EWHNET European Women's Health Network Women`s Health Network: State of Affairs, Concepts, Approaches, Organizations in the Health Movement Country report Germany August 2000 EWHNET is a project in the fourth Medium-Term Community Action Programme on Equal Opportunities for Women and Men (1996 -2001) and is financially supported by the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Seniors, Women and Youth (BMFSFJ). Authors: Vera Lasch, Brigitte Hantsche, Eva Schindele, Catrin Halves, Cornelia Burgert, Christina Sachse, Regina Stolzenberg, Ute Wülfing, Christiane Niehues, Birgit Babitsch, Judith Fuchs, Daphne Hahn, Karin Wieners, Hildegard Hellbernd Where to order: Ute Sonntag Landesvereinigung für Gesundheit Niedersachsen e.V. Fenskeweg 2 30165 Hannover Germany phone: 0049 511 3500052 fax: 0049 511 3505595 e-mail:
[email protected] Copyright: No portion of the contents may be reproduced in any form without written permission of the contributors of this issue. All rights reserved. The following texts reflect the authors‘ views. The commission is not liable for any use that may be made of the information contained in that publication. 1st edition Hanover 1998 (by ifg; Institute Women in Society) 2nd edition Hanover 2000 (Landesvereinigung für Gesundheit Niedersachsen e.V.; association for health promotion in Lower Saxony) Contents: Part I 1. Introduction......................................................................................................................5 2. Aspects of the women´s health movement .......................................................................6