350 MEDICAL NEWS.-PARLIAMENTARY INTFLLIGENCE. VACCINATION AWARD.-Dr. John Hamilton has THE HOSPITAL. -The quinquennial Teceived the Government grant (eighth time) for efficient vac- appeal in aid of the funds of this hospital has resulted in con- cination in his district, Gresley, of the Burton-on-Trent Union. tributions to the amount of £13,698, with promises of annual ABERDEEN ROYAL INFIRMARY.-Their subscriptions for five years of £4970. The Mercers’ Com- Royal have contributed 500 towards the fourth the Princess Louise and the Princess Beatrice pany guineas quin- Highnesses quennial fund of this have graciously preseated to this infirmary beautifully hospital. engraved copies of their portraits, handsomely framed, to be SURREY CONVALESCENT SEAFORD.- of HOME, placed in the institution, in commemoration their visit to The anniversary of the opening of this institution- the last October to the new city open hospital buildings. "Founder’s Day "-was celebrated on the 24th ult. During PRESENTATION.-On Saturday, July 29th, at the the three and a half years’ existence of the Home between Town Hall, Hastings, Mr. F. F. Belsey, J. P., the chairman six and seven hundred patients have been received. There room more beds the has issued of the Sunday School Union, presented, on behalf of the is still for and committee just council, Dr. A. R. Croucher, J.P., the Mayor of Hastings, an appeal for funds to increase its usefulness. An excellent was served on the occasion in the Sir with an address congratulating him on his elevation to the luncheon dining hall, is one of the dignity of chief magistrate of the town. Dr. Croucher as Trevor Lawrence, who of the patrons institution, honorary medical officer has taken great interest in the presiding. Teachers’ Home of Rest since its establishment the by THE LUNATIC ASYLUMS OF THE COUNTY OF Sunday School Union in 1887, and the thanks of the grateful LONDON.-At a of the London lady teachers are expressed in the address. special meeting County Council on the 28th ult , Mr. J. Hutton presiding, a ROYAL COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS.-The following report of the Asylums Committee recommended the autho- - examiners were appointed at the last comitia of the College. risation of the necessary expenditure for the purchase It will be noticed that the new departure of appointing some of 140 acres of Baldwyn’s Park Estate, near Dartford, provincial Fellows to those offices has been now extended to at a cost of f:175 per acre. The chairman, Mr. Strong, the subject of medicine :-Chemistry and Chemical Physics : moved its adoption. He stated that when the Claybury William Odling, M.B ; Charles William Heaton, F.C.S.; Asylum was completed the Council would be left with a, Charles Edward Groves, F.R.S.; Samuel Rideal, D.Sc; deficiency of 260 beds and, moreover, when all the works Wyndham Rowland Dunstan, F. C. S. Materia Medica and contemplated were finished, which could not be sooner than Pharmacy : Thomas Lauder Brunton, M.D.; Daniel John about three years and a half, they would still want 1235 more Leech, M.D.; Nestor Isidore Charles Tirard, M.D. ; Frederick beds. This estimate was founded on the figures of the past Willcocks, M. D. ; Francis George Penrose, M.D. Elementary four years. He urged the Council to have sufficient accom- Biology : Frederick Gymer Parsons, L. R C. P. ; Peter Chalmers modation for patients and not allow them to be sent many Mitchell, B.A. Elementary Physiology : Henry Lewis Jones, miles away. Amendments were moved and seconded with the M.D. Physiology : Edward Albert Schafer, F.R S.; Thomas result that the report was agreed to. Oliver, M.D.; Frederick Walker Mott, M.D. Osteology and Anatomy : Humphry Davy Rolleston, M. D. ; Charles Ston- POOR-LAW MEDICAL OFFICERS AND THEIR ham, F. R. C. S. Medical Anatomy and Principles and Practice STIPENDS -On Tuesday, at the meeting of the board of of Medicine: Philip John Hensley, M. D- ; George Vivian guardians of the Strand Union in the parochial offices, Poore, M.D. ; John Mitchell Bruce, M.D William Henry Henrietta-street, Covent Garden, Mr. R. Dodson proposed Allchin, M.D; Frederick Taylor, M.D ; Stephen Mackenzie, "That the salary of Dr. J. Russell Hanis, medical officer to M.D.; David Bridge Lees, M. D. ; Seymour John Sharkey, M. D. ; the receiving workhouse in Bear-yard, Drury-lane, be James Kingston Fowler, M.D ; Robert Saundby, M.D. Mid- increased from £75 to .E100 per annum." He pointed out wifery and Diseases peculiar to Women : John Williams, M. D. ; that the position of medical officer to the Strand workhouse James Watt Black, M.D. ; Thomas Crawford Hayes, MD.; was a very onerous and responsible one, and that the salary Walter Spencer Anderson Griffith, M.D.; William Radford was totally inadequate to the duties which an experienced and Dakin, M.D. Surgical Anatomy and Principles and Practice thoroughly qualified professional man was called upon to of : Nottidge Charles Macnamara, F. R C. S. ; John perform There were on an average 3500 patients to be Neville Colley Davies-Colley, F.R.C.S. Public Health: attended to in the course of the year, besides which almost Part I.-Arthur Pearson Luff, M.D. ; Part II.-Edward every week suicides or attempted suicides were remitted from Seaton, M.D. Murchison Scholarship: Charles Theodore Bow-street Police-court. Mr. Belchier seconded the motion Williams, M.D.; Archibald Edward Garrod, M.D. and alluded to the fact that they paid their dispenser ;&t20 a MEDICAL DEFENCE UNION, LIMITED.-A council year, and said that surely his work was not as responsible or as onerous as that of the medical officer. Mr. Dart said meeting was held at 429, Strand, London, W. C., on Wednes- that there were emoluments deiived from other 26th, 1893, at 4 o’clock P.M., Mr. Victor in appoint- day, July Horsley ments held in connexion with the Union which made Dr. the chair. Fifteen new members were accepted. It was resolved: "That the best thanks of the meeting be given Harris’s annual stipend about .E215. Mr. Dodson said that to Mr. Walter Whitehead for the kind and able assis- that might be so, but he was obliged to live in the parish and tance he had rendered the Union in relation to the Man- to pay a rental of 110 a year and that he was precluded from The motion was carried, the of the chester meeting." The application of a member for assis- private practice. majority that the medical officer was well tance was considered. It was resolved : guardians considering unanimously entitled to the increase of his asked for in "That Dr. - be informed that he has the cordial modest stipend sympathy and support of the Medical Defence Union and the resolution. that the council of the Union have pleasure in making a donation of 25 guineas towards the cost of the present i case in addition to the payment by them of the costs i " already incurred in the first case amounting to over £270 Delegates were appointed to the International Medical Con- Parliamentary Intelligence. gress at Rome. Steps were directed to be taken in a case in which a member had been subjected to blackmailing demands NOTES ON CURRENT TOPICS. for £500. A was received from the London and deputation Contagious Diseases (Animals) Bill. Counties Medical Protection Limited. Mr. Victor Society, THE Bill in Mr. Herbert Mr. John and that the for the fusion of the brought by Gardner, Morley Horsley explained suggestion the Lord Advocate to confer further under Medical Defence Union and the London and Counties Medical powers the Contagious Diseases Acts with to swine fever that the and Protection had been initiated both respect provides money Society, Limited, formally under the Pleuro-Pneumonia shall and the latter On the retirement of powers applicable Act, 1890, apply informally by company. to swine fever. Compensation is provided for at the rate of the value the which was thanked for its attendance, the deputation, of the animal immediately before slaughter, or, in the case of an animal resolution was "That a committee of following adopted: affected with disease, one-half its value immediately before becoming three be appointed to meet a committee of the London and so affected. Counties Medical Protection Society, Limited, to discuss the "Tler London League." suggestions laid before this council by the deputation of the " The London League," the outcome of an endeavour by the Conserva- London and Counties Medical Protection Society, Limited." tive Party to form an association for the better organisation of a cam- Numerous cases of minor importance were considered and paign in the metropolitan constituencies, is about to issue its pro- dealt with. gramme. Amongst its suggestions for municipal reform are the super- PARLIAMENTARY INTELLIGENCE -APPOINTMENTS. 351

in said vision of the Local Government Board over the gas and water com- whether pleuro-pneumonia existed Canada, the matter had more than once bbea under consideration by the Board of in to their an for every Agriculture panies regard supplies; infirmary poor-law and pipers were about to be laid on the table of the House which the of a central board union ; and incorporation hospital by charter, would offer important suggestions as to the means by which the infor- entitling it to receive endowments, legacies and contributions for distri- mation desired might be obtained. bution amongst medical charities, to receive annual reports, statements of accounts &c. from hospitals and dispensaries, to receive the auditing of all accounts by chartered accountants, to arrange that all medical charities be visited and reported on pariodically, and to publish an annual report dealing with the organisation and resources, pecuniary Appointments. and scientific, of every medical charity in the metropolis. Several re- commendations are eont3,ined in the programme for burial reform and Successful applicants for Vacancies, Secretardeaof Public Institutions, and others suitable for this are invited to the appointment of a Royal Commission to inquire into the best method possessing information column, forward it to THE LANCET Office, directed to the Sub-Editor, not later of interment from a and medical of view. sanitary point Education, than 9 o’clock on the Thursday morning of each week for publication in recreation and sanitation are also dealt with in the programme of the the next number.

league. ____ ARNOLD, WM., M.R.C.S., has been appointed Medical Officer for the’ Great Milton and Little Milton Sanitary District of the Thames THE HOUSE OF LORDS. Union. FRIDAY, JULY 28TH. BERESFORD, R. DE LA PoER, M.D. Glas., L.R.C.P. Lond., L.R.C.P., L.R.C.S. Edin., has been reappointed Medical Officer of Health for The Iso’ation of Hospitals Bill and the Housing of the Working Classes the Oswestry Rural and Urban Sanitary Districts. Act (1890) Amendment Bill. BOWMAN, HENRY MOORE, M.D. Lond., M.R.C.P., has been appointed These Bills, amongst others, passed through committee, the first Assistant Physician to the Royal Hospital for Diseases of the Chest, mentioned having, on the motion of Lord Thring, received the addition City-road. of a new clause. On the 31st ult. the Isolation of Hospitals Bill was BUCK, JOSEPH, L.R.C.P., L.R.C.S Edin., L.F.P.S. Glas., has been read a third time and Medical Officer of Health for the Rural District passed. -- appointed Sanitary of the Hunslet Union. THE HOUSE OF COMMONS. BULLMORE. W. K, M.D. St. And., M.R.C.S., has been appointed Medical Officer of Health for the Falmouth Urban Sanitary Dis- THURSDAY, JULY 27TH. trict. Death from Violence in an Irish Lunatic Asylum. CARDELL. A. JOHN, L.D.S., R C.S. Eng., has been appointed Hono- Mr. M. Healy asked if the attention of the Irish Prisons Board had rary Dental Surgeon to the Western Dispensary, London. been directed to the case of a patient in the Cork District Lunatic FLETCHER, W. J. H., L.R.C.P., L.R.C.S. Edin., has been appointed Asylum, whose death was proved at the Cork Assizes to have resulted Medical Officer for the Uttoxeter and Leigh Sanitary Districts and from violence on the part of an attendant in the asylum -Mr. J. the Workhouse of the Uttoxeter Union, vice Hawthorn, resigned. Morley contirmed the acuracy of the statement included in the GERMAN, A. W., L.R.C.P. Lond.. M.R.C.S., has been appointed Assist. question, and added that one of the inspectors of lunatic asylums had ant Medical Officer for the Millroad Infirmary of the West Derby, been instructed to hold an inquiry into the cilcamstances connected Union. with the pJotient’s death. GOODMAN, F. G., M.D. Dub., LK.Q.C.P.Irel., has been appointed Medical Officer for the Workhouse and the Brigg Sanitary District Cattle Disease in England. of the Glanford Brigg Union. Mr. Gardner, in reply to a question put by Colonel Waring, said he GRANT, FRED.. L.R.C.P., L.M. Edin., M.R.C.S, has been reappointed had not received information during the last few days of the existence Medical Officer of Health for the Market Harborough Urban Sani- of an unknown disease amongst cattle. tary District. P2sblic and Private Laundries in Scotland. HEMMING, C. W., L.R.C.P., L.R.C.S. Edin., has been appointed Medical for the Distrit of the Neath, the of Officer Glyncorny Sanitary Mr. Paul asked Secretary State for the Home Department Union. whether his attention had been called to the disclosures in Miss Hii.L, A. B., M.D. Giessen, L.R.C.P., L.M., L.R.C.S. Edin., Irvin’s report on the evils of public and private laundries in has been Medical Officer of Health for other cities of Scotland which are due to of and D.P.H.Camb., appointed and want regulation the Aston Urban Sanitary District. inspection, and whether he would consider the desirability of including HUSBAND, CHAS., M.K.C.S., has been reappointed Medical Officer o$ laundries under the Factory and Workshops Acts.-Mr. Asquith Health for the of who City Ripon. replied that he was one of those regretted at the time that JOHNSON, RAYMOND, M.B., B.S Lond., F.R.C.S. Eng.. has been laundries were not included in the Factory and Worshops Act of 1891. appointed Assistant Surgeon to the University College Hospital. The matter was at present under consideration and he was having LOVERIDGE, W. G., L.R.C.P., L.R.C.S. Edin., L.F.P.S. Glasg, has been inquiries made in various parts of the United Kingdom on the subject appointed Medical Officer for the Barton Sanitary District of the and he trusted that some legislation would be possible -Mr. Stuart Glanford Brigg Union. Wortley asked whether it was not the fact that in 1891, if Parliament LOYND. WM., L.R.C P. Irel., M.R.C.S , has been reappointed Medical had made laundries liable to inspection, some convents would have Officer of Health for the Oswaldtwistle Urban Sanitary District. become so liable ?-Mr. Asquith replied that since 1891 they had been L.R.C.P. has been Medical and and LUPTON, H., Lond., M.R.C.S., reappointed able to appoint female inspectors for workshops factories that Officer for the Alveston and Welford Sanitary Districts of the might possibly get rid of the difficnlty in this connexion. Stratford-on-Avon Union. Vaccination Orders. MOORHEAD. G. H., L.R C.P.. L 11., L.R.C S. Irel., has been appointed Mr. Hopwood asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department Medical Officar of Health for the Hunsworth Rural Sanitary Dis- trict. - (L) whether he had now come to any decision in respect of directing the issue of distress warrants at Fulham to enforce vaccination orders; and OWFN, H. E., L.R.C.P. Lond., has been appointed Medical Officer of (2) whether the police had been authorised to call at the houses of Health for the Kingsbiidge District Local Board. defau ters and threaten the wives with consequences for default in PALMER, A. M., L.It.C.P., L.M. Edin , M.R.C.S., has been reappointed obeying the orders for vaccination, using the name and authority of the Medical Officer for the Whittington Sanitary District of the Secretary of State for the Home ?-Mr. Asquith, in reply, Chesterfield Union. Department his said that in regard to the first paragraph of the question it was through PAULIr-7, JOHN, L.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. Edin , been appointed Medical] an omission on the part of the police to observe the instructions, which Officer for the Ashton-on- Meraey aanitary District of the in all such cases require a previous reference to the Secretary of State, Union, vice Withers, resigned. that the inspector took the action he did. No further proceedings had PERRY, C. E., M D. Biux., L.R.C.P., L.M. Edin., M.R.C.S., has been. been taken for the execution of the warrant. The instructions of the reappointed Medical Officer of Health fur Sandgate. Secretary of State had again been brought to the notice of the metro- POLLARD, G. W., M.B., C.M. Edin., has been appointed Junior House politan police. The answer to the second paragraph of the question Sutgeon to the Borough Hospital, Biikenhead. was in the negative. RENTON, GEO., M.D. Edin., has been appointed Medical Officer ofr The Nickel-covered Bullet. Health for the Leadgate Urban Sanitary District. 1%1.B. has been Mr. A. C. on behalf of Mr. asked the of RIDER, ALONZO, Lond , M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., appointed Morton, Weir, Secretary Assistant to the Albert State for War whether medical officers are attention to the Surgeon Royal Hospital, Devjnport. army giving THOS. M.D. has peculiarly destructive character of wounds inflicted by the nickel- SHORTRIDGE, W., Brux., L.R.C.P., L.R.C.S. Edin., covered bullet. - Mr. that the been reappointed Medical Officer of Health for Honiton. Campbell-Bannerman replied army J. FREDK. W. M.D. has been medical officers were aware of the effects of the nickel-covered SILK, Lond., M.R.C.S., L.S.A., appointed fully Anaesthetist and Instructor in Hos-- bullet Extensive had been made and Anæsthetics to King’s College experiments every opportunity pital, vice Charles Moss, was taken of studying the question. resigned. STEPHENSON, FRED., L.F.P.S.Glas., L.R.C.P.Edin., has been re-- Small-pox in Durham. appointed Medical Officer of Health for tha Prestwich Urban Sani- Mr. John Wilson asked the President of the Local Govern- tary District. (Durham) M.D. has been ment Board on whether he was aware that at Bear Park STOCKWELL, FRED., Lond., M.R.C.S., reappointed thursday Medical Officer of Health for the Wincanton Rural Dis- where of the of a workman were suff er- Sanitary Colliery, Durham, part family trict. an attack of the father and sons were ing from small-pox, prevented L.R.C.S. has been Medical from their and under such circum- THOMAS, A. W., L.R.C.P., Edin., appointed attending employment ; whether, Officer for r,he District and the Workhouse of the such was for the the Sporle Sanitary stances, seeing that prevention public good, Swaffham Union. a claim for Fowler that the family had compensation.-Mr. replied W. M.D. M R.C.P. has been Public Health Acts did not authorise the TURNER, ALDREN, Eiin., Lond., appointed payment by sanitary to and to of in cases in of an Physician Out-patients Registrar the Hospital forEoilepsy authotities compensation where, consequence and Paralysis &c. Portland-terrace, Regents’-park, London. N. W. outbreak of small-pox in a household, a person could not follow his Medical of VERNON, J. J. D., M.R.C.S., has been appointed Officer of ordinary employment without danger communicating the disease to Health for Urban District of the Newcastle-- others. the Audley Sanicary vice R. JULY 28TH. under-Lyme Union, Vernon, resigned. FRIDAY, WALLIS. FRED. C., M.B. Cantab., F.R.C.S., has been appointed Importation of Canadian Cattle. Assistant Surgeon at Charing-cross Hospital. Mr. Gardner, replying to a question by Mr. Buchanan as to the WARREN, E. C., L.R.C.S., L.M. Edin., has been reappointed Medical expense attending the proposal to send out experts to determine Officer of Health for Gillingham.