
USDA United States ~ Department of Agriculture Environmental Forest Service Assessment for the San Southwestern Region Francisco / Min1eral Withdrawal Peaks Ranger Distri ct The U.S. Department of Agriculture·(USDA) prohibits discrimination in all its programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, and marital or family status. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.) Persons with disabilities who require alternative means for communication of program information (Braille, large print, audiotape, etc.) should contact USDA's TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and TTY).

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Printed on recycled paper O April 2000 Ernvoro011·men11ta~ Assessment for the San lFranc~sco MolUintanlnl/Mournt Elden Monera~ Wijthdrrawa~

Peaks Ranger District Coconino National Forest

Southwestern Region USDA Forest Service CHAPTEIR 1a ~ntrodluctoon, lPurpose and Need, Decisoon to lbe Made

A. Introduction prior to the date of the Federal Register notice. It ls still possible that mining could occur on existing Rising abruptly from the to an claims withJn the withdrawal area, if they meet U1e elevation of 12,630 feet above sea level. t.he San criteria described above. As of the date of the Francisco Mountain (the Mountain) is the most withdrawal application, there were 51 mining claims in prominent and highest geographic feature of . the proposed withdrawal area totaling approximately The Mountain and Mount Elden are clearly visible for 5,800 acres. Most of the claims are located in the over a hundred miles in all directions. The Mountain northeastern portion of the withdrawal area. is the focal point of the Flagstaff region providing the surrounding the active pumice mining area and are scenic backdrop and outdoor recreation opportunities presumably staked for pumice, or other volcanic rocks. that are the foundation of the area's tourism i,ndustry. There is one association placer claim located in the The Mountain ls also the cultural focal point for north-central part of the proposed withdrawal, on the American Indian tribes in and the White Horse Hllls. that is staked for limestone. We do Four Corners area. The Coconino National Forest not know how many of these might have valid existing recognizes the Mountain as a traditional cultural rights; rather such information would only be property that is likely t.o be eligible for inclusion on the forthcoming from the claimant if mining of the claim National Register of Historic Places. were proposed. If claimants who hold claims in the withdrawal area decide to propose operations pursuant The United States Department of Agriculture, Forest to 36 CFR 228. subpart A, locatable mineral Service has filed a mineral withdrawal application with regulations, the Forest Service would conduct a validity the Bureau of Land Management to protect the San examination on the areas to determine if there are valid Francisco Mountain/Mount Elden area from additional existing rights. mining activities under the 1872 Mining Law. The area proposed for special protection totals approximately 73,380 acres encompassing the Mountain and Mount Elden on the Peaks Ranger B. Current Situation District of the Coconino National Forest. The Secretary The Coconino Forest Plan (Forest Plan) contains a list of Interior has the authority to make withdrawals on of areas identified as needing mineral withdrawal. National Forest System lands. All Federal agencies Existing Withdrawals. previously completed by BLM must process withdrawal requests through the and approved by the Secretary of Interior or Department of Interior, Bureau of Land Management accompJlshed through legislation, are also described in (BLM). the Forest Plan. The upper elevations of the San Francisco Mountain are permanently withdrawn via In response to the application for withdrawal, a notice legislation for the Peaks Wilderness and the was filed and published in the Federal Register dated Snowbowl Ski Area. There is currently a patchwork of November 4. 1998 proposing to formally withdraw the Withdrawn areas, open areas, and areas listed in the area identified above. The notice segregates and closes Forest Plan as desirable to withdraw within the the area for up to 2 years from entry and location proposed withdrawal area. The list below and maps under the 1872 Mining Law. This temporary which follow on pages 3 and 4, show the area location segregation protects the area from new mining claims and relationship of withdrawn and open areas. while an analysis is completed to determine the effect.s of a formal 20-year withdrawal. 'I\venty years is the maximum time period for a withdrawal. The Federal Sites Currently Withdrawn Acres Land Polley and Management Act (FLPMA) of 1976 requires that withdrawal decisions be revisited at least Elden Guard Station 11 l eve1y 20 years. Mt. Elden Lookout Site 40 Flagstaff Watershed 6,380 After formal Withdrawal. all mining activities under the Elden Environmental Study Area 761 1872 Mining Law Will be prohibited, except actions Lockett Meadow Area 772 authorized under an approved Plan of Operations on · Roadside Zones, US Highway 89 40 mining claims with prior valid existing rights. In order 25 to establish valid existing rights in the withdrawal area, Medicine Fort 48 a mining claim must have been staked prior to the 18.705 Federal Register notice date for the withdrawal. In Ski Area 777 addition, the mining claimant must have proof that. a valuable mineral had been discovered on the claim Total 27,659

Environmental Assessment for the San Francisco Mountain/Mount Elden Mineral Withdrawal l Sites on Forest Plan List expansion of mining operations to produce pumice has rallied the community in support of protect.ion of the Not Yet Implemented Acres area. Fern Mountain Botanical Area 186 Even though there is a low potential for the presence of C Hart Merriam Base Camp 40 valuable metallic minerals such as gold, silver and Total copper, etc .. this area Is still at risk from surface 226 disturbance and patenting under the 1872 Mining Law. The Mining Law of 1872 has been used in this area to gain access to minerals usua11y considered to be common variety (sand, gravel. cinders) and to patent national forest land. Patenting is the process C. Forest Plan Direction that transfers ownership of Federal land to mining and Other Community Plans claimants under the Mining Law of 1872. Patenting of Standards and guidelines such as those for visual national forest land in the proposed withdrawal area quality objectives, sensitive species management. and has resulted from rulings by Interior Board of Land recreation management are not consistent with surface Appeals Administrative Law Judges that certain types disturbance from mining activities. The Forest Plan of sand, gravel, cinders and pumice were locatable states that. "During Forest Plan Implementation, it Is minerals. There are 140 acres of mining claims ln the possible that additional withdrawal candidate areas proposed withdrawal area that have been patented. All of will be identified. Any such candidate will be subject. the patented claims are located in areas of extreme to public review and FLPMA procedures." environmental and cultural sensitivity. Sand. gravel, amt cinders. normally not considered to be a locatable mineral. were produced from these claims. The In addition. recent local and regional planning patented mining claims are located on steep, unstable documents have also identified the importance of slopes and are highly visible for great distances. Most protecting the cultural, recreational. and visual of the claims are no longer active and have been left resources of the San Francisco Mountain/Mount without reclamation. In addition, mining disturbance Elden area. Mining activities authmized under the on the patented mining claims has adversely impacted Mining Law of 1872 are not consistent with objectives habitat for threatened and endangered species. and to suggested in a variety of City of Flagstaff and Coconino the Indian tribes with religious ties to the area. County planning documents, such as the "Flagstaff . represents irreparable damage to the traditional Area Open Spaces and Greenways Plan," the "Flagstaff cultural property. 2020 - A Vision for our Community." or the draft "Flagstaff Area Regional Land Use and Transportation There were two proposals that stimulated much Plan." discussion in the community and within the Forest Service about the uniqueness of the San Francisco Mountain/Mount Elden area; it's cultural importance. D. Past Experiences and the need for protection. One was a proposal by with the 1872 Mining Law Arizona Tuffiite Inc. to expand pumice mining operations on the east side of the Mountain. The other Mining activities have and are currently adversely proposal, from a group of invest.ors seeking_ a limestone impacting areas important to American Indian culture source for scrubbers at the Generatmn Plant at within the proposed withdrawal area. Surface Page. Arizona, was a plan to conduct exploratory disturbance from mining on the slopes of the drilling on the east side of Mount Elden and the While Mountain also represents a long-term degradation to Horse Hills. the visual resources unique to this area. Mining activity on the Mountain has impacted the visual quality from National Monument and Highway 89. In addition, pasl mining E. Purpose and Need actiVity and the resulting ground disturbance ls Under current Forest Service policy and law. adversely impacting visual and recreational withdrawal from mineral entry is generally not. opportunities on the east. side of the Mountain and the necessary to supplement protection afforded by Lockett Meadow area. The threat of continued existing law and regulation. Mineral withdrawal is an

2 Environmental Assessment for the San f<~rancisco Mountain/Mount. Elden Mineral Withdrawal I San Fra~~isco Mountain/Mount Elden Proposed Withdrawal Area _ ~i:/ i· - ~ j ·- .,,;;, ' cl~ ,. II ~~ ~-~ filliiil·iil!i ,J, ,, l£ /~ • . --v~''J-\ ~ . - . • I~- /~\_ fA ,_, c.J1 W,..-'1-1;"\1""-"1./ -\· ~~>-r 0 ~,- ~,,.,_/ '· \..r' .,, ...r" . ...., J > , :l:i: ,,.--r-..J r, ..--· ··v-l/•·v-·v·-, "'· ' r·- ... - r;mi'. r" ( rl./\ ('\./\ __ .... , ,'\ ·r~ Iii ~ ; filli!jf- "- , _j <._s-,-y:J,'-';v:-'l ]{ ) 0 ,. ¼ \.,_ ~ ~ D f ( ,,.,....,~ ~:,,,,, ~~--- 0 ~ , ...J'~ , ___,,.,_..,..,- '"'=l,~\'... -Ld i t ~-~ ,____ .. ~~

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Nl]::::::i:j:~ ~\,lh' Proposed Withdrawal Boundary ' ! !t'..=i ·······!.. . rA,,•:::/!::~:! ~~!':'!':'!"-~~~~ j ·'7 ! llifi!ihMil Private and State Land !____ !:::::::::::::::: ~, ,J

1 O 1 2 3 Miles ~ ..J

Environmental Assessment for the San Francisco Mountain/Mount Elden Mineral Withdrawal 3 Current and Planned Withdrawals within the San Francisco Mountain/Mount Elden Area

Legend N· ~ Planned Withdrawals ~ Current Withdrawals A Proposed Withdrawal Boundary D 1 0 1 2 3 Miles r5

Environmental Assessment for the San Francisco Mountain/Mount Elden Mtneral Withdrawal Map created on 4/13/00

4 Environmental Assessment for the San f<~rancisco Mountain/Mount Elden Mineral Withdrawal important management tool. however. the acllon must property. This area. which includes the Jlanks be justified by showing that the area cannot be of San Francisco Mountain and Mount Elden. managed for multiple-use or protected by other means. has a very high archaeological site density, The BLM considers the uniqueness of resource values and ls likely eligible for nomination to the the most significant measurement in assessing whether National Register of Historic Places. Many of or not a withdrawal will be approved. When used for these archaeological sites have previously been withdrawal justification. the BLM defines the term determined eligible, or potentially eligible. for unique as, "A resource feature of limited occurrence. the National Register, including Elden Pueblo. on a regional or national basts. that has unusual value for scientific or scenic purposes. or as an outstanding Recreational Use: The Mount 1':lden/Dry example of natural phenomenon. Characteristics that Lake Hills area contains an extensive make a feature unique are its rarity. significance, recreation trail system that is linked with the fragility and irreplaceabtlity." Flagstaff Urban Trails System and the . The San Francisco Mountain/Mount Here are the reasons why a withdrawal ls appropriate Elden area ls a summer and winter recreation for this area at this time. The following values arc destination from the Phoenix metropolitan area important and unique and cannot tolerate surface and local residents. Visitors traveling to the disturbance from mining: 1) the area ts geologically and pass close to the Mountain on biologically unique; 2) the area is culturally significant; Highways 180 and 89. Big game and other 3) there are diverse and popular recreation wildlife habitat provide opportunity for hunting opportunities; 4) there are spectacular scenic and wildlife viewing. both popular acttvitles in experiences; 6) communities have identified the area as Arizona. This area is one of the few in the important to local economies and a sense of place; and state With large groves of aspen, and viewing 7) our experience has shown that we arc unable to fall colors is a major attraction. Mining afford adequate protection to these values under disturbance is not compatible With managing current laws. and maintaining trail systems. vegetation, and wildlife habitat that have c\ significant role in Unique Geology and Biology: The San recreation and tourism for the community. Francisco Mountain/Mount Elden area contains the highest point in Arizona and is Scenic Vistas: This area provides the scenic clearly visible from distances in excess of 100 backdrop for Flagstaff and its outlying miles. This type of feature is of very limited communities. Scenic vistas are enjoyed along occurrence in Arizona. Rislng from an the major highways and from vantage points elevation of 7,000 feet above sea level to over along U1e popular Snowbowl Road. Current 12,000 feet. the Mountain is unique in mining operations are clearly visible from juxtaposition of several life zones and the only Sunset Crater Volcano National Monument. tundra In Arizona. C. Hart Merriam Surface disturbance associated With mining is used the Mountain to study and develop his not compatible with the recreation and visual theories of elevation life zones. The lands management direction for the area. being considered for Withdrawal contain suitable habitat for 18 threatened. Community Sense of Place: The San endangered, or sensitive species. Francisco Mountain/Mount Elden area is an integral part of the community of Flagstaffs Unique and Important American Indian history and sense of place. Northern Arizona Cultural Values: The area is unique and is referred to as the Mountain Campus. Most central to American Indian religious and publications and documentaries about the cultural practices. and important to the community feature pictures of the Mountain. cultures of at least 13 tribes in the Southwest and many local businesses display the United States. No other area or feature can Mountain in their advertising logos. substitute for the Mountain in its role as one Resolutions expressing the importance of the of the most important traditional cultural Mountain and support for the withdrawal from properties in the Southwest. Tribal Flagstaff City Council and Coconino County consultations have indicated that surface Board of Supervisors demonstrate the disturbance from mining activities represents relationship and stgniftcancc of this area to the irreparable damage to the traditional cultural community.

Environmental Assessment for the San Francisco Mountain/Mount Elden Mineral Withdrawal 5 Ability to Manage Surface Disturbance: The visual resources far exceeds the mineral value that the Forest Service's surface management area presents. Mineral extraction Is not compatible regulations do not provide adequate protection with the management direction the general public ls from prospecting disturbance. mining insisting on for this area. Although many values are operations, or mineral patent. The surface protected by current or p1anned withdrawals. important management regulations have no provisions areas are not included. In addition. by consolidating for disapproving mineral related operations or areas outside of the wilderness into one withdrawal activities that are authorized under the Mining with one 20-year timeframe to track. F'orest Service and Law of 1872. Therefore. mining operations BLM efficiency ls increased. cannot be controlled by Forest Service surface management regulations and disturbance cannot be eliminated. The risk of losing a F. Decision To Be Made variety of public benefits provided by the San Francisco Mountain/Mount Elden area The Coconino National Forest Supervisor will decide. as remains. if this area is left open to mineral a result of this analysis. whether or not to amend the location under the General Mining Law of Forest Land Management Plan by adding the San 1872. Frnncisco Mountain/Mount Elden area to the list of areas needing special protection of a mineral Withdrawal. The decision will also include a Summary: Maintaining the recreational, visual, recommendation to the Bureau of Land Management to wildlife. and cultural resources that the San Francisco act on the Forest Service's application to formally Mountain/Mount Elden area provides is extremely withdraw the area for 20 years. important to the local community as well as society ln general. The value of the cultural, recreational and

6 Environmental Assessment for the San Francisco Mountain/Mount. Elden Mineral Withdrawal CHAPTER ~~ - Alternatives

4. They are a place for conducting sacred A. Summary of Alternative ceremonies and prayers. Development 5. They are a location with traditional stories Following publication of the Federal Register Notice of associated wiU1 it. the withdrawal application, the Forest Service issued press releases. held a public meeting on March 31. Tribes submitting letters supportlng the mineral 1999. and initiated tribal consultation. The proposed withdrawal were the -. Yavapai-Prescott. action was described in the "Ideas for Change" booklet White Mountain Apache. San Carlos Apache. that was malled to approximately 1,300 individuals, agencies, and organizations in May of 1999. The Havasu pal, Pueblo of Zuni. . and the . proposed action described at the public meetings and in the .. Ideas for Change" was deve]oped into The Flagstaff City Council issued Resolution #2242: Alternative A. Alternative B. the no action alternative, "NOW THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED. to protect the was developed as required by the National integrity of the Peaks, the Council of the City of Environmental Policy Act (NEPA}. An alternative to Flagstaff Is opposed to any expansion of the White recommend a smaller area for withdrawal was Vulcan mine, but should lt not be within the preview of considered. but dropped from further analysis. the Forest Service to deny an expansion. the Council urges the Forest Service to move forward with Environmental Impact Statement process: and further urges that the be withdrawn from B. Summary of Public Comment any future mining." This Resolution was passed and Received in Response to the adopted the March 17. 1999. by the Mayor and Council Proposal of the_ City of Flagstaff. The Forest has received over 3,000 comments concerning the withdrawal application since November The Coconino County Board of Supervisors commented of 1998. Approximately 1,365 names were collected on via an official letter that opposed further mining in the petitions expressing support for the potential potential withdrawal area. Concerns expressed by the withdrawal application and opposition to expansion of Coconino County Board of Supervisors were: potential an active mining operation within the potential patenting of mining claims that could result in withdrawal area. Approximately 750 similar comments inappropriate development: abandoned mine sites left were received via form letters. Thirty-three speakers Without reclamation; visual impacts associated with commented during the March 31, 1999 public meetJng. mining: Native American issues: general concerns with all expressing support for the wiU1drawal action. In the 1872 Mining Act; and other environmental issues addition. 5 written comments were also received during associated with mining on the Peaks. that meeting. All other comments came in the form of · e-mail. letters. postcards, telephone conversations. and Other organizations and groups submitting comments formal resolutions. opposing mining in the San Francisco Mountain/ Mount Elden area, and in support of the mineral Formal resolutions were passed by various groups. withdrawal are the: Sierra Club. Northern Arizona including Teesto Chapter of the , Navajo Audubon. National Park Service. Arizona Game & Fish Medicine Men's Association. Western Navajo Agency, Department. Grand Canyon Trust. Coconino the Dine' Medicine Men's Association, Kaycnta Chapter Community CoUege of Environmental Sciences. Society of the Navajo Tribe. Navajo Nation Council. HATMLII for Applied Anthropology. Flagstaff Activist Network. Advisory Council, the Hopi Tribe. the Flagstaff City Southwest Forest Alliance. Southwest Center for Council. and a recommendation was submitted by the Biodiversity, Coconino Sportsmen, and the Arizona Coconino County Board of Supervisors. Tribal Ethno Botanical Research Association. resolutions emphasized: All of the above mentioned comments. in support of 1. The San Francisco Peaks are religiously and withdrawal, are represented by Alternative A. culturally significant. Of the approximately 3.000 comments received. there 2. They arc the homes of Holy Peop]e. were 4 that expressed opposition or concern with the 3. They are a place where Native Americans gather proposed withdrawal. These comments were generally medicines. minerals. and other materials for concerned with ltmltlng the supply of important ceremonial and traditional uses. mineral resources. Additionally. a law firm that

Environmental Assessment for the San Francisco Mountain/Mount Elden Mineral Withdrawal 7 represents a local mining operation questioned the public, including numerous tribes that supported the purpose and need of the mineral withdrawal. The boundary as proposed. Additionally. the boundaries as Forest Service reviewed these comments and proposed are readily identifiable and follow an elevation determined that the no-action alternative best that delineates the landmass of the San Francisco represented these concerns. Mountain/Mount Elden area.

C. Alternatives Considered but D. Alternatives Analyzed in Detail Dropped from Further Analysis Alternative A will amend the Forest Land Management The objective in establishing a boundary for the Plan by adding the San Francisco Mountain/Mount potential withdrawal was protection of the unique Elden area to the list of areas needing special resources described in the Purpose and Need section protection of a mineral withdrawal. Alternative A Will of this document. Ame1;can Indian Tribes do not also include a recommendation to the Bureau of Land conceptualize boundaries as Euro Americans do. Management to act on the Forest Service's application Consequently. the various tribes consulted were to formally withdraw the area for 20 years. Alternative unable to provide direct and specific input as to the A will replace all existing withdrawals with the location of a boundary. Through evaluating the except.ion of the Kachina Peaks Wilderness and the information gathered from consultations with various Snowbowl Ski Area, in the area with a new consolidated tribes with cultural ties to the Mountain. the agency 20-year timeframe. The Kachina Peaks Wilderness and decided on the proposed boundary. Other alternatives Snowhowl Ski Area are permanen Uy withdrawn: were discussed that involved smaller areas. They were therefore, there ts no need to include those areas in the dropped from further consideration because the withdrawal recommendation. Approximately 37 resources identified by the community, tribal officials. percent. or 27,659 acres, are currently covered by and tribal representatives as unique and special could existing withdrawals. Under Alternative A. 46,721 not be protected through withdrawal of a smaller area. acldilional acres will be protected by withdrawal as The area proposed for withdrawal is connected depleted by the map labeled Alternative A on the culturally and environmentally and functions as a opposite page. whole. Protecting only portions of this area would degrade the qualities and unique resources that Alternative Bis the "no act.ion" alternative where no vartous communities are demanding to be protected. change would be made to the Forest Plan and no Consequently, withdrawing only a portion of the area recommendation would be made to BLM for withdrawal. proposed was dropped from further consideration Current withdrawals will continue until expired or because it does not meet the obJecUves and purpose of renewed. the proposal. This action was supported through several thousand documented comments from the

8 Environmental Assessment for the San Francisco Mountain/Mount Elden Mineral Withdrawal Alternative A = New Withdrawa~ Area


lt!·~~1 Current Withdrawals Not Ii~~!!'.! Replaced or Changed ~ Planned Withdrawals ~ Current Withdrawals To Be Replaced 1w) Proposed New Withdrawal

Environmental Assessment for the San Francisco Mountain/Mount Elden Mineral Withdrawal Map created on 4113100 1 0 1 2 3 Miles E.i --,

Environmental Assessment for the San Francisco Mountain/Mount Elden Mineral Withdrawal 9 CHAPTER ~~~ m Affected lEnvoronment and ED1lvnro1r1me01ta~ Consequences

A. Traditional Cultural Property B. Economics The San Francisco Mountain/Mount Elden area is well Mineral withdrawal will reduce commercial mining known as n place holding extreme religious and opportunities that may affect the economic cultural values to a number of American Indian tribes opportunities of a few members of the local community. in the Southwest. The tribes holding significant Continued mining could adversely affect the area's traditional interests for the San Francisco Mountain visual and recreational resources. which could are the Hopi, Navajo. Zuni, Hualapal. . ultimately have adverse economic and quality of Hie Yavapai-Apache. Yavapai-Prescott, . Impacts to the residents of Flagstaff and the White Mountain Apache. San Carlos Apache. San surrounding region. By statute, Federal agencies are to Juan Southern Pauite, Fort McDowell Mohave Apache. administer these lands for the benefit of all Americans. and Acoma. The significance of the Mountain to the including those who live near public lands or whose tribes encompasses many aspects. including healing economic we1l-being depends on the goods and services powers, serving as home to deities, as a physical these lands produce. carrier of prayers to the gods, their role in creation myths and other stories. and many other cultural and Mining is not a major economic factor for Flagstaff or religious associations. The Mountain has been Northern Arizona. The only active mining operation not identified as a traditional cultural property to the on patented land within the withdrawal area ts the Coconino National Forest by these tribes. and is White Vulcan Pumice Mine, operated by Arizona Tufllite currently being evaluated for eligibility for the National Inc. This mine employs locally between 3 and 6 Register of Historic Places. individuals depending upon market conditions. The potential for locatable pumice deposits within the The Coconino National Forest has been told by the proposed withdrawal area is rated as high. although the hibes that commercial ground disturbing activities probability for economic recovery of those deposits is associated with mining are a desecration. Continued considered low. Tourism is a major economic factor for mining will furtl1er adversely affect the traditional and Flagstaff and Northern Arizona. The Mountain is very spiritual values as well as the quality of religion important to the tourism Industry. Maintaining the experienced. Tribal and spiritual leaders have visual quality. cultural integrity, recreational repeatedly expressed to the Forest Service the opportunities. and wildlife habitat the area provides is importance of protecting the area from further mining. vital to the economic well-being of the region. The Mining activities are not consistent with management economic effects of the withdrawal will be positive for and protection of perhaps the most significant the community because the resources that attract traditional cultural property In the Southwest. The tourism and recreation will be protected. The economic Forest Service's surface management regulations do impact from the loss of a few mining jobs that may not provide adequate protection. This is illustrated by result from the withdrawal action will not affect. the several large and highly visible mining related scars on community as a whole. Maintaining the visual quality the slopes of the Mountain. left without reclamation and recreational opportunities ls an important factor in and in an unstable condition. Mining activity has the quality of life for most people that live in the impacted archaeological sites. and additional sites will Flagstaff area. The value of the San Francisco be destroyed or damaged if mining continues. Mountain/Mount Elden area, for uses other than mineral extraction. far exceeds the mineral value. Conclusion: Should U1c BLM and Secrel.ary of Interior approve the withdrawal as recommended in Conclusion: Should the BLM and Secretary of Interior Alh:!mative A. then traditional cultural values will be approve the withdrawal as recommended in Alt.emative protected from surface disturbance mining in the San A. then economic values associated with tourism and Francisco Mountain/Mount Elden area. recreation will be protected from surface disturbance from mining. A few miningjobs may be lost. but the Under Alternative B. there is the potential for further value for uses other than mineral extraction far exceeds degradation of traditional cultural property values the mineral value of this area. from surface disturbance from mining. Under Alternative B. there ls the potential for degradation of economic values associated with tourism and recreation from surface disturbance from mining.

Environmental Assessment for the San Frunclsco Mountain/Mount Elden Mineral Withdrawal 11 C. Visual Quality E. Wildlife The Forest Plan visual quality objectives for the San Francisco Mountain/Mount Elden area are Threatened, Endangered preservation. retention. and partial retention. A or Sensitive Species preservation objective is prescribed for all wilderness The lands being considered for withdrawal contain areas induding the Kachina Peaks Wilderness and. aside from some very low impact recreation faciltttes. suitable habitat for 18 threatened. endangered, or allows evidence of ecological change only. A retention sensitive species. objective only allows impacts that are not visually evident to the casual observer. A partial retention The withdrawal would protect threatened. endangered. objective only allows impacts that remain subordinate and sensitive species from negative affects of mining. to U1e characteristic landscape. The potential for Mining can affect species by habitat loss, mitigating the visible effects of mining activity on the fragmentation of habitat, and noise disturbance. A San Francisco Mountain/Mount Elden area ls very low detailed eva]uatlon of the potential effects to given the high visibility of the area from important threatened, endangered. and sensitive species is recreation areas and travel routes, the high color located in the project record. All threatened. contrast between exposed soil and surrounding endangered, or sensitive species cou]d potentially be vegetation. and the difficulty of re-vegetating disturbed impacted if mining activities occurred within suitable ground in the area. or occupied habitat for each species. The table on the following page identifies the 18 species. which may be Conclusion: Should the BLM and Secretary of Interior potentially impacted. approve the withdrawal as recommended in Alternative A, then visual quality will be maintained in regards to There is a high potential for impact to four species: the surface disturbance mining. Mexican spotted ow], northern goshawk. peregrine falcon. and cliff fleabane. These species are located in Under Alternative B. there is the potential for areas where there is a high probability for mineral degradation of visual quality values from surface activity and that could experience impacts al a disturbance from mining. Any surface mining activity population or geographic range level as discussed on the slopes of the San Francisco Mountain/Mount below: Elden area will not meet Forest Plan objectives for scenic quality. Threatened Species: Mexican spotted owls occur within the mixed conifer forests. Tree clearing for mines or road access could destroy habitat. Loss of habitat to support breeding D. National Interests pairs may lead to a population decline. National forests have an essential role in contributing Although mine rehabilitation could restore to an adequate and stable supply of mineral and habitat. this species requires dense old forests energy resources. Large mineral withdrawals may that would take over 100 years to grow again to preclude opportunities to develop mineral resources replace lost habitat. that arc vital to the Nat.ion. The Federal Land Policy Management Act of 1976 (FLPMA) declares among Sensitive Species: The northen1 goshawk is a other things, that It is the policy of the United States rare hawk that prefers large ponderosa pine that "public lands be managed in a manner that trees for nesting. Tree clearing for mines or recognizes the Nation's need for domestic resources of road access could affect habitat for the minerals. food, timber, and fiber from the lands." The northern goshawk. Loss of habitat to support potential withdrawal area does not contain any mineral breeding pairs may lead to a population decHne. resources that are strategically important to the Habitat restoration for this species would take country. over 100 years.

Conclusion: Implementing Alternative A and The peregrine falcon nests on cliffs and is subsequent approval by BLM and the Secretary of extremely sensitive to disturbance. Mining Interior will not withdraw mineral resources that are within 3 miles of a cliff-nesting site could cause strategically important to the country. nest abandonment. Loss of reproductive sites for the peregrine falcon could impact the

12 Environmental Assessment for the San Francisco Mountain/Mount Elden Mineral Withdrawal Suitable Habitat High Present= Potential Potential Species Name for Impact for lmpa_ct Mammals Black-footed ferret. Mustela nigripes ...... X ...... Mexican vole. Microtus mcxicanus navalto ...... X ......

Birds American peregrine falcon. Falco peregrinus anatum ...... X ...... x Bald eagle, Haliaeetus leucoceptmlu.s ...... X ...... Mexican spotted owl, Strix occidentalis lucida ...... X ...... X Northern goshawk. Accipiter gentilis ...... X ...... x

Reptiles and Amphibians Northern leopard frog, Rana pipiens ...... X ......

Plants Rusby's milk vetch, Astragalus rusbyi...... X ...... Cliff fleabane. Erigeron saxatilis ...... X ...... X Flagstaff beard tongue, Penstemon nud{florus ...... X ...... Mt. Dellenbaugh sandwort. Arenaria aberans ...... X ...... Sunset Crater beardtongue, Penstemon clutei...... X ......

Insects Arynxa giant skipper. Agathymus ary:ma ...... X ...... Freeman's agave borer. Agathumus bauerifreemani ...... X ...... Early elfin. Jncisaliafoti.s ...... X ...... Spotted sktpperlfng. Pinmn polingii ...... X ...... Mountain silverspot butterfly, Speye1ia nokomLc; nitocrL~ ...... X ...... Blue-black silverspot butterfly, Speyeria nokomis nokomis ...... X ......

population level. Once endangered by possible Conclusion: Should the BLM and Secretary of Interior extinction, this species has been recovered and approve the withdrawal as recommended in Alternative was recently removed from the Endangered A. then threatened and sensitive species habitat values Species List. Loss of reproductive sites will w111 be protected from disturbance from mining. increase the likelihood of re-listing the peregrine falcon. Under Alternative B, the potential exists for surface disturbance from mining to: 1) change the geographic Cliff fleabane is a rare plant. There is one range of cliff fleabane. a rare plant: 2) add to loss of known location near Little Elden Spring. It ts reproductive sites for peregrine falcon: 3) add to loss of found growing tn the crevices of rocks. habitat to support breeding pairs of northern Mining In this area could destroy the plant and goshawks: and. 4) add to loss of habitat for Mexican its habitat. This ts the northern-most location spotted owls. It is important to note that northern of the plant wt thin its range. Loss of this goshawks and Mexican spotted owl habitat can take up location would change the geographic range of to l 00 years to re-establish after large-scale surface the species. disturbance.

Environmental Assessment for the San Francisco Mountain/Mount Elden Mineral Withdrawal 13 F. Soils and Water Under Alternative B, we cannot guarantee that BMP's and GP's could be implemented because of potential The San Francisco Mountain/Mount Elden area is patenting of claims. There is potential for surface located within portions of four different fifth code disturbance from mining to impact soil and water watersheds. The Flagstaff. Sycamore Canyon and quality and create additional patches of unsatisfactory Cataract-Spring Valley fifth code watersheds drain into watershed. the Verde River. The Cedar-Deadman watershed drains into the Little Colorado River. The Little Colorado River and segments of the Verde River arc currently in non-attainment for turbidity standards G. Air ( 1996 Arizona Department of Environmental Quall ty The San Francisco Mountain/Mount Elden area lies on (ADEQ) Water Quality Assessment). top of the Colorado Plateau and air quality on the Coconino Plateau is generally good. This area is in the Generally, the I-'orest Service lands within the San Little Colorado, Verde and Colorado River air sheds Francisco Mountain/Mount Elden area arc in and is classified as a Class 2 alrshed. Class 2 airshed satisfactory watershed condition. though pockets of standards are under the jurisdiction of the state. unsatisfactory conditions exist in meadows and old Surface mining can cause localized impacts to air wildfire areas. quality through dust and particulates generated from mining and hauling activities. The area does not contain any perennial streams or rivers. however, heavy runoff occurs in the spring from Conclusion: In the overall airshed there ts little snowmelt. Past mining activity, especially in the Sugar difference between the two alternatives. however. at a Loaf area, has caused localized erosion and off-site more local scale. Alternative A llmits impacts to air sedimentation. The withdrawal action will protect quality from mining activities, and Alternative B downstream water quality and off-site sedimentation maintains the potential for such impacts. problems by limiting potential ground disturbing activities associated with mining. H. Vegetation The Nonpotnt Source Intergovernmental Agreement signed by the Forest Service (Region 3) and the Arizona The potential withdrawal area is predominately Department of Environmental Quality stat.es that the ponderosa pine cover type. The higher elevations near Forest Service wHl endeavor lo minimize and mitigate the wilderness boundary and including the Kachlna all potential nonpolnt source pollution activities. As Peaks Wilderness are mixed conifer with aspen stands. agreed upon by the Stale of Arizona and the Forest Service, the most practical and effective means of Conclusion: The withdrawal action of Alternative A cont.rolling potential nonpoint pollution sources from will protect vegetative resources. including ponderosa forests and rangelands Is through the development of pine and mixed conifer old growth. which have vital preventative or mitigating land management practices. importance to wildlife Including threatened and generally referred to as Best Management Practices endangered species. (BMPs}. or in the case of Arizona's process. Guidance Practices (GPs). The purpose of this agreement ts to meet objectives defined by the United States Congress I. Recreation in the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (as amended Popular trails in the project area receive over 10.000 in I 987). 1bese objectives are to restore and maintain visitors per year. The Flagstaff area national the chemical. physical and biological integrity of the Nation's waters Jn Arizona by complying with water monuments (Walnut Canyon. Wupatki and Sunset Crater Volcano National Monuments} combined receive quality standards identified for designated uses in downst.ream perennial waters. approximately 500.000 visitors per year. In 1997. the Flagstaff Visitor Center reported 110,729 walk-ins. The Snowbowl Ski Area receives approximately Conclusion: Should the BLM and Secretary of Interior 125,000 winter visitors and 35,000 summer visitors approve the withdrawal as recommended In Alternative each year. Although the ski area itself Js Withdrawn. A, then soil and water quaHty and watershed health areas along the popular Snowbowl Road. and areas will have greater protection from additional surface within the vistas are not withdrawn. San Francisco disturbance from mining.

14 Environmental Assessment for the San :rrancisco Mountain/Mount Elden Mineral Withdrawal Mountain and Mount Elden are within a 2- to 3-hour Conclusion: Should the BLM and Secretary of Interior drive from the Phoenix metropolitan area. Especially approve the withdrawal as recommended in .'-\lternative during the summer months. many people travel to the A. then recreation settings and recreation opportunities area for recreation and to enjoy cooler temperatures will be protected from surface disturbance from afforded by the high elevations. Popular activities mining. enjoyed by local and touring public include hiking. mountain biking, horseback riding, dispersed Under Alternative B. there remains the potential for camping. and driving for pleasure. There are outfitter surface disturbance mining that would be inconsistent guides operating within the San Francisco Mountain/ with Forest Plan objectives for recreation settings and Mount Elden area. and many groups request special recreation opportunity. use peqnlts each year for events such as weddings. group gatherings. and races. Rock climbing is a popular activity on Mount Elden, which includes Cumulative Effects training for search and rescue crews. In the fall. major J. forest roads such as Hart Prairie and Lockett Meadow Cumulative effects arc effects on the environment Roads are bumper to bumper with vehicles carrying which resull from the incremental impact of the action people through the aspen fall colors. when added to other past. present. and reasonable foreseeable future actions. regardless of what agency Visitor experiences or recreation settings are described (federal or non-federal) or person undertakes such in the Forest Plan using the Recreation· Opportunity other actions. Spectrum (ROS) system. A map of the ROS inventory for the San Francisco Mountain/Mount Elden area i~ Past. present and ongoing activities have been located in the Forest Service office as a geographic considered in con.Junction with Alternatives A and B. information system layer. The ROS Inventory for the The current status of air. soil. water. vegetation, area is generally described below: wildlife habitat. visuals. recreation. and cultural resources are described in other sections of this • There are semi-primitive non-motorized and chapter. There are approximately 110 acres of current semi-primitive motorized settings in the soil disturbance on patented mining claims and 100 majority of the area outside of Kachina Peaks acres of disturbance on unpatented claims located Wilderness. Roaded natural corridors occur within the proposed withdrawal area. Implementation along major forest roads. of Alternative A will limit additional soil disturbance. Under Alternative B. there remains the potential for • There are patches of roaded natural settings additional acres of ground disturbance within the San in areas close to major highways or Francisco Mountain/Mount Elden area. Cumulative developments. economic effects of Alternative A and Alternative B arc described in section B of this chapter. Neither alternative has a large effect on the region·s economy. The Forest Plan st.ates that total acres of any ROS Ongoing and future actions as described in the class are allowed to change no more than plus or "Schedule of Proposed Actions" for the Coconino minus 15 percent from the updated inventoried levels National Forest have been reviewed and are located in during the first decade. Surface disturbance mining the Project Record. changes a recreation setting to Roacled Natural. Rural or even Urban depending on the facilities and Conclusion: There is not a significant cumulative disturbance occurring. The Forest Plan directs us to cffect to the environment. or to the economy of the manage the Mount Eden/Dry Lake Hills to maintain a Flagstaff region or the Nation, from implementing semi-primitive non-motorized ROS class. It is Alternative A. Under Alternative B. there is a potential desirable to maintain semi-primitive non-motorized for additional surface disturbance from mining. which and semi-primitive motorized settings to maintain the when combined with current mining uses. could have a recreation activities described above. and ensure a good wild land experience for visitors. Localized dust, cumulative effect. noise. and wildlife disturbance detract from recreation experiences.

Environmental Assessment for the San Francisco Mountain/Mount Elden Mineral Withdrawal 15 K. Environmental Justice nor does it impact minority populations. As stated earlier in the economics section, the overall economy of The issue of envJronmcntal equity and justice in the r~lagstaff area. including its low income and natural resource allocation and decision-making is minority populations is strongly tied to the tourism receiVing increasing political and social attention industry. with mineral extraction a very small (Albrecht, H)95: Scott. 1996). Following President percentage of the overall economy. Alternative A has a Clinton's Executive Order 12898 (Federal Register. beneficial effect on the traditional cultural values of February 1994), ·au Federal land management agencies minority American Indian Tribes in the region. have been mandated to address environmental justice in nonwhite and/or low*lncome populations, with the Alternative B continues the potenUal for adverse goal of achieving environmental protection for all natural resource effects that could negatively impact communities regardless of their racial and economic recreation and tourism-based businesses. Alternative composition. B continues the potential for negative effects to tradltlonal cultural values of minority American Indian Conclusion: Alternative A does not result in Tribes. disproportionate impacts to low-income populations.

16 Environmental Assessment for the San Francisco Mountain/Mount Elden Mineral Withdrawal 0

CHAIPTER ~V - lost of !Preparers

Ken Jacobs. Lands and Minerals Staff, Peaks Ranger Jim Beard ~ Landscape Architect., Coconino National District {ID Team Leader) Forest

Sandy Nagiller. Wildlife Staff. Peaks Ranger District Katherine F'arr - Forest Planner. Coconino National Forest Linda Farnsworth. Archaeologist, Peaks Ranger Disttict Debbie Kill - NEPA Coordinator. Peaks Ranger District

Peter Pilles ~ Archaeologist, Coconino Nalional Forest

o U.S. ClOVF.RNMF.NJ' PRJNrJN:; OFFICE: 2000-57J-.3l.2/24154

- Environmental Assessment for the San Francisco Mountain/Mount ~:lden Mineral Withdrawal 17