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A Bibliography of Dunes: Earth, Mars, and Venus

A Bibliography of Dunes: Earth, Mars, and Venus

NASA Contractor Report 4149

A Bibliography of : Earth, , and Venus

N. Lancaster


111111111111111111111111111111111/1/1/1/1/111 NI\S/\ NF01829 NASA Contractor Report 4149

A Bibliography of Dunes: Earth, Mars, and Venus

N. Lancaster Arizona State University Tempe, Arizona

Prepared for NASA Office of Space Science and Appltcations under Cooperative Agreement NCC2-346

NI\SI\ National Aeronautics and Space Administration

SCientific and Techmcal Information Division


Preface...... v Acknowledgements...... v Dunes as a Planetary ...... 1 Facets of Study ...... 3 Characteristics of Dunes ...... 5 Subject Index...... 11 Geographical Index...... 23 Bibliography...... 31

iii This Page Intentionally left Blank PREFACE

Dunes are important depositional Likewise, work on aeolian sandstones and sedimentary has been excluded, except where it environments on Earth and Mars, and includes a significant discussion of may be important on Venus. The modern aeolian environments. Material similarity of dune forms on Earth and on planetary and Mars, together with the dynamic terrestrial analogs for martian and similarity of aeolian processes on the venusian aeolian processes has been terrestrial indIcates that it is included where it relates to dunes. The appropriate to interpret dune forms and bibhography includes major references processes on Mars and Venus by using to studies of aeolian transport, analog studies. but does not reference all studies of an However, the literature on dune applied nature, such those on studIes is large, and scattered in a wide and dune stabilization. variety of sources. The aim of this For a bibliography of desertificatlon bibliography is to assist Investigators and allied topics, the reader is referred by providing a literature resource on to Busche et al. (1984). techniques which have proved Since 1970, interest in aeolian successful in elucidating dune and dunes has increased characteristics and processes on Earth, considerably. This is the result of the Mars and Venus. This bibliography availability of Landsat images of most documents the many investigations of areas; the Viking Missions to dunes undertaken within the last Mars; the discovery of oil and gas in century or so, and continues the aeolian sandstones in the bibliography of Warren (1969). It western USA; and the increased concentrates on studies of inland dunes development of many desert regions, In both hot and cold desert regions on especIally in the Middle East and . Earth and includes investigations of The size of this bIbliography, compared coastal dunes only If they discuss to that of Warren (1969) reflects this matters of general significance for dune increased interest. sediments, processes or morphology.


I wish to thank Jenny Hallward and improved the format and ease of use of Judith Lancaster for the many hours of this work considerably. work they put in searching for and Facilities and support from R. checking references, which made through NASA Grant NCC 2- compiling this bibliography pOSSIble. 346 made it possible to publish this Critical reviews by Gary Kocurek, work in its present form. Haim Tsoar and Andrew Warren


Wind action is a major geological Important dune areas also occur in the process modifying the surface of the cold arid and semi arid regions of terrestrial planets, especially the Earth Canada, the western USA and , and Mars (Greeley, 1981). Conditions and central Asia. Many of these dunes on Venus, and possibly Titan, also possess distinctive sedimentary features appear to be capable of supportIng (Ahlbrandt and Andrews, 1978). On aeolian processes. the margins of many currently active or unvegetated seas and dunefields Dunes on Earth there are extensive areas of dunes Dunes, mostly of quartz sand, but which are partly or completely inactive also including those composed of and vegetated. Many of these dunes gypsum and volcanic sand and clay were active at intervals during the pellets, are probably the most important , most recently in the period aeolian depositional landform, and coeval with the last Glacial Maximum commonly occupy between 10 and 35% (Sarnthein, 1978). They provide of the area of most desert regions on valuable information on the extent and Earth (Table 1). Dunes are most distribution of desert climates at these widespread in the old world of times. Also active in Glacial periods Africa, Australia, the Middle East and were the many periglacial dunefields, central Asia the most extensive of which were located in the northern Great Plains of Table 1 the USA, and in Poland. Percent of area covered by dunes In major arld regwns Dunes on Mars Arabia 26.0 Aeolian action appears to dominate Austraha 31.0 the current surface geologic processes Central ASia 4.5 Chma 5.3 on Mars. The importance of global and 25.0 regional scale dust and the Southern Africa 16.0 widespread distribution of eoliam Southwestern USA 0.6 deposits and landforms has been Sources: Clements et aI., 1963; Mabbutt, described by many investigators (e.g. 1971; Mamguet and Canon, 1976. Breed et al., 1979; Cutts and , 1973; Christensen, 1983; Greeley, Most dunes are aggregated into 1981, Greeley et al., 1985; Thomas, more or less continuous sand bodies 1981,1982; Tsoar et al., 1979; Ward et known as sand seas (McKee, 1979a) or al.. 1985). Extensive areas of dunes ergs (Wilson, 1973). Often smaller occur in the high to mid latitudes both areas of dunes, such as those in the hemispheres (Breed et al. 1979; North American deserts, are termed Thomas 1982) and cover some 1.2 x 6 2 dunefields. 10 km or 0.84 % of the 's On Earth, the majority of important surface. Those in the northern sand seas and dunefields are located in hemisphere lie mostly in the North low-latitude hot deserts (Fig. 1). Polar sand sea (Tsoar et al., 1979) in

1 WhICh 90% of Martian dunes are The dunefields of Mars, especially situated. This is the largest sand sea the North Polar Sand Sea, represent known, and covers an area of 7 - 8 x major accumulations of sediment. The 105 km2 (Tsoar et aI., 1979). source of this sediment and the The dunes of the southern conditions under which it has hemisphere are situated mainly within accumulated as dunefields are still a craters, between latitudes -40 and -60 0 matter of controversy. A major and longitudes 160 - 225 o. There are problem is a source of SUItable sand­ also a number of small dunefields in sized material for dune building. equatorial regions. Potential sources include the weathenng Dunefields in both hemispheres products of basaltic lava flows (Tsoar et appear to be dominated by crescentIc aI., 1979); the Polar layered deposits and barchan dunes (Breed et aI., 1979; (Breed et aI., 1979; Thomas, 1982) or Tsoar et aI., 1979), indicating a the of high latitude basically unidirectional wind regime. southern hemisphere regions Reversing crestlines were, however, (McCauley et aI., 1981). recognised by Tsoar et aI. (1979). Cutts It is clear that, despite the work of and Smith (1973) identified reversing many investigators, important questions and star-like dunes in some southern remain to be answered about the nature hemisphere intra crater dunefields, of dune patterns on Mars and their suggesting that seasonal wind direction relationship to past and present dune­ changes probably occur. forming winds; as well as the role of The relationship between dune dunes in global and regional scale patterns and formative winds remains sediment transport patterns on the uncertain and there is poor agreement planet. between the alignment patterns of the dunes and published models of wind Dunes on Venus. patterns (Ward and Doyle, 1983). This The potential for aeolian processes may suggest that, in part, the dunefields on Venus has been shown by are paleoforms, which may have theoretical (Iversen et aI., 1976) and originated in periods when Martian wind tunnel studies (Greeley, Iversen et atmospheric density was higher al .. 1984). Venera images (Basilevsky (McCauley et aI., 1979). Breed et aI. et aI., 1984) also show structures that (1979) present evidence to show that could be aeolian bedforms. some North Polar Sand Sea dunes are Greeley, Marshall & Leach (1984) eroding today, or being modified under have produced small aeohan bedforms a long-term change in wind regimes. in a simulated Venusian environment. In contrast, Tsoar et aI. (1979) and These bedforms, termed mIcrodunes, Ward and Doyle (1983) present are believed to be true dunes analogous evidence to indicate that the dunes of to those on Earth and form at low wind the North Polar Sand Sea are currently velocities. Greeley and his co-workers active. Thomas (1981) suggests propose that the microdunes are capable southern hemisphere dunefields are of very rapid rates of movement and aligned with current winds. may grow into large features

2 Fig.1. Distribution of major low latitude sand seas.


Studies of dunes have concentrated that basic dune forms in different sand on three areas. seas are remarkably similar, contrary to the views expressed earlier (e.g. 1. Description of dune forms and Warren, 1969). The results of this patterns phase of dune study are synthesised by Initially, description of dune forms McKee (1979a). was made in the course of ground Dunes were unrecognised on other investigations, often during the planets until the 9 mission to exploration of desert regions. Names Mars (Cutts and Smith, 1973). The for the forms (seif, silk, barchan, zibar higher resolution of the Viking orbiter etc.) were derived from the rich images showed the extent and nature of terminology of desert landforms dunes on Mars, which are apparently employed by the local population (e.g. very similar in form to those on Earth Bagnold, 1951). Later investigatIons (Breed, 1977; Tsoar et al., 1979; Breed (e.g. Monod, 1958,1961; Smith, 1963; et aI., 1979). This suggests that Mainguet and Callot, 1974) utilised similar processes are involved in their aerial photography to great advantage in formation and dynamics and that use of their descriptions. As a result, data on terrestrial analogs is appropriate in the dune patterns and trends became more study of martian dunes. widely available (Wilson, The vast amount of data from 1972b,1973). In the 1970's, the remote sensing of desert dunes has availability of satellite images of desert prompted studies of the morphometnc regions made it possible to study the characteristics of dune patterns and dune patterns of whole sand seas with shown theIr very considerable relative ease and led to the realisation regularity over wide areas (e.g. Breed

3 and Grow, 1979). The realisation that Bamdorff-Nielson et al., 1982; Chaudri dunes of similar characteristics occur in and Khan, 1981; Lancaster, 1981c; widely separated sand seas has focused Vincent, 1984) and within sand seas attention upon the factors which control and dunefields (Ahlbrandt, 1975; their morphology and morphometry Lancaster and Ollier, 1983; Wasson, (e.g. Fryberger, 1979; Breed and 1983b). Grow, 1979; Lancaster, 1983a; Studies of sedimentary structures in Wasson and Hyde, 1983a,b). dunes were pioneered by McKee Although the amount of environmental (1966, 1982) and have proVIded much mformation, especially data on wind valuable information on the ways in speed and direction, is still limited in which dunes accumulate. However, most desert regions, it is possible to the logistics of carrying out such demonstrate the important role of wind studies in most desert regions have regimes, especially their directional prevented their full potential from being variability, in determining dune realised. Recent work has been morphology. Despite the efforts of concerned with the identification and Wilson (1972b), little progress has description of small scale sedimentary been made on understanding the factors structures associated with primary which ultimately control dune size and aeolian depositional processes (Hunter, spacing. 1977a; Kocurek and Dott, 1981) as well as experimental and theoretical investigations of aeolian 2. Studies of dune sediments (e.g. Fryberger and Schenk, 1981; Studies of dune sediments have Rubin and Hunter, 1982). concentrated upon investigations of grain shape, colour and mineralogy; 3. Studies of dune processes grain size and sorting characteristics; Investigations of dune processes and sedimentary structures in dunes. have concentrated on two main topics: Many investigations of dune (a) The physics of grain movement sediments have been linked to attempts by the wind; and (b) The movement to positively identify in the rock and dynamics of dunes. record as aeolian and so to characterise Although not directly related to their depositional environments. This investigation of desert dunes, studies of has frequently involved comparisons of the physics of grain movement by the aeolian sands with those deposited in wind provide the basis of our marine, coastal, fluvial or glacial knowledge of aeolian processes and environments (e.g. Moiola et aI., 1974; sand transport rates. Many Visher, 1969). However, recent work investigations are still strongly has shown that the use of textural influenced by the seminal work of parameters (grain size, sorting) is Bagnold (1941). In recent years debate unreliable as an indicator of on the nature of aeolian processes on depositional environments (Ahlbrandt, other terrestrial planets, notably Mars 1979). Consequently, attention has and Venus, has led to a re-examination turned to studies of the variability of of the physics of grain movement (e.g. grain size and sorting parameters of Iverson et aI., 1976, White, 1979) and dune sands over individual dunes (e.g. the nature of aeolian (Greeley

4 et al., 1983). Consideration has been importance of secondary airflow in given to the effects of grain density and controlling dune morphology. mineralogy and grain shape on sand Investigations of sand sea growth transport rates (Gerety and Slingerland, and dynamics are potentially very 1983; Willetts, 1983). Problems in difficult to carry out, although Wilson using Bagnold type sand transport (1971b) Mainguet (1978) and equations in the absence of reliable Fryberger and Ahlbrandt (1979) have meteorological observations in many provided useful models which may be desert regions have suggested new tested by detailed studies of individual theoretical (Lettau and Lettau, 1978) sand seas (e.g. Mainguet and Chemin, and empirical (Hsu, 1973) equations. 1983a; Lancaster, 1983a). Studies of the movement of dunes, As observed by Warren (1969), especially those of barchan type, have investigations of dunes are had a long history. A consistent geographically clustered. In part there inverse relationship between the rate of is also a temporal pattern. For movement of barchans and their height example, field investigations of the has been established from a variety of Saharan sand seas, mostly by the areas (e.g. Finkel, 1959; Long and French, peaked in the 1950's and Sharp, 1966; Hastenrath, 1967; Tsoar, 1960's. Since then there have been few 1984). Little is known, however, field studies, but many investigations about the nature and rate of movement using remote sensing imagery. of other dune types, such as linear and In recent years the best studied sand star dunes. seas and dunefields have been in In recent years, there have been Australia (especially the Simpson­ important advances in the knowledge of Strezlecki); the Desert in dune processes through careful study of southern Africa and the deserts of the winds and sand movements on USA. Many Middle Eastern and Asian individual dunes (e.g. Howard et al., sand seas are almost unknown to 1978; Tsoar, 1978, 1983; Warren and modern investigators, except through Knott, 1983; Lancaster, 1985; remote sensing. Extensive Livingstone, 1986). These studies investigations have been also made of have given rise to a new understanding Pleistocene periglacial and modem cold of the factors which influence the climate dunefields in Poland, the USA dynamics and morphology of barchan and Canada. and linear dunes, and demonstrate the


Dune morphology formative winds. Many of these are Desert dunes occur in a vanety of specific to individual sand seas or morphologic and morphodynamic dunefields (e.g. Monod, 1958) whilst states. This has prompted the others (Aufrere, 1931; Hack, 1941) are development of a number of of more general application. classifications of dune type, based upon Multitudes of local names have been their morphology and relationships to applied to dunes of different types,

5 these are summarised and equivalents moving winds blow from one major supplied by Breed and Grow (1979). dIrectional sector. They occupy The advent of remote sensing imagery approximately 39% of the area of sand has prompted further classifications of seas worldwide and are dominant in dunes based upon their external many central Asian and north American morphology (Mainguet, 1976a, 1983a; sand seas and dunefields. Most martian McKee and Breed, 1974a,c). dunes are apparently of this type (Tsoar The classification of McKee et al., 1979). (1979a) is based upon the external morphology of dunes, the position and number of slip faces, and aspects of LmearDunes internal structures where information is Dunes of linear fonn, often referred avaIlable. In this classificatlon five to as longitudinal or seif dunes, are the basic dune types are recognised (Table most widespread of all dune types 2 and Fig. 2). Comparison of dune (Lancaster, 1982b) and occupy an types and wind regimes (Fryberger, average of 50% of the area of sand 1979; Wasson and Hyde, 1983a) seas. Especially common in sand seas shows that each type occurs in a distinct in Australia, the Kalahari (80 - 90% of environment. The proportion of dunes dune area) and Saudi ArabIa (65%), of different types in major sand seas on linear dunes are characterised by their Earth is given in Table 3. straightness, parallelism and great length. Slip faces may occur on each Table 2 side of the crest line and change BaSIC dune types (after McKee. 1979) orientation seasonally. Considerable Crescenttc controversey has surrounded the mode Barchan of origin of linear dunes and their BarchanOld ndge Transverse ndge relationship to dune fonning winds Lmear Lancaster, 1982b), but the weight of also referred to as sand ndges, self evidence suggests that they fonned in dunes, longItudinal dunes. wind regimes with two main directions Star of sand moving winds from within a also referred to as pyranlldal o dunes, rhourds,ghourds,or 180 arc. oghurds. Parabolic Star and Reversing Dunes Dome Dunes with a pyramidal form, Crescentic Dunes radiating anns and multiple slip faces Dunes of a crescentic form, with a are referred to as star dunes and occupy single major slip face on their lee side, an average of 8% of the area of most are known as barchans when present as sand seas. They are particularly individual crescents; barchanoid ridges common in sand seas in the northern when coalesced to fonn a single ridge Sahara (39% of area) but are absent in with a sinuous lee side slip face; and the Kalahari and Australia. Star dunes transverse dunes when the slip face is often form in multidirectional or relatively straight. Such dunes mostly complex wind regimes and are form in wind regimes where sand characterised by their large size and tendency for vertical growth.

6 Intermediate between linear dunes dunes are described from the Gran and star dunes are reversing dunes, Desierto, Mexico; Great Sand Dunes, which form where winds from two Colorado (Andrews, 1981); the Namib main directions are opposed in direction Sand Sea and the Valley, and sand moving potential. Reversing (Rutford and Calkin, 1974).



Fig. 2. Major dune types (after McKee 1979a). A: Barchan; B: Transverse; C: linear; D: Star; E: Reversing; F: Parabolic

7 Parabolic Dunes Other aeolian depositional landforms Dunes of a parabolic form occur Sand surfaces known as sand where there is partial stabilisation of sheets or streaks cover wide areas of sand surfaces by . They are many sand seas. Their origins are not characteristic of many cold climate clear (Fryberger, 1979; Kocurek and dunefields (Ahlbrandt and Andrews, Nielson, 1986) but their formation 1978) and dunefields in semi arid appears to be influenced by the regions (Verstappen, 1968). Allied to presence of vegetation, a high water parabolic dunes are blowouts or table or coarse sand. Many sand sheets deflation depressions. and interdune areas between linear and star dunes are formed into undulating bedforms which lack slip faces, known as zibar (e.g.Holm, 1960; Warren, 1972; Nielson and Kocurek, 1986).

Table 3 Percent ofdunes of different types In major sand seas on Earth (after Fryberger and Goudze. 1981)

CrescentIc Lmear Star Parabohc Dome Sahara north 5203 3564 12.36 northeast 23.92 28.00 39.37 1.32 west 35.07 64.93 54.08 45.90

Narmb 21.63 59.66 18.18

Kalahan 98.97 0.68

Saudi Arabia 19.47 65.03 697

AsIa Thar 37.52 20.45 42.02 TaklaMakan 5555 33.29 11.14 Ala Shan 83.93 447 892 2.67

Average 39.07 49.53 8.11 4.75 1.46

Compound or Complex Dune types superimposed crescentic dunes. Such The basic dune forms outlined dunes are described from the above may be comblOed to form Algodones dunes of (Norris compound or complex varieties. and Norris, 1961; Smith, 1978b) and Compound dunes are characterised by the NamIb (Lancaster, 1983a). the juxtaposition or superimposition of Compound linear dunes occur in sand dunes of the same basIc type. seas in the south western Kalahari Particularly common are compound (Goudie, 1970), the Namib (Lancaster, crescentic or transverse ridges with 1983a), Mauritania (Breed and Grow,

8 1979) and southern Arabian (Holm, Dune sediments 1960). Complex dunes result from the Most desert dunes are composed of combination of two or more of the basic fine to medium quartz sand, which is dune types. Thus star dunes may occur often moderately to well sorted (Table on crescentic ridges as in the Ala Shan 4). On many dunes, grain size and and Gran Desierto sand seas (Breed et sorting parameters vary in a systematic al., 1979), whilst in the Namib Sand way across the dune. Thus on Sea and southern Arabia star dunes and barchans and other transverse dunes barchanoid ridges may be sands become finer, better sorted and superimposed upon linear dune ridges less positively skewed in the direction (Lancaster, 1983a). of sand transport from stoss to lee slope (Lancaster, 1982d; Bamdorff-Nielson Controls of dune morphology et al., 1982). Linear and star dunes are Remote sensing images have shown often characterised by coarser, less well that in most sand seas, dune patterns sorted sand in basal or plinth areas of are very regular. This is evidenced by the dunes and finer, better sorted sands the close correlations which exist in crestal and slip face areas. Models between morphometric parameters which use ideas of selective aeolian (height, width and spacing) for all dune transport of grains of different sizes types (Breed and Grow, 1979; have been put forward to explain grain Lancaster, 1983a; Wasson and Hyde, size and sorting variations of linear 1983a,b). dunes by Folk (1971) and Lancaster Fryberger (1979), Wasson and (1981a; 1986a). Hyde (1983a,b) and Lancaster (1983a) Whereas earlier workers (e.g. have shown convincingly that wind Kuenen, 1959) suggested that dune regime characteristics, especially their sands were well rounded, modem directional vanability as expressed by investigations (Folk, 1978; Goudie and the ratio between resultant and total Watson, 1981) have produced evidence potential sand transport, are the most that many desert sands, especially in important control of dune morphology. finer size classes, are subrounded to Locally vegetation plays an important subangular in shape and that the shape role (Ash and Wasson, 1983) but the of sand grains varies from one sand sea influence of sand availability is to another. controversial (Rubin, 1984) as is the The red colour of desert dune sands role of sediment characteristics. has attracted the attention of The importance of grain size and investIgators for many years. Many sorting in controlling dune spacing was dune sands are light yellowish brown emphasised by Wilson (1972b), but (lOYR 6/4) to yellowish red (5YR 5/8) little empirical support for this in colour. Dunes in semi arid areas hypothesis has been found (Wasson such as the Kalahari and Australian and Hyde, 1983). Very little is known sand seas are redder (2.5YR 5/8 to of the factors which influence the 7.5YR 5/8). It has been widely eqUilibrium size and spacing of desert reported (e.g. Alimen et al., 1957; dunes. Logan, 1960; Wopfner and Twidale, 1967; Folk, 1976; Walker, 1979; EI Baz, 1978; Anton and Ince, 1986) that

9 dunes become redder in the direction of which accumulate primarily by transport and thus as the dune sands deposition as ripples migrate across become older. However, Folk (1976) dune surfaces and those deposited in and Gardner and Pye (1981) suggest flow separation areas on the upper parts that colour is not necessanly a function of slip faces. Three orders of bounding of age and that temperature, moisture surfaces (Brookfield, 1971; Kocurek, availability and dune actIvity are also 1981) separate sets of dune cross strata. important variables. Wasson (1983b) Third order surfaces are reactivation has also pointed to the significance of surfaces; second order surfaces result different source sediments as an from the migration of superimposed influence on dune colour. dunes across large forms; and first The seminal work of McKee (1957, order surfaces are created by the 1966, 1982) and his co-workers migration of the larger dunes. (McKee and Tibbitts, 1964) on the Interdune deposits are common in internal sedimentary structures of dunes many sand seas, and are especially has shown that they consist of two extensive in areas of linear and star types of deposits: medium to large scale dunes, but their characteristIcs are not cross strata with foresets dipping at well known. Depositional interdune angles of 30-340 , which result from areas are subdivided into dry, wet and grain fall and grain flow deposition on evaporite types (Ahlbrandt and slip faces; and sets of low angle strata Fryberger, 1981). Many dry interdune consisting of laminae deposited by areas consist of low angle strata, with wind ripples. Hunter (1977a) has abundant bioturbation and local erosion analysed the basic stratification types of surfaces (Fryberger et al., 1979; dunes and divided them into those Nielson and Kocurek, 1986).

Table 5 Gram sIze and sortmg charactenstlcs of sands from some sand seas

Mean Standard Deviauon LmearDunes Kalahan 2.16 049 2.53 0.43 TharDesert 265 0.56 Namib 2.44 0.37

Star Dunes Gran DeSierto 244 0.31 Saudi Arabia 2.67 0.32 Namib 2.29 0.29

Crescenuc Dunes Gran Desierto 243 0.41 White Sands 1.51 0.59 Namib 2.20 0.55 TUniSia 2.91 0.32


ADHESION RIPPLES 1978, Znammskaya 1963. Hunter 1973, 1974; Kocurek & FIelder On Mars 1982; Nagtegaal, 1973. ArvIdson 1972, 1974; ArVIdson & Mutch 1974; ArVIdson et al. 1979; Baker 1981; AEOLIAN BEDFORMS Belcher et aI. 1971; Breed 1971; Breed & Formation - see also Dunes: formation Ward 1979; Breed et al. 1979; Chnstensen Allen 1968,1970,1984,1986; Bloore 1980; 1983,1986; Cutts & Smith 1973; Gad-el­ Borsy 1976a,b; Brookfield 1977; CornIsh Hak et al. 1975; Greeley & Iversen 1985; 1897,1900a 1914,1923; EI Baz & Hassan Greeley, Iversen et al 1974, Greeley, WhIte 1986c; Ellwood et al. 1975; Eltayeb & et al. 1976; Greeley, Leach et al. 1980; Hassan 1981,1986; Escande 1949,1953; Greeley, Malone et al. 1980, Greeley et al. Exner 1920,1921,1927; Fedorovich 1949, 1983; Greeley, WIlhams et al 1984; 1948a, b, 1956, 1963; Floyer 1897; Folk Gumess et al. 1982; Iversen et al. 1973, 1971, 1976a; Gabnel 1965; Gunther 1907; 1976; Knnsley & Greeley 1986; Knnsley et Hahmann 1912; Heller & Kumn 1933; al 1979; Maegley 1976; Mason 1973; Karmen 1953; Kennedy 1964, 1969; Kmg Megalhaes & Gierasch 1982; et al. 1916; Lancaster 1986c; Matchmski 1953; 1976; Sharp & MallO 1984, Smalley & NOrrIS 1956; OstroviskIY 1977; Queney Knnsley 1979; Thomas 1981, 1982; WhIte 1953; Queney & Dublef 1943; Rubm & 1975, 1979; WhIte et al. 1975, 1979; Wolfe Hunter 1982; Sokolow 1894; Tsoar 1986c; 1979. Verstappen 1972b; VeYIsov 1968; Wasson Research Orientations & Hyde 1986; WIlson 1970, 1971, Babayev & Fnekm 1957; Coque et al. 1980, 1972a,b,c. Fryberger & GoudIe 1981; Leser et al. 1976; On Venus McGmmes & Goldman 1969, McGmnies et BasIlevsky et al. 1986; Greeley, Marshall & al. 1968; Seppala 1975; Tada 1975; Thomas Leach 1984; Marshall et al 1984. 1986c; Wang 1960, Warren 1983,1984; Warren & Knott 1983. AEOLIAN DEPOSITION - see Aeolian On Venus Sedimentation Greeley et aI. 1980, 1984; Southard et al. 1982; Sundborg 1955; Swan 1962; WhIte AEOLIAN PROCESSES - see also 1986. Sand Transport by the wind Planetary Comparisons - see also Bagnold 1954; Blackwelder 1954; Braun Terrestrial Analogs 1911; Bryan 1922; Clements et al. Greeley 1981, 1982, 1986b; Greeley & 1957;Cooke & Warren 1973; Cooke et al. Black 1978; Greeley & Iversen 1985. 1982; Czerny 1876; Demangeot 1972; Doomkamp et al. 1980; Dokka 1978; El Baz AEOLIAN SANDS - see also Dune 1984a; EI Baz & Hassan 1986a; FIrst 1965; Sediments Gabnel 1979; Gouche & WIlkmson 1977; Ahlbrandt & Fryberger 1982; Bigarella Greeley 1986,1986a; Greeley & Leach 1978; 1972; Boyshenko 1979; BrookfIeld 1982, Howe et al. 1968; McKenna-Neuman & 1983, BrookfIeld & Ahlbrandt 1983; 1986; Mabbutt 1977; Mainguet Dapples 1941; Emery 1954; Ennc 1962; 1976a, 1985, MallO & Eppler 1981, Marker Gmzbourg 1971; Khodzhayev 1978. 1978; MeIgs 1953,1966; Menschmg 1976,1982; NicklIng 1986; PauIlhe 1982; AEOLIAN-MARINE INTERACTIONS Peel 1960,1966,1970, Peel et al. 1974; Chan et al. 1985; Inman et al. 1966. Petro v 1939,1975; ScheIdegger 1961; Schelling 1957; Schick & Sharon 1974; AEOLIAN SEDIMENTATION Schwarzbach 1974; Sharp 1962; SmIth, Ahlbrandt & Fryberger 1982, BrookfIeld H.T.U. 1968b; Spngg 1965, Stone 1967; 1982, 1983; CollInson 1978; GlennIe Tncart & Call1eux 1962; Walton 1969; 1971; Khalaf & AI-Hashash 1983; Warren 1979; Yarr 1978. Kolbuszewskl1950; McKee & Ward 1983; In Russia Remeck & Smgh 1980; Smalley & Knnsley Federovich 1970a,b; 1974; Geld-Dyyeva & 1979; Udden 1894; Walker & MIddleton Budmkova 1985; Geresimov 1933; Tncart 1977. 1953, 1958; Zhunashov & ArmageldIyev

1 1 AEOLIAN SOILS ChICO 1958; Christensen 1973; Coude­ Bennett 1980; Buckley 1979 a, b, 1981 a,b, Gaussen & Rognon 1982; Gripp 1961; 1982b; Butler & Churchward 1983; Fmke11959; Watson 1986; Nagtegaa11973; Churchward 1961, 1963; Fehx-Henmngsen O'Bnen 1972. 1984; Gayell & Tnshkovskly 1962; Gile 1966, 1975, 1979, 1981; Hemmmg & BOOMING DUNES· see Sound Trapnell 1957; Jackson 1974; Jauhlamen Producing Dunes 1970, Khanna et al. 1977; Konecka-Betley 1977; Kovda 1959; Kowalkowski 1977; LI 1965; Li Hsiao-Fang 1965; Licht 1980; CINDER·ASH DUNES McTamsh 1984; MacArthur 1962; ChenwOlth & Colley 1960; Kosclelmak Mamkowska 1977, Miles & Franzmetr 1973. 1981; Mulcahy 1973; Prescott & PIper 1932, PrusmkleWlCZ 1969; Pullan 1969; CLAY DUNES· see also Lunettes Ravlkovltch 1953; Relfenberg 1947; RIckert Bowler 1973; Coffey 1909; Dare-Edwards & Tebrow 1967; RIm 1950, 1951a,b; 1979,1982,1984; Dangaus 1979; Huffman Schollz 1972; Shlemon 1978, 1980; & Price 1949; Perthuisot & Jauzem 1975; Tamhane 1952; Trushkovskil1970; Van Der PrIce 1933,1958,1963; Rabasso 1975; Merwe 1954a, b; Van Rooyen & Berger 1960; Steltmg & van de Wernen 1981; 1974; Williams 1968; Yallon 1978, 1982; Teller 1972. Vaychm 1973. COPPICE DUNES· see also Nebkha, AIRFLOW OVER DUNES - see Dunes: Shadow dunes airflow patterns COLD CLIMATE DUNES· see also BARCHANS Pleistocene Periglacial Dunes. Formation Formation Clos-Arceduc 1965, 1971a,b,c; Howard et al. Churska 1969; Gardziel 1979; Kobenzina 1978; Jackel 1980; SmIth, R.S.U. 1977, 1969, Koster 1984; Seppala 1971. 1980a; VeYlsov 1966; Warren & Knott General features 1983. Ahlbrandt& Fryberger 1982; 1969; Internal sedimentary structures Fnstrup 1952; MIotke 1981; Seppala Embabl 1970; McKee 1966, 1979. 1972a,1961,1975; SmIth, H.T.U. 1949a. Morphology Morphology Breed et a1 1980; Capot-Rey 1963; Coursm Alaska 1956, 1964; Embabl 1978, 1982; Fmkel Walker 1967. 1959; Hastenrath 1967; 1926b; Antarctica Mainguet 1979; Mltyk 1982; Noms 1956, Calkm & Rutford 1974; Lmdsey 1973; 1966; Noms et al. 1979; Petrov 1948; Mather and Mllier 1966; Rutford & Calkin PompeckJ 1906; Prace 1959; Rempel 1936; 1974; Selby et al. 1974 RIeman 1978; SImons 1956; Smith, H.T.U. Canada 1956a; SmIth, R.S.U. 1972; Vmcent Cuaz 1977b, 1978, 1979b, 1981, 1982; 1958, Walker & Matsukura 1979. DlOnne 1978; Flhon & Monsset 1980; Movement Gauymond 1962; Hermesh 1972; Lovell Ashn 1970; 1975; Embabi 1979; 1962; MacFarlane 1972; Pissart 1975; Fmkel 1959, 1961; Gad-el-Hak et al . 1975; Plssart et al. 1977, Rochette & Hastenrath 1967, 1978; Huntmg Surveys 1971; Row & Abouguena 1982; SmIth, 1977; Ivanov 1982; Ivtchenko 1908, 1910a; D G. 1980. KaIser 1926b; Khodhayev 1983a,b; Landlc Finland 1979; Lee 1984; Lettau & Lettau 1969, Aartolahtl 1972; Seppala 1971,1972. 1978; Lmdsey 1973; Long & Sharp 1964; Germany McKee & 1971; Noms 1966; Hartnack 1925,1931; Jentsch 1900; Kaubler RIcard 1980; SImons 1956; SmIth, R.S.U. 1974; Kretschmer et al. 1971; Musset 1923; 1970; Trembakowskl 1961; Tsoar 1974; Nowel et al. 1972; Pnesmler 1970; VeYlsov 1971; VeYlsov & Landlk 1974. Reinecke 1903; Roth 1900; Solger 1910a,b; Sediments Theilen 1978; Wildvang 1936 Adylkhodzhayev & Fazllov 1979; Ahmen 1953b; Ahmen et al. 1958; Amstutz & Belknap 1928.

12 Norway aI. 1975; Howard et al. 1978; Howard & Klemsdal 1969 Walmsley 1985; Hoyt 1966; Jensen & Poland Zeman 1985; KamlchIka et al. 1981; LaI & Galan 1959,1969a,b; Gawlik 1979; Wu 1978; Lancaster 1985a; Landsberg 1942; Izmaitow 1978,1984; Jahn 1972; Landsberg & Riley 1943; LlVlngstone 1986; Kristapavichus 1968; Krol 1922; LencewIcz Marrs & Kolm 1982; Richards 1986; Tsoar 1922; Malaleowskl & LencewIcz 1953; 1978,1985; Tsoar et aI 1985; Walmsley & Schoeneich 1958; Szcypek 1980; Urblamak Howard 1985; Warren & Knott 1983; 1969b; Urbamak-Blemacka 1976. WOJclechowskll979. Sweden Bibliographies Agrell 1980,1981, 1927; Seppala Busche et aI. 1984; Kobendzma & Urbaruak 1972a,b. 1969; Nlessen et aI. 1984; Warren 1969. USA Classification Ahlbrandt 1973, 1974a,b, 1975, 1982; Clos-Arceduc 1972; Crowe 1975; Ahlbrandt & Andrews 1977,1978; Carlisi & Holtenburger 1913; Kadar 1977; McKee Marrs 1982; Gaylord 1979,1982; Hickock et 1979a; Mainguet 1976d,1983a,1984b; al. 1982; Kolm 1973,1974,1982,1985; MaInguet & Chemm 1983; Melton 1940, Kolm & Marrs 1972; Kolm et aI. 1975; Smith, H.T U. 1940b, 1953. Lehotsky 1972; McKenzIe 1982; Patrone Conservation 1970; SteIdtmann 1973,1982; WIlson 1980. Buckley 1982a. USSR Crusts Demm 1973,1974. Barbey & Coule 1976. Processes Dating Borsy 1971,1972,1974, Galon 1969a; Huhou 1983; Jonassen 1954; Lmke 1968; Hansen 1957; Hopkms 1935; Jahn 1972; Pye & Smghvi 1982; Setlow 1978; Smghvi Jonassen 1954; Krafewskl 1977; Kulhman et al. 1982; SquIres 1963. 1957; Landsberg & Riley 1943; McFarlane Formation - see also Aeolian Bedforms 1972; McKenna-Neuman & GIlbert 1986; formation Miotke 1974; NIckhng 1976; Ptssart 1966, Anthropogenic Influences on 1975; Seppala 1972c; WItek 1970; Pyritz Cheredruchenko 1970, Conacher 1971 1974. Moisture Content Sediments Gupta 1979; Mann et al. 1976 Ahlbrandt 1975,1979,1982; Ahlbrandt & On Mars Andrews 1978,1982; Borowka 1979; Breed 1977; CraIg et al. 1980; Greeley 1968, Dyhkowa 1969a; 1944; Florek 1979; Leach 1979; McCauley et al 1981; 1975,1980; Galon 1969a; Galloway 1982; Smith, R.S.U. 198Oc, Thomas 1982; Tsoar Koster 1978,1982; Krygowski 1958; Mettler et al. 1979; Tsoar & Greeley 1980; Ward & 1955; Mycleisska-Davigallo & Doyle 1983; Ward et al. 1985. Kzywoblocka-Lavrov 1975; Nowaczyk Role in landform development 1976b,1977; Penarowskl 1959; Seppala Busche & Hagedorn 1980; Lang 1964; Lustig 1969; UrbanIak 1962,1966,1969a; Urbaruak­ 1969; McGmmes 1979. Blernacka 1973a,b,1976b; Warren 1976; WItek 1969; WOJtanowIcz 1970. DUNE MORPHOLOGY Ahmen & MerCier 1948; Anon 1983; CRESCENTIC DUNES - see Barchans, Aufrere 1928a,1929; Bashm 1899, Transverse Dunes 1900,1903; Beadne111909a; Breed & Grow 1979; dl Caponacco 1936; Cornish 1908, DEFLATION 1928; COrsI & Warrick 1984; Molm 1968; Andrelchuk 1982; Babayev & Chredruchenko Howard 1975; Jennmgs & Hagedorn 1972; Bayramov 1971; Belglbayev 1975, 1983a,b, Petrov et a1.1979; RItter 1898, Borsy 1964,1971,1972,1974; Durand 1953. Smith, H.T.U. 1946,1969; Yate 1894. Controls on DOME DUNES Mabbutt 1982; RubIO 1984; Walther 1951; Holm 1953,1960. Wasson & Hyde 1983a. Sediments DUNES Bellair 1962; Lancaster 1983a; Tsoar 1986a; Airflow patterns Warren 1972,1974; Wasson & Hyde EI-Sherbmy & Bofah 1982; Gad-el- et 1982,1983b; WIlson 1972.

13 Wind regimes Mexico Aufrere 1928b,1930,1932; Bagnold 1953b, Greeley, ChrIStensen et a1. 1984; Heme Besler 1972b; Brookfield 1970; Capot-Rey 1972; 1959; Marston & 1981; & Capot-Rey 1948; Carhsle & Marrs 1982; May 1973; Schimidt & Marston 1983. Clos Arceduc 1967; Enqlst & Fredenck Middle East 1932; Fryberger 1979; 1980; Landsberg Beaumont et aI. 1976; Gabnel 1938,1957; 1956; Lancaster 1983a; Mamguet 1982b; Halher 1976; Johnstone & WIlkinson 1960; Mamguet et aI. 1974; Martm & Narrn 1975; Kaul & Thalen 1979; Perez & OVIedO 1985; Reid 1985; Rosenenan 1954; Smith, R.S.U. Petrov 1971; Sehvanou 1982; WIrth 1958. 1978a,1979; Tsoar 1974, 1985; Warren Namib 1970,1972,1976a. Barnard 1973; Besler 1972a, 1977b,1980; Descriptions Breed et al1979; Bremner 1984; Do Arabian Peninsula 1982; Gevers 1936; Goudie 1972; Harmse Bagnold 1951; Besler 1982b; Beydoun 1966; 1980; KaIser 1926a,b; Kayser 1973; Kmg Breed et al1979; Cavelher 1970; Embabl & 1939,1978; Lancaster 1980, 1982a, 1983a; Ashour 1983; Holm 1960; Jawad & AI-am Leser 1971; Logan 1960, 1969; McKee 1983; Lamare 1933. 1982a; MartIn 1950; Mtchell979b; Rust & Australia Wemecke 1976; Seely 1975,1978; Shackley Breed et aI 1979; Coaldrake 1954; Damels 1980,1982; Soares de Carvalho 1961; 1969; Graetz et aI. 1982; Hills 1939b, 1953; SpreItzer 1963; Trenk 1910; Watson & Jutson 1918,1934; Laut et al 1977; Mabbutt Lemon 1985; WIlmer 1894. 1961,1962,1963,1967,1968,1969,1971,197 New Zealand 7,1980,1984, Mabbutt et aI. 1963; Madigan Cockayne 1911. 1930,1938,1945,1946; Purdie 1984; Peru Slmonett 1949; Smith et a1. 1975; TWidale BaIley 1899; Barclay 1917; Broggl 1961; 1972b,1980,1981b; Walker 1982; Wasson Douglass 1909; Dresch 1961; Groher et al 1976; WIlhams 1979, Wopfner & TWidale 1979; Harrmgton 1961; Kmzl 1958; Lettau 1967. & Lettau 1978; Simons & Encksen 1953. Central Asia Sahara Berkey & Morris 1927; Lang & PlaS 1971; Aufrere 1935; Bellair 1938a; Breed et al Petrov 1960,1966,1967; Selivanov 1979; Capot-Rey 1953b; Carmer 1891; 1961,1969; Tada 1963; Tmg 1958; Chudeau 1900, 1907,1909a,1911,1920; TrebaczowskIl969,1976; Yeplfanov 1973. Clos Arceduc 1969b; Dufour 1936; Gautier China 1935; Hachlsuka 1932, Jordan 1965; Le Academia Slmca 1979; Breed et al 1979; Lubre 1950,1952; Matschinskl 1954; Perret Buckley et a1. 1986; Chao Sung-Chiao 1961; Rolland 1881; Schiffers 1981a,b,1984a; Gao Zhaoshan 1985, Hedin 1971a,b,1973a, Smith, H T.U. 1969; 1896,1905; Homer 1936,1937; Jorre 1936; Sourdat & Gense 1970; WIlhams & Hall LlU 1952; Walker 1982; Yang et a1. 1982; 1965,Wtlson 1971. Yu et aI. 1962; Zu Zenda 1979, 1984; Zu Sahara - Central Zenda et aI. 1980. Blrot et a1. 1955; Chudeau 190?; Grove Indian sub-continent 1960; Hagedorn 1971 ,1974, 1979a,b; Abu Bakr 1963; Ahiya et a1. 1980; Blswas Meckelein 1960; Peel 1979. 1966; Blanford 1876,1877; Breed et al1979; Sahara - Egyptian MukerJI 1961; NaruSI 1975,1977; Oldham Bagnold 1931, 1933a,1935a; Beadnell 1903; Pandey 1971; Saxena & Smgh 1977; 1901,1909b,1910,1934; Butzer 1961; Smgh 1977a; Smgh et a1. 1972; Snead Cormsh 1900b; Embabl 1967; Forth de 1966; Tale 1904; Verstappen 1970 Lancey 1930; Gelgengack & Underwood Iraq 1980; Hume 1909,1921,1925; Hurst 1909; AI-Saadl 1972. Kadar 1934; Kamel 1953; Kamel et al. Israel 1982; Kmg 1912, McCauley et al 1980; Tsoar 1970,1974. Mitwally 1953; Pribly 1970; SaId Kalahari 1962,1983; Sandford 1933a,b,c, 1935,1953; Breed et al1979; GoudIe 1969, 1970; Kmg Shaw 1936; SImons 1973; Squyres & 1939, 1978; Leser 1972; LeWIS 1936; Bradley 1964; Wmgate 1934; Wnght 1945; McKenZIe 1952; Range 1936, Rogers 1934, Yakubov 1968. 1936; Thomas 1986a. Sahara - Libya Crema 1953; Kanter & Schlffers 1973.

14 Sahara - Northern 1980; Rahkmatov & Nazorov 1982a,b. Besler 1977a,1984; Capot-Rey 1941, 1943,1945,1947,1953a; Flamand DUNE MOVEMENT 1899,1919; Grandet 1955, 1957; Andrelchuk 1985; BeckWIth 1951; Brera Matschmsln 1952; Passarge 1940; SUZUkI 1979; Busch & Besler 1982a,b; Cowles 1978; Verlaque 1958. 1911; Kocurek & Oakes 1985; NIgra 1974; Sahara - Southern RIm 1948,1958; VVatson 1985. Chudeau 1910,1915a,1918; Cresch & Rougerie 1960; Hagedorn 1968; Schlffers DUNE PROCESSES 1973b; Tncart 1959,1965; Tncart & Brochu Alme & Penven 1982; Chu Chen Ta 1963; 1955; Tricart et al. 1960; Urvoy 1933a,b, Chu Chen Ta et a1. 1961; 1936;VVorralI1974. 1958,1967; Kolm 1982. Sahara - Western Aubrimeres 1935; Barbey 1971; Bayard DUNE SEDIMENTS 1947; Chamard & Courel 1975; Chudeau Ahlbrandt & Fryberger 1982; Backhaus 1909b,1910,1915b; Daveau 1965; Monad 1972; Bagnold 1933b; Barbey ey a1. 1975; 1928,1958,1961,1962; Sall 1973; Sevenet Brown 1959; Crulleux 1952a; Chrun 1963; 1943; Suter 1973; Tncart 1955. Glenme 1970; GoudIe et aI. 1979; Grabau Somalia 1913; 1959; KImura et a1. 1970; Hassan 1980. Kocurek & Nielson 1985; Kuenen 1959, South America McKee 1976; McKIe 1899; MacCarthy Enock 1908; Khobzl 1981; Le Carpentier 1935; Marker 1979; Misra & Verma 1957; 1973; Martin et al. 1979; Picard 1977; Roa Monod & Cailleux 1945; Moss 1962; Morales 1973; Segerstrom 1964; Tricart Pettijohn et a1. 1972; Sldorenko 1956; 1966; Tncart & Alfonsl 1981. SmIth & Snead 1961a,b; Steldtmann & Syria Haywood 1982; VVhincup 1944. Kosmowska-Suffczynska 1980; Myclelska­ Analysis Davigallo 1980. Dalsgaard & Sorensen 1985; Dalsgaard & USA - South West Jensen 1985; Hand 1967; Harris 1958 a,b; Andrews 1978,1981, Bender 1982; Burford MOlola & Spencer 1979; MOlola et a!. 1961; Crosswhite & Crosswhite 1982; Dean 1974; Reed et aI. 1975. 1978b; Dregne 1984; Eardley & Earl 1981; Bioturbation Elson 1984; & Koch 1982; Greeley Ahlbrandt et aI. 1978. et al. 1978; 1961; Hack 1941; Hefley Color & Sidwell 1945; Johnson 1967,1968,1971; Anton & Ince 1986; EI Baz 1978a; EI Baz & Kampe 1979; Larson 1970; Mac Dougal Hassan 1986b; Folk 1976b; Gardner 1912; Mac Mahon 1979; Medelhn-Leaf 1981,1983, Gardner & Pye 1981; HerZIg & 1982; Pool 1913; Merk 1960,1973; El Baz 1980; McKay et a1. 1980; Noms Mornson 1985; Murburger 1950, Pnce 1969; Prestel et aI. 1979; Pnce 1962; Pye 1944; Roberts 1970; Roethele 1981; 1981,1983; Setlow 1978; Van Houten 1973; Rowlands et aI. 1982, 1932; Sharp VValker 1967,1979; VVasson 1983c. 1966, 1978, 1982; SmIth, R.S.U. Diagenesis 1978c,1982; VVrutt 1969; VVegeman 1939; Pye 1983; Schenk & Fryberger 1986; VVlegand 1977; VVl1de 1982. Schmanlz 1968; Van Houten 1973; VValker USA - California 1967,1979. Beherry 1967; Dean 1978a; Evans 1962; Grain size and sorting characteristics Eymann 1953; Garrett 1966; Reed 1930; Ahlbrandt 1979; Alimen 1953a,b; AHmen et SmIth, R.S.U. 1984; Thompson 1929. a1. 1957,1958; Ahmen & Fenet 1954; USSR Anton 1983; Ashour 1983; Baba & Komar Atakhonov 1983; Breed et al 1979; Bykov 1981; Bagnold & Barndorff-Nlelsen 1980; 1932; Bylov 1981; Doscatch 1948; Barndorff-Nlelsen & Darroch 1981; Doblansky 1928; Ghensmov 1931; Gorelov Barndroff-Nlelsen & Chnstensen 1985; et a1. 1984; Heller 1932; Khodzhayev Barret 1930; Besler 1983b; Binda 1983a,b; 1974,1978; Lebedev 1978; Leontev & Bmda & Hlldred 1973; Capot Rey 1965; Foteyeva 1965; Melamed 1969; Nevyazhskn ChakrabarU 1965,1968; Chaudn & Khan 1970; Nevyazhskll & BlOzhelv 1960; 1981; Cotera 1976; CUl et aI. 1983, Flenley Nlklforov 1960; Ovchinmkov 1970; 1985; Folk 1962,1968,1970,1971; Petrushevskn 1937; Rachkovskaya & Gunne Franzmerr 1970; FreIdman 1961,1973,1979;

15 Galloway 1982; Glenme 1970; Hamdam 1942; Steidtmann 1982; Steldtmann & 1956; Harns 1955,1957; Jaskowl & Haywood 1973; Swmehart 1972,1986; Kowa1skl1977; Keller 1945; Lomborunczen Thompson 1932; Yaalon & Laronne 1971. et al. 1976; Mason & Folk 1958; Mattev Mineral Composition 1982; MOloia & Welser 1968; Newell & BalllIeul 1972,1973,1975; Bellarr 1938b, Boyd 1955; Petrov 1961,1962; Seppala 1939,1941,1943,1945,1953b; Blgarella et 1969; Sevon 1966; Shephard & Young al. 1973; Bmda 1972; Bnggs 1983; Burford 1961; Sidwell & Tanner 1939; Simonett 1961; 1983; Fryberger et al. 1960,1961; Skocek and Saadallah 1972; 1983,1984; HerzIg & El BAz 1980, Sneh & Weisbrod 1983; Taira & Scholle Mmmowva 1973; Mlzutam & Suwa 1966; 1979; Thomas 1986b; Tricart & Mamguet Petrov 1961,1962; Raukas 1968; RIm 1965; Tsoar 1976; Tucker & Bacher 1980, 1953a,b; Skocek & Saadallah 1972; Stuart Vdden 1898; Van Rooyen & Verster 1983; 1924; Tsoar 1976; Wasson 1983c. Vmcent 1985; VIS her 1969; Vossmervaumer Porosity 1974; Wyrwoll & Smyth 1985, Xmg-Zhen Kolbuszewski 1953; Kolbuszewskl et al. & Zhong-Hai 1981. 1950 Grain size & sorting spatial Provenance variations Abbott 1980; Ahlbrandt 1974a; AI-Saadl Barndorff-Nlelsen et al. 1982; Carroll 1944; 1972; Bryan & McCann 1943; Cayeux Lancaster 1981c,1982c,d,1986a, Vmcent 1928; Cotera & McCauley 1977; Coude­ 1984; Watson 1986. Gaussen et al. 1982; Goudie & SperlIng Grain shape 1977; Hsu Chun-Mm 1965; Hutchmson Beal & Shepard 1950; Cadleaux 1952b; 1969; Ives 1959; Lancaster & OIlIer 1983; Folk 1969,1978; Glenme 1970; GoudIe & McCoy et al. 1967; Mainguet & Vlmeaux­ Watson 1981; Hamdam 1965; Herzig & El Rlcheux 1981; Mamguet et al 1983; Baz 1980; Jaskowi & Kowalski 1977; Mernam 1969, Poldervaart 1957, Rogers Khalaf & Gharab 1985; Krumbem 1941; 1977, 1979; Segerstrom 1962; SelIvanov McKie 1897; MacCarthy & Huddle 1938; 1969; Snead & Fnshman 1968; Wasson Mattaox 1955; Mazullo et al. 1984,1986; 1983c; Ziehnska 1980. NIelson 1985; Petro & Sahu 1977; Rust & WIenecke 1973; Sahu 1982; Seppala 1969; Texture - see grain size and sorting Twenhofl et aI. 1945; Wmklenden 1971. characteristics Grain surface texture and morphology Al Saleh & Khalaf 1982; Baker 1976; DUNE STABILISATION Barbey et al. 1974; Bigarella et al. 1973; Academia Simca 1958,1962a,b; Alvarez de 1954; CadIeux 1972, CadIeux & Bemto 1974; Anon 1950; Babayev 1978, Wuttke 1964; Galloway 1922; Gnffin 1983; Dewers 1935; DougremlJI & Kaul 1972; Kaidl et al. 1979; Knnsley & Doornkamp Godfrey 1974; Hagedorn et al. 1977; Kaul 1973; Knnsley & McCoy 1979; Knnsley & 1970, Kerr & Nigra 1952; Lehotsky 1972; Smalley 1972; Knnsley & TakahashI 1962; Leone 1953; Petrov 1983; PhIllIps & Knnsley & Cavellero 1970; Knnsley & WIlletts 1978; Tsurlell 1974; Watson 1985; Wellendorf 1980; Kuenen & Perdok Woodhouse 1978. 1961,1962a,b; MargolIs & Knnsley 1971; Myclelska-Davlgallo & Kzywoblocka­ DUNE VEGETATION Lavrow 1975; Smith & Whalley 1981; Ayyad 1973; Buckley 1979a,b,1981a,b, Veblen et al. 1981. 1982b; Conacher 1971; Crocker 1946; Internal structures Dleren 1934; Evaenaru et al. 1985; Allen 1984; Besler 1981; Brookfield 1977; Goldsmith 1973; Goodall et al. 1979; Ellwood & Howard 1981; Fryberger & Hermesh 1972; Kobenza 1970; Kobenzma Schenk 1981; Glenme 1970; GoldsmIth 1969; Leistner 1967; Randell 1958; Rempel 1973; Hunter 1973,1974,1977a,b,1980; 1936, Robmson & Seeley 1980, Satterwhite Hunter & Rubm 1983; Hunter et al. 1983; & Ehlen 1981; Schulze & Whitney 1986; Ivtchenko 1910b; Kocurek 1986; Kocurek & Story 1982. Dott 1981; Lewis & Tlthendge 1978; McKee 1957,1966,1969,1978,1982,1983; DUNEFIELDS - History McKee & TIbbetts 1964; McKee & see also Sand Seas Quaternary History Blgarella 1979; McKee et al. 1971; Mozhaev Japan et al. 1984; Schenk 1983; Smith, H.T.V. Nllgata AnCient Dune Research Group

1 6 1974,1978; NIshlzawa 1978; Tada et aI. 1978a,b,1983a,1985,1986b; Tsoar & Yaalon 1971; TomlOka et aI. 1974. 1983. South America Sediments Tncart 1961,1969,1974,1977. Grain size and sorting USA • Southwest characteristics Chnstlan 1970; Clarke 1979; Clements AHmen 1953b; Alimen et al 1958; Besler 1977; Dohrenwend et aI. 1984; Dom 1986; 1976,1980; Carroll 1946, Crocker 1946, Evans 1963; Evans & Meade 1945; Everard Folk 1970; Lancaster 1981c,1982c,1986c; 1964; Mehnngo & Wmgand 1986; Schulz Wasson 1983c; Watson 1986. 1980; Smith, H.T.U. 1967; 1983; Internal structures Wells et aI. 1982. Breed & Breed 1978; McKee 1982a; McKee & Tibbitts 1964; Tsoar 1978a,b,1982b ERGS • see Sand Seas LUNETTES • see also Clay Dunes, FIXED DUNES • see Dunefields or Gypsum Dunes Sand Seas • Quaternary History Bettenay 1962; Boulame 1953,1954,1956; Bowler 1967,1968,1971,1973,1975,1976, GYPSUM DUNES • see also Lunettes 1983; 1968; Coffey 1909; Coque Eardley 1962; Jones 1953; McKee 1966; 1979; Coque & Jauzem 1%7; Everard 1964; TaImage 1932, Tnchet 1963,1968. Goudie & Thomas 1985,1986; Greenwood 1983; Hllls 1939a; Huffman & Pnce 1949; INTERDUNE SEDIMENTS Lancaster 1978,1986b; McDowell 1984; Ahlbrandt 1979; Ahlbrandt & Fryberger Macumber 1970; Page 1971, Passarge 1911, 1981; Folk 1968,1970; Fryberger et al. Perthuisot & Jauzein 1975; Price 1963; 1983; Kocurek 1981,1986; Sharp 1979; Reeves 1965, Smith, H.T U. 1972; Simpson 1983; Simpson & Loope 1985; Stephens & Crocker 1946; Tricart 1954; Yaalon & Ward 1982. TWidale 1972a,b,1980,1981; Wopfner & TWidale 1967. LINEAR DUNES Formation NEBKHA • see Shadow Dunes Crowe 1975; Folk 1971,1976a; Hanna 1969; Hastmgs 1971; Hlggms et a1. 1974; PARABOLIC DUNES Hunter et a1. 1983; Kmg 1956,1960; Anton & Vmcent 1986; Bowden 1983; Breed Lancaster 1980b, 1982b 1983c; Llvmgstone et aI. 1984; David 1977b,1978,1982; Hack 1986; Mabbutt & Sulhvan 1968; Montenn 1941; Hefley & Sidwell 1945; Hrrault 1966; 1935; Pnce 1950; Rosenan 1954; Stnem Jennmgs 1957; Jungenus et a1. 1981, 1954; Tseu 1986; Tsoar 1978a,b, Kostyukovskly 1974; LeWIS 1960; Odynsky 1983a,1982; Tsoar & Moller 1986; TWidale 1958; Story 1982; Thomspson 1983; Wells 1972a, 1981a; Verstappen 1968,1972b; 1982a. Wasson 1983a,c. Internal Sedimentary Structures Morphology Bigarella 1975a,b,1979; McKee 1966. Barnard 1973; Bienman 1982; Breed & Breed 1978,1979, Breed & Grow 1979; Breed et aI. PERIGLACIAL COVER SANDS • See 1984; Buckley 1979a,b,1981a,b,1982b; also Cold Climate Dunes; Quaternary Clarke & Prelstley 1970; Clos Arceduc Periglacial Dunes 1969b,1973a,b; Damels 1969; PIlOt & Bond Cate 1969; Crommehn 1964; Koster 1968; Folk 1970; Lancaster 1981a, 1978,1982; Pyntz 1972; Nowaczyk 1967, 1982b,c,1983c; LeWIS 1936b; Mabbutt 1976a,1977; Rutten 1954; Ruegg 1983; 1962,1968; Mabbutt & Woodmg 1983; Straw 1963. Mabbutt et a1. 1969; Madigan et aI. 1969; Price 1964; Thomas 1986a; TWidale QUATERNARY PERIGLACIAL 1972a,b,1980,1981a; Wopfner & TWidale DUNES· see also Cold Climate Dunes 1967. Morphology Movement Canada Besler 1975; Ward 1984; Ward & Von Brunn Abrahamson 1972; Bayrock & Hughes 1985. 1962; David 1971,1977a,b,1979a,1981; Processes Dionne 1978; Lovell 1967; Mott 1969; Besler 1986; LlVlngstone 1986; Tsoar Pyskm & Davidson-Arnott 1985, Smith,

17 RS.U. 1980. USA Europe Alaska Cailleux 1936,1942; Hogbom 1923; Poser Black 1951; Carter 1981,1982; Cox & 1950; Straw 1963; ZeremskI 1972. Lawrence 1983; Fernald 1964; Galloway et Europe - Central aI. 1985; Trainer 1961. Ban et aI. 1964; Borsy 1977; Borsy et al. Lower 49 States 1982; Nagy 1974; Pehsek 1963,1972; Ahlbrandt 1974a,b; Ahlbrandt et aI. 1983; Pnbly 1972; Radulescu 1968; Schmidt Carhsle & Marrs 1982; Chase 1977; Cobb 1971. 1931; Conally et aI. 1972; Denny & Owens Finland 1979; Dmeen et al. 1978; Donahue 1977; Lindroos 1972. Dart 1959; Evans 1944; Gngal et aI. 1976; France Hickok et at. 1982; Holhday 1984; Alher 1966; Cailleux 1941,1951; Mouhne Huffington & Albntton 1941; Kelley 1962; 1970. Knapp 1983; LeWIS 1960; Mettler 1955; Germany Muhs & Madden 1980; Olson 1958; Patrone Gerhardt 1900; Habbe 1974; Hamblock 1970; Saucier 1978; Sidwell & Tanner 1958; Jentsch 1900, Kaubler 1974; Ketlack 1938; Simonett 1960; Smith, H.T.U. 1918; Korn 1919; LOUlS 1929; Molner 1938,1940,1964; Synder 1985; Thorp & 1961; Pyntz 1972; Roth 1900; Schenze Smith 1952; Tnmble & Carr 1976; Wells 1968; Solger 1905; Theilen 1978; Wilckens 1977; Whitefield 1937; Wtlson 1980. 1926. Nebraska Sand Hills Netherlands Ahlbrandt & Fryberger 1980; Ahlbrandt et Cate 1969; Clevennga et at. 1977; al. 1983; Bradbury 1980; Keech & Bentall Crommehn 1964,1965; Koster 1978,1982; 1971; Maroney & Swmehart 1978; Smith, Maarleveld 1960; Ruegg 1983; Rutten 1954; H.T.U. 1949b,1965,1968a; Warren Vandenberghe & Krook 1981. 1968,1976; Wells 1982b. Poland USSR Ambroz 1947; Bogacki 1969, Borowka Bulgareau 1971; Gudehs & Valtoniene 1975,1979; Borsy 1965; Chmlelewska & 1976; Komschev & Lyublmow 1968; Chmielewski 1960; Chmlelewska & Vaychls 1973. Wasyhkova 1961; Dylik 1969; Dylikowa 1958,1964,1968b; Galon 1958,1959, REMOTE SENSING 1969a,b; Gozdik 1981; Izmrutow 1975; Jahn Ashburn & Welson 1956. 1956; Jarma & Szczypek 1980; Kadar 1938; Aerial Photography KepczynskI 1958; Kobendzma 1961,1969; Clos Arceduc 1969a,c,1969/1970; DaVIS & Kobendzma & Kobendza 1958, Kobendza Neal 1963, Garelik et al. 1976; Htrault 1970; KowalowskI 1977; KozarskI et al. 1966; Jordan 1982; Kamel et aI 1982; 1970; Kozarski & Tolbolskl 1968; Kolm & Marrs 1977; Mabbutt & Woodhng Krafewski 1979; Laskowski 1981; 1966; Malhck et al. 1981;Mtrkm et al. Lencewlcz 1922; Lynzewska 1968; 1974; Mlszalski 1974; Nlcolaev 1960; Madjanowski 1958; Malakowskl 1917; Revzon et aI. 1982; Sen 1967,1977; Smith, Malakowskl & Lencewicz 1953; H.T.U. 1956b,1969; Sterckx 1974. Mamkowska 1977; Maruszczak 1958; Landsat Maruszczak & Trembaczowski 1960; Asem et al. 1982; Berhn et aI. 1985; Brera Mrozek 1958; Myclelska-Davigallo 1965; 1979, Canon & Gahchet 1975; Chao Sung­ Mycielska-Davigallo & Kzywoblocka­ Chiao 1984b; Chemm et al. 1982; Craig et Lavrow 1975; Nowaczyk 1967, al. 1980; El Baz 1976,1978a,1979a,b, 1976a,b,1977; Nowlcka 1958; Okolowlcz 1984a, b; Everett et aI. 1984; Groher & 1969; Penarowskl 1958,1960, 1962,1966; Schultejann 1982; Khann et aI. 1980; Kolm Ptlarczyk 1958,1976; Pohanskl 1956; 1973,1974,1985; Kolm & Marrs 1977; Roszko 1969; RotmckI & ToboloskI 1969; Kolm,et aI. 1975; Kvartsova et al 1976; Sawicki 1958; Schoemch 1958; Szczypek McKee 1975,1982b; McKee & Breed 1976,1980; TobolskI 1969; Trembaczowski 1974a,b,c; McKee et al. 1973,1975,1977; 1948; Urbaniak 1967; Urbaniak-Blernacka Mrunguet 1972d,1976b,c,d,1982c,d,1984a; 1973a,b,1975,1976a; Witek 1970; Mrunguet & Chemm 1981; Mamguet et aI WOjtanowlcz 1968,1970,1972. 1980; Mallick et a1. 1981; Marie 1983; Maxwell 1982; Revzon et aI. 1982; Seevers et a1. 1975; Stnem & EI Baz 1982;

18 WillIams 1982. 1939;1940a,b,1941,1953b; Bourcart & Orbital Photography Malycheff 1926; Capot Rey 1965, Faure EI Baz 1976,1978a,19790a, 1984b; FUJita 1960; Fryberger et al. 1984; Petro v 1967; McKee & Breed 1974b; Mamguet 1961,1962; Xu & Xu 1983; Xu et al. 1982 1976d,1984a; Morrison & Chown 1964; Quaternary History Pesce 1968; Verstappen 1972a; Verstappen GoudIe 1972a; Klammer 1982; Sarthem & Van ZUldam 1970; Warner & EI Baz 1978; Street 1981; Thomas & GoudIe 1984; 1979. Wtlhams 1975,1985. Radar Arabian Peninsula Berhn et al. 1985; Blom 1981; Blom et al AI-Syarai & Zotl 1978; Anton 1984; 1979; Brown & Saunders 1978; Greeley, 1971; Gerson 1982; Hotzl et al. Chnstensen et al. 1984; Mane 1983. 1978; Murray 1946; Whitney 1980,1981,1983; WhItney et al. 1983 SAND ENCROACHMENT Australia AcademIa SIDlca 1979; Albolkhair 1981; Beard 1983; Bowler 1975,1976,1978a,b; Duchemm 1958; Hidore & Albolkharr 1982; Bowler & Narford 1963; Bowler & Magee Hunung Surveys 1977; Slvakov 1973. 1978; Bowler & Wasson 1983; Brookfield 1970; 1967,1974,1983; Flfman SAND SEAS - see also Dunefields 1982; Glassford & Ktlhgrew 1976; Jenillngs Archaeology 1968,1975; Kmg 1956,1960; Langford Carbonnel & Barbey 1972; 1973; SmIth 1982; Sprigg 1979,1982; TWIdale & Corvmus 1978; Shackley 1980,1982; Slgleo Wodfner 1981; Wasson 1983,b,c,1986; & Colhoun 1982; SmIth, D.M. et al. 1975. Webb & Wopfner 1961; Wtlhams 1973; Dune Patterns Wopfner & Twidale 1967; WyrwoH & Breed et al 1979; McKee 1979a,b, Mtlton 1976. 1982b,1983; McKee & Breed 1974a,c,1976; Central Asia McKee et al. 1973,1974, 1977; Mamguet Kes 1973; Romanova 1971. 1976d,1982c; Mainguet & Callot China 1974,1978. Guang-Rong et al. 1983; Murzayev 1967. Formation Indian sub-continent Chao Sung-ChlaoI981b; Chao Sung-Chiao Allchm & Goudie 1971,1978; Allchm et al. & Jiammg 1982; Clos Arceduc 1966; 1978; GoudIe et a1. 1973; Hegde 1982; Fryberger & Ahlbrandt 1979; 1986; Hegde & Sychanthavong 1982; Higgms et Wasson & Hyde 1986; Wilson 1967, al. 1973; Misra & Misra 1982; Seth 1978; 1971,1973; Zheng 1981. Smgh et al. 1974; Smgh 1977b,1985; General Descriptions Verstappen 1970; Wasson et al. 1983. Arabian Peninsula Kalahari Bender 1975; Brown 1960, Bunker 1953; Cooke 1975,1980,1984; Cooke & Chapman 1978; Dutton 1986; PhIlhps Verstappen 1984; Deacon et al. 1983; Flmt 1882; Powers et al. 1966; Shata 1971; 1959,1976; Flint & Bond 1968; Gray & Thesiger 1949; Whitney 1983; WhItney et Cooke 1977; Grove 1969; Heme 1981,1982; al. 1983. Jones 1982; Kmg 1952; Lancaster 1979, Australia 1980c, 1981b,1984b,1986b; Malhck et a1. Clapp 1926, Conacher 1971; Crocker 1946 1981; Pas sarge 1904; Rust 1984; Thomas Sahara 1984; Van Zmderen Bakker 1980; Verboom Capot Rey 1941,1943,1947,1970; Kadar 1974; Wayland 1953; Wtlhams 1982; 1934; Mamguet & Callot 1978; Mamguet Wnght 1978. & Chemm 1983. Namib Origins Beaudet & MIchel 1978; Besler Ablchandl & Roy 1966, Ahmed 1969; 1979,1980,1983; Deacon et a1. 1984, Allmen 1982; Rrukes 1969; SmIley 1982. Enksson 1978; Fulfaro & Torquato 1975; Recent Environmental Change Lancaster 1979; Olher 1977; Rogers 1977; 1982; Dorize 1974; Grove 1974, Rust 1979,1980; Rust & Schmidt 1981; 1977; Mainguet 1980,1986; Mainguet & Selby 1976,1977; Teller & Lancaster 1985, Chemm 1980,1981; Ohmon 1980. 1986 a,b; Tankard & Rogers 1978; Torquato Sediments 1970,1974; Van Ztnderen Bakker Allmen & Fenet 1954; Allmen et al. 1958; 1975,1980,1984; Weinecke 1973. Angehs 1937; Aubert 1978; BeHalf

19 Sahara SAND TRANSPORT BY THE WIND - COurbiS 1890; Gabnel 1982; Grove 1980; see also Aeolian Processes Leprun 1971; Mamguet 1975; Mainguet et Adam 1950; ASCE 1965; Ascanio 1972; al. 1980; Monod 1950a,b; NIcholson & Bagnold 1935b,1936,1937a,b,1941,1953a, Flohn 1980; Rognon 1982; Rognon & 1956, 1978, 1985; Bardorff-Nlelsen et al. WIllIams 1977; Smith, H.T.U. 1963; Van 1981,1983,1985; Belly 1964; Berg 1983; Zmderen Bakker 1980; WIlhams 1975; Bourcart 1928; Bourcart & Malycheff 1928, WIllIams & Faure 1980. Byrne 1968; Carrol 1939; Chepil 1965; Sahara - Central SmIth 1975; Sorensen 1985; Sumer 1985; Clark 1973; De VIlhers 1948, Mamguet Udden 1894; Ward 1977; Wasson & 1968,1969,1972b. Nanninga 1986, WIlletts & Rice 1985b; Sahara - Eastern WIlshIre 1980; WIlson 1897; Yuquan & El Baz 1980; Haynes 1982, Haynes & Zheng Zanke 1981; Zmgg 1952. Johnson 1984; Moseley 1965; Sandford Effect of vegetation 1933c. Ash & Wasson 1983; Buckley & Lmg Sahara - Northern 1986. AlImen 1965; Ahmen et al. 1959, Awad Regional Patterns 1963, Ballais 1982; Ballals et al. 1979; Dublef 1943,1952,1953, El Baz & Wolfe Besler 1982a; Bourcart & Malycheff 1927; 1982; Fryberger 1978; Gay 1962; Harmse Capot Rey 1945; CVljanovich 1953; 1982, Lancaster 1985b; McCauley et al Manmer et al. 1980; Rognon 1979; 1982,1984; Mamguet 1976c, 1977,1978, Rohdenburg & Sabelberg 1980; Schoeller 1983b, 1984a; Mamguet & Cossus 1980; 1945; WIllIams 1970. Marrs & Kolm 1982; MISak & EI-Shazly Sahara - Western 1982; Peutjean 1937a,b; Sarthem & Walger Barbey & Carbonnel 1972; Beaudet et al. 1974; Sharp 1964; 1980, Sharp & Saunders 1976; Coude-Gaussen, RIser et al. 1982b; 1978; Stannard 1959. Leprun 1971; MIchel 1979a,b; Monod Saltation 1936,1962; Nahon et al. 1976; Nahon & Anderson 1986; Anderson & Hallet 1986; DemoulIn 1970. Gerety 1985; Gerety & Slingerland Sahara - Southern 1982,1983; GIllette & Stockton 1986; Bellarr 1949,1953a; Blanck 1968; Clayton Greeley et al 1983; Honkawa & Shen 1960; 1957,1966; Dumont 1978; Durand 1980; Howard 1977a; Hunt & Nalpams 1985; Durand et al. 1984; Durotoye 1983; Grove Iversen 1983,1985a,b,1986a,b,c,d; Ivseren & 1957, 1958,1959; Grove & Pullan 1963; WhIte 1982; Jensen & Sorensen 1983,1985; Grove & Warren 1968; Menschmg 1979: Jensen, Rasmussen et al. 1983; Kadlb MIchel 1959,1978; Palausi 1955; Prescott 1963,1965; Nalpanis 1985; O'Brien & & White 1960; Pullan 1969; Sombroek & Rindlaub 1936; Otterman & Cormtz 1983; Zonneveld 1971; Talbot 1980,1984,1985; Owen 1964,1980; Rasmussen 1985; Talbot & WillIams 1978,1979; WhIte 1971. Rumpel 1985; Salaun-Penquer et al. 1983; Sudan Tsychlya 1970; WhIte 1975,1979,1985; Grove & Warren 1968; Gunn 1982; VaIl WIlletts 1983; WIlletts & RIce 1982; Warren 1964,1966,1970; WillIams et 1985a,b,1986; WIlletts et al. 1982; al. 1982a; WillIams Adamson et al. 1982. WIllIams 1964; Zmgg 1953a,b. Threshold velocity SAND SHEETS Bagnold 1935b, 1936, 1937a,b,1941; Belly Breed et al. 1980; Bnem 1977; DeDapper 1964; Chepil & Woodruff 1963; FelIce 1979,1981; Edmonds 1942; Eldun 1969; 1956; GIllette et al. 1980; Greeley & Iversen Fryberger et al. 1979; 1899; GaglIano 1986; Greeley, White et al. 1976; Greeley, 1970; Haynes 1982; Kocurek & NIelson Leach et al. 1980; Ivsersen 1984,1986. 1983,1985a,1986b,c; Iversen, Pollack et al. 1976; Iversen & WhIte 1982; Kawada 1953; SAND STORMS Kawamura 1951; Lyles & Krauss 1971; Bagnold 1938; Dublef 1943; WIlshrre & NicklIng 1984; Pollack et al. 1976; Pye Wittschelll931. 1985; Udden 1894; Weinburger & Adlon 1971. SAND STREAKS Greeley & Iversen 1986. SAND TRAPS Bagnold 1941; Illenberger & Rust 1986;

20 Jones & Willets 1979; Leathennan 1976. TRANSVERSE DUNES Morphology SElF DUNES - see Linear Dunes Breed & Grow 1979; Cooper 1944; Inman et al. 1966; Lancaster 1982a,1983a, Noms & SHADOW DUNES - see also Coppice Noms 1961; SmIth, R.S.U. 1978b,d. Dunes, Nebkha Movement Clemmensen 1986; Glenme & Evamy Havholm & Kocurek 1986; Inman et al. 1968; Hesp 1981. 1966; Machenberg 1982; PIckard 1972; Ward & Von Brunn 1985. SIGMOIDAL DUNES Sediments Holm 1957. Vmcent 1984.

SOUND PRODUCING DUNES WIND RIPPLES Cnswell et al. 1975; GIbson 1946; Borsy 1973; Brugmans 1983; Bucher 1919; GoldsmId 1897; HaCC 1986; Humphnes Cortemiglona 1979; Greeley & Peterfreund 1966; Lewis 1936a; Lmdsey et al 1976; 1981; Howard 1977a; Hunter 1977a,b; Maloney 1982; Trexler & Melhorn 1986; Kennedy 1964; Mercer & Haque 1973; Van Rooyen & Verster 1983, Yarham 1958. Muller & Ostaflczuk 1971; Schenk 1982; Seppala & Lmde 1978; Sharp 1963, Stone STAR DUNES & Summers 1972; Tnkanos 1928; Tyler Morphology 1979, Walker & Southard 1982; WeIr 1962; Abmen et al. 1953; Andrews 1981; Bellarr Werner et al1986; WIlcoxon 1962. 1951; Berkstresser 1974; Breed & Breed 1978; Breed & Grow 1979; Breed et al. ZIBAR 1984; Choubert 1941; Greeley et al. 1981; Holm 1960; Lancaster 1982b; NIelson & MacDonald 1966,1970 Kocurek 1984,1986; SmIth, R.S.U. 1980b, Processes Tsoar 1978a; Warren 1971,1972. Lancaster 1986d; Murphy 1973,1975; Murphy & Greeley 1972. Sediments Grain size and sorting characteristics Abmen et al. 1958. Internal Structures McKee 1966,1979,1982a.

TERRESTRIAL ANALOGS FOR MARS El Baz 1978b,1979c,1981; El Baz et al. 1979; El Baz & Maxwell 1982; Greeley 1986a,b; Greeley et al. 1971,1978,1984; HerzIg & El Baz 1980; Howard 1977b; Lowman 1971; McCauley & Breed 1980; McCauley et al. 1980; J. McCauley et al. 1980,1981, Mamguet et al. 1981; Manent & EI Baz 1980; Murphy & Greeley 1972; SmIth, R.S.U. 1980c,1981; Tsoar & Greeley 1980.

TOPOGRAPHICALLY CONTROLLED DUNES Anders 1974; ArvIdson & Mutch 1974; Evans 1962; Howard 1985; Jennmgs 1967, McCauley & Cotera 1978; McCauley & Breed 1980; McCauley et aI. 1980; Manent & El Baz 1980; SmIth, H T U. 1954; Tsoar 1982a,1983b; Tsoar & Greeley 1980.


AFRICA McKee & Breed 1974c; McKee et al. Grove 1974; Konophova et al. 1983a,b; Le 1973,1975; Mabbutt 1961,1962,1963, Houerou 1979; McKee & Breed 1974c; 1967,1968,1969, 1971,1984; Mabbutt & McKee et al. 1973,1975; Monod 1950b; Wooding 1966; Mabbutt et al. 1969; Roederer 1970; WillIams 1985. MacArthur 1962; Macumber 1970; MadIgan 1930,1936; Mamguet 1978; Mulcahy 1973; AFRICA • Northern Ohmon 1980; Ohmon et al. 1983; Page Le Houerou 1979 1971; PIckard 1972; Pnce 1964; Rognon & WIlhams 1977; SIgleo & Calhoun 1982, AFRICA • Southern • see also SImonett 1949,1951; SmIth, D.M et al. Kalahari, Namib. 1975; Spngg 1979,1982; Squ Ires 1963; Deacon et al. 1984; Eriksson 1978; Fhnt Stannard 1959; Story 1982; Thompson 1959; Goudie 1969,1970; Goudie & Thomas 1983; Walker 1982; Ward 1977; Wasson 1985,1986; Kmg 1939,1978; Lancaster 1976,1986; Wasson & Callen 1984; Webb 1979,1983b; LeIstner 1979; Pas sarge 1911; & Wopfner 1961; Wmcup 1944, WIlhams Rogers & Tankard 1974; Rust & Schmidt 1973,1985; WIlhams 1979; Wyrwoll & 1981; Thomas 1984; Van de Merwe 1976. 1954a,b; Van Rooyen & Berger 1974; BAHRAIN ALGERIA • see also Sahara • North Doomkamp et al. 1980. West Alme & Penven 1982; Alimen 1953a; BOTSW ANA • see Kalahari Aufrere 1934,1935; Ballrus 1982; Ballais et al. 1979, Bellrur 1940b; Besler 1984; Capot BRAZIL Rey 1953a; CortemIgba 1979; Grandet Bigarella 1975b,1979; Klammer 1982; 1955; MatschmskI 1952; Tnchet 1968; LIchte 1980, Marun et al. 1979, Tncart Vossmerbaumer 1974; 1961, 1974,1977.

ANTARCTICA CANADA CalkIn & Rutford 1974; Lmdsey 1973; Abrahamson 1972; Bayrock & Hughes Mather & MIller 1966; MIotke 1981; 1962; David 1971,1977a,b,1979a,b,1981, Rutford & CalkIn 1974; Selby et al. 1974. 1982; DIonne 1978; FIhon & Monsset 1980; HopkInS 1935; Lovell 1967; ARGENTINA MacFarlane 1972; McKenna-Neuman & Dangaus 1979; Tncart 1969; Warner & El GIlbert 1986; Mott 1969; NIckling 1976; Baz 1979. PIssart 1966,1975; Plssart et al. 1977; Pyskm & DavIdson-Amott 1985; Rochette ASIA· Central - see Central Asia & CadIeux 1971; Row & Abouguenda 1982; SmIth, D.G. 1980. AUSTRALIA • see also Simpson Desert Ash & Wasson 1983; Beard 1983; Bettenay CENTRAL ASIA 1962; Bowden 1983; Bowler 1968, 1971, Bylov 1981; FederovIch 1948b; Hedm 1905; 1975,1978a,1983; Bowler & Harford 1963; Homer 1936; Jorre 1935; Kes 1973; Lang & Bowler & Magee 1978; Bowler & Wasson Pms 1971; McKee & Breed 1974c; McKee et 1984; BrookfIeld 1970; Brown 1959; al. 1973,1975; Mozhaev et al. 1984; Campbell 1968; DI Caporaccio 1936; Murzayev 1967; Nlkiforov 1960; Churchward 1961,1963; Clapp 1926; Clarke Ovchmnikov 1970; Petro v 1960, 1961, & Pnestley 1970; Coaldrake 1954; Conacher 1962,1966, 1967; Rachkovskaya & Gunne 1971; Crow 1975; Damles 1969; Dare 1980, TotmckI & Lombonnchen 1978; Edwards 1979,1982,1984; DaVIes 1983; Sehvanov 1961; Tmg 1958; Yeplfanov FIrman 1982; Glassford & Killighrew 1976; 1973. Godfrey 1974; Greenwood 1983; Hesp 1983; Hills 1939a,b,1953; Hyde & Wasson 1983; CHAD Jenmngs 1968,1975; Jutson 1918,1934; Jackel 1980; Mamguet 1968,1969; Urvoy King 1956,1960; Krmsley et al.1968; 1933a,b, 1936; Verstappen 1972a. Langford-SmIth 1982; Laut et al. 1977;

23 CHILE GERMANY Harnngton 1961; Le CarpentIer 1973; Gerhardt 1900; Habbe 1974; Hamblock Segerstrom 1962,1964; Tncart 1966. 1958; Hartnack 1925,1931; Jentsch 1900; Kaubler 1974; KeIlack 1918; Kom 1919; CHINA - see also Central Asia Kretschmer et aI. 1971; LoUIS 1929; Molner Academlca Smica 1958, 1962a,b, 1979a,b; 1961; Musset 1923; Nowel et al. 1972; Breed et al 1979; Breed & Grow 1979; Pyntz 1972,1974; Pnesmler 1970; Remecke Buckley et aI. 1986; Call1eux 1972; Chao 1903; Roth 1900; Schenze 1968; Solger Sung Chiao & Jiammg 1982; Cheng 1963; 1910a,b; TheIlen 1978; Wilckens 1926; Guang-Rong et al. 1983; Hedin 1896; WIldvang 1936. Homer 1937; Hsu 1965; LI 1965; LI HSlao­ Fang 1965; Liu 1952, Murzayev 1967; GREENLAND Petrov 1961,1966,1967; Walker 1982; Belknap 1928. Wang 1960; Xmg-Zen & Zhong-Hat 1981; Xu & Xu 1983; Xu et aI. 1982; Yang et aI. HUNGARY 1982; Yu et aI. 1962; Zheng 1981; Zhu Borsy 1971,1972,1974. Zenda 1979,1980,1984. INDIAN SUB CONTINENT DENMARK Ablchandl & Roy 1966; Abu Bakr 1963; Jonassen 1954; Kulhman 1957. Ahmed 1969; Ahuja et aI. 1980; Allchin & GoudIe 1971,1978; Allchm et al. 1978; EGYPT Biswas 1966; Blanford 1876,1877; Breed et Ashn 1970; Ayyad 1973; Beadnell al 1979; Breed & Grow 1979; Chaudhn & 1901,1909b; Besler 1986; Breed et aI. Khan 1981; Gardner 1981; Goudie et al. 1980; Busch & Besler 1982a,b; Butzer 1973; GoudIe & Sperhng 1977; Gupta 1961; Chemm et aI. 1982; Cormsh 19OOb; 1979, Gupta & Aggarwal 1980; Hegde EI-Baz 1978a,b,1979b,c, 1981; EI-Baz et aI. 1982; Hegde & Sychanthavong 1982; 1979, EI-Baz and Maxwell 1982; EI-Baz and HIggms et al. 1973,1974; Khanna et al. Wolfe 1982; EmbabI 1967,1970,1979, 1977; Mattev 1982; MIsra & MIsra 1982; 1982; Glengengack & Underwood 1980; MIsra & Verma 1957; MItyk 1982; MukerJI Hams 1957; Herzig and EI-Baz 1980; Hume 1961; Oldham 1903; Pandey 1971; Pandey 1909,1921,1925; Hurst 1909; Kamel 1953; et al. 1971; Saxena & Smgh 1977; Seth McCauley et al. 1980; McKay et aI.1980; 1978; Smgh 1977a,b, 1985; S10gh et al. Manent and EI-Baz 1980; Mlsak and EI­ 1972,1974; S10ghvI et aI. 1982; SmIth & Shazly 1982; Prestel et aI. 1979; Prlbly Snead 1961a,b; Snead 1966; Snead & 1970; SaId 1962, Sandford 1953; Squyres & Fnshman 1968; Tale 1904; Tamhane 1952; Bradley 1964; Striem & EI Baz 1982; Vats et al. 1976; Verstappen 1970; Wasson Yukubov 1968. et aI. 1983.

EUROPE IRAN Call1eux 1936,1942; Hogbom 1923; Poser GabneI1938,1957; Halher 1976; Mahmoudl 1950; Straw 1963; ZeremskI 1972. 1977; Sehvanou 1982; Tale 1904; Vossmerbaumer 1974. EUROPE - CENTRAL Ban et aI. 1964; Borsy 1977; Borsy et al. IRAQ 1982; Nagy 1974; Pehsek 1963,1972; AI Saadl 1972; Dapples 1941; DougremI & Pnbly 1972; Radulescu 1968; SchmIdt KauI1972; Jawad & AI-Am 1983; Khalaf & 1971. AI-Hashash 1983; Skocek & Saadallah 1972. FINLAND Aartolahtt 1972; Lmdroos 1972, Seppala ISRAEL 1969,1971,1972c. Gmzbourg 1971; RavikovItch 1953, Relfenberg 1947; RIm 1948,1950,1958; FRANCE Rosenan 1954; Striem 1954; Tsoar Alher 1966; Cailleux 1941,1951; Mouhne 1970,1974,1976,1978a,b, 1982a, 1983a, 1970. Tsoar & Moller 1986, Tsune1l1974; Yaalon & Laronne 1971.

24 JAPAN 1968, 1979; Greeley & Iversen 1985; KImura et at. 1970; Matsuda et at. 1980; Greeley, Iversen et al. 1974; Greeley, White Nhgata AnCIent Dune Research Group et aI. 1976; Greeley, Leach et aI. 1980, 1974,1978; Nishizawa 1978; Tada 1975; Greeley, Malone et al. 1980; Greeley et a1. Tomioka et al. 1974. 1983; Greeley, WIlhams et aI. 1984· Guiness et al. 1982; Iversen et a1. 1973: - see also 1976; Knnsley & Greeley 1986; Knnsley et Southern Africa a1. 1979; Leach 1979; McCauley et a1. BatllieuI1972,1973,1975;Bmda 1972; Bmda 1981; Maegley 1976; Mason 1973; & Hildred 1973; Bond 1948,1954,1957; Megalhaes & Gierasch 1982; Pollack et a1. Boocock & Van Straten 1962; Bosazza 1976; Sharp & MallO 1984; Smalley & 1953,1957,1962; Breed et al1979; Breed & Knnsley 1979; SmIth, R.S.U. 1980c; Grow 1979; Buckley 1981a; Cooke Thomas 1981, 1982; Tsoar et a1. 1979; 1975,1980,1984; Cooke & Verstappen Tsoar & Greeley 1980; Ward & Doyle 1983; 1984; DeDapper 1979,1981; Flint & Bond Ward et al. 1985; WhIte 1975, 1979; WhIte 1968; Grey & Cooke 1977; Grove 1969; et at 1975, 1979; Wolfe 1979. Heme 1981,1982; Jones 1982; Kmg 1952; Lancaster 1978,1980c,1981b, 1986a,b; Leistner 1967; Leser 1972; Leser et a1. MAURITANIA 1976; Lewis 1936a,b; McKenZIe 1952; Anon 1950; Aubrinieres 1935; Barbey Mabbutt 1955; Malhck et al. 1981; Pas sarge 1971; Barbey and Carbonnel 1972; Barbey 1904; Poldervaart 1957; Range 1936; Rust and Coule 1976; Barbey et a1. 1974, 1975; 1984; Sterckx 1974; Thomas 1986a; Van de Breed et al 1979; Breed & Grow 1979· Merwe 1954a; Van Rooyen & Verster 1983; Carbonnel and Barbey 1972; Chudea~ Van Zmderen Bakker 1980; Verboom 1974; 1909b; Clos-Arceduc 1965; Daveau 1965; Wayland 1953; WIlhams 1982; Wnght Duchemm 1958; Fryberger 1980; Le Lubre 1978. 1980; Michel 1979b; Monod 1928, 1936, 1958, 1961, 1962; Sarnthem & Walger KENYA 1974; Tncart 1955; Vmcent-Cuaz 1958. Hemming & Trapnell 1957. MEXICO KUWAIT ArvIdson & Mutch 1974; Backhaus 1972; AI Saleh and Khalaf 1982; Asem et a1. Blom 1981; Breed & Grow 1979; Greeley et 1982; Khalaf & Ghanb 1985. al. 1984; 1972; Inman et a1. 1966; Ives 1959; Lancaster 1986c; Marston & LIBYA SchmIdt 1981; May 1973; Memam 1969; Angehs 1930; Breed et al 1979; Breed & SchmIdt & Marston 1983. Grow 1979; ill Caporacclo 1936; Capot Rey 1953a; Forth de Lancey 1930; Kadar 1934; MIDDLE EAST Kanter & SchIffers 1973; Kmg 1912; Leone Beaumontetal. 1976; Bender 1975; Dapples 1953; McKee & TibbItts 1964; MItwally 1941; Gerson 1982; Kaul & Thalen 1979· 1953; MIzutam & Suwa 1966; Montenn KoIpinskI 1980; Petrov 1971; Raikes 1969.' 1935; Moseley 1965; Pesce 1968,1971; Sandford 1933a,c,1935; Shaw 1936; MONGOLIA WIllIams & Hall 1965; Wmgate 1934. Berkey & Morris 1927; Boyshenko 1979; Sehvanov 1969, Tada 1963; TrembakzowskI MALI 1968,1969,1976. Barth 1982; Blanck 1968; Chudeau 1910,1915a,b,1918; Coude-Gaussen et a1. MOROCCO - see also Sahara - North 1982a,b, Tncart et al. 1960. West Ahmen et al. 1959; Awad 1963; Choubert MARS 1941,1945; Clos-Arceduc 1965; Coude­ ArvIdson 1972, 1974; ArvIdson & Mutch Gaussen et at. 1982; Martin and NaIrn 1974; Arvidson et a1. 1979; Baker 1981; 1975. Belcher et al. 1971; Breed 1977; Breed & Ward 1979; Breed et al. 1979, ChrIstensen NAMIB DESERT 1983,1986; Craig et a1. 1980; Cutts & Barnard 1973,1975; Beaudet & Michel 1978; SmIth1973; Gad-el-Hak et al. 1975; Greeley Besler 1972a,b, 1975, 1976,1977b,

25 1979,1980,1981,1983a; Breed et aI 1979; NORWAY Breed & Grow 1979; Bremner 1984; Klemsdall969. Corvmus 1984; Do Amaral 1982; Fulfaro & Torquato 1975; Gevers 1936; GoudIe OMAN 1972b; Harmse 1980,1982; KaIser 1926a,b; Breed et al 1979; Breed & Grow 1979; Kayser 1973; Lancaster 1980a,b,1981a,c, Dutton 1986. 1982ac,c,d,1983a,c,1985b,1986c; Lancaster and Ollier 1983; Leser 1971; Logan PERU 1960,1969, McKee 1982a; Marker 1979; Amstutz & ChICO 1958; BaIley 1899; Martm 1950; MIchel 1978,1979b; Barclay 1917; Broggi 1961; Douglass 1909; Nagtegaal 1973; O'Bnen 1972; Ollier Dresch 1961; FInkel 1959, Gaghano 1970; 1977; Robinson and Seely 1980; Rogers Gay 1962, Groher et aI. 1979; Hastenrath 1977, 1979; Rust 1979,1980; Rust and 1967,1978; Howard 1985; Kmzl 1958; WIeneke 1976; Scholz 1972; Seely 1975, Lettau & Lettau 1969,1978; Pompeckj 1978; Selby 1976,1977; Shackley 1981, 1906; PrIce 1959, SImons 1956; SImons & 1982; SpreItzer 1963; Tankard & Rogers Eriksen 1953; SmIth 1956a, Tncart & 1978; Teller & Lancaster 1986a,b; Trenk Mainguet 1965. 1910; Torquato 1970,1972; Van Zmderen Bakker 1975,1980,1983; Ward 1984; Ward POLAND et al 1983; Ward & Von Brunn 1985; Ambroz 1947; BogackI 1969; Borowka Watson & Lemon 1985; Wemecke and Rust 1975,1979; Borsy 1965; Chmlelewska & 1973; WIlmer 1894; Yaalon and Ward ChmIelewskI 1960; Chmlelewska & 1982. Wasyhkova 1961; Dyhk 1969; Dyhkowa 1958,1964,1968b,1969a; Florek 1975,1980; NETHERLANDS Galon 1958,1959,1969a,b; Gawhk 1979; Cate 1969; Clevennga et al. 1977; GOZdlk 1981; Izmattow 1975,1978,1984; 1964,1965; Koster 1978,1982; Jahn 1956,1972; Jamla & Szczypek 1980; Kwakemaak 19??; Maarleveld 1960; Ruegg Kadar 1938; KepczynskIl958; Kobendzina 1983; Rutten 1954; Vandenberghe & Krook 1961,1969; Kobendzma & Kobendza 1958; 1981. Kobendza 1970; Kowalowski 1977; Kozarskt et aI. 1970; Kozarskt & Toiboiski NEW ZEALAND 1968, Krafewski 1977,1979; Knstapavlchus Cockayne 1911; Sevon 1966. 1968; Krol 1922; Krygowski 1958; Laskowski 1981; LenceWlCZ 1922; NIGER Lynzewska 1968; MadJanowski 1958; Talbot & Wllhams 1978,1979, Tncart Malakowski 1917, Malakowski & 1959,1965; WhIte 1971. Lencewlcz 1953; Mamkowska 1977; Maruszczak 1958; Maruszczak & NIGERIA Trembaczowski 1960; Mrozek 1958, Benett 1980; Clayton 1956,1966; Myclelska-Davlgallo 1965; Myclelska­ Cortemlgha 1979; Durotoye 1983; Falconer Davlgallo & Kzywoblocka-Lavrow 1975; 1911; Grove 1957,1958; McTanish 1984; Nowaczyk 1967, 1976a,b,1977; NOWIcka PaIausi 1955; Prescott & WhIte 1960; 1958; OkoloWICZ 1969; Pernarowski Pullan 1969, SmIth & Whalley 1981; 1958,1960, 1962,1966; Ptlarczyk Sombroek & Zonneveld 1971. 1958,1976; Pohanskt 1956; Roszko 1969, Rotmckt & Toboloskt 1969; Sawlckt 1958; NORTH AMERICA • see also Canada, Schoemch 1958; Szczypek 1976,1980; U.S.A. TobolskI 1969; Trembaczowski 1948; Ahlbrandt 1982; Ahlbrandt et al. 1983; Urbamak 1967,1969b; Urbamak-Blemacka Bender 1982; Cailleux & Wuttke 1964; 1973a,b,1975,1976a,b; WItek 1969,1970; Carhsle & Marrs 1982; Dregne 1984; WOJtanOWICZ 1968,1970,1972. Hickok et aI. 1982; Larson 1970; McKenzIe 1982; MacDougaI 1912; MacMahon 1979; QATAR MedellIn-Leaf 1982; Pool 1913; SmIth, Ashour 1985; Bnggs 1983; Besler 1982b; 1982; Thorp & SmIth 1952; Wells 1983; Cavelier 1970, CurtIS 1983; Embabi and Wells et aI. 1982. Ashour 1983; Gnffm 1983; Huntmg Surveys 1977; Johstone & WIlkinson 1960; Shata 1971.

26 Monod & Toupet 1973; Momson & Chown RUSSIA - see USSR 1964.

SAHARA DESERT SAHEL see also Chad, ~ali, Ahmen 1982; Aufrere 1928a,b,1929,1930, ~auretania, Niger, Nigeria, Sudan 1931,1932,1933; BellaIr 1938a; Bertm Chamard & Courel 1975; Dorize 1974; 1964; Bourcart & Malycheff 1926; Breed et Dresch & Rougene 1960; Durand 1980, aI 1979; Breed & Grow 1979; Brera 1979; Durand et a1. 1984; Faure 1966; Grove Capot Rey 1953b,1965,1970; Carnier 1891; 1959; Grove & Pullan 1963; Grove & Cayeux 1928; Chudeau 1907, 1920; Clos Warren 1968; Hlfault 1966; MalOguet 1980, Arceduc 1966,1969b,1970,1971a, COurbIS 1982d, 1985,1986; Mrunguet & ChemlO 1890; Dubief 1943,1952,1953; Gabnel 1980,1981,1983; Mrunguet & VImeaux­ 1979,1982; GautIer 1935; Grove 1980, Rlcheux 1981; Mamguet et a1. 1980,1983; Hachisuka 1932; Humphries 1966; Jordan MIchel 1978,1979a; Talbot 1980,1984; 1966; Le Lubre 1952; MalOguet TaIbot & WIlhams 1978; Worrall 1974. 1975,1976b,c, 1977, 1978, 1982a, 1983b, 1984a; Mamguet & CaIlot 1974; Mamguet SAUDI ARABIA & Canon 1976; Mamguet & Cossus 1980; Albolkharr 1981; AI-Sayan & Zotl 1978; Mamguet et aI. 1980; Mamguet & ChemlO Anton 1983,1984; Anton & VlOcent 1986; 1983; MatschlOskI 1954; MenschlOg Anton & Ince 1986; Bagnold 1951; Beydoun 1976,1979; Monod 1950a; Perret 1961; 1966; Bmda 1983a,b; Breed et al 1979; PetItjean 1937a; PrIce 1950; Rognon 1982; Breed & Grow 1979; Brown 1960; Bunker Rognon & WIlhams 1977; Rolland 1881; 1953; Chapman 1971,1978; Everett et a1. SchIffers 1971a,b,1973a,b; Smith, H.T.U. 1984; Fryberger et aI. 1983,1984; HIdore & 1963,1968a,1969,1972; Suter 1973; Van der Albokhau 1982; Holm 1953,1960; Hotzl et Merwe 1954a; Van Zmderen Bakker 1980; al 1978; Lamare 1933; Murray 1946; Verstappen & Van ZUldam 1970; WIlhams PhIlhps 1882; Powers 1966; Schulze & 1975; WIlhams & Faure 1980; WIlson Whitney 1986; Thesiger 1949; VlOcent 1971b. 1984,1985; Watson 1985; WhItney Central 1980,1981,1983; WhItney et aI. 1983. Brrot et aI. 1955; Busch & Hagedorn 1980; Chudeau 1907; Clark et aI. 1973; DevIllIers SENEGAL 1948; Dufour 1936; Dumont 1978; Grove Leprun 1971; Michel 1959; SaIl 1973 1960; Hagedorn 1971,1979a,b; MalOguet 1968,1972a; MeckelelO 1960; Peel 1979; SI~PSON DESERT - see also Warren 1971,1972. Australia Eastern - see also Egypt, Libya Breed et aI 1979; Breed & Grow 1979, El Baz 1980, Hagedorn 1968; Haynes 1982; Buckley 1979a,b,1981a,b,1982a,b; Buckley Haynes & Johnson 1984; SaId 1983; et aI. 1986; Carroll 1944; Crocker 1946; SImons 1973. Folk 1969,1970,1976b,1978; Graetz et al. North West - see also Algeria, 1982; Mabbutt 1982; Mabbutt & Sullivan ~auretania, ~orocco 1968; Mabbutt & WOOdlOg 1983; MadIgan AHmen 1953b,1965; Ahmen et at. 1938,1945,1946; Purdie 1984; TWIdale 1953,1957,1958,1959, Ahmen & Fenet 1972a,b,1980,1981a,b; TWIdale & Wopfner 1954; Bellau 1939,1940a, 1945, 1949, 1981; Wasson 1983a,b,c; Wopfner & 1953a,b; Bellair & Janzem 1952; Besler TWIdale 1967. 1982a; Canon & GaIIchet 1975; Capot Rey 1941,1943,1945,1947; Chavrullon 1964; SO~ALIA Choubert 1941; Comet 1950; CVIjanovIch Hassan 1980. 1953; Flamand 1899,1919; Grandet 1957; Marie 1983; Marimier et aI. 1972; Rognon SOUTH A~ERICA 1979; Rohdenburg & Sabelberg 1980; Enock 1908; Khobzi 1981; PIcard 1977; Schoeller 1945; Sebenet 1943; Suzuki 1978; Rabasso 1975; Roa Morales 1973; Tncart Verlaque 1958; WIlhams 1970; WIlson 1969; Tricart & Alfonsl 1981; Warner & El 1971a Baz 1979. Western Alvarez de Beruto 1974; Beaudet et aI. 1976; Brosset 1939; Monod & Call1eux 1945;

27 SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE Arizona Bowler 1978; Thomas & Goudie 1984; Blenman 1982, Breed & Breed 1978,1979; Wilhams 1975. Breed et al. 1984; Bryan 1922; ChenwOlth & Cooley 1960; Elston 1984; Hack 1941; SUDAN McCauley & Cotera 1978; McCauley et al. Bnen 1977; Chudeau 1907,1909a; Edmonds 1980; Momson 1985; Shlemon 1978,1980. 1942; El Dun 1969; Fehx Henmngsen California 1984; Gunn 1982; Hagedorn 1974; Sandford Abbott 1980; Anders 1974; Beheiry 1967; 1933b,1935,1953; Vall 1982; Warren Berlin et a1. 1985; Blackwelder 1954; 1964,1966,1970; Wllhams 1968; Wllbams Chnsnan 1970; Christensen 1970; Clarke et al. 1982a,b. 1979; Clements 1977; Cooper 1967; Dean 1978a; Dohrenwend et al. 1984; Dokka SWEDEN 1978; Emery 1954; Evans 1962; Garrett Agrell 1980,1981; Hansen 1957; Homer 1966; Greeley & Iversen 1986; Greeley et al. 1927; Seppala 1972a,b. 1986; Havholm & Kocurek 1986; Long & Sharp 1964; McCoy et al. 1967; MacDonald SYRIA 1966,1970; Mernam 1969; Nielson & Kosmowska-Suffczynska 1980; Myclelska­ Kocurek 1984,1986; Noms 1966; Norris et Dowglallo 1980; Perez OViedo 1985; Wirth a1. 1979; Noms & Noms 1961; Reed 1930; 1958. Rempel 1936; Roth 1960; Rowlands et a1. 1982; Russell 1932; Sharp TUNISIA 1964,1966,1978,1979,1980,1982; Sharp & Besler 1977a; Bourlame 1954,1956; Coque Saunders 1978; Shlemon 1978,1980; Smith, 1979; Coque & Jauzein 1975; Groher & H.T.U. 1967; Smith, R.S.U. 1970,1972, SchulteJann 1982; PerthUlsot & Jauzein 1977, 1978a,b,c,d, 1979,1980a, 1981, 1984; 1975; Tnchet 1963. Thompson 1929; Trexler & Melhorn 1986. Colorado TURKEY Andrews 1978,1981; Ahlbrandt & Andrews Ennc 1962. 1977,1978; Burford 1961; Fryberger et al. 1979; Hutchinson 1979; Johnson UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1967,1968,1971; Merk 1960,1973; Muhls Ahlbrandt 1973,1974a,b,1975,1979,1982; 1980; Wegeman 1939; Wiegand 1977. Ahlbrandt & Andrews 1977,1978; Ahlbrandt Idaho et a1. 1983; Breed et al1979; Breed & Grow Dort 1959; Tnmble & Carr 1976; 1979, Carhsle & Marrs 1982; Cobb 1931; Kansas Gaylord 1979,1982; Hickok et al. 1982; Mettler 1955; Sidwell & Tanner 1938; Kolm 1973,1974,1982,1985; Kolm & Simonett 1960; Smith, H.T.U. Marrs 1972; Kolm et al. 1975; Lehotsky 1938,1940a. 1972; McKenzie 1982; Patrone 1970; Smith Michigan 1964; Steldtmann 1973,1982; Thorp & Evans 1944; Gngal et al. 1976; Kelley Smith 1952;Wells 19??; Wilson 1980. 1962; Knapp 1983; Landsberg& Rlley Eastern States 1943; Olson 1958; Synder 1985; Wllson Chase 1977; Conally et al. 1972; Denny & 1980. Owens 1979; Dmeen et al. 1978; Donahue Nebraska 1977; Saucier 1978; Ahlbrandt & Fryberger 1980; Bradbury High Plains 1980; Keech & Benta11 1971; Maroney & Holhday 1984; Huffmgton & Albntton Swmehart 1978; Seevers et a1. 1975; Smith, 1941; Muhs & Madole 1980; Whitefield H.T.U. 1949b,1956b,1965,1968a; 1937; Swmehart 1972,1986; Warren 1968,1976b; South West Wells 1982b. Crosswhite & Crosswhite 1982; Eymann Nevada 1953; Fowler & Koch 1982. Earl 1981; Maloney 1982; Smith, R.S.U. Alaska 1975; Trexler & Melhorn 1986. Black 1951; Carter 1981,1982; Cox & New Mexico Lawrence 1983; Fernald 1964; Galloway Breed & Grow 1979; Bryan & McCann 1982; Galloway et a1. 1985; Tramer 1961; 1943; Evans 1963; Everard 1964; Gde & Walker 1967. Grossman 1979; Jones 1959; McKee 1966; McKee & Douglass 1971; McKee & MOloia

28 1975; Murbarger 1950; Satterwhite and USSR Ehlen 1981; Schenk & Fryberger 1986; Adylkbodzhaev & Fazllov 1979; Babayev & Schultz 1980; SImpson 1983; SImpson & Fneken 1977; Breed et aI1979; Breed & Loope 1985. Grow 1979; Bulgareau 1971; Cadieux 1972; Oregon Demm 1973,1974; Federovich 1970a; Cooper 1944; Hunter et aI. 1983; LeWIS Gudehs & Vrutomene 1976; Petrov 1983, 1960; McDowell 1984; Mehringo & Tncart 1953; Trushkovskll 1970 Wmgand 1986; Wllde 1982. Karakum Texas Atakhanov 1983; Chredlchenko 1980; Evans & Meade 1945; Gde 1979,1981; Doubiansky 1928; Gorelov et al. 1984; Green 1961; Hefley & Sidwell 1945; Heller 1932; Khodzhayev Holliday 1984; Huffington & Albritton 1974,1978,1983a,b; Konischev & 1941; Huffman & Price 1949; Jones 1959; Lyublmow 1968; Petrushevskll 1937; Machenberg 1982; Madole 1981; Mason & Rakhmatov & Nazarov 1982a,b; Vaychls Folk 1958; Price 1933,1958,1963; Reeves 1973; Zhumashov & Aroageldtyev 1978. 1965; Sidwell & Tanner 1939; Steltmg & Kazakhstan Van de Werken 1981; WaItt 1969. Bykov 1932; Bylov 1981. Utah BeckWith 1951; Dean 1978b; Eardley 1962; VENUS Jones 1953. Bastlevsky et aI. 1986; Greeley, Marshall & Washington Leach 1984; Marshall et aI. 1984. Patrone 1970. Wyoming Ahlbrandt 1973,1974a,b,1975.


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113 NJ\SJ\ NatlQr1J1 AeronautICS and Report Documentation Page SPlel? I\dln!ns!r1tIQrl 1 Report No 2 Government Accession No 3 RecIpient's Catalog No NASA CR-4149

4 Title and Subtitle 5 Report Date A Blbllography of Dunes Earth, Mars, and Venus June 1CJ88

6 Performing Organization Code

7 Author(s) 8 Performing Organization Report No N. Lancaster

10 Work Unit No

9 Performing Organization Name and Address Department of Geology 11 Contract or Grant No ArIzona State UnIversIty NCC 2-346 Tempe, ArIzona 13 Type of Report and Period Covered 12 Sponsoring Agency Name and Address Contractor Report Offlce of Space SC1ence and App11catlons NatIonal AeronautIcs and Space AdmInIstratIon 14 Sponsoring Agency Code Wash1ngton, DC 20546

15 Supplementary Notes

16 Abstract Dunes are 1mportant deposItIonal landforms and sed1mentary enVIronments on Earth and Mars, and may be Important on Venus. The slmllar1ty of dune forms on Earth and Mars, together WIth the dynam1c slm11arlty of aeo11an processes on the terrestr1al planets 1nd1cates that 1t 1S appropr1ate to 1nterpret dune forms and processes on Mars and Venus by uSlng analog stud1es. However, the 11terature on dune studIes 1S large and IS scattered In a WIde varIety of sources. The a1m of thIS blbllography IS to assIst InvestIgators by provIdIng a lIterature resource on techn1ques whIch have proved successful In elUCIdatIng dune characterIstIcs and processes on Earth, Mars, and Venus. ThIS b1b110graphy documents the many Investlgat10ns of dunes undertaken wIthIn the last century. It concentrates on stud1es of Inland dunes In both hot and cold desert reg10ns on Earth and 1ncludes InvestIgatIons of coastal dunes only 1f they d1scuss matters of general SIgnIfIcance for dune sedIments, processes, or morphology.

17 Key Words (Suggested by Author(s)) 18 Distribution Statement dunes Earth Unclasslf1ed - Unllm1 ted Mars Venus Subject Category 91 blbllography 19 Security Classlf (of thiS report) 20 Security Classlf (of thiS page) 21 No of pages 22 Price Unclass1fled Unclass1f1ed 120 A06


NASA-Langley. 1988 End of Document