Tjkt -Miijwm J3UN 24, 1905.1 LIJIMICAY, JGVZXAL w -k THE THE JOUFAL OF THE BRITISH MEDICAL ASSOCIATION. EDITED BY DAWSON WILLIAMS, M.D., ASSISTED BY EIKARLES LOUIS TAYLOR. VOLUME I 1905. JANUARY TO JUNED. FRINTED AND PUBLISIIED AT THE OFF[CE OF TIlE BRITISII MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, 429, STRAND, W.C. _. ~ ~~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ r TM Bazwi JUNE 24,- I9o051- .1 F J INDEX. LKWIC"--- JOu="- 3 INDEX TO VOLUME I FOR 1905. I A. Acaidents to railway servants, 958 Adenoids, post-nasal, treatment of (John Ward Account forms, 393 Cousins), 182; correspondence On, 279, 335, 524, Abbe, Professor, obituary notiee of, 390 Acetate of iron in pneumonia, 2024, 1188 624, 694, 808 Abdominal diagnosis, reverberation in (Stacey Achard, M., relations between tuberele and Adenoma of kidney (Mir. Heaton for Mr. Barling), Wilson), 655 traumatism, 445 1042 - - hysterectomy for uterine fibromyo- Acid media in the isolation of the plague cystic, of left kidney, case of (W. G. mata(F. W. N. Haultain),477 bacillus (W. C. C. Pikes and F. H. Joseph), Spencer), 249 *_____ nephrectomy (Mr. Cholmeley), 1271 136 Adiposis dolorosa (Douglas Stanley), 824; note -sections, three within one week on Acnue rosacea caused by intranasal irritation on, IS88 one patient, 1396 (William Lloyd), 74; note OD, 228, 696 Adirondack Cottage sanatorium, note on, 948 surgery, a surprise in, f9 - x rays in (Ur. C;odd), 1271 Adrenalin price of, 2024 - symptoms, acute (VW.Watson Cheyne), Act, the Coroners, and hospital surgeons, 568 Adulteration of food and drugs, git 1313 - the Dental, at Adelaide, 799 Advertisement, the gentle craft of, 47 tuberculosis in childhood (W. P. S. - the Horseflesh, charge under at Oldham, Advertisements, indecent, 859 Branson), 2273 2297 Advertiing, medical, 43, 50, 52I 803, 2022, X073, wall and genito-urinary apparatus, -lafant Life Protection, and "nurse chil- congenital defect of (A. E. Garrod and Wynne- dren," l10 medical, and dental, and the Cape Davies), 356 - Leeds Corporation Consolidation, sanitary Medical Council, 43 Aberavon, housing at, 1123 provisions o1, 1293 -- of medical practitioners in con- Aberdeen, typhus fever in, 6I6 - the Lunacy, disqualifications under, 959, nexion with hydropathic and similar estab- Aborigines of North America, note, 508 I069 ltsbmentS, 4gg. 751 Abortifacient, increasing use of Jead as an - the Midwives, 25, Po6, 5(0, 564, 835, 910, 957, Afrioa, British Esst. See British (Arthur Hall), 584; cases where used, 653 It17, 1248, 1400; iu Lancashire, 25; in MaU- South. See South Abrahams, Bertram: Arthritis deformans and chester, 44 ; Boards of Guardians and, So6 ; in West. See West itS allies, 599, 873 London, 5o6; East Sussex Council and, 5o5, 565, After twenty years (Percy Warner), 526 Abscess, peritonsillar opening of (T. F. Hugh zII8; Obstetrical Society's examinations or, Agar, Samuel Hollingsworth, obituary notice of, Smith), 2330 506 *Monmouthshire County Council and, sio; 453 subdural, following frontal sinus em- administration of in Liverpool, 804; at Cam- Age Limit of intellectual work. 488 pyema (A. J. Martineau), 10oS bridge, 835; working of in Manclester, 836; Agra and Oudh, United Provinces of, sanitary Abscesses, peritonsillar, opening of (StClair the administration of, 9IO; and its first penal report for 1903, 853 Thomson), 645: (F. W. Jollye), 715; (W. H. S. clause, 957; and the medical profession, I06g. Agreement, the cost of, 165 Stalkartt), 882 ; forceps for opening, 662 1127, 1181, 1300, 1359, 2401; and payment of Agreements not to practise, S23t Absinthe, law passed in Belgium forbidding the medical practitioners, 21I17, 1248, 2252; in West Ailarophobia, 2395 manufacture of, 1281 Sussex, ixI8 ; in the West hciding, Iui8; in War- Ainay-le-Chateau, care of the insane poor at, Academy of Medicine, Belgian, prizes offered by, wickshire, I2I8; note by Dr. Rentoul, 2252; and 36 3 5o8 the Westminster City Council, 2365; and tlle Air-passage, foreign body in the (Percy Withere), of Medicine in London. proposed, 570 Islington Borough Council, 2367; and the Devon 1146 Royal, of Medicine in Ireland, I8q, County Council, 2361 at Cardiff. 1400; notifi- Aitken, Chas. J., illness following tick bite, 412 305, 477, 600, 774, 825, 943, 1274 cation by midwife o intention to practise as Albert medal, 2390 - Sec- such, 2400; monthly nurses, 1400 Albinus, note on, 216 tion of Pathology: Anaemic infarction of liver - Pablic Health, Section cxiv of, and smells, Alcock, S. King, uncertainty of post-mortem (Professor O'Sullivan for Dr. Roy Dobbin), 189; 202 evidence in suspected lead poisoning, 2371 endothelioma of uterus (H. C. Earl and Mr. - the Vaecination, magistrates and, 1247 Alcohol as a cause of degeneration. 112 Maunsell), I89; myoma of rectum (H. C. Earl), Workmen's Compensation, case under, 567 action of on the heart (W. E. Dixon), 89-; gastric ulcer (Sir. Gunn), Ig; actino- the Workmen's, in Vienna, from a mefLical 538 mycosis (Dr. Earl), 774; sarcoma of the con- point of view, 567 and commercial efficiency, 565 junctiva (Arthur Benson and Dr. Mooney), Actinomycosis (or. Earl), 774 and physical deterioration, 897 774 Action for negligence, verdict for defendant, physical effects of, 2053 Sec- 734 prescription of, 2III tion of Surgery: Cholecystotomy for acute Acts, the Companies, registration of nurses wood, poisoning by, 262 cholecystitis following typhoid fever (SMr. under, 6I5; evasion of the Medical Acts under, Alcoholism, lectures on, 677 Maunsell), I8g; conservative perineal pro- 6T6 - Professor Sims Woodlhead on, g9 statectomy (C. Arthur Ball), i8g; plaster-of- - the Dental, evasion of, 2272 among the working classes, 797 paris splints (W. T. de C. Wheeler), 6oo; - the Inebriates, homes under, iocg Aldersniith, H., incubation period of mumps, oblique fracture of tibla (Edward H. Bennett), the Medical, evasion of under the Com- 626 6oo; some cases of joint excision (Mr. Ken- panies Acts, 616, 2172 Alderson, F. Herbert, Indige3tion, Its Preven- nedy), 6oo; painless haematurla (L. G. Guan), the Vaccination, distress warrants under, tion and Cure, rev., 24 825; purulent collections (Robert Woods), 1059 Alexander, Forbes James, case of ileo-colltis in 825; cleft palate (Sir Thornley Stoker), 1274; Adamn, Edward, obituary notice of. 49 a child simulating acute intussusception, 73 volvulus of caecum (J. L. Keegan), 2274 Adami, J. G., elected F.P.L., 494; adaptation and -- James, notice of death of, 803; obit- - pec- tuberculosis, 22133 uary notice of. 857 tion of Medicine: Paratyphold fever (Dr. Adams, C. E, carcinoma of left adrenal, 775 Algeria, prevention of malaria in, J331 Parsons), 305; large white kidney (Dr. Pea- W. Coode, practitioners and chemists, Alien lunatics and inebriates, 675 cocke), 306 1071 - the undesirable, 842 Sec- Adaptation and tuberculosis (J. G. Adami), 1131 Aliens and infectious diseases, 2246 tion of Ob3tetrics: Physometricuterus (Alfred Adcock, Sir Hugh, appointed Persian Consui- Alimentary canal, surgery of, note on (John J. Smith), 477; cysti endometritis (Dr. Pure- General at Floreoce. zio4 Campbell), 304 foy), 47'; observations on Bossi's dilator Addinsell, Aucustus W., removal of gall bladder Alison of Edinburgh, note on, 216 (Alfred 3. Smith), 47 chornienic vIlli in a case in awoman of 75, 759 Allan. John, case of scarlet fever in an infant of rupturedtubal pregnancy (E. J. MaWeeney), Adelaide, special correspondence from, 799; the three weeks old, 593; heterochromia iridis, 885 Leith Napier case, 799; Government recogni- 990 Sec- tion of the Branch, 799; Dental Act, 799; Allan-Bennett, R., case of haemarthros of the tion of State Medicine: Earth temperature nursing associations, 7gg :defence association, wrist, 594 and diarrhoeal diseases (Sir John W. Moore), 799 ;report of medical offiaers of health, 862 Allardice, William C., simultaneous intrauterine 537; asylum dysentery (U;. J. MeWeeney), 943; Acien, boundary commission, 455; plague in, and extrauterine gestation: operation: re. poisoning by carbon monoxide (W. J. 425 covery 942 Thompson). 943 Adenoid growths and deafness, 270 Allbutt, i. Clifford, lecture on blood pressure in Accident, What is an P 1057 Adenoids, national importance of thorough and man, 325: discussion on influenza, 977, 2044 - assurance, fee for consultation, 223 o stematic removal of in childhood (Griffith C. Allen, A. Taylor, New Streets: Laying out and company's certificates, 1073 Wilkmn), 766, 1382 Making up, rev., 482 TM IrJU1 IINDD . [JUJWRS 24, 1905. 4o>Jotus~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ meto eeeldsae i6 ; Allison, T. M., Health in Infancy, rev., ir Anomaly, congenital, deathI5 at from a, ment of venereal disease and scabies 1x06 feeding of infants, 748, 1125: sanatorumi 671 Medical College Of. 49 1, 2:09og; award of t he Sir treatmentof phthisis:itis worth while?966 Arjthrasol. note on, 320 William Taylor Prizeo 1904,128; examination case AllDort, Wilfrid, of syphilitic ophthalmo- Anthrax in cattle,734 of Majors for promotio.11288 : examinations Plegla. 534 spread of in Cheshire,59;; in Brad- for candidates, 1185; financial position of The Irish Allworthy,d. W., Medical Directory, ford, 339; at Wellingborougb. 1113 medical-officers, 2288; heallth of the. I350 irox8 increase of in Great Britain (Sheridan Army, French, in the time of Henry IV, Louis Almond-oil poisoning, case(EI.of E. Heapy),
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