
Michael Kinsley h 41 1/ The True Scope of the Hollywood Oliver Stone is in the doghouse over his movie He's interested in the idea." Sex and ideas: a "JFK." He stands accused of trashing history, of veritable Gary Hart. glorifying a dangerous lunatic, New Orleans prose- Bugsy, writes the Times approvingly, cutor , and of polluting the minds of a is "the archetypal American dreamer." In the mov- generation too young to remember the real events. ie, standing in the middle of a barren desert, His message; America is controlled by a vast Beatty/Bugsy imagines Las Vegas. "It came to me conspiracy in the government and media, of which like a vision, like a religious epiphany," the charac- Lee Harvey Oswald was just a minor player and ter says. In fact, according to "Little Man," Robert possibly an innocent dupe. Lacey's recent biography of Meyer Lansky, Seigel But the problem goes far beyond Oliver Stone. didn't even come close to inventing Las Vegas. He is just a minor player, and possibly an innocent There were already two large luxury casino-hotels dupe, of a conspiracy to twist the truth that includes on the Las Vegas "strip" before his. Even the Flamingo Hotel itself wasn't his idea. He invested in virtually all of Hollywood. The media, I'm sorry to it after construction had started and later forced out report, are involved in this conspiracy as well. How the real founder in the usual unsavory mariner. else to explain their obsessive focus on Oliver Stone "Bugsy" makes much of Seigel's alleged patriotic and "JFK," while more dangerous malefactors es- desire to assassinate Mussolini. In fact, according to 'cape unscathed? Is it just a coincidence that Oliver "We Only Kill Each Other," a 1967 biography of Stone is vilified for glamorizing Jim Garrison, while Seigel by Dean Jennings, Bugsy actually did busi- gets nothing but praise for glamoriz- ness with Mussolini. The dictator sent him $40,000 ing the far more odious figure of mobster Bugsy as an advance on delivery of a new kind of explosive Siegel? in which Seigel—visionary as ever—had invested. To be sure, the hero of "Bugsy" kills a couple of Only after the failure of a demonstration—for people. But who can hold that against such a which Seigel went to Italy, socialized with Mussolini charmer and visionary? "He's classically heroic, in a (plus Goebbels and Goering) and notably failed to way," explains Beatty's co-star , assassinate him—did relations deteriorate. accurately capturing the movie's viewpoint. "He has Clearly, then, Warren Beatty and the New York a fatal flaw—he has hubris." Says Meyer Lansky in Times are involved in a conspiracy, along with the the movie itself: "He isn't even interested in mothey. rest of the entertainment-informational complex, to

Conspiracy destroy the American Dream for generations too its fulfillment in a human relation of deep devotion." young to remember where they were the day In short, "the marriage of Beauty and the Beast is Bugsy Seigel was shot. By glamorizing bloody the humanization and socialization of the id by the criminals, they are poisoning children's minds superego." against real American heroes like Lee Iacocca and The Disney people mangle all these subconscious Robert Stempel. themes in ways that inevitably will cause grave But "Bugsy" is not this conspiracy's darkest psychological trauma to young viewers. If the achievement of late. That encomium belongs to transferal of affection from father to lover is Walt Disney Studios' vicious misrepresentation of disrupted, the long-term effect on our gross nation- "Beauty and the Beast," which distorts several key al product could be severe. episodes, makes up new characters out of whole In the movie, Beauty rejects the equation be- cloth and dangerously undermines the psychological tween handsomeness and virtue from the very structure of the tale. beginning, thus short-circuiting the tale's crucial Psychiatrist Bruno Bettelheim discusses "Beauty moral development. In the original story, Beauty and the Beast" in his classic book on fairy tales, asks her father for a rose. When he breaks one off "The Uses of Enchantment." If I've got this right, its stem to give to her, says Bettelheim, it symboliz- the tale is really about the healthy transformation of es her loss of virginity. In the movie, it is the Beast a child's Oedipal attachment to a parent into who possesses a rose, wilting in a glass case for lack romantic love for a more suitable object. When of love. Goodness knows what tender ids will make Beauty's love turns the Beast into a handsome of that, prince, this "foreshadows by centuries the Freudian Space limitations prevent full delineation of Hol- view that sex must be experienced by the child as lywood's plot against our nation's future. Clearly disgusting as long as his sexual longings are at- "The Addams Family," with its celebration of dys- tached to his parent," but when directed at some- functional parents and children, is part of the one else, "sexual longings no longer seem beastly." conspiracy. I'm not saying that "JFK" was intended As for the Beast, his side of the story is about "an to distract us from the real danger. I'm just raising evolution from a self-centered, immature [phallic- the possibility. aggressive-destructive) se*uality to one that finds 0 1992, USF/The New Republic inc.