Pas&Uena, California At\F;Ust 30, 1956 an Application to T:C.E National Science Fouldation for a Grant to Support Research I
CALIFORNIA INSTITUTE OF TECBIH ,r,QGY Pas&uena, California At\f;ust 30, 1956 An Application to t:C.e Nat ional Science FouLdation For a Grant to Support Research in Theoretical and Quantitative Biology Institutions: The California Institute of Technolo~J The University of Chicago University of Colorado School of Med:Lcine New York University College of Medicine The Rockefeller Institute for rredical Research Administrative Direction: Division of Biology California Institute of Technology, Pasadena; Califo:;.~nia Total Budmet and Duration: $105,857 for five years or $211,710 for ten years · Starting date: July 1, 1957 Administrative officer to whom payments should be mailed: George Vl. Green, Vice President :for Business Affairs California Institute of Technology Pasadena, California Approved for the Ca.lifor.aia Inc-.ti1~ te of Techno~ ogy! /s/ G. W. ·Beadle G. W. · Bee.dle, Cha~2"lllD.,1, Division· of Biology /s/ G. rl. Green G. W. Green-,~V~ic-e~Pr::--e-.s-i:::-:c:fe:otforBusineoss- Affairs /s/ L . A. Du13r1dge ---- L. A. DuBrid~e, Prosident--~--~---------------- Approved for the University of Chicago: ------·--------·--------------- --------------- Approved for the University of Colorado S<::boal:o:- !~d.ic,ine : -----·------------------------ Approved for New York University College of i<'..ed1cin~; ------- ---·~- ------------- ------------------~------------------------------ Approved for The Rockefeller Irstit'-'te for t.ied.iceJ. Recearch: ~--... -~-------------------- Research in Theoretical ~~~ Background: In 1946, after a distinguis~d career in physics, Professor Leo Szilard became an active reseaxch worker in biology. As such, he has bad great influence, not only ·because of his own research efforts, which were to a large extent made in collaboration with Professor Aaron Novick of the University of Chicago, but a l so because of his catalytic influence on workers in other laboratories.
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