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A. b1y a music hall performer, 334; for fees, Amoebic dysentery. See Dysentery 160, Amyloid degeneration, rheumatic fever and ABDERALDEN, EMIL: Lehrbuch der physiolo- Action of a substitute, 604 (James M. Beattie), 1444 ghcen Cemiec (in dreissig Vowesungen), rev., Acts, Inebriates, report of inspector under, Anaemia, school, 1881 869 1588 Anaesthesia in abnormal and constrained Abdominal atony of rickets (William Ewart), ADAM, JAMEs: Tetanus in two brotliers: sub- positions (F. W. Silk), 1401 92D dural and subcutaneous injections of Anaesthesia, rate of chloroform absorption Abdominal glands and sarcoma of stomach serum; recovery, 1260 during the induction of (T. G. Brodie and (Norman Dalton), 1638 ADAMI, J. GEORGE: The dominance of the Sibyl T. Widdows) 79 Abdominal section cases. general manage- nucleus, 1760 Anatomical digram, rev., 1133 ment of {W. Blair Bell),1 Adams-Hewitt motor car, 460 Anatomical terms, 102; correspondence on Abdominal sections, fifty consecutive (R. P. Adamantios koraes. See Koraes 170 Ranken Lyle), 238 ADCoCK, Dr., the Clhristian Science case, 39, 56 Anatomy, review of books on, 202, 307, 782 Abdominal tumour. See Tumour ADDENBROOK3, BERTRAM: Seleroma neo- Anatomy of the accessory sinuses of the nose Abdominal Wall, actinomycosis natorum in twins, 428 (Hanau W. Loeb), 1373 Cuff). 137; correspondence on,ofA(Archibald599 Adductor longus, rupture of (A. Gaskell), Anatomy, teaching of, in universities and Abductor paralysis (George L. Richards), 1374 1490; (Robert J. Mackeown), 1490; (Pierre medical schools (Arthur Robinson), 548 Aberdeen Grammar School, 1828 L. Crosbie), 1490 AND3RS, JAMEs M.: Textbook of the Practice of Aberdeen quatercentenary, 658, 699, 794, 888, Aden, Army Medtcal rules for, 1847 Iecine, rev., 2D2 89 72 Adenitis, tuberculous cervical (Alex. Gregor), ANDIERSON W M. ABBOT: Nominated Mem- Aberdeen, sanatorium for, 1838 778 ber Royal Victorian Order, 1420 Aberdeen See University Adenoids, new curette for, 1586 Anderston. formation of a Health Associa- Aberfoyle,University.Children s Home Hospital, report, Adenoma of labium (Dr. Williamson),, 142 tion in, 1838 1061 Adulterated butter, 59, 165 ANDREWS, 0. W.: Case of appendicitis, 1174 Aborigines of British Central Africa, rarity of Advertising and canvassing, 57, 397, 457. 458, ANDRIEZEN, WILLIM LLOYD, obituary notice cancer among (H. Hearsey), 1562 666, 810,897, 1073, 1337, 1753 ; for the purpose of, 1612 Abortifacient, diachylon as, 334, 976; (F. W. of procuring patients, 397; in India, 810; for Aneurysm, embolic, of the posterior tibial Hope Robson), 1394 patients by a Friendly Society, 1073 ambu- artery (H. C. Lecky) 1127 Abortifacient, lead as (S. G. Priestley), 778 lance lectures, 1073; alleged, 1337 Aneurysm, large arLerio-venous of neck, Abortion, the curette after, 318 Advertisement, of medical schools in lay treated by operation (James Berry), 1582 Abortion, missed, 724,1125 press, 810; questions of, 810 Anglo-American nursing home at Rome, 650 Abortion, repeated twin and ventri-suspen- Advertisements, chemists', 810 ANGUS. CHARLES, obituary notice of, 39b sion (Spencer Sheill), 1638 Alrial dissemination of infective matter by Animal experimentation, 1606 ABRAM, .J. HILL: Gastric ulcer and dyspepsia, dust, prevention of, 174 Ankylostomiasis in Porto Rico, 386 1307; some cases of intrathoracic tumour, Africa, British practitioners in. 539 Annam, trypanosomiasis in. 319 1578 Africa general service medal, 1847 ANNETr, H. E., goes to St. Vincent to study Abrogation of midwives' engagement, 118 Africa, Soutli. See South certain diseases of animals, 1749 Abscess of forellead, subperiosteal (V. Del- AGNEW, SAMUIEL: Report of Commission on Annual meeting. See Association saux), 1471 Poor-law Reform (Ireland), 1521 Annual Representative Meeting. See Associa- Abscess formation and appendicitis (Jolhn D. Agriculture, Board of. See Board tion Malcolm) 71 Albumen, quantitative estimation of, 120 Anthrax, in horsehair factories, 59; and wool, Abscess of lung successfully treated by ope- Albuminuria in athletes, functional (William 219 ; in Liverpool, 1886 ration (Ebenezer Duncan and A. Ernest Collier), 1723 Anthrax Investigation Board, 1340 Maylard), 1493 Albumose, myclopathic, recognition of in the Antialcohol placards, 972 Abscess, pulmonary, caused a tootlh (Jolhn urine (T. B. Bradshaw), 1442 Anticancer league, French, 1737 D. Davies), 694; (James W. lug), 1035 ALCOCK, N. H.: Theory and practice of medi- Antimalaria campaign at Port Swettenham, Abscess, peri-urethral, with tle tormation of cal education. 875 319 calculi (reported by Geoffrey Bate), 140 Alcohol, books on, 608 Antipodes and patent medicines. See Patent Abscess, tuberculous, treatment of (C. L. Alcohol, medical use of, 1748 Medicines in Australia Starr), 923 Alcohol as a therapeutic agent, discussion on, Antirabic treatment at the Paris Pasteur Abscess, uterine: metritis desiccans (James 1461; (A. D. Blackader), 1461; (S. J. Meltzer), Institute, 370 W. Wallace), 1202 1463 Antiseptic for the hands, 338, 460 Anr, J. A. (editor), Practical Medicine Series, Alcoholic amnesia, 1663 Antistreptococcus serum in empyema (John Vol. VII: Pediatrics, rev., 1874 Alcoholism in Liverpool, 220; Dr. Mattlhew Wm. Ingles). 302: in puerperal fever (Mur- Academy, Royal, of Medicine in Ireland, 972, Hlay on, 591; literature on, 1755 doch Cameron), 1710 1154, 1400, 1491, 1638, 1818; twenty-fourth Alderney as a health resort, 710 Antitobacco, 899 annual meeting, 972, 1154: ordinary meeting Alien immigration, United States and, 1831 Antitoxin treatment of diphtheria, 1235 and cxhibition of cases, 1400, 1638; so-called Aliens and trachoma, 1424 Antituberculosis work in Canada (J. R. lunctional cardiac murmurs (Travers Alkaline urine. See Urine Elliott), 685 Smith), 1491; splenomegaly with eosino- ALLAN, A. PERCY: University of , 733 Antityphoid inoculation, 284, 339 philia (Dr. Parsons), 1492; president's ad- ALLBuTT, THOMAS CLIFFORD, Hon. LL.D. con- Antivaccinist tactics, 978, 1066, 1429 dress, 1638; repeated twin abortions and ferred upon, 639: System of Gvnaecology Antivaccination in America 767 ventri-suspension (Spencer Sheill), 1638; (edited by), rev., 696; clinical remarks on Antivaccination, and Medicl Officers of pathological effects of x rays (Dr. Harvey), arterio-sclerosis, 1004; words and tliings, Health, 46 1818 1140; note on, 1147 Autivivisection Society. See 8o Acapnia as a factor in shock (Yandell "All that glisters is not gold," 60 ,Antivivisectionist sermon, T1 Henderson). 1812 ALLEN, C. G. H.: Health offlcership of Cal- Antivivisectionists and the fm C Accidents to doctor's groom, 810 cutta, 1155 sion, 1661 Accommodation after middle life (Dr. ALLEN, R. W.: Muscle plasma: its opsonic Antivivisectionists, Jackson), 1868 power and fuuction in phagocytosis, 427 Antrum plug and artificialexpert,-ade meeed Accommodation, dependence of and motility Allen and Hlanburys, fire at, 1049 (A. S. Hayman), 994 on the refraction of the eye (Herman ALLISON, T. M.: Union is strengtlh, 740 Antwerp Exposition, 14,39 Knapp), 1867 ALTHAM, JAMES, obituary notice of, 455 - Aortic insufficiency, 173, 277 Accouchieurs, responsibilities of, 1510 Alvarenga prize, 1344 Aortic regargitatioI, digitalis in, 329 Achondroplasia, 60: (Dr. Emanuel), 1305 Amanita phaUoid;es, consideration of the Apes, anthropoid, human and bovine tubercle Acland home at Oxford, 1053 poisons of (W. W. Ford). 1541 bacilli in, 720 Act, Criminal Law Amendment 335 Ambulance, motor, for , 974 Aphasia, Pierre Marie on, 1878 Act, Fatal Accidents Inquiry, 18i Ambulance school of instruction, volunteer, Apothecaries' Hall of Ireland, 58, 485; hono- Act, the Midwives, 152, 376, 1339; at Rother- 1163 rary diplomas, 58: examinations, 59; in- ham, 152: at Oxford, 376; in Hampshire, Ambulance service, for London. 98, 101,161, formation concerning medical education, 376; at Strood, 1339. See also Supplement 654,1664 ; correspondence on, 115; of Berlin, 485 Index ' 977 Apothecaries' Society of London, 117, 230, 455, Act, Prevention of Consumption, 1227 Ambulance training, Royal Naval, 807 478,982.1163,1422, 1614; pass lists, 117, 230, Act, the Public Health: Amendments needed Ambulance work, award of medals at Can- 982, 1163, 1614; appointments, 455; informa- in New South Wales, 274 terbury, 59 tion concerning medical education, 478; Act, the Vaccination, 1837 Ambulances, metropolitan, 1236, 1829; corre- Lord Mayor's Day dinner, 1422 Actinomycosis (Arthur Loxton), 1128 spondence on, 1841 Appendicitis, some points in diagnosis and Actinomycosis of abdominal wall (Archibald Ambulances, street, history of, 43 treatment based on over 600 operations Cuff), 137; correspondence on, 599 America. See United States (Herbert A. Bruce), 1692 Actinomycosis of vermiform appendix (T. H. American bacon and tuberculosis in Ireland, Appendicitis, in Germanv, 327 Kellock), 964 322 Appendicitis, ease of (0. W. Andrews), 1174 Action for damages against a doctor (in American health problems. 1613 Appendicitis, Ascaris lumbricoides as cause of Austria), 52: for alleged negligence in scar- Amino-acids and metabolism (Llewellys F. (Aldo Castellani), 252; correspondence on, let fever in the puerperium, 177; for slander Barker), 1093 668 TM " Waiind, .. INDEM 4 KwWaz [I~~~~~~~Ec.[Oice. ~~~~U% 1909 9.ZZ ugo6~~ Appendicitis and abscess formation (John D. Arthritic diathesis, 225 1719; operation for hare-lip (Mr. Leedham- 71 Arthritis, rheumatoid. See Rheumatoid Green), 1816; prostatectomy for enlarged Appendiciis,MalcolmA incidence of in the sexes, 800 Artificial purification of water supplies (W. J. prostate (George Heaton), 1816; bony hyper- Appendicitis and intestinal worms, 1595; Robinson), 623 trophy (W1illiam Thomas), 1816; transposi- corresoudence on, 1896 Ascaris lumbricoide as cause of a->pendicitis tion of viscera (Mr. Morrison), 1816; spas- Appendicitis operations in the Birmingham Udo Castellani), 252; correspondence on, modic asthma (Dr. Simon), 1816 Genera Hospiteal, 596 Association, British Medical: Birmingham Appendicitis and trichocephalus, 265; (R. ASCH, MAX: Zutr hypertrophie der gutergest Branch Coventry Division: Meeting and Feaer Moore), 364 Muiftanl9wskein, speziell des IHerzmusl8ke, rev., exhibition of cases 1719 Appendix operation, one hundred consecu- 256 Association, British iedical : Ceylon Branclh, tive cases of (H. W. Carson), 1279 AsCHAFFENBURG, GUSTAv: Sammltmng zwan- review of the Journal of, 580 AppendixandE caecum, transposition of glo8er Abhandlungen aus dem Gebiete der Association, British Medical: (W. Billington), 573 Nerven und Geisteskrankheiten, 264 Branch, South-Eastern Counties Division, Appendix, vermiform intestinal obstruction ASCHOFF, LuDWIG: Hon. LL.D. conferred 780; meeting, 780 with or following disease of (N. A. Powell), upon, 640; discussion on heart-block, 1103 Association British Medical: Jamaica 1286; (G. Grey Turner), 1696. See also Ascites, cure of by operation (G. Grey Turner), Branch, 8 *meeting and cases, 868 Vermiform 1296 Association, Aritish Medical: Metropolitan Appendix vermiformis in relation to pelvic Ascites surgical treatment of secondary to Counties Branch. Hampstead Division, inflammation, discussion on, 1706, 1708; (T. vascular cirrhosis of liver, Aiscussion on, 1396; cancer of the tongue and lip (Mr. Arthur Helme), 1705 1287, 1298; (Sinclair White), 1287: (G. Grey Cheatle), 1396 Appendix vermiformis removed from in- Turner), 1296; (John Stewart), 1298; leading guinal hernial sac (Mr. Heaton), 1719; article on, 1320 Association, British Medical: Metropolitan strangulation of in femorial hernia (Mr. Ascites, cirrhotic, surgicaltreatment of (John Counties Branch, Kensington Division, Heaton), 1719 Stewart), 1298 1128; meeting and exhibition of cases, 1128 Apporionment of partnership charges, 1846 Aseptic wounds, bacteriologyof (Dr. Dudgeon Association, British Medical: North Lanca- Arabia, tsetse fly in (R. Markham Carter), and Percy Sargent), 1129 shire and South Westniorland Branch, 141 ASH, EDWIN: Hypnotism and Suggestion, 1394; Presidential address, 141; method ol Architecture, hygiene in 1340 rev., 1725 estimating carbon dioxide in the air (W. Army British, information concerning the Ashanti, European residents in, 155 F'rench), ;14 patients, 141; specimens, 141 medical service of, 628; prospects of AsBBY, HENRY: Pneumococcal infection 1395; peritonitis (C. H. Hough), 1394; radicai medical officers in (SirLambert H. Ormsby), during early life, 912; Diseases of Children, cure of hernia (Dr. Leeming), 1395 1134: changes at home stations and distri- Medical and Sturgical, rev., 1040 Association British Medical: Southern bution of officers, 1250 ASHBY, HBNREY: Discussion on congenital Branch,Winchester Division, 1306*;autumn Army, British, 39, stridor, 1488 meeting and exhibition of cases, 1306; 119,163,177,227,282,398,612 650,737.813,898,1163, Asphyxia neonatorum (Alexander Morison), Portsmouth Division, 1720; meeting and 1338,1424, 1609,1614, 1660, 1847, 1876,1894- true 1130 exhibition of cases, 1720 function of(leadingarticle)39; report ofMedi- Aspirin in hay fever, 232 Association. British Medical; South-Eastern cal Department for 1904, 119; War Minister Assistants, and midwifery fees, 335 Branch, Brikhton Division, 1306 ; exhibition on sanitation of, 157, 163; examination of Association, Anglo-American Medrcal, 1730 of cases, 1306; Folkestone Division, 1720; majors (R.A.M.C.) for promotion, 177; pay Association, Automobile Co-operative, 98 meeting and exhibition of cases, 1720 of R.A.M.C. colonels 227, 602; successful Association, Belfast Medical 9tudents' 1518 Association, British Medical: South Midland candidates in recent excaminations, 282; Association, the British, 267,309,371, 4i5, 1876; Branch, 87, 1306; elementary education (H. changes In designation, 398; members of President's address, 309; Section of Physio- Cropley), 87; gastric (Mansell orders of knighthood, 602; French board logy 371, 435; President's address, 371; Moullin), 88; discussion, 88; exhibition of of military hygiene, 602; a reported un- carbon monoxide poisoning, 373; electrical cases, 88, 1306 satisfactory army order, 650; honorary signs of life and chloroform, 374; granular Association, British Medical: Ulster Branch, physicians and surgeons to the King, 737; changes in nerve fibres, 435; nitrification 24, 1395; Horsley's operation for traumatic military hospitals, 737; opemtions In of sewage, 435; prevention of infectious epilepsy (Professor Sinclair), 24; myositis Nigeria and East Africa, 737; Societ of diseases, 435; electrical resistance of human ossificans (William Calwell), 24; congenital Military Medicine, 813; Enno Sander's tissues, 435; diet values, 436; Section of syphilis (Cecil Shaw), 24; fissura abdominalis rewards for ser- Educational 436; health Prize, 813;- distinguishled Science, conditions (Howard Stevenson), 24; the case for and vice, 898 army medical arrangements, 898; in schools, 437; physical education, 437 against sanatoriums (Professor Lindsay), examinaition for Royal Army Medical Corps, Association and the JOURNAL in 1907, 16o7 24; specimens 1395; cases, 1396; treatment 1163; Volunteer Ambulance School of In- Association, British Medical: Annual meet- of Bright's aisease (Professor' Lindsay), strucetion, 1163 1679, 1894; hygiene in the ing at Exeter in 1907, 1649: history and 1395 ; laparotomy for ruptured gall bladder field, 1338; heailth of the Spanisharmy, 1340; archaeology of Exeter, 1649; medical (A. Fullerton), 1395; ulcers of the cornea army medical reserve of officers, 1338; army history ofExeter and its neighbourhood, (H.A. B. Cunningham), 1396; complica- nursing,service, 1424; army medical services 1653; scenery and points of interest,1654: tions of prostatectomy (Professor Sinclair), and the Inspector-General, 1509; regrula- access and accommodation, 1655 1396; death from aneurysm (Dr. Calwell), tions for admission to the army medical Association. 1396 reserve, 1614, 1660: Africa general service British Medical: Annual meet- medal, 1847; army medical rules for Aden ing at Toronto, 30, 95, 269, 401, 450, 545, 554, Association, British Medical, clinical and and Burmah,1847: Army Medical Reserve, 589,639, 651, 659, 711, 801: Canadian scenery, scientific proceedings, 24, 87, 141, 780, 868, 1894; health of the United States Army, 30, 95: Address in Medicine: the circulation 1128, 1305, 1394, 1719, 1816 promotion ex*mination to lieutenant- viewed from the periphery (Sir James Association, Britislh Medical, finances of, 53, colonel1895; M.C.)4 Barr), 401. 558; Address in Surgery: on the 113, 168 (R.A282 1895 technique of operations on the central Association, British Medical, founder of, 31, Army,Indian, 324 336,456,788,1338,1739,1894; nervous system Victor 42 successful c4ndidate, 282; new rules for the (Sir Horsley), 411, posting of I.M.S. officers, 324; specialists in 558; Address in Obstetrics: teaching of Association, British Medical, report of special various native military obstetrics (W. S. A. Griffith), 423, 558; notes Chloroform Committee, 78; report to Thera- subjects, 336: hos- received .by-cable, 450; notes on, 659; peutic Committee, 359 pitals in India, 456 1338; information con- address 589, British Medical, Research cerning the medical services of, 531; modi- President's (Richard Andrew Association, of Indianhome department Reeve), 545, 557; adjourned meeting, 554; Scholarship, 1502 cation,fication788; notifi- installation of President, 554: delegates, 555- Association, British Medical, Royal Charter, Indian question in Parliament, 1739; Mr. Franklin, 555; addresses of proposed application for (leaning article), hospital assistants, 1894 555; Sir Victor welcome, 41, 263: (T. Arthur Helme), 147; correspond- Army, disinfection of an, 1148 Horsley, 556; vote of thanks, Army efficiency, medical science and, 1148 558; honorary degrees, 639; annual dinner, enlce on, 53, 113 Army estimates, 157,163 641; leading article on, 651; annual exhibi- Association. British Medical: Sections, 548, Army administration In India, 50,59 tion of foods, drugs, and appliances, 711 559. Section of Anatomy: President's intro- Army hygienehospital(leading article), 1230 Association, BritishMedical: Annual Repre- ductory remarks. 548; summary of pro- Army Medical Advisory Board, reconstruc- sentative Meeting, 158, 216, 269; abstract of ceedings, 564, 639; report of proceed- tion of, 1876 proceedings, 216; conversazione, 218; notes ings, 1699. Section of Dermatology: Sum- Army Medical Corps, of Austria, reform on, 269; correspondence on, 169 mary of proceedings, 567, 636; report 52 of, Association, BritishMedical: Extraordinary of proceedings, 831. Section of Laryngology Army Medical Corps, British. See Army, General Meeting, 1146, 1419, 1600, 1738 and Ototoy: President's introductory re- British Association, British Medical: Bath and marks. 549; summar of proceedings, 564, Army medical reform (leading article), 1878 Bristol Branch, 1306; meeting and exhibi- 566, 636; report of proceedings, 1357, 1471. Army Medical Services and the Inspector- tion of cases, 1306 Section of Medicine: Summary of proceed- General, 1509 Association, ings, 559, 560, 629; report of proceedings, Army Nursing Service, 177, 1424. See also British Medical: Birmingham 996, 1092. Section of Obstetrics and Gynae- Branch, 1128,1305, 1394, 1719, 1816; actinomy- cology: President's introductory remarks, Mlitary cosis (Arthur Loxton), 1128: sarcoma of Army sanitation, War Minister on,157, 163 small intestine (Mr. Barling), 1128:fibroma 550; summary of proceedings, 631; report ArTAy, United States, hea7th of, 1895 ofvulva (Mr. Morrison), 1128; of proceedings, 1175, 1705. Section of Ophthal- of partnership,897 of administration mology: President's introductory remarks, ArtArr-angementin medicine (Leonard 1037 oxygen and chloroform (W. J. McCardie), 550; summary of proceedings, 565, 634; Art of medicine in ancientMark), 1128; tracing of abdominal organs (Dr. report of proceedings, 1813, 1849. Section of Jones), 1401 Egypt (H. Shirley rauffmann), 1128;papers, 1128:transplan- Paediatrics: Summary of proceedings, 56M, Arterial tation of ureters (Mr. Barling),1305; achon- disease, increased blood pressure droplasia (Dr. Manuel). 1305; endothelioma 564, 635: report of proceedings, 912, 1710. and (J. Lindsay Steven), 1009 of the groin Section of Patholog,y and Bacteriology: Sum- Arterial causes of (Mr. Lucas), 1305; biliary colic maryof proceedings, 637; report of pro- hyertension,58 (leading fistula (Dr. Short), 1305; abdominal tumour 1541. 1760 Section of article), Miller) 1305; inhalation mask (L. ceedings, Physiology: Arterial pressure high: nature of some Thomas),(Dr. excision of Kirby President's introductory remarks, 551; forms Ox heart in consequence of 1i4; lachrymal sac summary of proceedings. 560, 562, 633; long-continued (J.failure 1007 (Jameson Evans) 1394; triplets (Dr. Prslow), report of proceedings, 1760, 1785. Section Arteriolae rectae ofMackenzie),the mammalian 1394; carcinomatous larynges successfully of Psycholegy: Summary of proceed- (G. Carl Huber), 1700 kidney extirpated (Jordan Lloyd), 1394 ; Caesarean ings, 562, 633; report of proceedings, 741. Arterio-sclerosis, classificatien and experi- section (Dr. PursIow), 1394; lachrymal sac Secgion of State Medicine: Summary of pro- mental production of. discussion on, 1767, in visual economics (J. Jameson Evans), ceedings. 561, 632; report of proceedings, 1771' (O0kar Klotz), 1767 1394; plastic operation on median nerve 609, 669. 855, 1715. Section o.f Survery: Presi- Arterlo-selerosis, clinical manifestations, (Mr. Leedham-Green) 1719- syphilis of dent's introductory remarks, 552; summary visceral and general(Alfred Stengel), 1010 palate (Dr. Lamb), 171Y: functionas paraly- of proceedinus, 561. 630; report of proceed- Arterio-sclerosis, clinical remarks on (T. sis (Stanley Barnes), 1719; suprarenal cap- ings, 1262, 1687. Section of Therapeutic: Pre- Clifford Allbutt), 1004 sules in chorea (Dr. Carter), 1719; cancer of sident's introductory remarks, 552; sum- Arterio-scleroticuterus and chronic metritis uterus (J.W. Taylor), 1719; appendix vermi- mary of proceedings, 566, 629, 638; report (WVilliam Gardner and James R. Goodall), formis removed from inguinal hernial sac of proceedings, 1449 1176 (Mr. Heaton), 1719; strangulation of appen- Association, British Medical Temperance. Arterlo-venous aneurysm. See Aneurysm dix vermiformis in femoral hernia (Mr. 166: special meeting of North of Ireland Heaton), 1719; bronchiolectasis (Dr. Miller), Branch, 166 Tm Bwr. Dsc.' 2 1906.] INDEX.D IKZVICILL. Jquaxm.. 5 I 1= a Assoeiation, British Women's Temperance, 591 Asylum, West Wales, quarterly meeting of Bandages, Irislh linQn, 710; plaster-of-parI,s. AssQcl4tiou, Canadian Medical ProteotIve, 970 committee ofvisitors,327 Ai3soeibtion of Certifylng Factory Surgeons, Asylum, Wilts County,338 Banks memorial lecture. See Lecture annual meeting.1312 Asylum, Worcester County and City, annual Banti's disease andsplenectomy (G. E. Arm- Association, Cookery and Food, 1725 report, 283 strong), 1273 Association for Feeble-minded. Sec Feeble- Asyfums,dysenteryiu, 868 Bar admission to,607. 668 mtnded Asylums, Glamorgan County, 1744 Barbers, plainttrom. 1882 Assoclation. Fifeshire Medical, 889; annual Asylums, Irish, management of (leading BARBOUR, A. II. FREELAND: Relation of meeting, 889 article), 211 gynaecology to the work of the gecneral Association, french Surgical,338 As1ymmetrical evolution of pregnant uterus, practitioner, 550; lion. LL.D. conferred Absociation, German, of Scientists and 161 upon, 639 Physicia'ns, 378 Athletes, functional albuminuria in (William Barbour-surgeons of Sandwich, 960 Associatton, Irish Medical Schools and Collier), 1723 BARDEEN, CHARLES B.: Development of ova Graduates', 270, 1606; conversazione, 270; ATKINS, SIDNEYE.: Influence of rainy winds of toad fertilized by spermatozoa wlich dinner, 1606 on phthisis, 1670 liave been exposed toRoentgen rays. 1702 Association, Life and Health Assurance, 1164, ATKINSON, J.MITFORD: Plague procedurein BARDSWELL, N. D.: The ConsumpitiveUWorking 1344 1522, 1606, 1749, 1843 Hong Kong, 1715 Jlan: What can Sanatora do for him? Assoclation, London Post Graduate, 511 Atlas, rotatory subluxation of (Edred M. rev., 1220: is the sanatorium treatment of Association, of Medical Diplomates of Scot- Corner). 1398 the working classes wortlh whlile? 1222 land 59, 172; aunual meeting, 59; election Atlas ofIllustrations of Ctinical Medicine, Sur- BARGE,R, G.: An active alkaloid from ergot, of oicers, 59 ; correspondence on, 172 gery and Pathology, rev., 698 1792 Association of Medical Museums, Inter- Atmiokausis, review of books on, 256 BARKER, II. A.: Bonosetter, 1325, 1512; a national, 1317 Attendance, gratis, upon medical men and challenge fromn, 1599,1663, 1835 Association of Medical Women. Scottish, tlheir families, 458 BARKsR, LEWELLYS F.: Amino-acids and 1241; second annual meeting, 1241 Atmditory meatus, external. cockroacl in metabolism, 1093 Association, Medico-Psychological, of Great (Aslett Baldwiu), 197; insects in, 400 BARLING, A.8.: Trypsini in cancer, 1843 Britain and Ireland, 88. 259,-1129; a correc- AUER, J.: Vaunis reflexes upon oesophagus BARLOW, H. CECIL: Taxation of motor cars, tion, 88; sixty-fifth annual meeting, 259; and cardia, 1806 1334 David Lewis Epileptic Colony, 1129; obses- Aural diseases, conservative metlhods in BARLOW, H. W. L..: Repoits case of malignant sions aud imperative ideas(E. S. Reynolds), (Gorham Bacon), 1383 jauudice following scarlet fever, 254 1129; etiology of insanity (Alan McDoumall) Aural lesions in systemI11ic discasc (S. MacCuen BARLOW, Sir THOMAS: Hon. LL.D. conferred 1133; allegedt increise of insanity (Milson Smitlh), 1379 upon, 639, 888 on dermatology, 1742 Rhodes), 1130 AUSTZN, ERNEST EDWARD; ltlustration8 of BARNES, STANLEY, functional paralysis. 1719 Association, Metropolitan Street Ambulance, British Blood-sucking Flties, rev., 1820 BARNE'I', HORATIO: First British Village Presidents of Royal Colleges of Physicians AUSTIN, R. F.E * Respiration and pulmonary Asylum, 1888 and Surgeons join Council of, 1227 tuberculosis. 1890 Barometric pressure and heat, influence of on Association of M ilitary Surgeons of the Australasia, British pra-titioners in, 539 cerebral haemorrlhage 393 United States, 1309 Australia, plague in,s.7, 283, 390. 442, 648, 880, BARR, Sir JAMES: Address in medicine at Association for Oral Instruction of Deaf and 1143, 1316, 1586, 182D aninual meeting; the circulation viewed Dumb, 168; annual meeting, 168 Australia, notes from, 664, 1242, 1427, 1687; from the periplhery, 401; honorary LL.D. Association. Peckham Nursing, sixth annual Medical Society of Victoria and the Vic- conferred upon, 639; case of Stokes-Adams meeting, 1227 torian Branch, 664; proprietary medicines, disease, 1122 Association, Police Surgeons of United 1242,1322 1667; vaccination in South Aus- Barrasford Sanatoriumii. See Sanatorium Kingdom, aunual meeting. 880 tralia, 1427; hospital management in New BARRETT, HOWARD: Management of Children, Association, Post Office Medical Oflicers', South Wales, 1667; Sight-testing Opticians rev., 90 annual dinner, 262 Bill, 1667 BARTLETT, Lieutenant - Colonel CHARLES Association of Public Vaccinators of England Austria, reform of army medical corps, 52; RIcH ,RD, obituary notice of, 1751 and Wales, 1398; discussion on the sug- medical inspectiou of schools in, 442; BARTON, G. A. H.: Evaporation of clhloroform gested postponement of the obligatory age British practitioners in. 538 during inlhalation, 598, 1522 for vaccination (F. T. Bond), 1398 Austrianliealth resorts, 29 BASHFORD, E. J.: Investigations of the Im- Association of Registered Medical Women, Author and Printer, rev., 579 perial Cancer Research F'und, 1554 254, 1039. 1493; meeting and exhibition of Autointoxication, review of books on, 258 Basic factors of present-dav water-supply cases, 254,1039, 1493 Automobile. See Motor problems (Hibbert Winslow Hill), 619 Association, St. John Ambulance: Belfast Autotoxic factorin bullous disease (James C. Basle Sanatorium, 1497 ,centre, 1427 Johnston), 839 BATE, Lieutenant-Coloncl ABRAHAm WIL- Association, Sanitary, of Scotland, 661; AXFORD, W. H.: St. John's Home of Rest for LIAM, obituary notice of, 1341 tlhirty-second annual congress, 661 ; the dust Gentlemen, 900 BATE. GEOFFREY: Reports cases of peri- problem, 661; wastage of human life, 662- Axis. lateral fracture of (E. M. Corner), 1638 urethral abscess witlh formation of calculi, port sanitation, 562; school children and AYLING, ARTHUR H. W.: Iodine in the vomit- 140 disease, 662; next meeting, 662. ing of pregnancy, 1718 BATFSON, W.: Mendelian lheredity and its ap- Association, State Children's, 1847 Avrshire, sanatorium for consumptives in, lication to man, 61, 600 Association, Voluanteer Medical, 1250 29 Bath tour, 328 Associatiou of Women Pharmacists, 961 AYRTON, Mrs. W. E., awarded Huglhes medal, Batley, sanitary condition of, 1886 Association, York Eealth and Housing 1317 BArrESoN. J.: Hospitals and general practi- Reform, i sue of coloured chart on tioners. 1065 dietetics, ?834 BAYLY, HUGH WANSEY: Medical arrangements Assumptioni of titles by registered practi- B. on passenger ships, 172 tiouers, 1336, 1432, 1525 BEAN, ROBERT BBNNETr: The negro brain, Asthma, Nathan Tucker's specific for, 1436 Babies, rearing of at Blackburn, 1829 790 Asthma, spasmodic (Dr. Simon), 1816 Baby comforters, 1054 BEATrIE, .TAMES M.: Rheumatic fever and Asylumn. Armagh District, report of Inspector Baby culture: at Huddersfield, 1421 amyloiddegcneration. 1444; Rhinosporidium of Lunatica, 1895 Bacillary dysentery. See Dysentei'y kinealyi (Minchin), 1575; contribution to Asylum attendants and lunacy, 271 Bacilli tubercle, hluman and bovine in the bacteriology of rheumatic fever. 1781 apes, Asylum, Baugour, opening of, 727, 888, 973 ant ropoid 720 BEATrY, W.: Death ofLord Nleson, 1647 Ayslum, Belmont, cuteric fever at, 107 BAR3KER. VON JOSEF, Die Infektionakrankheiten Bedbugs and disease, 319 Asylum, Brighton County Borough, lIay- der Weitlichen Genitalien, rev., 1585 Bedridden soldiers. See Hospital, Netley ward's Heatlh, annual report, 457 BACON, GORHAM: To what extent is it ad- BEEB:t, S. P.: Study of the biology of tumour Asylum, Carmartlhen Joint Counties, 457 visable to adopt conservative methods in cells, 1559; nucleoproteid immunity, 178S Asylum Ctty of London. annual report, 337 the treatment of aural diseases? 1383 Beer in lunatic asylums, 322 AsyluIm, Cork District, 803, 1154 Bacteria, action of on electrical dischlarges, BEESLEY. CLARENCE: Motor cycles and motor Asylum, Cumberlaud and Westmorland 1055 cars, 2m Lunatic. aunual report, 178 Bacterial vaccines as cancer cure. See Cancer BEOGS, Capt. S. T.: Guide to Promotion for Asylum, Down District, Downpatrick, report, cure Non-Coms and Men of the Royal Army 1434 Bacterial vaccines, opsonins and (G. W. Ross), Medical Corps, rev, 1043 Asylum, Earlswood, annual report, 1342 1452 BEHRING, Professor Von: Treatment of tuber- Asylum. East Sussex, Hellingly, annual Bactericidal action of compounds of silver culosis. 577, 588; BeitrdYge zur expementeUen report, 814 (C. R. Marslhall and E. F. Macleod Neave), Therapie. Heft ii. Moderne phthisiogene- Asylum, Edinburgh Royal, Morningside, &59: correspondence on, 598 tische utnd phthiotherapeutische Probleme in information concerning, 508 ; annual report, Bacteriological examinations, 118 historischer Beleuichtung, rev., 646 1342 Bacteriological identification of clholera, 318 "Being in attendance," what constitutes ? 810 Asylum, First British Village, 1498; corre- Bacteriological laboratory, proposed central Belfast, piblic healtlh of, 109,648, 727. 890,1154, spondence on, 1888 metropolitan, 178 1741 1839- Board of Guardians, 166; ost- Asylum, Glasgow District, Gartloch, annual Bacteriology of aseptic wounds (Dr. Dudgeon graauate study at. 514: post of melical report, 1342 and Percy Sargent). 1129 officer of health of, 803. 972. 1154: Royal Hereford County and City, report, Bacterios opic analysis of excremental pol- Sanitary Institute in, 972; typhoid fever Asv.lum, (E. 813 lution Klein), 1090; correspondence on, in. 1330 Asylum, Hertfordsliire County, St. Albans, 1521 Belgium, British practitioners in, 538 number of patients, 737 BATLIE, H. W., appointed M.O.H. for Belfast, Beihomme, the physician. 959 Asylum, James Murray's Royal, Pertlh, annual 1154 Belize. yellow fever at, 1334, 1604 report, 983 BAIN, J., a warning, 1251 BELT., CHARLES E.: Suprapubic enucleation Asylum, Kesteven (Lincoln) County, annual BALDWIN, ASLETT: Cockroaclh in external of prostate in a patient aged 78, recovery, report, 210 auditory nucatus.,197 1578 Asylum, Kingseat, Aberdeen, account of, BALDWIN, JAMES MARK: Thought and Things: BELL, JAMES: Operative treatment of irredu- 1498; correspondence on, 1888 a Study of the Derelopmenlt and Meaning of cible luxation of thlesemiilunar cartilages of or Genetic rev.. 1219 Asylum, Nottinghiam -City, Mapperly Hill, Thought Logic, the knee-joint. 1271 statiqtiCs, 1343 BALL. JAMES B.: Handbook of Diseases of Nosc BELL. JOHN HENRY, death of, 658; obituary Asylum, NottinglhaTm County and.City, annual and Pharynix, m'ev.. 1495 -notice of, 735 report, 178 BAT.LAH, JOHN R.: Notes upon experiments BEtLL, MARGARET SMITH, obituary notice of, Smlop and Montgomery County, with vaccine lymplh, 1779 601 Asylum, con- report, 1895 BALL.ANCE CHARLES ALFRED: M.R.V.O. BELL. ROiBERT HA&MILTON. Colour of thebhair Asylum, Somerset and Batlh, Wells. annual ferred upon, 216; then and now in surgery, in ovalrian dermoids, 599; obituary notice report, 606 949 of, 1431 Asylum, Warwick County, annual report, 451 BALLANTYNE, J. W. : Essentials of Gynaccology, BELL. W. BLAIR: By-effects of hysteiectomy Asylum, Wect Riding, Wakefield, annual rev., 697; future of obstetrics, 1491 and oopliorectomy, 331; general manage- reports, 1896 BALZER, FP.: Maladies l'dneriennes, rev., 146 ment of abdominal section cases, 1639 West Suesex Conity, Chichester, B3and of Hope Union and the temperance Belt for floating kidney. 1848 Asylum, 1227 sanatorium at, 196, 450 number of patients, 737 I (luestiOn, Beiendeim. iiew 3 MBa "LA jomA INDEX. [DEC. and calcium chloride 29, ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZin *0g]the I9g*. ulcers, 80B tXC^L treatment of

Bg4NJAMIN, J. K. K. .Valu0 of calcium iodide Blackburn, rearing. of babies at, 1829 BORREL, A.: Cancerous tumours hel- and calcium chloride in the treatmeut of BLAcKHAM, R. J.: Goat's milk for minthes, 392 ulcers, 808 452 Boucx , CH.: Lectures on Auto-Intoxication BRsNNrrr, Numias Useful domestic Blackwater fever. See Fever in Dsase. rev., 258 668 Bladder closure of, mechanism BoucHIRia-HEUs, JOHN T.: Chlorine BzNNzTT, Sir WILLAX: Sprains vesical sphincter (Charles Leedham-Green), in operating rooms, 1343. consequences, mainly in relation treat- 297 Boulton, G. S.. presentation to. 1615 ment, 1632 BLA1IR, JOHN: Double uterus and Bourbon Lancy, 1727 colours of," treatment 364 Bovine See Tuberculosis "Beuzidine, try- vagiua, tuberculosis.

panosomiasis by (M. Nicolle aud F. Mesni), BLAKB, CLARENCE JOHN: Value of Bovine and Tuberculosis Human 1777 clot as a primary dressing in BOWSER,J. EDWARD: Some principles

Bequests to hospitals and medical charities, operations, 1387 treatment of fractures, 1086

149, 210, 293 D., to Government lb 88, 138 139, 228 398. 442, BLANCHARD, ANDREW obituaryr BoYcE, RUBERT: Report 778, in Bi itish rev., 575; 4i5, 459. 663, 698, 718, 729, 737, 780,892, 56 YeUow Fever Hondura8, 961, 988 994 1127 1143, 1174. 1221, 1259, Blessing very muchin disguise, knighthood conferred upon, 1420

1305,1309. 1343, 1406, 1410, 1439, 1505, Blind, condition of, 104 BOYD, Lieutenant-Colonel HENRY WALKER 1578, 1579, 1586, 1631, 1640, 1744, Blind, hiistorical sketch of treatment BUTLER, obituary notice of,333, 456 1876 Blind, massage by the, 1322 BRADBURY, J. B.: Discussion on BERGMANN, ERNSTVON, 70th birthday Blnd, Postmaster-General and, materia medica and pharmacology, Beiri-beri (Hamilton Wright), Blindness and death from wood-alcohol Bradford, feeding of poor children

Berlin, special correspondence 327, poisoning (Casey A. Wood), 1855 BRADSHAW, T. R.: Charcot's joint disease, il 595, 731, 977: tuberculous dispensaries, Blood clot mastoid onerations, 1307; recognition of myelopathic 327; appendicitis, 327; a bath tour, 328; (Clarence John Blake), 1387 in the urine, 1442: spontaneous visit of French doctors 595; Blood, electrical resistance of. See urinary calculi, 1639 department of the Culius-Ministerium, Blood plates, microchemistry of (George Bradsliaw cture. See Lecture 595; International Congress of insurance Kemp, Chester E. Harris, and Henrietta BRAILEY, A. R.: Congenital distichiasis, Medicine, 731; the late Professor Calhoun), 1793 Brain, gumma of (F. H. Jacob), Blood dinn, 731, 977 ; Professor Waldeyer, poisoning after vaccination, Brain, haemorrhage into prefrontal thte ambulance servic2, 977 "Blood pressure" in man; systolic output (Walter Carr), 1581 their Berlin, Pathological Institute in, work of the heart and Brain and nose, 792

BVRNSTh1N, JULES: Landry's paralysis, man (Percy M. Dawson). 996 Brain, scientific research on, 1049 BERRY, JAMES: Large arterio-venous Blood pressure, arterial disease andincreased Brain and skull in mongolism,sa(me rysm of the neck treated by operation, (John Lindsay Steven) 1009 of (David Waterston), 1701 traumatie hernia through the diaphragm, Blood pressure, clinicai methods BRATHWAITE, P. F.: Case of 1817 Gibson), 998 poisoning, recovery, 86R BERRY, J. FoREIsA: presentation Blood pressure1 clinical significance BRAMWELL, BYROX: Tuberculosis Scot- BERRY, Hon. Sir W. BISShT: 67th therapeutical indicatioins of variations land, 1722 of, 600 (Sir William Broadbent), 1001 BRANCHE, C. W.: Tonsillar chancre, Bexthollet vapour baths. See Vapour Blood pressure, estimation of (ThomasLewis), haemoptysis, 1537 Bicycle saddles, 816 1091 Branch , 810'; and telephones,

postof to disease, organization IBER. RICHARD,accepts Surgeon In Blood pressure in relation Branches and Divisions, of, 1065, Ordinary to the Sultan, 1876 sion on, 996, 1010; (Percy M. Dawson), 996; 1156, 1244, 1430 "Bile Beans." 228: and Barnardo's (G. A. Gibson), 998; Sir William Broadbent), BRANDRETH, JOSEPH. note 142- 1001; (T. CliffordAllbutt) 1004; Brazil, plague in, 1820 Bile duct, operations on (B. G. A. Moynihan), zie), 1007; (John Lindsay Ateven), Bread-baking, regulations concerning, 1350 Blood pressure, review of books Austria, 275 Biliary colic fistula. See Fistula Blood in relation to skin diseases Breakfast beverages, our (leading Bill, Channel Tunnel, 1876 and J. C. Rankin), 854 652 Bill. Education, medical inspection Blood and seminal stains, improved BREINL, A.: Yellow fever at Belize, 1660; provision of meals, 1739 for recognition of (E. H. Hankin), 18433. BREND, W. A.; Handbook of Medical Juiris- Bill, Housing of Working Classes Blood and tissues, estimation of prudence and Toxicology for the Use ment, 210 chloroformin(MauriceNicloux), 1792 and Praclitioners, rev., Infant Bill, Life Protection, Blood vessels, innervation of cWrebraJ, 599 BRICKNRP, WALTER Sur:geafM,: A8ssitant. Bill,Lunacy (Ireland), 271 Blood vessels and organs, transplantation rev., 368; Surgical. su20ngeston: Practical

makingin.riage of cousins 658 (Alexis Carrel and C. C. Guthrie), Brevities in Diagnosis and Treatment, rev., Medical Act Amendmpent, "Bloodless sureonn on the warpath 1221

Bill, Merchant Shipping, 1513 a challenge from, Bridge of epilepticsas 727 1512, 1835; A6999.1666 Weir, RY; the obituary Bill Poisons EPharmacy,and 46 Bloodless surgery and B RIDoI H,wlENRt noti Bill, Sight Testing Opticians, 1667 JAB. Board anurualp reportt , B's Medical bene- of, Agriulture 210; BRIRLEY, 14 Bill, Workmen's Compensation,321,,1738, issue of circular re D`eg Act, 1227 volencethrriit,or BI LLINN OoN, W.: Transposition of caecum Board of Hygiane axidTeVape,ance,oconfer- Bright's disepee, treqi,ment of (Professor and appendix, 573 ence, 27 Lindsay). 1395 BINGHAM.GE o. A.: Enlargement Board, Loal Government, 893,.1664 Bristol, notes from, 892,975; report anditstreatment,1262 medical supplement to 34th annual report, officer of health 892; distribution Freelan Binocular vision d Fergus), 797; report of medical officer, 1904-5, at UniversityC&e'ege, 975 Biological Radium Laborator y, delay at, 1664 British Central Africa, medical appointments Biology, review books on, 1403 Board, Local Government (Irish), in, 535 Biology of tumour cells (S. P. 590 British colonies, British practitioners James Ewing), 1559 Board, Local Government (Scottish) 539 P. Fracture of lower jaw ac-ross BIRD S.: servatives in milk, 802 BritishColumbuia, British practitioners in, neck of both condyles, 1305 Board, Metropolitan Asylums, 107,374,11430; 539; hospital systemof, 1662 from, 451, Birmingham, notes 591, 1058, annual report for 1905, 374: British genius, 1830 1238, 1331, 1516,1742, 1839 ; General Hospital, laboratories at Peckham, 1430 British Guiana, medical appointments 451,,663; Midland Counties Home Incur- Board, 219,l'378; and Ire- 534 ables, 451, 1839; annual health successful candidates, British Honduras, medical appointments County school children Birmingham, 451; Warwick Asylum, Board andshower 535- bequest to 451; Birmingham institutions, Boarding out of the insane in Scotland, British Medical Association. See 452; child life in canal boats, 591: Boarding school for feeble-minded. British Medical Benevolent Fund. of WVorcestershire, 592; mentally-defective Feeble-minded British Nobel Prize, 1667 chiildren In Birmingham, 592; BOAZ, J.: Beitrlge zur Kenntniiss Recum- British practitioners abroad, of summer diarrhoea, 663; karzinome, rev., 1403 British University, Students' Children's institutions, 663; Hospital, Bodily, exertion, effect of on opsonic index Congress clinical instruction at, 1058: pathology of healthy persons (G. G.Ellett), BROADPBENT; JOHN IJ.: Digitalis aortic Hospital, at the General 1238;Ortho- Bodily posture, influence of upon regurgitation, 329 paedic Hospitals, 1238: Hospital the heart (R. D. Rudolf and S. Cummins), BROADBENT, Sir WILLIAM HENRY,Ho.. LL.D. and Sun yFund, 1331: voluntary noti- 1028 confcrred upon, 639; Clinicalsigfificance ficationof consum tio6 1516h health Resurrection Body snatching. See and therapeutical indications of variations lectures, 1516; hall residence BoLTow, W. Jos. 8.: Warts, in the blood pressure, 1001 students. British Red Cross physical 1516; Bomb-thrower, cliaracteristics BROADHENT,W. H.: Medical inspection 1742. 1839; Jewish Medical Mission. 1742: 723 school children, 169 musical festival cremation, 1743, Bombay, quarantine and Mohammedan BRODII, T. G.: Rate of absorption chloro- General Hospital, 1839; open suaces ggims in, 1237 form during induction of anaesthesia. 1839; General Medical mingham, Council, BOND, C. J., uterine and ovarian Bromide of potassiumIl, discovery of, 1044 1839 and pathology in rabbits, 121; by-effects Bromidrosis, 1756 Birmiiiingham, insanitary hiousing hysterectomy and oophorectony, 733; on BROMILEY, A. W.: How to Buy a Business, rev., University. See Birmiughiam acute septic peritonitis, 1687 1685 C. L.: Report BiRRM1NGHAM, BOND, F. T.: Discussion on Bronchiolectasis (Dr. Miller), 1719 on Poor-law Reform (Ireland), postponement of the obligatory Bronchitis, fibrinous (A. F. Shoyer),1034 Birrell, Mr., on 1416 hnygiene, vaccination, 1398 Bronchus, cocoanut shiell in the maini, Major T., obituary notice 813 BBRv, Bone formations in the heart BRONNE.FR, ADOLPH: MOdern mastoidoprera- Birthday honours, 42, 1419 953 tion, 299; notes on an unusual 'i0,ine in, 980,1066,1076 Bi-thli-rate, Bonesetter, boom of the, 447 ; on papilloma of the larynx in a chiild notification Birtlhs, voluntary of, 580; in 1325, 1512, 1599 by local application of formalin, 1665 Glasgow, Bonesetter, an interfering. BROOKE-HIITCHING. -Sir THOMAS, and infant BiScHIOFFSHEIM. Mr. and Mrs., bequests BoNNET, Louis: Famous stammerers, mortality in Marylebone, 1663 of charities in celebration of BONNEY,VIC'IOR. award WValter BROOM JOHN, Treatmenit of tertiar;y syphilis, 1631 wedding, schiolarshiip to, 293 232 BiSS, HUTBERT, E. J. : in Relativity inifectious Boniy hyperti'ophy (William- Thomas), 1816 BRBSE, Dr.: Asymmetrical evoluition of the (liseases, 732, 895 Boomii of the bonesetter, 447. also " pregnant uterus, 161 Bitter cry of the " ruined doctor," 793 less surgeon" BROUARDEL, PAUL, death of, 222; Trait6 ALEX D. : BLACKADER, Rhietimatisni in cltil- Bootham Park, York, 1074 925: discussion dl'Hygiae, rev., 306,430 'ren, on alcohiol Professional thecra- BOOT,-CLARKSONK, J.: over- D. R.:Thpi-ap-utics of agent, 1461 BRowEiO, 'acquired peuitic crowvding, 1832 insanities, 1471 Blacwkhird,infected withi filariial larva of epilepsy. Boidderlad See Epilepsy BROWN,HUGH, death of. 974 St. Clair 995; infected (W. Syinimers), witht Borderland of medicine surger-y as BROWN, JoiiN: Rubber teat anid defoirmities filariac, trypanosoiiie and hialteridia (Alfred exhiibited in the stomach (G. C.Coles),i215 of the jaw. 1157 181 Brown scholarship in pathology, A I T*u Bmjw. DEC. 2), igo6.] INDEX. 1XXVIC&L Jousn'LL 7 - - T- I BROWNE, H. W. LANGLEY, Hon. LL.D. CALDERON, LuNA: Demonstration de la pro- cardiac and otlher muscle (C. S. Sherrington conferred upon, 640 phylazie shilitique authentiquement con- and S. C. M. Sowton), 85 BROWNx, Sir THOXAS, skull of, 382; note on, stati, 97 Carcinoma. See Cancer 1662 Calf lymph, glycinerated. See Lymph Cardia, vagus reflexes upon (S. J. Meltzer and BRUCE, -HERBERT A.: Appendicitis, some CALHOUN, HBNRiEzrA: Microchemistry of J.Auer), 1806 points in diagnosis based on over 600 the blood plates, 1793 Cardiac murmurs, so-called functional operations. 1692 CALLENDAR, H. L., awarded Rumford medal, (Travers Smith), 1491 Bsucz. J. MITCHELL: Principles of Treatment 1317 Cardiff, medical officers at, 272 and their Application in Practical Medicine, Calling, on patients by the purchaser of a Careless authority, 981 rev., 1040; Xateria Jiedica and Therapeutics, death vacancy, 335; on predecessor's CA}RGILL, L. V.: Sarcomiia of the choroid, 1872 rev., 1040 patients, 981 Carlsbad springs and earthquakes, 52 BRUCE-PORTER, H. E. B. : Taxation of motor CALMErrs, Dr. A.: Intestinal origin of tuber- CARLYLE, THOMAS: Letter from on the liealiiig care, 394, 1157, 1520 culosis, 1323 art, 580 BRUNTON. Sir LAUDER, elected Fellow Royal CALVERT, JAMES: The University of London, Carminative, a true, 1680 Sanitary Institute, 38; hepatic inadequacy 664 CARNE, JOSEPH: Cinnamon oil in influenza, in relation to gout and other diseases, 1722 Cambridge, post-graduate study at, 513 1252 Brussels Municipalityand Liverpool Corpora- Cambridge University. See University Carnegie Institute and the Index Medicus, 1828 tion dwellings, 1515 CAMERON, Sir HECTOR C. : Introdluctory CARNIELL, E&DWARD, presentation to, 98 Brussels School of Tropical Medicine, 1049 remarks as President of Section of CARR, F. H.: An active alkaloid from ergot, BRYANT, ALICz G.: Use of the cold wire snare Surgery, 552 1792 in removal of hypertrophied tonsils, 1390 CAMERON, JOHN, obituary notice of, 601 CARR, WALTER: Haemorrhage into pre- VRYCEz P. H.: Internatioual co-operation in CAMERON, MURDOCH: Ectopic pregnancy, frontal lobes of brain, 1581 the inspection of cmigrants and immi- 1213; antistreptococcus serum in puerperal CARREL, ALEXIS: Transplantation of blood grants, 855 fever 1710 vessels and organs. 1796 Brynmawr sewage disposal. 593 against tuberculosis. See Tuber- Carriage of assistant's furniture, 734 Bubonic plague. See Plague CampaljgnlCu1081S CARSON, H. W.: One hundred consecutive BUCHANAN, A. M.: Manual of Anatomy, rev., 782 CAMPBELL, D. R.. presentation to, 314 cases of appendix operation, 1279 BUCHANAN, R. J. M. : Effect of x rays upon the CAMPB3LL, JOHN ARCHIBALD, obituary CARTER, EDWA}RD PBRKINS: Antivaccinist leucocytes in the blood and bone marrow in notice of, 1340 tactics, 978, 1429 leukaemia, 75 CAMPBELL, KENNETH: Our breakfast bever- CARTER, R. MARKHAM: Tsetse fly in Arabia. BUCHANAN, R. M.: Carriage of infection by ages, 733 13