

The duly warned Barre Town Republican Presidential Primary Election was held on Tuesday, March 1, 2016 at the Barre Town Gymnasium, 7:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. The Board of Civil authority met on Wednesday, February 24, 2016 at 6:30 p.m. to update the checklist.


All advertising, postings, and meetings were administered in accordance with VSA Title 17 and the Town of Barre Charter Sections 3a and 6c. Advertising was through the Times Argus Newspaper and postings locations included: Hannaford’s Market, Trow Hill Grocery, Graniteville General Store, Lawson’s Store, the Barre Town Municipal Building, and the Town website. Election Day

The following individuals worked at the polls on March 1, 2016: Town Clerk-Treasurer Donna J. Kelty, Gordon Booth, Rob LaClair, Margaret “Peggy” Henry, Shirley Rivard, William Bugbee, Virginia Poplawski, R. Lee Walther, Julie A. Stark, Edward Paquin, John S. Ziske, Jennifer Kelty, Shannon Violette, Christopher Violette, Emily Violette, Sheila Walther, Phil Kolling, Tracy Delude, and Jeanne Daniele.

Presiding Officer Donna Kelty declared the polls open at 7:00 a.m. There were no incidents to report. The polls were declared closed at 7:00 p.m.

The Republican Primary were counted using the Accuvote Optic Scan machine. There were 5,466 voters on the checklist, 1,157 ballots cast (21.17% ) with 157 early ballots cast. For a listing of additions/deletions to the entrance checklist see the Annual Barre Town Middle & Elementary School Election minutes of March 1, 2016.


To nominate an individual for the office of President of the United States:

CANDIDATE TOTAL Jeb 19 33 7 85 1 John R. Kasich 365 3 252 1 Donald J. Trump 378 Write-Ins 5 Spoiled 8 Blank 0 Total 1157

These are the minutes as taken by Donna J. Kelty, Town Clerk-Treasurer

Donna J Kelty