II. An officer shall be provided whose duty it shall be to make inquiries from all applicants for admission, and to enter particulars in a Register ASSOCIATION INTELLIGENCE, provided for that purpose. Such inquiries shall be supplemented by occasional investigations with a view to testing the accuracy of the replies made to the guestions of the inquiry officer. PROCEEDINGS OF COUNCIL. III. A Register should be kept in Iwhich should be entered the name, postal address, sex, age, occupation and pecuniary position of each AT a meeting of the Council held in the Council Chamber patient admitted, and in all cases as iull information as possible should of the Owens College, , on Tuesday, July 29th, be entered under the head of pecuniary position. IV. A " wage limit," or fixed rules as to the limit of pecuniary circum- 1902. stances beyoid which applicants will be considered inadmissible, should Present: in every case be enacted, with due regard to local and general conditions; Dr. JoHN ROBERTs THOMSON, fChairman of the Council, in the and, in accordance therewith, the Inquiry Officer should be instructed to Chair. exclude persons inadmisEible by such rules except in cases of urgency. V. General supervision should be exercised over the patients admitted Dr. GEORGE BAGOT FERGUSON, President. to out-patient waiting-rooms, by a qualified doctor, with a view to ex- Mr. WALTER WHrrEHXAD, President-elect. cluding dangerous infectious cases, and affording early attention to cases Mr. ANDREW CLARK, Treasurer. in which delay is dangerous. VI. No medical officer shall attend on more than a fixed number of Dr. HENRY BARNES, Carlisle. Sir VICTOR HORSLEY, F.R.B., fresh cases each day, and the limit shall be such as to insurea reasonable Dr. JAMEs BARR, Liverpool. . average space of time being devoted to each patient. Dr. MICHAEL BEVERLEY, Norwich. Mr. EVAN JONES, Aberdare. VII. When the number of applicants is greater than can be attended to, Dr. J. BRASSEY BRIERLEY, Old Traf- Dr. C. H. MILBURN, Hull. preference should be given to applicants (i) seriously ill, (2) bringing ford. Mr. W. JONES MORRIS, Portmadoc. letters of recommendation from doctors or governors. Dr. R. C. BUIST, Dundee. Dr. JAMES MURPHY, Sunderland. VIII. Suitable arrangements should be made whereby doctors might Mr. COLIN CAMPBELL, Southport. Surgeon-General T. F. O'DWYER, obtain the advantage of consultation with members of the staff in thecase Dr. ALFRED Cox, Gateshead-on- Ventnor. of persons whom they certify to be unable to pay the usual consultants Tyne. Mr. C. H. WArTS PARKINSON, Wim- fees. When the 'medical attendant is unable to attend personally he Dr. H. RADCLIFFE CROCKER,London. borne. should send with the patient a sealed statement for the use of the con- Dr. T. M. DOLAN, Halifax. Dr. FRANK M. POPE, Leicester. sultant, and a small fee should be charged to cover the cost of forwarding Brigade-Surgeon-Lieut.-Col. E. F. Mr. H. BETHAM ROBINSON, M.S., a written opinion of the consultant to the medical attendant by whom the DRAKE-BROCKMAN, London. London. case was sent. Mr. GEORGEE EASTES, M.B., London. Dr. ALFRED SHEEN, Cardiff. IX. Patients should be admitted to see the doctors in the order of their Dr. WILLIAM A. ELLISTON, Ipswich. Dr. G. E. SHUTLEWORTH, Rich- arrival, and no precedence should be given to any patient otherwise, Dr. A. FREELAND FERGUS, . mond Hill. except by the direct instructions of a medical officer. Dr. JOHN H. GALTON, Upper Nor- Dr. E. MARKHAM SKERRITT, Clifton, X. Gratuities to porters and attendants in out-patient departments wood. Bristol. should be absolutely prohibited, and any porter or attendant receiving Dr. ALFRED GODSON, Cheadle. Mr. W. D. SPANTON, Hanley. gratuities should be dismissed. Notices to the above effect should be Dr. BRuCE GOFF, Bothwell. Dr. ROBERT STIRLING, Perth. exhibited. Dr. MAJOR GREENWOOD, London. Dr. W. J. TYSON, Folkestone. XI. No charge, however small, should be made to out-patients, and ex- Dr. JOSEPH GRovEs, Carisbrooke. Mr. T. JENNER VERRALL Brighton. treme poverty should not be allowed to prevent applicants receiving Burg.-Gen. J. B. HAMILTON, M.D., Dr. NORMAN WALKER, . attention. London. Mr. DENIs WALSHE, Graigue. XII. The out-patient departments of hospitals should co-operate with Dr. W. M. HARMAN, Winchester. Mr. R. W. 0. WITHERs, Shrewsbury. Mr. W. F. HASLAM, Edgbaston. Dr. S. WOODCOCK, Old Trafford. other institutions for the relief of the poor, and with doctors. clergy, and Dr. T. ARTHUR HELME, Man- others working among the poor. chester. APPENDIX. REPLIES HAVE BEEN RECEIVED FROM THE FOLLOWING INSTITUTIONS:- Read letters of apology for non-attendance from Dr. R. W. I. Birmingham and Midland Hospital for Women.-Are carrying out most Batten, Mr. Langley Browne, Dr. E. J. Cave, Dr. P. Maury of the methods advised, but think the notices would hurt the patients' Deas, Sir W. T. Gairdner, Dr. W. A. Mackintosh, Mr. A. J. feelings. 2. Blackburn and East Lancashire Inflrmary.-System largely in accord Manning, Dr. T. W. Moriarty, Dr. James Murray, Dr. Parsons, with our advice. Sir George H. Philipson, Dr. Saundby, and Mr. E. B. Whit- 3. Bristol General Hospital.-Do not approve our racommendations, but combe. do employ an inquiry officer. 4. Chelmsford Infirmary.-Say they are doing their best against abuse, Resolved: That the i6 candidates not resident in the area but cannot co-operate further. of any Branch be elected members of the British Medical 5. Coventry and Warwick-shire Hospital.-Agree in the main, but cannot Association, and that the remaining 97 be allowed the privi- at present alter their rules. leges of membership during the 6. Gateshead Children's Hospital.-Do not see their way to adopt recom- annual meeting pending their mendations, as funds are limited. election by the Branches. 7. General h8ospital, Cheltenhanm.-Cannot at present adopt principle of Resolved: That the candidate whose form of application recommendations, but have committee to investigate patients admitted. has been forwarded by Dr. Munro Moir be also allowed to 8. Hospital and Dispensary, Newark-on-Trent.-Consider the system of recommendations which is in force a sufficient guarantee. attend the annual meeting pending election. 9. Hospital for Women, Nottingham.-Is a part-paying hospital, but every Resolved- That Dr. G. B. Ferguson and Mr. Andrew Clark precaution taken to prevent abuse. be nominated for election as Vice-Presidents in accordance Io. Kidderminster Inflrmary.-Precautions already taken against abuse, but cannot do as we suggest in so small a town. with By-Law 36. II. St. George's Hospital for Skin Diseases, Liverpool.-Very small charity; Resolved: That a temporary officer be appointed to carry have no difficulty in checking abuse. on the duties under the By-laws until the end of the year, and 12. Sunderland Eye Hospital.-Take every steps to see that the charity is for his services he should be granted an honorarium of not abused, but cannot exhibit the poster. £250, I3. WVest Herts Inflrmary, Hemel Hempstead.-Think-there is no occasion and the selection be made by the Council. for ' joining Medical Charities Committee." Resolved: That the appointment of a temporary officer 14. Windsor Royal Dispensary and Infirmary,-At present not prepared to be made at the Council Meeting to-morrow. adopt more stringent provisions than those already in force. I5. WVolverhampron and Staffordshire General Hospital.-Fully;sympathize, Resolved: That an advertisement be issued for a per- but consider it not possible to move in the matter at present. manent official to be elected at the October meeting of the G. B. FERGUSON, M.D., Clhairman. (Couiicil upon the following conditions:- I. A candidate should be a registered medical practitioner. Resolved: That the Report of the Medical Charities Com- 2. He must give his whole time to the office. mittee be received and approved. 3. The salary should be £600 per annum, travelling and The Toast List as submitted by the Local Executive was hotel expenses. then considered and approved. 4. The duties should be to act as salaried officer under ATTENDANCES OF COUNCIL FOR I9OI-02. By-Law 39, or as may the Council from time to time deter- SEVEN MEETINGS. mine. Total Attendances. The Report of the MIedical Charities Committee was then Ferguson, Dr. G. B., Cheltenham, President 7 considered: Whitehead. Mr. Walter, Manchester, President-elect 6 Thomson, Dr. J. Roberts, Bournemouth, President In pursuance of the resolution passed at the last meeting of the Medical of Council ...... 7 Charities Committee in reference to the drafting of a '>scheme for the Clark, Mr. Andrew, F.R.C.S., London. Treasurer ... 7 management of the out-patient departments of hospitals," we have drafted Banks, Sir J. T., M.D., Dublin, Vice-President ... o the followigr as giving the main principles on which out-patient depart- Barnes, Dr. E. G., Eye, R...... 5 ments should be managed: Barnes, Dr. Henry, Carlisle, Vice-President ... 2 I. Notices should be prominently exhibited, and other suitable means Barr, Dr. James, Liverpool, R...... 7 -adopted, with the view of informing intending patients that the benefits Batten, Dr. R. W., Gloucester, R...... 3 of the Department are restricted to those who are unable through poveity Beverley, Dr. M.. Norwich, R...... 6 to pay for similar benefits without charitable aSsistance. - Bridgwater, Dr. T., LL.D., Framfield, Vice-President I TH BaT 5 AUG. 16, 192.] PROCEEDINGS OF COUNCIL. NUMDICAL JouaXL4L 5 = Total Attendance:S. Pre8ent: Brierley, Dr. J. Brassey, Old Trafford, R. 5 Dr. THOMSON Mr. ANDREW CLARK), Browne, Mr. Langley F R C.S, West Bromwich, R... 6 J. ROBERTS (afterwards Chairman Buist, Dr. R. C., DunAee, R.... 6 of Council, in the Chair. Butlin, Mr. Henry T., D.C.L., F.R.C.S., London, Vice- Mr. WVALTER WHITEHEAD, President. President ...... Dr. G. BAGOT FERGUSON, Cheltanhanm, PastPresident. Byes Professor J. W., Belfast, R. Dr. E. MARKHAM SKERRITT, Treasurer. Calweil, Dr. ... W., Belfast, R. 3 Dr. PETER BANCROFT (Brisbane Surgeon-General J. B. HAMILTON, Campbell, Mr. Colin, Southport, R. 5 Branch). M.D., London. Cantlie, Mr. James, London. R...... 3 Dr. Carlisle. Dr. Notting- Cave, Dr. Edward J., Bath, R. ... 6 HENRY BARNES, HENRY HANDFORD, Mr. T. R. ... Dr. JAMES BARR, Liverpool. ham. Cheatle, H., Burford, 3 Dr. MICHAEL BEVERLEY, Norwich. Pr. W. M. HARMAN, Winchester. Cousins, Mr. J. Ward, Portsmouth, Vice-President ... 6 Dr. J. BRASSEy BRIERLEY, Old Traf- Mr. W. F. HASLAM, Edgbaston. Cox, Dr. Alfred, Gateshead-on-Tyne (Member of ford. Dr. T. ARTHUR HELME, Manchester. Council since May, To02) ...... Dr. ADOLPH BROwNER, Bradford. Sir VICTOR HORSLEY, F.R.S., Lon- -Crocker, Dr. H. Radcliffe, London, R. 7 Dr. G. W.. R. Dr. R. C. BUIST, Dundee. don. Crowe, Worcester, ...... 3 Dr. C. I Professor JOHN W. BYERS, M.D., Mr. EVAN JONES, Aberdare. Daniels, W., London, R. ... Dr. P. Belfast. Mr. R. H. KINSEY, Bedford. Deas, Maury, Exeter, R. .5 Dr. W. Belfast. Dr. C. H. H. MILBURN, Dolan, Dr. T. M., Halifax, R. 3 CALWELL, Hull. Mr. Mr. COLIN CAMPBELL, Southport. Mr. W. JONES MORRIS, Portmadoc. Donaldson, E., Londonderry, R. 0 Dr. ALFRED Gateshead-on- Dr. JAMES MURPHY. Sunderland. Drake-Brockman, Brigade - Surgeon - Lieutenant - CoX. Colonel E. Tyne. Surgeon-General T. F. O'DWYER, F., F.R.C.S., London, R. ... 6 Dr. H. RADCLIFFE CROCKER, Lon- Ventnor. Dyson, Dr. W., Sheffield, R. ... 3 Mr. George, M.B., London, R. 6 don. Mr. C. H. WV. PARKINSON, Wimborne. Brigade-Surgeon - Lieut.-Colonel E. Dr. F1RANK M. POPE, Leicester. Edwards, Dr. W. T., Cardiff, Vice-President 0 F. DRARE-BROCKMAN, London. Mr. H. BETHAm ROBINSON, M.S., Elliston. Dr. W. A., Ipswich, Vice-President... 7 Dr. WILLIAM Sheffield. London. Fergus, Dr. Freeland, Glasgow, R...... 3 DYSON, Finlay, Professor David WX.. R. Mr. GEORGE EASTES, M.B., London. Dr. ALFRED SHEEN, Cardiff. Aberdeen, 2 Dr. W. A. ELLISTON, Ipswich. Dr. G. E. SHUTTLEWORTH, Rich- Foster. Sir Walter, M.D., D.C.L., LL.D., M.P., Lon- Dr. A. FREELAND FERGUS, Glasgow. mond Hill. don, Vice-President ... 0 Dr. JOHN H. GALTON, Upper Nor- Mr. W. D. SPANTON, Hanley. Fox, Dr. Edward Lawrence, Plymouth, H. 3 wood. Dr. ROBERT STIRLING, Pertl. Gairdner, SirW. T., K.C.B., M.D., F.R.S., Edinburgh, Dr. ALFRED GODSON, Cheadle. Dr. W. J. TYSON, Folkestone. Vice-President ...... 0 Dr. BRUCE GOFF, Bothwell. Mr. T. JENNER VERRALL, Brighton Galton, Dr. J. H., London, R...... 6 Dr. DAVID GOYDER, Bradford. Dr. NORMAN WALKER, Edinburga. Godson, Dr. A., Cheadle, R.... 5 Dr. MAJOR GREENWOOD, London. Mr. DENIS WVALSHE, Graigue. Goff, Dr. Bruce, Bothwell, R. 7 Dr. JOSEPH GROVES, Carisbrooke. Mr. R. W. 0. WITHERS, Shrewsbury. Gooding, Dr. C. G., London, R...... 2 Dr. S. WOODCOCK, Old Trafford. Greenwood, Dr. Major, London, R. . . 6 Dr. Carisbrooke Groves, J., ...... 7 Hamilton, Surgeon-General . B., M.D., London, R. 6 Resolved: That a notice be issued stating that the 2.30 Handford, Dr. H., Nottingham, R. S General Meetings will not be held, as previously arranged, Harman, Dr. W. M., Winchester, R. 7 the formal that Haslam. Mr. W. R but that business-namely, of accepting the Birmingham, ... 7 Helme, Dr. T. A., Manchester, R. 6 invitation for the Annual Meeting at Swansea-be brought up Sir Hingston. Wim., M.D., Montreal, R. 0 before the delivery of the Address in Medicine, at 8.30 on the Holman, Dr., London, Vice-President 3 Horsley. Sir Victor, F.R.S., London, R. 6 Wednesday evening. Jessop, Mr. T. R., F.R.C.S., Leeds, R. 6 Resolved: That a Council Meeting be held on the Friday Jones, Mr. Evan, Aberdare, R. 7 at 1.15 p.m. in the place of the Concluding General Meeting. Kinsey, Mr. R. HI.. Bedford, R. ... 6 The deputation from Swansea inviting the Association to Mackintosh, Dr. W. A., Stirling, R. 3 hold its next Annual in that town in 1903 attended Maclaren, Dr. R.. Carlisle, R. ... I Meeting Macnamara, Mr. N C., F.R.C.S., Chorley Wood, Vice- in accordance with the following communication: President ...... 0 South Wales and Monmouthshire Branch. Milburn, Dr. C. H., Hull, R. . . . 7 i5, St. Andrew's Crescent, Cardiff, Moore, Sir John William, M.D., Dublin, R. 6 July 7th, I902. Moriarty, Brigade-Surgeon T. B., M.D., Cork, ]R. 4 Dear Sir,-In answer to your inquiry, I have to say that the Swansea Morier, Dr. C. G. D., London, R. 3 members have nominated Dr. T. D. Griffiths as President-elect, and this Morris, Mr. W. Jones, Portmadoc, R. 7 nomination has been endorsed by our Branch. Murphy, Dr. James, Sunderland, R...... 6 The following members will be included in the deputation to wait upon Murray, Dr. James, Inverness, R. 3 the Council in Manchester: Dr. R. G. Price, Carmarthen, President of O'Dwyer, Surgeon-General T. F., Ventnor, R. 6 Branch; Dr. T. D. Griffiths, Swansea; Drs. Arthur Davies, Swansea; Parkinson, Mr. C. H. W., Wimborne Minster, R. 7 Thomas Webster, Merthyr; Evan Jones, Aberdare; W. F. Brook, Parsons, Dr. Charles, Dover, Vice-President 3 Swansea; D. R. Cardiff ; Jabez Thomas, Swansea; Frank Philip, Dr. R. W., Edinburgh. R. * Paterson, ... 3 Thomas, Swansea: J. K. Couch, Swansea- J. A. Rawlings, Swansea; PhtUipson, Sir G. H., D.C.L., Newcastle-on-Tyne, Alfred Sheen, Cardiff; T. Garrett Horder, Cardiff-Yours faithfully, Vice-President ...... 0 D. R. PATERSON. Dr. H. H., Reading, R. Phillips-Conn, ... The General Secretary. Pope, Dr. F. M.. Leicester. R. ... 7 Ritchie, Dr. A. Brown, Hulme, R. 5 Resolved: That it be reoommended to the general meeting Robinson, Mr. H. B., M.S.Lon., London, R. 4 members of that the annual meeting Roddick, Dr. T. G., Montreal, Vice-President ... of to-day for I903 be Saundby, Dr. R., LL.D.. Birmingham, Vice-President 3 held in Swansea, and that Dr. Thomas Dryslwyn Griffiths Sheen, Dr. A., Cardiff, R...... 7 be nominated President-elect. Shuttleworth, Dr. G. E., Richmond Hill, R ... 7 The Chairman of Council reported the resignation of Mr. Skerritt, Dr. E. Markham, Bristol, R. ... 4 Somerville, Dr. R., Galashiels, R. 3 Francis Fowke, General Secretary of the Association, after Spanton, Mr. W. D., Hanley. R...... 3 thirty- one years' service. Stear, Mr. Henry, Saffron Walden, R. 6 The Council accepted Mr. Fowke's resignation with the Stirling, Dr. Robert, Perth, R. 3 and resolved that a Tomes, Mr. C. S., F.R.S., London, R.: 3 deepest regret, unanimously retiring Tyson, Dr. W. J., Folkestone, R...... 6 pension be granted him as a recognition of his long, valuable, Verrall. Mr. 6 T. J., Brighton. R...... - and devoted services to the Association. Wade, Sir Willoughby, M.D., Florence, Vice-Presi- Resolved: That this Council do recommend the Association dent ...... 0 in to confer Mr. Francis Fowke the Walker, Dr. Norman, Edinburgh, R. ... 7 General Meeting upon Walshe, Mr. Denis, Graigue, R...... 4 honour of Membership of the British Medical Dr: Honorary Waters, A. T. H., Liverpool. Vice-President ... 0 Association, in accordance with Article X, for the distin- Wheelhouse, Mr. C. G., Filey, Vice-President 0 services he has rendered to the Association. Whitcombe, Mr. E. B., Birmingham, R. 5 guished Dr. W. L., R. Winterbotham, Bridgwater, 4 Resolved: That Mr. Guy Elliston be appointed General Mr. R. W. 0., R. Withers, Shrewsbury, ... 4 and Dr. Secretary Manager. Woodcock, S., Manchester, R. 7 Resolved: That the term of office of the Chairman of Council R. = Branch Representative. be three years. Dr. Roberts Thomson reported that the Chairmanship of Council having expired, it was AT a meeting of the Council held in the Council Chamber of Resolved: That Mr. Andrew Clark be appointed Chairman the Owens College, Manchester, on Wednesday, July 30th, of Council for the ensuing three years. 1902. Dr. Roberts Thomson then inducted Mr. Andrew Clark 'to ; I [AUG. 16, I1o2. 486 4M MDICAL JOUAL.J] PROCEEDINGS OF COUNCIL.

Chair, and handed him the Chairman of Council's key of Dr. HENRY HANDFORD, Nottingham. Dr. FRANK M. PoPE. Leicester. the Dr. W. HARMAN. Win- Mr.H . BETHAM ROBINSON, M.S., the Seal of the Association. chester.MOE aTON London .Resolved: That the cordial thanks of the Council be given Mr. W. F. HASLAM, Edgbaston. Dr. ALFRED SHEEN, Cardiff. to Dr. John Roberts Thomson for the very able way in which Dr. T. ARTHUR HELME, Manchester. Dr. G. E. SHUTTLEWORTH, Rich- Sir VICTOR HORSLEY, F.R.S., Lon- mond. he has presided over the Council during the past three years, don. Mr. W. D. SPANTON, Hanley and for his great attention to the affairs of the Association. Mr.EVAN JONES,Aherdare. Dr. JOHN ROBEwrS THOMSON, The following returns of theelection of representatives of Mr. R. H. KINSEY, Bedford. Bournemouth Dr. C. H. MILBUIIN, Hull. Mr. T. JENNER VERRALL. Brighton. Branches on the Council were then reported: Mr. W. JONES MORRIS, Portmadoc. Dr. NORMAN WALKER, Edinburgh. Aberdeen, Banff. and Ai7icardive Braneh.-Professor David W. Finlay, Dr. JAMES MURPHY, Sunderland. Mr. R. W. 0. WITHERS, Shrewsbury Aberdeen. Adelaide and Soutth A usfralia Branch.-C. G. D. Morier, London. Mr. C. H. W. PARKINSON, Wimborne Dr. S. WOODCOCK, Old Trafford Barbados Branch.--C. G. D. Gooding, Deptford. Bafh and Bristol Branch.- Minster. Edward John Cave, Bathi; E. Markham Skerritt, Bristol. Bermuda Branch. be reaffirmed to-day, (( o return.) Birmingham and MidlandCounfies Branch.-Langley Browne, Resolved: That.the Standing Orders West Bromwich; W. F. Haslam, Edgbaston; E. B. Whitcombe, Birming- and that it be referred to the Journal and Finance Committee ham. Bombay Branch.-(No return.> Border Counties Branch.-Roderick to bring up in October the revised Standing Orders in conse- Maclaren, Carlisle; R. Somerville, Galashiels. Brisbave and Quteens- the new constitution. land Branch.-Peter Baneroft, Manchester. British Guiana Branch.- quence of W. S. Barnes. Burvlah Branch. (No return.) Canmbridge and Hunt The following Committees were appointed, ofwhich the ingdon Branch.-Heary Stear, Saffron Walden. Cape of Good Hope President of the Association and the Chairman of Council are Branch.-Surgeon-General J. B. Hamilton (ret. AM.S.), London. members ex Colombo, Ceylon Branchk-Allan Perry, London. Cork and Sotufh of officio. Ireland Branch.-Brigade-Surgeon T. B. Moriarty, Cork. Dorset and West Resolved: That the Journal and Finance Committee Hants Branch.-C. H, WVatts Parkinson, Wimborne Minster. Dublin consist of: Branch.-Sir John William Moore, Dnblin. Dundee and District Branch.- Dr. E. Markham Skerritt. Treasurer; Mr.Langley Browne, Dr.R. R. C. Buist, Dundee. Eas Aniglian Branch.-Edgar George Barnes, Eye; C. Buist, Mr. Ward Cousins, Dr. H. Radeltffe Crocker, Dr. W. A. M. Beverley. Norwich. East York andNWrth Lincoln Branch.-C. H. Elliston. Dr. J. H. Galton, Dr. T. ArthuirHelme, Sir Victor Horsley, Milburn, Hull. Edinburgh Branch.-R.W. Philip, Edinburgh; Norman F.R.S., Mr. W. Jones Morris, Mr. C.H. W. Parkinson, Dr. F. M. Pope, Walker, Edinburgh. Gibraltar Branch.-(No return.) Glasgow and We8t of andDr. J.RobertsThomson, Scotland Branchc-Andrew Freeland Fergus, Glasgow: BruceGoff, Bothwel. That the Premises and Library Committee con- Gloucestershire Branch.-R. W. Batten, Gloucester. GrahamstowandaEastern Resolved: Province Branch-(No return.) Griqualand lVrst Branch-(No return.) sist of: Nova Scotia, T. F. ODwyer, Ventnor. Dr. E. Skerritt, the Treasurer, Dr. J. Ward Cousins, 'Dr. Halifax, Bracch.-Surgeon-General Markhnam C. and Dr. Hong Kong andChina Bruch.-James Cantlie. London. Jamaica ranch.- Bruce Goff, Dr.Hlolman, Mr. N. C. Macnarnara, Dr. Parsons, J. W. Piaxton. London. Lancashire aid C'heshire Branch.-James Barr, F. M. Pope. Liverpool; J. Brassey Brierley, Manchester; Coln Campbell, Southport; Resolved: That the Public Health Committee consist of: A. Godson, Cheadle; T. Arthur Helnic, Manchester': A. Browne Ritchie, Mr. Colin Campbell. Dr. J. Groves, Dr. J. C.MJcVail, Mr. W. Jones Huime; S. Woodcock, Manchester. Leeward 1slands Branch.-(No return.) Morris, Dr. A. Newsholme, Dr. Louis Parkes, and Dr. Denis Walshe. Londonderry and North-WVest of Ireland Branch.-E. Donaldson, London- Resolved: That the Colonial Committee consist of: derry. Malaya Branch.-(No return.) Malta and Mediterranean Branch.- Mr. Edmund Owen, Dr. J. Groves andthe following representatives ofthe (No return.) Melbourne and Victoria Branch.-(No return.) Metropolitan Colonial Branches on the Council, namely: Dr. C. G. D. Morier, Adelaioe Counties Branch.-H. Radcliffe Crocker, George Eastes, Major Greenwood, and South Australia Branch; Dr. C. W. Daniels, British Guiana Branch; Sir Victor Hofsley, Henry Betlain Robinson, Charles Sissmore Tomes, J. B. Hamilton, M.D., Cape of Good Hope Branch; - M. Surgeon-General London. Midland Branch. H. Handford. Nottingham: F. Pope, T. F. O'Dwyer, M.D., Halifax and Nova Scotia Branch; Leicester. Montreal Branch,-(No return.) Natal Branch.-W. H. Addison, Surgeon-General E. F. Drake-Brockman, South Indian Natal. New Zealund Branch. - (No return.) Northern Counties of Brigade-Surgeon-Lieutenant-Coloneland Madras Brancll. Scotland Branch. - James Murray, Inverness. North of England That the Naval and Committee Branch.-Alfred Cox, Gateshead; James Murplhy, Sunderland. North Resolved: Royal Military of Ireland Branch.-J. WV. Byers. Belfast; Win. Calwell, Belfast. North consist of: Wales Branch.-WN. Jonles Morris, Portmadoc. Ottawa Branch.-(No return.) Dr. R. H. Coombs, Brigade-Surgeon-Lieutenaut-Colonel E. F. Drake- Oxford and District Branch.-Thomas Henry Cheatle, Buirford. Pertfishire Brockmaan. Surgeon-General1. B. Hamilton, Fleet-Surgeon G. Kirker, Branch.-Robert Sliling, Perth. Reading and Upper ThamesBranch.-H. R.N., Mr. Valentine Matthews, Dr. J. Roberts Thomson, and Inspector- H. PhillipsConn, Readinig. Shropshire and Mia- Wales Branch.-R. W. 0. General H. C. Woods, R N. Withers. Shrewsbury. South-Eastern Branch -J. H. Galton. Upper Nor- Resolved: That the Medico-Political Committee consist of: wsod: W. J. Tyson, Folkestone; T. J. Verrall, Brighton. Sauth-Eastern Mr. Langley Browne, Professor J. W. Byers, Dr. A. Cox, Dr. W. Gordon, of Ireland Branch.-Denis Walshe, Graigue. Southern Branch.-J. Groves, Dr. Major Greenwood, Dr. G. A. Heron, Sir Victor Horsley, F.R.S., Mr. C irisbrooke,I.W.; Wm. Mortoin Hai-tnan, Winchester. Sotuth Indian and M. A. Mevsiter, Dr. C. Milburn, Dr. A. Brown Ritchie, Dr. Norman Madras Branch.-Brigade-Surgeon-Lieutena.nt-Colonel E. F'. Drake-Brock- and Dr. Sam 'oodccck.H. man, London. Soutth Midland Branch.-R. H. Kinsey, Bedford. South Walker, Wales and Monmouthshire Branch.-Evan Jones, Aberdare; A. Sheen, Car- Resolved: That the Ethical Committee consist of: diff. Sotith Western Branch.-P. Maury Deas, Exeter; Edward Lawrence Dr. J. Barr, Dr. A. G. Bateman, Dr. P. Maury Deas, Dr. W. A. Elliston, Fox, Plymouth. Staffordshire Branch.-W. D. Spanton, Hanley. Stirling, Dr. E. Jepson, Mr. R. H. Kinsey, Sir Isamnbard Owen, Dr.R. W. Philip, Kinross, and Clackmnannan Branch.-W. A. Mackintosh. 9tirling. Sydney Dr. R. Saundby, and Mr. R. W. Wolsteoholme. and New South Wales Branch.-(No return.) Thames Valley Branch.-G. E. Resolved: That the Organization Committee consist of: Shattlewortih, Richmond Hill. Toronto Branch.-(No return.) Trinidad and Hamilton Ballance. Dr. William Dr. S. Crawshaw, Mr. Tobago Branch.-,No return). Weste.rn Atustralian Branch.-(No return.) Mr. Calwell, and George Eastes, Dr. J. C. McVail, Mr. J. T. J. Morrison. and Mr. T. Jenner West Somerset Branch.-L. Winterbothain, Bridgwater. WVorcestershire Verrall; and that itmeet jointly with the Committee consisting of the Secre- Herefordshire Branch.-G. V. Crowe, Worcester. Yorkshire Branch.-Adolph taries of the Branches and Treasurer for the purpose of adjusting the Brouner, Bradford;W. Dyson, Shieffield; David Goyder, Bradford. boundaries and Divisions and Branches consequent on the adoption of Resolved: That Mr. J. Smith Whitaker, of Great Yar- the new Constitution. mouth, be appointed as the temporary officer to act under Resolved: That the question of the re-appointment of the the Council to assist the Standing Committees mentioned in Scientific Grants Committee be deferred until the October By-law 39, until the end of the year. meeting of the Council. Resolved: That the Committee on the Amendment of the AT a meeting of the Council, held in the Council Chamber Coroners' Act consist of: of the Owens College, Manchester, on Thursday, July 31st, The President-elect, Mr. D. B. Baldiing, Dr. A. G. Bateman, Dr. C. 1902. Ft. Milburn, Mr. C. H. W. Parkinson, Dr. Danford Thomas, and Dr. Martindale Ward. Present: Resolved: That ths Joint Committee of British Medical Mr. ANDREW CLARK, Chairman of Council, in the Chair. and the Medico-Psychological Association consist Mr. WALTER WHITEHEAD, President Associationof: Dr. G. BAGOT FERGUSON, Cheltenham, Past-President The President-elect, Dr. James Barr, Dr. P. Maury Deas, Dr. W. Douglas, Dr. T. D. GRIFFITHS, President-elect Mr. George Eastes, Dr. W. J. Mickle, Dr. G. E. Shuttleworth, and Dr. A. Dr. E. MARKHrAM SKERRITT, Treasurer R. Urquhart. Dr. JAMES BARR, Liverpool Brigade-Surgeon-Lieut.-Colonel E. Medico-Psychological Association Representatives: Dr. MICEAEL BEVERLEY. Norwich. F. DRAKE-BROCKMAN. London. Dr. Fletcher Beach, Mr. H. Hayes Newington, Dr. G. H. Savage, Dr. Dr. J. BRASSEY BRIERLEY, Old Mr. GEORGE EASTES, M.B., London. Percy Smith, Dr. J. B. Spence, Mr. E. B. Whitcombe, and Dr. Ernest W. Trafford Dr. WILLIAM A. ELLISTON, IPS- White. Dr. ADOLPH BRONNER, Bradfoud wich That the Inebriates Legislation Committee Dr. R. C. BUIST, Dundee. Dr. J. R. GALTON, Upper Norwood. consistReeolved:of: Professor JOHN W. BYERS, Belfast. Dr. ALFRED GODSON, Cheadle GOFF, Dr. F. S. D. Hogg, Dr. A. E. T. Longhurst, Dr. Crawford Dunlop, Mr. COLIN CAMPBELL, Southport Ur. BRUCE Bothwell. G. K. Poole, Dr. Wynn Westcott, Dr. H. Dr. ALFRED COX, Gateshead-on- Dr. DAVID GOYDER, Bradford andSurgeon-MajorProfessor G. Sims Woodhead. W..Williams, Tyne Dr. MAJOR GREENWOOD, ondon. Dr. H. RADCLIFFE CHOCKER, Lon- Dr. JOSEPH GROVEF, Carisbrooke. Resolved: That the Trust Funds Committee consist of: don. Surgeon-General J. B. HAMILTON, The President of the Association, the Chairman of Council, and the M.D., Loinon. Treasurer. r Txu Rs A8 AuG. 16, 1902.] PROCEEDINGS OF COUNCIL. LMIEDICAL JOURNAL 487

Resolved: That the Joint Committee on Fees to Medical To Dr. and Mrs. Mould for their garden party at the Royal Asylum, Witni88ss consist of: Cheadle. The President-elect, Dr. James Barr, and Dr. T. M. Dolan. To Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Smith-Carington for their garden party at Representatives of Police Surgeons' Association: Grangethorpe, Rusholme. Mr. H. Nelson Hardy, Mr.E. King Houchin, and Mr. H. W. Roberts. To the President and Local Executive Committee for the illuminated Resolved: That the Arrangement Committee, consist of: fdte in Whitworth Park. Dr. T. Arthur Helme, Sir John William Moore, Mr. H. Betham Robin- To the Whitworth Trustees for their kindness in lending their park for son, Dr.E. Markham Skerritt, Dr.J. Roberts Tlhomson, and Dr. Norman thefite. Walker, together with six local members. To Mrs. Rylands forher garden party at Longford Hall, Stretford. Resolved: That the Preliminary General Education Com- To Mrs. Walter Whitehead and the Ladies' Reception Committee for mittee consist of: their entertainment in the Prince's Theatre and for their corversazione in Dr. P. Maury Deas. Dr. W. Gordon. Mr. W. F. Haslam, Sir Victor Horsley, the City Art Gallery. F.R.S., Dr. C. H. Milburn, and Mr. W. Jones Morris. To Mr. Robert Courtnoldge, for the use of the Prince's Theatre. Resolved: That the Special Chloroform Committee con- To the Committee of the Art Gallery for lending their gallery for the sist of: purpose of holding the conversazione. The President-elect. Dr. James Barr. Dr. Duidley Buxton, Mr. Vernon To the Council of Owens College and the President of the Manchester Harcourt, F.R.S, Professor Dunstan, F R.S., Sir Victor Horsley, F.R.S,, Medical Society (Dr. Thomas Harris) for their garden party at the Owens Dr.W. J. McHardy, Professor C. S. Sherrington, F.R.S., and Dr. A. Waller, F.R.S. College Athletic Ground. Resolved: That the Medical Charities Committee consist of: To the President and Local Executive Committee for the reception and Dr. J. Brassey Brierley, Dr. T. Buzzard, Dr. David Goyder. Mr. Evan ball at Platt Hall Park. Jones, Dr. J. W. J. Oswald, Dr. Norman Walker, and Dr. Hugh Woods. To his Worship the Mayor and Corporation of Blackpool for their hospitality. AT a meetino of the Council, held in the Council Chamber of To the Medical Practitioners of Crewe for their hospitality. at Bury. the Owens College, Manchester, on Friday, AugustIst, 1902. To Mr. Henry Whitehead for his hospitality To Dr. G. G. Joynson and the Medical Practitioners at Northwich for Present. their hospitality. Mr. ANDREW CLARK, Chairman of Council, in the Chair. To the Medical Practitioners of Southport and District and to his Mr. WALTER WHITEHEAD, President. Worship the Mayor of Southport for their hospitality. Dr. G. BAGOT FERGsusocN. Cheltenham, Past President. To the President of the Association, Mr. Walter Whitehead, for his Dr. E. MARKHAM SKERRITT, Treasurer. hospitality at Windermere. Dr. PETER BANCROFT (Brisbane Dr. C. H. MILBURN, HUll. To the Medical Profession at Lancaster for their hospitality. Branch). Mr. W. JONES MoRRis, Portmadoc. To the Members oF Chester Medical Society for their hospitality. Dr.R. C. BUrsT, Dundee. Dr. JAMES MURPHY. Sunderland. To the President of the Association and the members of the Profession Dr. W. CALWELL, Belfast. Mr. H. BETHAM ROBINSON, M.S., in Colwyn Bay and and to T. G. Osborne, J.P., and to Brigade-Surgeon-Lent.-Colonel E. London. Conway, Esq., the- F. DRAKE-BROCKMAN. London. Dr. G. E. SHUTTLEWORTH, Rich- Vicar of Conway. for their hospitality. Dr. ALFRED GODSON, Cheadle. moDd Hill. To the North Wales Branch of the British Medical Association and to- Dr. MAJOR GREENWOOD, Londnn. Dr. JOHN ROBERTS THOMSON, Dr. and Mrs. Parry for their hospitality at Llanberis, Snowdon, and Dr. JOSEPH GROVES, Carishrooke. Bolirniemouth. Carnarvon. Surgeon-General J. B. HAMILTON, Dr. DE.NIS WALSHE. GTraigue. To his Grace the of Devonshire and to the Duke of M.D., London. Mr.K. W. 0. WITHERS, Shrewsbury. Duke his Grace Mr. EVAN JONES, Aberdare. Rutland and the members of the Midland Branch of the British Medical Association andto Messrs.E. M. Wrench and 0. S. Fentem for their hos- The CHAIRMAN reported that the meeting was convened for pitality and kindiness. the purpose of rpceiving the votes cf thanks, and the resolu- To Dr. Woodcock, Dr. Brown Ritchie, and tho Subcomiimittee for their tions passed in the- Sections, which had hitherto been brought splendid efforts, which lhave contributed so largely to the success of the before the concluding general meeting, but owing to the new Exhibition. constitution should now be reported to the Council meeting. To Mrs. Tindall-Carill-Worsley for allowing the erection of a marquee in Moved by the CHAIRMAN OF COUNCIL, seconded by Dr. G. B. Platt Hall Park for the purpose of the dinner and ball. FERGUSON, and resolved: To the Chlairman and Ilonorary Secretaries of the various Committees. That the thanks of the Association be given- for their successful labours in connection with the meeting. To the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor (Mr. Alderman Hoy, LL.D.), That the warmest thanks of the Association be given to Mr. Walter for his courteous welcome to members of the Association. Whitehead for presiding so ably and courteously over this the seventieth To the Right Rev. Bishop Thornton, Vicar of Blackburn, for his able annual meeting. sermon. Read resolution passed in the Section Navy, Army, and To the Very ReT. the Dean of Manchester, for the Cathedral service. Ambulance on July 31st, 1902, of which tlle following is a To the Rev. Father Coupe, for his sermon preached at the Church of the copy: Holy Name. Resolved: That a small Committee be appointed, consisting of Brigade- To the Rev. Father Brown, for the service in the church of the Holy Surgeon Lieutenant-Colonel Drake-Brockman, Deputy Inspector-General A. Turnbull, and Surgeon-Genaeral Hamilton to devise a plan by which' Name. the'hree Services can elect representatives on the Council. To Colonel Lynde, V.D., and officers of the 4th V.B.M.R., for the use of Whereupon the CHAIRMAN OF COUNCIL pointed out that in their drill hall for the Exhibition. By-law 20 (C) it rested withl the Serviees to devise their own To Mrs. Whitehead and members of the Ladies' Reception Committee. plan of election, which must be submitted to the Council for To Mr. W. Coates, Dr. Helme, Dr. Brown Ritchie, and Mr. J. W. Smith, this most approval. for their splendid labours in organizing and carrying out suc- Read resolution passed in the Section Navy, Army, and cessful meeting. Ambulance on July 3ISt, 1902, of which the following is a To Principal Hopkinson and the Council of Owens College for placing copy: at the disposal of the Association their magnificent buildings. Resolved: That it be recommended to the British Medical Association To the Committee of Management of the Manchester Girls' High to suggest. to the naval authorities the desirability of improving the- School forallowing the use of their school buildings for purposes of the accommodation and arrangements for the treatment of wounded on board ship in action, until they can be transferred to an hospital ship or- meeting. a suitable hospital on shore. -To the Right Hon. the Lord Mayor of Manchester (Mr. Alderman Hoy, Resolved: That the resolution be referred to the Royal LL.D.) and the Lady Mayoress for their reception and conversazione at the Naval and Military Committee. Town Hall. Read resolution passed in the Tropical Diseases Section on' To his Worship the Mayor and Corporation of Salford (Mr. Alderman July 31st, 1902, of which the following is a copy: Rudman) for his garden party at Peel Park. That this Section recommends that papers wlhich bear on tbe dis- To all those gentlemen and firms who have so kindly thrown open to cussions at the annual meeting of the Association shall be printed before' members of the Association their works and places of interest. the meeting; and that a certain number of copies of each paper shall be To Mr. and Mrs. Edward Donner for their garden party at Oak Mount, placed in the room where the Section concerned meets on the first day of Fallowfield. the meeting in order to assist the subsequent discussion. Local Executive Committee for their at Read resolution passed in the Industrial Bypiere Scetion. To the President and 8oire6 That this Section recommends that selected papers, and especially Owens College. those which are introductory to discussions at the annual meeting of the To the Manchester Ship Canal Company for showing members over the Association, should he prirnted before the meeling, and that a. certain Ship Canal and Docks. nnumiber of copies should bh placed in the room wtLen the Section con- 488 i Q Ti BuTIs]1 MEMBERS AT THE ANNUAL MEETING. [Au(G. 6, 1902.- 400 MEDICAL JOURSAL I cerned meets on the first day of the meeting in order to assist the subse- Bolam, R. A., M.D., Newcastle-on IBurditt R.A..M.R.C.S., Manchester quent discussions. Tyne IBuzzara, T., M.D., London Resolved: That the resolutions in Diseases Bowen, Owen, M.R.C.S., Liverpool IByrne. George, M.R.C.S., Chorlton- passed Tropical Boyd, F. D., C.M.G., M.D., Edin- cum-Hardy Section and Industrial Hygiene Section be referred to the burgh IBythell, W. J. S., M.D.. Prestwich Journal and Finance Committee., Boyle, Miss A. Helen, M D., Brigh- I Byers, Professor J. W., M.D., Bel- Read resolutions passed in the Public Medicine Section: ton fast (a) That inasmuch as there is evidence to show that the effect of Bolton, J. S., M.D.. Nottingham IByers, A., M.D., Wilinslow strong F.R.C.S.. Leicester infant vaccination has largely lost its influence after ten or twelve years, Bond, C.John, Heb- it is desirable that all children should be revaccinated at the age of I2 Bone, Elizabeth H., M.B., Liverpool C4airns, P. Russell, L.R.C.P., years. Booth, D., M.R.C.S., Dukinfield den Bridge (b) That in the opinion of this Section the duties of the administration Boutfilower, Andrew, M.R.C.S., Man- C Campbell, A., M.D. Dundee of the Vaccination Acts should be transferred from Poor-law authorities chester C Campbell, A. Walter, M.D., Liver- to the and Booth, T. C., M.D., Urmston. pool county county borough authorities. W. Man- John, M.D., Belfast (c) The time has now come for the Local Government Board to grant Booth, G., L.R.C.P.I., Campbell, South- more extended powers for dealing with cases of tuberculosis to such local chester Campbell, Colin, M.R.C.S., authorities as are able to show that they are in a position to undertake Bower, H. E., M.B., Stretton port the work. Bower, D., M.D., Bedford Cameron, Professor M., M.D., Glas- necessary Manchester (d) That the provisions of the Infant Life Protection Act should be ex- Bowman, Geo., M.D., gow Man- tended to all single cases. Boycott, W. F., M.B., Manchester Carruthers, C., L.R.C.P.. Boyd, S. McCormick, F.R.C.S., chester Resolved: That the resolutions passed in the Public Medi- Harrogate ( Carruthers, E. J. W., M.D., Congle- cine Section be referred to the Public Health Committee. Boyd, J. W.,M.B., Fallowfield ton Brazil, W. H., M.D., Bolton Cadell, M. G. I., M.D., London Branson, W. Mitchell, L.R.C.P., Campbell, Harry, M.D., London Halifax Campbell, R. B., M.B., Dumfries MEMBERS PRESENT AT THE ANNUAL MEETING. Liver- Henry J., M.D., Bradford Brannigan, Robert A., M.D., Campbell, Man- THE names of pool Cautley, J., L.R.C.S.Edin., following members and visitors attending the Brennan, J. R. M., M.R.C.S., Stock- chester annual meeting were entered in the books provided for that port Cantlie, J., F.R.C.S., London purpose: Brown, Alfred, M.D., Manchester Carpenter, Geo., M.D., London Abraham, Phineas S., M.D., London Barr, James, M.B., Manebester Brockbank, E. M., M.D., Withing- Carr, J. W., M.D., London Abram, J. H.. M.D., Liverpool Barnes, Henry, M.D., LL.D., Car- ton Calwell, W., M.D., Belfast Acland, T. Dyke, M.D., London lisle Broadbent, Geo. H., M.R.C.S., Man- Cant, F., M.R.C.S., Stockport A. chester Carline, W. A.. M.D., Lincoln Adkins, J., M.D., Newcastle- Barnett, H. N., F.R.C.P., Belfast Brock, Geo. S., M.D.. Rome Carr, T. G., L.R.C.P., Manchester under-Lyme Ballantyne, J. W., M D., Edinburgh Brooke, A. Manchester Carse, M B., Rochdale Aganoor, M. S. P., M.D., Ispahan, Bardswell, N. D., M.D.. Norfolk IH. G., M.B., Wm.Jno.H., L.R.C.P.Edin., Persia Barlow, Sir Thomas, M.D., London Brightmore, H. S., M.B., Man- Carson, H., Aitchison, J. P., Blackburn Barnes, E. W., chester Manchester R. M.B.. L.R.C.P.I., Liverpool Bride, John, M.D., Wilmslow Carson, T. J., L.F.P.S., Oldham Aitken, Y., M.D., Blackburn Bassett, F. P.. L.R.C.P., St. Helens Brewer, C. S., L.R.C.P.Edin., Bir- Carter, W.. M.D., Liverpool Ainsworth, R., M.B., Bolton Bateman, A. G.. M.B., London Carver, J. M.D., Alderley Edge Alcock, Reginald, M.B., Hanley Baxter, A., M.D., Darwen kenhead R., Withnell Alexander, R. R., M.D., Hanwell A. in Bradley, Joseph, L.R.C.P.I., Salford Case, Henry, L.R.C.P., J. Bampton, H., M.D., Ilkley Brown. F. J., M.R.C.S, Newark-on- Cathcart, George C., M.B., London Allen, E., M.D., Tadcaster Wharfedale Trent Cattanach, J. G., M.B., Allan, James, M D., Leeds Balmford, J. T., M.B., Salford HeatonEdinburgh Allen, Richard M.R.C.S., Belper E. Brown, W. Perrin, L.R C.P., Sowerby Chadwick, A., M.D., Chapel S. G., Baber, Cresswell, M.B., Brighton Bridge Chapman, Wm., L.R.C.P., New Mills Alcock, K., M.D., Burslein Batten, G. Beckett, M.D., London Bruce, R. Tennant, M.B., Broughty Cheetham, D. H., M.B., Ashton- Allbutt, Professor T. Clifford, M.D., Baylis, H. M., L.R.C.P.E., Edinburgh Ferry, N.B. under-Lyne F.R.S., Cambridge Baynes, Donald, M.D., London Broadbent, Sir W. H., M.D., London Chestnutt, Burg-Captain J.,L.R.C.S., Ambler, J. R., M.R.C.S, Chester Bell, Elizabeth G.. M.B., Belfast Broadbent. AWalter, M.D., Brighton Howdon Anderson, Mrs. Elizabeth Garrett, Bell, J. H., M.D., Bradford Browne, P. 0. W., M.B., Alderley Chevers, M. Joseph, M.R.C.S., M.D., London Bell, James F., M.B., Portland, Edge Slaithwaite Anderson, Edmund L., M.B., Liver- Oregon, U.S.A. Bruce, William, M.B.. Dingwall Churchill, Arthur L. M., L.S.A., pool Bennett, J., M.B., Hyde Bradford Lancaster Anderton, W. B., M.B., Southport Berkeley, J. H. A. C.. M.B., London Bronner, Adolph, M.D., M.R.C.S., Roch- Anderson, R. J., M.D., Beech Hill, Beedham, H. W., M.B., West Hamp- Brunton. Sir Lauder. LL.D., London Chadwick, John, co. Down Brown, W. F., M.B , Sheffield dale stead Brierley, T. Booth, M.R.C.S., Tat- Challinor, C., M.R.C.S., Leigh Anderson, H. G. S., M.R.C.S., Beverley, M., M.D., Norwich tenhall Chapman, A. W., M.B., Manchester Bramhall Berry, W.. F.R C.S.I., Wigan Old Traf- Chambers, J. H., Marsden Anderson, James, M.B., Poulton-le- Beattie, G. W., M.D., Failsworth, Brierley, J. Brassey, M.D., D.L.S.A., Fylde Manchester ford Chowry-Muthu, J., M.D., Wells, D Brindley, A. E., M.D., Bury Somerset Anderson, E., M.D., Paris Beatton, Gilbert T.. M.D., Bradford Brook, S. W., M.B., Accrington Chiene, Professor John, e.B., M.D., Anderson, Alex., M.B., Blackburn Beattie. James, M.D., Belfast Farnworth Andriezen, Wm. L., M.D.. London Beach Fletcher, M.B., Surrey Bradley, W1. E., M.B.. Edinburgh Radcliffe Andrew, James Heaton C. E., Bramwell, E., M.B., Edinburgh Chisblolm,K. M., M.D., Norris L., M.D., Bean, F.R.C.S., Plymouth Brown, W. C., L.R.C.P., Manchester Christie, J. G., M.B., Manchester Begg, Charles, M.B., Bath Brown, J. H., M.D., Sheffield Chronnell, J., M.R.C.S., Hindley Annacker, Ernest, M.D., Manchester Bell, Margaret S., L.R.C.P., Man- Robert Charles, M.B., Pres- Clark, James, M.D., Appleton, Thos. A., M.R.C.S., Ful- chester Brown, Clark, Andrew, F.R.C.S.,LichfleldLondon ham, London Beatson, G. T., M.D., Glasgow ton Andrew Higher Apthomas, G., M.B., Oldham Beckitt, J. C., M.R.C.S., Leigh Brown, R., M.D, Glasgow Clarke, C., M.B., Arnold, F. S., M.B., Manchester Beecroft. Brown, D. W.. M.D., Preston Broughton M. A., L.R.C.P.Edin., Hyde Brown, E. Vipont, M.D., Longsight. Clarke, H. C. W., M.R.C.S., Ashton- Arnold, B., M.B., Manchester Bell, W. B., M.B., Manchester Brown, John, M.D., Bacup upon-Mersey Arthur, James, L.R.C.P., WVingate Bennett, C. H. W., M.R.C.S., Sand- C. Manchester Clarke, W. H., L.R.C.S., Asheroft, J. A., M.D., Littleborough bach Brown, W., M.B., field Maccles- Ashby, Henry, M.D., Didsbury Bennett, William B., M.R.C.S., Brown, J. P., M.B., Manchester Clayton Ashe, C. B., M.B., Sale Brook, W. F., F.R.C.S., Swansea Clegg, Richard, M.R.C.S., E. Liverpool Bryant, T., L.R.C.S.Lond., Man- le Moors Ashford, C., M.R.C.P, Bath Bernard-Smith A., London chester Clarke, Edward A., M.R.C.S., Dukin- Ashton, Harold, L.R.C.P.Edin., Old- Bernstein, M. J'.. M.B., Manchester J. M.D., M.R.C.P., field ham Bernstein, J. M., M.R.C.S., Man- Brookhouse. O., Clayton, J. S., M.D., Accrington Ashworth, J. W., M.R.C.S., Heaton chester Nottingham J. Manchester Moor 1- Bruce, A., M.D., Edinburgh Clegg, G., M.D., Bickersteth, R. A., F.R.C.S., Liver- Buckley, C. W., M.D., Buxton Clegg, W. T., F.R.C.S., Liverpool Ashworth, Percy, M.D., Soutlport pool Buchan, J. J., M.B., Cleland, N.B. Clegg, J., M.B., Urmston Atkinson, W. A., M.D., London Birt, Geo., M.D., Stourbridge Buck, W., L.R.C.P., Beswick Clemmey, Wm. N., M.R.C.S., Bootle Averill, C., M.D., Macclesfield Birley, H. K., L.R.C.P., Irlams-1- Man- Clifford, H., M.B., Manchester Awburn, G. J., M.B., Mottram o'th'-Height Burgess. Arthur, F.R.C.S., M.B., J. M.R.C chester Clifford, T., Stalybridge Bannister, M.. Blackburn Bishop, E. R., S.,ManchesterStalybridge Burroughs, A. Ernest, M.B.. Birk- Coates, William, M.R.C.S., Man- M.D., Bishop, S, F.R.C.S., dale chester Bark, John, F.R.C.S., Liverpool Bishop, Robert. M.B., Manchester Bury, J. S., M.D., Rusholme Codd, John Alfred, M.D., Wolver- Bagley, S., L.R.C.P., Manchester Blake, Lilian M., L.R.C.P., Stock- Manchester hampton Baird, Wm. J., L.R.C.P.Edin., Bury port Burnett, Robert, M.B., T. Southsea Baird, J. T. W., M.B., Congleton Blair, M.D., Goole Burnett, W. E. S., L.R.C.P., Bowdon Colt, A., L.R.C.P.Edin., Bailey, T. Ridley, Bilston Blumer,Robert,F. M., M.B.. Stafford Buxton, Edward, M.D., Liverpool Cole, R. H., M.D., Uxbridge Bain,W., M.D., Buckley, J. R., M.B., Birmingham Collier, W., M.D., Oxford M.D., Harrogate . Blair, David, M.D., Lancaster Buck, Joseph, L.R.C.P., Leeds Collier, Mark P. M., M.B., London Balding, D. B., F.R.C.S Royston Black, J. F., M.D., Halifax, CanadaI C. Settle Cooke, J. A., M.R.C.S., Liverpool J. T., M.B., C.M., Dar- Blackwell, R., L R.C.P.I., Sale Buck, W., M.R.C.S., Oldham Bal]antyne,wen Buist, R. C., M.D., Dundee Corns, J M.D., Ball, A. Manchester Blake, Elliott, M.R.C.S., Bognor Burgess, D., M.B., Sheffield Comyn, doo., M.B., London W.. L.R.C.S., Blair, W., M.D., Jedburgh Burke, Major W., I.M.S., M.B., Bom- Cosgrave, F. R., M.D., Rochdale Bamber, W. E.,M.B., Bolton Bleasdale, Robert, M.B., Ashton- bay Couch, J. K, M.R.C.S., Swansea Bancroft Peter, M.B., Brisbane, under-Lyne Bush J Paul, M.R.C.S., Bristol Coldstream, A. R., M.D., Florence, Australia Bloxsome, C. H., L.R.C.P., Fair 1- M.D., Manchester Italy Barr, John, M.B., Blackburn ford Buckley4 S., Gt. Missenden Barr James, M.D, Liverpool Boddy, H. W., M.D., Manchester Bunch, John L., M.D., London Cook, J. B., L.R.C.P., Au,. 16,I 1902.]- MEMBERS AT THE ANNUAL MEETING. [M "L TouNA 489

Copestake, Walter G., M.R.C.S., Donald, A., M.D., Manchester Fagge, C. H., M.R.C.S. London Godson, Francis A., M.B., Cheadle, Derby Douelan,ThomasO'Connor,L.R.C.P., Fairclough, John 3. K., M.D., Hulme Cobb, E. if., M.R.C.S., Stevenage, Leeds Manchester Goodall, J. S., M.D., London Herts Donnelly, D., L.R.C.P., Widnes Fairweather, W. E., M.R.C.S., Gordon, T. E., M.B., Dublin Collier, J., M.B., Manchester Dougan, William, M.D., Glasgow Chorlton-cum-Hardy Gordon, Mary L., L.R.C.P.Edin., Colebrook, Miss Esther, M.D., Douglas, W., M.D., London Falconer, F., M.B., Oldham London Peppard, Oxon. Downie, J. W., M.B., Glasgow Farndon, Levi, M.D., Maidenhead Gowing, B. Clayton, M.R.C.S., Collis, A. J., M.D., Newcastle-on- Drake-Brockman, Lieut.-Col. E. F., Farrar, Reginald A., M.D., Chiswick Stcceksbridge Tsne I.M.S., London Favell, Richard, M.R.C.S., Sheffield Gowland, W. P., M.R.C.5., Man- -Co1i,R. J., M.D., London Draper, J. W., L.R.C.P., Hudders- Fawsitt, Thomas, L.R.C.P. Oldham chester Collins, F. H., M.D., Didsbury field Faulkner, J. T., M.D., Stre ford Goff Bruce, M.D., Bothwell, N.B. -Colinson, F. W. M.D. Preston Dreschfeld, Julius, M.D., Man- Fenn, R. M., M.B., Manchester Goldie, R. W., M.D., Morpeth Conway, Basil WV., M'.R.C.S., Man- chester Ferguson, G. Bagot, M.D., Chelten- Goldsmith, Frederick, M.B., Port chester Drummond, D., M.B., Newcastle-on- ham Darwen, Australia Cook 3 W., M.B., Bury Tyne Ferguson, John, M.D.. Manchester Good, J. P., M.B., Birmingham Cox, i. J. W., M.D., Drage, Lovell, M.D., Hatfield Fergusson, W.. M.D.. Banff Gordon, Wm., M.D., Exeter Coombs, R. H., M.D., Bedford Drinkwater, H., M.D.,Wrexham Fennell, T., M.R.C.S., Knutsford Gornall, J. G., M.B., Latchford Cooper, P. R., M.D., Bowdon Drummond, W. B., M.B., Edin- Fennell, T. L., M.B., Knutsford Goulden, E. A., M.B., Stockport Corner, Harry, M.D., Southgate burgh Fenwick, E. H., F.R.C.S., London Goulden, J. H. O., L.F.P.S., Stock- Cornbill, John, M.R.C.S., Ilfra- Drysdale, C. R., M.D,, London Fegan, R., M.D., London port combe Drury, A. E., L.R.C.P.Edin., Moss- Fernhead, T., M.R.C.S., Lytham Gourlay, R., M.B., Oldham Cosgrave, Alex., L.R.C.P.S., Bolton ley Fergus, F., M.D., Glasgow Goyder, David, M.D., Bradford Cotterill, A. E., M.R.C.S., Man- Drury, George M., L.R.C.P.Edin., Fernie Wm. Thomas, M.D., Rich- Graham, C. R., L.R.C.P., Wigan chester Cheadle Heath mond Graham, Wm., M.D., Middleton 'Courtenay, F. W. E., L.R.C.P., Dudley, Brig.-Surg.-Lieut.-Col. W. Fiddes, Thos., M.D., Urmston Gramshaw, F. B., M.D., Stillington Eccles E., I.M.S.. Bath Findlay, A., M.D., Nelson Grange, J W M.D., Kersal *Coutts, J. A., M.D., Waterfoot Duggan, Motherwell, M.R.C.S., Firth, J. L., F.R.C.S., Bristol Gray, C. F., M.R.C.S., Newmarket Coutts, F. J. H., M.D , Blackpool Bowdon Firth Major R. H., R.A.M.C., Gray, Edward, L.R.C.P., Crewe Court C M.B , Kirkham Duke, A., F.R.C.P.I., London Netley Gray, J., L.R.C.P.Edin., Manchester Cox, J. J., M.D., Eccles Dulberg, J., M.D., Manchester Fisher, H. W., L.R.C.P.Edin., Liver- Grant, Sir James, M.D., K.C.M.G., 'Cowley, J. Selwyn, M.R.C.S., Upton- Dun, Robert Craig, F.R.C.S., Liver- pool Ottawa, Canada on-Severn pool Fisher, T., M.D., Bristol Graham, Sir James, M.D., Sydney -Cox, Alfred, M.B., Gateshead Duncan, A., M.D., London Fleetwood, W. J., M.D., Liverpool Granger, F. M., M.R.C.S., Chester Cradock, LucyE., L.R.C.P.I., Liver- Duncan, J., M.B., Ashton-u.-Lyne Flemming, C. E. S., M.R.C.S., Brad- Greaves, E. Hyla, M.D., Bourne- pool Duke, Colonel A. W., M.D.. Chester ford-on-Avon mouth *Craig, Maurice, M.D., London Duncan, W., M.B., Chesterfield Floyd, E. W., M.B., Manchester Greene, T. A., L.R.C.S., Ennis, co. Craig, Lieut.-Col., R. M., L.R.C.P.I., Duncan, James, M.D., Paisley Floyd, F., M.B., Kilkeeel, co. Down Clare London Duncan, William, M.B., Maryculter Flitcroft, T. E., L.R.C.P., Bolton Greenhalgh, John, L.R.C.P., Ather- Crean R. M.D., Manchester Dunkley, W. W., F.R.C.P.Edin., Forsyth, Robert, M.D., Leeds ton Cran, H. D., M.R.C.S., Salford Guernsey Foster, A., M.D., Blackburn Greener, M. H., M.B., Cardiff Crawford, Robert, M.B., Bradford Duthie, W. C., M.B., Blackburn Foster, Samuel W., M.B., Chester Greenhalgh, H., L.F.P.S.G., Bury Crawshaw, B., M.B., Ashton-under- Dyson, W., M.D., Sheffield Fraser, A., M.D., Manchester Greenwood, A. M.D., Blackburn Fraser, Alex. G., M.D., Manchester Greenwood, T. P., M.B., Hitehin Cran, J., M D Great Harwood Eales, W., L.R.C.S., Manchester Fraser, Lizzie T., M.B., Macclesfield Greenwood, Major, M.D., London Craig, J. F., ILD., Birmingham Eason, A. M., L.R.C.P., Lytham Fothergiil W. E., M.D., Manchester Griffiths, R. S. P., Insp.-Gen. R.N., Craig, W., M.B., Bingley Eastes, G. Leslie, M.B., London Foreman, 3F. D., L.R.:.CP., Denton Hawley. Surrey Cregeen, J. N., L.R.C.P., Liverpool Eatock, J. A., M.R.C.S., Farnworth Forrest, Wm. L.R.C.P., Southport Griffith, Samuel. M.D., Portmadoc Crutchley, Henry, M.D., Alsager Eatough, Robert, M.D., Mossley Fox, T. C., M.B., London Griffiths, T. D., M.D. Swansea Crowley, R. H., M.D., Bradford Eames, J. C., M.D., Stoneclough Fox, E. A., M.D., Warrington Griffiths, J. 5., M.R.&S., Bristol Creasy, L. E., M.R.C.S., London Eastes George, M.B., F.R.C.S., Foxcroft F. W., M.D, Birmingham Griffiths, P. R., M.B., Cardiff -Cronk, H. G., M.B., Burton-on-Trent London Fowler, 6. H., M.R.C.S., Cirencester Groves, J., M.D., Carisbrooke, Isle Grooker, R. Radcliffe, M.D., London Eccles, W. Sultau, M.R.C.S., London Fowler, J. Stewart, M.D., Edin- of Wight Crossley, R., L.R.C.P., Manchester Eccles, W. McAdam, F.R.C.S., Lon- borough Grunbaum, A. S. F., M.D., Liver- Crowe, G. E., M.D., Didsbury don Fort, Thos., L R.C.P., Oldham pool Crowe, L. W., M.D., Hale Eddison, J. E., M.D., Leeds Fraser, P., M.D., Leyland Gray, J. P., F.R.C.S., Nottingham Cruikshank, Mary Helen, M.D., Edge, Frederick, M.D., Wolver- Fraser, P., M.D., Carnarvon Grant, J. Dundas, M.D., London Reading hampton Frier, Wm., M.D., Waringstown, co. Grant, F. Wm., M.D., Blackpool Cryer, J., M.R.C.S., Manchester Edgerley. Samuel, M.D., Leeds Down Griffith, A. Hill, M.D., Manchester Cunliffe, T. V., M.D., Oldham Edkins, J. S., M.D., London Frew, W., M.D., Kilmarnock Griffith, T. W., M.D., Leeds Cunliffe, E. N., M.B., Manchester Edward, A. A., M.D., Rawtenstall Frost, Edmund, M.B., Eastbourne Griffin. W. W., M.B., Hove, Sussex Cunliffe, Riley, M.B., Blackburn Edwards, G. D., M.R.C.S., Assouan, Frankish, T., M.B., Acerington Grimsdale, T. B., M.B., Liverpool Curme, D L.S.A., Childe Okeford Egypt Furlong, W. V., L.R.C.P.Edin., Grossman, K., M.D., Liverpool Cureton, i, M.D., Shrewsbury Edlin, H. E., M.B., Levenshulme Dublin Gunn, R. M., F.R.C.S., London Carruthers, W. H., M.D., Runcorn Eddowes, A., M.D., London Fulton, A. B., M.B., Manchester Carrie, J., M.B., Lees Edwards, Arnold, M.D., Chorlton- Fullerton, Capt. T. W. A., M.B., Habershon, S. H., M.D., London cum-Hardy I.M.S., Southport Hall, A. J., M.B., Sheffield Daly, R. A. S., L.R.C.P., Manchester Edwards, J., M.R.C.S., Manchester Hall J. Hodgkinson, L.R.C.P., Daniel J., M.D., Cheadle Edwards, E. P., L.R.C.P., Bodedern Galbraith, T. H., M.B., Wolver- Boiton Daniell, G. W. B., M.R.C.S., Caledon, hampton Hall-Edwards, J., L.R.C.P., Bir- Cape Colony Edwarls, David, L.R.C.P., Mold Galabin, A. L., M.D London mingham Darwin, G. H., M.D., Manchester Edwards, J. Watkin, M.B., Middles- Galton, J. H., M.D., ianchester Halton, M. J., L.R.C.P.Edin., Leigh Dalziel, Thomas K., M.B., Glasgow brough Gardner, H. Willoughby, M.D., Halley, George, M.B., Dundee Daniels, C. W., M.B., London Edridge-Green, F. W., M.D., Lon- Shrewsbury Hamilton, G. G., F.R.C.S., Liverpool Davidson, A., M.D., Liverpool don Gardner, J., M.B., Burnley Hamilton, Professor O. J., M.B., .Deas, P. Maury, M.B., Exeter Edge, A. M., M.D., Manchester Garrard, W. A., M.R.C.S., Rother- Aberdeen Davies, J., M.D., London Egan, J. O'Dowd, L.R.C.8.I., British ham Handford, Henry, M.D., Nottingham ,Davies, William, L.R.C.P., Manches- Guiana Galton, Dr. J. H., Manchester Haultain, F. W. N., Edinburgh ter Elliston, W. A.. M.D., Ipswich Galloway, Walter, L.R.C.P., Gates- Hamilton, R. J., F.R.C.S., Liverpool Davies, A. V., M.B., Shaw Elliston, Brigade - Surgeon-Lieu- head Harman, N. B., M.B. London Davies, G. H.. L.R.C.S., Blackburn tenant-Colonel G. S., M.R.C.S., Garner, J. E., M.D., Preston Hacking, J. H., L.R..P., Wilmslow Dearden, R. J., L.R.C.P.Edin., Man- Ipswich Garrard, C. R. O., M.R.C.S., Pendle- Hackney, John, M.D., Hythe chester Elder, G., M.D., Nottingham ton Haddon, John, M.D., Eccles Dearden, W. F., L.R.C.P., Manches- Elsworth, R. Cosgrave, M.D., Swan- Garry, T. G., M.D., Florence Hadden; W. E., M.D., Portadown ter sea Garstang, T. W. Harropp, M.R.C.S., Haig, ieutenant-Colonel P. de H., MelMpine, Sheridan, M.D., Manches- Emrys-Jones, A., M.D., Manchester Altrincham I.M.B., Surrey ter English, B.. M.B., Belfast German, A. W., M.R.C.S., Liverpool Hall, F. J. Vincent, M.B., Bir- Dempsey, Alex., M.D., Belfast Esler, A. W., M.D., Heathcote, Vic- Gellatly, Andrew, M.B., Fairfield mingham iDenholm, Andrew, M.D., Chorley- toria Gibson, Charles, M.D Harrogate Hall, J. P., M.B., West Derby cum-Hardy Esler, Robert, M.D., London Gibson, W. R., F.R.C.A., Lon on Hall, H. 8., M.R.C.S., Leigh, Lance Dewar James, F.RC.S.E., Man- Evans, C. W., M.B., Bakeweil Gibb, W. Fletcher M.D., Paisley Hall J. W. M.D., Manchester cheiser Evans, E. Daniel, M.R.C.S., Wrex- Gill, S. Augustine M.D Thornaby Hamer, Edward S., L.R.C.S.Edin., Dixon, W. E., M.D., Cambridge ham Gill, H. T., M.B., Werndh Tyldesley Diokey, H. James, M.B., Heaton Evans, Maurice G., M.D., Caerphilly Gilchrist, H. M., M.B., Bolton Hamer, W. H., M.D., London Mersey Evans, Griffith, M.D., Bangor Gilchrist Professor T. Casper, Hamill, John W., M.D., Manchester Dickson, A., M.D., Rochdale Evans, W. H., M.D.. London M.R.C . Baltimore, U.S.A. Hamilton, A., L.R.C.P., Ashton- Dougal, James, M.D., Blackburn Evans, Robert W. J., L.R.C.P., Gilford, H., F.R.C.S., Reading under-Lyne Don, 3, M.D., Newcastle-on-Tyne Wrexham Given, 3. C. M., M.D., Liverpool Hamilton, G., L.R.C.P.I., Bordi- Dore, B.E., M.B., London Evison, H. C., L.R.C.P., 8alford Glascott, Charles E., M.D., Dids- ghera, Italy Doyne, PW., P.RC. B.,Oxford. Ewart, W.. M.D., London bury Hamilton, Surgeon-General J. B., Dohin, T.M., M.D.,Halifax Eyre, J. W H M.D,, London Glissan, B. J.. M.D., Wellington M.D. London Donald, 3. Q, L.KC.P.Edin., Dum- Eyre, J. J., L.A.C.P:, Rome Godson, A., M.B., Cheadle Hamilon, James, M.D., Hudders- fries Godson, A. H., M.B., Oldham field 490 KMC"BJbu1rAaJ MEMBERS AT THE ANNUAL MEETING. lAuG. i6, 1902.

Hamilton, W. M., M.D., Patricroft Howell, R. E., M.B., Middles- Kemp, Norah, M.B., C M., York MacDonald. G., London Harburn, J. E., L.R.C.P., Buxton borough-on-Tees Kenworthy, A. B., M.B., Southport MacLeod, larold H. B., F.R.C.S., Hann, H. F., L.R.C.P., Portsmouth Hunter, J. H., M.D., South Shields Kerr, W. J., M.D., Rochdale Shrewsbury Hargreaves, F. B., L.R.C.P., Man- Holmes, J., M.D., Radcliffe Kerr, J. B., M.B.. Bury Macfie, Charles, M.D., Bolton chester Howitt, W. A., M.R.C.S.,Nottingham Kerr, J., M.B.. Wollongong, N.S.W. Mackenzie, J.. M.B., Pendleton Haring, N. C., M.R.C.8., Manchester Hughes, J. B., M.R.C.S., Maccles- Kershaw, A., M.D., Farnworth Mackenzie, W1!. G., F.R.C.S.Edin., Harris, F. D., M.B., St. Helens field Kershaw, H., L.R.C.P.,Pudsey London Harvey, H., M.B., Liverpool lHughes, J. M., M.B., Ruthin, North Kershaw, J., F.R.C.S.Edin., Dids- Mackenzie, E., M.D., Cheadle, Staffs. Harris, Thomas, M.D., Manchester Wales bury Mackenzie, D. J., M.B., Glossep Harris, J. A.. M.D., Chorley hlughes, W. H., jun., M.B., Ashton- King, J., M.B., Leigh, Lanes Mackenzie, J., M.D., Buirnley Harris, R., M.B.. Southport under-Lyne King, H. W.. M.D., Chester Macnair, A. D.. M.B., Manchester Harrison J., LhR.C.P., Bradford hlunter, W. L.. M.D. Pudsey Kirk, T. S.. M.B., Belfast Mackenna, R. W., M.B.. Liverpool Harrison, J. A., M.D., Haslingden Humphreys, H., M.D. Torquay Kirker, Fleet Surgeon G., M.D., MacGil], W.. M D.. Denton Harrison, A. W., M.D., Mossley Hutton. H. R., M.B., Manchester RN., Gosport Mackey. C.. M.B. Prestwich Harrison, G., L.R.C.P.. Chester Hunt, T., M.D., Heywood Kinsey, R. H.. M.R.C.S.. Bedford MacNeilage, David, L.R.C.P.Edin., Harrison, Reginald, F.R.C.S., Lon- Hunt, Lewis, M.D., Sheffield Kite, Edwin, M.B., Sheffield Manchester don Hunt, A. H. W., M.R.C.S., Wolver- Kirk, J., L.R.C.S.. Hindley Marshall, B., L.R.C.P.Edin., Ather- Hardie, James, F.R.C.S., Manchester hampton Kitchen, C. F. H., M.R.C.S., Man- ton Hardy H. Nelson, F.R.C.S.Edin., Hunt, T. H., M.D.. Halifax chester Macmillan. D., M.D., Prestwich London Hunton, Alfred W., M.R.C.S., Birk- Knox, Jno., M.D., Bakewell Macphail. S. R.. M.D.. Droitwich Hart, D. Berry, M.D., Edinburgh dale Knowles, R., M.R.C.S., Haslinrden McCann, F. John, M.D., London Harper, kl., M.D., Nottingham Hutchinson, Jonathan, F.R.S., Kynsey, Sir William, F.R.C.P.I., Mayor, J. B., L.R.C.P., Heator Harthan, Isaac, M.R.C.S., Didsbury F.R.C.S., London Chidsack, Dorset Chapel Harper, R. A. J., M.B., Pendlebury Hutton. Surgeon-Ma:or G. A., Major, H. P., M.D., Hungerford Harman, W. M., M.D., Winchester A.M.D., Leamington Latouche, A. Digges, Ossett Mallett, W. J.. M D., Manchester Haslett, W. H., M.R.C.S., Sunbury- Hyslop, J., Lieutenant-Colonel, Law, E., M.D., London Manders, H., F.R.C.S., London on-Thames D.S.O, M.B., Pietermaritzburg, Lawson, S., L.F.P.S.S., Brierfield Mann, .. B. M.R.C.S., Manchester Haslam, W. F., F.R.C.S., Birming- Natal Lazarus-Barlow, XV. S., M.D., Lon- Mann, J. Dixon, M.D., Manchester ham don Marsh, (leo. R., M.D., Hove Hassall, John, M.D., Northwich Ilderton, H. P.. L.R.C.P., Fairfield Lack, H. Lambert, M.D., London Marshall, Mary A., M.D., Cannes; Hatton, W. A., M.D., Westhoughton Infield, Stephen, M.R.C.S., Hyde Lack, T. Lambert, M.R.C S., Attle- France Havelock, J. G., M.D., Montrose, boro'. Norfolk Marsden, R. Sydney, M.B., Birken- N.B. Jackson, T., M.D., Hull Laffan, Thomas, M.R.C S., Cashel head Haworth, F. G., M.B., Darwen Jackson, Geo.. F.R.C.S., Plymouth Lake, Richard. F.R.C.S., London Marsden, R. W., M D., Manchester Hawkins-Ambler, G. A., F.R.C.S., Jackson, T. W., M.D., Chorley Lambert, J., M.D.. Birkenhead Marsh, J. H., M.R.C.S., Macclesfieldc -Liverpool Jackson, V. F., M.B.. Ardwiek Latham, W., M.R.C.S., Ashton-in- Marsh, A. H., L.S.A., Northwich Hawthorne, C. O., M.D.. London Jackson, Edwin, M.R.C.S., Whalley Makerfield Martin. John W, M.D., Sheffield Haydon, Arthur G., M.D., London Range Lamb, W., M D.. Birmingham Marshall, Prof. C. R., M.D., Dundee Hayes, J., M.R.C.S., Leigh Lane Jamie, Robert W., M B.. Leicester Lancashire, G. H., M.D., Didsbury Martin, R. J., M.D., Atherton Hayward, T. E., M.B., Haydock Jefferies, Horace, M.R.C.S., Bolton Laprack, T., M.D.. Uddingston Martin, A. W., L.R.C.P., G(orton Heap, H. S., M.B., Oldham Jefferson. A. J., M.D., Rochdale Larmouth, L.. M.B., Manchester Martineau, A. J., F.R.C.S., Hove, Heaton, G., F.R.C.S., Birmingham Jardine, R.. M.D., Glasgow Larkham, E. T.. M.D., Prestwich lfanchester Hern, John. M.D., Darlington Jessett. F. B., F.R.C S., London Latham, W., L.R.C.P.Edin., Earles- Martin, W. Y.. M.D., Walkden Hersehell, George, M.D., London Jephcott. C., M.B.. Chester town Martland. E. W., M.R.C.S., Oldham Heroert, J.Wm. C., M.R.C.S., Pendle- Jepson, E.. M.D., Durham Lawrence, L. A., F.R.COS., London Mason, Captain H. D., R.A.M.C., bury Johnston, G. J.,M.RB., Dublin Lawson, Reginald P., M.R.C.S., Asliton-on-Mersey Heath, C. J.. F.R.C.S., London Johnson, J. W., M.D.. Bury Manchester Macan, J. J. M.D., Cheam Healey, J. E., M.B, Preston Jolhnson, Wm. C., M.B.. Salford Lea, A. W. W.. M.D., Manchester McBride, P.. M D, Edinburgh Hellier, John B., M.D., Leeds Johnston, John, M.D.. Bolton Leary, T., M.D., Castlederg MacIntyre. J.. MIB.. Glasgow Helme, G. E., M.B., Rusholme Johnston, Francis, M.B., Birken- Lee, C. G., L.R.C.P., Liverpool MacLeod. J. M. H.. M.D., London Helme, T. Arthiir, M.D., Manchester head Lee, E.. M.R.C.S., Manchester Macvie, Williami. M.D., Bootle Henry, J., M.D., Rochdale Johnston, J., M.B., Farnworth, Lee, Lieutenant-Colonel W. A., Maddox, E. E.. M.D.. Bournemoutls Henry, Wm., M. B., Clones Lancs. I.M.S., L.R.C.P., Newcastle-on- Mann, Alfred. M.B., Chester Henderson, G. P., M.D., Stockport Johnstone, E., L.S.A . Manchester Tyne Manson, Patrick, M.D., London Henderson, T. Brown, M.D., London Jolhnstone. Thomas. M.D., Ilkley Leech. E. B.. M.R.C.S., Timperley Mantle, A., M.D., Halifax Henderson, Edward, M.D., London Johnson. T. M., M.D., Pendleton Lees, WV.. M.R.C.S., Chester Marriner, XV. H. L., M.B., Bourne- Henshaw, W. H., M.R.C.S., Man- Johns, W. D.. M.B., Bournemouth Lees, J. E. F., M. B., Elton mouth chester Jones, D. J., F.R.C.S., Blaenavon Legge, T. M., M.D., London Marshall, C. D., F.R.C.S, London Heywood, T. W., M.R.C.S., Darwen Jones, Evan, M.R.C.S., Aberdare Lewis, W. H., M.B., Llansaintffraid Martin, Hy. A., M.D., Surbiton Heywood, C. C., M.B., Irlams-o'-th'- Jones, lHenry L., M.D., London Leigh, W. WX.. M.R.C.S.. Treharris Martin, W., M.D., Newcastle-on- Height Jones. J. Ellis, M.B., Chorley, L-an- Leigh, T. D.. M.R.C.S., Liverpool Tyne Hibbert, C. H., L.R.C.P., Marple cashire Lempriere, L. R., M.B., Manchester Massey. J.. M.B.. Pendleton Bridge Jones, J. Owen, L.R.C.P., Holywell Le Page, J. F., M.D., Cheadle Masters, W. H., M.D., Parkstone Higginson, A., L.F.P. & S., Bolton Jones, H. Leslie, M D., hlanchester Lishman, R. Norman, M.D., Staly- Mathwin, F. S., M.B., Australia Higginson, C. G., M.R.C.S., Birming- Jones, T. E., M.B., Llanrwst bridge Matthews, W. R., M.B., Manchester ham Jones, E. E ,L.R.C.P.E., Manchester Littler, R. M.. F.R.C.S., Southport May, W. Page, M.D., Egypt Hill, T. K.. M.B., Heywood Jones, J. W.. L.R.C.P.. Manchester Lindsay, Professor J. A., M.D., Bel- McAldowie, Alex. M., M.D., Stoke- Hitchen, H. H. J., M.R.C.S., Hey- Jones, Major J. Lloyd, I.M.S., Cric- fast on-Trent wood cieth Lishman, Frederick, M.D., Withing- McCarthy, E. C., M.B., Stalybridge Hoar, C. E., M.D, Maidstone Jones. Robert, M.D., Woodford ton McCleary, G. F., M.D., London Hope, E. W., M.D., Liverpool Bridge, Essex Little, E. G. Gordon, M.D., London McDade, Miss Francis 0. C. S., M.B., I{opps, Thomas, L.R.C.P Beswick Jones, B.. M.D., Leigll Little, Andrew. M.B., Bradford London Howard. J. A., L.R C. P., Liverpool Jones, Richard, M.D., Blaenau- Lister, T. D M.D., London McDonnell, Denis. L.R.C.S., Silsden Hoyle, Frederic, M.B., Manehester Festiniog Lodge. Samuel, M.D., Bradford McDonnell, M. S, M.D.. AccringtoD Hobbs, J., L.R.C.S.I., Willough- Jones, R. W., M.D.. Penrhiweeiher Love, G., M.D.. Gt. Budworth McDougall, P.. M.B., Fallowfleld bridge Jones, W. Owen, M.R.C.S., Bowdon, Lowe. W. G., M.D., Burton-on-Trent MeElligott, M. G., L.R.C.P.Edin., Hodgson, W. M., L.R.C P.L.. Crewe Cheshire Lloyd, Jordan, F.R.C.S., Birming- Wigan Hodgkins, Charlotte R., M.D., Brad- Jordan, F. W., M.R.C.S., Heaton ham McFeely, J. D., F.R.C.S.L. Dublin ford Chapel Lowndes. F. W., M.R.C.S., Liverpool McGlashan. J., M.B., Bedworth Hodgkinson, A., M.B., Wilmslow Jones, C. W., M.B., Hale, Altrincham Logan, Thomas. M.D., Wibsey McGeagh, W.. M.D., Sandy Holder, William, M.R.C.S., Hull Jones, J.. M.B., Leigh Logan, J. R, M.B., Liverpool McGeagb, James P., M.D., Liver- Holmes, Frank, M.R.C.S., Man- Jones. Robert, L.R.C.P.Edin., Liver- Loneworth, S. W., L R.C.P., Melton pool chester pool Lord, R. E., M.D., Colwyn Bay McGillivray, A., M.D., Dundee Holt, R. C., M.D, Burnley Jones, WV. W.. M B.. Didabury Lorimer, G., M.D.. Buxton McGowan, R. Or., M.D., Manchester Homer, Thomas, L.R.C S., Oldham Jones, Hugh E M.R.C.S.. Liverpool Love, J. Kerr. M.D., Glasgow McGowan), J. S., M.D., Oldham Hopkinson, A., M.B., Withington Jordan, A. C., M.D., London Low, Alex., M.B., Aherdeen 'McKeown, D., M.D.. Manchester Horsford, Cyril A. B., M.D., LondonL Joynson, George T., L.F.P.S.G., Luckman, E. L., M.R.C.S., Altrin- McKerron, R. G., M.D., Aberdeena Housman, B. W., F.R.C.S., Stock- Northwich cham McKinney, I). J., M.D., Belfast port Junk, D. C., M.D.. Manchester Luff, Arthur P.. M.D.. London McKisack, H. L., M.D.. Belfast Holland, C. T., M.B., Liverpool Judd. W. R., M.R.C.S., Ashton- Lunt, D. C. M., M.R C.S., Lymm McLareD, J. B., M.B., Salford Holmes, F. G. B., M.B., Bury under-Lyne Lund, H.. M.B., Manchester McMaster, A. B., M.B., Rochdale Hooton, W. A., M.R.C.S., Man- Lusk, V. Vawdrey, M.D., Weymouth McNabb, H. H., M.D., Manchester chester Kalapesi. R. M.. L.M.S, Bombay Lusk. T., M.D., Bu, y McNair, S., L.R C.P., Weaste Holt, J. J. H., M.B., Manchester Keay, J. H., M.D., Greenwich Lynch, J. R., M.R.C.S., Prestwich McNamara, John. M.D., London Horne, W. Jobson, M.B., Loodon Kelly. A. Brown, M.B., Glasgow MeNaughton, J. G., M.D., Horsley, Sir Victor, F.R.S, London Kelson, W. H., M.D.. London Macauley, D. J.. M.D., Halifax MacPhlerson, James T., M.B.,DidsburySMan- Howe, G. Bradby, M.R.C.S., Staly- Kenyon, George A., M.B., Chester Ma-kenzie, J. B.. M.D.. Manchester chester bridge Kersbaw, Wm. E. Evans, F.R.C.S., Mackenzie, M., L.R.C. P.Edin., Lon- MeWaller J.C., M.D., Dublin Howe, John, M.B., Manchester Middleton don McWilliams, G. F., M.B., Perth, Howe, J. D., M R.C.S., Preston Kelynack, T. N.. M.D., London MacCormae, J.?., M.D., Belfast WVestern Australia Hovell. T. Mark, F.R.C.S.Edin., Kennedy, W. P., M.D., Lydney, Macfarlane, V., M.D., Mayhole, Madden, F. C., M.B., Cairn London Glos. N.B. TIM Barr AUG. 16, 1902.] MEMBERS AT THE ANNUAL MEETING. MunICAL JOURAcL 491

Wleroer, Robert, M.R.C.S., Manning- Neil, J. H., M.B., Auckland, New Pringle, A. M. N., M.B., Salford Rodocanachli, A. J., M.D., Didsb ham Zealand Pringle, J., M.D.. Manchester Roe, F. L , L R.C.P., Eccles Mearns, W., M.D., Gateshead, Ash- Nesfield, S., M.D., Manchester Pringle, J. J., M.B., London Rogers, B. M. H., M.D., Clifton ton-under-Lyne Nteve, E. F., M.D.. Kashmir Pritchard, F.. M.B., Manchester Roper, Herbert J., M.R.C.S., Leeds Meek, H., M.D., London, Ontario Nevitt, John G.. M.R C.S., Leeds Pritchard, W. B., M.R.C.S., Man- Ross, F. W. Forbes, M.D., London *Melland, B., M.D., Bowdon Newell, W. A., M.D., Chester chester Ross, Ronald, F.R.C.S., Liverpool Melland, C. H., M.D., Manchester Newman, Geo., M.D., London Pritchard, (. E. C., M.D.. London Rowlett, J. L, L.R.C.S.P.I., Porta- Melland, F., M.R.C S., Manchester Newsholme, Arthur, M.D., Brighton Pritchard. Urban, M.D., London down, co. Armagh Melling, W. T., M.B., Patricroft Nichol, J. C., M.D., Manchester Prout, W. T., M..B., Sierra Leone, Rowley, C ,M.R.C.P.,Otahuhu N Z 'Menzies, J. A., M.D., Rochdale Nichlolson, H. O., M.D., Edinburgh West Africa Russell, H. WV., M.B., Manchesier 'Mercer, W B., M.B., Nipponden Nicholl, J. H.. M.B. Glasgow Prowse, J. S.. M.B, Manchester Russell. (G. H , M.l)., Manchester Metealfe, James, M.D., Bradford Nicol. A. C., M.R.C.S, Glossop Purslow, C. E, M D., Birmingham Rutherford, J., M.D., Dumfries Middleton. G. S., M.D., Glasgow Nightingale, P. A., M.B., Ilarrogate Purdon, H. S., M.D., Belfast Millard, C. K.. M.D., Leicester Nicholsou, B. H., M.D., Colchester Salter, S. C.. M.R.C S., Longsight Milligau, William. M.D., Rusholme Niven, J., M.B., Manchester Quayle, E., M.R.C S.. Urmston Samways, D. S., M.D., Mentone, Mills, Jno., M.B., Ballinasloe Nolan, M. J., L.R.C.P. Downpatrick Quinn, F. R. B, L.R.C.P., Wolver- France Milne, J., M.B., Heyside House, Norman, J. C., M.R.C.S., Hadleigh, hampton Sandwith, T. M., M.D., Cairo Shaw Suffolk Savill, T. D., M.D, London Milner, E Twvlor, M.B., Salford Norwood,W. Loftus, L.R.C.P. and S., Rabagliati, Andrea, M.D., Bradford Savill, Mrs. Agnes F., M.D.. London Milburn, C. H.. M.B., Hull Pensnett Railton, T. C., M.D., West Didsbury Savage, W. G.. M.D., Cardiff Milestone, Evelyn Stone, M.D., Nuttall, Williaii., M.R.C.S., Bury Ramsden, W., M.B., Oxford Saul, Miss Helen G., M.D., With- Liverpool Ramsden, H., M.D., Dobeross ington Minns, .John, L.R.C.P. and S.Edin., Oakley, Jno., M.R.C.S., Halifax Rankin, J., L.F.P.S.G., Kilmarnock Saberton, Claude, M.B., Manchester Manchester O'Doherty, C., M.D.. Manchester Ransome, Arthur, M.D., F..S., Scott, Benj , M.B., Manchester Mitchell, Edmund, L.R.C.P.Edin., O'Dwyer, T. F.. Surgeon-General Bournemouth Scott. A., M.D., Glasgow Aceirington A.M.S., M.D., VentDor Rattray, J. M., M.D., Somerset Schofield, A. T., M.D., London Mitchell, R., M.D., Burv O'Grady, W. F.. L.R.C.P.. Swinton Raw, Nathan, M.D., Liverpool Scoweroft, W., M.R.C.S., Cheadle, .Mockler, J. C., L.R.C.P., Chorlton- O'Flanagan, M. J., M.B, Man- Ray, J. H., M.B. Manchester Cheshire cumni-Hardy chester Raymond, Major G., R.A.M.C., Scott, J. B., M.B., Hale Monks, Ernest. M.B., Bolton Oliplhant. F.. M.B., Broadbottom Preston Scott, W. T.. M.B.. Stalybridge Montgomery, W. P., F.R.C.S., Man- Oliver W M B, Oldham Rayne, Charles Alfred, M.D., Lan- :;cotson, F. C., F.R.C.S., Manchester chester O Neili, H"y., M.D., Belfast caster Seaton, E. C., M.D.. London Monsarrat, K. W.. M.B., Liverpool Oliver, Tnonias, M.D., Newcastle- Rayner, E., M.D., Stockport Sellers, N. B., M.R.C S., Rochdale Montgomery, R. J., F.R.C.S.I., Dub- on-Tyne Redmond, T. H., M.D., Rhymney Sellers, A., M.D . Prestwich lin Openshaw, T. H., F.R.C.S.. London Redmond, C. S., L.R.C.P.I., Man- Semon, Sir Felix, M.D., London Moore, C.,F., M.D., Dublin Ormond, A. W.. k.R.C.S., London chester Senior, A. W., M.R.C.S., Levens- Moore, F. C.. M.D., Manchester Orr, David, M. D., Prestwicl Rees, E. Davies, M.R C.S. Caersws hulme Moore, J. W., L.R.C.P.andS.Edin., Orr, John, M.B., Eccles Reid, I. K., M.D., Fort Wellington, Senn, Professor N., Chicago, U.S.A. M&uchester O Ryan, J. F., L.R.C P.. Tipperary British Guiania Sephton, R., M. R.C.S., Atherton Mooney, A. P.. M.D), Preston O'Sullivan. D. A.. L.R C.S . London- Reid, Sir James, Bart., M.D., Lon- Serra, C. L., M.D., Eccles Morgan, G., F.R.C.S.Edin., Brighton Owen, David, M.R.C.S.. Irlains-'o'-tli- don Sharp, C. J., M.R.C.S., Liverpool Morgau, David. M.B.. Liverpool Heigtt Renshaw, C. J., M.D., Aslhton-on- Sharp, J.G.,M.D.,Leeds Morris, R. J.. M.D., Harrogate Owen, S. IR., lH. D., Manchester Mersey Sharples, Thomas, L.R.C.P., Lostock Morris, R. Bindley, M.R.C.S., Urm- Owern, 0. Trafford. M.B. Blackburn Renshaw. I. J. E., F.R.C.S., Ashton- Hall stoll Owen, Edimiund, F.R.C.S., Londou on-Mersey Shaw, James, M.D., Liverpool Mort. J. H., M.R.C.S.. Warringtan Renshaw, J. A. K., M.B., Aslhton-on- oheldon, T. S.. M.P., Macclesfield Morison, 1. M. W., M.B, C.M., Asl- Pantlon, John. M.B., Seedley Mersey Shennan. T., M.D., Edinburgh toti-otider-Lyne Partingtoni. Wim. M i., Tunstall Renshaw, W. A., M.R.C.S., Altrin- Sherrin ton, C. S . M.D., Liverpool MIotrrison, J. H., M.D.. London Patchett, J., L.R.C.P., Great Har- cham Shoemaker. J. V., M.D., Phila- Mor-.t-oni, J. T. J., F.R.C.S., Bir- wood Reynolds, E. S.. M D.. Manchester delphia, U.S.A. ili algham Park, R L, L.R.C.S., Middlelon Renslhaw, C. A. K.. L.R.C.P.Edin., Shuttleworth, G. E., M.D., Rich- Moiliison, C. S., F.R.C.P., Hertford Parker, (G. D., M.B.. Manclhester Sale mond Morrison, F. S, E.R.C.S., Diindalk Parker, A. Percy, M B., Oxford Rhodes, George S., M.R C.S., Salt- Shea, J. Goodwin, F.R.C.S., Chester- Morris, W. Jones, M.R.C.S., Port- Parker, Rushtoo, F.R C.S., Liver- burn-by-the-Sea field itiadoc pool Rllodes, J. M., M.D., Didsbury Shears, Charles H. B., L.R.C.P., MIoritz, S.. M.D.Wurzburg, Rush- Parkinson, C. H. W., M.R.C.S., Wim. Rice, W. A.. M.B.. Belfast Liverpool otue borne Richards, J. P., M.R.C.S., London Slheen, Alfred, M,D., Cardiff Morrow, R. W., L.R.C.P.Edin., Man- Park, R. L., L.R.C S. Middleton Richards, J. E., M.D., Bourne- Shufllebotham, F., M.B., Newcastle- chester Paarkinson. R. T.. M.D., Manchester mouth uinder-Lyme Morton, T., M.B.. Manchester Parry, T. NV, M.R.O.S., Glamnorgan Richar-dson, W. H., L.R.C S., Man- Sidebottom, R. B., M.R.C.S., Glossop Morton, A., L.R.C.P.Edin., Halifax l'trry, R.. M.B., Carna.rvon chester Simicock, J., M.D., Heaton Chapel Mlolyneux, Edward, M.B., Garstosi Parsons, A. R., M.)., Dublin Ridge, J.J.. M.D., Eofield Sidley, George, L.R.C.P., Eccles Morris, S. G., M.D., Carniarthen- Parsons, John H., F.R.C 5., London Rigby, W. B., M.R.C.S.. Gorton simpsoni, J. Kidd, M.D., Ontario slhire Paterson, A. M., M.D., Liverpool Rigby, W. C.. M.B., Arlingtoni Simpson, Jas., M. D.. Manchester Morr-is, M,. F.R.C.S.. London Paterson. D. R., M D., Cardiff Richmt;ond, Thomas, L.R.C.P., Glas- Simipson), Hy., M.D.. Conway o)risnn, Rutherford, F.R.C.S., New- Patrick, Robert, M.D . Bolton gow Sinclair, W. Japp, M.D., Manachester castle-on-Tyne Pattison, T. W..L.R.C.P.. Bolton Richlmond, D.. M.B., Rochdale Sinclair, T., F.R.C.S., Beltast 'Morgan, L. A., M.D., Liverpool Peake, (4. A.. M.R C.S., Cheltenham Rigby, W.. M B., Preston Sinclair, George, M. D., Ktrkwall Mo3sop. I., F.R.C.S.. Manningliam Peart, R S . M.D.. North Shields Ritchie, A. Brown, M.B., MarLches- Sibbald. Sir John, M. D., Edinburgh Mothersole, R. D., M.D., Bolton Pegler, L. H., M.D.. London ter Silverwood, J., L.R.C.P., Bury Mott, F. WV., M.D., London Pernet, G., M.R.C.S, London Ridley, G. W., M.B., Newcastle-on- Skerritt. E. Markham, M.D.,UllftoD, Moir, W., M.D., Darwen Phillips, E., M.B.. Coventry Tyne Bristol Mould, G. E., M R.C.S., Rotherliam Phillips, A . L.R C.P.. Manchester Riley, F., M.B.. Sale Skinnler Charles, G. L., M.D., Man- Moild, G. W.. M.R.C.S., Clleadle Philpots, H., M B . Oxton Riley. F. R., F.R.C.S., Dunedin, New chester Mounceet, C. J.. M.B., Earlestown Pickering, R. W., L.S A., Oldlham Zealand Smeeth, H. G., M.D., Stockport Moxon, A. H., M.R.C.S., Great Pierce, B., M.D., Yoi-k Roberts, Clharles, M.B.. Manchester Sinallwood, Edward, M.D., Liscard Yarmouth Pitt, G. N., M.D.. London Roberts, D. L., M.D., Manclhester Smitlh, J. B., M.B., Ashton-under- Moynihan, B. G. A., M.B., Leeds Pimley, Thomas, MI.B., Fulwood Roberts, J. W., L S.A., Cadislhead Lyuie Mugleston. T. C.. M.R.C.S., Lytham Pindar, T. H., M.R.C.S.. Manchester Roberts, Leslie, M D, Liverpool Smith, H. E., M D., Manchester Murison, Patrick, M D., Durban Pilkington, J. E., M.R.C S, 8alford Roberts, H., M.D., Garstang Smith, John W., F.R.C.S., Man- Mfurphy, James, M.D.. Sutherland Platt, J. E., M.S.. Manchester Roberts, H. J., M.R.C.S., Penygroes chester Murphy. R. J., F.R.C.S.I., Kilkenny Platt, J. N.. M.R.C.S. Wilmslow Roberts, N. E., M.B., Liverpool Smiitl. Maurice H., M.R.C.S., Man- MIurohy, P., Surgeon-Lieutenant- Platt, T., M.R C.S., Oldham Roberts, F. Thomas, M.D., London chester Colonel, I.M.S.(retired.), M.D., Pomfret, Hy. W., M.D., Holling- Roberts, J. Lloyd, M.B., Colwyn Smith, Andrew. M.D., Whickham Brighton worth Bay Smith, H. Hammond, M.R.C.S., IMtirrell, W., M.D., London Pye-Smith, R. J., F.R.C.S., Sheffield Robertshaw, W. M., M B., Stocks- Uxbridse Murray, H. G, L.R.C.S., Prestwich Poole, G. K., Surgeon-Major, M.D., bridge Smith, E. Noble, F.R.C.S.Edin., Murray, R. W., F.R C.S.. Liverpool Norwood Robertson, J., M.D.. Sheffield London Murray, George. M.R.C.S, Lonidon Pooley. W., F.R.C.S., Rochdale Robertson, George J.. M.B.. Oldhaam Soliuth, Cyrus Walter, M.R.C.S., Mumford, A. A., M.D., Choriton- Pope, R. J., M.D., Svdney. N.S.W. Robinson, Leonard, M.D., Paris London. ceun-Hardy Pope, Frank M., M.D.. Leicester R-obinson, Professor A., M.D., Han- Smith, Walter, M.D., London Murgatroyd. A., M.B.. Bolton Porter, Miss Agatha. L.R.C.P.Edin., well Smith, J. E., M.B., Manchester Musson, A. William. M.B., Clitheroe London Robinson, H. Betham, M.S.,F.R.C.S., Smith, C. E., M.R.C.S., Stretford Myles, Sir Thos., M D., Dublin Power, Henry, F. R.C.S.. London London Smith, W. Brownlow A., M.D. Poynter, Frederick J., London Robinson, G. B., M.B., Liverpool Belper Nairne, J. Stuart, F.R.C.S.Edin., Prankerd. 0. R, M.D., Brighton Robinson, E. S., M.R.C.S.. Stourport Smith, D. Turnbull, M.B., Preston Glasgow Preston, J. M. S., M. B.. Manchester Rockwood, The Hon. W. G., M.D., Smith, T. H., M.D., Reddish Naslh, E. H. T., M.R C.S., Accrington Prebble, P., M.B.. Blackburn London Smith, G. H., M.B., Knutsford Nash, J. T. C., M.D., Soiithend-on- Price, R., L.R.C.P.Edin., Openshaw Robson, A. W.Mayo,F.R.C.S.,Leeds Smith, Percy, L.R.C.P., Openshaw Sea Price. Rees Griffiths, M.D., Carmar- Roddick, T. G., M D., Montreal Smith, R. B., M.R.C.S., Manchester Naylor. J. H., M R.C S, Low Moor then Rodger, R. S., Captain R A.M.C., Smitl, R. T., M.D., London Neech, J. T., M.D., Halifax Price, G. B., M.D., Liverpool Bowdon Smith, A. H., L.h.C.P., Manchester 492 DCL JOURALJTINA MEMBERS AT THE ANNUAL MEETING. [Aua. 6, t902.

Smith, W. M., M.B., Eastbourne Tattersall, W. I-T., M.B.. Altrincham Watson, C., M.B., Edinburgh Williams, W. Lloyd, M.B., Llanr Smythe, A. W. B., L.R.C.P., Drog- Tattersall, C. H., M.R.C.S., Salford Watts, T., M.D., Hyde beris heda Taylor, G. G. Stopford, M.D., Liver- Wear, A. T., M.D., Newcastle-on- Williamson, R. E., M.B., Ottley Smith, J. W., M.D., Ryton-on-Tyne pool Tyne Wilshaw. R. H., M.B., Southport Smithard, W. R. N., M.B., Man- Taylor, James, M.R.C.S., Bristol Webb, F. J., M.B., Gorton Wilson, Wilfrid, M.D., Pontypool chester Taylor, James, M.D., London Webster, E., M.R.C S., Manchester Wi son, J. O., M.D., Huntley, Aber- Smyly, W. J.,M.D., Dublin Taylor, H. James, M.R.C.S., Bolton Webster, A. D., M.D., Edinburgh deenshire Smyth, Jonah. M.D., Naas, Ireland Taylor C. B., M.B., Stockport Webster, T. J., M.R.C.S., Merthyr Wilson, F., L.R.C.P., Hull Sneil, S., F.R.C.S., Sheffield Taylor, G. S., L.S.A., Partington Tydvil Wilson, B. M., M.B., Manchester Snape, Harold, M.B., Pendleton Teale, Michael A., M.R.C.S., Leeds Weekes F. H., F.R.C.S., York Wilson, A., F.R.C.S., Manchester Snow, Herbert, M.D., London Tennant,J., M.B., Belfast Weller,' George, M.R.C.S., South Wilson, J. G., M.B., Chicago, U.S.A. Somers, E., M.R.C.S., Pendleton Thomas, F. Griffith, M.B., Swansea Croydon Wilson, Lieutenant-Colonel E. M., Somerset, W. R., M.B., Wolver- Thomas, W. Thelwall, F.R.C.S., Wells, J. W., M.B., Blackburn R.A.M.C., London hampton Liverpool Wenyon, C., M.D., London Wilson, G. M., M.B., Conway Somerville, T. A., L.R.C.P.Edin., Thomas, J. L.. F.R.C.S., Cardiff Westlake, Winifred, L.R.C.P., Wind- Wilson, Helen M., M.D., Sheffield! Wilmslow Thomas, W., M.B., Birmingham sor Wilson, J. Mitchell, M.D., Hull Somer, James, M.R.C.S., Exeter Thomson,J. Roberts, M.D., F.R.C.P., Westmacott, F. H., F.R.C.S., Man- Wilson Richard M., M.D., Derby Boutham, F. A., F.R.C.S., Man- Bournemouth chester Winter, W. A., M.D., Dublin chester Thomson, Alexis, F.R.C.S., Edin- Westwood, A M B., Stretford Withers, R. W. O., L.R.C.P., Shrew s? Somerville, Edgar, M.D., Leek, burgh Wiglesworth.iosepb, M.D., Rainhill bury Staffs Thomson, J., M.D., Edinburgh Wharton, J., L.R.C.P., Oldham Wolfendale, George A., L.R.C.P. Sommerville, J., L.R.C.P., Jodhpur, Thomson, G., M.D., Oldham Wharton, John, Southport Edin., Manchester Rajputana Thomson, William, M.D., Algiers Wheatley, J., Shrewsbury Wolstenholme, G., M.B., Wigan Spanton, W. D., F.R.C.S., Hanley, Thompson, John H., L.R.C.S.Edin., Whitaker, J. Smith, M.R.C.S., Gt. Wolstenholme, R. H., M.R.C.S, Sal- Staffordshire Mytholmroyd Yarmouth ford Spearing, Andrew, L.F.P.S., Patri- Thompson, Peter, M.D., London White, H., M.R.C.S., Yezd, Persia Wolverson, T., L.R.C.P.Edin., Wol- croft Thompson, Professor W. H., M.D., White, H. W., L.R.C.P., Bradford verhampton Spencer, Herbert R., M.D., London Dublin White, James H., M.B., Tarporley Wood, J. W. A.. M.R.C.S., Man- Spence, W. J., L.R.C.P., Leicester Thompson, W. A., M.R.C.S., Roch- White, Sinclair, M.D., Sheffield chester Spencer, Maud H., M.B., Manches- dale White, A. E.. L.R.C.P., Eccles Wood, J., M.R.C.S., Bolton ter Thompson, Gordon Moffatt, M.B., White, Charles P., M.D.. Leeds Wood, J. F., F.R.C.S., Southport Spicer, W. T. Holmes, M.B., London St. Helens White, W., M.D., Hadfield Woodcock, H.B., M.B., Manchester- 8picer, F., M.D., London Thompson, G. H., L.R.C.P., Buxton Whitehead, A. L., M.B., Leeds Woodcock, Sam, M.D., Manchester- 8picer, ¢sanes, M.D London Thorburn, W., F.R.C.S., Man- Whitehead, Walter, F.R.C.S.Edin., Woodhead, G. B., M.D., Cambridge Spink, E. W., M.D., teddish chester Manchester Woods, Oscar, M.D., Cork Spitta, Harold R. D., M.B., London Thorne, A., M.B., London Whitestone, H. L., L.Rt.C.S.I., Worswick, F. H., M.R.C.P.Lond.,. Sprawson, C. A., Lieut. I.M.S., M.B., Thorp, C. W., F.R.C.S.. Todmorden Middleton Manchester Calcutta Thorp, A., M.R.C.S., Holmflrth Whitelegge. B. A., M.D., London Wraith, 0. B., L.R.C.P., Darwen Sprott, W. J., M.D., Manchester Thorpe, G. K., M.R.C.S., Sheffield Whitelaw, W., M.D., Kirkintilloch Wray, Charles, F.R.C.S., London Stack, E. H. Edwards, M.B., Bristol Tidey, S. A., M.D., Florence Whitileld, Arthur, M.D., London Wrench, E. M., F.R.C.S., Baslow Stallard, J. P M.D., Manchester Tilley, H., M.D., London Whitelocke, R. H. A., M.B., Oxford Wright, G. A., F.R.C.S., Manchester Stamberg, A. W, M.B., St. Helier Tinker, F. H., M.R.C.S., Hyde Whiting, A. J., M.D., Manchester Wright, J. F., M.R.C.S., Bolton Stanwell W., M.R.C.S., Rochdale Tirard, Nestor, M.D., London Whitfleld, A., M.R.C.S., Manchester Wright W., M.D., Burnley Starkey, W.. M.B., Dublin Tisdall, John J., L.R.C.P., Liver- Whittington, T., L.R.C.P.Edin., Wright Prof. C. J., M.R.C.S.Eng., Steell, G., M.D., Manchester pool Prestwich Leeds Steele, S. T., M.R.C.S., Morley Tomlin, R. F., M.R.C.S., London Wild, R. B., M.D., Manchester Wrigley, P. R., M.R.C.S., Pendle- Stephen, W. H., M.B., Smethwick Tough, W. R., M.D., Accrington Wilkinson, J. H., M.D., Oldhani bury Stevenson, T., M.B Liverpool Tod, H. F., M.B., London Wilkinson, A. T M.D., Manchester Wyborn, W. E., M.R.C.S., London Stevenson, Donala McP., M.B., Trevelyan, E. F., M.D., Leeds Willan, C., L.R.'.P.Edin., Cheadle, Wylie, A., M.D., London Bradford Tribe, Ethel N., M.D., Bristol Hulme Wylie, Alex., M.D., London Stephenson, W. H., L.R.C.P., Har- Tuke, T. Seymour, M.B., Chiswick Williams, W. T., :M.R.C.S., Man- Wylie, A. H., M.D., Oldham purhey Turnbull, Inspector-General Alex., chester Wynne, F. E., M.B., Leigh Stewart, R. C. M.R.C.S., Leicester M.D., R.N., London Williams, R., M.R.C.S., Liverpool Yarr, Major M. T., R.A.M.C., Sterling, Robert, L.R.C.P.Edin., Twomey, P. N., L.R.C.S., Ashton- Williams, Chisholm, F.R.C.S., Lon- Aldershot Stoneyford, co. Kilkenny under-Lyne don Yates, James, M.D., Oldham Sterling, Robert, M.B., Newcastle- Tyler, SirJohn, M.D., F.R.C.S.Edin., Williams, J. D., M.B., Shrewsbury Yeats, W., M.D., Manchester on-Tyne London Williams, John R., M.B., Penmaen- Yellowlees, D., M.D., Glasgow Steinthal, W. M., M.R.C.S., West Tyson, W. J., M.D., Folkestone mawr Yonge, E. S., M.D., Manchester Didsbury Tytler, P., M.D., Manchester Williams, A., M.D., Salford Youatt, Leonard, M.B., Prescot Stewart W. Grant, M.D., Montreal, Williams, J. P., M.D., Swinton Young, Thos. F., M.D., Chester Canada Usher, C. H., M.B., Aberdeen Williams, P. Watson, M.D., Bristol Young, Thomas, M.D., Manchester Stewart, A., M.D., Pendleton Williams, Dawson, M.D., London: Young, R. A., M.D., London Stewart, W. Grant, M.D., Montreal Valentine, W., L.R.C.P., Earlestown Williams, H. J.E. H., M.D., Sheffield Young, Meredith, M.D., Stockport- Stewart, James, F.R.C.P.Edin., Clif- Verrall, T. J., M.R.C.S Brighton ton Vinrace, John, M.D., Birmingham GUESTS AND FOREIGN DELEGATES. Stewart Joeph, M.B., Leeds Alexander, Saml., M.A., M.D., New Lermoyez, Dr., Paris P. M.D., London Waddell, W., M.D,, Manchester York Steel, R., L.R.C.P.Edin., Durham Wade, Herbert, M.R.C.S., Mid- Musser, J. H., M.D., Philadelphia, Stirling, W., M.D., Withington dlesex Baginsky, Adolf, M.D., Berlin U.S.A. Stirllng R., M.D., Perth Wahltuch, Adolphe, M.D., Man- tiles, H. J., F.R.C.S., Edinburgh chester Curatulo, Dr., Rome Neumunz T G. M.D., Cairo Sweeney, W. D., L.R.C.P., Man- Walker, AlfredW. H., M.D., Harro- Carl von Noorden, Professor, Frank- NorthrupPro,essor Wi. P., New chester gate furt sur-Maine York Walker, E. J., M.D., Manchester Swallow, A. J., M.B., London Comby, Dr. Jules, Paris Swanton, J. H., M.D., London Walker,T., M.R.C.S., Clayton Onodi, Professor A., Budapest Stock, S. V M.B., Manchester Walker, Norman M.D., Edinburgh Du Bose, F. G., M.D., Selina, Alv., Stocks, W. i., F.R.C.S., Manchester Walker, G C M D., Southport U.S.A. Pepper, Dr. Wm., Philadelphia Stockman, Ralph, M.D., Glasgow Walker B., I.D., Kirkby Stephen Stockwell, F., M.D., Bruton Walker, J. W. T., M.B., London Edebohls, Professor George M., Querton, Dr., Brussels Straton, C. R., F.R.C.S., Salisbury Walker, Arthur, M.R.C.S., Glossop M.D., New York Stocks, A. W., M.R.C.S., Cheadle Walker. J. S., M.D., Hanley, Staffs Bnsch, Dr., Brussels Rohrer, Fritz, M.D., Zurich, Swit- Storrs, A. M.D Stockport Walls, W. Kay, M.B., Manchester zerland Story, John B., i.B. Dublin Walls, James, M.R.C.S. Flixton Franklin, G. Balch, M.D., Boston Rotch, Dr. T. M., Boston, Massa- Stowel, M.B., Heaton Mer- Wells, T. P. G., L.R.C.P.Edin., St. Gruner, chusetts U.S.A. sey Albans Gfilbert, Dr., Brussels Rothschihi, Dr. H. de, Paris Street, A. F., M.D., Westgate-on-Sea Wallace, A., M.D., Rochdale Giannetti, Dr. Stephane, Paris #turrock, A. Corsar, M.D., Eccles Wallace A. J., M.D Liverpool Graham,, Hannah M., M.D., Indian- Stoeltzer, Dr. Wilhelm, Berltu Button, David C., M.B., Chester Walsh, R. W., M.R..S., Manchester opolis Stengel, Dr. A., Philadelphia Symonds, H. P., F.R.C.S., Oxford Walshe, Denis, L.R.C.P.I., Kilkenny M.D.. Munchen L. M.D., London 8ummerskill W., L.R.C.P., London Wallers, W., M.R.C.S., Blackburn Grunwald, Ludwig, Sambon, W., Manchester Surridge, E. i:. N., M.B., Knutsford' Walter, W. MD. G. T., MMD., New York Valentine, Dr. F., New York Walter, C. ., London Harrison, Sutcliffe, J., M.R.C.S., Cheadle MAI.C.S., Hodge, G., M.D., London, Ontario Sutherland, J., M.D., Manchester Walton, R. S., Hebden Bridge 'Wild, R. O., M.D., Zurich, Switzer- Symington, Professor J., M.D., Bel- Warburton, J. W., M.D., Liverpool Jones, D. Fiske, M.D., Boston, Mas- land fast Ward, R. F. C., M.B., Harrogate sachusetts, U.S.A. Widmark, Dr. Johan, Stockholm Warden, A. A., M.D., Paris Wylie, Dr. Saml. M., Paxton, Illinois,. Tat, W. Parker, L.R.C.P.Edin., Wardman, W.. L.R.C.P., Manchester U.S.A. Sts.lybridge Warrington, W. B., M.D., Liverpool Killltn, Professor Gustav, Germany Talent, J. W., M.D., Ashton-under- Waters, E. W., M.B., Bolton Lyne Watkins, J. W., M.D., Newton-le- MR. F. H. MAY has been appointed Rector of the Hong; Targett, J. H., M.S., F.R.C S., Lon- Willows Kong College of Medicine for Chinese, in succession to the- don Watson, J., M.D., Manchester Hon. J. H. Stewart Lockhart, C.M.G.