
Cumulative Days Spring Migration Festival Species List. Page 1. WATERFOWL GREBES AND LOONS CONTIN. HAWKS, KITES, EAGLES CONTIN. JAEGERS ___Snow Goose (R) ___Common Loon (C) ___Red-tailed Hawk* (C) ___Pomarine Jaeger! # (Ca) ___Ross' Goose ! # (Ac) ___Yellow-billed Loon ! (Ca) ___Rough-legged Hawk (Ca) ___Long-tailed Jaeger ! # (Ca) ___Greater White-fronted Goose # (R) ___Pied-billed Grebe* (U) ___Ferruginous Hawk ! # ( LR) AUKS ___Brant (nigricans) (LA) ___Horned Grebe (U) RAILS ___Common Murre* (A) ___Cackling Goose (U) ___Red-necked Grebe (U) ___Virginia * (C) ___Pigeon Guillemot* (C) ___Canada Goose* (C) ___Eared Grebe (U) ___Sora* (U) ___Marbled Murrelet* (LC) ___Tundra Swan (Ca) ___Western Grebe (C) ___American Coot* (C) ___Ancient Murrelet ! # (Ac) ___Wood Duck* (LC) ___Clark's Grebe (R) CRANES ___Cassin's Auklet ! # (LU) ___Blue-winged Teal (LU) TUBENOSES ___Sandhill Crane ! (Ca) ___Rhinoceros Auklet (LU) ___Cinnamon Teal* (C) ___Laysan Albatross ! # (R) SHOREBIRDS ___Tufted Puffin* (LR) ___Northern Shoveler (C) ___Black-footed Albatross # (C) ___Black-necked Stilt (Ca) GULLS AND TERNS ___Gadwall* (LC) ___Northern Fulmar # (C) ___American Avocet* (LC) ___Black-legged Kittiwake # (Ca) ___Eurasian Wigeon (R) ___Pink-footed Shearwater # (U) ___Black Oystercatcher* (LU) ___Sabine's Gull # (LU) ___American Wigeon (C) ___Sooty Shearwater # (C) ___Black-bellied Plover (C) ___Bonaparte's Gull (C) ___Mallard* (C) ___Short-tailed Shearwater ! # (Ca) ___Pacific Golden-Plover ! (R) ___Heermann's Gull (R) ___Northern Pintail (LC) ___Manx Shearwater ! # (Ac) ___Snowy Plover* (LR) ___Mew Gull # (U) ___Green-winged Teal (Eurasian)! # (Ca) ___Leach's Storm Petrel* ! # (Ca) ___Semipalmated Plover (C) ___Ring-billed Gull (C) ___Green-winged Teal (American) (C) PELICANS, CORMORANTS ___Killdeer* (C) ___Western Gull* (A) ___Redhead ! # (Ca) ___Brandt's Cormorant* (LC) ___Whimbrel (C) ___California Gull (C) ___Ring-necked Duck* (LC) ___Pelagic Cormorant* (C) ___Long-billed (U) ___Herring Gull (U) ___Tufted Duck!# (Ac) ___Double-crested Cormorant* (C) ___Marbled Godwit (A) ___Iceland (Thayer's) Gull (R) ___Greater Scaup (C) ___American White Pelican ! (Ca) ___Ruddy (LU) ___Glaucous-winged Gull (C) ___Lesser Scaup (C) ___Brown Pelican (U) ___Black Turnstone (LC) ___Glaucous Gull ! # (R) ___Harlequin Duck (LR) HERONS, IBIS ___Red Knot (LU) ___Caspian Tern* (C) ___Surf Scoter (C) ___American Bittern* (LU) ___Surfbird (LC) ___Forster's Tern (R) ___White-winged Scoter (U) ___Great Blue Heron* (C) ___Sanderling (C) ___Royal Tern ! # (Ac) ___Black Scoter (LR) ___Great Egret* (C) ___Dunlin (A) PIGEONS AND DOVES ___Long-tailed Duck (Ca) ___Snowy Egret* (C) ___Rock (LR) ___Rock Pigeon*(IC) ___Bufflehead (C) ___Cattle Egret ! # (R) ___Least Sandpiper (A) ___Band-tailed Pigeon* (C) ___Hooded Merganser* ! # (LR) ___Green Heron* (U) ___Pectoral Sandpiper ! # (Ca) ___Eurasian Collared-Dove* (IC) ___Common Merganser* (C) ___Black-crowned Night-Heron* (C) ___Western Sandpiper (A) ___Mourning Dove* (C) ___Red-breasted Merganser (C) VULTURES ___Short-billed (A) OWLS ___Ruddy Duck (C) ___Turkey Vulture* (C) __ Long-billed Dowitcher (C) ___Barn Owl* (U) GALLINACEOUS HAWKS, KITES, EAGLES ___Wilson's Snipe # (U) ___Western Screech-Owl* (C) ___Mountain Quail* (LC) ___Osprey* (C) ___Red-necked (U) ___Great Horned Owl* (U) ___California Quail* (C) ___White-tailed Kite* (C) ___Red Phalarope (Ca) ___Northern Pygmy-Owl* (U) ___Ruffed Grouse * (LR) ___Golden Eagle (R) ___Spotted Sandpiper* (U) ___Spotted Owl* (LU) ___Sooty Grouse* (LC) ___Northern Harrier* (C) ___Solitary Sandpiper (R) ___Barred Owl* (LU) ___Wild Turkey * (ILC) ___Sharp-shinned Hawk* (U) ___Wandering Tattler (LU) ___Short-eared Owl* (LU) GREBES AND LOONS ___Cooper's Hawk* (U) ___Greater Yellowlegs (C) ___Northern Saw-whet Owl* ! # (U) ___Red-throated Loon (C) ___Bald Eagle* (U) ___Willet (C) ___Pacific Loon (C) ___Red-shouldered Hawk* (C) ___Lesser Yellowlegs ! (U) Cumulative Godwit Days Spring Migration Bird Festival Species List. Page 2. SWIFTS, HUMMINGBIRDS FLYCATCHERS CONTIN. CREEPERS NEW WORLD SPARROWS ___Vaux's Swift* (C) ___Western Kingbird* ! # (U) ___Brown Creeper* (U) ___Grasshopper Sparrow (LR) ___White-throated Swift* (LU) ___ Eastern Kingbird ! # (Ac) WRENS ___Chipping Sparrow* (LU) ___Magnificent Hummingbird ! # (Ac) SHRIKE ___Bewick's Wren* (LC) ___Lark Sparrow (LU) ___Anna's Hummingbird* (C) ___Brown Shrike ! # (Ac) ___Pacific Wren* (C) ___Fox Sparrow (Sooty) (C) ___Rufous Hummingbird (U) VIREOS ___Marsh Wren* (LC) ___Dark-eyed Junco* (C) ___Allen's Hummingbird* (C) ___Hutton's Vireo* © DIPPER AND KINGLETS ___White-crowned Sparrow* (C) ___Calliope Hummingbird* (R) ___Cassin's Vireo* (C) ___American Dipper* (LU) ___Golden-crowned Sparrow (C) KINGFISHERS ___Warbling Vireo* (C) ___Golden-crowned Kinglet* (C) ___Harris’ Sparrow ! # (Ac) ___Belted Kingfisher* (C) JAYS, CROW, RAVEN ___Ruby-crowned Kinglet (C) ___White-throated Sparrow (R) WOODPECKERS ___Gray Jay* (LU) GNATCATCHERS ___Vesper Sparrow! # (Ac) ___Lewis’s Woodpecker ! # (Ca) ___Steller's Jay*(A) ___Blue-Gray Gnatcatcher* ! # (LU) ___Savannah Sparrow* (A) ___Acorn Woodpecker* ! # (C) ___California Scrub-Jay* (LU) WRENTIT, THRUSHES ___Song Sparrow* (A) ___Red-breasted Sapsucker* (U) ___American Crow* (C) ___Wrentit* (C) ___Lincoln's Sparrow* (U) ___Downy Woodpecker* (C) ___Common Raven* (C) ___Western Bluebird* (LU) ___Swamp Sparrow (R) ___Hairy Woodpecker* (C) LARKS, ___Townsend's Solitaire* (U) ___California Towhee* (LU) ___White-headed Woodpecker* ! # (R) ___Horned Lark* # (LU) ___Swainson's Thrush* (R) ___Spotted Towhee* (U) ___Northern Flicker* (C) SWALLOWS ___Hermit Thrush* (C) YELLOW BREASTED CHATS ___Pileated Woodpecker* (U) ___N. Rough-winged Swallow* (C) ___American Robin* (C) ___Yellow-breasted Chat* (LU) CARACARA AND FALCONS ___Purple Martin* # (U) ___Varied Thrush* (C) CARDINALS AND ALLIES ___Crested Caracara! # (Ac) ___Tree Swallow* (C) THRASHER, STARLING ___Western Tanager* (LU) ___American Kestrel* (C) ___Violet-green Swallow* (A) ___Sage Thrasher! (Ac) ___Black-headed Grosbeak* (U) ___Merlin (U) ___Bank Swallow* (LC) ___European Starling* (IA) ___Lazuli Bunting* (LU) ___Peregrine Falcon* (LU) ___Barn Swallow* (C) PIPITS, WAXWINGS BLACKBIRDS, ORIOLES FLYCATCHERS ___Cliff Swallow* (C) ___American Pipit (C) ___Yellow-headed Blackbird! # (Ca) ___ Olive-sided Flycatcher* (Ca) TITMICE ___Cedar Waxwing* # (C) ___Western Meadowlark* (LC) ___Western Wood-Pewee* (C) ___Black-capped Chickadee* (C) LONGSPURS ___Hooded Oriole*(LU) ___Willow Flycatcher* ! # (Ac) ___Mountain Chickadee* (LC) ___Lapland Longspur ! # (LR) ___Bullock's Oriole* (C) ___Hammond's Flycatcher* ! # (Ca) ___Chestnut-backed Chickadee* (C) ___Smith’s Longspur ! #(Ac) ___Red-winged Blackbird* (C) ___Gray Flycatcher ! # (Ca) ___Oak Titmouse*!# (LR) WOOD WARBLERS ___Tricolored Blackbird (Ca) ___Dusky Flycatcher* ! (LU) BUSHTIT ___Worm-eating Warbler ! # (Ac) ___Brown-headed Cowbird* (C) ___Pacific-slope Flycatcher* (A) ___Bushtit* (LU) ___Northern Waterthrush (Ca) ___Brewer's Blackbird* (A) ___Black Phoebe* (C) NUTHATCHES AND ___Orange-crowned Warbler* (C) CARDUELINE FINCHES, ALLIES ___Tropical Kingbird (Ac) ___Red-breasted Nuthatch* (C) ___Nashville Warbler* (C) ___Evening Grosbeak (R) Notes______White-breasted Nuthatch* ! (LU) ___McGillivray's Warbler* (U) ___House Finch* (A) ______Bold = seen every year for past 10 years ___Common Yellowthroat* (C) ___Purple Finch* (C) ______* Local Breeder, ! = reported only one year, ___Yellow Warbler* (U) ___Red Crossbill* (U) 272 Species so far! # = reported only on one trip. April ___Palm Warbler ! # (R) ___Pine Siskin* (C) Thank you to all the field trip abundance codes based on species ___Yellow-rumped Warbler* (C) ___Lesser Goldfinch* (C) leaders and participants for overall occurrence during Godwit Days and ___Black-throated Gray Warbler* (C) ___American Goldfinch* (A) contributing to this list. eBird data. (A)=abundant; (C)=common, ___Townsend's Warbler (U) OLD WORLD SPARROWS This list excludes species seen (U)=Uncommon, (R)=rare, (Ca)=casual ___Hermit Warbler* (C) ___House Sparrow* (IA) only on the Lava Beds/NE CA trip. (Ac)=accidental, (L)=Local (I)= Introduced ___Wilson's Warbler* (C)