
Drug Metabolism and Disposition: the biological fate of chemicals

July/August 1994 Vol. 22, No. 4 CONTENTS

Metabolism and Toxicity of 2-Bromo-(thglutathion-S- Effects of on Cytochrome P450-dependent yl)-hydroquinone and 2-Bromo-3-(glutathion- Acetaminophen Metabolism in Rats and Human S-yl)hydroquinone in the in Situ Perfused Rat Liver Microsomes. YAN Li, ERJIA WANG, CHRIS J.

Kidney. MARIA I. RIvERA, LAi M. HINoJosA, PArFEN, LAISHUN CHEN, AND CHUNG S. YANG . 566 Downloaded from BARBARA A. HILL, SERRINE S. LAU, AND TER- Evidence That the Biotransformation of Dapsone and RENCE J. MONKS 503 Monoacetyldapsone to Their Respective Hydrox- Gas-uptake Pharmacokine#{252}cs of 2,2-Dichloro-l,l,l-tri- ylamine Metabolites in Rat Liver Microsomes fluoroethane (HCFC-123). GEORGE D. Loizou, Is Mediated by Cytochrome P450 2C6/2C I 1

GUDRUN URBAN, WOLFGANG DEKANT, AND M. and 3Al . CHANDRAVATHI VAGE AND CRAIG K. w. ANDERS 511 SVENSSON 572 dmd.aspetjournals.org Disposition of after Intravenous Bolus and Evidence for New Metabolic Pathways of Chioram- Infusion in Rabbits. TUNG-HU TsAI, CHENG-JEN phenicol in the Duck. J. P. CRAVEDI, M. BARADAT, CHOU, AND CHIEH-FU CHEN 518 L. DEBRAUWER, J. ALARY, J. TULLIEZ, AND G. BORIES 578 Urinary Excretion ofChromium by Humans following Ingestion of Chromium Picolinate: Implications Theoretical Kinetics ofSequential Metabolism in Vitro: for Biomonitonng. MICHAEL L. GARGAS, ROBIN Study of the Formation of l6a-Hydroxyandros- tenedione from by Purified Rat P450 L. NORTON, DENNIS J. PAUSTENBACH, AND BRENT at ASPET Journals on October 3, 2021


JAMES R. GILLETFE, AND JOHN F. DARBYSHIRE .. 584 Kinetic Interactions of , , and with : A Study Using Metabolism of L-a-MethyldOpa in Cultured Human Isolated Perfused Rat Liver. M. DELWAR HUSSAIN, Intestinal Epitheial (Caco-2) Cell Monolayers:

Y. K. TAM, M. R. GRAY, AND R. T. Courrs .... 530 Comparison with Metabolism in Vivo. PRASHANT J. CHIKHALE AND RONALD T. BORCHARDT 592 Chronic Voluntary Exercise May Alter Hepatobiliary Clearance of Endogenous and Exogenous Chemi- Pharmacokinetics of RU44403, an Active Form of cals in Rats. JOHN B. WATKINS III, STEVEN T. Newly Developed Angiotensin-converting CRAWFORD, AND RuTH A. SANDERS 537 Inhibitor (RU44570) in the Rat. MASASHI HIRA- YAMA, ATSUSHI KURIHARA, TATSUO MANABE, AND Metabolic Chiral Inversion of in the Rat. I. YOSHINARI HASEGAWA 601 Mechanistic Studies. KANYIN ZHANG, CUYUE TANG, MOHAMED RASHED, DONGHUI CUI, FRAN- Genetic and Developmental Diversity of Hepatic Cy- CIS TOMBRET, HUBERT BO1TE, FRANCIS LEPAGE, tochromes P450: Warfarin and Me- REN#{201}H. LEVY, AND THOMAS A. BAILLIE 544 tabolism by Hepatic Microsomes from Four Inbred Strains of Rat. SUTISAK KITAREEWAN AND FRED- Metabolic Chiral Inversion of Stiripentol in the Rat. II. ERICK G. WALZ, JR 607 Influence of Route of Administration. CUYUE TANG, KANYIN ZHANG, FRANCIS LEPAGE, REN#{201} Metabolic Fate of [3H]-I-Menthol in the Rat. TOSHIRO H. LEVY, AND THOMAS A. BAILLIE 554 YAMAGUCHI, JOHN CALDWELL, AND PETER B. FARMER 616 Alterations in the Pharmacokinetics and Protein Bind- ing of Enprofylline in Eisai Hyperbilirubinemic Disposition and Metabolism of the Hypoglycemic Rats. MASAYUKI NADAI, TAKAAKI HASEGAWA, Agent Pioglitazone in Rats. PHILIP A. KRIETER, LI WANG, OSAMU TAGAYA, AND TOSHITAKA ADRIA E. COLLETrI, GEORGE A. Doss, AND RAN- NABESHIMA 561 DALL R. MILLER 625

Continued on next page

DRUG METABOLISM AND DISPOSITION (DMD/ISSN 0090-9556) is an official publication of The American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics and is published bimonthly beginning in January by Williams & Wilkins, 428 E. Preston St., Baltimore, MD 21202-3993. Second class postage paid at Baltimore, MD and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: send address changes to DRUG METABOLISM AND DISPOSITION, 428 E. Preston St., Baltimore, MD 2 1202-3993. Subscription Rates: US.: Personal $85.00; Institutional $140.00; Single copy $24.00. Outside the US., except Japan: Personal $ 105.00; Institutional $160.00; Single copy $28.00. Foreign prices exclude Japan. See Information for Subscribers for detailed instructions. The GST Tax Number for Canadian subscribers is 123394371. Country of origin USA. PRICES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE. Indexed by Index Medicus, Current Contents (Life Sciences), Excerpta Medica, Reference Update/Research Information Systems, and BioSciences Information Service. Copyright © 1994 by the American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics. Contents (cont ‘d.)

Disposition of MK-852, a Fibrinogen Receptor Antag- zole, Methylbiphenyl Triazole, and Methylbi- onist, in Rats and Dogs. S. VICKERS, C. A. DUN- phenyl in Rat, Monkey, and Human CAN, A. S. YUAN, AND K. P. VYAS 631 Hepatic Microsomes. SU-ER W. HUSKEY, GEORGE A. Doss, RANDALL R. MILLER, WILLIAM R. Disposition and Metabolism of 06-Alkylguanine-DNA SCHOEN, AND SHUET-HING LEE CHIu 651 Alkyltransferase Inhibitor in Nude Mice Bearing Human Melanoma. CATHERINE CUSSAC, EMMAN- SHORT COMMUNICATIONS UELLE MOUNETOU, MARYSE RApp, JEAN CLAUDE MADELMONT, JEAN CLAUDE MAURIZIS, PIERRE LA- N-Glucuronidation Reactions. III. Regioselectivity of BARRE, PHILIPPE CHOLLET, JEAN LOUIS CHABARD, N-Glucuronidation of Methylbiphenyl Tetrazole, DENISE GODENECHE, JEAN PAUL BAUDRY, AND Methylbiphenyl Triazole, and Methylbiphenyl Im- ANNIE VEYRE 637 idazole Using Human and Rat Recombinant UDP-Glucuronosyltransferases Stably Expressed Transport Limits Cellular Entry of Hepatic Arterially in V79 Cells. SU-ER W. HUSKEY, JACQUES MAG- Injected 5-[’8F]Fluoro-2 ‘-deoxyuridine in Human DALOU, MOHAMED OUZZINE, GERARD SIEST, AND Intrahepatic Tumors. J. R. BADING, E. R. SIGURD- SHUET-HING LEE CHIU 659 SON, R. D. FINN, S. D. J. YEH, J. GINOS, N. E. KEMENY, AND S. M. LARSON 643 Induction of Murine Cytochrome P4503A by the Lichen Constituents Usnic and Vulpinic Acids. Downloaded from N-Glucuronidation Reactions. II. Relative N-Glucu- GILBERT J. MANNERING AND JANICE A. ronidation Reactivity of Methylbiphenyl Tetra- SHOEMAN 663 dmd.aspetjournals.org at ASPET Journals on October 3, 2021


Effective January 1, 1994 all manuscripts for submission to DRUG METABOLISM AND DISPOSITION: THE BIOLOGICAL FATE OF CHEMICALS should be sent to: Raymond F. Novak, Editor Institute of Chemical Toxicology Wayne State University 2727 Second Avenue, Room 4000 Detroit, Michigan 4820 1-2654 Telephone 313-961-4943 Fax 313-577-0082