
EEC/06/44/LSO Highways and Traffic Orders Committee 15 December 2006

Review of School Crossing Patrols – Salcombe Church of Primary School, Onslow Road

Report of the Area Engineer (South)

Recommendation: It is recommended that the provision of a School Crossing Patrol at Onslow Road, Salcombe be withdrawn.

1. Summary

This report has been compiled following assessment of the site which concluded that the pedestrian and vehicular traffic in Onslow Road at school muster time did not meet the appropriate criteria for the provision of a School Crossing Patrol. In addition there has been a lack of response to advertisement seeking to find a replacement for the former School Crossing Patrol who retired in January 2005. It is intended to seek approval to remove this School Crossing Patrol Site to allow resources to be allocated elsewhere in the County .

2. Background

The site was extensively upgraded in February/March 2004 to include remote controlled warning lights, dropped kerbs, and new safety railing. When the last Patrol on this site retired in January 2005 advertisements were placed for a new person. A new Patrol did start work but soon gave notice and subsequent advertisements and appeals through the school have not been successful in attracting any interested persons. Pedestrian/Traffic counts were undertaken in early summer to revaluate the site. The formula regarding pedestrian movements and vehicular traffic flows did not meet the national criteria for funding a School Crossing Patrol that is adopted by DCC. The criteria of pV 2 = 4 x 10 6 was not met by a considerable margin, the actual value being 0.729 x 10 6 .

3. Current Situation

Although there has not been a School Crossing Patrol servicing this site for nearly two years, this has not resulted in any problems being notified to the School Crossing Patrol Manager. We are aware that the Town Council and local Members have expressed concern but those concerns have been investigated both by the SCP Manager and by officers of the LSG with the outcome as stated above.

4. Proposal

It is proposed to remove the School Crossing Patrol Site in Salcombe at the location shown in Appendix I. The existing School Crossing Patrol plates and warning lights could be removed and relocated to another site. It is also suggested that the existing school flashing lights could be replaced with programmable units that operate without having to be switched on and off manually, although this may not be necessary.

5. Consultations

The County Council’s School Crossing Patrol Coordinator has consulted with Salcombe Primary School and the local County Councillor.

6. Reasons for Reaching the Recommendation

The School Crossing Patrol Service has undertaken official, but unannounced, observations of the site in Salcombe without a School Crossing Patrol to monitor the activities. The conclusion of those observations was that there was little difficulty in parents with children crossing the road safely. The traffic counts failed to meet national criteria because of the low traffic volumes and relatively few pedestrian movements. There have also been difficulties in recruiting paid or voluntary staff for this location. The resources released from this vacant position can be better used elsewhere in the County.

7. Alternative Option Considered

The possibility of installing a Zebra Crossing in this location has been explored. However the traffic counts undertaken for the School Crossing Patrol also show that national and local criteria for installing a controlled crossing are not met either. There are considered to be dangers associated with the installation of underutilised controlled crossings.

Brian George

County Electoral Division: , Salcombe and Allington

District Council Ward: Salcombe and

Local Government Act 1972

List of Background Papers

Contact for enquiries: Andrew Eagles

Room No: Direct Services, Falcon Road

Tel No: (01392) 384825

Background Paper Date File Ref

None jh141106sha sn/salcombe church 4 hq 061206


Salcombe C of E Primary, SCP Site Onslow Road junction with St Dunstan’s Road, Salcombe. Tel. No. 01548 – 842842.

Miss S Warne Headteacher Salcombe CoE Primary School Onslow Road Salcombe Devon TQ8 8AG

Your ref: Date: 2 October 2006 Phone: 01392 384825 e-mail: [email protected] My ref: AE/Salcombe Please ask for: Andreww Eagles Fax: DX:

Dear Miss Warne

Onslow Road, Salcombe – School Crossing Patrol

As you will be aware had an established School Crossing Patrol outside your school until the retirement of Mrs Putt in January 2005. Since that date we have been unable to recruit a Patrolperson.

During the time that there has been no SCP present there have been a number of concerns raised regarding road safety, especially at school muster times. The Town Council has suggested that a Zebra Crossing should be installed, that would perhaps obviate the need for a lollipop person.

A survey of traffic was undertaken earlier this year to ascertain the volumes of pedestrian and vehicle movements. That data helps to inform the Highway Authority of the appropriateness of a zebra crossing at a given location. Our survey data showed that the criteria for installing a zebra crossing was not met at school muster time. It is, therefore, extremely unlikely that it would be met at any other part of the day/year.

You will understand that a zebra crossing that is never used, in the perception of some motorists, can be more dangerous than no controlled crossing. That is because motorists will be used to passing through the crossing without stopping and pedestrians will have a sense of security about using a zebra crossing where the pedestrian has priority.

Indeed our data revealed that we would not seek to commence a Patrol service in this location, had one not existed before. As we have now been advertising this vacancy for over a year, we feel that we should commence processes to formally withdraw the SCP service from this location and allow reserved resources to be employed elsewhere. A report requesting permission to abandon this SCP site will be taken to the December meeting of the South Hams Highways and Traffic Order Committee.

Yours sincerely

Andrew Eagles County Officer School Crossing

County Councillor Sir Simon Day Keaton House Ermington Nr Ivybridge Devon PL210LB

Your ref: Date: 2 October 2006 Phone: 01392 384825 e-mail: [email protected] My ref: AE/Salcombe Please ask for: Andreww Eagles Fax: DX:

Dear Sir Simon

Onslow Road, Salcombe – School Crossing Patrol

As you will be aware Devon County Council had an established School Crossing Patrol outside this school until the retirement of Mrs Putt in January 2005. Since that date we have been unable to recruit a Patrolperson.

During the time that there has been no SCP present there have been a number of concerns raised regarding road safety, especially at school muster times. The Town Council has suggested that a Zebra Crossing should be installed, that would perhaps obviate the need for a lollipop person.

A survey of traffic was undertaken earlier this year to ascertain the volumes of pedestrian and vehicle movements. That data helps to inform the Highway Authority of the appropriateness of a zebra crossing at a given location. Our survey data showed that the criteria for installing a zebra crossing was not met at school muster time. It is, therefore, extremely unlikely that it would be met at any other part of the day/year.

You will understand that a zebra crossing that is never used, in the perception of some motorists, can be more dangerous than no controlled crossing. That is because motorists will be used to passing through the crossing without stopping and pedestrians will have a sense of security about using a zebra crossing where the pedestrian has priority.

Indeed our data revealed that we would not seek to commence a Patrol service in this location, had one not existed before. As we have now been advertising this vacancy for over a year, we feel that we should commence processes to formally withdraw the SCP service from this location and allow reserved resources to be employed elsewhere. A report requesting permission to abandon this SCP site will be taken to the December meeting of the South Hams Highways and Traffic Order Committee.

Yours sincerely

Andrew Eagles County Officer School Crossing