The Addicted Brain Presented by Larry Woodruff, M.S. Ed.
[email protected] Expert Resources • Bruce Lipton, Ph.D. Cell biologist, former professor at University of Wisconsin School of Medicine Author and speaker • William Lovallo, Ph.D. Professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at University of Oklahoma • Jeanette Norden, Ph.D. Professor of cell and developmental biology Vanderbilt University Expert Resources • Richard Restak, M.D. Clinical Professor of Neurology George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences • Robert Sapolsky, Ph.D. Professor of Neurology and Neurosurgery Stanford University • Brian Luke Seaward, Ph.D. Author of many books on stress and holistic health. Founder and CEO of Inspiration Unlimited. Brain Facts • Adult brain contains ~86 billion neurons • Each neuron makes up to 10,000 connections • Adult brain makes up <3% of total body mass, but uses 20-25% of total body energy (6 kcals/billion neurons/day. • In the womb synaptic connections formed at 1million/second • By first month of life a quadrillion connections have formed Brain Facts • The human cortex contains ~16 billion neurons…More neurons than the cortex of any other animal on the planet. • ~Age 25 the Prefrontal cortex finally matures, and we achieve full potential for rational judgment • Women more prone to addiction than men Physiology of the Neural Impulse Neurons Basics of Neural Transmission • Dendrites receive input from other neurons • If the combined excitatory input reaches a threshold level, an electrical impulse is generated by the neuron (at the axon hillock) and it travels down the axon to the axon terminals • At that point the electrical signal releases chemical molecules (neurotransmitters) that flow into the tiny gap between that neuron and other neurons (called the synapse) and bind with specific receptors (special form of protein molecules) on the dendrites of those other neurons.