
See what you did or what you mi ss e d

posters June 2007 exhibits The 2007 ASBMB Meeting hill visits symposia

American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology contents JUNE 2007 society news 3 President’s Message ON THE COVER: The 2007 ASBMB Annual 8 Washington Update Meeting is over, but you can read highlights from the 15 New Adipocyte Biology Series in JLR meeting throughout this issue of ASBMB Today. 2007 annual meeting 9 Research!America Honored at EB 10 Highlights from the 2007 Annual Meeting 14 Undergraduates Participate in Annual Poster Competition 2008 overview 16 A Taste of What’s to Come: The 2008 Annual Meeting science focus 22 How Mitochondria Fuse with Each Other A new Thematic Review Series in JLR. 15 23 New Insight into Cholesterol Regulation 24 How RNA Enzymes Work 25 How Proteins Move 26 Finding New Ways to Fight Tuberculosis 27 Aneuploidy Can Cause A preview of what’s in store 28 The Inner Workings and for the 2008 ASBMB Promises of Skin Stem Cells Annual Meeting. 16 departments 2 Letters to the Editor 6 News from the Hill 18 ASBMB Member Spotlight 19 Professional Development

20 BioBits BY NICOLE KRESGE Science from ASBMB Journals 31 Meeting Calendar resources 29 For Your Lab

30 Career Opportunities Using NMR to study the proteasome. 25

June 2007 ASBMB Today 1 lettersto the editor

RESPONSE my findings, I decided to share Editor’s note: In the interest of space, those which seemed relevant with we cannot reprint Farnsworth’s arti- you and your readership in hope cles. However, the citation informa- Medical that they might be helpful. tion for the articles is as follows, and Herewith are enclosed two brief readers are encouraged to access the Biochemistry reprints from The Scientist, a paper articles themselves: Upon reading the “Letter to the published in the Journal of the • Farnsworth, W. E. In Teaching Editor” on page 2 of the April American Osteopathic Association Science, Let the Textbook Sup- issue of ASBMB Today, I was ((1991) 91, 1005–1018) when I was port the Classwork, Not Vice impressed by the abstract from chairing the Biochemistry Depart- Versa. The Scientist (1992) 6, 12 Manuel Joa˜o Costa, in Portugal, ment at the College of • Farnsworth, W. E. Government decrying the deficiency of integra- Osteopathic Medicine, and a short, Research Support. The Scientist tion of medical information, unpublished note I wrote to the (1996) 10, 12 especially in biochemistry. Dean of Medical Education at • Farnsworth, W. E. Training Phy- Having taught medical bio- Northwestern University School of sicians to Be Doctors–Teachers chemistry (with special focus on Medicine when I was teaching there. and Healers, Problem-solvers and endocrinology) from 1952 until Decision-makers. Journal of the 2006 in various frameworks and Wells E. Farnsworth American Osteopathic Association having thus found and written of Schaumburg, (1991) 91, 1005–1018

2 ASBMB Today June 2007 president’smessage

A monthly publication of The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Science Is Changing— Officers Heidi E. Hamm President A New Refrain? Judith S. Bond Past-President HEIDI HAMM, PRESIDENT Peggy J. Farnham Secretary Merle Olson Treasurer

Council Members Joan W. Conaway Robert A. Copeland Kuan-Teh Jeang John D. Scott William S. Sly Kevin Struhl Suzanne Pfeffer Linda Pike

Editorial Advisory Board e are beginning to hear talk, kinase inhibitors now used to treat TM Irwin Fridovich Richard W. Hanson Wboth within National Institutes , of which Gleevec is the Bettie Sue Masters J. Evan Sadler of Health (NIH) and outside in the best known. Robert D. Wells broader biomedical research com- Tony Hunter of the Salk Institute is Ex-Officio Members munity, about how “science is one-half of the duo who gave the Her- J. Ellis Bell changing.” Twice in recent private bert Tabor Journal of Biological Chem- Chair, Education and Professional Development Committee conversations, this phrase has been istry Lecture at this year’s ASBMB Laurie S. Kaguni used to explain why the amount of Annual Meeting. He hit a nerve with me Chair, Meetings Committee resources going to unsolicited, and many others in the audience with George Hill Chair, Minority Affairs Committee investigator-initiated R01 grants is his remarks about the nature of pro- Ken Blumer declining as a percentage of total gress in science. He showed a slide (a Anna Marie Pyle NIH dollars. National Cancer Insti- simplified version of which appears on Co-chairs, 2008 Program Committee William R. Brinkley tute Director John Niederhuber this page) that illustrates the many dis- Chair, Public Affairs Advisory Committee used a variant of the phrase in an coveries from several disparate fields Ralph A. Bradshaw April 20 Science article about the that came together over the years to Deputy Chair, Public Affairs Advisory Committee difficulty in getting an NIH grant. bring to fruition the first of a completely Shelagh Ferguson-Miller So, is science changing? To some novel series of cancer drugs, the first to Chair, Publications Committee extent, it probably is; science, like market of which is Gleevec. He made Herbert Tabor Editor, JBC any large, complex system, evolves the extremely important point that Ralph A. Bradshaw slowly over time. In many ways, sci- breakthroughs in science are built on Al Burlingame Co-editors, MCP ence is clearly different from what it the many prior discoveries needed to Edward A. Dennis was even 20 years ago. The pace of lay a foundation for current knowledge. Editor, JLR discovery is quickening, for one thing. It took a century and a half, and ASBMB Today But change is not necessarily a good several completely independent fields 9650 Rockville Pike, thing; there are changes that can merging, for an understanding of the Bethesda, MD 20814-3996 occur that are very damaging. role of tyrosine kinases in growth Phone: 301-634-7145; Fax: 301-634-7369 One such change that we must control and cancer to mature to the Nicole Kresge Editor [email protected] continue to fight is the slow devalua- point that biotech companies began Pat Pages Science Writer tion of the investigator-initiated grant, to make ATP analog inhibitors to [email protected] which we have discussed repeatedly tyrosine kinases. (This is a much Nancy J. Rodnan Director of Publications [email protected] in this space over the past year. This abbreviated account of this story; the Barbara Gordon Executive Director change must be halted before it goes complete story by Tony Hunter will [email protected] any further. The reason is that these appear in the August 1 issue of the grants have a proven track record of Journal of Clinical Investigation). The For information on advertising contact FASEB AdNet at 800-433-2732 ext. 7157 or creating knowledge of enormous independent developments began 301-634-7157, or E-mail [email protected]. value. Let’s take a look at some of with the discovery in 1845 of chronic the basic research that went into just myelogenous (CML) fol- one new class of drug—the protein lowed by the discovery in 1960 that

www.asbmb.org June 2007 president’s message continued

A timeline of the many different avenues of research that came together and led to the successful development of imatinib mesylate (Gleevec) as a treatment for CML. Most of these disparate research efforts were started through a desire to understand the mechanisms underlying cancer and ultimately develop therapies.

the genetic basis of the disease was lular gene, c-src, by Dominique Stehe- Demetri showed efficacy in GIST, a chromosomal abnormality resulting lin, Mike Bishop, and Harold Varmus, whose activated c-Kit kinase, is also from a deletion at the end of chromo- and in 1979 the v-Src protein was dis- inhibited by Gleevec. This is the first some 22. In 1973, Janet Rowley covered to be a tyrosine kinase. molecularly-based cancer treatment, showed that this was due to a recip- Another thread comes through the W and it has surprisingly few side rocal translocation with mutant mouse, and Hardy-Zuckerman effects. Unfortunately, resistance 9. In the ‘80s, this was reported by a feline sarcoma virus, where both genes develops, and thus newer drugs are large number of investigators includ- were shown to encode yet another needed to overcome resistant ing Jon Groffen, Gerard Grosveld, Eli tyrosine kinase, c-Kit. Yukihiko Kitamu- tumors. But the Gleevec story has Canaani, Owen Witte, and David Bal- ra’s group showed in 1994 that rare opened the doors to tyrosine kinases timore to result in a Bcr-Abl fusion mast cell have gain-of-func- as valid drug targets, and by 2007 that had increased protein tyrosine tion mutations in c-KIT, as did many seven more protein kinase inhibitors kinase activity. gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GISTs). have been approved, with many, This work depended on the knowl- The recognition in the 1980s that many more in the pipeline. edge of the Abl tyrosine kinase, whose activated tyrosine kinases could have This is only one of the many sto- activity was shown in 1980 to be a causal role in cancer engendered a ries that could be told of the long essential for transformation by the serious interest in the development of time lines and independence of differ- Abelson murine leukemia virus. The small molecule inhibitors, first in aca- ent areas of research that can finally sequence of the viral Abl gene product demia, notably the laboratory of Alex merge into breakthroughs. This high- showed significant sequence homol- Levitzki, and then Alex Matter and lights the need for many dedicated ogy to v-src, which thus connects with many others at Ciba-Geigy, working researchers, who with creativity and the Rous chicken sarcoma virus (RSV) with , showed efficacy of passion push their fields forward, and line of investigation. In 1975, this v-src the compound, called Gleevec, in finally, with much serendipity and gene was shown to be a captured cel- CML, in 2001. Subsequently, George unexpected connections, put

4 ASBMB Today June 2007 together multiple threads of research very good job of teaching the public said we should all answer with the that lead to breakthroughs. about the nature of science, how sentence, “Well, I work for you.” And As this brief review shows, dis- multiple threads of investigations over then follow the conversation to where covery happens incrementally over the long term lead to insights, and it leads. It is an enormous privilege to many years. The chain of discovery how long it takes to get to medical be entrusted with taxpayer dollars to leading to Gleevec is a classic breakthroughs or new therapeutics. follow your intellectual curiosity, and example of how science is done, I think the scientific community we must never forget that. But for and one has to ask a number of needs to embark on a pervasive edu- this to continue, the public must be questions. First, do we really want cation campaign to make this point. informed of its value. to “change” this process? Or, could You can help make a difference in The bottom line is that scientific we change it even if we wanted to? this effort. Try to get invited to speak progress comes in fits and starts. It is Furthermore, how would one try to at civic association meetings, church messy and not easily managed. It is a manage the process of discovery discussion groups, and other such creative act. This process is not one over a century and a half of hard events in your home town. Get that should be “changed”; rather, it is work by numerous scientists work- involved in your local community; tell essential to continued progress in ing in many different areas? Is it people you are a scientist and men- biomedical research. true that this is “just basic tion the important work you do. research,” and therefore not as Our Schachman Public Service important as more targeted clinical Award recipient this year, Mary Wool- research—as some disease advo- ley, president of Research!America, cates have been stating? talked about what you should say It seems to me that the biomedical when, on a long airplane trip, your research community has not done a seatmate asks you what you do. She


June 2007 ASBMB Today 5 news from the hill Hundreds Turn Out to Hear Zerhouni, Porter Talks at EB


n April 30 symposium at the 2007 Experimental Biology • Work with patient Ameeting featuring National Institutes of Health (NIH) Direc- advocacy groups in tor Elias Zerhouni and former Rep. John Porter attracted over your community, like 500 attendees to hear these two veterans of biomedical the American Heart research policy wars discuss the symposium topic, “NIH at Association, American the Crossroads: How Diminished Funds Will Impact Bio- Cancer Society, medical Research and What Scientists Can Do about It.” Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, The Seven Rules and others. Porter’s comments were characteristically brief and to • Get involved in the 2008 elections. Attend candidate the point—he focused on the need to increase medical forums and debates, and ask questions about medical research funding and on what scientists should do. His research and NIH funding. rules were simple: “Be proud of what you do, and share it broadly with the • Be a public citizen, beyond simply voting in elections. American people and their representatives,” Porter said. • Invite your Representatives and Senators to your lab to “Reach out to them. Educate them. Inspire them. Make a see the work you do, and invite their staff to accom- difference as a public citizen of this great country for the things pany them. you believe in...Wemust all be leaders in this vital cause.” • Make an appointment to go see them when they are in the state or district. During the meeting, thank them A Perfect Storm for their service, show your passion, tell them what you Zerhouni focused his remarks on the state of funding at want them to do, and be brief. NIH and what the agency’s current plans are. He char- • Respond to alerts from Research!America and your acterized the current situation as a “perfect storm” professional society. involving a 12% reduction in purchasing power since • Take your message to the public. Ask to speak at 2003—the end of the doubling—and an increase in service club events, church groups, civic associa- applications, which are expected to exceed 51,000 in tion meetings, and the like. Also, send letters to 2008. This has reduced overall success rates for grant the editor or op-ed pieces to your local paper. applications from about 30% in 2003 to about 20% this year. Other factors include a building boom on college campuses, as well as what Zerhouni called “budget cycling,” in which grants have to go through a 4–5-year cycle before funds are freed up when some of them are not renewed. To cope with this situation, NIH has adopted a strat- egy of allowing no inflationary adjustments for non-com- peting renewal grants in 2007. The agency will also try to increase the number of grants available in 2007 as well as protect “at-risk” investigators such as new investiga- tors, first grant renewals, and senior investigators with no additional support. Zerhouni’s PowerPoint slide show will be available on the ASBMB Web site under the “What’s New” column

Elias Zerhouni, Leo Furcht, and Rep. John Porter. through the end of June.

6 ASBMB Today June 2007 Biochemists Visit Capitol Hill during EB


ore than 40 ASBMB members visited their U.S. duced for ASBMB by Bayou City Productions, a Hous- Mrepresentatives and senators in late April dur- ton-based media company, called “Meeting with Your ing the Experimental Biology 2007 meeting held in Congressman: A Guide for the Grass Roots Advocate.” Washington. Their message was simple: please sup- The ASBMB Public Affairs Advisory Committee spon- port a $2 billion increase in NIH appropriations in Fis- sored the production of the DVD in response to numerous cal Year 2008. requests for information on how to conduct Hill visits. This message was mostly well received; all but one The 19-minute DVD shows two meetings between a of the after-meeting reports we have received were very group of ASBMB members and a fictitious member of positive. A few sample comments: Congress. The first meeting shows what not to do; the “We had a great conversation. . . Rep. [Pete] DeFa- visitors make just about every mistake that can be made zio is a big supporter of the NIH and is very much in during such a visit, including showing up late, interrupting, favor of the 6.7% increase in the NIH budget....thank not having a clear message, and being argumentative. you for arranging the meeting.” After a review of the many mistakes made at this “My meeting with Rep. John Linder’s staff went very meeting—all of which have occurred in such meetings well. He informed me that [Linder] is in support of hav- although thankfully not in the same meeting—the same ing NIH well funded and would most definitely support meeting is shown with the visitors making none of the the 6.7% increase in the NIH budget. . . Thank you for mistakes made in the first. The visitors do a lot of other setting up the meeting for me and for the extremely things right in the meeting as well. useful advice...” The DVD is available for review on the ASBMB Web “We had a great meeting with Rep. McNulty’s chief of site under the “What’s New” column. Feel free to down- staff. . . [McNulty] is in our court on the NIH and NSF bud- load it and share it with your colleagues. An article gets. One of our current goals is to have Rep. McNulty about making the DVD will also appear this summer in and Rep. Gillibrand come on a visit to see biomedical Associations Now, the magazine of the American Soci- research in action. What we need is to have more scien- ety of Association Executives. We will link to this article tists outraged at the situation and writing letters, visiting on the ASBMB site once it is published. their representatives’ offices at home and writing letters to the local newspaper. Further, we need to start looking into Volunteers Needed for Local Advocacy how the NIH (and NSF) allocates funds away from. . . ASBMB is continuing to build its grass-roots network investigator-driven research...Ihope I can be of contin- of local advocates in various congressional districts ued service in these efforts. Thanks for setting up the around the United States. If you are interested in par- meeting. . . very much worth the effort!” ticipating in this network, we would like to hear from The ASBMB visits were arranged as part of an EB- you! Please send us your name, postal address (with wide Capitol Hill Day program organized by the public 9-digit zip code, if possible), and e-mail address. If affairs staff of the participating societies. By all you know who your member of Congress is, please accounts, the event went well, with approximately 75 send that information along as well. (We can ascer- meeting attendees making visits. tain this if you don’t know—that’s why we want your 9-digit zip code.) The network consists of almost 300 Training DVD ASBMB members at the moment, but we would very Most of the attendees were new to the experience much like to expand it if possible. Please send your of visiting with a member of Congress, so a number information to Peter Farnham, ASBMB Public Affairs of training events were set up to help them understand Officer, at [email protected]. what was likely to occur during such meetings. One such training event was the debut of a new DVD pro- Peter Farnham, CAE, is ASBMB’s public affairs officer.

June 2007 ASBMB Today 7 washingtonupdate Harmful Amendments Attacking Peer Review Defeated in NSF Reauthorization Bill: The FASEB Take on Latest Salvo in Worrisome Trend


eps. Scott Garrett (R-NJ) and John Campbell (R-CA) Former Rep. Pat Toomey (R-PA) tried to halt NIH funding of Rintroduced two amendments to the National Science grants related to sexually transmitted diseases and sexual Foundation (NSF) reauthorization bill (H.R. 1867) that posed behavior. This amendment was narrowly defeated, losing a grave threat to the peer review system. The amendments by only two votes, and began a trend of proposed amend- would have blocked funding from specific research pro- ments to NIH appropriations bills in order to stop the fund- posals that had already passed through the peer review ing of grants that were disliked by members of Congress, a system, based on the perception that their titles character- trend most recently supported by Rep. Randy Neugebauer ized the grants as “silly” or wasteful. The proposals tar- (R-TX). Included among the targeted grants have been geted by the amendments were primarily social science basic research studies using animal models or molecular projects and included cognitive studies, investigations investigations. Such amendments hearken back to the related to reproduction and aging, and historical anthropol- days of the late Sen. William Proxmire (D-WI), who would ogy projects. However, the implications of such an amend- give out “Golden Fleece Awards” to government research ment reach well beyond the grants cited, assaulting the projects he considered examples of wasteful spending. very core of NSF’s funding program, the peer review system. Although FASEB and our partners in the scientific com- FASEB responded swiftly to the attack on peer review, munity have been successful in forestalling such efforts, sending a letter to every member of the House of Repre- their continued appearance is a stark reminder of the poor sentatives, urging them to defeat the amendments, and understanding of the peer review system among policy- alerting FASEB societies. “Judging a project by its title is makers, as well as the lack of comprehension of the impor- inadvisable and inappropriate; scientific discoveries arise tance of basic research. To that end, FASEB continues to produce materials, such as our Breakthroughs in Bio- from unpredictable pathways and interfering based on science and brochures like “Science Fortune: How Unpre- inadequate information could cause loss of crucial break- dictable Research Advances Have Saved Millions of Lives,” throughs,” wrote FASEB President Leo Furcht. He quoted aimed at conveying to lawmakers and the public how sci- House Appropriations Chairman David Obey (D-WI) who ence is done. The most recent Breakthroughs in Bio- had said during a previous debate, “the day that we politi- science article, “Science, Serotonin and Sadness: The Biol- cize. . . research, the day we decide which grants will be ogy of Antidepressants,” examines the fundamental approved. . . that is the day that we ruin science research.” scientific discoveries that led to our modern treatments for Fortunately, although the debate on the NSF reauthoriza- depression and is now available on our Web site, opa.faseb. tion bill lasted well into the night, the amendments were org. Along those same lines, among the positive amend- ultimately defeated. Reps. Brian Baird (D-WA), himself a ments adopted by the House in conjunction with the NSF psychologist, and Vernon Ehlers (R-MI), a member of the reauthorization was an adaptation of the Science Commu- House Science and Technology Committee, were particu- nications Act, recently introduced by Rep. Doris Matsui larly eloquent in their defense of the peer review system. (D-CA). FASEB supported this bill, and also the subsequent This is not the first attempt at congressional microman- amendment, which would begin an NSF-funded communi- agement of the peer review system. The National Institutes cations initiative for science graduate students. of Health (NIH) has been a frequent target in the past few years of amendments that circumvent the peer review sys- tem through blocking funds to specific research grants. Carrie D. Wolinetz is with the FASEB Office of Public Affairs.

8 ASBMB Today June 2007 2007annual meeting Research!America Honored at EB


esearch!America, the nation’s largest non-profit The lack of understanding extends both ways. Most Rpublic education and advocacy alliance working to researchers do not understand how to approach the pub- make research to improve health a higher national pri- lic or Congress about the value of medical research. For ority, was honored by receiving ASBMB’s 2007 example, many scientists think the way to win over the Howard K. Schachman Award for Public Service, the public is to explain technical details about their work. As first organization so honored since the award’s found- last year’s Schachman awardee, former Rep. Sherwood ing in 2001. Mary Woolley, Research!America’s presi- Boehlert said Congressmen “don’t have time for tutorials.” dent, accepted the award on behalf of the organization Instead, scientists should get right to the point and explain at a ceremony on May 1. why research is important, why it should be funded first, Woolley’s Schachman Award lecture, entitled and what it means for society. “Public Policy and Biomedical Research,” was a wide ranging discussion of public attitudes toward biomedical research and what scientists can and should do to improve the public’s understanding of their profession. Public attitudes toward and understanding of bio- medical research are mixed. Scientists and biomedical research receive high marks for trust and importance from the public. But few understand exactly how—or even where—medical research is actually done. Consider the following facts from Research!America polling data: 1. When are asked what U.S. institutions Howard Schachman, Mary Woolley, and Bill Brinkley. they have the most confidence in, the scientific community is ranked third at 89%, behind only the Woolley’s message was simple—here is what medical community at 92% and the military at 90%. researchers can do to advance the cause of By contrast, the media ranks 55%. medical research: 2. Scientists hold the most prestigious job, with 87% • Know the positions of your elected officials regarding of respondents saying the job has a great deal or medical research considerable prestige. This contrasts with “Con- • Build and support “research champions,” that is, gressman,” where the value is 58%. members of Congress and other decision makers 3. 74% of respondents were unable to name a who will actively advocate for research living scientist. • Use public opinion poll data to make the case for 4. When asked to name the federal agency that sup- research as a high priority ports most biomedical research in the United States • Understand the importance and influence of paid for with taxpayer dollars, only 5% named the the media National Institutes of Health. 8% believed it was the • Master communicating in three sentences or less Food and Drug Administration; 73% of respondents • Use messages that work (no long technical explanations) did not know. • Put a human face on research—yours! 5. Approximately half the public is unable to name For a look at much of this fascinating polling data, we have a location where biomedical research is conducted, posted Woolley’s slide presentation on the ASBMB Web site including in states such as California, Texas, Mas- (www.asbmb.org) under the “What’s New” column. This will sachusetts, and Illinois. be available for viewing through the end of June.

June 2007 ASBMB Today 9 2007annual meeting Highlights from the 2007



11 2007annual meeting continued

12 ASBMB congratulates the following 2007 Best Poster Awardees:


13 2007annual meeting Undergraduates Participate in Annual Poster Competition


he Washington Convention Center Hall C was the “Is scanning downstream of the premature termina- Tvenue for an enthusiastic, energetic gathering of over tion event required to trigger nonsense-mediated 100 undergraduate students and their mentors at the 11th mRNA decay?” Paloma Maria Guzzardo, University of Annual ASBMB Undergraduate Research Achievement Puerto Rico-Rio Piedras. Award Poster Competition held on April 28, just prior to “Role of extracellular HSP90 in MMP2 activation in gli- the official start of the ASBMB 2007 Annual Meeting. oma cell lines.” Victor Fedorov, University of Richmond. Although the students would also present their posters Other students who received awards (framed cer- during the general meeting, the “undergraduates-only” tificates) were: Caitlin Rice, Alyssa Johnson and poster session provided students with the opportunity to Charles G. Sierzant, Hope College; Angela M. Bopra meet fellow attendees and make important contacts before and Brent Hehl, Grand Valley State University; the meeting began. The poster competition was jointly spon- Sebastian Brown and Carolyn Scheel, University of sored by the Educational and Professional Development Richmond; Kenneth Maksimchuk, Pennsylvania State Committee and the Minority Affairs Committee. Generous University; David Scott Booth and Byran Denison financial support was provided by Springer. This year’s event Eason, Colorado College; Jessian Mun˜ oz, University was chaired by Kathleen Cornely, Providence College; Philip of Puerto Rico at Cayey; Christopher James Pelham, Ortiz, Empire State College; and Joe Provost and Mark Wal- Northwest Missouri State University; Lindsay Morgan lert, both of Minnesota State University Moorhead. Higdon and Wen Allen Tseng, University of Delaware; and Callie Nguyen and Jennifer Taves, Minnesota State University Moorhead. Many students participating in the poster competi- tion received travel awards through Undergraduate Affil- iate Network (UAN) chapters at their institutions. ASBMB awards a travel grant in the amount of $400 to each UAN chapter. Twenty UAN chapters received travel awards to support a student’s attendance at this year’s meeting. An additional 20 students earned travel awards through competitions at regional meetings held prior to the national meeting. Undergraduate faculty Victor Fedorov, Sarah Elgin, Heidi Hamm, Sadie mentors who are interested in founding a UAN chapter Barholomew, Akiko Doi, and Paloma Maria Guzzardo. at their institutions can find additional information at More than 50 judges evaluated the 100-plus poster www.faseb.org/asbmb/epd/UAN.html. presentations and chose four grand prize winners. Each Undergraduate poster session attendees also had winner received a framed certificate and a $500 prize. the opportunity to find out information about a number The award winners were announced at the beginning of of graduate schools. Representatives from several the ASBMB Award for Exemplary Contributions to Edu- graduate schools set up tables at the poster session to cation lecture given by Sarah Elgin. answer student questions and distribute information The following four students were this year’s grand about their programs. prize winners: The involvement of undergraduates at ASBMB “Expression of PAT-1/MLDP increases triacylglycerol annual meetings has increased in recent years. The stores and promotes changes in lipid drop morphology in meeting provides undergraduates with an opportunity a CHO cell model” Sadie Bartholomew, Otterbein College. to present their own research, to find out what others “N-terminal ubiquitination of the encephalomyocardi- are doing, and to learn about new and exciting devel- tis virus 3C protease” Akiko Doi, Bates College. opments in the field.

14 ASBMB Today June 2007 asbmbnews New Adipocyte Biology Series in JLR

he June issue of the Journal of Lipodystrophy, the absence or pau- TLipid Research (JLR) marks the city of adipose tissue, leads to many beginning of a new Thematic Review metabolic abnormalities, including dia- Series for the journal. The series, betes mellitus. In the second article of coordinated by JLR Associate Editor the series, Robert Hegele will review Alan D. Attie of the University of Wis- the genetic basis for mutations that consin-Madison, will look at adipo- cause human partial lipodystrophy cyte biology. It will run from June syndromes as well as the chemical through November and feature six and biochemical phenotypes associ- articles on different aspects of adipo- ated with these disorders, the diversity cyte science. The first article of the of clinical phenotypes observed in series appears in the June afflicted patients, and potential issue along with an editorial treatment strategies. by Attie. Adipose tissue is in con- “This past decade has Adipocyte science stant communication with the been very good to the adi- central nervous system. In his pocyte,” Attie explained. now describes a far review article, Timothy Bart- “For many years, the adipo- more complex ness will discuss the relation- cyte was only recognized ship between photoperiod and for its role as a fat storage tissue, an endocrine obesity and what it teaches us cell and, in the case of brown about the neural circuits to adipose, for thermogenesis. organ that exerts a adipose tissue. But adipocyte science now profound influence In recent years, studies describes a far more complex have shown that obesity is tissue, an endocrine organ that on other tissues and accompanied by an inflamma- exerts a profound influence on the whole animal tory response in adipose tis- other tissues and the whole sue. This, in turn, affects adi- animal. Therefore, we are pocyte insulin signaling and pleased to bring you a the- hormone release. Gokhan matic review series on Adipocyte Biology, and several Hotamisligil will review this topic as well as some of the experts in the field were invited to contribute.” therapeutic implications of these new insights. Adipose tissue is important for the storage of tri- In the penultimate article of the series, Dawn Brasaemle glyceride, and excess amounts of this lipid in the tis- will look at the proteins associated with lipid droplets and sue are associated with obesity and insulin resistance. describe some of their structural and regulatory roles. The first article in the series, by Antonio Vidal-Puig, Closing out the series, Paul Pilch will review the pos- will explore the partitioning of lipid between adipose sible functions of caveolae, the small invaginations found tissue and other tissues. in the plasma membrane of adipocytes.

June 2007 ASBMB Today 15 A Taste of What’s to Come: The 2008 Annual Meeting


he 2008 annual meeting of the American Society for DNA/RNA Biology Cluster TBiochemistry and Molecular Biology (ASBMB) will be Genome Dynamics: Replication, Recombination, held in San Diego April 5–8, 2008, as part of the FASEB and Damage Response, co-organized by Peter Burg- Experimental Biology meeting. The ASBMB meeting ers and Tom Ellenberger (both at Washington Univer- attracts thousands of scientists—from undergraduates to sity, St. Louis), will include symposia focusing on DNA senior investigators—who work on molecular mechanisms replication mechanisms, DNA damage response and that underpin all of biology. The meeting offers an extraor- the cell cycle, DNA repair mechanisms, and double- dinary opportunity to explore the depth and breadth of stranded breaks and DNA recombination mechanisms. biology, to renew or establish relationships within the sci- Dynamic Chromatin, co-chaired by Brad Cairns (University entific community, and to educate the public and policy- of Utah, Salt Lake City) and Danesh Moazed (Harvard Uni- makers about the excitement of biological research and its versity), will consist of platform sessions on non-coding RNAs impact on human health and well being. in gene regulation and chromosome structure, chromatin In planning the 2008 meeting, changes in development and stem cell regulation, chromatin the co-chairs, Ken Blumer (Wash- structure in gene activation, and chromatin regulation of DNA repair, recombination, and genome stability. ington University) and Anna Marie RNA-mediated Gene Expression, co-organized by Pyle (), and ASBMB Lynn Maquat (University of Rochester) and William Marz- leadership endeavored to: 1) use luff (University of North Carolina), will include sessions the thematic approach employed on regulation of nuclear RNA processing and metabo- successfully in recent years; 2) lism, ribonucleoproteins, RNA transport and localiza- develop an exciting and compre- tion, and RNA turnover. Ken Blumer hensive program that highlights Small RNAs and Dynamic RNA Elements, co-orga- cutting edge research in core fields nized by Frank Slack (Yale University) and Robert Batey (Uni- of ASBMB, draws attention to the versity of Colorado, Boulder), will include symposia focusing expanding field of RNA biology, on regulatory RNAs, roles for small non-coding RNAs, ribos- and illustrates how single mole- witches, and other dynamic RNA structures. cule-, chemistry- and systems- driven approaches are changing Molecular Structure and Dynamics Group the ways that biological problems Form and Function of Molecular Machines, co- organized by Steve Block (Stanford University) and Anna Marie Pyle are conceived, studied, and solved; 3) offer greater opportunity Lemeor Joshua-Tor (Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory), for undergraduate, graduate, and postdoctoral students will focus on single molecule and structural analysis of to present their research in platform sessions and protein assemblies in four areas: DNA replication, DNA receive career guidance; 4) augment the scope of the unwinding and translocation, cytoskeletal motors and filament dynamics, and gene expression. meeting and encourage relationships between investi- Biomolecular Catalysis, Folding, and Design, co- gators in allied fields by cosponsoring programs with organized by Susan Marqusee (University of California, other FASEB societies; and 5) honor seminal achieve- Berkeley) and Vern Schramm (Albert Einstein College of ments in biochemistry and molecular biology by confer- Medicine, ) will include sessions focusing on ring to eminent scientists the Herbert Tabor/JBC recent advances in understanding protein interactions in Award, the ASBMB Amgen Award, and the FASEB catalysis, enzymes as drug targets, protein/RNA folding Excellence in Science Award. and functional dynamics, and protein design. To whet your appetite, here is an overview of the Protein Synthesis, Turnover, and Misfolding, co- scientific program for the 2008 meeting: chaired by Mark Hochstrasser (Yale University) and Rachel

16 ASBMB Today June 2007 Green (Johns Hopkins University), includes sessions organized by Steve Projan (Wyeth Pharmaceuticals) focusing on protein turnover and quality control, protein that focuses on challenges and successes in target- turnover in cell regulation, protein synthesis mechanisms, based drug discovery. and protein-assisted folding and misfolding. Education and Professional Development Cell Systems and Metabolism Cluster This theme, organized by Ellis Bell (University of Rich- Metabolism, organized by Mark Johnson (Washington mond), will include the following components: 1) an University, St. Louis), will highlight new understanding of undergraduate research poster session and competi- metabolic control mechanisms in cancer, diabetes, and tion, 2) platform presentations in scientific sessions neurodegeneration and illustrate new ways of identifying described above by selected undergraduates and fac- and studying complex metabolic systems and networks. ulty from undergraduate-focused institutions, 3) work- Systems Biology, co-chaired by Brenda Andrews (Univer- shops for faculty teaching at undergraduate-focused sity of Toronto) and Fritz Roth (), will high- institutions, and 4) a graduate school fair to build rela- light progress toward four key goals of systems biology: iden- tionships between graduate programs and students tifying components of systems, finding relationships between and faculty from undergraduate-serving institutions. system components, studying the dynamics of system com- Minority Affairs ponents and their relationships, and dissecting and simulat- ing networks and their subsystems. George Hill (Vanderbilt University) has organized a Cell and Organelle Dynamics, co-organized by Matt theme focusing on mental health, which will include Welch (University of California, Berkeley) and Lois Weis- sessions on Alzheimer disease, depression and anxiety disorders, drug abuse, and technology development. man (University of Michigan), will consist of sessions high- lighting mechanisms of cell division, organelle dynamics, Partnerships with Other FASEB Societies cell migration, and pathogen exploitation of host machinery. G Protein Colloquium, featuring talks by Lee Limbird Signaling Transduction Group (Meharry Medical College, Nashville), (Duke University), Heidi Hamm (Vanderbilt University Signal Transduction, organized by Kun-liang Guan (Uni- versity of Michigan), consists of sessions on cell growth and ASBMB president), and Alfred Gilman (University of regulation and survival, G protein and protein kinase sig- Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas), will be naling, post-translational modifications in cancer, microbial co-sponsored by ASBMB and the American Society for pathogenesis and progeria, and therapeutic targeting of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics (ASPET). signaling pathways in human disease. Signal Transduction Platforms from the ASPET pro- Lipid Signaling and Metabolism is co-chaired by gram focusing on cardiovascular and cancer signaling James Ntambi (University of Wisconsin-Madison) and mechanisms by G12/13 (organized by Sandra Siehler, Suzanne Jackowski (St. Jude Children’s Research Hospi- Novartis Institutes for Biomedical Research) and on nic- tal, Memphis). This program features sessions on tissue- otinic receptor structure and function (organized by specific regulation of lipid metabolism, lipid-mediated con- Palmer Taylor, University of California, San Diego) will trol of gene expression, stress regulation of lipid be co-sponsored by ASBMB. metabolism and membrane biogenesis, and lipid metabo- Signal Transduction Colloquium, co-organized by Susan lism and signaling in atherosclerosis and inflammation. Taylor and Alexandra Newton (both at University of California, San Diego) and co-sponsored by ASBMB and ASPET, will Chemical Biology Cluster focus on spatial and temporal sensors of second messenger Chemical Biology, co-organized by Laura Kiessling (Uni- signaling and structural mechanisms of macromolecular versity of Wisconsin-Madison) and Anna Mapp (University complexes in protein kinase signaling. of Michigan), will consist of sessions focusing on new Immunohistochemistry Course, co-organized by strategies for imaging protein localization and dynamics, Denis Baskin and William Stahl (both at the University of small molecule control of protein folding and assembly, Washington, Seattle), will be co-sponsored by ASBMB chemical probes and their use in identifying new therapeu- and the Histochemistry Society. tic targets, and chemical perspectives in neurobiology. For further details, we invite you to watch for upcom- Drug Discovery will consist of a platform session and ing issues of ASBMB Today that will include full-length panel discussion organized by Jeff Conn (Vanderbilt articles about each scientific theme and information University) that highlight the roles of academic institu- about special events planned for the 2008 meeting. tions in the drug discovery process and a symposium See you in San Diego!

June 2007 ASBMB Today 17 asbmb member spotlight 9 ASBMB Members Elected to National Academy

ine ASBMB members have been elected to the Biology Program, University of Pittsburgh, NNational Academy of Sciences. They are among 72 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania new members and 18 foreign associates elected in early John G. Hildebrand, Regents Professor and May in recognition of their distinguished and continuing professor of neurobiology, biochemistry and molecular achievements in original research. Election to the acad- biophysics, entomology, and molecular and cellular biol- emy is considered one of the most prestigious honors ogy, and director, Arizona Research Laboratories Divi- bestowed upon American scientists. sion of Neurobiology, University of Arizona, Tucson Newly elected ASBMB members and their affiliations Laura L. Kiessling, professor of chemistry and bio- at the time of election are: chemistry, University of Wisconsin, Madison Michael B. Brenner, Theodore Bevier Bayles Stephen C. Kowalczykowski, distinguished pro- Professor of Medicine, Harvard fessor of microbiology and of Medical School, Boston, Massa- molecular and cellular biology, chusetts and director, Center for Scott D. Emr, investiga- Genetics and Development, tor, Howard Hughes Medical University of California, Davis Institute, and director, Insti- Vern L. Schramm, pro- tute of Cell and Molecular fessor and chair, department Biology, Cornell University, of biochemistry, Albert Ithaca, New York Einstein College of Medicine David Ginsburg, investiga- of Yeshiva University, Michael B. Brenner Gerald I. Shulman tor, Howard Hughes Medical Bronx, New York Institute, and James V. Neel Gerald I. Shulman, investi- Distinguished University Profes- gator, Howard Hughes Medical sor, University of Michigan Institute, and professor of med- Medical School, Ann Arbor icine and cellular and molecular Angela M. Gronenborn, physiology, Yale University professor of pharmacology, School of Medicine, New and director, Structural Haven, Connecticut

Scott D. Emr Vern L. Schramm

Angela M. Stephen C. David Ginsburg Gronenborn John G. Hildebrand Laura L. Kiessling Kowalczykowski

18 ASBMB Today June 2007 professionaldevelopment Reaching Out at the National Meeting


he ASBMB national meeting in Washington, D.C., was The Minority Affairs Committee sponsored a Minority Tpacked with activities for scientists interested in out- Scientists Networking Mixer on May 1. In this informal, reach. The outreach efforts—which actually started before packed lunchtime session, faculty discussed collaborative the meeting—began with the launch of a new Education research projects, met with grants officers, and interacted and Professional Development Web site (www.faseb.org/ with bright and energetic students. There were also sev- asbmb/epd/epd.html). The new site has a place for building eral other Minority Affairs Committee-sponsored scien- a resource for various types of outreach activities for which tific sessions on research activities in genetic and infec- we are now soliciting material from all of you. tious diseases, some of which are covered in the Science A morning pre-meeting workshop on April 27 titled “Out- Focus section of this magazine. reach in Action” was the official start of the outreach activities in A well attended Women Scientists Mentoring and Net- working Session and Reception was held on May 1. A panel organized by Adele Wolfson of Wellesley College provided a forum in which the success of women scientists at academic institutions was discussed. This annual event has served as a forum for issues that are not normally discussed and shared among colleagues. A new subsection on Women in Science and Engineering is being created for the Society’s outreach Web site. All those who have materials or advise women students and scientists are encouraged to share these materi- als with the larger community. As the meeting was in Washington D.C., several scien- tists met with their congressional representatives to dis- cuss science-related issues. Overall, those who attended the various outreach ses- Scientists at the Minority Scientists Networking Mixer. sions at the meeting are likely to have a wider perspective on the role of national meetings. Sessions such as these Washington, D.C. This outreach workshop was sponsored by provide hope for the future of the scientific community. the Education and Professional Development Committee and was run by Neena Grover of the Colorado College, Colorado Springs. A wide range of students and faculty attended the workshop, which started out by defining outreach as all those activities that communicate science to a wider audience. It was quickly apparent that most scientists are involved in outreach work, whether or not they themselves recognize it as such. Many of the attendees were just beginning to formalize their outreach efforts. For those interested in devel- oping carefully planned outreach activities, either for the broader impact portion of their grants or to improve the quality of science edu- cation, various levels of organization were pro- Adele Wolfson and panel members at the Women Scientists Mentoring and vided to ensure successful outcomes. Networking Session.

June 2007 ASBMB Today 19 biobits asbmb journal science

J. Biol. Chem. 2007 282: 14348–14355 Adaptations for the Oxidation of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons Exhibited by the Structure of Human P450 1A2 Stefaan Sansen, Jason K. Yano, Rosamund L. Reynald, Guillaume A. Schoch, Keith J. Griffin, C. David Stout, and Eric F. Johnson Enzymes in the cytochrome P450 superfamily play a significant role in the detoxication of foreign compounds and the biosynthesis of several endogenous compounds, including steroid hormones, bile acids, and cholesterol. P450 1A2 is the principal cytochrome family 1 enzyme. It is expressed in the human liver and participates extensively in the hepatic oxidation of a wide range of drugs. In this article, the authors present the crystal structure of human P450 1A2 in complex with the inhibitor ␣-naphthoflavone at a resolution of 1.95 Å. Their structure reveals a compact, closed active site cavity that is highly adapted for the positioning and oxidation of relatively large, planar substrates. The topology is distinct from the known active site structures of P450 enzymes from other families and demonstrates how P450 family 1 enzymes have evolved to efficiently catalyze the oxidation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.

Two views of the structure of P450 1A2.

J. Biol. Chem. 2007 282:15884–15893 Deubiquitinating Enzyme CYLD Regulates the Peripheral Development and Naive Phenotype Maintenance of B Cells Wei Jin, William R. Reiley, Andrew Joon Lee, Ato Wright, Xuefeng Wu, Minying Zhang, and Shao-Cong Sun Deubiquitinating enzymes (DUBs) form a family of cysteine proteases that digest ubiquitin chains and reverse the process of protein ubiquitination. Despite the identification of a large number of DUBs, their physiological functions remain poorly defined. In this article, the authors provide new and important information on the DUB enzyme CYLD and its role in NF-␬B CYLD-deficient mice regulation and maintenance of the B cell phenotype. They found that CYLD- develop lymphoid organ deficient B cells are hyperproliferative when stimulated in vitro and display abnormalities. elevated levels of antigen responses in vivo. The cells also exhibit constitutive activation of the transcription factor NF-␬B. In addition, CYLD–/– mice develop B-cell hyperplasia and lymphoid organ abnormalities. These findings establish CYLD as a key regulator of B-cell activation and development and reveal a physiological function for CYLD in NF-␬B regulation.

20 ASBMB Today June 2007 J. Lipid Res. 2007 48: 1035–1044 Apolipoprotein E⅐dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine particles are ellipsoidal in solution Clare A. Peters-Libeu, Yvonne Newhouse, Steven C. Hall, H. Ewa Witkowska, and Karl H. Weisgraber Apolipoproteins are amphipathic lipid-binding proteins that serve as enzyme co-factors, receptor ligands, and lipid transfer carriers. Thus far, two structural models of lipoprotein particles have been proposed. In one, the phospholipid is arranged in a micelle-like shape, with the protein partially submerged in the micelle surface. In the second, the discoidal model, the phospholipid is arranged as in a bilayer with the protein wrapped around A twisted-bilayer model of apoE⅐DPPC. the edge of the disk, covering the exposed hydrophobic tails of the phospholipid. The discoidal model has been widely accepted for apolipoprotein A-I-phospholipid complexes. In this paper, the authors used small-angle X-ray scattering to show that particles of apolipoprotein E bound to dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC) are ellipsoidal and that the shape of the phospholipid core is compatible with a twisted-bilayer model. The results demonstrate that the interactions of apolipoprotein A-I and apolipoprotein E with phospholipids are distinctly different.

Mol. Cell. Proteomics 2007 6: 812–819 Lysine Propionylation and Butyrylation Are Novel Post-translational Modifications in Histones Yue Chen, Robert Sprung, Yi Tang, Haydn Ball, Bhavani Sangras, Sung Chan Kim, John R. Falck, Junmin Peng, Wei Gu, and Yingming Zhao Lysine acetylation is an abundant, reversible, and highly regulated post-translational modification that plays important roles in cellular processes such as apoptosis, metabolism, transcription, and the stress response. Acetyltransferases carry out the acetylation reaction using acetyl-CoA. However, it is unknown whether cells can use other short-chain CoAs, such as propionyl- and butyryl-CoA, to carry out similar post- translational modifications of lysine. The authors of this paper Structures of three short-chain CoAs and the three report the discovery of two novel, in vivo lysine modifications modified lysines. in histones, lysine propionylation and butyrylation. Their unbiased global screening procedure involved exhaustive peptide identification by nano-HPLC/MS/MS analysis, protein sequence database search, and manual verification. The authors also identified two previously known acetyltransferases, p300 and cAMP-response element-binding protein-binding protein, that could catalyze lysine propionylation and lysine butyrylation in histones.

June 2007 ASBMB Today 21 science focus How Mitochondria Fuse with Each Other


itochondria are known as the “Mitochondrial fusion is unique with each other, and a new fusion Mpowerhouses of cells, generating and complex,” Nunnari says. “Its main process occurs, this time between the energy in the form of adenosine role is to allow mitochondria to share parts of the inner membranes that triphosphate (ATP) by oxidizing the their products and DNA among one are closest (see figure). Complexes of major products of glycolysis, but they another. The importance of this proc- a protein called Mgm1, located on are also dynamic entities that divide ess is emphasized by the fact that each opposing membrane, bind to and fuse with each other, probably to mutations in mitochondrial fusion each other to tether the membranes help them work more efficiently. How proteins in humans cause neurodegen- and ultimately to fuse them, allowing erative diseases.” the contents of both matrices to mix. Nunnari and her Nunnari’s team noticed that Mgm1 colleagues looked at may also help in the formation and proteins that are maintenance of infoldings of the inner involved in mito- membrane called cristae. When cells chondrial fusion in contained nonfunctional forms of Mgm1, the cristae became disorganized. yeast cells (1). The Nunnari and her colleagues also first thing the scien- showed that outer and inner mem- tists noticed was that brane fusion events are coordinated. the outer and inner While looking at mitochondrial membranes fused fusion in fungi, they noticed a pro- separately and succes- tein complex made of Fzo1, Mgm1, sively—the outer and a protein called Ugo1 that seems membranes fusing to act as a “bridge” between the two first—and that differ- other proteins. The role of this com- ent proteins were plex is unknown, but it is likely that involved in each case. it coordinates outer and inner mem- When the outer brane fusion events, Nunnari says. These results show that mito- membranes of two chondria are more dynamic than mitochondria get close Model of the mechanism of mitochondrial fusion previously thought and may offer showing the sequential interaction of the outer and to each other, com- new ways to treat diseases in which inner mitochondrial membranes (top to bottom). plexes of proteins mitochondria are defective. located on each mem- “When mitochondrial fusion goes these division and fusion processes brane combine, driving the membranes wrong, mitochondrial DNA is either occur and the benefits they offer to closer and ultimately fusing them. The completely or partially lost from a mitochondria are still not clear, but complexes are made of a protein called subset of mitochondria,” Nunnari recent research is shedding new light Fzo1, which contains several domains, says. “The exact mechanism of this on these mechanisms. including a guanosine triphosphatase DNA loss has not yet been deter- At ASBMB’s 2007 annual meeting, (GTPase) and helical regions. Current mined, but our results should help in Jodi Nunnari, professor of Molecular evidence shows that two Fzo1 complexes that direction and hopefully lead to a better understanding of mitochon- and Cellular Biology at the University tether with each other through the helical drial diseases.” of California, Davis, presented the lat- regions of the proteins.

est findings about mitochondrial When outer membrane fusion is REFERENCE fusion. Although many questions still completed, the matrices from both 1. Hoppins, S., Lackner, L., and Nunnari, J. remain as to why this process occurs, mitochondria—surrounded by their (2007) The Machines That Divide and Fuse Mitochondria. Annu. Rev. Biochem. 76, how it happens is better understood. respective inner membranes—align 33.1–33.30

22 ASBMB Today June 2007 science focus New Insight into Cholesterol Regulation


t ASBMB’s 2007 annual meet- (1) from the laboratory of Joseph teins on the surface of the reduc- Aing, Russell DeBose-Boyd, assis- Goldstein and Michael Brown, both at tase, which is extracted from the tant professor of Biophysics and the University of Texas Southwestern membrane by VCP and delivered to Molecular Genetics at the University of Medical Center, showing that choles- a proteasome for degradation. Texas Southwestern Medical Center, terol also triggers a change of confor- Both mechanisms share similari- Dallas, presented the latest findings on mation of the Scap/SREBP complex ties—sterols trigger the binding of a the most important proteins involved that allows it to bind to Insig and pre- protein to Insigs—but also display in cholesterol regulation, including a vents Scap from binding to COPII major differences. The Scap/Insig newly discovered one called Insig. proteins. To fur- Two well known proteins, called ther explain Insig’s Scap and 3-hydroxy-3-methylglu- role in this process, taryl coenzyme A reductase (HMG the scientists sug- CoA reductase), regulate cholesterol gest that, when in through separate mechanisms. These the nucleus, the proteins are present in the mem- SREBP compo- brane of the endoplasmic reticulum nents also turn on (ER), where cholesterol is synthe- the gene for Insig, sized from acetyl coenzyme A. The which increase the newly characterized Insig protein is amount of Insig in another key component that is bring- the ER, so that ing new light on cholesterol regula- enough of it is Insigs regulate ER-to-Golgi transport of Scap/SREBP in a process that is inhibited by cholesterol. Insigs also regulate tion in both mechanisms. available when the ubiquitin-mediated degradation of HMG CoA reductase In the first mechanism, Scap cholesterol levels in a process that is stimulated by lanosterol. regulates the amount of cholesterol go up. in the ER by either triggering a sig- The second mechanism regulates interaction blocks the binding of naling pathway that activates cho- the amount of lanosterol, one of the COPII proteins to Scap, allowing lesterol-producing genes or block- key intermediates in cholesterol syn- Scap/SREBP to remain in the ER in a ing the pathway. When the amount thesis. HMG CoA reductase, the stable complex with Insigs. On the of cholesterol in the ER is low, a main protein in this mechanism, is other hand, the reductase binds to protein complex in which Scap one of more than 20 enzymes an Insig-containing complex, binds to a protein called sterol reg- required for cholesterol synthesis. which leads to the degradation of ulatory element-binding protein When too much lanosterol is made— the reductase. (SREBP) exits the ER in a vesicle indicating that too much cholesterol is These results show that choles- called Coat protein II (COPII) produced as well—the reductase is terol regulation has not yet that transports them to the Golgi destroyed by a proteasome. revealed all its secrets, but a clearer apparatus. Once in the Golgi, the DeBose-Boyd showed that Insig picture of the processes involved is SREBPs are broken down, and was key in the breakdown of HMG now emerging that could help the resulting fragments enter the CoA reductase. The protein first devise new treatments against cho- nucleus where they activate the binds to a complex made of Insig, a lesterol-related disorders. genes coding for cholesterol. ubiquitin ligase called gp78, an When cholesterol builds up in the enzyme called ubiquitin-conjugat- ER, it binds to the Scap/SREBP com- ing 7 (Ubc7), and a protein called REFERENCE plex, preventing it from exiting the cell. valosin-containing protein (VCP). 1. Goldstein, J. L., DeBose-Boyd, R. A., and Brown, M. S. (2006) Protein Sensors for DeBose-Boyd presented recent results Then gp78 attaches ubiquitin pro- Membrane Sterols. Cell 124, 35–46

June 2007 ASBMB Today 23 science focus How RNA Enzymes Work


ince their discovery in the early act as a spliceosome, removing itself splicing process—but a water mole- S1980s, RNA enzymes—or and joining the ends of the remain- cule and a hydroxyl (ϪOH) group at ribozymes—have generated increas- ing RNA pieces, or exons. the end of the peptidyl tRNA. ing interest from scientists. At first a Strobel and his team provided a “These findings revealed a second biological curiosity, these molecules detailed description of how one such mechanism by which RNA enzymes have been shown to be part of intron, called a group I intron, works. work, which was not what we were important cellular processes, and He showed that the intron’s action expecting,” Strobel says. their ability to recognize and cut spe- mechanism shares many similarities RNA enzymes can also control gene cific RNA molecules is making them with that of a DNA or RNA polymer- expression. A special type of RNA potentially useful for human therapy. ase—an enzyme assisting in DNA rep- called a riboswitch can be found before However, their mechanism of action lication and transcription, respectively. the coding region of an mRNA mole- is still the subject of intense research. In particular, both the intron and the cule, where it regulates the production At ASBMB’s 2007 annual meeting, polymerase use two metal ions and or activity of the coding region by Scott Strobel, professor of Molecular promote their reactions through sim- binding to a small molecule. Biophysics and Biochemistry at Yale ilar mechanisms (see figure). Strobel presented the structure of a riboswitch called GlmS that is located upstream of the gene encoding gluco- samine 6-phosphate (GlcN6P) synthe- tase, a protein that makes GlcN6P, a precursor to cell wall biosynthesis in bacteria (3). The riboswitch regulates the production of GlcN6P synthetase by binding to GlcN6P. Unlike other riboswitches identi- fied thus far, GlmS does not appear to undergo any structural rearrange- ment upon binding to GlcN6P, but instead functions as a ribozyme that Comparison of the active site of a group I intron (left) and an RNA or DNA polymerase uses GlcN6P as a chemical cofactor. (right), showing how two magnesium ions are used in both cases. Stimulated by these surprising find- ings, Strobel and his team continue to University, New Haven, Connecticut, The scientists also looked at RNA’s explore RNA enzymes in various cellu- showed that ribozymes can act by very catalytic role within the ribosome, lar processes. They look forward to discovering still unknown catalytic different mechanisms depending on which binds to two substrates—an processes used by RNA enzymes. whether they perform RNA splicing or aminoacyl transfer RNA and a peptidyl translation or regulate gene expression. transfer RNA—and catalyzes the for- REFERENCES The first process studied by Stro- mation of a peptide bond that, through 1. Stahley, M. R., and Strobel, S. A. (2005) Structural Evidence for a Two-metal Ion bel’s team is RNA’s role in a splicing many cycles, leads to a protein. Mechanism of Group I Intron Splicing. Science mechanism in which introns are Strobel’s team, in collaboration 209, 1587–1590 2. Schmeing, R. M., Huang, K. S., Kitchen, D. E., removed from an RNA molecule (1). with Tom Steitz’s group, also at Yale, Strobel, S. A., and Steitz, T. A. (2005) Structural In the case of mRNA, this process is determined a series of structures of a Insights into the Roles of Water and the 2Ј Hydroxyl of the P Site tRNA in the Peptidyl often conducted by a ribonucleopro- ribosome while the two tRNAs are Transferase Reaction. Mol. Cell 20, 437–448 tein—a complex made of RNA and bound together (2) and showed that 3. Cochrane, J. C., Lipchock, S. V., and Strobel, S. A. proteins called the spliceosome. But, the catalytic reaction does not (2007) Structural Investigation of the GlmS Ribozyme Bound to Its Catalytic Cofactor. Chem. in some cases, the intron itself can involve metal ions—as in the RNA Biol. 14, 97–105

24 ASBMB Today June 2007 science focus How Proteins Move


technique developed over half ments to determine the positions gesting a potential mechanism for Aa century ago by physicists to of atoms in a protein and how the transport of misfolded proteins explore the properties of matter is these positions change over time.” from the entrance channel to the now being used to study the inter- NMR spectroscopy allowed catalytic chamber. nal movements of proteins. At Kay’s team to describe what hap- “NMR spectroscopy can now pro- ASBMB’s 2007 annual meeting, pens to a protein evolving from an vide valuable information about the Lewis Kay, professor of Chemical unfolded to a folded state in much internal dynamics of proteins,” Kay Physics at the University of more detail than with other tech- says. “When combined with data Toronto, Canada, presented the niques (1). The NMR technique latest applications of this tech- was applied to a domain from Fyn nique, called nuclear magnetic tyrosine kinase—a protein involved resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, in the coating of nerve cells with to study protein folding and the myelin—and showed which parts inner workings of a key protein of the protein folded first and that removes damaged proteins which ones folded later. from cells. Kay and his colleagues also The technique relies on the fact showed that NMR spectroscopy can that the chemical, structural, and be used to study large molecular dynamic properties of a molecule complexes (2). They provided new can be determined by a set of insight into the inner workings of the experiments that use pulses of mag- proteasome (see figure), which is netic fields. When such fields known to remove damaged and mis- are applied briefly to a protein, folded proteins from cells. The pro- small magnets in the molecules that tein is made of an entrance channel, Cross-section of the side view of the are inside the protein are per- two antechambers where damaged proteasome. Residues undergoing concerted motion are shown in red turbed—as if jumping from an proteins are stored before degrada- and yellow. The active sites are electric shock—and then return to tion, and a catalytic chamber where shown in blue. their original positions. While the proteins are degraded. doing so, the molecules emit sig- Until now, scientists had not been from x-ray diffraction and electron nals that can be recorded and that able to apply NMR spectroscopy in a microscopy, NMR spectroscopy reveal the chemical nature and quantitative way to such a large mol- promises to significantly improve position of the atoms making up ecule because only very weak signals our understanding of how proteins the molecules. are created. Kay and his colleagues work at the molecular level.” “The atoms act like small radio perfected their technique to increase stations, each characterized by a the lifetime of the NMR signals, thus different frequency that tells us a improving the quality of the signals REFERENCES lot about their motion and the emitted by the atoms. 1. Mittermaier, A., and Kay, L. E. (2006) New Tools Provide New Insights in NMR Studies atomic structure surrounding Kay’s team noticed that the amino of Protein Dynamics. Science 312, 224–228 them,” Kay says. “This informa- acids in the entrance channel and 2. Sprangers, R., and Kay, L. E. (2007) tion can be combined with that those inside the antechambers Quantitative Dynamics and Binding Studies of the 20S Proteasome by NMR. Nature 445, obtained from many other experi- moved in a concerted manner, sug- 618–622

June 2007 ASBMB Today 25 science focus Finding New Ways to Fight Tuberculosis


uberculosis (TB) is a major global Infectious Diseases, Bethesda, Mary- In the second presentation, Kana Tdisease infecting one-third of the land; Bavesh Kana, a researcher at reported research on ways to prevent world population—2 billion people— the University of the Witwatersrand, TB bacteria from reactivating after and killing 2 million people each year. Johannesburg, South Africa; and lying dormant in human hosts. TB This situation is aggravated by the fact Jamaine Davis, a postdoctoral fellow bacteria lie dormant in about 90% of that new strains of drug-resistant TB at NIH’s National Cancer Institute, infected people and can be reactivated bacteria have developed, forcing Frederick, Maryland. at any time to cause disease. This reac- infected people to take at least four Manjunatha discussed the mecha- tivation could be caused in part by drugs for a period lasting usually nism of action of a compound currently proteins called resuscitation-promot- between 6 and 18 months. No new tested against tuberculosis. The com- ing factors (Rpfs), which may form the drug has been introduced into this pound, PA-824, is part of a family of basis of novel anti-TB drugs. regimen since the mid-1970s, stimulat- compounds called nitroimidazoles and is Kana and his colleagues discovered ing renewed research to find new and active not only against drug-resistant TB that when the five known versions of more powerful drugs. bacteria but also dormant ones. Rpf were mutated, TB bacteria did not reactivate in culture and did not cause significant disease in infected mice. The scientists also mutated four of the five Rpfs in the TB bacterium and found that the resulting strains behaved differently in culture and in mice. These observations showed that the five Rpfs may perform special- ized, discrete functions and suggest that understanding the roles of each version of Rpf and its biochemical activities may help in the design of novel anti-TB drugs. Davis presented the structure of part of a TB bacterium protein that plays a central role in DNA biosynthe- sis. Called ribonucleotide reductase ASBMB’s Minority Affairs Com- Manjunatha and NIH researcher (RNR), the protein catalyzes the reduc- mittee sponsored a symposium at the Clifton Barry studied how TB bacte- tion of all four ribonucleotides to their Society’s 2007 annual meeting to ria might become resistant to PA-824 corresponding deoxyribonucleotides. look at the latest research results on and uncovered biochemical pathways An active RNR complex is made of the mechanisms of action of new showing how drug resistance arises two subunits called R1 and R2, so sci- anti-TB drugs and possible novel from this class of compounds. entists have considered devising drugs ways to fight the disease. The scientists discovered mutations that prevent these subunits from bind- The symposium was part of a in Rv3547, a protein that allows bacte- ing to each other. Davis and his col- series of four sessions that focused on ria to be resistant not only to PA-824 leagues have resolved the structure of health issues affecting minorities and but to many similar drugs as well. With R2, but the structure of R1 has not underserved populations and the discovery of the specific protein been determined yet. To understand included presentations by Ujjini that activates PA-824, the researchers how a drug would prevent association Manjunatha, a researcher at the could develop an improved version of between R1 and R2, scientists would National Institutes of Health’s (NIH) PA-824 and accelerate the pace of new need to elucidate the structure of the National Institute of Allergy and TB drug development. entire RNR complex.

26 ASBMB Today June 2007 science focus Aneuploidy Can Cause Cancer


hen cell division goes wrong, years ago by a German biologist Cleveland’s team found that mice Wcells can end up with an abnor- named Theodor Boveri, but the evi- with reduced levels of CENP-E did mal number of —a con- dence accumulated so far had been indeed develop cancer, but it affected dition called aneuploidy and a cause of inconclusive. Cleveland and his col- mainly old mice. Ten percent of the genetic disorders such as Down syn- leagues provided new insight into mice developed spleen cancer, and they drome and various birth defects. Ane- Boveri’s hypothesis by studying mice were three times more likely to develop uploidy is also linked to most human with reduced level of a protein called lung tumors than normal mice. solid cancers—cancers occurring in centromere-associated protein E Surprisingly, the scientists also “solid” organs, such as the breast or (CENP-E) that causes random misseg- found that high aneuploidy rates from prostate, as opposed to blood can- regation of one or a few chromosomes. low levels of CENP-E could sometimes cers—although whether aneuploidy CENP-E is a motor protein have the opposite effect of delaying causes cancer or results from it has not involved in aligning chromosomes tumor onset. All mice that lacked a been well established—until now. during mitosis and in delaying mito- tumor suppressor gene called p19/ARF At ASBMB’s 2007 annual meet- sis to prevent errors in chromosome developed fatal tumors. But, in these ing, Don Cleveland, professor of segregation. Previous studies had mice, increased aneuploidy from reduced CENP-E sharply slowed tumor development. A possible expla- nation is that aneuploidy can increase the loss of mutations that drive cell growth—a hallmark of cancer—or trigger cell death, say, from loss of an essential chromosome. Cleveland explains that this situa- tion is similar to genetic instability caused by DNA damage. Cells sustain low levels of DNA damage on a regular basis, but this is normally countered by repair mechanisms. Higher levels of DNA damage due to mutations result in viable cells but are associated with cancers. Chemotherapeutic drugs— A, in normal cell division, all chromosomes are equally segregated to give rise to such as cisplatin—produce even higher two genetically identical daughter cells. B, reduction in CENP-E results in the levels of DNA damage, causing cellular misalignment of one—or a few—chromosomes (turquoise chromosome). death and tumor regression. Chromosomes are ultimately missegregated to produce an aneuploid progeny. “These results show for the first time that aneuploidy can both cause Medicine, Neuroscience and Cellular already examined mutations in genes cancer—as Boveri had initially pro- and Molecular Medicine at the Uni- encoding proteins with similar func- posed—and inhibit it, depending on versity of California in San Diego, pre- tions—such as Mad2, Bub3, and the level of genomic damage that is sented evidence in mice that aneu- BubR1—but these proteins had present,” Cleveland says. ploidy results in the formation of other functions, so that the muta- tumors in aged animals (1). Unexpect- tions caused defects other than those edly, the scientists also reveal that, in related to aneuploidy. Unlike these certain circumstances, aneuploidy can proteins, however, CENP-E is known REFERENCE also inhibit tumor formation. only to generate high rates of aneuploidy, 1. Weaver, B. A. A., Silk, A. D., Montagna, C., Verdier-Pinard, P., and Cleveland, D. W. (2007) The hypothesis that aneuploidy which makes it a more ideal candidate to Aneuploidy Acts Both Oncogenically and as a causes cancer was made nearly 100 test Boveri’s theory. Tumor Suppressor. Cancer Cell 11, 25–36

June 2007 ASBMB Today 27 science focus The Inner Workings and Promises of Skin Stem Cells


kin cells continually renew erate other tissues,” Fuchs says. entation that ␤-catenin can also be Sthemselves to repair wounds, “Although we still don’t know all the stabilized by inhibiting a second replace old cells, and regrow hair. biochemical pathways involved, pathway, the bone morphogenetic Scientists have shown that the renew- recent studies are providing a wealth protein (BMP) pathway. Together, ing cells are stem cells present in the of new information that could be these two signaling pathways help to skin, but how they work is not com- valuable for clinical applications.” generate new hair. pletely understood. Skin stem cells are located in The epidermis also contains stem At ASBMB’s 2007 annual meeting, small reservoirs that can be found cells in its innermost layers. But , Howard Hughes Medical in three different areas of the skin: when these stem cells are damaged, Investigator and Rebecca C. Lancefield the epidermis, which is a series of the hair follicle’s stem cells receive Professor of Mammalian Cell Biology stratified layers on the surface of biochemical signals telling them to and Development at Rockefeller Uni- the skin; the hair follicle, which is a divide and move upward to replenish versity, New York, reviewed the latest narrow tube with cells that produce the stem cells in the epidermis and research on skin stem cells and pre- hair; and the sebaceous gland, repair the injury. sented the various biochemical path- located near the hair follicle and Recently, Fuchs’s team discovered ways leading to skin or hair renewal. the source of an oily substance that stem cells at the base of the sebaceous “The skin is a rich source of lubricates hair and protects it from gland. Again, when these stem cells readily accessible stem cells that are bacterial infections. are damaged, hair follicle stem cells used to regenerate the surface of our Fuchs and her colleagues (1) devel- appear to be able to replenish them. skin and may one day be used to gen- oped a clever method to label and Better understanding of these monitor the hair follicle’s stem cells, three sources of skin stem cells may which are located in an area that forms provide new ways to use them to a bulge within its shaft (see figure). The treat skin and hair disorders. hair follicle undergoes constant bouts “Our recent studies—in collabo- of growth and shedding. At the start of ration with Peter Mombaerts’s lab at new growth, a protein called ␤-catenin Rockefeller—suggest that skin stem accumulates and partners with two cell nuclei from adult mice can be other proteins called lymphoid reprogrammed when placed in an enhancer-binding factor 1 (LEF1) and enucleated, unfertilized oocyte,” transcription factor 3 (TCF3). This Fuchs says. “We have generated switches on new genes and prompts healthy mice from these skin stem the stem cells to proliferate and grow cell nuclei. Hence, if current ethical downward to generate the new hair and technical hurdles can be overcome follicle. Then the follicle begins to grow to permit cloning of human hybrid a new hair, which moves upward and embryonic stem cells from unfertilized appears at the skin surface. oocytes and adult skin nuclei, it might Fuchs’s research, extending back be possible to harness their potential Diagram of a hair follicle. The stem cells to the 1990s, revealed that the critical for broader uses in regenerative medi- (green), located in an area called the bulge, protein involved in initiating new cine in the future.” can genarate a new hair follicle and rounds of hair growth is ␤-catenin, repair the epidermis on injury. Reprinted which can be generated in response by permission from Macmillan Publishers REFERENCE Ltd: Nature Vol. 445, p. 838, copyright to a signaling pathway called the Wnt 1. Fuchs, E. (2007) Scratching the surface of skin 2007. www.nature.com/nature/index.html. pathway. Fuchs showed at the pres- development. Nature 445, 834–842

28 ASBMB Today June 2007 for your lab

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SAVE THE OCTOBER 11–14, 2007 DATE! ATLANTA, GEORGIA Glycobiology of Human Disorders: An ASBMB sponsored symposium ORGANIZER: Richard Cummings, Emory University


June 2007 ASBMB Today 29 career opportunities

Franklin and Marshall dossiers until the position is filled. Appli- component of a deadly toxin produced by College cants should send a letter of application Bacillus anthracis and is an important viru- (that includes plans for actively engaging lence factor in anthrax (for a review, see BIOCHEMIST – SEARCH undergraduates through teaching and Biochem. J. 2007, 402, 405–417). LF is an EXTENDED research), a curriculum vitae, and under- extraordinarily specific metalloproteinase, The Biology Department of Franklin & graduate and graduate transcripts to: exclusively cleaving mitogen-activated Marshall College invites applications for Prof. Peter Fields, Department of Biology, protein kinase kinases. The project will a one-year VISITING ASSISTANT PRO- Franklin & Marshall College, Lancaster, PA involve structure-function studies to iden- FESSOR POSITION starting July 2007. 17604-3003. Tel.: 717-291-4118; Fax: 717-358- tify determinants of LF specificity in vitro Candidates should have a Ph.D., dem- 4548; E-mail: [email protected]; that are relevant to its biological activity in onstrated strength in teaching and Web site: www.fandm.edu/biology.xml. cultured cells. One goal of the project will research, and the ability to engage be to identify novel small molecule LF Applicants should also have 3 reference let- undergraduates in research. Teaching inhibitors, which constitute candidates for ters sent directly to Prof. Fields. responsibilities include lecture and labo- anthrax therapeutics. Candidates should Franklin and Marshall College is a highly selective ratory sections of a junior-level biochem- have or expect a Ph.D. in chemistry or bio- istry course emphasizing metabolism liberal arts college with a demonstrated commitment to cultural pluralism. Equal Opportunity Employer. logical science and should have experi- (spring) and a sophomore-level core ence with molecular biology and protein course in physiology and development of expression/purification. Priority will be plants and animals (fall). Franklin & Marshall Yale University School of Medicine given to candidates with a background in College has a tradition of excellence in sci- cell biology and/or enzymology. Interested ence and student research; a new life sci- POSTDOCTORAL applicants should send a current CV and ences building will open in summer 2007. POSITION the names of 3 references by e-mail to: In addition to the Biology major, we offer A postdoctoral position in biochemistry Ben Turk, Assistant Professor, Department of interdisciplinary majors in Biochemistry and molecular biology to study mecha- Pharmacology. E-mail: [email protected]. and Molecular Biology and in Biological nisms of substrate recognition by the Foundations of Behavior. We are currently anthrax lethal factor metalloproteinase is More information about the laboratory is avail- reviewing dossiers but will continue to available at Yale University School of Med- able at our homepage: info.med.yale.edu/ .38؍accept new applicants with completed icine. Anthrax lethal factor (LF) is a critical pharm/faculty/index.php?bioID meeting calendar

XXIst Congress of the Senescence, Aging, and JUNE 2007 International Society on Cancer Symposium Thrombosis and Haemostasis JULY 26–29, 2007 55th ASMS Conference JULY 6–12, 2007 on Mass Spectrometry IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY, AMES, IA GENEVA, SWITZERLAND www.bb.iastate.edu/%7Egfst/ JUNE 3–7, 2007 www.isth2007.com homepg.html INDIANAPOLIS, IN Tel.: 515-294-7978 www.asms.org 32nd FEBS Congress: Tel.: 505-989-4517 Molecular Machines and FASEB Summer Research Their Dynamics in Conference: Lipid Droplets: Mitosis Spindle Assembly Fundamental Cellular Metabolic Consequences and Function: A FASEB Functions of Stored Neutral Lipids Summer Research JULY 7–12, 2007 JULY 28–AUGUST 2, 2007 Conference in Honor VERMONT ACADEMY, SAXTONS of Dr. B. R. Brinkley VIENNA, AUSTRIA Registration is open until March 31 RIVER, VT Applications from students and post- www.FEBS2007.org Organizers: Dawn L. Brasaemle, docs are especially welcome! Rutgers, The State University of New JUNE 9–14, 2007 Jersey and Rosalind A. Coleman, Life Sciences 2007: A Joint HYATT GRAND CHAMPIONS RESORT University of North Carolina AND SPA, INDIAN WELLS, CA Meeting of the Biochemical src.faseb.org Organizers: Conly L. Rieder Society, the British Pharmacological Society, and E-mail: [email protected] Robert E. Palazzo the Physiological Society AUGUST 2007 E-mail: [email protected] JULY 8–12, 2007 THE SECC, GLASGOW, UK 13th International 76th Annual European www.lifesciences2007.org/ Conference on Second Atherosclerosis Society Messengers and Congress EUROCOMBI 4 Phosphoproteins JULY 15–18, 2007 JUNE 10–13, 2007 AUGUST 1–4, 2007 FLORENCE, ITALY HELSINKI, FINLAND SAN DIEGO, CA www.polosci.unifi.it/eurocombi4 www.kenes.com/eas2007 Abstracts must be submitted by July 1 E-mail: [email protected] Tel.: 41-22-908-0488 www.smp-2007.com/ Fax: 41-22-732-2850 21st Annual Symposium American Diabetes of the Protein Society FASEB Summer Research Association’s 67th Annual Proteins: From Birth to Death Conference–Lipid Signaling Scientific Sessions JULY 21–25, 2007 Pathways in Cancer JUNE 22–26, 2007 BOSTON, MA AUGUST 11–16, 2007 CHICAGO, IL www.proteinsociety.org INDIAN WELLS, CA www.wynjade.com/ada07/ src.faseb.org Gordon Research 20th American Peptide Conference–Molecular and Kern Aspen Lipid Symposium Cellular Biology of Lipids Conference–Diabetes, JUNE 23–27, 2007 JULY 22–27, 2007 Obesity and Atherosclerosis MONTREAL, QUEBEC, CANADA WATERVILLE VALLEY, NH AUGUST 19–22, 2007 E-mail: [email protected] www.grc.org ASPEN, CO 4th British Society www.uchsc.edu/kernconference/ JULY 2007 for Proteome E-mail: [email protected] Research/European 8th International Symposium XXIII International Bioinformatics Institute on Mass Spectrometry in the Conference on Yeast Proteomics Meeting Health & Life Sciences and Molecular Biology Integrative Proteomics: Maximizing the Value of Proteomics AUGUST 19–23, 2007 JULY 1–6, 2007 JULY 25–27, 2007 FAIRMONT HOTEL, SAN MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA FRANCISCO, CA CAMBRIDGE, UK www.yeast2007.org/program.php www.donatello.ucsf.edu/symposium/ www.bspr.org/ E-mail: Yeast2007@meetingplanners. E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] com.au Tel.: 415-476-4893 Tel.: 61-3-9417-0888

June 2007 ASBMB Today 31 meeting calendar continued

234th American Chemical 5th Euro Fed Lipid Congress 4th International & 2nd Asia- Society National Meeting SEPTEMBER 16–19, 2007 Pacific Peptide Symposium AUGUST 19–23, 2007 GOTEBORG, SWEDEN OCTOBER 21–26, 2007 BOSTON, MA www.eurofedlipid.org/meetings/ CAIRNS, QUEENSLAND, AUSTRALIA chemistry.org/meetings/boston2007 goeteborg/index.htm www.peptideoz.org E-mail: [email protected]. 21st Biennial Meeting 10th International edu.au of the International Society Conference of the Eicosanoid Tel.: 613-9905-3723 for Neurochemistry and Research Foundation: the American Society Bioactive Lipids in Cancer, for Neurochemistry Inflammation, and Related NOVEMBER 2007 AUGUST 19–25, 2007 Diseases The Liver Meeting 2007 CANCUN, MEXICO SEPTEMBER 16–19, 2007 MONTREAL, CANADA Annual Meeting of the American www.isn-asn2007cancun.org.mx/ Association for the Study of Liver bioactivelipidsconf.wayne.edu/ Diseases Drug Action and Chemical Biology in the Post-genomic NOVEMBER 2–6, 2007 Era OCTOBER 2007 BOSTON, MA AUGUST 23–27, 2007 www.aasld.org/eweb/DynamicPage. aspx?webcodeϭ07am VIENNA, AUSTRIA XVI International Symposium cwp.embo.org/w07-27/ on Drugs Affecting Lipid 44th Japanese Peptide E-mail: giulio.supertifurga@cemm. Metabolism Symposium oeaw.ac.at OCTOBER 4–7, 2007 NOVEMBER 7–9, 2007 NEW YORK, NY 13th Nordic Mass TOYAMA, JAPAN www.lorenzinifoundation.org/ peptide-soc.jp/english/engindex.html Spectrometry Conference download/dalm2007.pdf AUGUST 28–31, 2007 E-mail: [email protected] SAVONLINNA, FINLAND HUPO 6th Annual World www.nsms.no/moter.html Congress APRIL 2008 OCTOBER 6–10, 2007 SEPTEMBER 2007 SEOUL, KOREA International Conference www.hupo2007.com on Cellular and Molecular Biology Proteomics Forum: E-mail: [email protected] Tel.: 514-398-5063 A satellite meeting of the 4th World International Meeting Congress on Cellular and Molecular on Proteome Analysis GERLI: 4th Lipidomics Biology SEPTEMBER 2–5, 2007 Meeting: Lipoproteins and APRIL 6–8, 2008 MUNICH, GERMANY Lipid Mediators INDORE, INDIA www.proteomicforum.com/ OCTOBER 9–11, 2007 PLEASE SUBMIT YOUR CV AND Tel.: 49-(0)89-8578-2557 PROPOSAL TO: TOULOUSE, FRANCE [email protected] 48th International www.gerli.com/toulouse2007ter.htm Conference on the Bioscience of Lipids 5th Annual World Congress AUGUST 2008 on the Insulin Resistance SEPTEMBER 4–8, 2007 Syndrome HUPO 7th Annual World TURKU, FINLAND OCTOBER 11–13, 2007 www.icbl2007.abo.fi Congress BOSTON MARRIOT, NEWTON, MA AUGUST 16–21, 2008 British Mass Spectrometry This scientific meeting will bring together AMSTERDAM, THE NETHERLANDS national and international leaders as well Society Meeting www.hupo2008.com as researchers in the clinical practice of SEPTEMBER 9–12, 2007 the syndrome E-mail: [email protected] EDINBURGH, SCOTLAND E-mail: [email protected] Tel.: 514-398-5063 www.bmss.org.uk/meetings.htm or [email protected] 30th European Peptide E-mail: [email protected] Tel.: 818-342-1889 Society Symposium Tel.: 44-(0)-1480-880-669 Fax: 818-342-1538 AUGUST 31–SEPTEMBER 5, 2008 Mass Spectrometry in Protein Misfolding and HELSINKI, FINLAND Clinical Chemistry and Neurological Disorders www.30eps.fi/ Molecular Diagnostics Meeting E-mail: [email protected] SEPTEMBER 14–18, 2007 OCTOBER 17–19, 2007 Tel.: 358-(0)9-5607500 PACIFIC GROVE, CA DUNK ISLAND, NORTH QUEENSLAND, www.asms.org AUSTRALIA E-mail: [email protected] www.proteinmisfolding.org Tel.: 505-989-4517

32 ASBMB Today June 2007