
Read Ebook {PDF EPUB} The Biological Jew by Eustace Clarence Mullins - Being "Jew Wise" Just like Jews couldn't keep God's contract, Christians have also fallen short. God used Jews to wipe out satanic tribes and even to crucify His Son to fulfill His promise. He is also using them, Muslims and other satanists to destroy the sinful goyim. Jews aren't parasites. The are more like maggots or vultures that consume a rotting corpse. If you were righteous and obedient to God's Law they would have no power over you. A great culling is coming and God will be in charge of it. Tony E said (June 8, 2021): I'm very pleased this topic has been breached, I want to whole heartily disagree with a grand scale murder of an entire group of people such as Jews or their freemason dupes. Judaism if practiced to the letter whether Torah or Talmudic is a scourge upon humanity, most Christians and Muslims adhere to this abrahamic ideology in various forms of expression. That said I want to site an example of a great man, a genius with 180 IQ, Bobby Fischer although genetically Jewish he was not Jewish nor is any other Jewish person who does not practice the ideology of being at war with all other peoples and nations ie goyim. It is my belief that when the apostle Paul called the heathens a "peculiar" people and brought them into the fold offering various concessions to hardline Mosaic law. Once into this fold people have slowly lost their humanity, become materialistic and thus become Jews themselves. The USA consists of a majority of non- racial Jews who believe the lie that they are exceptional secular for " chosen" this philosophy allows a people to see others as less human. Conclusion; Regardless of race ethnicity or religion if we are silent and participants in this beast system then we are Jews, that said, Henry is not a jew nor was Bobby Fischer, George Bush, prince Charles, and many other non-racial jews are actually Jews perhaps many of us are also, that's for each of us to decide based on how we live our lives. Amber said (June 7, 2021): We don’t necessarily need a cull, whether Gentile or Jew—all we need is a system with foundational underpinnings—which, most significantly, has no need for politics: What does not resonate with it—will wither away. Doug P said (June 7, 2021): You cannot blame a man for the group or cult he is born into. It is anti-Christian to believe that all should be exterminated. Christianity has a better doctrine - the doctrine of forgiveness for those who are truly repentant, but Christ also brought the sword. Many are already dead - the Bishop was right about the active participants in this. To be convicted one must have used their hands in the crime or the covering of one, not merely the knowing of it. No other hypothesis other than the suicide of humanity 1.0 to make room for a new humanity 2.0 composed of people with the very best genetics adds up. This cannot be discredited by what we have seen. Imagine a new humanity that starts with a few thousand of the very most capable among us. Judaism is a perfect "death cult" to make this happen. Henry - we need a working hypothesis and not merely outrage to get along further in our understandings - this is the scientific method. We need to understand the motive to understand the crime. Eustace Mullins, Anti-Semitic Conspiracy Theorist, Dies at Age 86. Eustace Mullins, an anti-Semitic conspiracy theorist for over half a century, died on February 2, 2010, a month short of his 87th birthday. Throughout his life, Mullins produced numerous books, essays and articles and delivered scores of speeches and lectures with a common bigoted theme: that Jews are allegedly responsible for many of the problems and evils that have confronted the modern world. , the well-known anti-Semitic poet, was reportedly Mullins's mentor and teacher, starting in the late 1940s. Throughout his long career as a propagandist, Mullins wrote numerous anti-Semitic works, including Secrets of the , a re-hash of his anti-Semitic theories about the origins of the Federal Reserve and The Curse of Canaan, Mullins's biblical "analysis" asserting that an ages-long conflict has taken place between the builders of civilization and the Canaanites (i.e., the Jews), who sought to destroy civilized life on earth. Mullins also had a long history of being a contributing writer or editor to various extremist publications. From October 2001 until November 2006, he served on the Southeastern and Eastern Regional Bureaus of the anti-Semitic conspiracy-oriented newspaper (AFP) , as well as its predecessor, . From at least 1993 through 2009, Mullins was a contributing editor to Criminal Politics, an anti-Semitic conspiracy-oriented magazine. Final Activities. In 2009, Mullins, despite his advanced age, embarked on a tour around the country to promote his theories. He reportedly visited North Carolina, Florida, California, Texas, and Ohio before suffering a stroke in January 2010. Mullins died a month later in Texas, at the home of a caretaker. In August 2009, Mullins was a guest speaker at a meeting of the Washington, D.C., chapter of the white supremacist Council of Conservative Citizens, where he spoke about "'The World Order' tyranny and its many facets such as the Federal Reserve system." A month earlier, on July 27, a special insert in the AFP highlighted Mullins and his work. The insert featured a photo of Mullins at the offices of the publication, where he met with publisher , a long-time anti-Semite, and Michael Collins Piper, an AFP reporter. In January 2009, Pete Peters leader of the anti-Semitic organization Scriptures for America, interviewed Mullins on his radio program. On the show, Mullins recounted how he formed a relationship with Erza Pound and learned about "the Jewish issue." In March 2008, on his 85 th birthday, Mullins announced the founding of the so-called "Restore America Project." The project's Web site says that is "committed to improving the lives of every citizen of the of America." It added, "We believe that the truth has been so misrepresented that many churches, politicians and organizations have mislead [sic] our citizens either through ignorance or media and educational brainwashing that we no longer can focus on those destructive elements in our country. We wish to educate those who are hungry for truth so we can build a better world for our children." Mullins frequently made appearances at extremist events and on extremist Internet radio shows and Web sites to discuss his conspiracy theories. On January 17, 2007, Mullins promoted his Federal Reserve conspiracy book on Truthnet Radio, a show based in Yukon, Oklahoma, that has also hosted other anti-Semites. On December 20, 2006, Mullins appeared as a guest on the white supremacist Vanguard News Network's Internet-based radio show, run by neo-Nazi . A Web page announcing the program also promoted Mullin's book, The Biological Jew, a virulently anti-Semitic book in which Mullins calls the very existence of Jews a "hate crime against nature." That same month, Mullins was a guest on "The French Connection," a radio show run by Daryl Bradford Smith, who also operates an anti-Semitic Web site that names "Zionists" as the "masterminds of the September 11 attack." In September 2006, Mullins spoke at a "Free Speech Conference" hosted by American Free Press and , a publication founded by Willis Carto. He gave a lecture about his conspiracy theories regarding the Federal Reserve and spoke on a panel about with Holocaust deniers Carto, Lady Michele Renouf, and others. Eustace Mullins: In His Own Words. January 30, 2007. "When I was the American correspondent for the Social Creditor of London, in its Issue of 1947, I predicted that if the Zionists gained control of the U.S. Military, the world would be plunged into endless wars, culminating in worldwide control by Israel. This prediction has come true beyond my wildest fears. Because the Zionists were able to finance their atrocities through their manipulation of our Central Bank, The Federal Reserve System gave them unlimited finance to perpetrate these wars… Many countries have been destroyed, millions of people have died in these wars and are still dying today, because the Federal Reserve conspirators have Trillions of dollars on hand to keep these wars going, and are assured of an ample supply of funds to keep the wars going as the Federal Reserve conspirators continue to print their own money. The Democrats threaten to stop the funding of the Iraq war, but the Democrats are helpless as long as the Federal Reserve prints its own money, which makes the Federal Reserve the Official War Party, waging unabated wars at will." (From an Internet ad announcing Mullins' appearance at an event in Oakland, California, on March 13, 2007) October 14, 2006. "Israel actually plans to exterminate the entire Muslim/Arab population of the world, and Muslims know this, and this is why their jihad, jihadism and their excesses have some basis in reality. They're trying to survive because they know that Israel simply is interested only in genocide and exterminating all the Arab people, bringing them under complete domination. Israelis are always exterminationists." (From an interview with Eustace Mullins on a DVD entitled: "The Neo-Zionist Order: Who Rules Your Rulers?") May 8, 2004. "It [the Holocaust] wasn't really an issue until the late '50's. All of the sudden, they remembered that six million Jews died in WWII. I've often said that after six million Jews died, most of them went on to own apartments in Manhattan and Tel Aviv. It's not really a topic that interests me much beyond how it's used as propaganda and mind control." (From an interview posted on rense.com, a conspiracy-focused Web site) July 2003. "It's [the Ruling Class] more Gentile than Jewish, but the policies are ultimately Zionist-Jewish, through the . They don't give a damn about Jew or Christian, however. They'll organize a massacre of Jews or Christians if it serves their purposes. Most of the in Europe were organized by Jews as a matter of policy. They do the same thing in this country. Attacks on govt. buildings, OKC bombing, Waco, etc. are threats of terror in order to control people…I've said to people for years that America is at the dawn of its Republic now, because we never had a Republic. We've been under control of the bankers the whole time. We'll get our own government and America will begin to have a history. We have no history. All we have is a history of Zionist intrigue." (From an interview posted on rense.com, a conspiracy-focused Web site) From The Biological Jew, published in 1968. "The Jew has always functioned best as a panderer, a pornographer, a master of prostitution, an apostle of sexual perversion, an enemy of the prevailing sexual standards and prohibitions of the gentile community." (page 21) "This religious ceremony of drinking the blood of an innocent gentile child is basic to the Jew's entire concept of his existence as a parasite, living off of the blood of the host." (page 25) "Treason, fraud, perversion, all the hallmarks of Jewish life among the gentiles in the Diaspora. And it is parasitism." (page 28) "…the existence of the Jewish parasite upon the host is a crime against nature, because its existence imperils the health and the life of the host. Thus, everything that the Jew does in connection with this parasitic existence is a criminal act, and part of an overall criminal existence." (page 28) "The Jews do not want anyone to know what is. Nazism is simply this – a proposal that the German people rid themselves of the parasitic Jews….And how futile it all was, because today, Jewish bankers own sixty per cent of German industry, and their holdings are protected by the occupation army of America." (page 32) Early 1950s. "It is the Jewish Garden of Eden. Kikes to the right of me, kikes to the left of me, the work is done in an enchanting Israeli blue. . . and stocks of Yiddish propaganda. . . being gobbled up by. . . white school children. . I suggest to anyone who is not anti-Semitic, that he visit the Jewnited Nations." (from The Broom, a leading anti-Semitic publication of the period, in which Mullins recounted a visit he had made to the United Nations headquarters) Beck promoted the work of an anti-Semitic 9-11 truther. On Fox News, Glenn Beck promoted Eustace Mullins' book Secrets of the Federal Reserve . Mullins was a 9/11 truther who has been described as an “anti-Semitic conspiracy theorist” and a “nationally known white supremacist”; the Anti-Defamation League called the book Beck promoted “a re-hash of Mullins' anti-Semitic theories about the origins of the Federal Reserve.” Beck promoted Mullins' “anti-Semitic work” Secrets of the Federal Reserve. On-screen text identified Mullins book as source for quote Beck read. On the September 22 edition of his Fox News program, Beck attacked early 20th century diplomat Edward House for saying of the Federal Reserve, “I am suggesting that the Central Board be increased from four members to five and their terms lengthened from eight to ten years. This would give stability and would take away the power of a President to change the personnel of the board during a single term of office.” While Beck spoke, on-screen text indicated that the House comment was “Quoted In ' Secrets of the Federal Reserve ,' " which was authored by Eustace Mullins: Beck later linked the “propaganda” of House and other members of “'s circle” to the work of White House adviser Cass Sunstein. ADL: Secrets of the Federal Reserve filled with Mullins' “anti-Semitic theories about the origins of the Federal Reserve.” The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) wrote in a February 4 profile following Mullins' death, “Throughout his long career as a propagandist, Mullins wrote numerous anti- Semitic works, including Secrets of the Federal Reserve , a re-hash of his anti-Semitic theories about the origins of the Federal Reserve.” Mullins has long history of anti-Semitic and conspiratorial comments. ADL: Mullins was “an anti-Semitic conspiracy theorist.” In their profile, the ADL said Mullins was “an anti-Semitic conspiracy theorist for over half a century.” They further wrote: “Throughout his life, Mullins produced numerous books, essays and articles and delivered scores of speeches and lectures with a common bigoted theme: that Jews are allegedly responsible for many of the problems and evils that have confronted the modern world.” Mullins described as “nationally known white supremacist and anti-Semite” in obituary. Mullins' obituary from the February 5 edition of his hometown paper, the Daily News Leader of Staunton, Virginia (accessed via Nexis): Nationally known white supremacist and anti-Semite Eustace Mullins of Staunton, described in 2000 by the Southern Poverty Law Center as a one-man organization of hate, died Wednesday in Waller County, Texas, at age 86. [. ] Besides controversial writings in his own name, he was widely believed to have concocted propaganda hoaxes by authoring improbably self-damaging writings attributed to others but supporting Mullins' extremist views. At one point he also adopted the title of “reverend” and saying he represented what he called the “American Humane Church.” Besides his church, he also took credit for or appeared on letterhead of several other organizations, usually operating at his home address at the time. In 1955 he listed himself as Executive Director of the “Aryan League of America” at a Springhill Road, Staunton, address. In 1960, his name was one of two listed on the letterhead for the policy committee of the Institute for Biopolitics in Chicago. One memo warned, “The Whiteman's very existence is in danger.” Mullins is the author of “Adolph Hitler: An Appreciation.” The New Leader obituary stated: He came to the attention of the House Committee on Un-American Activities in a 1954 report which sited [sic] his article “Adolph Hitler: An Appreciation,” written in 1952 for the National Renaissance Party. In it he compared Hitler to Christ and described both as victims of Jews. Mullins: “We let a handful of enemy aliens take over our monetary system.” According to the ADL, in his book The Federal Reserve Conspiracy , Mullins wrote: “The American people have assumed the burden of hundreds of billions of dollars of debt simply because we let a handful of enemy aliens take over our monetary system. The three most important architects of our present monetary system are . , the German Jew who wrote the , Emmanuel Goldenweiser, the Russian Jew who supervised the details of Federal Reserve Board operations through its first thirty years, and Harry Dexter White, son of Lithuanian Jews, who set up the International Monetary Fund.” Mullins called the existence of Jewish people “a crime against nature.” According to the ADL, in his book The Biological Jew , Mullins wrote: “the existence of the Jewish parasite upon the host is a crime against nature, because its existence imperils the health and the life of the host. Thus, everything that the Jew does in connection with this parasitic existence is a criminal act, and part of an overall criminal existence.” Mullins: “Treason, fraud, and perversion” are “hallmarks of Jewish life.” According to the ADL, in The Biological Jew , Mullins wrote “Treason, fraud, perversion, all the hallmarks of Jewish life among the gentiles in the Diaspora. And it is parasitism.” Mullins: “The Jew has always functioned best as a panderer, a pornographer, a master of prostitution.” In The Biological Jew , Mullins reportedly wrote “The Jew has always functioned best as a panderer, a pornographer, a master of prostitution, an apostle of sexual perversion, an enemy of the prevailing sexual standards and prohibitions of the gentile community.” Mullins reportedly spoke at 9-11 conspiracy conference, blamed attacks on the Israeli Mossad. An article from the Southern Poverty Law Center's Fall 2002 Intelligence Report reported that at a convention of 9-11 conspiracists, “Eustace Mullins, author of : An Appreciation, said U.S. and Arab intelligence agencies were both incapable of carrying out the attacks, leaving only the Israeli Mossad.” Mullins: “Concentration camps were run by the Zionist Jews.” In a speech posted online, Mullins claimed that “Concentration camps were run by the Zionist Jews in order to punish and get rid of the anti-Zionist Jews.” Mullins: “I've often said that after six million Jews died, most of them went on to own apartments in Manhattan and Tel Aviv.” According to the ADL, in a 2004 interview, Mullins said of the Holocaust, “It wasn't really an issue until the late '50's. All of the sudden, they remembered that six million Jews died in WWII. I've often said that after six million Jews died, most of them went on to own apartments in Manhattan and Tel Aviv. It's not really a topic that interests me much beyond how it's used as propaganda and mind control.” Mullins co-founded group with slogan “Vote against those who deny Jesus Christ is the Son of God!” Mullins co-founded the “Restore America Project,” whose website tells readers to “Vote against those who deny Jesus Christ is the Son of God!” The group's mission statement reads in part: “We are dedicated to presenting the truth to a world that has been compromised by misleading Educators, Teachers, Ministers and Organizations that have been controled [sic] by a handful of evil people.” Mullins spoke to white supremacist organizations, appeared on “Pro-White,” “anti-Jewish” radio shows. Mullins spoke to “white supremacist” Council of Conservative Citizens. According to the ADL, in August 2009, Mullins spoke at a meeting of the Washington, D.C., chapter of The Council of Conservative Citizens (CCC). The CCC is described by the Southern Poverty Law Center as “a crudely white supremacist group.” The CCC's statement of principles includes the following: We believe the United States is a European country and that Americans are part of the European people. We believe that the United States derives from and is an integral part of European civilization and the European people and that the American people and government should remain European in their composition and character. We therefore oppose the massive immigration of non-European and non-Western peoples into the United States that threatens to transform our nation into a non-European majority in our lifetime. We believe that illegal immigration must be stopped, if necessary by military force and placing troops on our national borders; that illegal aliens must be returned to their own countries; and that legal immigration must be severely restricted or halted through appropriate changes in our laws and policies. We also oppose all efforts to mix the races of mankind, to promote non-white races over the European-American people through so-called “affirmative action” and similar measures, to destroy or denigrate the European-American heritage, including the heritage of the Southern people, and to force the integration of the races. Mullins appeared on “pro-White” Political Cesspool radio show. Mullins appeared as a guest on the October 3, 2009, edition of The Political Cesspool Radio Show . In its "Statement of Principles," the program “represent[s] a philosophy that is pro-White.” According to a Fall 2007 article in the Southern Poverty Law Center's Intelligence Report, " 'The Political Cesspool' in the past two years has become the primary radio nexus of hate in America." Mullins claimed currency “was being printed in the Holocaust museum” which “has ritual implications.” During his interview on The Political Cesspool , discussing federal debt accrued through war spending, Mullins claimed “this fiat money was being printed at the National Bureau of Printing and Engraving. the building that the currency is being printed in was located in the Holocaust museum on 14th street in Washington D.C., and the circumstances where this was being printed in the Holocaust museum stuck a lot of people as odd because you don't expect a religious group to be involved in the wartime operations and that has not been dealt with yet.” Mullins later added, “the Federal Reserve is producing this debt in the Holocaust museum which itself has ritual implications. And somehow they've got to deal with that.” He went on to say, “there's a lot of ritual and ceremony and so forth which accompanies this which has to be dealt with at some point.” Mullins appeared on radio show of “anti-Jewish, anti-minority and anti-gay propagandist” Pete Peters. On January 20, 2009, Mullins appeared on the Scriptures For America radio program, hosted by Peter J. Peters who is described by the Southern Poverty Law Center as follows: Pete Peters has been a leading anti-Jewish, anti-minority and anti-gay propagandist. He is a proponent of Christian Identity, which argues that Jews are spiritually degraded and pose a threat to civilization, that blacks and other people of color are inferior to whites, that homosexuals should be executed and that northern European whites and their American descendants are the “chosen people” of scriptural prophecy. Beck previously promoted racist anti-Semite Elizabeth Dilling. Beck: The Red Network did “what we're doing now.” On his June 4 radio program, Beck promoted The Red Network by Elizabeth Dilling, saying of the 1934 book: “This is a book -- and I'm a getting a ton of these -- from people who were doing what we're doing now. We now are documenting who all of these people are. Well, there were Americans in the first 50 years of this nation that took this seriously, and they documented it.” The Red Network is rife with racism and anti-Semitism. As Media Matters noted, Dilling's book contains numerous passages that espouse anti- Semitism and racism. At various points throughout the book, Dilling attacked “racial inter-mixture” as a communist plot, referred to “un- Christianized” “colored people” as “savages,” called Hinduism and Islam “debasing and degrading,” and blamed Nazi Germany's anti-Semitism on “revolutionary Russian Jews.” Dilling herself was a Nazi sympathizer. Dilling visited Germany in the late 1930s, where she attended Nazi party meetings and praised Adolf Hitler's leadership. She also spoke at rallies hosted by U.S. Nazi organizations after the outbreak of World War II. Following the war, she leveled anti-Semitic attacks against several U.S. presidents, calling Dwight Eisenhower “Ike the Kike,” attacking Richard Nixon for his “service to the synagogue,” and calling John F. Kennedy's New Frontier program the “Jew frontier.” Beck refused to apologize. On June 7, Beck briefly reacted to the controversy surrounding his approving citation of Dilling's work, but refused to apologize for promoting her hateful work on the air. Instead, Beck attacked “the left” for calling him “a Jew-loving Nazi sympathizer.”