
Aum Sri Sai Ram

Achievements of George YaYa Bush

These days “Bush-bashing” has become an interesting pass-time for most, especially the columnists. All the critical analysis that has been done on his style of functioning seems to have an almost partisan-like approach and outlook. Perhaps it is their way of reciprocating to their perceived injustice by the Bush Government. To be fair to W and to the American public – after all, they have actually re-elected him – if one wishes to look at his achievements also, if only occasionally, can he be faulted? Bush’s Achievements ? For most people it as an oxymoron while for the rest it is a chimera. As usual the “ truth is somewhere in between ”. This writer has taken upon himself this arduous task of finding this very truth to counter some of the injustice done – not by W but to W.

Islamic Fundamentalists and their sense of purpose: Ironically, it is the Islamic fundamentalists who should be most grateful to W, for he has finally given a sense of purpose to their cause - of Islamic Fundamentalism. With withdrawing from the Gaza strip and the bilateral relationship between India and Pakistan looking up, what will one do with the hundreds of men, especially youth, who have been indoctrinated about how purposeless this life is and how they can find fulfillment in their death and that too only if they ensure themselves of sufficient company on their journey upwards? Imagine re-convincing a suicide bomber to start living his life again after years of preparing him for exactly the opposite. A really stupendous task indeed! Enter W and the Islamic fundamentalists are breathing easy with the complete knowledge that all their years of hard work are not going to go waste. For certain, winning over the gratitude of your archenemies is no mean feat and rightly this ranks as the top most of W’s achievements.

Ah! A Safe America: One of the first anomalies of the Clinton Administration that W wished to correct was that the benefits of the different Government policies should be experienced by all Americans – not just those who live in the USA. W has almost ensured this. Before W became president only the Americans in the USA were afraid of their life due to the constant threat of terrorism. Now, Americans anywhere in the world are targeted and can loose their life as easily as any of their fellow men in their native land – an unwelcome benediction that is a direct consequence of W’s policies. Let me serve your memory with what happened to USS Cole or that in Kenya or the recent attack in a place, which so far was considered a safe-haven for US troops – . You are free to disagree with me saying, “ But then we do not have terrorism in the US soil. At least, the USA is safe ”. Of course, the US might be loosing men and women to racism, but surely not terrorism. That is precisely W’s next big achievement. For he has successfully exported terrorism to other parts of the world – remember the recent bombings at London? For those of you who technically argue with the belief that the UK is actually the 51 st state of USA, allow me to point out the Madrid bombings not so long ago.

Guantanamo Bay and W’s Catholicism: Another issue that has been used by the media to no end, and in complete distaste, if I may add, is the treatment of prisoners – or enemy combatants, as they should be rightly called (?) – at Guantanamo Bay. It is difficult to understand all the fuss that has been made by misinterpreting the techniques used by US intelligence and military in eliciting valuable info from the very people who were ready to give their lives in exchange for that of a few US marines. After all, has not Lord Jesus said that “ If somebody hits you on a cheek, show him / her the other cheek also ”? If the inmates have not read the Bible, how can one fault W’s deep roots in Catholicism for that? Obviously, the parents of these enemy combatants have chosen the wrong religion!

9 / 11 vs ? Perhaps the most vexing of issues kindled by the media is their daily account of the number of and the gruesome manner in which US Marines seem to be loosing their lives. It is as if the media have forgotten the 3000-odd people who died on that fateful day of 9 / 11. In fact, with their one-sided reporting they have managed to purge those poignant memories from our collective consciousness. Well, almost, except from one person, George W Bush. In the event that the number of deaths of US Marines in Iraq is just about reaching 2000 – more than one-third short of the number the US lost on 9 / 11 – it is hardly charitable to call the War in Iraq a failure. When (not IF) the number shoots up over 3000 – which is quite unlikely before W’s vacation is over at his ranch in Texas – one can cry foul. Until then should not W deserve his vacation? Should one complain if, arguably, the World’s most powerful man employs his muscle to clear the brush than the insurgency in Iraq? Also remember that the 3000-odd people who lost their lives on 9/11 were people who wanted to live – at least did not want to die an untimely death. Whereas, it may not be out of place to point out that the members of the US Army that are fighting in Iraq knew long before they were dispatched there – in fact, when they signed up for the army itself – what it is that they are likely to meet in a battle front. These are men who, if not actually willing to die, were at least not against sacrificing their lives for their country. If not for W would have they had any opportunity at all to showcase their patriotism and become martyrs? After all, when a prostitute gets molested you do not call it a rape, do you? It is just that she does not get paid for the act, this once. Whether there was a just case or a cause for such a sacrifice is hardly a debatable issue. For, we are clear it is not while W is clear it is and finally, that is what matters.

W – a firm visionary: Then there is this talk about getting the troops back home – a totally incoherent proposition from the most myopic of people. This is where W’s optimism gets highlighted - by the very clarity of his thought and belief that, “ Till the last US Marine is in Iraq the war is not lost ”. Of course, it is not that when the last personnel dies W is going to accept that the US has lost. But the point is not that. The point is we do not have to get any body back . Will not getting the troops back home, under the above logic, allow others to distort it as the acceptance of defeat - and that too prematurely? When W can help it, why not delay the inevitable? When the great American editor and literary critic Henry Mencken wrote, “ Firmness in decision is often merely a form of stupidity. It indicates an inability to think the same thing out twice ”, he had not seen W then. As a matter of fact, Mencken did not have to and rests peacefully in complete knowledge of this ignorance.

The Future of America: One would really have to sympathize with those who ask whether America has a future. A more pertinent question would be, “ Does it have a present? ”. If W has not concentrated enough on the USA of the present, that is because of his over enthusiasm and untiring efforts to ensure not just a future for America but make America the future destination of the world . One can hardly make him culpable for such a noble vision. And what is more, he has veritably and verifiably met with overwhelming success in this endeavour. Every peashooter, gun, missile, cannon, and rocket-launcher – in short, any device that can hurl an explosive-projectile – has the USA as its destination. Do not be surprised if many of these are manufactured with the White House in its cross-hair, give or take a few hundred miles in radius. This is not to say that America is not a favourite destination of people. Of course, it still is. Otherwise, where will the hundreds, if not thousands, of suicide bombers go to perform their final act?

A Successful succession? Despite what every critic and columnist might lead the world to believe, behind the stupid countenance of W there really is an intelligent mind. The skeptical amongst us hardly need look farther than his appointees to the various posts worldwide for an undeniable testimony. : – A right-wing ideologue and an open opponent of any non-US organization including the UN, who once quipped " If [the UN Secretariat building] lost 10 stories it wouldn't make a bit of difference " will now answer to the title of U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations. (Know more about John Bolton ). Paul Wolfowitz: – A man regarded as one of the key proponents for the war in Iraq will head the – an Organization with a core mission, which includes poverty alleviation and development issues. A man who, not long ago, had planned to take the very lives he is now entrusted with the responsibility of sustaining. (Know more about the ). The above list is by no means complete, but any reader would get a fair idea of their unfair ways. (For more such appointees the readers are urged to watch Michael Moore’s documentary “Fahrenheit 911 ”).

W - the greatest US president of the 21 st Century: Perhaps the greatest of George W Bush’s achievements is that he is sure to go down in history as the greatest US president of the 21 st century – at least, from the Republican side. How is one sure of this? W has made sure that there is not going to be a war of succession. For, the only question that is on the lips of any body foolhardy enough to throw in their hat in the race to the White House next time around is “ Can anybody successfully succeed him? ” Will any republican be ready to do it despite being a privy to all the irreparable mess that W has created? Why would any Democrat want to inherit an empty coffer and the undousable wrath of millions worldwide? In short, any body brave enough to succeed W, other than possessing the requisite stupidity to continue with W’s plans, should also be an epitome of equanimity to subject himself to eternal ignominy. It was Henry Mencken who said, “ In this world of sin and sorrow there is always something to be thankful for. As for me, I rejoice that I am not a Republican ”. Perhaps, even this is not sufficient reason for the Democrats. As for this writer, he rejoices that he is not an American !