INTEGRATION DURCH SPORT (?): the Influence of History and Policy on a Proposed Social Impact Assessment for Public Sport Infrastructure in Berlin

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INTEGRATION DURCH SPORT (?): the Influence of History and Policy on a Proposed Social Impact Assessment for Public Sport Infrastructure in Berlin INTEGRATION DURCH SPORT (?): The Influence of History and Policy on a Proposed Social Impact Assessment for Public Sport Infrastructure in Berlin ANDREW WESTPHAL A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of BACHELOR OF ARTS WITH HONORS DEPARTMENT OF GERMANIC LANGUAGES AND LITERATURES UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN April 17, 2018 Advised by Andreas Gailus Table of Contents Preface ........................................................................................................................................... iii Einleitung ...................................................................................................................................... iv Introduction ................................................................................................................................... 1 Defined: Sozialpolitik ................................................................................................................. 2 Defined: Stadtentwicklung .......................................................................................................... 3 Defined: Integration .................................................................................................................... 4 “Integration durch Sport” ............................................................................................................ 5 Sports Facility Categories ........................................................................................................... 6 Kernsportanlagen ..................................................................................................................... 7 Sportgelegenheiten .................................................................................................................. 8 Spezielle Sportanlagen ............................................................................................................ 8 Besondere Sportanlagen .......................................................................................................... 9 Chapter Outlines ........................................................................................................................ 15 Chapter 1: Sports Development in Germany (1800-present) ................................................. 17 Sports Development Before World War II ............................................................................... 17 Sports Development Between World War II and Reunification (1945-1989) .......................... 24 Sports Development During Reunification (1990-2005) .......................................................... 29 Sports Development Today (2006- ) ......................................................................................... 33 Conclusion ................................................................................................................................. 36 Chapter 2: Urban and Social Development Goals from the Policy Hierarchy ..................... 39 United Nations........................................................................................................................... 39 European Union......................................................................................................................... 41 German Bundestag .................................................................................................................... 45 German Bundesländer and Local Governments ........................................................................ 48 Chapter 3: Current Policy Frameworks in Berlin ................................................................... 51 Sportentwicklung in Berlin ....................................................................................................... 51 Stadtentwicklung in Berlin ........................................................................................................ 53 Intersection: Sport and Stadtentwicklung in Berlin .................................................................. 55 Sozialpolitik in Berlin ............................................................................................................... 60 Intersection of Sport and Sozialpolitik in Berlin ....................................................................... 62 Intersection of Stadtentwicklung, Sozialpolitik, and Sport ....................................................... 65 Soziale Stadt .......................................................................................................................... 65 i Sportstättensituation der Migrantensportvereine ................................................................... 72 Flüchtlingsunterkünfte ........................................................................................................... 73 Conclusion ................................................................................................................................. 73 Chapter 4: Methods to Analyze the Impact of Sports Development on Social Inclusion .... 75 External Context: Social Inclusion in Berlin Neighborhoods ................................................... 75 Experiment Design .................................................................................................................... 79 Question ................................................................................................................................. 79 Experiment Goals .................................................................................................................. 79 Evidence ................................................................................................................................ 80 Hypothesis ............................................................................................................................. 80 Testable Variables ................................................................................................................. 81 Statistical Scale ...................................................................................................................... 82 Analysis ................................................................................................................................. 82 Outcomes ............................................................................................................................... 85 Assessment Expansion .......................................................................................................... 86 Conclusion ................................................................................................................................. 88 Case Studies on Sports Development and Social Inclusion in Berlin ....................................... 92 4.1 - Allocation of Sports Facilities in Berlin ........................................................................ 92 4.2 - Sports Facilities and the Social Dynamic Index ............................................................ 93 4.3 - Past Renovation Projects in Berlin ................................................................................ 95 4.4 - Notable Future Projects ................................................................................................. 98 Appendix I: Policy Hierarchy .................................................................................................. 101 Appendix II: Lebensweltlich orientierten Räume .................................................................... 103 Glossary of German Terms ...................................................................................................... 104 Bibliography .............................................................................................................................. 110 ii Preface At the outset of this project, someone suggested that I should seize the opportunity to research a topic unrelated to my future job. When starting my research, I considered analyzing the bicycle infrastructure in Germany. As a dedicated cyclist, I had the pleasure of exploring rural bike paths during my time in Schwäbisch Hall (May-June 2015) and Tübingen (June- August 2016). To begin my analysis, I dove into the reports about economic impacts of sports in Germany. Before I found any information about the cycle paths, however, I learned about the Goldener Plan, which was Germany’s massive sports facility investment program in the reconstruction era after World War II. During my time in Germany, I had also enjoyed swimming in a number of incredible public pools, so I pivoted my focus to investigate that type of dedicated sports infrastructure. After graduation, I hope to start my career in the real estate industry, and although my topic partially aligns with my career interest, enjoyed the chance to broaden my perspective from typical business topics in real estate. The results remain in the following pages, and I hope you appreciate this insights as much as I enjoyed finding them. For their support throughout this past year of thesis-writing, and my entire college career, I would like to thank my parents. I also owe gratitude to my German Department advisors Kerstin Barndt and Andreas Gailus. I may have never undertaken this project if Kalli Federhofer had not planted the idea in my head as a first-year student, and I am thankful for his advice. During the research and writing process, I appreciated Stefan Szymanski’s insights about sports history and economics, Scott Campbell’s input about urban
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