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DAWSON WILLIAMIS, Mi.D JV=.Ss 398.J 1EI a" THE THE JOUIIXAL OF THE BRITISH MEDICAL ASSOCIATION. , EDITED BY .DAWSON WILLIAMIS, Mi.D., ASSISTRO BY CHARLES LOUIS TAYLOR. Iw VOLUME I 190O'. JANVUAV TO JUNE. I p A7DAND PUBLISHED AT THE OFFICE OF TIIE DrlITISI M1EDICAL ASSOCIATION, 69 CATIIERINE STREET, STAIAND) W..C 1U 3 - I JUE2,113g7.J INDEX. To l"111 3 INDEX TO VOLUM I FOR 1907. A. Act, thieMidwives. 90, 214. 274. 537,641, GM, 7! 8, ALLZN. RosaRT HUGH: Best Way to 823. 1004, 1132, 1394, 1,48: In Momerset, 90; tonsil. 231 rem)ove Abdlominal cAvity, fOresps in for ten and a training of miidwives, 214. Prsoecution WaI years (J. E. Fergtusson Stewart), 313; tinder, 274: 7581 Allowances for use of private motor vehieles, not's an, 1141 workin of, disetission (on. 751: 179 crrepodence on,5769. I39; in D Ito- ALLIwoor, J1. ArinmuD, reportx eas of abdo. Abdoii.inlal 11hiu, eali dlfror@uUial diagnosis sire u1: ntRothorha, 641: in (Ilamior. mmmnii isregonauc: lakparotointy: a of (D. F. Shieareri. 9S tmn61 1457: paymen of meodical maen fettus. liviug Abdomninal vainis, colonic adhiesions and (A. v"ale i to assist nIId wives, 823, 1548: at Alypin, 316 grnet saylardi, 481f Chthbm 1004 inW 8? Abdomiinal pregnancy. Sc~ePregnani7 St. Heon,14 ussex, 1132; in Amnibocepstor Uieory, KhlircWvis, 1500 Abdomina'l pressure. 180 Act. Peeto of Am'bulant'e dlog%. 12 Aodominal gection for etctopir gestation (re. Corr-uption, 1906, 38; Amblatltnce service for Lonidon, 119. 274. 404. ported by D. I loyd Mobcrt-). 18 siedico.legai noto on, 16 462. 581, 1083, 120?: of ClhIcago .216: liommiec Act. Xotiilcation,.rqestion unoder, 784 O0111cc CommitteeI on,. 462 581 Abidominal section for Perforation of gastric Act: Workmien's C.ompustioln. 37, 332 347, Ambulance. street, Jubsilee of Viennoa uleers. case of repematedi (Archibald Cull,, 400, 415, 472, 538 589, 599. 827. 9(6. 1016.1072. teer volunl. 356; (W. Morloy Willis). 936 1136, 1398 140 1517, cor-ps, 110 Abdomsinllsurgery, reirwoitpet of 1521. 1523. iS, H1863, Ai)hitlanceP. eivil, Ii G;ermany (le-adhig ctonsecuttive cntes a 29thiousandi 1573: ShiippIng Ifemlcratiton anid, 347, 5099 article), 1011 (Jamiies SwaIni), 966 domiestic serrauts tinder, 472; mmmcdl. Anierica. xro Unifted States Abdumtainal wail,. ruptuire of ulcerated, over cal certiflcateps unider. 538 -. mncdical Anmeric-an g.:irl, mnedic:ml view an Umibilical herni:. vwiim orotrusltont of reeresuder. 58. 1517, 1563: medical Ammuerian ste:mi fin SRotlanid, of.,522 gut . unitreated fuor soemri and a hialf hours, examiinations and references uinder, 82: Aumericanu i'mmllic Jlealthl 654 unintetrrupted iccorery (Arthur H. Wil. miedical mien anid the insuranice of Associatiou. sec hfams). 681 emnployees, 1016: certificates untder. 10Ole: AmericnnAel-ociamtion'-anitnlion. Aberdars dlistrict repoort. 713 liabilities of medicifal lumen unlder (leadingj Ammmocli,i, lmcpatil.k. .vee781 Aluerdeen. cancer researrh at. 225; healIth of, article), 1136 155s: note on. 1398: local Amyvl niitrite, explosi-omi of,Hepatitis 284. authoritiesi and. 1450: 1mo"pital s.tair andi. Aniivoplasia, (0oigenital 78(Carey Aberdeent Un.iversity. Se4e Uniersrity 11521: mieditcal profession an1,l, 1522; cicmm i. 1414 Coomobs), Abortioin. svphmiliUce (IL. P. Watson), 1k8 nationi of seamene tunder, Aniaemiia. peritcions, akinotulous Am%lag. l1UisCriAsM: Unusu0tal. enlargement Actitinoycosis of lungs, opsonic1573IItrentment of t.Lvl Glad,6 eases of olf liead. 262; lees' stings4 andt rhlienm:tivtll, (Dr. Wynnt). 1119 AnaesthvsIa before the law, 1579 Actinoinmvolsl, vaginal (1I. E. SymnIeg Tlmonmp. .naesthiesia, chiloroform,. 354illusieuham Anmms. J1. HILL: Clcldo-crnnimti d1y0sotosis, itou). 964 undier (A. Camipbell 8tark, spasnIl 687 Actfion As to stale of prlactice, 235 'MacPl"hi:i) 9LJ1: (John Xi. Abscess acute pelvic, followed by aetute oh. Actionis, libel. 41 Amiaesthiesizu. vocaine.1362 Coitres renmioved struction (Ernesit Leachi). 1050 Acts, Inebriates,. report of the inspector cnim- (J. Lrynn Tlmomnam). under Absces. mripen dix. foreigni body In (William cernimingi thte imumniates, 26: III Parlia. 993 Slieeim).Wl: (W. l'erc-y DItinter). 21119 mnent, 1387 fiue'tilwm Anaethiiesiat in dental opceratiomis (W. Gluy), Abscess. cerobeliar, ca.-e of (Loutis Btatlie Acts, Public hlealth, 1481 Btawling). 549 650. 1563 Ansaesiliesi1a. Veiierell.scopolaminhi for. 384 Abscess, cervical, Acts. Vacc-Inatfon.,pro%ec~utions uinder. 1452 Auae%htiesia. muumiltraifou, in major aimd deep persistent,t treated by AIDAMI 0101GxonusM "ngam'iuonmt at imnlnor~ antistrel)teoccic serimmni (Meredith onIntrodate. surgery Midlbert, I. Arminold), 674: eom'Te- 7455 younog), t(emn fo the Xtusdly ofPathoioqy, m-cv.. 1307 spoomldenee oni. 1029. 1155 ADAMS, IIASIL: Cionilmlete'roemul rest dinrming Aisaesthiesms. loc-al. for A,ess. liun. sniAutens umlcer (G;. P. Paiiator.iimn trleatmtlent of teetht extr-act fomil. 240, 1.ewbolt). 51; and neumte cu(iocartlitis In timlesis, 1350 laryngeal tubcer. 604. 664. 7811. 848. 964, 971. 1284 ; note cmi, 894: semite 111mumnonia01 (Francis It. clenc.io tmider. 912 141 Hlawkins), Adidison's disease, tiaogumosis (if (Otto 6Urilm. AnRecithesia. locAl, g'oitre operations baum). 993 (A1. .1. FIri ke), under Absces, urethiral, and calculil (F. 0. Hack), Adherent pericardiuimn. Ser lauiruiea 1534 199 Adlrnudsck Cottage Peric-ardimuil Ammse.thmesi:,. locaul, by morcaimnin (J. W. pare), Ai,.umtlu,waraganst in Frnce. 149Lake. 1254 Sanatorium,mm Saaomnk 1171 Almt.utratsof iedicell.alint's-,. *-ee JAmm:ue.t1ieslim, mustemilmum spam mudci- (Jomimi U.. Medica-l Ad(remuals, mnorhid histology of IF. A. Ilaimit. 31tit'Phmmsiu, 1362 Acadenloami,'ostiumnte mint time ammumimul meeting, Adnuitermtion of 1509. 158 foodt. In Leeds. l(8: Iii f 63 Caumasta, 127 of for Aead6mine do M6uderhcim prizes at, 95 Advertisling mjy a dm1,h. 295 : by dentists. 1462 mAe.tw-lmit!". ivming mmnreglslei-ed prmm,- Acaemeuy of Medicine, Sew York, 706 Advice gratis. 972 tit lonem-d. '.7 Academey. R Oya f M1edicine 1ii Ireland. 82, Ae..cn injutmis imi Ireland.- 1008 AIkume-stliel it-s, local. 475; for teetim extractoion, 262. 317. 40499, 6S!, 525, 813, 811, 994, 105.7. Ar.ur.tcx, J0.: Proiriosis anui treatmment rcC4 smith 1239; uteu with caumucer of botih cervix 626 (if Aumaecalhelic- pen%ion... 132? antf0 mdu (hemr Jellett). 2 e.u82 82, loluarpmeieumpmnin.In Ama:-me.tutics,lug rmcent mesceurchi wor-k oum (lead- 40 etOn f tm(0feY : stu. Aillorestaisitou thec Waitshin-iim area, ..K28 mrtile),. 948 deneslefo m I"'clsmidnei Africa, Central, sheeping sickness in, 1448 Aname'm lieu lit,. r-evIew of on, StL Vincenlt, W.I. (l'rofcis,or Africa, Scuithl. See Soutthi siuinsl b)ooksqE. 1367 3k%WcenteY thtroighi Dr. ramisain), 262: . Ammalgtesla. (Arlthur B3arker), 665 catire x suhro. Africa. West Sec Wesit Anatmmllu,uis atlases, meview of. liytlrntlhora ditii repented tapptuig Ai: incidenc-e of ga.stric utlcer in male and T. L.: 817 of pleuame (tr. 0iCarrl) 62ipcme * ale Wyilhiaumt 6 AsNuuvMRSON, Transmminission of plague. after Talvna.%trisomm operation (Dr. Moor. testCaIlwell).in 3 Imead), 263; traumatic ruptutre of heart, Aggluttimuatlouemuteric typhioid. See Fever, ANqDRZWVq, F. W.: observations on MeCon. 263; case. 688; eerebmro.spiumal In key-sbihe-salt neuitral red mumethlummi, 143 a girl of 10 (Dr. liarrey), 871.niellingitis AIK,sAN, Jo:rv: Anecdote of Lord Rayleigh, ANIlEWSmw. JIRNary RUSSSLL: .%'rerw: Sect(xfeuit 701 Vanetra. rev., 115; pregnancy,JIfdviler-v tor Treatmemit (if en.large prostate- Aix-les-Datns, as a health resort, 681 Anemurysumi, reviewcornimalof 141h (L. 0i. 6111nn).523: leontiasisoMsea (S. lhoraco Albinisinmi in mani. 719. 779 timorac-ic bookso0mm. 631 Law), 563; thiree exses of frontail sinusitis acute, (Dr. ALneturysni, (Thoniias Oliver). 605 ()[email protected],75,Seiso lt Albunininuria,142 pressureanad Porter). ANinus. Ii. BRixNTOPI: Case of stramtigulated aedlels: Treatmneuit of Littril's lhernia. witlh gangremme amid cus9sinouen, gastric ulicer, dim. Albuminurla, funcitional, 1mm athlletes. (w. tlion of resectionperfora- 317; uuotes en a c.ase of cerebro. Collier). 4; on, 1030 the Ifteckel's: dliverticumlnun: of sPInaIlfever ((eorge?eacotke). ON. -vdo Albuminuria correspouidenreand gout guit recovery, 624 'If Ostetrics: Obstetrical chart (Thomas splenic leukaemia (Geogromnm'.hicating ease of Animual par.usites, sitnimminfg of CT. Walker Neil) 499: sterilixation Of ny)rker), 1170 AimasdeHall). 556 onrtln Jelleltt, *: techniqueg Of Catlheten (Henry Albuminuriaandpm.V .Cot).120 appen011dages operations on thbe Albuiminurie redtints. .*e Ieintis Animals. exlmerimnents on. cDmntain CUsig lieutryielIetI), 500 pubiotomy Alhiumosuria and duratomo In Nee Vivinec~tiou wey,11813: ciuuirt showing dia. chiolera (U. N. albumininuria930 Amukylostomiasix. prevu.utiuutn of. 765 gramamnatiesily thedae and occurrnenes AL.cocmc N. H.: Dralumawlmari).Dr. William Anminuities nsIuc damuim,etd lives, 1283. 1343 duiring three years In thae life of an tics L=3 HIunter's stalls- Anotlmcr itisusvt con tIme murofessiou.83 1559 eelampUe juatient (Spncer ShetIl) 1057. Alcohol and Insanity (leading Antlirax In Bradford. 654 955 'juestions Sedloi 4, tuate Monce:The State and Alcoholism, review article), 761 in P'arliamncmt. 832; fmt Viemmn'a, 102.; notiti. 7 OihsCtlyuoir Strltch). 1739 of books on, 1124 cation of in Liverpo)ol, 1564 'mummy, loyala-Ml Ofof SrAio aisn Aloo-maddgnrto,110AmhrpmutlnddearUo, 14 umuv.ur importamtee of extabl. Of AItlrpiiti AAcvonue Cliesl TuinI, awsrd Alcoholisim, war aglanst. in lislming a umatlonal, ,UJboki Of AL2xANDnsis -LA- Die
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