
SO per cent. Total output of manu- Hew Restrictions Put facturer* eu by 25 per cent. Fishing tackle—Effective May 31. American-Born Children Held manufacture of fishing tackle is pro- BOOKS CLOSED Charge Purchases Payable during JUNE Whole hibited. Production of fish hooks Nation Nearer may be continued at a rate to Win equal to Foreign Citizenship | one-half last year s. Two children, one born in Wuh- "Although these children in a I ington and the other in To War D. C. Store Deliveries Hyannis geographical sense were bom within Footing Maw were legally bom "outside the the United Already Sharply Curbed United States." District Court ruled States, by virtue of the Truck today, tn order to admit them to status of their rather at that time Deliveries, Phones, District mall store* have put into American citizenship they became subject to the operation a delivery rationing sys- jurisdic- Corsets, Tockle The legalistic tangle was unrav- tion of the French as Fishing tem more restrictive than the one- Republic eled by Justice Matthew F. McGuire a* Ordered Curtailed dellvery-a-day order handed down effectively though thev were in the case* of Georges Spencer bom within its territorial limits and by the Office of Defense Transporta- Thenault. 12. and his sister. Cath- outside those of the United States •> tb» Pr»M tion. it was indicated today erine Bathilde Thenault. 14 They Thus thev may be said to bave been Five new res trie? ions on civilian For more than a week many large are the children of George* 8. The- *bom outside of the United States' have stores have been confining their de- life been ordered by the Gov- nault. a French subject now within the of the statute." liveries to three davs a week. It residing meaning ernment in the move in France, and Mrs Catherine B gradual tmjard was said today by Edward D Shaw, Thenault, 2151 California street a war footing for the whole Nation secretary of the Merchants and ?f W. It's common sense to be thrifty, j The latest order* curtail local and Manufacturers Association Special Mr Thenault was air attache at War bonds help you to save and distance truck deliveries were abolished here sev- long deliveries, re- the French Embassy here when the help to save America. strict the installation of new tele- eral weeks ago. he added. children were bom They were bom _ reduce the amount of elas- Pledging the co-operation of 1.000 phones 1 citizens of France since their father tic used in corsets and girdles, for- merchants here, Mr Shaw said was a diplomatic representative in a bid the manufacture of wholesalers are endeavoring to re- Ashing country. strict foodstuff deliveries to once foreign tackle and Ax price* on china, pot- Mrs. dav. Themault. a United States tery and many cotton product* such <.each CAMERAS i citizen by birth, petitioned the court as sheets, towels Mr, Shaw said association mem- blankets, , to naturalize the children under and bers are distributing 1.000.000 copies j BINOCULARS, ginghams. the Nationality Act of 1940. This A of a pamphlet—through package LENSES, ETC. summary; ! law provides that children bom Trucks.Effective 15 local insert*—in which customers are Eves. Till I May outside of the United States" may- Open warned that the Government has •’ ■' carriers, including stores, can make -is become citizens on request of one no < de- prohibited the sale of new tires special one-call-to-a-trlpi parent who is a United 8tates for retail vehicles. Because liveries except to hospitals and the delivery citizen armed services and can make no of bulk deliveries, wholesalers may In his opinion, Justice McGuire fare better in this Mr. Shaw Tailored HART SCHAFFISER & MARX "call-backs' or repeated attempts respect, said: I by added. to deliver goods to the same person on the same day Officials of the Board of Trade In addition, local carriers must j said members would co-operate in their other the rationing program reduce mileage by 25 RaUitk Store Hourti 9:39 to 3 12:30 to 9 PM. A hint from B Eastman, PM.—Tkmrsdoyt: per cent as compared to correspond- i Joseph 4ft ing months last year In the inter- defense transportation director, that city trucking industry’, all trucks there is 'quite a supply of station that must be loaded to capacity on out-; wagons might be comman- caused going trips and to at least 75 per deered," today Traffic Di- rector William A. cent capacity on return trips, with j Van Duzer to carriers pooling their facilities issue an appeal to station wagon owners licensed wherever necessary. here to send to the NEW 1942 EDITIONS IN Traffic Department the tag number Phone* Are Limited. of this type of vehicle for the rec- Telephones-Hereafter new tele- ords^ WASHABLE PALM BEACH TIES phones may not be Installed except for persons engaged In direct war work or in occupation* essential to i Tailored by Beau BrummeU public welfare, or unless existing exchange lines capacity can handle them without disrupting essential services The Bell System estimated this would result in denial of about j 300.000 applications this year for res- j idential telephone service. Preferred categories include armed services. Government agencies, medical and dental service, newspapers, press associations, common carriers and pipelines. Prices—Ceilings were placed on the manufacturers' prices of hundreds of china and pottery Items and on most cotton products now outside price control. The china price cell- ing Is based on the level of October 1-15. 1941; the cotton ceiling bases prices on those of July 21 to August 15, 1941, and is expected to bring about considerably lower prices than those now prevailing. Conet Output Cut Fourth. Elastic—The amount of elastic fabric which may be used in each corset, girdle, combination or - siere was ordered reduced by about


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