled 1,346 To'wn’s Table Bay. ordered local unions to call off The jurist also criticized <3ov. Ahead of them were the d^ks strikes at all but two of Ford’s 85 of Errors, to toe State Faroto day after five Bast Berlinwa John N. Dempsey for vetoing a bill barring a rehearing. Clark waa British-French ' commission o f ; of 1,465 in Fairfield County. with cranes and puffing freight plants yesterday. Board. Bordon was given an hi- jumped from a secon4-atory win­ along the lines of his proposals Joined by Justice Sterr>’ Water­ traiisport experts report in Lon­ IVhen you consider that many teiim appointment to .till to* dow of a border liouae into a sand- man. don that two-tone raUway tunnel I* cases have multiple parties repre­ trains and behind, glittering in the There was doubt, however, just earlier this year. sun, were the tall white buildings how far Ford could go without unexplied term of Ghartee -W. fUled truck. West BerHn poMce Clark made his remarks In a Watemsan said, “Our opinion most feasible way q( spanning sented by several of tjie firms or PettengUl of Gireenwlch, who lawyers in the top 10,” the chief of the foreshore. settlement at one of the two plants Mtid. dissenting opinion on a case in­ ...could well be reexamined in EngUsh tunnel . . . Braniff Air- resig n ^ The incident occurred at the light of additional explanatory wa>Ti Electra, with 49 persons justice continued, “ it adds fur- Along with the welcomers on still struck — The Walton Hills volving Benjamin Reid of Hart­ stamping plant outside Cleveland, r*. • Bemaueratraase. There, apart­ ford,' who Is awaiting execution for information we are likely to ob­ aboard, makes einergencj tondtog tlier to the congestion." the quayside were spores of offi­ fl,006 STOLEN AT CHTOOH ment houses on one side of the tain. safely on foam-covered runway at Chief Justice Baldwin, who was cials amd reporters frorn all parts Ohio, which employes 3,300 and a 1957 slaying. makes pressed metal parts for all street are in the Soviet sector, I The court, by a 3-2 vote, had “Reid’s life is at stake,” he said. Carswell Air Force Ba.se, Fort speaking at the 86th annual meet- of the world. Greenwich, Oot. 16 IE—FoUee vihile the .sidewalks below are in Kjected Reid’s appeal for re­ The majority view against a Worth, Tex. I Ing of Uie Bar Association in the Also waiting for the Islanders— of Ford’s car dlvlsiona. reported toMay hurglariea at twa a A Olrike at Walton Hills a year West Berlin. BMnauerstxasae has hearing of the case. rehearing was based on th con­ Seven hundred troops of U.S. ' Stotler Hilton, said that If cases who have never seen a bus or a efaurohes during toe night. A been the scene of many dramatic Reid, thrdugh his lawyer Wil­ tention that Redd’s rights had not 8th Infantry Division will be could be tried when they are first train — were television and news­ ago began to take Ford assembly sum eetonatod at SLAW to MAM reached, the delay in reaching reel cameramen. lines down In six days, and a unlim In caeh waa stolen from « i elBea saoapes by East Berlinera The liam D. Graham of Hartford, con­ been violated because his attor­ brought to Normandy from West In toe Christ C kur^B atoeepnt sand-fUled truck was tha latest tended that his rights had been neys at the original. Superior Germany next week for filming of them wrould be cut down from nine Mayor A. H. Honiman said (Jape spokesman predicted today that if to 10 months. Tbwn was prepared to go the limit this plant were not back woiking on. toe Poet Seed. F ew a snH. tofMvatlon. violated because police held him Court trial in 1967 did not object motion pictnre . . Censors elim­ burglars else ranis eked an At around noon, the truck for two months before telling him to the oonfessions. inate from left-wing Paris news­ “ Of course, there are very good for the Islanders’ entertainment or in nine daya all Ford asslunbly lines would be affected. hi file firsi foaisd up to one apartment bouse. he had the right to see an attorney. In affect, the oourt said. Raid paper Liberation story charging reasons for xeasslgning lotB of ahoat a hatt-mlto K «n Graham also argued that Reid's that French paraUroopera killed 206 They are expected to leave for j OasBsssd m Fags Kiss). eeafsMini was invalid sinee It was (Oosttaoed M Fogs SUz) nuarmed TUnialaa prtoonera. (OOBtlnned ea Fage Eleven) Britain aboard tha StlrUng CasUo (Oontomed ea V*ta n ve)

/■ j \ i r. ,r ■

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1961' llANCm STER SVBNlNa HERALD, SLlNCHESTEB, CONN« MONDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1961 F A O B T H R B B 9 i m r m o f f , a—.— Warehouse Point Volunteers; and have often! pointed out, a critic la TfdcoUviUe South Windsor supper committee. supposed to eee that programs of­ Hospital Notes There will be a buffet luncheon fer good value for the money. This Two Rocket Firings at noon! Each one attending should particular singw gets the highest Sheinwold on Bridge BogtoA Trip Slate^j bring either sandwiches, salad, or fee of anybody singing today. VlaltlBg boors are 2 to 8 p.m> 5CH00O for all areao, a x o e p t matomlty, Vandals Mar dessert, enough for four people. Thus she sets herself up as the To Enrich Studi^ Beverages will be furnished by where they are 2.to 4:M mad 8:80 “THE WAY beat' singer now before the public. COUNT YOUR TRICKS 8 the hostesses. She simply Isn't. to 8 p.«i.; and private rooasa Church Rooms South dooler Set for This Week The Wapping Elementary School The business meeting will begin where they are 18 aja. to 8 pju. TO PLAN THE PLAY At her price, she should offer Both lidM vuloontblo Grade 8 will visit Boston on Oct. 24. irompUy at 1 p.m. A nursery trill ' , A t , , Visitors 'a re requested aot to By Alfred Shelnhroid NORTH I HEARD IT” near-perfection in all branches of Vandals entered the downstairs Playing bridge without counting This la the second auch trip for the be pro'rovlded for pre-school chU- the vocal art, and particularly In smoke In patient’s rooms. No more 4 7 5 3 Scout Saturn dren. than two visitors at oae'ttme per of the TolcottviUe Congregational your tricks Is like walking on a K I (CoaihniMl trona Page One) (Continued from P»g* one) pupils, wl)o ^ i t sites and loctions by John Gruber the field of opera, etnee she is an treadmill. It maybe good exercise, opera star. She offered a program patient. Church eometlme late yeiterdmy 0 K J 8 3 2 connected vrith their social studies Manchester Evening Herald but It won’t get you anywhere. - ♦ Q 3 3 la aasentlally unaffected by the AtlanticI*. Ocean 235 miles to the that could have been sung by any afternoon and smeared green point When West opens 'he deuce ol lessons about the Revolutionary Sonlli Windsor correspondent first year vocal student in a con­ Pstlenta Today: 184 WEST EAST tonosphwre and will be uaeful for southeast. No recovery attempt Laura Kats telephone MI 4-1788. Your dealer asks: on counters, the atove, the sink hearts, South must play >ow from will be made. War. servatory and which didn’t include ADMITTED SATURDAY: Wll- 4 K J . 4 10 I 8 4 X omnparison wHh the low fre- T end walls of the dturch kitchen. the dummy. East wins with the 17 10 7 4 2 <7AQ95 cmency tnnamlaslon, which is qf- The rocket has been "wired to Arthur Hotten and Achilles Se- any operatic works except the 'llam. Morlconl, 613 Main St.; Wai­ In the furnace room a large queen and should know that SouUi Th« State Hieatre here In Man-^on the last "Telephon« H o u r,” opening three numbers by . 0 9 4 O Q lb 7 MCted considerably by the physi- radio Information on 610 aspects of condb, teachers, and two chaper­ te,- Armstrong, 11 Carol Dr., Rock­ sunount of powdered paint was has the jack of hearts since he performance during the flight. ones will gxcompguty the children. Chdose either size. Both Mereuryi cheater is about to etart a series when a ballerina from “La Seals’‘ In Handel’s time, opera was hot 487642 ool cooditioita of the ionosphere. In which size car do ville; Daniel Maroney, 54 Pleas­ found to have been splUed oh the failed to put up dummy’s king. (If SOUTH NASA said the upconrtng flight While In Boston, they will trlsit Old Whirlpool Washors, e t six apecieJly selected features. was featured in the "White Swan” the dramatic affair we are accus­ ant St.; Jan Kerrigan, 14 Ensign South had only three small hearto This will be the se'vesvth in a are quallty-bullt to give you extra floor, and in the downstairs vestry 4 A Q 9 development eeriea of eight Stout is the first of 10 research and de­ North Church, follow Paul .R#' ItMty will come on Tuesday eve- pas de deux. tomed to today, and these numbers St.; Mrs. Glenna Thomas, Coven­ the crosB and esndiM were knock­ he would surely play dummy s velopment . launchings leading to vere's ride and go to his house, go value, yet cost less "to own. are not what the audience would 1? J 6 3 firings. In post tests the Scout Dryors t i n g t and the flrst one is scheduled The whole thing is quite long, try; Ralph Wlsnowskl, South ed over. king at the first trick as his only 0 A 6 5 an operational 1.5-miillon-pound- aboard the US8 Constitution, and you want your value? ftr tontorrow night. It will feature and is usually presented in two naturally expect from an opera hope to get a trick In the sult.J has not quite Hved up to design thrust Saturn Cl rocket In 1964. Windsor: Denise Baldyga, South The vandalism was discovered 4 A K J 9 Specifications. . visit Lexington, Concord, Bunker P ricG t os Low, ballet. acts on the stage, sometimes singer. However, I agreed that she Windsor; Joseph S'enna Sr., 83 shortly before 7 p.m. when the If East falls to count tricks, he Cautioning against over-opti­ Hill, the Harvard Museum, and oth­ did them acceptably. South W«rt North EmI Last year, you recall, the same using several scenes as well. Just Seaman Circle; George Fletcher, youth groups of the church ar­ will continue with the ace of 1 4 P«u 1 0 Pan mism on the early tests, officials er places of historical Significance- Sorviet that's Botttr - theater offered opera in a series how it will be presented cinc- One thing an opera singer is sup­ Wapping: the Rev. Crock­ rived for their regular Sunday eve­ hearts and a small heart to the 2 NT Past 3 NT All Pin Six Catches Made said; "It is reasonable to expect a Funds for the trip, except a dol­ o f apecial prognams; this year matically. 1 don’t know, but I’m posed to do, is to make the words ning meetings. "■ ; jack. South goes after the dia­ Opening lead — ^ 2 ■■ Honolulu, Oct. 16 Burns, 53 the queen of spades and lose the count of at least 25 -points, and precious 110-pound payload of with estimated thrust of one mil­ near as would.be a good Ume to begin. The second balcony. Broad St.; Mrs. Marion Trask. will probably need reflniehlng. Discoverer 32 at 9,000 feet Satur­ Auxiliary to Meet "Swan Liake’’ ballet will be of­ had some repercussions about the Moreover, she didn’t sing on The paint had been stored in a game whether the opponents con­ your length In diamonds Is worth lion pounds. The South Windsor Midget your review I recently gave a singer East Hartford; Mrs. Evelyn Rls- tinued spades or shifted back to a point or so. Bid game If your day after miuing on a flrst pass When ready In 1964, the two- fered, and H is probably the mort pitch. She didn’t sing far off. but ley, 210 Eldridge St.; Mrs. Made- large closet off the kitchen. It had at 12,000. Footbafi Auxiliary will meet to­ popular of all the compositions in out at Storrs. I have been ac­ she didn’t sing exactly on. either. been left over from the summer llC&FtSa partner Is a fine card player; stage Saturn Cl will be capable of morrow at 8 'p.m. at the home of telephone / cused of “ripping her to shreds" line Clough, Tolland; Jules Tuck­ If South counts, he will put up otherwise, bid two notrump. That was Schensted’s second planing a 10-ton satellite in earth tMs field. The music was written At the price . this was unexcusable. er, Willimantic; Philip Vassallo. vacation school. consecutive success at grabbing a Mrs. Evelyn Zagorskl of 641 Sul­ Your order for drug needs and and of “tarring and feathering Many ordinary church choir Sing­ the ace of spades Instead of fi­ For Sheinwold’s 36-page booklet, orbit. Advanced (J3 rockets will be by Tschalkowsky. and the chore- Newington; Arthur Duprey, An­ Although the monetary loss nessing. Any play will work If discoverer capsule on the fly. He livan Ave. All mothers of foot­ cosmetics will be taken care of her." among other expressions. ers can do better than she did, so would not be too great. Rev. Shi­ "A Pocket Guide to Bridge," send able to send 40 tons Into orbit or orraphy was by . dover; Mrs. Sylvia Pelser, Wap­ West has Q-x or Q-x-x of dia­ sold It felt "real good." 16 tons on probes to the moon. ball playera and cheerleaders are Immediately. It is a "ballet d'acUon, " which The inference is that I was un­ her errors would have been laugh­ moda said, all the powdered paint 4 -f a' 50c to Bridge Book, Manchester ping: Mrs. Ann Van Straten. 390 l^ '> ^ monds. If the diamond finesse is The polar-orbiting capsule, fired Mars or Venus. 5rged to attend and becom'd mem­ means it Is a ballet that tells a just. and also that f don’t know able were It not for the fact she Vernon St.; G. Lee Hebb, 765 N. spilled in the fumae room would mm Evening Herald, Box 3318, Grand gets paid so exhorbitantly for them. going to lose, however. South can­ Central Sta., N.Y. 17, N.Y. aloft from Vandenberg Air Force The Cl wlU carry a three-man bers. story, rather than one which my business, since she hasn’t had Main St., Buckland; Mrs. Mary have to be considered unsalvage- not afford to lose a spade finesse base In California, was triggered Women’s Fellowship V such scathing remarks written t o - u Apollo spaceship into earth orbit FREE ralies only on beautiful posturings Had she received a quarter of the Cramer, Coventry: Mrs. Marion able. and thus give the opponents time (Copyright INI, General Features earthward over Alaska on its 18th for several weeks. The C3 ■ will Women Interested In the Wom­ and steps to produce its effect. about her previously. fee she was paid, she still would Vennart, 42 High St.; Gary Leono- He termed the vandalism as to get a spade as well as three Corp.) circuit of the earth. Recovery hurl the same manned craft en's Fellowship of Wapping Com­ Now in the first place, as I DELIVERY Tou may have seen a little of it have been in the upper brackets wicz, 45 High St.; John Graham, mostly nuisance damage. eitH, Mw Tag M«ei rm rnm hearts and a diamond- planes trMl a trapeze-like arrange­ around the moon, hopefully by munity Church are Invited to at­ amongst professlohar entertainers, Sunset Ter., Vernon; Charles Ar- Mrs. Shimoda, the pastor’s wife, After putting up the ace of ment of ropes, poles and pronged 1066. A more advanced Nova ve­ tend a luncheon meeting at the and I might not have been quite so gires, ThompsonvlUe; Leigh Ann said she was -nost discouraged be­ spades South goe.s after the dia­ church Thursday, from 10 a.m. to metal hooka to snag the gold- hicle will be used to land the M E R C U R Y th# b#it- looklng buy for tilt bi|-car man specific; there would have been bet­ Statkowski, Stafford Springs; Eu­ cause on Saturday, which had been monds, losing a finesse to the Wed.: “ Guns of Navorone” plated package. Apollo crew on the mooR,' perhaps p.m. MONTEREY ter value for the money. gene Morgan, RFD 2; -Richard "Clean-Up Day.” the entire church and lasted tmtil 4 p.m., taking If not already actively partici­ time out only for limch at noon. queen. When East leads another The capsule was sped to Hickam in 1967. She is actuaUy the result of Carlin, 45 Lenox St.; Mrs. Bessie had been thoroughly clesmed. Now spade. South can play the queen. RUB7NSIEBE; Air Force Base, then loaded on pating, women may Join In the fol­ “DON’T BE A great publicity and fortunate clr Newman, 182 Hilliard St.; William the dowmstairs will have to be Ohemerka and Giulettl will re­ This will win If East happens to nUR NSI Ut AVI . f HI f 0 lowing activities: Stuffing toys for Ford. Wapping. port In detail on yesterday’s train­ another plane and flown to Sunny­ X15 Flight Planned cumstances. Her American debut cleaned again. have the king, so that South loses vale, Calif., for study by space Holiday Festival (bring old nylons PRESCRIPTION PHARMACY * M R F I X - I T was made in Dalias, a city noted Admitted Today; Mrs. William ’There was no evidence of van­ ing session at the November meet­ 7: COLOb cut In pieces): sub-committee on nothing by refusing the finesse at scientists., Edwards Air Force Base, Calif., for extravagances rather than ex­ Wytas, Stafford; Mrs. 'Ellen Grant, dalism or tampering In the sanctu­ ing of Co. 3. the second trick. Since the spades ___ Oct. 16 (/P)—The X15 rocket ship, holiday fashion show and festival; 901 MAIN ST.— Ml 8-5321 WITH YOUR HEALTH” tremely good taste. Here she was 91 Chestnut St. The capsule contained a variety discussion group; sewing group; ary of the church. happen to block. South makes his IIM lUlItON of Items to determine the effect which has flown faster than a mile extravagantly praised for a per­ BIRTHS YE5STBRDAY: Twin Vernon Constables Edwin Carl Don^ ottampt fo Irsat your inert pee* Monohestor Evening Hemid Tol contract even though both the king of exposure to space radiation. second and retuhed an altitude formance of an opera nobody pres sons to Atty. and Mrs. Vincent Di­ son and John Williams are Investi­ cottvllle correspondent, Morris of spades and the queen of dia­ IIonITmoon o f more than 41 miles, may break eious potiesslen. . . your heolthl Your ent had ever seen. ana, 140 Benton St.; a son to Mr. Lt. Col. David L. Henderson, gating. SImoncelU, tolephone Mitchell 8 monds are in unfavorable position. ■iiUMJilxlMl acting commander of the 6594th it* owTi speed record this week. Doctor and your Phormoeht Then she sang In New York on a and Mrs. Carl Hicking, Coventry: a Attend Fire School - 2382. Dally Question 8:15 6:20-9:45 The National Aeronautics and busy night when the third string son to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hinck­ Recovery Control Group, said the woik hand in bond to proloct Hie deputy drief and captain of Partner opens with 1 NT (18 to Discoverer space-probing series Space Administration says Test critics were all that were available ley. 446 W. Middle Tpke.; a daugh­ Talcottvllle’s Co 3 fire department your hoaMi and Iho woll will continue several more years. Pilot Joe Walker probably will jto cover her concert. They were in­ ter to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Herr- were among nearly 300 firemen boing of your family. He said the Air Force has given take the experimental craft on experienced and impressed with man. South Coventry: a daughter from throughout the ntate who at­ Still Some Room another speed run in the next few her build-up. Again the opera w m to Mr. and Mrs. William Parquette, up the idea of putting a monkey Wo Digo you to vWt your Doctor whon tended an all day eesadon at the or other animal In the capsule. days. The flight ■will provide data unknown to them and they didn’t East Hartford. Elastem Connecticut Fire Train­ In Night School r fl SAT., OCT. 28 on aerodynamic heating and sta­ in nood of Motmont. . . and vWl our want to admit their Ignorance, so BIRTH TODAY: A son to Mr. Morcury COMET-the quality compact with the extras that Mercury MONTEREY— the quality big car with tho extras ing S<*ool and the WilUmantlc bility. control and performance. Phonnoey whon in noeid of prescription they praised the performance. and Mrs. Louis Montesl, Talcott.- USHNEL 8:30 P~M. Extra beauty (only compact with that make the difference. Mercury’s finest. For the man Oiv-il Defense Training School in Thore are sUll clOM opeiungs The X15, design^ to fly even­ make the difference. torvico. . . it's always on accurate, re- The first-string critics are now ville who prefers or needs a big car. 6-passenger car without Willimantic yeeterday ★ ★ ★ ★ St. Bridget’s CYO tually at 4,000 m.p.h. and at alti­ fine-car styling). Extra room plus a smoother’ride (up trying to climb off the perch in re­ DISCHARGED SATURDAY: Vytau Ohemerka. deputy chief, a'vollable in five evening clssees of FRED WARING * * * qualification—with extra room, a longer (120’ ) wheelbase noble and dopondoblo sorrice. gard to this singer. Did you read tudes of 50 to 100 miles, broke the to7-5-inch longer wheelbase than other compacts). Extra Mrs. Bernice Sendrowski, 15 Ed­ was port of a group which was the adult education program at the latest New York reviewg of her mund St.; Louis Rondeau, Wllli- Will Hear Sister altitude and speed records for trunk space—up to 6 more bags than other compacts. than other Cars in its class. Extra riding smoothness singing? 1 predicted this sttitude drilled in the latest methods of Moncheater High School. The wdnged aircraft only last ■week. It (exclusive Cushion-Link Ride). Extra quality floor in­ mantic; Mrs. Gladys Steele. extinguishing verioue t>-pea of - Extra quality with triple-wrap aluminized muffler and in this column on May 8, and I’m Phoenix St., Vernon: Mrs. Grace claasei are English for foreign fThe Sounds of America) Sister Rose of Lima, a veteran went up 217.000 feet and hit 3,647 f f lL sulation—over 1' thick. Extra savings (needs routine Signed—MICHAEL DWORKIN, Reg. Pharmacist fires, ■with special emphasis on oil m.p.h. It will try for about 3,885 weatherized door locks. Extra resale value (best record naturally happy to see my predic­ DerricH, Wapping: Sandra Held- bom, music appreciation, luivanced New Conoert Speotaoular Starring IN PERSON Maryknoll missionary to the t - l i i service only twice a year—at 6,000 to 30,000 miles). tion being fulfilled. fires. THE PENNSYLVANIANS Orient, will speak tomorrow night m.pJh. on the next flight. of any compact). Price? With or below most compacts. LET US FILL YOUR NEXT PRESCRIPTION cavage. 46 CooUdge St.; Barbara John Giulietti, captain, elected typing, business machines, und The fact still remains, this par­ Stickels, 7 Goslee Dr.; Mrs. Mary to St. Bridget’s CYO. She • will . eSODUCTS OF MOTOS COMPANY to receive irstruetkm in rescue -woodworking. TICKET NOW ON SALE AT ROX OFFICE LINCOLN-lilEeCURY DIVISION • 1969 MERCUSY8 ticular singer is not good, but I Tivnan, 75 Steep Hollow Lane; Registrations will be accepted FiUl Priced: Orch. or let Bal. $4.30, $3.76, $3.20. ‘2nd Bnl. $2.65, ^80 show slides during her talk • FAST DELIVERY • PHONE MI 9-2343 will admit she is loud. The fees she work, such as firemen might en­ between 7 and 8 o’clock In the Sandra Geer, 85 Wetherell St.; at the Manchester High School of­ $2.10, $1.55. Mall orders promptly filled. Make checks pajTible SFouM jdea la r^ THE BEST-LOOKING BUY8-N0W IN EACH SIZE-AT MERCURY QUALIH HEADQUARTERS gets are even louder. Leslie Odess, 29 Elizabeth Dr.; counter in the course of fighting church hkll. a fire. fice tonight from 7 to 9. For fur­ and mall with stamped return envelope to; i Mrs. Mafalda Quey, 73 West St.; BUSHNELL MEMORIAL HARTFORD 14, CONN. Adults and pupils In seventh and Both took part in a first aid ther information about hours of eighth grades are Invited to at­ utting Mrs. Elizabeth Klein, 144 Deep- classes, call Lew^s Piper at the Dois G wood Dr.; June Olson, Vernwood course during the day. tend. The session started at 9 a.m. high school office. BU5HNCLL W a t k i n s ;W e s t Dr., Vernon; Merton Bell, East 8:30 U p N ichts Sleep Like Log Hartford; Harry Conant, East One Goneert Only - - Monday, Oet. PJtt. Yukon Festival Set MAKE YOU FfiL, OLD Slip SttsMch Gu 3 Tinn Faster Hartford; Mrs. Ruth Breton, East A n n 3S. common Ktdncr or BUdder Ir- CirtilitS lakontwy tuK pnne BELL-ANS tab- Hartford; Mrs. Rita Bump. 98 W. Dotwaon City, the Yukon — A rlUUon* oh m occur wid m .r msk. Tou ORMANDJ.WEST • DIRECTOR Icti mirtralitt 3 tiaiei as aiuch stomach acidity Main St., Rockville; Mrs. Marjorie tcMC and nerrou. from too frequent, Klondike festival is planned for bumlnu or ttehliu urln»tlon both dey ManchwtM’t OUmI — with MORIARTY BROTHERS, Inc. in one minute as aiany leading digestiea tablets. Dillon and son, 30 Hilltop Dr.: 1062 In Dawacm City, one of the uid night. BceondvUy, you may lot. PHONE M l 9-7196 Get BELL-ANS today for the (attest known BUSINESSMEN'S •lecD and luffcr from EMadaehM, Bacji- Hw R im iI B icIIIHm ONLY at the PARKADE relief. 35A at'druigisls. Send postal to BELt- Mrs. Gladys Lavoie and son, Wap- famous old goldrush mining totvns. ■aoh. and feet old, tlrwl.


atructor. Ih* articles to ba caned . lebroh canvass Will Jm $7,218. Income ttm othsr .Blgktt, tha iubataiiea of Circle Sets Bolton should be in rood repair. from other It Is estimat­ a mamoraadum ha had wrlttan to The Ladiea Benevolent Society of ed, will 'Cover the remaining sum. Science Shrinks Piles Criticizes State Bolton Congregational Church will hlraaalt on tha quastion o f tha late Judge B eriy iFcstival Fellowship Officers This la ballaved to ba the larg­ Yule Sale*'Tea meet tomorrow at 8 p.m. at the est budget ever proposed for the TV-Radio Tonight New Way Without Surgery Senator J o a ^ McCarthy. In pariah room- 'rheodore W. Elected at Church church. No data has yet been set April, 1653, In the opening months The Friendship Orele of the 8al- Chandler Jr. and Mrs. Thomas for the canvass. Johnson will be hoatesaea. o f his offlca, ha put down his guid- *T am the light of tha worid” O n s of Accused vatlon Army s m hold a 8traw- Scoot Drive Starts Slated Dec. 9 B a p tta n w Officers elected at the aimual Stops Itch—Relieves Pain John A 13. b a i^ Foattval Thursday from 4 to The Boy Scout finance cam­ New Yerk, N. T. (Sseeiel) — For the sace to himself.' Think of tha nature of thto aay' 7 p.m. at the Touth Canter of the Bard Daniel, son of Mr. and meeting of the Hebron Congrega­ Television 10 thorongh that aaffarars oiad* (OsattBoed tnm Page Oas) for Mias Grace Tedford and Misa paign started Saturday'with Al­ first time ecience has found a new astonishing itatsmsato Ilk* “PUss 'Tn this memorsnda,” ha mid Ing. What a revelation of Chriat’a his veto e( a bill d sa U » with tha Church' Piitoaate will banatlt the Mra.' Richard Rockenbach of Birch tional Women’s Fellowship, to bert A. CooUdge chairman for 6.00 Big 8 Theater (in progreu) J:SU Cheyenne I. 10. 40. character!' What a consclouaneiB Youth Canter huUiUng fund. Mt. Rd,, and Victor Lloyd, son of ' Early Show (In progreei) 10 Manhunt healing substance with the aston­ have ceased to ba a probleml” the other nli^t, “ I ssld, I have of tha sccutad to iavo eoua* Elizabeth Chase are oo-duiinnen Hebron. Other towns taking part Blue Angels of unlimited fulbiaas! Think oT the waived his rights to sppssl on the Mamhara of tha Fnandahlp Car­ Mr. and Mra. Bert Gerald Wright serve for the coming year, are: World of Glanta ishing ability to shrink hemor­ The secret Is a new healing sab- loeksd over this matter ever since halioween party o f t ^ Christmas Sale and Tea of In the drive are Andover, Marl­ Yogi Bear . „ To Tell The Truth rhoids, stop itching, and relieve light tha Worid has had. Ught of question o f ocmfaaaion. d s plekad and tru e native straw- of Webster Lane, Hebron, were President, Mra.. John Bell; direc­ A1 Mann News 8:00 The Rifleman stance (Bio-Dyne*)—diseovary * f It'a coma to my attention, and I In hla July 7 veto nossogo. tha Women of St. George’s Epis­ borough and Bolton. pain — without surgery. a world-famoat research institnt*. Thta reasoning. Judge Olsrk Dampaay said accused new had bornas tn June tn preparation for baptisted at St. Maurice Church tors, Mrs. BreAe Wright, Mrs. John Syllabus National Velvet 22. The fimds netted will ba used t:lS Modern Digest 8:30 The Rifleman S. 40. In case after case, while gently Thia aubitanc* is now aTailable am convinced that tha way for me said in his dissent, "boedar* on adequate protaetton snd that the tills faattvsl. They will sarvs ham- copal Oturoh on D ^ . 9 at the yesterday. N. Cross, Mrs. P. John Perham, News, Sports It, Weather Window On Main Street hurga, hot dogs, lea cream aun- supplies for professional guidance, office relieving pain, actual reduction in tuppetifory or etn(M«nt form scBsaupnoN rathb' to defeat Senator McCarthy If; to the fantastic in ai^ human, pcac- new law would hamper criminal Harmony Hill home of ifisa Chase. About Town g:26 Weather. News A Sports The Price la Right (CJ-IO 22. (shrinkage) took piece. P«raM« ta Adrjam^ ness. Think of the light Christ has Ucai or kidead ) a ^ sense.” dees as wall as atrawberry ahort< Mrs. iTiornton Secor, Mrs. George and secretarial services, council Expedition Duckpln Bowling under the name PrtpareUan H*. Ignore It Never to admit that ha Invaatigatlon. The fair will feature Christnms Mre. Wlnthrop, Reed, Mrs. Fred 6:60 Club House Most amazing of all—resulta were At all drug countars. brought Into the world. Light on caka . . . world tlampi. . C. Mohr Mra. (3rover Hallquest Alden, Mrs. Donald Ray, and Mra. .and district activities, training, . „ Independent Commlltea Ob* V*«r ...... tu.60 •38.00 has damaged me, upset me, or the true character of God. Light In addition to Reid’s appeal, Judge Clark noted that tha bin greens, candles gift items, home- leadership, camp sites, outdoor For Your Information 9:00 Danny Thomaa Show iwc Km Uw ••«••»•••••• Clark cited the cases of convlctad ^ main ttreot and pika pkoa baked food and a,silver tea. and the Rev. Edward Johnson of John Sherwood; first and second Channel 6 News 87th Precinct 10 on the world's own character and had the support of the Bar As­ Some good cooks like to add camping and program aids for Robin Boon Surfalde Six 8 Tttt^**itoittlia ••#•••■••• 8.90 anything else.” murderers Harold D. Rogers ot sociation. Women of SL George’s will St. George’s Episcopal Church at­ ■vice presidents, Mrs. Albert A. Ob* jKOBta •«*•••••••«•• X'90 need. Light on the dark problems coffee to a buttaracotch lanta to CooUdge and Mrs. Donald Robin­ Scouts and leaders. No definit-a 6:4S Doug Edwards 9:M Andy Griffith Show We«idr’ ...... 30 " 2 “As far as I can recall,” Eisen­ of human history. Light on man’s New Haven and Arthur Culombc Dempsey Friday gave Raid meet tomorrow at 10 a.m. at the tended the Hartford Archdeaconry Hnntlev-Brlnkley Report 10:00 Henneaaey of Hartford which were both over­ cake. ' meeting held In St. John’s (iJhurch, son, respectively; secretary, Mrs. quota has been announced. 10. Million Dollar Movie hower added the other night *T future and eternal dastin>. stay of execution unw April 11 Rectory to sew articles for the Evening Report MAIN ST., MANCHESTER a OPEN 6 DAYS ______. OiT turned by the U. 8. Supreme Court ■West Hartford, last week. Mra. Sirreno A. Scranton. Thriller in T H B A M O O A T B P PK1BS8 never mentioned hla name and I Hobart A. McBride In order for hla attorney to aak sale. Manchester Evening Herald 7:00 Alter Ulnnei Movie Ben Casey g' ai>* AipBdBf i Pr*i * ia *aelual*«l7 because of the question of al W 808 Panel Slated Mohr and the Rev. Johnson alao Mrs. Walter Donald la in charge News a Weather 10:30 I've Got A Secret happen to know that this had a North Methodist Church the U. 8. Suprama Court to rsvlew Hebron correspondent, Miss Susan American Odyss^ 11:00 News «MU*A ta tl»* M * at repuNleiUao e l legedly forced confessions as evi­ .the case. 1 9 0 6 — 1 961 attmded the Archdeaconry Altar of devotions; sick committee. Miss •M BMW AmiaelM* «MdK*4 to it or very great affect” dence of the need for new laws in A four-member panel ■will dis-' E. Anne Clark, Mrs. Irene Wright, B. Pendleton, telephone ACkidemy News, Sports It Weeather News, Sports It Weather Mt MiMnrM* ct'OdimI tain IBl* a*p*r cuss the four marks of the true Guild meeting in Simsbury. Expedition 11:16 Jack Paar Show (C> 10. a M alao th* toeal D*«r* poplWMd Mr*, Hiia happened to be the way we, Connecticut. The executive committee of the and Mrs. Everett B. Porter; mis­ 8-3464. Death Valley Days Suspense Theater IS'’ liloa of ipecla] church at a meeting o f the Wom­ sionary committee. Miss EMna Htlllon Dollar Movie 11:20 Studio 12 h«r«la ar* also r*««rT*d. in these columns, tmalyzed and Beth Sholom Unit “ It would seem that leglslaUon Woman’s Society of Christian Buga Bunny Show Movie 8 Mystery en'e Society of Obristian Service Service of United Methodist Latham, Mrs. Eklward A. Smith, setting forth the constnsUtutional Celebrating Schultz 53rd tomorrow at 8 p.m. at United 7:15 Bvenlna Report Feature 40 W u aanrio* ettaat of N. B. /L Serr- rated the Elisenhower policy at the Plans Lectures rights of the accused would be Church will meet tonight at 8 at Mrs. Mildred Fillmore and Mrs. Couple Observes Illghllghte 11:30 Jack Paar Show (C) IB*, b e . time. We thought that the great­ TKero'sd ' Methodist Church. Under the title Epworth House. Gertrude M. Hough. Bporta Camera 80 1:00 I.Ate News ^FObUahBia »»pr***atatlT*a; TM hripful as directivas to the police “Are We The Church?” the dla- SEE SATtltDAY'S XV WEEK FUR COMPLETE LISTING ^Ulo* Mathew* 5 p * ^ AtC*^ — N*w The Women’s Auxiliary to fire est weakening he could possibly Dr. Samuel Gringaua will open and prosecutors (In the state)," oussion will feature au) peneliatB A meeting wrlll be held this eve­ 40th Anniversary deliver to McCarthy was the re­ the sixth annual lecture series he said. department will meet at 8 tonight ning In the Smith-Gellert Lounge or He also criticized Dempsey for Big Difference Mra. Harvey K. Mousley, wife of at the firehouse. Mrs. Dale Smith cmcuumoNB. fusal to dignify McCarthy by tak­ sponsored by the Temple Beth the superintendent o f the Norwich when directors and other officers and Mrs. Adolph Roberts will be will make plans for the programs Mr. and Mrs. James A. Ellis, 613 Radio .H i* B*raM Prlatlai OompaBT, Ina, ing him on personally. We thought Sholom Lecture Committee on Distrii^: Philip Susag, layman hostesses. Main St., were honored at a sur­ j for for the coming year. aaaume* no flaaneial reaponeibflltT for that this behavior on the part of Nov. 5. Subscriptions to the series in Insurance from South Methodist Church, Men and boys of St. Maurice par­ prise dinner party at (This Hating Inctadas only tboao news broadcasts of 10 or 15-mlnnte tppocraptilcal arror* appear! mt In aO- may be obtained by cajling the of­ Manchester; the Rev. EMward Business Manager Explored Inn, Berlin T^ke., Saturday eve­ length. Some stations earry otim abort oowsoasts.) ANNIVERSARY **rmementa______and___ otherroRtf*— readine matter ish will attend a spaghetti supper Eisenhower was the one thing A recommendation made by Dr. la Hi* ifaaolraatar- Branlnii- H erald fice at Temple Beth Sholom. Aluminum Johnson, ■vicar of St. George’s and Sports Night tonight in the ning in celebration of their 40th WDno—136* #>9:00 Nlghtbeat which, coupled with McCarthy’s “Germany Today,” a discus­ In ear, home and buunaao in* Episcopal Church and the Rev. chUKh hall. The supper will be Charles M. Larcomb that a busi­ wedding auiniversary. 6:UU News 11:00 News _OI*play adrerttatna cleateg boora; ness administrator should be hired C:06 Today on Wall Btreet 11:16 Bporta Final gsr MoBdajr—; p.m. Friday. excesses, produced the final deal­ sion of the de-Nazificatlon and aurance. The Big Diffanaoo is Carlton T. Daley, pastor of United served at 6:30. Art McGinley, About 25 friends and relatives the continuing parsopal attan'- for the schools of District 8 is be­ 6;1U Sport Newa 11:30 Starlight Serenade IMeeday—1 p.m Monday. ing with McCarthy which was democratization of Germany, will Windows $11*95 Method isL Hartford sports editor, Will speak. attended the dinner which preced­ 6:16 Art Johnson Show 1:00 Sign Oft Fpr Wedneada^l p.m. Tneaday. be the topic of thu first lecture. tion you gat from an iAdapend- Men as well as 'women of the No reservations are necessary for ing considered by the Region­ ed a party at the home of the 8:06 Raynor Shines W P O l'—1416 Vbr Tburadajr—1 p.m. Wedneaday. most effective, that from his own u it Insurance agent. al Board, and Town boards 1:00 News a Slim Uft. 6:00 Today In Hartford ate Friday—1 p.m. Thunday. Henry L. Moon, director of pub­ with this Outstanding Special church are Invited to attend. The the speaking program which will couple’s son and daughter-in-law, 6:16 Connecticut Ballroom SALE! WHAT—016 ate Saturday—1 jam . VHday. peara and colleagues in the United lic relations for the National As- Doors $294i5 WSCS business meeting will begin begin at 8. will be ccmsulted regarding this Mr. and Mrs. Raymond H. Ellis, 47 8:00 Paul Harvey 7:00 Bob Scott <9asslfled SaaoltB*! 10:80 a.aa aaeh First, wa help you chooaa the possibility. It is maintained that 6:30 Sound Stage 9:00 Ray Somere p ay of pabllaatleB aaeepC Saturday— States Senate. aoctation for the Advancement -of at 8 p.HL, followed by a worship Girl Scout Troop 667 will meet Virginia Rd. MEN'S WHITE f o r right policy from many hun­ such aa administrator could bring The former Irene Hartmann of 7:00 Edward P. Morgan 11:00 Newa marLOW But the hotheads against Mc­ Colored People, -will discuss the dreds avaUatda. Second, wo service and the program at 8:30 tonight from. 7 to 8 o’clock at the 8:30 Night BMgtii 11:10, Ray Somera Jal. Doors $59.95 Community Hall. Troop 651 will about additional time for educa­ Rockville and Mr. Ellis were mar­ 11:66 News 1:00 Del Raycee Show Monday October 16 Carthy, the people who thought problem of the Negro and civil recommend only reliable com­ Each year, In observance of our Anniversary, pjn. 12:00 Sign Off Ftna InatallatloB. Hostesses will be Mrs. William meet from 7 to 8 tonight at United tional needs by taking over busi­ ried at St. Bernard’s Church In WINF—lJ8f tire had to ha fought with fire, rights on Jan. 7. panies with excallant claim pay­ wo ceisbrato by giving our patrons the big­ ness matters. WTIO—1666 6:00 World News Dr. Judah Goldin, pibfessor of Perrett, Miss Doris Skinner and Methodist Church., Rockville, Oct. 18, 1921. They 6:00 News, Weather A Sports 8:10 Wall Street ment records Third, wa keep you 6:20 Strictly SporU 8:16 Showcase and Newa Handkerchiefs Peace Corps Fumble never understood tha Elsenhower gest values of ■the entire year. This year— The selectmen will meet at 8 to­ Visits Vermont have lived in MaAchester since Jewlah Studies at Tala University, MANCHESTER up-to-date on new policies Mrs. Charles Bedford. 6:30 Suppertime Serenade 6:46 Lowell Thomas Be sure to come in and see our other night at the Town Offices. Mra. Helen Coleman spent the their marriage. They have two 6:46 Thre* Star fixtra. * 6 strategy. Just aa they never un­ will conclude tha aeries Women attending are reminded 6:66 Phil mxxuto “ GOLDBaf VALUES!” [The ria^ tavolved In the Peace AWNING CO. which might be more economical our 53rd Birthday— is no exception. W o urge sons, Raymond H. Elllis and Roy 7:05 CoDveraatlnn Piece 85 with an analysis of the Bible as to bring good clothing for weekend on a trip to Vermont, 7:10 Richard Hayea and Carol Burnett Oorpe operUloa have always been derstood aome of tha other mas­ PHONE 5n 9-3091 for your changing situation. Ellis, both of Manchester, and four 7:30 News ot the World. 7:30 News CBS Feature a literary maatarplece. every woman to take advartiage of the sav­ the thrift sale at the Methodist MaiK*ester Evening Herald Bol- exmrota Goal Set 7:46 Radio Moscow ofcvlou*. They vrere that. In the terful and eontrolM philoaophy by Fourth, we help you when you gramdchlldren. 8:00 The Worid TonOmt have a loss—cut red tape and ings to be made during this event. Service Center in Providence, and correspondent, Grace McDer- Frederick Patten, canvass 8:00 Pope Concert 8:16 Showcase and News test, the aaaignmant of idealistic, which SUaenhower refrained from sny articles they have completed rnott, telephone Mitchell 3-6166. chairman for St. Peter’a Episcopal niahlng Into the thick of disputes make sure you get prompt, fair but Inevitably Inenparienced young payment. for the Infants layettes. Church, has sent a statement to Americana to audi key responsibil­ when his best service to the coun- Orange News parishioners regarding the needs try consisted In seeing that some­ SPECIAL PRICES A watercolor of a forest scene Windd^ Painting of the parish for the coming ity for representing America by Miss Grace Tedford which won body remained above them. To year. Without going Into details ajiroad, would develop into some second place in the State Grange Set for Oct. 28 as to just how the money is to Ited o f embairaaBlng boomerang, ■as soma o f Elaenhowet's key contest was exhibited at a meet­ be spent, it may be said that the services to. the nation described as ing of Bolton Grange Friday night. amount to be raised totals $10,- -liven before the experiment took R WHAT IS AN ALLERGY? Gordon Mielke, youth committee Tho annual Halloween Window a lack of resolution, or moral 218. The' amount to be raised by HAVING MONEY , ^ field, there bad to be a diviaian Cold Wave chairman, reported that four Painting Contest for Manchester’s courage, or the capacity for da- o f sentiment into two camp|;—the It Is an imuaual hypersensitivity to certain Grange members and Arthur Pln- young artists, conducted by the oiie that o f thoae who p re fe ir^ 'to daion always seamed, to us, one of foods, pollens, dust, feathers, furs, or other sub­ ney Jr. attended a recent youth recreation department and spon­ tUce some risk with such idealism i£ ^ g n a i injusticaa ever dona an stances which can result in nausea, weakness, week at Camp Burger. sored by the retail division of the WANTED TO BUY! Individual In publfe aiarviee. Hla temperature changes, convulsions, ate. Bolton Grange will entertain ■Chamber of Commerce, will be -^4he other that of those who have SQ-53 $11.53 East Central Pomona at the Com­ held Saturday, Oct. 28. HANDED citation o f hla memoranda the IficKaii Hood Poimies im Instinct to regard almost all af- and munity Hall on Nov. 4- The theme Entry blanks, to be signed and fierts to help others as mistaken other night Ulustratad, in one In- for the meeting will be “ Harvest II turned in by Monday, Oct. 23, may CONN. COIN and STAMP OO. Time.” jmaenae. atance, that ha had down what he Physicians can make simple skin tests to find be secured from art teachers at out the exact antigen needed to give relief. If Grange members who wish to 995 MAIN ST.—MI 3-6498 Now that the Peace Corpa has intended to do, that ha knew why you are allergic, consult your physician now. I H A IR C U T S ...... $2.00 take the sixth degree at Footguard both Barnard and IJling Junior tfiveloped its first tell tale sample he was doing It, and tha result ha Hall in Hartford on Thursday,^ or High, from the fr ^ m a n art aimed at, which happened to ha the seventh degrefe on Nov. 17 or teachers at Manchester High, or of how it can go wrong—(n what by calling at the town recreation th* result obtained. Phone for Appointment at Your Favorite Schultz Salon 18 in Worcester, may obtain ap­ has happened following the fint YOUR DOCTOR CAN PHONE US when you plications from Miss Mary Ted­ department at 22 School St. impressions of a young American need a medicine. Pick up your prescription if ford, Bolton Grange secretary. Three groups of young artists “ LOVABLE” Does girl on duty In one of the new Af­ Mulch, Anyway , shopping nearby, or we wdll deliver promptly Miss Cornelia Elliott received the will Include: Group 1, Grade 9: without extra charge. A great many people en­ Group 2, Grade 8; and Group 3, rican nations—the same di^aion fifth deg;ree In Columbia last week. Wonders For Your Figure! The fact that the Amarimin pub­ trust ua with their prescriptions. May we com­ Grade 7. Paintq and bnuhes will ot outlook exists, with a dlffer- pound yours? Cub Awards Made lic waa treated on the same day to Den I of Cub Scout Pack 167 be provided by the Chamber of anea, of course. The difference la SCHULTZ BEAUTY SALONS Commerce, along with prizes. two news atories, the one an an­ was in charge of Ihe program at tkat the cynics are beginning to Judges, who will be selected nouncement from the official Pub­ OF CONNECTICUT the pack meeting Friday night at he loud with their I-told-you-ao, 175 United Methodist Church. Awards from the Chamber’s retail division Ml lic Health Service that recent Rus- will select the prize winning win­ abd that the idealists have had to East Center 893 MAIN ST. AMPLE PARKING AT ALL SALONS MI 3-8951 made include: Lion's badge, Jack­ aian nuclear tests have increased ie Sadler; Wolf badge, Leo Gauth­ dows frfter 4 p.m. Satu'rday, Oct, tpjn, even more quickly than they Street the amount of radioactive poison ier; two-year pins, Robert Boske 28. expected, to the defensive. ( IM d c f r C i detected in milk and freab food in Phone and Jackie Sadler; one-year pins, But an examination of the par- Prescription Pharmacy John Warfel, Paul Barron, Leo some areas of this country, and t£^lar circumstances would sug- MI 3-1126 Gauthier, Keith Carpenter, Donald the other a finding by a aeiantiat 901 'Main Street—MI 3-5321 Roser and Douglas Bevins. gist that tbara has davelopad no who happens to serve as a research The Pack committee will meet 'i^ d reason for any sudden loss of Copyright 1961 (9W2) tomorrow at 8 p.m. at the some of INSULATION employe of the National Dairy faith In the Peace Corps experi- Robert Warfel, South rtd. Parents Council, to the effect that milk la itant of prospective Cub Scouts and any W. H. ENGLAND tm Just the thing to drink when fall new den mothers are invited to at­ tThe first thing to be noted Read Herald AdvB out gets heavy—these two atories MANCHESTER tend. Boys who would like to join LUMBER CO. rtlould be that the young American the pack need not accompany their and the obvious conflict between a Open All Day Saturday * «W involved, although aha was parents to this meeting. them are certainly part of the con­ Attend Fire School BuriniBed by some of tha condi­ “ At the Green”—MI 9-5201 fusion jieople of our time seam Seven members of the Bolton tions o f life she encountered in a fated to live with. Volunteer Fire Department at­ strange African civilization, was tended training courses yesterday 'Iha Public Health Service PUBLIC HEALTH NURSING not for that reason discouraged or at the Eastern Connecticut Fire­ makes it clear enough that it con- men's Training School in Willl- dliiheartened in her mission. It was sid m tha present amount o f ra­ mantic. Fire Chief Peter Masso- RANGE “ Velvet ^ovef* Girdle . , . ao ftot she vdio wanted to ^ v e up the dioactive poison in some o f the lini, A1 Burgess and Lt. William glamoroiu to look at, so com-^ aftort. or cancel her ovm role. Clifford participated In the ses­ country’s milk relatively Insignifi­ fortable on . . . because pure, 'Trouble came and controversy ASSOCIATION, INC. sion on rescue work. r U E L O IL live Latex is overlayed by lovely cant, from any health point of Lt. Dale Smith, Lt. William Rob­ a r^ , and she herself had to be lace. Absorbent stretch nylon view. But It la in milk, nonethS' erts, Thomas McKinney and Rob'ff GASOLINE tranafarrad because there was caresses your skin. Detachable leaa, that It looks for the amount ert Cassells took the fire course. garters. Ask for Style 411. $5.95 somebody waiting and eager and Training school officials con­ of danger present, while the Dairy anxious to promote tha kind of (Sponsors Of Your Visiting Nurses) gratulated the 293 men who at­ Council nutritionist almost seems tended the courses m spite of the ctaitroversy her tndlscretiona on a BANTLY OIL to recommend milk aa an antidote. bad weather. poet card made possible. Somebody INC, M ARLOW lS If we take such things seriously, , Two Meetings caused her poet card description of Bolton Homemakers are remind­ Open 6 Days • Free Parking we not only have to try to decide ; 'I M \iN - 1im;i;I her surprises In Africa' to be re­ ed of the meeting on chair caning which piece of testimony to con­ at the Community Hall Wednes­ “ Our 50Ui Year” produced. Somebody saw to it that TEL. Mlfclicll 9-4595 Main St., Manriieater sider valid. We also have to con­ day'from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Mrs. there was a protest meeting over MI 9-5221 sider the possibility that neither of John Tedford Sr. will be the In- IIOCKVILLE TR 5-3271 It them may be completely valid. If her particular indiscretion The Dairy Council may be A G i f t had not happened along, there propagandizing for milk, or at D E P E N D S would have bean another. That, FR O M least seeking fo protect that prod­ considering the fact that human uct from any adverse reputation in NOW! natureJs involved, could be consid­ MICHAELS, ON MANCHESTER PEOPLE FOR SUPPORT an age of fallout.- BY THE BRIDE ered almost automatic. And there \ But the Public Health Servica SUN LIFE'S SECURITY would have been those widting to may be rigdit in ita assessment of HERSELF capitalize on it, and use it to try IN THEIR ANNUAL APPEAL FOR FUNDS FUND ENDOWMENT milk as a location of danger and SAVES ON HEATING COSTS AT COOPENATIVE to diacredit and repel the Peace O F MANCHESTER P R O V ID E S still wrong in its assessment of the EVERYONE Oaxps effort at home and abroad. degree of that danger from one LIFE INSURANCE, P ^ id e n t Kennedy, and the Con- moment to another. Scientists PROTECTION TO AGE 65 graas, and many of the young peo- themselves disagree on the amount pl« o f this country, had faith AND RETURNS of radioactive poison which may enough in this idealistic kind of p i ALL BASIC ANNUAL be harmful. There are thoae who experiment to move it forward are alaniiista, and consider any PREMIUMS PfID toward a real trial. None of thoae This Association Offers amount sit all much too much. PLUS ACCUMULATED FU EL O IL who did this much for the idea WHY DON'T YOU? There .are those who are sooth- hfve. any reason to abandon it D IV ID E N D S sayei^, and who say we can toler­ nUw.'' A VisitingNurseService . IF T H E A S S U R E D ate mticir more than we have yet " <■. \ \.i c-v. We have a atrange standard for YOU GET GOOD SERVICE» AND SAVE experienced. A t the moment, when UVES TO 65. ■> -■‘i Judging the performance o f the Russian tests alone are polluting Idealistic policy as compared to MONEY, TOO, AT COOPERATIVE. Just the atmosphere, official American V “ For Every Resident Of At 65, the fundt can bat that o f the cynical policy. The mia- pronouncement might have some \ a taken in cosh PGR &AUON tal^ made in the pursuit of the phone us your order for 200 gallons or instinct to magnify the horror of • used ta purchos* a paid-up cyueal outlook are the more eas­ Manchester what the Russians are doing. But policy for ih* original sum moreTHE DAY BEFORE YOU WANT IT ily smoothed over. In fact, we auured and th* bolcinc* that instinct has to be restrained, In Lots Of 200 GaUons ofisB make less cxiticlam of a taken in cosh or as a because of the imminent possibil­ guaranteed income. DELIVERED. Pay the driver at* time of de­ wkiM pulicy that la evU and Or More ity that we ourselves may soon be wcwig, bscaiisB it callously and in- • usad to provide on annuity. livery, or pay at office the some day (up doing the same thing, and. If ao, It could be you! tMtionslty bets on the worst In hu- e left on deposit at d will want to have our own people mfealty, than we do o f some slight guaranteed rote of interest. to 9 P.M.). It's os simple os that! Coll us assured that we are not deliber­ Iqqierfectlon In s policy which ately poisoning ounelvaa. You could be the one who wakes up with a for your next fuel oil delivery. look to the hills of human It's always more pleasure tojgiva 0 qiftyou know the Bride isysorning In such a world we would aay, backache . . . headache . . . nervous . . . un> Inquire about Hilt remarkable poiijtMHtias Thera will be thoae if it wer* the right time of . year, for and this is just what Michaels Bridal Registry helps you do. Months rested. You may have trouble with muscles insurance plan will now want the whole thst the best thing to do would be before her wedding, the bride lovingly chooses her heort'* desire from or backbone, or, you may be one of the many by telephoning or writing fat Ooips ^MUAad, hacausa just to go out and cultivate your who have normal, healthy backs yet like vnota some things on a oil our beautiful Silver, Chino and Gloss. W a recordit corefully and we garden as usual. Get your muldi- extra firm bedding. Then you should see, and WALTER Re ^card. But from tbs very same know her wishes down to the tiniest sugor tong. Com e in, or phone. We'll HELP SUPPORT ing dona, anyway. ‘ ' A MANCHOTER SERVIUE FOR MANOHESTER PEOPLE actually try, Musco-Pedic or Verto-Rest mat­ wa Imagine, would come let you in on the secret, and see to it that nobody duplicates your gift. tresses at Watkins, This quality-controlled PARTINGTON JR. that the pursuit of bedding is made by Holman-Baker from or­ IfM East Center Street ftt NOTE TO THE GIFT 6IVERIAU THIS AND EASY PAYMINTS, TOOl Manctaester, Conn. Ho ir tt thopedic surgeons’ recommendations. Each Ml 9-M04— Tn 5-8IB40 i M tit hM :.Aiem PlooM Moil Your Contribution TODAY To: / is made t#. ’ipaollpl^ lodsfiittal^ MAS. ARTHUR SMITH, Aoaislant lYoosutor people with ■ the kind of restful, relaxing Monograph AfipOoncof sleeh they never thought they would enjoy 28 Raymond Rood, Monelwstor, Conn. again. Choose either, tomorrow, for $89,60. COOPERATIVE OIL COMPANY Begin to live and sleep . . . again! iiwmu •> ttsviateirsi 315 BROAD STREET - OPP. POSTAL SUB STATION - Ml 9-3740 ,THE KNOWN NAMT, 1HB KNOWN QUAUTY SINC8 1900 Choefci May Bo Modo PoyoMp To MFHNA. Inc. ' JSW 958'I BIAIN ST., M A N C H E S T E R :^ 8-2741

M • MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN, MONDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1981 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CpNN., MONDAY, OCTOBER 16. 1961 PAfflB mm fAOt ------, ------kins-West 'Funeral Home, 142 B. town has been redaptured by pp- ter school until 5:15 p.m. tomorrow mann’s 4,000-word report but oth­ Center'SL, Saturday mornlnk' The Uce here. The youngster, who Six Crashes^ Coventry St the Church OommunlW House Sand - F illed T ruck erwise gave .only vague figures. Finnish President Arrives Rev. Alexander Abel of the Baton- wasn’t identified because he is o^ y on Rt. 44A with. Mrs. Grant ,E. The brown-uniformed inlUtismen S e a r c h o n State N ew s 14, ran away from the hospital Tootbaker Jr„ leader 'and Mra. Aids Berlin Escape played a large role in buildliig the lan'Lutheran Church officiated. waU dividing East and West Ber­ Burial waa in Bast Cemetery. Saturday night and stols Is cor. Five Arrests Duflys Slate John Risley, aaalstaht. For Talks with Kennedy He was spotted by a West H a ^ Girl Scout Troop 388 wiQl meet Un when the barricades begsfi go­ Bearers were Bdward Eu­ (Osattmod (rom Pags One) ing up Aug. 13. But early this F o r P l a n e gene Kask, Brick Slismets Ji.uhan Roundup patrolman who recoiled the de­ after school until 5 p.m. Wednes­ scription of the vehicle. Police day at* the home of Mrs^ PhlUp tin - month they seemed, to disappear— D,eath Claims Arike, Ants Laan and kristjen Over Weekend SMonds later three man and two \ (ram Om | fired three shots over the boy’s Open Session derson, leader. Mrs. Marjorie Chap­ apparently back to the factories. a Pollman. wotnen jumped into K. Weert Ber- HEALTH CAPSULES The organist was Miss Talml K. (Oontiaaod tram Pngn Om ) head before I they trapped him on pell ia sasistsnt leader. koDHi Win hold their flrat formal Lost in Test foot in marshy woods off Wash­ Biz wMksnd motor vshielo ocol- The choir of Second Congrega­ linsni otanding nearby cheered. .byiikhsdAlVtll,MJ). Ernie Brown Lepaaaar. Msmbeis of the Estonian dents, thrss of ths (dudn vwisty, For Planning eonforence in Kennedy's ofllce. (3torai Society aang sevdral selec­ ■tore where he bought the engage­ ington Ave. He hod been sent tional Church wiU rehearse at 7:30 The Vopoe—Eeet German People’e Girl’sr Crdft Set a r e bloop T tsre useful to Middletown after escaping brolight flvs arrasts and seat (Ivs p.m. Wednesday at the sanctuary. / Later in the afternoon the Kek- (Conthined from Page ^ e ) tions at the funeral home. ment ring. ' Police — were token by surprise IN PR0V1N& WHO IS THE Ernest F. Brown, 69, of 18 from the Meriden School for Boys persons to the Manchester Msmo- •me Duffys (Dads United tar Open house at Coventry High ‘Filmed in Color koneni will receive Finnish dtlseni Grove St., died suddenly at his risl Hospital for treatment None FATHER OF A CHILO ? VernoB P. Boynton CSEA Asks Night Rate three times. He was originally Furthering Youth Services) wUl School wiU be held from 8 to 10 but after roaUslng what haiq>ened at the embaeey and conclude their Jor test of North American air home Saturday. Until his retire­ picked up for stealing guns. were edmltted. toesed several tear gas grenades A Coventry girl’s four-piece The funeral of Vernon P. Boyn­ Hartford, Oct. 16 (JP)—The'Con- reorgoalM at a mestlng at 7:45 p.m. Thursday an the auditorium. first day in Waahing:ton as guests defenses. ment two years ago, he waa su­ Alben F. PuhUck, M, of -WeelHU Special areas of mfithematics, into the West BerUn cro'^. pewter coffee set which won a perintendent of mails ait the Man­ ton of North WDbraham, Mass., necUcut State Employes Associa­ paug, f t I.; was eherged with faU- p.m. Oct. 38 at Nathan Hale Com­ at a sUte dinner given hy Secre­ ’The B62G jet was one of more was held at the Holmes Funeral Godfrey Day Dies English, guidance, buainess and West Berlin poUce eaid the two craftsmanship award in February tary of State Dean Rusk. chester Post Oflaice for 25 years. tion plans to ask the legislature to ure to yield the right of way Sat­ women euffered minor injuries in may be seen on a film produced for than 2,250 U.S., Canadian and Home, 400 Main St., Saturday af­ pay a 10 per cent differential for I munity Center. social studies wiU be explained by As he headed for the capital. Mr. Brown was bom in Man- West Hartford, O ct 16 (flV-Fu- urday morning. He woe involved in The open meeting wlU be for the (acuity. In addiUroal to a the jump. Scholastic Magazines. Brltiah planes that participated dhester, March 28. 1892, the .son ternoon. The Rev. Felix Davis, state night workers. nerol servloes are being arranged a three-car collision op Center E|t. Kennedy was understood to be pastor of the Second Congrega­ both men and womei? interested In question and answer period, there H m East Germahs, meanwhile, Miss Mary ElUa Zeigler’s 15-inch planning a quiet conference with Saturday in the 12-4iour modk of the late Alvin and Agnes Bax­ The association endorsed the for Godfrey M. Day of West Hart­ at Edgerton. furthering youth activities In will be refreshments and a tour of acknowledged that mobilization of coffee pot, creamer and sugar,and ter Brown. He was a member of tional Church, offi(|iated. Burial proposal at the closing session of ford, a trice president of the Con­ Going west on Canter 8 t. Puh- prime Minister Nehru of India at aerial war. Sky Shield II. The was in the family plot at Buck- town. Anyone interested in further the building. the workers’ militia to man the serving tray is among 1961 nation­ his Hyannia Port haven next North American Air Defense its annual convention yesterday. necticut Life Insurance (3o. Day, Itck collided with the rear of a ear details niay contact Mrs. Charles barricades has dealt a serioue al scholastic art award winners land Cemetery. 63, died Saturday in Lincoln, Neb., AU fcommltteea working on the month. Command (NORAD) said: ‘‘The The Increase would bb for work­ driven by Luejan Obst, 83, of 382 Lowery of Rorest Road. Town’s 250th anniversary celebra­ economic blow. which have been filmed in color. TUESDAY Bearers were Joseph Kwolek, ers who have tours of duty from while visiting his son. Day was ac­ Hartford Rd., who was attempting Arrangements were being made exercise was 99.9 per cent ef- Claiik C. Stephenson. C. L. DeMer-, In additlM to electing officers, tion will meet at 8 p.m. Thursday Red Economic Chldf Alfred Neu­ The entry won a special 325 prize for Kennedy to exchange vlewii teotlve and the results were as 6 p.m. to 6 a.m. and would Include tive in town government and was to make a left hand turn. The Puh- mann told the party’s Central Com- for the best craftsmanship awarded Itt, Everett W. Smith. Peter War­ the originator of the motion, the group plans forming a wom­ at Coventry Grammar School with with Nehru both in Washington good as we could possibly expect.’’ nurses, toll collectors, watchmen, lick car then bounced o ff and hit an’s auxUl(fry. New members are the steering committee. mititee yesterday “the withdrawal by the Society of American O afts- ren, and Eldwln Culver. and others, said Edward Gallant, adopted in 1934, that led to estab­ a second car driven by Fred War­ rhen Inc. and in the seclusion of his vaca­ The eight-jet bomber, attached Invited to enroll. 'Volunteer mothers assisting at of workers (rom a factory for out­ tion home the first weekend of to SejTnour Johnson -Air Force the association’s executive direc­ lishment of the town-manager sys­ ren, 42, of 243 E. Center S t, bitting The Duffy’s group has been or­ side adtlvlties not concerned with The -film, which includes award ahd tor. tem here. He was also a formef It broadside, turning around and North Coventry Cooperative their trade must be extensively winners in painting, drawing, November. Base at Goldsboro, N.C., was be­ ganized for the past two years and Nursery and Kindergarten this YES. CERTAIN SPECIAL president of the Greater Hartford resting against the underpass wall stopped.” graphics, desl^. sculpture and Kennedy is known to have been lieved to have run out of fuel. Air The association also approved has a state charter. It has spon­ week include Mrs. Lawrence Fenti- BLOOP TESTS CAN PROVE Lost Postcard 'CJpmmunlty Chest. Besides his son, on Center St. in the eostboimd lane. said Industrial output crafts may be obtained by teachers Interested for some time in talking and surface craft swept a wide more than a dozen other resolu­ sored Boy Scout Troop 63, the an­ man and Mrs. Wallace Worthing­ personally with the leader of the t h a t A MAN IS NOT THE rachard Putnam Day, he leaves No injuries were reported and the waa up 3 blUion marks (3714 mil­ from Scholastic Magarines Art area in the Atlantic in search pf tions 'wblch it hopes to present to nual Easter egg hunt for children ton. Mra. Robert Maloney and world's largest uncommitted nation RATHER OF TH E CHILD WHEN his widow, Mrs. Shelia Wilson PuhUck car was toured away with lion at the official rate of ex­ Awards, 33 W. 42nd St., New York, the plane after it was reported the 1963 General Aaembly in the and plans to reorganize an Ex­ Mra. Ernest Matthews will be tpe WEDNESDAY In the coldijeace, as he puts it, be­ THE TESTS ARE POSmVE. Hurts * Repute Day: two brothers, George H. Day extensive damage. The two other change). But he said over-all pro­ 36, N. Y. down and presumed missing early form of proposed bills. of Farmington and Watson Beach plorer Scout Post In town. classroom cleaning committee tween the free and Communist HOWEVER, IF THE TESTS ARE cars had rear-^nd and body dam­ Preseijt officers are Richard duction waa faUlng short of targets Miss Zeigler, daughter of Mr. and yesterday. However, the convention turned Day of Litchfield, and five grand­ age, but continued to destinations. Saturday. There are openings In worlds. The possibility of a get-to- n o t p o s i t i v e , THEY Gale, pjresldent; Bernard Brown, fixed in the regime’s- seven-year Mrs. William Zeigler, Riley Mt. Rd„ After the defense test ended at O f Peace Corps down a resolution, after heated de­ sons. PuhUck wlU be presented In Cir­ the nursery and kindergarten gerther before the year ends has PROVE NOTHING, midnight (EtST) Saturday, com­ vice president; Everett N. Barth, economic plan. Coventry, is a 1961 g^raduate of bate, that would have allowed state cuit Court 12, Manchester, on O ct classes. Further information may The (Jommunlst party organ Manchester High School. Shels at­ been in the wind since early sum­ HMhh Cw»l.i fiw b.lp»«l taUo».tioo. mercial air travel resumed across employes to participate in town secretary and Earl Lovell, treasur- mer. . It i, i»f int«(d«i to b. ol. *.ei>oiHc (Continued (rom Page One) SO. be obtained from Mrs. Warren Neues Deutschland published Neu­ tending the Hartford Art School. the continent. Ehccept for “ mercy' politics. ; Pizzeria Holdup Nets $970 Dr. Swartz, president of the parent- , Ayub Kahn, the leader of India’s A four-car chain accident at Ftnaaoe Unit to Moet flights and a fpw other essential Donald R. Harper of Meriden Bridgeport, Oct. 16 (/P)—Two Center and Linden Sts. brought the member group. neighbor Pakistan, visited Wash­ ones no civilian planes were al­ 'The anti-American demonstra­ men held up the owner of a piz­ The Board of Finance will meet ington in July. Nehru's trip may was re-elected president of the arrests of Sherwood J. Benson, 18, lowed to cross the skies during tion was organized after someone zeria last night and fled with the at 8 p.m. Thursday at the Town ladt the ceremonial trappings of a reportedly found on the campus group. Joseph Heacox of Wlnsted of 16 Munro St., and Carole A. Manchester Evening Herald the mock war. Most of the larger was elected senior vice president night’s receipts of 3970, police Hall Annex at Center School. Wal­ Coventry correspondent, F. Paul­ ■tate visit but would provide the grounds the postcard that Miss Sulborakl of Agawam, Mass., both ter S. Keller, newly elected chair­ JIM TILLONA News Tidbits airports In the United States re­ and Walter DeLocher of Bridge­ said. Mrs. Adelaide Kotch, 51, of charged with foUowing too closely. ine Little, telephone Pilgrim opportunity for a face-to-face dis­ Michelmore had written to a friend man, will preside. , cussion. without formalities, of the ported passenger increases of 20 port secretary. Benign! of Danbury, owner of Mary’s Apizza Miss Sulborakl was treated at the 2-6231. PROPRIETOR OF from the AP Wires in Boston telling him: Restaurant here, was stopped in GOP County Meeting Communist threat to Asia as well per cent or more on both Friday, "With all the training we had Hartford was re-elected treasurer, hospital for broken front teeth and the day before the exercise, and Gov. John N. Dempsey and Sec an alley on the side of the build­ a cut chin. The Benson and Sulbor- The Tolland County RepubUcan PORK CHOPS as the global aspects of the funda­ Ernent Brown we were really not pr«^>ared for ing after she closed (or the night. Women’s Association will meet at mental Ekuit-West conflict. Alberlan rebel government ac­ yesterday. the squalor and abeoIutWy primi­ retary of State Ella T. Grasso both ski cars struck the rear of vehicles cuses France of direct respon The exercise began with a aim lauded the work of state employes She was knocked to the ground owned by Merton E. DooUttle Jr., 8 p.m. ’Thursday at Flano’s Res­ Educational Club Mrs. Kennedy was going back to the clas. see or phone an Allstate Agent nosy? WHOLI M obilheati;;^ camera. 10 OZ PKG You get all these automatic Sweet Corn KIRNH features plus ths most exciting FREE INSTALLATION feature of them aH — 10-$ocond o r U A P 10-OZ PKG picturot. Why should you wait Scan, Roebuck and .Co. Building Allstate Insurance Office Spinach CHOFND FOR WE OIVi Guaranteed As Long As You Own Your Car mors than 10 seconds to enjoy 348 Middle Tpke. Went, .Manchester 1003 Main St., East Hartford your pictures? (Joms in today MiEIItJTAMPS LOWEST TERMS Phone MI 3-8734 Phone JA 8-5720 6 0 Z C A N ■nd try ths new J33 Camara. Orange Juice You’ll never be sstlsfled wHh loiva.i HARTFORD old-fsshloned photography LISSIR QUANTITIU OF ABOVI SFICIAU AT SKULAR PRICI TNI aftaryouda You’re In good hande with [fiSBOERAL) GENERAL TIRE CO. mimCi TIRE 15S Cfiotcr Street—'MI 9-2828 LCNOX PHARMACY GAMBIA SHOT CIGAMTTIS. IK K 5 TOIACCO PECXHJCTS IXIMPT ffiO M STAMP OFHR ' 299 EAST CENTER SIREBT— Bn 9-0896 ^ • Open Tharsday Nigfcte To 9 • 901 BI»ln 8-5821 AUTO INaURANCe MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, MONDAY, OCTOBER 16. 1961 9 J m T K » MANCHESTEE EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONn , MONDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1961 PAGE ELEVEN DAILY CROSSWORD PUZZLE BUGGS BUNNY OUR BOAlkDING HOUSE with MAJOR HOOPLE orlsotal ldl(»n "It .is ths warmth r of people’s hearts." TRVTVIS OMEJ ITS BVBN 0U7VIPK0' jliawyers Told 57 - Lettered Town Johnson Gives aOTAFUR// ' ■" HOW m Johnmn—to whom Bashir re­ . StVl— HE MAIZES M S.i UMP- Amwwto Pr*»iou* PubM Finds Stolen Sign fers as “ the deputy king”—first I.XWANTA cou u R i y ( rr looks met tbe camel driver while the Only Top Value givot gIHo I CAWT l in e WILL ATW4FLC r v i , ««.■*,M.*m•v■Wl^JK'OFTM'THINK IN yAFOMF- H Well-Known Names 10 Firms Hold f, . ------Camel Driver vice president was touring Pakis­ m u m u m m HEAR LianfalrpwngwyhgyUgoger- WHAT T?lie Baby Has tan last' spring. As he shook with a **Galdan Quarantaa” 1Mlt WINTOti ^,we«bv3on0.ma&sis ](,hasp-ap< yohwyrndrobwHiaiityoillogogo- hands with Bashir, Johnson said, VOU'RE i!!.* >»>*THE CREAKlMO ------TEnpotat Most Trials goch, Wales, Oct. 16 (JP)—'The Royal Routine "Coma over and aer.me-” And SAVINS 1 I IVA af aomplala satisfaatlan! e( state SIWnoM railway station sign of this Bashir accepted. American bus- wh,sper.it:lu. e A . « £ \ I liaiidleappM Slfr.ftaaUta. (Obattnued tram Page One) town '— whose name is the (Oonttnued tram Page One) Ineas men made the trip possible NCNB-TV to 5P6ND a n ' DlFFeReNT-LOOKiNG /HOR6 •SocUUstllan HGiB Been Named... eVeNiN® WITHOOT Hl/A, MlNUTBi • SMdpOd longent in Britain—was stolen under the people-to-people pro­ BLOKE w h e n h is h a tc h la o p p e s s d agviri and was found today whisked to the ranch house in a gram. TALKINS- OFTHAT ISiKmcuitga 10 S L ^ — j cases when they are flmt reached,” tS CLOSET)/LOOKS LlK&, Stevens 200 miles away on Reading jeep flying the Pakistan flag. AN CCD CHINESEr, BANTER MOrsstLsks he said. “Many factors are be­ IS C s s s t Ulndine achool's athletic ground. “ Ranchers and cattlemen here INCENSE, ■ lOnnWi yond control—^Illness, .inability to Police blamed schoolboys. do not tue camels but we are fa­ Declaration Cards ^ORNER.' aonutr aOHelirewiiiooUl Oeurey, Paul Eoeeph, eon o t Mr. and Mm. JoaeiNii B. Oourey. 22 High cards secum easentUI witnesses and the The Mgn disappeared Satur­ miliar with the problems that face untaStarstecOJ S S I S ' aoHiacuUM SORsiss 266 tAwrence Rd.. Wapping. He was bom Sept. 20 at Hartford your country,” Johnson told Bashir. Hospital. Hla maternal grandmother is Mm. Dora Larsen, engagement of counsel in another day nigIR. Relief station Mas­ Are Due on Nov. 1 SOBBMMSItf* aiWiMa nlc1niinM| SlDniit ter Gwilym Owen was looking "When you return I hope you will ■' ■■ ■Qowinw JlFWiawr 43'maOa VMiR. Easton, Maine. His paternal grandmother is Mm. Susan Cou- I court. top hop feel much closer to the American S ‘S out of the window o f his home \it± OSIndte rey, Norwich. He has two sistem, Suzanne, 5, and Kathy, 8. "However, one case that came to people.” Only ,600 of the 1,600 personal Stoarteaa ■ f f i s v * ' sasw . 44 N o n a (o d my attention was on every trial near the station when he no­ property cards sent out by the ALLY OOP BY V. T. HAMUN 45Velum s,... _ I The vice president planned to SUPER MARKETS Imiftflriit S6Dlsi*tdi6d S4 Impodciit , Adam Edward, eon of Mr. and Mrs; Edward N. Fuller, list weekly through a court year ticed the metal sign was gone. aasesaor’s staff have been returned ...SUPrOSINS HE ...MAYBE I BETTER KEuSmSpt iM-liwraMIdir take Bashir on a tour similar to 47BoU Hmz Anthony Rd., Tolland. He was bom Sept. 25 at Rockville City from Sepim ber to June while one At R eadin g School, . a sightseeing trips given President so faur. ’The deadline for returning HAULED-OFF ANP PUT Of JEFFERSON, spokesman told reporters: the cards is Nov. 1. BIT A CHUNKOin’l THOUGHT IN A SACK 0R/>^ ( JEFFERSON? Wtad-lwndiie sorotw Hospital. His maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mm. Adam of the lawyem Involved was telling Kennedy, German Chancellor Kon­ OFONEOFVOUK SUMnN.' G o n s v e c Suchecki, Rockville. HU paternal grandmother U Mm. Blstelle his client he could not be reached "We do not wish to oomment." rad Adenauer, Pakistan president Assessor P. Joseph Murphy said v iv S lB o n a t r*r r m m m m Grosse, Southwlck, Maas. He has a brother, Alan Wayne, 18; I for trial.” A year ago university stu­ Ayub Kahn, and Mexico’s President the cards were returned quickly at S2% 1 ■ and a sister, April Dawn, 6. dents made off with the sign. first, about 60 or 60 a day. They S S V a s s IT IV • • • • • Chief Justice Raldwln discussed Adolfo Lopez Mateoi. Bashir’s trip Spaalals for SOOpsssUe IT I various procedural changes which It was found later in Man­ originally was scheduled July 4 but were sent out OcL 1. sepcano IT IT rr Gemtung, 8an Mae Marjorie, daughter of Mr.' and Mm. Robert had been nude in recent years to chester. Local residents have was delayed imtll after the visit of Lately the number returned has a S L s f d d a lm U , I t G. Gerstung, Main St., Ellington. She was bom Sept 83 at step up the disposition of cases in shortened their town’s 67- the Pakistan president. dwindled so that, he said, there Monday ^IL E Rockville City Hospital. Her maternal grandfather is A. W. will probably be hundreds of them K15 saComsasaAtk rr 9 CoipiectlcuVs upper courts and the letter name for everyday us­ Today’s schedule called for a □ Bahr, Evanston, 111. Her -paternal grandmother is Mm. O, M. unsuccekaflifl effort to have more age to Uanfair P.G. The full visit to the Pedernales Electric co­ returaed the last couple of days. Tuesday and VOICE 2T Gerstung, Madison, N. J. She has two brothem. Cart 10, and This year, for the first time, the ISON Mll^ttaiatttac i — superior court Judges appointed. name means “St. Mary’s operative in Johnson City and a A O S sd e KJ u Glen, 13; and four sistem, Gail, 17, Cheryl, 15, Gloria 13, and I Each of the 22 superior court Church in a hollow of Whits noon barbecue attended by some cards do not have to be returned Wadnosday! TUe T zr a Robin, 6. 5H ELF» 41IWy „ _____ □ □ judges currently has an individual Hazel, close to a rapid whirl­ of Johnson’s neighbors. in person, but only need to be mail­ 44Mortdeeentsa • • • • • Tomorrow Johnson wrill take his ed in. « S k l n ^ ______sr B" load of 1,113 cases as against 72 pool and St. Tsilio’a Church.” Mathieson, Glenn Robert, son of Mr. and Mm. Edward A. The town does a thriving guest on a tour of Six Flags Over ■--I pfoCQbsnDoe w n □ □ LM Mathieson, 1700; Ellington Rd., Wapping. He was bom O ct 2 I cases a- decade agio, he said. 40 sr Much of the Judges’ time, the business in picture pootcards Texas, an entertainment center □ r m at Manchester Memorial Hospital. HU maternal grandparents of the station sign. near Dallas and then to the state »or are Kenneth Cloutier, Somers, and Mm. Keimeth Strum, 290 I chief Justice went on to point out, CARNIVAL BY DICK TURNER s r w 1JT is consumed in other matters than fair in Dallas where Bashir will a a X is ix e r m n Parker S t His paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mm. James □ J I actual trials. be honored at a ceremony in front BSGhreoiit □ n c R. Mathieson, 50 Tanner St. or five live outside Vernon, either of the hall of state. ’They will BY AL VERMEER B A Iq a a n e d J ■■MlMM • • • • • He listed in this respect so-call- in Ellington or Tolland. go to Washing^ton by plane late PRISCILLA’S POP SB Oaejsiietlve IT T w I ed short calendar heatings of mo­ Tbe |H«ef Is la the podding. In MOriwtalciilBS [W] Skowronek, Melinda Jean, daughter of Mr. and Mm. Leonard Otherwise, the club’s members tomorrow. the past five yean BERSON . M A T S A N E G A T IV E . *YES-.1'M W| sr Skowronek, 52 'Village St., RockvUle. She was bom Oct. 3 at tions, summary proceedings, crimi­ live about equally in Rockville or The vice president first greeted ATTITUDE, PRISCILLAS DOWN IT J haa made more than 8,000 qual­ POSITIVE J Manchester Memorial Hospital. Her maternal grandmother U nal terms, services on the sentence rural Vernon. the camel driver when Bashir ar­ ity ptafflbiag and heating In­ ISUnannAloa B" Mrs. Charles Robinson, Rockville. Her patemu . grandmother review division, habeas corpus pro­ I C A N 'T , IFieposttMi IT] E” The word "area” was adopted rived in New York yesterday stallations. y DO'EM is Mrs. Walter V. Skowronek, Vernon. She ' has a brother, ceedings at Connecticut state pris­ aboard a jet airliner from Lon­ S]h« B" BO" 1 1 on and service on bench commit­ In the beginning, Mrs. Kozuch sug­ OBrttiditaUKir 5T 1 David, 1. gested, because of the confusion don. •DsoUstKdiais -a • • • « • tees. The two men from different Ruggiero, Stevens Michael, son of Mr. and Mm. Merioo Rug­ arising out of Vernon’s split gov­ • Tr» TAt P«t. U.A P«t. 0^. John, 2; and a sister, Dana Lynn, 4. • • • • • I members fbel, generally, that there man of the newly formed fine arts Need Not EmborroBB BONNIE BY JOE CAMPBELL I is no real need for it. committee, and Mrs. Michael J Ifsnjr wuren of falsa teeth here Saunders, Frank Raymond III, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. Also, the name was "quite a Levesque, chairman of the bridge lulfered reel emberrsaunent beesuM Saunders Jr., 49 Norma Rd., Wapping. He was bom Sept. 29 at I mouthful," according to Mra Ron- group. their piste dropped, slipped or wob­ Manchester Memorial Hospital. His paternal grandparents are bled St Just tbe wronz time. Do ■not OILPOWER irL,st y LEMONADE? I aid A. Kozuch, president. Meetings from now on will be live In fear of this happening to you, JA P-8287 u d BA 3-2717 Mr. and Mm. Frank Saunders Sr., Wapping. His maternal great- The name change was voted In held at Vernon Center Congrega Just1 sprinkle s Uttle PASTZETH, grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. A ^ cu s Jones, 95 Cedar St. He I a bylaw revision at the club's reg- tional Church On Nov. 14, a hair the alkaline (non-ecld) powder, on has two sistem, Sandra Louise, and Karen Lee, 1. your pistes. Hold fslee teeth more RDPS/yoUR PRICE * * * « * I ular meeting last week. coloring and styling demonstration llrmly, so they feel more comfort­ Of its approximately 90 mem- will be given by Albert’s Beauty able. Does not sour. Cheeks "plate Dark Marino, Gary Thomas, son of Mr. and Mm. Benjamin Ma­ I bers, Mrs. Kozuch said, only four Stullo of Vernon. odor breath". Get PA8TBBTH at Maat rino, 49 Whitney Rd. He was bom Sept. 15 at Hartford Hos­ drug counters everywbers. Leg Quarters SOMEPBOPieSMtl^ 2MXSSM pital. His maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mm. John Oel- 3O9rNtaJRM.nCNOM0 iA. IT^IHOSENEW Mastro, Hartford. His paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Fussy about T\UMDE|26at5 Patsy Marino, 84 Deepwood Dr. He has a brother, Patrick John, chickeni? 10; and a sister, Cynthia Ann, 2. ’Then our fa­ UAiP THE GODS HAVE • • • • • teMi' mous “White BEENTESHNO. Richfleld, Robert F. Jr., son of LL and Mm. Robert F. Rich­ field, 11 Crown St., Rockville. He was bom OcL 4 at Manches­ Geifts” are ter MemorisU Hospital. His maternal grandparenU are Mr. and for you! They Mrs. W. Hurt Berthold, Rockville. His paternal grandparenU HERE rr IE... arc plumper, g,^ 0. A p«L CSSSipeeuu^WWW*— tO-!t are Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Richfield, Jackson HelghU, N. Y. meatier— best K>-l« «1N1 IrM A h, TJI.llaf.Ue.fM.OH. lb you can buy! "Instead of loving my enemies, wouldn’t it do niore POQ Stone, Lisa Gall, daughter of Mr. and Mm. Charles W. Stone JUDD SAXON BY KEN BALD and JERRY BRONDKIELD Jr., 126 Maple St. She was bom Oct. 3 at Hartford Hospital. eood to treat my friends a little better?” Her maternal grandparenU are Mr. and Mrs. Clyde G. Beckwith HE HONT RECOVER CDNSOOUSNESS HERE, MISS BURWELL. Sr., 291 Highland St. Her paternal grandparenU are Mr. and i B M t k t h f f ! Mrs. Charles W. Stone Sr., East Hartford. Her maternal great­ BtifSBSitSfUM WE'LL TAKE HIM RIGHT TO THE grandmother U Mrs. Arthur King, Keene, N. H. Breast Quarters Miiit 39fi HOSRTAL/ m LITTLE SPORTS BY ROUSON • * • • • CevS Tu.WwWlUai>uRi.a. Whitehead, Lydia Jean, daughter of Mr. and Mm. Timothy R-' INtAKf Whitehead, 515 Porter St. She was bom Oct. 2 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. Her maternal grandparenU are Mr. and EXTRA SPECIAL FOR THIS WEEK! fEneiFQ H Mrs. Harry D. Radding, 615 Porter St. Her paternal grand­ cuis. tttmuMces mother is Mrs. Alice Whitehead, Lancashire, England. » • * * • JU S T SAW SL John, Michele Margaret, daughter of Mr. and Mm. Doug­ PR. CASS O UT R3R l ; | j SWIR PREMIUM y SMOKE NOT MORE' las W. St. John, 12 Mary Lane, Vernon. . She was bom Oct. 7 JW MINUTES AGO.' : At Rockville City Hospital. Her maternal grandfather Is Harry _^Ces».’4l e*e1 FeelvfesC#«Ba Myers, Plattsburg, N. Y. Her paternal grandparenU are Lester ^ TM-We>ld >;yiH Ksud. St. John, PlatUburgh, N. Y., and Mm. Laura Isaac, Hartford. BACON C A c She has a sister, Kimberly, 3. • • • • • Seniatioiud mvingt B. C. BY JOHNNY HART Gavedon, William Anthony, son of Mr., and Mrs. Gebrge Rob­ ert Cavedon, 63 Constance Dr. He was bom Oct. 8 at Man­ Last teeefc’g price 83c BUZZ SAWYER BY ROY CRANE THERE f ^ O & T BE UIKE, LATBR , chester Memorial Hospital. His maternal grandparenU are Mr. and Mrs. Anthony C. Emerald, Winchester, Mass. HU paternal BirrwAtrs I i joined th e CDTHER F>EOPLE IM grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Alfred W. A. Cavedon, 27 Pitkin CHMKED /C0MAU1NIS15 BECAUSE ^ U P / THIS WC5RU&. STOP A SHOP DELUXE BACON >» 69< YOU? y I BELIEVED TD BE St. He has a brother, George Robert, 1; and a sUter, Kathy |ir(M He I EllzaJ^eth, 2>/i. FIGHTING FOR THB • • • • • FRKDOMOFMYPEOPLF. BUT THEV CAI?E NOTHING FOR Lord, Andrew William, son of Mr. and M ii.’ Roger G. Lord, 4 MY FEOPLE...THB CONG Range Hill Dr., Vernon. He was bom OcL 8 at Miuichaster Me­ IMPORTED BOILED HAM LEADERS YMNT LOOT AND morial Hospital. His maternal grandparenU are Mr. and Mm. POWER. THEY WANTTD Francis P. Wetherell, 343 Parker St. His paternal grandpar­ SEIZE /WY country; ents are Mr. and Mrs. John T. Buck, 187 Woodbrldge St. eOHCM IAN Richard, Suzanne Marie, daughter of Mr. and Mm. Joseph N. f PKlAOUE l l Richard, 34 Range Hill Dr., Vernon. She was bom Oct. 2 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. Her maternal grandmo^er is Mrs. ' Diane Desorcy. Acushhet, Maas. Her paternal grand­ mother is Mrs. Angelina Richard, New Bedford, Mase. She has a brother, Ronald, 1/4; and a sister, Paulette, 3/4. • • • • • MORTY MEEKLE BY DICK CAVALLI Lydon, Craig Raymond, son of Mr. and Mm. Raymomr T. M cIn t o s h Lydon, 102 Brook St., South Windsor. He was bom Oct. 4 at o MICKEY FINN BY LANK LEONARD HA^M-MM... HERB COMB^AAORT/... 1 G^N 'r W6U_.WHA0SNEW? Hartford Hospital. His maternal grandparenU are Mr. and Mm. c WAIT TO HEAR WHAT HE'LL W . ' John Risoldl, Roslindale, Mass. His paternal grandmother U COMMITTED A TH E S TO LEN S TU F F MAS Mrs. Thomas Lydon, Dorchester, Mass. KOBBEKY? OH, FOUND IN YOUR GOLF b a g ! — J — • • • • * SHERIFF— THAT'S Stratford, Donim Lee, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James A. TERRIFIC.'AM,M4,HA' ■H APPLES Stratford, Richard Rd., Vernon. She was bom Oct. 3 at Man­ chester Memorial Hospital. Her maternal grandparenU am Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hewitt Jr., 37 Adelaide Rd. Her paUraal grand­ parenU are Mr. and Mr«. Augustus Stratford, Newport, R. I. Her maternal great-grandmother U Mm. Mark HewltL 'Vernon. She has a brother, WiUlam Mark, 2. • • • • • King, Mark Edward, son of Mr. and Mm. Peter M. King, 62 Belden Ave., Norwalk. He was born OcL 3 at Norwalk H oe-. pital. His maternal grandparenU are Mr.‘ and Mm. John J. Harth, Talcottville. His paternal grandparenU are Mr. and Mrs. 4 3 9 oiCK I a David J. King, Westport. He has two brothers, John David, 8, and James Michael, 2. 8 HOURS ONDT! • • * • • No coupons needed! Buy all you want! Timbrell, David Edward, son of Mr. and Mm. Edward H. ^ I CAI>TAIN EASY BY LEs!lIE TURNER Timbrcll Jr., 19 IndUn Dr. He was bom SepL 20 at Hartford MR ABERNATHY BY RALSTON JONES and PRANK RIDGEWAY Hoepital. His maternal grandparenU are Mr. |uid Mm. Howard Tap ValM StiMgs with parehm •! ■ THB WORST POSSIBLE. BASYI THAT OHiMOl WELL. I HAVE THE AH5WEIL.BUT HE WON'T LIKE ITl MORRIBLE BUCKlNOriAM ISH HAS HOW » Haviland, East Hartford. His paternal grandpamnU are Mr. • t HlfrBIGSBST COMPETITOR. JOKKWiWC, HAS JUST and Mrs. Edward Timbrell Sr., East Hartford. He has two sis­ COLONIAL SHOULDER IT SAYS-BE FWENPiy MINE SfAVS THANKS, LIN CHU. It L MR-McKEE PILED A ♦3.000,000 SUIT FOR T u e s d a y 1 P .I M . t o 9 P .R / I. LETiS OPEN OUR. TD SHORT, BAU>-He«ED THESAME y. TAKE rr FROM HERE/ , ters, Cynthia Ann, 4/4, and Rebecca Lee. 3. BEARING INPRINGEWENTD PATENT RIGHTS' GRIEF 1 • * • * • Tip Value Stamps with • 12 «i paokagt of P0R1UIIE COOKIES. AAEN WITH AAUSmCHES? INS! UP? W'OIIR NEW MISSILE H0I6THIS DEVICE J TWO SUCH 'CALAMITIES VlncL Dale Ann, daughter of Mr. and Mm. Salviatore Vinci, O C T O B E R 1 7 90 Clinton St. She was bom Oct. 6 at Manchester Memorial NEPCO KING-SIZE FRANKS If Hospitsd. Her maternal grandparent# are Raymond ■Funk', ■ HoK': lywood, Fla., and Mrs. Joseph Courson, A^ami, Fla. Her pa­ N o Sttief to D ealersa • a W e R eterve f h m K lghttoU inlt Q u a n t l t h § Tip Valui Stamps with a 12 ax paokaga af ternal grandparents are Air. and Aim. Joseph Vinci, 88 Clinton SL } A She has two, brothem, Donald Joseph, 8, and Scott. Raymoind, 5. i|rki

' . g i iiliimia .' ^ t >4 - rv. - • ’

.MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN^ MONDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1961 PAGE THIRTISN i ______1______^______t___ «______/ i U M W l E i V I MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN. MONDAY. OCTOBER 16. 1961 Packers^ Taylor Wins Head'-tO'H^ad Duel with Jimmy Brown THE An All Losing Season? Herald Angle By :ain Green Bay Back Scores Four TDs EA R L YOST SpqrU Editor By EARL YOST New York (IP)__Jim Tavlortkln**- “nie Hackers and 49ers arefOrsen Bay’s trsmendous offensefbehlnd its great defense. Brich^yard b m t d^emia then For Clubs Sunday <;>Harold Simmons, Vin Kohen and Homecoming Day last Saturday at the University of Con­ us- A.rai t l ^ for the Weetem , Conference rolled in before 76,042 at Cleve- Bamee* 101-yard run with an inter- Bill Mozrer aaslatlng.,.,. Watkins, won his head-to-head duel icad with a 4-1 recoirid. limd Stadium, the day’s largest ceptlon of one of Eddie Lebaron’s losing string. Frank Ryan pasted G reat. morning, weatherwlae. In necticut won’t be forgotten for a long time. It was a dull, for the Rama score and Danny Vil< with Snltz Mordavsky' and Dick with Jimmy Brown and there New York and Philadelphia are NFL crowd. When it was finished, passes paced the auault, while Y. Cincinnati, sunny, and cool, and 1 (/P) __ Dartmouth defied hard rains to^Maine edged New Hampshire 7-8 on drab, overcast October afternoon with sprinkles of rain and a deadlocked for the lead in the the Packers had ground out 216 A. Tittle tossed a pair of touch­ lanueva kicked two field goafs. Re was Joined by my roommate at the Thorpe starrihg, won the match, Bo.lton Dartmouth^ won’t be many dissenting missed one from the 21-ymrd line six straight gam es... Scouting i' itVii • 1__ run itsita wide Ditch-outpitch-out aweeosaweepa and sophomore guard Roger Boucher’s cold north wind blowing; but most of all the grads suffered opinions today as to who is Ehmt after the Giants routed Dal­ yards, nailing down the triumph down passes to Alex Webster and Sinton Hotel. Fred Post 61 thi the workout was Vic DellaFera, and' Villanpva—two-thirds of off tackle slices from ita V-forma- conversion kick and Massachusetts through one of the worst perform-* las Sl-10 and Philadelphia won with three third period touch­ Kyle Mte. in the last four minutes that could Middletown Press, tor the l5-mln: the East’s remaining major captured six of nine Connecticut ances by a UConn football team in' the best fullback in the Na­ over St. Louis, 20-7. Both have 4-1 downs that were set up by a pass • • • have meant a victory. ute, seven-block walk to St; Peter’s playlng-manager-coach of the tlon. But the real basis of Coach Once again a UConn fumble on tional Football League. • • • Manchester Auto Parts. unbeaten football powers—^ Bob Blackman’s continuing suc­ fumbles in a 31-13 rout pitting last 20 years. Saturday’s lop-sided 31- the second half kickoff was recov­ records as Dallas and CSeveland interception and two recovered EAGLBB-OARDS — Sonny JUr- Cathedral. I wag surprised at the year’s co-champs. 13 loss to Massachusetts in the Taylor scored lour touchdowns, dropped to second place with 1-2 Browns’ fumbles. STEBLER8-BEDSKIN8 — Rudy play big games on New Eng­ cess (.723 winning percentage in ered by UMass on the 36. Speed­ genson helped the Eagles avenge aize of the cathedral, one of the Wednesday his career, .743 in foimal Ivy com­ Pace Standings Yankee Conference was a game ster Fred Le\^’ls scored from three plck^ up 145 yards and stretched marks. Green Bay quarterback Bart Buklch passed for both Pittsburgh biggest that I’ve seen anywhere, land soil this weekend. that the entire UConn coaching his lead as the NFL’s leading Pittsburgh won its first game, their only NFL loss, passing for “I’ll get shot - If this article petition) is defense. That puts Maine and the Red- yards out. Still another fumble, the Starr completed 16 of 17 passes for touchdowns to Billy Bsmes and touchdowns, eight yards to Pres­ and at the attendance, less than 50 Defense-minded Dartmouth vis­ men atop the standings. Rhode Is­ staff would like to forget. The per­ third by Pete Barbarlto, gave ground-gainer as he led . the Green 17-0 over Waahlngton. the only 266 yards, one a 48-yard toss to at each of two Masses. Baseball doesn’t get into the paper today,” its improving Holy Cross In a vivid .Dartmouth went into the Brown formance on the gridiron proved to Bay Packers to a 49-17 beating of NFL club without a win while De­ Tommy McDonald. Bobby Joe Con­ ton Carpenter and 23 to Buddy a woman caller cried out via a gaVne first in the nation in total land won its first game of the sea- UMass the ball on the UConn 39. Max McGee for a touchdown. rad got the Carda acore with a 73- Dial as the Steelera’ defense aleo men present included Trainer Gus contrast of ground forces vs air -son with an 18-6 verdict over 'Ver­ be the climax to a wasted week Sam Lussier, the Redmen’s No. 1 the Cleveland Browns yesterday. troit eased by Los Angeles 14-13 • • • Mauch 61 the Now York Yankees, phone call.” I suggested, then that power. defense, ■ second in rushing defense for the coaches. You had to see it Brown, who has been undisputed and (Chicago’s resurgent Bears yard punt return while John David pitched in with alx interceptiona. National League and World Series she contact the obituary editori as Already numbering Holy Oosa and third in pass defense. The In­ mont. ball toter. then went all the way 49BBS-VIKINOS — Kilmer, the Crow made his first regular season * • • the call was after the deadline for to believe it. How one team could on some fancy running behind ex­ king of the NFL rushers the past clipped BalUmore, 24-10. Umpire Jocko Conlln and Jim and Massachusettr among its five dians held the Bruins to 25 yards Amherst kept its slate clean with make so many errors, from start lour years, didn’t sebre and gamed • • * rookie from UCLA, scored on runs appearance after fracturing an an­ BEABS-OOLT8—Ed Brovm’s 84- sports copy. I’m sure that she aground and 75 in the air, never a 27-6 decision over Bowdoin cellent blocking. Bamberry's kick of onb, two, five and 20 yards as Gallagher, general manager of the victims, VUlanova invades a Bos­ to finish, especially on a college only 72 yards in 16 tries.' He has PACKERS-BBOWNS—Green Bay kle In training. He didn’t run the yard acreen past play to Willie Gal- CJhicago Cubs — Press headquar­ lived and wasn’t shot at sundown ton College club just home from a allowed them closer than the Dart Another extra point kick — by made it 23-7, UMass after three now gained 387 yards in 96 car­ scored touchdowns the first four the 49ers’ shotgun offense, riddled ball but gained 69 yards on five limore deflated the Colts, who put as I managed to get the item into mouth 36. Captain George Valjouli with three level, is one for Ripley. periods. Minnesota’s defense for 640 yards, ters were set up in the Netberland- disastrous three-game road swing Since UConn ha.s moved up a ries while Taylor has rolled up times it had the ball, and Taylor pass interceptions. quarterback Jotmny Unites as a Hilton with breakfast and dinner print as requested . . . Two on which the Eagles were outscor- In 37 formal Ivy games, Black­ minutes left—enabled Norwich to Speed.ster Gerry White’s 63- 681 in 81 tries. got three of them on runs of 26, 309 on rushing. Hugh McElhenny * • • • tailback in a new shotgim offense. blokes, whose names I shall not man's forces steeped in a myriad rally for a 13-12 margin over major college football classifica­ yard punt return set up the sec­ scored twice foif'the Vikings who offered by the host team, Cincin­ ed 86-3. But as much as the former seven and 46 yards. Paul Homung, UONS-BAiVS — Sub quarter­ Unitas scored Baltimore's only nati’s Reds, as well as press and use, passed the desk and said, Midway through October, Dart­ of defenses, have shut out 15 foes, Bridgeport. tion this fall the men from Storrs ond UConn score early in the Louisiana State star meant to the NFL’s leading scorer, got the led at one time, 17-7. back Jim Ninovsskl passed 43 yarde touchdown on a seven-yard run but ’’Have a nice vacation?” . . .Mon­ allowed a touchdown or less on Results of other Saturday game-s: have done nothing but fall flat on fourth period. White was finally • • • Western Union rooms, and we ate day night, Oct. 23 will be Italian mouth, Amherst and Maine are the Green Bay. Bill Kilmer die Just as other and upped his point totals to to Gail Cogdill asd fullback Nick Brown’s eight-yard pass to Johnny breakfast before boarding the spe­ only surviving unbeaten, untied seven other occasions. <5nly five Colgate 15, Harvard 0; Colby 27 their faces. This was the year the' brought down on the 22. Klitnan much for the San Francisco 49ers, 77 with six extra points. OIANT8-GOWBOY8 — The Pietrosante picked up.most of the Morris and Rick Casares plunge for Night at the Kacey Home and times has another Ivy team scored Springfield 21; Worcester Tech 38. UConns, with the reported beat cial press buses for Crosley Field guest speakers will include foot­ elevens in the area. Trinity, 14-6 tossed to sophomore Ron Neveck also scoring four times in a 38-24 The Browns had not allowed a Giants, tied 10-10 at the half, yardage on a 72-yard touchdown TDs gave the Bears more than at 10 o’clock . 1 I felt mighty im­ upset conqueror of Tufts via a more than tw’lce in a game on the Bates 14; Central Connecticut 38, personnel ever, were going to beat on fourth doum from Oie (six for slugfest over the Minnesota Vi- touchdown on a ground play until stormed home in the second half march, finally scoring on a four- enough. ball coaches, Tony Alibrio of Man­ Brockport 16; Coast Guard 13, Yale — a feat no stale college portant riding in the bug as a po­ chester High and Larry lanucci of crushing 90-yard fourth period Indians. GOOD CATCH — Veter­ the six points. lice escort cleared the avenues of march, has not lost a game but has Holy Ch-oss, leaning heavily on Wesleyan 9; Northeastern 33, AIC team has ever performed. How­ That ended UConn's threat al­ East Catholic High, Ralph Scu- 15; Youngstown 28, Southern Con­ an observers rate Bill ever, after the opening game travel to and from the ball park. dieri, general chairman, passing been held to a deadlock. its air arm, rallied from a 7-0 though on the ensuing kickoff, an It was strictly red carpet treat­ Tufts, Yale (lost 11-0 to Colum­ deficit to w'hlp Boston University necticut 8. Miller, pass snagging end smoke had cleared the sons of along the Information . . . Pear- The rest of this weekend’s sched­ on-6ide boot, Jim Muldowney fell ment for the press, which was ap- vanti Vichl, Bisseil St. merchant, bia) and Middlebury (lost 12-0 to 20-7 and a second straight victory. of Miami of Florida, Eli.s had won handily. Next came on the ball on the UMass 47 but reclsted, but, on the other hand, Williams) are the most recent The Crusaders opened against Vil- ule: among the greatest col­ a road te ^ against Rutgers, one UConn lost the ball. Just Starting^ College Football Wash don’t think was really necessary reported he enjoyed the first two lanova which had the advantages Columbia at Harvard, West Vlr r World Series games in New York. clubs to get knocked from the se­ lege players ever seen. of the better clubs in the East. .Having arrived at the park by of two games already played plus ginia at BU (night), Rhode Island As expected, Rutgers encountered Gambling on foiu-th down wlUl "I’ll have to send back my tickets lect circle. They Join Colby, Holy at Massachusetts, Bowdoin, at Wil­ but minutes to play, UConn gave 10:30, and the game not starting for the sixth and seventh games,” Cross, Massachusetts, Northeast­ spring practice. It proved too big little tremble in winning. for two and one-half hours, I had a gap. liams, Central Connecticut at AIC, up the ball on its own three. Mc­ Hung Out Monday A.M. he moaned . . . dhance at night ern and Williams to form the eight Line Outstanding Next was last Saturday’s Home­ Cormick fired to Majeeki for six SNOW-BOUND FOOTBALL—Blinding snow and a slippery gridiron made it rough go­ plenty of time to vlait with both to catch up on my correspondence. squads which have lost Just once. Sub quarterback Bill Joem ran Bales at Middlebury, Springfield at coming Day meeting, the first College Scene managers and players from the the club effectivel”. Regular Pat Northwestern. Rochester at Ver­ more points and the former then ing ifir the Portland Seahawks and the Frankfort, N? Y., Falcons in their semi-profes­ Share Ivy Lead mont, Wesleyan at Worcester Tech, home game of the season and it pa-ssed to Lussier for two more New York UP) — Monday’s foot-^spactaoular run the day — • rival clubs. Finding Whitey Ford Thursday Permitting only a field goal In McCarthy had got the job done As Columbia Snaps was disastcrous before 10,079 dis­ sional football game yesterc[ay. (AP Photofax.) of In the Yanks’ dugout all alone, I against Buffalo the previous week. Yale at Cornell, Brovmi at Penn markers. ball wash, and be aure to hang up 08-yard touchdown gallop by Knn- “Red Sox fans don't like the three games. Dartmouth whipped Connecticut at Maine, Colby at appointed fans. Nine times UConn New York (/P)—Don’t go away.. . . The fun’s just started. took a seat next to him and we Brown 34-0 last Saturday to share Speedy Tom Hennessey scored Yale Win Streak fumbled, losing the pigskin six Outstanding back waa McCor­ enough gauze bandages. ans State’s Joe Senriee — went for talked. The brilliant 25-game win­ comparison between their club and, , ^ . Trinity, Amherst at Coast Guard mick while end Ed Forbush A college football season already replete with its fair quota Football is a rough game, naught. .Kentucky won the game^ ahclnnatl,’’ Leon Thorp said this the Ivy League lead witli Prlncton twice. times, as underdog 'UMass. took of excitement and surprises steams toward the midway point, ner was more concerned about his and Harvard while running its Yale’s 11-game winning streak Upsala at Bridgeport (night), Nor­ sparkled on defense. Bob Treat Schoolboy Slate whether you watch or play It. .At 21-8. golf game than in beating the Reds a.m. when he stopped at the desk wich at St. Lawrence, Southern Relentless Columbia linemen advantage of the misplays to end and Dave Bishop were terrors de- picking up momentum like a sprung-loose fullback. Los Angeles, a total of 225 apecta* to deposit the mail addressed to scoreless mastery over the Bruins ended at the hands of Columbia. and a dogged sophomore fullback, UConn down to its third straight Foul Shooting Contest for a second time, at least he talk­ to 351 minutes (1956). In th e Yankee Conference, Connecticut at Ithaca. fen.sively for the losers. Features Football This Saturday’s program, for ex-<^ tors at the ULCA-\fanderbllt Quote and unquote: Coach Tom­ ed more about golf. However, when this department, ^m parlng the A1 Butts, squelched Yale’s hopes setback, The defeat wss only the second ample, offers a number of high- suffered their first setbacks of the game were treated for heat pro­ my Prothro of Oregon State after play started, Ford went on to set a Reds’ play to the Red Sox was for a second unblemished season Maine Next in conference play in five years Contest Saturday lights. Notre Dame, returned to season. Soph reserve Joe Auer stration (110 degrees) and am­ his team lost to Wiaconaln 23-20: new consecutive World Series r®c- made during my observations at Saturday with an 11-0 trimming Coming up Saturday will be for UConn. Won by Syracuse Nats elite status in a hurry, takes on starred in a second half surge that bulances hauled five away to hos­ "We played too many people.’’ ord for pitching scoreless before the World Series, particularly in Butts picked up both the touch­ another Yankee Conference with Michigan Staje in a meeting of all­ carried Georgia Tech over Duke, pitals... At Northfleld, Minn., the Tommy didn’t exactly criticize the being sidelined with a fool Injury, Cincinnati .. Ci>lumbus Day, a holi­ ’Eaters Blank Cruisers^ 6-0 down and the conversion at the rugged Maine at Orono. The Black Coming to tdwn Saturday af­ winning teams powered by regi­ 21-0. Rice came from behmd twice game between St. Olaf and Ripon officiating. He Just hinted that the suffered while batting in the fifth day for many, and there was the Yale Bowl. The Lions were in no Bears are always tough and one By EARL YOST ternoon to play the Manchester ments of stylish runners and lines with the aid of stolen passes and was held up for 40 minutes to en­ striped suit boys must have en­ inning .. New York won, 7-0, Jim usual flow of visitors at the desk mood to be -turned back after an wonders whether UConn will even to match. Texas carries its perfect Roland Jackson’s punch for a 19- able ambulances to carry wounded joyed the home-cooking In Madi­ Otates replacing Ford and tossed including three state workers, Red Sport Chatter Professional basketball. National Basketball Association High Indians will be one of the Hadden, Bill Skoneskl and Pete 85-yard drive in the second quar­ win one game this season. Fol­ version, stay out of Manchester. This City of Village Charm hottest football teams in the record into Arkansas, where the 10 victory over Florida. And Syra­ players from the field...Four St. son, Wis. ■shutout ball, too, as the Yanks Devils Upset Fighters ter. lowing Maine, Coach Bob Ingall’s Central Connecticut Interscho- giant-killing Razorbacks are wait­ cuse, mounting three scoring ad­ Olaf and one Ripon player went went two games up, three to one. Mai'tello ag well as Gerry De- has had it after last night’s dull exhibition between Syracuse ing. Mmisslppi's nationally top rat­ out with Injuries perhaps for the meusy, Hartford newsman, with A 23-yard field goal by Tom crew will move out against Buf­ BOB BLANCHARD, a member iastlc League. That, of course, vances of over 90 yards each and Most abrupt about face of 1961> In the best of seven set .. Dinner, falo, New Hampshire, Boston of Manchester High's football and Detroit. The show left much to be desired before 1,400 will be the Spartans from Ma­ ed Rebels play Tulane and third- making three vital pe.ss intercep­ rest of the season.. .Three Syra­ VUlanova—^wlth a 2-8 record last typing and talking with fellows like the wrap-up announcement on O’Connor near the end of the ranked Alabama meets Tennessee quarter-midget racing in Manches­ game, twisted the knife a bit deep­ University. Rhode Island and Holy team, was reported in good con­ bored spectators at the Arena.^- loney High in Meriden. tions, beat Nebraska, 28-6. cuse players — Dave Sarette, Bob year, now has won five in a row. Danny Murtaugh, Pirate.s' nnana- In Midget League, 14-6 Cross in that order; not a patsy Syracuse won, 129-119, If anyone Pre-season favorites in sev­ in Southeastern Conference fea­ Celll and Dick Bowman — suf­ . . . . Nothing wrong with the cot­ get, Fred Huthinson of the Recks ter, Demeusy, former Herald ad­ er into the Ells, who had turned dition this morning after receiving tures and lowa-Wisconsln and Ohio fered bone and muscles damages vertising solicitor, reported he will back Connecticut and Brown in the group. lacerations of the lower lip and a cared. eral circles to cop thu CCIL ton market down Texas way. . . . and writers from many part.s X)f the There Is still hope for the Husk­ It was a typical NBA produc­ Italy Defeats gridiron title this fall and pos­ State-Northwestern top the Big at Lincoln, Neb., where Syracuse Mike Cotton was the wheelhorse in country. leave the sport next season as his Registering victories in the Mi(iget'League doubleheader earlier in the season. head injury in an auto, accident Tea card. beat Nebraska 28-6.. .Michigan son. Jerry Sr., will be over the age In an interstate battle of the ies. The line, biggest in the col­ Saturday night. The accident oc­ tion, foul-infested writh a parade sibly even repeat tlieir unde­ Tickets on Sale Teocas’ 28-7 victory over Oklaho­ limit. Through Demeusy’g efforts, played before 200 fans at Mt. Nebo Field yesterday were the lege's history, is big, rugged, fast from one foul line to the other. feated record of two years ago, Built Up Pressure State's captain and ace linebacker, ma. . . . Next thing AC know sden- Monday Counlry Club winless at Middletown, the Coast curred during a rainstorm at Bol­ U.S. in Davis the Spuinans stumbled a bit at Michigan State and Notre Dame Ed Ryan, suffered a shoulder weekly reports on the sport were Blue Devils and Smokeaters. The Devils upset the Fighters, Guard Academy took a close and experienced. But in the back- ton Center. And, it was spiced with continual For Sports Night tlsts wtll be investigating the Again the weatherman smiled published • ■ Welcomed the night field, Ingalls is still looking for a crying from both benches and on the start of the season losing built up pressure for their forth­ separation in the Spartans’ 28-0 “UveUness” of the modem football. 14-6, in the nightcap and the Eaters tallied a fourth period SATURDAY measure of Wesleyan, 13-9. Cadet on Cincinnati for what proved to free and I was off to my private touchdown to defeat the Cruisers,— quarterback. In three games he has . U'TTLE LEAGUE baseball of­ the floor with the officals. Syra­ a non-league opener to Wilson coming collision with Impressive triumph over Michgan... And at . . . A plethora (that means a be the final day for the 1961 SELECTED NINE quarterback Larry Dallaire’s dead tried three. All have failed miser­ Cup Net Play of Middletown and then bowing Limited number of tteketa re­ study, with a not to be disturbed 6- 0. ficials will hold a meeting to­ cuse, under antagonizing Alex victories Saturday. The fifth- Tallahassee, Fla., fans and play­ whole lot) of fumbles figured In World Series, the Yankees win­ sign on the door until 9 o’clock. for the Eaters with A1 Krob, Jim Class A—Del St. John 81-4-27 ly passing arm was the measur­ ably to produce. Against Brown in to Wethersfield. ranked Spartans smothered Michi­ main on aale for Tuesday ers from both benches got into the Saturday’s games, but Gib Carson In triumphing, the Devils Art Wilkie Jr. 30-2-28. ing tool. He hit for 22 out of 30 night at 8 o’clock at the Army Hamuun, a one-time hatchetman night’s fourth annual Masonic ning, aa predicted, by a score of pinned the first loss of the season , Gary Minor and a pre-season scrimmage, UConn with St. tnuls, outacored Detroit Rome (iD — Italy defeated the Since then, however, the gan (No. 6) 28-0 behind Pete riot act during the Florida State- of North Carolina had tlie right 13-5, and a town which featured John Quaglia playing well for the Clas."! B-Bob Prindle 31-5-26, Upholding the state's honor and Navy Club. Spartans have really rolled. Smith’s smart quarterbacking, a Sports Night at the Masonic Georgia game and had to be quell­ Friday on the previously undefeated Fire Jack Me.skill 32-6-26. won easily in a drenching rain with on all counts, baskets, 40 to 37 and United States in interzone Davis Temple. Dinner will be Idea. . . . Twice the boll squirted red colors which turned to black Cruisers. against invaders from beyond the three quarterbacks starring. On free throws, 49 to 45. The best Cup play today and won the right Maloney shows consecutive swift and strong attack paced by ed by water hoses — Berlin style, from his hands as he crossed the Friday the 13th! Who’s super­ Fighters against local competition. Clas.s C -George Budd 35-10-26, borders were Trinity with a 14-6 MANCHESTER RIFLE Club victories over Bristol Central, George Salmes, and a big mobile serv ^ at 6:80. Tickets may by sundown, actually 20 minutes stitious? Just another day in the A third quarter touchdown, after Tom Stanford 34-9-25. dry fields, with better conditions exhibition was at the foul line, the to challenge Australia for the be purchased from Howard Pii\ POINTEK—Colum­ goal line and each time a team­ after the gtuiie started for the B lue Dcviiii (14) upset over Tufts and Central Con for an aerial game, the passers defeated Metacon at the victor’s Windham and Bristol Eastern line. The Irish of Notre Dame, Talk about your “Point a Min­ mate recovered, allowing the Tar­ busy life of a eportswriter. .Caller both sides had triumphed in the Kmls; Scott, IjAiidsberK. H^rdir, Low Gros.s—Lee Terry 76- Nationals canning 49 of 56 while coveted tennis trophy. and in all triumphs the Spar­ Waddell or at the Joyce Flow­ bia got off with a rush Yanks led at this time, 5-0..How­ in person waa Jack Vittner who necticut with a 38-16 thumping of threw like second rale high school­ range, 1,355-1,100 recently. Indi­ Detroit countered on 45 of 58 tries. Nicola Pietrangelo scored the eighth naUonaUy, uUUzed no leas ute” teams.. .Notre Dame has a heels to upend Maryland 14-8. . . . second period, provided the mar­ IIUClX'.S Blind Bogey Brockport (N. Y.) State. ers against Yale, Rutgers and vidual scores of the winners were tans rolled lip 40 points or than 22 backs in rolling over and er Shop aad Larsen’s Hard­ led by the sharpshooting "Back a Point” brigade.. .’Ihe ever, before the day was over will manage the Y bowling lanes gin of victory. rKlca: Stoply, Donavan, Moriarty, George Budd, Marion Martoc- A total of 114 free tries adds up decisive third point by defeating more. ware. A so-what statistic: Brown now much happened, and from strictly MachoU, Nielson. Trinity's winning tally came UMass. Rueger 280, Wltkowski 277, SUiun to a dull game in any man’s think­ Jon Douglas of Santa Monica, around Southern Callfomla, 30-0. Tom Vasell.' comeback Fighting Irish used a has gone 351 minutes against this season and the bowling situ­ After a scoreless first period, Guards: Barton, Gabby. Welsh, chio, Jim Colburn, all 88'.s. after a cavalry charge of 90 yards The Indians'will have quite Speakers will be Hal Good- a personal viewpoint, the biggest ation, in regards to getting scores Strickland. True, UConn scored both touch­ 270, Barron 266, Jones 262. ing. Calif., 9-7, 6-3, 6-2. Arkansas staged a Southwest total of 22 badis In their 30-0 Dartmouth without scoring a the Fighters recovered a bad pass in the last period. downs via the airways Saturday, a defensive task this week in nough, the extraordinary sports triumph over Southern Califor­ accomplfthment was the Ameri­ printed, was reviewed in detail. O nters: Dlngw'all. Maikenson. FMliiigton Ridge Most of the gathering, from out- Italy went into the final two trying to stop Bobby Chester, Conference surprise for the second authority, Mickey Oookrane, point. . . . Scoreless streak dates can Arlines locating my lost bag from center at the Devils' t w o- Backs; Rice. Gibson. Mannin,ng. Kos- Brockport stayed with Central Joe Klimas tossing both payoff week in a row, moving Into a 16-0 nia. . . Star of Kansas’ 21-7 vie, back to 1056. Jack and his brother. Norm, have yard line and turned it into their mirkas. Cartier. Kearns, MftcDonald,cD( of-town, came to see Johnny Egan, single matches leading 2-1, and Joe Annino and Co. former major league catcher gage, missing for nearly four days Moorehouse, Keeney. r n o MEMBER up until the fourth period when pitches, but the overhead game lead on the passing of George Mc­ Sport Schedule tory over Iowa State was a quar­ run the Y duckpin activities for only touchdown of the day. Fred Card Rescheduled ex-Hartford Weaver flash in his needing to win only one m o re Hooters Tied for Lead and manager, and Billy Gard­ I had worn out a path to the a number of seasons . . During my Firefighters (6) Low Nets—Frank Slaszowskl, quartert(ack Jack Engelke broke a left much to be desired. Quartcr- Kinney and Billy Moore and trip­ terback named John HadI.. Name Mississippi, the nation’s No. 1 Brunoli rushed across for the 16-16 tie by flitting 10 yards for [ back isn’t the only gap in the of­ debut with Detroit. The good point. Still in the thick of the scrap ping ninth-ranked Baylor, 23-13. ner, reserve tnflelder irith the looks like a six-man line which has AA. (Not Alcholics Anonymous) absence from home my sons. Reed Knd.s: Kelly. Abraiiis. Matte, Colchin. Tom Wolff, Rod Midford, Don looking Hartford playmaker, Douglas, the sixth ranked Amer­ for top honors m the CCIL New York Yankees. Good- Today team, apparently has talent it office ancl spent several dollars TD but a rush, for the two extra Tackles; Lanagan. Palmer, Brown, Rathbone 62; Ed Rubis, Ernie a touchdown. fense, although it's the biggest. The At Buckland Oval soccer league, are Coach Dick The Razorbacks upended Texas Just shifted to a four-man line... hasn’t discovered yet. i . . Glynn and Dean, practiced up on their Johnson. Sadoiski. rtinning game, with Tony Magalet- played the first and third periods, ican tennis player, was no match Bough is one of the finest speak­ Cross Country, UConn Section­ calling the airlines trying to get basketball shooting and; when I points failed. Guards; Murphy. Majewskl. Steven­ Heath, Johnny Whoiley, Bob Bridgeport may still a.sk for a dropped in four baskets in eight for the big Italian. Only in the Danielson’s Red and White Chrlatian the week before, and ers In the conntry. Coclirane which reminds us: Whatever be­ Griffirig, who has been a defensive word on my gear which I was recount after being rudely clipped ta sidelined, is sub-par. Texas Tech kept the Homed Frogs als at Storrs. came of Henry FmkaT.. .Georgia specialist, passed for three touch­ challenged them to a game of 21 But the Devils struck right son. Taylor. Dion, Moekalis. Karns 63; Ed kuna, Oarry Allen, Inclement weather Sunday tries, canned two of four free first set, which lasted for 58 min­ hooters. Possessors of a fine Is' now O B Die aconUng atsfl without In Cincinnati until the they couldn’t wait to play. Al­ back and deadlocked the score Centers. Brailhwaite. TupjH'r. Ray Beller, Ev Johnson 64; Harry by Norwich, 13-12. The Vermont­ First two times UConn had the forced postponement of the sea­ throws send had one assist. It was 6-1 overall record, ine Indian reeling by stopping them Saturday of the Detroit Tigers, a team Tuesday,. Oct. 17 Tech had to cross the goal line downs in Ole Miss’ 47-7 triumph night before I left, which did me Backs; Doggart, Hawver. Lucas, ball it fumbled, the second set up utes, did he battle on even terms. night, 10-0. Soccer—Manchester at' Platt. five times for three touchdowns over Houston. . . . A bow to the re­ though the scores were cioae. I before the half ended. A 50-yard Kastaukas. Lodge. Brunoli. Nolan. Rob­ NetUebladl. Stan Davis. Ed Mor­ ers hit for two touchdowns in the son-closing quarter midget racing obvious that he didn’t have full Lone U.S. Win kickers are deadlocked with he onoe managed to the Amer­ little good. ..My camera waa pass from quarterback Wayne bins. iarty, Charlie Conlln. 65; Bob Kay. last quarter after Bridgeport shot John Bamberry's field goal from classic until next Sunday at 1:30 Hall and Conard for first place Texas’ fourth-ranked Longhorns, Masonic Sports Night, 6:30— in Its 21-0 rout of Duke and an­ cuperative powers of the West Vir­ was still able to hold my head Score by Periods; the 20. Another fumble gave U- advantage of knowing his mates Douglas previously had won the ican League pennant. packed in my bag, for the first high, as the winner, but not for Cartier, to end John Hughes pro­ Pete Naktenis, Mark Kravilz, Pet­ off to a 12-0 lead in the first. p.m. well enough. For two weeks Egan In the CCIL., All three have with an offense led by Mike Got­ Masonic Temple. other arithmetical novelty: All- ginia Mountaineers — 18 games time ever, and that too was miss­ F ig h ters ...... 0 6 0 (V— 6 er Lingua 65. Mass the ball on the UMass 43 in single American victory by defeat­ ten and Jim Saxton, clouted Okla­ America Bob Ferguson ran only a without a victory and now two long as both have improved tre­ vided the six points but they also D evils ...... 0 6 « 6—14 Southern, which stuck a tenta­ Officals of the Connecticut worked out with the College All- ing Fausto-Gardlnl 4^, 4-6, 7-5, identical 5-1 loop records. ing and I was unable to get any TDs: Fighters: Brunoli \2 yd. run): Low Pros—Frank Staszowski 74. tive to-e into the rolling football the second period and 10 plays lat­ The Indian hooters have two homa for the fourth successive total of eight yards to score four straight important ones over Vir­ mendously ,. . Atty. Harold Gar- failed going for the two points Devils; Hughes (50 yd pass from Car­ er, John McCormick passed to Paul ■Valley Quarter Midget Associa­ Stars and played at Madison 10-8, 6-0. pictures in Cincinnati to add to ri'ty reported that he h^d framed after touchdown. Wally Cichon 75. Bob Kay 76. Rog­ of the Midwest Saturday tion said the same program plan­ Square Garden last Friday night. games this week, both on the year, 28-7. Ole Miss, showing off touchdowns In Ohio State’s 44-0 ginia Tech and formidable Pitts­ my sports library.. .Cincinnati, tier. Hei-dlc (44 vd. i>ass from Cartier). er Horton 76, Larry McCuc 76, Ed Majeskl for the TD. Bamberry add­ The final singles match of the road. Tuesday, Manchester its platoons of talent on the ground triumph over Illinois...He had burgh. . . . It’s the same old story' the ticket stub from the game in Passes Click PAT: Cartier i (plunge). night, came back with the scars ned yesterday will be presented. Jury StiU Out day, which pitted Whitney Reed 1 found dead except for the moon­ Rubis 78. Frank Sarro 78, Ed Ko­ ed the 10th point. visits Meriden to take on Platt and overhead, crushed Houston 47- Worsley Turns Back 43 Shots touchdown runs of one, two, two, at Pitt: Waist-deep in fine foot­ which Roger Marls hit his 60th The Fighters stormed right on walski 78, Ed Kuna 78. Leo of a 28-8 bouncing by Youngs­ Scoring Play It will include 250 laps of racing, Egan, perhaps trying to hard, of Alameda, Calif., against Gar- and Friday Journeys to West and three yards. Just to show you ball talent but a punishing sched­ shiners from Kentucky who ap home run this season. TTie ticket, Rmokeattert (fi) town. a 1962 auto show, band concert, was off In both his. shooting and 7 with a 34-polnt second half. Pat peared on the scene Sunday, a dry back down the field but time ran Ends; Barry, Burr, Packer,' O stro u t. Chizinskl 78, John Galeski 80, Joe With only 11 seconds left in the dini, was reduced to a formality. Hartford to face Hall. The Trammell guided 'Bama to its 26- the Injustice of It all, the most ule. autographed by Maris, hangs in out before they could score. The M onahan. Sullivan 80. half, Klimas tossed to end Jimmy and personal appearances by TV floor play and on defense ran Last year Italy also defeated the Warriors from West Hartford 7 victory over North Carolina As Rangers Gain NHL Lead day in Ohio, was empty atrnight, GaiTity’s Main St. office . . Jockey Tackles; Starkel 311! T om assi, P e ir- personalities. into all kinds of trouble. ’The Jury even Fountain Square, the center Fighters had the ball on the De­ ro. Anastasio. Bell for a 63-yard scoring play for Americans in the interzone final. are the only team to beat the State, paaaing for two touchdowns Sam Vacanti, shoulder in a sling, vils' two-yard stripe when the Boyer Stopped UConn. Bell had gotten ahead of A field of more than 25 quar­ is still out on the Hartford lad Then the Italians lost to Australia Indians this fail winning a of attractions in the city...Dined stopped to say hello. The yoimg Guards: Ough, Hutchinson. Podolny, Mets Purchase Pair ter midget cars from throughout but the feeling is that he’ll have and running for another. ^Dean Prentice tallied on Harvey’s with members of the Boston press halftime whistle sounded. D. Woods. two defenders and took the pasis in the Challenge Round in Perth, hard fought 2-1 decision a Iowa, second In the nation al­ STANDINGS Jock, thrown in a recent race, is Centers; Stetz. Reynolds. New York (IP> — The New York New York (IP)—When Cincinnati over his shoulder going full speed New England is expected to com­ to improve his shooting to make Australia. « couple of weeks ago. though riddled by injuries, dis­ W. L. rebound in the first period, finally Raiders Trim South Windsor at night before going to the West­ recovering from a dislocated shoul­ It was another pass play late in Bark.s: Hamilton. O'Grady , T u rn er, pete in the racing classic on the up for his lack of height. And De­ New York ...... 3 1 came to life after Jean Ratelle ern Union room for the final time, the third period which provided Bob Tomassi. Kalpack. J. T o m assi, Mets of the National League, pitcher Joey Jay held Yankee Clete on the 22 and raced into the end The 28-year-old Pietrangeli was Winners of their last four played Its depth aa Matt Szykowny der at the home of his parents.. Doughty, O’Neil. K. Woods. scheduled to begin play in 1962, Boyer hitless in the second game of zone. Klimas also added the sev­ Buckland oval. troit did not show any form of a the big gun for the Italians. He meets, Manchester’s cross Toronto ...... 2 1 scored an a two-on-one break with en route meeting Warren Giles, the game winning touchdown for running ' game, which would be took over for quarterback star Ken Schinkel midway through the Night off and spent to advantage C ru is e ri (0) pui’chased pitchers Johnny Anto- the 1%1 World Series the third enth point and there was still hope The band concert will featiun won both his singles matches and counti^ team has a busy slate WUbum Hollis and helped the M ontreal...... 1 0 As Dan Sullivan Scores Twice president of the National League the Devils. This time Cartier con­ Ends: Patulak. Leber. P. Dimlnlco, the Night Riders, well-known ree- better suited to Egan’s style of 0 second period. with my family. nelll and Ken MacKenzie from the ■baseman had a four-game series for the Huskies at halftime, down teamed with Orlando Sirola in win­ this week. Today the Indian Hawkeyes to a 27-8 decision over Chicago ...... 0 who wore no smile. nected with Pete Herdic and tbe J. Dimlnico . hitting streak halted. by but three points, 10-7. cording orchestra. play. ning the crucial doubles match yes­ thin clads took part in the Indiana. Seventh-ranked Ohio Detroit ...... 0 1 From then on the stumpy Wors­ Saturday play covered 44 yards. Cartier Tackles; Laraia. Bleiler. L H o rv ath , Milwaukee Bravfes. The purchase Every man employed by Syra­ terday. Boston...... 0 8 ley, who appears to be only slight­ Scoring their first touchdo.wn on<^ finally got into the scoring act In Tuesday Wagner. I-^awrence. WhUegell of the veteran Antonelli is condi­ cuse scored, six getting in double UConn Invitational at Storrs State overwhelmed Ullnola 44-0, plunged for the two points after Quards: Krob. Hemenway. Robertson, About 7,000 spectators watched and Friday host Conard of with All-America fuUback Bob ly taller than the nets, didn’t their second running play from the final 20 seconds scoring on a Cool, overcast a.m. and there touchdown. B. Brlndamour, MonseglJo. tional. A club spokesman said the figures—Larry Costelio 20, Dave have an idle moment. He went to Business resumed to normal this wasn’t another car on the road Centers:, T. Brindamour. J. Horvath. former 20-game winner who ha.s the one hour, 44 minutes match West Hartford. Ferguson cashing in on four touch­ New York (A'l—New York Rang­ scrimmage and adding two more 30-yard pass play. a.m. in Cincinnati and I was hap' For the DeviLs,' Cartier, Bob Gam bee 19, Hal Greer 19, Larry played under a warm sun on the red down plunges at short range. er defenseman A1 Langlois waa his left, to his right, catching Anderson and Sullivan were out­ during my early trip to the office, Bapks: Cunningham. Minor. Roberts. been ineffective the past two Roberts 16, A1 Bianchi 13 and Red talking about teammate Lome them, kicking them out, batting in the third quarter, the Manches­ ■ py to get out of town and over to not even a milkman.. Deadline Ricci. Hughes. John Galby and Benson. Joe (Duaglio, John Quaglio. years .will have to earn g- spot in clay central court of the Rome Week for Ex-Champg North Carolina bounced 10th- standing in the Raiders’ back- (Covington, Ky., and the airport Mark Gibson played well while Carrier. Boutlller. Kerr 11. Shue’s 20 poinis paced the Tennis 'Club. ranked Maryland, 14-8, In a game (Gump) Woraley. them away with his stick and ter Raiders trimmed South Wind­ field with Pete McCarton doing an was reached without any trouble Score by periods: spring training or will be returned Pistons who also got help from smothering them with his body. sor, 20-6, in their Charter Oak Con­ for the Jet ride back to New and before other departments Paul Majewski, Bill Hawver, Tony E a s te rs ...... 0 0 0 6—6 The 58-minute first set lasted 12 of bobble-the-ball. All touchdowns “He’s a miracle man," Langlois excellent Job filling in for the ail­ TD: Turner (5 yd. run). to the Braves. Bob Ferry 19 and George Lee 16. minutes longer than the other two Three former champions, trying were set up by fiimbles, and the explained to the stubby little Goal­ After the game he was asked if ference Pony^League game in South ing Bobby Hamilton at quarter­ York and a connecting flight to opened . . Four fine college foot­ Kastauskas and Ralph Sanagan ’The promotion wa.s staged by sets combined. to move back into the fistic spot­ Tarheels recovereh two others of ie whose 43-save performance he knew how many saves he ha"®. Windsor yesterday. It was the back. Sullivan and Anderson were Bradley Field... It was a tiring ball games In the area — Colum­ turned in fine games for the Russ Noyes for the Hartford Fire­ Both players were cautious in light, resume action this week. their own In the end zone for their spark^ the surprising Rangers to ‘.'Too many?” the quick wilted Raider’s second win in three loop also bulwarks on defense with Sul­ trip, long hours, but a fruitful one bia at Yale, UMass at UConn, Fighters. men's Protective Association for that first set. It was not exciting Tlie three are Sugar Ray Robin­ touchdowns. a 2-1 National Hockey L.eagua vic­ veteran asked. Told he had 43, starts and their third in four games livan and Ray Duchesneau also as new contacts were made and Tufts at Trinity and Coast Guard Rush Punter the Death Benefit Fund. tennis, but it was good tennis. The son, former welterweight and mid­ tory over Toronto last night. Worsley replied: overall. contributing vital pass ■ intercep­ old acquaintances were renewed at Wesleyan — were on the day’s Outlayed for the better part of Upset Category ' “Well, I Just wish I was getlng Holding South Windsor in check two stood in the back court and at­ dleweight cahmpion; Virgil Akins, Elsewhere in the upset category “It’s quite a feeling,” Langlois. tions. Hubbard, Pohl and Mailken- both among the players and writ' schedule and I picked Storrs as three quarters, the Batei's broke In George Wilson’s four years tacked each other’s backhand. onetime welterweight king, and a former Montreal Canadian, con­ paid by'the shot.” on their first sequence of downs son were other stickouts on de­ ers... Arrived home just in time the spot to spend the afternoon. —Dick Heydt’s placeklcklng pro­ He finally was beaten by a after kicking off, the Raiders g^t thro’Jgh. to ruin an attempted punt as coach of the Detroit Lions his One exchange saw the bail hit Brian London, the ex-Britii^ vided Army’s margin of victory In tinued, “having that guy behind fense. to get a phone call from Red Had It was a poor »^djoloe as UConn on the part of the Crui.sers from teams have won 23 National Foot­ across the net 27 times. Pietrangeli heavyweight Utleholder. It’s not you and (Piayer-Coach Doug) screen shot by Allen Sianley when their first scoring opportunity when den with word that a volleyball Its 10-8 conquest of Penn State. the Rangers were a man short Next Sunday the Raiders will never looked so bad in losing, 31- under the ahadow of their own ball League games, lost 24 and finally won it when Douglas hit going to be an easy work for any California capitalized on a blocked Harvey beside you. How can you they blocked an attempted punt play a road gaune In Portland. match had been scheduled at 13..Weather wasn’t bad, only a goal line and turned it into a tied two. out. of them. Robinson, 41, and en­ go wrong?” midway through the third period. and recovered at the home team’s punt for a touchdown In the clos­ Stanley flipped a high, 15-footer Manchester’s next home game is night. I asked for a rain check few light sprinkles of rain, and I touchdown.' gaged in his umpty-umpth come­ Had it not been lor the squat 40-yard stripe. On the second play Oct. 29 against Plalnvllle. but found that several players ing minutes and topped Washing­ little veteran In the nets, the Rang­ through a maze of players as from scrimmage, ' Dan Sullivan enjoyed talking with Hugh Greer With a little leas than two min­ back, takes on Denny Moyer, ton, 21-14. Two third quarter would be missing and I made the and Gene Sturgeon before the utes to gdl the CruiserB tried to speedy, 22-year-old middleweight ers well could have gone wrong. Worsley rose from a crouch in an swept his own right end and scoot­ touchdowns by Roger Holdinaky I^ey built a 2-0 lead, then re­ effort to see. the puck. ed 35 yards for the first touch­ trip to the West Side Rec, Sims­ kickoff. Hugh starts basketball kicii out of danger but Jim Mona­ from Portland, Ore., in a .tele­ enabled West Virginia to overcome bury being the opposition... practice Monday while Sturgeon ghan broke through the Cruiser vision (ABC TV, 10 p.m., M T) laxed. The powerful Maple Leafs “I didn’t see it until the last down. A pass attempt for the Scandia Advanves Pitt 20-6. Sophomore . fullback A1 broke loose and only the Gump- moment,” he said. ”It' wasn’t points after was knocked down. Building was plenty busy with was scouting the Huskies for his line to tackle the would be punter 10-rounder Saturday night at New Butts sparked Columbia as it end­ a really hard shot, Just that I Ronnie Daigle back in charge and alma meter, Maine. back on his own three-yard line. York’s Madison Square Garden. ed Yale’s 11-game winning string. er’s' sure-handed, acrobatic per­ A magnlficlent punt by Ron An­ In State Cup Play formance bailed them out. couldn’t see It until it went over derson put South Windsor in trou­ Taking over at that spot the Slat­ time will tell... • 11-0. And a Georgia boy named my shoulder.” ers tallied .the only touchdown of Leading riders at Garden State Doug Messer made goed cn an 18. Assume Top Spot ble early in the second period when 'He turned in 18 saves in each Claude Provost scored a third it rolled out of bounds at the home . Advancing in Connecticut State the game when Dave Turner went Park racetrack in 1960 were Bill yard field goal, giving Florida period marker while his Montreal CTup competition was Scandia AC’a Restauraiit League — Paul Cor- Country Club—Joe Hlllnskl 138, Hartack in the spring aiid John State a 3-0 triumph over Georgia. of the last two periods as the team’s ‘?Tve-yard line. South Wind­ renti 139-152—391, Larry Bates Dave McKay 140, Henry Gryk 356. around end for the score. Rangers who haven’t made the teammates were shorthanded to sor ran well and marched deep into soccer team with a 6-4 victory Fumbles plagued the Cruisers if you (don't paint your house ^ Sellers in the fall. Duke, Florida* and Nebraska all achieve the tie against Boston. The 143-135—390. Pat UricchiO 143, playoffs in three seasons—broke Manchester territory but time ran over New Britain Polonla yester­ Bob Jones 140, Ken Montie 139, Rec Mixed Doubles — Ruth Oak- throughout. Three times the in the right place out of a tie with Toronto and took score was tied five times before out on them before they could score day. The Silk City team Jumped Oruisers drove inside the Eaters’ he got his stick on a loose puck Art Jaramille 139, -385, Ed Pagani man 1,32, Ernie Oakman 335. sole possession of first place at the before intermission. into a 4-1 halftime advantage and 135-383, Joe Genov^si 379, A1 20-yard line, to the 13, 15 and end of the first week of play. at the Boston blue line and feint­ then had to make up for several of three .yard stripes, only to lose ed rookie goalie Don Head out of .05-Yard Gallop Falcetta 367, Walt Arckivey 364, Mornlngbelle League at the right time with Chi-Namel Super House Paint In other games last night, Mont­ With resumption of play in the their own mistakes to survive In Ruth Ostrander 126-343, Shirley the bail via fumbles on eacfi oc­ real came from behind to gain a position. the second half. Burt Claughsey 361, John Rivosa third period, South Windsor waa 360, Ed Bujaucius 356, Ralph Murphy 128-338, Sue Purnell 128. casion. We Are Moviitg ... 5-6 tie with winless Boston and Boston’s Don McKenney had two still applying tne pressure with Three quick goals by New Brit­ Monaghan, Turner, Bill Hamil­ Detroit came from behind a two- goals and an assist, and Mont­ Satterfield 352, Rocky Lupacohino Frances Kurtz 122, Helen Gutz- most of the play taking place deep ain after resumption of play fol­ 351. mer 115- ton and Bill Barry were stickouts No one can tell where the next call for emergency)’ burner FRGM OUR PRESENT LOCATION AT goal deficit suid tied Chicago, 2-2. real’s Ralph Blackstrom one goal in Manchester territory. Midway lowing intermission cut Scandia’s A house that needs paint looks old and unkempt. It does damage to COAST SALE! 10 HnXIARD'STREET Toronto, strangely sluggish while and two assists, through the third quarter, the lead to one point. At this point, repair will come from. But, when it does, we’ll have a Raiders took over at their own five Doug Raynard, who shared scor­ your pride and is unfair to your neighbors. yard line. Sullivan broke free on an ing honors for the victors with truck near enough to get there soon enough to fix the ONE-CAR GARAGE Our Shop Will Be Closed off tackle slant, cut to the side­ Corky Smith with two apiece, 'NOT AFHLIATED WITH ANY OTHER PAVING COMPANY’ FRIDAY, OCTOBER 18 AT 6 PJd. OF MANCHESTER lines and then simply outran the moved up to the inside left posi­ trouble before the house gets freezing cold. FLETCHER CUSS CO. Ontcbell entire South Windsor team to in­ tion with Smith dropping back to The cost of painting is small, if you do It yourself. Enough Chi-Namel Compittdy Eraefsd 0-7878 crease the Radlers’ lead to 12-0. left halfback. WMi Foundorion! ^ 8 8 8 188 WEST BUDDLE TURNPIKE It was a 95-yard run. . With 13 minutes left to play. We do this by keeping in contact, with our trucks by Super House Paint for the average 6-room house costs less than RE-OPEN CORNER DURANT ST. A blocked kick by Don Hubbard Rod Watson crossed the ball to at the South Windsor 46-yard line Raynard who headed it in for the AMESITE radio and directing them to the,,call nearest their loca­ TWO-CAR TUESDAY, OCTOBER 17 set up the Raiders’ third touch­ final goal of the game.- Other scor­ $ 1 ^ 0 . GARAGE LARGER QUARnRS TO SERVE YOUR NEEDS! down. After a pass by Bill Malken- ers for Scandia with one goal tion. AT OCR NEW LOCATION PLENTY OF FRONT AND REAR PARKINO Bon picked up a first down, Billy apiece were Jerry I^eTendre and Comptofwy Ertetod Pohl drove over tackle and, .after Herb Johnson. DRIVES AUTO GLASS INSTALLED aeamlngly being stopped, pulled Next Sunday Scandia will return To get this service, more and more people are joining Glenney's men will give you painting tips. They'll work out lavaral M M F o im U 3 9 8 19 CONGRESS ST„ REAR lilmaelf free and stormed all the to league play hoating the Tor- * FIRST IN QUALITY Experience (NEAR WINKLER AUTO PARTS) . way to the South Windsor eight- rington SC at Mt. Nebo at 2;3Q. Is Our Bantly’s Fuel Oil Club. Why.don’t you? Phone MI 9-4595 exterior decorating schemes for your consideration. , OLASS FURNITURE TOPS yard line before being tackled. ^ FAIREST IN FRIGE NO EXTRA CHARpES . . . PAY NO MORE! Three! playa netter only four Best or TR 5-3271 for information. DON T MISS THIS OFFER' MIRRORS (Ffavplac* and Doer) yarda. But on fourth and four, An­ H o ck ey at a G lance ^ FASTEST SERVICE Guarantee S Tim. to Pay! M odern derson crashed over tackle for the Ftdosd lond mo your volu^lo Iro# PICTURE FRAMING (oH types) Raiders’ third TD of the day. Sul­ Sunday’s Raaulto Connectieut’a Loading Paving Contractor that conlaitu • tomplaia lalMijea s4 livan scored the two points sifter Nattonal Leagna “Our Reputation C a CoUect ' .Geras* M*d*b. Hoor Seat aad Dwci^Ost, WINDOW and PLATE GLASS on a quarterback aneak and Man­ D6LCO-HiAT O N M i n Radiator Works chester held a commanding 30-0 New York 3, Toronto 1. la Your Asanranoo^ advantage. Montreal 8, Boaton 5. COMPLXra: AUTO RAOIATOB 8BBVIOE OOIinilAdlDBBi HATE IN STOCK Datroit 3, (jhleago 3. MUM242 §mrnL. Staunch Defense The THOMAS COLLA Co. MEDICINE CAMNHS and SHOWER DOORS South Windsor fought back sav- BUILDING MATERIALS agOly bringing the ball down with­ Amartonn League JA2.nll PAVING CONTRACTORS Ml 9-5224 H i C-IOM Phone MI 9-9682' Cenw in at our new looattoB aod tot BB tawpaet year OPEN BATUROAYB-OPEN THURSDAY BVENINOS in t)ie Raiders’ lO-yard line on two* Buffalo 4, Plttaburgh 0. LUMBER FUEL occasions snd once all tha way to Providanea' 4, Sprlngflald S. BANTLr01LC0.mc ESTIMAIES OLAOLT GIVEN UTIL'S ante eooUng aysten ndtiiont nUlfattoBS I ths four oidy to be thrown back by Quabae 8, Ctovaland 1. *NOT AmUATiO WITH ANY OTHER PAVING COMPANY" 8S6 NtMtTH MAIN 8TRBBT—PHONE •5258 ' tbe lU tden’ defense. Tbe hoot club Rodiaatar t, M a n ^ l. 5TRffTj& MANCHESTER. COMM h fM- •• I ■f '4 IV, \ '' ' , ^ V • i ■ MANCHESTER EViSNING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN*, MONDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1961 PAGE FIFHOBM MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, COIW^ MONDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1961 Holp Wanted— Apartufntft—Flatft*— Houses For SaK 72 Houses For Sale 72 Houses for Sale 72 Houses for Salt 72 iVanted— Resl Batftt* Tt BY FAGALY and' SHORTEN Help WMH6d*»FMMl6 85 Hsip Wamed-4fcUe 36 Household Goods 51 Bogifieea Sarvtcea Offdred IS THERE OUGHTA BE A LAW Male or Female. 87 Tenements ’ 63 AUTOMOBiuti poUaUsr. W# wlU Ho m e s w it h l a n d ... .oidtr CAPES—Six rooms in central loca­ $12,600 — ROCKVILLE. 5 room MANCHES’TER—Headquarterii for WISH SUMBUNS to haadlo yauf WANTlilD—Bookkem r. Must h m Three. Rooms of Furnitufe real eatata? Cali « o at ICI M M OOflMA AFPUANCB aerrt6a--«» train man to poliah aiML-taeandi- IBARN HIOH commissions — evo' ■lx rooms with 1% hatha, ga­ tion for $13,500 ; 6 rooma Impiacu- ranch, large living room, cabinet 2 and 4 tenements from $13,500 up. knowledia at Kiorthand and typ­ FROM MODEL HOME GENERAL RENTAL agency, J. D. kitchen, beautifully landscaped West Side Realty. MI 9-S315, R lrtK Cmtral 443 HARTFORD ROAD other conveniences. Shopping and Easily financed. Quick occupancy. counters cabinets, la-vish table Washington PTA nr«H AM* lakM MW Om pkMW m • eaa. MI 3-1524 Reasonable taxes. Woodland St. for $18,900; a beauty PERMANENT WORK Coiuwcticut Cbopemttw>nrmen, walking distance. Minutes to Hart­ with 1% baths in Rockledge for space, 3 Bedrooms, 1% Baths, 2-car BOLTON—$9,500. Economy special. Amtfcw ikwM read Us ai ttM -m m DAT IT LAWN MOWERS* aharpaned and Maneheatar, Oain. . \ WANTED Ironing to do In my Before you buy furniture any' ford over Parkway $95 a month. garage. Tree shaded lawn. ’ Near SmaU 5 room ranch, basementi BBPfHIT BUU>B8 IB ttoM tet tfes MZt IMw* So•SllriOOK PHONE MI 3-6273 $18,700 ; 6 rooms and better than Sets Open House repaired, aalaa aad aervlca, pick Over 35 yeara old. Somo coUec- home. MI 9-6928. where-^shop at Norman’s, Call Rockville TR 6-3748, TR an acre in low 20s. T. J. Crockett, schools, buses, shopping Asking privacy. Lawrence F. Flano, Real­ ONC t^eor^^ct w w a ttM im and dellvaiy. Oompleta Hoa of IHAT'/OU WANTED—Experienqad e a n a n t^ 5-6148, $20,700. Call Tom Tyska, MI 9-5306, tor, Ml 3-2766. Ed Crawford, MI mtm oaljr t* tha «stMt af • ARE tiontlon work or direct aalea iexper­ own toola, steady work. Cau Swift Realtor. Ml 3-1577. Washington School PTA will lo r o rldara, reela, aad rofarlaa, ience essential. No canvasaing. Brae-Burn Realty BU 9-6500. 9-4410. 4a aot taaaea lha ralaa al RUden and lawn auppUea. L A M 'toUFAa Bulldera, TR 5-2714, Situations Wanted— Male 39 TAPE RECORDERS for rent Mar- BEAUTIFUL 4 room apartment In AN8ALDI HEIGHTS—Six room Co­ hold its annual open house tomor- I IT **BMka gaal Three women selected wUl at­ low’s, 867 Main. Call Ml 99221 new house, $80 monthly, In Willi- ANDOVER—Pleasant 4 room ranch i row at 7 p.m. New members will Equipment CbrporaUra, Route 83. FOR THEIR tend company’s :(Jaa8achusetts lonial, 4 years old. Consisting of 3 Vernon, Conn. I R 6-7801). TWO TH!EN-AGE boys looking for mantle. Phone Wlllimantic HA BOLTON—8 room Ranch, 8% years on wooded Hj acre lot. breezC' be registered and taken on a tour LIHE training school and be appoint­ HELP US FIND FORMER SALESMAN has 17-pIece old, modern kitchen with built-lns large bedrooms, living room, din­ BARROWS attics and cellars to clean out. MI 3-3796. ing'/room and kitchen, built-ini. way, oversized garage. PI 2-6733. of the school building. M A M RUBBISH - RcaldeiiUal, ed as te l^ o n e sales and field 8-62li^ OC^PI 2-6941. waterless, stainless steel cook dining room, hot water baseboard Parents may visit the Class* verification managera, $760.00 ware aet. Sacrifice $39.50. Wlll de 1% baths, fireplace, hot water oil •"“tf’SSSSSSlD’^ Dial M l 3-2711 com m ercii^ taduatrlal. Barrels THIS FATHER FOUR ROOM apartment, stove, re- heat, full basement with recrea­ MANCHESTER—Excellent 6 room rooms of children in Grades 1, 8, base pay for first ten weeks liver. BU 9-6955. frigierator, washer and dryer fpr- tion room, 2-car garage, amesite heat, plastered walls, full insula­ WALLACE custom built ranch. I'eaturcs in­ furnished. Cleaning vacant homes, tion. beautiful enclosed porch, and 5, and morning kindergarten m>artmenta. attics, cellars, yards, plus bonus. Must be free to de­ If you have experience in O o g s - ^ i^ d f — Pets 41 nished. Close to bus line and High drive, large lot. $17,900. Phllbrlck 65 E. Center St. kH 9-5306 clude 2 full baths, 2-car garage, vote full time. Car necessary. scouting, (jhurch work, com­ —AT ALBERT’S— School. Write Box N, Herald. Agency, 9-8464. patio, combination windows and large lot, convenient location. from 7:15 to 7:30, and GratUa 2, bidneratora emptied. Ught truck­ (Office open 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.) 4 and 6, and afternoon kindergar­ ing. MI I-97S7. Telephone CHapel 7-0330 for munity activities etc., you can b u f f COCKERS, 3 mtmUis, AKC NOT $900 — NOT $800 — doors, amesite drive, city water Phone MI 3-6273 Brae-Burn Real­ MOTEL appointment. Interviews to be add W-170 by working two registered. H. C. Chase, Harmony NOT $700 — NOT $600 . ROCKVILLE—3 rooms, first floor, SIX ROOM ranch, 6 years old. and sewerage, excellent condition MANCHESTER — 4 tenement, 4 ty. ten from 7:35 to 7:50. Programs PIANO TUNINO, $5. Repairs guan- held between 9 a.m. and 9 p.m. evenings a week. Opportunity Hill, Hebron Rd.; Bolton. M l NO! NO! NOT EVEN $500 with heat and electricity furnish­ Bowers School, all rooms better throughout. Near Main St. and rooms each, comer lot 100x140,' 3' will be presented in the class­ FOR THE RRST TIME ANYWHERE anteed. Free eaUmatea given on Thursday. for full-time employment if you 3-5427. BUT A WHOLE HOUSE ed, $90. MI 3-1869 or TR 5-3485. than average in size, entire base­ schools. Priced to sell. Charles car garage oil heat, newly paint­ FOUR ROOMS and bath. Can be rooms. request. Call MI 8-1365. Kenneth can qualify. For detaUa 'Writa 3 ROOMS LOVELY ment finished off Into large family Lesperance, Ml 9-7820. ed. West Side Realty. MI 9-5315. bought with or without furniture. The business meeting will ha- Roblnaon. ; Box F, Herald. NEW FURNI’TURE s ix ROOM duplex, oil heat, auto­ room 4%% mortgage, priced for Call owner MI 9-0998. gin at 8 in the school cafeteria. A M-HOUR WANT AD ANSWERINB Articled For Sale 45 AND APPUANCES m ate hot water, garage, central quick sale, $16,o5o. Phllbrlck 8 ROOM COLONIAL—4 bedrooms, VERNON—Home and business. 6 family room, wall-tc wall carpet, Mrs. Joseph Swenson, president, OUTBOARD motor, l a ^ mowers, Roofins and Chimiieys 16*A Bonds—Stocks Mmlgages 31 Help Wanted— Female 35 EVERYTHING ■ locati^^ available Nov. 5. MI Agency, Ml 9-8464. room ranch. Large steel building 5'/4 ROOM suburban ranch, 2 acres and members of the executive tuned and repaired. Have them re­ ^I. Y. MAIDS—top wages, best ELECTRICIAN, experienced help-- HOME" MADE ravioli, fresh or FOR ONLY $488 3-4568. X 1% baths, off Porter Street. Price in rear. Many extras. Tohgren of land, 3 bedrooms, large kitchen er or trade graduate. CaU MI froze*, 30c doz. H. Pasquallnl. 2*9 MANCHESTER — New listing. 6 is right. Beechler-Smlth, Realtors, with built-ins, garage. Asking, committee, will join in walcoming SERVICE FREE TO HERALD READERS paired now. Pick-up and delivery. ROOFING — Specializing repairing SECOND MORTGAGE money—We CONNECmCUT registered Ucenaed homes. Tickets sent. Lugest, old­ 1, 2 or 3 YEARs to PAY Agency, MI 3-6321. the teachers and parents. Manchester Cycle. MI 9-2098 roofs of aU kinds, new roofa, gut­ can supply any amount ot money 4-0109, after 6 p.m. Avery Street, Wapplng; 149 SPRUCE ST.^ second floor. 3'a rooms, fireplace, oil heat, 2-car MI 9-8952, MI 3-6969. $15,900. Beechlcr-Smith, Realtors, practical nurse for reUef ahlfta in est N.Y. Agency. Write OEM, 85 — INCLUDES - , room cold wateKflat, lavatory Walter Roth, principal, will in­ Want iBfonaatlM aa aaa aC our elaasiAad adrerttaaBantar Ma ter work, chimneys cleaned, re­ for moiteagea, Tenns to fit your convalescent home in RockvUIe. Lincoln, Roslyn Hts., N. Y. garage with attached screened TWO-FAMILY house 4-4, gas heat, MI 9-8952. MI 3-6969, TREE REMOVAL, pruning and paired. Aluminum aiding. SO FRIENDLY ICE Cream in Man­ LOAM SALES—Rich, clean $14'loam 1 Westinghouse Refrigerator only $35 month. Call MI 9-7879, patio, trees, nicely landscaped, ATTRACTIVE six room Cape near good condition, beautifully land­ troduce staff members and pres­ aaawer at tta tatophoM Bated? Simple can tke needs. -Construction mortgages Tel. TR 5-4391. for $12.60. Also fill, gravel, sand clearing. Frank C. Noue, ] years’ experience. Free eatimatea. also avaUable. J. D. Real^, 470 chester haa openings for part-tlma 1 Westinghouse T.V. Set 8-5:30. with extra lot. Dwelling in very Manchester Green. Owner ready scaped, near schools and bus line BOLTON LAKE—$12,400. Two full ent the program for the ceming 9-6053. CaU Howley,- MI S-6861, MI 84)768. Main St., MI 8-5129. Help Wanted— Siale 36 help nighta and week-ends. Must and stone. Ml 3-8603. 1 Bedroom Suite good condition throughout. Quick to listen. FVII shed dormer, front Call owner. MI 9-4105. baths, 6 room Cape, fireplace, year. MANCHESm ANSWERING SERVICE JEWELS — BEADS — be neat, dependable and 18 or 1 Living Room Suite FOUR. ROOM deluxe apa>tment, vestibule, outside patio, garage. plastered walls, basement garage, A social hour and refreshments TORO SNOW blower at new low occupancy. Asking price, $17,600. Ml 94)500 HAVE TOUR piano tuned (elec- SERVICE MEN, steady work, in over. Call MI 9-8196 between 6-8 1 Dinette Set second floor. Beautiful CoItMiial Charles Lesperance, MI 9-7820. Don't miss this exceptional buy. MANCHESTER — Owner trans­ lake privileges. Lawrence F. will be held after the m ee^ g . trically-^o guessing). Call MI BAUBLES aurance benefits. Apply In person p.m. fpr appointment. price, $189.95, power handle 1 Healthrest Mattress home. Electric, range refrigerator Beechler-Smlth. Realtors, MI ferred. Must sell. 6 room Cape Flano, Realtor, MI 3-2766, Ed. Business Opportunities 32 model, Marlow’s, 867 Main St. Mrs. Paul White and her com­ aad leaaa year aaeaaaca. TaaH kaar fron our advartlaer la Jig 8-0500. HeatInK and PlombinE 17 between 8-9 a.m. at mraon Bros., 1 Healthrest Spring included. AduHa only. MI 3-7056 RANCH—5 rooms first time on 9-8952, Ml 3-8969. oversized garage. In a desirable Crawford, MI 9-4410. mittee will be hostesses. Earn extra $$$ for your 80 Harvard S t, New Britain, or 2 Throw Rugs after 6 p.m. market. Bowers School. Plastered neighborhood. City water and Mma Wltfcoat apeadlBg all ewtmtag at the Meptaoae. PLUMBING AND heating — re- BEAUTY SALON in exceUent loca­ TV ANTENNAS, tubes, parts and EXTRA LARGE six room Cape — Household Services tion, catering to East Hartford Christmas Season thru Jewel­ caU for aqipolntmant, JA 9-8387. 1 Boudoir Chair walls, cast iron radiation, hot sewers, one block to bus and shop­ VERNON — 2-family 5-4, Large modelliK tnataUationa, repairs. Help Wantsd— accessories sale in our famous “ Do 2 Vanity Lamps FIVE ROOM, first floor flat, cen lots of land, 4 bedrooms each frontage on busy thoroughfare and Manchester residents. Mini­ ry Fashion Shows. It yourself department. Receiving water heat, choice setting • with ping center, $14,900. $600 down. Offered 13-A AU work guaranteed, 35 years ex­ Ra d IO-TV repair man, steady, Male or Female 87 2 Pillows trally located, oil furnace, hot trees, $18,900. Phllbrlck Agency, 15x15, fireplace, modem kitchen. Business opportunities. 186 ft Assembly Meets mum cash required, exceUent fi­ tubes, 40% off. AST picture tubes, Schwartz Real Estate, MLS Real perience. 34-hour service. 1. We pay 30% commission permanent, famUy,-hospitalization 1 Pr. Blankets water, aluminum storms, stove MI 9-8464. Must be seen. Beechler-Smlth, tor, AD 6-1241. MI 3-6454. frontage. On bu.s line. Tongren WASHER - RBBRIGHIRATOR ra- Earl VanCamp. MI 9-4749. nancing. Currently grossing most " i l ” size, $21.95, and up. In­ and refrigerator, quiet couple. One Realtors, MI 9-8962, Ml 3-6969. Agency, MI 3-6321. Pnaonalf S Automobiles for Sale 4 paira. Prompt, economical, expert, $12,000 per year. J. D. Realty Co., to Director, plan, vacation, pension, other BUILD YOUR future, grow with 1 Cocktail Table At K of C Home fringe benefits. GlVe fyu quallfl- door antennas from 89c and up. 2 Table Lamps school-age child acceptable. Refer­ BOUrON—$10,500. Retirement or 4 BEDROOM Colonial, almost new. guaranteed. Phone Ml 9-46n. Pot- MI 8-6129. Mott’s. Help ua buUd anl open 8 Outdoor. antennas from $1.99 and ences: Occupancy Nov. 1. MI beginne>«., economy apeclifl. 4 MANCHESTER — 8 rooms, 1% FLORIDA BOUND ELECTROLUX Bales and Service, 1954 CHEVROLET Truck, four new terton’s, 180 Center St. ca ti^ . Write Box FF, Herald. new super markets in one year. 1 9 X 12 Rug I 'i baths, pine paneled kitchen 2. No Investment, no collect­ up Chimney mounts only 99c. 1 Floor Lamp 9-8987. room rancii. plaster W^ls, quiet, baths, garage, excellent location dinette and family room. Fire­ I The location for a meeting of hooded representative, Allred tires, good condition. $300. CaU Radlo*TT Repair M & M CANDY Experienced and abova average VHF wire 2c a . foot. Also, used and condition. Close to bus and Gibbons Assembly, Catnelte Amell, 306 Henry St. Tel. MI 5U 9-8425 Or MI 3-0865. WBIAVING of Bums, moth holes ing, no delivering. I WISH I could find a man with 1 Smoker dead end street, trees, lois’. taxes. place, separate dining room. At­ Services 18 car who wants to make $100 week men and women wiU advance TVs completely overhauled. See AVAILABLE Nov. 1, large sunny Lawrence F. Fiano,'A(I 3-2766. Ed shopping center. Charles Lesper­ Ladies of Columbus, tomorrow at ,»4)*50. ______and tom clothing, hosiery runa, ROUTE riqildly. Openings avaUable in all 52 Pc. Dinnerware Set tached garage, basement hatch­ PRICE $13,500 1951 CHEVROLET 2-door, atandard 3. We pay commissions ly, take a few headaches, work us first for the best deals. Open 3 room apartment, tile bath and Crawford. MI 9-4410. ance. MI 9-7620. way. Shaded lot. $21,950. 115 Cush- 8 p.m. has been changed to tha handbags repaired, zipper re­ TV SERVICE—AU makes. Honest, deparfinenta. Apply Mott’s Super 30 Pc. Silver Set shower, modern kitchen, large K of C Home in Mancheater in­ transmission, very reasonable. MI weekly. hard, and be hla own boss. Writs evenings till 9, Saturday till 5 18 Yards Floor Covering man Drive, Manchester. MI placements, umbrellas repaired, Economical. High quaUty parts. Spare or Full-Time Markets, 687 Middle ’Tpke., Eaat, Prices In effect till supply is ex stove and refrigerator, heat and BRICK h om e:—6 targe roomi;' 2 BOLTON LAKE— KEENEY stead of the Information Center 9-3432 after 5 p.m. men's shirt collars reversed and Box V, Herald, giving fuU ^ rtlcu 9-7984. Furniture Included AntomobDea lor Sale 4 Guaranteed 90 days Famous for lara. Manchester. hausted or ireplaced by similar Free Storage Until Wanted hot water, individual thermostat full baths. 2-car garage, excellent DRIVE In Hartford. replaced. Marlow’a Little Mend­ ' aervlca alnce 1981. Phone Mi Good Income Don’t delay, call today OR Free Delivery Miss Mary Fraher will show ing Shop. Items. Satellite Electronic Service parking. $93, MI 3-6396, condition. Between one and two VERNON . MANCHESTER line OLDER CARS mechanics spe­ 1964 CHEVROLET plCk-up. Can 9-4587. Potterton’s, 110 Center St 3-3455 or OR 3-9829, Avon, POSITION OPEN in retail food PART-TIME HELP 165 School Street, Manchester, Ml Free Set up Bv Own Reliable Men acres of land. Fruit trees. High $1,700 assumes present mortgage. Neat 6 room single, fireplace, oil slides of a recent trip to Europe, FOUR ROOM rent, hot water cials, (ixit yourself cars, always MI 3-0926. SAM’S UPHOLSTERY - Retired No Selling or Soliciting Conn. atore, aasiatant to manager. Some 9-1788. ■Sure It Pays 'To Buy At Albert’s elevation. Six miles from Man 3-year old 8 room ranch, 1% heat, 2-car garage. 3 rooms first during which she visited Holland, a good selection. Look behind our CONNIE’S TV and Radio Service, experience desirable but not nec — BECAUSE — heat furnished. Write Box Y, Chester. Phllbrlck Agency, MI O n lf $1,000 Down floor, 2 rooms, bath second floor. Belgium, Luxembourg, Switzer­ from the shop. Cati take cate of avaUable all hours. SaUafactlon WANTED baths, fireplace, back hatchway office. Douglas Motors. 333 Main. 1954 CHEVROLET Bel Air 4-door Responsible persons to own and essary, WUl train right man. Pre WOOLENS FOR nig making All Albert’s Gives You In Writing Herald. 9-8464 to full basement, aluminum Excellent lot 85x140. land and Lichtenstein. There wUl all your upholaterhu needa -at guaranteed. CaU M3 9-1815. operate new M ft M dispenser busi­ TOYS—TOYS—TOYS Beautiful 5 roonj rgnch, 8 bed­ good running condition, good Urea. great aavliiiga. CaU O i 3-3878. ferably married with sense of re- shades, pilgrim Mills,Mills formerly No' Payments storms. Mitchell telephone ex­ also be displays of souvenirs of NEED A CAR and had your credit $150. MI 9-3426 after 6. ness'in this area. Limited distribu- aponslbUity end a desire to get By following our eucceaaful plan, Cheney Hall, Hartford .Road., Open FIVE ROOMS, first floor, garage MANC3HESTER—Cliarnilng 6 room rooms, oil heat, SO gallons electric MI 3-6273 ,'ome of the countries visited by TELEVISION antennas and rotor Here is your last chance to In case of imemployment storm windows, large attic and change. Only $16,300. Lawrence , turned down? Short on down pay- FLAT FINISH Holland window torship, available. We supply all lo­ ahead. Vacation pav Insurance, men and women who sire a^Ie to noon, till 9; .Saturday iO-8, In case of Illness * Cape with garage. Four finished water heater, oversize garage, well F. Flano, MI 3-2766. Miss Fraher and Miss Beatrice macitT Bankrupt? Repossession? ayatema inataUed and repaired. cations. 5 hour spare time. Car and Invest as little as $60 can earn $150 cellar. Call MI 3-6492 between 3-8 plus rec room. Plastered walls, ex­ landscaped lot with trees. Lake ahadea made to measure. All Serving Manchester and sur­ earn extra $$$ for your and other benefits. (Sail at Lynn In case of accident Brae-Burn Realty Sweeney. Don’t give up! See Honest Ooug- Trailers— Mobile Homes 6*A metal Venetian hilnda at a new minimum Investment of $798 re­ Poultry Farms, Shopping Park to $500 and more each month in SNOW BLOWERS—Ariens, 3% and In casi? of strikes haust fan, new awnings, private privileges A real nice buy at BOLTON—Seven room colohial Mrs. Morton Tinker, who took a 'laa, get the lowdown on the lowest rounding areas. Modem TV Serv­ quired. Write giving resume, refer­ Christmas season — demon­ just spare time. This ia the oppor­ .5’i h.p.: Snowbird, 3 and 6 h.p SIX ROOMS, light, airy, third yard with fireplace, good location, $12,700. IF YOUR DESIRE U a high, tree low price. Keya made while you ice. 405 Center St, M3 8-2205. ade. A Paid Bill In Full floor, heat furnished, with or with built in 1943, half acre lot, 2-car trip through Italy last summer, doth) and smallest payments any­ ences and phone number to strating our toys — highest tunity you have been waiting for to Toro Power Handle: Bolens 3 smd tip top condition. Robert Wolver­ garaj^e,- ,^1'i' baths, ceramic tile HOME shaded lot in a quiet area, have a wait. Marlow’s. For What 'You Owe ovit appliances, adults preferred. will also display souvenirs of ttet where, Not a small loan or finance RADIO-TV REHPAIRS, any make. RESPONSIBLE driver for laundry supplement your Income. Age le no 7 h.p. ; Ridamatic Tractors. Parts In Case Of Death ton Agency, Ml 3-1914. MANCHESTER REALTY excellent location. Call MI 9-2375. country. Including a crystal Ros­ compdny plan Douglas Motors, leisure look at .the new quality 3 RBIUPHOLSTBIRINQ and slip General Manager commission. No collecting or and dry cleaning route. Apply be­ barrier. For personal interview ap­ and service. Capitol Equipment MI 3-5937. YES! Home for the young couple bedroom on display at HUgh free pickup and deUvery on amaU SEE IT DAY OR NIGHT MANCHESTER—A half block off CO. ary blessed by Pope John X X ni. 333 MUn St covers expertly done at low cost. radios, phonographs. Hours3oura 6-10 P. 0. Box 462 delivering. Don’t delay, call to­ tween 8:80-10:80 a.m. New Sys­ pointment call MI 9-1308 between Co., 38 Main Street. Hours 7-5 COVENTRY—3 roomj, and bath or older couple. Tidy 4 room ex­ Refreshments will be served af­ Manor Park. 12 minutea from Workmanship guaranteed MI tem Liundry, 44 Harrison St. MI 9 and 5 Monday through Friday. dailv; Thursday 7-9; Saturday 7-4 Phone SAMUEL ALBERT, Hart­ Main Street, 7 room Colonial, 1% very clean. Price $6,000, easy pandable Cape Cod, good neighbor­ EXCEXLENT transportation, 1954 Manchester. Also, a one bedroom p.m. H ft E Radio and TV. MI Haddonfield, N. J. day, OR 3-8455 or OR 3-9829, ford CH 7-0358 for an Albert ROCK'VILLE—4 room apartment, baths. 4 room down, 3 bedroom-s MI a-0000 or MI 3-4348 ter the program. The co-chalrmea 94154 after 6. 9-5582, MI 8-1479. 9-7753. m 3-7958. $45 monthly. Call MI 9-1914. terms. Fop appointme'ht write hood, fine fenced yard, garage. for the meeting will be Miss Fra­ Cbevrcdet, $300 or 1949 Chevrolet, for rent or sale RockvUIe TR Avon, Conn, Courtesy Auto. We will call for up. Modern kitchen, 3 porches owner, Mrs. T,„R. Sadd, P. O. Box Take the landlord off your pay­ $100. Call MI 9-6246. 5-1423. HAROLD A SONS, Rubbish remov­ CEMETERY LOTS, 4, In very de yqu at your home, bring you back well shaded lot, 2-car garage TWO-FAMILY ranch, 5-4, enclosed her and Mrs. Bernard Fogarty, JOHN D. HULSER CO., INC. 1 ROOM duplex. Hot water oil breezeway, garage, two furnaces, 356, Niantic, Conn.. roll. Answer this ad today!! Only assisted by Mrs. Ernest AspinWall, al, ceUara, and attica cleaned. PAINTER, experienced. Write P .sirable section of East Cemetery home again. Positively No Obliga $15,900. Phllbrlck Agency, hU $1^.600. $500 down. Evenings, Ray FOR SALE in Vernon, Gardner Millinery Dressmaking 19 NOTICE TO JOB EXPERIENCED heatj. Automatic gag hot water 9-8464. aluminum siding, fireplace, 246’ CUSTOM Mrs. Willard Begley, Mrs. Albert Ashes, papers, aU rubbish. Harold O. Box No. 588, Manchester, Conn. For Information call MI 9-4966. tion! heater. Combination aluminum B?JTLT Cape—Fireplace, Holtombe, MI 4-1139. 1953 MERCURY station wagon. PI 1957 mobile home and aluminum Hoar. M3 9-4B84. APPLICANTS SEWING MACHINE frontage, trees, greenhouse, excel­ large yard, beautifully land- Dabrowski, Mrs. Albert Roy, Mra. 2-8035. awning, $3,500. Easily financed. f o r DRESSMAKING ttnd altera­ DRUG STORE clerk, experienced A_L—B—E—R—T—S storm and screen, windows. Com $11,900—3 BEDROOM rancii, flre- lent condition. Only $19,500. Carl­ 'i' William Taylor, Mrs. Roy Thomp­ tions, caU Lyn Kratzke M3 3-0683 pletely redecorated, modem bath scaped, 'l52 Green Rd.. M lanches- WARREN . E. HOWLAND, Norman H. CiUey, EUgh Manor RADIO-TV REPAIRS aU makea. ITie Manchester Evening Herald OPERATORS over 21. Full and part-time work 17 ” UHF AND VHF portable TV, 43-45 ALLYN ST., HARTFORD ilace, aluminum storm windows, ton W. Hutchins, MI 9-5132. ter. son. Mrs. Stanley Urbanlk, and 1958 SIMCA, priced for qi)ick sale, Park, 'RockviUe, TR 5-9502. Cars, phonography changera. any time. does not knowingly accept help References. No I^one calls. MU' HANDY MAN like new. Call MI 9-5624. Open Nights Till 8, Sat. 6 p.m. room. Wired for automatic wash farge lot, cellar. Carlton W. Mrs. Joseph Volz. privately owned. Trade consider­ wanted Advertisements from em­ Apply ing machine. Centrally located MANCHESTER—TJnusuai 2-famlly, REALTOR Honest, economical. Guaranteed 90 KNITTED DRESSES, coats short­ ler Pharmacy, 299 Green Rd.. Servloe—home, atorea, offleee. Hutchins, Ml 9-5132. ATTRACnVE 6 room older home, ed. 13 Main St., TalcottvUle, MI days. Famous for aendee for 80 ployers covered by the Federal Floors washed, waxed, win­ FOR SALE—Ten storm windows Adults preferred. No dogs. $95 central, 7-7, 3 'i baths, 2-rar ga­ near schools, churches and shop­ Auto DiiYlnr School 7-A ened. Hemming and alterations Manchester Modes, Inc. and screens, reasonable. Ml EVA DRIVE—6 room ranch with rage. West Side Realty, MI 575 Main St, ■ Greenman Funeral Set 9-5833. years. Phone MI 9-4587. Potter- Wage-Hour Law If they offer less FULL-TIME errand hoy who la to' dows wMhed. Attics and cellars Musical Instruments 53 Write Herald Box AB. ping, large lot with privacy Manchester done. Call M3 3-6477 or MI 9-1004 than legral minimum wages. Begin­ Pine Street tereated in learning mechanic 3-1835 garage and patio, 3 or 4 bedrooms, 9-5315. Nowich, Oct, 18 (iB — Funeral 1958 FORD FAIKLANE 500 2-door MORTLOCK'S Driving School—Of­ ton's. any time. cleaned. Lauw maintonanoe. shrubs, G.E, oil hot water heat, MI 3-1108 ning September 8, 1961, employes Manchester trade. Apply In person at the Odd Jobs. 25 UPRIGHT and grand planos re nicely landscaped, fireplace, plas­ storm windows, immediate occu­ services will be held tomorrow at hardtop, radio, heater, whlte- fice, 443 Main St.. Manchester. SLIP COVERS expertly made, engaged In interstate or foreign Thomas Oolla Company, 251 Broad built. Don’t come here first, look Business l*ocations ter walls, full cellar, aluminum BOLTON LAKE—Route 44, $8,500. Pitrk, Congregational Church for Learning correcUy "May Save MI 8-8946 9x12 WALL TENT with some equip­ Five room winterized cottage, new pancy. Terrific buy at $13,200. walla, iwdded dash, two tone. Big chairs from $12; also, all kinds of commerce or In the production of WOMAN CLERK-typist, experience St., Manchester. around and compart. Then visit For Rent 64 storms, thermopane picture win Call owner, MI 9-6461: COVENTRY Charl^s-U- Greenman, 78, Praai- engine, automatic transmission. Your Life." Driver education custom reupholstering done at low Moving—'Trucking— goods for such commerce must be helpful in expediting and follow­ ment, $15. MI 3-6884. Meyers Piano, 91 Center St., Man dow, priced right. Robert Wolver­ heating system, well and septic dent of th e^ im e Savings Bank. Bmi sacrifice. Call MI 9-5494 any classes. Member, ConnecUcut Pro­ cost. Three free foam throw cush­ Storage 20 ing up purchase orders over the FULL AND/OR part-time me' Chester, Open 4-9 p.m. evenings ton Agency, MI 3-1914. system, insulated. Lawrence F. MANCHESTER—Attractive 7 room $ 7,000—Six room ranch,, garage, paid not less than $1.15 an hour TRAIN SETS, buildings, and board. STORE near Main St. at 26 Birch Greenman d i^ ^ t u r d n In Mont­ time. fessional Driving School Assn. MI ions with every three piece set. and at least time and one-half for telephone. Iona Manufacturing, chSnic, experienced in heavy con­ All day Saturda'j's. St. 2.000 sq. ft., parking. Apply Flano, Realtor, Ml S-2766. ranch, completely finished one lot 187x100. real while attending tipe annual 9-7398. AUSTIN A. CHAMBERS Co. Local- Regent St., Manchester. struction equipment. Apply In Aquariums and equipment. Ml MANCHESTER — $16,300. Large All work fully guaranteed. A. hours worked after 40 In a work­ Marlow’s, 867 Main. MANCHESTER----- Spacious 3-bed- large room basHment, I'a baths, $ 9,500—Four room ranch, porch, meeting of the Oonnedtictit Savinga 1950 FURD, 4-door sedan, me- QuaU, 252 Spruce Street. Call MI moving, packing, storage. Low person at the Thomas Oolla Co 9-7814. PIANO TUNING, $5. Repairs guar quality ranch, fireplaces, full garage, hot water oil heat, well 2-car garage. dhanic’s socia l, 1958 Fiat 600, LARSON'S ConnecUeut’a first 11' week, , unless specifically exempt. HELP YOUR h u s b a n d by adding room Cape, picture-book kitchen, Bank Association. A natiVe-(rf Nor­ 9-1154 after 6. All day Saturday. rate on long distance moves to Employes of certain large retail, 251 Broad St., Manchester. — Wanted anteed. Free estimates given on OFFICE FOR RENT—500 sq. ft., basement, hot water oil heat landscaped for only $20,000. 185 $ 9,700—Six room Colonial, 2 fire­ wich, he had been in bankmg-Jor ' with 3 extra tires, best offer. MI censed driving school trained — 48 st^ates. Personalized service, MI to the family budget in a way that request. Call MI 3-1365, Kenneth 100% Main Street location. Call priced right, vacant. Owner Escott garage, walk-out basement, triple .8-3338. Certified and approved is now of' serrice, construction, and other en­ will not Interfere with your house­ Building Materials 47 track aluminum combinations, Hawthorne St. Owner MI 9-0576. places, carport. more than a half century. He leav^ AN UNUSUAL bargain! Reupbol- 3-6187, CH 7-1423. terprises must be paid not less Robinson. MI 3-8419 or MI 3-7614. Agency, MI 9-7683. $11,500—Four room ranch, breeze­ a daughter. Miss Nancy Greenman ferlng classroom and behind ater 8 piece living room set; sofa hold duties. Make this a happier Real Estate nice yard with shade trees, many 1959 FORD convertible, new tires wheel Instruction for teenagers. MANCHESTER Package DeUvery. than $1.00 an hour after September ASSORTED USED lumber, build­ extras, spotless condition through­ Manchester way, garage. of Buffalo, N. Y „ and a slater, Ifri. and 3 chaim; '$145. Choose from Christmas for everyone by selling Manchester $11,500—Three bedroom ranch, and brakes. Excellent condition. MI 9-6075. Light trucking and package deUv­ 3, 1961, but no overtime for such AVON to the women in your neigh­ SEPTIC TANKS ing and plumbing supplies, radia­ ness or office, apartment includ­ out. Assumable 4 'i% mortgage, Everett Noyes of Norwich. group of fine fabrics. Work done employment Is required until Sep­ tors, pipes and nre bricks, doors Wearing Apparel— Furs 57 large kitchen, living room, Must SeU, $1T95. CaU MI 9-5774 by expert craftsmen on our prem­ ery. RefriMrators, washers and borhood. No experience needed. AND Salesman or Woman ed, 476 Main St. Ml 9-5229. 9-5. payments only $86 per month or after 0 p.m. PREPARE FOR driver's teat Btove moving specialty. Folding tember 3, 1963. If'you are offered Call BU 9-4922 and windows. Open dally 3:30-6 Delightful new financing with small down XEAD A family room. Hartford’ ftOFourth Fatality Ages 16 to 60. Driving and class ises. All work fuUy guaranteed. less by covered employers, or if p.m., 8-4 Saturdays. Yard at Stock $12,900—Sevep room Colonial, lot Mill Fabric Salesroom, 175 Pine chairs for rent.,. Sd 9-0752. PLUGGED SEWERS WeU eatablished real estate TWO LADIES’ winter coats, size TWO ROOM office with private hall payment. Illness forces owner to Hartford. Oct, 16 (JR— Tbl* city 1965 PORSCHE speedster, no third room. Three instructors. No wait you have questions concerning this ASSISTANT to bookkeeper. Full or Place off North Main St. Choman’s and lavatory, Approximatelv 325 sell. Priced for fast sale at $14,900. 125x400, 2 extra lots fe a r but who needs it. 4 speed. St., exclusive Cheney Fabric agency would like reliable H- 12. $5 each. MI 9-5591. 100x125. hag ’recorded Its fourth traffic fa­ ing. Manchester Driving Acade' salesroom, in Manchester. MI law or other activities of the U.S. part-time. Careful accurate typist. Housewrecking. Ml 9-2392. sq. ft Ground floor, front. Phone CUSTOM BUILT Gerard Agency. MI 3-0365, DOUBLE LIFE Make an offer. 18'Jordt St. MI my. PI 2-7249. Painting— Papering 21 Department of Labor, caU or write MaehlRe Cleaneil cenaed real eatate agent to work MI 3-0812. tality of the year. The latest victim 8-8840. 8-7332. Budget terma arranged. Good salary. Write Box I. Herald. Exclusive with wag 40-year-old William F. Kelly of the Department’s local office at Septle Tanka, Dry WeUs, Sewer on kales in Vernon, Manchester YOUR BESTES' BUY IS AT Wanted—To Buy 58 HOLLISTER ST.—7% room Dutch .... In this Income-bearing DU­ EXTERIOR and interior painting, U.S. Departmeht of Labor, 983 LInea InataUed—O lla r Water- SPLIT LEVEL Colonial, 1'4 baths, beautiful mod­ Stoughton, Mass., who died yestar* 1966 Ch e v r o l e t sedan, low mile­ GRUNDER’S upholstering, 20 De­ BOOKKEEPER—Full charge. Seri­ PLEX which offers all the com­ Garage— Service— Storage 10 decorating, ceilings, floors. Clean Main St., Hartford, Conn., JA proofing Done, and South Windsor area. Good NATIONAL WE BUY, SELL or trade MUque em kitchen, excellent closet space, MONTPETIT AGENCY day of injuries suffered when age, vetv good condition, also 5 pot Square. Expert work. Antiques ous position for one who can fur­ Housm For Rent 65 High with view, 2-year-old. 3-bed forts of a home of your own PLUS struck by a car Saturday night. Or modem. Fine selection fabrics, workmanship. Free estimates. No 4-8811. nish substantial reference. AU in­ opportunity for an aggreaslva and used furniture, china, glass, large lot with trees, Philbrick good 00(M6 tires, cheap. MI Framlngf*Truckloads $95 Per M room, 6-room split level. Features a private money tree. A rent-pro­ GARAGE FOR rent, 31 Cam- leapier, plastic. Antiques, lovC- job too smaU. John VerfalHe. MI formation kept atrictly confiden­ individual. ExceUent office fa- silver, picture frames and old NEW 2-BEDROOM ranch, built-in Agency. MI 9-8464. ** ducing 2nd apartment!! 4 rooms Main St. PI 2-8726 >W53l 8-2521. McKinney dros. Brass 'Tubular Locks, coins, old dolls and guns, hobby range, oven and cabinets, base­ include hot water oil heat, full plas­ bridge St. MI 9-7in. seata, chairs for sale. MI 8-4892, tial. Full Or part-time. ExceUent oUltles. ter house. 1’ 4 baths, picturebook and bath on 1st floor, 3 and bath MI 9-5064. from $i:70 ea. collections, attic contents or, whole ment garage, full attic. MI 3-2322. ONE BLOCK from Main Street—6 1950 CADILLAC Convertible, new EXTERIOR and interior painting. Help Wanted— Female 35 ■ salary. Write Box H, Herald. Sftwtrag* Dbposd Co. kitchen, dining room, rec room room Colonial, fine condition, ga­ on 2nd. Near schools, churches, NOTICE paint, good top and tires. Beat 8d and 16d Common Nalls $8.95 keg estates.. Furniture Repair Service. transportation, and shopping. Call Lots For Sale 73 Business Services Offered 13 WILLIAM J, LEONE—rubbish re­ Paperhanging. WaUmper books. 180-182 Pearl St— Ml 8-5808 Writ* Box M, HorcM Combination Doors from $15.95 ea. Talcottvllle, Conn. Tel. kU 3-7449 COVENTRY—4 Room house in­ with fireplace, 2-car garage, large rage plus frame building wth offer■ tu e s it.. Call MI 9-5493. SEWING MACHINE operators 8 shade trees, beautiful lot. House Don Gay, MI 9-5306, JA 8-8939. PUBLIC HEARING moval. Cellars'and attica, Incin­ Wallpaper removed. CeUlnga. WANTED—Woman for fall houae- Special 2x4 Studs 50c ea. sulated, artesian wejl, hot water, business opportunity. Priced be­ AL£ k in d s of clocka repaired. An- erator, coihmerclal and light Floors. Good clean workmanship. a.m.-4,;30 p.m.; also, nights 5 Celling Tile 9c Sq. Ft. FRANK IS buying and selling goqd gas or electric range. PI 2-7565. vacant. Priced to sell. low appraisal, $13,400. Beechler- TWO B ZONE lots with city water, ADDITIONAL tiquea included. Work guaranteed. p.m.-11 p.m. Experienced pre­ cleanlng. Call after 4. M 9-2564. trucking. MI 9-0339. FuUy Insured. Reasonable rates. Knotty Pine Paneling—all 8 ft. used furniture and antiques start­ MI 3-6273 Smith, Realtors, MI 9-8952, Ml Union St., $2,400. Call MI 9-6495. APPROPRIA-nON MI 9-1962 , Leo Pelletier, MI 9-6326 or MI ferred. Apply Kaklar Toy Com­ 18% c Sq, Ft. ing Sept. 8 at 420 Lake St Cal) and FIVE ROOM private home avail­ 3-6969. BOARD OF DIRECTORS Half Siza Charm BARROWS BUILDING LOT - 100x281 feet, BidldlnE-ContTaetine 14 9-5082. pany, 60 Hilliard St. Prefinished Birch Paneling see what We’ve got. Open Sun­ able Nov. 1. One child acceptable. TOWN OF MANCHESTER, 25c Sq. Ft, days. MI 9,6580. Good location, nice yard. Garage. BraC'Burn Realty LARGE 6 ROOM Cape, full shed fully treed, city water, city sewer, CONNEX3TICUT Bright and Chgery!^ PAINTING AND paperhanging. CLERK-STENOGRAPHER — High sidewalks, curbs, excellent loca­ ADDITIONS, recreation rooms, re­ • SEPTIC TANKS TO BE SOLD AT Ping Pong Table Tops $11.95 ea. References. $100 monthly. Call dormer. l',4 baths, hot water oil WALLACE Notice ia hereby given that tha Good clean workmanship at rea­ School graduate or equivalent, ex­ WANTED TO buy for cash antique after 5. MI 3-6046. heat, fireplace, near school, shop­ tion. For additional information Board of Directors, Town of Man­ modeling all types of carpentry. perienced In shorthand and tj-p- CLEANED and INSTALLED Doors ’ from $3 ea. MANCHESTERr—5% room ranch, 55 E. Center St. MI 9-5306 or appointment. Call McCarthy Nelson Higgins Ml 4-1700. sonable rates. 80 years In Man­ furniture and any bric-a-brac. All ping center. Must be seen to be chester, Ckmnecticut, will hold a chester. Raymond Flake. MI Ing. State salary expected. Write things I buy are' for sale rear 42 ROCKIGLLE —Recently built 5 I 'i baths, plus exceptional recroa- appreciated. Priced at only Enterprises, Ml 9-5391. John Pan- CASH ’N CARRY tion room, with built-in hookcaseo (Office open 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.) Public Hearing in the Municipal ALL MASON WORK expertly done 9-9237. P. O. Box 148, Sta. A., Manches­ • SEWERS Spruce St. MI 9-4336, Village room ranch, 3 bedrooms, no ob­ $16,700. Charles Lesperance, MI ciera, MI 9-1898, ter. MAfJtuN A CUBAN BA and bar. Well landscaped comer Building Hearing Room. 41 Center —bricks, blocks, stones, fire­ Nobody, But Nobody, Undersells Charm Antiques. jections to children or pets. Avail­ 9-7620. VERNON — Mitchell Exchange. Public Auction able prior to November 1, $130 MI lot. $19,900. Phllbrlck Agency, Ml MEADOWBROOK MANOR. Coven­ Street, Manchester, Connecticut, National places, cellar floors, stucco. MI P.MNTINO, papering 9-8464. Non-development ^ room split try—7 excellent lots, 50x125, Own Tuesday, November 7, 1981, at 9-8001. floor aand- • INSTALLATION By Order of file Ooart o f Common Pleas WANTED—Several used 4-drawer 9-7319. SPARKLING new 2-family houses Ing. CaU Ml 9-0726. metal letter files Must be reason­ 4-4; also 4'^-4',i rooms, Immedi­ level, 2 baths, 3 or 4 possible bed­ er leaving country, will sacrifice 8:(X) P.Mj on a proposed addition­ NATIONAL LUMBER. INC. LAKEFRONT, 5 room ranch, fire rooms, plastered walls, large car­ al appropriation as follows; MASON CONTRACTOR and cement SPECIALIST 381 STATE STREET able. Call MI 9-9097. ate occupancy. Charles Ponticelli for quick sale. J; D. Realty, MI OCTOBER 21. 1961 AT 10t30 A.M. Suburban For Rent 66 place, hot water heat, cellar, Agency. MI 9-9644 or MI 3-8109. port with storage area. High, well 3-6129, 476 Main St. For installation of a water work. Call after 4 p.m. M3 INDUSTRIAL ZONE NORTH HAVEN, CONN. $10,700. Carlton W Hutchins, MI 9-6451. . Electrical Services 22 Doyliglit Sovin^j Timt shaded *i acre lot. Anxious own­ main In Keeney Street from 1,850 sq. ft. space to lease. Town and Country CHe(itnut 8-1247 Rooms Without Board 59 SEVERAL furnished 4 room apart­ 9-5132. OLCOTT DRIVE—Lovely 6% room ers waiting for offers. Asking Hackmatack Street to Un- CARPEaJTTRY repairs, renovating, FYiEF. BSTIMA'iiES—Prompt aerv- Heated. Reasonable. ments available today, good loca­ home, wall-wall carpet, dishwash­ $17,800. Lawrence F. Flano, Real­ Resort Propertr For Sale 74 wood Drive $4,0(M> ice on all types of electrical wir­ DRAINAGE GO. On riM Plwnisoi FURNISHED ROOMS, complete tion. PI 2-6828. John Bissell. Cross MANCHESTER—7 room ranch with er, 1% baths, breezeway, garage, tor, MI 3-2766. to be financed fn>m the un- tile ceilings, floors leveled, build­ 4 bedrooms, garage, large lot. ings straightened, new beams. ing. Licensed and inaureii Wilson CaU MI 9-1807 After 6 PJMl. Oiamoiida— Watches— housekeeping facilities. Centrally St., Coventry. huge wooded park-like lot. Selling BOLTON—First lake —waterfront •' allocated balance in.the Water EUectrical Co., Manchester, Nil CaU MI 9-7925 After 8:80 PJ«. Ml 9^143 An equipment, 8<»ck-jn-trade, fixtures, etc., located 48 located. Children accepted—limit­ real buy at $14,900. 6 room older below appraisal. Carlton W. WALKER STREET—8 room Cape, 6-room cottage which can be Porches . a specialty. No job too Jewelry home $9,450. Short way out—rbeau- Department Capital Improve­ small. TR 5-5759. 9-4817, Glastonbury, ME 8-7876. in a grocery atore locate at No. Fifteen (15) Prospect ed. Mrs. Dorsey, 14 Arch St., Man­ BOLTON—Beautiful 4 room apart­ Hutchins, MI 9-5132. screened porch, fireplace, ' l-car easily winterized. Manon E. Rob ment Reserve l A venfe Daily Net Preee Run The Weather I iianrI|(Bter For iihm Week Ended October 14, IM l ' Fttreout ol U. A .WeetiMr B e re u Members of the Manchester Tite execuUva oommiltab of Nut­ David Lawrence Almond, son of Members of Manchester Bar­ . Tioketa ai« atiU avallabla for ^ ■ ■ Child Study Group will visit class­ meg Fttrest, Tall Oedam of Leb­ the Rev. amS Mrs, Lawrence F. racks, Veterans of World War I the Maaonlc Bporta! Nlgtit tomor­ Baptist Women Fair, not eo eoM to«l(ht. h em M About Town room's at Buckley Schdol tomor­ anon, will meet tonight at 7:30 i^t Almond of South Methodtat and Auxiliary, will meet at tlw row nl^t, and may be purchaaed LiggrtI Sptelal 13,389 to 44. Tomorrow, imnay end nrild, row at 8:45 a.m. to observe a the Masonic Temple. Details of Church, has received an achieve­ Watklna-West Funeral Home, 142 from Howard Waddell, 30 Tanner Meet Tomorrow Member •< the Audit the November road race will be ment award scholarship at Baker. E; Center St., tomorrow at 7:30 3t., Joyce Flower Shop on Church Burenu of OIrenletlen high near 70. H m fJnt fall meeting of Cub reading level, plan in action in The Women’s Baptist Mission So­ .M o t Pack 151 will be held to* Grades 4 to 6, followed by a dis­ discussed. f ^ University, Baldwin, Kans., Where p.m. to pay respecta^o Ernest St., Larsen's in the North Bhid or- Manchester— A City of Village Charm from any lodge officer. ciety will meet tomorrow at 8 p.m. ■nsraw at 7 pm. at the Verplanck cussion. is a freshman. Browrn, a member ^ cne Barracks. in Fellowship Hall at the Com­ flcbool au^tortum. Parents should The Past Matrons Association munity Baptist Church. Mrs. Her­ (OlneUlled Advertlelng on Page U ) accompany cubs and thosa j^'ho "The Church of My Dreams" of Temple Chapter, 6rder of East­ ManChMter Chapter . of Hadas- Women of SL Mary's Episcopal A rummage sale will be h;ld Fri­ bert Cross will lead the devotions, VOL. LXXXI, NO. 14 (FOURTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1961 PRICE EIVE CENTS srlah to Join. will be the topic of the Rev. Gar­ ern Star, will meet Wednesday at sah will Bold a dinner riieeting to­ Church will sponsor a rummage day at 9 a.m. at Orange Hall by and Mrs. Frederick Deane will field H. Thompson, pastor of 8 p.m. in the banquet hall of the morrow at 7tl5 p.m., followed by sale Thursday at 9 a.m. in Neill the Daughters of Liberty, No. 12.'). present the Jove gift ceremony. The first fall meeting of the Trinity Methodist Church In Wind­ Masonic Temple. Mrs. . Robert a talk on the ej'c bank program Hall at the church. Donations may Articles may be left at Oie hall af­ "You are witnesses of these be. deposited at the church ter 7:30 p,m. on Thursday. Guaranteed Hartford Chapter of the Becker sor, at the fellowship dinner and Richmond will be in charge of re­ by Mrs. Gladys Zalea of Stamford, things,’’ from Luke 24:48, is this Give yon College Alumni Association will rally of Methodist Men of Greater hearsal for Past Matron's Night. in the vislrj" of Tefhpie Beth Wiednesday. For pickup of dona­ year's theme scripture of the so­ State News tions. call Mrs. Frank Crocker, 48 Lakota Council, No. 61, Daugh­ A y«ry be a dinner at the Red Coach Hartford at South Methodist Mrs. James E. Elliott and Mrs. Sholom. \ ciety. "Christian Mission in Latin EnJoyaMt Grill on Berlin Tpke. tomorrow at Church tomorrow at 6:30 p.m. The Herbert, Urweider will serve as Russell St. ters of Pocohantas, will meet America,” and "Churches for New / Union Readies Smoke hostesses. Wedne.sday at 7:30 at Odd Fel­ Times,” arc the home and for­ T;80 p.m. speaker is vice president of the The Greater Hartford Chapter 2nd* OF A NA’nONAlXY board of evangelism of the New The Professional Women's Club low's Hail. The coming official eign mls.sion themes. R o u n d u p of Brandeifl University will hold will meet tomorrow at 8 p.m. at visitation will be dlscu.ssed. Re­ Mrs. J. Murray Powell, pro­ ADVERTISED ^GAJt Announces Plans York East (Conference. Also par­ Anderson Shea Auxiliary, VFW, its fall limcheon meeting Thtirsday freshments will be served at the WHICH SELLS FOR 10c ticipating from this area will be Center Congregational Church. gram chairman, has arranged for ways and means committee, and at the Cliffslde Country Club. Nod Miss Helen Haugh of the Univer­ social hour after the meeting. a film to be shown telling of the Re(f. $4.75. Chrysler Talks Ralph Snape of Rockville, a lay Veterans' Day committee will Rd:. Simebur>’. Luncheon will be sity of Hartford will discuss "Is­ work of Christians among migrant Box 50. Lodge Urges Place I leader of the Norwich District. meet tomorrow at 8 p.m. at the .served at 12:15 p.m., and the meet­ sues Before the General Assembly Susan Perras, 60 Birch St., is workers In America. Members of ^179 I sculpture reading, and the Rev. Post Home. ing will be held at l:15„p.m. chairman of the coed foul shoot­ 7 For 25o LECLERC of the United Nations at the Pres­ the Marcia Neubert Circle will be Perfeotofl and Panatellna For Spain in NATO FUNERAL HOME I Han'ey E. Mousley of Bolton, dis- ent Time." Miss Ethel Goalee will ing contest tomorrow which will be hostesses. Detroit, Oct. 17 {PP)— ^IVal-fday estimated P9.000 hourly ' trict superintendent of Norwich Edwin S. Pemberton, son of Mr. A sale of gift, Christmas items be in charge of the program. Host­ part of the annual fall sports week After the bu.ilness meetlhg, employes were on the job. The com­ ter P. Reuther went into a pany planned to have almost all of . New York, Oct. 17 — : District, benediction, and Mrs. Frederick S. Pemberton, and doll clothes will be sponsored esses will be Miss Gertrude Carrier. at Central Connecticut Slate Col- members will arrange tables for LIGGEn DRUG signal-calling huddle with his FUNERAL j . ■ ___ 153 Adams St., is a recruit at the by the Woman's Baptist Mission Miss Helen ' Carrier, and Miss ! lege in New Britain. Donna Aus- the gift sale and "Luncheon la its 120,000 production workers back John Davis Lodge said today For 50 Million-Ton Blast i The Emma Nettleton Group of Naval Training Center, Great Society of Community Baptist Esther Anderson. j tin, 23 Franklin St., is chairman of Seiwed," to be held at noon on PARKADE United Auto Workers bar­ tomorrow. “the exclusion of Snain from SERVICE i Center Congregational Church Lakea 111. Church in Fellowship Hall the hockey game. Wednesday. gaining team today before Ford and the UAW virtually Guest speaker at a meeting of have cleaned up all the trouble the North Atlantic Treaty Or­ WALTER N. i will meet in the Robbins Room of Wednesday at 10 a.m. The sale tackling Chrysler Corp. in the spots left over from the strike. Lo­ ganization is a glaring exam-i I the church tomorrow at 8 p.m. Offleors and members of the will precede ."Luncheon Is Served" the Rotary Club of Manchester to­ laECLERC morrow at 6:30 p.m. at the Man­ final round of the Big Three cal 900 at the Wayne, Mich., assem­ pie of disunity—a monstrous Director 1 The Rev. Robert Shimoda, pastor Daughters of Liberty No. 125. will at noon. TRIPLE-S auto, labor contract negotia­ bly plant reached an agreement Bar Argues ' of Talcottville Congregational meet tonight at 7:30 at the Holmes chester Country Club will be anachronism in a dangerous Newell Brown, manager of admin­ BLUE tions. with management today on work­ Reds Drop Deadline Call Ml 9-5869 i Church, will speak on "Family FUnersl Home. 400 Main St., to The Kaffee Klatsche Group of DOUBLE STAMPS EVERY ing conditions. It was one of two world.” I \ Life in .Tapan." New members and istration and labor relations of Chrysler agreed .to meet the n Main Street, Manchester pay respects to Mrs. Alfred Clif- the YMCA will meet at the Com­ Emhart Mfg. Co. The speaker is UAW President and his team at local unions authorized by the un­ Lodge, in a speech prepared for ( Way to End : gtiests are invited. foid, a former membeir. munity Y Wednesday at 9:30 a.m. a former newspaper editor and 2 p.m. (EST) for intensified ne­ ion's executive board Sunday to the Connecticut Day luncheon of ' For baby-sitter ser\ice, call Mrs. publisher and served as assistant gotiations. .Reuther first briafed stay on strike. the Women’s National Republican For German Treaty Robert kittle, 25 Cromwell Rd. secretary of labor in the Eisen­ rank-and-file members on bargain­ The only holdout is Local 420 at Club, said: hower administration. He will dis­ the Walton Hills stamping plant "The most elementarj’ logic de- i Court Jam ing strategy in a meeting at union mands that the Spanish govern- ' State Police Trooper Thomas J. cuss the expansion programs of the GRAND UNION headquarters. Their plans were near Cleveland. Ohio. An extended University of Hartford. shutdown of this key plant could ment and people should be aocept- Moscow, Oct. 17 (iT)—Premier Khrushchev announced to­ McDonnell of Troop H. Hartford, kept secret. seriously cripple Ford’s production. ed by the NATO partners a.s equal 1 Hartford. Oct. 17 (/P)—The safety division, will discuss the IS THE PLACE TO BUY... The Chrysler bargaining taam, day the most awesome blast ever set off by man, a nuclear The executive board of Manches­ and full associates." ! State Bar Association debat- highway campaign in Connecticut led by John D. Leary, vice presi­ (Conttnued on Page Seven) bomb equal to 50 million tons of TNT, will be exploded by the ter Cedarettes will meet, tonight at dent for personnel, hasn't seen * report today suggesting at a meeting of the Kiwanis Club 7:30 at the home of Mrs. Robert ,emor and congreissman. spoke on Soviet Union Oct. 31. of Manchester tomorrow noon at Muldoon, 152 Eldridge St. Specials for Mon. Tues. and Wed. Reuther since opening day of ne­ the subject "some of the chal- rr i r -iaction • if all other The Soviet Premier made the disclosure in a speech open­ Open 8 to 5 Every Day the Manchester Country Club. gotiations 3^ months ago. Indica­ lenges we face on the interna- ctiorts fail in easing the tions were today's rassion would ing the 22nd Soviet Communist Party Congress. He declared c The Willing Workers and Stor.v Maker Liable tionai scene.” It was his first | crowded calendars of Con- Russia no longer will insist on signing a German peace treaty Our Lady of Victory Mothers Circles of the South Methodist DELICIOUS —MEATY ' be limited to preliminary man­ major speech since he retired as ; necticut courts. Including Saturdays euvering, with each team sizing up by the end of this year—as he has been threatening. UMBER & SUFPLY CO. Circle will meet at the home of Church will hold a rummage sale ambassador to Spain. "The state continues to suffer Mrs. Louis Touell, 88 Harlan Rd., Thursday at 9 a.m. at the church. the other’s goals. i For Products He told his audience of Connectl- the disgrace, of being, at lea.st in The 50-million ton bomb is half the size of the one that Wednesday at 8:30 a.m. Mrs. Articles may be left at the church SHOUIDER U M B CHOPS Meantime, Reuther has reached ctit Republican women and a dele­ our larger counties, among the Khrushchev previously said the Soviet Union was planning. , Frank Roberts will be co-hostess. WednesdflV. agreements with the biggest of gation from New York: worst in the country from the He said the Soviet Unioa has a'^------TASTY, TENDER the big three-Gcneral Motors Sold at Retail "It is getting late, and our very point of view of docket conges­ 100 million ton bomb "but we -g -r -g-k • Corp. and Ford Motor Co. — and survival is at stake. It is most not Intend to explode it.” also with American Motors Corp.. tion." said a report by the asisocia- HarUord, Oct. 17 (/P)—The Con­ unlikely - that the Russians and tion's Committee on the Admin­ "If we happen to explode it In Ll.h. Keaction RJB UM B CHOPS the nation's fourth largest auto Chinese Communists will risk istration of Civil Justice. the wrong place, we might break What YOU should know about maker. necticut Supreme Court of Errors atomic destruction when they are The committee said there had our own windows," he explained. ha.s ruled that a consumer can making such steady progress by 2 MEALS IN 1 Reuther was expected to ask sue the manufacturer of a retail­ been no improvement in the court "May God grant that we never Restrained on o u m Chrysler to match the settlament other means: By using the man­ logjam In five years and that the have to explode such a bomb." H & H o k SIMM ed product, overturning a 50-year- power of their satellites: by sub­ Stew made with General Motors last old decision. mounting caseload of ciril law­ The 50-million-ton blast, he add­ I A M B C O M B O month but not necessarily the verting the governments of Infant suits is overwhelming. ed. will be the last in the current Berlin Shift Combination Windows R«poir is tiw ONLY The unanimou.a action yesterday states through the very democratic frosting put on the GM cake py placed Connecticut among the in­ The gr.oup also took s poke at series of Soviet nuclear tests, Ford. machinery which we helped them which started Sept. 1. Washington, Oct. 17, (Jb—U.S. pkKe in town tfiot creasing number of states ' that create; by blackmail, bribery, the judiciary for allegedly refus­ N um ^r 4 of a Scries Reuther’s decision to put im­ hold manufacturers liable for as­ ing to cooperate with the Bar As­ Twanty test bombs have been authoritiea greeted 'with restraint mediate pressure on Chryslvir came coercion and corruption; by ready today Soviet Premier Khrushchev’* sertions njade about their products access to American clas.sified in­ sociation in adopting new rules to exploded in the present aeries, ac­ wiN roploco OH Uft- as the UAW virtually completed on the labels and in advertising. ease court congestion. The report cording to reports by the U.S. removal of his deadline for poshing' Take a good long look at the glass and screen insets ■etUement of a strike that shut formation; by propaganda lies and the Berlin crisis to a head. The old ruling held that manu­ all manner of deceit; by internal said that the judges met April 4 Atomic Energy Commission. when you shop for Aluminum Comination Windows. tint* Lifts and Htols down Ford for 13 daya. Ford re­ facturers could not be sued be­ on the problem, but never an­ The 50 megaton blast set for Khrushchev told the Oommuniat sumed production at half of its 16 pressure and. as in the tragic case Party Congresa Russia will not cause there was no evidence of any fo Hungary, by external forces." nounced what action, if any. was Oct. 31 is the first of the series to Take a look at McKinney Windows by “American” be­ — ond wiN make assembly plants with the recall of contract with retail purchaser.s. A taken. be announced by the Soviet Union insist on signing an East German 55,000 workers. contract was necessar,’, the ruling T he committee report wa.s one and the only one ever announced In peace treaty by the end of this cause they're made with heavy gauge inset frames Hiom com* out just Ford said four more aeaembly Decorum Costs $20 of the highlights of the closing advance. year, as he hsd been threatening. and sturdy aluminum screens . . . provide frames of You’ll get a thrill, too, when plants got back Into production to- (Continned on Page Fenr) Hartford, Oct. 17 (ft—Lt. Gov. day of the bar, association's an­ Such an explosion would be 2,500 But U.S. officials noted that you see the heels, without nails, like new! AN Work Anthony J. Armentano was out 120 nual two-day meeting. times bigger than the U.S. atomic Khrushchev coupled this with an greatest strength and rigidity. Check all the 17 Su­ put on with New AUTO- today because he refused to wear Rear Adm. William C. Mott, bomb which hit Hiroshima in 1945. announcement that the Sovieta will SOLER. Renew- your heel.i,TO­ Guorottteed! his legislative "hat.’’ judge advocate general of the It would be perhaps five times set off on Oct. 31 the biggest ex­ perior Features and you’ll agree you can't beat them DAY. We use only quality ma­ He’g normally a two-hat man — i Navv, was scheduled as the prin- larger than the biggest device so plosion in the history of mankind terials. far exploded in the Russian series. for quality at the price. And McKinney's Service goes a State Senator from Hartford and , ^jpgi gpeaker at the closing ban- — a 50 megaton n'uclear bomb Nigeria View Calm Lieutenant Governor. quet tonight. Japan’s Central Meteorological which many U.S. strategists feel • WE GIVE GREEN STAMPS • pres- Agency estimated the biggest so right on AFTER installation, too. Call MI 3-2141 now! “Shoe Repairing — Second to None!” But Governor Dempsey’s Morris Tyler of New Haven was goes beyond any military use. 14.95 ea. ce in Chicago today moved" the chairman of the special committee far was a 10 megaton bomb tested Such a bond) would have a force Installation 33 each irtford Democrat up to Acting that prepared the report. Oct. 6. equivalent to 50 million tons of &Governor. Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev, foreground, makes speech to­ The biggest bomb In the U.S* Of Postcard Furor It calls for a determined effort day at start of 2^4 congress of Conununlst’^rtY . iii TNT, or 2,600 ttmea the power at So he arrived at the Capitol to­ by borth the bench end ber to ob­ arsenal is believed to be aboot tlui atomic bonib this country m- day. paid his respects to the State Background left le Mlkheii Suslov, member of HSovlet-presidium. the equivalent of 20 million tons HOUSE a HALE tain a aolution to court oongeetion. Right background is Anastas Mlkoyan, deputy premier. (AP ploded in Hiroshima, Japan In ROUTE 44A ~ BOLTON NOTCH - Ml 3-2141 SHOE REPAIR SERVICE Li^lislative Council which held a of TNT. American experts say World War n . EVERETT T. McKINNEY, Owner USE OUR O.AK STREET ENTRANCE—MI 3-4128 Lagos, Nigeria, Dot. 17 (IP) ^the United States.. .must not be meeting, and quickly left. "Falling that,” the report con­ Pholofax). ... .^ they are not Interested in build­ ■nte Nigerian government took a jeopardized or affected by the He explained to some members tinued, "it is the feeHng of this ■...... — ...... ' . . . I ing a bigger one because present The White House said Preaideat calm approach today to-ward the fooliA writings of one aded^ent that as Acting dovemor lie_.4idli'J. bombs are powerful enough to Kennedy ‘’-will have absolutely no Peace Ootps girl’a poatoard that school giri . .. think it would be proper K>r ^ obliterate any target. They have oomment" today on went aatray birt infficated it «*- "It is apparent that the views attend a meeting of this le^Iative by the Ic^slature and armed with described the construction of a 100 speech. " ' pected the ywmg American 'who expressed are not shared by the group even though he la a mem. an adequate budget to employ ex­ Trustees Halii>e Bid megaton bomb as not difficult. Presidential Press Secretary penned the cri'tlcal view of Ni­ other members of Pfesddent Ken­ ber. ecutive pereonnel and charged Khrushchev said he was drop­ Pierre Salinger said be thought gerian life to leave the country. nedy’s Peace Corps now in Ni­ By sticking to the governor’s of­ with the duty of investigating Into ping his year-end deadline for there 'would 'be no comment tw A go-vemment apokeaman last geria and that the American em- fice, there would be uie aeparation the wl¥>le jtj^cial prooeaa and to German treaty only "If the West­ any other government offloial, night sideetopped demands by Ni­ baaay deplores this irresponsible of powers intended by the Consti­ report its recommendations has For Loan to NHRR ern powers display readiness to ember. gerian atudenta for the deporta­ act by a young American citizen." tution. any proepecta of bringing tangible settle the, German problem.” The State Department declined tion of the 37 U.S. Peace Corps Miss Michelmore submitted her 'But you’ll i e 390 you would reeulta.” But he said "The German peace immediate comment. volunteers with an appeal for cool I'esignation from the Peace Corps get by atf- legislative A bench-bar committee recom­ New Haven, Oct. 17 (/p— ■‘■trustees could not guarantee this. treaty must be and will be Washington authorities wsntad heads. But, he aaid ‘it is perfectly after her poetcard, telling of prim­ council • 'An obsen'er mended last year the adoption of Trustees of the New Haven Smith was the first of several signed, with the Western pow­ to withhold judgment on ,tha understandable and right that... itive living conditions in Nigeria, chided. new rules to ond the logjam. One Railroad today sliced in half witnesses listed to testify on the ers or without them," and he add­ speech until there is m<»e oppor­ e'very Nigerian Should be incensed raised a furor at the University "Qb, 't bother me,” of them would have required htn’- their request for an Immediate overall aspects of the trustees’ ed that the treaty must end W6st- tunity to study his words snd see replIM thS' or. Lieutenant yers to proceed Immediately -with efforts to get federal and Inter­ cm occupation of West Berlin and whst he mesns. and indt^iant” about the postcard in Ibadan wliare the Peace Corps Go'vernor, Governor. $15 million loan to keep the line BRUIT 3S-year-old Margery Michelmore gro\q> is undargnIMg- ladoetrina- their cases once they are called In business. state Commerce Ck>mmission (IOC) convert it to a "free demilitarized of Foxboro, Mass., wrote to a tlon. for trial. An amendment to the origi­ permission to borrow $15 million. city.” (Coatinued On Page Bevea) friend in the United States. Officials at the U.S. Peace To Face Trial "It is with regret that we must nal appllcdtion, introduced at a Smith, under questioning by an He called once again for con­ CAKI iRformatibn minister Theoi^lus Corps in Washington said it had Groton, Oct. 17 (E — Robert H. r^K>rt that the great majority of federal ooiirt Iwaring, sought attorney for the trustees, Fleming clusion of a peace treaty with Benson declared In the statement not been decid^ whether the Sonnef, 30, former State' Police theeelrulee which were calculated $7.5 million Immediately and James Jr., reiterated that unless both West and East Germany and that the “friendly and oorxKal re- girl's resignation )\’ould be ac<^t-' Trooper at Troop E. Groton, is re­ to spfed up the judicial process the remaining $7.5 million be­ the tru.stees were given the money said both should be admitted to the railroad might nave to shut the United Nations. ■:4'i ?«*' lattonahip bet'ween Nigeria and ed. But Beiwon indicated his gov­ ported on his way to Connecticut to have 'either been abandoned alto- fore next October. Speaking for all three court- dowTi sometime in November or He also demanded "genuinriy Bulletins ernment expected her to leave the face a charge of embezzlement by December. country. agent. (Continued On Page Seven) appolnteed trustees Richard equal rights In all U.N. agencies Culled from AP Wires "The person concerned has now Sonner, who had been picked up Joyce Smith expressed belief • Smith said that the $16 million for the three groups of states that Chock full of fruit Kennedy Plan resigned from the Peace Corps and by Buffalo, N. Y„ police Friday tbe New Haven could be kept was needed to keep the railroad have come into 'oelng Ip the world has apologized for these offensive following receipt of a State Police alive only if It goto the federally going for about a year. —Socialist ((Communist.1, Neutral­ SATURN SHOT OEFEBSiEO remarks,’’ the minister said. He teletype message, made bail yes­ guaranteed loan. A. Gerdes Kuhback, executive ist and Imperialist.” And he once Cape Oanavend, Fla., Oct. 17 Dirksen Says added that Nigerians "can be as. terday in Eirie City Court and In­ vice president of the railroad, fol- more demanded that Red China (P)—^The National Space AgeneY sured that if there are any persons formed court officials there he News Tidbits New Haven. Oct. 17 (P;—Trus­ (CooUnued On Page Seven) today postponed tadeAMtelY Cha in Nigeria . . . holding views sim­ was going home to Connecticut to from the AP Wires tees of the New Haven Railroad (Continned On Page Seven) Sret flight test of the Satmm PirQf o f ihe QeaQon! Not Clicking ilar to those expressed by this face the charge. expressed the belief today that sopeihooster In order to naka young girl, our federal muiister of He added he would sulvise Erie they can keep the bankrupt car­ reAnemeats in the oontrol ay*- FRESH FLORIDA Wa«hir«:ton. Oct. 17 (P)—Senate internal affairs who . . . controls City Court within 30 days as to rier on the tracks if they are per­ tem. The launch had been sched­ Immigration and deportation will the outcome of the case. Atty. G«n. Robert F. Kennody mitted to borrow 316 million. uled later this week. The de- Republican Leader Everett 1C. know how best to deal with them.” Troopers David Winslow of announoez that three major i«ll- Richard Joyce Smith, .speaking Dirkaen of BHiiois said today a Miss' Michelmore apparently Troop D, Danielson, and Robert roada have ordered racial deseg­ for all three trustees, said: Tito Seeks Assurance clsioa was made as the result of ctoos-oountry tour has oonvaiotd "We believe a workable plan data obtained from tie-down regation of all ^eir facilitiea in flrlng tests sf nnother Sntm Mm President Kennedy’s. legisla- ' (Continued on Page Four) (Continued On Page Seven) South . . . American Newspaper properly supported by some form tl'ire program “lan’t cMoking with Publishers Association protests of public and business support can U.S. Policy Unchanged booster nt the 51nnhal ^ mu» the i»eople.” proposed order by Federal C3om- be evolved." Flight Center, ^mltsvUle, Ain, Dirksen suggested in an inter- municationa Oonunission cm ground But he told Federal District view that tMs is why Kennedy has it ■wxmld increase substantiaiMy Judge Robert P. Anderson that the Washington, Oct, 17 (/P—Yugo-^made knowh his views in a sharply SEES NJ. RACE IMPORTANT arranged a series of conferences press costs for news, wires leased sis via wa.x reported today to have worded ’ ‘ memorandum ' handed ... to Newark, NJ„ Oct. 17 (4V— next month in all sections of the $6.75 Billion Deficit from American t*eIephone A Tele­ asked the United States if it is the Yugoslav leader by U.S. am­ Former Preeidfsnt Eisenhower country at which cabinet mendieTi graph Oo. and Western Union. changing its policy»ilcy toward the bassador George F. Kennan last said today be thinks the out­ and assistants 'will try to stir up Former ^President Eisenhower Pink and Brass Communist country and express­ month. • come of the New Jersey gabm*> latesest tot the New Fkontlers pro­ dies into New Jersey to campaign ed the hope that it would not. Belgrade replied in a memoran­ natorlal race will affect RepubU- gram. Reported by Dillon for James P. Mitchell, Republican Informants said the Belgrade dum stating-that Yugslavia’s posi­ .can chances tn the 1$6$ Con- "From 'What people have told candidate for governor and U.S. Spring Outfijts I note came in response to the out- tion had not been changed. But gressloaal election. B senhoqw me in the Middle West, the tax labor secreterj' for nearly eight 1 cry h-.i-e over the U.S. sale to Yu- this apparently failed to clear the made the rematk frt a news em p iWast and the ^ u th ," Dirksen years in Eisonhower's cabinet... I gos’aiv'x of 130 surplus Sabre Jet atmosphere: ferenoe. The former ld former o6>ma 1 HA spending, rathw than less.” called substantial savings. deficit in international payments. mons from 1051-55, dtoa'M 'London lor suits designed to make Uncle nomic help would receive close ex­ view in a new IXMk, "Slums and girl, who now owns the PUfap. Wirii This Coupon and Purehoso of In addition, the Republican lead­ The fiscal 1962 budget sent to There Is reason to hope this deficit after ahqrt-illneaa Mickey Cohen Sam’s ,J>oatboy8 blukh the same amination. although the United Suburbs," published yesterday by dolphin nigtat club ta wfctel| THE COIMNECTICUJ BANK er said he is certain that what he Congress in January by Former Clin be held to about 32 billion this expected to 'b e ' releaaed oh bond hue. ' States does not intend to atop any McGraw-Hill. It is an expansion of oooe danoed, la ehaned A N D TRUST CDMRAiyY called "built-in” Increnses in out­ President Dwight D. Eisenhower year, aa agalnat.nearly 34 billion from Alcatraz where he has been Nevertheless, Gernreich also got commitment* now In the process of sn earlier study he made of junior pbnBtag tito A u g ^ lim ^5.00 or More lays will add>inaterlally to the dif­ showed a 31.S billion surolua. Dem­ I n j each of the two preceding years, aerving 'time for Income tax eva­ plenty of inspiration from around delivery. high flchool education In the public Moj^aiy hi the Potts vine so OPPiCCS...SERVING SI CONNECTICUT COMMUNITIES AT YOUR MANCHESTER GRAND UNION ficulties of balancing the budget ocrats criticized the budget as Dillon aaid. - sion, the house. He borrowed red and , It’* been reported that President school*. of eoal magnate John B. He noted that several progruna, "polftical" and "unreaUsUc.” The The advance payment on debts Republican National Chairman blue checked table clothe for crisp­ Kennedy was Irked by TTto’e stand "The building up of $ mass of la whleli*eoUee say the kwt except on alcoholic beverages and cigarettes begun this year with modest ex- new administration revised it to by some ‘European countries should William Miller says former Vice ly tailored suite, eheath tbreases, at the Belgrade bonferenee of 25 unemployed and frustrated Negro $t7S,$M. Web, tbe rtetb Coupon Good thru Wed., Oct. 18th MANCHESTER OFFICES: eaditures, will draw much more show s 32 billion defleit. ( reduce the net deficit to around President Richard M. Nixon de- and lounge panta. Poaelbly from unallgned nations. Tito’s speech youtb’ta oongestod areas of a city fled bla (Mb $$.$•$ Umit One Oonpon Per Cnetomer geavfly on the treasury next year. •In July Uw Berlin crisis prompt­ 11.5 blUian, ha added. «rni M t be eandi^te for bedepreade came his ine^ration at the conference tended to sup­ la a aoelal phenmnsnon that may be aiidAbaiH$17,i ‘fiw iir f t4»rwl UcpMk ifMuiaiiM C^fpowtlwi 893 Main Street • 15 North Main Street • Shopping Farkade Mtmbcr Smmv* I ed Kennedjt'a request, qulekly president la 1064 under kny ctr- port Soviet polldee. I (OeatInaMI ea Page Twe) granted ^ Congraw, for atM>ped- .(OwiM— <6 rag* TlifM)i . qumatanoea. (OoatlnfBd Op Vaga ■**«■) Dlidonatlo soureda aaM KanaedY . .(OeaMMNd *■ Pace Tim); " " ...... /(* I ■ ■ ■■ , .-'.U .