Tjkt -Miijwm J3UN 24, 1905.1 LIJIMICAY, JGVZXAL w

-k THE




VOLUME I 1905.



_. . ~ ~~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ r TM Bazwi JUNE 24,- I9o051- .1 F J INDEX. LKWIC"--- JOu="- 3


I A. Acaidents to railway servants, 958 Adenoids, post-nasal, treatment of (John Ward Account forms, 393 Cousins), 182; correspondence On, 279, 335, 524, Abbe, Professor, obituary notiee of, 390 Acetate of iron in pneumonia, 2024, 1188 624, 694, 808 Abdominal diagnosis, reverberation in (Stacey Achard, M., relations between tuberele and Adenoma of kidney (Mir. Heaton for Mr. Barling), Wilson), 655 traumatism, 445 1042 - - hysterectomy for uterine fibromyo- Acid media in the isolation of the plague cystic, of left kidney, case of (W. G. mata(F. W. N. Haultain),477 bacillus (W. C. C. Pikes and F. H. Joseph), Spencer), 249 *_____ nephrectomy (Mr. Cholmeley), 1271 136 Adiposis dolorosa (Douglas Stanley), 824; note -sections, three within one week on Acnue rosacea caused by intranasal irritation on, IS88 one patient, 1396 (William Lloyd), 74; note OD, 228, 696 Adirondack Cottage sanatorium, note on, 948 , a surprise in, f9 - x rays in (Ur. C;odd), 1271 Adrenalin price of, 2024 - symptoms, acute (VW.Watson Cheyne), Act, the Coroners, and hospital surgeons, 568 Adulteration of food and drugs, git 1313 - the Dental, at Adelaide, 799 Advertisement, the gentle craft of, 47 tuberculosis in childhood (W. P. S. - the Horseflesh, charge under at Oldham, Advertisements, indecent, 859 Branson), 2273 2297 Advertiing, medical, 43, 50, 52I 803, 2022, X073, wall and genito-urinary apparatus, -lafant Life Protection, and "nurse chil- congenital defect of (A. E. Garrod and Wynne- dren," l10 medical, and dental, and the Cape Davies), 356 - Leeds Corporation Consolidation, sanitary Medical Council, 43 Aberavon, housing at, 1123 provisions o1, 1293 -- of medical practitioners in con- Aberdeen, typhus fever in, 6I6 - the Lunacy, disqualifications under, 959, nexion with hydropathic and similar estab- Aborigines of North America, note, 508 I069 ltsbmentS, 4gg. 751 Abortifacient, increasing use of Jead as an - the Midwives, 25, Po6, 5(0, 564, 835, 910, 957, Afrioa, British Esst. See British (Arthur Hall), 584; cases where used, 653 It17, 1248, 1400; iu Lancashire, 25; in MaU- South. See South Abrahams, Bertram: Arthritis deformans and chester, 44 ; Boards of Guardians and, So6 ; in West. See West itS allies, 599, 873 , 5o6; East Sussex Council and, 5o5, 565, After twenty years (Percy Warner), 526 Abscess, peritonsillar opening of (T. F. Hugh zII8; Obstetrical Society's examinations or, Agar, Samuel Hollingsworth, obituary notice of, Smith), 2330 506 *Monmouthshire County Council and, sio; 453 subdural, following frontal sinus em- administration of in Liverpool, 804; at Cam- Age Limit of intellectual work. 488 pyema (A. J. Martineau), 10oS bridge, 835; working of in Manclester, 836; Agra and Oudh, United Provinces of, sanitary Abscesses, peritonsillar, opening of (StClair the administration of, 9IO; and its first penal report for 1903, 853 Thomson), 645: (F. W. Jollye), 715; (W. H. S. clause, 957; and the medical profession, I06g. Agreement, the cost of, 165 Stalkartt), 882 ; forceps for opening, 662 1127, 1181, 1300, 1359, 2401; and payment of Agreements not to practise, S23t Absinthe, law passed in Belgium forbidding the medical practitioners, 21I17, 1248, 2252; in West Ailarophobia, 2395 manufacture of, 1281 Sussex, ixI8 ; in the West hciding, Iui8; in War- Ainay-le-Chateau, care of the insane poor at, Academy of Medicine, Belgian, prizes offered by, wickshire, I2I8; note by Dr. Rentoul, 2252; and 36 3 5o8 the Westminster City Council, 2365; and tlle Air-passage, foreign body in the (Percy Withere), of Medicine in London. proposed, 570 Islington Borough Council, 2367; and the Devon 1146 Royal, of Medicine in Ireland, I8q, County Council, 2361 at Cardiff. 1400; notifi- Aitken, Chas. J., illness following tick bite, 412 305, 477, 600, 774, 825, 943, 1274 cation by midwife o intention to practise as Albert medal, 2390 - Sec- such, 2400; monthly nurses, 1400 Albinus, note on, 216 tion of Pathology: Anaemic infarction of liver - Pablic Health, Section cxiv of, and smells, Alcock, S. King, uncertainty of post-mortem (Professor O'Sullivan for Dr. Roy Dobbin), 189; 202 evidence in suspected lead poisoning, 2371 endothelioma of uterus (H. C. Earl and Mr. - the Vaecination, magistrates and, 1247 Alcohol as a cause of degeneration. 112 Maunsell), I89; myoma of rectum (H. C. Earl), Workmen's Compensation, case under, 567 action of on the heart (W. E. Dixon), 89-; gastric ulcer (Sir. Gunn), Ig; actino- the Workmen's, in Vienna, from a mefLical 538 mycosis (Dr. Earl), 774; sarcoma of the con- point of view, 567 and commercial efficiency, 565 junctiva (Arthur Benson and Dr. Mooney), Actinomycosis (or. Earl), 774 and physical deterioration, 897 774 Action for negligence, verdict for defendant, physical effects of, 2053 Sec- 734 prescription of, 2III tion of Surgery: Cholecystotomy for acute Acts, the Companies, registration of nurses wood, poisoning by, 262 cholecystitis following typhoid fever (SMr. under, 6I5; evasion of the Medical Acts under, Alcoholism, lectures on, 677 Maunsell), I8g; conservative perineal pro- 6T6 - Professor Sims Woodlhead on, g9 statectomy (C. Arthur Ball), i8g; plaster-of- - the Dental, evasion of, 2272 among the working classes, 797 paris splints (W. T. de C. Wheeler), 6oo; - the Inebriates, homes under, iocg Aldersniith, H., incubation period of mumps, oblique fracture of tibla (Edward H. Bennett), the Medical, evasion of under the Com- 626 6oo; some cases of joint excision (Mr. Ken- panies Acts, 616, 2172 Alderson, F. Herbert, Indige3tion, Its Preven- nedy), 6oo; painless haematurla (L. G. Guan), the Vaccination, distress warrants under, tion and Cure, rev., 24 825; purulent collections (Robert Woods), 1059 Alexander, Forbes James, case of ileo-colltis in 825; cleft palate (Sir Thornley Stoker), 1274; Adamn, Edward, obituary notice of. 49 a child simulating acute intussusception, 73 volvulus of caecum (J. L. Keegan), 2274 Adami, J. G., elected F.P.L., 494; adaptation and -- James, notice of death of, 803; obit- - pec- tuberculosis, 22133 uary notice of. 857 tion of Medicine: Paratyphold fever (Dr. Adams, C. E, carcinoma of left adrenal, 775 Algeria, prevention of malaria in, J331 Parsons), 305; large white kidney (Dr. Pea- W. Coode, practitioners and chemists, Alien lunatics and inebriates, 675 cocke), 306 1071 - the undesirable, 842 Sec- Adaptation and tuberculosis (J. G. Adami), 1131 Aliens and infectious diseases, 2246 tion of Ob3tetrics: Physometricuterus (Alfred Adcock, Sir Hugh, appointed Persian Consui- Alimentary canal, surgery of, note on (John J. Smith), 477; cysti endometritis (Dr. Pure- General at Floreoce. zio4 Campbell), 304 foy), 47'; observations on Bossi's dilator Addinsell, Aucustus W., removal of gall bladder Alison of , note on, 216 (Alfred 3. Smith), 47 chornienic vIlli in a case in awoman of 75, 759 Allan. John, case of scarlet fever in an infant of rupturedtubal pregnancy (E. J. MaWeeney), Adelaide, special correspondence from, 799; the three weeks old, 593; heterochromia iridis, 885 Leith Napier case, 799; Government recogni- 990 Sec- tion of the Branch, 799; Dental Act, 799; Allan-Bennett, R., case of haemarthros of the tion of State Medicine: Earth temperature nursing associations, 7gg :defence association, wrist, 594 and diarrhoeal diseases (Sir John W. Moore), 799 ;report of medical offiaers of health, 862 Allardice, William C., simultaneous intrauterine 537; asylum dysentery (U;. J. MeWeeney), 943; Acien, boundary commission, 455; plague in, and extrauterine gestation: operation: re. poisoning by carbon monoxide (W. J. 425 covery 942 Thompson). 943 Adenoid growths and deafness, 270 Allbutt, i. Clifford, lecture on blood pressure in Accident, What is an P 1057 Adenoids, national importance of thorough and man, 325: discussion on influenza, 977, 2044 - assurance, fee for consultation, 223 o stematic removal of in childhood (Griffith C. Allen, A. Taylor, New Streets: Laying out and company's certificates, 1073 Wilkmn), 766, 1382 Making up, rev., 482 TM IrJU1 IINDD . [JUJWRS 24, 1905. 4o>Jotus~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ meto eeeldsae i6 ; Allison, T. M., Health in Infancy, rev., ir Anomaly, congenital, deathI5 at from a, ment of venereal disease and scabies 1x06 feeding of infants, 748, 1125: sanatorumi 671 Medical College Of. 49 1, 2:09og; award of t he Sir treatmentof phthisis:itis worth while?966 Arjthrasol. note on, 320 William Taylor Prizeo 1904,128; examination case AllDort, , of syphilitic ophthalmo- Anthrax in cattle,734 of Majors for promotio.11288 : examinations Plegla. 534 spread of in Cheshire,59;; in Brad- for candidates, 1185; financial position of The Irish Allworthy,d. W., Medical Directory, ford, 339; at Wellingborougb. 1113 medical-officers, 2288; heallth of the. I350 irox8 increase of in Great Britain (Sheridan Army, French, in the time of Henry IV, Louis Almond-oil poisoning, case(EI.of E. Heapy), Del)pine), 658 XIII, and Richelieu, 621 cutaneous, successfully treated by IndIan,3i2, c6, 392,572,604,803,3 15,828, 2366, 41tAlioes, note on, 636 Selavo's serum (C. B. Lockwood and F. W. 1408; civil department, 52; rates of half-pay,I66; Alphozone, note on, xt5o Anvdrewes), i6; (Anthony Bowlby and F. W. new pension rules, 392; revised ratespyy,of Ambidexterity (N. Bishop) Harman), 14; note Andrewes),s96 573; leave pay for, 694; promotion to lieu- On, 550; correspondence on, 163, 334 industrial (T. M. Legge).529,64x;589, tenant-colonel, 803; medal for Northern Ambulance, field. 1023 noteo,6rv ; (leading article), 668 Nigeria 1903, 803; increased pay to,ro803, 5, motor, 696, 717, 956, 2017 Anthropology, social and criminal, 396 2r28; financial position of medical officers, railwvay carriages, 384 Antialcohol Congress, International, pro- 2*288; prize distribution at Netley, T304; death services for London, 31, 320, 494, 555, gramme, 368 of Lieutenant-Colonel Kaikhoso Sorabji I286 731, Antialcoholic movement in Vienna, 509 Mariman. 2305; annual dinner, 1366; private services for Vienna, 508 Anticigarette legislation in America, 724, 780 practice, 1408 surgeon, first femiale, 486 Antimalaria campaign in Corsica,205; in Medical Department Report for 2903, volunteer, school of instruction, Madras, 282 1388 1023 Antiquackery Congress in France, 317; in Italy, Medical College, note on, 49r, 1io9,226 work, note on,II130494 medical reserve, an, 47 Amblyopia caused by tobacco, 33, 478 Antirabic inoculations in Vienna, officers and colour blindness, 846 Ambush II, skeleton Of, 509 Antitetanusseru.wmni treatment of tetanus: reform debate, 495 Amenorrhoea, 1187 recovery (James Miller), 1269 Russian, the sick and wounded of the, in. army America, female medical students 57; Antitoxin,diphtheria, in cerebro-spinal mening- medical reorganization in, 87; mnortality itis, 1244 55 United States, medical statistiCs, 42 re- among medical practitionersIg98in, cancer successful treatmont of tetanus by organization of the medical service of, 87 in, 264; quacks in, 4 836; antivivisection (W. Campbel,l), 283 Arsenic in the air of large towns, 203 in, 724; anticigarette legislation In, 724, 780; Antituberculous dispensary at Beaujon Hos- and ergot in chorea (Olive Riviere), -cancer research in, 785: Compulsory vaccena- pital. 445 354 tion in, 8 46; medical legislation In, 862. See Anlityphold inoculation, a suggestion,I 68; Arsenical poisoning commission, the outcome also United States (leadingartiile), 2343; German experience of, of the report Of,s55 tuberculosis conferenceinl, 1339 726, i66 Arterial blood pressure in clinical practice, American anatomists, conference of, 946 Antivaccination, triumphant (at Dewsbury), determination of (C. J. Martin), 865; corre- Cancer 1 Colmmission, o6 leading article, 370; report of Local Govern- spondence on, t67 Diet, 666 ment soard On, 382 Arterio-sclerosis, address on (James Barr),53; doctors and of 326 -- the Hlal Famiie, -__ figures, 1224 note on, 456; correspondence 222 medical poet,an. 613 Autivaccinators, some recent and definite Arteritis, obliterative (E. Michele and F. Parkes Women's Clubs National Federation of figures for. 98: and the Ossett fignres, 738 Weber), 762 au d the of Wcmen and Race Higher Education Antivivisection in America, 724; prize story of, Artery, ruptureof leftcoronary(A. F. I. Conder), Suicide, note, 319 679 653 nurses in Jap)an, 963 Antivivtsectioniist stage thunder. 2295, 2360 Arthrectomy of knee-joint (Douglas Drew), 476 Public Health Association, thirty- Antrum of Hlghmore, transillumination of Arthrit-is deformans and its allies (Bertram second annual meeting. 319 (A. Brown Kelly),6so Abrahams), 599, 873 - - South. See South Antria, calculous, in achild (Douglas Drew), rheumatoDid, acute (Hale White),59; American-Indian as nurses, girls 555 357 correspondence on, 970 Ammonium, salts of, effects of upon blood pres- Anus, noma of (Dr. Darling), 825 Arthuis, A.. Un Traitenent curatif de la Tuber- correspondence sure (Arthur Edmunds), 57; Aorta, aneurysiu of, rupturing into the trachea, culose pulmoniaire, rev., 542 389, on, 451 '33 Artificial respiration in therapeutics, wider use Amputation of both legs, late reu'lts of (A. 88I Apoplexy, prevention of (leading article), of (Leonard 3. Kidd), Turnbull),2269 782 AsciLes, Talma-Morison operationffor, 925 for Study of, was Anaemia, Report of Commission Apothecaries, Society of. London, pass lists, tog, milky, in which the ooa,eseence rev.,I 249 224, 454, 665, 863, 974, 2366; the Gillson Scholar- not due to fat (F. Taylor andJ,. fawoti), Anaemia H. Bryant). 476 splenica(J. ship in Pathology, 3 0, 751 ; Midwives Act,75X; 1273 Anaemicinfarction of liver (ProfessorO'Sullivan title of licentiate, 917 Aseptic block dressing tray, 1385 for Dr. Roy Dobbin),I89 Correspon- Ashby. Dr., vomiting In Infants, 775 reflex in Bellamy Anaesthesta, the corneal (H. denceon, 972. 2127, 2183,2249, 1300 Ashton, Gough, obituary noticeOf,o 973 Thomas), o06, Gardner), 244; (L. Kirkby 88o; Apparatus for transfusion, 25 "1As ithers see us." 612 on, 97I, (William Elder),IT47; correspondence Appendicectomy, operation for (L. W. Mayo Asphyxiation of blast-farnace workmen, 2267 II83 Robson), 217 and (G. Burnet), 827 the Aspirin mesotan - In operations about mouth, of (leading 892 article),ari-)4874- after-history Assam, sanitary report for 1903, '355 Assistant, the dutiesofan, 49 renal activity during (W. H. treatment of the stump in, or accomplice? 8o8 Thompson), 649 6262, 222, 276, 333. 390 Assistants and Principals. SeePrincipals Anaesthetic, ethyl chloride as an (Dr. Graham), Appendicitis and colitis from a surgical point doorplate. 2308 2148; blue light as an, 1290.I405 of view, relationships between (C. B. Lock- Association. American Climatological, Trans- mixtures, a sterilizable inhaler for, wood), 466 actions, rev.,wog 24 - in Berlin, 836 Amerioan Medical, Bill of incorpora- of, of, Anaesthetics, administration zo5; risk in the female sex, some peculiar- tion Of, 368, 732 558; administered by unregistered dentists, ities of (GeorgeHeaton), 463 Atueriean Physical Education, for, I1 64 in pregnancy, operations annual meeting, 2055 Anaestlhetist, choice of an, 1364 I2169 -- American, jor the Prevention of Con- Anatomical charts, note on, 52 prospects and vicissitudes of after sumption, annual meeting, 2339 Anatomy, popular, 340 operation (Sir i'rederick Treves), 457, 474, 535, American Public Health, thirty- Ancient strike, a, 433 595;note on, 696 second annual meeting, 319 treatment of various Anderson, Dr, note oni the suppurative, unusual case of I168-68~ Asylum Workerb', annual meeting, diseases by light, 193 (George A. Clarason),II8 E. Garrett, antivaccination figures, treatment of (iRushton Parker), -~ ~Barry District Nursing, annual 1249 224; (note). 375 report,iI8o _ of interventricular note re next John, patency Appendix, vernlifora, value ofin treatment of 483 British, meeting, septum, IgI; tuberculous meningitis in adult, ulcerative and membraneous colitis (J. -4 I91 Hutchinson, Jun), 1039 Dental, meeting at Salford,Ir7g J. Wallace, Home Nuirsing and Arbitration. a matter for, 224 ASSOCiATioN, BRITISH MJDICAL, annual meet- Hygiene, rev., 139 Armour. Donald, operation of gastrn-duode- ing at Letoester,J905. thepathologital museumii Andrews, Henry Ruesell, reports a case of nostomgr, especially in reference to Finney's of, 219; recreatioin at,I285 uterine fibroid removed from a patient aged operation of gastro-pyloduodenostomy, 122 - amalgamaation 20, 726, 826; ruptured interstitial pregnancy, Armstroug College of Science, progress of of Bradford and West RidingMledico-Ethical 1332 structural additions. 45 Union with, 2207 Anorewes, F. W., case of cutaneous anthrax - James, obituary notice of, xo6 Adelaide successfully treated by #clavo's serum, i6, 996 Army, British, the medical service of, keenness Branch, recognition of by the Government, Aneurysm of the aorta rupturing into the for commissions in, 248; military operations 799 trachea, 233 in Nigeria in 1902-3, i66, 224; appointment of Bath and first part of the -- opening from the Suirgeon-General Keogh (Week), 3I6; medal for Bristol Branch, 249, 474, 771,9gg; meeting and thoracic aorta into thc pulmonary artery (1). the ihibet MissioD, 392, 9I9; pay and ex- exhibition of lantern slides, 249; meeting and McNabb), 883 penses, 392; question in ParJlajnent on the discussion of cases, 47499X. 1382; milk d6p0ts Angina or Angelina? 6X6 present condition of, 435; Aden Boundary (.. M. Forteseue Brickdale), 772; recto- Angora ewe, morbid growth from (W. de Kort6), commission,4 nursingin the, 504; R.A.M C. urethral fistula (it. J. P. Lansaown), 77I; 1092 colours, 524; Gilbert Bilane medal, 5T4; purpura haemorrhagica (F. H. Edgeworth), , liability for the bites of, 552 dentistry iu, 546; Queen Alexandra's Imperial 771; cases, 771 living, experiments on, 2294 Military Nursing Service, 630; civil surgeons .- Birmingham Ankle, rare form of dislocation of (Thomas for, 732,1114; the clothing factory at Pimlico, Branch, Ij3, 304, 415, rt33 655, 824, 1041; Eastes), 769 788 ; economy of an effilient service, 954; medal aneurysm oi the aorta rupturing into twe Ankylostomiasis, jubilee of the discovery of. for Somaliland. 976 field ambulance, 1023 first trachea. (Dr. Short), 133; supernumerary 263; should it be made a notiflable disease? aid in, 2023; Volunteer Ambulance t4chool of auricle (Dr. Glegg), 233; trepAment of some among 273; prevention of (A. Dalgotty). 17; Instruction. IC23 ; Yeomanry and Volunteer common diseases of the ear. with a special mIners, 218, 720, I022 paper on (A. E. Boycott), Medical Officers. annual dinner, 2073: train- reference to otectomy (Mr. Faulder White), 7?21 ing of Volunteer medical units, 2073; treast- 233; involution of uterus after labour (Dr. JUfE 24, 1905,] INDEX. T,][DICAJ6 JOURNAs 5 I JTohn Duncana), 133; transpositIo-n of viscera culous glands- of neck (C. P. Childe), 133 ; Association, Cork scientific, meeting and lec- (Dr. Short), 304; chronic ulcer of stomach, bulbar duFcase (C. C. Claremont), 233; ture, Io6g with perforation (Dr. Short), 304; nasal dis- tured patella (Henry Rundle), 133; District Nursing, growing useful- ease (Dr. Lamb), 304; rodent ulcer logical specimens, 133; meeting and ness of at Leeds, 386 Baines), 304; sarcoma of cranial bones tion of ca-es. 772 Domestic Economy, first general Sydenham), 304; Raynaud's disease and BRITISH MPDCAL AssoCTATION, South-Eastern meeting, I357 matoid arthritis (DIr. Douglas Stanley), 304; Branuh, Brighton Division, meeting and of Economic Biologists, first con- discussion, 415- dry gangrene of lower limb 771, 1272 gress of, 999 (Mr. Gamgee), 533; hereditary syphilis South-Eastern of French Midwives, formation of, Lucas), 533; cnronic syphilitic nephritis Branch, Canterbury and Faversham Division, of Emanuel), 533; syphilis the luings thrombosis of deep cerebral brains 859_-- Garioch and Northern Medical, St&aley), 533 ; tupus of the upper Weatherhead), TogI: cases exhibited summer meeting, II 15

413; diagnosis and treatment ot typhoid urine (Edward Deanesly), 2270; cerebral Medico Psychological, of Great fever (J. Orton) 4I3; notes on treatment tumour (Mr. Cholmeley), 2270; pyonephrosis: Britain and Ireland, quarterly meeting,49.,; (E.H.bnll abdominal nephrectomy (Mr. Cholmeley), election of a new president,I050; meeting 414- Border cases, Coun- 1272 symzpathetic ophthalmitis (Dr. Cridland), and 1045, 1332 ties Branch, West Cumberland Division, 1rs7 infective vacination (Dr. Cridland), Midwives Rural, meeting, 281 meeting and exhibition ofcases,595 1271 ; par.lysis ofthird nerve (Dr. Codd), 2271; Midwives, for Promoting and Train- North Cumber- x rays inacG e (Dr. Codd), 1271; epithelloma ing and Supply of, annual meeting,420 land Division, meeting, 31147 ;mammary carci- ear (O)r Codo), 1277I; x rays in treatment --OntarioElospitals, 1354 noma with secondary deposit in spinal hairy mole (Ur. Codd). 1271 ; separation for the Prevention of Consump- (Dr. Edington),I47; pharyngeal tubercutlosis epiphysis of metacarpal (Dr. codd). 1271; tion, National: and District Brancli, Arthur G. Wilkins), 1147; pulmonary bullet in calcaneum (Dr. Codd), X271 ; foreign meeting at Glasgow, 266,I173; annual meeting osis (Dr. Bird). 1147; raw meat in tuberculosis body in sigmoid flexure), Dr. codd), 1271; of London Branch, 737 ; Cork Branch, lecture (Dr. Goodohild), 1148; ethyl chloride oesopitageal obstruction (Dr. Codd), 2271; by E. J. McWeeney,zooo; in America, xoc8, anaesthetic (Dr. Graham), 1148 demonstration of some minor points of 'L339 Ceylon gical technique (Edward Deanesly), X272 Queen Victoria District Nursing Branch, 254, 66r; Journal of, specimens,2272 (Liverpool), annual report. 707 66i Ulster Branch, of Registered Medical Women, 78, Hong Kong 304. 824; nephrecto-my (A. B Mitehell). 304; 479, 722, 816, 1046; muscular wasting in and China Branch, 717; progressive malignant ditease of lung (Professor Lindsay), a single woman aged 27 (Miss Bore), atrophy (Major Strickland), 727; the 304; surgery of the alimentary canal (John 73; case of death third day after delivery, apparently of acute plagueiniinence (major J. Thomson), 717; Campbell), 304; cases, etc., 305; male infantil- toxaemtc hepatitls Garrett Anderson), 78; case votes of thanks, 727 ism (William Calwell), 824; gynaecological (Miss of -L-ancashire operations (Professor Byers and R. J. nydatidiform mole occurring at second preg- nancy ; and Cheshire Branch, annual ston), 824: cancer of rectum (Dr. St. George (Miss Bale), 78 treatment of pulmonary case 1356 and Mr. Kirk:), 824; method in drug tuberculosis (Jane Walker), 479; of mitral L emnstter scribing (W. M. Storar), 824; thvrotomy stenosis (Miss Woodcock), 722; oculo-motor paralysis (Miss Ivens), 722; Branch and Surgeon-General EVatt, 498 endolatyngeal cancer (W. M. Killen), 825; contracted pelvis from (Miss Farrer), 722; tMalta and noma or anuu (Dr. D)arling), 825; tetany and osteomalacia exiibi- cases, Mediterranean Branch, 233; case gastric dilatation (Dr. Trimble), 8as tion of 886; meeting and exhibition of - infection of enteric and Mediterranean cases, 2046; annual general meeting, 1390 Victorian Rural annual ______(Captain Kennedy), 233 *- Metropolitan Branch, annual meeting and dinner, 490 Midwives, weeting, Y orkshire X1*0 St. annual Counties Branch, Westminster Division, Branch, 717; conjoint meeting, 727; speci- JobnAmbulanace, iinspe-

sugar in dietary of health tion of Belfast Fire Brigade Division, the place of the mens, 717 clinical I373 disease (William Ewart),887 of Sanitary Inspectors, twenty- -- Metropolitan scientific, proceedigs, 21, 133, 4I3, second annual dinner, 312; support Public Health BIl, 446 Pancras and 474, 533, 824, 883, 991, Couties Branch. St. Islington 595. 655, 717, 771, I041, 1091, 4of South Division, 772; items of treatment Hiugh 1147, 1270, 1385 col______Wales, eighith annual meeting at Cardiff, 275; Beevor), 772 buteto, colonial tri- North of Eng- t4909 and the Colo- first meeting of session,xIIo land Branch, 534, 1042; panophthalmoplegia Sanatorium, Report of the National, (W. r. Brown). 534; Raynaud's disease (W. H. nies, 2394 - 557 Scottish Officers', Brown), 534; nicer of epiglottis (Dr. Peart), ______--ec Poor-lawi Medical annual meeting and report, meeting and retroversion of uterus (Lachlan Fraser), work of, toi6 215; 534; presentation to Dr. W. L. Muir, 534; Thiersch grafting from the adjourned 436 meeting State Children's, annual meeting, (Lachlan Fraser), 53t; specimees,534:differ- f Council8, 248, 376 to 1282 ence in type of diseases (Dr. Barrow), c42; elect!on A (Dr. olunteer Medical, annual dinner, ataxic paraplegia Dickie), 1042; specimens, Central COUnCil, an- II80 o6ec shield 1042 _ _ _ __-- ~~~elections, 859; challenge competition, 14s8 nual.1125, 1125, Associations, Head Teachers', National Federa- President tion of, annual report, 30; and hygiene, and South Westmorlaud Branch, of,nual._-66 118the ssire ___ modern treatment of phthisis (T. J. of, 669 30 N Nursig,inAustralia, 799 Hughes), 883; specimens, etc., 883 ______- coat of arms -o xford and for, proposed, Asthma, spasmodic, subcutaneous in a case of 278_grants for Reading Branch, x-ray photographs (C. J. Whitby). 73 tures and dislocations (JonathanHtutchinson, scientific research, 620, 742, 796,8go, 264, Astragalus. fracture of (J. Hugh Lett and J. Hutchlnson. jun.), 1003 jr.), 656 ; chloroorrm poisoning (Dr. Asylum, lUnatic, in Ireland, 495 656; gangrenous Meckel's diverticulum and local auxiliary Parker), societies, -Ayr district, annual report,loO i 656 2004 ~ Bristol annual report, PerthBranch, ____ th eo oo Lunatic, 2320 City of London. Stone, near molar pregnancy (Dr. Paton), Of 1905, 221 Dartford, 474; 90, annual report, 8c6 nated or insular sclerosis (Dr. ±eaton), Association, the British Optical, note 39th 474; 898 paper, 474 Cork district, 902 casesand -8hropshire Temperance,g9 w Derby Borough, annual report, 1310I and Mid-Wales Branch, case, Down distric, 904 2382; evolution meetin)g, 2244 and patients' letters, 846 in tuberculosis (Professor Leith), 138-2; Fcuanadian Medical, notice of meet- Dundrum, tion of carbon monoxide in Factory Surgeons, D_____ Dysentery (E. McWeeeney), 993 Certifying on pa- (Law Webb), 1382; adenoids(Ruuss Wood), Fife and Kinross district, note tientsat, 35 1382 annual report, 155 ; aeputatiou to Under Secretary of State, liome Department, Glaaesville (Sydney), additions to, 1122 Branch, Portsmouth Division, 133, 772; Cases 2390 County Borough, an ofincison of maxilla and harelip -- Convalescent H1omneS, 430, 544, Middlesbrough nual report,I311 Cousins), 133; ideal cholecystotomy tuber- 745 T= Banm 6 m=10"Jov"'al INDEX. [JUNIC 24, .1905-1905I Asylum, Royal, for. Deaf and Dumb, Margate, Ballance, Charles, paper on dangers of radical Belgrade, University of, 836 1310 mastoid operation, 777 Bell, Dr. J., presentation to, 780 1- Youghal auxiliary, I114 Ballantyne, Arthur L, pupillary membrane, R. Hamilton, thyroid like structures Asylums, Belfast, report of medical inspector in 1046 in ovarian cysts, 1332 lunacy, 149 Ballyhaunis, trained midwife for, 493, 55S Belloc, lilaire, views on therapeutics, note, IoO - lunatic, coroners and deaths in, 571 Banks, Sir William, memorial to, 34, 568, 9I2 Bengal, sanitary report for 1903, 85s - Edward fracture of the lunatic, in Philadelphia, 1249 Banzet, S. (partauthor), Chirurgie Orthop dique, Bennett, H., oblique - Royal Edinburgh, for the Insane, rev., 889 tibia, 6oo annual meeting. 675 Barbour, Freeland, climacteric haemorrhage - H. Percy, case of primary intradural the of to sclerosis of the uterine tumour of optic nerve, 1041 Ataxia, Friedreich's, nature (Dr. Rainy), due vessels, 137 " i88 Bardswell, Ncel Dean,appoiated Iedical buper- - William H., Who's Who Year Book Ataxic paraplegia (Dr. Dickie), 1042 intendent of the King's Banatorium, 672 and the medical profession, 48 Atkinson, Dr., presentation to, 780 Barker, A. E., condition of the small intestine Benson, Arthur, sarcoma of the conjunctiva, 774 - --Edward, death of, 554; obituarynotice some years after extensive enterectomies, 720; Bentall, W. U., comminuted fracture of pa- of, 631 cases illustrating alternative operations lor tella treated by open method and wiring, 7 ; Atrophy, progressive muscular (Major Strick- intestinal obstruction, 756 insterstitial myositis sLmulatiDg tumour of land), 717 II. A., the bloodless surgeou, 280 sigmoid, 75 ; spontaneous evolution of a trans- of the skull, senile symmetrlcal (F. -_____ L. F., appointed to Chair of Medicine in verse presentation, 75; case of tetaniform Parkes Weber), Johns Hopkins University, 902 convulaions, 1311 *20 note a Atropine, in inebrIety (A. P. Hope Simpson), Barling, A. 5, iodized catgut, 823 Bentley, Charles A., preliminary upon 132; in a case of morphine poisoning, re- Barlow, Sir Thomas, appointed lIolme Professor leucocytozoan of the dog, 988, zouS covery (A. Sheen), 1040 of University College, London, 845 Bequests to hospitals and medical charities, 75, Aubyn-Farrer, ClaudeSt., diplomates ofScottish Barnes, Dr., case of rodent ulcer, 304 82, 14o, sx_9, 160, 164, I98, 214, 256,2829329, 368, colleges, 9t6 Henry, medical worthies of Cumber- 385, 426, 486, 546, 565, 623, 634, 666, 724, 735, 775, Auckland, New Zealand, contract medical prac- land, 197 780, 8x5, 836, 847, 859, 904, 989, IICO, 1035, 10509 tice in, 507 dtanley, hydrocephalus in adult, 1103, 11049 Il,59x18, 1154, I159, ii60, 1276, 1312, Auld, A. G., case of "fibroid pneumonia," 236 1042 1357, 1367, 1390 Auricle, supernumerary, 133 Barmiett, R. Norman, suspended respiration Berger, Paui (part author), Chirurgie Ortho- Austin, Major R. F. E., commonly overlooked under cbloroform, 1381 pfdique, rev.,889 lactors in the vocal mechanism, 647 Barr, James, address on arterio-sclerosi?, 53; Bergmann, Professor von, elected President, Australia, plague in, 558; prevention of con- two cases of Addison's disease, 478; determius- Berlin Medical Society, 333 sumption in, 8so, II20; quarantine conference, tion of arterial blood pressure in clinical Beri-beri, ship (George A. 'lurner), 712; deputa- 85z practice, 958 tIon of medical men to Colonial becretary on, - medical practice iD, 1233; Medical Marttn W.. Mental Defectives, their 732 Acts, 1233; unqualified practice, 1233; public History, Treatment, and Trainiog, rev., 66o Berkeley, Comyns, Non sibi, sed pstriae, 220 health service, 1234; public hospials, 1234; Thomas, presidential address at meeting Berlin, special correspoDdence from, 217, 384, lunatic asylums, 1235; contract medioal prac- of Otological Society, 416 742,797,1014, 1122, 1401 ;epidemiologtcal invebti- tice, 1235; medical schools. 12;6; medical men Barran, Sir John, death of, I068 gation of tuberculosis, 217 fatal imported cafe ia parliament, 1236; British Medical Associa- Barrett, C. R. B., The History of the Society of of small-pox, 217; the ad,ninistraton of the tion, 1236 Apotbecaries of London, rev., 993 Rudolf Virchow H03pital, 217; ankylostomiasis Austria, medical practice in, 1204; medical edu- Barrow, Dr., difference in type of disease, among miners, 218; genius and hlydrocephalus, Cation, 1204; female practitioners, 1204; prac- 1042 384; rilway ambulance carriages, 384; alco- titioners and the public, 1204; overcrowdingof Barry, report of medical officer, 386; outbreak holism, 384; infant food dd;f6Ls, 384; JPr. the profession, 1204; public services, 1204: of diphtheria at, io58 Siegel's bacteriological investigation, 742; the professional earnings. 12D5; contract medical Barton, J. Kingston, the feeding of infants, 1182 control of infantile mortality, 742; the conu- practice, X205; specialists, 1205; practices not Barwell, Richard, Lateral Curvature of the gress of internal medicine, Prolessor Wilhelm negotiable, 1206; the profession and the law, Spine and Pelvic Deviations, rev., 888 itoentgen note on, 742; alcoholism among 1206; unqualified practice, I2o6; prescribing Baich, Bamuel Ritter von, obituary notice of, the working classes, 797; new wing of thi and dispensing, I206; organization of the pro- 1304 Children's HospItal, 797; the discoverer of fe3sion, I2c6; medical providence, 1206; medi- Bashiford, E. F., discussion on carcinoma, 6oo morphine, 797; appendicitis in, 836; evolution cal societies, 1207; social status, 1207 Basutoland, medical work in, 672 of aermatology in, 843; epidemic cerebro- Automobile ambulances, 696, 717 Bateman, A. G., inquest fees to hoPpital offlieers, meningitis, 1014; German Surgical Congress; Automobiles for medical men, 372, 636, 696, 45o; the Coroners Act and hospital surgeons, 34th annual meeting, 1014; International zI88 5)8 .koentgen CoDgress, 1014, 1x22; New Hygiene Autopsy, the conduct of an, 24T0 Bbths of Droitwich, the, 3a Institute, 1122; the Schiller Centenary, 1122; Auvray, Maurice, La Chirurgie de Mddiastin Batten, F. E.. encephalitis, 76 hospital provision in Berlin, 1401 human Antdrieur (coeur et pdricardi exceptds), rev., -____ scayner D., neuro-fibroma of the eyeball and bovine tuberculosis, 14cn; statue of 418 and its aopendages, 478 Virchow, 1401 Avellis, George, Vorhandlungen des Vereins Battle, William ti., the stump in appendi- Bermuda, inquiry into the existence of typhotid Stiddeutsclier LarsDgologen. rev., I335 cectomy. 277, 390 fever at (Lancelot Kilroy and F. W. Hooper), Axiat t3rsion of the uLerus, 314 Bavaria, Duke Karl Theodor of, celebrates 878 Axilla, sarcoma of (Mr. Heaton for Mr. Barling), twenty-fifth anniversary of medical gradua- Bernard, Dr. Armand, resignation of, 1354; ex- 1043 tion, 665 tension of term of office, 1402 B&you. P. G. Histologischen Untersuchungs- Berne, lady lecturer at university of, 836 B. methoden des Nervensystems, rev., 723 Bernhard, Ozcar, open methods of wound treat- Bazin's malady successfully treated by high- ment, 915 Bab, Hans, Die Colo3trum BUldung. rev., 360 freqoeacy currents (W. F. Somerville), 244 Berry. G. A., visual efficiency, 1332 Babc¢ck, Robert H., Diseases of the Heart and Beaduell, C. Marsh, circumcision and catori- _____ James, syphilitic destruction of nose Arterial System, rev., 481 dectomv as pracLised by the natives of British treated by plastic operatiou, 1273 Babies as an investment, 1312 East sfri"a, 964 Bertie, Sir Francis, note, 957 Babu. gratitude of the, 844 T., of carcinoma: lactate, Is Bealson, Gaorge etiology Beta-eucalne IO99 Bacillus colt, it a normal inhabitant of shell- Has it a physiological function in the body ? Bexhill-on-Sea, new convale3cent home at, I288 fish ? (J. T. C. Nash), I83 921 Bezancon, Fernand (and Marcel Labbd), Traie -- enteritidis Gaertner in cow's milk, Beaumont, C. G. education committees and d'ddmatologie, rev., 946 occarrence of (E. Klein), 136 medical certificates, 512 Bickersteth, Robert, no 'e on prostatectomy, -- of leprosy, cultivation of, 315 Beckitt, J. Clay, Iliematemesis and melaena in 776 -plague, use ot acid media in Ihe isola- an infant, 594 Bickham, Warren Stone, Textb3ok of Operative tion of (W. C. C. Pakes and F. H. Joseph', I36 Beer, pure, I059, 1171 Surgery, rev., 887 - typhoid in sheUfisb, vitality of, 6uI, v. tea, 1246 Bicycle pedals. correct anatomical form of 885 Iteevor, Sir Hlugh, items of treatment, 772 (R. A. Lundie), 768 Bacterial cultures for class purposes, method Belfast, public health of, 95, 100, 322, 617, 847, Bidie, G., satinwoods and dermatitis, 74 of preserving, 1412 i061; healtlh lecture3 at, 149; report on the Bier's hyperaemic treatment applied to gynae- Baiteriological investigations by Professor asylums, 149; overcrowded in the workhouse, cological disease (Scott Carmichael), I37 Siegel, note On, 742 208; noc coroner for, 266: proposed fixed Big 5111, a, I(2 Bacteriology, conjunctival, some practical salaries for dispensary medical officers, 266; Bigg, Reginald, death of, 913; obituary notice aspects of (Freeland Fergus), 5s2 medical report of Slie Consumptive Hospital, of, 919 Bad times and good sanitation, uI3l 322,904; hygiene competition at, 322: sewage. Bile salts, effects of upon blood pressure (Arthur Bahia, destruction of the medical school at, scheme of the Purdysburn Infectious Diseases Edmunds), 57; correspondence on. 389 1257 Hospital, 377; constabulary medical officers, Biliary calculi, surgical aspect of (1!. Stanmore Bailiffs, a judge on, 385 questions lu Parliament, 435; alterations at Bishop), 3c7; in the peritoneum, case of Bain, William, proposed confederation of the t.he Court House, 617; cleansing of the Court. (Daniel Gillespie), 9go London medical societies, 79; House, 677, 789, 1174; Royal Victoria Hospital, Biliousness, the hepatic factor in (Francis Babies, Albert Henry, obituary notice of, 972 annual reporr, 789: Sunday drunkenness iu, Hare), 8i6 Baker, James Payne, obituary notice of, 803 847; foro3hore nutsance, Belfast Lough, 907 ; Bill, Accidents (Mines and Factories), 674, Balfour, Andrew, third stage in the sexual cycle Maternity Hospftal and the Central MLdwives 902 of the haemogregarine ofjerboas. 1331 Board, 1294 - the Aliens, 892 Hon. Gerald, appointed eresident- Belgium, care of the insane poor in, 96. 150, 268; - Coal Mines Employment, 674 Local GovernmeDt Board, 614 consumption of spirits in, 553; garden cities - the Coroners. 693. 799 Ball, Sir Charles, treatment of inveterate in, 836 - to control drug business, introduced into pruritus ani, 113 - medicil practice in, 1215: legal quali- Japanese diet, 948 -U. Arthur, conservative perireal prostatec- fications, I215' regulations of medical prac- - Infectious Diseases (Ireland), zOog tomy, 189 tice, 1216 ; duties of practitioners, -z26; pro- - Juvenile Smoking, 6I6 - H. B., case of chronic middle-ear suppura- fessional earnings, x2z6; public health, 1216; - Llandrindod Wells Water, 1068, l8o tiori with thrombosis of the lateral sinus, 885 medical service of prisons, 12X6; lunatic - Local Government (Scotland) Act Amend- -J. M (part author), the Relation of the asYlUms, 1216; unqualified practice, 1216 con- ment, 55S Cervical Sympathetic to 1he Eye, rev., 196; tract medical practice, 1217; protection of - London County Council (General Powers), Modern Ophthalmology,aPractical Treatise ou professional interests, 1217; social position of 673 the Anatomy, Physiology, and Diseases of the the profession, 1217; the doctor in politics, - London Hospitals (Exemption for Rates), Eye, rev., 197 1217 788 T BRBrM JUFNE INDEX. rLMEDICCL JOURNA 7 - --,- --r724, 1905.l-.7-.)Ii m G. the new AssocIation Year Bill, Lunacy Act Amendment, 846,902, 2009 Bognanco, as a health resort, 967 Broadbent, H., - Question in the House. he follicle the Lancashire and Cheshire Nurses'Registration, Boinville, V. Chastel de, maturet of Book,22x- for Central Council,xc69; 496, 615, 788 cells of the mammalian ovary, 13 Branch and election Association, - Poor-law (Scotland), 1290 Boldt, J.. Trachoma, rev., 296 annual elections throughout the Prevention of Corruption,6X6, 675, 788, Bolton, Charles, appointedassistant physician lI8o College Hospital, case of on a,new case of trypanosomi- 902 to University 845; Broden, Dr., note 39 private, dangers of in legislation, 489 absence of abdominal muscles,g99 asis in a European, d'Etudes -the Publictiealth Acts (Amendment), 23, 68 J. B., drug treatment of inebriety, Brodeu, Dr., Publications de laSocidte 2247 2268 Coloniales de Belgique, rev.,6c2 of the nose in their the Public Health, supported by sanitary Bombarda, Miguel, medical practice in Portugal, Bronner, Adolph, diseases conditions of inspectors of Manchester, 446; proposed 1224 relationship to177 pathological amendment Of,555, 846 ;and securityof tenure, Bombay, sanitary report for 2903. 89I852, other organs, C. the Museum of the W. hypertrophy anddila- 953 Bond, J., Pathological Brook, F., congenitalflexure,I035 for Sterilization of Imbeciles, 956 annual meeting,2905, 229 tation of thesigmoid Traitd de Swansea Corporation,9O3 Francis T., an inquiry bureau, 570 Brouardel, P. (part author), Nouveau (Animals), Prevention and carcinoma in H. Thiele), Medecine et de Thdrapeutique, rev., 1149 Tuberculosis Bone, osteoplastic (F. elected President Municipal Compensation, 841 775 Brousse,of Dr.,Paris, University College, London (Transfet), 675, marrow, microscopical examination of Council 544 Christi- 788 (Cecil Price Jones), 409; in the treatment of Brown, A. Cassels, note on Sir Alexander Vaccinations Prosecutions, cachexial fever and kaia-azar (Leonard Rogers), son, 255 - tuberculosis -Workmen's Compens%tion, 1291 705 T. Warren, treatment of] Billington, Mr., case of Charcot's ankle, 534 Bonesetters, 928; Percival Pott on, 1362 and tuberculin inoculation,Iotg 788 faiures, 2287 - case of burns, Bills, blocked, W. H., deformityfollowing20;case of Biogham, F. M., bresch presentation compli- Bonney, V., the causation of puerperal Infec- crrected by plastic operation,case of panophthal- cated by spina bifida and bydrocephalus, tions, 77 moplegia,Itaynaud's disease,534; 472 ooks for M..O.. SeeHV.O.H. S34 Binnie, J. Manual of Operative Surgery, rev, Bookselling by curse, Browne, Charles, obituary noticeof,515 an 956 1362 of physic, 2338 1276 Booth, James, inquiry bureau, Browning and the taking in blood simu- Bird, Dr., pulmouary tuberCUlosis,x147 Bordier, Dr., Les Rayons N et les Rayons N1, Browse, G., case showing532spiria Percy Sandys, two cases of exfoliative rev., 139 lating malarial fever, (Alfred J. R. to, 207 dermatitis, 247 Bossi's dilator, observations on Bruce, Wilson, presentation sterilized Major Rooert,C.IIE. conferred upon, 34 Smith), 477 Brunon, Dr. it., on nutritive value of Ambrose, obituary notice OF, 225 of Clinical Cow's milk fn infant feeding,1014 Birmingham, Boston, L. Napoleon, Textbook in a maIein- --C.C. L, Surgeon-General Evatt's Diagnosis, rev, 993 Brunton, John, case of lactation report, 855 Botany, illustrated worksI887on, fant,13s Births and deaths in England and Wales, 202 Bottomley, F. C., lobar pneumonia following Bryant, J. H.. caEe of anaemia splenica, 476 Bishop, E. Stanmere, surgical aspect of biJiary measles, 237 Brynmawr District Council, sewerage scheme caiculi, 307; case of muco-colitis treated by Bovine and human tuberculosis,14034, of,510 the appendix,sg8 lavage through Bowie, John, obituary notice of, 207 Bubonic plague. See Plague carcinoma of G. T., cinnamon in dysentery.82g Bowlby, Anthony, cutaneous anthrax success- Buchanan, G. Burnside,multiple of the - S. Scott, Diseases of the Nose, Throat, fully treated by Selavo's serum without exci- intestine,ig9; malignant disease and Ear, rev., 1335 Sion, 296 thyroid gland, 885 - Gates- B3ishops and the doctor, the, 262, 334 Bowles, L, treatment of the apparently G. S., report on small-pox in and uses of (H. toSheriff Hui Bismuth salts, actions A. Caley), drowned and the best methods of resuscita- head and Felling in relation round 538 tion, 21 Hospital, 226 ; spread of small-pox Bisulphide of carbon, the lawas regards workers Boxall, Robert, mortality in childbed, 1093 small-poxhospitals, 1094 223 of corneal with,74s Boyce, Rubert, health in WestAfriica Leslie, case congenital1046 Bites of animals, liability for the, 552 Boycott, A. IC., paper on ankylostomiasis, injury,2C46; caseofmyopieclonus, memorial to, 722 Malarial Fevers and Malarial Bizzozzero, Giulio, 000o Major. rev.,6c2 Blackmail, an attempt to, 244, 16o Brachialgia and sciatica, some points in the Parasites in Indlia, of, on, 52 E If 245 -- in pulmonary Bladder, Diseases nose treatment of (J. arburn), R.J.886M., prognosis Blaikie, Ttna M., case of urinary calculus Bradford, J. R., errors of diagnosis in medicine, tuberculosis, into the action of forming round foreign body introdcued 2253 339; Buckley, Charles W. note on the bladder, 356 Bradrord, anthrax in small-pox at, 846 phenolphthalein (dihydroxyphthalophenone), Blake, P. reports cases of herniotomy in the and West Ridirg Medico-iEtbical 302 in tuber- aged, 726 Union, amalgamation of with the Association, Budden, Chas. W., diazo reaction Richard Marlay, Surgeon-General Evatt's lIC7 culosis, 984 on 305; work of the Association, Report, (25 Bradycardia, paper (Geerge Gibson), Buist,Ioi6 R. C., Committee Blanchard, Professor,'new book on moEquitos, (John Hay), 776 of, 2222; sanitation, 2014 Biaidwood, eeter Murray, obituary notice Bulgaria, medical practicein, Bland-Suttor, J., observations on a kidney i64 1222; district medical officers, 1223; hospitals, more than thousand 1223; education, which contained forty Brains of eminent persons, note,I82 1223; lunacy, 1223; prieons, and iridescent calculi, 225; case of tuberculous Braithwaite. P. F, suicidal poisoning with I.23; fees and practice, 2223; quacks " and societies. 2223; disease of the body of the uterus, 153 salts of lemon," perforation of the stumach, illegal practice, 2223; clubs 2223 Blane medal, the Gilbert, awardof, 514 i23 the general position of the profession, Blast-furnace workmen, asIpbyxiation of, 2287 Braniwell, Byrom, leukaemia and x rays, 'Bullet in calcaneum (Dr. Codd). 1272 blatin, Marc, Le SoinageMdtical et leslnfir- 1043_ Edwin, word-blindness, 1043 Bulloch, W., variations in the opsonic indexin mibres, ce qu'elles sont en France, ce qu'elles tuberculosis, 136 sont en Angleterre ce qu'elles devralenteire, Branca, A., L'Oeut Flumain et les Premiers Bullock, John Lloyd, death of, 1363 rev.. 79 Stades de son Ddveloppement, Eldments Buns for diabetics, 483 Blaxall, Francis Henry, obituary notice of, d'Embryog6nie, rev, 778 Burdwood, J. Watson, awarded grant for success- W 1282 Ic6 Branch, U. an epUeptic family, 2330 fulvacciDation, as a punishment for Roman soldiers, Fistula the stump in appendic- Bleeding Branchial fistula. See Burgess, Arthur222 H., tcO Branson, Guy J., cerebral symptoms in measles, ectomy, Blind. proposed State provision for,scg Burial, premature, 340 Blomfield, James E, incubation period of 942 William P.S tuberculosis and mortality Burkhoider, J. F., The Anatomy of the Brain, mump8, 412 in childhood, 72, 1273 rev., 541 the, Indian medical Bloodless surgeon, 28o Brazil. plaguein, 779; prevention of consump- Burmah, lplague in, 3I1, 425; com- Blood corpuscles, protective action of snake tion in, 849 officers in, question in Parliament re 976 report venom on, 2344 Breachof promise and tuberculosis, pensation allowance, 435; sanitary for. detection of carbon monoxide in (Law Bread, diabetic, gluten, and"essential,"Heu- 1903, 891 Webb), 2382 debert's, 25 Burnet, G., note on aspirin and mesotan, 827 glands. See Glands substitutes for diabetic patients, 245 Burnley, small-pox at, 220, 259 workon, 442. 570 by muscular parasites, Schaudinr'a Brealhing exercise for children, 325 Burns, William,2330 clavicle fractured pressure: effects of salts of potassium, Breeclh presentation complicated by spina bifida action, ammonium, and bile salts upon (Arthur and hydrocephalus (F. M. Bingham), 472 Bursa patellae, enlarged,864 Etdmunds), 57; correspondence OD, 389, 452 J. M. Fortescue, milk d6p6ts, 772; Burton-Brown, F. H.,medical practice in Italy, in Brickdale, 2208 arterial, determination of feedingof infants, 856.II82 228 clinical practice (C. J. Martin), 865; correspon- Bridgend, enteric outbreakat,I.99, 1357, 2403 Bussorah, medical pra liceiD, dence ou, 967 Bristol, diphtheria in,112 Butlin, RenryT., removal of contents of anterior - 631: Uni- malignant di£ease in m%n, note on, 315 special correspondence from, triangle of 285neck in cases of spirilia in, simulatiDg malarial fever (G. versity College, annual report, 691; Children's of toUgue, 279, Browse), 532 Hospital report, 69X; Hospital Sunday Fund, Buttar, Charles, compulsory Greek, 388 Blower. Miss presentation to, 720 EgX; RoyalInfirmary, 692 Buzzard, E. k'arquhar, myasthenia gravis, Blue light as an anaesthetic. 1290, 2405 BriLish Colonies, cancerin, 362 1092 and temperance teaching in 2237 operations, Board of Education medical practicein, Byers, Professor, gynsecological operations schools, 446 East Africa, plague in, 1O0, 425; circum- 824; records of a year's (1904) Hos- Local Government, report of on small- cision and clitoridectomy as practised by the (gynaecological) at the Royal Victoria pox in the Dewsbury Union, 382; report to re natives in, 964 practice pital, Belfast, 98a outbreak of eDteric ia Bucks and Bedfordshire, 493; medical inspectors of, 6i6; and vaccina- Guiana. healtn and vital statistics of, tion. 2075 267; "Medical Annual" rev., 410 Local Government, of Ireland, and the medical practice in, 2240 Drumeonrath Dispensary. 9x Honduras, medical practice in, 2239 Local Government for deotland, and pul- MEDICAL JOURNAL, note on, 434, Sup- monary phthisis, 2203 PLEMENT. See Supplement Cachexial fever. Fee Fever Metropolitan Asylums, and small-pox New Guinea, medical practice in, 2238 Cadge. William, address bygMr. Tweedy at the research, 85 ports, precautions against plague in, unveiling of the memorial window to, 99; Midwives. See Midwives 1289 copy of Herkomer's portrait of, 957 8 ,*^1 INDEX. LJUNE '24, 19*5- mamupxuAj, OVUAFMAJ6.j - -

Cadman, HAgrold C.. lead as an abortifaciet Cincer7 commission, Ameridao, xo6; in Viennu Caton, H, Harveian Oration, 1.904; (u) I-em- 653 L-L29 cinnanic salts in treatment of (Lovell Hotep and Ancient Egyptin Medicine, ) Caei-eon District Council and housing, 2357 Prevention of Valvular DLsease, rev., 66z Caerpnilly, health of, 798; couicil meeting, ro68 Dragc), 927, 1024 Cattle, anthrax in, 7i4 Caesarean section, paper on (W. J. Gow), 478 -of colon, enterectomy for (1r. T. Paul), Cattle, C. HT., treatment of haemoptysis, 67 Cate, W. J., the calculation of the dite of de- 307 Catto, C. E., imperforate ileocolic valve, 775 livery in pregnancy, 243 - Doyen's researches on, 729, 1368. See also __ John, schastosoma cattol, a new ulood Cairo medioal schiool, annual dinner, 325 D)oyen fluke in man, xi Caisson disease, note on, 33o -~ endolaryngeal, thyrotomy for (W. M. Cautley, Edmund, convulsions in children, 944; Cajal, Ramon y, awarded tielmholtz medal, 320. KilleD), 82.s, digestibility of boiled and unboiled milk, 2211 Calcified tumour in Douglas's pouch (A. H. N. e-tiology of (George T. Beatson), 92t Caveat emptor, 572 Lewers), 826 -etiology and treatmeut of, correspon- Cedar-wood oil, method of freeing praaffin Calcium chloride in haemorrhage (El. H. Stokes), - denue- on. IT83 from, 1381 I83 - of both Fallopian tubes tDr. Culling- Centenariass in Paris, 256 Calculi, more than forty thousand Iridescent, in worth). r332 Cerebral diplegia, infantile (Dr. Kauffmann)l a kidney (J. Bland-Sutton), t25 -of gall bladder due to irritation of gall 1041 biliary, surgical, aspedt of (E. Stanmore stones.chtolecystectomy and partial hepatec- - haemorrhage, note on, r12 Bishop), 307; in the peritoneum, case of -tenoy (I. Hutchihsorn, juDn.),x16 symptoms in measles, 941 (Daniel Gillespie), gpo --of left adrenal (LO. E. Adams), 775 tumour, case of (Mr. Cholmeley), 2270 in the common duct, choledoelotomy - leucoderma and scleroderma: points of Cerebro-spinal meningitis in New York, 716, 953, for (Mayo Robson), 825 incidence compared in (G. Lenthal t.heatle), 1056, 2057; leading article on, 782 note on, Calcutous anuria in a child (Douglas Drew), 357 926 xI68; in Prussian Blesia, 836, 967: in London, Calculus, large cyatic (C. Tilson Hudson> so of liver, primary adrenal (S. Phillips 899; in Liverpool, Ioc6; iu -Brlin, 0i4; 10 *49-.-uretero-lithotomy for (C. H. Fagge), and B. H. Spilsbury), r274 Northamptonshire, 1247; correspondence on, mammary, dissemination of (W. Samp- 97o: serum-therapy iD, zi6o; diphtheria anti- urinary, forming round foreign body son Handley), 663 toxin in, 1244; case of (J. R. Johnson), 999; 356introdueed into the bladder (rinaIM. ilaktie), Lett), 287 -o6phorectomy -for (Hugh three cases of (J. Hope Reford), 989: case ot, 356 Lett),3-87 lumbar puncture, recovery (James Donelan>, vesical, with symphysiotomy, case of with secondary deposit in 2143 (HI. T. Palmer),.8 spinal cord (Dr. Edington),II147 Cereurum and cerebellum, tuberculosis of, with -_____-- largecae of (W. K. H&tch), of mouth, radical operation for (Edward external pointing of one caseous mass (re- 356 Deanesly), 1270 ported by Charles Mackey), r86 ______- prelistoric (S. G. Shattock), osteopiasticin bone (F. H. Thiele), 775 Certificates, death. cost of,5j5 775 parasitictbeoryof, 1056, 2362 medical (leading article), 548 Calcutta, sanitary report for 1903, 852 of reetum, case-of (LDr. st. George and - required by the Obstetrical Society, Caldwell, E. W. (and W.Ak Pusey>, the Practical Mr. Kirk), 82z iSo ApplicCaton of the Roentgen Raysin 'xhera- research in Germany, 319;in America, siekness, the police and, I120 peutics and Diagnosis, rev., 36i 785 of unfitness to attend school,-54 Caley. Ri. A., solne points in the action and uses at Liverpool, appointment of Cervix dilator, anew, 662 of cismuth salts,s58 new director, 5c9 uteri,"grape-like" sarcoma of < Erbert California, conpulaory vaccination in, 916; _- laboratories at Middlesex Williamson),59p mosquito rediietionin, 1390 Hospital, fourth report, 1278 Ceylon, medical and sanitary report for 2o03, CaloWelol,note on, 197 serums, preliminary reporton, 542 86I: malaria in and mospuitos, 86s Calwell, William, maleinfautilianx,E24; obser-, of the soft palate, etc. (ierbert unow), -- dmedical practice in, 2239 vations on dwarfism and infantilism, 2376 30330 spread of by the thoracic duct (Nathan Chaillon, A. (oart author), Prdeis d'Exploration Cambridge, and the Midwives Act, 835; path- externe du Tube digestit, rev., 23 ology and pharmacology at.844 Raw), 1380 Channel Fleet in the Forth, 2173 Cammidge, P. J., pheny1hydrazin reaction, __ stPatistics at Stuttgart. 1259 ChaDtemerse, Professor, part played by - -of the stomach, operations for, note, inthe propagation of inlectious diseases, note, Cnmp, 0. dela (part author), AnaLtomie und 26i 740 541PiiysikalischeUjntersuchungsmethoden, rev., -______- case of (W. Mitchell Chapman, T. A., influence of prevailing winds Stevens), Q28 ,on phthisis, 263 54- treatment of consumptive lunatics, 673 - of the tongue (leading article), 323 CharakaClub and Professor Osler, 728 Campagna, prevention of malariain the, 240 in young subjects, 666 Charcoal, porosityof, 205 Campbell, Colin, sanatoriumm treatmenc of 'Cancer body" and certain normal con- Charcot's ankle, case of (hr. Billington), 534 phthisis -is it worthwrLile ? 449; intratracheal stituentsof the cells of gametogenic tissues, Charge of negligence, 2408 lDjeCtiOns,915 resemblance between (C. Walker),I092. See Lharities Register and Digest, Annaual, rev., ____ Harry,-- arterio-sclerosis, 222;teachliDg also Epithelioma 2335 of hygiene in schools, 332; prevention of Cancerous disease. Ree Cancer Charles, J.R., incidence and effect of some dental caries, 63 Canvassing for Poor-law medical appointments, diseases on others, 764 John, note on surgery ofthe alimen- 227 Chestle, G. Lenthal: points of incidence com- ty canal,3o4 Cape Colony, special correspondence from,43, pared in cancer, leueoderma andseclero- Keith. obituary notice of.973 b6o; the Medical Council and medical and derma,926 -Robert Allan, memorialto,45 dental advertising, 43; proposed medical aid Chemists' shops, relation of registered medical - W. 5, tetanus successfully treated association, 44; leprosy in, 86o; house accom- practitioners to, 255, 2409 with antitoxiD, 283 modation at capetown, 86z Chemists asoptictans and dentists, 393; prac- Camphor poisoning: A note (Graham Grani), - medical practice in. 22*9; Colonial titioners and-, 07z ;arrangements with, 13o05 l090 Medical Council. 1229; unquialified practice, I 4C9 Canada, notes from,Ds, 437, 496,557, 678, 354, 387; 1230; State registration of midwives and (besbire, birth-rate and deatb-rate in, 1402 infecLiousbospitals f orMonbrea1 l,35 ; tue Mont- nurses,I230: Public Health Act, 1230; lunacy Chest, suirface marking of(J. L. Rentoul),z84; real maternit-y hospitals, 35: evolution of the law,1231 ; leper asylums,1231 convictstations,; note on (R. W. Leftwicb), 472 medical profession in.85; medical menin 1231 Cheyne-Stokes, respiratioi, 2349 enate of,go9 Ontario Medical Library, open- Carbon monoxide, poisoningbv (W.J. Thomp- Cheyne, Watson, appoinated to thehonorary ing of new building, 437; secret commission, FOn), 943; deteotion ofiL the blood (Lw medical staff of King Edward's Hospital for 437; resignation of Dr.dullivan, 437; ancient Webb), 1382 Utlicers,312; acute abdominalsYmptoms, 3313 and modern medicine,437; Canadtan Modical C"arcinoma. See Cancer Childbed, mortalityin (Robert Boxall),It093 Association,noticeof meeting, 496; forcible Cardiac dilatation, massage in (R. A. Fleming), Child rearing, original scheme for,sc07; and police searchin a hospital, 496; -report of the 305 ventilation,1292 National Sanatorium Association,557 sundry Cardiff, underfed school children 5ro;at, tem- Childhood, miienstruation in ovarian disease, pospltals, noteson,557; fire at the Royal Vic- perance teachiiniD sshoolsa at.n*ewoo; mor- 246, 264 'toria Hospital, Montreal, 678; proprietary tuary gat,6d; ; ismall-pox at, 692, 745, 799, 853. Children, cirrhosis of liver in, 920 drugs and foods,678; ; lepers in, 74; proposed 21,12,1244, 357; port sanitarv authority, annual - defective, medical examination of Government grant to TorontoUIniversity, repors iedical officer, 745; gift to museum, 391 2354; Ontario Hospital Association, 2354; 799 ;and vestrypowvers, 914 University College, - - diseases of, note, 24i2 treatment of pauper inebriates,, 23544 traUma- neeting of Council,2o08 ; and the Midwives employment Of, 2344 tic hysteria, 2355; anaesthesia in operations Act, 2400; health report of, 1403 feebleminded, working colonies for, about the mouth, 1355; malt extracts, 2387; Carlyle,Thomas, story of, told by Moncure D. tvPhoid outbreataa Hamilton. 2385: Dr. Conway, 255, 622; and the doctors. 890 - - free meals for, cost Of, 385 OOcteilly of the Toronto General Hospital, Carmichael, dcott, application of Bier's hyper- - insurance of, 202 1388 aemic treatment to gynaecological disease, 237 -intussusiception n, one hundred con- - the future of the race in, 316 :William, obituary noottce icS secutive laparotomies for (Charles P. B. medical ministers in, 624 Carnegie trust for the, Universities of Scotland, Clhbbe), 2327 medical practice in, 636, 8o8. 3i225 497 invalid, school for, 896 Medical Acts, 1225; Ontario,2225 ; Quebec, Carter,BBolton,. elected second honorary local - medical diseases of, books9 on,,po, 2226; New BrunswiCk. 1226; Nova Scotia, secretary of the annualMmeeing of the British ][188 1227; Manitoba, 2227; British Columbia, 1227; Medical-Association, 148 mentally zc6i service, of fees, defective, public medical 1227; tariff Carver,E:A. , infective coitis, 722 - newborn, intestinal obstruction 2228; privileges conferred by the legal qualifi- Case fordIagnosis, 2252, 131 in, 554 cation, 2228; obligations of medical practi- Castor-oil seed. actte poisoning by a simgle D- foster homes for, gri 228; unqualified Gordon note on, 2076, tioners, pratctice,2229; pro- (A. Gullan),881; I1i8, - recurrent vomiting in (. 'Batty tective associations, 1229 2290, -I332 Shaw and R. H. Tribe), 347; (Frederick Lang- Cancer, local irritation and, 48; in America, Catalepsy, case of, 218 mead). 350 264: in British colonies, 352 ; prevention of in Catasract,extration, -two cases of (De Vere -sehool, teeth of, 456; eyas India, 435; at Swanspa,5Iu; discussion on Condon), i85 666. 854; medical inspeotion69of., andfareof(leading (E. F.Bashfcrd), 6co Increase of andthedecline Catarrhal deafness, operation for, recovery article),994; care of, at Leeds, 797., 198'; of tuiberole, 629; death irom, twenty-two vears (8'. Faulder Whaite),124I7 effect of extra meals on weight797.;Of, taeat- after primary operation, Lboyeu's researches Catgut, iodized (A. Bariling),S. 523 ment 01 defective sense organs in, 914: health On, 729; sea alsoDoyey. (A. W. George), 822; Catillon, A., DeGlGcdri,e,la Pi yloologieThT- of in Sydney,1222 ;physiqueofin Manxhester, raddium treatment of, C07; cAUSe Of, 2107 rapsatique, Pharmacologir, rev., 253 1 799Neew; in York, 2.289 [ INDEX. T Bamrs.JOUNUU9I - - _MEDICAL JUN-E- - - -24,'. I 10.- ., j i

Club, North of England examiners,13c6; Atlantic Union, 13o6; exami- Children, school, underfed. 5Io, 6I6, 692, 733, 788, Glasgow_University, pass lists, 797, 846, 958, 995, 1o0o (leading article), 1001, 1291, annual dinver, 785 iiation in dental surgery, 1306; patient, alleged neglect of a, 1251 ;408 1357 395, Chili, plagutein, 551 practice, canvassing for, 1248 College, Royal, of Surgeons in Ireland, 339, China, Westernmedicice in, 1053 -rates, 835 454, 497, 575, 8o5, 863, 974, 1C75; charter oinner, Chinese, College of Mlelicine for-, at Hong Kong, Clubbe, ChaIles P. B., one hundred conserutive 339 395, 454, 497; Representative on General for intussusception in childreo, Council, 339; pass lists and degrees, 82 laparotomies aedical election of ex- -- medicine (reelhan Kee), IiIx 1327 575, 974 ; prize wlnners, Fo5; Chisholm, PhUip, a medical centenarian, 948 Clydach Vale colliery explosion, 745 aniiners, 863, I075; general meeting and elec- Chittenden, Russell, physiological economy in uoastguard surgeons in Ireland, 845 lion of officers, 3075; annual meeting, 1305: nutrition, note, 794 Coat of arms for the Association, the Froposal the one-portal system, 13C6; elections, I306; for a, 278 Fellowship examination, 1307: note on, 1360 Chloride of ethyl as a general anaesthetic, visit of Earl bibliograpby of, 724 Cobra venom and proteid metabolism, ico0 Royal Veterinary, Dublin, Chloroform, various apparatus for administra- Cocaine in dentistry, I68 of Duldley, 678 tion of, discussion at Acade mie deM6decine Cadd, Dr., case of paralysis of third nerve, 1271; _____ of Science, the Armstrong, progress of and Socldt6 de Chirurgie, 384; a coroner o0i x rays in acne, 1271; epithelioma of ear, 127t; structural additions, 45 x 1271; rays treatment 149, 339, 454, 575, 633, deatlhs under, 385 ; case of death under (Isabel rays in rIDgworm, x in Trinity, Dublin, 50, Venters and Elric Evans), 821 ; suspended of hairy mole, 1271; separation of epipliysis of 8cs, 1307; pass lists and degrees, 5o, 339, 454, under (tI. Norman Barisetl), metacarpal, 1271 ; bullet in calcaneum, 1271; 575,633. 80S, 1307; gift to, 149 respiration _ - 1381 foreign body in sigmoid flexure, 1271; oeso- University, Aberystwith, appointments, mask, 1276 pliageal obstruction, 127L poisoning, case of (Dr. Turrell), Cold aiftsion in hyperpyrexia (John naddon), University, Bristol, annual report. 69x 656 822 University, Carditt, new college build- Cholecystotomy for acute cholecystitis follow- Cole, Sydney W., Exercises in'Practical Physio- ings, 574; plant diseases, 575: Visit of the 'iDg tphoid fever (Mr. Maunsell), 189 logical Chemistry, rev, 420 Prince of Wales to, 692 Choledochotomny for calculi in the common Coleman, Percy, rupsured kidney, empyema, - University, London, physiological de- duct (Mayo Robson). 825 nephrectomy, recovery, 942 partment, 1074, 1251 Cholera and the Russian police, 784, 843, 955 Coteridgius bombitans in vacuo, XXI2, I 177 - West London Post Graduate, dinner, Clinical bacteri- 40 insurance for medical practitioners, Voles, Alfred C., Diagnostic 13 Aid 1269 ology, rev., 48I Coliie, R. J. (and C. F. Wightman), First in Cholmeley, Mr., case of cerebral tumour, Colitis, infective (A. E. Carver), 721 Accidents, rev., 1049 1270; pyonephrosis, abdominial nephrectomy, ulcerative and membranous, value of Collier, Mayo, dyspliagia, ,69 Hutch- - - 1271 vermiform appendixin treatment of (J. William, chronic constipation and its Chorea, ergot and arsenic in (Clive Riviere), inson, jun.), 1039 medical and surgical treatmeent, 772 and appeadicitis from a surgical point - W.. sanatorium treatment of phitlisis- 354 (C. B. Lock- ? Christian Science, 432. 785, 1018, 1249, 1350 of view, relationships between is it worth while 448 vood), 466 Colliery dispute amicably adjusted, Six _____- ldefied by j iggers, I176 or the eye- Christison, Sir Alexander, note on, 255 Co)lege, the Army Medical, note on, 49g, I109, Collins, E. Treacher, neuro-fibroma Christ's Hlospital, gift to, 545 I1169 ball and its appendages, 478 1252 -- Chromosomes and heredit.y. 505 Eppsom. jubilee of, II64, 1249, F. H., trIplets, 1381 an for, 426 of Medicine for Chinese at flong Kong, Cologne, post graduate instruction in, 724 Clhronic diseases, island for (F. T. Paul), Church, Sir W. S., proposed confederation of note on, 82 Colon, cancer of, enterectomy the London medical societies, 745 - of Medicine, Durham University, annual 307 Chyluria complicating pregnancy (J. C. Holdich, dinner of past and present students, 144 transverse, stricture of:(Edward Deanesly), Leicester), 599 Royal Naval at Osborne, note on, 673 1270 Cicatrices, grafting of completely-separated -_____ Royal, of Physicians of Edinburgh, 339, Colonies, British, cancer in, 362; and the Asso- meeting, 339, 1075; admis- 1394 skin flaps in the treatment of contractures 1075, 1250; quarterly c0ation1 1002 due to (tobert Kennedy), 930 sion to fellowship, 339; admission to member- Colonization, medical science and, John field, 262; and Cigarette to eigar, from, 1007 ship, 339, 1075 ; licences, 33X9; the late Sir Colour blindness on the football clerical crusade against, lI04 Sibbald, T075; admission to the licence, 1075; army officers, 846 regarding the laboratory, 1075; element theory, the logic of, 318, 451 Cinnamon in dysentery (G. T1'. Bishop), 823 annual report the Circularizing the profession, 803 Parkin Prize award. 1075; ConjotntCoiimmittee '-Colour lionours" for South Atfica and Circulars to patients on the sale of a practice, of Management of Triple Qualification, 1075; R.A.-M.C., 31 the v 224 appointment of Morison lecturer, 1075; Vision, theories of, 318, 451 Circumcision and clitoridectomy as practised title of Doctor, 1250; regarding diplomas, Comerford, Henry, obituary notice of, 13f3 of Commission demanded by treasurer, 835, 910 by the natives of British East Africa, 954 -_____ Royal, of Physicians Ireland, x66, arranged - ~ Jewish, death from, 13C7 339, l63, 1307; admission of members, 266; Committee, the Hospitals, conference Cirrhosis of liver in children, 920 appointment of examiner, 339: monthly meet- by, 430 Civil surgeons for the army, 732 ing, 863 pass lists and degrees, 1307 Police and Sanitary, 556 Civilian surgeons in South Atrica, 845 -- Royal, of ehysiclans of London, 282, 575, vaccination expenses, report of, 615 282, medical certificates, Civilization and surgery: natura aenaturans, 9t7, 1023, 113t; ordinary quarterly comitia, Committees, education, and t12 1023; subject of Bradshaw lecture, 282 ; admis- 5I2 Clamp forceps, prepuce, 2C sion of members, 282; diplomates in public hospital, lady members of, 842 communi- 1283 Clark, F. W., appointed official member Execu- health, 382; licences, 282, 917, 1023; Companies, medical and dental, tive Council of HODg Kong, ioco cations, 28i, 917, 1023; elections, 282; reports, Compensation for loss of tooth, 975 James R. Andrew, R.A.M.C. Militia, 282, 1023; library, 282; announcement of Complication of doctors, 976 announcements, 917; Compulsory Greek (leading article), 199; note 277 examination, .575; on, 279, 332, 387, Clarke, Lieutenant-Colonel Alfred, presentation address, 917 election of President, 917; plague on, 493, 621; correspondence to, 546 in India, 918, 1023; the museum, gil; Interna- 450, 625 AA. Bleckly, the gentle craft of advertise- tional Medical Congress ig06, 1023; Cancer Conder, A. F. R., rupture of lefteoronary artery, ment, Research Committee, 1023; membership, 1023; 653 47 of London, two cases of cataract extrac- - J., acute strangulation of ileum through Fellowship, 3013, 131; University Condon, de Vere, 1023 ; medal, 1023; extraordinary comitia, tion, i85 an aperture in mesentery, 594 Baly Congenital anomaly, death at 7S from a, 671 Jackson, congenital dislocation of hip, Interna- 991 1131 Royal, of Surgeons of Edinburgh, 543, Congress of Accidents to Workmen, celebration (John tional, notice of meeting, 486 miieeting, 1285 Rev. James, death of, 1357 973, 1307; fourth centenary date of V. Bruce, the stump in appendicectomy. smith), 543; programme, 973; pass lists and of Anatomy, International, 333; operative treatment of certain severe degrees, 973, 1307 meeting, 140 Royal, of Surgeons of England, --- Antialcohol, Tenth International, cases of indigestion, 468 I65, programme of meeting, 368 Clarkson, George A, unusual case of suppura- 341, 371, 395, 632, gi8, 1131, Ii85, 1246, I250, in tiveappendicitis, i18 1306, 1343, 1408 quarterly council, I65, Antiquackerv, rrance, 3T7 Class hospitals, 1286 918; ordinary council, 1131, 1306; Court of Applied Cllelmiistry, lnternational action (William of Examiners, i65, 632, 1306; the late Mr. 1390 Clavicle fractured by muscular - Burns), 1330 Arthur Quarry Bilcock, 165; foundation of of Climatotherapy, French, 724 of x66: - French, of Social Hygiene, 1348 Cleft palate (Sir Thornley Stoker), 1274, 1373 scholarships, i65; removal member, notice operative wounids lhealing by second conference on school hygiene, I66 ; admission -___-- of French-speaking alienists, intention (Edmund Owen), 1376 of Fellows, 166; Hunterian Oration (John of meeting, 6o6 Clegg, W. T., cerebellar abscess following ear Tweedy), 341; and hospital reform, 371X - German, of Internal Medicine, 34, examiners in surgery, 1104 disease, 19;* acute labyrinthitis, I92 diplomas, 395. 2131; annual meet- Clemow, F. G., medical practice in Turkey, I22z 395; Queen Victoria's Jubilee Institute for Surgical, 34th of earlier Cleveland, Arthur J, malignant di3ease of the iN urses, 395 ; school for 1he teachiDg iDg, 1014 x rays through the subjects, Central Midwives Board, 395; of Hydrology, International, 1269 fundus uteri treated by P5; - abdominal Wall, 925 the late Mr. Luther Holden, 395; dental International Medical, programme, presen- at, 673 - M Major H. F., appointed medical surgery, 632 ; Bradshaw lecturer, 632 320, 486 * laryngology Sir Gilbert Blane's International Child Protection, 787 officer to the household of the Ameer of tation of books, 632; - Cuba, 787 Afghanistan, 34 medals, 632; Central Midwives Board, 632; Medical, in Climacteric haemorrbage due to sclerosis of Fellows' subscription dinner, 633; Jacksonian - Medico-Political, Belgian, note on, uterine vessels (Freeland Barbour), 137 prize, gig. 1131; proposed institution of a 486 represen- of Midwives in 724 Climate, influence of on death-rate, 147 medical sehool by the College, gI8; - Ita]y, Clinical material, wasted, 786 tation of the College upon the Senate of time of Neurology, International, note on, -Clitoridectomy and circumacision as practised University of London, 918; studentship In 550 by the natives of British East Africa, 964 surgery and anatomy, q18; report on the - Pan-American Medical, note of fourth i19; history and work of the conjoint laboratories, meeting of, 374. ioon; paper on the sanitary Clogg, H. $., perforated duodenal ulcer, ; the proclamation of appendicitis in childhood, 045 116 c; University of Sheffield, i131 presents- conditions in Cuba since 'Closet. an improved form of, 830 tion to Mr. Thoaias Bryant, 1131; teaching of the Republic. 552; note on proceediDgs of, 643 of - lub, Glasgow University, annual dinner, 1244 chemistry and biology, 1131; and the title of Physiology, International, filth coming Council elec'ion, 1246, meeting of, ix68 -appointments, competition for. 1178 D)octor, II85; - 957 members, and private patents, iLoi; acci- T250, 1290, 1306, I343 diploma of Fellow, I3C6: on Physicotherapy, International, dents to, 1178 licence in dental surgery, I_06; election of -- of Qnackery in Paris, 843 4 TM BB"M 10 KRDMS I INDEX. [J UTNE 24, 1905 -

I Congress of Radiology, International, 2320 Coroners Bill. See Bill Curgenven, J. Sadler, digestibility of boiled and -- Roentgen, in Berlin, 453, 3OI4, II22 and deaths in lunatic asylums, 573 unboiled milk, 969, xi8o South African Medical, programme of and inquests, 3246 Currie, John, case of trypanosomiasls, 248 igos meeting, 620 -- inquests and causes of death, 238 Cyclical vomiting (Frederlck Laangmead), 350 of Tuberculosis, International, pro- juries and riders, 434; viewing the Cyprus, public health of, 394 gramme of next meeting, 43; subvention of bodies by, 732, 846 - medical practice iu, 3239 ;4,ooo by French Government, 892; note Qn, medical, go Cyst, ovarian. See Ovarian 3167 Corpus luteum, the (Cuthbert Lockyer), 826 uystic adenoma of left kidney (W. G. Spencer,) -- of Veterinary Medicine, Eighth Inter- Corrosive sublimate poisoning, 864 249 national, programme of meeting, 82 Corsica, antimalaria campaign in, 205 endometritis (Dr. Parefoy), 477 Conjoint Board in England, pass lists, 2023, Cortezo, Carlos Maria, appointed Minister of Cystitis, chronie, acute ascending paralysis iD, 1131 Public Instruction 3212 - in Spain, 845, cases of, 334 Board in Scotland, 282, 805, 974; paEs Cosens, W. Burrough, case of impalement with Cy stocele, vaginal, cure of (Hley Groves), 357 lists, 282, 805, 974 protrusion of intestine, recovery, 332 Cystoscopy and its value in diagnosis of renal Colleges in Ireland, pass lists and Costa, John Chalmers Da, Modern Surgery, disease (David Newman), 539 degrees, 86j, 974 - General and Operative, rev., 887 - examinations in Ireland, 282 ; pass Cotterill, M., multiple chondromata, 1044 lists, 282, 3307 Cotton, Charles, appointed Knight of Grace of Conjunctiva, malignant disease of (Freeland St. John of Jerusalem, II6o Fergus), 250; sarcoma of (Arthur Benson and Couch, a radiograph, 723 Dr. Mooney), 774 Cough after influenza, I68 D. Conjunctival bacteriology, some practical Coumaric acids,. sodium salts of as therapeutic aspects of (Freeland Fergus), 532 agents (Gilbert T. Morgan), 1343 D.D.S., degree of, 1024 Connell, Robert Patrick, obituary notice of, Council, Cape Medical, and medical and dental Dabbs, G. k. R., Mr. Watch, pawnbroker, note, 302I advertising, 43 254 Conscientious objector, new form of, 674; at -- East Sussex County, and the Midwives Dairies, infection of in Cork, I174 Spilsby, 675 Act. See Sussex Dairy and Cowsheds Order, detect in at North- Constant patients, 340 Monmonthahire County, and the.Mid- wich, 359 Constipation, chronic, medical and surgical wives Act, sto Dakin, W. R., present teaching of practical mid-- treatment of (W. Arbuthnot Lane), 700, 718; Council, General Medical, 343, 206, 5t6, 0o6o, 336, wifery in England, 577 772; (William Collier), correspondence on, 2242; leading article on, xx6I; the penal busi- Dalgetty, A. B, prevention of ankylostomiasis, 3299, 1358 ness of the (leadingarticle), 242 ; note on bound 37 long-standing, case of (Harry volume of minutes of, so6; the publication of Dalton, Norman, examination of stomach by Grey), 353 the financial returns of, si6; laymen on, xo6o; x rays with tube filled with subnitrate of Constriction of the ureter (K. W. Monsarrat), and the Board of Governors of the Apothe- bismutb, 720 1323 caries' Hall, Ireland, iII6; proposed declara- D.lziel, 3T. K., removal of pharynx for epi- Consultants, canduct of some, 515 tion as to advertising and canvassing, 2242; thelioma, 39r - and general practitioners, com- disciplinary cases, 3242; direct representa- Damming the Thames, 854 munications between, 630, 308 tion, 3242; mortality in childbirth, 1243; UDi- Dangerfield, H. Vivian, La Bdrib6ri: Definition, Consultation, ethics of. 39 572 verstty of Oxford, 2243; examinations in etymologie, historique, bactcrlologie, sym- Consumptive poor of, in Loudon, care 905 operative surgery, 3243; teaching without ptomatologie, pathogdnie, pathologie, exp&ri- Consumptives afloat, a sanatorium for, 52 examination, 3243; preliLinaryexaminations, mentale traitement. rev.. 889 breath of, contagion of, s5o i243; public hevath, 3243; examinations for Dangers of private Bill legislation, 489 see Tuberculosis the public services, 3243; the Pharmacopoeia, loarliog, Dr., case of noma of anus. 825 Contagion and phthisis, 449 3243; finance, 1243; higher degrees in den- l)arnell, Dr., action brought against; verdict Contract medical practice, 26, 301, 197, 507, 835, ttstry, 3244, the reform of, 3290 for defendant, 734 memoers of gio, Io66, 3lII, 3373, 2248; women Couper, David, case of mesotan eruption, 735 Darwin, G. H., presentation to, 270 Friendly Societies, 26; private patients and Cousins, John Ward, treatment of post-nasal D&vidson, Nathaniel. obituary noticeof, 391 club IOI can be members, contract practice adenoids, 18g, 534 Davis, Edward P., Obstetric and Gynaecologic abolished? 397; at Auckland, New Zealand, Coutts, J. A, purulent pericarditis in an infant, Nursing, rev.,779 507; commission demanded by treasurer, 835, 8x6; digestibility of boiled and unboiled milk. Day, Donald D.,malignant disease of the fundus gio; club rates, 835; the Powell Duffryn Col- 2124, 3299 uteri treated byx rays through the abdominal lieries, zo66; in South Africa,IIII; the police Cowburn, A. Douglas, insanity and murder, wall. 925 and sickness to certificate, I320; accidents 3313 - William A., sanatorium treatment of club members, 1178; competition for club Co ws, tuberculous, danger of milk from, 445 phthisis: is it worth while ? 223 appointments, I378; dichotomy, 2248; can- Cox, Joshua J., case of achondroplasia, 598 Deaf and dumb lunatics and paupers in Ire- vassing for club practice, 3248 Dr., appreciation of James Murphy, 2301 in land, 1213 France, x96i ; in Ernest A., dilatation of the gall bladder Deafness, catarrhal. See Catarrhal Germany, 3202; in Austria, 3205; in Haungary, simulating ovarian cyst, 3380 D-anesly, E., cases of ureteral surgery, 654; 1i8o; iD Italy, I210; in Spain, 3212; in Por- Craig, Albert B, obituary notice of, 750 radical operation for cancer of mouth, 1270: tugal, 3235;in Belgium, 3217; in Holland, 1218; Cramer, W., effect of salts of potassium, ammo- stricture of transverse coloD, 1270; cases of in Denmark, 2220; in Australia, 3235 nium, and bile salts upon blood pressure, 389 gastric surgery, 1270; perlneal prostatectomy, Contracts not, to practise within an area, 50, Cray reservoir, the,745 1270; urethral polypus,I270; epidural haemor- 3365 Creed, Thomas, death of, 3250 rnage, 1270;incontinence of urine, 1270; de- Convalescent Home forBurnley Children, open- Cremation, progress of, in Great Britain, 99; in monstrations of some minor points of 933 for a new, surgical ing, - Bexhill-on-Sea, 3283 London, 248, 780;in Leeds, 359; in Manchester, technique, I271; curability of hernia at all the French Hospital, open- 14, 359; abroad, 375; in France, 4a6, 2349; in ages by operation, 2328 ing of annexe of at Brighton, 224 Scotland, 3372 Deas, Dr., presentation to, 88o -- the Millfield, note on, 546 Creswell, W. George, prevention of dentalcaTies, Death certificates, herbalists and, 433 Homes Association. See Associa- 749 -c_cost of, 555; responsibility tion Cretin, female, precocious pubertyin a(F. Wel- for. 13C.i Convulsions, unilateral, and paralysis in young lesley Kendle), 246 -- certification and registration of still- subjects associated with exudative erythema Cretinism and goitre, researches on, 26; in births, 692 (T. K. Monro), 3144 Vienna, 3356 -- at 35 years from a congenital anomaly. Coombs, Carey, phthisis and contagion, 449; an Cretins, a city of,34 671 unusual complication of varicella,593 Cribriform choroido-retinitis (Et. W. Doyne and sign of, 224 Cooper, Arthur, on the sigaificance oI scars of Sydney Stephenson), 333 of a famous thegenital region in the retrospective dia- frog, 284 Crichton, G. C., mental sciencein medical edu- registration, dangers of,6I2 gnosis of syphilis, 330 cation, 625 compilation 975 Astley, letter from Dr. Thackeray Statistics, of, on, Cridland, Dr., sympathetic ophthalmitis, 3273; Death-rate, influence of climate on, 347 437 infective vaccination, 3271 Copley, W. H., obituary noticeof, amongDoverpostal officials, 732 49 Criminal appeals, 1408 pauperism and, 332 Cord, spermatic. See Spermatic Criminals, scientific detection of, note on, Deaths, uncertified,I06o Cork, sanatorium for consumption at, the pro- 437 in the profession abroad, 364, 283, 397, posed, 322, 790, 904, 2374; outbreak of typhoid Cripples, education of, 3370 573, 803, 858, 918, 973, 3022, 1073, 1128, Iever at, 9o4; meeting ot the scientifie associa- 750, 3250, tion, Critchley, Harry, Aids to the Study of Sanitary 411 Io6z; water supply, Io6z; inspection of Law, rev., 482 during the puerperium, 55x, 1364 dairies at, 3374 Crookshank,F. Graham, medical inspection of among sailors and factory operatives, Corneal injury, case of (Leslie Buchanan), schools, 263 733 1046 Croom, Sir Halliday, some curiosities of curet- Deformity following burns, corrected by plastie reflex in anaesthesia (H. Bellamy ting, 3094 operation (W. H. Brown), 20 Gardner), 244; (L. Kirkby Thomas), 8So; Crosrgar, insanitation at, 2372 Degeneration caused by alcohol, 132 Elder), 3347; on, (William correspondence Crown Colonies, medical practice in, 3237 mechanism 3383 I)eglutition, of, 673 971, Cuba, the sanitary state of, 82, 255, 552, 573, 3260; Delacour, Joseph, La SyndrOme AdenoYdien. ulcers. See Ulcers proprietary medicines in, 836; tetanus neona- Oz6ne, V6getations Addnoides, Appendioite Cornelius Agrippa on early doctors, 42 torumin, 1348 Chronique, rev., 339 Corner, Edred M., Clinical and Pathological Cullngwortb, Dr., primary carcinoma of both Delafleld, Francis, Handbook of Pathological Observations on Acute Abdominal Diseases Fallopian tubes, 1332 Anatomy and Histology, rev., 43t due to Conditions of the Alimentary Tract Cumberland, medical worthies of (Henry Delepine, Sheridan, University of Manchester and the Uniformity of their Origin, rev., 22 Barnes), 297 new public health laboratories, 334;increase Coronary artery, rupture of left (A. F. R. Cuimming, Hamilton, elected President, British of anthrax in Great Britain, 658 Conder), 653 Balneological and Climatological Society Delivery in pregnancy, a calculation on the Coroner, remarks of a, on the verdict" suiCide 3340 dateof (W. J. Caie),243; note on, 636, 752; whilst temporarily insane," loI; on deaths Cunningham, John, appointed Commissioner of correspondence, 532 under chloroform, 385; on the reviewing of Supply for County of Ayr, 3064 from bodies, 623; abolition of New York, Deltoid, recovery infantile paralysis of in 666; Mr. Cure of an eruption, 340 the (W. G. Spencer), 249 Troutbeck as, 2364; mistaken strictures of a, -for the itis," 3I12 Dempster, Major Hubert, obituary notice of, 1364 Curettinrg some curiopties of (Sir Hallday IT28 CoronerS Aet. Fee Act. Croom,094 ; m Denmark, prevention of consumption in, 32 Tez BRm JUNE 24, 1905.] INDEX. LMD1IC&L JOURXAL I.I

Denmark, medical practice in, I219; medical Dislocations, x-ray photographs of (Jonathan Duckworth, W. H. L., Morphology and Anthro- graduation, I219; medical practitioners and Hlutchinson, jUU.), 656 pology, rev., 482; Studies from the Anthro- the law, I219; sanitary service, 2220; profes- Dispensaries In County Louth, 902 pological Laboratory, the Anatomy School, sional incomes, 1220; medico-legal practice, Dispensary doctors, Irish, a serious itndiscre- Cambridge, rev., 779 1220: unqualified practice, I220; contract prac- tion, 447, 514 Dudley, E. C., The Principles and Practice of tice, 2220: medical associations, 1221 - social Drumconrath, the dispute at the, gi; (Gynaecology, rev., 722 status of the profession, 1221; statistics, case before the Irish Court of Appeal, 321 Duel, the hygiene of the, 433 1221 - Leeds Public, a dental department Duellists, doctors and, 672 Dental caries, prevention of, 629, 693, 749 for, 45, 274; the guardians and, i6o; appoint- Duff, M. E. Grant, notes from a diary, cure of companies, I283 ment of pathologist to, 274; special work of, an eruption, 340; a delicate euphemism, 456; Begister, names restored to, I291 I2298 stories of Sir Richard Owen, 679 Dentists and ansesthetists, 454 -298 ~~ medical officers, proposed fixed Dujarier, Ch., Anatomie des Membres, rev., 253 - Register, the, note on, 843 salaries for, in Belfast, 266 Dukes, T. Archibald, twisting of the funDs, 73 -- unregistered, IIz4; administration of -__-- Westminster General, note on, iog Duncan, John, involution of the uterus alter anaesthetics by, I164 Dispensers, qualified and unqualified, 2407 labour, 233 Dentistry, cocaine in, x68 Dispensing or prescribing in medical practice, Duncanson, J. Gray, The Therapeutic Value of in the army, 546 965 Suprarenal Gland Ducts, rev., 239 Derbyshire, health of, Io Disqualifications under the Lunacy Act, 1902, Dundee, iniant mortality in, 974 Dermatitis caused by satinwoods (G. Bidie), 74; 959, ixo6g Dunlop, James Craufurd, appointed to Royal (M. Grabham), 822 Distemper, imiimunization of dogs against, I98 Commission on care and control of defective exfoliative, two cases of (Percy Distress warrants under the Vaccination ACts, and feeble-minded persoDs, 554 Sandys Bird), 247 2059 Dunn, William A., appointed one of the Pope's Dermatological thlerapeutics, staphylococcus District medical appointments in Leicester- physicians, 948 vaccine in, 854 shire, 227; vacant, 1022 Duodenal ulcer, perforated (H. S. Clogg), II9 Dermatology, some new therapeutic methods in Diverticulum, Meckel's, gangreiious (Mr.Parker), Duodenum, congenital stenosis of (Willoughby (t[alcolm Morris), 697 656 Gardner), 624 evolution of in Berlin, 843 Dixon, W. E., action of alcohol on the heart, Dnpuytren s contraction of the palmar fascia, ADermography (8tacey Wilson), 655 533 920 Desquamation in scarlet fever (D. Hamilton Doobin, Edward John, notice of death of, 392 Diirek, H., Atlas and Epitome of General Patho- Kyle), 532; note on, 752 Dobson, Leonard, case of congenital ataxia in a logic Histology, rev., 889 Devon County Council and the Midwives Act, boy aged 8, 885 Dust nuisance in Vienna, abatement of, 273 1367 Doctor and the bishops, 262, 334 problems, 2346 Dewar, Thomas W., further report on the treat- -tthe family, rights o1, 393 and quack advertisements, 1397 ment of phthisis by iodoform infusion, 65 in modern warfare, IC5I Dutch engineers, offleial visit to Newcastle-upon- Dewsbury, "Triumphant Antivaccination" Doctoring cheap, and easy sbaving, 456 Tyne, 923 (leading article), 370; small-poX and anti- Doctors, American, and the Hall ot Fame,'316 Duties of notification, 1130, 1251 vaccination at, report of Local Government - - and duellists, 672 Dutton, Joseph Everett, obituary notice of, Board, 382; note, 1395 lamp, the, 9i8 1020; appreciation of, 1072; further details, Diabene, what it is, 284 Dodd, J. Theodore, Pauperism and the Death- 1250, I363 Diabetes, diet in, 396; blood glands as patho- rate, 332 Thomas, sanatorium treatment of genic factors in the production of obesity and Dogs, immunization of against distemper, ig9 phthisis: is it worth while? 5I3; a factor in (Arnold Lovand), 415; railway travelling and, Don, Alexander, sanatorium treatment of sea-sickness, I36I 895 phthisis is it worth while? 1405 Dwarfism and infantilism (William Calwell), infective, 1345 Donald, Dr., macerated fetus retained in abdo- 1376 - mellitus accompanied by xanthoma men lour years, I097 Dysentery, asylum (E. J. McWeeney), 943 and fatty necrosis of pancreas (Sir Dyce Duck- Donelan, James, case of cerebro-spinal mening- cin-amon in (G. T. Bishop), 823 worth), 1274 itis, lumbar puncture, :recovery, 1143 Dysphagia (Mayo Collier), i69 Diabetic gluten and " essential " bread, Heude- Donnan, W. D., acute lymphatic leukaemia, 408 bert's, 25 Donnet, Sir James John Louis, obituary notice -- foods, I23111 of, I64 patients, bread substitutes for, 145, Don Quixote, tercentenary of, and the Colegio E. 483 Medico of Madrid, note, 507 spice bun, 483 Door plate, again, the, x65, 224, 2308 Eade, Sir Peter, note on, 205 Diachylon, lead-poisoning from, 1022 Doran, Alban, dilatation of gall bladder simu- Eales, W., lead as an abortifacient, 653 Diagnosis and experience, 551 lating ovarian cyst, 136I, 1405; repeated tubal Eames, Edward S. B., influenza immuDity, 2072 - a successful, i68 pregnancy, 2332 Ear, treatment of some common diseases of, Dialect terms, medical, 795 Dorland, W. A. Newman, Pocket Medical Dic- with special reference to otectomy, 233 ; epi- Diaphragm and the circulation, level of (Stacey tionary, rev., I099 thelioma of (Dr. Codd), I271 Wilson), 65.5 Pornbluth, Otto, Diatetisehes Kochbuch, rev., Earl, Hi. C., endothelioma ot uterus, I8g; myoma Diarrhoeal diseases, earth temperature and '39 of rectum, I89 (Sir John W. Moore), 537 Dougall, John, presentation of the Makdougall Dr., human actinomycosis, 774 Diazo reaction in tuberculosis (Charles WV. Brisbane prize to, 93 Earthquakes and the public health, 837 Budden), 984 Douglas, Richard, surgical Diseases of the Ab- Earth temperature and diarrhoeal diseases (Sir Dichotomy, note on, 456, 1248 domen, rev., 946 John W. Moore), 537 Dick, J., Staveley, sanatorium treatment of W. T. Parker, incubation period of Eason, Herbert L., finances of the London phthisis: is it worth wllile ? 512 mumpS, 594 medieal schools and hospitals, 512 Dickie, Dr., ataxic paraplegia, 2042 D)over, " Captain " Thomas, note on, 966 Eastes, Thomas, rare form of dislocation of the Dictionary, Murray's Newi English, medical D)over postal officials, death-rate among, 732 ankle, 769 terms in, Ioo, 84-2 Dowden, J. W., recurring torsion of spermatic Eckhard, Konrad, obituary notice of, I363 Diet, American, 666 cord, 305, 932 Economy in hospitals, 670 in diabetes, 396 Downie, Walker, removal of pharynx for epithe- -______of an efficient army medical service, during lactation, 2312 lioma, Igi 954 Dietary of health and disease, place of sugar in Doyen and his methods, 86; researches on Eczema, note on, iII the (William Ewart), I87 cancer, 729; presents microscopic sections Edge, Frederick, the stump in appendicectomy, Dietetics, a plea for the study of. I62, 228 showing results of inoculation of animals 222 Digestibility of boiled and unboiled mILlk, 969 with micrococcus neoformans, 742 ; institute Edgeworth, F. H., purpura haemorrhagica, 771 Digitalis, action of on the human heart (James in London, loCo his cancer treatment, 2368 Edinburgh, control of the milk supply of (W. G. Mackenzie), 587. 702, 759 Doyne, R. W., cribriform choroido-retinitis, Aitchison RobertsoD), I88 Dihydroxyphttialophenone, on the action of 1331 -Harveian Festival, 1173, 1351 (Charles W. Buckley), 302; note on, 696 Drage, Lovell, teaching of practioal midwifery, Medical Journal, centenary of, 216 Dintenfass, Gustav, medical practice in Austria, 693; cinnamic salts in treatment of cancer, Poor-law conference in, 2352 1204; in Hungary, I207 927 public health of, 2352 Diphtheria in Bristol, 112; at Barry, xo68 Dreschfeld, Dr., four cases of Thomsen's --______small-pox in, 1352 antitoxin in cerebro-spinal mening- disease, 943; retirement of from Manchester University. See University itis, 2244 Royal Infirmary, 2298 Edington. Dr., mammary carcinoma with - bacterial diagnosis of, 804 Drew, Douglas, calculous anuria in a child, secondary deposit in spinal cord, 1147 control of, 1349 357; arthrectomy of knee joint, 476; stenosis Edmunds, Arthur, the effect of salts of potas- persistence of Klebs-Loeffler bacilli of ureter, 720 sium, ammonium, and bile salts upon blood after, 1132 Drink cure, the latest, 2395 pressure, 57; note on rhinitis caseosa. I8o Diplegia, infantile cerebral, 2041 Drogheda Union, plague regulations in, 2399 Edridge-Green, F. W., theories of colour vision, Diploma in tropical medicine, examination for, Droitwich, the baths of, 33 451 1024 Dromedaries, trypanosomiasis in, goo Eacieation committees. See Committees Diplomates of Scottish Colleges, 857, 9i6, 972 Drowned, treatment of the apparently, and the and measles, 2057 Direct Representative for Ireland. bee Ireland best methods of resuscitation, 21 medical, a sidelight On, 39, 202 Directory, City of London, 1905, note, 830 Drug prescribing, method in (W. M. Storar), of women, the higher, and race the Medical, 33 824 suicide in America, 319 Irish Medical, 1o08, 1071, 1128, 3183 treatment for inebriety (leading article), - of workmen, and industrial poison- Disbeliever in microbes, a, 322 950; (J. S. Bolton), 1268 ing, 3213 Discipline of the medical profession, the, 220 Drugs, EDglish, for Japan, 140 Edye, Major J. S., A Guide to Medical Officers Disclaimer, a, 49, 975 proprietary, 678; in Cuba, 836 on Field Service, rev., 542 Disease of joiuts in a young child, muiltiple (W. Drumoonrath dispensary, note on the dispute Egypt, plague in, 425, 779; ophthalmia in, ixi68 Hale White), 397 at, g9 Egyptian School oI Medicine, the, 86 Diseases, chronic, an island for, 426 Drunkenness and marriage, 733 Elder, A. Vavasour, a factor in sea-sickness, due to preserved food. 670 Dublin, prevention of consumption in, 847 1269 incidence and effbect of some on others -University, constitution of, ICoo - William, corneal reflex in anaesthesia, (J. R. Charles), 764 Duckworth, Sir Dyce, case of xanthoma diabeti- "147 Disinfecting chambers, 117T corum, 249; streptococcal pachymeningitis, Elections, annual. See Association Disinfection of books after scarlet fever, 72,; diabetes mellitus accompanied by Electrocution causing gangrene of extremities, 1022 xanthoma and fatty necrosis of pancreas, 1274 '34 12 INDEX. 24, 1905. tn.DO^ B10v [JUNE I Electrolysis, new multiple needle holder for, Evolution of public health administration, 203 Fernandez, Rodrigo, freedom of Campus (Palen- '335 spontaneous, 1382 cia) conierred upon, 6o5 Elliot-Blake, H., mnedical service examination and heredity, 1252,1312, 1368 Ferraby, G. A., diagnosis of scarlatina, 355 statistici and college reforms,335; a sidelight -in tuberculosis (e'rofessorLeith), 1382 Fever, eachextal and kala-azar, quinine and on medtcal education, 971 Ewart, R. J, note on venesection. 593 bone marrow in (Leonard Rogers), 715 ElliSton, W. A., elected President of Medical - William, the place of sugdr in the dietary cerebro-spinal. See Ceretoo-spinal Defence Union, 1281 of health and disease, 187; soft-valve mitral - eteric, cholecystotomy for acute chole- Elswick, cost ot small-pox hospital at, 623 without audible murmur, 357 cystitis following(lr. Maunsell), 28? EEvy.lrrank, value of nitroglycerine in the astenosisExamination for F.F.P.S Glasg., (35 -- inqutiny into the existence of at practice of surgery, i6 statistics and college reforms, the Bermuda Kilroy and F. W. Hooper), Emphysem , suboutaneoun. in a case of medical service, 335 878 (Lannelot spasmodic asthma (C. J. Whitb3), 73 Exercise atd the open-air treatment of phthisis adi gnosis and treatment of (Iathan Employment ofcliildren. 1344 (John1 C. Ilorowgood),I ogo; correspondence Raw),292; (t. Orton), 413 ; (E. Snell), 424 Empyema, treatmentof(J. iogarth Pringle),8cc ; 02, 1358 - outbreakB atrddgend, 1299, 2357, (Otto Grin')aum), 8ui Exeter, thsiniluence of rainy winds, soil, 1403 - of fronial sinus followed by sub- poverty, and generaldeath-rateontheprithi's --- outbreak near Cardiff, znS 8 dural abscess (A. J. Maraineau).IcCa death-rate in, 8I9 1-i9ot (William Gordon). 62 - outbreak at Cork, 914 Encephalitis, noteR on cases Of, 76 Exostosis of the orbit (Eugar Stevenson), 473 at Hamilton, Oatario, 2388 Encouraging the Volunteers,I305 Expenditure Of ho0spitals, 790, 832, c07 ---outbreak at LinCCOl, 312, 372, 378, Endocaraitis due to the micrococcus gonor- E.xperiments on living nimalas, 2294 426, 484, 543, 6i8, (66, 724,730, 834, 20.50, 000, 1104, rhoea (WilliamIlunter).525 Experi testimony, 528; evidence on statement 11e0I , 144, 1282 gonorrhoeal (,Y. M. Hamilton), of fact, 6jo -in Malta,733 70o;(T.G. Horde), 884 Eyeball, neuro-fibroma of (E. Treacher Collins at Neath,1223 - influenzal (C. G. Horder), 884 and Rayner D. Batten), 478 - and schoolcllildren, 493 Endometritis, cystic (Dr.PLoretoy), 477;Uiscus- Eyelid of a child, primary sore on (William * and sewage works, 203 sion on (Dr. Oliphant), 6oo Turnen), 476 intermittent,in Malta (Them. Zammitand Endotheliomaof uterus (El. C. Earl and Mr. Eyes and ears of school children,606, 854 G. CaruanaScicuna), 721 MaunselJ),i89 Eyesight and schools, 258 malarial, simulated by spirilla in blood Enemata. the prolonged use of simple (Charles Eye-strain and brain-strain, 153 (G. Browse). 532 Gaskell Higginson), 74; correspondenlce on, Malta (leading article), 839 627 Mediterranean. experimental trAsnmis- England, present teaching of practical mid- F. tion of (Edwarda. Ross and G. Murray Levick), wifery in(WX. . DakiU), 577 710; leDort of Commission appointed by - -Upisgue in, 1400 F.F.P.S.Glasg., examination for, 636 Admiralty, etc., for Investigation of, rev.,x14g English doctors' visit to Paris. See Paris F. Kt.C.S.Edin books for,IC76 - paiD, daily notes on the condition of in Enterec-omy for cancer of colon(Fr. T. Paul), Fabric for tropicalwvear,a, 25 the Sheffield hospitals, 274 3 7 Factors in plague incidence (J. S. Thomson), paratyphoid, notes on (Dr.Parsons),3c5 ---a t 12 hours old, re3overy (A. E. 717 puerperal, death from, 572 Kennedy), 715 Factory operatives, deaihsamong, 733 rheumatic. a contribution to the study of - undition of smallintestine some Fagge, C. H., ureterc-lithotomy for calculus, (G. B. Longstaff), 194 years after extensive(&. E. Barker), 720 249 scarlet, theinfection of (R. M.littler), Ecucleat ion of the prostate. See Prostate Faitli cure and cavities, 920 355; diagnosis of(G. A. Ferraby), 355; antt- Epidemit, auanomalous (?) German measles FalconDet, M., noteon. 255 bsreptococcus serum in (J.HedleyMarsb), (William HartigaD), 822 Falkland islands, medical practice in, 1239 355; and chronic nephritis, 45!; desquama- sore-throats traced to infected milk, Fallopian tubes, primary carcinoma os both ioniD, 532, 752; ina child3 weeks old, 593; JT65 (Dr. Cullngworth), 1332 milkborne, 803, 948; disinfection ofbooks Epidemics in Persia,373;in North of France F&rmer, Professor, nature of malignant growths, anter, 1022; returLn cases of,I230,1309;con- several centuries ago, 558 1277 valescene from,1244; spreado0 in Man- Epidural haemorrhage (Edward Deane3ly), 1270 - E. J., appointed honorary member cf chester, 1298 Epiglottis, ulcer of (it.S. Pearl), 534 St John Anmbulance Association. 3310 - scarlet, German measles and measles. Epiepsy, influence of stigmata of degeneration Farnan, Dennis J., acute lympha,emi& in a child, some points in the differential diagnosis of on prognosis of (W. A. Turner). 356 4O0 (r.J. PoyntoD),229 Epileptic family, a (C. W. Branch), 2330 Fatigue (leading article), 200 spirillum in Uganda(AubreyD. B. Hodges Epileptics, colony treatmentof, 426. 1402 ;appro- - in school children,208 and Philip H. Ross), 713; note on, 864 priationbor, inludiana,556; care and control Faulkner, Alexander Samuel, notice of death tick (human), modeofinf&t,tion in, 280 of, 633, 69575r, 804, 863, 974,l130, 1251, 13C9, 2367, of, 283 typhoid. See Fever, enteric 3409 Fawcett, Dr., case of swelling of lefthand and - typhus, case of, at StepneY, 312, 432;at Epiphysis of metacarpal, separation of (Dr. wrist (lymiphangitis ?), 992; sclerodsecyla, Aberdeeo, 6i6: notes on 6oo cases of (BIrank Codd), 1271 with vasomotor phenomena, ggi; Kapost's Rubinson and E. Thurlow Potts),I137 Epitaplh, an obstetrical, 34o disease, ggi; milky ascites in which the yellow, negro immunity from, 103, 389 Epithelioma, removal of ptiarynx for (T. K. Dal- opalescence was not due to fat, 1273 --- -- on the Ivary Coast, 204 ziel and Walker Downie),Ioc Fayrer, Sir Joseph. noteon, 33 --______- and mosquitos, 552 -of ear (Dr. Codd),1271 Fee for attendance on puerperal case, x65; for Fevers in India, 531 of the soft palate, etc. (Eerbert accident assurance, 223; for Fibroid pneumonia" (A. G. Auld), 236; (A. N. Snow), 303. See also Cancer policeconsultationcall. 136in Fleming), 823 Epizootic anortion, inquiry into pathology and Feeble-minded, the care of the, 88, 456, 2t1O Fibroid, panhysterectomy for (Dr. Purslow), 824 etlology of,IoxI Feeding of infants. 627, 748, 855, 1125, 2282 -- uterine, removed from a patient aged 20 Epsom College. dee College njutritive value of sterilized cow's milkin, (reported by Henry Russell Andrews), 716, 826; Epsomian's register. an old. 576, 636 1014 mnd late marriage, goi Ergophobia (V. D. SpaDton), 300; note on, 85 ; Fees to anaesthetists, 1o6, 224, 515, 572 Fibroma, soft, of thelarynx and neck, removed correspondence, 386. 629 attendance on domestie, servant, 1187 by external operation, without openiog the Ergot and arsenic in chorea (Clive Riviere), 354 for consultation, 975 cavity of the larynx (Sir FelixBeinon), 6 Errors in observation, 547 inquest, to hospital officers,' 450, 512, 693, -- soft, of tne larynx and neck (F. J. Paul), - of diagnosis in medicine (J. R. Bradford), 75r, 2021 646 1253 insurance, 224 F,brornyoma of the uterus, treatment of (J. Eruption, the cureof aD, 340 medical in legal cases, 525 IDglis Parsons). 656 Erftnema, exudative, associatc I with unilateral to medical witnesses, 1C5, 202, 223, 280, Fibromyomata, uterine, abdominal hysteree- convulsions and paralysis in young subjects T021, 30oS5 at the Old BaUey, 1131; at theHigh toiniy for (F. NV. N. Haultain), 477 (r. K. Mouro). 1144 Court of Justice, 2364 Field ambulance,JC23 - scarlatiniforme [influenzal] (James in puerperal case, 630 Fielden, Victor G. L., twisting of the funis,473; Hamilton), I31 received by assistants, 336 pharmacology and therapeutics of ice, 1264 and gonorhoea (W. H. S. Stalkartt), a scriptural justification of,I68, 284 Fiji, medical practice in,I231 I3811381_- vaccination, 555 1367 Filuj ia gigas. note on (George C. Low),1329 Esperanto, propo3ed international journal in, Feldman, M. case of aaematemesis and melsena Fioancial and physiological economy,i076 99 ; correspondence io, 1407 in an infant two days old. 352; peculiar case Finger-prints, ancient reading of, 1333 -medical dictionary, 920 of heterophthalmos, 882 Finlay, David W., sidelight on mecical educa- Ether soap,lormula for, 1076 Fells, A., comminuted fraeture of patella treated tion, 219 Ethyl-chlorlde, siplhon, a new, 1049; inhalers, by open method and wiring, 75: interstitial Finney's operation of gastro-pyloduodenostomy' 168 myositis simulating tumour ot sigmoid, 75; in reference tot he operation of gastro-duode- as an anaesthetic (Dr. Graham), epontaneous evolution of a transverse pre- nostomy (Donald Armour),122 1148: fatalities from, I368, 1412 sentation, 75; Caseof tetaniform convulsionE, Filny, W. E St. Lawrence, appointed J.P. for trees and malaria, note, 456 1330 borough of Kingston, 356 Engenics, national, 440 Feimiale amLulance surgeon, the first, 486 Finsen memorial, local committee at Newcastle- kuphemism, a delicate, 456 -- medical students in America, 57; in 10pon-Tyu7e, 45; s'amp issued by Danish Evains, Eric, caseof deattiunderchloroform, 82I 'rance, 1194; in Austria, 1204 Government tu enable poorer classes to sub- J. Howell, cervical auricle removed fron Fenwick. E. Hurty, value of 1he use of a scribe to, 2c6 a clhild, E85 shadowgraph ureteric bougle in the precise First aidin the army, 2023 - Lmting, anterior metatarsalgia, 479 surgery of renal calculus, 1325 ; A Handbook Fisher, Theodore, a condition of the lower Maurice Griffith, obituary notice ot, 750 of Clinical Electric Light cystoscopy, rev., limbs often mistaken for phlebitis, 48; causa- Morgan. appointed ,.P. for county of !383 tion of pleurisy, 627. 802 Riadnor, 2300 Fc&d, C, Le Traitement des Alidndg dans leg Fistula, brancbial. I287 Thomas, two cases of suppurative goitre, Familles, rev., 828 - recto-uret hral (iR. J. P. Lan sdown), 772 126 Fergus, Freeland, malignant disease of the con- Fi'zgerald. Mr. 0, Convalescent Homes Associ- Evatt, George J.H., "Principals and Alsistants," junotiva, 250: some practical aspe3ts of con- ation, 746 47; the discipline of the medical profession, junctival bacteriology, 522 Flannelette, danger of, 2402 210; the Leinster BraDch and, 498; corre- Ferguson, G. B , the proposal for an Association Flats and healtli, 23O9 spondenee on i eport of, 625, &co, 855; note on cnat of arms, 278 Flatulence, note ou, i iI report of, 677 Fernandez, Angel Pulldo, medical practice in Jleetwood and its sewage seheme, 743 Evils of tLe high collar, 1348 Spain, 12I I Fleming, A. N., care o! fibroid pneumonia, Rzy r Jarne 13 JUNE 24, 1905.] INDEX. LMUDICALTRI JOVusAti and the " medical R. A., massage in cardiac dilatation, sanitary state 1292 GargantXa finger," 2I6 Fleming, Freshwater, of, J. compulsory Greek, 305 Freund, Leopold, Elements of Ueneral Radio- Garmielt, -., 332. 625 Fletcher, Morley, dilatation of large therapy, rev., 362 Garrod, A. E, haematunia, discussion on, igo; 991 Freyer, P. J., recent series of 6o cases of total congenital defect of iibdominal wall and of the genito-urinary apparatus, Flinn, Surgeon-Lieutenant Edgar, note enucleation of the prostate for radical cure of 356; St. Bartho- organ, Reports Flock mattresses, dangers of, 789, enlargement of that 2085 lomew's Hospital (edited by), rev., Friedenwald, Juliue, Diet Health and 947 Flushing and sweating on e.%tinLr, in and (Parkes Weber). 249 Disease, rev.. 10;7 Gasirie dilatation, tetany (Andrew TrimbleL) Fogsandmortalityfrom disease3 Friedreichi's ataxia, the nature of (Dr. Rainy), 825, 986 ratory organs, 44, 202, 274 i28 operatioDs, after-hlistory of patients of in 2037 yellow. the chemistry of, 145 Frirvdlv 8ocieties scheme for consumptives (C. MansellM1oullin), - - cases C. H.. of Landry's paralysis, I8 the Midlands, 794 surgery, of (Edward Foley, cise ~ DeaneslyY, J. Leslie, case of pemphigus neonatorum, - and slate clubs, 952 1270 Society case, appointments, 751 tumours, surgery of, 261 770 a 103; case of Foo-chow, plaguein, 26 Frog, death of famous, 284 ---ujcer, (bar. (i1un). I89 subdural ulcer, operative due to, sinus cmpyema followed by peiforated, treatment Food, preserved, diseases Froutal of (A. A. case of (J. and poison, some nev vi:ws (leading abscess (A. J. Martineau). xo8 Young), 2t0; P. Rougliton), article) 725 sinusitis, suppurative (W. Milligan), 271 533 a Guide in ulceration, and poisoning and the canvalescence of influ- Frost, William Dodge, Laboratory pyloroplasty gastro- Elementary Bacteriology, rev., enterostomyfor (Rushtou Parker), 303 enza, 7072 o049 operation Foods, proprietary, 678 Fi imerie, Dr. de, Notions de Traitement Gastre-duodenostomy, of, especially rev., 723 in reference to Finney's operation of Football field, eolour blindness in the, Manuel, gastro- Fogent, a new H. Joseph), note on, pyloduodeDostomy, 122 regulations of, 844 stain (F. x^6 erostomy Force of habit, zi58 Fu,lerton, A., fractures at the lower end of the Gastro-ent and pyloroplasty forchronic and other Frac- gastric ulceration (Rushton Parker), 303 Forceps, prepuceclamp, 25 radius, 358; uolles's Fracture of disorders, a Foreign body in air passage (Percy tures and Disjunctions at the Lower End Gastro-intestinal possible imode of Radius and Ulna, rev., infection in,168 1246; In sigmoid flexure (Dr. Codd),2271 the 1335 - be Gaynes-Doyle, E. A, surgical nuisance 904 A. Y., can contract practice treatment of Foreshore Lough), hydrocele of tunica vaginalis, Formic acid and formiates, muscle abolished? 297 184 Fund, Banks memorial, 3d. Gelligaer, health of, 2223 diuretic actionof, 742 568. 912 Genital tuberculosis in gynaecology, ito6 J. milk 771; for tlle extension of Leeds Medical School, Fortescue-Brickdale, M., ddfOtg, apparatus and feeding of infants, 856,*182 43 Genito-urinary abdominal wall, - annual meeting, congenital defect of (A. E. Garrod and Neve, The Investigation factory girls'holiday, Wynne- Foster, Sir Clement C. 356 of Mine Air, rev., 133t 12 44 Davits), 297, 256, 327, 367, 425, Genidi lvdrocephalus, 384 Foster homes for pauper children,92I Griffiths testimonial, ania 517, (64. 797, 957 George, A. V.. deatlh fromcancer twenty-tvo Fothergill, E. Rowland, non sibi. sed patrise, 541. 605, Metropolitan. years after primary operation, 822 220; election of Central Council Britislh kospital saturday, asccunts German versus Greek, annual for 780 annual meeting, tubetcu- 330 Medical Association,2069; Ioot,ix6, IO02 -- experience of antityphoid throughout the Association, 1126; losis and the industrial classes,IQ120 in MLL,- inoculation, Jn 726,II66 Act and the medical profession, 2404 chester, 2179; Sydney,i40t in Bristol, at Glas- insurance Eystem and W. E., variations of the menstrual Hospital Sunday, 69x; 636 sanatoriums, 943 gOW, 734; ia Dublin. 735, 2173; in London, Mr. function in anaemia, 2050 measles, mieasles, and scarlet fever, Foulerton, A. G. R.. the causation of puerperal George Herring's offer, -- the Alice Palmer, charitable, first some points in the differential diagnosis of infections,777 acute general gonococcic peni- Jessie endowments made, 26 (F. J. 229 tontitl, 2094 three PontoD), King Edward's bequests, inicetivily in, 455 Fournier, i-rofessor, syphilitic general Hospital, r40o report from secretary of re London section ofMedical Council of Prague lysis, 566 hospitals, and medical schools, 422; annual meeting, 739, and ,Q57 truehermaphrodmrism in (3. G. Shattock Hospital. Germany,medicalstudentsID, 23 and C. G. Seligmamnn), and Middlesex 1293 practitioners on, in tuberculosis researetn Fowler, C. 0 dinner to. Leeds Workpeople's Hospital, note 140; inI, 248, 217; 2014 cancer researelc in, medical tour John Francis Scott, obituary 562 319; in, 483 2288 nervous diseases research, annual meet- care of the insane pooriD,499, 559; quackery of, ing, 842 1i, 948; leprosy iLn,96i; meat eatingin, Fox, E. J, case of spontaneous subluxation 2346 wvrist, 770 Oiler memoria, go royal national pension, for nurses, note - medical practice in, 2197; permission iPatrick Helion, case of, 322 on, to practise, 2197; examinations, 197r; gradua- Laffan), 6o6 Fracture, some cases of (thomas 4773 examinalionsin State of the astragalu s and os ealcis (Rugh Fundus uteri, malignant disease of, treated by tions, 2297; medicine, rays (Arthur J. Cleveland and Donald1'. 21977; privieges and obligations,2I98 ; military Lett and J. Hutchinson, Jnn.),CC93 2198 professiona! secrecy, of patella treated by open method Day), 925 service, ; ii98; death Funis. of the (T. Arclibald Dukes), certification,IT98 notification ofiufectious. wiring (A. Fells and W. C. Bentall), 75 twisting 73; G. L.Fielden), 473 diseases,2198; isolatIon,I298 ; privileges of of the skull, cominond depr`e"sed, (Vistor r-egistration, 2 prescriptions and dispens- cephalo-tetanus, recovery (W. H. Jalland), 198; iDg, 2198; public medical services,I igg; Poor- Fractures at the lower end of the radius law medical service,2i9); publichealth ser- Fullerton), 358 vice, Imperial department, of (Jonathan Ixtg; health I2199; z-ray photograph s G. stale publichealth departments,2I99; Local Hutchinson, jun.), 656 2299; tariff of fees, France and Britain, xzcl Boards, 2299;official, 1200; T., appointed United ffec in pr-ivate practice, 22C0; unqualifiec antiquackery congress in, 327 Gaff, T. States representa- Commission to settle dispu e practice,1201;chemists and 2201: care of the insane poor in,-63323, live on Juint I druggists, United States and secret administrationot cremation 4269 between PanaMa, 372 remedies, 2o0; teu -- 2319 Galbraith, E. prevention of measles and laW,2202; contract practice, 2202; voluntary medical Ministers in, 264 S.. cough medical for the protection of medical practice in, 2203; legalqui'ifl- whooping . 1253 organizatious cans er due to of gall medical cation to practice, 2293; medical schools, I'93; Gall bladder, or irritation professional interests,I2c3; relief stones, stectomy and partial hepatec- 1203 miedical education, 2293 mediWa women, i9 , colee- bocieties, removal of in Gestation, simultaneous intrauterineand extra- responsibililite of practitioners, 2294; profes- tomy (J. Hutchinson, Jun.), 226; woman (Augustus W. Addinsell). uterine, operation, recovery (William C. slonal stecrecy. 2294 public medical services. a. Of 75 75); of, cyst Allardice), 942 29195 the profession and the service of jst,ice, dilatation simulating ovaran. (Albai 2316, 14C5;(J. Basil Chleel, care of the insane poor at, z5o 2195; unqualified practice, 2196e; contract .Lorau), Hail), 2380 96. - stone removed small Gibbs, Charles, fibrous masses thain corpora practice, 2196; protection of professional from intestine(rr. 296; social position, if6 ; the Hleaton for Mr. Barline), 1042 cavernosa, 992 initerests, - Gibraltar, medical practice in, 2239 doctorin politics, ; statistics,Iit6 stones, experience derived ICconfrom opera- it96 tiono for. 794 Gibson, G. A.. some tlloughts on pleurisy, 8; The sick nursing in, 223 440 Nervous Affections theEea.rt, rev., 4t0 visit of English doctors to. See Galton, Francis, aionatal eugenics, ot gangrene lower causation of pleurisy. 747 to Gamgee, Mr., case of dry OL the FrancMs-Frank, Dir.. appointed chair of George, biadycardia (vith lantern de- 'atN ural istory of Organized Bodies" at 533 ,limb, of the extremities caused electrocu monstration), 305 CoClole de France, 445 Gangrene by - Gilbert A. (part Nouveau Traitd P. C. Aerzthlc.her Fdibrer durch Bad- tion, 234 authior), dd Franze, - Medecine et de rev., Aerzte of the lower limb, dry (Ur. Gamgee), Therapeutique, 2249 Naubeims Itir Lalen, N. J. L., and his death from swallowing rev.- 723 533- a key, Fraser, case of retroversion of the scrotum (C. Mozourelli), 77 85r Lachlan, The Diseases of Women: A of Thiersch grafting frotn Gant, Frederick James, obituary notice of .1410 Giles, Arthiur B., uterus, 534; case Handbook for Studenuts and Practitioners, rabbit, 534; case of scald of chest Goarca.e, anuel, CenDtenary Ot, 276, 257, 4319 6i, honorary grafts from rabbit, 716 623 63i; elected member Vienna icy., 133 Society, 554; the oldmaster, - Lienteniant-Colonel G. M., Climate and Lovat, knowledge of plague in India, Araryng)Ilogial Hot Countries and 669 ; biogranhical sketcb, ; history of the Itealtli in the Outlines 2249 the 684; luncheon of Tropical oz principals and assistants, 203 discovery, 632; celebration, Ciimatology, rev., M.. to visitors. of Gillespie, Alexander obituary notice Freeman, D. San iemo), proposed 685; mieting the Laryngological Lockhart, the 686; an 26 SocietyLond,donof 685; banquet, 0f, 48 to, 3 4, 4 act of demonstration by Pro- Girgenti Inebriate Home, annUal report, 2386 Frenon, Herbert,Medicc Laboratory.Methods reparation,688; Given, J. C. M., case of paramyoclonus and Tests, rev., 723 fessor Ghluk, 658; receptions and entertain. multi- Ste Army iiients, 638 plex, tf5 armuy. 836 Glaister, Manual of Hygiene for delegates, visit to Manchester sewage Gardencities In Belgium, iohn, Students proposed and Nurses, rev., 22500 works,2667 ______suburb, the Hampstead,549 ______thermometer in clinical practice, 164, 976 Glamorgan Education and SanitaryCommittees. --- doctors before Moliire,no'e,.0 note water Of, revolution,pert played by medical village near York, 31 on, 568; SUPPlY 2337 Bellamy, corneal reflex the most in London, 1282, T399 in, note, 622 Gardner, H, Glanders 244, Glands, blood, as factors In the Frenum uvulae (F. Marsh), 822 reliabte guide in anaesthesia, 2283 patiogenic c stenosis of production of diabeSesandd-oesity (Arnold treatment of surgical tuberculosis, -- Willoughby, 'agenital Fresh-ahir Lorand), 491 duodenum, 814 413 Tm ]bra= I 'I174 munulLjov"ALI NDELWx INDEM IJUNEuA4J,1905. [JURE, 24, 1905- .~~~~~~~~~~~ II

Glands, tuberculous, of neck, surgical a8natomy H. Harveian lecture. See Lectuire and treatment of (W. Greenwood Oration, Ig05 (Frederick T. Roberts), operative 1369 Sutcliffe), 1031 note on, I3r88 Haab, 0., Atlas of External Diseases of the Eye, Glasgow fever and small-pox hospitals, annual rev.. Iogg Haslar, course of instruction for surgeons R.N. report, II15; note on, 1293 Habershon, S. H., Convalescent Homes Associa- at, 859 Gleet, treatment of, 340 tion, 74 Hatch, W. K., case of large vesical calCulus, 355 *Glegg, Wilfrid, supernumerary auricle, 133; Haddon, John, plea for the study of dietetics, Hatcher, Robert A., Textbook of Materia lupus of the upper air passages, 534 x62; cold affusion in hyperpyrexia, 822 Medica, rev., 24 Glossina morsitans, new habitat of, 1347 Haemarthros of wrist, case of (R. Allan-Bennett), Haultain, F. W. N., abdominal hysterectomy for Gloucestershire, vaccination in, 573; combined 594 uterine fibromyomata, 477 sanitary district, 1245;* small-pox In, 3310 Haematemiesis -and melaena in an infant (B. Haworth, F. G., the feeding of infants, 627, 855 Glynn, E. E., case simulating intracranial Morris and M. Feldman), 352 (J. Clay Beekitt), Hay, John, note on bradycardia, 776 tumour, 871 594 Haynes, Stanley. damming the Thames, 854 - T. R., case simulating intracranial Haematoma, puerperal, without lesion of uterus, Headache, nasal disease as a cause of (A. L. tumour, 871 '345 Whitehead), 179 Godson, Clement, elected correspondingmember Haematuria, discussion on (A. E. Garrod), 9go; Health and disease, place of sugar in the dietary Societa Italiana di Obstetricia e (diuecologia, painless (L. G. Gunn), 825 of (William Ewart), 187 of jerboas, third stage in the - the laws of, IR90 Haemogregarine 1x67 Goitre, two cases of suppuration of (rhomas sexual cycle of (Andrew Balfour). 1330 lectures, popular, 52 Evans), 126 Haemoptysis, treatment of (C. H. cattle), 65; - of London (leading article), 143 on, and cretinism, researches on, 26 correspondence 203, 626, 694, TI88 public. See Public Health Goitrous centre in Northern Nigeria, 396 Haemorrhage, accidental concealed, hysterec- - resorts, notes on, Lucan Spa, 835: Bog- Gonorrhoea and erythema scarlatinitorme (W. tomy for (J. H. Targett), 8X6 nanco, 967 - - in H. S. Stalkartt), 138r calcium chloride in (H. H. Stokes). We3t Africa, 223 Gonorrhoeal endooarditis (W. M. Hamilton), 770; 83 Heapy, H. E., case of almond-oil poisoning, 941 (T. G. Horder), 884 - climacteric, due to sclerosis of Hearder, Frederic P., ambidexteity, 63 rheumatism, note, I68 uterine vessels (Freeland Barbour), 127 Heart, action of alcohol on (W. E. DiXon), 538 Goodchild, Dr., raw meat in tuberculosis, 1148 epidural (Edward Deanesly). 1270 inception of the rhythm of by the ven- Haemorrhages, acute intraperitoneal in women, tricle (James Mackenzie), 812 Gordon, A. Knyvett, scarlatina and chronic irregular nephritis, 451 553 action of, note, 228 Bennett CuP, 1368 Haemorrhagic pancreatitis (T. C. Litler Jones), new methods of studying affections of William, influence of rainy winds, soil, 307 (James Mackenzie), 5I9, 587, 702, 759, 812 poverty, and general death-rate on the Hahnemann, " ter-jubilee " of, 832 rupture of, sudden death from (W. T. phthisis death-rate in Exeter, 1892 to Ig:I, 62, kiailes. Clements, treatment of post-nasal James), 132; in an insane person (R. Campbell 221 I adenoids, 625 Nicholl and H. F. Bodvel Roberts), i86 Gould. Pearce, appointed to honorary medical Hair dyes, III Heath, Charles, restoration of hearing after re- staff of King Edward's Hospital for Officers, falling out. 864 moval of drum and ossicles, 417 312 Hairy mole, x rays in treatment of (Dr. Codd), Heaton, George, some peculiarLties of appendic- Gout, reasons for abandoning the uric acid 1271 itis in the female se-, 463 theory of (Chalmers WatsoD), 127 Hale, Geoffrey Edward, obituary notice of, 207 Mr. (for Mr. Barling), sarcoma of,axilla, Gow, W. J., paper on Caesarean section, 476 Hall, Arthur, increasing use of lead as an abor- 2042; adenoma of kidney, IC42 ; removal of Gowers, Sir William R., the pains of tabes, I tifacient, 584 gall stone from small intestine, 1042 Grabham, M., satinwoods and dermatitis, 822 -Basil, notes on a case of spasmodic torti- Hebblethwaits, S. M., digestibility of boiled and Grafting of completely-separated skin flaps in Collis, 192 unbolled milk, 1125, 1299 the treatment of contractures due to cicatrices G. Stanley, Adolescence: Its Psychology Hebra's atlas, note on, 456 (Robert Kennedy), 930 and its Relations to Physiology, Anthro- sarcoma melanodes and the New Syden- Graham, James, appointed coroner for Belfast, pology, Sociology, Sex, Crime, Religion, and ham Societv, 46 266 Education, rev., 829 Henderson, E. E., The Influence of Changes in Dr., ethyl chloride as an anaesthetic, Mr. James, notice of death of, 45 the Intraocular Circulation on the'Intraocular 1148 J. Basil, dilatation of the gall bladder Pressure, rev., I96 Grant, Graham, camphor poisoning, a note, simulating ovarian cyst, 1380 Hendley, T. H., small-pox inoculation in India, Hall of Fame and American doctors, 316 1336 Ogilvie, note on death of, go; obituary Halliburton, W. D., Handbook of Physiology, Henry, Howard, calculation of date of delivery notice of,I64 rev., 359; The Essentials of Chemical Phy- In pregnancy, 532 Graves's disease, treatment of,I187 siology, rev.. 360; effect of potassium and Louis, lowering of the body temperature Grayston, W. Cass, notes on the treatment and ammonium salts on blood pressure, 451: in hyperp.Vrexia by means of rapid evapora- filling of teeth, 540 recent work on proteid chemistry and proteid tion of water, 769 "Greatest oculist in the world," note on, diet, 538 Hepatic factor in biliousness (), 205 Ham, B. Burnett, A Handbook of Sanitary Law, 817 Greek, compulsory (leading article), Igg; note for use of Candidates for Public Health Herbalists and death certificates, 431 on, 493, 62I; correspondence on, 279, 332, 387, Qualifications, rev., 482 Hereditary process, theories of the, 441, 505 45o, 625 Hamer, W. H., appointed to deliver Milroy Lec- Hermann, L., Lehrbuch der Pbysiologie, rev., Greek versus German, 330 tures inI9o6, 264 360 Green, Edward, treatment of haemoptysis, 627; Hamilton, James, erythema scarlatiniforme (in- Hermaphroditism of the Fowl (S. G. Shattock teaching of practical midwifery, 746 fluenzal), 131 and C. G.Beligmann), 1092 Greeni milk, case of (G. ArbourStephens), 247 W. M., gonorrhoeal endocarditis, 770 Hernia, curability of at all ages by operation oysters, 284 Hamilton (Ontario). typhoid fever at, 1388 (Edward Deanesly), 1328 Greenwood, Major, the Midwives Act and the Hamlen-Williams, T.R., deathof, 510 -iLguinal, bandaging, recovery (W. G. medical profession, 1359 Hammarsten, Olof, A Textbook of Physiological Williams), 1330 Gregor, Alex., tuberculous synovitis treated by Chemistry, rev., 420 - strangulated, in the aged (G. H. R. Roentgen rays,I84 Hampstead garden suburb. proposed, 549 Holden), 88I Gr*nada, health of,5t Handley, W. Sampson, dissemination of mam- - of the umbilical cord (G. C. Stewart), Grey, Harry, case of long-standing constipation, mary cancer, 663 247 353 Hands, sterilizationof, 727 Herniotomy,in aman of 85, successful case of Griffith, Frederick Richardson, A Handbook of Hannam, A., certificates required by the (Jas. A. Watts), 183; in a woman of 86 (Jacques Surgery, rev., 603 Obstetrical Society, 280 Vaillaut), 42 ; cases of in the aged (reported Griffiths, A. D., the attem-pt to blackmail, 144; Hansen, Boren, medical practice in Denmark, by P. R. Blake),716 presentation to,x16o 1219 Heroism at sea, 665 Alfred Vavasour, obituary notice of, Fiarburn, J. E., some points in the treatment of Hertwig, Oscar, Ergebnisse und Probleme der 3911 brachialgia andsciatica, 245 ZengUngs-und Vererbungslehre, rev., 310 testimonial fund. See Fund Hard water 803 Hertz, Dr., swelling of left hand and wrist (lym- "'Gross receipts,"1022 Hardy, H.Relson, death certification and regis- phangitis ?), 991 Gross, Samuel D.,award of prize, 507 tration of stillbirtls, 692 Hervieux, Paul, obituary notice of, 858 Groves, Hey, cure of vaginal cystocele,357 Hare, Francis, the hepatic factorin biliousness, Heterochromia iridis (John Allan),ggo Grunbaum, Otto, treatment of chronicempyema, 817 Heterophthalmos, peculiar case ot (M. Feld- 8It Hobart Amory (Editor), Progressive Medi- man), 882; noteon, 1312 Guaiac test, the (Lewis McMilan), 473 cine, rev., 482 Hett, Geoffrey, obituary notice Qf, 391 Guardians and their medical officers,393 Harman, N. Bishop, ambidexterity, 14, 334 Heudebert's diabetic gluten bread, and" essen- Guillem,not, H., Electricit6 M6dicale, rev., 540 Harmer, S. F. (Editor), the Cambridge*Natural tial" bread, 25 Gullan, A. G., two cases of Addison's disease, History, rev, 1097 Hewlett and Sons, C. J., awarded gold medal at 478 ; acute poisoning by a single castor-oil Harris, Charles James, obituary- notice of, 632 Capetown for drugs, etc., 606 seed,98; hydatid cyst of lung, 991 Harrison, Edward,caseof hourglass contraction Hichens, FeverillB., sanatorium treatment of Gunn, Mr.,case of gastric ulcer,I8g of the stomach, 473 phthisis: isit worth while? 222 L. G., paper on painless haematuria, - Reginald, motor ambulances, 2017; Higgins, 0.E., compulsory Greek, 387 525 discussion on prostatectomy, 1044 Higginson, Charles Gaskell, the prolonged use Gut, intussuscepted, sloughing of (R. T. Turner), Harrisson, Damer, union of nerves after divi- of simple enemata, 74; petechial rash o 246 sion, 479 vomiting, 354 Guye, Ambroise Arnold Guillaume, obituary Harrogate suilphur water, radio-activity of (H. High colUar, the evils of,I348 notice of,I64 Douglas Wilson).1330 Highlands, medical of cer of health for, 903 Gynaecological disease, application of Bier's Hart, D. Berry, Manual of Gynaecology, rev., Hildanus, Fabricius Gbilhelmus, note on, 558 hyperaemic treatment to (Scott Carmichael), 1048 Hill, Leonard, London University and medical Hartigan, T. J. P., a disclaimer, 49 education,5I11 of William, an anomalous - - laparotomies, analysis 300 cases epidemic Phillip B., receives grant for successful vac- of (Arthur Lewers), 476 (? German measles), 822 cination, 439 operations (ProfessorByers and Hartill, John T., theCoroners Bill. 693 Hilliarn.Harvey,blue lightas an anaesthetic,1405 R. J. Johnston), 824; record of in 1904in the Hartley, W. Darley, medical practice in South ilnoer, H. C., Lectures on Clinical Surgery, Clarence Ward of the Royal VictoriaHos- Africa, 1229 rev., 1383 pital,Belfast, 982 Hartmann, Henri, Travaux de Chirurgie Hirst. barton Cooke, Texthook of DiEeases ot Gynaecology, genital tuberculosisin, z,o6 Anatomo-Clinique, rev., 1276 Women, rev., 1334 Ju4LN 24, 1905.] INDEX. INMNDIC<HU BrrienJOURNAL. J f

Hobson v. Bicknell, 1289, 1307 Hospital, Devopshire, a Royal gift to, 433 Hospital, Samaritan Free, opening of new out- Hodder, W.M., The Destruction- of Mosquitos, - for Diseases of the Chest, City of patient department, 2340 rev, 889 London, festival dinner, 1311 Saturday Fund. See Fund Hodges, Aubrey D. P., cases of spirillum fever East Suffolk, asks guardians for a scalded to death in a, 32 in Uganda, 713 subsidy, 335 Sheriff Hill, and small-pox in Gates- Hodgklison, A. (reported by), case of sponta- - Edinburgh City, annual "at home," head and Felling, 226 neous subluxation of the wrist, 770 436 ships for,time of war, 88 Hoff&, Albert4 Atlas uDd Grundriss der Ver- -for Epilepsy and Paralysis, Maida the Stanley, Liverpool, annual meet- bandlehre fuir Studierende und Aerzte, rev., Vale, annual meeting, 1310 ing, 567; growth of theinstitution, 567 ; need 1276 -expenditure with efficiency, a con- of improved quarters for the residents, 568 Hogarth and quackery, 831, 909, 1338 trol of, 574 for Stone, St. Peter's, entertainment Holden, G. H. B., strangulated hernia in the for Fistula, St. Mark's, annual general at, 368 aged, 88I meetIng, 368 for the Study and Treatment of - Luther, obituary notice of, 337; funeral Eye, Oxford, eighteenth annual report, Tumours, opening of, in Philadelphia,I98 of, 392 ; estateof, 892 8c6 surgeons and the Coroners Act, 568 Holdich, Sir Thomas Hungerford, note on Eye, Ear, and Throat, Ulster, annual -Swansea, finances of, S68 climate of India, 794 meeting, 904 Tottenham, extension of. 2412 Holland, care of the insane poor in, 438 French, opening of annexe to con- for Tuberculous Patients In Paris (In- medical practice in, I217 ; qualification valescent home, 224; thirty-seventh annual curable), selection of site. 566 to practice, 1217; registration privileges. 12T7; dinner, 1282 1 various phases of the work of a (Sir obligations, 1218; lunacy, I218; public health German, Dalston, festival dinner, 2282 Christopher Nixon), 238 service, 1228; public medical services, 1228; --Glasgow Ear, annual meeting, 1307 Wanstead and Woodford Joint Board, remuneratioD, 1218; contract practice, 23I8- Glasgow Small-pox, note on, 2293 1059 illogal practice, 1228; defence of professional Gray's, Aberdeen, donation to, 847 for Women and Children, Leeds, interests, I2I9; benevolent and insurance Guy's, an appeal for funds, 729 annual meeting, 274 funds, 1219 Ilkley Coronation Cottage, opening of, York, appeal for, i231 Philemon, note on,IOI2 1075 Hospitals, amaigamation of, 486 Holmes, D., case of, 322 -5 for Infectious Diseases, Purdysburn, bequests to, and medical charitie, 7s, Bayard, Surgical Emergencies, rev., Belfast, sewage scheme of, 377; note on, 2354 82, 140, 159, i6o, 064, 298, 214, 256, 282, 329, 368, 603 island in New York, 1008 385, 426, 486, 546, 565, 623, 634, 666, 724, 7357 771, Holt, Chang A., first Chinaman to practise for the Insane, Barnwood House, 780, 798, 8X5, 836, 847,859, 904, 988, 2000, 2035, 2050, medicine in California, 666 Gloucester, forty-fifth annual report, 8e5 2203, 2204. 1215, III8, 1154, II59, II60, 2276, 1321, Homburg Waters, note, 976 isolation, duties of medical officers of, 1357, 2367,I390 Homes for Consumptives, Queen Victoria, casualties at, attendance on, 329 Sydney, annual meeting, 1401 - - Jewish, at Manchester, note on, 69I -class, 2286 Romoeopaths, relations with, 1409 King's College, sixty-sixth annual committee. See Committee Honduras, British, inedical practice in, report, 575; architectof new buildings. xoso; economy in, 670 1239 annual dinner, zi6o -expenditure of, 790, 832, 907 Hong Kong, College of Medicine for Chinese at, Llanelly, gift to, 798 -general, andwomen doctors inSydney, note on, 82 - London, opening of quarantined 447 medical practice in, 1239 wards, 486 general, in London, conference of re- plague in, 217, 311, 425, 558, 779, 965, London Temperance, annual meeting, presentatives, 634 III8, 128I, 1400 975 honorary staff of, 998 Hooper, F. W., inquiry into the existence oi 975_- Lying-in, County and City of Cork, infectious, for Montreal, 35 typhoid fever in Bermuda, 878 meeting of subscribers, 754 a libel on, 574 Hopkins, F. G., elected F.R.S., 494 Lying-in (Liverpool), and the ladies' London, the administrative controlt Horder, T. G., inflaenzal endocarditis, 884; charity, annual meeting, 797 of, 28 ; and medical schools, financial relations gonorrhoeal endocardltis, 884 ManchesterNorthern, annual meeting, between, report of committee, 421; leading Horne, Jobson, observations on the patho- 509 article, 427; correspondence on. 51I genesis and prevention of loss of voice in- for Mental Diseases, St. Andrew's, management of out-patients depart- singers, 648 Northampton, report of, 86o ments. See Out-patients Horrocks, William H., ergophobia. 386; awarded - Middlesex, cancer research labora- maternity, at Montreal, 35 Sir William Taylor prize bor 2904, 1228 tories at, fourth report, 2278; and King and medical schools, note on, 752, 906 Hospice de Bicatre, note on, 1178 Edward's Hospital Fund, 2290 municipal control of, 202 Hospital abuse, 570, 1406 Montreal Maternity, forcible police New York, finances of, 89 -administration andfinance in London, search in, 496 small-pox (Glasgow) annual report 267 (leading article), 2284 - Naval. at Malta, 789 2125 Auckland (N.Z.) friction at, 634 -- NewYork State, Ioarlh annual report, -115 - and the spread of the -authorities, liabilities of, 1287 I67 disease. 2246 Beaujon, inauguration of new anti- -_7 Norfolk and Norwich, donation to, and well-to-do patients, 2056 tuberculous dispensary at. 445 and the working classes, 2282 Belfast Consumptive, medical report -957 offlicers, inquest fees to, 450, 512, FR 0tel-Dieu, clinical lecture at, 2337 Hourglass the stomach. gastro- of,Of 322322 693 contraction of Belfast Maternity and the Central - Orthopaedic, of Ireland, opening of enterostomosis antecolica inferior (Edward Midwives Board, 1294, I404 the new, 436 Harrison), 473 Bolingbroke, G. H. Makins and - for Paralysed and Epileptic, National, House accommodation at Capetown, 86I Charters Symonds join consulting staff of, annual court of governors, 670; dinner, - of Commons, ventilation of the, 495. 733 6o6 2390 (leading article), 782, I059; medicine chest or for British Seamen at Constantinople, -Princess Alice at Eastbourne, treat- the, 846; medical aid in, 1172 II80 opening of, ig9 ment of an accident at, 52 Housing reform in towns, 567, Cancer, Brompton, fifty-fourth annual provision in Berlin, 140t Houston, Thomas, staphylococcus vaccine in report, 575 Queen's Jubilee, note on, 433, 483, 730, dermatological therapeutics, 854 halmers, Edinburgh, retirement of 897, 9I8, 956, riz;o report, 1217 Hovenden, Gerald B., treatment of post-nasal Dr. Claud Muir, 2293 reform, note on, 489; (leading article), adenoids, 279 for Sick Children, at Belfast, report, 547: correspondence on, 749; minor opera- Howard, C. R., prevention of dental caries, 266 tions and, 914, 971 629 for Sick Children, the Belgrave, suc- the Koyal College of Surgeons and, Howvell, C.M. Hinds, streptococcal pachymening- cessful matinde in aid of Dan Leno cot, I050 372 ; in Edinburgb, 497 itis, 721 for Sick Children, Berlin, new wing - Richmoud, Dublin, visit of Lord "Howlers," medical, 284 Dudley to, 678 Hoyle, James C, teaching of midwifery, 855 for, 797 for Sick Children, Bristol, annual Royal City of Dublin, annual meeting, puerperal sepsis, 1300 Huchard, Professor, on muscle tonic and diur- report, 6Q9 678 annual -- for Sick Children, Dublin, annual Royal Dental of London, etic action of formic acid and formiates, 74t meeting, 1173 general meeting of governors, 633 Huey, John J., receives Government grant for for Children, Liverpool County, sixth Royal Eye, Manchester, annual meet- successful vaccination, 303 annual meeting, 744; intended new buildings, ing, 273 Hughes, T. H. J. E., modern treatment of 883 744 -- Royal London Ophtbalmic, report phthisis, -for Sick Children, Manchester,appeal, presented at annual meeting, two new centres Human and bovine tuberculosis, 34, 24o0 I1297 formed, I98*; annual meeting, note on, 486 tick fever, mode of infection in, 280 -297-for Sick Children, Pendlebury, annual Royal National for Consumption for trypanosomiasis, 2X65 meeting of governors, .sog Ireland, medical report, 676 Hungary, medical practice in, 2207; professional for Sick Children, Shadwell, East -- Royal Victoria, Belfast, statement by study and graduation, 2207; rights and duties London, opening of new block, 86o treasurer, 266; annual meeting, 789; record of practitioners, 1207; professional earnings, for Children and Women, Ulster, of a year's (1904) operations in the Clarence 1107; statistiUs, 1208; the profession and tie annual meeting, 734 Ward (Gynaecological), (John W. Byers and law, 2208; unqualified practice, 2208; contract Christ's, gift to, 546 R. J. Johnstone). 982 medical practice, 1o08; protection of profes- -Commission, New York, 9o6 Royal Victoria Edinburgh, annual sional interests, 1208- medical practice by Committees, lady members of, 842 meeting, 1292 foreigners, 1208; sociai position, 1208 for Consumption, National (Ireland), Royal Victoria, Montreal, fire'at, 678 Bunt, Dr., case of functional tachyeardia after thirteenth mneeting, 557 Royal Victorian, Netley, 1366 influenza, 534 - an " -- for Consumption (the Forster Green), The Rudolf Virchow, administration F. K., early:editor of the Daily News," Belfast. 735 of, 2I7 note on, 2oo for Consumption, Mount Vernon, fes- -- St. Bartholomew's, Students' Union Hunter, John, methods of (leading article,, 369 tival dinner, 2362 smoking concert, 486; new treasurer, 494; William, ease of acute endocarditis due, to the micrococcus gonorrhoeae, 525 Dental, of Ireland, annual meeting, Reports. rev., 947 ; donation to, 948 annual Hunterian oration (John 436 St. Helen's (Mlanchester), Tweedy), 34T Dental for Sydney, a new, 447 report, 2179; and the working classee, 2282 Hutchinson, Jonathan, Hebra's sarcomamela- Dental,Victoria, of Manchester,annual Samaritan, LiverpoOl, ninth annual nodes and the New Bydenham Soiety, 46; leprosy and report, sog report, 744 segregatioD, 1403 t6 TM B12nm I K=zo" IomwAzJ INDEX. [JUNE 24i -1905--- Eutchinson, Jonathan, jun., cancer of gall blad- Inebriety, treatment of, 32; atropine in (A. P. Insanitation and dual control, 1130 der,due to irritation of gall stones: cholecystec- Hope Simpson), 232; drug treatment for (lead- Insanity and murder (leading article), 142; cor- tomy and partial hepatectomy, 126; intra- ing article), g5o; (J. S. Bolton), 1263; note on, respondence On, 219, 276, 331, 450 cranial resection of second division of fifth I239 -- functional, and its relation to allied nerve, 134; syphilitic necrosis of skull, 249; Infant food ddp6ts in Berlin, 334 neuroses, 76. 265 sarcoma of fibula, 476: x-ray photographs of -- Life Protection Act. See Act on the inheritance of (Karl Pearson), fractures and dislocations, 6-6; The Surgical Infantile cerebral diplegia, T042 r11751 Treatment-of Facial Neuralgia, rev., 887; the - diseases, prevention of, grant by Berlin i5cipint, treatment of (Sir John value of the vermiform appendix in treatment municipality towards, 711 Batty Tuke), 501; correspondence OD, 569 of ulcerative and membranous colitis, 1039; mortality. See Mortality medical trTeatment of (Robert Jones), fracture of the astragalus and os calcis, paralysiR. See Paralvsis 875 £093 Infantilism male (William Calwell), 824 prevention of, 2050 Hutchison, Robert, Lectures on Diseases of - and dwarfism (William Cilwell), -in New York, 1393 'ChUdren. rev., 3og; proportion of fat in con- J376 rural, 317 dense1 milk when diluted, 39o, 855, 3124 Infant's head, moulding of, before birth, 147 -variatiou in its relation to origin of, Huxley, Thomas Henry, story about, 740 - show, 549 321 Hydatid mole, histology of, 375 Infants, the feeding of, 627, 748, 855! 1125, Insects, part played by in propagation of in- Hydrocele of tunica vagioalis, surgical treat- 1182 fectious diseases, 740 ment of (E. A. Gaynes-Doyle), 184; (EL. K. vomiting in (Dr. Aqhh~), 775 Inspection of food and meat, 502 Tandan), 882 Infectious diseases ti South Wales, 218, 330 institute, the Henry Phipps, first annual report, Hydrocephalus in adult (Stanley Barnes). 1042 - in scbools, 791 goo _ - and spina bifida complicating -- notification of, I310 - of intermediate studies, proposed for breech presentation (F. M. singham), 472 * disorders, medical men and, 1057 London. 727 Hydronephrosis due to movable kidney (F. J. hospit2ls. See Hospitals, infectious - Juhilee Nurses', Cardiff and District dteward), 884 Infirmaries, Poor-law, as training schools for Branch, annual report, 9i3 Hydrops of the joints, intermittent (Howard midwives, 272 -- the Rockefeller, laying of the corner Marsh), 884 Infirmary, Cardiff, opening of electric pavilion, stone, 26 Hygiene and agriculture, colonias, Iooo at, 275; annual report, 386; gift to, 446; annual Royal Sanitary, annual banquet, -- at the Head Teachers' Conference, 30 meeting of governorp, 568, 692. 913, 1123; do- IT10 of the duel, 433 nation, 69a, 913; register of patients, 1067 Institution, Liverpool Medical, 2g9, 251, 307, 478, and medicine in Morocco, 6zt - Cootehill Union. septicaemia in, 657, 721, 744, 776, 827, 885, 991, 1356; bonydeposits school, conference on, 328, 383; leading r171; suggested alterations in, X29v followiDg dislocation of elbow-joint (Robert article on, 371 County Antrim, annual report, Jones and David Morgan), I9I; cerebellar in schools, the teaching of, 41, 93, 153, 677 abscess following ear disease (W. T. Clegg), 192; 295, 208, 270, 325, 366, 440, 503, 563, 69o, 689, 736, Gla'gow Western, opening of new acute labyrinthitis (W. T. Clegg), 192; diagnosis 791, 996; correspondence on, 331, 1124; confer- dispensary for out-patients, 207; gift to, Irr5 and treatment of typhoid fever (Nathan Raw), ence On, 735 - Leeds General, proposed fund to 192; annual meeting and election of office- of Spanish churches, 486 extend the medical school, 45; trainiDg of bearers, 251; cases, 307; specimens, 307; en- Hygienic moonshinc, 371 nurses at, 274: large bequest to, 385; cost per terectomy for cancer of colon (F. T. Paul), 307; Hyperpyrexia, lowering of body temperature in. bed, 742; classification of out-patIents, 743; liaemorrhagic pancreatitis (T. C. Littler Jones), by means of rapid evaporation of water (Louis tenure of office by honorary staff, 743; post- 307; compresston paraplegia (W. B. Warring- Henry), 769; cold affusion in (John Haddon), mortem department, 743 ton), 307; two cases of Addison's disease 822 Limerick County, outrage at, 617 (James Barr and A. G. Gullan), 478; union of Hypertrophy, prostatic, operative treatment of, Oldham, extension of, 7x4 nerves after division (Damer Harrisson), ,478; I162 Rochdale, gift to, 1015 pathological meeting, 657; meeting and cases, Hypodermic needle, suturing with a, 8fo -Royal Aberdeen, annual report, 675 72x; proposed enlargements and alterations, fIysterectomy for concealed accidental haemor- -______Royal Bristol, ap3eal, 692 744; Bradscardia (John Hay), 776; prostatec- rhage (J. H. Targett), 826 Royal Edinburgh. annual general tomy (Robert Bickersteth), 776; dangers of abdominal, for uterine fibro- meeting, 93, 1173; and the London Hospital, radical mastoid operation (EHugh E. Jones), 777; myomata (F. W. N. Hallitain), 477 dangers of radical mastoid operation (Charles vaginal, in the puerperium fbr -6 Royal Glasgow, rebuilding of. 1293 A. Ballance), 777; meeting and exhibition of sepsis due to suppuration of myoma, 78 Royal Liverpool, annual meeuing. cases, 827; paramyoclonus multiplex in a man Hysterioal blindness and narcolepsy (Purves 395; women medical students at, s5g; appoint- Of 21 (J. C. X. Given), 885; haemorrhage due to dtewart), 476 ment of assistant gynaecological surgeon to, high arterial tension (A. C. Wilson), 885; pro- Hysteropexy and pregiiancy, 951 1015, 1356 gnosis in pulmonary tuberculosis (R. J. M. -Royal Manchester, result of poll as BuchanaD), 885; hydatid cyst of lung to beds in, 44; one hundred and fiftieth anni- (A. Gordon Gullan), gg9; second dentition and versary of, 218; annual meeting of trustees, its medical aspects (Hubert Armstrong), gg2; 385; cost of Dew infirmary, 385; the corpora- surgical treatment of chronic constipation I. tion and the site of, 446,5og; allocation of beds (W. Blair Bell), 992; models of an old Roman and new appointments at, 967; clinical labora- catheter, etc. (Rushiton Parkei), 99a; extension lce, therapeutics and pharmacology of (Victor tory, 1297; new arrangemeDts for teaching of, 1356 G. L. Fielden), 1264 pathological anatomy at, 1298; retirement of Rochdale Nursing, gift to,623 Idiots, care and control of, 633, 695, 751, 804, 863, Professor Dreschfeld, 1298 : extension of Insurance of children, 102 974, 1130, 1251, 1309, 1367, 1409 Dr. Bernard's term of office, 2'402 Intellectual work, age limit of, 488 Ileo-colitis in a clhild simulating acute intussus- - Royal Newcastle-on-Tyne, annual Intermittent fever. See Fever ception (Forbes James Alexander), 73 court of governors, 330; assistant hydrops of the joints Ileum, acutestrangulation of (J. Clarke), 594 appoint- (Howard State Sanatorium ments at, 913 Marsh), 884 Illinois. for, 836 - St. Paul's Eye and Ear, Liverpool, Intestinal obstruction, 752: cases illustrating Imbeciles, sterilization of, 956 thirty-second annual meeting, 744 alternative operations for (Arthur E. Barker), Imitstive suicide, 203 - Southport,~ annual meeting of 756 Immunization of dogs against distemper, Ig8 governors, 446; and alcohol as a medicine, 446 in newborn children, Impalement with protrusion of intestine, re- Influenza, cough after, x68; in Vienna, 273: in 554 covery (W. Burrough-Cosens), 132 Rome.426; in Italy, 486; and mass mortality, Intestine, protrusion of caused by impalement: Income tax. I r, 167, 340, 455, 516, 752, 1132, 1187 2s55; food poisoning and the convalesence of, recovery (W. Burrough CoseDs), 1u2 India, plague in, St, o0r, 204, 217, 311. 425, 558, 673, Intracranial resection of seoond division of fifth 680, 733, 779, 783, 954, 965. 3059, I18, I71, 12479 discussion on (T. Clifford Allbutt), 977, nerve, 134 128i, 1290, 1399, I4oo; knowledge of, 1249 1044 - - tumour, ca!e simulating (T. RI. - sanitaryand medical reports of the Central epidemiology of (H. Franklln'Parsons), Glynn and E E. Glynn), 871 Provinces for I902, zcg; antimalaria campaign 980, 1044 Intranasal irritation causing acne rosacea in Madras, 282; prevention of cancer in, 45 - - fevers immunity,1272 (William Lloyd), 74; note on, 228 in, 531; veterinary pathology in, 634; Influenzal endocarditis (T.-G. Horder), 884 Intrathoracicgrowth (IJougias Star) N), 1042 sclentific investigation of plague in 673, 95;, erythema scarlatiniforme, 131 Intratracheal injectioDs, 925 climate of, note, 794, I252; opening of the King Ingratitude, 630 Intrauterine respiration, 26 Institute of Preventive Medicine, 8o6; anti- Ingiiiua1 hernia, bandaging, recovery (W. G. Iiltussuscep ted gut, sloughing of, bpontaneous quity of vaccination in, 838; recentearthquake Williams),1330 recovery (R. T. Turner), 246 in, 948; knowledge of plague in, 954; leprosy Inhaler for anaesthetic mixtures, a sterilizabla, Intussnsception, acute, simulated by ileo-colitis in, xoS8; small-pox inoculation in, 1336 24 in a child, case of (Forbes James Indian medical officers in Burmab, question in the Vernon Alexander), Parliament re Harcourt, disoussion on, 73 compensation allowance, 435 T34 - ~ in children, one hundred con- medical service. See Army Inoculation, antitypboid, a suggestion, I;68 secutive laparotomies for (Charles P. B. Pasteur Institute at Kasauli, annual German experience of, 726, I166 (leading Clubbe), 1327 report, 796 article), 2343 Invalid children, a school for, 895 --sanitary reports, 85r. 8gr Inoculations, antirabie, in Vienna, zio Ioversion of taste, 5i6 Indigestion, operative treatmnent of certain Inquest fees to hospital officers. See Fees Iodized catgut (A. S. Barsing), 823 severe eases of (W. Bruce Clarkt) 468 at Halifax, 751 lodoform infusion in treatmeOt of phihisis Induction of labour: A comparison of methods a second, 1i65 (Thomas W. Dewar), 65 (J. Spencer Sheill), 1378 Inquests.a year's, at Manchester, 385; a time Ireland, Dr. W. W., j abilee testimonial to, Industrial classes and tuberculosis, 1012 limit for, 2187 556 poisoning and education of work- Inquiry bureau, an, 570, 1362 ______notesfrom,gi, 149, 207, 2t6, 321, 377, 436, 497. men, 313 Insane, witchcraft and the beliefs of tlle, 557, 617- e6, 734, 789,847,904, 959,1009, IT6O, xti6, lindustryr and health, 1309 784 1X73. 1248, 1293. 1353; Professor Sims Woodhead Inebriate reformatory at Brentry, 692; for the person, case of "rupture of the heart" onalcoholism, 91; Drumonrath Dispensary, three Ridings, 1123 in an, x86 note on, 9i; the tragedy of the last medical Inebriates, treatment of in New York, 214, poor, report on the care of, 35, 96, 150, officer, g9; scheme of the Local Government 434 210, 268, 323, 363, 438, 499, 559, 6c3, (leading lBoard. g9; case befora the Irish Court of and wine at Communion, 1412 article) 607 Appeal, 321; public health of Belfast, 92, ICC, pauper, from the economic point of woman, prize of 5sowon by in America, 3ZI, 617, 847,zc6z; salaries of medical officers, vIew, 201; treatment of in Oanada, 1354 99 92, 266; a gift for Trinity College, 149; Belfast FT Bainaw 17 JUNE 24, 1905.] INDEX. IMEDICAL JOULNLL L-

asylums, report on, T49; health lectures at unqualified practice, 1220; contract practice Keen, Franeis Noel, Urban Police and Sanitary Belfast, 149 ;overcrowdingin the BelfastWork- 2210; the doctor in politics, 2210 Legislation, 1904, rev.. Irso house,207; Ulster Medical Society, meeting,207, Itis," cure for the, 2212 Keeue, George H.. degree of M D. conferred 904, io6r, iii6, 1354: noteon3urgeon-Lieutenant- Ivory Coast, yellow fever on the, 204 upon by Dublin University, IoIo C:olonel Edgar Flinn, 266; Dr. Henry O'Neill Keetley, C. B., the stump in appendectomy, 276; nominated Eigh Sheriff for Belfast, 266, 677; surgical treatment of chronic constipation, candidate for Parliament for South Belfast, 2358 789; Royal Victoria Hospital, Belfast, state- J. Kenrer, Erwin, Die physiologiscben und patbo- ment by Treasurer, 266 ; annual meeting, 789; logischen Beziehungen der weiblichen Sexual- Belfast Hospital for Sick Childrea, annual Jace, L. de, medical practice in Belgium, 2215 organe zum Tractus Intestinales und report, 266; new coroner for Belfast (James Jack, Florence M., Cold Sweets, Jellies and besonders zum Magen, rev., 1333 Graham), 266; a shooting affair, 322; case of Creams, rev., 54 1; Entree3of Meat, Game and Keim, G., Traitement des Hemorrhagies Puer- Dr. Holmes, late medical officer at Limerick Poultry with Sauces, rev., 5,42 p6rales, rev., 722 Female Asylum, 322; Belfast Consumptive Jacobs, C., surgical intervention in cancer of Keith, Arthur, Human Embryology and Morpho- Hospital, 322, 904; hygieniccompetition, ;22; the cervix uteri, 992 logy, rev., 482 sanatorium for consumption in Cork, 322, 790, Jalland, W. H., compound depressed fracture of Kelly, A. Brown, transillumination of the 904, 1020, 174; a disbeliever in microbes, 322; skull, cephalo-tetanus, recovery, IC9t antrum of Highmore. 650 sewage scheme of the Purdysburn infectious A. case of fractured base of skull, - A. 0. J. (editor), International Clinices James, H., rev., 662 diseases hospital. Belfast, 377, 1354; iDjunction 10402040 - against "surgeon-dentist" (limited), 436; open- S. P., A Monograph of the Anopheles Howard A., surgical notes on tuber- ing of new Orthopaedic Hospital of Ireland, Mosqultos of India, rev., I275; a new leuco- culosis of the kidney, 13l9; dinner to, 1340 436; Dental Hospital of Ireland, annual dinne-, cytozoan in dogs, I36I J. K., uterine myocaa, specimens of, igr 436; charter dinner at the Royal College of W. T., sudden death from rupture of the Thomas, J., teaching of practical maid- Surgeons, 497; Irish Medical Association, heart, I32 wifery, 747 meeting, 495, 847, iit6, 2173, I248, 1293; Japan, American nurses in, 963 Kempf, E. J., note on North American annual meeting, 1353 ; Leinster Branch English drugs for, 240 aborigines. 5o8 and Surgeon-General Evatt, 438; a lunacy Japanese art of ju-jitsu, 259 Kendle, F. Wellesley, case of preeocious puberty commission, 557* National Hospital for military surgery, 444 in a female cretin, 246 Consumption, Ireland, thirteenth meeting, navy, losses of the medical staff of, Kennedy, Mr., some cases of joint excision, 557; inspection of schools, 557; 6oo sanitary I98 - poisoning by strychnine and mercury, 617 sick and wounded, note on, 163, 857 A. E., enterectomy at 12 hours old, alterations in Belfast Court House, 617, 789, students, note OD, 205 recovery. 715 1174 ; outrage at County Limerick lIfirmary, Jeaffreson, Geo. E., a very grave movement, 335 -Robert, grafting of completely-sepa- 617; Royal National Hospital for Consump- Jefferson, Dr. T. J., presentation to, 82 rated skin-flaps in the treatment of contrac- tion for Ireland, annual meeting, 676: alco- Jejunostomy, new method of (Mayo Robson), tures due to cicatrices, 930 holism, lectures on, 677; County Antrim 825 Kerr, James Graham, presentation of Neill Infirmary, annual report, 677; High Sheriff Jenner Society. See Society prize for researelses on lepidosiren paradoxa, of Belfast, 677; Surgeon-General Evatt's Jepson, Edward, dispensers qualified and un- 93 report, 677; Royal City of Dublin Hospital, qualified, 2407 Keyser, C. R., case of Recklinghausen's disease, annual report, 678; Richmond Hospital, Je3sen, F., Lirngenschwindsucht und Nerven- 249 Dublin, visit of Earl Dudley, 678; Royal system, rev., io98 Khory, Rustomjee Naserwanjee, obituary notice Veterinary College, visit of Earl Dudley, 678 ; Jessett, Fred Bowreman, treatment of the stump of, 107 Ulster Hospital for Women and Children, in appendectomy, 262 Kidd, Leonard J., wider use of artificial respira- annual meeting. 73$; action for negligence, death tion in therapeutics, 88r Jewisi circumcision, from, 2107 -- verdict for defendant (Dr. Darnell), 734 - Jewsbury, re British Natural Premium. Life L., Irish Medical Directory, II83 Tughan v. Darnell, 735; General Medical Assurance Association, result of appeal, 492 Kidney, which contained more than 40,Coo iri- Council, Dublin Hospital Sunday Fund, Christian Science defied descent calculi (J. Bland-Sutton), 125 735; Jiggers, by, 2076 for Barling), 735, 2173 ; the Forster Green Consumptive Joan of Arc, medical descendent of the family adenoma of (Mr. Keaton Mr. Hospital, Belfast, 735; direct representative of, 623 IC42___ for Ireland, 759, 904, 916, 959, 2273, 1248, health large white, case of (Dr. Peacocke), 306 1353; Johannesburg, of, 786 adenoma of, case of (W. G. medical candidatefor P&rliament.78g, 847 ; sun- Johnson, J. H., cerebro-spinal meningitis, o89 left, cystic day drunkenness in Belfast, 847; the vacant Samuel Ebenezer, appointed J.P. for Spencer), 249 senatorship in the Royal University of Ire- County of Worcester, 948 movable, causing hydronephrosis (F. J. land, 847 ; prevention of tuberculosii, 848, Johnston, Alexander, obituary notice of, 632 Steward), 884 904; "Q.C.C.," 904; outbreak of tvphoid fever R. McKenzie, treatment of post- nasal ruptured, empyema, nephrectomy, re- in Cork, 904; Down District Asylum, compli- treatment of otitis covery (Percy Coleman), 942 adenoids, 335; media, 924 single, and renal surgery, r Nolan, the foreshore H. go9 ment to co4; Johnstone, J., gynaecological operations, - nuisance, Belfast Lough, g04; Belfast Con- 824; record of a year's (1924) operations in tuberculosis of, surgical notes on sumption Sanatorium, 904; Ulster Eye, Ear, clarence Ward (Gynaecological) of the Royal (Howard A. Kel)y). X3-9 and Throat Hospital. annual meeting, 904 Victoria Hospital, Belfast, 982 Killen, W. M., ihyrotomy for endolaryngeal the Irish University question, zo:o; Purdys- Joint affection possibly due to malaria (Howard cancer, 825 burn drainagequestiou. Belfast, ioto; National Killyleagh, insanitation at, 2291 Marsh), 884 Kilroy, Lancelot, into the existence of As3ociation forthe Prevention ofConsumption, - excision, some cases of (Mr. Kennedy), inquiry women at Dublin typhoid fever in Bermuda, 878 Cork Branch, 2O0O; graduates 6oo on regener- IO10, xo6o ; recognition of work for affections of. as met with in general Kilvington, Basil, investigation the University, Joints, nerves, Russian sailors, ioIo; the Royal University, practice (Edmund Owen), 637 ation of 935 IO0O; meat and milk, ioIo; Cork Scientific (Howard King, the. and up-to-date operating tables, ozo intermittent hydrops of Marsb), King Institute of Preventive Medicine, opening Association, io6i ; water supply of Cork, o6i0 884 the General Medical Council, iII6; l4oyal multiple diseaEc of in a young child of, 8o6 University of Ireland, 2226; Royal Medical (W. Hale White). 397 King's Sanatorium, the, 672 Benevolent Society, annual meeting, 2117; F. of abscesses, Kirby, W. igmont, The Societies of Apothe- Jollse, W., openiDg peritonsillar caries, National ChUdren's Hospital, Dublin, anniual 715 I3C0 meeting, 2273; 5t. John Ambulance Associa- Cecil microscopical examination Kirk, T. 5, somecases of perforation of stomach Jones, Price, and intestine, tion, annual inspection of Belfast Fire Brigade of bone marrow, 409 __ 777 Division, I273; small-pox at Portadown, 2174; Herbert, combined sanitary districts, Mr., case of cancer of rectum, 824 inspection of dairies at Cork. 2174; the Cen- Kissing and hygiene, 55x 971 of radical mastoid - the book and Shakespeare, T368 tral Midwives Board, 1294; Queen's College, Hugh E., dangers bacilli after diphtheria, persist- Belfast, meeting of subscribers, 2353; Count1y operation, 777 Klebs-Loefller of Cork special and rela- ence of, 1132 and City Lying-in Hospitals, Robert, functional insanity its Klein, E., occurrence of bacillus enteritidis meeting, 1354 tion to allied neuroses, 76; bony deposits 1ol- cow's 136; vitality of the auxiliary lunatic asylun) in, 495 lowing dislocition of elbow-joint, 29I; medical Gaertner iD milk. coastguard surgeons in, 845 treatment of insanity, 875 typhoid bacillus in shellfislh, 885 lunatics and paupers in, case of Knecht, Professor, the cheimiistry of yellow fogs, deaf and dumb T. 1C. Littler, haemorrhagic pan- 145 creatitis, 307 operative methods, Dew and old, in training of nurses in, 9S3 Joseph, F. H., use of acid media in isolation of Knee-joint, deatlhs 21I7r note on a new tuberculosis of (Sir William Thomson), 68; uncertified iD, plague bacillus, I36; fugent, correspondence on, 222. 389 Irish direct representative, 789, 904, 916. 959 stain, 236 Knox, D. N., enlarged infaniile hernia, Igi dispensary doctors, a serious inidiscretion, Joule, James Prescott, monument to, 1067 Koch, Professor, wh)ereabouts of, II6o 447, 524 JoURNAL, BRITISH MEDICAL, the SUPPLU3IENT Medical Association. See Association See SUPPLEMENT Koenig, Franz, Lehrbuch der speciellen Chi- to the. rurgLe. rev., 887 Medical Directory, IOI8, I071, 2128, 283 Judson, Adoniram Brown, The Influence of ewe, Poor-law. See Poor-law Growth on Congenital and Acquired Deformi- Kort6, W. de, morbid growth from Angora university question, IOO9 ties, rev., 889 1002 Allan), art Krehl, Ludolf, Pathologische Physiologie, rev., Iridis, heterochromia (John 9go Ju-jitsu, the Japanese of, 259 481 Iritis, relapsing, 284 Jupe, Francis T. bI, compulsory Greek, 387 io9g Iron acetate in treatment of pneumonia (EIerbert Jury's protest, a 223 Kresophen dlisinfectant, Robson), 812; note on, 2024, Ix88 and deterioration, Kusy, Emanuel, appointed head of Sanitary J. Juvenile smoking physical Department of Austrian Ministry of the In- Irritation produced by plasters and strapping, 45 I68 - Bill. See Bill terior, 9o Islington Borough Council and the Midwives Kyle, D. Hamilton, desquamation of scarlet, Act, 2367 fever, 532 Italy, foreign doctors in, 21.373; light trealment in, 298 ;influenza in, A86; congress of midwives K. in, 724; medical profession in, 724; trachoma L. State sanatoriums in, Io08; anti- cachexial fever, and bone in, Ioi8; Kala-azar and quinine B., the M.O.H., awd his district council, quackery manifesto in, I260 marrow in (Leonard Rogers), 705 L.1 G. medical practice in, 2208; education and Kasauli, Indian Pasteur Institute at, annual i66 qualification to practise, 2208; public medical report, 796 Labbd, Marcel (and Fernand Bezanqon) Trait& servIces, 1209; professional earnings, 22IO; Kauffmann, Dr., infantile cerebral diplegia, 2042 d'Hdmatologie, rev., 946 Tax BRrrx I 18 MIDI"l JOWMAAt J INDEX. [JUN E 24, 1905- Labour, involution of uterus after, 233; meta- sterilization of the hands, 727; cerebro-spinal Leprosy in the German Empire, 96I bolism during, 2170 meningitis, 782; ventilation of the House oi in India, I058 *- induction of, a comparison of some of Commons, 782; prevention of apopleXy, 782: note OD the inoculation of in monkeys, the methods (J. Spencer Sheill), 2378 earthquakes and the public health, 837: 534 Labrador, practice in, r232 antiquity of vaccination in India, 838' on the pathology and treatment of (Cap- lactation in a male infant (John Brunton), 23T; Malta fever, 839; tuberculosis in chUd- tain E Rost), 294 note on, 228 hood, 803; Rabelais as a physician, 894; in the Philippines, 312 _ - diet during, _312 railway travelling and diabetes, 895 and segregation, 2286, 2403 Laffan, Tkomas, somue case3 of fracture, 473; medical inspection of school children, 049; Lett, Hugh, oliphorectomy for mammarycaneer, Irish dispensary doctors, 524; the Lucan Spa, drug treatment for inebriety, 950; hystero- I87; fracture of the astragalus. 1093 835; the Irish direct representative, oi6 pexy and pregnancy, 95I: friendly societies Leucocytes, clinical methods of enumerating Lagrange, Fersand, La xedication par l'Exer- and slate clubs, 952; underfed school children, (Edward Turton), 420; note on, 576, 696, 924, cice, rev. 723 ' xcoi; medical science and colonization, 1002; 2232 Lamb, W.. Guide to the Examination of the the training of volunteer medical units, I003: Leucocythaemia, with change of type from Throat, Nose and Ear, rev., 295; two cases of the doctor in modern warfare, io5z; re-educa- splenomedullary to lymphatic (C. H. Melland), nasal disease, 3o4: case of lupus of pharynx, tion, 1052; western medicine in China, I053; 415 824; pachydermnia laryngis, 1043 the aims of tropical medicine, 2205 ; treatment Leucocytozoan of the dog (Charles A. Bentley), Lamphey, water supply of. 914 of venereal disease and scabies in the army, 988, Iox8; note on, 2008, 236I Lancashire, small-pox in, 26. i2o, I59, 273, TOr5 i06; genital tuberculosis in gynaecology, Leucoderma, cancer, and scleroderma, points - and Cheshire Branch and election IIo6; the General Medical Council, Ii6i; a new of incidence compared in (G. Lenthal Cheatle), for Central Council, xo69 spirochaete in syphilitic lesions, zi6i; opera- 926 Landry's paralysis, case of (C. H. Foley). '8 tive treatment of prostatic hypertrophy, II62; Leucopenia of cachexial fever and kala-azar, Lane, W. Arbuthnot, chronic constipation and medical and dental companies, T283; hospital quinine and bone marrow in (Leonard its medical and surgical treatment, 70Z0, 728, administration, 1284; style in medicalwritings, Rogers), 705 772 32341 ; antAtyphoid inoculation, I343 ; a Regius Leukaemia and x rays (Byrom Bramwell), 1043 Lane Lectures, note. 957 Professor's lay sermons, 239I; tuberculin as a acute lymphatic (Thomas McCrae), Lang, tlugo, Geriiiani-English Dictionary of curattve agent, 1392 ; the Prime Minister and 404; (W. D. Donnan), 408; (J. G. Slade), 476 Medical Terms, rev., 778 the public health administration, I393 Levick, G. Murray, experimental transmission William (editor), the Royal London Opli- "League of Pitiful Deliverance," 905 of Mediterranean fever, 720 thalmic Hospital Reports, rev., 10s Lecture, the Harveian. some new therapeutic Lewers, Arthur, analysIs of 3oo cases of gynae- Langmead, Frederick, on recurrent vomiting of methods in dermatology (Malcolm Morris), cological laparotomies, 476; pregnancy in a childhood (cyclical vomiting),with the reports 697 rudimentary uterine cornu, 599; calcified of two cases, 350 the Romanes, 1347 tumour in Douglas's pouch, 826 Lannelongue, M., relation between tuberele and Lectures, the Lane, 957 Lewis. Sir W. T., honorary freedom of Cardiff traumatism, 445 - the Milroy, industrial anthrax (T. M. conferred upon, 275, 623 Lansdown, R. J. P., recto-urethral fistula, 771 Legge), 529, 589, 64I Lewis, medical inspection of, 674; water supply Laparotoiies, gynaecological, analysis of 300 the Morison, at the Royal College of in, 3123; insanitation in, 2247 cases of (Arthur Lewers), 476; I00 consecutive Physicians, Edinburgh, 322 Lewisham, small-pox at, Ioco cases of, for intussusception in children popular health, 52 Life assurance, importance of truthful answers (Charles P. Clubbe), 2327 Leedham-Green, Charles, on the closure of trau- by applicants for, 492 LaryDgology, the jubilee of, 257; the evolution matic defects of the skull, 829 - tables, short meahods of constructing, 394 of (leading article), 667; at the International Leeds, correspondence from, 44, 259, 274. 385, 742, Light, notes on the treatment of various Medical Congress, 673 797,912, io68, 2223, 228;grants bythe WestRiding diseases by (Dr. Anderson), 293 Laryngoscope, a new application of the, 456 Education Committee to the Universities of Lincoln, outbreak of typhoid fever at, 322, 372, Larynx and neck, soft tibroma of. removed hy Leeds and Sheffield, 44 fund forthe extension 378, 426, 484, 543, 6I8, 666, 724, 780, 834, 2050, o06o, external operation (Sir Felix Semon), 6; (F. of the Leeds Medical School, 45* dental de- 1204, II6o, 2244, 2282 T. Paul), 646 partment at tlle public dispec sary, 45, 274; the Lindsay, Professor, note on the diagnosis of Latham, Arthur. The Diagnosis and Modern crematorium, i59; Guardians and the public malignant disease of the lung, 304 Treatment of Pulmonary Consumption, rev., dispensary,x6o; grants to medical charities,x6o; Ling, Maurice E, obituary notice of, 392 829 appointment of pathologist to the dispensary, Liquorice in Mesopotomia, cultivation of, 317 Laumonier, Dr., New Methods of Treatment, 274; annual meeting of Hospital for Women Lisle, Arnold de, the story of the Red Cross rev., 253 and Children. 274; training of nurses at the movement, 2344 Laurent, Emile, Geographlie Mddicale, rev., :6r Leeds Union Infirmary, 274; influence of fog LITERARY NOTES: 42, 99, I58, 226, 255, 3II, 377, 437, Lawson, Arnold, quinine in the treatiment of on the death-rate, 275; court dinner of the 507, 558 62i, 679, 740, 794, 85o, 8go, 966, 0OII, Io66, corneal ulcers, 250 University, 385; large bequest to the general 2I20, 2277, I337, 2389-; "ChemischeNovitatem,. a - D., skiagraphy of the lungs and pleura, infirmary, 385; District Nursing Association, new monthly bibliography of current chemical 76 386; general inflrmary, cost per bed, classifi- literature, 42; "The Antiseptic," a new Laymen, intrusion of into medical practice, 262 cation of out-patients, tenure of office by monthly Journal, 42; Dr. Weir Mitchell on Lay press, medical subjects in, viI honorary staff, post-mortem departmeat, 742; "The Youth of Washington," 42; Inter- Lea, Arnold, vaginal hysterectomy in the puer- death from lead poisoning, 743; registration national Medical Statistics of Armies, 42; perium for sepsis due to suppiiration of of midwives, 743; feeding of school children, oculist seal found at Este, 42; Cornelius myoma, 78; some remarks on puerperal infec- 797; Children's Relief Fund, 797, Dr. Hall's Agrippa on early doctors; 42; the fourth tioD, 58i investigations, 797; effects of extra meals. on molar tooth in the skulls of an Australian - Charles G., quinine in the treatment of weight of children, 797; foster homes for aboriginal and a New Caledonian in the corneal ulcers. 452 pauper children, 91I; new public baths, QII; "Journal of Anatomy and Physiology," 99; Lead as an abortifacient, increasing use of adulteration of food and drugs, 9I death of "Eos," a new quarterly periodical, 99; prize (Arthur Hall), 584; case where used (Harold C. Mr. J. M. Nicol, 922: the late Sir John Barran, won by an insane patient for solving a rebus Cadman), 653 Io68 ; the Weatherill memorial, xo68; the aims and short essay on an assigned topic, 99; - poisonIng at Mossley, I66; in Leeds, 743; of the University, xo68. inebriate reformatory proposed new journal in Esperanto, 99, 507; from diachylon, 1022; from water pipes, 1297; for the three Ridings, 2123; convictions for William de Ripa. 99; William Cadge memorial uncertainty of post-mortem evidence in sus- watering milk, 2124; sanitaryprovisions of the window, address bv Mr. Tweedy at the un- pected (S. King Alcock), 2372; necropsies in, new Consolidation Act: milk, food, laundries, veiling of, 99; " Belfast Health Journal," Ioo; I2394 libraries, wakeg, 2298; inspection of school one ot the early editors of the " Daily News," -_394 - annual report of chief in- children, I298; the public dispensary, 2298 2OO; bleeding as a punishment for Roman spector of factories, 283 workpeople's hospital fund, 562 soldiers, Io; the treatment of a patient in LEADING ARTICLES: The SUPPLEMENT to the Lees, David B., The Treatment of some'Acute "Emmanuel Burden," IoO; the King accepts BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL, 27; a new trema- Visceral Inflammations, rev., 22 a copy of Mr. Grant's "Autobiography," I58; tode, 27; the administrative control of London Leeward Islands, medical practice iD, 2239 December number of " Field Naturalis's hospitals, 28; the future of the Volunteer Leftwich, R. W., surface markings of the ebest, Quarterly," is8; German Navy League, I58; force, 29; sanatorium statistics, 83; the 472; An Index of Symptoms as a Clue to legal decision as to damages to be paid for etiology of syphilis, 84: the Metropolitan Liagnosis, rev., 993 sufferings cauEed by a wound, 3I58; centenary Asylums Board and small-pox research, 85; Legge, S. C., the corneal reflex in ,ranaesthesia, number of the "Edinburgh Medical Journal," penal business of the General Medical Council, 971 226; anatomical atlas of Albinus, 226; Dr. 141; insanity and murder, T42; the health of - T. M., Milroy lecture on industrial an- Alison of Edinburgh, 226; Gargantua and the London, I43; compulsory Greet, I99; fatigue, thrax, 529, 589, 64I "medical finger," 226; the Library of the o2o; pauper inebriates from the economic LegislatioD, retrograde, 669 Surgeon-General's office at Washington, 226; point of view, 201; the jubilee of laryngology, Legs, scrofulous ulcers of, successfully7treated "Every Boy's Monthly," 255; Edwin Lankester's 257; schools and eyesight, 258; the Japanese by high-frequency currents (W. F. Somerville), "Half-hours with the Microscope," 255; Mon- art of ju-jitsu, 259 the professional relations 244 cure Conway's story about Carlyle, 255: Henry ot medical practitioners, 26o; cancer of the Leicester, annual meetingat, 1245, 1285, 2343, I394. Richter of New York is unable to render tongue, 313; industrial poisoning and educa- See also Association " Scheintod" into English, 255; M. Falconnet, tion of workmen, 323; axial torsion of the Leicester, J. C. Holdich, chyluria complicating 255; "A Student's Notes on Clinical Medi- uterus. 314; John Hunter's methods, 369; pregnancy. 599: puerperal eclampsia, 2332 cine" (Sir Alexander Christison), by A. triumphant antivaccination, 370; hygienic Leicestershire, district medical appointments Cassels Brown, 255; "Revue Internationale mnoonshine, 372; finances of Loudon medical in, 227 de la Tuberculose," 256 ; notice of translation schools and hospitals, 427; the medical officer Leigh, Thomas Drake, oral sepsis and puerperal of "1Science and Hypothesis," by Mons. in the field, 428; advertising of medical prac- septicaemaia. 882 Poineard, 312; notice of publication of an titioners in connexion witlh liydropathic and Leith. outbreak of bubonic plague at, 2I24, 2173, antivivisection story by Mark Twain, 322; similar establishments, 429; after-history of 2244, T293, 1352, 2387 John Frederick Struensee in January number appendicectomy, 487; an age-limit of intel- Proiesaur, evolution in tuberculosis, of "The Practitioner," 311; notide of first lectual work, 488; new prison rules, the, 488; 1382 number of "Annals of esychical Science," hospital reform, 547-; errors in observation, Lemos, Pedro, 'curious medical certificate by, 3i2; Sinhalese medical books of sixth century 547; medical certificates, 548; the family care Io66 describe 67 varieties of mosquitos, 377 ; honour of the insane, 607; Parliament and vaccina- Leper colony of Molokai, 666 conferred on Sir Francis Cruise, 377; "Index tion, 6o8; medicine and men of letters, 609: Lepers in the United States, 444, 6Xg; in Canada, Medicus Hispanus," 377: " Medical Notes and the evolution of laryngology, 667; industrial 724 Queries," a new periodical, notice of, 377; anthrax, 668; retrograde legislation, 659; food Leprosy in Cape Colony, 86o military and naval pharmacy of the civil war and poison, some new views, 725; German contagiousness of, Io50 in America. 377; Welsh National Library, 377; experience of antityphoid inoculation, 726; - cultivation of the bacillu.s of, 315 Henri Melge in "France Mddicale" gives an F TanBamme JUNE 24, 1905.1 INDEX. LMEDICAL JOURNAL 9

acoount of two French saints whose speciality verses by the late Professor Theodor Meynert, London, hospital administration and financein, was the cure of madness, 377; new pro- two 267 books 2337; La Tribuna Medica and the - duced isa 1904, 437; letter from Frederick Jenners, 2337; Browning on taking physic, -hospitals, the administrative control of, Thackeray about Astley Cooper, 437; Mcien- 1338; an ancient readingof fingerprints (Louis 28; and medical schools, the financial rela- tific methods of detecting crimlnals, Robinson, 2338); a doctor i-'v' cannot under- tionship of, report of committee, 422; leading "Le Football Rugby et ses Accidents," 507; stand his own writings, nr"s Kra.n.owizer, article on, 427; correspondence on, 5ii new monthly journal, Zeitschrift far Eisen- 1338; the "Gryphon,' 2338; Hogarth and -port of, annual report of M.O.H., 1129 tbahnhygiene, 507; award of Samuel D. Gross quackery, 2338; "Le Radium," a new monthly - proposed institute of intermediate ,prize for 2905, 507 ; Colegio Medico of the Pro- journal, 2339; "Annals of Psychical Science," studies in, 727 'vince of Madrid and the tercentenary of a new periodical. 2339 "'Transvaal Medical medical education in, IIo8 "Don Quixote," notices of new medical Mr. medical societies, union of. See Medical 507; Journal," first number, 2339; new book by - - books, 507; German troubles in South-West a copy -milk d6p6ts in, 6I5, 771 James Cautlie, I389; the King accepts - Africa (Louis Elkind), 5o8; North American of Dr. W. J. Simpson's "Treatise oii Plague," milk supply in, 2130 Aborigines (E. J. Kempf), 5o8; French 2389; Medico-Technologisches Journal," 2389; -park mansions in, 328 -doctors 508; prizes offered preliminary and intermediate teachiD before Moliere, surgery in England In 2752, 2389 in, by Belgian Acadenmy of Medicine, So8; Littler, St. M., infection of scarlet fever, 35¶ 490 "Malgaigne, sa vie et ses idees," by M. Pilastre. Liver, anaemicinfarctionof(Professor O'ulivan recruiting district, 615 558; notice of new work by Dr. ArchibaldReid for Dr. Roy Dobbin), I89 School of Tropical Medicine, pass lists, -entitled "The Principles of Heredity," 558; primary adrenal carcinoma of (S. Phillips 09*; appointments to new chairs of helminth- the "Practitioner," special puerperal fever and B. R. Spilsbury), 1274 ology and protozoology at, 204; festival baa- of number, 558; "Metapsychic Phenomena," by subacute atrophy (S. G. Scott), 775 quet, 731, 957, 2064; aims of, 1105 558; epidemics in North of - Joseph Maxwell, Liverpool, special correspondence from, 329, 445, schools, medical supervision of, 6iI 'France several centuries ago (Dr. R610t), 558; 509, 567, 744, 797, 912, 2015,1356,1402; the Liverpool - scientific tsaching in, concentration of, Fabricius Gullhelmus Hildanus, 558; notive of guardians and sanatorium treatment, 3l29; the XIo8 " Hospitals and Charities," 558 announce- - Our infirmary for children, 330; the school of street accidents in, 898 re Dr. R. Ghosh's " - anent Materia Medica and tropical medicine, 330; case of plague on a training of midwives in, So6 - Therapeutics," 621; the "Journal of Experi- vessel in the Mersey, prosecution of the cap- university and medical education, 5I0 " .mental Medicine," 621; the Harmsworth tain, 445; recent appointments in Liverpool, Longbotham, George, obituary notice, 2184 Encyclopaedia," 621; Retention of Greek, 621 ; of the cancer research, Longford and sick soldier, 902 446 ; new director 5og; Longstaff, G. a contribution to the the French Army in the time of Henry IV. women medical students at the Royal Infir- it., etiology and Richelieu, 621; part played by of rheumatic fever, 294 Louis XIII, mary, sog; the skeleton of Ambush II, 5c9; of the profession in the Lorand, Arnold, bdood glands as anembers medical Stanley hospital, annual meeting, 567; the pathogenic " E'rench Revolution, 622; First Aid," a new Banks memorial, 568, 912 the Medical Institu- factors in the production of diabetes and magazine, 622; Professor Osler, 622; Professor tion, proposed enlargements and alterations, obesity, 425 an Loveday, Francis J., Charles Richet delivers address to the 744, 1356; universitychemical laboratories, 744; elocted churchwarden, 940 Society of Psychical Research. 622; Thomas generous endowment to the laboratoriees, 744; Love's Tribute, rev., 779 and old age, 622 Carlyle's brother, Low, George C., note on Filaria 4Carlyle 622; Country Hospital for Children. annual meet- Gigas, 2329 Stevenson in the Lowe, Alfred James, appointed J.P. for Robert Louis Adirondacks, 744; intended new buildings for, 744; county '622 ; "Froml- Tokio through Manchuria with Samaritan Hospital for Women, ninth annual of Lancaster, 2282 notice Lucan Spa, note on (Thomas the Japanese" (MajorLouis L. Seaman), report, 744; St. Paul's Eye and Ear Infirmary, Laffan), 835 old anec- Clement, electrocution caus- of. 679; Scottishl medicaments, 679: thirty-second annual meeting, 744; Tropical Lucas, accidental dotes of Sir 679 ; the Prize Anti- ing gangrene of Richard Owen. Medicine School, appointment o0 an entomo- extensive extremities, 134 story, Review," Lucey, W. C, obituary notice of, I4I2 vivisection 679; "University logist as lecturer, 744; The Ladies' Charity and announcement of a new monthly journal, 68o; Lying-in Hospital, annual meeting, 797; Queen - Mr., hereditary syphilis, case of,533 " Harmsworth Encyclopaedia," 68o; Manuel Victoria District Nursing Association, annual Lumbar puncturein cerebro-splnal meningitis, House Beautiful," noticeof,74o; recovery (James Donelan), 2243 Garcia, 740; report, 797; Dr. Ernest Nevins on consump- "Canada Medical Record" absorbed into the tion and municipal andparochialsanatoriums, LunacyAct. See Act "Montreal Medical Story of Commission in Ireland, 557 Journal," -4o; 912 ;meeting of the Royal Sanitary Institute, Frederick freves's book 'Huxley, 740; Sir 912; demolition of insanitary dwellings anc -expense of, 2291 dias no "appendix," Chante- Lunatics, consumptive, camp treatment of, 673 the rehousing of the dispossessed, 912; - messe on the part in the of an assistant sur- andinebriates, alien, 675 of pointment gynaecologieal Lundie, R. correct bi- propagation 140; geon to the Royal Infirmary, IO05, 2356; A., anatomical form of "Osteopathy" plays a part in a -41; cerebro-spinal meningitis, o015; rumourea re- cycle pedals, 768 J. and A. Churchill's forthcomingmedical pub- signation of Dr. Armand Bernard,X356; Lung, malignant disease of, note on diagnosis of 741 "Author and (Professor Lindsay), 304 lications, Printer,' 794; extension of term of office, 2402: Lancashire " results of experience of operations for for Vienna, 273 x,oon and Cheshire Branch meeting, 2356; epileptic "Lungs -gall stones, 794; note on "Physiological colony at Maghull, satisfactory results of a Luungs, syphilis of, case of (Douglas Stanley), in Nutrition," 794; the climate of Economy year's working, 14C2; low death-rate in the 533 autograph letters of Trousseau and pleura, skiagraphy India, 794 ; two City, 2402 Lungs of, 76 against plague Lunn, J., tumour 794; metliods of prophylaxis crebro-spinal fever in,IC06 oftoDgue,ggr ;in. Lyons, I628-9, 8So; first medical journal School ofTropical Medicine, return Lupus of pharyinx (Dr. Lamb). 824 published in United States. 8sr, "ergo- expedition; - of upper air passages (Wilfrid of the thirteenth Progress of Glegg), 534 phobia," Dr. John N. J. L. Luther, Dr., noteOD, 483 851; Radcliffe, 851I sanitation on the 272; apprecia- .Gilbert and the swallowing of a key, 85v; tion of in Paris, 330; report on researches of Luxemburg, practicein, 576 announcement of "Saints and Savages" by to Lydston,G. Frank. The Surgical Diseases of the Dr. Robert Lamb, 8oo; expedition Sierra Leone, 728; appointment Genito-Urinary Tract, newillustratedjournal, of an entomologist as lecturer,744 expedition Venereal and Sexual "L'Avenlr Medical," 89o; new medical journal, to Amazon River, 902 Diseases, rev., 1383 "Le Droit Mddical," ego ; 64 medical libraries small-pox and small-pox hospitalf, Lympha,emia, acute (E.J. MeWeeney), 401 in the United States, number of 8go; first 96I, 2248 acute, in a child (E. J. McWeeney Magazine of School and Dennis J. Farnan), 400 Jnternational Hygiene, Liversedge, A., Tables for Qualitative Chemical "Medical Authors' and Publishers' Lymphatic leukaemia, acute (Thomas o90; Ex- Analysis, rev., 24 McCrae), 890; history of (W. D. Donnan),408; (J. G. .cnange," medicine officially Living animals, experiments on,2294 404; Slade), 476 recognized by Philadelphia College of Physi- Llandaff, health of, 568,1C68 Lynn-Jenkins, E., protective value of vaccina- "Climate" its discon- -cians,8go; announces Llandrindod Wells Water Bill, io68 tion, 990 inuance, 890; "De l'Impregnation de la methods of prophylaxis against 4 Llantarnam, health of, 2068 Lyons, plague Mere" causes an action in in 850; an old medical dinner France, 8go; Llantrissant and Llanwit Fardre, district I628-9, seciety symphysiotomy flrst proposed, 89o; Carlyle council, report, 798 at, 1177 and doctors, 890; English translation of Lloyd, William, intranasal irritation causing Professor Schlesinger's Indications for acne rosacea. 74 -Operation in Diseases of the Internal Lobar pneumona ain-children(G. A. Sutherland), of, 66 of Organs," announcement notice 479 -weekly paper, "NursingTimes," 966; cen- --- during enteric fever (Sidney M. tenary of the death of Schiller, 966; Phillips and B.- H. Spilsbury), 2093 journal of experimental pathology andtllera- following measles (F. C. M.D. degree for practitioners, I1252. peutics, "Zeitschrift fur Patho- M.O.H., books for, the L.G B. hlis dis- Experiment Bottomley), 237, note, 340, 396, 864 2130; aqd undTherapie,"966; Captain Thomas logie Local Governmnent Board. See Board trict council,3I66; qualification for, 2320 Dover, Note on,966; "Methods of Morbid Local irritationadnd cancer, 48 -- in Scotland, qualification for,2320 and Pathology," by Walker- MacAuliffe, (part authlor), Histology Clinicil Lockwood, C. B., case of cutaneous anthrax suc- L6on Pr6cis d'Explo- Hall and G. ration externe du Tube digestif, Herxheimer, announcement of, cessfully treated bySclavo's serum, x6; re- rev., 23 10o1: "Archivos Latino Americanos de Pedia- lationship between colitis and appendicitis MacBride, E. W., elected FI.RS., 494 review devoted to tria," a new children's from a surgical point of view, 466; summary McCall, Annie, sanatorium treatment of diseases,OIoI; "American Journal of Surgery of after-results of operations for appendicitis, phthisis-is it worth while? 449 .and Gynaecology," henceforth to be known McCallum, Hugh A.,visceroptosis, its symptoms 535 the "American Journal of and 345 Surgery," 0or,; Lockyer, Cuthbert, the corpus luteum, 826 treatment, Royal 2012; Phile- McCann, F. J., proposed academy of Academy pictures, 2905, Locum tenens, the obligations I65;of, Of to- medicine anon Holland, Royal relics, in 570 1012; IO02; day,2322, 2368 London. Portuguese medical an ancient certificate, Loewenfeld, L., Die psychischen Zwangser- M'Clatchey, John, obituary notice Of, 572 xcf6; Oslerisms, poisoningin Scotland McClure, Dr., the climate of the Sahlara, 992 I*20; scheinungen, rev., 66i Chinese Thomas, acute 'beforeI625, 1120; medicine.I2i;Ea Logic of the colour element theory, 328 McCrae, lymphatic leukaemia, year's reports of the Imperial Library of London, Academy of Medicine in, proposed, 404 Japan, 1122; new novel by Dr. S Weir Mitchell. McCulloch,D,H. negro immunity from malaria ambulance services, 31, 320, 494, "Constance Trescott,"r212r ; "NursingTimes," 5559 73I, and yellow fever, 203 bombitans . . first number,1222; "Coleridgius 2286 Macdonald, G., origin and course of the in vacuo,"2I77; notice of the "Empire's care of consumptive poor in, 905 opsonins in acute pneumonia, 26 Cricketers," 1177 1337; "University Review," cremation in, 248 MacDonald, Grevillc, antivivisectionist stage malaria notes, records first number, etc., 2177 Doyen Institute in, ioco thunder,I66o Dinner at Lyons, 2 - Ian, elected member off an old Medical Society glanders in,282. 399 corresponding 77 " I178 of the Academy E Chinese made Easy." the Hospice health of (leading article). 243, 2229; of Medicine and Surgery of de 35i16tre, 1178; notice ofnew volume of public health report for the county of, 2903, 257 Seville, 437 20 TM BRmm I 20 MmIcAmMmAju2j]IDE.[CNJOVZNAZJ INDEX. [JrUNIC 24,4 1905-95

McFarland, Joseph, A Textbook of Pathology, verdict "Suicide whilst temporarilyinsane," Marriage and drunkenness, 733 rev., 419 iox; the KiDg and up-to-date operating tables, -- medical certificates for, 8X5 McGee, Anita Newcomb, elected member United 201; St. Mary's Hospital, board meeting, IOI; Marriott, Edward Dean, sanatorium treatmentP Spanish War Veterans, 546 the University of Manchester Public health of phthisis, is it worth while? I6z MaeHardy, N. F., general paralysis successfully Laboratories, 102 ; prosecution for selling an Marsden, Prosper H., poisoningby single castor- treated by urotropine, i85 ointment containing veratrin, 102 ; smells and oil seed, X299 MacIver, Donald, notice of death of, 392 Section 114 of the Public Health Act, Marsh, F., frenum uvulae, 822 Maclennan, Danald Urquhart, obituary notice 202; insurance of children, 102; Ladies' Howard, a joint affection possibly due of, 141I Public Mealth Society, annual meeting, to malaria, 883; intermittent hydrops of the. MacKay, Malcolm, medical practice in Canada, 159; small-pox at Burnley, 0IO, I59; bequest to joints, 884 1225 Hyde Infectious Diseases Hospital, 159; pro- J. Hedley, antistreptococcus serum in - W. A., elected corresponding member posed medical institution and club, I59, 218; toxic scarlet fever, 355 of Academy of Medicine and Surgery of Seville, defect in Dairy and Cowsheds Order, 159; epi- Marshall, F. J., resigus post of R.M.O. at St. 437 demic of suicides, I5g; Port Sanitary Autho- George's Hospital, 732 --7 W. J. Stewart, The Preparation and rity, monthly report, z59; military drill in J. N., hospital reform, 749 After-treatment of Section Cases, rev., 95 schools, 159; spread of anthrax, isg; honour Lewis W., digestibility of boiled and Mackenzie, J., "ovarian pain," a plea for more to local medical men, 218 * coroners' inquests unboiled milk, 1017, 1X82, 1360 accurate clinicate observation, 387 and causes of death. 218 case of catalepsy, Martin, Arthur J., the sewage problem, 659 - James, new methods of studying 2x8; I50th anniversary of the infirmary, C. J., determination of arterial blood affections of the heart, 519, 587, 702, 759, 8x2 218; should ankylostomiasis be made a pressure in clinical practice, 865 - T. C., awarded Stanhope Gold afedal of notifiable disease? 273; small-pox in Lanca- Martiieau, A. J., frontal sinus empyema fol- Royal Humane Society, 665; awarded Arnott shire during the last quarter, 273; annual lowed by subdural abscess, 1082 Memorial Gold Medal, 750 meeting of the Royal Eye Hospital, 273; Mason, J. M., medical practice in New Zealand, Mackey, Charle3 (reported by), tuberculosis of theCity Council and the infirmary site,'329, 446, 1236 cerebrum and cerebellum, with external so ; hospital for skin disease, annual report, Massage in cardiac dilatation (R. A. Fleming),. pointing of one caseous mass, I86 329; physical exercise in schools, 319; pro- 305 Mackinnon, Henry William Alexander, obituary posed new ear hospital, 329; bequests to Matthew, Alexander, obituary notice of, 972 notice of, 750 medical charities, 329; Manchester Aberdeen Matzenauer, Rudolf, Lehrbuch der venerischen MeKisack. Dr., on cold in pneumonia, 207 University club dinner, 329 coroner on deaths Erkrankungen, rev., 828 MacLachlan, James, elected Provost of Dornoch under chloroform, 385 ; a judge on bailiffs, 385; Maude, Arthur, one-mark vaccination, 856,. (Sutherlandshire), 140 new skin hospital,'donation towards, 385; tree IoI6 Maclaren, Roderick, relations of medical men meals for children and their cost, 385; annual Maurasell, Mr., endothelioma of uterus, i89; toeach other, 241 meeting of infirmary trustees and probable cholecystotomy for acute cholecystitis follow- Maclean, Ewen J., colliery dispute amicably ad- cost of new infirmary, 385; a year's inquests, ing typhoid fever, i89 justed, SIx 385; measles in Mid-Cheshire, 446; Board of Mauritius, plague in, 201, 21I7, 31, 425, 558, 68o, MaeLennan, Dr., Riedel's operation for chronic Elducation and temperance teachingin schools, 779, 2400 osteomyelitis, 251 46; should corporations provide nurseries ? medical practice in, 2240 McLiesh, John, Central Midwives Board and 446; nursing for threepence a day, 446; Mayo, W. C., administration of anaesthetics in the Belfast Maternity Hospital, 1405 sanitary inspectors support Iublic Health abdominal operations, 192 McMillan, Lewis, the guaiac test, 473 Bill, 446 ; minstrels, music, and charities, 446; Measles at merthyr, 386; at Winsford, 446, 5og>- McNabb, D., case of aneurysm opening from the cold storage of milk in tranSit, 446, 69I ; South- at Newport (Mon.). 2067; at Ihymney, I357 first part of the thoracic aorta into the pulmon- port Infirmary and alcohol as a mediclne, 446; - - cerebral symptoms in (Guy J. Branson), ary artery, 883 provision for the blind by the State, sog; 641 Macnamara, Nottidge Charles, Origin and char- Northern Hospital, annual meeting, 5o9; the prodromal rashes of (J. D. Rolleston),, acter of the Britisn People, rev., 252 division of the assets of the old ictoria 233 Macnaughton-Jones, Dr., elected honorary University, 09; Children's Hospital, Pendle- and education, 1057 member of Obstetrical Society of Leipzig, 546; bury, annual meeting, 509; Victoria Dental, prevention of, 1359 Practical Manual of Diseases of Women and annual report, 5og; appointments, Sog; - German, infectivity of, 455 Uterine Therapeutics for Students and Prac- CrossleySanatorium, note on, 567; municipal German measles and scariet fever, some titioners, rev., 1048 authorities and school restaurants, 567; points in the differential diagnosis of (F. J. MeWeeney, E. J., acute lymphaemia, 401; In a housing reform in towns, 567 ; provident dis- koynton, 229 child, 400; Dr. Schaudinn's work on blood pensaries, 567; case under Workmen's Com- - lobar pneumonia following (F. C. parasites, 570; relation of the parasitic pro- pensation Act, 567; Port Sanitary Authority, Bottomley), 237; note on, 340, 396, 864 tozos to each other and to human diseases, 567; death of Dr. Cornelius O'Doherty, 567; - notification of, 903 656; case of chorionic vllli in a case of rup- coming of age of the University Women's Meat eating in Germany, 1346 tured tubal pregnancy, 885; asylum dysentery, Union, 623: a coroner on viewing bodie , 623; -inspection, 502 943; tuberculosis, its cauze and preventioa, end of the winter session, 623; the Garcia and milk, 2o0o IO1O; spirochaetae in syphilis, 1262 centenary, 623; cost of a small-pox hospital at poisoning, observations upon the micro-- Madagascir, radiography in, 614 Elswick, 623; gift to Roehdale NursiDg Institu- organisms of, and theirallies ( R. MorgaD),. Madeira, opening of a sanatorium at, 368 tion, 623 Jewish Hospital, 691 ; medical gradua- 1257 Madras, anti-malaria campaign in, 282, sco6; tion, 691; Fleetwood andits sewagescheme, 743 ; Meatus, external auditory, otolith removedc plague in, 675; sanitary reports 1903, 83x the law as regards workers with bisulphide from (a. J. Godwin), 472 Magee, J. A., one-mark vaccination, I360 of carbon, 743: Todmorden, its water scheme Mechanism of deglutition, 671 Magennis, Edward, Surgeon-General Evatt'a and its cost, 74 ; extension of Oldham In- Meckel's diverticulum, gangrenous (Mr. Parker), Report, 8oo firmary, 744; Victoria University, institution 656 Magistrates and the Vaccination Act, 1247 of scholarships, 744; part of new infirmary Medical advertising, 43. 50, 515, 1307, 2308 Malaria in Algeria, prevention of, 2331 contraCt let, gII ; new convalescent home for Annual, A Yearbook of Treatment and.1 --in the Campagna, prevention of, x40 Burnley chUdren, gii; Crippled Children's Practitioner's Index, rev., 603 --in Ceylon and mosquitos, 86i Help Society, gix ; completion of Crossley attendance in venereal] diEease, 50; Iu --- in India, prevention of, 282, xco6 sanatorium in Delsmere Forest, 9II ; opening non-provided schools, 975 -- joint affection possibly due to (Howard of summer session, gxi allocation of beds black lists, 959 Marsh), 883 and new appointments at the Royal Infirmary. certificate, an ancient Portuguese, 2o66 - negro immunity from, 103, 389, 6i5 967; should children under 5 years attend certificates (leading article), 548; abuse- - prevention of, note, 420 public schools ? 967; foundation of hospital of, 1054 stamping out of, 841 at Leigh, 1015 ; small-pox in Lancashire, 1015 ; certificates, and Education Committees,. Malarial fever. See Fever gifts to Rochdale Infirmary, 1015; visit of 512 ; and postal officials, 845, 2223, 2247 - sanitation, 1347 French delegates to sewage works, IC67; -______and marriage, 8x5 Male infantilism (William Calwell), 824 sewage sludge and fruit essences, Io6j; monu- charities, abuse of, 606 Malignant disease, relation of uterus and ment to James Prescott Joule, I067; recruiting -_____ college of the army, 22O9 ovaries to, 731 returns for Manchester, 1067; enormous rejec- companies, 2283 of fundus uteri treated by tion of applicants, 1067; Hospital Saturday, coroners, 9o x rays (Arthur J. Cleveland and Donald D. 1178 ;'St. ILelen's Hospital, annual report, 1179; -_____ Council ot Prague (German sectiqn) and. Day), 925 physique of Salford school children, Ix79; quack advertisements, 957 -ggrowths, nature of (Professor Farmer, meeting of Brltish Dental Association at curriculum,-obstetrics in, 6xo J. E. S. Moore, and C. E. Walker), 1277 Salford, I179; charge under the Sale of Hlorse- defence, 545 - pustule, case of (R. Stanley Thomas), flesh Act, I237; appeal on behalf of the Sick - Union. annual meeting, 1279. 18 Children's Hospital, 1297; Royal Infirmary _descendant of the family of Joan of Ar Mallory, Frank Burr, Pathological Technique, and Ear Hospital, 2297; new arrangements for 613 rev., 419 the teaching of pathological anatomy at the dialect terms, 795 Malt extracts, 1387 infirmary, 1298; retirement of Professor dinner society at Lyons, an-old, 1177 Malta, health statistics of, 5r; Intermittent Dreschfeld from the Infirmary, 1298; spread of Directory, the, 33 fever in (Them. Zammit aiad G. Caruana scarlet fever, 1298 ; thepsyrchology of the dog's diseases of children. See Children Scicluna), 711; typhoid fever in, 733; naval mind, 1357; Domestic Economy Association, education, a sidelight on, 39, 102, 160,. hospital at, 789 annual meeting, 1357; progress of new infirm- 219, 628, 80I, 971, 2245 - medical practice in, 1240 Wy, 1357; death of Rev. James Clarke, 1357; - in London, iTo8 Mammalian ovary, nature of the follicle cells of Whitsuntide vacation, 1357; case of bubonic and the London University, (V. Chastel de Boinville), 13 plague, 1401; university notes and doings, _____- Mammary cancer. See Cancer 1402; composition of Manchester soot, 2402; mental science in, 625 Man, blood pressure in, note, 3r5 birth-rate and death-rate In Cheshire, 1402; ethics, 49, 105, 165, 393 Man, and his choice of an occupation, 465 dangers of flannelette, 1402 etiquette, 336, x1 It Manchester, correspondence from, 44, 101, 159, Manila, water supply and sewerage for, 817 -evidence, a solicitor's views on charit-- 218, 273, 329, 385, 446, so0, 567, 632,,691, 743, gi91967, Mann, Gustav, on the thalamus, 289 able, 571 o015, 1067, 1179,1297,1357, 1401 ; result ot poll as to J. Dixon, causes and treatment of oedema, -- examination of defective children,. beds In raeeiving house, 44; fog and mortality 1077 393 from diseLses of the respiratory organs, 44, 102 Mariman, Lieutenant-Colonel Kailkhoso Sorabjf, -- exorcism, 920 preparing for the Midwives Act, 44; Royal death of, 2305 66 - finger," the, 216 Army Medical Corps' new head quarters, 44; Marion, Georges, Chirurgie du Syst6me Ner- -- golf tournament, 976 water supply, 44; slow progress of the adop. veux, Urane et Enedphale-rachis et meelle- - howlers," 284 tion of cremation, 44, I59; a coroner on the nerfs, rev., I184 inspection in Scotland, 5 [ THU Bz221.2 JUNE 24, 1905.] INDEX. M.ZDMAoI.a JouaXLa I Medical societies of London, proposed union of, received," 803 ; Mr. Troutbeck and the medical 3Medical inspection of elementary schools, 47, 85, profession, indecent advertisements, 8sg; x62, 555, 695 490,728, 745,783, 799, 848, X208 for 859; of - of school children (leadiag sociology, meeting inBerlin, 425 touting practice,829,1131 *employment article), 949 -- students in Germany, 232; in Switzer- a registered midwife by a medical practitioner, of 'at workhouse, land, 256 859; bonesetters, 9I8; melancholia, 9I8; the tramps doctor's 1022; for loss 130930 -students, female, in America, 5T lamp, 928, compensation inspectors of the Local Government -______strike of, in Madrid, 787 of tooth, 975; supply of appl{ances, 975; Board, 6i6 training of, to be general prac- medical attendance in non-provided schools, legislation in America, 852 titioners, 203 975; may a registeredpractitioner be a director legislators in Portugal, 50I - study excursions. See Voyage of a building society? 975; responsibility for magistrates, 356, 948. I000, 2282, 2500 - study tour in Germany, 483 medical debts, 975; inquest fees to hospilal - Masons, Epsom College, 636 --subjects in the lay press, xI [I, II88 officers, 2022; medical men and advertiEe- Members of Parliament in Canada, go, -- supervision of London schools. 6II; in ments of proprietary articles, 2022; "gross .614; in France, 264 New York schools, 2397 receipts," 2022; red lamps, 2C22;lead poisoning -- from ; ; a men, automobiles for, 372, 636, 696, zi88; terms in Murray's "New English Dic- diachylon, 2022 surgery notices, 2022 ; attendance upon relatives of, 454; called in to tionary,"200 specialist and his professionalbrethren, X022 - Accident assistant assist midwives, payment of, 564, 633; and the -testimonials in trade advertisements, Company's;certificates, 1073 dispensing of medicines containing poisons, 224, 2308 and principal, 1232 time limit for inquests, 571 ; part played by in the French Revolution, units, of, 2003 1187; fees for attendance on domestic servant, 622; and thelaypress, 803, 1022, I3o8; visit of to - visit to Paris. See Paris 2287; payment of doctors'bills, 2187; propert Paris, see Paris; and advertisements of pro- witnesses, fees to. See Fees in day books, 2187; medical witnesses and prietary medicines, 1021; and infectious dis- and minors,2187 minors, I 87 ; alleged neglect ofa club patient, orders, 1057 -worthies of Cumberland (Henry Barnes), 2252; action against a medical man: Hobson -- men, relations of to each other (Rode- 297 v. Bicknell, 2307; death from Jewish circum- rick Maclaren), 241; (leading article on), 260 Medicaments, old Scottish, note on, 679 cision, 2307; tongue-tie, I3C7; Glasgow Ear -- minister, use of a, ir88 Medicine, ancient and modern, 437 Hospital, 2307; recognition of unqualified - ministers in France, 264, 902; in Spain, chest of the House of Commons, 846 practitioners by school authorities, I307; re- 845 in Naples, go2 - the Egyptian school of, 86 spoDsibility for death certificates, 2308; -___--officer in the field (leading artfce) 428 errors of diagnosis in (J. IR.Bradford), medical officership to a nursing home, 2308; of health in the Highlands, 903 claims of opticians, 2308; assistants' doorplate, of a workhouse, duties of, 339; of 2253 future of in South Africa, 612 2308; arrangements with chemists, 2308. 2409; an isolation hospital, duties of, 394; to a and hygiene in Morocco, 62X Mr.Troutbeck as coroner, 2364 a coroner's mis- nursing home, 1308 and men of letters, 609 taken strictures, 2354; choice of an anaesthe- a Spanish municipality and its, 605 - military, Mr. Roosevelt on, 730 tist. I364; relatioDs with a district nurse and - officers, Belfast Constabulary, old scheme for the sociallzationcof, (64 midwife, 2364; Interpretation of contract not questions in Parliament, etc., 435 popular,5i6 to practise, 2365; attendance upon a medical -duties and customs of, I66 tea as, 883 man's widow, 2365; criminal a ppeal, 2408; -officers of health and private practice, tropical. See Tropical charge of negligence, 1408; relations with Western, in China, ic53 homoeopaths, I409; relations with chemis -officers, Indian, in Burmah, question in Medicines, proprietary, laws regulating the sale 1409 Parliament re compensation allowance, 435 Of. 514, 605 Mediterranean fever. fee Fever - officers, Irish Poor Law, salaries of, 92 Medico-Legal and Medico-Ethical, 49, I04, I65, Mleige, Henri, note on French Saints whore question in Parliament re, 435 223, 280, 3f6, 393, 454, 515, 572, 630, 695, 751, specialty was the cure of madness, 377 officers on treatment 803, 859, 918, 975, 2021. 2073, 2139, 2252, Meissner, Georg, obitualy notice of, 1072 "big liners," of, the ethics of I187, Melancholia, 9I8 1252 2307, Ia64 1401; aupersession, infant officers, military. notification by, 394 49, 205. I65, 393. 2308, 2364. 1409; a dis- Melaena and haematemesls in an (B. organization, value of, Io05 claimer, 49, 975; duties of an assistant, 49 Morris and M. Feldman), 352; (3. Clay Beckitt), orienists, 554 partnership lutroduction,50; value of a share, 594 Peace Committee, 8gg 53',571 ; contracts nottopractise withinan area, Meiland, C. H., leucocythaemia, with change of poet, an American, 613 50e 2131, 2364; advertising by card, so; medical type from splenomedullary to 1 mphatic, - pra¢tiCe abroad, xz88, 2189. See also advertising, 50, 515, 2022, 2273, I13t, 2307, 2308; 415 Medical Profession profevsional secrecy, x04, 9x8, 2022; a friendly Mendel, Henry, Traitement de la Tuberculose - in Bussorah, 228 society case, i05; administgratlon of anaes- Pulmonaire par la M6dication intra-trach6ale, - in Canada, 636 thetles, 105, 1364 ; fezs to medfial witnesses, I05, rev., 829 in Labrador, 1132 221, 280, 2021, 2232. I308,1364 ethical conduct, 1os; Meningitis, cerebro-spinal. fee Cerebro-spinal in Newfoundland, 375 relation of registered medical practitioner traumatic spinal (M. B. Pinchard), intrusion of laymen into, 262, to chemists' shops, 105, 336, S308; rival claims 823 risks or to a case, Io6; anaesthetists' fees, I06, 224, menstruation in childhood, ovarian disease, 246, 967; of, 630; prescribing dispensing of in, 965, 1126 515, 572; choice partners, Ic6; duties 264 628 practitioners and their relations to of a substitute, i65, 280, 393, 695; cost of agree- Mental-- nurses, training of, chemists' shops, 2C5, 336; unauthorized ment, 65s; the doer-plate agaln, I65, 224, 2305; science in medical education, 625 notices of in the lay press. 336, 695; adver- promise not to practise, X65; obligations of a Mentally-defective children, I262 tising of in connexion with hydropatnic and locum tenens, 165; a jury's protest, 223; acci- deficient boy, institutions for, 752 similar establishments, 429; and midwives, dent assurance, fee for consultation, 223; Menzel, Adolf v., post mortem proves him to payment of, 1227, 1248; cholera insurance for sight testing by opticians, 223; a matter for have been hydrocephalic, 384 2269 arbitration, 224; insurance fees, 224; Mercier, Charles, insanity and murder, 229, -969 - to on the sale of a in Germany, 240; in circulars patients 33t M.D. honoris causa Ataerica. mortality among, i98; in Italy, 724; pra.ctice, 224, 393; medical testimonials Merck. Willy, degree of con- foreign, in Italy, 21, 373 in trade advertisements, 224, 1308; unregistered Ierred upon, 322 prelate, a, 368 midwife, 280, q18; sale of practice, the duty Mercurial poisoning, fatal acute (E. Scott Sug- - Press Association. See Association of a vendor. 280; pufflng paragraphs in the den), 767 profession, Who's Who Year Book and lay press, 280, 336, 695, 8o1, 1022, 1287, 2308; the Mercury and strychnine poisoning, 617 the. 48; evolution of in Canada, 85; the dis- bloodless surgeon, 280; the bogey of medical IMerlin," antivIvisectionist stage thunder, cipline of 220; aud the Midwives Act, etiquette, 336; police surgeons and medical I360 the, fee for fees Mersey, case of plague on a vessel in the, 383 io6g, I227, 228I, 1248, 1300, 2358, 2404 etiquette, 336; police call, 336; measles at, 386; report of medical profession abroad in its educational, received by assistants, 336; workmen's com- Merthyr, at social, and economic aspects, 2289 pensation, 336; value of a practice, 336, 454, officer of health, Ic67; housing question - profession in France, 21193; in Germany, 695, 752; chemists as opticians and dentists. 1357 of 2I97; in Austria, T204; in Hnugary, 2207; in 393* ethics of consultation, 393, 572; medical Metopotamia, cultivation liquorice in, 327 Italy, 2208; in Spain, 1222; in Portugal, 1214; examination of defective hiludren, 393; ac- Mesotan eruption, case of (David Couper), 715; in Belgium, in in Den- countforms, rights of a family doctor, 393; (J. P. Wills), 88 1225; Holland, 2217; certilicates393; for school and aspirin, note on (G. Burnet), 527 mark, 1229; in Turkey, 1222; in Bulgaria, medical ohildren, 45 ; received," 803 2222; in Bervla, 2223; in Roumania, 2225; 1.2- biographies and portraits of medical men in 'Messages and the Canada, 1225; In douth Africa, 2229, 2232; the lay press, 454; is it right to apply for an Metabolism during pregnancy, labour, in Australia. 1233; in New Zealaud, 2236; appointmentwhich is notvacant? 454; attend- puerperium, 270I of of Crown and Minor Colonies, 1237; East and ance upon relatives of medical men, 454, 2365; Metacarpal, separation el iphysis (Dr. West Coasts of Africa, 1238; dritish New dentistsand anaesthetists, 454; patient'schoice Codd), 1271 British of medical attendant, 454, conduct of some Metcalf, M. M., An Outline of the Theory of Guinea, 1238; Fiji, 1238; Hbnduras, 572 Evolution, rev.. 2239* Ceylon, 1239; Hong Kong. 1239; Cyprus, consultants, 5I'; medical lees in legal cases, Organic I,q8 research 1239- Falkland Islands, 1X39; Gibraltar, 1231; 515; a misunderstandiDg, 515; medical men Metchnikoff on recent microbiological Leeward Islands, 2239; Malta, 1240; Mauritius, and the dispenstng of medicines containing on syphilis. 2178 2240; St. Holona. 2240; West Indian Islands, poisons, 571; a solicitor's views on charitable Methylated spirit as a "drink" in, Manxland, £240; British Gulana, 2240; Windward Islands, medical evidence, 57I; coroners and deaths in 312, ioo8 2240; Seychelles, I240; Straits Settlements, lunatic asylums, 571; a surgery at a public- Metric system, the. I *2, i68, 6;- I2240 house, 571; Peet v. Lithgow, 572: death Metropolitan Convalescent Homes Association, - reform, 2226 from puerperal fever, 572; caveat emptor, meetiEg, 544 ** Register," the, 670; name3 re3tored to, 572 * risks of medical practice, 630; Michels, Bi., obliterative arteriti?, 762 1292; erasures from, 2399 communications between consultant and Microbes, a disbeliever in, 322 evidence on Microbiological research on s5philis, recent Reserve, an Army, 47 , 6^o; expert and school in BrazU, destruction Of, 2257 statement of fact, 630; privilege of public (Roux Metchnikof), I278 acute endo- schools and hospitals in London, finan- vaccinators, 630; twins, 630; a medical Micrococcus. gonorrhoeai, causing of com- slander caie, 630; 630; fees in carditis (William Hunter), 525 cial relationship between, repcr6 ingratitude, the of, mittee, 422; leading article on, 427 puerperal case, 630; circularizing profes- Micro-organisms, oftlhermalmeat deathilpoint 455their science and colonization, 1C02 sion, 693, 803: the Pope's physician and Pink poisoning and -- service of the Army, 316. £ee also Army, Pills, 625 ; a Recidivist, 695 ; professional rela- allies (E. de R. Morgdn), I257 British tions, 695; advertising of hydropathic estib- Microscopical examinuallon of bone marrow -- servlce examination, stai istis X nd col- lishments, 752 ; friendly society appointments, (Cecil Price JoDes), 4C9 2022; a Halifax in- M4,delton. W. J.. artiriins deformane, 970 lege reforms, 335 751; inquest fees, 751, Midland Medical annual dinner, iros slander case, C30 9 quest, 751; secret commissions, 8o3; "messages ltDion. 22 M.jeIC.TR BazTmjel"1 INDEX. [JUlNE 24, 190Sr I I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-Z Midwife, registered, employed by medical prac- Monsarrat, K. W., constriction of the ureter, Muscular atrophy, progressive (Major Strick- titioner, 859 1232 land), 727 an unregistered, 280, 918 Monthly nurses, i400 Museum, pathological, at the annual notification by of intention to practse Montreal, infectious hospitals at, 35; maternity 229 meetin. as such, 1400 hospitals, sixtieth annual meeting, 35; forcible Myasthenia gravis (James Tay-lor), 517; (Ei Midwifery, miitary, 145 pohce search in the Maternity Hospital, 496 Farquhar Buzzard). 2092 instruction in, 386 Moon, David Steele, obituary notice of, g9I Myers, A. A., sanatorium treatment of practical, presentteaching of In Eng- Mooney, Dr., sarcoma of conjunctiva, 774 is it worth while ? 449 phthisls,. land (W. R. Dakin), 577; correspondence on, Moore, Frederick William, obituary notice of, MyDyddislwyn, sewerage scheme, 745 693, 746, 799, 854. 864 Myoma of rectum (H. C. Earl), i8g practice of, 727 John Edward Shorrock, appoihted new vaginal hysterectomy in the puer- scholarships, 745 director of Liverpool Cancer Research, sog; for to nature of perium sepsis due suppuration of, 78 X ildwives Act. See Act malignant growths, 127 Myopic conus (Leslie Buchanan) 2046+ - Association. See Association Sir John William, Earth Temperature Myositis, interstitial, simulating tumour oF Board, Central, 209, 272, 564; charge and Diarrhoeal Diseases, 37 sigmoid (A. Fells and W. C. Bentall) 75 against a midwife of signing false certifi- Moorhead, J. Gillman, Surface Anatomy, rev., cates, 209; poor-law infirmaries as training 947 schools, 272; applications for the certificate of Morgan, David, bony deposits following disloca- the Board, 272 ; number of women on the mid- tion of elbow joint, I9I wives roll, 272 ; payment of mediclmen called -Gilbert T., the sodium salts of the cou- N. in to assist midwives, 564; and the Belfast maric acids as thereapeuti agents, 1143 Maternity Hospital, 1294, 2404 H. M., Reminiscences of Forty-flve Nagel, Wilhelm, Gynakologie fu-r Aerzte und - charges at Newport, 2298 Years of General Practice, 534 Studierende, rev, 138 Congress in Italy, 724 - H. de R., observations upon the micro- Napier, Dr., patency of interventricular septum, -duties of, II8I organisms of miieat poisoning and their allies, 19x; tuberculous meningitis in adult, instructions for, 898 1257 Dr. Leith, and his action against292 the, registration of, 1252 Morison Leetures at Royal College of Physi- South Australian Government, 799 registration ofin Leeds, 742 cians, Edinburgh, 322 Narcolepsy and hysterical blindness (Purves -roll, the first, note on, 34 - Rutherford, appreciation of James Stewart), 476 thesupply of, 420 Murphy, 2303 Nasal accessory sinuses, causes, symptoms, anD training of,;o6,I054, 1104 Moritz, Siegmund, causes, symptoms, and com- complications of diseases of (Siogmund Mikado and Dr. Takamine, 1104 plications of the diseases of the nasal acces- Moritz), 174 Milian, Dr., Le Liquide Cdphalo-rachidien, rev., sory sinuses, 274 disease as a cause of headache (A. L 360 Morocco, hygiene and medicine in, 621 Whitehead), 279 Military drill in schools, 259 Mor'phine poisoning, subcutaneous injection of diseases, two cases of (Dr. Lamb), 304 medical officers, notification by, 394 atropine, recovery (A. Sheen), 2040 Nash, J. T. C., is B. coli a normal inhabitant of medicine, Mr. Roosevelton, 730 -- tablet to discoverer of, 7S7 shellfish? 183 midwifery, 145 Morris, B, case of haematemesis and melaena in Naso-pharynx and nose, short note on operations in Nigeria 3902-3, z66, 224 an infant 2 days old, 352 (Stephes Malcolmn,some new,therapeutic methods Paget), 643 surgery, Japanese, 444 in Natal, report on plague in, 635 Militia, R.A.M.C. (James R. Andrew Clark). 277 dermatology, 697 -medical practice in, 1232; Medical Act, Milk, occurrence of bacillus enteritidis Gaert- Mortality in childbed (Robert Boxall), 2093 i231; Public Health Service, 2231 nerin cows (E. Klein), 136 infantile, women's work and, 3o; and National eugenics, 4o tuberculosis (William P. S. in boiled and unboiled, digestibility of, 969, in Branson), 72 ; Nattan-Larrier, L., Les Medications Prdventives, I017, 2024, 2076, 2224, 2232, II8I, 2299, 1360 Russia, 240 Norway, 5,54; In Wales, 602 con- Serothdraple et Bacterlo-therapie, rev., zo4g charity inPhiladelphia, 62 trol of in Berlin, 742; question in the House, Naval hospital at of in in in Malta, 789 cold storage transit, 446, 69l 846, 903; Dundee, 974 Queensland, Ioo6, - surgeon, Mr. Roosevelt on the career oF fat in when conference on prevention of, condensea, proportion of - influenza 2280 the, 858 diluted, 390, 802,855, Q26, 1124 and 20o5 Navarre, P. Just, records of an old medicaP dep6ts in London, 615, 772, 2230 among medicaf practitioners in dinner society in Lyons. 2177 green, case of (G. Arbour Stephens), 247 America, 298 Navy, Japanese, losses of the medical staff of, infected, epidemic sore throats traced to, in South African mines, 435 rz65 Mortimer, J. D., paper on the anaesthetization 298 preservation of, 14I2 of League, the German, note on,I58 children, 293 - Royal, medical service of the, 524, 339, 750, standard of fat in,I20 Morton, Thomas, obituary notice of, 803; 858 ; prizes open to medical officers, 224 ; pro- sterilized cows, nutritive value of in in- memorial to, 892 posed abolition, 339; appointment of supply Mosquito reduction, logical basis of the dentas fant feeding,1024; municipal of, 1075 of sanitary surgeons, 750; Mr. Roosevelt on the career ot sugar, pioneer, note, 830 policy (Ronald Ross), 2025; in California, the naval surgeon, 858; drawing of pay, 859; supply of London, 2I30 23903 course of instruction at Haslar for surgeons, supply of Edinburgh, with suggestions Mosquitos, identification of (W. Scott Patton), B N., 859; surgeons in, 2271 for its more stringent control (W. G. Aitchison 2o9o Neath, enteric fever at, I123 Robertson), I8 -andmlaria,I277 Neave, Sheffield, parasitic theory of cancer, supply, Frost v. Aylesbury Dairy andyellow fever, 5 2 Com- Mossley, lead poisoning at, i66 1I362 pany, 492 ambulance, Neck, removal of contents of anterior triangle- from tuberculous cows, dangersof, 445 Motor 696, 727, 956, 2027 of, in malignant disease of the tongue (Henry watered, convictions for, 2224 - car legislation, 2300 T. Butlin), 285 Milkborne scarlet fever, 803, 948 Motoring Annual, rev., 1o09 tuberculous surgical Motto, a too appropriate, 396 - glands of, anatomy Milky ascites in which the opalescence was not of the and operative treatment of (W. Greenwood due to fat (F. Taylor and J. Fawcett), 1273 Moulding infant's head before birth, 147 Sutcliffe), 2032 note on, 2288 Miller, James, tetanus treated by antitetanus Moullin, C. Mansell, Enlargement of the Pro- Neck and larynx, soft fibroma of (Sir Felix serum, recovery, 2269 state: its TreatmentandRadical Cure, rev., 8o; Semon), 6, (F. T. Paul), 646 Millfield Convalescent Rome, note on, after-history of patients upon whom gastric Necropsies in lead 546 17T- have been poisoning, 2394 MUligan, W., suppurative frontal sinusitis, operations performed, 2037 Needleholder for electrolysis, a new multiple, notes on two cases of labyrinthine suppura- Moure, E. J.. Traite dldmentaire et pratique des tion, 417 des Maladies de la Gorge du Pharynx, et du Negligence,2335 of, Miroy lectures. Larynx, rev., 295 charge 2408 See Lectures Moussu, M., dangers of milk from Negro immunity from malaria and yellow fever, Minchin, E. A., undertakes to conduct investi- 445 tuberculous 103, 389, 625 gtions in sleeping sickness,494 cows, Neilson, Ii. J., of Mouth-breathing as a common antecedent to protective power vaccination, Mnera,ankylostomtasis among, 227 C. 769 Minor operations and hospital reform, 914, 972 phthisis 4W. Rivers), 942 Nelaton,a. H. (part author), La Rhinoplastio, Minstrels, music and charities, 446 Movement, a very grave, 335 rev.. 603 Misunderstanding, a, Moynihan, B. G. A.. Gall stones and their Sur- of B. 525 gical Treatment, rev., 238; surgical treatment Nephrectomy, case (A. Mitchell), 304 Missouri, prevention of consumptionin,9g, of ulcer of the Nephritis, chronic, scarlatina and, 452 Mitchell, A. B., case of nephretomy, 304 stomach and of its complica- chronic syphilitic, case of (Dr Sir Arthur, About Dreaming, Laugh- tiobs,75a Emanuel), 533 ing and Blushing, rev., 888 Mozoureli, C., gangrene of.the scrotum, 17 Nerves, regeneration of (Basil Dr., case of cutaneous treated Mullins, George Lane, appointed Kiight of sanatorium Kilylngton), 935 anthrax Grace of Order of St. John Nervous, for, 1390 withSclavo's serum, 992 1160 of Jerusalem, Neurasthenia, note on, ni - S. Weir,"The Youth of Washington," 'Neuro-fibroma of eyeball and its appendages noteon. 42; 7sth birthday, of, 546; new novel, Mumps, incubation period in (James E. Blom- (E. Treacher Collins and Rayner D. Batten?, "Constance Trescot," 1122 field), 412; (W. T. Parker Douglas), 594; cor- 478 of respondence Wlliami, open-air treatment con- on, 626 Neuron doctrine, Professor Waldeyer on, 2386 sumptionin Scotland xoo hundred years ago, Municipal authorities and school restaurants, Neuroses, relation of functional insanity to 1359 567 allied, 76, 265 Mitral stenosis without audible murmur control of hospitals, 202 soft- Munro, James, obituary notice of, 226 - and psychoses, 2312 valve (W. Ewart),357 Axel. variation in its relation to th origin Modern prescriptions, 624, 963 Munthe, appointed Honorary Commander of insanity and the allied, 322 -surgery, 1312 Royal Victorian Order, 2390 Nevins, on and doctor Murder and insanity (leading article), 242 cor- and Ernest, consumption municipal Molar -warfire,tne in,o052 parochial sanatoriums, 912 pregnancy (Dr. Paton), respondence on, 2x9, 276, 332, 450 Newcastle hydatid, hitology 474 Emlyn district, health of, 446 Mole, of,37 Murphy, Dr. J., death of, 2246; obituary notice leper colony Newcastle-upon-Tyne, of, correspondence from, 45, Molol, note, 666 of, 2302 33o,_913; Northumberland and Durham Medi- Money as amicrobe killer. Sir Shirley and Lady, dinner to, 263 45 956 Murray, R. W., surgioal treatment of chronic cal Society, ; Armstrong College of Science Monkey, tuberculous, as a Spet (F. W. Smith), 472 constipation, 1290 and visit of the King, 45 ; new wing College of Monmouth, health of, 623 for Medicine, ,; Christmas festivities at the Movro, T. K., twocases ot unilateral Muscle-grafting paralysis of left upper Royal Infirmary, 45; dinner of past and pre- and paralysis in convulsions extremity (A. H. Tubby), 476 sent students of young subjects assooiated Muscle tonic and diuretic action of formic Durham University College with exudative erythema, 2244 acid and of Medicine, 45 local Flisen Memorial Com- formiates, 741 mittee, 45; death of Mr. James Hall, a wel- r T Bamax JUNE 24, 1905.] INDEX. MKEDICAL JoURNxA 23

known philanthropist, 45; memorial to the 0. Ovarian cyst Qimulated by dilatation of the gall late Robert Allan Campbell, 45; German bladder (Alban Doran), 136, 1405; (J. Basil versus Greek at the University of Durham, Obesity and diabetes, blood glands as patho- Haul), I38o; fiyroid-like structures in (R. 330; banquet of past and prQsent students, genic factors in the production of (Arnold Hamilton Bell), I 32 330; new infirmary, progress of buildings, 330; Lorand), 415 "Ovarian pain," a plea formore accurate clinical Royal Infirmary, annual court of Governers, Obliterative arteritis (E. Michels and F. Parkes observation, Correspondence on, 387 330; caisson disease, 330; Royal Sanitary In- Weber), 762 Ovarian pedicle, silk weavers and torsion of, 89 stitute provincial sessional meeting, 330; new O'Brien, Colonel Bartholomew, obituary notice Ovaries aLd uterus, relation of malignant wing at the University of Durhaiim College of of, 973, 1021 disease to, 73I Medicine. 9I3; entries for the professional Obstetric bag, a new, 662 Ovariotomy in a child (J. Hope Reford), 412 examinations, 9I3; death of Dr. Reginald Obstetrical epitaph, an, 340 Ovary, mammalian, nature of the follicle cells Bigg, 913; official visit of Dutch engineers to Obstetrics, in the medical curriculum, 6io; of (V. Chastel de Boinviile), 13 new high-level bridge works, 9I3; assistant asepsis in, 617 Owen, Edmund, affection of some joints as met appointments at the Royal Infirmary, 913 Oculist seal found at Este, 42 vvith in general practice, 637 remarks on Newfoundland, medical practice in, 375 Oculists, opticians as, 148, 223 cleft palate operation wounds healing by Newman, David, cystoscopy and its value in O'Doherty, Cornelius, death of, 567 second intention. I376 diagnosis of renal disease, 539 O'Duffy v. Appleton and others, 436 HoJgate, influence of tradition Fon medi- Newport, sewer ventilation at, 623; measles at, Oedema, causes and treatment of (J. Dixon cal practice, 1095 I067; midwives' charges at, 2298 Mann), I077 Sir lsambard, proposed memorial to, 745 Newsholme, A., aerial spread of small-pox, Oefele, Baron von, Statistiche Vergleichstabel- Sir Richard, anendo' es of, 679 1148 len zur praktischen Koprologie bei fieberlosen Oxford, post-graduate study at, II12; pathology : lunacy in 1903, annupl report Patienten, rev., 23 at, 1396 of Inspector-General of the Insane, 634; pre- Oesophageal obstruction (Dr. Codd), I271 Oysters, epidemics in North of France several vention of consumption in, 1120 Oestreich, R. (part author),Anatomie und physi- centuries ago, attributed to, 558 -Newspaper medicine, 3I8 kalische Untersuchungsmethoden, rev., 541 green, 284 Newstead, R. T., appointed lecturer in economic Ogilvie, George, decoration of Chevalier de la Ozzard, A. T. (editor), British Guiana Medical entomology, and parasitology at Liverpool L6gion d'Honneur conferred upon, 206 Annual, rev., 420 School of Tropical Medicine, 6o6 Ogle, William, obituary notice of, I362 New title, a, 52 Oliphant, Dr., discussion on chronic endome- -New York, establishment of an inebriates' home tritis, 6ao in, 2r4, 434, 1289; quackery and legislation in, Oliver, George, determination of arterlal blood 432; Bureau of Health, 633; abolition of the pressure in clinical practice, 969 coroner in, 666; cerebro-spinal meningitis in, Thomas, ankylostomiasis as affecting 7I6, 78I; Hospital Commission, 906; care of miners, 720 P. school children in, 1289, 1397; iiusauity in, Professor, appreciation of James I390 MUrPhy, 1302 Pachydermia laryngis (Dr. Lamb), IC42 New Zealand, patent medicines in, 373 O'Maliey, John Francis, sanatorium treatment Pagenstecher, Dr., note on, 205 contract medical practice in, of phthisis: is it worth while? 8oo Paget, Stephen, short note on the rose and 507 Ombrddanne, L. (part author), La Rhinoplastie, naso-pharynx, 643 report of chief health officer, rev., 603 Tomliuson, William S., sanatorium treat- 86t O'Neill, Henry, nominated High Sheriff for Bel- ment of phthisis, is it worth while? 1266 medical practice in, 1236; public fast, 266; candidate for Parliament for South Paine, W. H., protective power of vaccination, health, I237; hospitals, 1237; workmen's Belfast, 789, 847 "147 clubs, 1237 One-mark vaccination, 856 Pakes, W. C. C., use of avld media in the isola- Nicholl, R. Campbell, case of "rupture of the One-portal system, 1306 tion of the plague bacillus, 136 heart" in an insane person, I86 Ontario medical library, opening of;new build- Palate, cleft (dir Thornley Stoker). 1274 Nicholson, Edward, the metric system, 630 ing, 437 sott, epithelioma of (Herbert Snow), 303 Nicol, J. M., death of, 912 Oophorectomy'! for mammary cancer (Hugh Palmar fascia, D)upuytren's contraction of, 920 Nigeria, military operations in, 1902-3, i66, Lett), 187 Palmer, H. T., case of vesical calculus with 224 Open-air treatment of phthisis in Scotland Ioo symphysiotomy, x8 -Northern, a goitrous centre in, 305; years ago, 960 the Jessie Alice, Charitable Fund, first medal for, 1903, 803 Operating tables, up-to date, remarks of the three endowments made, 26, 256 Nitric acid, uses of, i2 King on, ioI J. Foster, pre-appendicectomy appen- Nitro-glycerine in the practice of surgery, value Operative interference in diseases of the sto dicitis, 539 of (Frank Elvy), i6 mach, 48 Pancreas, fatty necrosis of, accompanied by Nixon, Sir Christopher, various phases of a - methods-new and old-in tubercu- xanthoma and diabetes mellitus (Sir Dyce hospital's work, 238 losis of the knee-joint (Sir William Thomson), Duckworth), 1274 Non sibi, sed patriae, 220 68; correspondence on, 22I, 389 Pancreatic tum urs, surgery of, 955 North American aborigines, note on, 508 Ophthalmia neonatorum, 1252 Pancreatitis, haemorrhagic, case or OT. C. Litler Norway, infant mortality in, 554; leprosy in, Ophthalmitis, sympathetic (var. Cridland). 1271 Jones), 307 1286 Ophthalmoplegia syphilitic (Wilfrid Allport). Panhysterectomy for fibroid (Dr. Purslow), 824 Nose, diseases of, in their relationship to patho- 534 Panophthalmoplegia. case of (W. H. Brown), 534 logical conditions of other organs (Adolph Oputhalmoscopy, note on, 284 Panton, J. E., obituary notice of, 1303 Bronner), 177; some books on, note, 920; Opie, Eugene L., Disease of 1the- Pancreas: Its Paraffin Irom cedar-wood oil, method of freeing, syphilitic destruction of treated by plastic Cause and Nature, rev., 80 138r operation (James Berry), 1273 Oppenheim, H., Lehrbuch der Nervdnkrank Paralysis, acute ascending in cases of chronic and nasopharynx, short note on (Stephen heiten fir Aerzte und Studierende, rev., 541 cystitis, 134 Paget), 643 Opsonic index in tuberculosis, variations In (W. -- general, two cases of, successfully Notation of prisms (Claud Worth), 250 Builoch), 136 treated by urotropine (N. F. MacHardy), r85 Nothnagel,Hermann, Encyclopaedia of Practical Opsonins in acute pneumonia, origin and course infantile, of the deltoid, recovery Medicine, rev., 23 of the (G. G. Macdonald), 136 from (W. G. Spencer), 249 Notification, duties of, 1130 Optic nerve, primary intradural tumour of (H. -- Landry's, case of (C. H. Foley), I8 Nova et Vetera, the Surgeon-in-Chief of the Percy Bennett), 1041 --of third nerve (Dr. Codd), 1271 Grande Armee, 37; medical terms in Murray's -- neuritis (Leslie Paton), 1331 syphilitic general (Professor Four- "'New English Dictionary," Ico; hygiene and Opticians as oculists, 148, 223 the pretensions nier), 566 medicine in Morocco, 62I; an old scheme for of, IT65; claims of, 1308 unilateral, convulsions and, in young the socialization of medicine, 664; medical Oral sepsis and puerperal septicaemia (Thomas subjects associated with exudative erythema -dialect terms, 795; Hogarth and quackery, Drake Leigh), 882 (T. K. MoDro), 1144 .£31, 909; open-air treatment of phthisis in Orange River Colony, medical practice in, 1231 Paramore, R. Ri case of absence or rudimentary Scotland zoo years ago, 960; professional train- orbit, exostosis of (Edgar Stevenson), 478 condition of uterus, 302 ing a century ago, 1IJI9; small-pox inoculation O'Reilly, Dr., of the Toronto General Hospltal. Paraplegia, compression (W. B. Warrington), 307 in India, 1336 resignation of, 1388 Parasite of the leucocytes of dogs, 988, Ioo8 Nuns as nurses, 1113 Orthopaedic prize in Italy, note on, 6o6 Parasites, blood, Schaudinn's work on, 442 Nurse or sister, 1252 Orton, J., diagnosis and treatment of typhoid Parmsitic protozoa. See Protozoa. 'Nurse Children" and the Infant Life Protec- fever, 4 - theory of caucer, 1o06, 1362 tion Act, xII Os calcis, Aractnre of (J. Hutchinson, jun.), TC93 Paratyphoid fever. See Fever. Nurseries, should corporations provide? Osler, Professor, memorial to, 90. 320; farewvell Pardoe, John, choice of methods for radical 446 address at Johns Hopkins University, 617; cure of prostatic enlargements, 945 Nursery, the Hulme Day, note on, 446 booklet in honour of, 622; the Charaka Club Paris, special correspondence from, 42, 384, 445, Nurses, American in Japan, 963 and, 728; elected Honorary Fellow Royal 566, 741, 853, 1014, 1178, 1296, 1355; sodium per- American-Indian girls as, 557 College Physicians, Ireland, 845; America s borate, 42; M. Gu6niot elected Vice-President co-operation, note on, 426 farewell to, roS8: aequantiiitas (leadin)g of theAcaddmie de Medecine, 43; M. Chamber- employment of, 1187 article on), 1391 land elected successor toM. Duclaux, 43; Inter- -- Incorporated Society for the Promotion Oslerisms, 1120 Dational Congress on Tuberculosis, 43; dis- of Higher Education and Training of, 254, Ossett figures and the antivaccinators, 738 cussion on various apparatus for the 1662, 1128; evidence before the House of Com- Osteomyelitis, chronic, Riedel's operation for administration of chloroiorn, 384; election mons Committee, I128, I i86; meeting at Lon- (Dr. MacLennan), 251 of Professor Poirier as a member of the donderry House, 2129, 1251 Osteo-sarcoiiia of the shoulder of over fifty Acaddmie de M6decine, 384; M. Terrier on mental training of, 628 years' duration, case of (A. J. Whiting), 19 scopolamine as a general anaesthetic in registration Bill. See Bill O'Sullivan, Professor, for Dr. Roy Dobbin, surgery, 445; IMM.Lannelongue and Achard - registration of under the Companies anaemic infarction of liver, i8g on the relationship between tubercle and Act, 6x5, 958 Otitis media, chronic suppurative (Henry traumatism, 445; M. MoujsiI on the milk - registration and training of, 490, 958, Smurtliwaite), i8o from tuberculous cows, 445; inauguration of 1128, Ix86 - treatment of, 748. 802, 9T4 new antituberculous dispensary at Beaujon training of in Ireland, 9o3 Otolith removed from the external auditory Hospital, 445, Dr. FraLcois-Franck succee' s -Z"la's country house to be a conva- meatus (H. J. Godwin), 472 Professor Marey in the chair at the Coll6be lescent home for, 742 Outdoor pauper lunatics, IC22 do France, 445; Profe3sor Fournier cn Ntrsing in the army, '04 Out-patient departments, management of, 8o6, syphilitic generAl paral)5iS, 5(6; report of --_ or threepence a daY, 416 839 special commission to select site for- a 24 TIs. Barnum 1 INDEX. 24MuICAL JOvRAInJ1 [JC ISE- 24, 1905, hospital forTBSincurable tuberculous patients for the army, '32, 1114; death-rate among Pathology at Oxford, 1396 from Paris, 556; Professor Huchard on the Dover postal officials, 732: viewing the body Patient's choice of a medical attendant, 454, 571; muscle tonic and diuretic action of formic by coroners' juries, 730, 846; deaths among written consent to operations, 9f7 acid and formiates, 741; Dr. Doyen presents sailors and factory operatives, 733; plague iu Pathologicai anatomy, the place of, go microscopic sections showing results of India, 733, I059. 1113, 1171, 1247, 1290, 1399; Paton, Dr., case of molar pregnancy, 474 ; case inoculation of animals with micrococcus typhoid fever in Malta, 733; medical officers of disseminated or iDsular sclerosis, 474 neoforman', 742; Emaile Zola's country house of health and private practice, 733 ; outbreaks D. Noel (Editor), Ranorts from the Labora- to be a convalescent home for Nurses of of disease in West Roes-sbire, 733 *Army tory of the Royal College of Physicians of Assistance Publique, 742; M. Terrier on the Clothing Factory at Pimllco, 788; blocked Edinburgh, rev., 1385 use of scopolamine, 853; programme for the Bills, 781; plague inquiry, 788; small-pox out- E. P., accessory thyroid, case of, 357 reception of the English doctors to Paris in breaks and their Cost, 788; London Hospitals John, case of perforated ulcer in a child May, 853; project to lay out public gardens (exemption from rates) Bill, 788; vaccination aged 7, 413 and recr'eation grounds on site of existing and the conscientious objector, 788; naval - - Leslie, optic, 1331 fortifications, 853; Dr. R. Brunon on nutritive hospital at Malta, 789; dangers of flock mat- Patton, W. Scott, identification of mosquito, value of sterilized cow's milk in infant feed- tresses, 789, 1172; coastguard surgeons in Ire- logo iDg, 1)14; Professor Blanchard's new book on land, 845; vaccination and the public ser- Paul, F, T., enterectomy for cancer of colon, the mosquito, I014; proposed presentation of vices, 845; civilian surgeons in South Africa, 3-*7; soft fbroma of larynxandneck, 646 portrait medal to Professor PozzI, 1014; MM. 845; postal officials and medical certificateF, Pauper inebriates from the economic point oe Rou: and Metchnikoff on recent mtcro-bio- 845. 1113, 1247; Public Health (No. 2) Bill, 846 view, 201; treatment of in Canada, 1334 logtcal research in syphilis, 1178, I296; appli- Dundrum Asylum and patients' letters, 846; Pauperism and the death-rate, 332 cation of Roentgen rays by unqualified per- Lunacy Act Amendment (London) Bill, 846; PaFment of doctors' bills, I t87 80ns, 1296; electton of Foreign Associates at Tuberculosis (Animals) Prevention and Com- Peacocke, Dr., case of largewhite kidney, 306 Acaddinie de Medecine, 1296; spirochacte pensation Bill, 846; the medicine chest of the Pdan, Dr , monument to, 1296 pallida of Schaudian in congenital syphilis, Hiouse of Commons, 846, II72; armny officers Pearson, Karl, on the inhtritance of intanity, I296; monument to Dr. Pllan, 1296; monument and colour blindness, 846; pupil teachers and 1175 to Professor Tarnier, I355; law giviDg compul- vaccination, 846, 1172; smaml-pox at Bradford, Pearr. R. S, case of ulcer of the epiglottis, 534 sory State aid to the aged and incurable poor, 846; infant mortality, 846, 903; Vaccina- Peet v. Lithgow, 572 1355 tion Prosecutions BUl, 5oz; Cork Dis- Pemphigus neonatorum (J. Leslie Foley), 770; Paris centenaTians, 256 trict Lunatic Asylum, go2; police sur- note On, 920 - medical visit to, 26i, 841, 853, 897, I'Oa, I101, geo s In county Mayo, 912; Longford Penal business of the General Medical Couecid, 7109, 1174; reception atthe Sorbonne, IIo; the and sick soldiers, goa; oispensaries in 14I Paris hospitals and almshouses, 3i oo; the County Loath, 9)2; Lunacy Acts Amendmebt Pendred, Vaughan, sanatorium treatment of HOtel-Dieu, IIoo; the Lariboisidre Hospital, Kill, 9:2, IOC9; medical officer of health for the plithisis, is it worth while? 569 23IOO; the Cochin Hospital, IIO; Saint-An- 1lighlands, 903, Swansea Corporation Bill, Pennsylvania Health Service. 113 toine Hospital, iioo; Saint-Louis Hospital, 9)3; promotion in the R..A.I.C., 9c3; small- PeDny, Dr., two cases of a hitherto unrecorded I tOi; Bretonneai Hospital, iioI; Boucicaut pox on R.M.S. "Nile," 9o3, Io6o; notification complication of pregnancy, 193; presentations Hospital, IIOI; Necker Hospital, IIO0 ; Auber- of measles. 903; training of nurses in to, 1282 villiers Hospital, I I; Maternitd Hospital, Ireland, 003; alter the Easter recess, 9-8, Penybout Sewerage Board, 1o67 I 0; Salp'tri6re Hospital, IIox; visit to the o^g accidents to railway servants, 958; homes Percival, James Gates, American medical poet, Jfertford British Hlospital, xIoI; reception by under the Inebriates Acts, 1ocg: Royal Com- note on, 613 the Faculty of Medicine, IIoi; reception at mission on sewage dispo'a], Iocg; Infectious Ihomas, obituary notice of, 226 the HOtel de Ville, IOI-; reception by the Diseases (Ireland) Bill, 3oog; constitu- Percy, Pierre Fran9ois, .37 Assistance Publique, IIOI; a wreath laid ou tion of Dublin University, ICO9; sanitation Pericarditis, purulent, iu an infant (J.A. Coutts. Pasteur's tomb, iIoi; visit to Chantilly, 1102; of the lHouse of Commons, 1059; distress aDd R. P. Rowlands), 8i6 soirde at the Automiiobile Club, 1102; banquet warrants under the Vaccination Acts, Pericolitis siniatra (El. JD. Rolleston), 72& at the Grand Hotel, io2; reception by Pro. i359; Reading and the diet of casuals. Perineal prostatectomy, conservative (U. Arthur fessor Bouchard, 1103; private entertaiin- 1059: Wanstead aud *Voodford JoiLt Bali), Itg ments, II03; excursions to Vichy and Pau, hlospital Board. I059; pure beer, 1059, 1171 Perineorrnaphy for rectal incontinence (C. 1103; visit to French watering-places, 1174; small-pox. zofo; laymen on the General Bedi- Hamilton WVhiteford), 88i surgieal operations, I241; clinical lecture at calCouncil, JC6o; uncertified deaths, Io6o, 1171I Peritonitis, purulent, after pneumonia (John the HOtel-Dieu, 1337 typhoid at Lincolo, IO6o; MO.1t. reports ia J. Powell), 715 Park mansions in London, 318 Scotland, 1o5o; Public Health Acts (amend- Peritonsillar abscesses, opening of (3tClair Parker, Rushton, treatmeut of appendicitis, menl) Bill, 1113. 1247; nuni as nurses, 1113; Thomson), 645 (F. W. Joliye), 715, (W. H. S. i14 ; pyloroplasty and gastro-enterostomy f )r water supply ins Lewis, 1i1i; healtli of, I1I71 Stalkartt), 8i8, (L'. F. Hugh Smithi), 1330; fos- chrouic gastric ulceration, 303; gangrenous insanitation at, 1247; anthrax at Welli,g ceps for opening, 662 Meckel's diverticulum, 656 l)orough, 113; deal and dumb lunatics an'S Perry, Sir Allan, made member of municipal Parlisment, medical notes in: The session of paupers in Ireland, 1113; Irish Poor-law council of Colombo, 787 1905, 376; the House of Commons, 376; Govern- Medical Service, nI ; Youghal auxiliuiy - Deputy Surgeon-General William, obituary inient Bills, 376; tOe course of business, 376; asylum, 1114; unregistered dentists, 114; notice of. r73 private members' Bills, 376; the ballot for vaccination marks, 1171, 1947; surgeons Persia, epidemics in, 373; plague IW, 1282 private members' Bills, 434; the debate on the in the loyal Navy. I7z ; health reports Petechial rash of vomiting (Charles Gaskel) address, 434; the army medical department, in Scotland, 1171; disinfeeting chambers, 1171; Higginson), 354 435; Iodiau medical officers in Burmab, 435; septicaemiain CootehillUnion lofirmary. (I71, Phai inacopocta, New United States, 1290 the salaries of medical officers in Strabnue r29I; uncertified deathsin Ireland, 1171; Poor- Pharyngeal tuberculosis, primary, note OD, 752 UnIon, 435; mortality in South African mines, law children, 117t ; pathological specimens by - -- case ot (Arthur G. 435; the Belfast constabulary medtcal officers, post, IT72; evasion of the Medical and Det - Wilkins). 31147 435; prevention of canoer in India, 435; tist3 Acts, 1172 ; iosanitation at Crossrar, Pharynx, renmoval of, for epithelloma (T. K. 3avenile smoking and physieal deteriorationu 1172; beer v. tea, 1246; aliens and infe3ttous Dalziel and Walker Downie), 191 435; army reforni debate, 495; IrLish Poor-law diseases, 1246; small-pox hospitals and the Plenolphthalein, note on the action of (Charles )terorm ComiLissioL, 495; vLvisection, 495, ( 7, spread of the disease, 1245; coroners a ii W. Buckley), 302 ';i. 9)3, 1113; the ventilation of the iouse inquests, 1246; sanitatfon of the Thjames Phenylhsdrazin reaction (P. J. Cammldge), 1273 ) Commons, 495, 733. w5g; trained midwiie estuary, 1246; magistrates and llte Vaccitt- Pnilidelphia, milk charityiD, 62; lunatic asy- for Ballyhaunis, 495, 555 ; public health in the tion Act, 1247; spotted fever, I247; Liverpocl lums in, 1249 Jlighlands and Isiands, 495; puipil teachers small-pox hospitals, 1248: vaccinated eaIves Philip, R. W., resigns honorary secretaryship o1 and vaccination, 495; an auxiliary lunnaie as food, 1248; reform ot the General Mcdical lsoyal College of Physicians, Edinburgh, 5o asylum in Ireland, 495; pbysicaldeterioration, Council, 1290; Poor Li%v (Scotland) Bill. 1293; Philippines, leprosy in, 312; sanitary work in, 496, 55s, 674; Nurses Registration Bill, 496, 788; phosphorouspoIsoning 1291; sewage sebemne ICOS iue Local (tiovernment (icotland) Act Amend- at Stratton St. Margaret's. 1191; insauitation Pluliips, Sidney, lobar pneumonia in enteri- ment Bill, 555 ; vaccination, 555. 6rs, 781; the at Killyleagb, 1291; Workmen's Compensation fever, 1093; ps iaury adrenal carcinoma o; MJetropolitau Ambulance Letvice, 5c5; tle lull. 123x; atues restored to Medical and liver. 1274 outcome of the Repost of the Arsenital D)ental Steglsters, i201: expense of luancy, Phlebitis, a condition of the lower llmbs often l'oisoning Commissioo, 505: the cost of deiti i29 ;leafletson ventilation and child realtig, mistaken for, 43, 228 certificates, 555; medical' inspection it 1.92; sanitary state of Freshwater and To,- Phosphorus poisoniog, report of chief inspector ticotland, 555; the Pablic Health Bilb, land, 12Q2: alter the Whitsuntide l1inlidays, of factories, 283; case Or, 129t ; and the Inter- 555; vaccination fees, 555; medical i.- 1291, 13)8; the Tntorrational Labonr C.nfey- national Labour Conference, 1398 siaection of elementary schools, 55; the euce and phosphoruspoisoning. 1393: ei asures "lPhossy jaw," 1130 ,oltce and sanitary conimiltee, 556; thte report from the "Medical Register," ,99.* glandets in Paraseulogy of progress, 1312 uf theVaecinatiou ExpeDses.ummittee,6i5; L'mndon, 1399; pl4gue regulatiots in Drogheda Phthisis a'.d contagion, 449 imilk d6pots in London. 615; revaccination, Union, 1399; water supply of Woolacombe, 139) itfluence of rainy winds, soil, poverty, 6x5; the London Recruiting districst, 615; tile Tarliamenband vaccination, foS and general death-rate upon the death-ralte registration of nurses under the Comupanies i arliasnentary representation of the Universi- of in Exeter (William Gordon), 62; corre- Act, 6iS, 958; sale of poisons. 6,6; evasion * f i ue-.of Glasgoi and Aberdeen. 149. 65 spondence on, 163, 221 i he Medical Acts under the Compaoses Acts, Parochial inedical officersin Scotlanid, 674 iodoform iniusion in treatment of 6(6; Prevention of Corruntion Bill, 6i6, 675, 788, Parsons, Dr., paratyphoid. notes on, 305 (Thomas W. Detar), 6- i,o'* Javantle Smoking Bill,6z6; underfed school - II. Franklin, epidemiology of influenza, modern treatmnent of (T. H. J. E. children, 6.6, 733, 788. 846, 958,-129t; medical 980, 1044 hlughes), 833 iospectors of the LocalGovernmentBoard, 66; -- Inglis, double pyosalp!nx, I;o; treat- -- mouth hreathing as a common ante- London County Council (General Powers) hilj, ment of fioromyoma of the uterue, 656 cedent to (W,. C. Rivers), 941 673; Coal Mines Employment Bill. 674; paro- Partners, choice of, xo6 open-air treatment of in Ecotland 'co vnial medical officers in Scotland, 674; medical Partnership introduction, 50 years ago, 91o inspection of Lewis, 674; vivisection of dogs, Pasteur institute, in Vienuna, annual repnrt, ______sanatorium treatment of, is it worili 674, 1113 ; new form of conscientious objection, 173; at Kasauli (India), annual report, 796 wbile? (W. B. Ransom), 59- results of four- 674; exemption from vaocinatioD, 674; phS- Patella, comminuted miacture of. treated by the years' sanatorium vork in the treatment of sical condition of elementary school children, open method and wiring (&. Fells and W. C. (Rowland Thurnam and Charles E. Wheeler), 674; Accidents (Aines and Factories) Bill, 674, Bentall). 75 65; correspondence on, i6z, 222, 390, 448, 512, 9 2; plague in Madras, 675, 7E8, zos5'; alien Patellar filexion-dislocation (Wm. Thomas), 824 56), 8co lunatics and inebriates, 675; conscientious Patent medicines in New Zealand, 373 - See also Tuberculosis objector at Spilsby. 675: University College, Paterson. J. V.. vord-blindness, 1043 Plhthisical cavilies, treatment of without opera- London (Transfer),.Bill, 675.789; civilsurgeons Pathological specimens by post, 1172 t'on (I. P. Po!lard), 17 [ Tau Ilawn JONE 24, 1905.] INDEX. IL JuMaxn v25 - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i Physical Deterioration), Inter-departmental Pontyprldd Education Committee, report, 793 Prevalidin, note on, 8i Committee on. and the Prevalence and Pre- Popular medicine, Si6 Preventive Medicine, King Institute for, open- vention of Syphils,97 ; alcohol and, F97 Pooler, John R., case of acute strychnine poison- iog of. 8o6 _____- - question in the log in a child, 767, 9g5 Prime Minister and public health administra- House, 496, 5 35, 674 Pojr, the consumptive, in London, care of, 905 tion, 1393 and juvenile smok- the Insane, report on the care of. 35, e6, Prince os Wales, health of, 787 ing, 435 250, 2Io, 263, 323, 363, 438, 493, 559, 603; leading 'Principals aud Assistants." 47, 103, 1232 exercise in schools, note, 3 zg, 68, 736 article OD, 607 Priugle, J. Hogartn, treatment of eup3elna, 8o9 training in schools, 6i3 Poor law districts, readjustment of, 633 Prisms, notation of (Claud Wortb), 250 training of youth, 844 --children, 1271 Prisou reform, 10_5 Physiolog? in elementary schools, 976 -- infirmaries as training schools for - rules, the new, 488 Phytin,note on, 8z midwives, 272 Private patients and club members, I0T Pica, note On, 576 Irish, the Reform Commission, 491,634, Protession, circulariziog tlhe, 695 Pike, C. R., very large stone: suprapubic litho- 749 Professional se3recy, 104, 918, 1022; dticussion tomy: recovery,23 - medical appointments vacant, 24tO on, 60t; relations, 635; in France, 2194; iU Pile, the poetry of the, 340 - medieal officers, Irish, salary of, 9, Germuany, Ix93 Pinard. Professor, prophylaxis of hereditary 266 --rtraining a century ago, 1229 syphilis, Mc283 - Medical 8ervice. See Public Health Prolapsus uteri, fatal complete (tarbour Simp- Pinchard, M. B., traumatic spinal meningitis, -- Irish, (94, 749, 80o, s0o), 237 823 Promise niot to practise, i65 Pioneer milk sugar, Do'e. 830 ------Scottish, 221 Property in day books, 1287 Piquard, G, Le sL6gdndrescenCCs des Fibro- trainingship, a Lew, 9 8 Proprietary drugs anid foods, 678 Puyomes dela]terus, rev, 1043 Poore, George Vivian, ieniorial to, 2398 medicine3, laws regfulating the sale Plague, prevalenace of, 26, 5I, 20, 204, 217, 311, Popud physician and pink pills, the. 605 or, 524, 6o5 425, 45, 553, 68, 779, 955,proteio8,228, 140 Porritt, Norman, Religion and Health. their In Cuiba, 836 in liritisti ports, protection against, 1229 Mautual Relationshtp and Influence, rev., 1047 Prostate, recent series of Co cases of total enu- in Cardiff, 1179 Port of London, hcalth of. I129 cleation of, for the radical cure of enlargement -- in India, 673, 675, 733, 782, 788, 954, 2059, -- Sanitary Authority of Mancliester, note on, of that organ (P. J. Freyer), 2o83 2123, III8,2272, 2247, 2221, 1290, 239,124C; knooi- 567 Prostatectouiy, complete. remarks founded on ledge of, I249 Porter, Bruce, appointed to honorary medical fifteen cases (J. Lynn Thomas). 2083 -- at Leith, 22214, 2128, 1173, 2244, 2293, 1353, staff of King Edward's Hospital for officers, discussion on (Reginald Harri- 312 SOL), 2044 in Manchester, 1401 -- Eugene H., rppointed Commissioner of conservative perineal (C. Arthur - in Natil, report on, 635 Health in State of New York, 24CO Ball), *8q; (Edward Deanesly). 2270 in Persia, 1282 Portlicawl meteorological station, xo58 Prostatic nypertrophy, operative treatment of, in South America, 210o Portugal, medical legislators in, 501 2262 -in Sydney, 447, 2122 medical practice in, I214; rights and Pio, eld chemistry and proieid diet, recent work - cace of on a vessel arriving in the duties of the profession, 2214; public medical on (W. D. Halliburton), 538 Mersey, 383, 445 services, 1214; the profession and the admini- metabolism, cobra venom and, i0oo --- and itle geographical distribution of stration of justice,1224 ; professional earnings, Protozoa, parasitic, relat;on of to each other rats (Bruce Skinner), 994 2214; unqualified practice, 1224; contract and to human diseases (E. J. McWeeney). 656 methods of prophylaxis against in practice, 1225; proteetion of proiessiocal in- Pruritus ant, treatmentof inveterate (Sir Charles Lyons 2628-9, 85o terests, 1225; social position, 2215; the doctor Ball), ziI3; cause and treatment of (FP. .. - bacillus, use of acid media in the isola- in politiCs, I2I5; statistiC3, 2225 Wallis), 1029 tion of (V. C. C. Pakes and F. H. Joseph), 136 Postal officials and medical certificates, 84-, 221.3, Psoriasis, treatment of, 284 -_-epidemiology of, 318 P,iherty, precocious, in a female cretin (F. incidence, factors in (J. S. Thomsoi) 717 Post-graduate study at Oxford, 2zi2 W%'ellesley Kendle), 246; DO'e on, 264 Plaster-of-paris!splints (W. T. deC. Wheeler) 6co P'ost-inorleza temperature, I21 Ptiblic lhealth and Puor-law Medical Services, Plastic operation in syphilitic destruction of Post-Dasal adenoids. See Adenoids 50, 2I0, 257, 226, 283, 339, 3939 435, nose (James Berry), 2273 Potassium, salts of. effects upon blood pressure !73, 633j 695, 752, 803, 863, 974, 2022, 2i19, Plate-washtng machine,a, 8o (Wrthur Edmunds), 57; correspondence on, l"5', 2309, 1366, 24C9 medical attenD- Pleura and lungs, skiagraph of, 76 339, 452I auce ini venereal disease. 5o; wvife of meli- Pleurisy, some thoughts on causation of (G. A. Potocki.J.,L'Oeuf Humaince. les premiers stades cal offlcer of workhouse as Guardian, 50 health Gibson), 8; correspoodence on, 627, 747, 802 de son ddveloppement, Eldments d'embryo- o lDerbyshire, zio; standard of fat' in milk, Pneumonia, iron acetate in the treatment of logie, rev., 778 iuo; Infant Life Protection Act and 'nurse (EHerbert J. Robson), 812, 2024; note on, 2188 Poti, Percival, on bonesetters, 2361 cttldren," II0; temperature of workshops, acute, origin and course ot the Potts, E. Thurlow, notes on 6-o ases of typhus 2o0; small-pox at Burnley, I0o; report for tie opsonins io (G. G. Macdonald), 236 lever, 2237 County of London 1903. 257; allegations of fibroid (i. G. Auld), 236; (A. N. Poultice, the passing of the, 419 neglect of duty against officials of a workhouse. Fleming), 823 Pounds, Thomas Henderson, otituary notice of, infirmary, z66; fee for attendance on puerperat - lobar, in children (G. A. Suther- 203 cases, Ix6; duties and customs of medical land,land, 479 - in enteric fever Powell, John J., purulentperitonitis after pneu- (fficers, 366; lead poisoning at Mossley, r(6; (Sidney monia, 7I5 vital statistics for England and Wales,*gc4, 226, Phillips and B. H. Bnilsbury),I033 -- Duffryn Collieries, Io66 small-pox hospital influence, 226; West brom-- following measles (F. C. Powrer, WVilliam Henry, nominated by the King wich Board of Guardians and their district Bottomley), 237; noteon, 340, 396, 864 a member of the General Council of Medical mnedical otficers, 237 district medical appoint- purulent perotouitis following Education, I212 ments in Leicestershire, 227; canvassing for (John J. Powell), 715 Poynton,F. J, some points in the differential Poor-law medical appointments, 227 atten- Poetry of the pile, 340 diagnosis of scarlet fever, 3erman measles, dance onsmall-pox, 227 ; annual report of the Poirier, Professor. elected member of the Aca- and measles, 229 Clief Inspector of Faotiories and Workshops, demie de Mddeine, 384 Pozzi, Professor, proposed presentation to,IC I 4 2-3; Rural Midwives' Association, meeting, Poison bottles, 752 Practice abroad, I8i 28j; Sockport water Eupply, 283; SLockport Poisoning, almond oil (W. E. Heapy). 94x - medical. see Medical 33tiou. number of lunacy cases at,339 anthrax camphor (Graham Grant), tcgo - notice to patients on transferof, 93 in Bradford, 339; duties of the meuicaloffilcer - carbon monoxide (W. J. Thompson), Pi-actitioners andcDemists, 1071 or a workhou.e, ?39; guardians and their * ~ general, training of students to be, Iisedical otficers, 393; presentation of vilal. by a single castor-oil seed (A. Gor- 103 statistics, 394 ; short methods of constructing, don Gullan), 988; note on, 2076, zil8, 2299, 7312 Praeger, Owen Maurice, obituary notice of,275 1 telablee,394 ;notificstion of tub3rculosis,3541 industrial and education of wurk- Prain. D., elected F.R 5,494 utu irierly returnof visits paid to union cases. men, 313 Pregnancy, appendicitis in, operations for,i26) 394; alleged neglect by public vaceinator, 394, - lead, annual report of Chief Inspec- - comWlicated bychyluria (J. C. Hol- i,otification by military medical officers, ;4 ;. tor of Factories, 283; uncertaintv of post- dich Leicester). 593 duties of medical officer to an isolation hose mortem evidencein suspected (S. King Alcock), hysteropexy and, 952 iital, 394; Prolhibited preservatives,455; sani-- I37I; ijecropsies in, 2394 simultaneous intrauterine and ex- t o-y condition of Cuba, 573; vaccination in- - - fromdliachylon, 022 trauterine (William C. Allardice), 942 3Iloucestershic. 573; vaciLuation arid small- acute mercurial, fatal (E. Scott Sug- -______imetabolism during, labour and P)IX, 571; caie and control of idiots den), 767 tlie puerperilia, 2170 anud epileptics, 633. 695, 751,. 804, E63, 974,. - morphine, subcutaneous injection - molar, case of (Dr. Pat on). 474 2 130. 2251, '30),T.67, 14og0 New York BureauoV- of atropine: recovery (A. Sheen), 1040 -normal, error of diagnosi3 lu, 89 1healtli, 633; aerial transmiission of small-, -phosphorus, annual report of Chief date of delivery in, thecaleulstion por, 633; payment of medical men cilleit Inspector of FActories, 283 case of, 229t; and of(WV. J. Caie), 243 note on, 636, 752; corre- in to assist midwives, 631 readjastment of the International L%bour C.onference,1398 spondence o. 532 Poor-law districts, 633; medical inspection of with Isalts of lemon": perforation ruptured interstitial (Russcll An- sclhool childreo. 6cs; milkborne scarlet fcvei-, of the stomach (P. F. Braithwaite), 283 drews), 2332 8o3 administration of Midwives Act 1902, - in Scotland centuries ago. 2220 -tubal. the possibilitiesof, 32C; re- Fo ; bacterial diagnosis of diplitheria, 804 - by strychnine in a child (John R. peated (Alban Dor in), 2332 inspe3tion of vaccinstion, F63; haTd Pooler), 767, 915; note, 864, 2024 - in a rudimentary uterine cornu *%ater, 863; Wvater supply Yn rural Essex, N. 59s 974;inifantG mllOrtality in Dundee, by strychnine and mercury, 627 (A.H. Lewers) 974; fees - wood alcohol, 262 Prelate, amedical, 363 ir consul1atio0, 975; compildtion of death Poisons, sale of, 626 Premature burial, 340 Statisttic, ,75; outdoor pauper lucatics, IC22; Police and sickness certiflcates, 1220 Prepuce clamp forceps, 25 vacaut Listiict medical a91pOituliebt, 2022;. - surgeons and medical etiquette, !336; In Prescribing, modern, 953 disitfectioD of h)ooks af Ler s,arlet lever, 1022 ;. (County Mayo, 922 - or dispensing in medical practice, health of the Port of London, 1'29; mlik Pollard,8. P., treatment of phthisical cavities 965, 2225 supplY, 1230; iusanitat'ou and dudl control, without operation, 17 Prescriptions, modern. 614 lI1o; scarlet fever rceuru cases. xI-o; smbti- Polycythaemia, "splenomegalc" or " myelo- Presentation, transverse. spontaneou3 evolu- laoce work, 120; "phossv jiw," 1t o; books patiic " with true plethora and arterialbyper- tion of a (&. Fells andW. C.Bentall), 75 forM.0 H , 2130; duties of nobifieati(in 213%, tonia withoutcyanosis(F. Parkes Weber), 2013 Preservatives, prohibited, 455 12;2. 2320 Ecailet fever return eases, 2309; Polypus, urethral (Edward Deaneely), 2270 Press, the lay, medical subjc's in, I22I industry and healtt,13 9; sanitaryinspectur:, 26 .TM BRrrm I INDEX. z6 SIRDWALMameALJsuasAL]JGU"ALJ INDEX. ITUNIC[JUNE 44,24, 1905. -4 1309; fiats andhealth, 1309; medical inspec- Rabelais, and the "medical finger," 216; as a Renal calculus, value of the use of a sbadow- ton of tramps at workhouse, 3o39 ; Gloucester physician (leading article), 894 graph ureteric bougie in precise surgery of small-pox epidemic, 1310; qualifications for Race, future of the in Canada. 3I6 (E. flurry Fenwick), 1325, 1310; qualification for M.O.H. Scot- suicide and the higher education o; surgery and single kidney, qor land, :310; the Midwives Act and the West- women in America, 319 Rennie, (ieorge E., medical practice in Aus- -minster City council, 1366; and the Islington Radcliffe, Dr. John, note on, 85i tralia, 1233 Borough Council, 1367; and the Devon County Radio-activity of the Harrogate sulphur waters Renshaw, Jeremiah, memorial mosaic to, 128I 4CoUnCIl, 1367; spread of smal pox by (H. Douglas Wilson), I330 Renton, J. Crawford, the stump in appendic- vagrants, 1367; public vaccinators' fees, 1367; Radiograph couch, a, 723 ectomy, 277 certificate ow proficiency in vaccinatioD. 1409; itadiography in MMadagascar. 614 Rentoul, J. L., surface markings of the chest, the conduct of an autopsy, 1410; prevention Radium in treatment of cancer, I007 184 of quackery, 1410; vainaution awards, 1410; Radius, fractures of the lower end of the - Robert R., duties of midwives, Ix8I an assistant as public vaccinator and poor- (A. Fullerton), 358 Report of committee re financial relationship of law medical officer, 1410; vacant poor-law Railway ambulance carriages in Berlin, 384 London hospitals and medical schools, 421 medical appointments, 4100 servants, accidents to, 958 -of tile Army Medical Department for Public Health administration, the evolution of, travelling and diabetes (leading article), 1903, 1388 203, 864; the Prime Minister and, 1393 895 - of the Chief Inspector of ractories and --of Edinburgh, 1352 Raines, R.. case of typhoid fever with rigors, Workshops, annual, 283; works inspected, earthquakes and, 837 248 283; employment of children and young per- in the highlands and islands, Rainfall in Wales, 623 sons, 283; lead poisoning, 283; phosphorus 495 Rainy, Harry, appointed Honorary Secretary to poisoning, anthrax, 283; accidents, 283 - of Vienna, 567 the Royal College Physicians, Edinburgh, go; - on the care of tne insane poor, 35, 96, Schools Yearbook, rev., 1335 the nature of Friedreich's ataxia, I88 150, 210, 268, 323, 363, 438, 499, 559, 603; leading services and vaccination, 845 Ramsden, H. Kay, exercise and the open-air article on, 6o7 Puerperal infections, the causatiou of, 77; some treatment of phthisis, 1358 - of the Public Health Committee of the remarks on (Arnold W. W. Lea), 581 Rangoon, sanitary report for 1903, 89x '7 London County Council, 1903, 157 eclampsia (J. C. kioldich Leicester), Ranking, Lieutenant-Colonel G. S. A., appointed - of the Registrar-General for England 1332 Professor of Arabic, Persian, and Hindustani and Wales, annual, 484 haematoma without lesion of uterus, at Trinity College, Dublin, 554 of the Vaccination Expenses Com- 1345 Ransom, W. B., the sanatoriLum treatment of mittee, 615 -- sepsis, I300 phthisis, is it worth while? Q5 Reports, Indian sanitary, 8Sx, 89g - septicaemia, oral sepsis and (Thos. Rash, petechial, of vomiting (Charles Gaskell Respiration, artificial, wider use of in thera- Drake Leigh), 882 Higginson), 354 peutics (Leonard J. Kidd), 88i Puerperium,. deaths during the, 55i Raspall, Jose Alabern y, nominated Honorary iitrauterine 26 vaginal hysterectomy in the, for Member, Fourth Class, Royal Victorian Order, Responsibility for medical debts, 975 sepsis due to suppuration of myoma, 78 1340 Resuscitation of the apparently drowned (R. L. Puflng paragraph, the, 87, 280, 336, 368, 454, 803, Rats, plague and the geograpical distribution of Bowles), 21 I187 (Bruce Skinner), 994 Retina, detachment of (D. J. Wood), 250 Pumice stone as a depilatory, I412 Raw, Nathan, diagnosis and treatment of tietrograde legislation, 669 Punjab, plague in 1901-3, 51,113; sanitary report typhoid fever, 192; spread of cancer by the Revaccination, 615 for 2903, 852 thoracic duct, I380 Reverberation in abdominal diagnosis (Stacey Pupil teachers and vaccination, 495, 846 Raw meat and tuberculosis (Dr. Goodehild), Wilson). 655 Pupillary membrane (Arthur L. Ballantyne), I148 Rheumatic lever, a contribution to the etiology 1046 Rawling, Louis Bathe, Landmarks and Surface of (G. B. Longstaff), 194 Pure beer, I059 Markings of the Human Body. rev., 419 Rheumatism, gonorrhoeal, I68 Purefoy, Dr., paper on cystic endometritis, Ray, M. B., sulphuretted hydrogen waters, 9X6 Rheumatoid arthritis, acute (ffale White), 598 477 Raymont, T., new appointment for, 798 - and Raynaud's disease, Purpura haemorrhagica (F. H. Edgeworth), 771 Raynaud's disease, case of(W. H. Brown), 534 case of (Douglas Stanley), 304 Parslow, C. E., irreducible prolapse of uterus, Land rheumatoid arthritis, Rhinitis caseosa, note on (Arthur Edmunds), 778; panhysterectomy for fibroid, 824; re- case of (Douglas Stanley), 304 180 peated tubal pregnancy, 1094 Reading and the diet of casuals, I059 Rhodesia, medical practice in, 1232 Purulent cavities, treatment of (Robert H. RMcamier, J., Traitement du Cancer Ut6rin Rhymney, Urban District Council, report of Woods), o080 Inopdrable, rev., 1334 medical officer, 568; health of, 853 ; measles collections (Robert Woods), 825 Recidivist, a, 69g at, 1357 Pusey, W. A., and E. W. Caldwell. The Practical Recklinghausen s disease, case of (C. R. Keyser), Richet, Charles, address to Society of Psychical Application of the Roentgen Rays in Thera- 249; (Batty Shaw), 308 Research, note, 622 peutics and Diagnosis, rev., 361 Recreation at the annual meeting at Leicester, Richter, Henry, unable to render "'Sheintod" Fustule, malignant, case of (R. Stanley Thomas), 1285 into English, 255 X8 Recruiting in London, 615; in Manchester, 1067 Riedel's operation for chronic osteomyelitis (D. Pyloroplasty and gastro-enterostomy for Rectal incontinence, perineorrhaphy for (C. MacLennan), 251 chronic gastric ulceration (Rushton Parker), Hamilton Whiteford), 88I Rigby, Hugh Mallison, appointed surgeon in 303 Recto-urethral fistula (EL. J. P. Lansdown),771 ordinary to Prince of Wales, 845 Pypappel, M. W., medical practice in Holland, Rectum, myoma of (EH. C. Earl), 189 Ring sarcoma (L. Werner), 1331 1217 serum per, 396, 456 Ringworm in Rome, relief of, (66 Pyonephrosis: abdominal nephrectomy (Mfr. Recurrent vomiting. See Vomiting x rays in treatment of (Dr. Codd), Cholmeley), 271 Recurring torsion of spermatic cord (J. W. 1271 -Pyosalpinx, double (Inglis Parsons), [go Dowden), 305, 932 Ripa, William de, note on, 99 Red Cross, Americat National, new charter of, itival claims to a case, Io6 148 Rivers, W. C., sanatorium treatment of phthisis: -- movement, history of, 1344 is it worth while? 569; mouth-breathing as a - lamps, I022 common antecedent to phthisis, 941 Reed, Boardman, lectures on Disemses of the Rivers-Willson, A., the Societies of Apothecaries, Stomach and Intestines, for Practitioners and Joz6, 1072, 1300 Q. Students, rev., 994 Riviera water supply. SeeWater Charles A. L., appointed U.S. Representa- Riviere, Clive, ergot and arsenic in chorea, 354 LI. C. C,," first number of, 9A4 tive to settle dispute between United States Robb, W., cerebro-spinal meningitis, 970 Quack advertisements, dustaud, 1397 and Panams, 312 Roberts, Edward, appointed Sheriff for County Quackery Congress in Paris, 843, IaOO Re-education, 1052 of Cardigan, 724 -in Germany, 948 Rees, Ferdinand, the municipal control of hos- F. T., dinner to, 486, 785; Harveian - and Hogarta, 1338; I. Mrs. Mapp and pitals, IC2 Oration, 1905, 1369 Dr. Ward, 8331 II. Chevalier Taylor, St. Andre, - Howell, presentation to, 623 - H. IF. Bodvel, case of "rupture of the Rock, and Misaubin, 909 Referred pain, 696 heart" in an insane person, z86 and legislation, 432; in America, 836 Reford, J. Hope, ovariotomy in a child, 412; Robertson, W. G. Aitchison, milk supply.of - prevention of, 1410 cases of cerebro-spinal meningitis, q89 Edinburgh, with suggestions for its more Quacks in America, 374 Regeneration of nerves (Basil Kilvington), 935 stringent control, z88 Queen Alexandra's lmperial Military Nursing Registered midwife, employed by medical - WW., Sanitary Law and Practice, rev., Service, 504 pra¢titioner, 859 66o Queensland, plague In, 965, ixI8, Ia8x; infantile -tpract;tioner,may he be adirector of a Robinson, Frank, notes on 600 aes of typhus mortality in, zoo6 building society? 975 fever, 1137 Queirolo, Giovanni Battista, obtains seat in Registers, medical and dental, names restored Hk. Betham, extraperitoneal uretero- Chamber of Deputies, Italy, 483 to, 1291 lithotomy in a child, 357; dilatation of large Quinine in the treatment or corneal ulcers Registrar-General for England and Wales, intestine, 90Tt (Arnold Lawson), 250; (Charles G. Lee), 451 ; in annual report, 484 Wlliam, sanatorium treatment of wachecxial fever and kala-azar (Leonard Registration of nurses. See Nurses. phthisis: is it worth while P 1268 Rogers), 705 Regius Professor's lay sermoDs. 1391 Robson, A. W. Mayo, operation for appenditec- Qulituplets, 576 Reid, A. D., examination of stomach by x rays tomy, 117, 277, 334; new method -of iejunos- and tube filled with subnitrate ot bismuth, tomy, 825; choledochotomy for calculi in the 720 common duct, 825; Cancer and its Treatment, SSydney Thomas, awarded Gilbert Blane rev.. 947 medal, 632 - Herbert J., iron acetate in treatment of W. L.,treatment of prolapse of the uterus, pneumonia, 812, 1024 76 Rockefeller Institute, laying of the corner stone R. Reinhardt, Charles, sanatorium treatment of of, 26 phthisis: is it worth while ? 8o Rodent ulcer. See Ulcer R.&M.C. and "colour honours" for South Relations of medical men to each other (Rode- Roentgen, Professor, note on, 742 Africa, 31, 750 rick Maclaren), 241; (leading article on) 260 rays in treatment of tuberculous - Colours Committee, 514 -- with a district nurse and midwife, 1365 synovitis (Alex. Gregor), i84; application of by promotion in, 903 Renal activity during anaesthesia (W. H. unqualifled persons, in Paris, 1296. Bee also militia, correspondence on, 277 Thompson), 649 X rays r T.{ BRITIN 27 JUNE 24, 1905.] INDEX. L%tirmlCL JOURNAL A I I Rogers, Leonard, diagnostic and prognostic Sanatorium, for consumptives afloat, 52; for con- School, inspection and school diseases, IIIO value of the leueopenia of cachexial fever and sumptive workmen, 8i; at Winsley, note on, - kala-azar, and its treatment by quinine and 215; opening of the Winter Day in Germany, for invalid children, 896 bone marrow, 705 217; proposed for Cork, 322, 790, 904, I174; a Schools, elementary, medical inspection of 47, Rolleston, H. D., pericolitis sinistra, 722; Dis- dismal failure in Liverpool, 329; opening of in 85, 62, 555; sanitation of, 896; physiology in,. and Madeira, 368; in Westmorland, 507; the 976; underfed children at, 995 eases of the Liver, Gall Bladder, Bile -- and eyesight (leading Ducts, rev., 827; falma-Morison operation for Crossley, note on, 567; the West Wales, 692, article), 258 ascites, 915 9,3 ; in the United States, 849; the Crossley, in - inspection of in Wales. 330 of Delamere Forest, completion of, Adiron- medical supervision of in London, 6iz J. D., the prodromal rashes gi'; - measles, 233 dack Cottage, note on, 948 military drill in, 259 the King's, 672 physical exercise in, note, 329 Romanes lecture, the, '347 sanitary inspection of Rome, influenza in, 426; relief of ringworm in, the National, annual meeting, xIIg in Ireland, 557 665; opening of new hospital for poor con- State, for Illinois, 836; in Italy, Ioi8 teaching of hygiene in, 41, 93, 253, 205, sumptives at, I099 statistics (leading article), 83 208, 270, 325, 366, 44c, 503, 563, 6Ig, 689, 736, 791, Roosa, D. B. St. Jokn, Handbook of the Diseases treatment of phthisis: is it worth 996; correspondence on, 33I; conference on, of the Eye and rev., 659 while? note on, 1075; (W. B. Ransom), 59; 735, 2224 Ear, (William S. Paget-Tomlinson), 1266; William -__- teaching of temperance in, 510, 735 Roose, Robson, obituary notlce of, 391 Walter, Roosevelt, Mr., on military medicine, 730; on nobinson, 2268: Alexander Don, 2405; results Schroder, inquest fees to hospital the career of the naval surgeon, 858 of four years' experience (Rowland Thurnam officers, 522, 693 Ross, Edward H., experimental transmission of and Charles E. Wheeler), 65; correspondence Schweinitz, C. E. de (part author), The Relation Mediterranean fever, 720 on, I6i, 222, 390, 448, 512, 569, 8oo, 9I6 of the Cervical Sympathetic to the Eye, rev., treatment of consumption, results i96 James, sanatorium treatment of phthisis: M.D., is it worth while? 523 -of, 262 Schwenter, Madame, appointed lecturer at for the nervous, 1390 University of Berne, 836 Philip H., cases of spirillum fever in and some Uganda, 723 Sanatoriums afor consumptive workers, 1120 Sciatica brachialgia, points in the Ronalcl, the progress of tropical medicine, directory of, 26 treatment of (J. E. Harburn), 245 mode of infection in human tick ---__- German insurance system and, Scicluna, G. Caruana, intermittent fever in x56; fever, 636 Malta, 712 280; appreciation of Joseph Everett Duttoo. Scientific research, grants for, 620 IO20; logical basis of the sanitary policy of 840 for metropolitan consumptives, mosquito reduction, 2025; mosquitos and Solavo's serum, successful treatment of a case malaria, note, "I77 -- municipal and parochial, 932 of cutaneous anthrax by ('. B. Lockwood and S. J., lead as an abortifacient, 653 sanitary districts, combined, 971 F. W. Andrewes), x6; (Lathony Bowlby and - inspection of schools in Ireland, F. W. Andrewes), 296 Ross-shire, West, outbreaks of disease in, 733 Rost, Captain E. R., on the pathology and treat- - Seleroderma, cancer and leucoderma, points of ment of leprosy, 294 Inspectors'Association, twenty-second incidence compared in (J. Lenthal Cheatle), Rostoski,O., Manual of Serum Diagnosis, rev., annual dinner, 312; support Public Health Bill 926 1049 in Manchester, 446; women as, 2309 Sclerosis, disseminated or insular, case of (Dr. Rotch, Pediatrics: the Hygiene _- Examination board, pass Paton), 474 Thomas MorgaD, of uterine causing and Medical Treatment or Children, rev., 31o -list, 312 vessel3 climacterie Rothacker, Oscar, Du Traitement de la Phtisie policy of mosquito reduction, logical haemorrhage (Freeland Barbour), 237 Pulmonaire, rev., 309 basis of (Ronald Ross), 1C25 Scopolamine as a general anaesthetic in sur- Rougliton, J. P., case of perforated gastric ulcer, -reports, Indian, 85I, 89x gery, 445; M. Terrier on the use of. 552 853 533 - salutation, Roumania, medical practice in, 1225; official work in thePhiippines, zoo.s Scoland, notes from,35, 93, 249, 207, 265, 322, 436, fee3 and salaries, Sanitation, development of, of elementary 497, 556,6I6, 675, 734, 847, 925,958, 0111, appointimients, 1825: 2225; 847; I292, 2386; Fife 2224, 2172,. quacks and un(qualified practice, 1225; the schools, 896, 958; in Cuba, nI6o 1351, anc Kinross District position of medical men, 2225 Sankey, E. Hi.O., treatmentof incipientinsanity, Asylum, note on,patients,35 ; recent strictures note on the inoculation of leprosy in 569; disqualifications under the Lunacy Act on the University of Edinourgh, 35; Royal Roux, M., of monkeys, 534; on recent microbiological re- iSgo, 1o69 Society Edinburgh, meeting, 93, 2352; e1ec- search in syphilis, 2178 Santa Cruz (Teneriffe), climateof, 456 tion of President of the Neurological dociety, Bill, Philip R W. de, Malignant Disease of the 93; Edinburgh Royal Infirmary, annual Rowland, F.M., The Coroners 799 tanti, general meeting, and Rowlands, R. P., purulent pericarciitis in an Larynx (Carcinoma and Sarcoma), rev., 659 93; the Edinburgh, infant,816 Sarcoma of axilla(Mr. Heaton), 1042 Students' Representative Council,93; London Royal gift, a,433 of conjunctiva (Arthur Benson and Hospital, 556; Parliamentary representation Dr. Mooney), 774 of the Universities of Glasgow and Aberdeen, relics, 1012 265 ; Western Rubber plasters and strapping, irritation pro- - of cranial bones (Dr. Sydenham), 304 249, lnfirmary, Glasgow, opening duced by, noteOD,III of fibula (J.Hutchlnson, jun.), 476 of new dispensary for out-patients, 207 ; pre- - " " "Rupture of the heart" i-i an insane patient grape-ltke of the cervix uteri (Eler- sentation to Dr. R. Wilson Bruce, 207 ; varia- (R. Campbell Nicholl and F. Bodvel bert Williamson), 599 tion in its relation to the origin of insanity Roberts),I85 ___ - melanodes (Hebra's) and the New and the allied neuroses, 265, 321; RoyalMedical --of the left coronary artery (A. Sydenham Society, 46 Society, Edinburgh, annual dinner, 265, 436; Condor), 653 Satinwoods and dermatitis (G. Bidie), 74; (M. Glasgow and District Branch of the National Ruptured kidney. empyema, nephrectomy, Grabbam), 822 Association for the Prevention of Consump- recovery (Percy Coleman), 942 Saundby, Kobert, operative interference in tion, meetingof, 266; Aberdeen Medico-Chi- Rural 317 diseases of the stomach, 48; appointed re- rurgical Society, meeting of, 266, 322, 958, 2225; insanity, Aberdeen University Russell, Hon. R., The First Conditions of porter in Section of Medicine at International Anatomical and Anthro- Human rev., 237 sdedical Congrress at on cirrhoses of pological Society, lectare on Thibet by Cap- Prosverity, Lisbon tain A. W. Cook, 266; in, 201, 425, 779; infant mortality liver, elected consultiDg physician to meeting, Russia, plague 370; the Morison Lectures 1353; in, 240 West Bromwich DistrictHospital,III2 ;reports at the Royal Col- lege of Physicians Russian army, the sick and wounded of the, a clinical lecture at the HOItel-Dieu, 1337 of Edinburgh, varia- 553 Saunders, Arthur, case of congenital heart tionin its relation to the origin of insanity 553______- medical staff, official list of sick disease in a girl ofI5,885 and the allied neuroses, 265, 322-; Scot- and wounded treated by, at Kukden,34 Savva,M. H, compulsory Greek, 450 tish Poor-law Medical Officers' Association, -- medical men and workmen in, 483 Saxon Snell prize, nioteon, 74 meeting and presentation to Dr. W. L. Muir,. cholera, 784. 843, Scabies inthe army, of, iio6 436; Edinburgh City Hospital, annual "at -police and 955 treatment home," honours to univerbities, note on, 426 Scald of chest treated by grafts from rabbit 436; Scottish practitioners (renorted by Lachlan Fraser)7X6 in Spain, 437; hospital reform, 497; Carnegie Scalded to death in a hospital, 32 trust for the universities of Scotland. 497; Searlatina. See Fever, scarlet Jubilee testimonial to Dr. W. W. Ireland,556; Scarlet fever. See Fever, scarlet tlle abuse of medicalcharities, 6I6; typhus scars of the genital region in the retrospective feverin Aberdeen,6I6; asepsisin obstetric diagnosis of syphilis (Arthur Cooper), 131 practice, 617; Lord Rectorstiip of Aberdeen Schaudinn's work on blood parasites, 442, 570 University, 675; Aberdeen Royal Inflrmary, S. Schiller, note on,966; centenary,I122 annual report, 675; Royal Edinburgh Asylum Schistoma Cattoi, a new blood flukein man Jor the Insane, annual meeting, 675;closingof' (John Catto). ii the Glasgow medical schools, 734; Glasgow Sahara, climate of the (Dr. McClure), 992 Schlesinger, Hermann, Les Indications des Hospital Sunday Fund, 734; anthrax in cattle, Sailors, deaths among, 733 Interventions Chirurgicale dans les Maladies 734; development ofsanitation, 847; Gray's St. George, Dr, case of cancer of rectum, 824 Internes, rev., 887 hospital, Aberdeen, donation to, 847; physical St. Helens medical practice in, 2240 Sclavo's serum. See Serum condition of schoolchildren, 9o5;honorary St. Lawrance-Burke, A, minor operations and Schmidt, Adolf, Lehrbuch der allgemeinen degrees at Glasgow, 958; representation hospital the MidwiveS and Pathologic und Therapie innerer Krankheiten, of the University of Ediaburgh,IOir; Ayr reform. 971; ACt Asylum, Ayr, the medical Drofession, 1069,i8i; one-mark rev.. 78 District annual report,2O2 out-- vaccination.1227 Schoolboy's sleep,Ic08 break of bubonic plague atLeith, 2114,2I173,1293; St. window in Ann's Church, Black- School and recognition of unquali- 2123.I386 ; Glasgowand Northern Medical Asso- Luke, St. autborities. ciation, summer friars, to, 1350 fied practitioners,I307 meeting, 215; Aberdeen, James obituary childrea, teethof, 456 enteric fever and, Banff, and Kincardins Branch, summer meet- Sainiter, Brigade-Surgeon Dowv, ing,i225 a windfall for notice of, 207, 302 493; eyes and ears of, 666, 854; physical con- education and charity, Sale of practice, the duty of a vendor, 283 *lition of, 674, medicalinspection of, 695; I225; Belvidere fever and small-pox hospitals 90g- treatment of defective annual report, In Salies-de-Bearn, note on. 976 (leading artclp',949; (Glasgow) 1115: cremation zur organsia, 924; health of in Sydney, ocotland, 1172; Edinburgh Royal salkowski. Ernst, Boitrage wissensehaft- sense annual meeting, Infirmary, lichen zu 2122; physique of in Manchester, in New 1173; the channel fleet in Medicin undi Cheniie, Festsehrift II79 the Forth,2173; Ehren des sechszigsieu Geburtslages von York, 2289 ; in Leeds, 298 EdinburghHarveian festival,. Ernst - underfed,sro,6r6, 788, 2352; Glasgow and District Branch of the Slikowski, rev., 360 6?2, 733, I273.National Association "Saltsof lemnon," suicidal poisoning with: per- 797, 846, 958;, 95, 0o,2292 (leading article),IOOI, for the Preventionof - consumption, annual meeting, r173 ;rumoured foration of the stomachh (P. F. Briithwaite),883 2357 retirement of D. W., Nursing in France,' 223; hygiene, conference on, 328. 380; Professor A. R. Simpson, 2292; Samways, "Sick Royal Victoria for theRiviera water SUpPly, 451 (leadingartiileOn) 372;lpctu-es in, in Wales Hospltal Consumption. Sanatorium A'soci%tion. See Association 330, 745 Edinburgh, annual meeting, X229;Loa- I 28 8MHXEDICALB^ITUrJC,2RNAI J1 ? INDEX. [JUNEM 24, 1905.

I f 1-overnment Boird for Scotland and pul- the condition of fever pain, 274; burnt ch:l- Smurthwaite, Henry, chronic suppurative otitis monary plithisis, 127;; Chalmers Hospita), di eo, '574; £Iospital Sunday, 274 media, i8o Edinburgh, 1293; rebuilding Glasgow koyai Sheill, J. Spenicer, induction of labour, a coin- Snake venom, protective action of on blood cor- lufirmary, 1293; 'tGa-go%Y Small-pox Hospital, parison of soimie of the methods, with notes of pu'cles, 2344 2293; Poor-law couferooeceInEdinburgb, 1.352; tive recent cases, 1373 Snell, E. H., treatment of typhoid fever, 424 samall-pox in Edinburgh, 2352; public health Shellfish, Is J3. colt a nnrmal inhabitant of ? Saxou, prize, notO on, 7t of Edinburghi, 1352; Professoi- WValdeyeron the (J. T. C. Naslh), I83; vitality of tSphoid bacillus Snow, Herbert, epithelioma of soft palate, etc, neuron doctrine, 2356; the G-irgenti Inebriae in, 6ii. 285 o03 itome, annual repurt, 1386; proposed threc- Shetly, Charles E, incubation period of mumps, Soaps. antiseptic, 2232 terms system at the Scottish Universitie,. 626 Sobatta, J., Atlas den descriptiven Anatomie des 3387; professional golf clubs, I387; proposed Sberman, General, story of, 752 Menschen, 1cv., 947: (irundrlss der descrip- collegeClubin GlasRow, 1387r Ship bern-beri (George A. Turner), 712 tiven Anatomie des MenscheD, rev., 947 Sc Atland, MO. El. reports in, I6o, r271 Short, Dr., aneurysm of the aorta rupturing Societies, Friendly. See Friendly -medical inspection in, 555, 674 into the trachea, 133; transposition of viscera, - local, and the British Medical Associa- open-air trea1ment of plitlisis in I00 304; chronic ulcer of stomach, with perfora- tion, IC04 years ago, 960; note OD, 1359 tlion, 3C4 - medical, of London, proposed union parochial medical officers in, 674 Show infants, 549 of. See Medical - splague in, 11I4, I118 Siam, plagae ii, 425, 558 Society, Aberdeen University Anatomical and poisohitng i1i, centurfeq ago, I120 Sibbald, Sir John, death of, 957; obituary notice Anthropological, 266, 1353 ; lecture by Captatin ieport on the care of the insano poor of, ioig; estate of. 1340 A. W. Cook, With the Tulbet Mission Force to in, 210 '*Sick Nursi g in Francc," 223 Lhassa, 266 - small-pox ID, 26. 497 Side-light on mnedical education, a. See Medical of Anaesthetists, 134; the Vernon Sc3tt, S. G., subacute atrophy of the liver, 775 Siegel, Professo,-, bacteriological investigations Harcourt inhaler, 134 election of officers, 6o6 Scottislh colleges, diplomates of, 857, 926, 972 or, note on, 742 Antivivisection, National, annual meet- medicaments, okd, note on, 679 Sigriioid flexures, congenital hypertrophy and ing, I065 Poor-law medical service, 22r, 436 dilatation of (W. F. Brook), I035 -- o Apothecaries. See Apothecaries SJrofulous ulcers on legs successfully treated by "Sign of death," a, 224 Batneological and Climatological, high-frequency currents (W. F. 8omerville), Silcock, A. Quarry, estate of, 256 British, 417. 992; climatology from a medical 244 hilesia, cerloro-spinal meningitis in, 836, 967 standpoint (Charles W. Buckley), 417; clima- Scr.otal irritation, 2363 Silk weavers and torsion of ovarian pedicle, 89 tology of the Sahara (Dr. McClure), 992 Scrotum, gangrene of (C. Mozourelli), 27 Simpson, A. P. Hope, atropine in inebriety, 132 - - Chelsea Clinical, 22, I93, 539, 728, 772, 945, sea-sickness, treatment of (J. Metcalfe Sliarpe), Barbour, fatal complete prolapsus 23 4o; treatment of theapparentl drowned, with zo3g; a factor in (A. Vavasour Elder), 1269; uteri, 137 a practical demonstration of the best methods correspondence OD, 236r - G. A. Garry, treatment of post nasal of resuscitation (R. L. Bowles), 21 ; the anaes- Secret commnissions, 437, 803 adenoids, 624: treatment of ear and eye thetization of children (J. D. Mortimer). 193; Security of tenure and the Public Health Bill, troubles in elementary school children, 854 two cases of a hitherto unrecorded complica- 9533 Singer, Charles, deformed fetus, 1332 tion of pregnancy (Dr. Penns), I93; treatment Sedgwick, Adam, "Students' Textbook of Singers, pathogenesis and prevention of loss of of various diseases by light (Ur. Anderson), Zoology," rev.. I093 voice in (Jobson Horne), 648 293; pre-appendicectomy, appendicitis (J. Setturner. Dr. (discoverer of morphine), tablet Sinuses, nasal accessory, causes,' symptoms and Foster Palmer), 539; dental carie3 (C. Edward erected to. 737 complications of diseases of (Siegmund Wallis). 539; chronic constipationl and its Bellgmann, C. G., true hermaplirodilism in the Moritz), 17t miiedical and surgical trea3tment (W. Arbuthnot f6Owl,' 092 Sinusitis, frontal. See Frontal Lane), 718, 772; choice of methods for the SellQrs, T. Blanchard, sanatorium treatment of Sisters and. nurses, 1252 r-4dicaLI cure of prostatic enlargements (John phthisis: is It worth while ? I6 T Sklagraphy of the lungs and pleura, 76 Pardoe). 945; three cases of acholia in child- Semon, Sir Felix, soft fdbroma of the larynx and Skin disease, a pecuiliar, io05 ren (D. May), 9g5; eighth annual dinner, 2340 neck, removal by external operatiofi, without Skinner, Bruce. plague and the geographical Clinical of London, 134, 249, 357, 476, 598, opening the cavity of the larynx, 6 distribution of rats, 994 720, 883, 991, 1093, 2273; intracranial resection Senile symmnetrical atrophy of the skull (8F. Skull, closure of traumatic defects of (Charles of second division of fifth nerve (Jonatlian Parkes Weber), 129 Leedham-Green) 8ig Hutchinson, jun.), 234; acute ascending Senn, Nicholas, Oar National Recreation Parks, - compound depressed fracture of, cephalo- ptaralysis in cases of chronic cystitis (I. J. rev., 253 tetanus, recovery (W. H. Jalland), 0og9 WValker), I34; accidental electrocution causing septic sore throat, 5I6 fractured base of (A. H. James), 1C40 extensive gangrene of extremtties (Clement Septtcaemia, puerperal, oral sepsls and (Thos. senile symmetrical atrophy of (F. Parkes Lucas), 23t: syphilitic necrosis of skull (J. Drake Leigh), 882 Websr), 129 Hutchison, jan ), 249; uretero-lithotomy for -__ _ - in Cootehill Union Infirmary, 2I72 syphilitic necrosis of, case of (J. Hutchin- calculus (a3. H. Fagge), 249: localized flushinjc Serum, per rectum, 396, 456 son, Jun ), 249 and sweatirg on eatiDg (Parkes Weber), 249; -antistreptococcus in toxic scarlet fever Slate clubs and Friendly Societies, 952 lecklinghausen's disease (C. R. Keyser), 240: (J. Eedley Marsh), 355 Sloughing of intussuscepted gut: spontaneous cystic adenoma of left kidney (W. G. Spencer), antitetanus, successful treatment of recovery(tt. T. Turner), 246 -49; recovery from infanttle paralysis of the case of tetanus by (Jamaes Miller), I269 'Rlatms and the law, 552 deltoid (W. G. Spencer), 249 ; xanthoma diabe- - Slavo's, successful treatmeent of a case Small-pox, atrlal transmission of, 633, I148, 2246 ticorum (Sir Dyce Duckworth), 249; soft-valve of cutaneous anthrax by (C. d. Lockwood and -attendance on, 227 mitral stenosis without audible nurmur (W. P. W. Andrewes), x6; (Anthony Bowlby and question in the House, io6o Ewart), 357; accessory thyroid (E. P. Paton), 1. W. Andrewes), 296; (Dr. Mitchell), 992 - at Bradford, 846 357: extiaperitoneal uretero-lithotomy in a State Institute fQr the manufacture of in Berlin. 217 cllild (H. Betham Robinson), 357: calculous In Vienpa, 2356 at Cardiff, 692, 745, 799, 8 39 1123, 1244, anuria in a child (Douglas Drew), 357: -therapy in cerebro-spinal meningitis, 1357 anaemia splenica (J. -. Bryant), 476; natco- 2iS6o at Dewsbury, report by Dr. S. W. lep,y and hysterical blindness (Purves serums, cancer, prelitbinary report On, 542 Wheaton, 382; (leading article), 370; Lnote on, Stewart), 476; muscle grafting for paralysis of Bervia, medical practice in, 2223; sanitary ad- 1395 left upper extremity (A. H. Tubby). 476; ministration, 2223; private practitioners, 2224 - at Gloucester, I310 vrimarv sore on eyelid of child (William Sessile warts, treatment of, 5i6, 576, 8,8 in Lancashire, 26, II0, I59, 273, 2015 TurWmet), 476; lymphatie leukaemia (J. G. Sewage scheme of the Purdysburn Infectious - in Lewisham, ICCo Slade), 476; arthrectomy of knee-joint (Douglas Diseases Hospital, Belfast, 377 - in Liverpool, 95i; and small-pox hos- Drew), 476 ; sarcoma of fibula (J. Hutchinson. disposal, Royal Commidsion on, IC09 pitals,. 05r, 1243 jiin.), 476; exhiblts, 476; acute rheumatoid -- farm, 2075 - in t4cotland, 26, 497, 1352 artlhritis (Hale White). 598; arthritis de- - sludge and fruit essences, IC67 - - difficulty of the diaguosis of, 247 lormans and its allies (Bertram Abrahams), -- works at Manchester, visit of French - - hospital influence, 226 59-i; examination of stomach bvxrays and delegates to, I067 -inoculation in India, 1336 tube filled with subiitiate of bismuth (Nor- -- works and typhoid fever, 203 - outbreaks and their cost, 718 mana Dalton and A D. Reid), 720; stenosis of Sewer ventilation at Newport 623 - on the R.M.S. Nile, 903. Io6o ureter (Douglas Drew), 720; condition of the Bewerage schemes, for South Wale3, 512, I067 ; for spread of roued small-pox hospitals eiuall intesidioc some 5ears after extensive Fleetwood, 743; for Mynyddislwyn, 745; for (G. S. Buchanan), icg6; spread ot by vagrants, et)terectomies (A. E Barker), 7;0; streptococ- Manila, 817; for Stratton St. Margarets, 1291 1367 cal pachymeningitis (3ir Dyce Duckworth Sex, distinction of in long bones, 671 and vaccination. 146, 573 aijd C. M. Hinds Howell), 722; a joint affection Sexes, proportions of, in the United States, 240 - re-earch and the Metropolitan Asy- nossibly due to malaria (Eloward Marsh), 883; Seychelles Islands as a health resort, I47 lums Board, 85 intermittent hydrops of the joints (Howard -- - medical practice in, I240 Swells and Section I24 of the Public Health Marsh), 884; hydroDephrJsis due to movable Shadowgraph ureteric bougme in precise sutrgery Act;, 102 kidney (F. J. Steward), 88t; congenital dislo- of renal calculus (E. Hurry Fenwick), 1325 Smiith, Alfred J., physometric uterus, 477; ob- cation of hiD (Jackson ila -ke),vt; dilatation of Sharpe, J. Metcalfe, treatment of sea-slcaness, servatioDs on Bossi's dilator, 477 large ilt estidue(.(orley Fletcer and Betham I039 - David, obituary notice or, 858 IRobinsor.), 932; swellitg of left hand and Shattock, S. G., prehistorical vesical calculus - F. Teiimple, vagitusuterinus, 247 wrist [Y-n1pl1sngitis?] (Drs. Faweett and 77'; true hermaphrcditism in the fowl, 1092 - F. J., case of sprue or hill diarrhoea, Iler. z), 9g1; Fclerodaciyli% with vasomotor Shaving, easy and cheap doctoring. 456 S55 phenomDena (Fawcett), 9)x; Kaposi's disease Shaw, H. Batty, recurrent vomiting iu children, - F. W. the tuberculous monkey as a pet, (Dlr. Fawcett), 9-; tumour of tongue (J. Lunn), 347 472 9g1: unutitedtracture of tibia and fibula (C. Shaw-Mackenzie, John A., local irritation and -- John, Royal Collegeof Surgeons of Edin- S,monds), gg9; fibrous mas3es in lle corpora cancer, 48; etiology and treatment of cancer, burgh, fourth centenary celebration, 543 cavernosa (Charles Gibbs), 99t; abnormality 1183 -Priestley, dinner and presentation to, of lett testis (W. G. Spe jeer), 902; absence of Sheard, W. F., award for successful vaccination, 244 abdominal muscles (C. Potion), ogi: exhibits, I050 -R. Percy, training of mental nurses, 628 rtr; lobar pneumoDia during eoteric fever Sheen, A., sanatorium treatment of phthisis: i3 T. F. Hugh, opening of peritonsillar (sidney Phillips and B. IL Spilsbury), i093; it worth while? i6z; recovery from moorphine abscess. 1330 fracture of the astragalus (Rugh Lett and J. poisoning after sub2utaneous injection of - W. Johnson, dinner and presentation Hutchinson, juan ), 2093; fractures of the atropine, 2040 to, 780 astragalus and os calcis (J. Hutchinson, jun.), Sheffield, special correspondence lrom, 273; the Smoking, juvenUe, and physical deterioration, so)!; milky aseites in which the opalercence ShefMield University Bill, 273; daily notes ou 4?5 was not due to fal, (F. Taylor and J. raweett), T[ s Batns JUNE; 24, 1905.] INDFX LMZDICALt J4OV5aA-L 29

t 4

2273 ; BYphlliticdestruetilon of the nose treated case of pyloric obstruction due to fibrous from a case of cerebral tumour (Stauley by plastic operation (James Berry), 2273: pri- stenosis (Mr. Southam), 943; treatment Barnes), 417; paper by Douglas Stanl4y on mary adrenal carcinoma of liLver (S. PhhUlips accidents from chloroform Wexander Wil- syphilitic disease of some viscera, 4,7; irre- and B. HI. Spilabury). 1274; diabetes melitus son), 943; variations of the menstrual func- ducible prolapse of uterus (C. & Pursl.w),,778 acaompanied by xanthGma and fatty necrosis tion in anaemia (W. E. Fotbergill), 943 Society, National Realth, meeting, 7Q3 of pancreas (Sir Dyce DuckwrXth), 1274; Society, Medical, Northumberland and Durham Neurological, of' Great Britai and annual meeting, 1274 extraordinary meeting, 666 Ireland, 93 ; election of Sir John Batty Tuke Society, Cliniea-l of Manchester, 307, 775 ; surgical Medical, Oldham, meeting and exhibi- as President, o3; annual meeting, 50I; treat- aspect of biliary calculi (E. Stanmore Bislhop), tion of cases, I046 ment of incipient insanitg (Sir JoJ Batty 307 ; vomiting in infants (Dr. Ashby), 775 Medical and Physical, Bombay, meet- Tuke), soi Crippled Clildren's Help, annual meet- ilg, 48o the New Sydenham, and Hebra's sar- -- " ing, 9SI of Medical Phonographers, note on, coma melanodes, 46; An Atlas of IlLustra- tions of Clinical Dermalologlcal of London, 292, 480; 426 Medicine, Surgery, and meeting and exhibition of CaseB, .19,, 480 of Medical Officers of Health, Incor- Pathology," rev., 2a5; important aditions to of Great and Britain porated, meeting, 658; increase of anthrax in advantages offered to new members, uog9. " a new land, Transactions," rev., 830 Great Britain (SherLdan Delepine), 6S8 -. medical, note pn, ao6 Electro-therapeutie. British, annual Medinal Protection, London aud Coun- Northumberland and Durbam Medical meeting and eleation of officers, 47 ties. annual general.meetIng, 545; action for meetiOg 'Of, 45 -Epidemlological, meeting, 194, 66 722, recovery of debts collected, I285 mbetetirical, Edinburgh, 137., 477, 1094: I096, 2148; a contribution to the ettoiogy of Medical Sickness and Accident, meet- climacteric haemorrbage due to soferosis of rheumntic fever (G. B. LongstaffJ, 294; rela- ings, 82, 312. 546, 836, 2050 uterine vessels (Freeland Barbour), 137; appli- tioa of the parasitic protozoa to each other Medical dickness, Annuity, and Life cation of Bier's hyperaemic treatmeut to and to human di.eares (E. J. McWeeey), Assurance Friendly, annual general meeting, gynaecological disease (Scott CarmichaelA6'37; ankylost8$Uisis (A. E. Boycott), 721; 2175 abdominal hysterectomy for uterine ffibro- spread of small-pox round small-pox hos- South-West London, Bolingbroke Lec- myomata (F. W. N. Haultain), 477 some pitals (G S.Buchanwn). o96; (A. Newsholme). ture, 2390 curiosities of curatting. (ir EHltday (Croom), 2I48; Twentythird Volume of 6 Transactions Medical, Ulster, 91, 207, 758, 777, 904, I061, 1094; specimens, IC94 of, rev.,IoSg I216 ,2354; Professor Sims Woodheadon alcohol- Obstetrical of London, 77, S, p9,56, Friendly, a case concerning a, 205 ism, gi; cases shown, 207; cold in pneumonia 3093, 1332; thecausation of puerperal i-nfti%ons GynaecologlcsJ, British, 2g9, 656, 992; (Dr. McKisack), 207; iractures at the lower (A. 0. 1.FQulsrtQn and V. Baonney), 77; vaginal annual meeting, 29o; of officers, end of the radius (A. paper hysterectomy in the puerperiuw for due election I90; Fallerton), 358; to of myoma sepsis double pyosalpiux (Inglis Parsons), &go; Pre- on some cases of perforation of stomach and suppuration (Arnol4 LeAJ. yB; meet- cure vaginal sident's valedictory address. 291; choice of intestine (T. S. Kirk), ninth annual of cystocele (aey Gravet, 3.V; treatment of fibromyoma of the uterus iDg, 904;specIal meetiog. mI6 wandering spleen forming pelvic tumour Inglis Parsons), 656; surgicalintervention Medical Benevolent, Sussex, first meet- ([Prank E. Taylor), 358; tuberculous disease of cancer of the cervix uteri-(C. Jacobs), ing, 2050 the body of the uterus (1. ss8; 992 annual address, Bland-butosX, Harveian, 307, 479, 776, 94j; iMedico-Chirurgical, Aberdeen, 266, 32a, 358; offcers and counciltor Addison's disease (J.J. Perkins). 307; remarks 958, 2225; meeting and exhibition of speci- 2905. 358; examluation for midwives, 5o6; on theasymmetryof the thorax (Winslow HaIl), mens, 266, 958 application of Roentgen rays in coiyluria complicating pregnancy . C. liol- 307; case of broachiectasis (J. J. Perkins), diagnosis of chest affections, 321; ten ab- dich Leicester), 599; pregnancy in rudiment- 307; Recklinghausen's disease associated dominal sections for abnormal pregnancies, ary uterine cornu (A. H. N. Lvwerz),;f9g: dilated and dropped stomach (Batty Shaw), -322 "grape-like" sarcoma of the cervx ulteri ,o8; severs multiple deformity (Laming Medico-Chirurgical, Bradford, meeting, (Rerbert Willamson), 9; inaUgUrl address: 1EvanS), 308; various other cases shown, 308; exhibition of photographs, and discussion, on present teaching of practical midwiferyin (W. lobar pneumoniain children (G. A. Suther- 358, 992; cutaneous anthrax treated without Eugland R. Vlakin),577; the corpusluleum land), 479; anterior metatarsalgia (Laming excision withBSlavo's antianthrax serum (Dr. (Cuthbert Lokyer), 826; hiystewectomy for Evans), 479; clinical meeting and exhibition Mitchell),992 concealed accidental haemorrhage %j. H. of cases, 776; conVulsions in children (Edmund Medico-Chirurgical, Bristol, 252; fourth Targett), 826; calcified tumour in flouglas's Cautleg), 944; appendicitisin childhood (a. s. meeting of session, address by Professor pouch (A. H. N. Lewers),826; uterinefibroid 945 Clifford Allbit,os in a patient aged 20 (Russell Andrewe),&n6; C]ogg), 25I, mortality in childbed lunterian, 816, 2044; nathologlcal --Medico-Chirurgical, Edinburgh, x88, (Robert Zaall%;I meeting: specimens shown and discussed, 305. 1043, 2248; the milk supply of Edinburgh, repeated tubal pregnancy (C. B..uslow) * or251; of, rev., 420; Case of sprue with suggestions for its morestringent con- Io94 ; acute general gonococcic peritonitis (A. hillTrnsactionsdiarrhoea (F. J. Smith).,&88 sections of tral (with lantern demonstra ion) (W. G. vi. ii. Foulerton), xl ; puerperal eclampsla bilateral inguinal tumours (Stanley B. Atkin- Aitchtson i88; nature of Fried- (J. C. Holdich Leicester), 1332; repeated tabal Robertson), pregnancy (Alban J 2; Allbuttson), 886;and FranklindiscussionParsons),onilnuezna2044 (Clifford reich's ataxia (Dr. Rainy), 288; recurring tor- Doran), tbyroidke sion of the spermaticcord (Ur. Dowdeea), 305; structure In ovarian cysts ( R. HamtonBJel), -- Incorporated, for the Promotion bradycardia (with lantern demonstrationu) 1332; deformed fetus (Charles Siuger3,,3 254Higher Education and Training of Nurses, (George Gibson), 0so; massage iu cardiac ruptured interstitial pregnaincy (Russell dilatation (R. A. FlemIng).305; word blind- Andrews),I332; primary carcinoma of b.h report 431 ness Paterson Ed wm Fallopian tubes (Dr. Cullingwortlh)1332 Jeenner, o.f, (J. V anci Bramwell), - --o ananalSLadies'meeting,Public159 Health, at Manchester, 1043; leukaemia and x rays (Byrom Bramwell), of London, certificates re- multiple chrondromata (Mr. Cotterill), quired by, 280 1043; Obstetrical and Laryngoogicgal of London, 293, 685, 886; 2044; extroversion of the bladder (Alexis Gynaecologleal,Glas- annual meeting,of election of 193; Thomson), 2044; clinical meeting, 2248 gow,r6, 6oo; treatmeat of prolapse of the e2xibition cases,293;293;meeting oucere,and cases uterus (W. L. Reid). 76; -____ eMediec-Chirurgical, Glasgow, 250, ~59, discusion on treat- show special meeting at Garcia centen- 539, operative treatment of perforated mentof chronic endometritis (Dr. Oliphant), 480; 88B; Transactions of, rev., specimens,ary,685; meeting886 aand exhibition qfeases and gastric ulcer (Alfred A. YOUng), 250; Riedel's 6oo ; 1385 operationforchronic osteomyelitis (Dr. Mac- Obstetrical and Gynaecological,North Laryngological of Vienna, proposed Lennan), 252; meeting and exhibition of of England, 356, .539. 657 886, 2273; ulaual

the general 356 ; election of --festal-ofcelebrationMedical itistory,in 1908. 1244French, election of cases, 359; cystoscopy and its value Ia meetiDg, osffcers,356; diagnosis of renal disease (David Newman), meetingand exhibition of cases, 09, 65y.; re- moval of cancerous cervix by the officers. 26 39,; mallnant disease of the thyroidgland abdosinn.l of Bad Issue of a route, with pelvic dissection (Arthur 7. Wal- pamphletMedicalon thewaters of Nauheim,that place by, 998 (George Burnfside Buchanan), 885 ______Medico-Chirurgical, Leeds and West lace),886 Chorley and District, formation 292, 4, notes on a case of -_____Ophthalmological, of the United --Medical,66oof, Ridinog, WXfg- spasmodic torticolliS (Basil Hall),x92; ad- dom, 150, 478,6oj. 3046,x33x; ma.iguantdiaeaseof Kidderminster, and ministration of anaesthetics in abaominal conojunctiva (FreelandFergus), 250;O3Uinin9 in iMedical, meeting the of corneal exhibition of cases, 418, 77742274 post-partum treatment ulcers (Arnold Law- operations, 292; secondary notation of 256 Medical. Leamington, annual meeting, hhaemorrhage (Dr.HEellier), *ibroid418; son), 250; prisms (Claud Worth), polypus of the bladder (El. Collinson), 488; 50* ; detachment of retina (D. 3. Wood.aso; Medical of London, 76, 359, 476, 6:o, treatment of croupous pneumonia (Johnstone exostosis of tbeorblt(Edgar8Stevenson), 478; i of the 6o6, 721,186, x44, -o; funotional insanity and Campbell), 418; malignant tumours of the in- neuro-fibroma eyeball and its append- its relation to allied neuroses (Robert Jones), testines (Lawford Kxaggs and 0. C. Grnner), ages (E. Treacher Collins and Rayner P. Bat- encephalitis (F. 76; ten), 478 ; treatment of tobacco amblyep1a Mr. 76 E. Batten), hasmaturia 539; specimen of mesocolic hernia (3. F. Wrap), and 290 intracranial tumour (T. R. 539 478; meeting exhibition of eases, (A. Garrod), ; )jobson), congenital corneal and E. E. Glynn, 359; cancer of stomach (Bruce __-_ loico-Chirurgical, Sheffield, 494; cases 6o0; in5t'ry (teslie Clarke, Buchanan), 2046; myoopic onus (Leslie 3s59; opborectom y(E. Waring), 359 and specimens, 494 Buchanan), the exophthalmic gottre(F. J. Poynton),359; Medico-Chirurgical, West London. o046; pupllary membrane aneurysm of the aorta (Dr. Branton), 359; two annual dinner, 368; boldness in treatment (Arthur L. Ballsntyne),1046;pulsatIng exqph- ; cases of diabtete (W. 359; supposed certaincases ofpneumonia Mor- thalmos (S. Johnson Taylor), *1046 cribnr rm Ewart). (Alexander choroido-retinitis W. caseof- tumour of left lobe of cereballum (W. ROn). 658; clinica causes of cancer of breast (R. Doyne and Sydney (Cecil Leaf), auricle removed optic neuritis (Leslie Essex Wynter), 359 anSaYsis; Of 300-eonswueuve 638; cervical Stephenson),* 2332; cases of gy (Arthur achild (J Howell Evans), : acromegaly Paton),I3I ringsarcoma (L. Werner),13.3I; naecoogical laparotomies rom 885 visual (G A. Lewersg), 476; Caesarean section (W. J. Gow), in a woman (4eymour Taylor),85 ; congenital - eflfleency Berry),I3;2 476; discussion on carcinoma F'.(E Bashford), ataxia bova aged82 (Leonard Dobson), 885; _ Otological, of theUnited Kingdom ,,i6; one middle-ear suppuration B. President's address, 436 ; restoration Of hiear- 6oo; hndred and thirtO-second anniver- chronic (H. Ball), Iog after removal of sary dinnDer, 6o6; penicolitis sinistra (IL D. _8?; congenital heart disease In a girlI515 drum and osWes ; recognition and treat- (Charles Heatli), 417 ;labyrinthinesuppurion Roltestao), 721 ; infective E Carver), (Arbhur Saunders). 885 (Dr.M and 721; clinical meeting, 826; discussion on pro- ment of mental disorders in private pracetce illigan), 427: cases sp>edimiens,4 statectomy Harrison), annual (W. H.8toddart),B. 1333 Pathological, of London, 136, yois, (Reginald 2044; 538, 2046, of conversaione, izioS --Medico -Legal, meeting and discussion 6A8,77 884, 2092; the occur ente Medical, and discussion on privi- oacillus enteritidis Gaertner in cow's milk dancheste'r. onual meeting, eases, 293: meeting use of 294; ordinary meeting and discussion ot leged60 communicatioons, and professional (E.lklein),236-; aeid media in the case of isolation of the plague bacllus (W. C. C. cases, 479. 943; achondroplasis (W. secrecy,6oi and F. H. Joseph), Thorburn), 598; muco-colitis treated by lavage Midland Medical, meeting- ndL exhibi- Pakes 336; fugent, a new tionof e stain (F. of through I he appendix (. Stanm ore Bishop), ases, 193, 417, 480, 60o, 778;case R. Joseph), 136; origin and course 398; venesection (R J. Ewart), 598; four cases bifida (Dr. 427; Aarcoma Of the opsonins in acute pneumonia(G. G. Mac- splina Emapuel), donald), variations in index 943; the of Thomsen's disease (Dr. Dreschfeld), epididyemis (George, 417; speiemens 136; opsonic .30 MnnD-CAL JOURNAL] INDEX. .[JUNRE 24, -1905. 91L-

in cases of tuberculosis (W. Bullocb), 136; meeling and exhibition of cases, 251, 538, 777, Wells Water Bill, 0o68, i80o;CaerphUly Coun- laboratory meeting, 308; blood glands as 9449, C95 cil, ic68; health of Llandaff, Ic68; Barry dipDh- pathogenic factors in production ot diabetes Society, 'iherapeutical, 21, 194, 538, 827; some theria outbreak, Io68; enteric fever outbreak and obesity (Arnold Lorano), 415; leuco- clinical observations on new remedies near Cardiff, Ic68; Prince of Wales's visit lo cytbaemia with change of type from spleno- (Dr. [irard), 21, I94; action of alcohol on the Cardiff, 1123; Aberavon housing, I223; Swan- uedullary to lymphatic (C. HI. Melland), 415; heart (W. E. Dixou), 538 ; some points in the sea town refuse, I123 health of Gelligaer, recent work on proteid chemistry-and proteid actions and uses of bismuth salts (H. A. 1123; enteric fever at Neath, 1I23; bubonic diet (W. D. Halliburton), 538; laboratory Caley), 538; aspirin and meEotan (G. Burnet), plague, 1179; University of Wales Uourt, ii8o; meetiDg, (58; subacute atropljy of liver (S. G. 827 Barry District Nursing Association, annual Fcot'1), 775; a prehistoric vesical calculus - of Tropical Medicine, American, secord report, I18o; housing at Tredegar, II8o; mid- (3. G. Shattock), 775; imperforate ileo-colic annual meeting, 892 wives' charges at Newport, 1298; enterlc out- valve (J. Catto), 775 carcinoma ot the left Tuberculosis, International, annual break at Biidgend, I2,98, 1358,1403; technical adrenal (C. E. Adams). 775; osteoplastic car- meeting, 836 education iD, 2357; Caerleon Dibtrict Council, cinoma in bone (P. H. Thtele), 775 ; obliterative Scdium perborate. note on, 42, 310 1357; Merthyr C'ouncil and the hoUsiDg arteritis (E. Michels aLd Parkes Weber), 775; Falts of the coumaric acids as thera- problem, I357; measles at Rhymnev, 1757-; influeuzal endocarditis (T. G. Horder), 84; peutic agents (Gilbert T. Morgan), 1143 Glamorgan water supply, 2358; Cardiff health gonorrhoeal endocarditis (r G. Horde)). 884; Soldier and his teeth, 732 report, 1403; relief of Eenooi children, 2403 vitality of the typhoid bacillus in sheflfish Solicitor's views on charitable medical evi- Southam, Mr, case of pyloric obstruction due to (E. Klein), 885; laboratory meetirg, IC46; dence, 571 fibrous stenosis, 943 ryasthenia gravis (E. Farquha.r Buzzaro), SollmanD, Torald, Textbook of Materia Med ca, Loya flour, T312 "C92 ; resemblance between the " cancer rev., 24 Spain, clinical teaching in, 264; honours to body" and certain constituents of for, Scottish 437; hygiene of cells of nornmal the Somalland, medal 976 practitioners in, gametogenic tfssues (C. Wtalkre), 1C92; Sommerville, I)., teaching of hygiene In schools, churches in, 486; new minister of public in- morbid growth from Angoraewe(W. de Korid), 1I24 struction, 2212; prevention of consumption in, 1092, true hermaphroditism in the fowl (S. I. Somerville, W. F, Fcrofulous ulcers of the legs 1346 Shattock and C. G. Se'igmanD), it 92 successfully treated by hIgh-frequency cur- - medical practice in, 12x1; education and B .ciet.y, Pathological, of Manchester, cysts of the rents, 244 qualification8, 12I1; tights and duties of prac- brain (E. F. Treveltan), 657; fluid from a case Sommerteld, Th., Der Gewerbearzt, rev., 658 titioners, 1211; public medical services, 1212 of yleural exudation (lhomas Hasrin). 657; Sonnenburg, Edouard, Pathologie undTherapie professional earnings, 1212 the profession and two cases of acromegaly (J. F. Hodgson), 657; der Perityphlltis (appeodicitis), rev, 1384 the service of justice, 1212; uLqualified prac- retained in abdomen acutA 2212; contract medical practice, 1212; maceratcdfour fetus neaily Bore throat, septic. 516 tice, years (Dr. Donald), 3CQ7 -- throats, epideminc, traced to infected milk, protkction of professional interests, 1213; -- Palhological and CJinical, Glasgow, 192, 11f5 social position, 1213; doctors in politics, 1213; 657, 826; removal ot pbarynx for epithelionsa Soutin Africa, civilian surgeons in, 845 statistics, I1213 ('T. K. Da'ziel aLd Walker Downie), I91; - "colour honoura" for and the Spanish municipality and its medical officer; multiple carcinoma of intestine (John Hi. R.A.M.C., 3I; future of medicine in, 612 605 Teacher and G. Burnside Buchanan). tgi; contract practice in, II1I Spauton, W. D., ergophobla, 300 hernia (U. N. ig'; for cases of 483 enlarged infantile K Knox). early phthisis, II88 Sparklet syphons, uteliLe myoma (J. Kell5), I91-;Vaency of medical practice ip, 2229, 1232; Specialist and his professional brethren, a, IC22 septum (Dr. Napier and Dr. Natal. Orpnge JohniuterveniricularAnderson), Cape Colony, 1229; 2231; River 8pemann's Hlistoricher-Medicinal Kalendar, adult Igi;andluberculous meningitis Colony, 1231; TransVaaR, I232; Rhodesia, 1905,rev, 24 in (Dr. Napier Dr. John Anderson), 1232 Spencer, W. ti., cystic adenoma of left kidney, igi; specimen of tumour of arm (J Graut plague in, 1o1, 2T7, 3TI, 425. 553, 630, 249; recovery from infantile paralysis of the 657; two 779, 12 0 of leit 991 Andrew),of eases i'lnstrating per- 965. III3, 31, 24( deltoid, 249; abnormality Iestis, sistence branchial clef's (J Walker Doivaie), - Atircan minep, mortality In, 435 Spermatic cord, recurring torsion of (Mr. 657; otomycosis (J. Kerr Love), 658; specimens America, plague in, I1I0 Dowden), 3c5, 9:2 of lympho-sarcoma of neck (&. -Wa'es, special correspondence from, 218, B. II., lobar pneumonia during case E.Maslsidaud Spilsbury, Jobn AaderEon).658; of human anthrax 275, 386, 446, 520, 568, 623, (92, 744, 798 855, 913, enteric fever, 2093 (John 1t., 658; meetinig anad discus- 2I67, 1I23, 117Q9, 1298, 1357, 1403; iltectious dis- Epina bifida and bydrocephalus complicatirg sion, eases in, breech 472 826 of 218, 330; proposed legislation, piesentation (F. MBingham, Pathological, Vierna, the transmis- 2-8: a proposed new urban council. 218 Spinal meniDgitis, traumatic (M. B. Pinthard), sion of syphilis to non-anthiopoid monkeys, Utiversity of of Wales, Guild of Gradu- 823 So8 ales, 218, 275; meetiog of council. 510; Spirilla in blood simulating malarial fever - the Peace, confererce at Manches'er, Dote on, 623, ii8; county council in- (O. Browse), 532 15Q quiry at TrenarriS, 275; honour to Sir W. T. Spirillum fever. See Fever - Pharmaceutical, of Great Britain, pro- Lewis, 275, 623: opening of the electrical pavi- Spirochaete in syphilis (E. J. McWeeney), 2262; pmsed introduction of the Pharmacy Ac's lion at Cardiff Infirmary, 275; Sanitary In- M. Levaditi, Bill into the House of Commous, an nuat in I226 new, Amendmentannual Epectors'Association, eighth meetivg, syphilitic lesioun, a II6I J93; dinner, xI6oI 275 ; first meeting of session, iI80; inspectiou spitting nuisance, the, 205, 462, 780, 870 - of Psych'cal ete3erch, address by Pro- cf schools.330: School of 113gieie, 330, 745; Spleer, rupture of, case ol, 5 fessor chatles RfIhet, note oo, 622 waterof the WYe, 330; instruetion in mid- - wandering, formnag pelvic tumour -for the Relief of Chest Diseases, Austro- witery, 386; Barry medical officer's report, (Frankl E. Taylor), 358 Hungariani, opening of a sanatoriu"' by. 273 386; measles at Merthyr, 3S6; at Newport Splints, plaster-of-paris (W. I. de C. Wheelei), - for the Relief of Widowsand Or hans of (Mon.). 2(67; Cardiff [nfirma,y, annual report, 6co Medical Men, auarterly court of dirtctors, 386; gift to, 447; meeting of governors, 568, Sponge, a surgical, jc99 149,892; annual general meetirg, 1279 692. 913, (23 iumber of patients, I067; health Spontaneous evolutiou, case7of (Ernest A. Cox), -R oyal,couversazione, ii66 of Newcastle; Emlyn district, 446; Abertillery 1381 Royal, of Edinburgh, meetini, 93, urban district wvater, 447; nali3nal musPum Squire. J. Edward, sanatorium treatment of 1352; presentation of Makdougall BristaLe for WValeF, 447, 623, 692, 1357; Tenby medical phthisis: is it worth while ? 448 prize, 93; presentation of NeilJprize, gj officerCs reporr, 447; sewerage schemes, 510, Stalkartt, WV. H. 8, opening of supratonsillar - ioyal Life Saving, note on, 6c6 745; death of Dr. T. R. Bamlen-Wil- and peritonsillar abscesses, 882; erythema -Royal Medical, of Edinburgh, annual liams. 51o; cancer at Swansea. 5To; Aber- scarlatiniforme and gonorrhoea, 1382 dinner, 265,436 - ystwith College, 52o, 7,93; underfed school Standardizing of disilfeetantp, zi8o Benevolent. annual children. 5 o, 692, 1257 temperance teachirg in Stanley, Douglas, case of Raynaua's disease and itieetingof Belfast and County Antrim Branch, Fchools,smo; Midwives Act 1902, sto; Swanlsea rheumatoid arthritis, 304: case of syphilis of Hospital finances. 568, 692; lisalti of Llsndqff, the lungs, 533; case ot L,yphllitic ophthalnm - Royal Medical and Chirurgical, 76, 287, 56S; Rhymney Urban Itistlict COUncil, 563; plegia, 534; case of adiposis dolorosa, 824; 474, 3536 5o6,of720, 825, IC05, 1043, 1I55, 1273; Cardiff's new mortuary, 568; Glamorgan Edu- intrathoracic grow 11, 1042 tkiagraphy the lungs and pleura (U. cation and Sanitary Committees, 563 ; heal' 1 Staphylococcus vaccine in dermatological Lawson), 76; centersiy of, da'e of cele- of Monmoutl, 623; sewer ventilarton at New- i lierapeutics, 854 bration, go, it iI; oopllorectomy for mam- polt, 623; rainfall, 623; presentation at Gar- Staiham, J. C. B., clinical methods of enumerat- mary caLncer (Huglh Lett', 1?7; influence Dant, 62 ; Welsh UnLiversity Coll ge, 692; the ing leucocytes, 914 of stigmata of degeneration on the prog- National Museum and Library, 692. 744. 85- Sttlwagon, Henry W.. Treatise on Diseases of nosis of epilepsv (W. A. Turnet), 3-6: cou- 2357; Brentry lIebriafe Reformatory. (92; West the akin for the Use tf AdvaLced Students genital defect of abdomiDal wall snd of the Wa les Sanatorium for Consumptives, 692 ; and Practitioners, rev .310 genito-urinary apparatus (A. E. Garrod and small pox at Cardiff, 692, 745. 799. 853, 1173, 1357; Stenosis of duodenum, congenital (Willoughby Dr. Wyrne-Davies. 3c6; oiscussion on the infaLtile mortality. 692; scbool hygiene, TOs; tardner). 824 prospects and viciFsitludes of appendicitis proposed presentation to Sir Isambard Owet-, soft-valve mitral, without audible after operation (Sir Frederick Treves), 474, 535, 745; MyDyddislwyn sewerage scheme.745 ; mid- iiiurmur (W. Ewart), 357 595; annual meeting and report, P6; ankylos- wifery scholarships, 745; Cardiff Port Sani- ______of ureter (Douglas Drew), 720 tomiasis as affecting miners (rhomas Oliver', tary Authority, 745. 1179; the Cray reservoir, Stephens, G. Arbour, gxeen milk, 247 720: rew method of jejunostomy (Mayo Rob- 745; CJydach Vale colliery expacslon, 745; -J. W. W., The Practical Study of 80s). 25; cloledochotomy for calculi in the kontyplidd EducatIon Committee, 7?8; healtlh Malaria and Other Blood Parasites, rev, 1.50 common duct (Mayo Robson), 825; case of of Caerphilly. 793; Mr. T. Raymont new an- Stephenson, Sydney, cribriform choroidu- -splenomegallo" or "myelopathic' pol cvi- pointment.793 LlanellyHlospital,bequest to,798; retivitip, 2331 haemia with true plethora and a.-ieria1 Swansea Port Sanitary Autho) ity, annual r-e- Sterilization by x rays, 550 hypertnia without c3 anosis (F. Parkes prrt, 798; Llantrissant and Llanwit Faidre - of the hands, 727; of imbecilee, Weber), 1043; ceutenaiy celehre tion. Ix5 ; Dlstricr. Council, annual report, 798; gifts to 956 abdominal tuberculosis in childhood (W. P. S. Cardiff Museum, -99;*Absrporth watersuplIr, Stenart, A. Francis, poisoning in Scotland before Branson), 1273; phenylh3drszln reaction (P. J. 799: Chepstow Boa6d of Guardians, 853; V% eat 1625, 1120 Cammidge), 1273 ales Sanatorium, 923; Swansea Asylum Stevens, A. A, A Manual of the Practice ef Royal Meteorologtca', exhibition of febeme, 923; Swansea birth-rate, 913; St. Medicine prepared especially for Students, dummvas a lightning sat uck man, 6c6 Mellon's Council, 913; Jubilee Nuise*' insti- Jev, 79 Russian Red Crosp, xI20 tute. Cardiff and Iiistiict Branch, 23; water George. prescribing and dispensing in -_ -seameu's Hospital, uEveiliDg a new supply of Lamphey, Pembrokeshile, 914; medical prac¢lce. X126 tablet over the Trinity House Bed, 375 Cardiff and vestry powers, 9T4; annual report Mitchell, difficulties met with In the Surgical, International, date of meeting, for Merthyr, Ic67; health oiLlantarnam. ic68 diagnosis of malignant disease of the liver, 1282 Porthcawl Meteorological Station. 20o8; Uni- 21; case of cancerous disease of the stomach, - - for the Study of D'sease in Children, versity College, Cardiff, Ic68; Llandrindod 928 rTeaz BRmvsH 3 JUNE 24, 1905]1 INDEX. L:uIEDIcAL------JOURNAL 3

- Stevenson, Edgar, exostosis of the orbit, 478 Surgical treatment of ulcer of stomach and its Ta3 lor,Ee-mour, acromegaly in a woman of 28, onert Louts, note on, 622 complications (B. G. A. Moynihan), 753 t85 Steward, F. J., hydronephrosis due to movable -tuberculosis, fresh air treatmtnut of, 491 -- S Johnson, case of pulsating exoph- kidney, 884 Buspeaded respiratiou under chloroforn (Ht. 1C46 thalmroe,- Stewart, G. C, hernia of the umbilical cord, Norman Barnett) I t8r W. I., case of trypanostmiasis. 248 247 Sussex, East, and the Midwives Act, 5o6. 565, 12I8 Tayloi'd Principles and Practice of Medical -- Isla (part author), Practial Nursing, - West. and the Midwives Act, itl8 Jurisprudence, rev., 1C47 rev., 779 Sutcliffe, W. Greenwood, surgical anatoiny snd Tea as maedicine, 8°3 - - Parres, narcolepsy and hysterical operative treatment ot tuberculous glands of Teacher. Jobn i,case of inultiplccarcinoma of blindness, 476 neck, 2031 intestine, ig9 Robers William Glennan, awarded Butherland, G. A., lobar pneumonia In child- Teachivg in London, preliminary and scientific, Gilbert Blane medal, 632 reD, 479 490 Sto3kport, water supply of, 283; Union, lunacy Suttom,Wt., Christian Science, 1360 Tee Han Kee, C(hinese medicine. 1t21 cases in, 339 Suturing with a hypodermic needle, 8c8 Teeth of school chuldeen, 455 Stoddart, W. H. B., recognition and treatment Swaffield, Walter, teaching of practical mid- Telegony. inote on, 80o of mental disorders in private practice, 1333 wifery, 746 Telephor C3 aud tubslculosis, 1055 Stoeltzner, Wilhelm, note On, 140 Swansea, cancer at, 5io; report of port saniry Temrerament, 113a btoker, George, an Army Medical Reserve, 47 authority, 798; asyJulum scheme, 913; birth- Temperance ariahi glene, leaching of in schools, - Sir Tnornlej, cleft palate, 1274, I373 rate, 923; town remuse, 1223 conferencenn 735 Stokes, Hi. El., calcium chloride in haruorrnage, Sweating aLd flushing on eating, localizeJ L-eagtie, the National, alcohol and 183 (Parkes Webei) 249 commercial efficienicy, C5s Stokoe, Edith B., professional training a century Switzerland, menical students in, 256 Temperatuires, normal, 1112 ago, III9 Sydenhaimi, Dr., -ase of sarcoma of cranial Tenby, repor-t of medieal offlcer of bealth, 447 Stomach, cancer of (W. Mitchell Stevens), 928; bones, 304 Teneriffe, climate of, 456 operations for, 261 Sydney, bpecial correspondence from, 447, IT22. Terrien, F, mvphilisdel'Oeil et de sesAunexes, - chronic ulcer of, with perforation (Dr. 2401; bubonic plague in, 447, 1I22, 1402I; decrease rev, r96; sc)polamiLeas a general anaesthetic Short), 304 in the death-rate, 447; a jutw Coroners Act, 447; in surSery. 445 examination of by x rays and tube women doctors and the general hosDitals. 447; Terrier, M., on t.heuise of scopolamine, 853 filled with subnitrate of bismuth (Norman tlle new Deotal IJospital, 447* vital Te4ttuibe forpollring, a couvenient, 483 Dalton and A. D. Reid). 720 of the miietropolis for 1904, 1I222 healtl of Tetaniform c)LvUlzions (A. Fells and W. C. functions, chemical diagnosis of, 1350 school children, 2222; adRitions to Glades- Rental.), 1230 hour-glass, contractiou of: gas ro- ville Asylum, 2122; preservatives in food3, Tceanus sue.64sfully treated wifli antitoxin (W. enterostomosis antecolica inferior (Edward 1401; vital btfatistic?, 14031; Queen Vict-oria 8 CamptDh1 ) 183: witli anticetanus serum Harrison), 473 Hiomes for Contumptives, 2402; HOspital (James sillel), 1269 - operative interference in diseases of Haturdav. 1401 neonaturum In Cuba, 1343 the, 48 S3kes, William. negro immunity from malaria Tetany and gastric dilatation (Andrew Trimble) surgical treatment of ulcer of, and of and yellow fever, 389: Pei cival Pott on Mrs. 8a5, 985 its complications (B. G. A. Moynihan) 7;3 Mapp, the boneseLter, and on bonesetters Thackeray, Frederick, note on Astley Cooper, Stone, verylarge, suprapublelithotomy, recovery generally, 2361 437 (C. R. Pike), 20 Symington, rrofessor J., appointed exalliner TliaJamus, oathe (4ustav ManD), 289 Storar, W. M., method in drug prescribing, 824 for ludian Medical Service, 738 ¶lhames, damnitiug th?, 854 Straaten, J. L. Van der, obituary notice ot. 1303 Symonde, C., ununited fracture of tibia and estu try, saniitation of. 1245 Strachan, Hlenry, alleged negro immunity to fibuha, 99I Thermal deathi point of micro-organisms, 453 malaria, 625 Symphysiotomy, fi-st proposed. 9go Thiibet rnissiou, imiedal forthe, 392, Q99 Straits Settleinents, medical practice in, 1240 with vesical calculus, case of Thiele, F. H., osleoplastic carcinoma in bone, Strapping and rubber plasters, irritation pi o- (H. T. Palmer), i8 773 duced by, note on, iII Synovitis, tuberculous, treated by Roentgen Thrersch graf ing from thle rabbit (Lachlan Stratton St. Margarets, sewage scheme for, 129I rays (Alex. Gregor), 184 Fraser), 5 4 Street accidents in London, 89g Syphilis, the etiology of, 84 Thimm, ;aptain A., Duneh lSelf-taught, with Streptococcal pachymeningitis (Sir Dyce Duck- hereditary, case of (Mr. Luca.'), 533: PhoL eticPronunc ation, Vocabularies, Gram - worth and C. M. Hinds Howell), 721 prophylaxis of (Profe3sor Pinard), 1288 mar,Idioxmiatic Plhrases, etc .rev., 420 Strickland, Major, progressivemuscularatrophy, -- ot the luDgs, case of (Douglas oanley), Thomas, H. Wolferstan, some experiments in the of tr7 p)auototliasis, I140 717 533 trcatmeDt ks on Striae, an ancient, 433 L- ~ microbiological reeearch on (Roux -- J. Lynn. reainiz complete prostat- Strychnine poisoning in a child, acute (John R. and Metclinikoff), 2178 on fifteen cases. 1033 ectony fonao'1d in anaes- Pooler), 767, 915; note on, 864, 1024 prevalence and prevention of, 97; a L Kirkby, thle corneal reflex and mercury poisoning, 617 correction, 327 thesia, 88o Stuart, Hackworth, treatmeot of aefecrive sense or scabtes, 2289 -- II. btanley, case of malignant pustule, organs in elementary sellool children, 914 significance of scars of the genital i3 Stuclents, training of, to be general prac- region in the retrospectire diagnosis of -- illiam, note on pateltar flexion-dis- titioners, 103 (Arthur Coope-), 230 1alaion, 814 Stuttgart, caucer statistics in, I159 spirochiaetae ia (E. J. McWeeney), Thompson, W. H , renal activity during anaes- Style in medical writings, 1341 1262; M. Levadili, 22ci6 thosia, 649 styptol, note on, 32 tertiary, note on. 340 - WV. J, polsoning by carbon mon- Styracol, note OD, 312 transmission of to non-anthropoid oxide, 943 Subdural abscess. See Abscees monkeys, 5os Thorysen's disease, four cases of (Dr. Dresch- Substitute, the duties of a, 16, 280, 393, 695 --- at the Cape, 228 feld , 943 sugar, place of, iu the dietary of healsL1 aud dis- Byphilitic destrustion of rose treated by plastic Thomuson, Alexis, extroversion of the bladder, ease 1C44 (William Ewart), 187 operation (ranes BerryN), 273 - E. fatal case of acute mercurial - D. G. Pearce, obituary notire of, 225 Sugden, Scott, general paralysis (erufessor Fournier), - poisoning, 767 566 Eric K., obituary notice of, 107 Suicide, imitative, 203 -6lesions. a new spirochaete in, i26t - H. tiyalop, treatment of haemoptysis, Dr. case of IC3 694 Sullivan, (Kingston, Canada), resignation of, ophthalmoplegid, (oouRla factors in 437 Stanley), 534 J S. (Major), plague inci Sulphuretted hydrogen waters, gt6 necrosis of skull, case of (T. Hutchin- dence, 717 Supersession, tne ethics of, 49, 105, z65, 393, 1308, son, jall.), 249 _ - obert Stevenson, obituiry notice of, 1365, 14C9 - ~ -nepliritis, case of (Dr. Emanuel), 53.3 452 SUPPLEM&NT to the BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL, StClair. treatment of postDasal notes on, 27, 202, 264, 371, 430, 494, 549, 614, 6739 adenoids, 27). 624; opening of peritonsillar 787, 845, 1004, I058, 1112, 1I64, 1290, 1343 T. abscesses. 645 Supply u! appliances, 975 -iei-illiim. opetative methods, new Surface markiDg of the chest (J. L. Rentoul), Tabes, the pains of (Sir William R. Gowers), I and old, in. of the 63, tutnerulosii aknee-joint,,serious 184 note on (R. W. Leftwicb), 472 Takamine, Dr., and the Mikado, iror 319: Irisli dispeneary doctors, indis- Surgeon-ini-Chief of the L3rande Armde, 37 Talbot, Eu*tace, death of, 224.; obituary notice cret iin, 447 SSurgeon Dentist"( Limited), iDnj anction against of, 2362 Thoraoic uuct, spread of canicer by (Nathan a, 436 Tallerwnan Institute, notice of change of address, Raw, 1380 Surgeon's ivido.w. a, 636 1390 7horntou, John, Elementary Practical Physio- Surgeons the Royal Navy, 1171 Talma-Morison operation for ascites, 915 Jogy, rev., 360 Sargery at a public-noUse, 571 Tandan, R K., surgical treatment of lydrocele Thomowgood, John C., exercise and open-air a in tunica 882 treatnment ot icgo surgery, abiominal. surprse 89 of vaginalis, aeute phthisis. of the a:imentary canal, paper on Targett. J. , tysterectomy for concealed acci- Throat, seoti( sore, 516 (John Campbell), 305 dental haernorahage. 826 "Throw Phvsic to tile Dogs,' 752 --of gastric tumours, 2(i Tarni3r, Professor, unveiling of monument to, Thurnam, Row?and, iesulis or tour years sana- -Japanese, military, 444 toritim wo, k in tlhe treatment of phthisis, 65 moderD, 1312 Ta35e, inversion of. 116 Thyroid. accessory (E P. Patot), 357 -nitro-glycerine in the practice of Taube, Flaidlein Elise, first woman M D. of Thbyoti-Ike structures in ovaiian cysts (R. 16 Hamilton Bell). 1332 (Frank Elvy), Berlin, I1c4 cancer M. -notices, 2022 Taylor, Albeit, the Sanitary Inspector's Hand- Thyrotomv for eudolaryngeal (W. --of pancreatic tumours, 955 book, rev.. i m5o Killen), 82; n--in Paris, 124t --F., milkyascites in which the opales- Tibia, oblique fracture of (Edward H. Bennett), --ureteral, ca3es of (reported by E. cence was not due to fat, 2273 6oo -- Frank case of Tichborne, Robert Clarke, o ituary Deanesly) 651 E., wandering spleen 2020Charles Surgic l1 aspeuG of biliary calculi (E. Stanmore formiDg pelvic tumour, 353 notice Of, J. Hill bisthOp), 3:7 Fredcrick, A Manual of the Practice of Tick bite, iilness following (Chas. -- Anatomy, textbooks in, 1412 Medicine, 1CV.. 73 Aitken), 412 - -- 1250 fever mode of infection bag anew,662 George Stamp, obituary notice of, (buman), of iD,elemen-280 operations, the exhibition of, 86 James, miyasthenia gravis, 517 Tidswell, L. El., medtcal inspection sponge. 0og9 Robert W, Practical Treatise on Genito- tary schools, 47 -technique, some minor points of urinary and Venereal Diseases and Syphilis, Tirard, Dr., clinical observations on some new (Edward Deauesly), 227L rev, 8z8 remedies, 21, 194 -1 UN E 32..TI hmtrr. INDEX. [J 24,-1905.24, 1905-

Title, a new, 52 Tuberculosis, channels of infection in, 899 cele of (E. A. Gaynes-Doyle), 254; (R. K. Tan- Tobacco amblyopia, 33; (Mr. Wray), 478 in childhood (leading article), f93; dan), 882 Todmorden, its water scheme and its cost, 744 W. P. S. Branson, 1273 Turkey. medical practice in, 1221; medical Toldt, Carl, An Atlas of Human Anatomy, rev., and contagion, 449 schools, I2221; medical administration, I1222; 0553 diazo reaction in (Charles W. Public Health Council, 1222; InterDational Tomlinson, Lieutenant-Colonel Edward Den- Budden), 984 Board of FHealth, 1222; unqualified practice, ham, obituary notice of, 573 evolution in (Professor Leith). 2382 1222; professional earninge, I2222; medical Tongue, cancer of (leading article), 323 genital, in gynaecology, xIc6 associations, 1222 removal ot contents of anterior triangle Henry Phipps, institute for, first Turnbull, A., late results of amputation of both of neck in malignant disease of (Henry T. annual report, goo legs, I2269 Butlin), 285 human and bovine, 34, 1401 Turner, George A., shinberi-beri. 712 -and the industxlal classes, 1012 G. Clinical Lectures on Appendicitis, -tile, 2207 R., Torsion of the sperinatic cord, recurring (Mr. influence of rainy winds soil', Radical Cure of Inguinal Hernia and Perfo- Dowden), 305 poverty and general death-rate upon in Exeter, rating Gastric U]cer, rev., I384 - Of tlhe uterus. axial, 324 1892-1901 (William Gordon), 62 ;correspondence H. Stanley, Christian mcience, Ioi8, 1249 Totland, sanitary state of, 2292 01, 263, 221 - T., sloughing of intussuscepted gut, Touting for international congress of, pro- spontaneous recovery, 246 practIce, 859, TIj.I5 W Trachoma in Italy, ici8 gramme of next meeting. 43, II67 w., primary sore on eyelid of a child, 476 - and venereal diseases, prize essay on, iodoform infusion in treatment of oW.A.. influence of stigmata of degene- 1297 (Thomas W. vewar), 65 ration onthe prognosis of epilepsy,356 Trade winds, note on, 284 of the kidney, surgical notes on Turrell, Dr., case of chloroform poisounig, 656 Traill, A.. elected honorary Fellow, Royal Col- (Howard A Kelly). 23I9 Turton. Edward, clinical methods of enume- lege of Physicians of Ireland, Io6i of the knee-joint, operative rating leucocytes, 410 Training ship, a new Poor-law, 948 methods-new and old-in (Sir William --Fletcher, T., on insanitary dwellings Tramps at medical Thomson), 68; corresponjdence on, 221. 319 and 912 workhouse, inspection of, rehousingtheHunteriandispossessed, 2309 --aand mortality in childhood, 72 Tweedy, John, the Oration, 342 Transfusion apparatus, a, 25 mouth-breathing as a (ommon Twins, note OD, 630 Tr ansillumination of the antrum of Highmore antecedent to (W. C Rivers), 94r Typhoid bacillus, vitality of in shellfish, 6iI, 885 (A. Brown Kelly), 65o notification Of, 394 - fever. See Fever, enteric Transvaal burgher camps, note on, 623 open-air treatment of and exercise Typhus fever. See Fever - medical practice in. 1232 (John C. Thorowgood), IO90; correspondence Typography, ethic.s of, 1132 Transverse On, 2358 a Treatise on Disease presentation, spontaneous evolution OD, 1358 Tyson, James, Bright's of a (A Fells and W. C. Bentall). 75 open-air treatment of in Scotland and Diabetes, rev., 540 Traumatic defects of the skull, closure of years ago, 60o: note on, I359 (Charles Leedham-Green), 8ig opsonic index, variations in cases - - hysteria-, 2355 U. spinal mneuiugitis (M. B. Pinchard), pirevention of. 32, 8I, 215, 266, 507, --- of fever in 823 737, 793, 848, 849, 1119, I339, 2400; inAnisralia, 850; Uganda., cases spirillum (.nubrey Traumatism and tubercle, relationship between, iu Brazil, 849; in )enmark, 32: in Glasgow, 266, D. P. Hodges and Philip H. Ross), 7I3 ; note on, 445 II73 ; in Ireland, 848, 904 ; in Liverpool, 9I2: in E64 Treuiatode, a new, (leading article On), 27 8chools. 440, 503; in SpaiD, 2346; in the Unjited Uhlenhuth, Dr., Das Biologische Verfahren zur Treves, Sir Frederick, prospects and vicissitudes States, Si, 564 849, 921, 2339, 2400 : at Ventnor, Erkennung und Unterscheidung von Men- ot appendicitis after operation, 457, 474, 55, Io66; in the West Indies, 849; in Westmorland, schen und Tierblut, rev., 1385 595; invested with the insignia of a Knight 507 Ulcer, duodenal. perforated (H. S. Clogg), "ig Grand Cross of the Royal Victorian Order. - pr mary pharyDgeal, 75 z of epiglottis (R. S. Peart), 534 sin awarded Fethergillian Prize of Medical - pharyngeal, case of (Arthur G. gastric (Mr. (.unn), i89 Society of London, 732 Wilkins), II47 J!astric, perforated, operative treatment Tribe, R. H., recurrent vomiting in children, - pulmonary, prognosis of (R. J. M. of (Alfred A. Young), 250; case of (J. P. Rough- 347 Buchanan), 886 ton), 533 Trichromic ViSion, 787 - and the Local Government Board perforated, in a child, aged 7(John Paton), Trim-ble, Andrew, tetany and gastric dilatation, for Scotland, I293 825, 986 question, the. 969 rodent, case of (Mr. Barnes), 304 medical raw meat in (Dr. Goodehild). 1I48 of the stomach, with perforation Triaidad, expenditure in, IIO; preven- chronic, G. A. tion of consumption in, 849; climate of, II87 ---___ research in (iermany. 241, 217 (Dr. Short), 304; surgicaltreatment of (IS. Triplets, 2381 v - sanatoritum treatment of, is it MoyDihan). 753 Triumphant antivaccination, 370 worthwhile?< note on, 1073; (W. B. Ransom). 59; Ulcerative and membranous colitis, value of Tropical diseases, exhibition of, fo6 (William S. Paget-Tomlinson), 1266: William vermiform appendix in treatment of (J. Hut- Medicine, American Society of, second Robinson, 1268; Alexander Don, 2405; results chinson, jun.), 2039 amlual meeting, 892 of four years' work in the treatment of (Row- Ulcers, corneal, quinine in treatment of (Arnold Liverpool School of, return of land Irhurnam and Charles E. %heeler), 65; Lawson), 250 (Charles G. Lee), 451 the Thirteenth Expedition: progress of sanita- correspondence on, i6x, 222, 390, 448. 512, 569, - scrotulous, of the legs, succeFsfully tion on the West Coast, 272; note on, 330; ap- too, 916; results of sana orium treatment or, treated by high-frequency currents (W. F. pointment of lecturer in economic entomology 261; A.ational Sanatorium for, annual meeting, Somerville), 244 and parasitology, 6c6 report on expedition to Umbilical cord, hernia of (G. C. Stewart), 247 seerra Leone, 728; appointment of an entomo- 2- -- sanatoriums, municipal and paro- Uncertified deaths, io06 logist as lecturer, 744; expedition to Amazon chial, for, 9I2 Underfed children. See Children river, 902 South Africa in early cases'of, zIl Urion cases, quarterly return of visits paid to, London School of, pass list, surgical. fresh-air treatment of, 49I 394 o9, 973; appointments to new chairs of hel- and telephones. 1055 Union. Bradford and West Riding Medico- minthology and protozoology at, 204; festival treatment of, modern (T. H. J. E. Ethical, and the Association, 1107 banquet, 731, article Hughes), 813 Defence. meeting. 957. 1o64: leading on, I105 Medical annual meet-1270 -ai ims of, 2205 88and tuberculin inoculation, treat- Midland Medical, fourth annual progress of (Ronald Ross), I56 ment of (T. Warren Brown), ioig ing, 368; election of officers, 368; annual - University of London and, 624 - See also Phthisis dinner, II04 wear, a fabric for, 25 Tuberculous cows, danger of milk:drawn from, - Bouth Stoneham, guardians of and their Trousseau, two autograph ietters of, 794 445 medical officer, 393 Troautbeek, Mdr., and medical witnesses, 223, 859; -- disease of the body ofthe uterus United States, prevention of enusumption in, 8I, coroner, 2364 (J. Bland-Sutton), 358 564, 849, 911, 1339; army medical reorganization Trude%u, E., Studies from ihe Saranac Labora- glands of neck, surgical anatomy in, 87; Pennsylvania Health Service,i 33; propor- tory for the Study of Tuberculosis, rev., 308 and operative treatment of (W. Greenwood tions of the sexes in, I40; Government conr.rol Truman, Charles Edwin, appointed dentist to Sutcliffe), I031 ; note on, ril8 of vaccine virus in, 246; National Red Cross the King's household, 2050 -- - meat, sale of, 26 Sociely, new charter, 248; mortality among on Trypanosomiasis in a European, note on a new -monkey as a pet (F. W. Smith). 472 medical practitioners in, I98; note the case of, 39 patients, labour union colony for, Surgeon-General's library at WashiDgtoD, 226; - case of (W. I. Taylor and John 845 cancer in, 264;c*ancerresearch in, 785 ; Ameri- Currie), 248 poor In London, care of, 905 can Public Health Association, thirt.y second experiments in the treatment synovitis treated by Roentgen annual meeting, 329; the hig'her education of of (E. Wolf erstan Thomas), 140 rays (Alex. Gregor), I84 women and race suicide, 319; quacks in, 374, in dromedaries, goo Tube-uterine gestation, criminal abortion, 432, 836; treatment of inebriates in New York, - human, Ir65 death, 835 124, 434; lepers in, 444, 6r9; expert testimony. Tubal pregnancy, the possibilities of, 320; re- Tuke, Sir John Batty, elected President Neuro- 528; New York bureau of healtb, 633; aboli- peated 1332 logical Society of Great Britain and Ireland, tion of the coroner in New York. cerebro- (Alban l)oran), 666; anti- Tubby, A. M., muscle graning for paralysis of 93; treatment of incipient insanity, 50I ; Re- spinal meningitis in New York. 7X6; left upper extremity, 476: Metropolitan Con- ports from the Laboratory of the Roval Col- cigarette legislation, 724, 780; antivivisection valescent Homes Association, 623 lege of Physicians, Edinburgh, rev, 2385 iD, 724; drunkenness and marriage in, 733; Tubercle, decline of and the increase of cancer, Tuiiuour, calcified, in Douglas's pouch (A. H. N. compulsory vaccination in, 836; regulation of 6.29 Lewers), 826 football in, 844; medical legislation in, 862: -and traumatism, relationship between, - cerebral (Mr. Cholmeley), 2270 new pharmaeopoeia, 2290; tuberculosis camps 443 intracranial. case simulating (T. R. in, 2389 Tuberculin, note on, 82; as a curative agent, Glynn and E. E. GlYno), 871 Universities of Glasgow and Aberdeen, parlia- 2302 of the optic nerve, primary intra- mentary representation of, 240, 265 inoculation, treatment of (P. Warren dural (H. Percy Bennett), 1041 -__-_ of Scotland, Carnegie trust for, grown), 0o8g -- pelvic. formiied by wandering spleen 497; proposed three-term system at, 1387 Tuberculosis, adaptation and (J. G. Adami), 2233 (Frank E. Taylor), 358 --_ in Russia, note on, 436 breach of promise and, 976 of sigmoid simulated by interstitial University of Aberdeen, 675. 863; Lord Rector- campS, 2389 myositis (A Fells and W. C. Bentall), 75 ship of, 675 ; graduation ceremony, 863; pass -- of cerebrum and cerebellum with Tuinours, gastric, surgery of, 26I lists and cegrees, 863: award of prizes, 163 external pointing of one caseous mass (re- pancreatic, surgery of, 055 of Belgrade, note on, 835 ported by Charles Mackey), x86 Tunica vaginalis, surgical treatment of hydro- of Berlin, confers M.D. upon a ETas Baima JUNE 24, to00.] rnWYx IMuhSTcL Jouvaix 3

woman for the first time, II04; new Hygienic surgeons to Paris, 752 (see also Paris); Board Vaccination awards, 2410 institute for, T 122 of Studies, 751 ; St. Thomas's Hospital Medical antiquity of in India, 838 University of Berne, lady lecturer appointed School, award of prizes, 862; recognition of cert ficates of proficiency iD, 2409 at, 836 teachers, 917; advareed lectures in physio- compulsory in California, 9i6 - of Birmingham, 281; appointments, logy, 917 ; gift to the Institute of Medical and the conscientious objector, 708 281; Sir Thomas Browne, lecture on, 281 Sciecces Fund, 917; appoi tment to the exemption from, 674 of Cambridge, 224, 339, 395, 454, 515, Senate, 917: phybiological laboratory, 917 -Expenses Committee, report of,. 575, 665, 2023, 1074, 113T, 1250, 1306, 1365, 1407; ap- Bedford College for Womer, 917; presentation 6X5 ; in day, 2074 University London, Physio- fees, pointments, 224, 525, 1074. i306, z407 diploma College, - 555 tropical medicine and hygiene, 224; pass lists logical DepatmenDt, IC74, 1250 infecive (Dr. Cridland), 1272 and degrees, 224, 339, 454, 575, 665, 1023, 1131, 2250, University of Manchester, 102, 224, 28I, 339, 752, in Gloucestershire, 573 1365. 1407; lectureship in pathology, 339. 665; II85; public health laboratories at, 102; inspection of, 863 erratum, 305: representativememberof (Sirtoa opeDing of, 281: correspondence On, 334; introduction of Bill to amend the College appointed, 454; compulsory Greek, degrees in dentistry, 224; pass lists and law, 555 5I5, 575; permission to incept in surgery, 575; degrees, 339. 75I; appointmient of examiner, Local Government Board and, IC75 appointment of examiners, 1365; Marine Bio- 339; coming or age of the Women's Union. lottery, 576 Association, 2365 at Victoria University, marks, logical- 023; scholarships 744; - 2271, 2247 of Chicago and pure water, 368 inatriculation,- 2185 one-mark, 856, 915, 970, Ixoz6, 1C70, Columbia, 3210; Reprints of Studies of Oxford, '224, 28r, 339. 395, 525, I227, I358 published by Workers in Pathological Depart- 632, 862, 2023, 1074, 2231, 1250, 1365. 24:7; and Parliament, 6i8. 2272 ment 1903 4, rev., 310 the reader in patholOgy, 224; cuair of -- protective power of (H.J. Neilson), scholarships in natural 769.; (W. H. of Dublin, constitution of, ico; patholog5y, 281; - Paine), 2146 women graduates at, 0OIc, ic6o; honorary de- science, 281: pass lists and degrees, 339, value ot (E. Lynn-Jenkins), ggo grees, 2407 2023, 1074; Board of Faculty of Medicinp, -- and the puiblic services, 845 of Durham, 144, 339, 913,974, 1C74, 1365; 395; Beit Professorship of Colonial History, pupil teachers snd, 495, 846, 272 College of Medicine, ainner to past and pre- .st5; M.B. examinations, 515, 632; scholarships qualifying certificate in, 2075 sent students, r44; degrees of doctor in medi in natural science. 515; Kaceliffe travelling and small pox, 746, 573 cine and master in surgery, German versus Fellowship, 862; department of opthalmo- successful, 303, 439, 2050, 1282 Greek, 33); appointments of examiners, 339: IOby, It31; exanmination for degree of M.Ch., Vaccinator, public, alleged nieglect by, 394; new wing to college of Medicine, 913; entries 2250; honorary degrees, 2365: atural science privileges of, 630; and general practitioners, for professional examinations, 13 ; pass lists scholarships, 2365; examiner Jn preventive 1404; an assistant as. I420 arnd degrees. 073, 1074; Medicai Graduates' medicine and public health. 1365; detree by Vaceinators, public, strike of in Vienna, 1297 Association, 1365; annual report, I365; election decree, 1407; sppoiDtment of extnlniers. 1407 Vaccine, variola. new stock of, xx66 of officers, I366; dinner, 1366 of Rostock, appointment reserved - virus, Government control of in - of Ldinburgh,-5,I08, 804,86i, 1OTT,1074, for fema.les inW 845 America. 146 1292, 1365; pass lists andaegrees, Io8, 804, 862; re- --- of St. ALidrews, resolution to confer Vacher, Francis, The Food Inspector's Hand- upon, cent strictures 35; annual report for degrees, 575 book, rev., IC5o 1904,IC8; numbers of students, 208; numberof - ot SI]effield, 44, 840, 2151, I246 ; grants Vaginal cystocele, cure of (Hey Groves). 357 degrees conferred, Io8; Fellowships, etc, I08; by the West Ridirt g Ecducational Conmmittee hysterectomy in the puerperium for development and expansion of the University, tW. 44; note on, 840; description of, I251 sepsis due to suppuration of myoma, 78 ioS ; the Carnegie foundations, xo8; new lee- charter approved by the King, 2246 Vagitus uterinus, case of (E. Temple Smith), tureslhips, etc., xo8; personal changes, Io8; of Toronto, proposed siovernment 247 benefsctions, Ie8 additions to the library. grant to, 2354 Vagrants and lhe spread of small-pox, 1367 xo8; cataloguing the library, I08; structural -of Wales, Guild of Graduates, 218, Vaillant, Jacqties, successful herniotomy in a changes, 2C8: miscellaneous, 1o8; the Lord 275; meeting of couDcil, sio; note on, 623; womanaged 86, 412 Kectorship, 804; graduation cevemony, 863; annual extra-collegiale meeting of court, i280 Value of a practice, 336, 454, 695 representation in Parliament, Ioix Getneral Unqualified practice, laws against- in France, __ of a share, .50, 572 CouICil, IC74; announced retirement of Pro- 2196; in Germany, I201; in Austria, 2206; in Van de Straaten, J. L, obituary notice of, 2303 fessor A. R. Simpson, 1292; university court, HuDgary, 2208: in Italy, i2T0; in Spain,I212 ; Vanity Fair" cartoons,noteon, 546 1365 in PortugaJ, I214; in Belgium, 32t6; in k]ol- Variation in its relation to the origin of insanity - of Glasgow, 454, 804,958, xC74; hono- land. 2218 ; in Denmark, 1220: in Turkey.I2222; and allied neuroses, 265, 322 rary degrees, 454. 958; pass lists and degrees, in Bulgaria., 2223; in koumania, 1225; in Variceila, an unusual coimplication of (Carey 804,- 2074; graduation ceremony, 1074 Canada, in Cape Colony, 2230; in Aus- Coombs), 593 ~ 1229; of Ireland. Royal, 109, 339, 847, 1C74, tralia, 2233 Variola vacclne, new stcck of,Ix66 1306; pass lists and degrees, IOY, 2074, 2306; practitioners and school authori- Vegetarianism, practical, 844 appointment of examiner, 339; vacant senator- ties,I3C7 Venereal disea'e, medical attendance in, 5o: ship of, 847 Urata, Miss Tada, first doctor's degree on treatment of in the army,ixz6; prize essay, -- - Johns Hopkins, Professor Osler's woman by University of Marburg conferred OD, 2297 farewell address, 617; Professor Osler's suc- upon, 6c6 Venom, snake. See Snake -- cessor,9o2; medical facultyof, 2104 Ureter, steDosis of (Douglas Drew), 720; con- Venters, Isabel, case of death under chloroform of Leeds. 44.IO9,I65, 28I, 385, 575,632. striction of (K. W. Monsarrat), 2323 82i 8o0,Io68 ; grants by the West Kidiog Education Ureteral surgery. case3 of (reported by E. Ventilation oftlieRouse of Commons, 495 Committee to, 44; appointment of extern Deanesly), 654; polypus (E. Deanesly).I270 -- and child-rearing, leaflets on, zgsa examiners, 2o9; pathologicaldepartment,JOg Ureteric bougie (shadowgra.pli) in the precise Ventuor, prevention of consumption at. zf66 ceair of Materia Medica and Therapeutices iog; surgery ot renal calculus (E. Hurry Fenwick), Veratrin, prosecution for selliDg ointment con- the Professorship in Public Health, I65: 2325 tainiDg,102 scholarships for medical studenits,I65; annual UreLero-lithotomy for calculus (C. H. Fagge), Verniform appendix. See Appendix grant from the Education Committee, 251; Vernon Harcourtinhaler, discussion OD. 134 foundation fund, 282; Mosely Edunation Coin- ___249 ____-- extraperitoneal in a child Vesical calculus with symphysiotomy, case of dinnerof the, 385; appoint- (H. T. mi'sioD, 282; court (E. Betham Robinson),357 Palmer),- i8 enuts, 575; degrees, 632. 805; ad eundem Uric acid theory of gout.,I casons for abandon- - large, case of (W. K. Hatch), degrees, 632; honorary aegrees, 632; aims of, iDg (Chalmers WatsoD). 127 355 to68 Uriniary calculus forming rouund foreign bodv Victoria,Princess, operation on for appendic- ~ of~ Liverpool, 50, 454, 805; Vice-Chan- introduced into the blacider (Tina M.Blaikie), itis, 260 cellor's annual report, Viennia,antirabicinoculationsin, 5o; post-graduate 356 - X10 course, 454; generous endowment to the Urine,incontinen'e of (E, Deanesly), 2270 special correspondencelrom, 273,5'8, chemiiical laboratories. 744; pass lists and Urocitral, note on,8i 567. 967, 2197, 2356: openiug of a sana- degrees, 805; Vice-Chancellor's addrese, 8o5 Urotropine, sueceestul, in two cases of general ioriu-i' by the Austro-Hungarian Society of Londoo, 28I, 339, (N. F. I85 for the Relief of Chest 273; 50, 1O9, i65, 395, " paralysis Maceiardy), Diseases, 454, 520..614, 632, 751. 862, 917, 073, 1023, 1074, 113 1. Useless" in medicine, 1397 ihe abatement of the dust nuisance, 273; 1250,I365; pass lists anddegrees, 395, 75I, 1365; Uterilne fibroid, reniovec from apa.tient aged "lungs" for Vienna, 273' ifluenza, 273: meeting of Senate, 50, 395, 632, 917; recognition 20 (reported by Henry Russell Audrewb), 726, the Pasteur Institute, annual report, 273; of teachers, 50; regulaiions for M.D. degree, 826 ; and late marriage,9ot transmission of syphilisto non-anthropoid School of Medicine abdominal hysterectomy monkeys,508; street ambulance service. Eo8; _5; London Tropical pass fibromyomatas, and list, 209. 973; convocation, i65, 2023,I074; re- for (F. W. N. Haultain), 477 the medical profession the Goverupient, adjustniient ofmnedical classes at. King's Col- Uterus, absence of rudimentary condition of 5o3 ; the breathofconsumptives.50o: a total lege, 28x; repre'entation in Parliamiient, (it. H. Paramore), 302 abstinence studeDts' cluib, 5cg: statistics for, chair of Physiology at University College, axial torsion of the. 324 567; anew medical society, 567; the Workmen's 395; recognition of graduates of other univer- endothelioma of (H. C. Earl and Mr. Actfrom a medical pointof view, 567 ;cerebro- tities,395. 9I7; nintual recognition of certifi- MAaunsel]),I89 spinal meDingitisin,967protestagainstintru-; cates by the UnFiversities of Oxford. Cam- fibromyoma of, treatment of(J. Inglis sion of laymeninto medical practice, 967; hridge, and London, 305. 917; of Parsons). 656 Datients' written consent to operations, 967; appointmiient f from e Francis Galton Research Scholarship, 395;ap- undus. malignant disease of, treated by lead-potsoning water-pipes, 1297; strik pointmeuts, 395; King's College, appoint- x rays (Arthur J. Cleveland and Donald D. of public vaccinators,1297: new cancer in on ment of Lecturer in Public Htealth, 395; Day), 925 committee Vienna.I297 prize essayFs 454; of Phar- 233 trachoma and venereal diseases,1297; -University College, chair - a --involution of, after labour. Cereof -inaeology, 454; tiolme Professorship, 454: and ovaries, relation of malignant cretinism, 2356; a State institute forihe mani and medicil education, 5IO; and tropical disease to, 732 factureot Ferum,2356: a new pharmacologi- e, 632; report of Physiological sometric (AlfredJ.Smith), 477 calinstitutie. 356;healthh statistics, 1356 medicil 614. -ph5 fat condensed Laboratory Commnittee forI904, 63'; changes prolapse of, fatal complete (Barbour Vincent, Ralph, proportion of iu and external mik when in the regulations for internal Simpson). 237_ treatment 76 diluted,9,6 students in the Faculty of Medicine, 632; of, Vircbow. statue of, 1402 appointments, 632, 917; proposedinstitute of -retrovetrsion of(Lachlan Fraser), 534 Viscera, transposition of (Dr. Short), 304 intermediate studies, 727; election of Peter -_-_-utuherculotis disease of the body of Vieceroptosis.its symptoms and treatment Thompson as Professor of Anatomy, and (J. Bland-Sutton), 358 (HURh A. McCaltum ),345; noteon, 456 Arthur Dendy as Professorof ZoologY, 751: VLsual efficiency (G. A Berry),133I Medicine, senatorial V Vital statistics for and zgr4, Faculty of 751, 113-; as England W.ales election,75t;Institute of Medical Sciences, Vaccinated calves food,T248 226 751, 917; visit of British physicians and Vacination in America, compulsory, 836 presentaIionof,394 34 K'Z'D'INC'ALBRJ'OTU'sRVAtI INDEX. NE.[uNLrjUNE 24,4 1905-95

W. F. R., current theories of the here- Women, thehigher educaiion of and race suicide Vivisection, question on. House, 49S, 674, Weldon, 7339 903, 2223 ditary process, 44f, 505 in America, 329

Vocal mechanism, commonly factors Welliogborouglh, anthlrax at, 1123 -acute intraperitoneal haemorrhage in, (Major Z. Austin), 647 Wellington, R. k1enslowe, 1he Xerdict of "Sui- 553 cide whilst Temporarily Insane," a Legal CoLn- NV uu.en's Union, Manchester University, coming- Voice, pathogenesis prevention r of age singers (robson Horne), 648 tradiction, rev, 542 of. 623 Ambulance School Wells, Henry Martyn, notice of death of, 283 Women's work and infantile mortality, 30 Volunteer Instruction, Welsh NatioDal Library, note on, 377 Wood, D. J., detachment of retina, 250 2023, 2284 Werner. L, riog sarcoma, 1331 F. C, a sidelight on medical education. IC2- Challenge Shield, 2184, West Africa, health in, 223; sanitation in, - elected president Medico- 2282, 272 Outterson, -- Psychologicapl Associatlo3, the of m-redical practice in, 2238 2050 Corps, Manchester, opening of - Russ. new quarters, 206 Bromwich board guardians and their adenoids, 1382 Foree, future of the, 29 district medical officers, 227 alcolhol, poisoning by, 262 Medical - Indies, prevention of consumption in, 849 Woodheac, biwO, on alcoholism, gI Association, annual dinner, - -modilal practice in, 3240 Woodruff, Charles E, ' military midwifery," 14S

units, - Ridiau and the Midwives Act, zxi8 Woods, Robert. puruleDt collections, 825; treat- medical training of, 2003, 2073 Westcott, Martyn: Esperanto, 1407 ment of yurulent cavities, Io8o officer, resignation of, 630 Western medieine in China, 1053 - Thomas. obituary notice of, 207 -- training in April, 20C7 Council and the Woolacombe, water supply of, 2399 Volunteers, London Westminster City Midwives Act, Royal Army Corps, V. Paterson and Edwin of Word-blindness Companies, distribution prizes, 455; and x357 (J. South Webtmorland, prevention of cansumption in, Bramwell), I043 750 a various the encouraging the, 2205 507 Work of tios'ital, phases of (3ir- Royal Engineers, First London, 694 Wheeler, Charle' E results of four Years work Christopber Nixon), 238 uniform of regimental medical in tbe sanatorium treatment of pbthisis, 65 Workhouse, medical ijuspection of tramps at, offliers, 2408 -W. I. de C., plaster of paris spsiws, 73C9 6:o infirmary, allegations of Vomiting infants (Dr. Ashby), 77S of6neglect rash of Whitby, C. J., subcutaneous emphysema in a duty against officials of a, i66 petechial (Charles Gsake:1 Higginson), 354 cise of spasmaodic asthma.. 73 Working colonies for feeble-minded children, in 212o - recurrent, children (E. Batty Shawv White, Artlhur H., Poor-lav uedical service in and Workmen, education of and industrial poison- R.IH. Tribe), 347; (FrederickLangmead), 35o Ireland. 740 See set Charles, obituary notice of, 2128, 1184 ing, 323 iHs Ernest, pres'ntation to, 140 Workmiien's compensation, 336 Voyage Medicales, 948 - Faulder. treatment of common eardisease, Workshop, the temperature of, I10 with special reference to otectomy, 3 ; treat- Worth. Claud, the notation of prisms, 250 W ment of otitis media, 748 ; operation for catar- Wound, legal decision as to the damages to be' rhal deaLfness, recovery of hearing after ten paid lor sufferings caused by a, 158 Waldeyer, Pr3fessor. the neuran doct.rine, 1385 years of almost total deafnf si, 147 treatment, open metbods of, 9I5 Walker. C.. resemblance between the "cancer -- W. Hale, case of multiple disease of joinh Wray, Mr., treatment of tobacco ambiyopia, 478 body" normal constituents of the in a young child, 397; acute rheunmatoid Wright, George A., operative methods- old aLd cell gametogenic tissue, 2092 ; nature of arthritis, 598 new-in tuberculosis of the knee joiDt, 22t malignant growths, 1277 Whiteford, . Hamilton, perineorrhaphy for - Hamilton. Studies from. Institute for Jane, treatment of pulmonary tubercu- rectal incontinence, 88r Medical ReFeareh, Federated Malay Rta'es,. losis, 479 Whitehead, A. L., nasal disease as a cause of 'Vol. II, On the Clatsification and Pathology of J. P., hospital abuse and its remedies, 2406 headache, 179 Beri beri, rev , 602 Norman, An Introduction to Derma- Walter, elected member of court of James homer, awvarded Samuel D. Gross tology. rev., 320 goveraors of Manchester University, 218 prize. 507 -- T. J., acute ascending paralysis in cases WhitiDg. A. J., case of osteo-sarcoma of the Wrist, haemarthros of (R. Allan-Bennett), 594 cystitis, T34 shoulder of over fifty years' duration (reportel spontaneous subluxation of (reported bw Wallace, J., removal of the cancerous by Christopher Rolleston), -x A. Hodgkinso0n), 770 by abdominal route, 886 Whitlow. Sawuel. death of, 2364 Wye.tle waters of the, 330 Wallis, Edward, dental caries, 5.39 'Who'a Who" year book and the medical pro- Wylie, John, appointed Commissioner of Supply C., cause and treatment of pruritus fession, 48 for county of Ayr, I064 ani, IC29 Whooping-cough and measles, prevention of, Wynne-Davies. Dr., congenital defect of ab- Kenneth Serjeant, death of, 1073 2358 dominal wall and of the genito-urinary appa- Walsh, Surgeon-Major-General Thomas, obituary Wilcox, R. W., A Manual of Fever Nursiog, rev., ratus, 356 of, 391, 631 233 Handbook of Surgical Pathology, WIlder, W. Hi. (part author), The Relation of the X. rev., 602 Cervical Svmpathetic to the Eye, rev.. 296 Walters, F. Rufenacht, sanatorium treatment of Wilkin, Griffith C, national importance of phtllisis: is worth while ? 448 t iorough and syvtematic xemoval of adenoids Xanthoma and fatty necrosis of pancreas War, hospital ships for, 83 in childhood, 766 accompanyvDg diabetes mellitus (Sir Dyce- Office Wisdom, 864 Wilkt, Samuel. determination of arterial blood Duckwortli), 2274 Warfare, modern, the doetcr In, 1052 pressure in clinital practice, 967 - diabeticorum, case [of (Slr Dyce Warner, Henry, obituary notice of, 972 Williams, Chisholm, a disclaimer, 975 Duckwortb), 249 Percy, After twenty years, 526 -W. G., inguinal hernia, bandaging, -I-ray photographs of fractures and disloca- Waraing, a, 24T2 recovery. 2330 tione, 6!6 Warrington, B., compres3ion paraplegia, 307 -IW. Roger, increase of cancer and the X rays, sterilization by, t5o; examination of Warts, sessile, treatment of, 516, 576, Fo8 decrease of tubercle, 629 stomach by (Norman Dalton and A. D. Reid), Warw;ckshire and the Midwives act, i t t8 Williamson, Herbert, 'grape-like" sarcoma of 720: in treatment of malignant disease of the Washington, Surgeon-General's linrary at. note thle cervix uteri, 599 iundus uteri (Arthur J. Cleveland and Donald on, 226 R. T., bread sub3titutes for diabetic D. Tay), 925; and leukaemia (Byrom Bram- Wasted clinical material, 786 patients, 245 well), I043 ; in acne (Dr. Codd), 2272; in ring- Water pipes.lead poisoning by, 1297 Willis, J. C, A Manual and Dictionary of the worm (Dr. Codd), 127I ; in treatment of hairy of 1271 supply Aberportb, 79) Flowering Plants and Ferns, rev, 662 mole (Dr. Codd), of Abertillery Urban District, 447 -- J. U , private p3tients and club members, X rays. See Roentgen of Cork, io5I In0 rural Esiex, 974 Wills. J. P., sanatorium treatment of phthisie, Glamorgan 1354 is it worth while? 5X3; case of mesotan erup- Y. Lamphey, Pemiibrokeshire, 913 tion, 8li Lewis, xiI Wilson, A. C.. five cases of haemorrhage appa- Year Book of the British Medical Association for of Manchester, 44 rently due to arterial tension. 885 1905, 90 Manila, 817 - Alexander, treatment of accidents frcm Yearaley. Macleod, treatmnent of post-nasal - the Riviera, 45I chloroform, 943 adenoids, 694 -of Stockport, 283 - Allen, the cause of cancer, rc7c Yellow fever. See Fever of Woolacombe, 1339 -- Henry. obituarv notice of, 226 fogs. the chemiiistry of, r45 Watercress, dangers of, 784 _H. Douglis. radio activity of the Har- Yeomanry and volunteer meoical officers' Waters, X. S., 'the A. B. C. Instrument Check rogate sulphur waters, 1330 annual dinner, 1C73 Book, rev., 254 - Staeev, dermography, 65s; reverbera- -Imperial, recruits for, 694, 750 A. T. R. (of Liverpool), jubilee of, 690 tion in abdominal diagnosis, 655; the level Young, A. A., operative treatment of perforated Waterston, David (editor), Edinburgh stereo- of the diaphragm and the circulation, 65q gastric ulcer, 250 scopicAtlas of Anatomy, rev. 778 S. Wesley, Irish dispensary doctors, A. H.. elected president, Manchester Watson, Chalmers, reasons for abandoning the 524: Poor-law service of Ireland, 694 800to Ediaburgh University Club, 218 uric-acid theory of gout, 227 medical reform, 2226; the Irish College of - W. J, prolonged use of simple enemata, Watts, Jae. A., successful herniotomy in a man Surgeons. 2360 627 of 85, 283 Wiodward Islands, medical practice in, 1240 William Mussen, obituary notice of, 49 Weatherhead, E, case of thrombosis of deep M i it ley Sanatorium for Consumption, note on, Youth, physical ti aining of, 84 cerebral brains, 7og9 215 Weatherillmemorial at Leeds, ic68 Wise, C. H., appointed J.P. for county of Essex, Webb, Law, detection of carbon monoxide in the lC00 Z. blood, 1382 Witcheraft and beliefs of Ihe insane, 784 Weber, F. Parkes, note on senile symmetrical Withers, Percy. food poisoning and the co-- Zammit, Them., intermittent fever in Malta, atrophy of the skull, x29; localized flushing valescence ot influenza, I072; foreign body ii 7II and sweating on eating, 249; obliterative air passage. 2146 Zierler, von Fr. E, 1Bettrage zur Behandlurg arteritis, 762; case of ' splenomegalic" or Wolseloy, William Owen. obituaLry notiee of, 2353 putrider zahnwurzeln unter specleller Beruck- "myelopathiel" polyeythaemia with true Wolfe, John Reistberg, obituai y notice of, 49 sichtigung der Anwendung schwacher gal- plethora an d arterial hypertonia without Womb. See Uterus vanischer Str6me (Elektrosterilization), rev., cyanosts, 1043 Women doctors and the general hospitals, 447 540 Weeks, J E. (part author), The Relation of the graduates at Dublin University. dee Zilgein, Dr., Manuel Thdorique et Pratique des Cervical Sympathetic to the Eye, rev., 296 University Autopsies, rev., 482 TM BUnUK JuNEJ'UNIN 24, 1905-l'1905.1 ThDEXIFDEX TO THE ILLUSTRATIONS. [I gu.s3.=LICMTG" zovmx" 3.3S


PAGE PAGB' Fibroma of the lArynx and Neck, removed by External Operation (ase Showing Spirilla in Blood Simulating Malarial Fever ... 532 without Opening the Cavity of the Larynx (air Felix Semon) (Four Two of Seven Double Houses Built by the Asylum Authorities at Figures) ...... 6, 7, 8 9 Wilhelmseich ...... 559 Schistosoma Cattoi, a New Blood Fluke in Man (John Catto) (Nine iTomes of Two Patients at Kloster Neuendorf ...... 559 Figures-one p. It, and eight being a Supplement to the BRITISH Ground Plan of the Landesasyl at Jerichow ...... s6z MBDICAL JOURNAL of January 7th, Ipo5 Edward Atkinson ...... 631 VOsteo-sarcoma of the Shoulder of over Flity Years' Duration (under Opening of Peritonsdlar Abscesses (StClair Thomson) (Three the care of A. J. Whiting, reported by Christopher Rolleston) Figures) ...... 645, 646 (Three Figures) ...... I9 Pathogenesis and Prevention of Loss of Voice in Singers (Jobson iDeformity following Burns Corrected by Plastic Operation (W. H. Horne) (Five Figures) ...... 648, 649 Brown) (Three Iigures) ...... 20 Transillumination of the Antrum of Highmore (A. Brown Kelly) eterilizable Inhaler for Anaesthetic Mixtures ... 24 (Two Figures) 65o, and a Special Plate Facing ...... 652 ierepuce Clamp Forceps ...... 25 Forceps for Nose and Throat and for Opening Peritonsillar Abscess A Transfusion Apparatus ...... 25 (StClair lhomson) ...... 662 Pierre Franpots Percy ...... 37 New Obstetric or Surgical Bag (Two Figures) ...... 662 Effect of Salts of Potassium, Ammon{um and Bile Salts upon Blood Manuel Garcia ...... 68I Pressure (Arthur Edmunds) (Six Figures) ...... 58, 59 Obliterative Arteritis (E. Mchels and F. Parkes Weber) (Two Plate-washing Machine ... 8i Figures) ...... 762, 763 Chart showing Changes In Refraction after an Interval of Five Correct Anatomical Form of Bicycle Pedals (R. A. Lundie) (Five Years ...... 94 Figures) ...... 768 Treatment of Inveterate Pruritus Ani (Sir Charles Ball) (Three Protective Power of Vaccination ...... 769 Figures) ...... 114 Case of Spontaneous Luxation of Wrist...... 771 Operation for Appendicectomy (A. W. Mayo Robson) (seven Figures) Treatment of Empyema (J. Hogarth Pringle) (Tbree Figures) ... 8wo 117, ii8 Closure of Traumatic Defects of the Skull (Charles Leedham-Grcen) Operation of Gastro-duodenostomy, especially in Reference to (Two Figures) ...... 8o, 821 Finney's Operation of Gastro-pylo-duodenostoiliy (Donald Improved Form of Water Closet (Two Figures) ... 830 Armour) (Six Figures) ...... I 13,24 LDetermination of Arterial Blood Pressure in Clinical Pra¢tice (C. J. A Kidney which contained more than Forty Thousand Iridescent MartiD) (Nine Figures) ...... 865. 866, 867, 868, 869, 870 Calculi (J. Bland-Sutton) (Two Figures) ...... 125 Case of Aneurysm Opening from the First Part of the Thoracic Aorta The Infirmary or Central Asylum, Gheel IO...5 into the Pulmonary Artery (D. McNabb) ...... 883 A Street in Gheel, showing Class of House Inhabited by Patients ... z5z Etiology of Carcinoma (George T. Beatson) (Three Figures) 922, 924 Treatment of Post-nasal Adenoids (John Ward Cousins) (Two Points of Incidence compared in Cancer, Leucoderma, and Bclero- Figures) ...... z8a derma .(G. Lenthal Cheatle) (Special Plates with thirty-eight Crofter's Houses, Upper Sound, Shetland ...... 210 Figures) ...... Faciog 926 A Street in Balfron, showingClass of Rouse Inhabited by Patients... 211 Grafting of Completely-separated Skin Flaps in the Treatment of Home Inhabited by Patient at Lansival, Lierneux ...... 268 Contractures due to Cicatrices (Robert Kennedy) (Four Figures) 931 Home Inhabited by Two Patients at Odrimont, near Lierneux ... 269 Regeneration of Nerves (Basil Kilvinglon) (Nine Figures)...937. 938, 939, 940 The infirmary. Lierneux ... 269 Preliminary Note upon a Leucocytozoan of the Dog (Charles A. Removal of the Contents of the Anterior Triangle of the Neck in Bentley) (Two Figures) ...... c88 Cases of Malignant Disease of the Tongue (HIenry T'. Butlin) Sir John Siobald o. Puu...... F I09 (Four Figures) ...... 285, 286. 287, 288 Cause and Treatment oF Pruritus Ani (F. C.Wallace) (Three Figures) 1029 On the Thalamus (Gustav Mann) (Seventeen Figures) 2E9, 29C, 291, 292, 293 Surgical Anatomy and Operative Treatment of Tuberculous Glands A Patient's Home in Osmery, near Dun...... 32J of Neck (W. Greenwood Sutcliffe) (Four Figures) ... 03211033 Pavillon des Gateuses .... 324 New Ethyl-chloride Siphon ...... 1049 Patient's House in Osmery, with Sur;ei1lants (on left)andNour- Treatment of Purulent Cavities (Robert H. Woods) ...... iou8 ricier (on right) ...... 324 Remarks on Complete Prostatectomny founded on Fifteen Cases Fixation of the Symmetrical Resting Posture of the Trunk ... 3;.6 (J. Lynn Thomas) (Three Figures) ... 84 Luther Holden ...... 337 Total Eoucleation of the Prosta-te for Radical Cure of Enlargement2t84 Recurrent Vomiting in Children (H. Batty Shawr and R. H. Tribe) of that Organ (P. J. Freyer) (Five Figures) ...... o085, zo86, 1087 (Two Figures) ...... 348, 349 Surgical Sponge ...... 1099 Long-standing Constipation (Harry Grey) ...... 354 University of Sheffield ...... 115 r, x152, 1x53 Large Urinary CalculUs Forming Round Foreign Body introduced Spirochaetae in Syphilis (E. J. MeWeeney) ... 1263 into the Bladder (Tina M. Blaikie) ...... 356 Chloroform Mask ...... 1276 tsedroom of a Patient In St. Bonney, near Atnay...... a63 Nature of Malignant Growths (Professor Turner, J. E. S. Moore, Small Infirmary with Group of Patients at 8t. Bonney, near Ainay ... 364 and C. E. Walker) (Six Figures) ...... 1277 Patients with Nourriciers at Etang de Pirot, near the F6ret de James Murphy ...... 1301 TronVats, Ainay ...... 365 Cystic Tumour of Gall Bladder (Alban Doran) ...... 1318 The Intfrmary at Ainay-le-Ohateau ...... 365 Value of the Use of a Shadowgrauh Ureteric Bouoie in the Precise Home of Patients of First Class, Ve'dwijk ...... 433 Surgery of Renal Calculus (E. Hurry Fenwick) (Nine Figures)- House of Patients of Third Class, Veldwijk, 439 ...... 439 one p. 1325, and eight being a Supplement to the BRITISH Dr. Schaudinn's Work on Blood Parasites (Five Figures) ... 442, 443 MEDICAL JOUMNAL of June 17tll, I905 Namuel Hollingsworth Agar ...... 453 Multiple Needle-holder for Electrolysis ...... 1335 Operative Treatment of Certain Severe Cases of Indige3tion (W. Operation for Closure of Cleft Palate in Infants (Sir Thornley Stoker) Bruce Clarke) (Five Flgures) ...... 469,470,471 (Five Figures) ...... I374, 1375 Convenient Test Tube for Pouring ...... 493 Remarks on Cleft-Palate Operation-Wounds Healing by Second Patient's Home at Rockwinkel ...... 499 Intention (Edmund Owen) ...... 1376 Ground Plans of Homes in Rockwinkel ... 5co Observations on Dwarfism and Infantilism (William Calwell) (Three New Methods of Studying Affections of the Heart(James Mackenzie), Figures) ...... 1377, 1378 (Fifty-four Figures) Aseptic Blcck Dressing Tray ...... 1385 519, 520, 52r, 522, 587, 588, 589, 703, 704, 705, 760, 761 813, 814, 8zS Its nsant l Ummm o URS.' 3 s LI8IT- rn14 rJONIC 24 t1y.

3F0UW3DM:D X83Sl. Patron: HIS MAJESTY KING EDWARD VII, K.G., F.R.C.P., F.R.C.S. HONORARY IMEM3BERS. HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THIE PRINCE OF WALES, K.G. ABnVRDEEN, the Right Hon. the Earl of, P.C., G.C.M.G., HARCOURT, Professor Augustus G. Vernon, MA., F.R.S., Tarland Lodge, Aberdeenshire. Oxford. BILLINGS, Surg.-Gen. J. S., M.D., D.C.L., Washington, U.S.A. HINGSTON, Sir W. H., M.D., 88, Sherbrooke Street, Montrea. BRIGHr, Rev. James Franck, D.D., Oxford. KOCH, R., M.D., Berlin. CHAPMAN, E., D.L., M.P., Hill End, Mottram, Cheshire. LIEBREICH, 0., M.D., Belin. CLIFTON, R. B., M.A., Oxford. LONDONDERRY, The Right Hon. the Marquis of, London. DURANTE, Professor Frarc3sco, Rome. MITCHELL. S. Weir, M.D., Philadelphia, U.S.A. ECKHART, C., M.D., Giessen. MONRO, D. B., iM.A.,! D.C.L, Oxford. ESMARCH, F. von, M.D., Kiel. NEUMANN, S., M.D., Berlin. FoWKEM, Francis, Esq., London. STRATHCONA AND MOUNT ROYAL, The Right Hon. Lord, GORDON, Right Hon. Lord, London. G.C.M.G., Montreal. GRANT, S3ir J. A., M.D., Ottawa, Canada. STRONG, The Very Rev. Thomas Banks, D.D., Oxford. LIST Or OPVFICE3 s.ta51b PRESIDENT. WILLIAM COLLIER, M.A., M.D., F.R.C.P.Lonvd., Physician to the Radcliffe Infirmary, Oxford; and Litchfield Lecturer in Medicine, . PRESIDENT-ELECT. GEORGE COOPER FRANKLIN, L.R.C.P., F.R C S., Surgeon, Leicesterlnfirmary, Leicester. PAST-PRESIDENT. THOMAS DRUSLYN GRIFFITBS, M. D.Lond., D.Sc.Oxon.-, BM.R.C.S., Swansea.

VIOE-PRESiRENTS.0 4iwa A. T. H. WATERS, M.D., F.R.C.P., Liverpool. SIR GEORGE HARE PHILIPSON, M.D., D.C.L., F.R.C. P. C. G. WHEELHOUSE, LL.D., F.RC.S., Filey. Newcastle-upon-Tyne. SIR WILLOUGHBY WADE, M.D., F.R.C.P., Florence. JOHN WARD COUSINS, M.D., F.R.C.S., Portsmouth. WILLIAM THOMAS EDWARDS, M.D., F.R.C.S., Cardiff. HENRY BARNES, M.D., LL.D., F.R.S.E., Carliele. SIR B. WALTER FOSTER, M.D., LL.D., D.C.L., F.R.C.P., THOMAS GEORGE RODDICK, M.D., Montrea1. M.P., London. ROBERT SAUNDBY, M.D., LL.D., F.R.C.P., PrOFessor* CEIARL1{S N. MACNAMARA, F.R.C.S., Chorley Wood. Medicine in the University of Birmingham. Sm JOHN T. BANKS, K.C.B., M.D., F.R.C.P.I., Dublin. CHARLES PARSONS, M.D., Dover. SIR WILLIAM T. GAIRDNER, K.C.B., M.D., LL.D., F.R.S., WILLIAM Edinburgh. ALFRED ELLISTON, M.D., Ipawieb. GEORGE BAGOT FERGUSON, M.D., M.Ch.Oxon, THOMAS BRIDGWATER, M.B., LL.D., Uckfield. Cheltenham. F.R.C&., SIR CONSTANTINE HOLMAN, M.D., London. ANDREW CLARK, D.Sc.Oxon., F.R.C.S., London. JOHN ROBERTS THOMSON, M.D., F.R.C.P., Bourne- WALTER WHITEHEAD, F.RCQS.E., F.RS.E.,,Manche.ter mouth. THOMAS DRUSLYNGRIFFITHS, M.D.Lond.,.D.Sc.-OXov? HENRY TRENTHAM BUTLIN, D.C.L., F.R.C.S., London. M.R.C.S., Swansea. CHAIRMAN OF RIEPRESENTATIVE MEETINGS. SIR VICTOR HORSLEY, F.R.C S., F.R.S., Surgeon, University College Hospital; and Surgeon, National Hospital Sw the Paralysed and Epileptic, 25, Cavendish Square, London, W. CHAIRMAN OF COUNCIL. ANDREW CLARK, D.Sc.Oxon., F.R.C.S., Surgeon to, and Lecturer on the Principles and Practice of Surgery at, the Middlesex Hospital, 7I, Harley Street, London, W. TREASURER. EDWARD MARKHAM SKERRITT, M.D., F.R.C.P.Lond., Senior Physician to the Bristol General Hospital; Professor of Medicine, University College, Bristol. EDITOR. DAWSON WILLIAMS, M.D., F.R.C.P.Lond. GENERAL SECRETARY. GUY ELLISTON, 429, Strand, London. MEDICAL SECRETARY. J. SMITH WHITAKER, L.R.C.P.,FM.R.C.S. British Aoiation rinted and DrUashed b the Medical at their Offlc No. 4 Stran, in the Parish of S i rtn-lnithneFleldc, in the County of Middal a I380 o I= SPREAD OF CANCER BY THE THORACIC DUCT. [JUNE 24, 1903. estimate to a nicety the tension of the cervix, and so cause left eye, with some projection of the eyeball, and considerable headaehe, dilatation to proceed quickly or slowly as the occasion de- but no vomiting. He had in the last two months lost over 2 st. in mands. As dilatation progresees the replacement of one of weight, but had no active gastric symptoms. the blades removed will still allow -sluEcient room for the finger, until all the blades may be replaeed, there Condition on Admission. finally The patient is a strong muscular man, well nourished, but somewhat being still room to admit the finger between any of the blades. anaemic. No oedema or jaundice; pulse go, moderate tension, regular. I know of no other 8*bladed dilator on the market which will Heart and arteries show nothing abnormal. The lungs appear healthy, admit of one or more blades being removed or replaced with- and although it was thought that possibly there might be a primary out taking the whole instrument asunder. mediastinal. growth. in .the chest to account for the enlarged glands in 'Working upon past experience,.when a case comes under my the neck, the most careful examination failed to reveal it. There is a eare which for one reason or another requires induction of moderate distension- of the intestines which is uniform, .-and on deep. labour, and great haste is not -essential for the safety of the palpation over the splenic area there is some pain and a sense. of re- patient, I shall. if the os be small, dilate up to about No. i6 sistance. In the l9t supraclavicular region there is eonsiderable or 18 Kelly's dilators, inserting then into the uterus thTee of general swelling, redness and slight cedema, extending above the lobe the largest.bougies capable of passing through the 0s at the of the ear. No pain on deep pressure and no evidence of suppuration. same time, and tightly plugging the vagina with sterilized A diagnosis of lymphadenoma was made, and he was informed that gauze. operation was not advisable. , If this had not the desired effect in twenty-four hours I Progress of Case. would repeat the treatment, and as soon as the cervix was April 3oth. The patient has become generally weaker since admnisson,. partly taken us, if uterine contractions were not strong I he is losing weight, and the difficulty of -evacuating the,bowels con-- would use the Frommer to stimulate them, and allow Nature tinues, although no cause can-be-detected. Every system wascarefully to complete delivery If no-omplication arose later. Should examined, but nothing definite could be detected to.-acount for his. it happen-and so far I have been fortunate in its not occur- condition, excepting the growth of glands in his neck. April 20th. .A curious feature has developed in the case. ,He com- ring with me-that the membranes were accidentally rup- plained of pain in the left orbit with inability to read with the left eye. tured during manipulation with the dilator, then, and not In the course of a few days there has developed a marked proptosis. till then, would I be tempted to use the hydrostatic dilators with total loss of vision. The eyeball has the appearance of being to assist me in the induction of labour. forcibly pushed forwards by some intraorbital growth of very rapid* de- velopment. r- W April 22nd. The patient is rapidly going downhill, is drowsy,an& partially delirious. There is some more distension of the abdomen, THE SPREAD OF CANCER BY THE THORACIC but the bowels are acting regularly. He died to,day after beooming. comatose two hours-before death. DUCT. Necropsy. By NATHAN RAW, M.D., M.R.C.P.LOND., The examination was made twenty hours after death. The body was Physician, Mill R a I Infirmary, Liverpool. emaciated. Rigor mortis pronounced. On opening the abdomen threr was found a -general distension of the intestines with slight ascites. IN the BRITISH MEDICAL JOUIDN&L of April 1905, is All the organs were found healthy with the exception of the pancreas, 29th, pub- which was transformed into a large irregular cancerous mass involvingD lished an interesting and instructive case by Dr. Mitchell chiefly the body and tail, the head remaining comparatively free from Stevens of latent carcinoma of the stomach, spreading by growth. Several enlarged cancerous glands were found in the locality, means of an infected thoracic duct to the left side of the neck. of the pancreas, some very large and lhard, and compressing the.sptanier flexure of the colon, thus accounting for the difficulty of evacuating the It is one of the very few recorded cases of definite involve- bowels. The thoracic duct in this region was not examin-ed. Theret ment of the thoracic duct in cancer within the abdomen, and were no secondary growths in any of the viscera. On opening the ehest will greatly strengthen the view advocated by Toisier and the organs were found healthy with the exception of recent oedema of the lungs. The left side of the neck comprisingtall the triangles was. others that the thoracic duct plays an important part in the involved in an irregular cancerous growth, evidently originating in the- sprtad of cancer. deep part of the subolavian region. The thoraoic duct near its ter- I have often observed that malignant disease of the glands mination was found involved in the cancerous growth, and was greatly thickened and enlarged. Microscopically. the seetions of pancreas, of the neck occurs much more frequently on the left side than secondary glands in abdomen, and neck show a typical glandular- on tbe right, and I have frequently seen cases of apparently (scirrhous) carcinoma. primary cancer in these glands, in people of middle or old It is possible that .a more minute search in all caseswof age, without any evident focuR of infection such as cancer of abdominal cancer would point to the more common spread to toDgue, mouth, oesophagus, or tonsils. Although necropsies other viscera and lymphatic glands by means of the thoracie- hive been frequently made in such cases, I have never care- duct, and I intend in future to pursue this line of inquiry. fcally examined the thoracic duct, and it is possible that some In this case It is easy to understand the rapid enlargement. ttent cancer within the abdomen may account for these of the neck glands, but not so the secondary growth in .thc glindular infections through the thoracic duct. orbit, which was of the same. nature pathologically, and was- The writer of the case referred to was able to diagnose pressing forwards the eyeball without being in any ,way cincer of the stomach apparently from the appearance of attached to it. Another point of great clinical interest was enlarged glands in the lett supraclavicular region, and this the entire absence of symptoms which would point to involve- was confirmed post mortem. ment of the abdominal viseera. The wasting without obvious, In the case under my care recently I was not so fortunate, cause would of course suggest maligniant disease, but not. although in the light of my present knowledge I had ample until the swelling appeared in the neck was there anything groundsl tn -nspect such a condition. The following is a brief definiteon which to make a diagnnsis. I place on.reeordX account of it: this case in association with that of Dr. Mitchell Stevens in the BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL of April 20th, 1905, as I feel, Primary Carcinoma of the Pancreas, With Sccondary Infection of the Cervical certain that the question is of great importance in the, investi- Lymphatic Glands and Orbit. gation of the spread of cancer. A. H.. aged 46, a labourer, was admitted into Mill Road Infirmary, March 3oth, 1905, complaining of general weakness and a swelling in the left side of his neck of eight weeks' duration. History. MEMO RAND A I Has always been a healthy aud b:nperatet man, has had to work very hard all his life as a labourer at the docks, lifting very heavy MEDICAL, SURGICAL, -OBSTETRICAL, 1ERA- weights. No history of syphilis. For the last six months he has com- PATHOLOGICAL, ETo. plained of want of appetite, constipation, and increasing weakness, with PEUTICAL, a gradual and steady loss of flesh. He has never suffered from attacks of.pain or jaundice. He was treated by a medical man for anaemia, but DILATATION OF THE GALL BLADDER SIMULATINGC with no good result. Four months ago he noticed a great difficulty in OVARIAN CYST. moving his bowels. -Strong purgatives were required, but the stools were always large and well-formed; no blood. Two months before THE interesting clinical lecture by Mr. Alban Doran .under' admission a hard, inflamed swelling appeared on the left side of his the above heading (BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL, June I7Lh, aeck, extending upwards behind the ear and downwards to the claviele. P. I3I6) prompts me to add a brief record of the following ee Itwas very painful. At the same time he noticed loss of vision in the upon which 1 operated last year. MEMORANDA. [M simm 3 JUNE 24,--W. 1905.1--.# M [muvic& YoUUNA3Z

I saw the patient with Dr. Sawyer of Bradford. On the membrane being again intact and very strong. I brought day previous to my seeing her she was seized with acute down the foot after a most difficult manipulation to get clear of dominal pain, vomiting, and fever. A swelling in the the enormous quantity of membrane. The placenta came men of whiich she had been cognisant for many months away with, ease. It was an extmordinary size, weighing many into also become acutely tender. It had given rise to no sym- pounds. On examination I found it was divided ptoms previous to this attack. I found a large tender two distinct parts-one part with two cords and two separate on the right side of the abdomen. It extenced upwards membraneswas attached to the two male children; the other the pelvic brim, was oviform in shape and apparently cystic. part, smaller in size, complete in itself as regards cord and Below the umbilicus the swelling extended to the left membrane, belonged to the female child. mniddle line, forming a second rounded prominence like The father is 34 years of age. The mother 35 years. Sbe small cocoanut. There was a well-marked resonance has had four children in addition to the triplets, now aged- in the.upper limit of the tumour and the liver margin. The ab- respectively, lo, 79 5, and 3 years. She had a miscarrisge .domen was distended and there were the usual May, 1904. The parents and children are healthy. itis. The sudden onsetof typical symptoms, together The chief points of interest in the case are: (i) There was no presence of such a tumour, seemed to admit of no other previous evidence of multiple pregnancy. (2) the first child pretation than that of ovarian cyst with twisted pedicle. (male) was born at 2.30 p.m., without assistance; uterine con- opening the abdomen the following conditions were traction ceased immediately without haemorrhage ensuing. was 'The smaller prominence to the left of the middle line was Six. and a half hours afterwards the secondichild (male) cystic left ovary. It was almost gangrenous from twisting born alive also, with forceps, and half an hour later the third Each child the pedicle. The main mass of the tumour on the right side child (female) was born-alive also by turning. (3) was was a dilated gall bladder reaching to the pelvic brim. enclosed in a separate membrane. (4) Thb two male cords contained a little over a pint of purulent flnid, and large were attached to the same placental mass. The female cord upper and first child stone was impacted deep in the cystic duct. The placenta were completely separate. (5) The of the gall bladder was overlaid with distended (male) weighed 4 lb. 4 oz.; the second child (male) weighed 5 'The two tumours and the adjacent intestine were all lb.; and the third child (female) weighed 5lb. 2 OZ. with recent adhesions. An excellent recovery followed F. H. COLLINS, M.D., Manchester. Hulme removal of the ovarian tumour and the gall bladder with Consulting Physician, Dispemeary. cystic duct and its impacted stone. In;thiscase, although I recognizedthe symptoms of I pediele1 attributed them to thewrong tumour. I was the impression that the dilated;gall bladder was a ERYTHEMA SCARLATINIFORME AND GONORRHOEA. ovarian tumour, the pedicle of which had undergone (Communicated by the DIRECTOR-GENERAL, Medical Bradford. J. BASIL Department, Admiralty.) ERYTHEMA SCARLATINIFORME has been described in connexion with gonorrhoea, but, the occurrence of such an eruption A CASE OF SPONTANEOUS EVOLUTION. seems uncommon. Within recent months, however, have met two cases in which an closely resembling that VENTURE to think the following case may be of interest. eruption, of scarlatina, was present on the whole body, arms and thighs, waas called about 2.30p.m., on May 22nd, to see a woman and very slightly on the neck. It faded in from four to seven had been in labour since midnight. The patient days. In one of the cases the for which advice was following history: She had had three previous confinements, eruption, sought (the affection unnoticed or concealed), all of- which were over very quickly, and one miscarriage venereal being was so vividly characteristic ofecarlatina as almost to ieeven months between the second and third make' one discredit the had it not been for the absence of Labour pains were first felt on this occasion about midnight. diagnosis, any sore-throat, constitutional symptoms, and elevation oF and' had been gradually getting atronger. The water and previously, temperature, the presence of the gonorrhoeal discharges, broken nine days and had been running away ihe subsequent task of In these cases the intervals eversince. Movements of the child had desquamation. eruption, if with the at all, as appears up to about two hours before I saw her. The child connected gonorrhoea certain, must have been due to it, for no drugs had aearer being born than three hours before. directly been taken fifteen years IJpon inspection a hand was seen protruding the previous to its appearance. During in the Royal Navy, I do not recall having seen any more ,vagina, and on vaginal examination theshoulder was found cases. It would be of interest to learn whether, in the experi- be jammed tightly down, the head bent forwards on ence of others, such a exanthem is a more fre- sternum, the uterus contracting very strongly, thereby gonorrhoeal quent it imposeible to reach the legs. I found impossible, occurrenee. I W. H. S. M.D., F.R.C.S.E., neither raise nor move the child at ali, I STALKARTT, C.M., as ould Staffsurgeon. -therefore called in a fellow practitioner, and the patient was fully anaesthetized with chloroform, Further attempts enove the child were made, but these were unavailing, CEDAR- the patient A PARAFFIN FROM {ta the powerful action of the uterus, and so METHOD FOR FREEING allowed to recover from the effects of the anaesthetic. After WOUD OIL.

and the she had three very violent pains tissues in coming- round IN the use of cedar-wood oil for embedding paraffin dead, was at 4 p.m. The fetus, though and expelled it is a disadvantage that the oil is not volatile, size and weight, and this I think 'developped and of average retained in the rendering it unfit for further I- I paraffin, as believe it is generally stated in textbooks interest, have found that by the following simple method large part spontaneous evolutioncan only occur when the fetus small, of the paraffin can be recovered in a tolerably pure Denman, in his original Um- premature, and dead, although The contaminated paraffin is allowed to solidify at ofthe process, says: I believe, on the contrary, description perature. on of a of a It is then placed top pledget cotton-wool or but lately dead, that of the common size, living, incubator child in a suitable vessel and allowed to remain in the a as some degree of is such state to possess resilition, body temperature over-night. Next morning the for expulsion in this manner." et calculated be found saturated with a melted mixture containing gT Long ERNEST A. Cox, M.R.C.S., Buckby. deal of oil and little paraffin, while the solid mass paraffin above is fairly pure. This is removed and placed paraffin oven to filter, and the filtrate will be found quite. TRIPLETS. satisfactory for at least the first paraffin bath. WILLIAM MAIR, M.B., .As the birth of triplets is comparatively rare, a certain Belfast. Demonstrator in Pathology,queeu'sCollege, of interest is attached to the circumstance. On May. ith, tgo5, I was calledd to assist, one of the local midwives, found the patient, a; multipara, already in labour. SUSPENDED RESPIRATION UNDER child (male) wss born when I. arrived. On making a vaginal; CHLOROFOPRM. for removal mem- THE following at an examinalion, I found the head of another child and tbe episode operation seems worth I culous in a of 17 brane'ntact. Active utPTine contractions had ceased) cervical glands girl recording: The was chloroform, which she took badly 'delivered by means of the forceps. To my isurprise, anaesthetic first; under, respiration there was a third child, which presented head and right when, however, completely 1383 u"l 1ownl SCIENTIFIC PROCEEDINGS OF BRANOHES. ITJUNE 24j 19Q5. pulse were quiet and good, though the face was slightly and the mammalian still further because of that and other cyanosed. About twenty minutes after the operation began, reasons. Bacillary plasm was germ plasm and hence liable when the glands had been removed but the wound had not to be greatly and comparatively quickly influenced by been sutured, the pupils became widely dilated; otherwise environment. That though Koch's dictum that bovine and! there were no untoward symptoms. A few minutes later, human tubercle were entirely different was untrue at the without further warning, respiration ceased. Artificial present time, it was easy to see that in the process of time respiration was at once commenced, and at the same time further differentiation might follow, when it would become nitrate of amyl capsules were used and a hypodermic of really true. Some attention was paid to the difference of viru- strychnine administered. The pulse, which had become lence shown by different strains of human bacilli, but the facts very weak, slightly improved; respiration remained sus- at present at our disposal were too fragmentary to entitle us to pended. A second hypodermic of strychnine was given and form anything like the stable conclusions we were able to a cylinder of oxygen sent for. Before the latter arrived the draw in other branches of the study. A discussion took place radial pulse ceased to be perceptible, nor could the heart be on the paper, and a hearty vote of thanks was passed to Pro- heard. After administration of three bags of oxygen, artificial fessor Leith. respiration being kept up, the radial pulse could again be Detection of Carbon Monoxide in the Blood.-Dr. LAW WEBR- felt and feeble breathing efforts began. In about a quarter drew attention to the frequency of poisoning by illuminating of an hour the patient had completely recovered. gas and carbon monoxide. Often such caEes were followed by Two important points eeem to be emphasized by this case: legal proceedings to recover damages, and it had become- (i) That the anaesthetic should be at once suspended if the necessary to be prepared with reliable tests for CO when. pupils become widely dilated. (2) The value of oxygen in present in the blood in poisonous amount. After describing restoring respiration. I am firmly convinced, humanly the spectroscopic tests, he demonstrated Kunkel's very speaking, that the life would have been lost but for this simple colour test. As this requires only a pipette, two small asent, and it is amazing to note the number of deaths under test-tubes, and a 3 per cent. solution of tannin, it can be. chloroform which have been reported in which it has not readily applied by practitioners, who will find it described in. been used. Dixon and Mann's Fb'oren8ic Medicine. Belfast. H. NoxRrxN BARNETT, F.R.C.S. Adenoids.-Mr. RUss WOOD read a short paper on adenoids, and dwelt upon the most important points in the etiology and treatment of the condition. He emphasized the fact that the operation must be done early, and that when freely removed recurrence was a rare event. In analysing 50Q cases Mr. Wood inclined to the use of nitrous oxide as as anaesthetic which he had found safe and sufficient; he CLINICAL AND SCIENTIFIC PROCEEDINGS. always operated with the head well over the end of the table, The after-treatment was important-local and general-and: SHROPSH[RE AND MID-WALES BRANCH. patients must be systematically taught nasal breathing. Shrewsbury, M1ay 13th, 1905. EDWARD CURETON, M.D., President, in the Chair. BATH AND BRISTOL BRANCIR.-The seventh ordinary meeting Case.-Mr. Ituss WOOD showed a boy who had been under was held at University College, Bristol, on May 31st, Mr. R. H.J. observation for some time suffering from paralysis of the SCOTT, in the chair.-Dr. WALTER C. SWAYNE showed the fol- sixth and seventh nerves. lowing specimens: Chorion-epithelioma, fibroids removed by Evolution in Tuberculosis.-Professor LEITH, of the Birming- myomectomy during pregnancy, carcinoma of the cervix uteri, ham University, read a paper on evolation in tuberculosis. and dermoid cyst removed simultaneously by the abdominal In thanking the Branch for the honour done him in asking route, and an ovarian cyst.-Dr. J. ODERY SYMEs exhibited a him to read a paper before it, he explained how he thought that preparation showing granular degeneration of erythrocytes the present was a favourable time to review the evidence from a case of chronic lead poisoning, and a preparation, which had gradually accumulated of late years, which went showing trypanosomes in rat's blood obtained by inocu- far to establish the biological position of the tubercle bacillus lation.-Dr. CARRY COOMBs read a paper on a case upon a practically incontrovertible basis. He discussed this of removal of gall stone from the jejunum. In evidence under the three headings of (i) morphological the discussion which followed the following took part characters of the bacillus, (2) artificial cultures of the Mr. PAUL BUSH, Mr. MONRO SMITH, Mr. LANSDOWN, Dr. bacillus, (3) pathogenic characters and virulence of the LACE, Dr. J. M. CLARKE, Dr. SHINOLsTON SMriTH, Dr. W. C. bacillus. The special point of interest in the morphological SWAYNE, Dr. THEODORE FISHER.-Dr. THRODORE FISHER read characters was the occasional appearance of aberrant formR a paper on some unusual cases of swelling of acute onset (filamentous, branched and clubbed) indicating a special affecting the extremities. In all the oedema of the hands phase in the life history of the bacillus, a reversion to an was ushered in by acute pain. In one pain quickly subsided, ancestral type which showed its close relationship with but in the others lasted several weeks. In two the oedems. the actinomyces and with various pathogenic streptothrices of was recurrent and associated with hysterical stigmata. In a recent discovery. The pathogenic characters were evidenced case which had followed a blow not only oedema, but haemor- by noting that tuberculosis occurred naturally in a very large rhage, had recurred two or three times a year during two years. number of animals, namely, man, monkeys, cattle, horse, Dr. J. M. CLARKE had not especially obEerved pain in con- sheep, and other ungulates; dog, cat, lion, and other nexion with hysterical oedema, and mentioned some excep- carnivores ; rabbit, and other rodents, and that mammals were tional cases where pitting had been obtained on pressure. niot the only animals attacked, as all the other great divisions Dr. F. H. EDGEWORTH laid stress on the value of the glove of the vertebrate kingdom suffered, namely, birds, reptiles, distribution in the diagnosis of bysterical oedema, and the batrachians, and fishes. The similarity in essentials of the sharply-defined edge of the swelling. He referred to the great lesions produced by the bacillus in all these cases was pointed variety of conditions included under the term " angio-neurotic out, and the conditions and characters of the artificial oedema.' The PRESIDENT and Dr. ALEXANDER and Dr. cultures of the bacillus in each case were contrasted. From the NR&wMAN NEILD also discuseed the caEes.-In a note on the pre- effect of inoculation of such artificial cultures into different vention of ventral hernia after abdominal Eections, Dr. animals, and after making due allowance for difference in WALTER C. SWAYNE gave a summary of the methods in vogue strains, it was shown almost incontrovertibly that human, for suturing the abdominal wall after laparotomy, giving the bovine, in short, mammalian, avian, reptilian and piEcine advantages and disadvantages of each, with especial reference tubercle were, if not modifications of one another, at least. to ventral hernia as a sequela. He advocated uniting the edges modifications of a general stock. Taking the evidence as a of the peritoneum by a continuous suture of fine silk, the rest whole, it showed that they were descendants of a general of the structures being united by a modification of Stanmore ancestor, some hardy saprophytic germ of wide distribution in Bishop's method. The aponeurotic expansion of the oblique nature, the same or closelyallied to some of the acid-fast muscle is freed from fat and muscle for a short distance from bacilli, many of the members of which had been discovered the margin of the incision and made to overlap that of the only comparatively recently, for example, the Timothy grass other side, when a long silkworm gut stitch is passed alter- bacillus, other grass bacilli, the butter bacillus, etc. The nately up and down through the layers, the ends being brought piscine tubercle was a little further removed from the parent through the skin at either end. After the skin has been bacillus by its having acquired a parasitic habit in fishes, the sutured the ends of the long suture are strongly drawn upon avian still further removed becauEe its host was warm-blooded, and fixed one at each end of a lead plate by passing each mm nw. i 396 mtm"z TovxmI SCOTLAND. I.[J&NB 2424. 1905.1905- function, then, of the nerve, cell was simply to give origin to the nerve net, and then to nourish it. It was also claimed i*ntIaub. that fibres could pass through the cell without forming part of it. The investigations of G. Retzius, Schiefferdecker, PROFESSOIt WALDEYER ON THE NEuRON DOCTRINE. Bielschowsky, and others, but especially the new discoveries Taa third special meeting of the Royal Society of Edin- of Ramon y (Jajal, weighed heavily against the views of burg was hel]c on Juae 14th, Sir John Marray, K C B , F. H.S., Apathy, etc., and had shown that fibres, whether they entered Vice-Presiient, in the chair, when, at the request of the by the dendrites or the axis cylinder, did not pass through the Council, Wilhelm Waldeyer, Av.D., LL.D., D.Sc., Professor of cell, but broke up in its interior; and also that fibres which Anatomy, Univeraity of B 3rlin, and Permanent Secretary of came into proximity with the cell terminate in a basket-like the Royal Prussian Academy of Sciences, Honorary Fellow work, but did not enter it, and that when the arborizations of of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. gave an address on " The one series terminated near the dendrites of another they Present Position of the Neuron Dactrine." In introducing merely intermingled, but did not fuse. There was thus no Professor Wa'deyer, the Chairman, on behalf of the President, proof that conduction cQuld take place independently of cells. (Joun-Al, and Fellows, extended a cordial welcome to one of It might, therefore, be held that of all the doctrines which their most distinguished Honorary Fellows, and invited him have been advanced the neuron doctrine appears at the to inscribe his name on the roll of Honorary Fellows of the present moment to have the surest foundation. 8 )ciety. Befora proceeding to his address Professor Waldeyer The Lord Provost welcomed Professor Waldeyer to the exprsssed h's thanks for the honour conferred upon him in Scottish capital. Sir William Turner moved that the large admitting him to the Fellowship of the Royal dociety of assemblage of the Society should confer a special vote of Edinburgh, a society, he said, celebrated throughout the thanks to Professor Waldeyer for his address. Professor whole world. He also expressed his thanks for the honour of McKendrick seconded. being asked to deliver a scientific address to the Society, and Among those present were the Lord Provost, Sir William he hoped the matter on which he had to speak, and the Turner, Sir John Batty Tuke, M.P., Sir Arthur Mitchell, Pro- manner in which he would give it, would be worthy of fessors Crum Brown, Chrystal, Canningham, Schaifer, Green- the Society. Bat he was not able to speak well enough field, CossarEwart, Eggeling, Niecks, of EdinburghUniversity; in the English language, and, therefore, he asked their Professor McKendrick of Glasgow Professor Symington of pardon for using his own language, one in which he was Belfast; Drs. Clouston, Byrom Bramwell, A. Bruce, A. Buchan, accustomed to discuss scientific problems. Professor J. 0. Affieck, C. E. Underhill, David Waterston, etc. Apologies Waldeyer began his lecture with an historical retrospect. He were received from Lord Kelvin, the President of the Royal referred to the earlier observations by dissection with the College of Physicians (Dr. John Playfair), Professor Wylie, scalpel, such as were made by Rolando, Stilling, and Reil; Edinburgh; Professor Reid, Aberdeen; and Professor Graham to the discovery of the nerve cells by Ehrenberg in I833, to Kerr. the proof of the connexion of the nerve cells with the nerve THEX GIRGENTI INEBRIATE HOm1E. fibres by Hannover, Helmholtz, Kolliker, and Radolf Wagner The fourth annual report of the Girgenti Home, forwarded by (1844 1847); to the discovery of the axis-cylinder of the nerve the Town Clerk of Glasgow, is melancholy reading. When flb:e (axon of K6lliker) by Robert Remak in I845. and to the this institution was started its first report was very promising. medullary sheath and the sheath of Schwann in I848. Deiters, The plan of management was very good, and the special of Bonn, in 1865, was the first to demonstrate the protoplasmic report of the medical officer, who seemed to have been at processes and the axis cylinder processes (the dendrites and great pains to diagnose and classify his patients on scientific neurites of W. His, of Lsipzig) proceeding from the nerve lines, led us to believe that some excellent work was about to cells. be done in Glasgow. The function of the neurites or axis-cylinder processes It is disappointing to find that, judging by the most recent was soon ascertained to be for the conduction of nervous report, this belief has not been justified. It is not to be sup- impulses, but much doubt had remained with regard to the posed that the cases which come under treatment in the dendrites. Golgi first considered their function was for the Girgenti Home differ intrinsically from those committed to nutrition of the cell. Then Kolliker regarded them as nervous other reformatories, and the question why the home has not and conducting elements. Van Gehuchten added to this the given the very modest good results of other inebriate institu- idea that the dendrites conducted towards the cell, or were tions seems deserving of elucidation. Any one reading the cellulipetal,and that the nearites werecellulifugal orconducted report with a desire to understand the exact results obtained away from the cell. The neurites might be of great length, will be puzzled to discover how the table described by the even a yard or more. Golgi discovered that they gave managers as " a fair indication of results," has been arrived off side-branches. These were termed collaterals by at. The table treats of 29 persons, who have all (with one S. Ramon y Cajal, and these collaterals had small terminal exception) been under the care of the managers for three branches, named terminal arborizations or telodendron by years, and a detailed outline of the reformatory life of the 29 Kolliker. The dendrites were also subject to manifold is given. The table gives the followingfigures: Doingwell, 9; transformations, especially in the same organs, of which hopeful, 6; doubtful, 7; hopeless, 7; total, 29. On looking at the retina constituted a good example. With regard to the details, four cases, Nos. 6, 13, 34, 46, appear to have done nerve conduction in the central nervous system the theories very well. Two more have, during a period of about five of Gerlach and Golgi, which were the first in the field, months' freedom, not relapsed. Total, 6. were contrasted. According to Gerlach in 1871, the fibres It is said of one patient who has relapsed twice during the five which entered the the spinal cord broke up into a fine net- months following her disebarge that she " seems to be doing work, which became continuous and fused with the network well," and of one who had relapsed under licence and whose entering the dendrites of the nerve cells. Golgi, in I882, dis- sentence had expired about a month before the date of the covered the cells which bear his name, the cells of Golgi, in- report that "s he is now doing well." Of a third, "with the termediary or association cells, which lay between the exception of an occasional relapse (the italics are ours) she is terminal fibres of the afferent nerves and the motor cells, but giving satisfaction." which gave off branches, some of which entered into associa- If these three cases are included, we may perhaps admit the tion without direct continuity with the nerve cells, but also managers' statement that nine are " doing well," though we becime directly continuous with collaterals that entered the may think their standard of reckoning a very odd one. But motor nerves without first passing through the nerve cells. in the case of the inmates of reformatories, the majority of Thus, according to Golgi, the nerve cell was not necessary to whom are in many respects extremely disorderly persons, the conduction. According to the present position of the phrase " doing well" may mean much or little. " Has re- neuron doctrine, the neuron is a unit composed of mained a total abstainer" would perhaps be a more precise dendrites, nerve cells, and neurites. It was the influence- wording, though it would unquestionably alter the managers' sphere of the nerve cell. It held that the cell figures. It is impossible to criticize the matter of the was necessary for conduction. A series of neurons 20 hopeful, doubtful and hopeless cases, such categories do might be associated, however, in any particular line of not seem to lend themselves easily to statistics. Indeed, on conduction, and the example of the retina was cited. looking at the detailed report we learn that seven of the ex- The objections of the opponents of the neuron doctrine- inmates have been entirely lost sight of, so it is impos- namely, ApAthy, Bethe, Nissl, etc.-were next dealt with. sible to conjecture under which of these three headings they Tciese ob3ervers considered that the cell was only necessary are supposed to come. Two inmates are also in the poorhouse for nutrition, and that conduction could take place through a and therefore also outside the reckoning. network of fibres which pass by the side of the cell. The There are other interesting facts in the detailed report r -,Tm sawn 138 JUINE 24, 1905.] CANADJ. OLIM" IowaNi 38 which are not embodied in the table. For instance, out of the For some reason or other the proposal has hung fire, but an 29 cases, 14 (that is, almost hall) relapsed while actually under important meeting of delegates from the four universities sentence and licensed out. One was licensed out three times took place recently. It was private, but according to a short and twice relapsed. During the year 1904, in which there notice in the Glasgow Herald the general opinion was de- were ten new admissions there were fourteen escapes, and cidedly in favour of the proposed change. To effect it appli- three of these persons were not recovered. Nearly all were cation to Parliament for permission to amend the present old cases who had been in the home a considerable time or regulations will probably be necessary. The desire for the who were licensed out. three-term system originated in the Arts Faculty, but the It is, of course, impossible for the managers or officials of a remaining faculties would also be affected. It is hoped that reformatory to follow up the subsequent history of all cases. by instituting three terms in the year the preeent system of Still, it hardly seems necessary for them to confuse their vacations would be improved, and that a better working-year printed "results" with such entirely indefinite statements as would result. these "Seems to be doing well," " Did well for a time," "So PROFESSIONAL GEOLF CLUBS. far as the managers know she has not relapsed," " So far as One of the most popular medical institutions in Glasgow the managers know she has not since been found the worse is the Medical Golf Club. It was started three years ago, and for liquor," "Appears to be living a sober life," "The the membership now numbers upwards of a hundred drawn managers have not heard thatshe has relapsed," " This inmate, from the medical men of Glasgow and the neighbourhood. though promising, cannot be said to have proved a success." Monthly meetings are held on different courses, and there is If only for the purpose of determining whether it is worth always a good turn-out of members. An annual match is while to keep a reformatory or not, this kind of evidence is played against the University Golf Club, and so far the inadequate. Respecting the causes of the extremely poor medical men have proved victorious. The clergy and legal results with their first batch of inmates, the managers appear lights have followed the example of the medical men, and to have nothing to say, nor do we learn from them anything now these professions also have golf clubs. abaut the special influences or conditions which may be supposed to have c.ntributed to the well-doing of the PROPOSED COLLEGE CLUB IN GrAsGow. satisfactory remnant. The old University Club which was situated in Bath Street The whole report ie painfully negative, and if we turn to the was wound up some years ago on the termination of the medical officer's own report our disappointment reaches its lease. Since then there has been no University Club climax. The managers expressly state that "the medical in Glasgow. It was recently resolved to establish a officer is responsible for the medical treatment of the in- small club in Hillhead, composed of gentlemen connected mates," otherwiee nothing in the medical officer's own report with the University and others interested in University would have led us to that conclusion, for the managers them- matters. The membership is limited to 200 resident selves tell us that the health of the patientshas been good, and 50 non-resident members. The neceseary funds were and that there has been no serious illness during the year. raised by the issue of debenture stock which was readily taken The medical officer does not mention the patients' health. The up. Premises have been secured at 2, Viewfield Terrace, Ann real mental or physical condition of the patients, the prog- Street, Hillhead, and it is hoped that they will be ready for nosis or treatment of the cases who have been discharged or occupation in October. The club is intended to be a meeting who are still under treatment, are not discussed. place for those interested in University matters; it is not to The medical offlcer's report consists of a short, vague, and be residential, but there will be a reading-room, writingroom, half-hearted account of an experiment which was carried and billiard-room, while light refreshments will be obtain- I out during the year on 22 patients. A drug" was able. The name proposed is the College Club. administered to these for a month. The medical officer does not state what was given, whether he himself gave it, BUBONIC PLAGUE AT LEITH. or with what object it was given. He does not say what The three patients-mother and two children-in East considerations influenced the selection of the 22 patients Pilton Hospital continue to do well, and are now able to be who were treated, why it was necessary for the 22 patients to out of bed, though not yet fit to be discharged. No case of write letters about the drug, or its effects on them, their plague has occurred since May ioth. Nothing definite as to feelings, hopes, sensations, and symptoms. He does not the cause of the outbreak has yet been discovered. tell us to whom the letters were addressed, nor why he as medical officer thought it advisable to publish them in his report. Possibly the members of the Glasgow Corporation would have been none the wiser if they had known the name Tanaoa. "drug officer's of the and the medical reasons for trying it. But it is reasonable to suppose that persons capable of under- MALT EXTRACTS. standing the detailed account of the effects of the drug on IN the Sanitary Journal ofthe Provincisl Bcard of Health of the 22 patients which occupies almost the whole report would Ontario, vol. xxii, Geo. G. Nasmith, M.A., Ph.D., reports the be able to understand all the rest. result of the examination of malt extracts with a view to This method of allowing the patient's own testimonies to determining their diastatic and food values. Epeak for themselves is very much in vogue amongst the All of the malt extracts obtainable in Toronto, he writes, " vendors of "cures for alcoholism; it Is not in common use have been examined with a view to determining their diastatic in the medical profession, and it seems hardly desirable that and food values. Malt extract is obtained by the evaporation it should be. As this report stands, it is unconvincing. of an infusion of malt, preferably in vacuo and at a low tem- " " The mysterious drug is a very well known one. It has perature. It should be light in colour, the tastecharacteristic stood the test of time and experience. and whatever its value of malt, and the odour pleasant like that of new bread. The in treating symptoms, it is certainly no specific remedy for solution in nine parts by weight of water should only be inebriety any more than the numerous other drugs for which slightly turbid, and should give an abundant precipitate a few an equal claim is made, while it is unquestionably a highly minutes after being mixed with an equal quantity of a cold unsuitable drug for some cases. aqueous solution of picric acid. When a public institution publishes a report it is hardly too The diastatie value of malt extract is very variable, depend- much to expect that its details should be such that experts, ing largely on its method of preparation.'T'oo high a tempera- at any rate, should be able to understand it. Statistics should ture destroys the diastase, such specimens being of little more be intelligible to those versed in statistics. The medical value than an ordinary syrup. This diastatic power is the report should, however slight, be susceptible of comment by feature of greatest importance in malt extract, and is deter- medical men, otherwise wby publish it at all? mined by allowing a definite quantity of the malt extract to act upon a fixed quantity of starch mucilage, the end-point PROPOSED THREE--TERR SYSTEM AT THE SCOTTISH being determined by iodine. The blue colour of the starch UNIVERSITIES. with iodine gradually disappears, passing through purple, For some years a movement has been on foot to establish red, pink, brown, and yellow before the end-point isreached. the three-term system at the Scottish Universities, in place of In practice aboutI.5 gram of the malt extract wasallowed to the present winter and summer sessions. The proposal origi- act on o.i gram of starch mucilageIn icce.m. of water. Pre- nally came from Glasgow Univerisity, and a scheme was parations acting on this quantity of starchl, and whichwill drafted by the lateProfessor Adamson. The consent of all not cause the total disappearance of the star(h in three houre, the universities concerned must be rec ived before any defi- are condemned as being utterly worthlt ss, in diastatie activity nite steps town! ds the attainment of the change can be taken. atlIast. A g)rd rreparation will give no 3 ellow colour after 33 j'iooJ.-pf__ ARMY MEDICAL DEPARTMENT REPORT. [JUNE, 24, I905u acting for half. an hour. As acids destroy.diastatic activity, and since the contents of the human stomach are usually acid THE ARMY MEDICAL. DEPARTMENT REPORT in about half an hour, samples which will not digest a fifteenth FOR TRRI YEAR 1903.1 of their weight of starch in three hours are little better than THis voluminous report, which takes over a year to compile, honey or other saccharine solutions. is always comprehensive, exact, and lucid. Nine specimens of malt extract manufactursd in Ontario, The relatively large amount of inefficiency, through sick- and eight of them by -brew-ers, were found to be absolutely ness, is to be deplored; but it must not be overlooked that a- vwithout diastatic action, although,. without- exception, all very large proportion of it is directly due to venereal were claimed to be active. None of them caused the disap- diseases. pearance of. the starch after fifteen hours, proviing that not If an effective system of public control over the- spread of even traces of diastase were present. All were dark.brown in such diseases were -instituted in areas where soldiers are con- colour, indicating that.they, had, been sterilized by heat, the gregated, these anual returns would present a very different diastase of necessity, being killed, in the process. All con- aspect. tained alcohol, were -of thin consistency,, and contained only The oft-drawn comparisons between the vital statistics of from 4 to IS per cent. of solids. The only three of the thiek the British and. those of foreign conscript armies- may be malt extracts, obtainable proved to be very different from very misleading; first, because the conditions of service are those mentioned above. All were free from alcohol, were very unlike; and secondly, because ratios are based on totals pleasant-smelling, had characteristic taste, and were very widely dissimilar in value. actively diastatic. Only one was brown, the other two being In a review of French army statistics in the BRITISH quite light coloured. These three extracts were compared MEDICAL JOURNAL of December 27th, 1904, it was pointed with Parke Davis taka-diastase. out. that slight cases of illness among French soldiers are One fifth of a gram of taka-diastase will digest one-tenth of treated in quarters, under a classification in which there Is a gram of starch completely in four minutes at 400 C. Evans an entry for malades a' la chambre, and are not included in and Sons' preparation took thirty-four minutes, maltine took the hospital ratios, whereas in our army every case is treated twenty minutes, bynin took thirty-nine minutes. From in hospital and counted in the returns thereof; this alone these results Dr. Nasmith concludes that the ordinary thin makes an important difference in the ratio of admissions malt extracta-sold in Ontario are to all Intents and purposes and constantly sick. ordinary beer. Some of them contain more actual solids than RATIO OF SICK. beer, but the medicinal qualities of the diastase for which so On the whole the sick ratios for troops at home and abroad much is claimed are entirely lacking. The light-coloured in 1903 compare favourably with the decennial averages, thick malt extracts, on the other hand, are all that they are 1893-1902, notwithstanding that the general strain of the war claimed to be, and are actively diastatic, besides containing must have adversely affected the returns for the year. The large quantities of sugar. figures are as follows: TYPHOID OUTBREAK IN HAMILTON. Ratio per 1,000 of Strength. A recent outbreak of typhoid fever in the City of Hamilton, Ontario, has some interesting features. In all there were 30 S'o cases; all but 4 were inmates of the General Hospital, the o b(Dg EuropeanTroops. , eG > 0 Hospital for Infectious Diseases, and the House of Refuge. ) 8) The four exceptions were in one locality of the city; there was no typhoid at this time in any other part of the city. As there was no typhoid in other parts of the city, the water supply and the vegetable market can be excluded as sources Troops at Home Days. Days. of infection. The milk supply, all from one dairy, and and Abroad, 758.1 7.113 31.17 x8.95 47.29 21.73 28.77 supplied to these institutions and used by the other sufterers, 1903...... was undoubtedly the cause. The milk was brought to the hospital and poured out-of-doors into the hospital cans; Ditto, x893-1902..... 927-4 8.57 30.14 19.44 56.54 20.64 22.3t the cans themselves have never beenbrought into the building. On analysis all the waters used by this milkman in the United Kingdom. washing of cans were found to show some chemical pollution It is stated that the health ratios for 1903 for troops in the and infection with the colon bacillus. The wells from which United Kingdom compare favourably with those in foreign the water was taken were so placed as to be liable to contami- armies; especially the death-rate of 3.41 per I,ooO of strength, nation in the case of heavy rain, and the meteorological which " cannot be regarded as excessive, when it is remem- reports show that as there were three distinct outbreaks of bered that it is not a rate resulting alone from sickness the epidemic, so there were three great rain storms which originating in the United Kingdom, but also contributed to bore a relation in time to these outbreaks. by disease contracted during service abroad." There was no typhoid on the farm, nor bad there been any There were 92 admissions and 28 deaths from enteric fever; in the neighbourhood for three years, but the cases were and of 27 cases at Aldershot it is stated that i6 were probably undoubtedly typhoid, though the cause of the contamination contracted in South Africa; such is the difficulty statisticians could not be found. One of the sources of water was from an have in locating sources of origin or infection in this disease. artesian well 50 ft. deep, which seems to derive its flow from a very wide radius, as much as one and one-half mile, and Foreign and Colonial Stations. which showed contamination In the case of heavy rains. In the Mediterranean stations and Egypt the health condi- tions in 1903 compared favourably with decennial averages. DiA. O'REILLY OF THE TORONTO GENERAL HOSPITAL. Canada was very healthy. Dr. Charles O'Reilly has resigned the position of Medical Bermuda fairly so. Superintendent of the Toronto General Hospital, a position In Barbados there was a marked decrease in malarial fevers, which he has held for almost thirty years. During this partly attributable, at least, to draining and clearing.carried period great changes have taken place in the status of the on at St. Lucia, and "the great diminution in the number of medical profession and in the size of the hospital which now Anopheles brought about by these and other antimalarial has a population of over 500, and is thoroughly equipped in measures." the most up-to-date way; over ioo,0oo patients have passed South Africa. through the wards under his supervision and thousands of During 1903 the troops in South Africa had been reduced to practitioners all over the world will hear with regret that about 28,ooo, and their general health was, on the whole, such a tried friend has left the institution. Dr. O'Reilly is satisfactory. Examiner in Clinical Surgery for the Ontario Medical Coun- Enteric fever was still prevalent. The disease shows cil, Vice-President of the Association of Hospital Superin- decided seasonal prevalence. It begins in October, declines tendents and of the Ontario Hospital Association. It is his in May, and almost disappears in the dry, cold months intention to take a prolonged holiday travelling abroad. The following. It is emphatically reported: " As in India, so the City Council tendered him a complimentary banquet and teaching of South African experience is, that the key to the presented him with a service of silver, and addresses and pre- prevention of this disease is the prevention of soilpollution," sentations were also made by the profession, by the Clinical 'London: Wyman and Sons. Edinburgh: Oliver and Boyd. Dublin: Society and by the Post-Graduate Society. E. Ponsonby. 1905. (2s.), MEDICAL NEWS. 139o ° aJvUCT. Ov - [JUNE 24, 19054 = THE ALBERT MEDAL.-The London Gazette of June ioth con- MEDICAL NEWS. tains an announcement that the King has been pleased to amend the rules governing the award of the Albert Medal by German Pablic Health will hold the abolition of the ordinance that the medal for saving life TdE Society its aS nual on land shall only be awarded for acts of gallantry performed general meeting this year at Munich from July 7th to gth. within the British dominions. DR. CLEMEMNT GODSON has been elected a corresponding member of the Societa Italiana di Ostetricia e Ginecologia. INSANITY IN NEW YORK.-According to a report which has just been submitted to the New York State Commission of THiE Tallerman Institute for treatment by superheated dry Lunacy by the State Charities Aid Association, the number air has been removed from Welbeck Street to 20, Manchester of insane persons in the State hospitals and licensed private Street, Baker Street, London, W. asylums increased by nearly I,oco during the past year. THIE Lord Mayor will preside at a public meeting, to be While this increase is less than that of the previous year, it held at the Mansion House on Wednesday, June 28th, at is in excess of other years, the average annual increase being 4.15 p.m, for the establishment of a national league for 738. The total number of insane persons in State hospitals physical education and improvement. and licensed private asylums on October ist, I904, was 26,861 A DEIPUTATION from the Certifying Factory Surgeons' Asso- -an increase of 927 over the previous year. ciation had an interview on June 21st with Mr. Cochrane, Under-Secretary of State for the Home Department, with MOSQUITO REDUCTION IN CALIFORNIA.-The California State regard to the Accidents (Mines and Factories) Bill. Board of Health, in its monthly leaflet for April, 1905, calls DR. AXEL to Her the attention to the utility of a crusade against mosquitos in cer- MUNTHE, Physician Royal Highness tain parts of the State for the purpose of minimizing malarial Crown Princess of Sweden and Norway, has been appointed infection. an Honorary Commander of the Royal Victorian Order. on Last year the marshes about San Rafael were in- the occasion of the marriage of Princess Margaret of Con- spected by representatives of the entomological department and Prince Gustavus of Sweden. of the University of California, and those found infested with naught Adolphus mosquitos were treated with crude oil, giving the most satis- THE Incorporated Society of Medical Officers of Health will factory results, until late in the year when lack of funds hold its annual provincial meeting on July ist at Lancaster. caueed a suspension of work and a consequent increase of In addition to ordinary business there will be a discussion mosquitos. A large marsh area, extending from South San in the morning on the public-health aspects of motoring. Francisco nearly to San Mateo, is the seat of operations this The afternoon will be given up to excursions in the neigh- year. Fresh-water areas, which abound in the region under bourhood. treatment, are either filled up with earth, drained, or treated AT the annual general meeting of the Association of Regis- with oil. tered Medical on June Miss Women, 6th, Aldrich-Blake, TO MEDICAL M.S., M.D., was elected President for the ensuing year, and BEQuIESTS CHARITIES.-By the will of the late Mrs. Stanley Boyd, M.D., Treasurer. The annual dinner was Mr. Henry Hargreaves Bolton, of Newchurch-in-Rossendale, held the same evening, at the Midland Grand Hotel. There Lancashire, which has now been proved, the following legacies were seventy-two medical women present. the chair being are directed to be paid by his executors: The Cancer Pavilion occupied by the outgoing President, Miss Helen Webb, M.B. and Home Hospital Gardens, Manchester, £s50; to the Among the guests present were Miss Smith M.D., and following institutions, £5o0 each: the North-Eastern Hos- Miss Culbertson, of and br. pital for Children; Cheyne Hospital for Sick and Incurable M.D., Boston, U.S.A., Margaret Children; Alexandra Hospital, Bloomsbury; Victoria Hos-, Todd. pital for Sick Children, Chelsea; Royal Hospital for Children MR. TWEEDY, President of the Royal College of Surgeons of and Women, Waterloo Bridge Road; Hospital for Sick England, will distribute the prizes at the Westminster Children, Great Ormond Street; Manchester Children's Hos- Hospital Medical School on Thursday next, at 4 p.m., and pital; Children's Home, Victoria Park; East London Hospital, will deliver an address at 4.30 p.m. on the same day. Sir John Shadwell; the Albert Asylum, Lancaster; the Mildmay Gorst, M.P., will distribute the prizes to the students of Mission Hospital, Bethnal Green; and the Royal Hospital St. Mary's Hospital Medical School, and Mr. H. T. Butlin for Incurablee, Putney Heath. The Cancer Hospital, Fulham those gained by the students of the London School of Road, is to receive £300, while £250 each goes to the Man- Medicine for Women. The Rev. James Gow, Litt.D., Head chester Clinical Hospital, the Friedenheim Home for the Master of Westminster School, will distribute the prizes and and the London certificates at King's College, London, on Wednesday, Dying, Homoeopathic Hospital. July 25th, at 3 p.m. NATIONAL HOSPITAL FOR THE PARALYSED AND EPILEPTIC.- AT the Sixth International Congress of Applied Chemistry, A dinner in aid of the National Hospital for the Paralysed which is to be held in the spring at Rome next year, India and Epileptic, Queen Square, W.C., was held at the White- and its work in this direction will be officially represented hall Rooms on June I5th, Lord Strathcona presiding. There for the first time. The Committee in charge of matters were a great many ladies present, but the really distinctive consists of Major C. H. Bedford, D.Sc., M.D., of the Indian feature of the occasion was the number of medical men Medical Service, Chemist to the Imperial Government of who showed their interest in this hospital by attending. India, as President, and of eight members, all of whom are Plenty of explanation of the popularity of the institution was either Professors of Chemistry at the Indian Universities or forthcoming in the speeches, both of Lord Strathcona, of Mr. chemists to one or other of the provincial Governments. F. Macmillan, the new Chairman of the hospital' and There is room for a great deal of original work in India in of Dr. Ormerod, who responded to the toast of "The various branches of applied chemistry, and of late years Medical Staff." It was shown that this institution in much activity has been shown. In particular the phy- many respects stands alone, that the scientific value of siological action and chemical nature of various by-products the work which is carried on in its wards is recognized found in different kinds of native spirits is being investigated not only at home but abroad, and that foreign as well as at the Country Liquors' Laboratory at Kasauli, of which British medical men seek it as a desirable place for Major Bedford is director, the object being to enable the post-graduate study. As for the patienis, they, too, were Government of India to prescribe standards and tests of proved to be of the most diverse origin in point of quality for the different forms of alcoholic liquor locally nationality. Hospital economics, as illustrated by the prepared. domestic reforms recently effected in its management,-also received attention, and, in speaking of them, Mr. Danvers SOUTH-WEST LONDON MEDICAL SOCIETY.-The annual the late Bolingbroke Lecture in connexion with this Society was Power, chairman, took occasion to mention the delivered on June 14th by Sir R. Douglas Powell, Bart., who great assistance which in all respects he had ever took for his subject. Some Clinical Lessons from the History received from the medical staff. During the evening of Medicine in the Last Half Century. subscriptions to the amount of £3,077 were announced, the. sum including an anonymous donation of £5oo. The hospital A SANATORIUM FOR THE NERVous.-The late Baron Nathaniel has i6o beds in Queen Square, and 40 at its convaleicent Rothschild, of Vienna, is said to have left £850ooo to be branch at Finchley. The out-patients number about 6,coo devoted to the foundation of a sanatorium in the neigh- every year and there are also gopensioners-persons suff-ring bourhood of Vienna for persons suffering from nervous from incurable nerve complaints. The annual expenditure affections other than epilepsy, insanity, and incurable spinal equals about £17,000, ordinary income falling short of this disease. sum by £5,000. 1400 VI OV8 THE MIDWIVES ACT, I902. tJUNE 24, 195. when the parish nurse is a certified midwife, she registers her PREVENTION OF CONSUMPTION. name with the local supervising authority, even if she does A CITY OF CONSUMPTIVES. not usually attend confinements without a doctor. This is TH1E National Fraternal Sanatorium for Consumptives, acting really the simplest course for her to follow, since the Act pre- in the interest of 8,ooo ooo members of fraternal organizations scribes a penalty if, on any occasion, she aicts otherwise than in the United States, has accepted io,coo acres of land given under medical direction without giving the required notice. by the city of Las Vegas, New Mexico. The Santa Fe railroad [Copy.] has given a large hotel building in the Rio Gallinas cafion, CENTRAL MIDWIVEs BOARD. including several structures in the vicinity, several hot 6, Suffolk Street, Pall Mall, springs, and i,coo acres. of land, the whole representing a London, S.W. value of £200 000. On this site, with the io,co acres given by June 15th, 1905. the city of Las Vegas, a city of consumptives will be founded. Midwives Act, x902. It is to be a huge sanatorium, maintained by per capita con- Dear Sir,-In reply to your letter of the 34th inst., the position of tributions of members of the great fraternal and religious affairs appears to me as follows. Any woman certified by the Central Midwives Board becomes ipsofacto orders. It is hoped that it will be opened in the autumn. a midwife by the operation of Section xviii of the Midwives Act. Being Plans are being. prepared for the reception of 5,000 patients, midwife, she is bound by all the Rules of the Board if she practises as and this number will be increased indefinitely as far as funds such. The obligation to give notice to the Local Supervising Authority will allow. It will require an expenditure of £15,000 to put arises under the Act, not under the Rules, and it only operates in the the place in order for the reception of patients; a part of this case of a woman who practises, or holds herself out as practising, as a sum. has already been contributed in small amounts. The midwife. If she does neither of these things, but merely practises as a government of the sanatorium will be vested in a Board of monthly nurse under the direction of a qualified medical practitioner, Managers composed of fifteen representatives of fraternal and she is not bound to notify the Local Supervising Authority. If, how- ever, on any occasion, she acts otherwise than under medical direction, religious orders. It will be governed on the basis of common she is liable to the penalty prescribed by Section x of the Midwives Act ownership, with profits to none. Most of the patients will for having omitted to give notice.-Yours faithfully, come from the fraternal orders, but others will be admitted by (Signed) G. W. DUNCAN, the payment of a small fee. Those who wish to work will be Dr. G. C. Taylor, Secretary. given an opportunity of stock-farming, or of holding any of County Medical Officer for Berks, the numerous positions which the working of so large an District Council Offices, Church End, Finchley, N. establishment will make necessary. MONT}LY NURSEs. BABY.-A nurse, who does not hold a midwifery certificate. may act as nurse to a woman in labour provided that she discharges her duties MIDWIVES ACT, 1902. under the direction of a registered medical practitioner. The Midwives CARDIFF. Act regulates and restricts the practice of certified midwives. ON Ta2sday, June O3th, a deputation from the Cardiff Division of the South Wales and Monmouthshire Braneh of the British Medical Association waited upon the Local Supervising Authority (the Health Committee) of the County THE PLAGUE. Borough of Cardiff, with regard to the payment of medical PBEVALENCE 01 THE DIsEAsE. practitioners called in by midwives under the rules of the ENGLAND. Central Midwives Board. The deputation, which was intro- PARTICULABS of tbe case of plague which occurred in Manchester. last duced by Councillor Dr. Robinson, consisted of Drs Charles week are given in the letter of our special correspondent at page 140r. Yachell (Chairman of the Division), D. R. Paterson (Vice- INDTA. Chairman), W. D. J. Morris (President Cardiff Medical During the weeks ending May 13th, 20th, and 27th, the deaths from plague Society), Thos. Wallace, and Ewen J. -Maclean (Hon. in India numbered 42,003, 35,492, aind 23.038 respectively. The princtpal Divisional Secretary). places where a high mortality prevailed were during thle week ondirg May 27th as follows:-Bombay Presidency, 918 deaths; Bengal, 1.040; The deputation, through its spokesmen-DTs. Charles United Provinces (North-West Provinces and oudh), 2,94 Punjab, I6,612: Vachell and Ewen J. Mrclean-admitted there was no pro- Rajputans, I,X7I: Kashmir, 133: Central Provinces, 7; Central India, 5; vision in the Midwives Act itself under which the payment Hyderabad, 4i; Mysore, 24; Madras Districts, xx; and Burma, xio. might be made, but pointed out that Section 133 of the SoUTH AFRICA. Public Health Act, 1875, was available for the purpose. The East London.-During the weeks ending May 13th. 20th, and 27tl1, the Liverpool City Council had already, under that- section, fresh cases of plague numbered 8, o, and 3, and the deaths from the. paseed the following resolution:- disease amounted to x, I, and I respectively. On May 27th, 13 cases of plague remained under treatment. "That in cases of urgency in which medical practitioners have been King Williamnatown.-During the weeks ending May 13th, 20th, and 27tb, called in by certified midwives. as contemplated by Rule 17 of the the fresh cases of plague numbered o, o, and l respectively. No death. rules issued by the Central Midwives Board, pursuant to Section 3, Queenstown.-During the weeks ending May x3th, 20th, and 27th. the Sub-section I, of the Midwives Act, 1902, a fee of not exceeding fresh cases of plague. numbered x, o, and 3; deaths, I, o, and I respec- one guinea be paid on the certificate of the Medical Officer of tively. Health to each such medical practitioner in the event of his No cases of plague occurred in. any other part of South Africa. Ra.ts failing to obtain payment of his fee from the patient or the Poor- and mice infected by plague continue to be found in Port Elizabeth, law authorities." Ultenhage, East London, and King Williamstown. Reference was also made to the letter of the Assistant HONG KONG. Secretary of the Local Government Board in reply to Dr. J. H. During the weeks ending May 27th, June 3rd, and roth, the fresh cases of plague numbered 20. 2I, and'2x; and the deaths from the disease, xg, ig, Taylor, Honorary Secretary of the Manchester Medical Guild, and 21 respectively. as set forth in the BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL, March i ith, MAURITIUS. 1905. During the weeks ending June 8th and i1th, the fresh cases of plague- The Chairman of the Health Committee having expressed numbered I and 4; and the deaths from the disease o and 3 respectively. for himself, and for the Committee their sympathy with the No cases of plague have been reported in Mauritius since the middle of object of the deputation, the deputation then withdrew. March-of this year. The Committee subsequently passed a resolution recomi mending the County Borough Council to adopt a resolution CONTRACT MEDICAL PRACTICE. similar to that adopted by the Liverpool City Council. NOTICE AS TO DISTRICTS IN WHICH DISPUTES EXIST. NOTIFICATION BY MTDWIFE OF INTIENTION TO PRACTISE AS A notice as to places in which disputes exst between member. SUCHE. of the medical profession and various organizatios for providir&g Dr. Gerard C. Taylor (County Medical Officer, Berkshire) contract practice will be found among the advertisements, and writes: Considerable diversity of opinion appears to exist medical men who may be thinking of applying for appointments amongst local supervising authorities as to whether a cer- tified midwife can be required to tiotify on Form 12, provided in connexion with clubs or other forms of contract practice are she acts merely in the capacity of monthly nurse under the requested to refer to the advertisement on page 75. direction of a doctor. The accompanying reply was kindly sent me by the Secre- DR. EUGENE H. PORTER, Editor of the North American tar of the Central Midwives Board in answer to my inquiry, JoTurnal of Homocopathy, has been appointedCommissioner of and the publication of it in the BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL Health of the State of New York, in succession to Dr. Daniel would, I think, tend to promote uniformity of action. Lewis, Editor of the Medical Review of Reviews, whose term of In actual practice, I am glad to find that, as a general rule, office has expired. 3unEl 249 1905.] UNIVERSITIES AND COLLEGES. , 1467 In the British Medical Association, 5I Divisions, out of 67, anto, so that ere long the reading of a technical medical consider that in present conditions the minimum contract article in the International Language need present no diflicul- rate for medical attendance should be 58. Surely everybody ties.-I am, etc., can afford that sum! In I900 the expenditure of the popula- London, N., June 17th. MARTYN WEsTCOTT. tion per head was ,3 i8s. 8dL. upon alcoholic drinks, a luxury, now doctors are " trying " to get 58. per annum for a necessity ! Why drag in the creation of another form of medical abuse, the provident dispensary ? UNIVERSITIES AND COLLEGES, Let our leaders do their duty by their examinees whose UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD. fees they have so gladly then may we hope for "unity Degree by Decree. taken; THB degree of D.M. has been conferred upon William OEler, Hon. D.Sc., in the profession." "Live and let live" should be their a Decree of Convocation. motto.-I am, etc., Regius Profecsor of Medicine, by Earlestown, June x4th. J. P. WALKER, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. Appointment of Examiners. The following appointments of examiners have been confirmed: In Human Anatomy: ktobert HowdeD, B.a, M.A.Durh. In Pathology: James Ritchie, M A., B.Sc., Fellow of New College. In Eurgery: D'Arcy DISPENSERS, QUALIFIED AND UNQUALIFIED. College. SIR,-In the profession we are " sticklers " in distinguishing Power, B.M., Exeter qualified from unqualified practitioners. Let us now consider UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE. the position of those who dispense for us, and their qualifica- Appotntment$. tions. DR. SHORE, of St. John's College, bas been reappointed University Of course, anybody can dispense medicine; but the ques- Lecturer in Physiology for live wears. Mr. G. B. F. lNuttail, of Carist's tion arises as to the responsibility. Any unqualified person C 1lege, has been reappointed University Lecturer in Bacteriology and may dispense when in the presence of, or under the superin- Preventive Medicine tor five years. Mr. G C. Low, M.B., C.M.Edin., has tendence of, a doctor. But a properly qualified person may been appointed an Examiner in Tropical Mecicine and HSgiene. dispense without the superintendence of a medical man. Degrees. Those are properly qualified dispensers and chemists who The following degrees were conferred on June i5th: M.D.-E W. Heciley, King's; W. S. Fox. Trin.; W. MaldeD, Trin.; have passed the minor examination of the Pharmaceutical J D C. White. Tria.; T. E. Bolmes, Caius. Society. Many are carried away with the idea that a certi- M.B.-J. M. Hamill, Trin.; J. C. Newman, Trin.; W. E. Paramore, ficate as a dispenser obtained at the Apothecaries' Hall is as John's;*. L. Wilson, H. Selwyn. B.C.-W. S. Fox, Trin.; J. M Hamill, Trin.: J. C. Newmano, Trio.; good as the qualification obtained from the Pharmaceutical C R. Crowther, John's; W. E. Paramore, John's; T. J. Faulder, Society; but this is a great mistake. There is as much Clare. difference between the two as there is between a dresser in The following degrees were conferred on June i7th: ai.D.-W. B. Knobel, Trin.; J. Barnicot, Peimib.; G. S. Graham Smitb, the wards and a fully qualified surgeon. The certificate from Pemb. the Apothecaries' Hall does not permit of the holder acting M.B.-J. Goss, Jesus. on his or her own responsibility. .B.C.-C. E. Droop, Trin. There are many unqualified dispensers employed by medi- The following candidates were approved at the Easter Examinations in the subjects indicated: cal men and in provincial hospitals. The parties so employ- First Examination. ing them undertake a great responsibility, and in case of any Chemistry'and Physics.-G. W. M. Andrew, H. J. BaldwiD, B.A., H. W. accident occurring in the dispensing of medicine they may Barber, A. M. Bodkin, N. L Clarke, R. F. P. Cory, H. J. Couchman, R. Ellis, E. St G. S. Goodwin, R. E. Grief-HutchinsoD, H. K. incur the grave censure of the coroner. Grifflth, S. J. Higgins, A. L. Hobhouse, G. N. Humplhreys, It. BI. During the last few days an Aesociation has been formed of Hutchinson, B A., H. G. G.Jeffreys, A. C. Jepson. R. F. Jones, K. T. properly-qualified lady dispensers, under the leadership of Khong. G. C. Lim, M. Maclaren, 0. de B. Marsh, G. Moore, P. A. Miss Buchanan, Opte, C. H. G. Philp, F. A. Powell, J. B. Pulling, A. E. itayner, of Gordon Square, and of Miss Hooper, of the i. E. W. Rogers, J. B. ionaldson. F. G. Rose, W. J. D. Smyth. G. N. School of Pharmacy. One of the chief objects of the Associa- Stathers. C. J. Stocker, F. J. Thorne, F. H. Watson, N. S. Williams. tion will be to uphold the diplomates of the Pharmaceutical Elementary Biology.-G. W. M. Andrew, H. W. Barber. H. G. BayoeU, Society, and to secure a proper status for them.-I am, etc., A. H. Birks, A. M. Bodktn, H. H. Brown, W. T. Chaning-Pearce, D. G. Cherrington, N. L. Clarke, R. F. P. Cory, H. J. Couchman, Durham, June rgth. EDWARD JEPSON. N. V. de Souza, J. Ellison, A. E. Evans, A. W. Gaye, A. C. Gemmell, B.A.. R. W. B. Gibson. E. St. G. S. Goodwin, S. W. Green, H. K. Griffitb, L. S. M. Habtch, A. L Hobhouse, A. C. Jepson, R. F. Jones, ESPERANTO. K. T. Knong, G. C. Kidd, G. C. Lim, N. F. Lock, f. W. Malden, C. H. SIR,-There seems to be no doubt whatever that the cauee of Maxwell. G. Moore, C. G. H. Morse, F. C. Newman, P. A. Opie, the international language is going ahead and that Esperanto C. H. G. Philp. B. A. Playne, T. E. G. Poynder. J. B. Pulling, A. H. has indeed come to stay. In France they have a medical Richardson, F. G. Rose, P. D. saner, e. P. Saunders, W. Ssiptor, C. J. Stocker, A. W. Stott, A. D. Taylor, F. J. Thorne, W. W. C. Esperantist group which includes some really distinguished Topley. F aweedale. J. van Sohalkwije, B. H. Vercoe. L. C. Walke-, members of our profession there. Every month one of their J. M. Wallace. P. B. Wallis, F. H. Watson, H. M. Whiting, N. S. number contributes to the Internacia Scienca Bevuo (Inter- Williams, H. F. Wilson. national Scientific Review) an article on some medical, Second Examination. surgical, or obstetrical subject. The review has proved itself, Human Anatomy and Physiology.-A. C. Anoerson, R. R. Armstrong, A. so far, worthy of its high aim. Barker. B.A., C. T. V. Benson, B.A., W. J. Carr, B.A., A. E. A. Carver, in England not well represented inthis R. M. Collinge, B.A., R. Cox, A. H. Crook, A. h;. Caillen, F. C. Davies, Theprofession isasFyet H. Dearden, B.A.. S. Dixon, M.A., U. H. Dunn, B A., A. J. S. Fuller, international scheme; our conservative and insular ideas are B.A., T. S. Gibson, B.A., B. Haig, B.A., A. Hamilton. G. Hoffman, probably responsible for the fact that there are as set fewer B.A., B. IC. Ingleby, B.A., R. Knowles. F. H. Lester, B.A, Esperantists per thousand in England than in any other C. Maclienzie, B.A., H. McLean. B.A.. W. Mathieson, L. Meakin, B.A, E. E. Paget-Tomlinson, BA., B. H. Palmer, B.A., L. B. Perry, civilized Earopean country. There are medical men herewho F. S. Poole, B.A., A. V. Poyser, B.A., K. D. Pringle. B.A, R. P. e. are conversant with and who uee Esperanto, but they are com- Roberts, J. H. Ryffel. M.A., S. iE. T. Bhann, B.A., L. W. Sharp, B A., paratively few, and they are scattered over the land, and 0. R. Smale, B.A, E. R. Stone, B.A., R. Svensson, B.A, C H. S. G. W. Twigg, B.A., G. B. Wainwright, B.A., G. Walker, generally members of one of the thirty-one lay groups. Tavlor, B.A.. Wheeler, B.A. A British Esperanto Association (office, I3, Arundel Street, B A, It. W. S. Walker, B.A, H. K. Waller, J. A. Strand), has now been formed, though Esperanto was only Third Examination. introduced into Great Britain two years ago. It includes Pharmacology and General Pathology.-A. G. Atkinson. G. B. Bartlett, B.A., h. Becton, M.A., H. J. D. Birkett, B.A., V. T. Brircoe, B.A., among its members Sir William Ramsay, K.C.B, and Dr. R. Burgess. B.A., H. Chapple. B.A., R. G. chase, G. G. Collett, John Pollen, C.I.E.; and it has for President, Dr. Louis B.A., S. H. Daukes, B.A., L. T. Dean, B.A.. G. H. Drew, B A., G. W. Zamenhof, author of the International Language. Dfyland, B.A., T. W. N. Dunn, B.A., T. G. Elger, B.A.. A. W. Ewing, B.A.. R. L. Gamlen, B.A., J. F. Gaskell, M.A&. H. J. Gauvai, B.A., At the coming Congress of Esperanto at Boulogne, August H. E. Graham, B.A, M. Grundy, B.A., H. Hardwick-Snitb, B.A sth to 12th, the claims of that language to be an easy inter- R. N. Hart, B A., N. G. Hornel-, B.A., A. E. Kerr, B A., E. Lloyd, national medium of communication will be definitely proved. B.A, J. H. B. Martin, B.A., L. Niclolls, B.A., G. W. de . Niholson, of the possibilities or advantages of M.A., H. F. G. Noyes, B.A., A. S. M. Palmer, B.A.. P. H. Parkinsop, Let him who is sceptical B.A., M. Phillips. B.A., E. Black, M.A., A. C. H. Suhr, B.A., B. S. such an international auxiliary tongue as Esperanto visit Taylor, M.A.. C. H. Treadgold. B.A., A. Walker, RA, A. C. warren Boulogne even to-day. Preparations on a grand scale are M.A., H. N. Webber, B.A., C. J. Wilson, B.A., J. F. Windsor, B.A. being made to receive the 4,000 persons who, from various countries of Earope and Asia, have already definitely signified UNlVERSITY OF DUBLIN. intention to be present at the coming triumph of this Honorary Degrees. their AMONGST those who are to receive honorary degrees at the fort.hcomirg wonderful language. commencements on July 6th are Sir Ricbard Douglas Powell, Bart., Mr. The French Esperanto Medical Group is about to publish an H. R. Swanzy. Professor E. A. Sctafer, and Professor gydney Young. The Esperanto Medical Dictionary-in Lstin, French, and Esper- two former receive the degree of M.D., the two latter tne di gree oI LC D. 1408v L'J MEDICO-LEGAL AND MEDICO-ETHICAL. FaWNE 24, 1905. ROYAL COLLEGE OF SURGEONS OF ENGLAND. quarter towns and in the districts, yet my total private practice is THE following gentlemen, having passed the necessary examinations and embraced in the following cases: (x) OBe case of midwifery (in the case having conformed to the by-laws and regulations, have been admitted of a European lady). Rs.ico; (2) one case of dyspepsia (in a native), Rs.5; 2lembers of the College, and have received their diplomas, namely: (3) one case of incurable cancer (in a native), Rs.Iz6; (4) a few certificates 8. C. Allen, F. B. Ambler, B. N. Ash. I. G. Back, A. 0. Bisson, E. and insurance examinations, about Rs.5o in all. Brabazon, R. C. Bright, C. B. D. Buteber, H. C. Cameron, T. A. Chater. G. Hf. Cheyney, C. St. A. Coles, R. J. H. Cox, S. E. Crawford, V. A. Crinks, C. H. Cross. A S. Daly, D. M. Davies, W. L. Dickson, VOLUNTEERS. P. A. Dingle, C. J. S. Dismorr, J. S. C. Douglas, A. M. Dowdall, UNIFORM OF REGIMENTAL MRDICAL OFFICERS. S. M. D)owling, T. W. N. Dunn, W Edmondson. J. N. F. W. C. C.-The uniform described has long been out of date. Regimental Fergusson, G. Finch. E V. Frederick, K. F. Gordon, H. E. Graham, Medical Officers of Volunteers wear the uniform of their corps, except S. L. Graham, G. F. Hardy, W. D. Hartley. C. F. A. Hereford, W. H. that in full dress they wear the Departmental (Medical) belts (black Hey, G. Holroyd, E. C. Hood. A. W. Hooker, C. W. M. Hope, leatherwith silver lines)and sworc knot. When the other officers wear A. S. HRosford, J. B. Howell. T. M. Hughes, C. W. Hutt, R. R. the Sam Browne belts they will also wear them. Commanding officers Huxtable, C. E. lies, A. M. A. James. F. A. Juler, 1;. N. of corps cannot alter the uDiform without authority. Jupp. F. W. Kemp, B. W. Lacey, L. Llewellyn, F. J. Loveday. D. G. MacGill, F. S. Machin, T. W. Maddison, H. P. Martin. J. C. Mead. W. Miles, H. Mills, P. F. Minett, B. E. Moss, R. C. Neil, A. B. O'Brien, D. C. L. Orton, V. N. MEDICO-LEGAL AND MEDICO-ETHICAL. Ouranofski, P. R. Parkinson, P. L. Pearce, A. H. Pinder, R. EC. Pitts, G. C. Pounds, G. Raymond, A. G. L. Reade, J. D. Reid, P. G. Reilly, F. M. P. Rice, D. H. Richards, R. L. Ridge, J. C. L. Roberts, H. H. CRIMINAL APPEALS. Rolfe, G. F. Rudkin, J. E. Rutherford, E. Schwarz, H. E. Scoones, THE full text of the Criminal Cases (Reservation of Points of Law) Bill, as H. M. Scott, W. L. Scott, T. W. Sexton, C. A. Smallhorn, A. Smith, amended in the House of Lords, has recently been published, and it is T. Stordy, S. H. Sweet, A. B. Bskes, iE. C. Tatam, G. Thom, J. D. probable that it will eventually become law in a form closely akin to that Thomas, L. C. Thompson, A. Toulmin, W. S. Tresawana, J. R. R. in which it will be presented to the House of Commons for consideration. Trist, R. A. Veale, W. C. A. Ward. W. J. Weston, A. G. Whitaker, The object of the measure is to provide a remedy for a party aggrieved by F. E. Whitehead, A. S. Williams, W. P. G. Williams, D. Wilson, and the refusal of a judge to state a case. It has always been a defect in the E. D. Wolff. administration of the criminal law that if the chairman at quarter The following gentlemen rassed the First Professional Examination for sessions, the Recorder of a borough, or even a judge of the High Court the diploma of Fellow at the quarterly meeting of the Examiners- refuses to state a case upon a question of law raised at the trial, this ;namely: refusal is absolute and cannot be impugned. Thus, suppose counsel for Messrs. J. J. Abraham, M.B.Dub.; D. M. Aitken, M.B.Edin., the prisoner takes the obiection that certain evidence is inadmissible, F.R.C.S.Edin.; D. T. Barry, M.D.R.U.I., D.P.H.Lond.; T. H. C. the judge overrules the objection and allows the evidence Benians; W. E. Brierley, M.B.Vict.; C. Clarke, A. J. Couzens, to be given. After verdict found, counsel asks the judge to K. H. Digby, R. L. E. Downer, G. G. Farquhar, M.B., Ch.B state a case for the consideration of the Court for Crown W. S. Fenwick, C. W. Greene, B.A.Camb.; E. H. Kettje, Cases Reserved-a court whiach is usually composed of six or seven K. A. Lees, B.A.Camb.; A. Levy, B.A., M.D.. C.M.; B. A. judges of the King's Bench. If the judge refuses to state a case his Lloyd, R. B. Lloyd, B A.Camb ; A. E. A. Loosely, M.A., M.B., refusal is final. One example may be given of the kind of point which it is B.Ch.Oxon.; W. J. 0. Malloch. B.A., M.B.Toronto; H. L. Morgan, sometimes desired to bring before the Court forCrown Cases Reserved. In W. M. Munby, M.B., Ch.B.Edin.; H. Nockolds, C. A. Pannett, a case which was heard not long since atassizes in the country a woman was B.Sc.Lond.; R. N. Porter, M.D., Ch.B Vict., H. V. Prynne, H. RH charged with child murder. Evidence was tendered on the part of the Rawlings, H. L. Rawlinson, B.A.Camb. ; J. E. H. Roberts, D. Robert- prosecution and was admitted to the effect that a box containing the son, A. B. Rooke, D. W. Roy. B.A.Camb.; H. F. Shorney, M.D., B S. bodies of several other children was found in the prisoner's house. The Melbourne; W. Stansfield, L. S. Talbot, M.B., Ch.B.New Zealand; question of the admissibility of such evidence ought certainly to have H. D. Thomas, R. S. Townsend, H. F. Vellacott, J. Walker, H. G. been brought to a higher court. The Bill now before Parliament is Webb, C. E. Zundel. drafted with this object; but it contains the wise provision that if the 122 candidates presented themselves, of whom 40 passed and 82 were court consider that no miscarriageof justice has in point of fact occurred, referred. Of the 82 candidates who were referred, 42 failed to reach the notwithstanding that they are of opinion that the question of law should required standard in both anatomy and physiology, 23 in anatomy only, have been decided in favour of the person convicted, they may allow the and I7 in physiology only. conviction to stand. This will prevent the escape of an obviously guilty The following gentlemen having passed the necessary examination, person on a merely technica ground. We recall a case in which an and baving conformed to the By-laws and regulations, have been ad- objection was taken to an indictment because the date of the alleged .mitted Fellows of the College in order of seniority as Members of the offence was written in figures and not in words. The judge refused to College-namely: amend the indictment, and an application was formally made to the Messrs. F. A. Spreat, L.B.A. and D.P.H.Lond.; F. Norman, M.D.Brux., King's Bench for an order that the conviction should be quashed. In L.R.C.P.Lond.; W. Selby, D.S.O., Captain, I.M.S., L.R.C.P.Lond.; this case the appeal failed; but it is an example of the kind of frivolous T. H. Foulkes, Captain, I.M.S., L.R.C.P.Lond.; J. M. G. Swainson, objection which was formerly taken. L.R.C.P.Lond.; T. Peerin. M.B.. L.R.C.P.Lond.; E. Taunton, M.B, L.R.C.P. and D.P.H.Lond.; C. B. Thomson, L.R C.P.Lond.; A CHARGE OF NEGLIGENCE. R. A. Walker, M.B., B.C.Camb., L.R.C.P.Lond.; C. Killick, M.B, AT the Isle of Wight County Court, holden at Newport, on June 7tb, His B.C.Camb., L.R.C.P.Lond.; C. I. Graham, L.R.C.P.Lond.; C. E. Honour Judge Gye heard the case of Wood v. Bailey, which involved a Lakin. M.D, L.R.C.P.Lond.: R. V. Dolbev, M.B., B.S.Lond.; G. F. charge against a medical practitioner. Mr. Minton Senhouse, instructed D. Smith, M.A., M.B., B.Ch Oxon., L.R.C.P.Lond.; 0. W. Richards, by tee Medical Defence Union, appeared for the plaintiff and Mr. John M.D., B.Ch.Oxon., L.iR.C.P.Lond. H. Pierpoint, L R.C.P.Lond.; Marsh for the defendant. B. J. Ward, L.R.C.P.Lond. ; M. T. Williams. M.B., L.R.C.P.Lond.; It appeared that on February i6th, I903. the plaintiff, Dr. G. Benington W. W. James, L.D.S.Eng., L R.C.P.Lond.; 0. F. H. Atkey, M.B.Lond; Wood, who practises at Bandown, was called in to see the defendant's son, W. L. M. (Goldie, L.R C.P.Lond.; T. Guthrie, M.B.Camb., who was suffering from pleurisy, He attended the pattent three or four L.R.C.P.Lond. ; H. B. Mylvaganam, L.R.C.P.Lond.; F. S. Kidd, times a week down to March 12th. On this day he was hastily summoned, B.A., M.B.Camb., L.x C.P.Lond.; L. Noon, B.C.Camb, and found that the lad had had a bad night, and that his parents were in L R.C.P.Lond.: J. D. Cooke, M.B.Melb., L.R C.P.Lond.: A. C. a state of considerable anxiety. The plaintiff continued his visits daily Hudson, M.B.Camb., .L.R C P.Lond.; F. W. Daniels, L.R.C.P.Lond.; down to March 27th, when Dr. Ross, of the Royal National Hospital for T. Bates, L R C.P.Lond.: T. B. Henderson. M.A., M.B., B.Ch.Oxon., Consumption at Ventuor, was called inconsultation with theplaintiff. He L.R.C.e.Lond.;' S. C. Allen, M.D.New Zealand, L.R.C.P.Lond.; J. found that the previous treatment was correct, and recommended that it Dundon, M.B., B.Ch.R.U.I. F. W. Ellis. M.B., Ch.B.Aberd.; E. M. should be continued with certain modifications, in consequence of the Pilcher, D.8.O., Major R.A.M.C., M.B, B. C.Camb.; A. F. Hamilton, affection of the lung. The plaintiff continued his visits until April ioth, M.D., L.R.C.P.Lond. on which date, as the patient got no better, he suggested that a London physician should be summoned. The defendant demurred to this, and suggested Dr. Barker, of 9andown; but before the plaintiff could arrange a consultatiou with Dr. Barker, the defendant intimated that be did not ROYAL NAVY AND ARMY MEDICAL SERVICES. wish the plaintiff to attend his son any more. Since then he had from time to time sent in his list of fees, but as only £3 38. was paid. he now brought this action to recover £13 IS. I he defence was that the plaintiff's VOLUNTEER MEDICAL ASSOCIATION-CHALLENGE treatment was so altogether wrong that he was not entitled to any fees. It SHIELD COMPETITION. was alleged, amoDgst other things, that he had wrongfully subjected the annual defendant's son to the open-air treatment, and that he had failed to dis- THE competition for the Challenge Shield of the cover that the patient was suffering from empyema. Volunteer Medical Association took place at Wellington The PLAINTIFF, in giving evidence, said thathe had tapped the chest and flarracks on June 17th, in the presence of a good many had drawn offasmall quantity of clear fluid. He had seen no traces of spectators. After a keen competition, the 2nd V. B. pus. The treatment which he had adopted ilad been approved by Royal Dr. Ross. Fusiliers came out first, for the second time in succession Dr. WARD COUSINS, of Portsmouth, Dr. Ross, and Dr. TU&NEP, and tbp sixth altogether. They were closely followed by the Medical Officer of the Royal Isle of Wight County Hospital, Ryde, all gave ist V.B. Royal Fusiliers and the Cadet Battalion of the evidence to the effect that the plaintiff's treatment of the case was correct. King's Royal Rifle Corps. At the conclusion, Surgeon-General The DEFBNDANT, in his evidence, said that the open-air treatment was Keogh,C.B, Director-General A.M.S., addressed the teams not adopted until after Dr. Ross had seen his son. After the plaintiff and presented the badges to the winners. The arrangements left an operation was performed, when a considerable quantity of pus was removed. were made by Brigade-Surgeon-Lieutenant-Colonel Thompson Dr. COwPEB, who performed the operation, said that he could not give in the absence through illness of Captain Montgomery-Smith, any idea as to how long the pus would take to form. He would not the Honorary Secretary. criticize the treatment to which the patient had been subjected. He attended for some time. Dr. HAMMOND of Shanklin was also called for the defendant. INDIAN MEDICAL SERVICE. His HoNouR, in giving judgement, said it was not sufficient for onewho PRIVATE PRACTICE. was sued for fees to allege that the medical man did not cure the patient, R. L. writes: Allow me to add my personal exverience to the testimony of but there must be proved some want of skill or negligent act or omission privALe vraucmce among oivil surgeons in India. I have been about to disentitle to fees. It was not said in this case that the plaintiff was seven ye&rs iu India, and I have held appointments both in head- generally uuskil!ul, but that he adopted a course which was improper IUNE 24) 19os.i HOSPITAL AND DISPENSARY MANAGEMENTS j2m5 1411 and Urethra (the fifth edition of which appeared in I884), The funeral took place on June 7tb, and the ceremony was The Student's Surgery (i8go), and a Guide to the Examinations attended by the Mayor, Corporation and officials, by many ,by the Conjoint Board in England and for the Diploms of hundreds of the townspeoWle and by numerous sorrowing P.R. C.S.Eng - thiis has seen seven editione. Other books of friends from a distance. Dr. Maclennan is survived by his a different character came from his pen: The Lord ofHumanity widow and five of a family. His eldest Eon is studying








VOLUME I 1905.

3toubiuiu::~~~~ PRINTED AND PUBLISHIED AT THE OFFICE OF THE BRITIgH MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, 429, STRAND, W.C. [ ~~~~~~~~~~~~Su36 THEi-i.rITOVNT JOURNAL 361 IJUN& 24, 1905.] nBRITISH MEDICkL INDEX TO SUPPLEMENT FOR VOLUME I, 1905. Division A AsSoCIATIoN, BRITsSH MEDICAL, annual re- Birminglham Division. See Act, Indecent advertisements, amendment of, ports of Branches, 326 Blackburn D)ivision. See Division memorial from Medico-Political Committee, 6o, Branch. See .Blackman, Dr., resignation of (Portsminuth 62, Branch Division), 2o ?95 memo- Divisions. See Board, Central Midwives, meeting. 53, 85, I25, ?t.he Midwives, payment under, 4; 233, 1f9, 285, 317; teachers of midwifery and randum from Medico-Political Coinmittee Divisions for Poor-law re, I7 ; resolutions by: Aylesbury Division, og9; Council pro- training schools iiiidwives, !3; report attendances at, infirmiiaries as training schools for midwives, Cumberland (North) Division, 278; ceedings, 25, 58, x6t, 177, 277; 285; fee for certificates, 85; stringeney from Medico-Political Committee, 257 x65; annual report of to Annual Representa- 53, 65, Workmen's Compensation, medical certifi- tive meeting, 225 of regulations, 85; m-lidwives and layiDg-out -~ report of Re- the dead, 85; attendance of miiedical prac- cates under, 35 titioner, 85; midwives to appear before the Acts, the Companies, amendment of, 3c6 presentative on Central Council to Dundee women on the roll, Advertising the names of medical practitioners Branch, 333 Board, 85, 285; number of for 85, I33, I89, 285; charges against certified mid- in connexion with hydropathic and other grants i89; election of inspector, 125; establishments, 49; resolutions by: Beltast scientific research, 174, 22t wives, 125, books election of miiembers of the Board, 233; sug- Division. 264; Bournemouth Division, 210; Library, gested reduction of the certiflcate fee, Bradford Division, 156 ; Bristol Division, 146; presented to, III, 233, 217 i3; Chelsea Division, 246; Dover Division, 356; list of mem- Belfast Union Maternity Hospital. 233, 285; 263; three months up tO examination centres, x33; translattons of Dublin Division, 264; Dudley Division, bers elected during the Board's rules into Welsh, I34; use Dundee Branch, 238 ; East Leinster Division, JanuaryiS8tb, 1905, 2a; to April igtb, 1905, 17t Central -matters re- of the thermometer by miiidwives, 134; 355;Folkestone Division, 2I3; Glasgow, use of antiseptics by midwives, 134; printing Division, 298; Hampstead Division. i08 ; Isle ferred to Divisions. See Matters and medical of the Midwives Roll, I89; appliances to be of Thanet Division, 147; Liverpool (Northern) carried by midwife, 18g; meaning of the word Division, 2II; Manchester (North) Division, defence. See Medical examinations to be 107; Manchester (Soutb) Division, 263; North- -Medical-Politi- "malpractice," 289; four Committee held each year, i89; Poor-law medical officers East Edinburgh Division, 131 ; Norwooa cal Committee. See as inspectors of midwives, I89; suggested Division, 264; Portsmouth Division, 279; Attendances of Council, Committees, and Sub- for Preston Division, 231; balisbury Division, committees, I65 alterations of the rules, 189: applications Divi- B. extension of time for certification, 285; mid- 325; Southport Division, 222; Stratford wives and homes run for profit by the laity, sion, 239; Wandsworth Division, 232; West- Bath Division. See Division the Midwives Act. 285; Division, 279 Bee Division 285; administration of minster Division, I40;Winchester Belfast Division. Aston Union Infirmary, 285 ; a certificate re- Division. See Division Bermuda Branch. See BraLch fused, 286; recognition of teachers, 286; mid- Ambulance competitions, medical men and: Bill, 'the Aliens. 295 the roll, 317; midwives cen- memorandum from Medico-Political Commit- -the Coroners, resolutions by Renfrewshlre wife struck off Medico-Political sured, 328 tee, 6r* resolution of Barustanle Division, 214 Division. 163; report from - of Education, memorandum to on the pro- work, relations of the medical pro- Committee, 253 a certificate fession to, .33; report from Medico-Political Local Government (3cotland), resolution of posed institution of Government Barnstaple Counties Division, 354 of secondary education. 64, 267 Committee, 268,297 ; resolutions of: BouthiEastern Bootle Division. See Division Division, 214; Belfast Division, 264; Birken- Medical Acts Amendment: Medico-Political Branch head Division, 82; Boston and Spalding Divi- Committee, report from, 256; memorandum Border Counties Branch. See Bradford Division, Boston and Spalding Division. See Division sion, 356; Bournemouth Division, 210; Brad- from, 296; resolutions of: Boundaries of Divisions and Branches, change ford Division, I56; Brighton Division. 240; 299 ; Brighton Division, 212 ; Central Division 2 Chester Division, 82; of, 51, 84. 132, 187, 280, 293 Bristol Division, 246; Canterbury and Faver- (birmiDgham Branch), * Bournemouth Division. See Division 342 ; Chelsea Division, 246; Coventry Division, 8o, io6 ; Dover Division, 240; sham Divisions, I56, East Bradford Division. See Division City Division, 3231 Dover Division, 356; Dublin Dublin Division, 164; Dundee Brancb,42; registration of Division, 264; Dudley DivisioD, 162; Dundee Leinster Division, 355; Eastern Division (Scot- Branch, Bermuda, meeting, 1222; 355; If6; Fife Branch and Division, 13; Fur- medical practitioners, 122 Branch, 238; East Leinster DivisIon, land), - annual general meeting, Eastern Division (Scotland), 210; Folkestone ness Division, i86 ; Harrogate, Richmond and Birmingham, Divisions, 68; Isle of Thanet 353; confirmation of minutes, 353; report, Division, 213; Furness Division, 187; Glasgow Northallerton -53; financial statement. 353; eiection of Central Division, 298; Hampstead DivisioDn Division, 51: Liverpool (Central) Division, 82: thanks, addition to zo8; Harrogate Division, 280; Isle of Thanet Liverpool (Northern) Division, 211*; Liverpool officers, 353; votes of 353; Manchester rules, 353; Pathological and Clinical Section, Division, 247; Liverpool (Central) Division, 83; (Western) Division, 222; (Nortb) of Divisions on Central Liverpool (Western) Division, 287; Manehester Division, 207; Marylebone Division, 3oS; Mon- 354; representations Ports- uouncil, 354; introduction of new President, (North) Division. 239; Manchester (South) mouthshire, 42 Norwood Division, 264; to 354; Division, I63; North-East Edinburgh Division, mouth DivisioD, 279; Preston Division, 131; -54; vote tit thanks retiring President, ; Division, President's address, 354 I3 * Norwood Division, i64; Portsmouth Divi- Salisbury Division, 325 Sheffield Border Counties, general meeting, 337: s ion, 279; Preston Division, 23T ; Renfrewshire 214; South Eastern Lounties Division (Edin- Wales DivisIon, matters referred to Divisions, 337; communi- Division, I63; St. Pancras Division, i3q* Salis- burgh Branch), 50: South-West cations, dinner, 337 bury Division, 325; Sheffield Division, 224; 213 ; Southern Division (EdinburghBranch), 66; 337- West ._ Cape of Good Hope Eastern Province, South Essex DLvision, 230; South-Eastern Bouthport Division, 83; Bromwich meeting, confirma- Counties Division, 354: douthern Division Division, 8r; West Norfolk Division, 86; West- ordinary general I06, 2C9; WinchesterDivision, tion of minutes, Io6. 20o: visitors at Branch (Edinburgh Branch), 66; Southport Division, minster Division 212, 355; meetings, mo6, 2C9; President's address, Io6; 299; Bouth Staffordshire Division, 325; Strat- 279 Sevenoaks recovery of fees, 2C9; feeding of children, 210; ford Division, I39; Wandsworth Division, the Midwives, resolutions by proposed East London Division, 209; commu- 232; We3t Bromwich Division, 8i Division, 132 nications, 209 Anaestliettes, administration of for registered the New eharmacy, 298 -~ Cambridge and Huntingdon, confirma- dentists, 27 -Nurse3 Registration, resolutions of Shef- Nurses tion of minutes, 26; President elect, 26; con- Anderson, J. Ford, the abuse of hospitals and field Division, 214. Bee also tract medical practice, 26; consultation be- the remedics, 302 Public Health, to promote security of and sani- tween medical witnesses, 26; coroners and Apothecaries'Soieties and title of licentiates,306 tenure to medical officers of health medical practitioners, 26; reorganization of Appointments, vacant, report of Medical Becre- tary iDspectors, io; report of Medico-Political Board, 26: sleeping sick- tary, 6i Committee. 269; resolutions by: Altrincham Local Government Brad- ness (Dr. Nuttall), 26; vote of thanks, 26 Army, British, promolions and appointments in Division. 66; Birkenhead Division, 82; _____ Councils and their surplus funds, reso- the medical service of, 6, 24, 22, 30, 36, 46, 53, ford Division, 156; Cardiff Division, 280; lutions by: Rocbdale Division, 3.; Manchester 69, 97, 223, 126, 234, I42. 258, 274, 190, 221, 286, 334, Chester Division, 163; City Division, 324; 212 ; Dover Division, (West) Division, 26 353, 358; Surgeou-Major-General Sir -lames A. Darlington Division, 356; Dorset and West Hants, annual meeting, Hanbury granted distinguished service re- Dundee Branch, 42; Eastern Division (Scot- confirmation of miDutes, 278; introduc- ward, land), 210; Furness Division, 287; Glasgow 278; i53 355; tion of new President, 278; vote of thanks to changes of station, 22, 69, 223, I58, CentralDivision. 298; tiampstead Division, 280; Isle of Thanet Divi- retiring President, 278; deceased members, 221 Harrogate Division, 278; Representative on Central Council, 279; Medical Reserve, promotions sioD, 51; Liverpool (North) Division, 21I; 'lireasurer's report, 279; increase of member- and appointments, 36, 46, 214, 234, I42, 290, 221, Mancbester (North) DivisioD, 207; Manchester Norwood Division, I64; ship, 279; summer ImeetiDg, 279; President's 328,3I334, 350 (3outb) DiviSioD, 163; dinner, 279 Medical Staff, promotions and Stratford DivisioD, 299; South-Eastern uoun- address, 279; communications, 279; Divi- Dundee, iiieeting, 42, 138, 209, 338; conu- appointments. 6, 36, 158, I90, 222 ties Division. 354; South Staffordshire Division, memo- firmation of minutes, 42, 138, 338; medical -- sion. 325; Winchester 279; school certificates, 42; votes at local meetings, (I ilitial, promotions and appointments in randum from Medico-Political Committee, 62, 42; matters referred to Dicisions, 42, 238; the medical service of, 22, 70, 134, 25, 290, 334 269 representative on Association Council, 138; resolution by Royal Naval and - Revaccination, text of, iI; memorandum of medical agents, Committee, 64 from Medico-Political Committee, 6,62 ; reso- remiiuneration Admiiiralty Militarv Birkes- 138; co-ordination o1 scientific work, 138; Indian, promotions and appointments in lutions by: Altrincham Division. 66; Annual Representative Meeting, 138, 340; the medical service of, 6, 21, 36, 46, 53, 70, 85, head Division, 82; Bradford Division, 256; Chester specimens, 209; cases, 209; dinner, 210; annual 226, 141. 251. 274, 200, 221, 286, 334, 350 Cardiff Division, 280; Division, 163; 214, 234, 158, Division meeting, 338 ; election of office bearers, 338; Major Robert Bird nominated a Darlington Division, 212; Dover 356: report ot the Representative on Central companion of the Order of the Indian Em- Dundee BraDch, 42; Eastern Division (Scot- Council, 338; requisition for a Special Repre- pire, 6 l.nd), 220; Furness Division, 187; Glasgow e seDtative MeetiDg, 339- vote of thanks to communication from India Offiee Central Division, 298 Hampstcad Diviston, 355; retiring president, 340 to Royal Naval and Military Committee, 64 Isle of Thanet Division, si; Liverpool (North) District: medical certificates of BRITISH MEDICATI, annual meet- Division, 2II; Manchester (North) Division, *____ lDundee ASsOcIATION, Division, I53; Nor- unfitness to attend school, 2 ing prograinme, 224, 248, 226, 282, 28? 207; Manchester (South) East Anglian, council meeting, 74, Is56 Annual Repre- wood Diviqton, I64 ; Preston Division, 231; -______Stratford spring meeting, 156; new member, I56; annual sentative meeting, provisional agenda for, South Staffordshire Division. 325; meeting, 156; confirmation of miiinutes, x56; 193; standing orders relative to business at, Division, 29Q; Winchester Division, 279 and Accidents,294 resolution of LeiDnter Branch, I56; papers, 203: annual reports of Council and Com- -Workmen's Compensation J56 ; exhibits, 156; tea, I56 mittees to, 225 Birkenhead Division. Bee Division 36 2 fSi PPLYIN.-T TO THE 2BRITISH MEDIC)L JOCRNALJ INDEX TO SUPPLEMENT. JUNE 24, 1905.

I I Branch, Fife, and Division: Matters referred to Cardiff Division. See Division 6o; proceedings of subcommittees, 6o; pay- Divisions, 12; contract medical practice, I2; Cautlev, Edmund, artificial methods of infant ment of medical men called in to assist mid- consultation between medical witnesses, 13; feeding, 35 wives, 6o, 62, 257 ; coroner for South-West information to coroners, 3 ; reorganization Certificate, proposed secondary education, London, 6o; supply of Government lymph to of Local GovernmentBoard, I3; Medical Acts memorandum from Medico-Political Com- all medical practitioners, 6t; wecurity of AmendmentBill,I3; prevention of the abuse mittee, 63 tenure of medical offliers of health, 61; of drugs, 13; address by Mr. Chiene, 13; Certificates of unfitness to attend school. See Medical Acts Amendment Bill, 6r, 63, 256, 294, dinner,I3 School 297; school certificates, 6i; vacant appoint- - - (iloucestershire, confirmation of school, communication from General ments, 6I * registration of nurses, 6I, 291; con- minutes, 2; introduction of new President, 2 Medical Council, 6t, (2 sultation of medical witnesses in London, 6i, - Grahamstown and Eastern Province, school, payment of, 35,I09, 140, 147, 244, 296; medical men and ambulance competi- meeting, a; confirmation of minutes, 2; 263, 187, 212, 224 tions, 6z; provident medical service, 6x; secretary's report, 2; treasurer's report, under the Workmen's,Compensation coronets and medical men, 6i, 249, 296; 3; election of offlcers, 3: vote of thanks, 3- Act,medical, 35 medical witnesses and police fees, 62, 63; uommunications, 3; President's address, 3 Chelsea Division. See Division Secretary's report of meetings attendec, 62; ---- Hong Kong andClhina, meetiDg, ic6, 13I; Chester Division. See Division publication ia the BOPPLEMENT of matters report on working of the Branch, 206 finance, Chichester and Worthing Division. See Divi- referred to Divisions, 62; medical profession 205; Council, io6; meetings,Io6; Branch meet- sion in Parliamenat, 62, 249; action concerning a ings, io6; members, xoi; dinners,x07; iru1s, Chiene, Mr.. address on movement is life. 23 colliery appointment, 63; s4pplying reprints 107, 13t ;confirmation ot minutes, 3t ; election Childe, C. P., elected honorary secretary and of reports of the Committee, 63; death regls- of oticers,J3I ; President's address, 13t' vote treastrer (Portsmouth Division), 20 tration -and coroneg's law, 63, 89, 25I; paTlia- of thanks to retiring President, I31; cases, City Division. See Division. mentary representation, 63, 249: Medical 13'; specimens, 13I - and Tottenham Divisioos. See Divisions Secretary's visits to ilvsion s, 63, 295; colliery Leinster, report of annual meeting, 107; --and Walthamstow Divisions. See Divisions dispute, 63 ; localautho;xties ana post-mortem an lrish Committee,Ic7; fees paid by Admi- Colliery appointment, action concerning a, examination, 63, 294; medical assistance to rilty and Commissioners of Irish Lights, 107 ; memorandum from Medico-Political com- midwives, 63, 255, 294; fees paid by the pQlice medical offlcers' superannuation, 207 mittee, 63; resolution by Monmouth Division, for emergency attendances, 63, 265; parlia- Malta and Mediterranean, meetiDg, 146; 1I0 mentary matters affecting the profession, 63; confirmation of minutes, 146; paper, 146; disputes, memorandum from Medico- contract practice inquiry, 63, 294; agreemeDts adjournment, 746 Political Committee, 63 as to contract practice, 63; proposed secoDdary -- iMetropolttan Counties, 33; special Colonial Committee. See Committee education certificate, 63,267; cQntractprsatice. general meeting, 33 Committee, Annual Meeting (Sections),'meeting, interim report, 242; reorganization of Local -Munster, annual meeting, 356; confirma- 65, 277 ;adoption of resolutions, 65 Government Board, 245, 296; drug abuse, 240, tion of minutes. 356; provincial pratitioners - Colonial, meettng, 79; election of 297; Coroners Bil, 253; unduly repeated dis- and the General Medical Council, 356; Irish chairman, 79; election of members, 79: regis- pensing of prescriptions, 265; further corre- Committee, 356; election of officers, 356; new tration in Australia, 79: registration in Cey- spondence with the , 266; members, 316 10on 79; Colonial medical legislation, 79 memorandum to the Board of Education, 267; - - New South Wales, 324; confirmation of -Colonial (Joint) Constitution, meet- report of Executive Committee of the Norwich minutes, 324; new member, 324; cases and ing, 79; apologies for absence, 79 reference to Division, 270; Workmen's Compensation Bill communications, 324 the Committee, 79; Colonial members of Cen- and Accidents (Mines and Factories) Bill, 294; -- North Wales. 132; formation of Branch, tral Council, 79; subscription to Australian Congress of Scho3l Hygiene, 294; post-mortem 232; election of officers, 132; by-laws of new Branches, 79 examination, 294; advertising by a nursing branch, 232; Ethical 'Committee and rules, Dental, report of, 315 institute, 294; medical certificate supplied 132; annual meeting, 132 Edu-ation, report or, 3T2 -by a chemist, L94; medicine containing - Perth, meeting, Io8; confirmation of Ethical, annual report to Annual poison supplied by medical practitioners, minutes, 208; matters referred to Divisions, Representative Meeting, 273; report on adver- 294; registration of nurses and nursing 108; questions, iog; vote of thanks, log tising of the names of iiiedicalpractitioners in homes, 294; medical aid organizations COL- -~~ Queensland, annual meeting, zoq; report connexion with hydropatbin and similar esta- nected with places of worship, 294; of council, iog; treasurer's statement, Iog; blishments, 49, 273; apologies for absence, 77, case of an unregistered practitioner, 295; election of officers, tog; presentation to 179; ethical inquiries, 77; copyright of the Irish Poor-law medical officers' superannuE - retiring secretary, I09 JoUBNAL, 77: notices under Rule 3, 77; tiOD, 295; Aliens Bill, 295; report of Executive [south-Eastern of Ireland, meeting, I55, assistance by general practitioners at opera- Committee to the Division on the conditions 223, 342; confirmation of minutes, 255, 2I3, 341 tions, 7j refusal to obey decision of Branch of employment of the medical officers of the letters, 255, 2t3; annual report, 255; amend- Council, 7;7 Divisions and non-members, 77- Ebbw Vale workmen's doctors' fund and kin- ment of Branch rnles, isa; Leinster Braneb, rules of lUivisions and Branheke. 77, T80; pro- dred matters, 295; drafting of reports, 297; x56;note of council at Kilsenny, 213 ; nomina- iessional advertising, 77; savatorium for in- vaccination expenses, 297; insurance fees, tion of officers, 213; resolutions, 213 luncheon, ebriates, 77; Secretary's report of Visits, 78; 297; questions. before Parliameht; 297; provi- 213, 342; annual meeting, 3s1; leiters of advertisement by handbills, 78; appeai to dent dispeDsaries, 297 apology, 341; election of offlcers, 341; repre- General Medical Council respecting can- Committee, Organization, meeting, 74, I839 297; sentation of Branch at annual meeting of the vassing, 78, 275; advertisement reported to apologies for absence, 74, 75, 76, 283, 297; mat- AssociatioD. 341; alteration of rules, 342 vote Geeneral Medical Council, 78; complaint as to ters referred toDivisien, 74; rules of Divisions of thanks to retiring chairman, 342 a hospital, 78; dispute as to a club appoiut- and Branches, 74, 75, 76, 283, 297; amalgama- South Wales and Monmouthshire, ment, 78; agreement as to club appointmllents, tion of, 74; representation on Central Council, remarks on vaccination (T. Garrett Horder), 4 78; exclusion frein a local medieal society, 74; meetings attended by Medical Secretary, South-WeStern, meeting, o09, x2o; con- 179; report of cases dealt with, 279; publica- 74, 75, 76, I83; interpretation of an article, 74; firmation of minutes, g09, ,I0; cases, to2; uion of names in trade advertisemiients, etc., auvisabiliiy of Medical Secretary's visits, 74; papers, use rule for Branches re of form of voting paper, 74, 75; representation I20; pathological specImens, II0; 179; model eirculation ' of contraceptives, xIo notices in certain cases, igo; regulations of of Division, 4; East Anglian Branch, Council -~ Staffordshire, some wroblems of public the Association, 18i, 273; local regulations, meetiDg held at Kelling, lolt, on Thursday, bealth (Edward Deanebly), 17; communica- rules of Divisions and branches, I82, 273 ; pro- September 2gtll, 2904, resolutions, 74; annual tions, 20 cedure in ethical eases, 183, 273 report forms, 74; eireulars to non-members, Sydney and New South Wales, special Hospitals, meeting, 65, 262, 297; new 74* amalgamation of provincial societies with general meeting, 27; ordinary meeting, 35, 67; members, 65; hospital management, 65; hos- the AssoCiation, 75; proposed conference of mte notification of pulmonary tubercuiosis, pital letters, 65; conference on principles of Branch and Division secretaries, 75; member- 27, 35; confirmation of minutes, 35, 67; new hospital management, 65; Poor-law service ship of the Association, 75; circulation of unemners, 35, 67; a personal explanation, 35; and provident dispensaries, 65, 297; procedure mabters referred to Divisions, 75; Divisional communications, 35 67; exhibitLion of a case, for conference with representatives of hospi- changes, 75; model form of annual reports, 35: next meeting, 67; widows' and orDhans' tal8, I62; conference, 162; lay representatives 75; agenda of Representative Meetings, lund, 67, See also Branch, New South Wales appointed to conferwith Committee, I62; addi- 76; Branch and Division maps, 76; Division - Ulster, confirmation of minutes, 43. 47; tional members of Committee, 262; conference expenditure, 76, 285; the SUPPLEMENT, 76; report of council, 43, 147; Royal Medical Fund amendments to Committee scheme. I62; fur- increasing the membership of the Association, of Ireland, 43; future meetinss, 43; statement ther deliberations of Committee, 16z; letters 76; special rules of Colonial Branches, 76; of accounts, 43; proposed Irish Committee. of apologY, 297; chargesfor Poor-law cases, 207; changes of boundaries, 76, 183, 298; annual 4.7; attendance of office-bearers at council provident dispensaries. 297; hospitals and the reports of Branches to Central Council, 76; meeting, 247 .eoor-law medical service. 297 annual reports of Divisions to Branches, 76: - West Somerset, 40*; confirmation of - Journal and Finance, meetiDg, I62; non-members and the "KMedical Directory," minutes, 140; certificates under the Educa- research scholarshipintropical medicine, I62; 76; grouping of Divisions and Bran.ches for tion Act, 140; matters referred to Divisions, office clerical staff superannuation, 262; medi- representative purposes 1905-6, 76, 184, 298; 241; annual meeting, 342; confirmation of cal defence, I62; financial statement i62 communication from a Committee of a Branch, minutes, 34-; annual report and balance Medical Defence, memorandum 76 ;constituencies for Representative Meetings sheet, 342 ; election of officers, 342 ; president's from, together with the draft scheme, I29, for igo5-6, 283; principle adopted in grouping addrese, 342; luncheon, 342 283, 276276 Colonial Branches, I85 ; qualification Ior memi- Branches, annuai reports ot, 326 183 _ .Medico-Political, proceedings of, g, bers of Council elected by Colonial Branches, and Divisions, notice of changes of 17, 33, 60, 294; annual report to Annial Repre- I85 ; proposed reduction of limit of member- boundaries of, St sentative Meeting. 235, 297; proposals for con- ship of Divisions for indeeend-nt representa- -- Scottish,conjointmeeting of, 8i ; demon- certed action by the Divisions wvith respect to tion in Re3presentative Meetings, I85; circu- strations, 8X; dinner, 82 the National Deposit Friendly Society, 9, 6o, lation of reprinted addres'sesto non-members, Brighton Division. See Division 6r, 63, 94, 250, 294; re Public Health Bill, I0, 62, I85; suggested payment by Divisions of elec- Bristol Division. See Division 269; re Revaccination Bill, II, 6r, 62, 294; tion expenses of eandidates for the Central Bumley Division. mee Division memorandum re MidwivesAct i902, 17, 257; Council, I86; alteration of Article XXXVIII, relations of the medical profession to ambu- 286; Medical Secretary's visits to Divisions, C. lance work, 33, 6I, 268, 297; apologies for 297; Divieion and Branch income and expen- Cambridge and Huntingdon Branch. See absence, 6o, 62, 63, 294,295; medical attendanice diture, 298; next meeting, 298 Branch in criminal cases, 6o, 62- references to Divi- Pharmacopoeia, report of, 314 Canterbury and Faversham Divisions. Bee sions, 6o; payment for medical cerlificates of Premises and Library, meeting, Divisions unfitness to attend school, 6o, 265. 294, 297; 216 *Canvassing and employment of unqualified Amendment of the Indecent Advertisements' Public Health, meeting, 78: apolo- assistants, 309, 325 Act, 6o, 62, 295; matters referred to Divisionp, gies for absence, 78: Public Health Bill, 78; Cape of Good Hope Branch. Bee Branch 60, 235, 295; preliminary medical education, vamcination legtslation, 78 6 SUPPLI.EME1:NT TOTlI JUNEM INDEX MEDICJkL JOU'RNAL 36 24, 1905.3 TO S1YPPLMENT. [BRITISH1 l3nlTIsH NIEDIC.PL JOU'RN..L 39 3 Committee, Public Health, report to General Council, General Medical, II2, 283, 306 ; meeting meeting; contract medical practice, interim Medical Council, 31', 312 of Executive Committee, i2t2; medical and report cpsidered, I; consultation betwSen Royal Naval andMilivary, meeting, dental companies, 212, 284; resignation of medical witnesses, 2; information to coroners, 64 *election of chairman, 64; new member, 64; standing counsel, 22; appointments 1z22 2; reorganization of Local Government Militia Medical Service, 64; Indian Medical u'olqniai ordilances aid acts, II2 ;a "me3ical" Board, 2;M*edical Acts Amendment Bill, 2 ServIce, 64 certificate given by a chemist, II2; dental Division, Blackburn, meeting, 1297, 220. 279; vac- Scientifle Co-ordination, meeting, 78; business, x12, 308, 3Io; president's address, cination legislation, 107,210; a medical officer's appointment of chairman, 78; Therapeutic 283; the council's legal adviser, 284; salary, I07; confirmation of minutes, 210, 279; Committee, 78; general organization of scien- AnatouTy Adet, 284, the council's house, report of Representative, 210; benevolent aud tific work (a) the scientific work of the Divis- 284; flnance, 284; the students' registers, provident scheme, 210; proposed resolutions, sioDs and Branshes, 78, o05; (b) sectional work 284; structural alterations, 215; inspePC- 220; proposed adcitions to standing orders, at the annual meeting, 79, ic6: (C) special tions and visitations, 285; the "British 22o; aunual report, 279; election of officers, researeh library, io5 ; relation of the Asso- Pharmacopoeia," 285; nther business, 285; 279; medical offlcer or Darwen Division. 279; ciation to other suientific79, societies, Ic6 the president's duties, 285; new members, 306; annual dinner, 279; vote of thanks to retiring Scottishi, meetiog. 80, 277; election president's address, 3o6; Business Committee, officers, 279 of officers, 8o; medical certificates of unfltness 306; results of examinations, 306: reports re- Bootle, 342 vote of thanks to retiriDg to attend school, 8o; Scottish Poor-law Medi- ceived in camera, 306, 315; amendment of the officers. 341; election of offlice-bearers, 341 cal Service, 8o; medical evidence in criminal Companies Acts, 326; title of Licentiates of the Representatives on Branch Council, 341 cases, 8o; Licensinig (cotland) Act I903, 277; Societies of Apothecaries, )o6; procedure in - Boston and Spalding, annual meeting. medical representatives of the defence at offi- petal cases, 3c6, 327; revision of tandiDg 355; Confirmation of minutes, 3!5; secretary's cIal autopsies in criminal ecses, 277 assoCia- orders as to visitation and inspection, 308; report, 355; treasurer's report, 355; election of tion house in Scotland, 277; Education (3cot- a divorce case, 3o8; "medical" certificate officers, 355; programme for the year. 355; land) Bill, 277 given by a chemist, 308; allezed canvassing certain proposals of the Medico-Political Coim- and of mittee, 355; ambulance work, 356; luncheon, Secretaries oa Branches and Divi- employment unqualified322 assistants, sions, meeting, 276; appointment of commit- 30o; disciplinary cases, 309. ; revised stand- 356- tee, 276; common room for Division and ing orders, 3to; Public Health Committee, Bournemouth, 220; confirmation of Btanch secretaries, 277 310, 312; Education Committee, 3I2; financial minutes, 2I0; election of officers, sio; matters Committeeq, attendances at, Io0 report, 313; inspection of the final examina- referred to Divisions, 2IO; case, 220; Isle of Contract Medical Practice: Medico-Political tion of the University of Oxford, 314; Thanet Division, 220 Committee, memorandum from, 63, 294; inspection for the Final Examination of the --Bradford, miieeting, 27, 223, I56, 299; interim report from, 242; resolutions University of London, 314; report on service conifirmation of minutes, 27, 223, 256, 299; examination 314: Pharmacopoeia National Deposit Friendly SonIcty, 27, 123; by: Belfast Division. i64 Birmingham Branch, statistICs, administration of for Central Division, I ; Bradford Division, 223 - Committee, 314; report of the Dental Com- anaesthetics registered Cambridge and HuntiDgdon Branch, 26; mittee, 3tr; canvassing and advertisine, 315; dentists, 27; supplementary grants lund, 223, Chelsea Division, 246; Chester Division, 82; remuneration ot members of Council, 325; IS6; election of members by Divisions, 123; City Division, 324; Coventry Division, 80, Apothecaries' Society of London, 325; pro- "Medical Register," 223; matters referred to I06; Darlington Division, 222: Dover Diivision, posed increase in the number of Direct Divisions, 223, 256, 299; next meeting, 223; 240; Dublin Division, 264; Eastern Division Representativeg, 315; instruction of medical notices of mllotion, 2Q9; amalgamation with (scotland), x86; Edinburgh Division (North- students in midwifery, 316; Executive Com- Bradford Medico-Ethical Union, 299 - East), 231: Fife kranch and Division, I2: mittee, 3t7; Penal Cases Committee, 327; stu- Brighton, meeting, IO9, I40, 222, 325 Folkestone Division, xog; Furness Division, dents' registration, 327;-proposed fee for stu- confirmation of minutes, xO9, 240, 325; Cases, 286; Glasgow North-Western Division, 42; dents' regist.ratiop, 327; election of committees. 109, 212; medical practitioners and midwives, ot vote of tog; matters referred to Divisions, 240; vote Isle of Thanet DivIsion, 5t; Liverpool 327; reappointment registrar, 317; to Medical Acts (Central) Division, 8o ; Liverpool (Northern) thlanks, 3V7 ot thanks chairman, I4o; DivisioD, 222; Liverpool (Western) Division, elect-ion of Represen- Amendmebnt Bill, 212; Annual Representative tatives resolutions of Sheffield 224 Meeting, 325 5o0; Manchester (North) Division, 4I; Maryle- to, Division, -- matters 208 ; Division. Coventry Division. See Division Bristol, meeting, 46; referred bone Division, Monmouthshire con- 42; Norwood Division, 264; Portadown and Cranio-cerebral topograpby, I2O to Divisions, 246; annual meeting, 353; West Down Division, 27; Portsmgith Division Criminal cases, medical attendance in, memo- firmation of minautes, 353; annual report, 353; from Medico-Political 6o, election of officers, 353; Representative Meet- 279; Renfrewshtre Division, 263; Rochdale randum Committee, ing, DLvistoD, 3; Salisbury Division, 325; Sheffield 62; resolutions by Midland Medical Union, 62 -s35 Division, 224; South-Eastern jounties Divi- Croydon Division. See Division Burnley, confirmation of minutes, 66; sion, Edinburgh Branch, 5,; Southport Divi- Cuthbert, Firriin, Presidential address (Glou- matters referred to Divisions, 66; annual South Shields Division. cestershire Branch), i meeting, 323; election of officers, 323 sion, 83; 42; Souith - Cardiff, annual meeting, 28o; confir- Suffolk Division, 82; South-West Wales Divi- mation of minutes, 280; election of officers, siOn. 223; Trowbrldge Division, I38: West D. 280; report of executive committee, 250; Bromnwich Dlvision, 8o; Westminster Division, Annual 280; matters 239 Darlington Division. See Division Representative Meeting, Coutraceptives, use of, resolution by South- Deanesly, Edw&rd, some problems of public referred to Divilsions, 280; vote of thanks to Western Branch, Iio health, I7 retiring chairman. 280 and coroners' law. See Chelsea, meeting. x46; confirmation of Coroner for South-West London, report of Coni- Death registration minutes, 246; matters referred to Divisions, ference of Medical Societies ou, 6o Coroners 246; communication from' Lancashire and Coroners, information to: Medico-Political Com- Dentists, registered, administration of anaes- Cheshire Branch, nomination of Repre- mittee, memorandumfrom, 61, 296; reportfrom, thetics for, 27 246; Sir A. - on 249. Resolutions of: Birmingham Branch, unregistered, 8o sentative mCentral Council, 146; Gage Central Division, 2; Bradford Division, 156- Direct Representatives, proposed increase in Browp, letter of condolence to, 247; instruc- Bristol Division, 246; Burnley Division, 66 number of, 315 tion to honorary secretary, 247: forthcoming Cambridge and Hunttngdon Braneb, 26; Disciplinary cases. 3c8, 3C9, 3I1 election of officers, 247; vote of thanks to Chester Division, 82; Coventry Division, 8,; Dispensing of prescriptions. unduly repeated, chairman. 147 Darlingten Division, 222; Dover Division, 240, report by Medico-Political Committee, 2f5 -- Chester, meeting, 82, 262; confirma- tion of miputes, 82, 763, 354 matters referred 356; Dublit Division, I64; Dudley Division, Division, Altrincham, quarterly meeting, 3; of 163; Dundee Branch, 238; East Leinster confirmation of minutes, 3, 66; btate registra- to Divisions, 82, I63; tea, 8a; amaigamiiation of committee Crewe and Chester Divisions, I63; recommen- DIViSioD, 355; Eastern Division (Scotland), t.ion nursee, 3; meeting, 3; dations of Scientific Committee, 163; notices I86; Edinburgh, North-East, Division, 13i; finances, 3; nurses, 3; correspondence. 3; at of Fife Branch and DivisioD, 23; Folkestone cases, 3; othermatters. 3; second representa- motion, 263; annual meeting, 354; report on Branch matters referred executive committee, 354; changes in areas of Division, 223; Furness Division. I86; Glasgow tive Council, 66; I)visions, 3S4 electiou of officers, 354: Annual Central Division, 298; Hampstead Division, to Divisions, 66 vote of thanks to w4 * Harrogate, Richmond, and Northallerton Aylesbury, meeting, Top; confirmation Representative Mdeeting, 354; Division, 68; Isle of Thanet Division, 5r- of minutes, 209; school certificates, Iog; Mid- retiring chairman, 354; confirmatory meeting, Central Division, 82; Liverpool wlves Act, Iog; vote of thafiks, I09 Liverpool -- Barnstaple, annual Chichester and Worthing, confirma- North Division, 211; Liverpool South Divi- meeting. 2J3; tion of 27; next meeting, 27; the sion, 41; Liverpool West Division, Si ; Man- paper, 223; case, 213; confirmation of minutes, minutes, chester North Division, ; Marylebone Divi- 213; annual report, 213; election of officers, ;"edical Register," 27; papers, 27: dinner, 27 5i referred to Division - City, 232; miiedical charities in con- sion, io8; Monniouthshire Division, 43; Nor- 223; resolutions by of Annual wood Division, 264; Portsmouth Divi- Branch, 2x1; matterp referred to Divisions, nexion with places worship, i3t; Preston Division, Renfrew- school certificate$, 214 instrucioDs tQ Representative Meeting, 231; representative sion, 279: 232; 224; at Annual on Associationi Council, 131; matters referred shire Division, 263; Rochdale Division, 3; the Representative Representative to annual St. Pancras Dlvision, 139; Sheffield Division, Meeting, 214; visit to infirmary, 224; votes of Divisions, I3I, 324; general meeting, Counties Division, Edin- thanks, 224 324; report of executive committee, 324; 224; South-Eastern to Branch election of officers, 324; model rule, 324; vote burgh Branch, so; Southern Division, Edin- Bath. report Council, 42; of thanks to chairman, 324 burgh Branch, 66; Southport Division, 83; resignation of Honorary Secretary, 42; medi- retiring zo6; South Shields Division, 42; South Suffolk cal practitioners and midwiVes, 42; annual Coventry, meeting, to, speolmens, Division, 82- South-West Wales Division, 67, meeting, 353; confirmation of minutes 3)3; 8,o; notice.of-motionforAnnualRepresentative Divi- election ot officers. 353; report, of executive Meeting, So; contracts with Friendly 0ocleties, 2i3; Swansea Division, Ito; Trowbridge matters to Divisions, 8o; unregistered dentists, 80; payment of Sion, 238; Westminster Division, 139 committee, 353 ; ref6rred medical practitioners in midWives cases. 8o; CoronerS' Law, Death Registration and: Medico- on contract 8o: con- Political Committee, memorandum from, 63, 353*- Belfast, 20, I64; autnm-ln meeting,2o; interim report practiCe, of the 2`0; on gtiltation8 betwWeen medical witnesses, fo; in- 89; report from, 252 ; resoIltions by: Bourne- work Division, paper personal formation to coroners, 8o; reorganization of mouth Divlsion, 210; Bradford Division, 156; administration of anaesthetics (Dr. Flelden), Local Government So; Medical Act Brighton Division, 40; Bristol Division, 20; magnets, exhibition of, 20; matters Board, referred to 264; resolution of Amendment Bill, 80; abuse of drugs, 8o; 146 ; Furness Division, 287 ; Liverpool Divisioni, National Deposit Friendly 8o; cases. (North) Division, 341; Manchester (Soutb) Leinster Branch, 164 206; medifal Society,and Friendly Division, 263; Norwood Division, i64; Ports- Birkenhead, meeting, 82: confirmation practitioners to Renfrewshire Division, of minutes, 82; medical practitioners and Societies, 1o6; matters referred Divisions, mouth Division, 279; 82; National Priendly IC6; representative on Branch Council, oc6 263 ; balisbury Division. 325; Southport Divi- midwives, Deposit _ meeting, 22, 279; confirma- Sion, 299; Wandsworth Division, 221 ; Westmin- Society, 82; Public Health Bill, 82; Re- Croydon, Winchester Dlvision, vsacination Bill. 82 ambulance work, 82 tion of minutes, I22, 279; next Weeting, 222, ster Division, 240, 212; 279 - - Central. of 279; matters referred to Divisions. 222; Vote Council of the AssociatiOn. See Association, Birmingham conflrmation with Dr. Owen 122, 279; Council minutes, x; letter from Mr. Barling, I; no' ices of of sympathy Fowler, Surii F:mFST TO T5 1 364 BRITISH MEDICAL JOUR2)Ltj INDEX TO SVPPLE MEBT. [JUNE 24, 1905. = papers, J22; dinner, 122. 279; election of vacancies amongst officers, 341; notices of vote of thanks to retiring secretary, 324; elec- officers, 279; school certificates, 279; vote of motion for Representative Meeting, 342 tion of officers, 324; Consumptive HIospital, thanks to retiring cbairman, 279 ; cases, 279 Division, Liverpool (6outhern), 42, 263; confirma- 324; paper, 324 Division, Cumberland (North), meeting, 278; tion of minutes, 42 ; contractpractice. 41 ; con- DLvlsion, Salisbury, 325; election of officers, 325; matters referred to Divisions, 278 ; dinner, 278 sultations between medical witnesses, 42 ; in- matters referred to Divisions, 325 Darlington, 2I2; confirmation of formation to coroDers, 4t ; Local Government - Scottish, meeting, 122; matters re- minutes, 212; matters referred to Divisions, Board, 41 prevention of abuse of daDgerous ferred to Divisions, 122; paper. 122; dinner, 212 ; payment of school certificates. 212 drugs, 4I; Annual Representative MeetiDg, 4l; 1222; annual general meeting, 354; election of - Dover, 4, 67, 140, 356; confirmation of second representative of Divipion in Central officers, 3s4 minlltes, 4, 67, 240, 356; pi oposed division of Division, 41; lantern slides, 41; matters reierred - devenoaks, 232, 299; paper, 132. 299; the Branch, 4; State registrat,ion of nurses, 4; to Divisions, 41, 263 fees for sickness certificates. 232; matters re- reduction of subscription for juniormembers. -Liverpool (Western), meeting, 50, 222, ferred to Divisions, 232, 299; election of officers, 4; p.yrnent under Midwives Act, 4; letter 287, 298; matters referred to Divisions, 50, 122. 299 Irom Medical Secretary, 4; future meetings, 4; I8 confirmatioD of minutes, 298; reports, 298; Sheffield, 224; filling ofvacanciesamong matters re;erred to Divisions, 67, 240. 356; vote election of officers, 298: Annual R epresentatmve officers of Divisions, 214; matters referred to of thanks, 240, 356; letter to non-member, 356 Meeting, 298; Executive Committee's annual Divisions, Dublin, 164; confirmation of minutes, report, 298 ; miscellaneouS, 298 -- Southampton, 325; election of officers, 264; proposed formation of an Irish Com- - Manchester (Central), ?41; financial 325 acceptance of rule, 325; medical defence. mittee, i64: matters referred to Dh-isions, i64 report, 341; matters referred to Divisions, 325; matters referred to L.ivisionS, 325; Annual -- Dudley, meeting, I62; matters referred 341 annual meeting, 342; election of officers, Representative Meeting, 325 to Divisions, I62; payment of school certifi- 342; report of Executive Committee, 34t; - Bouth-Easterim Counties (Edinburgh cates, I6% Annual RepresentativeMeeting, 341; vacancies Branch), meeting, 50, 354; matters referred to -Eastbonrne, 342 ; annual meeting, 342; among officers, 342 Divisions, 50, 354; registration of medical election of officers, 342; confirmation of Manchester (North), meeting, 42, 51, students, so; electoral areas, 5o; abuse of minutes, 342; Ainnual Representative Meeting, IC7, 238, 222; contract medical practice, 42, 5i; drugs, 5o; other matters, so; future meetings, 342 vacancies among officers, 51t; communication so, conlirmation of minutes, election of East Leinster, annual meeting. 355; from Exeter Division, 52; information to officers, 354; Annual Representative354- Meeting, coDfirmation of miDutes, 355; election of om- coroners, 5I reorgaDization of Local Govern- 354 cers, 355; an IrJish Committee, 355; matters ment Board, 51; consultation between medi- - - South Essex, meeting, 2. J30; cases referred 10 Divisions, 355 cal witnesses. 5I; communication from West shown, 2. 230; matters referred to DiviSions, 2, - Eastern (IcotUaDd), meeting, 286, 2T0; Manchester Division, I07; matters referred to 130; confirmation of minutes, 130; paper, 230 confirmation of minutes, if6, 210: contraCt, Divisions, 107, 238., ambulance work, 239; - Southport, meeting, 83, 222, 299; medical practice, i86; " The Medical Register," notices of motion, 239, 211h Branhresolutions matters referred to Divisions, 83, 122, 299: con- If6, 210 ; mnatters referred to Divisions, I86, 210; forwarded to the Division for consideration, firmation of minutes, 299; election of officers, notices of motion at Representative Meeting, 139; otber business, 239; new rule, 222; elec- 299; annual report, 299; alteration of rules, 220 tion of officers, 2121 refreshments, 2121 299; medical defence. 299 - Folkestone, meeting, IC9. 223, 325; Con- - Manchester (South), meeting, 263; - South Shields, matters referred to firmation of minutes, 109, 213, 325; paper, i09; matters referred to Divisions, 263; alteration DivisIons, 42 Division of Branch, 2c9; matters referred to of by-laws of Association, 163 ; notices of - South Staffordshire, annual meeting, DivisioDS, 2C9. 223: report of Executive Com- motion. 263; the Association and medical de- 325; election of officers, 324; matters referred mittee, 325; election of officers, 325; alteration fence, 163 to Divisions, 325 of rules, 325; vote of thanks to retiring chair- -______Manchester (West), general meeting, - South Suffolk, special meeting, 82; man, 325; cinner, 325 26: Branch CouDCils and surplus funds, 26; Executive Commiiittee, 82; miiatters referred - FurLiess, general meeting, 286; confir- cost of the organizition department, 26; to Divisions, 82; iiiedical profession and mation of minutes, I36; matters referred to annual meeting, 323; confirmatioD of minutes, a mbulance work. 82; membership of tlhe Divisions, 286 323; report of Executive Committee, 323; Association, 82; vacancies amiioing officials of Glaegow Central, annual meeting, 298; Annual Representative Meeting, 323; new rude, Divisions, 82 ; co-ordination of work of confirmation of minutes, 298 ; matters referred 323: alteraLion of rule, 323; matters referred Divisions, 82 to Divisions, 298; school certificates, 295: lo Divisions, 323; expenseaof the Represents- --South-West Wales, 67, 213; election medical defence, 298; notices of motioD, 298; tive, 324; vote of thanks to retiring chairman, of member of Branch Council. 67; Post-Office new pharmacy, 298; election of officers. 298 324 appointmiients, 67; matters referred to Divi- Glasgow, North-Western, Annual - Marylebone, meeting, 1o8; matters stons, 67, 213; votes of thanks, 67; condirma- Representative Meeting, 42; contract medical referred to Divisions, I08 tion of minutes, 213; Ethical Coiimittee, 213; practice, 42 - Monmouth, members present, 27 recommendations from special imieeting at Glasgow West, 223 confirmation of confirmation of minutes, 27, 42, I0o; model Carmarthen, 223; information to coroiners, minutes, 323; report of Executive Committee, rule, 27; proposed meiiiorial to Lord 213; papers, 223; next meeting, 213 323; election of officers, 323 Tredegar, 42, II0; matters referred to - Southern (Efdinburgh Branch), con- -- Hampstead, 3 i08, 300, 355: confirmation Divisions, 42, 10; supervision of ulmidwives, firmation of minutes, 65, 34o: apology for ab- of minutes, 3, I08, 300, 355; contract medical 22o; cranio cerebral topography, iXo; colliery sence, 65; letters, 65 ; Annual Representative practice, 3; consultations between medicalwit- appointments, 2I0 Meeting, 65; matters referred to Divisions, nesses, 3; paper on siphonage of the stomach - North Carnarvonshire and Anglesey, 66, 341; vote of thanks, 66; annual meeting, (Soltau Fenwick), 4; vote of thanks, 4,3cO, 355; confirmation of minutes, 42, 324 :University 340; annual report and Treasurer's statement, a fixed day for meetiDgs, 34; coroners and College of North Wales, 24; medical practi- 340; vacancies among officers, 340: election of medical men, 34; reorganization of the Local tioners and, midwives, 42; discussion, 42; office-bearers, 340; school certificates, 342; Government Board, 34; memorandum of the specimens, 42; vote of thankp, 42; annUal proposed Division dinner, 341; vote of thanks Medico-Political Committee, 35; infant feed- meeting, 324 ; report of Executive Committee, to chairmaD, 34T ing, 35; letter, Io8; small attendance, ro8; 324 ; matters referred to Divisions, 374; annual - Stratford, meeting, 4, 67, 84, 239, 299; election of members by Divisions, I08 ; election representative meeting, 324; paper, 315 demonstration by Sir Patrick danDson show- of Representatives, 208; relation of medical -- North-East Ediniburgb, meeting, io; ing the value of the microscope in the dia- profession to ambulance work, 208; adver- confirmation of minutes, 230; resignation of gnosis of tropical diseases, 4; vote of thanks, tising in connexion with hydropathie estab- chairman, `30o School Board certificates, 230; 4; conflrmation of minutes, 67, 133, 299; ad- lishments, 1o8; alteration of by-laws, Ic8; "' Medical Register," 130; circularto non-mem- dress, 67, 239; Annual Representative Meeting. communication from Lancashire and Cheshire bers, I30 : matters reJerred to Divisions, *3o 67; medical practitioners and midwives, 67, 'tranch, 1c8; canvassing the Division, Io8; Norwood, meeting. 209, 264, 342; con- 84; address, 84; letter from Percy Rose, iro; Wandsworth resolution as to nominated can flrmation of minutes, 209, I64, 342; the late Dr. matters referred to DivisIons, 239, 299; elec- didates, 3oo; hospital abuse, 300; letters, 355; R. M. Miller, tog; next meeting, IC9, 342; lion of representative on Central Counucil, 239; election of representatives, ?55: matters re- clinical evening, 1og; annual meetiDg of South- affiliation of local medical societies with time ferred to Divisions, 355; an ethical question, 355 Eastern Branch r9o6, I0g; King's College Hos- AssociatiOD, 239; lantern demonstration, 299; *- Harrogate, ineetiDg, 280; confirnia- pital, log; papers, 0og; matters referred to special general meeting, 299 tion of mtnutes, 280; election of officers, 2f0; Divisions. iog, I64; dinner, l09, 342; resolutions - Swansea, meeting, I10; matters re- matters referred to Divisions, 280; spa doctors of Laneashire and Cheshire dranch, 264; vote ferred to Divisions, 2Io and their professional brethren, 280; dinner, of thankstochairmaD, i64; election of officers, Tottenham, 41, 299; paper, 41; election 280 342; report of Executive Committee, 342; of officers, 299; Annual Representative Meet- - Isle of Thanet, meeting, 52, 247; papers, etc., 342 ing, 299 special meeting, Sr; chairman, 52, 247; Execu- - Portadown and West Down, matters - Trowbridge, meeting, 238: confirma- tive Committee, 52; letters, 51; contract referred to Divisions, 27 tion of minutes, 238: balance sheet, 138; medical practice, 52; consultations between - Portsmouth, 20, 279; confirmation of matters referred to DivisionE, 138 medical witnesses, 5I; information to coro- minutes, 20; retirement ot Dr. Blackman, 20; - Wandswortb, meetiDg, 27, 34, 83, I3T, ners, 52: reorganization of Local Government sbe late Dr. Wilmer Phillips, 20; election of 211, 299; confirmation of minutes, 17, 34. 83, Board, 51, 247; Medical Acts Amendment Bill, officers, 279: proposed meetiDg of Bouthern I31, 221 ; remuneration of patients exhibited, 5 ; abuse ot drugs, 5 i ; medical practitioners Branch at Portsmouth in igo6, 279; matters 27 ; selection of representatives of Association and midwives, S;* National Deposit Friendlv referred to Divisions, 279 on Boards and Councils, 27 ; circular to local Society, PuoIic Bealth Bill, 5I; Revacci- - Preston, 231; election of officers, 2312 midwives, re fees expected, by general prac- nation Bill,I; Sx; vote of thanks, 5i, I47; con- matters referred to Divisions. 131 ; increasiig titioners in the Divisiosal area, 27: iiiemo- flirmation of minutes, 247; matters referred to the membership of the Division, 131 randum from Medico-Political Comuimittee DiVisioDs, 247; medico-political questions, - Renfrewshire, 263; matters referred re Midwives Act 2902, 27; registration of 247; paper, 147 a to Divisions, 263 nurses and nursing homes, I7; nominaticn of Lancaster, annual meeting, 342; elec- Rochdale, letters of apology, 3; con- Branch representatives on Central Council, tion of offieers, 349 firmation of minutes, 3; corresponuence, 3; 34, 211; Educational Number of the BEtTISH -- Leicester, annual meeting, 342 ; report contract medical practice, 3; consultation MEDICAL JOURNAL, 34; conlract miiedical of Executive Committee, 34I; election of between medical witnesses, 3; report re practice, 34; National Deposit Friendly officers, 34t; matters referred to Divisions, 342 coroners, report re Local Government Society, 34, 83; votes of thanks, 34, 84; the - Liverpool (Central), meeting, f2; mat- Board,3; drug2; abuse, 3; resignation of Hono- SUPPLEMENT, 34; correspondence, 83: KiDg's ters referred to Divisions, 82 rary secretary, 3 College Hcopital, report of South London - Liverpool (Northern), 222, 34t: matters ---St. Pancras, meeting, 239, 324 ;confirma- Medical Committee, 83; Annual Repre- referred to Divisions, 21F, 42 ; annual meeting, tion of minutes, 139. 324; letter irom Medical sentative Meeting, 84; expenses of repre- ?41; conflrmation of minUteS, 342; annual Secretary, I39; matters referred to Divisions, sentatives of DivisioDs at Annual Repre- report and financial statement, 341: election 239; cases, 139g; tea, 239; annual meeting, 324; sentative Meeting, 84; paper, 84, 2.32; of officers, 341; alteration of rules, 341; letters, 324; nonorary secretary's report, 324; communication from Mir. Marks, 131; com- Supp.-.%PT.ENX-T TO TlR! JUNEJUNE24,24,1905.]1905-1 INDEX TO SUPPLEMENT. _BRITISH MEDIC.SL JOURNAL 365

munication from the Medical Secretary, 13I; Portsmouth Division, 279; Preston Divisiol, sion, 82; Liverpool, Northern, Division, 222; nomination of candidates for Central Council, 131: Renfrewshire Division, I63; Rochdale Liverpool, South, Division, 41; Liverpool, 131; deputation to local M.P.'s, 132; matters Division, 3; Salisbury Division, 325; South- Western, Division, 5I, 122; Manchester, North, referred to Divisions, 232, 222; Representative Eastern Counties Division, Edinburgii Branch, DivisioD, 5r, I07; hlarylebone Division, In8; meeting, 232; annual dinner committee, 232; 50, 354; South Essex Division. 2; Southern Monmoutbshire Division. 43; Norwood Divi- pathologists in South-West London, 211; Division, Edinburgh Branch, 66; Southport sion. I6x; Portadown and West Down Division, paper, 21X ; dinner, 299 ; additional rules, 299; Division, 83; South Staffordshire Division, 27; Rochdale Division, 3; Sheffield Division, election of officers, 3oo; election of Ethical 3X5; Stratford Divislon, 139; West Brom- 214; Southern Division, Edinburgh Branch, Committee, 3oo; nominations for Branch wich Division, 8i; Westminster Division, 239 66; South-Eastern Counties Division, Edin- officials, o00 Dublin Division. Bee Division burgh Branch, 50; Southport Division, 83; Division, West Dorset, annual meeting, 337; Dudley Division. Bee Division South Shields Division, 42; South Suffoik election of officers, 337; Representative of Dundee Branch. See Branch Division, 82; Stratford Division, 299; Swansea Division on Branch Council, 338; Annual Re- Divisioh, uIo; West Bromwich Division, 8I; presentative Meeting, 338; matters referred to E. Westminster Division, 139 Divisions, 338; vote ox thanks to Honorary East Anglian Branch. See Branch London, vital statistics of, during the last Secretary, 338; clinical meeting, 333 Eastbourne Division. See Division quarter of 1904, 37 Westminster, meeting, 34,139, 2II; con- and Hastings Divisions. See Dlvision Lymph, Government, supply of to all medioal firmation of minutes, 34, 139, 211, 355; nomina- East Leinster Division. See Division practitioners, 6z tion of representatives of Branch on Central Eastern Division (Scotland). See Division Council, 34, 212; resignation of chairman, 34 Edinburgh Branch. See Branch M. matters referred to Divisions, s4, 239; election Education certificate, proposed secondary, Malta and Mediterranean Branch. See Branch of representatives on Central Council, 140; memorandum from Medico-Political Com- Manchester Division. See Division communications, 21 i;* Medical Free Lance," mittee, 63 (see also Board) Manson, Sir Patrick, the value of the micro- 212; Medical Acts Amendment Bill, 222, 355 - English urban mortality. Bee Mortality scope in the diagnosis of tropical diseases, 4 death registration andcoroner's law, 212 mem- Ethical Committee. Bee Committee Marylebone Division. See Division bers of Parliament and the Association, 212; Examination, final, of Universities of Oxford Matters referred to Divisions, RepresentaUive the Jubilee Hospital, 212; annual meeting, and London, inspection of, 324 Meeting at Leicester, notices of motion, 57, 355; election of officers, 355; report of execu- 73, 205, I21, 229, 237, 145, 253, i6I, 203; provi- tive committee for 3904-5. 355; Annual Repre- F. sional agenda for Annual Representative sentative Meeting, 355; Queen's Jubilee Hos- Fee, annual registration, resolutions by Liver- Meeting, order of business, 193; amendments pital, 355 pool Western Division, 22 to standing orders, I94; amendments to by- - West Bromwich, meeting, Sa; confir- for examination for life insurance, 67 laws, 295; proposed new by-law, 197; proposed mation of minutes, 8o; matters referred to - in midwives' cases, minimum, 2 alterations of the articles of association, I98 Divisions, 80; ethics of examination for life Fees expected by general practitioners in the annual reports of Council and Committees, 22.5 insurance, 8i; nomination of Branch repre- Divisional area, circular to local midwives re - ~ memoranda by sentative on Council of Association, 8i (Wandsworth Division), 17 the Ethical Committee, re the advertising of West Cumberland, meeting, Io6; con- emergency when called by the police, 354 the names of medical practitioners in con- firmation of minutes, I06; intercommunicae- insurance, 297, 354 nexion with hydropathic and similar estab- tion between Divisions, I06; matters referred -paid by Admiralty and Commissioners of lishments, 49; recommendations of the Scien- to Divisions, Ic6; next meeting, ic6; informa- Irish Light, 107 tific Co-ordination Committee, 105 tion to insurance offices, io6 police, medical witnesses and, memoran- - - - memoranda by -- West' Norfolk, memorandum from dum from Medico-Political Committee, 62, 63 i he Medico-Political Committee, 6o, 62, 295; re Exeter Division, 2; minimum fee in midwives - for sickness certificates, X32 National Deposit Friendly Society, 9; re the cases, 2; subscription to the Association, 2; Fenwick, Soltau, siphonage of the stomach, 4 Public Health Bill, lo; re the Revaccination payment of Post-Office surgeons, 2; cases Fife Branch and Division. See Branch Bill, uI ; re the Midwives Act, 27; the relations shown, 2; tea, 2, 66; matters referred to Divi- Folkestone Division. See Division of the medical profession to ambulance work, sion, 66 Friendly Societies. See Contract Medical Prac- 33: report on death registration and amend- - West Suffolk, medical certiflcates tice ment of coroner's law, 63, 89 under the Workmen's Compensation Act, 35; Fund, Ebbw Vale Workmen's Doctors', 295 resolutions of - payment for school certificates, 35; fliancial Supplementary Grants: resolution by Altrineham Division, 66; Barnstaple Division statement, 35; annual meeting of Branch, 35 Bradford Division, 123 2T4; Bath Division, 42. 353; Belfast Division, Winchester, meeting, 27, 279, 325; sug- Furness Division. See Division 164; Birmingham Branjch, Ceniral Divi- gestion of more frequentmeetings, 27; Annual sion, I; Border Counties Branch, 3 Representative Meeting, 27; communications, G. Bournemouth Division, 210; Bradford Divi- 27, 325; matters referred to Divisions, 279; General Medical Council. See Council sion, 27, 223, I56, 299: Brighton Division, 240; annual meeting, 325; election of officers, 325; Glasgow Division. Bee Division Bristol Division, 146: Buroley Division, 66; presentation to honorary secretary, 325 Gloucestershire Branch. See Branch Cambridge and HuntingdonBranch, 26; Cas- Divisional work, 43 Grahamstown and Eastern Province Branch. terbury and Faversham Divisions, I56 ; Cardiff iivisions, Canterbury and Faversham, com- Bee Branch Division, 280; Carnarvonshire, Nortb, and bined meeting, 4, 156, 222, 325: confirmation of Anglesey Divisions, 42, 324; Chelsea Division, minutes, 4, 212 ; paper on borderland cases. 4; H. 246; Chester Divsion, 82, 363 ; City Division, vote of thanks, 4, 342; amalgamation of Divi- Hampstead Division. see Division 23t; Coventry Division, Ic6; Croydon Divi- sions, x56; matters referred to Divisions, I56; Harrogate Division. Bee Division siOD, 1222; Cumberland, Nortb, Division next meeting, 212, 342; demonstration of appa- Richmond, and Northallerton 278; Cumberland, West, Division, Io6; ratus, 23; visit to hospital wards, 223 ; annual Divlisons. Bee Divisions Darlington DivIsion, 2I2*Dover Division. 4, 67, representative meeting, 325; annual meeting, Hong Kong and China Branch. Bee Branch 240, 356; Dublin DivJsion, I64; Dudley Division, 342; election of officers, 342; ambulance work, Horder, T. Garrett, remarks on vaccination. 4 262; Dundee Branch, 42, 238; East Leinster 342; alteration of rules, 342; Representative Hospital abuse, resolution by City and Totten- Divisioi, 355; Eastern Division (Scotland), i86, of Canterbury, Faversham, and Thanet Divi- ham Divisions, 67: Hampstead Division. 3Co 220; Edinburgh Division, North East, zx,; File sions, 342 ______-address on(J. FordAnderson), 301 Branch and Division, 12; Folkestone DUivision, City and Tottenham, the Association administration, conference, 97 IC9, 2r3; Furness Division, x86; Glasgow Cen- and medical defence, 66; nomination of King's College, annual report of South tral Division, 298 ; GlasgowNorth-Western Divi- Branch Representatives, 66; hospital abuse, London Medical Committee, 83; resolutions sion,42; Glasgow West Division, 323; Hamp- 67; fees for examination for life insurance, 67 by, Norwood Division, lO9 stead Division, 3, 34, Yo3, 355; Harrogate Divi- - City and Walthamstow, 211; election - - letters, correspondence re, 65 mion.280; Harrogate, Riclhmond, and Northal- of representative on Central Council, 2II- management, conference on principles lerton Divisions, 68; Isle of Thanet Division, demonstrations, 21X; votes of thanks, 221 of, recommendations of Hospitals Committee, 5I, 147; Leicester Division, 341 ; Liverpool Cen- - Eastbourne and Hastings, extra- 65 tral Division, 82; Liverpooi, North, Division, ordinary meeting, 342; dinner, 342 Hospitals Committee. Bee Committee 2II, 342; Liverpool. Southern, Division, 42, - Harrogate, Richmond, and Northal- 263; Liverpool Western Division, 50, I222, 87; lerton, combined meeting, 68: matters re- . 1~~~~. Manchester, Central Division, 342; Man- ferred to Divisions, 68; dinner, 68; adjourned Indecent Advertisements Act. See Act chester, North, Division, 41, 52, 207, 138; meeting, 68; one-portal system, 68; annual Insanity in South Africa, 354 Manchester, Soutlh, Division, 263; Mary- certificate for practitioners, 68; spectacle- Insurance offices, information to, resolutions lebone Division, I08; Monmouth Division, makers and sight testing, 68: arrangement of by West Cumberland Division, I06 iIa; Monmouthshire Division, 42, Iio; Nor- Divisions, 68; abuse of drugs, 68 Interpretation of an article, 74 wood DivIsion, 0og, 264; Organization Com- ---amalgamation of, 74 Isle of Thanet Division. Bee Division mittee, 74; Perth Branch, 2o8; Portadown and --arrangement of, 68 West Down Division, 27; Portsmouth Divi- -____-- and Branches, rules of, 74 L. sion, 279; Preston Division, I3 ; Renfrewshire -intercommunication between, xc6 Lancaster Division. See Division Division, 163; Rochdale Division, 3; St. Pan- matters referred to. See Matters Leicester Division. Bee Division cras Division), I39; Salisbury DiVision, 325 - Dorset and West Hants Branch. #ee Branch Life insurance, ethies of examination for, reso- Scottish Division, J222; evenoaks Division, Dover Division. See Division lutions of West Bromwich Division, 8I 232, 299; Sheffield Division, 214; Southamp- Drug abuse: report from Medico-Political Com- Liverpool Division. See Division ton Division, 325 ; South-Eastern Counties Divi- mittee, 249, 297; resolutions of: Belfast Divi- Local Government Board, reorganization of, sion, Edinburgn Branch, 50,354; *Southern Divi- sion, 264; Bradford )ivisioD, 256; Canterbury report from Medico-Political Committee, 245, sion, Edin,burgh Branch, 66, 341; South Essex and Faversham Divisions, 256; Chester Divi- 296. Resolutions of: Altrincham Division, 66 ; Division, 2, 130; Southport DLivision, 83, 122, sion, 82: CityDivision, 13I; Coventry Division, Birmingham Branch, Central Division, 2; 299: South Shields Division, 42: South Staf- 8o; Dtarlington Division, 212; Dover Division, Bradford Division, IS6; Cambridge and Hunt- fordshire nlivision, 325 ; South Suffolk Division, 240; Dundee Branch, 42; Eastern Division ingdon Branch, 26; Cardiff Division, 280; 82; South-West Wales Division, 67, 213; Strat- (scotland), 2T0; Edinburgh North-East Divi- Chester Division, 82; Coventry Division, 8o; ford Division, 139, 299; Swansea bivision I 10; sion, 231; Fife Branch and Division, I3; Darlington Division, 212; Dover Division, Trowbridge Division. 138; WaDdsworth Divi- Folkestone Division, 223: Furness Division, 140; Dundee Branch, 42; Eastern Divi- sion,27.34, 132, 211; West Bromwich Divisior, 187; Harrogate, RicumoDd, and Northallerton sion (Scotland), I86; Edinburgh Division, 80 West Dorset Division, 338 ; West- Divisions, 68; Isle of Thanet Division, 5X; North-East. 131; Fife Branch and Divi- minster Division, 34, 239; West Norfolk Liverpool Central Division, 82; Liverpool sion, I3; Folkestone Division, 223; Ramp- Division. 66; West Somerset Branch, 141 ; West Southern Division. 41; Liverpool Western stead Division, 34 355; arrogatei. ichmond, Suffolk Division. g; Winchester* Division. 279. Division, 187: Marylebone Division, zo8; Mon- and Northallerton Divisions. 68; Isle of See also: advertising the names of medical mouth Division, uIo; Norwood Division, I64; Thanet Division, SI; Liverpool, Central, Divi- practitioners; Bill, Medic3lActs' Amendment; 366 ;tSPPI,EMr.NT TO THE 1. 366 BRITIsu MEDICTL JOURWIL J INDEX TO SUPPLEMENT. LJUSE 24, I90o.

a Bill, the Midwives and Medioal Practitioners'; Midwives Act. See Act R. Bill, Public Health; Bill, RevAccination; con- - Board. See Board Registration of medical practitioners. See tract fmLedical practice; coroners, Information -cases, minimum fee In, 2 Medical to drug abuse; Local Governmetit Board; - and medical practitioners. See Medi- of medical students. See Medical medical witnesses, consultation between; cal practitioners students National Deposit Friendly Societies; super- supervision of, 220 Renfrewshire Division. See Division annuation trait ilg schools for, teachers of mid- ltevaecination Bill. See Bill Medical Acts Amendment Bill. See Bill wifery and, 53; Poor-law infirmaries as. 53, 68 Rochdale Division. Bee Division See Army ' certificate given by a chemist, 308 Militia. 8. mouth Division. See Division - certificates of unfitness to attend school, Mo6 St. Pancras Division. SeeDivision 2, 35, 42, 6o, 62, 66, I63. 222, 214. Ste al80 School Mortality, English urban, in the fcurth quarter Salisbury Division. Bee Division certificates under the Workmen's Com- of 2904, 44 epidemic, in London, 2I8 School Board certificates. 8ee Certificates pensation Act, 35 medical certificates of unmtness to defence, the Association and; resolu- Munster Brauch. See Branch 6o, (6, 8o, 279, 294. 258, tions by: City and Tottenhain Divisions, 66; attend, 2, 35, 42, 62, T31, 341. Chelsea Division, 246; Manchester (soptil) N. 354; report by Medico-Political Committee, i65 Deposit Society, Medico- Scientific Committee. See Committee Division, 263 ivGlasgow Central Division, 2g8; National Frieadly Scottish Branches. See Brancbes Southport )lvision, 299; Southampton JivI- Political Committee on Propos0es, 9, 6o, 61, 94; Committee. Sea Committee sion, 325 report from, 250; memorandum fron 294. 66: D-)ivision. See Division -- - memorandum by the Medical Resolutions by: Altrincham Division, of the stomach (Soltau Fenwick), 4 Bath Blrkenhead DiVisIoD, 82; Siphonage Defence Committee, with thedxaft scheme, 129 Divisiou, 353, Society, National Deposit k'rlendly. See Na- education, preliminary, minutes ot ,Bournemouth Division,2i0 Bradfordo Division, tional 27, 123; Bristol DIvision, I46; Canterbury and subcommittee, co South-East of Ireland Brano4. See Branch - men and ambulance competitions (see EBaversham Divisitns, iC6; Chelse4 Division, South-Eastern Counties Division. See DivisiOn 146; Coventry 1Division, o, io6; Darlington Ambulance); and coronets (tie Coroners); Essex.Division. Bee Division and school certificates (see Certificate) DivisioD, 2I2; Dover DivisIon. 356; Dublin Shields Division. See Division officers of health, security of tenure of, DiVis0Io, 264; Eastern Division (Seotland),212;' See 2I3; Suffolk Division. Divisidn 6I Folkestone Division, Glasgow O'entral Wales and Monmouthshire Branch. BSe -- officers' superannuation, 107; resolu- Division, 298; Isle of Thanet Division. 51, 47; Liverpool (North) Division, Liverpool Branch tions by Dover Division, 240 2II; West Division. See Division Divi- Walbs -- practitioners ana rriendly Bocieties, (West) Division, 287; M4anchester (North) Southern Division. See Division resolution by Coventry Division, xo6 (see also sion, 107; Manchester (South) Division, 263; Division. See Division Division, 42; Norwood Divi- Southport National Deposit Friendly Society) Monmouthshire and sight testing, disapproval 279 ; Spectacle-makers practitioners and midwives, Medico- sion, 264; Portsmouth Divibion. Salisbury Richmond, and Northallertoon 325; Bevenoaks DivIsion, 299; Shef- by Harrogate, Political Committee, memorandum frobn, 6o, Division, Divisions, 68 62, 63, 294; reportfrom, 255,2-97 resolutions by: field Division, 214o;Southampton Division, 325; Staffordshire Branch. See Branch South-Eastern Countibs Division. 354: South- Bath Dlivision. 42; Belilast Division. 264; Bir- State registration of nurses. bee lurses port Divisiob, 299; 8oulh Stafford Division, kenhead Division, 82; Brighton Division, zoo; Stomach, siphonage of (Soltau Fenwick), 4 Bribtol Dlvision, 246; Burnley Division, 66; 325; Wandswortu Division, 34, 83; West- fee DiVtisODn, 40; West Norfolk Division, Student's registration, proposed for, 3.7 Carnarvonshire, North, and Anglesey Branch, minster Subcommittees, attendances at, 66; Division, 279 165 42; Chester Division, 82; City DivisioD, I3T, Wiucliester Subscription to the Associatiot, 2 324; Coventry Division, So, 2o6; Croydon Naval Committee. Bee Vqoimlittee for members, reduction of. 4 Reserve (Volunteers). See Voluntee s junior Division, 222; Dover Division, 67; Folkestone Superannuation echeme for office clerical staff, Division, 213; Furness DivIsion, 287; Glas- Navy, Roval, promotions and appolittmenzs in gow the medical service of. 6, 24, 21, 30, 36, 46. 53, 32t West Oivlsion, 323; Harrogate Divi- publication of matters referred to 97, 213, 226. 234, 24!, 174, 220, SUPPLEMENT, siOn , 28o; Isle of Thanet Division, 5t; Liver- 69, 85, 150,I58, I90, Divisions, memorandum from Medico- Iooi Central DivIsioD, 82; Liverpool, Soutb, 286. 328, 334, 349, 358 North Carnarvonshire and Anglesey Division. Political Committee, 62 rivision, 263; Liverpool. West, Division, I87; Surgeons to the Post Office, payment of. Bee Manchester, Central i)ivision, 3sz ; Man- See Division Norwood Division. See Division Post Office chester, North, Division, I38; Marylebone Swansea Division. 73, 122, 229, 237, 245 Bee Dlvision *Division. zo8; Monmouthshire Division, 42; Notices of tnotiol, 57, I05, Wales Branch. Norwood Division, 364; Preston Division Nurses, State registrationl of, resolutiont of Sydney and New South Bee Ili; Renfrewshire Division, I63; St. Altrincham Division, 3; Dover Division, 4; Branch T. 27; Paieras Division, 39; Sallsbury Division, Wandsworth Division, memorandum from Division Medico-Political Committee, 6x, 294; Bourne- Tottenham Division. bee 325; Sheffleld Ditision, 214; Soqthern Divi- Training schools for midwtves. See Midwives sion, Branch. South mouth Divkiion, 210 (see also Bil)) Edinburgh 34 354; Essex Tropical diseases, value of the microscope in DlvisiOn, 230 Southport Division, 83, 1222 Nursing home?, registration of, 27, 294 SouthStaffordshire SoUth diagnosis of, 4 DIviston, 325: suf- 0. Trowbridge Division. Bee Division folk 82: Wales Division, South-West Division, One-portal system, approved by Harrogate, Tuberculosis, pulmonary, notification ot, 27, 35 2 *3; Stratford Diviston, 67, 84; Swansea DIvi- Richmond, and Northallerton Divisions, 68 Fion, rio; Trowbridge Division, 238; West Committee. See Committee U. Bromwich Division, 8o; West Dorset Division, Organization Ulster Branch. See Branch 338; West Norfolk Division, 66; WVest Somerset P. Rranch, 241 Parliament, the medical profession-in, Mediao- Political Committee, memorandum from, 62, Vaccination legislation, I07 practitioners, registration of, resolu- remarks on (Ct. Garrett Horder), 4 tions by Bermuda Branch, 122 63 ; report from, 249 '-profession, relations of to ambulanee Penal cases, procedure iII, 3c6 and revacclnation, 295 work. 8ee Ambulance Pension to officers of Council, resolutions by Vital statistics, 6, 14, 2I, 30, 37, 44, 53, 70, 85, o02, 214, 126, 134, 147, 249, 157, 172, 290, 218, 286. 333, - Register, resolutions by: Bradford Divl- Liverpool Western Division, 122 3I8, North-East Perth Branch. See Branch 350, 358; healch oi English, bcotch, and Ilish sion, 223; Edinburgh Division, townS, 6, 14, 21, 30, 44, 53, 70, 85, 2022IT4, I26, J 231 ; Eastern Division (Scotland), 286, 210 Phillips, Wilmer, resolution of condolence to 242, 250, 157, 172, 190, 220, 286, 318, 333, 350, 358 students, registration of, resolution by: widow, 20 South-Eastern Counties Police authorities and medical men in emer- ofY9ondon during sbb f(iurth Edinburgh Brance, quarter of g904, 37 24q- English urban mor- Division, 50; Liverpool Western Division, 122 gency cases, report by Mdedlco-Politial Com- -~ 1witnesses, consultation between Medico- mittee, 265 tality in the fouth quarter oif Igo0, 44, 214; as for ihe first quarter of I905, 272: RegistrAt- Political Committee, memorandum from, Or. Poor-law infirmaries training schools for General's 296; report from, 244; resolutions by: Altrin- midwives, 5s, 68 Quarlterly Return, 85, 2I9; epIdemic -______medical officers' superannuation, mortality in London, 2i8 chain Division, 66; Birmingbam lranhb, Volunteer officers'decoration, conferment of, 14! Central DivIsion. 2 ; Bradford Division, 223; Irish, 295 rifles, promotions and appointmenis and Huntingdon 26; -- relief in Scotland, 298 Cambridge Branch, in the medical servioe of, 22, 36, 46, 53, 70, 97, Chester Division, 82: City Division, i3 ; Portadown aud West DowLi Dlvision. See Division lT4, 126, 234, I42, 290, 22!, 286, 328, 334, 350, 358 Coventry DivisOD, 8o; Darlington DivisioDn Volunteers, electrical eDgineers, promotions 212; Dover Portsmouth Division. See Division Division, 240; Dudley Division, and appointments in the medical service of, r34 263; Dundee Branch, 42; Eastern Dlvi- Post-mortem examination, local autliorittesand, Medical Corps, promo- Sion memorandum from Medico-Political Com- Royal Army (icotland), x86; Edinburgh North- tions and in the service of, 6, 2I, East Division. 232; Fife Branch and Divi- mittee, 63 appointments surgeons, payment of, resolutions by 53, 70, 1r4, 141. 221, 334, 358 sion, 23; Folkestone DivisIon, 213; Fur- Post-Office Engioeers, submarine miners, ness x86; Isle of Thanet West Norfolk Division, 2, 66; South-West - Royal Division, Division, promotions and appointnents in the medical I; Liverpool Central Division, 82; Liverpool Wales Division, 67 outhern Practitioners, annual certificate for, resolution service of, 36, 24r, 290 Diviaion, 42; Liverpool Western - - Ioyal Qiarrison Artillery, promo- 50 ; by Harrogate, Richmond, and Northallerton Division, Manchester, Central Divi- tions and appointments in the medical service Sion3, 341 ; Manchester North Division, S i; Divisions, 68 Marylebone Division, iog; Monmouthahire medical nd midwives See Medical of, 6, 21, 46, 53, 70. 97, 214, 234, 290. 222 334, 35° Norwood Prescription, repeated dispensing of, - w - vkcyal Naval heserve, promotions Division, 42: Division, 164; Porta- undu;Y in medical lervic&of, Ai6 down abd West Dbwn DiiiBion. 27; Ports- repoyt of Medico-Politlcal Committee andappointments t.he mouth Divlsioti, 279; Preston Division, I3; Preston Division. Bee Division W. Renfrewshire Division, 263; Rochdale Divi- Provident dispensaries, 297 Wandsworth Division. nee'Division sion, 3; St. Pancraa DivisIon, 29; Sil- -medical bervices, opinion of Medico- Westminster DAvlsion. See Division bury vivision, 325- South-Eastern Counties Politi¢al Committee, 6r West Cumberland Divlsion. See Division DiVision, Edinburgh Branchb, 50; Southern Public Health Bill. See Bill Dorset Division. See Division Division, Edinburgh Branch, 66; Sputbport -- Coinnilttee. See Commlttee Norfolk Division. Bee Divis oa Division, 83 ; South Shield's Division, 42 ; South some problems of (E*ward - Sbmerset Branch. See Branih Suffolk Divisi6n 82;- Stratford Divis4on, Deanesly), 17 Suffolk DIvision. See IDivision Wandsworth Division, 2II, West Bromwch Pulmonary tuberculosis. Bee Tubereulosis Wincheter Division. See Division Division, So; Westminster Division, iro Purvis, G. C., Presidential address (Grahams- Witndsses, medical, conaultation between. Bee Medico-Legal Committee. See Commtttee town and Eastern Province Branch), 3 Medical Metropolitan Counties Branch. See Branch Y Midwifery, instructiOn Of medical students In, Q. Yeomanry, Imperial, promotioms and appoint- 3I6 Queensland Branch. bk,e Branch ments iW the medical servlce of, IF, 126, 221, 334

Frinted and published by tke British Medical Association at their Office, No. 429, Strand, in the l'Vaiz' of St. Martin-in-the-Fields, in the County of Middlesex. r THE BRIi,vIo JUNIt 24, I905.1 IMEDICAL JOu 11 Xr.

lull i+ Q+ta (i,o rn l



6 t T Barn= JUNE 24, 1905.] &EBDICaL JOuaZRAL 3


T)he Figures in this Index refer to the Number of the Paragraph, NOT the Page.

A. Arthritis, pneumococcal, 337; in the newborn, Boeck, C., hereditary syphilis in the second of the, 371 generation, 29 Abdominal aorta, ptosis 39 on diphtheria cavity, lithopaedion 41 years in, - pneumococcus, in infancy, 223 Bokenham, action of the liver 148 Arthur, W. H., treatment of dysentery by irri- toxin, 5 I gation of colon through the appendiX, 298 Boldt, inflammation of Meckel's diverticulum Abscess of liver in typhoid fever, 123 simulating appen- Acephalic monster, 275 Ascites, surgical treatment of cirrhosis of and uterine appendages Acetone bodies in diabetics, suppression of liver with, 247 dicitis, 117; ruptured interstitial pregnancy, the, 135 Aseoli, polyglobulia with enlarged spleen and 145 Adrenal substance, action of, 296 cyanosis, 125 Bone in the tonsil, growth of, I59 Adrenalin, action of, 47 Asthma and infectious affections of the lungs, -- cavities, chronic, iodoform-paraffin-wax note on, 9, 230 27 filling of, 289 toxicity of, I0 adrenalin chloride in, 313 -marrow in typhoid and other affections, in typhoid, I90 Atmocausis andzestocausis, i85 26o in 3T3 Atrophy of liver, acute yellow, 208 Bossi, flat-foot, 182 c-hloride asthma, Bouchacourt, blood in milk, intramammary and cocaine in surgical practice, ______- in puerperium, 8 mixture of, 306 Atropine in uterine disorders, 325 haemorrhage, 163 Aubertin, x rays in leukaemia, 204 Boutterville, cryogenin in typhoid fever, 64 Adrenalogenous glands, 211 and hepatoptosis, blood parasites in, 334 Auer, rate of absorption from intramuscular Bouveret, cholecystocele 0og Africa, West, Brain and trauma, Agglutination of red corpuscles, 24 tissue, 279 tumour 69 Air, entrance of into veins during surgical Ayer, J. C., antistreptococcus serum in ery- Braun, the specific bacillus of epidemic dysentery, 50 operations, 214 sipelas, I87 Alcohol, 278 Breast, malignant diseases of, Roentgen rays B. in, 8x Alglave, effect of displacement of the right kidney and kidney on the ascending colon, Babler, surgery of typhoid perforation, 357 Brewer, G. E., operations on the 55 143 Allaria, a rare complication of measles, 195 Bacilli, dysentery, differentiation of, 222 ureter, plague, and pneumococci, mixed infec- Broese, P., chloride of zinc, 207 Allen, the platinochloride test for chlorine, in tuberculosis, 36 tion with, I 21 Brown, Lawrason, tuberculin tubercle, a new extract from, and its 364 Amenorrhoea with eye symptoms, 234 of the liver on diph- blood agar plates and their use in action; morphology of, 3I6 Brunton, Lauder, action Amstad, theria toxin. obstetric practice, 3 2 7 Bacillus of epidemic dysentery, the specific, 5o 5X Anaesthesia, morphine-scopolamine, 338 Bacterium coli, protective action of the liver Bull, W. T., radical cure of hernia in chil- against the toxins of, 12 dren, 246 rectal, II3 Bumm, E., the serum treatment of puerperal water injections, 339 Baer, tuberculin in diagnosis of surgical tuber- -______--by sterility, 131 ; Anaesthetic, local, stovaine as a, 384 culosis, 270 fever, 31 ; treatment of in epidemic ligature of pelvic veins in puerperal - - spinal, stovaine as a, 240 Bailey, J. H., cerebro-spinal fluid Anascitic cirrhosis, hypertrophic, 287 cerebro-spinal meningitis, 157 pyaemia, 184 Baker, pelvic inflammation and disease of Bunch, x rays in ringworm, 104 Anders, J. M., cholecystitis as a complication Burdick, G. G., radiotherapeutic nihilism, 221 of lobar pneumonia, 244 appendix,,oo Aneurysm, carotid, treated by extirpation of Balp, Stefano, experimental thyroidism, 152 Burtenshaw, James H., iodine in post-opera- the sac, 288 Banti's disease, 154 tive sepsis, 28I and gan- __- traumatic, treated by injection of Baracj, Von, treatment of prolapsed gelatine, 228 grenous haemorrhoids, 375 popliteal, gangrene of leg after ex- Bard, clinical forms of gastric carcinoma, I78 C. is it ever justifiable in the tirpation of, 340 Barium chloride, therapeutic efficiency of, 87 Caesarean section, Barnsby, prognosis of ovarian cystic tumours, management of placenta praevia ? 133 Angeioma cavernosum of mesentery, 345 in Ankylostomiasis, 283 vaginal, 78; eclampsia, 354 215 -- leucocytosis in, 355 Basic meningitis, posterior, Antibodies, 386 Bassini's operation for radical cure of hernia, Caffein and theocin, note on, 218 Antistreptococcus serum in erysipelas, 187; in modification of, 213 Calculi, renal and ureteral, diagnosis of, 142 searlatina, 346 Bassoe, P., acute yellow atrophy of the liver, Camus, perforation of tuberculous intestine in Antisyphilitic serumtherapy, 314 208 puerperium, 147 Antitoxin in diphtheria, 280 Baum, J., pathology of urticaria, 137; action Cancer, morphology of and the parasitic --and cobra venom, 170 of adrenal substance, 296 theory, 368 Beauchef, hypertrophic anascitic cirrhosis, gastric, clinical forms of, 3278 -- diphtheria, 18,; in its relation to of toXin, 138; in epidemic cerebro-spinal 287 of the cervix as a complication meningitis, 329 Beaujard, x rays in leukaemia, 204 labour, 46 Anus, cutaneous tuberculous papilloma of, 95 Beck, Carl, peritoneal adhesions, 359 of the Fallopian tube, primary, 6o Aorta, abdominal, ptosis of the, 39 Beer drinker's heart, 243 of the hard palate successfully treated Apoplexy of ovary, I65 Bell, R. H., torsion of the Fallopian tube, 308 by radium, 56 Appendectomy, treatment of the stump in, 6 Belot, Roentgen rays in skin diseases, 23 in an old hydrosalpinx, primary, 362 Appendicitis, simulated by inflammation of Benedict, A. L., gastric ulcers, 155 of the ovary in a young woman with Meekel's diverticulum and uterine append- Bergey, D. H., serumtherapeutics, 0or undeveloped uterus, 254 ages, 117; due to a flbromyoxma, Bertolotti, M., lumbar puncture in pertussis, pathogenesis of, 351 216; 373 treatment of, 249 209 radiotherapy in, free vesicles in peritoneum, 248 Betagh, G., chloroform and coal gas, 257 of the suprarenal body, malignant thrombosis of the inferior vena cava and _____- perforating, caused by a foreign Bibergell, E., digalen, note OD, 237 Bielonovsky, the haemolysins of plague toxin, right auricle in, 265 body, 130 lumbar in enuresis, 239 and perforating ulcer of the I o6 Cantas, puncture duodenum, differential diagnosis of, 307 Bile duct, eneysted peritonitis with compres- Carbohydrate metabolism, 89 suppurative, intestinal obstruc sion of, 266 Carcinoma. See Cancer - tract adhesions, 323 Cardiac insufficiency, causes of, 3 tion after, i8o in tuberculosis, 25 Appendicular pain in pneumonia, 122 Birth fracture of the skull, operative treat- |_____- irritability Appendix, decapsulation of, 376 ment of, 57 - and vascular complications and sequels pelvic inflammation and disease Bladder, signs of hernia of, 269 in typhoid fever, 264 of, 0oo; treatment of dysentery by irrigation Blood, effect of serum injections on, 85 Carli, A., hernia of the ureter, 17 of colon through, 298 -_ in milk, intramammary haemorrhage, Carotid aneurysm treated by extirpation of the of uric acid in 163 sac, 288 Appiani, G., constant presence Caesarean section in human faeces, 333 -parasites in West Africa, 334 Carstens, vaginal eclamp- Applani, uric acid in liquid effusions, 300 pressure and milk diet, 35 sia, 215 Apyretic pneumonia, 156 transfusion of heterogeneous, 242 Carter, W. W., growth of bone in the tonsil, -agar plates and their use in obstetric '59 Arnezzi, stovaine as a local anaesthetic, 384 female 309 Arterial pressure in malarial infection, 71 practice, 327 Catarrhal diseases of genitals, ductless glands and internal secre- Cathcart, the action of sodium cinnamate, 86 Arteriosclerosis, early diagnosis and treatment Blum, F., tuberculosis of 88 of, 210 tion, 245 Caudron, myocardium, 4 MEDICAL JOUaStIt J INDEX TO THE EPITOME. [JUNE 24, 1905. I = -iI Celluloid, use of in the preparation of ortho- Cushing, Harvey, copious water-drinking in E. paedic appliances, I99 treatment of typhoid fever, 236; extirpation Ebstein, W., active principle of exodin, 365 Cephaeline and emetine, 62 of the Gasserian ganglion, 32I Eclampsia, treatment of, 162 Cerebral puncture, 179 Cyanosis, polyglobulia with enlarged spleen --upuerperal, thyroid extract in treat- tumour, pathological sleep in cases and, 125 ment of, 132 of, 226 Cystic.tumours, ovarian, prognosis of, II6 - - and renal decapsulation, Cerebro-spinal fluid in epidemic cerebro-spinal Cysts, gaseous, of the intestine, 4I IsI5 meningitis, 157 mesenteric, 252 - vaginal Caesarean section in, 215 the phosphorus content ovarian, complicating pregnancy and vesicular mole without fetus, 33 of the, 241 labour, treatment of, 291 Eczema, chronic, as a complication of sen-ile in syphilis, 385 degeneration, 336 Cerebro-spinal meningitis, 284; treatment of, D. Edgar, J. Clifton, hepatic insufficiency in preg- 295 Da Costa, operative treatment of typhoid per- nancy, 326 -______- epidemic, cerebro- foration, 127 Edsall, rectal alimentation, I8g spinal fluid in, 157; diphtheria antitoxin in, Dacryocystorhinostomy, I6o Elsberg, Charles A., iodoform-paraffin-wax 329 Dahlgren, treatment of intestinal paralysis, filling of chronic bone cavities, 289 Cerf, measles in pregnancy, 251 322 Emetine and cephaline, 62 Cervical vertebrae, unilateral dislocation of, 40 Danel, cancer of the ovary in young woman Emotional jaundice, I96 Cervix, cancer of, as a complication of labour, with undeveloped uterus, 2 5 4 Emphysema, suboutaneous, in obstetrics, 250 46 Danio, sugar in treatment of phthisis, iI9 Empyema, 193 Charteris, action of sodium cinnamate, 86 Dawson, Percy M., sodium bicarbonate in Encysted peritonitis with compression of the Chauffard, inequality of pupils in pleurisy haemorrhage, 255 - bile duct, 266 with effusion, 194, 30! De Garmo, W. B., x ray treatment of tuber- Endocarditis, acute, congenital heart disease Cheinisse, L., the fifth disease, 317 culous testicle, 358 and, 282 Chemical changes in epilepsy, II0 Deherain, inequality of the pupils in diseases -- pneumoccCuS, 13-s Chidichimo, uterine contractions, 3183 of the lungs and pleura, 26 Enteric ulcer, surgical treatment of perforat- Chiesi, morphology of the tubercle bacilli, 316 Delagdn6lre, surgical treatment of epilepsy, 5 ing, i6 Children, haemorrhoids in, 30; radical cure Delore, entrance of air into veins during sui- Enuresis, lumbar puncture in, 239 of hernia in, 246; lesions of the digestive gical operations, 214 Epilepsy, chemical changes in, I io organs in typhoid fever in, 302 Dermoid, ovarian, may it be malignant? 363 experimental, 319 school, optic and ocular factors in in pelvis simulating tubal pregnancy, surgical treatment of, 5 the etiology of scoliosis of, 374 free, 6X Epithelioma, cutaneous, x-ray treatment of, Chloride of zinc, note on, 207 D'Este, S., empyema, 193 347 Chloroform and coal gas, 257 De Waele, small pox organisms, 70 Erysipelas, antistreptococcus serum in, I87 - anaesthesia, hedonal and, 1I29 Diabetes, contagiousness of, 52 Eucaine in sciatica, 171 Cholecystitis as a complication of lobar pneu- - and laevulosuria, 335 Exercises in chorea, 206 monia, 244 -treatment of, 34 Exodin, active principle of, 365 Cholecystocele and hepatoptosis, 109 Diabetics, suppression of the acetone bodies in, Exophthalmos, the mechanism of, 124 Cholelithiasis and the circulatory apparatus, '35 Extrauterine fetation, treatment of the placenta '39 Diet after the age of Iyear, 205 in operating for, 7 Cholera cultures, 369 Digalen, note OD, 237 Eyelids, pigmentation of in Graves's disease, immunity against, 153 Digestive organs in typhoid fever in children, 54 Choline, platinochloride test for, 36 lesions of, 308 Eye symptoms with amenorrhoea, 234 Chorea, exercises in, 206 tract, latent haemorrhage in, 1I76 Christian, pathology of fat and fatty degenera- Dimier, experimental epilepsy, 319 F. tion, 172 Diphtheria antitoxin, 118; in its relation to Fabre, blood agar plates and their use in Cijnozzi, surgical treatment of cirrhosis of toxin, 138; in epidemic cerebro-spinal obstetric practice, 327 liver with ascites, 247 meningitis, 329 Faeces, human, constant presence of uric acid Cippolina, serumtherapy in syphilis, 66, 314 - antitoxin in, 28o in, 333 Circulatory apparatus, cholelithiasis and, 139 heart complications in, 37; rapid Fallopian tube, primary cancer of, 6o; torsion Cirrhosis, hypertrophic anascitic, 287 bacteriological diagnosis of, 332 of, 308 - - of the liver, tuberculous, 9I; with toxin, action of the liver OD, 5 Fat and fatty degeneration, pathology of, 172 ascites, surgical treatment of, 247 Dirk, morphine-scopolamine anaesthesia, 338 Faure, gangrene of leg after extirpation of a Citarin in uric acid diathesis, 220 Disinfection of the human skin, the possi- popliteal aneurysm, 340; curability of tabes, Clapp, H. C., dangers of the microscope in the bility of, 28 366 early diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis, Dislocation of the cervical vertebrae, uni- Fedeli, pneumonic paralysis, 225 72 lateral, 40 Federmann, intestinal obstruction after sup- Clarke, copious water-drinking in treatment of Displacement of the scapula, operative treat- purative appendicitis, I8o typhoid fever, 236 ment of, I98 Feeding in infancy, 150 Clerici, E., theocin and caffein, 2I8 Diuretic, theobromine as a, iI Female genitals, catarrhal diseases of, 309 Coal gas and ehloroform, 257 Diverticulum, Meckel's, inflammation of ute- organs, whence are they infected by Cobb, J. 0., the common house fly and tuber- rine appendages and, simulating appendi- tubercle? 97 Culosis, 318 citis, 117 Ferenezi, thyroid tetany during lactation, 99 Cobra venom and antitoxin, 170 Dock, George, Roentgen rays in the treatment Ferrannini, tachiol as a gastric antiseptic, 84 Cocaine and adrenalin in surgical practice, of leukaemia, 49 Fetation, extrauterine, treatment of the mixture of, 306 Donath, phosphorus content of the cerebro- placenta in operating for, 7 Coeliac parotitis, 77 spinal fluid, 24! Fetus retained beyond term in uterus septus, Cohn, acute yellow atrophy of liver in puer- Doran, primary cancer of the Fallopian tube, 79 perium, 8 6o Fever, cerebro-spinal. See Cerebro-spinal H., treatment of trachoma by radium, Douglas, Richard, is Caesarean section ever enteric, rupture of the muscles in, 14; x68 justifiable in the management of placenta cryogenin in, 64; abscess of the liver i.i, Cole, intussusceptton, 267 praevia? 133 I23; adrenalin in, I90; copious water drink- Coley, W. B., radical cure of hernia in children, Drenkhahn, atropine in uterine disorders, 325 ing iD, 236; bone marrow in, 260; cardiac 246 Dreuw, treatment of lupus in general practice, and vascular complications and sequels of, Colitis, muco-membranous and fatal syncope, 83 264; pyramidon in, 297; lesions of the '75 Ductless glands and internal secretions, 245 digestive organs in, in children, 302 Colombo, C., radiotherapy in splenomedullary Duenges, asthma and infectious affections of paratyphoid, 320 leukaemia, I91 the lungs, 27 puerperal, serum treatment of, 31 K., blood pressure and milk diet, 35 Duhrssen, A., treatment of ovarian cysts com- scarlet, urotropine in, 219; antistrepto- Colon, ascending, effect of displacement of the plicating pregnancy and labour, 291 ; catar- coccus serum in, 346 right kidney on, 55 rhal diseases of female genitals, 309 Fibroid, round ligament and hernial sac, 310 Comby, haemorrhoids in children, 30 Duodenum, differential diagnosis of appendic- polypus in hysterectomy stump, 380 Conti, A., cholelithiasis and the circulatory itis and perforating ulcer of, 307 tumours, uterine, 232 apparatus, 139 Duteil, entrance of air into veins during sur- Fibromyxoma, appendicitis due to a, 217 Copper foil as a purifier of water, I69 gical operations, 214 Fibrous swellings, subcutaneous, 58 Cord, spinal. See Spinal Duval, operative treatment of suprapatellar Fifth disease, the, 317 Cornell, the mechanism of exophtbalmos, x24 ruptures of the quadriceps, I41; operative Filariasis in the Cameroons, 352 Coxa vara, 126 treatment of displacement of the scapula, Filatow-Duke's disease, I5 Cranium, lumbar puncture and fractures of, I98 Fiori, Paolo, the latero-vaginal incision in 212 Dyball, coeliac parotitis, 77 vaginal hysterectomy, 292 Crile, George, surgical physiology, xri Dysentery, treated by irrigation of colon Fischer, Louis, diphtheria antitoxin, ii 8 Crocco, mesotan in rheumatism, 68 through the appendix, 298 Flat foot, I82 Crocq, the reflexes in hysteria, 73 .bacilli, differentiatibn of, 222 Flooding from rupture of circular sinus in Cryogenin in typhoid fever, 64; note cn, 328 -- epidemic, specific bWaillus of, 50 labour, 216 [T Barr= JUNB 24, 1905.] INDEX TO THE EPITOME. MEMDICAL JOURNAL 5 I -1 Floret, citarin in uric-acid diathesis, 220 Haemorrhage, latent, in the digestive tract, Intermuscular haemorrhage from muscular Fluorescent light treatment, 65 276 action, T6i - media for transillumination of at menopause, cavity in uterine Internal secretions and ductless glands, 245 the stomach, 92 wall, 272 Intestinal obstruction after suppurative appen- Fly, common house, and tuberculosis, 3I8 in senile haematometra, 344 dicitis, I8o Foisy, puerperal dangers in undetected double - vesical, in pregnancy, 293 paralysis, treatment of, 322 uterus, 203 Haemorrhages, post-partum, 379 Intestine, gaseous cysts of the, 41 Fournier, suppurating kidney in pregnancy, Haemorrhoids in children, 30 Intramammary haemorrhage, blood in milk, 343 * treatment of prolapsed and gan- 203 Fourth direase, the, I5 grenous, 375 Intramuscular tissue, rate of absorption from, Fowler, H. A., diagnosis of renal and ureteral Hahn. high-frequency currents in ozaena, 258 279 calculi, 242 Hamilton, Alice, dissemination of streptococei, Intravenous administration of salicylates, I66 Fractures, treatment of, 4 299 Intussusception, 267 of cranium and lumbar puncture, Hartmann, laceration of the vena cava in Iodine in post-operative sepsis, 28I 212 nephrectomy, 229 Iodoform paraffin wax, filling of chronic bone Franceschi, Fr., pathological sleep in cases of Haultain, F. W. N., lithopaedion forty-one cavities, 289 cerebral tumour, 226 years in abdominal cavity, 148 Isaacs, A. R, decapsulation of the appendix, Frank, Jacob, incision and suture of the liver, Heart, beer-drinker's, 243 376 212 complications in diphtheria, 37 Isnardi, modification of Thiersch's skin - myasthenia gravis, 370 disease, congenital, and acute endo- grafting, 290 French, the platinochloride test for chlorine, 36 carditis, 282 Isoform, action of, 382 Freund, ovarian pregnanCy, 253; destruction Hedonal and chloroform anaesthesia, 229 of one fetus in twin pregnancy, 274 Hemmeter, John C., diagnosis of pancreatic J. diseases, 224 Jaundice, emotional, r96 G Henkel, rupture of uterus twice the subject of Jeannin, blood in milk, intramammary hae- Gache, youthful primiparae, 200 Caesarean section, 378 morrhage, I63 Galdi, F., uric acid in liquid effusions, 300; in Henrich, F., note on maretin, 331 Jellinck, pigmentation of the eyelids in human faeces, 333 Henry, Frederick P., medical treatment of Graves's disease, 54 Gangitano, mixture of adrenalin and cocaine gastric ulcer, 367 Jesivnek, fluorescent light treatment, 65 in surgical practice, 306 - J. N., paratyphoid fever, 320 Joachim, treatment of leukaemia by x-rays, 236 Ganglion, Gasserian, extirpation of, 321 Hepatic insufficiency in pregnanCy, 326 Job, the specific bacillus of epidemic dysen- Gangrene of leg after extirpation of a popliteal Hepato-gastrostomy, 268 tery, 5o aneurysm, 340 Hepatoptosis and cholecystocele, I09 Journeault, muco-membranous colitis and Garmo, W. B. de, x-ray treatment of tuber- Hernia, radical cure of, modification of fatal syncope, 275 culous testicle, 358 Bassini's operation for, 213; in children, Juvenile tabes, 304 Gaseous cysts of the intestine, 41 246 Gasserian ganglion, extirpation of, 322 of the bladder, signs of, 269 K. Gastric antiseptic, tachiol as a, 84 of pregnant women, 322 Kanavel, uncomplicated varicose veins in e-- rcinoma, clinical forms of, 178 of gravid uterus, Porrors Caesarean broad ligament, 377 di ease associated with tetany, sur- section during labour, I46 Kaplan, D. M., adrenalin chlorine in asthma, gical trea' ment of, i 8 X - of the ureter, 27 313 - ulcer, medical treatment of, 367 Herrgott, subcutaneous emphysema in obstet- Kefir, 348 ---- ulcers, 255: late results of surgical rics, 250 Keferstein, Georg, beer-drinker's heart, 243 treatment Of, 305 Heterogeneous blood, transfusion of, 242 Kemp, R. C, fluorescent media for transillu- Gaucher, radioneuritis, note on, 74 Heymans, J. F., experimental tuberculosis, mination of the stomach, 92 Gauthier, Paul, primary tuberculous rheuma- 220 Kennard, tuberculin in diagnosis of surgical tism, 285 High frequency currents in ozaena, 258 tuberculosis, 270 Gazin, emotional jaundice, J96 Higley, H. A.. rapid bacteriological diagnosis Kidney, operations on, 143; the physiological Gelatine, treatment of traumatic aneurysm by of diphtheria, 332 capacity of the, I97 injection 0f, 228 Hildebrandt, adrenalin in surgical practice, - pelvic in womev, 233 Gemmel], J. E., ameniorrhoea with eye sym- 230 suppurating in pregnancy, 343 ptoms, 234 Hip, displacements at, new line for determin- right, effect of displacement of on the Gengou, agglutination of red corpuscleq, 24 ing, 324 ascending colon, 55 Gerber, malignant thrombosis of the inferior Hirsch, A., keffr, 348 Kissel, lesions of the digestive organs in vena cava and right auricle in carcinoma of Hirschel, G., therapeutic action of radium, typhoid fever in children, 302 the suprareDal body, 265 249 Klein, the fourth disease, ts Ghliulamila, use of celluloid in the preparation Hirtz, juvenile tabes, 304 Knotte, luxation of lateral peroneal tendons, of orthopaedic appliances, 299 Hiss, differentiation of dysentery bacilli, 222 356 Glands, adrenalogenous, 211 Hitsehmaun, eclampsia, vesicular mole with- Koplik, posterior basic meningitis, 354 Glitsch, R., treatment of, eclampsia. 262 out fetus, 33 Kraemer, Henry, copper foil as a purifier of Gloves, use of in manial detachment of Hoffmann, operative treatment of housemaid's water, i69 placenta, 59 knee, 18 Krause, P., gonococcal sepsis, xo8 Gonococcal sepsis, I08 Holmes, E. W., brain tumour and trauma, 69 Krogius, surgical treatment of chronic ulcer Gonorrhoea in puerperium, I64 Honore, Ch., leucocytosis in ankylostomiasis, of the stomach, 128 Gordinier, acute myelogenous leuklemia, 372 355 Krougiline, rectal anaesthesia, 22I3 Goss, mixed infection with plague bacilli and Horowitz, pyrenol, note on, 63 Krueger, sleeping sickness and trypanosoma, 53 pneumocoei, I22 Housemaid's knee, operative treatment of, x8 Kubinyi, acute vesical haemorrhage in preg- Gould, G. M., optic and ocular factors in the Howard, W. T., variola, 350 ancy, 293 etiology of scoliosis of school children, 374 Hugue, Georges, abscess of the liver in typhoid Kucharzewski, the effect of serum injections Gout. treatment of, 38x fever, 123 on the blood, 85 Gowdey, Annie C., acephalic monster, 275 Human skin, possibility of disinfecting the, 28 Kurpj weit, treatment of leukaemia by x rays, Gradenwitz, free dermoid in pelvis simulating Hunt, J. Ramsay, pathology of sciatica, 353 136 tubal pregnancy, 6i Huppe, F., alcohol, 278 Kustner, fibroid polypus in hysterectomy Graul, laevulosuria and diabetes, 235 Hutinet, the contagiousness of diabetes, 52 stump, myoma of sigmoid flexure, 380 Graves's disease, pigmentation of the eyelids Hydrorrhoea gravidarum, 342 Kyes, Preston, cobra venom and antitoxin, 270 iD, 54 Hydrosalpinx, old, primary cancer , 362 Gravid uterus. See Uterus Hydrotherapy and tetanus, 22 L. Griffith, J. P. Crozer, diet after the age of Hypertrophic anascitic cirrhosis, 287 Labour, cancer of the cervix as a complication I year, 205 Hysterectomy stump, fibroid polypus in, of, 46; accidents in multiparae, 201; induc- Grosset, Marcel, cardiac irritability in tuber- myoma of sigmoid flexure, 380 tion of, 202; flooding from rupture of ctr- culosis, 25 - vaginal, latero-vaginal incision in, cular sinus iD, 2I6; treatment of ovarian Gynaecological superstitions, 124 292 cSytScompliCatiDg, 291 Gynaecology, modern mbthods of treatment Hysteria, the reflexes in, 73 Lactation, thyroid tetany during, 99 in, 342 Laederich, inequality of pupils in pleurisy I. with effusion, 294, 301 H. Illman, G. Morton, rheumatism, 277 Laevulosuria and diabetes, 335 Haas, mesenteric cysts, 252 Immunity againstcholera, 253 Lambinet, ankylostomiasis, 283 Haematometra, senile, haemorrhage in, 344 Infancy, a means of thermic regulation in, 67; Lancereaux, surgical treatment of gastric Haemolysins of plague toxin, Io6 lobar pneumonia in, 240; feeding in, I5o; disease associated with tetany, I38x Haemorrhage, sodium bicarbonate in, 255 pneumococcus arthritis in, 223 Lange, eucaine in sciatica, 271 intermuscular, from inuscular Infants, treatment of pneumonia in, 267 Latero-vaginal incision in vaginal hysterec- action, z6z Innelmann, uses of Roentgen rays in medical tomy, 292 - -- intramammary, blood in milk, practice, 286 Leale, Medwln, chronic eczema as a complica- 263 Insomnia, treatment of, 259 tion of senile degeneration, 336 ftnum I 6 WirGAT. Jr*VWAL INDEX TO THE EPITOME. 24, KT=6 kfuz,,a&ejmaeaL]J INDEX TO THE EPITOME. [JUNE 24, 1905.~~~~~~~~~~~~I905- Lecdne, surgical wounds of cervical portion of Meltzer, rate of absorption for intramuscular Orth, J., morphology of cancer and the para- thoracic duct, 43 tissue, 279 sitic theory, 368 Le Dentu, treatment of traumatic aneurysm by Mendelsohn, L., antistreptococcus serums in Orthopaedic appliances, use of celluloid in injection of gelatine, 228 scarlatina, 346 preparation of, I99 Leg, varicose veins in, operation for, 76 Mendes, treatment of carotid aneurysms by Osler, acute tuberculous pneumonia, 263 Legueu, removal of tuberculous vesiculae extirpation of the sac, 288 Ovarian cystic tumours, prognosis of, i 6; seminales, I58 Meningitis, cerebro-spinal. See Cerebro- treatment of when complicating pregnancy Lemaire, juvenile tabes, 304 spinal and labour, 292 Leonard, C. T., Roentgen rays in malignant posterior basic, 354 dermoid, may it be malignant P 363 diseases of the breast, 8I -tuberculous, remissions in, 107 growths, malignancy of, 32 Lepman, gonorrhoea in puerperium, 164 Menopause, haemorriage at, cavity in uterine pregnancy, 29, 253 Lereboullet, Banti's disease, 154 wall, 272 tumour in child, torsion of uterus, Lesage, the toxicity of adrenalin, 3io Mesenteric cysts, 252 276 Lesser, F., tabes dorsalis and its relation to Mesentery, angeioma cavernosum of, 345 Ovary, apoplexy of, I65; cancer of, 254 ; adhe- syphilis, I Mesotan in rheumatism, 68 sion of to enlarged spleen, 273 Leucocytosis in ankylostomiasis, 355 Meyer, placenta praevia and laceration of Ozaena, high frequency currents in, 258 Leukaemia, Roentgen rays in the treatment pediele of fibroid, death, I34 of, 49, 236, 204 Microscope, dangers of in the early diagnosis - acute myelogenous, 372 of pulmonary tuberculosis, 72 P. splenomedullary, radiotherapy in, Mignot, veronal, 3I5 Padoa, G., protective action of the liver against '9' Milk, blood in: intramammary haemorrhage, the toxins of bacterium coli, X2 L'Hbte, remissions in tuberculous meningitis, I63 Pancreas, effect of resection of the nerves of 207 Miller, histogenesis of the tubercle, 173; the, 292; extirpation of, 227 Liermann, W., treatment of fractures, 4 rectal alimentation, I8g ; uncomplicated Pancreatic diseases, diagnosis of, 224 Light treatment, fluorescent, 65 (see also x varicose veins in broad ligament, 377 Papilloma of the anus, cutaneous tuberculous, rays, Roentgen) Minkowski, O., treatment of gout, 38! 95 Lisle, Justin de, serum treatment of syphilis, Mohr, tuberculous rheumatism, 2 Paralysis, intestinal, treatment of, 322 349 Mole, vesicular, without fetus, associated with pneumonic, 225 Lithopaedion 41 years in abdominal cavity, eolampsia, 33 Parasitic theory and the morphology of cancer, 248 Monnier, X., appendicitis due to a fibro- 368 Liver, abscess of in typhoid fever, 123 myxoma, 217 Paratyphoid fever, 320 -- acute yellow atrophy of, 208 Monro, John C., late results of surgical treat- Paresis of the trochlear nerve in tetanus, 177 in puerperium, 8 ment of gastric ulcer, 305 Parona, F., operation for varicose veins in the incision and suture of, II 2 Montand, F. G., treatment of insomnia, 259 leg, 76 - protective action of against the toxins Moreau, a means of thermic regulation in in- Parotitis, coeliac, note on, 77 of bacterium coli, I2 fancy, 67 Pathological sleep in cases of cerebral tumour, action of on diphtheria toxin, 5I Morestin, round ligament fibroid and hernial 226 surgical treatment of with ascites, 247 sac, 310 Patschkowski, K., urotropine in scarlet fever, tuberculous cirrhosis of, 9I Morphine-scopolamine anaesthesia, 338 219 --wounds of, treatment of, 94 Morphology of tubercle bacilli, 3I6 Paulin, twin labours, seventeen days' interval, Lobar pneumonia in infancy, 240; cbolecystitis Morris, R. T., bile-tract adhesions, 323 double uterus, 8o as a complication of, 244 Morse, J. L., lobar pneumonia in infancy, 140 Peeble, H. B., pneumococcus endocarditis, 13 Loeffler, F., antibodies, 386 Morton, W. J., radiotherapy in carcinoma, 373 Peham, extrauterine pregnancy, eclampsia, Loewenheim, J., phytin, note on, 102 Mouisset, encysted peritonitis with compres- living child extracted at term, 294 Lomer, haemorrhage in senile haematometra, sion of the bile duct, 266 Pelvic contraction, prophylactic version in 344 Muco-membranous colitis and fatal syncope, cases of, 44 Lomnitz, uterus bicornis with clinical compli- I75 inflammation and disease of the ap- cations, 98 Mulen, P., adrenalogenous glands, 2II1 pendix, 10o Longoope, bone marrow in typhoid and other Muller, Emil, the malignancy of ovarian -kidney in women, 233 affections, 260 growths, 32 veins in puerperal pyaemia, ligature of, Loveland, H. H., post-partum haemorrhages, Multiparae, labour accidents in, 201 184 379 Muscles, rupture of in typhoid fever, 14 Pelvis, the white and the negro, 36x Lovera, apyretic pneumonia, z56 Myasthenia gravis, 370 Pemphigus of the oesophagus, go Lumbar puncture, diagnostic value of, 38; in Myelogenous leukaemia, acute, 372 Penniogton, J. Rawson, anaesthesia by water pertussis, 209; and fractures of the cranium, Myocardial insufficiency, etiology of, 174 injections, 339 212 ; in enuresis, 239 Myocardium, tuberculosis of, 88 Peritoneal adtesions, 359 Lungs, inequality of the pupils in diseases of Peritonitis, eneysted, with compression of the the, 26; asthma and infectious affections of N. bile duct, 266 the, 27 Nafalan, note on, z51 P6rochaud, rupture of the muscles in typhoid Luxation of lateral peroneal tendons, 356 Nagel, ovarian tumour in child, torsion of fever, 14 Lupus, treatment of in general practice, 83 uterus, 276 Peroneal tendons, luxation of lateral, 356 Nattan-Larrier, pneumococcus arthritis in Pertussis, lumbar puncture in, 209 infancy, 223 Perugia, carcinoma of the hard palate success- M. Neisser, cerebral puncture, 179 fually treated by radium, 56 MacCallum, mechanism of exophthalmos, 124 Nephrectomy, laceration of the vena cava in, Pesci, therapeutic efficiency of barium chloride, M'Curdy, new line for determining displace- 229 87 ment at the hip, 324 Nerve, trochlear, paresis of in tetanus, 177 Phlebitis, treatment of, I88 Macnab, D. S. E., thyroid extract in the treat- Nerves of the pancreas, effects of resection of, Phosphorus contents of the cerebro-spinal ment of puerperal eclampsia, 132 192 fluid, 241 -J. C. G., thyroid extract in treatment Neujean, action of adrenalin, 47 Phthisis. See Tuberculosis. of puerperal eclampsia, 132 Neuronal, note on, 103 Physiology, surgical, I Malarial infection, arterial pressure in, 7'I Nicoll, operative treatment of birth-fracture of Phytin, note on, 102 Malcolm, J. D., treatment of the placenta in the skull, 57 Pick, diphtheria antitoxin in its relation to operating for extrauterine fetation, 7 Nijhoff, G. C., quintuplets, 21 toXin, 138 Maniscaloo, pathogenesis of cancer, 351 Nod, J., adrenalin, note on, 9 Pigmentation of the eyelids in Graves's dis- Maragliano, treatment of appendicitis, 249 Northrup, W. P., feeding in infancy, T5o; ease, 54 Marchand, appendicitis, free vesicles in peri- treatment of pneumonia in infants, 167 Pinchart, lumbar puncture and fractures of toneum, 248 cranium, 212 Maretin, note OD, 331 0. Pincus, Ludwig, atmocausis and zestocausis, Masoin, Paul, chemical changes in epilepsy, Obstetrics, subcutaneous empbysema in, 65o; I85 It0 use of blood agar plates in, 327; modern Piqud, puerperal mania or pseudo-mania, 360 Massalongo, sugar in treatment of phthisis, methods of treatment in, 341 Placenta, treatment of in operating for extra- 2l9 Oesophageal stricture, treatment of, 383 uterine fetation, 7 Mattan-Larrier, pneumococcal arthritis in the - surgery, 93 use of gloves in manual detachment newborn, 371 Oesophagus, pemphigus of, go of, 59 Maygrier, flooding for rupture of circular sinus Olshausen, labour accidents in multiparae, 201 Placenta praevia, is Caesarean section ever in labour, 216 Opitz, pyelitis in pregnancy, 231; haemor- justifiable in the management of ? 233 Measles, a rare complication of, I95; in preg- rhage at menopause, cavity in uterine wall, and laceration of pedicle of nancy, 251 272 fibroid: death, 134 Meckel's diverticulum and uterine appendages, Optic and ocular factors in scoliosis of school Plague bacilli and pneumococci, mixed infec- inflammation of, simulating appendicitis, 117 children, 374 tion with, 122 Medical practice, uses of Roentgen rays in, 286 Ormerod, J. A., subacute combined degenera- __ toxin, haemolysins of, zo6 Mellin, thiosinamine in contraction of scars, tion of the spinal cord, 303 Platinoohloride test for choline, 36 256 Orth, pelvic kidnev in women, 233 Plavec, VWelav, theobromine as a diuretic, I I 2 JUNE 24, 1905.] INDEX TO THE EPITOME. rMiALasFoWxui I a Pleura, inequality of the pupils in diseases of Radium, trachoma treated by, r68 Seminales, tuberoulous vesioulae, removal of, the, 26, 301 Raffaello, treatment of phlebitis, i88 Pleurisy with effusion, inequality of pupils in, Ramognini, cutaneous tuberculous papilloma Senile degeneration complicated by chronic 194, 30I of anus, 95 eczema, 336 Pneumococcal arthritis, 337 Ranken, R. P., double uterus and vagina, 96 Senn, Nicholas, ooxa vara, 226 --______- n the newborn, 371 Ravant, cerebro-spinal fluid in syphilis, 385 Sepsis, gonococcal, I08 Pneumococei and plague bacilli, mixed infec- Raviart, tuberculosis of myocardium, 88 - post-operative, iodine in, 281 tion with, 121 Rectal alimentation, I89 Sdrieux, veronal, 315 Pneumococcus endocarditis, I3 anaesthesia, 113 Serum, antistreptococcus in erysipelas, 187 Pneumonia, acute tuberculous, 263 Red corpuscles, agglutination of, 24 in scarlatina, 346 - appendicular, pain in, 122 Renal calculi, diagnosis of, 242 antisyphilitic, 314 - - apyretic, I56 - decapsulation and puerperal eclampsia, injections, effect of on the blood, 85 in infants, treatment of, £67 1I5 treatment of puerperal fever, 31 lobar, in infancy, 140; chole- Resection of the nerves of the pancreas, effects -- of syphilis, 66, 349 cystitis as a compliOation of, 244 of, 292 Serumtherapeutics, IO0 Pneumococcus arthritis in infancy, 223 Rheumatism, 277 Shepherd, signs of hernia of the bladder, 269 Pneumonia paralysis, 225 mesotan in, 68 Shuttleworth, antitoxin in diphtheria, 280 Podhoretzki, E. D., hedonal and chloroform tuberculous, 2, 285 Silvester, extirpation of the pancreas, 227 anaesthesia, 129 Rhodes, carbohydrate metabolism, 89 Simon, prolapse of ureter into vulva, 235 Pollack, cerebral puncture, I79 Richter, thrombosis and embolism in the Sinus, circular, flooding from rupture of dur- P61ya, modification of Bassini's operation for puerperium, 20 ing labour, 22I6 radical cure of hernia, 223 Riggs, the white and the negro pelvIs, 36I Sippel, puerperal eolampsia and renal decap- Polyglobulia with enlarged spleen and cyanosis, Ringworm, x-rays in, 204 sulation, I 15 225 Risso, serumtherapy in syphilis, 66, 314 Sjogren, T., Roentgen-ray treatment of sar- Polypus, fibroid, in hysterectomy stump, 380 Robinson, congenital heart disease and acute coma, 312 Post-operative sepsis, iodine in, 281 endocarditis, 282 Skin diseases, the Roentgen rays in, 23 Potherat, perforating appendicitis caused by a Rochmann, H., action of isoform, 382 grafting, Thiersch's, modification of, 290 foreign body, 130 Roentgen rays in skin diseases, 23; in leuk- human, possibility of disinfecting the, 28 Pozl, may an ovarian dermoid be malignant? aema, 49 ; in malignant diseases of the breast, Skull, operative treatment of birth fracture of, 363 8I ; in tuberculosis, 82; in medical practice, 57 Pratt, causes of cardiac insufficiency, 3 ; eti- 286; in sarcoma, 312. See also x-rays, light Sleep, pathological, in cases of cerebral ology of myocardial insufficiency, 174 Rohleder, note on nafalan, 15X tumour, 226 Pregnancy, pyelitis in, 23I; measles in, 25I; Rosenstein, whence are the female organs Sleeping sickness and trypanosoma, 53 acute vesical haemorrhage in, 293; hepatic infected by tuberele ? 97 Small-pox organisms, 70 inefficiency in, 326; suppurating kidney in, Rosner, hernia of gravid uterus, Porro's Smith, heart complications in diphtheria, 37 343 Caesarean section during labour, 146; A. H., intermuscular haemorrhage from extrauterine eclampsia, living child hernia of pregnant women, 311 muscular action, x6I extracted at term, 294 Rossiwall, surgical searlatina, 42 Sodium bicarbonate in haemorrhage, 255 - - - interstitil, ruptured, 145 Roth, Maximilian, exercises in chorea, 2o6 cinnamate, action of, 86 ovarian, 19, 253 Round ligament fibroid and hernial sac, 320 Sonnenburg, B., stovaine as a spinal anaes- ovarian cysts complicating, treat- Rousing, physiological capacity of the kidney, thetic, 240 ment of, 292 '97 Speer, G. G., cerebro-spinal meningitis, 284 tubal, free dermoid in pelvis simu- Roussell, the specific bacillus of epidemic Spencer, H. R., cancer of the cervix as a com- lating, 6i dysentery, 50 plication of labour, 46 twin, destruction of one fetus in, Rubens, intravenoua administration of sali- Spinal anaesthetic, stovaine as a, 240 274 cylates, I66 cord, subacute combined degeneration Pregnant women, hernia of, 311 Rudis-Jicinsky, J., the Roentgen rays in treat- of, 303 Primiparae, youthful, 200 ment of tuberculosis, 82 Spleen, enlarged, with cyanosis and poly- Prolapse of ureter into vulva, 235 Rupture of the muscles in typhoid fever, 24 globulia, i25 Prostatectomy, ultimate results of, 75 of uterus. See Uterus. Splenomedullary leukaemia, radiotherapy in, Pseudomania or puerperal maDia, 360 Ruptured intestitial pregnancy, 245 r91 Ptosis of the abdominal aorta, 39 Ruptures of the quadriceps, operative treat- Stamm, vaginal Caesarean section, 78 Puerperal dangers in undetected double ment of suprapatellar, 241 Steiner, L., multiple subcutaneous fibrous uterus, 203 swellings, 58 - eclampsia, thyroid extract in, 132 Stengel, early diagnosis and treatment of and renal decapsulation, S. arteriosclerosis, 210 'Is Sabarthez, pyramidon in typhoid, 297 Sterility, treatment of, 13I - fever, serum treatment of, 3I Sacerdote, cutaneous tuberculous papilloma of Stern, Heinrich, suppression of the acetone mania or pseudomania, 360 anus, 95 bodies in diabetics, 235 pyaemia, ligature of pelvicaveins Sadger, J., hydrotherapy and tetanus, 22 Stifler, ptosis of the abdominal aorta, 39 in, 184 Salicylates, intravenous administration of, I66 Stricture, oesophageal. See Oesophageal Puerperium, acute yellow atrophy of liver in, Salvia, influence of slight injuries on the Stockton, Charles G., treatment of cerebro- 8; thrombosis and embolism in, 20; perfora- localization of tubercle, 262 spinal fever, 295 tion of tuberculous intestine in, 147; gonor- Salvioli, transfusion of heterogeneous blood, Stoeckel, bydrorrhoea gravidarum, 342 rhoea in, 264 242 Stomach, fluorescent media for transillumina- Pupils, inequality of in diseases ofj the lungs Sanoform, 330 tion of, 92 and pleura, 26; in pleurisy with effusion, Sarcoma, Roentgen-ray treatment of, 312 -______chronic ulcer of, surgical treatment 194, 301 Sauerbruck. oesophageal surgery, 93 of, I28 Purgation before and after operation, 144 Scapula, operative treatment of displacement Stone, I. S., purgation before and after opera- Pyaemia, puerperal, ligature of pelvic veins in, of, I98 tion, 144 284 e Scarlet fever. See Fever Stori, gaseous cysts of the intestine, 41 Pyelitis in pregnancy, 231 Scarlatina, surgical, 42. See also Fever Stovaine as a spinal anaesthetic, 240 Pyramidon in typhoid, 297 Scars, thiosinamine in contraction of, 256 as a local anaesthetic, 384 Pyrenol, note on, 63 Schiele, unilateral dislocation of the cervical Strauss, J., treatment of diabetes, 34 vertebrae, 40 streptococei, dissemination of, 299 Q. Schmidt, J. A., modern methods of treatment strong, immunity against cholera, 153 Quadri, G., the arterial pressure in malarial in obstetrics and gynaecology, 341 Stroux, H., note on neuronal, 203 infection, 71 Schnabel, injection treatment of syphilis, 238 Subcutaneous emphysema in obstetrics, 250 Quadriceps, operative treatment of supra- School children, optic and ocular factors in suckling and syphilis, 45 patellar rupture of, 141 etiology of scoliosis of, 374 sugar In treatment of phthisis, xI9 Quetrel, syphilis and suckling, 45 Schooler, adhesion of ovary to enlarged spleen, Sugg, small-pox organisms, 70 Qudnu, operative treatment of suprapatellar 273 superstitions, some gynaecological, 214 ruptures of the quadriceps, 141; hepato- Schwoner, diphtheria antitoxin in its relation Suprapatellarruptures of the quadriceps, opera- gastrostomy, 268 to toxin, 138 tive treatment of, 242 Quintuplets, 21 Sciallero, M., a new extract from tubercle Suprarenal body, malignant thrombosis of the bacilli and its action, 48 inferior vena cava and right auricle in car- R. Sciatica, eucaine in, I72; pathology of, 353 cinoma of, s65 Radioneuritis, note on, 74 3coliosis of school childrn, optic and ocular Surgery, oesophageal, 93 Radiotherapeutic nihilism, 2231 factors in the etiology of, 374 Surgical operations, entrance of air into the Radiotherapy in splenomeduilary leukaemia, Scopolamine as a general anaesthetic, I86 veins during, 224 tzI; in carcinoma, 373 Seelig, treatment of the stump in appendec- physiology, IIx Radium, carcinoma of the hard palate success- tomy, 6 -______scarlatina, 42 fully treated by, 56 Segrd, L., note on cryogenin, 328; pneumocoo- treatment of epilepsy, 5; of perfo- therapeutic action of, 149 cal arthritis, 337 rating enteric ulcer, x6; of chronic ulcer of 8 TM Bzr. 1 K=Iftz '70vaNAZJ 8l~ INDEX TO THE EPITOME. [JUNE, 24, 1905, the stomach, 2s8; of gastric disease asso- Tuberculosis, common house fly and, 328 Vallas, eneysted peritonitis with compression ciated with tetany, 18x; of cirrhosis of liver experimental, 120 of bile duct, 266 with ascites, 247; of gastric ulcer, 305 of myocardium, 88 Varicose veins in the leg, operation for, 76 Surgical wounds of cervical portion of cervical pulmonary, dangers of the micro- - uncomplioated, in broad liga- duct, 43 soope in early diagnosis of, 72 ment, 377 Syncope, fatal, mucomembranous colitis and, Roentgen rays in treatment of, Variola, 350 '75 82 Veer, Van de, uterus bicornis with clinical Syphilis, cerebro-spinal fluid in, 385 sugar in treatment of, x2 9 complications, 98 hereditary, in the second generation, surgical, tuberculin in diagnosis Vena cava, laceration of in nephrectomy, 229 29 of, 270 Venom, cobra, and antitoxin, 170 injection treatment of, 238 tuberculin in, 364 Veronal, version, 315; prophylactic, in cases relation of tabes dorsalis to, I Tuberculous cirrhosis of liver, gi of pelvic contraction, 44 serum therapy in, 66, 349 intestine in puerperium, perfora- Vertebrae, cervical, unilateral dislocation of, and suckling, 45 tion of, I47 40 meningitis, remissions in, 107 Vesical haemorrhage in pregnancy, acute, 293 T. papilloma of the anus, cutaneous, Vesicular mole without fetus associated with Tabes dorsalis and its relation to syphilis. i 95 eclampsia, 33 curability Of, 366 pneumonia, acute, 263 Vilumara, apoplexy of ovary, I65 juvenile, 304 rheumatism, 2, 285 Vintcenzo, tuberculous cirrhosis of the liver, Tachiol as a gastric antiseptic, 84 testicle, x-ray treatment of, 358 9I Tamerl, Roman, pemphigus of the oesophagus, vesioulae seminales, removal of, Von Baraoj. See Baracj 90 I58 Vulva, prolapse of ureter into, 235 Tedeschi, latent haemorrhage in the digestive Tuffier, differential diagnosis of apperdicitis tract, 276 and perforating ulcer of the duodenum, 307 W. Tendons, peroneal, luxation of lateral, 356 Tumour, brain, and trauma, 69 Wagener, angeioma cavernosum of mesentery, Terrier, scopolamine as a general anaesthetic, cerebral, pathological sleep in cases 345 x86 of, 226 Waite, Lucy, some gynaecological supersti- Testicle, tuberculous, x-ray treatment of, 358 ovarian in a child, torsion of uterus, tions, 224 Tetanus and hydrotherapy. 22 276 Wadesack, treatment of oesophageal stricture, paresis of the trochlear nerve in, 177 Tumours, ovarian cystic, prognosis of, zI6 383 Tetany, surgical treatment of gastric disease uterine fibroid, 232 Waitzfelder, E., diphtheria antitoxin in epi- associated with, I8z Typhoid fevor. See Fever, enteric demic cerebro-spinal meningitis, 329 thyroid, during lactation, 99 perforation, operative treatment of, Water injections, anaesthesia by, 339 Thayer, cardiac and vascular complications 227, 357 copper foil as a purifier of, x69 and sequels of typhoid fever, 263 Water-drinking, copious, in treatment of Theobromine as a diuretic, iI U. typhoid fever, 236 Theocin and caffein, note on, 2I8 Udolfo, appendicular pain in pneumonia, 122 Webster, Clarence, ovarian pregnancy, ig; Therapeuti3 efficiency of barium chloride, 87 Ulcer, enteric, surgical treatment of perforat- uterine fibroid tumours, 232 Thermic regulation in infancy, a means of, 67 ing, i6 Wells, H. G., acute yellow atrophy of liver, Th6venet, a means of thermic regulation in gastric, medical treatment of, 367 2o8 infancy, 67 perforating, of the duodenum, differen- Werner, fetus retained beyond term in uterus Thiersch's skin grafting, modifliation of, 290 tial diagnosis of appendicitis and, 307 septus, 79 Thiosinamine in contraction of scars, 256 of the stomach, surgical treatment of I28 R., therapeutic action of radium, 149 Thomson, ulcus rotundum simplex vaginae, of the vagina, 271 Wherry, W. B., cholera cultures, 369 271 Ulcers, gastric, I55; late results of surgical White, heart complications in diphtheria, 37 Thoracic duct, surgical wounds of aervical treatment of, 305 Williams, z-ray treatment of cutaneous epithe- portion of, 43 Ulcus rotundum simplex vaginae, 271 lioma, 347 Thrombosis and embolism in the puerperium, Ungen, note on sanoform, 330 Wolff, prophylactic version in cases of pelvic to Ureter, hernia of, 27 contraction, 44 malignant, of the inferior vena operations on, 143 Wormser, E., use of gloves in manual detach- cava and right auricle in carcinoma of the prolapse of into vulva, 235 ment of placenta 59 suprarenal body, 265 Ureteral calculi, diagnosis of, 242 Wounds of cervical portion of thoracic duct, Thrush, adrenalin in typhoid, I90 Uric acid, in liquid effusions, 300; in human surgical, 43 Thyroid extract in treatment of puerperal faeces, 333 -______of the liver, treatment of, 94 eclampsia, 232 diathesis, citarin in, 220 totany during lactation, 99 Urotropine in scarlet fever, 219 X. Thyroidism, experimental, 152 Urticaria, pathology of, 137 X rays in ringworm, 204; in leukaemia, 49, Tilton, treatment of wounds of the liver, 94 Uterine appendages and Meekel'sdivertioulum, 136, 204; in cutaneous epithelioma, 347; in Tirelli, V., the possibility of disinfecting the inflammation of, simulating appendicitis, treatment of tuberculous testicle, 358. See human skin, 28 "17 also Roentgen, Light, Radiotherapy Toff, E., the uses of yohimbin, I05 contractions, I83 Tomson, primary cancer in an old hydrosal- disorders, atropine in, 325 Y. pinx, 362 fibroid tumours, 232 Yobimbin, the uses of, 205 Tonsil, growth of bone in, 359 Uterus bicornis with clinical complications, Young, ultimate results of prostatectomy, 75 Torsion of the Fallopian tube, 309 98 Youthful primiparae, 200 Toti, a dacryocystorhinostomy, I6o double, twin labours, 27 days' interval, Trachoma treated by radium, I68 8o: puerperal dangers in undetected, 203 Z. Trauma, brain tumour and, 69 gravid, hernia of, Porro's Caesarean Zak, E., paresis of the trochlear nerve in Traumatic aneurysm. See Aneurysm section during labour, 346 tetanus, 277 Trochlear nerve, paresis of in tetany, 177 rupture of,twice the subject of Caesarean Zambelli, G., diagnostic value of lumbar punc- Trypanosoma and sleeping sickness, 53 section, 378 ture, 38 4 Trypanosomiasis, 26I septus, fetus retained beyond term in, Zamboni, effects of resection of the nerves of Tubal pregnancy. See Pregnancy 79 the pancreas, 192 Tubercle, whence are the female organs in- and vagina, double, 96 Zepf, P., emetine and cephaeline, 62 feoted by? 97; influence of slight injuries on Zestocausis and atmocausis, I85 localization of, 262 Zesus, surgical treatment of perforating enteric bacilli, new extract from, and its V. ulcer, I6 action, 48; morphology of, 3 06 Vagina, simple uleer of, 271 Ziemann, Hans, trypanosomiasis, 26I; blood histogenesis of the, 273 - and uterus, double, 96 parasites in West Africa, 334; filariasis in the Tuberculin in tuberculosis, 364 Vaginal Caesarean section, 78; in ealampsia, Cameroons, 352 in diagnosis of surgical tuberculo- 215 Zimmern, experimental epilepsy, 319 sis, 270 hysterectomy, latero-vaginal incision Zinc, chloride of, note on, 207 Tuberculosis, cardiac irritability in, 25 in, 292 Zinke, induction of labour, 202

Printed and published by the British Medical Association at their Office, No. 429, Strand, in the Parish of St. Martin-in-the-Fields. in the Count3r of Middlesex.