

4. Varieties of English

4.1 and British Dialects Abstracts

DAVID ABERCROMBIE (Edinburgh) RP Today: Its Position and Prospects

JENNY CHESHIRE () "As Ancient Author Would Have Wrote": Past Tense Verb Forms in Nonstandard English

WOLFGANG VIERECK (Bamberg) On Some Hidden Factors Influencing the Elicitation of Data in Dialectological Research

PETER WRIGHT (Salford) Humour in Dialect Speech

MARTYN F. WAKELIN (London) 'Mummerset': The Delineation of a Popular Genre

ALASDAIR M. STEWART (Aberdeen) " the What?"

LORNA KNIGHT (Glasgow) Glasgow Slang

CLIVE G. GREY (Ormskirk) Irish English: Perceptions and Reality, Issues and Materials

GERALD LEONARD COHEN (Missouri-Rolla) Gussy up 'Dress up,' British School Slang Gussy 'Overdressed Person,' and Australian Gussie 'Affected Man'

4.2 English Overseas Abstracts

JOHN SPENCER (Bayreuth) Africa's Contribution to the of English

JOSEF SCHMIED (Bayreuth) The Status of English in and : A Comparative Study

http://d-nb.info/920074847 PETER STEIN (Regensburg) Zur Geschichte und gegenwartigen Situation der englischen Sprache auf

SISIR KUMAR DAS (Calcutta) The Sounds of

YASMEEN LUKMANI (Bombay) Indian English: The Written Record

ALEX MCANDREW (Sydney) Hosties and Garbos: A Look behind Diminutives and Pejoratives in

ANTON BAUER (Neu-Ulm) The Origin and Modification of English: Sociocultural Background and Linguistic Hybridization

ELIZABETH M. GORDON (Canterbury) Finding Their Own Voice: The Evolution of English

JOHN ALGEO (Athens, GA) and the

5. Synchronic Linguistics

5.1 Lexicography Abstracts

RICHARD A. SPEARS (Evanston, IL) Lexical Reflections

WILLIAM FRAWLEY (Newark, DE) Some Semantics Lessons for Lexicographers

ERNST BURGSCHMIDT (Wiirzburg) Negation in Lexical Entries

KARL HONNDORF (Zurich) Dictionary People: The Representation of Men and Women in Children's

RICHARD J. UTZ (Regensburg) Lexicography and Gender Neutrality: Example-Phrases and -Sentences in Three Modern Dictionaries of English viii

KURT-MICHAEL PATZOLD (Bielefeld) From Wordbook to Dictionary: A Writing Dictionary for the of Politics 278

KRZYSZTOF KWASNIEWICZ (Cracow) Lexical Equivalence in Translated Texts and in the Dictionary: A Case Study 296

5.2 Translation Abstracts

REINHARD R. K. HARTMANN (Exeter) 300 Years of English- Contact and Contrast: The Translation of Culture-specific Information in the General Bilingual Dictionary 310

HILDEGUND BUHLER (Vienna) Die Ubertragung kulturspezifischer Information durch den Ubersetzungstyp der funktionell-autonomen Translation 328

MARY SNELL-HORNBY (Vienna) Translation as a Cultural Shock: Diagnosis and Therapy 341

TOM H. FLETCHER (Regensburg) Words and Music 356

5.3 Semantics Abstracts

MANFRED SCHELER (Berlin) Polysemie, Homophonie und lexikalische Dublettenbildung: Ein kurzer Ausflug in die historische Wortbedeutungslehre 366

CHARLES W. KREIDLER (Georgetown, Washington D.C.) Stress and Accent Movement in English 376

FRANZ KUNA (Klagenfurt) Jakobson's Theory of Language Functions and the Interpretation of Poetry 388

GEOFFREY HUGHES (Johannesburg) 'Half Angel and Half Bird': Binary Oppositions in the Categorisation of Women . 398 ix

JUTTA AND KARL HEINZ GOLLER (Regensburg) Sylvia Plath's "Lyonnesse": Wordplay and Mythical Meaning 419

NOEL HAROLD KAYLOR (Cedar Falls, IA) Chaucer's Use of the Word Tragedy. A Semantic Analysis 431

DONALD A. SEARS (Fullerton, CA) English Rhymes: Where Sound and Sense Blend 445

ERWIN REINER (Vienna) Some Aspects of Semantic Density 460

5.4 Morphology and Phraseology Abstracts

GARLAND CANNON (College Station, TX) Bound-Morpheme Items: New Patterns of Derivation 478

JOHN G. PARTRIDGE (Canterbury) Linguistic Reflections on the English Crossword Puzzle 495

BRIAN A. TAYLOR (Sydney) Otto 988 to Ocker 1988: The Morphological Treatment of Personal Names in Old High German and Colloquial Australian English 505

HANS H. MEIER (Amsterdam) Tales Told by 537

ALWIN FILL (Graz) "Visions and Revisions": A Type of Pun Based on Idiomatized Complex Words 551

WERNER WELTE (Hamburg) On the Properties of English Phraseology: A Critical Survey 564

5.5 and Syntax Abstracts

DWIGHT BOLINGER (Palo Alto, CA) Shifts of Attachment 594

JOHN ALGEO (Athens, GA) British and American Mandative Constructions 599 KURT R. JANKOWSKY (Georgetown, Washington D.C.) Linguistic Hierarchies 618

CECILY CLARK (Cambridge) Pets, Pests, and Pronouns: Aspects of Current English Pronominal Usage in Reference to Non-Human Animates 634

NICHOLAS A. FURNESS (Edinburgh) Signs and Sins of the Times? Some Recurrent Issues in Current English Usage 645

MANFRED MARKUS (Innsbruck) Die Negation im Englischen als Problem einer didaktischen Grammatik 659

KLAUS FAISS (Mainz) Have + Partizip Perfekt aus sprachgeschichtlicher Sicht 677

5.6 Stylistics Past and Present Abstracts

A. BASIL COTTLE (Bristol) English as a Liturgical Language 706

CAREY MCINTOSH (Hempstead, NY) The Gentrification of English Prose, 1700-1800 720

RACHEL TOULMIN MEOLI (Padua) The Rhetoric of the Picturesque: The Language of Landscape Description in Eighteenth-Century England 736

ANTON BAUER (Neu-Ulm) The Use of Euphemisms in 755

JOHN G. PARTRIDGE (Canterbury) "Sorry!": Remarks on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Apology 765

CARSTEN ZORGER (Regensburg) The 'Lead' in American Radio News: A Critical Study of Types and Techniques 775

JUDITH GILBERT (Regensburg) Wim Wenders' Der Amerikanische Freund: Filmsprache als Subversion 790