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E2416 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks December 15, 1997 budget and ensure the solvency of our Medi- putes, as indeed has already happened. In ad- Security Advisor; Richard Burt, Chair- care and Social Security programs, it is dif- dition, NATO has made clear its desire to de- man, IEP Advisor, Inc., Former U.S. ficult to justify increasing foreign aid programs velop cooperative security relations among Ambassador to Germany; Frank C. Car- all of the states of the Euro-Atlantic region by $880 million. lucci, III, Former Secretary of Defense; including Russia. Czech President Vaclav Ashton B. Carter, Ford Foundation The majority of the American people have Havel has put it: ``NATO expansion should be Professor, JFK School of Government, rejected deficit spending, and told Congress to perceived as a continuous process, in which Harvard University, Former Assistant balance the budget and end the bureaucratic the nations of Central and Eastern Europe Secretary of Defense; Hodding Carter, spending spree. My constituents in Nevada mature toward the meaning, values and Knight Professor of Journalism, Uni- want dramatic cuts in foreign aid, and we have goals of the enlarged and revived alliance.'' versity of Maryland, Former Assistant not done it. To those who say that the nations of Secretary of State. central Europe face no threat today, we say f Richard Cheney, Former Secretary of De- that the most likely way to preserve this sit- fense; Warren Christopher, Former Sec- SUPPORT OF NATO ENLARGEMENT uation, which has been all too rare, is to ex- retary of State; Clark M. Clifford, tend NATO to that region. To those who say Former Secretary of Defense; Chester that the addition of these new members will A. Crocker, Research Professor for Di- HON. CHRISTOPHER COX somehow dilute NATO, we say that Poland, plomacy, School of Foreign Service, OF CALIFORNIA Hungary and the Czech Republic, where free- Georgetown University; Ivo H. Daalder, dom is dearly cherished having been so re- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Associate Professor, School of Public cently won, will add strength to NATO. To Affairs, University of Maryland; Thursday, November 13, 1997 those who say that expanding NATO will Arnaud de Borchgrave, Senior Advisor, draw new lines in Europe, we say that it will Mr. COX of California. Mr. Speaker, I want CSIS, Dennis De Concini, Former U.S. erase old lines, relics of a bitter time, and Senator; Midge Decter, Author; James to endorse this bipartisan letter in support of that NATO's openness to additional acces- Denton, Executive Director, Freedom NATO enlargement, which was unveiled ear- sions means that new lines are not in fact House; I.M. Destler, Professor and Di- lier this autumn by Ambassador Jeane Kirk- being drawn. To those who worry that Russia rector, Center for International and Se- will feel threatened, we emphasize that patrick, former Assistant Secretary of Defense curity Studies, University of Maryland; NATO is a defensive alliance that threatens Richard Perle, former National Security Ad- Paula J. Dobriansky, Vice President, no one and extends a hand of cooperation to viser Anthony Lake, and Ambassador Richard Director of Washington Office, Council Russia. Perle. on Foreign Relations; Bob Dole, The decision on NATO expansion is of his- Former U.S. Senator; Pierre S. Du- Attachment: Letter, with list of signatories. toric importance. The stakes are high. The Pont, Former Governor of Delaware; NEW ATLANTIC INITIATIVE STATEMENT ON issue is clear. Admitting Poland, Hungary Lawrence Eagleburger, Former Sec- NATO ENLARGEMENT and the Czech Republic into NATO will retary of State; J.J. Exon, Former U.S. strengthen the alliance, reinforce new de- (The New Atlantic Initiative, an inter- Senator. mocracies, renew the American commitment national network dedicated to revitalizing Dante B. Fascell, Partner, Holland & to Europe, and reaffirm American leader- and expanding Atlantic ties, released the Knight, LLP, Former Member of Con- ship. To turn back now would be a tragic following statement in support of NATO gress; Douglas J. Feith, Managing At- mistake. enlargement on September 9, 1997. The torney, Feith & Zell, P.C.; Sandra Feld- statement was released by Richard SIGNERS TO NEW ATLANTIC INITIATIVE NATO man, President, American Federation Holbrooke, Jeane Kirkpatrick, Anthony ENLARGEMENT STATEMENT of Teachers; Francis Fukuyama, Hirst Lake, and Paul Wolfowitz at the Andrew (Organizational affiliation given for identi- Professor of Public Policy, George Mellon Auditorium, where the original fication purposes only. Views reflected in Mason University; Evan G. Galbraith, North Atlantic Treaty was signed in April the statement are endorsed by the individ- Chairman of the Board, LVMH Inc., 1949. For more information about the NAI ual, not the institution) Former U.S. Ambassador to France; call: (202) 862±5850) Richard V. Allen, Former National Secu- Richard N. Gardner, OF Counsel, Mor- NATO was the bulwark of America's suc- rity Advisor; Morris B. Abram, Chair- gan, Lewis & Bockius, Former U.S. cessful Cold War strategy of containment. man, United Nations Watch, Former Ambassador to Italy; Charles Gati, Largely due to NATO, Europe has enjoyed Permanent Representative of the U.S. Senior Vice President, Interinvest; Jef- more than fifty years without war among its to the United Nations office in Geneva; frey Gedmin, Executive Director, New major powers, the longest such period in Elliott Abrams, President, Ethics & Atlantic Initiative, Research Fellow, modern history. Public Policy Center, Former Assistant American Enterprise Institute; Gary L. NATO succeeded not only by providing a Secretary of State; David M. Abshire, Geipel, Senior Fellow, Hudson Insti- shield against aggression from without but Former U.S. Ambassador to NATO; Mi- tute; David C. Gompert, Professor, U.S. also by helping to knit together a commu- chael H. Armacost, President, The Naval Academy, Former Senior Direc- nity of democracies in which old quarrels Brookings Institution, Former Under- tor for European and Eurasian Affairs, faded, the civic culture of democracy sank secretary of State; Richard Armitage, National Security Council; Stephen J. deep roots, and market economies prospered. President, Armitage Associates L.C., Hadley, Shea & Gardner, Former As- In part because of NATO's success, the Former Assistant Secretary of Defense; sistant Secretary of Defense; Alexander Cold War has ended, and with it NATO's Bernard Aronson, Chairman, Acon In- M. Haig, Jr., Former Secretary of original mission. In larger purpose of ensur- vestments, Former Assistant Secretary State; Edward T. Hanley, General ing peace and freedom in Europe and the At- of State; Norman R. Augustine, Chair- President, Hotel Employees and Res- lantic region endures. To continue to fulfill man, Lockheed Martin Corp., Former taurant Employees, International this purpose NATO is adapting to an undi- Undersecretary of the Army; James A. Union; Marshall Freeman Harris, Di- vided Europe. NATO is no longer an anti-So- Baker, III, Former Secretary of State; rector of Publications and Public Out- viet alliance; nor should it engage in the Mira Baratta, Vice President for Pro- reach, Freedom House. self-fulfilling prophecy of pre-selecting new grams, Freedom House; Dennis Bark, Carla A. Hills, Chairman and CEO, Hills enemies. Rather it is defining itself in more Senior Fellow, Hoover Institute; Mi- & Company, Former U.S. Trade Rep- positive terms: as an alliance aiming to pro- chael D. Barnes, Partner, Hogan & resentative; Richard Holbrooke, Vice mote peace and stability in the Atlantic re- Hartson, Former Member of Congress. Chairman, Credit Suisse First Boston, gion, devoted to the spread and consolidation Douglas J. Bennet, President, Wesleyan Former Assistant Secretary of State; of democratic ways in Europe, and capable of University, Former Administrator, Walter D. Huddleston, Former U.S. protecting Western interests against such fu- USAID; Lucy Wilson Benson, Presi- Senator; Samuel Huntington, ture threats as may emerge. At bottom, dent, Benson Associates, Former Un- Weatherhead University Professor, NATO remains a mutual defense pact, and dersecretary of State; Jeffrey T. Harvard University; Kenneth Jensen, this solemn commitment gives all of its acts Bergner, President, Bergner, Bockorny, Executive Director, The American a weight and seriousness that distinguish it Clough & Brain; Coit D. Blacker, Sen- Committees on Foreign Relations; from other international organizations. ior Fellow, Institute for International John T. Joyce, President, Inter- Crucial to this process of adaptation is Studies, Stanford University; J. Ken- national Union of Bricklayers and Al- NATO's willingness to admit new members neth Blackwell, Treasurer, State of lied Craftworkers; Robert Kagan, Sen- able to meet meaningful criteria of democ- Ohio, Former U.S. Ambassador to the ior Associate, Carnegie Endowment for racy and military effort. Otherwise it will re- UNHRC; Joh Bolton, Senior Vice Presi- International Peace; Max M. main a relic of the Cold War of diminishing dent, American Enterprise Institute, Kampelman, Chairman, American relevance to the contemporary world. Admis- Former Assistant Secretary of State; Academy of Diplomacy, Former Coun- sion to NATO will consolidate democratic David L. Boren, President, University selor, U.S. Department of State; Adri- transitions, and the prospect of admission of Oklahoma, Former U.S. Senator; an Karatnycky, President, Freedom will spur reform and the resolution