1 O/O Criterium 28, 33 Actitis Hypoleucos, See Also Common
Index 1o/o criterium 28, 33 133-139, 160, 161, 165, 167, 180, 192, 201, broad-billed sandpiper 244 Actitis hypoleucos, see also common sandpiper 29 202,205,216,224,233,265,280,281,293, brood patch 242, 252, 279 Actitis macularia, see also spotted sandpiper 286 296, 318, 328, 344 brood, of shellfish 23, 231, 236-239, 242, 252, adultery 283 Bay of Dakhla 12 257,258,273,279,287,289,293,295-298,334 AEWA, see African-Eurasian Waterbird Agreement Bay of Fundy 12, 13, 15, 224 brooding, of chickens 242, 260, 296 African-Eurasian Waterbird Agreement 342 Belgium 11, 233 Briinnich 27 air speed 100 benthic fauna 122, 124, 125, 323, 330, 332, 336 Buccinum undatum, see also whelk 329 Alaska SO, 54, 105, 144, 252, 273, 277 Berg River Estuary 125 buffer hypothesis 269 algae 11, 19, 20, 73, 179, 329, 330 Bijag6s Archipel 95, 124, 125, 137 bullfinch 169 ambient temperature 129, 155, 157, 208, 255, bill length 188, 195, 201, 202, 203, 225 Burry Inlet 313, 333 256,260 bill shapes 85 butterfly flight 281 Ameland 210, 340 biodiversity 334, 335, 342 calcium 17, 107, 156, 162, 173, 184, 188, 193 American black brent goose 29 biomass 21, 24, 122, 170, 175-177, 195,209-211, calcium, protective layer 184, 192 American golden plover 261 213,227,228,229,301,319,321,323,330, Calidris alba, see also sanderling 28, 46 American razor clam 21 332, 333 Calidris alpina, see also dunlin 28, SO amphipod, see also Corophium volutator 21-24, Black Sea 13, 68 Calidris canutus, see also red knot 28, 31, 44 119, 159, 166, 172, 173, 177, 181-184, 196, black-bellied brent goose
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