DEC. 29, t9o&] THE 79UE JOURN"AL OF TIlIE BRITISH M1EDICAL ASSOQ;IATION. I EDITRD lDY D4AWSON WILLIA MfS, MI.D., ARRISTRD BY CHARLES LOUIS TAYLOR. VOLUME If 190fO. JUVLY TO DECEW AM3E3t. I 4 0 lottbott 0 PRINTED AND PUBLISHED AT THE OFFICE OF TH E BRITISH 'MEDICAL ASSOCIATIONg 4299 STRAND, W.C. I Do. 299 29CQ] INDEX TO VOLUME II FOR 1906. A. b1y a music hall performer, 334; for fees, Amoebic dysentery. See Dysentery 160, Amyloid degeneration, rheumatic fever and ABDERALDEN, EMIL: Lehrbuch der physiolo- Action of a substitute, 604 (James M. Beattie), 1444 ghcen Cemiec (in dreissig Vowesungen), rev., Acts, Inebriates, report of inspector under, Anaemia, school, 1881 869 1588 Anaesthesia in abnormal and constrained Abdominal atony of rickets (William Ewart), ADAM, JAMEs: Tetanus in two brotliers: sub- positions (F. W. Silk), 1401 92D dural and subcutaneous injections of Anaesthesia, rate of chloroform absorption Abdominal glands and sarcoma of stomach serum; recovery, 1260 during the induction of (T. G. Brodie and (Norman Dalton), 1638 ADAMI, J. GEORGE: The dominance of the Sibyl T. Widdows) 79 Abdominal section cases. general manage- nucleus, 1760 Anatomical digram, rev., 1133 ment of {W. Blair Bell),1 Adams-Hewitt motor car, 460 Anatomical terms, 102; correspondence on Abdominal sections, fifty consecutive (R. P. Adamantios koraes. See Koraes 170 Ranken Lyle), 238 ADCoCK, Dr., the Clhristian Science case, 39, 56 Anatomy, review of books on, 202, 307, 782 Abdominal tumour. See Tumour ADDENBROOK3, BERTRAM: Seleroma neo- Anatomy of the accessory sinuses of the nose Abdominal Wall, actinomycosis natorum in twins, 428 (Hanau W.
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