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132 MxrTCLJOUAL] PROGRJMME OF ANUAL MEETING. [JULY 12, 19072 Parliament. In both cases satisfaction was expressed with the advance towards solution of questions which had been some time before the profession. In the latter case allu- BRITISH MEDICAL ASSOCIATION. sion was made to the improvement effected by the amend- SEVENTIETH ANNUAL MEETING. ments inserted in the Bill during the report stage. THE seventieth annual meeting of the British Medical Associa- Financial Report and Votes of Money.-The TREASURER re- ported a balance of £I84, and it was decided to contribute tion will be held at Manchester on Tuesday, Wednesday, 3oguineas to the British Medical Benevolent Fund and the Thursday, and Friday, July 29th, 30th, 31st, and August ist, Royal Medical Benevolent College respectively. 1902. Annual Meeting, 1903.-The recommendation of the Coun- Senioy cil in favour of Guildford, with Mr. A. A. Napper as Presi- President: GEORGE BAGOT FERGUSON, M.D., F.R.C.S., dent-elect, and Dr. De Jersey and Mr. Sloman as Vice-Presi- Surgeon, Cheltenham Hospital. dents, was unanimously adopted. President-elect: WALTER WHITEHEAD, F.R.C.S. Edin., Officers and Council.-The following were elected for 1902-3: F.R.S.E., Consulting Surgeon Manchester Royal Infirmary, -Representative8 on the Association Council: Dr. Galton, Dr. Manchester. Tyson, Mr. Verrall. Representatives on the Parliamentary Bills President of the Council: JOHN ROBERTS THOMSON, M.D., Committee: Dr. Bowles, Dr. C. Holman. Honorary Secretary F.R.C.P.Lond., Consulting Physician to the Royal Victoria and Treasurer: Mr. Verrall. Branch Council (in addition to Hospital and to the National Sanatorium for Diseases of the the ex-officio members): Dr. Adeney, Dr. Allen, Dr. Allfrey, Dr. Bagshawe, Dr. Bowles, Mr. A. H. Dodd, Dr. T. Eastes, Sir Chest, Bournemouth. J. Ewart, Mr. E. P. Farber, Mr. Hallowes, Dr. Hayman, Dr. Treasurer: ANDREW CLARK, F.R.C.S., Surgeon to the Hoar, Dr. Holman, Dr. Ilott, Surgeon-General Jeffcoat, Mr. Middlesex Hospital and Lecturer on the Principles and Prac- Kaye Smith, Mr. McIlwaine, Mr. A. Maude, Dr. Ogle, Dr. tice of Surgery. Oldman, Dr. C. Parsons, Dr. Ranking, Dr. T. W. Reid, Dr. An Address in Medicine will be delivered by Sir THOMAS Starling, Dr. Stowers, Mr. 0. R. Travers, Mr. W. K. Treves, BARLOW, Bart., K.C.V.O., M.D., Physician to His Majesty's Mr. J. Sidney Turner. Household. iYew Members.-The following were elected members of the Association and Branch: Evelyn Lancelot Adams, M.B., B.S., An Address in Obstetrics will be delivered by WILLIAM M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P.Lond., East Croydon; Herbert Devas JAPP SINCLAIR, M.D., Professor of Obstetrics in the Owens Everington, M.B.Lond., M.R.C.S. L.R.C.P., Sanderstead; College, Manchester. George Gilbert Gange, M.D., B.S., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., The scientific business of the meeting will be conducted in D.P.H., Croydon; CharlesEdward Pepper, M.B., Ch.B.Edin., seventeen Sections, all of which (through the kindness of the Croydon. The following were elected members of the lecture Branch: Eliot Curwen, M.B., B.C., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Council) will hold their sittings in the theatres and Hove; Richard Mandeville Hugo, L.R.C.P.I., Purley; rooms of the Owens College, as follow, namely: Patrick Francis O'Hagan, L.R.C.S.E., L.R.C.P.E., L.F.P.S.G., Croydon; Edward Hulse Willock,-M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., L.S.A., A.-MEDICINE. Croydon. Chemistry Theatre (Arts Side) and Ante-room for Cases. President: Professor JULIus DRESCHFELD, M.D. Vice-Presi- dents: Professor JOHN DIXON MANN, M.D.; ROBERT CHARLES WEST SOMERSET BRANCH. BROWN, M.B.; GRABAM STEELL, M.D.; WILMOT PARKER HER- THE fifty-ninth annual general meeting of this Branch was RINGHAM, M.D. Honorary &cretaries: ARTHUR THOMAS WIL- held at Bishop's Lydeard on July 4th. The chair was taken KINSON, M.D., 22, St. John Street, Manchester; WILLIAM by Mr. E. E. FROSSARD (Bishop's Lydeard), the new President. CALWELL, M.D., I, College Square North, Belfast; EDWARDI Sixteen members were present. MANSFIELD BROCKBANK, M.D., 3, St. Peter's Square, Man- Confirmation of Minutes.-The minutes of the last meeting chester. were read and confirmed. The following discussions have been arranged: Reports of Council and Treasurer.-The annual report of the Branch Council and the Treasurer's report were read and Wednesday, July 3oth.-The Causes, Diagnosis, and Prin- adopted. ciples of Treatment of Dilatation of the Stomach. To be Election of Officers.-Dr. W. L. Winterbotham (Bridgwater) opened by Professor Clifford Allbutt. The following gentle- was re-elected represcntative of the Branch on the Council of men will take part in the discussion: Professor Von Noorden the Association and on the Parliamentary Bills Committee, (Frankfurt), Dr. Saundby, Dr. Geo. Herschell, Dr. Sidney Dr. David Brown (Taunton) was elected President-elect, Mr. Martin, Dr. W. Soltau Fenwick, Dr. S. H. Habershon, Dr. W. B. Winkworth (Taunton) was re-elected Honorary Secre- T. D. Savill, Dr. James Barr, Dr. Frank M. Pope, Dr. 0. J. tary and Treasurer, and Messts. E. G. B. Adams, C. F. Kauffmann, Dr. Harry Campbell, Dr. Noel Bardswell, and Dr. Hawkins, and H. W. Husband were electedj members of the Wm. Calwell. Branch Council. Thursday, July 3Ist.-The Differential Diagnosis of Func- President's Address.-The PRESIDENT read an address based tional and Organic Paralysis. To be opened by Dr. Buzzard. on some clinical observations on the diagnosis of an empyema The following gentlemen will take part in the discussion: from a secondary malignant growth of the lung. Dr. J. S. Risien Russell, Dr. E. F. Trevelyan, Dr. Judson Bury, Vote of Thanks.-On the proposition of Dr. WINTERBOTHAM, Dr. E. S. Reynolds, Dr. Alex. Bruce, Dr. Byrom Bramwell, seconded by Mr. GORDON HENRY, Mr. Frossard was cordially Dr. T. D. Savill, Dr. Harry Campbell, Dr. Jobn M. Mac Cormac, thanked for his address. Dr. H. Waldo, and Dr. Parves Stewart. Friendly Societies and Medical OJflcers-The following resolu- Friday, August ist.-Demonstrations (by medical men) of tion was moved by Mr. G. F. SYDENHAM (Dulverton): Clinical Apparatus and Methods of Research, to be given in That the annual payment of the Friendly Societies to their medical the room in which the Section meets. Dr. James Mackenzie officers is insufficient, and that six shillings per head per year should be will demonstrate his Clinical Polygraph and Phlebograph. the minimum. Dr. Haig will demonstrate his Capillary Dynamometer and The resolution was supported by many of those present and Colour Cards for Estimation of the Quality of the Blood. carried unanimously. Dr. Geo. Herechell will demonstrate an Instrument for Inflat- Luncheon.-The members present afterwards lunched ing the Stomach to Facilitate the Determination of its Boun- together. daries. Visit to Cotford Asylum.-In the afternoon the members were The following papers are announced: driven to the and Bath at Somerset Asylum Cotford, over BANKS, Sir W. Mitchell, F.R.C.S. A Successful Case of Gastroplication which they were shown by the kindness of Dr. Aveline, the for Dilated Stomach. Medical Superintendent. BARDSWELL, N., M.13. Dietetics in Pulmonary Tuberculosis. MEETING. ' Taz BRmsH 33 --- ANNUAL JULY -12.-7 19ozl- - .I PROGRAMME OF Nmu [wJOUNAL aa = I BRADSHAW, Thos. R., M.D. Myelopathic Albumosuria. PARKER, Rushton F R.C.S. Experience in the Extirpation of Tuber- CAMPBELL, Harry, M.D. Overlooked Cases of Graves's Disease. culous Lymph alands during the last Thirty Years, comprising over GILCHRIST, A. W., M.R.C.S. On the use of " Urinary Graphs." 300 Operations. GILFORD, Hastings F.R.C.S. Infantilism and Seniism, with Demonstra- PBARSON, C. Yelverton, F.R.C.S. Some Cases of Trans-sacral Proctectomy tion of Cases and Photographs. with End-to-end Anastomosis of the Lower Ends of the Rectum. GREENWOOD, Alfred, M.B. The Use of Belladonna in the Broncho- ROBSON, A. W. Mayo, F.R.C.S. (I) Almost Complete Gastrectomy for Bar- pneumonia of Children. coma. (2) A Case of Complete Extirpation of the Urinary Bladder. GRIUNBAUM, O., B.C. A Case of Recovery from Membranous Gastritis. RODOCANACHI, A. J., M.D. Radical Cure of Hernia. HADDON, J., M.D. The Uric Acid Myth. SENN, Professor N. (New York). The Treatment of Gunshot Wounds of HAIG, A., M.D. The Prominent Eye, its Meaning and Clinical Associa- the Stomach by the Purse-string Suture. tions. THOMAS, J. Lynn, F.R.C.S. (I) Two Cases of Urethrectomy. (2) Modified MCTHtT, Chowry, M.R.C.S. Some Observations on, and the Results of the Vulliet's Nephropexy Simplified by means of a Swivel Tenotome. Treatment of, Ioo cases of Phthisis by the Open-air Method. VALENTINE,Professor F. (New York). The Diagnosis of Urethral Disease. NOORDEN, Professor Von. The Treatment of Chronic Bright's Disease. WHITELOCKE, R. H. A., F.R.C.S. Case of Prolapse of the Rectum Cured POYNTON, F. John, M.D., and PAINE, A., M.D. Observations upon Cer- by Unilateral Oophorectomy and Ventrifixation of Uterus. tain Forms of Arthritis, with Lantern Slides. RAW, Nathan, M.D. Results of Treatmiient of Consumption in Liverpool during the last Four Years. O.-OBSTETRICS AND GYNAECOLOGY. SCHOFIELD. A. T.. M.D. The Mental Factor in Medicine. History Theatre (Arts Side). President: DAVID LLOYD ROBERTS, M.D. Vice-Presidents: B.-SURGERY. M.D.; WILLIAM M.D.; ARCHI- Physiology Theatre (Medical Side) and Ante-room for Cases. SAMUEL BUCKLEY, WALTER, BALD DONALD, M.D.; JAMES HENRY TARGEETT, F.R.C.S., President: JAMES HARDIE, F.R.C.S.