Charles Marlow the Colonizer, Or, the Ironic Necessity
Teksty Drugie 2014, 1, s. 199-212 Special Issue – English Edition Charles Marlow the Colonizer, or, the Ironic Necessity. Zofia Mitosek Przeł. Jan Pytalski III ZOflA MITOSEK CHARLES MARLOW THE COLONIZER^ 1 9 9 Zofia Mitosek Charles Marlow the Colonizer, or, the Ironic Necessity ne of the fundamental rules of every ideology is the Zofia Mitosek, Orevision of what has been done in the past, in the professor in the history preceding its emergence. To contradict, however, Institute of Polish Literature of the does not mean to break away. Speaking in the name of University of Warsaw. the truth, ideology attempts to show the illusory cha Visiting p rofessor racter of the former and, at the same time, asses the at the Université de practical dimension of uncovered illusions. The cho M ontréal, C anada; ice of the name post-colonialism is meaningful: even Paris IV-Sorbonne. Dyrektor C entre de though it presents itself not as an ideology but a theory, Civilisation polonaise, researchers who represent this current have a similar Sorbonne. Member critical approach. It is not concerned with resistance, o f the Association with anti-colonialism. It is concerned with reflection, Internationale de an interpretation of the facts, with the “analysis of world Littérature comparée. Her research views constructed from the imperial (hence dominant) interests include point of view”i and checking “how, de facto, it all happe literary theory, ned.” Interestingly, even though post-colonialism was theories of mimesis, created primarily by scholars often coming from for and irony, novel. mer colonies, it is primarly a product of American uni She is the author of among others, versities, a country that, for at least two hundred years Poznanie w powieści, now, feels good about itself, since whatever there was Co z tą ironią?.
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