The Cambridge Companion to Hippocrates Edited by Peter E. Pormann Index More Information
Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-06820-9 — The Cambridge Companion to Hippocrates Edited by Peter E. Pormann Index More Information Index abortion, 172–5, 278, 377 Articella, 46 Achilles, 9, 71, 150 Asclepius, 240, 317, 341, 378 Aephicianus, 300, 301 Asulanus Aeschylus, 122, 214 editio princeps,31 aetiology, 4, 89–118, 185, 193–4 Avempace, 355 Aëtius of Amida, 18, 60 Avicenna, 343 Agamemnon, 9 Canon of Medicine, 47, 347, 357 Alcmaeon of Croton, 23, 80, 90, 100, 135 encephalocentric theory, 124 Bacchius of Tanagra, 29, 43, 293 Alexander of Tralles, 18, 60, 315 Bacon, Francis, 21, 369–71 Alexander the Great, 61 Baġdā dī, ʿAbd al-Laṭīf al-, 355, 356–7 Alexandria, 45, 305, 340 Bartholomew of Messina, 47 Alexandrian Renaissance, 45, 60, 322 Biṭrīq, al-, 350 exegesis, 239 bladder, 74, 240 library, 42, 293 diseases, 196 allopathy, 13, 96, 205, 210, 212 bloodletting, 35 amulets, 139, 209, 213 body-mind interface, 3 anaesthesia, 15, 224 brain, 77, 98, 125 anatomy, 3 Burgundio of Pisa, 47 in Galenic doctorine, 305–6 in medieval Europe, 367 Calvus, 31 Anaxagoras, 135, 150 Cassius Felix, 315 Anaximander, 90 cauterisation, 35, 142, 168, 226, 260, 262 Andromachus, 43, 293 Celsus, 27, 318, 322 animals, 112, 223, 336 On Medicine, 175, 202, 217, 219 classification, 131–2 surgery, 217, 242 Apollo, 25, 26, 71, 81, 170, 171, 174, 214 cheese, 109, 112, 137 Apollonius of Citium, 42, 43, 44, 59, 293, 294 childbirth, 251 Arabic, xiii, 19, 44, 48 contraception, 277 translation movement, 348–52 Cornarius, 31 Aretaeus of Cappadocia, 197, 293 Corpus Medicorum
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