Dawson Williams, M.D
Tjkt -Miijwm J3UN 24, 1905.1 LIJIMICAY, JGVZXAL w -k THE THE JOUFAL OF THE BRITISH MEDICAL ASSOCIATION. EDITED BY DAWSON WILLIAMS, M.D., ASSISTED BY EIKARLES LOUIS TAYLOR. VOLUME I 1905. JANUARY TO JUNED. FRINTED AND PUBLISIIED AT THE OFF[CE OF TIlE BRITISII MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, 429, STRAND, W.C. _. ~ ~~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ r TM Bazwi JUNE 24,- I9o051- .1 F J INDEX. LKWIC"--- JOu="- 3 INDEX TO VOLUME I FOR 1905. I A. Acaidents to railway servants, 958 Adenoids, post-nasal, treatment of (John Ward Account forms, 393 Cousins), 182; correspondence On, 279, 335, 524, Abbe, Professor, obituary notiee of, 390 Acetate of iron in pneumonia, 2024, 1188 624, 694, 808 Abdominal diagnosis, reverberation in (Stacey Achard, M., relations between tuberele and Adenoma of kidney (Mir. Heaton for Mr. Barling), Wilson), 655 traumatism, 445 1042 - - hysterectomy for uterine fibromyo- Acid media in the isolation of the plague cystic, of left kidney, case of (W. G. mata(F. W. N. Haultain),477 bacillus (W. C. C. Pikes and F. H. Joseph), Spencer), 249 *_____ nephrectomy (Mr. Cholmeley), 1271 136 Adiposis dolorosa (Douglas Stanley), 824; note -sections, three within one week on Acnue rosacea caused by intranasal irritation on, IS88 one patient, 1396 (William Lloyd), 74; note OD, 228, 696 Adirondack Cottage sanatorium, note on, 948 surgery, a surprise in, f9 - x rays in (Ur. C;odd), 1271 Adrenalin price of, 2024 - symptoms, acute (VW.Watson Cheyne), Act, the Coroners, and hospital surgeons, 568 Adulteration of food and drugs, git 1313 - the Dental, at Adelaide, 799 Advertisement, the gentle craft of, 47 tuberculosis in childhood (W.
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