Urg 2018 Annual Report L Rosa Uxemb Stiftung

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Urg 2018 Annual Report L Rosa Uxemb Stiftung 2018 ANNUAL REPORT ROSA LUXEMBURG STIFTUNG ROSA-LUXEMBURG-STIFTUNG 2018 ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ANNUAL REPORT ROSA-LUXEMBURG-STIFTUNG 1 CONTENTS EDITORIAL 4 FOCUS: MARX2006 OntheShouldersofKarlMarx 6 MultimediaMarx—TheWebPortal 8 TheCongressMarx200: Politics—Theory—Socialism9 Marx200aroundGermany 10 K is for Karl—ASeriesofFilmsbyPaulMason 10 MarxforEveryone!—EducationalMaterialsforBeginners 11 AClassicinitsJubileeYear—CapitalReadingCoursesandthe11thAutumnSchool 12 ProjectsSupportedbytheRLSin2018asPartofMarx200 12 PublicationsRelatedtoMarx200 13 INSTITUTE FOR CRITICAL SOCIAL ANALYSIS 14 ConnectiveClassPolitics 15 Fellows 16 NewAuthoritarianismandtheRadicalRight 17 “WeAccuse!”—TheHealthcareSystemonTrial 18 LuxemburgLectures2018 20 THE ACADEMY FOR POLITICAL EDUCATION 22 TheCaseisNotClosed!—SentencingattheMunichNSUTrial 23 ShapingtheFuturethroughLeftistProfessionalDevelopment 23 LocalPolitics:ACrashCourse 24 IntheRight(s):InternationalMovementsforGlobalJustice 24 ASocietyofManyDifferentStrenghts 25 THE HISTORICAL CENTRE FOR DEMOCRATIC SOCIALISM 26 100YearsofRevolutioninGermany 27 1968:AGlobalAwakening 28 1938:TheYearBeforetheWar 29 THE RLS NETWORK ACROSS GERMANY 30 Baden-Württemberg:PoliticalAcademyforYoungActivists 32 Bavaria:TheBavarianRevolutionandtheBavarianSovietRepublicof1918/19 32 Berlin:TheRed-Red-GreenCoalitionanditsHousingPolicy:TakingStock 33 Brandenburg:StructuralTransformationinLusatia 33 Bremen:City/Data/Explosion 34 Hamburg:StrategiesforCombatingAnti-Feminism 34 Hesse:AuthoritarianismandResistanceinTurkey 35 Mecklenburg-Vorpommern:TheRoleoftheJudiciaryintheMunichNSUTrial 35 LowerSaxony:“ActivelyImpeding” 36 NorthRhine-Westphalia:DemocracyinGermany:AnniversaryCelebrations 36 Rhineland-Palatinate:BlackHistoryMonth 37 Saarland:Bye-Bye,Glyphosate 37 Saxony:GrandOpening—PostcolonialGoods 38 Saxony-Anhalt:TheExpulsionoftheBauhausfromDessauin1932 38 Schleswig-Holstein:WorkingHours4.0—MyLife,MyTime 39 Thuringia:#r2g–TakingStockandLookingForward 39 THE CENTRE FOR INTERNATIONAL DIALOGUE AND COOPERATION 40 LookingattheRelationsofProductioninAgriculture 41 SocialandTransformativeJustice 41 WhyGovernmentAusterityPoliciesHitWomenTwiceasHard 43 ConnectingResistanceMovements 43 TheFoundation'sNewOfficeinPrague 44 WorkinginaRapidlyChangingEnvironment 45 OurInternationalOffices 46 FUNDED PROJECTS 50 THE SCHOLARSHIP DEPARTMENT 62 ExperimentsinEducation 64 CapitalismandNaturalDestruction 65 AffiliateLecturers 66 POLITICAL COMMUNICATION 68 TheNewEnglish-LanguageWebsite 69 FairWorkforFreelancers 69 SelectedRosa-Luxemburg-StiftungPublications 71 DISPATCHES FROM THE ROSA-LUXEMBURG-STIFTUNG 72 WhatAreWeDoingThisFor?—ThoughtsontheDirectionoftheFoundation'sActivities 72 NewBuildingTakesShape 74 Removal of Zamość Rosa Luxemburg Memorial Plaque 74 LearningontheRoad—EducationalTourswiththeRLSRegionalFoundations 75 AMasterofDialecticalAnalysis—RememberingDietmarWittich(1943–2018) 77 “StayTruetoYourselfandBeCheerful...”—OnthePassingofAnneliesLaschitza(1934–2018) 77 TheSubsidiaryFoundations 78 AnImportantForceinUrbanandArchitecturalPolicy 79 HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT 80 COMMITTEES 82 MeetingoftheGeneralAssembly 82 MembersoftheRosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung 83 ExecutiveBoardSetsNewPriorities 85 MembersoftheExecutiveBoard 85 TheAcademicAdvisoryBoard 86 MembersoftheAcademicAdvisoryBoard 86 DiscussionGroups 87 ORGANIZATIONAL CHART 88 FOUNDATION BUDGET 90 IMAGE CREDITS/COLOPHON 96 3 EDITORIAL Dearreaders, “There’sneverbeensomuchMarx”.Thatwaswhatarecent newspaperheadlineproclaimed,andwemighthavehadsomething todowiththat.The200thanniversaryofthebirthofKarlMarxset thetoneformuchofthefoundation’sworkin2018,particularly thatoftheInstituteforCriticalSocialAnalysis.Therewasthebig Marx200 congressinBerlininMay,fiveregionalMarxconferences inJena,Cologne,Stuttgart,FrankfurtandLeipzig,andcountless seminars,workshops,andothereducationalanddiscussion eventsboththroughoutGermanyandtheworld.Asaninstitution thatseekstofostercriticalanalysesofcontemporarycapitalism andsparkdiscussionsaddressingthepathtowardscreatinga contemporaryformofdemocraticsocialism,thedoublecentenary wasawelcomeopportunitytore-discoverMarxanddemonstrate hissignificanceforthedemocratic-socialistgroundswellweare currentlyexperiencing.WebelieveMarx’stheoriesarecentralto gaininganunderstandingofcontemporarysocietyandallofits problems,butevenwewereoftenpleasantlysurprisedbythelevel ofinterestinthisworld-famousthinkerfromTrier. Alongsidetheaforementionedevents,theRosa-Luxemburg- Stiftung(RLS)broughtoutanumberofpublications(including adoubleissueofLuXemburgmagazine),curatedexhibitions, organisededucationaltrips,andsupportedprojectssuch asthehistoricalfilmThe Young Karl Marx.Ouronlineproject Marx200, whichincludeda“Marxblog”,wasalsowell- received.Ofcourse,wehavecertainlybeencapitalizingon therevivedinterestinMarxtofurtherourownwork;examples includeourCapitalandMarxreadingcourses,whichcontinue tobeaswell-attendedasever.Marx200alsocausedasplash ontheworldstage.InSaintPetersburg,forexample,morethan 70participantsfromRussia,Bulgaria,Japan,Moldova,Mexico, Ukraine,andGermanyspentthreedaysinlateMayandearly Junetacklingtopicssuchasthehistoricalclassificationof MarxismandMarx’sreceptioninRussia. 2018wasalsoayearofclimaticchallengesforthefoundation, bothpoliticalandmeteorological.Thepoliticalclimatein Germanyhasbecomemorecoarse—aresultoftheelectoral successofAlternativefürDeutschland(AfD).Theirentrance intotheHessianstateparliamentsawaright-wingparty comprehensivelyestablishitselfforthefirsttimeinthehistory oftheFederalRepublicofGermany.Throughtheirtargeted provocations,theyhavesucceededineffectingarightwardshift, bothintermsofthetenorofpublicdiscourseandtheboundaries ofwhatisacceptabletosayinpublic.AndwhiletheAfD’s leadershipsystematicallyattemptstogiveright-wingextremism arespectableface,far-rightdemonstratorsinChemnitzallowed theirmaskstoslip.Whowouldhavepredictedatthebeginning oftheyearthatbyAugustafascistmobwouldbemarching throughthestreetsofChemnitzandhuntingpeopleforsport? Ididn’tthinkitwaspossible.Sucheventsmakeitclearthat 4 wasstrengtheninginternationalnetworkingandtrans-regional collaborationinareassuchas“foodsovereignty”and“positive peace”.Ouronlinedossiersprovideinsightintothecurrent developmentsanddebatespertainingtothesetopicsandthe diverserangeofactivitiesthatweorganizedaroundthem.This workcorrespondstotheboard’sstrategicconsiderations, namelytoexpandthecross-departmentalworkoccurring withintheRLSalonganumberofthematicaxes.Presently, theoutputofourworkrelatingtothefourthematicfocuses ofSocio-Ecological Transformation, Democracy and Equality, Europe, and New Internationalismisbeingevaluated.Onething isalreadyclear:we’reontherighttrack. DagmarEnkelmann Heisszeit(lit.‘hottimes’,aplayontheGermanwordforthe IceAge)wastheGermanwordoftheyearin2018—andfor goodreason.Itdescribesthelong,hot,anddrysummerthat democracyisnotsomethingwecantakeforgranted,andthat meantclimatechangewasatthecentreofpublicdiscourse democracyanditsinstitutionsmustbedefended. formonths.Whereastheconsequencesofclimatechange Ahearteningsightwasthehugedemonstration#unteilbar—For wereusuallyonlyexperiencedasimagesontheTVscreen, an Open and Free Society: Solidarity, not Exclusion!thattook theycouldnowbefeltassoonaspeopleopenedthefront placeinBerlininOctober,inwhichmanyofthefoundation’s door.Ourfoundationhaslongbeenconcernedwiththisissue, members,friends,andemployeestookpart.Thedemowasalso workingunderthesloganof“climatejustice”.Climatechange asourceofencouragementforourworkasaGermany-wide isnotsimplyanenvironmentalproblem,butoneofthecentral andinternationallyactiveorganizationofpoliticaleducation, politicalchallengesofourtime.Overthenext12years,we sinceweunderstandourselvesasadiscussionforumforcritical needtoreduceglobalcarbonemissionsby45percent.Even thinkingandpoliticalalternatives,forprogressivesocialanalysis withatemperatureincreaseof1.5degrees,wewillbeforced andchange.Weacceptthechallenge.Throughproviding toliveinaworlddefinedbyclimatecatastrophe,withgrave emancipatory,anti-fascist,andinspirationalopportunitiestoget consequencesforpeople,animals,andplantsalike. educatedandactive,ourAcademyforPoliticalEducationseeks Adelegationfromourfoundationtookpartinlastyear’sUN toopposetheinhumane,racist,andanti-Semiticideologiesand climatesummitinKatowice.Giventheglobalclimatecrisis mentalitiesthatexistinoursociety. currently takingplace,withextremeweatherconditionssuch Extremeright-wingpartiesandautocraticgovernmentshave asdroughts,therisingsealevelsthreateningcoastalregions alsobeengaininggroundinothercountries,whichhasimpacted andislands,hurricanes,andmassivecroplosses,expectations notjustourownworkinthesecountries,butalsothatofpolitical werehigh.Theoutcomes,however,wereratherdisappointing. foundationsandnon-governmentalorganizationsmorebroadly. Consideringthealarmingstatementreleasedbythe TheCentreforInternationalDialogueandCooperation,the IntergovernmentalPanelonClimateChange,theinternational internationalarmoftheRLS,isactivearoundtheworld,often communityneededtosendastrongsignalthattheystood workingwithhundredsofpartnerorganizations,politicalactors, behindtheobjectivesoftheParisAgreement,despitetrends andindividualsonalong-termbasis.Ourforeignofficessupport thatindicatethecontrary.Therapidadvanceofclimatechange emancipatorymovementsintheirstrugglesfordemocraticand threatensthelivelihoodsofmillionsofpeople.Despitethis,the socialrights.ShortlyaftertheBrazilianpresidentialelection, summitinKatowiceshowedonceagainhowdeterminedthe Imadealong-plannedvisittoourofficeinSãoPaolo.My globalelitearetodefendtheirprofitablefossil-fuelledbusiness scheduleincludeddiscussionswithourpartnerorganizations,
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