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12-3-1909 Albuquerque Morning Journal, 12-03-1909 Journal Publishing Company

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Ily 60 THIRTY-FIRS- T YEAR, Vol. CXXIV., No. 64. ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1909. Mail els, a Month. Single copies, 5 cents. Hy Currier, 80 crnls a Month.


; Office and Retain Power ON HOUSE OF CONTROL OF CLOD TO GET IS CLAIM OF Central American Dictator, Driven UNITED STATES i LORDS EQUITABLE DOW II TO RAILROAD to Desperation, Seeks to Place FORCES SENT Henchman in Presidency of GREAT CONSTITUTIONAL GR FAT LIFE INSURANCE WORK MANAGER IS Nicaragua and Control His STRUGGLE ON IN ENGLAND! SOCIETY CHANGES HAND. Resolution Adopted by Com- - Brief Announcement of Deal Will Call for Subscriptions to Hundieds of Non-Uni- on Switch TO SUPPRESS Country's Destinies Peers Have! volving Declares $472,000,000 Assets Five Year Second Mortgage men Distributed Around St. Usurped Rights Never Before Comes Surprise to Presi- as Bonds as Financial Basis for Paul, Minneapolis and Duluth From Background Challenged in Modern Times. Paul Morton, dent Foiward Policy, Few Trains Moving, ZELAYA By MornlnK Journal Special I.eusrd Wire plained the reason for their perturba- Washington, Dec. 2. Driven to des- tion. IBj Moraine Journal Rprrlal leaned Wire) Special Dinnatt'h to tlie Mornln Journal) peration hy the unexpected attitude Madriz is a man of exception- London. Dec. 2 P a majority of New York, Dee. Control of the BUSINESS MEETINGS TO MORE FACTORIES FORCED "Jose commons today re- of the I'nited States, President Zelaya al ability," he said, "and one who 235 the house of FiUitable Life Assurance society, a corded its claim to exclusive control SOCIAL TO Is now reported to have developed could be extremely dangerous. He which was secured by Thomas I"', REPLACE EVENTS SUSPEND OPERATIONS resign still wag Nicar- of the nation's purse a claim never Moving Both plan whereby he run and plenipotentiary here Tor scan- Marines Toward retain the reins of power. This con agua several years ago, but threw off before challenged in modern time. liyun, soon after the insurance sists in putting- in the office of presi- allegiance to President Zelaya and The vote was taken on a resolution dals a few years ago has passed to of Nicaragua With his Asquith, de- Twenty-thre- Coasts dent Jose Madriz. well known In Cen- became a political refugee, eventually offered by Premier which J. Pierpont Morgan, with the $47:', Limit Placed on Indebtedness! e Big Flour Mills Bringing tral American diplomatic circles as representing Salvador at this capital. clared "that the action of the. house 000.000 of assets which the company View to Tyranical to be peace was of lords in refusing to puss into law Which Organization Close at Minneapolis; Union Zelaya's henchman and declared When the conference called by declared ill its last statement. Zelaya's beck call. In Washington two years ago, Presi- the fiscal prov isions made the Dictator to Reason, at and expenses of year The transfer, apart from its magni- Auto- - The state department, it Is declared, Zelaya, of neees-It- y chamber for the the Contract; Dues to Move Charged With Breach of dent convinced the was a hreach of the constitution and tud as a chapter in the history of Is entirely cognizant of the conspir- of putting a competent man here finance, marks a complete reversal of acy way will act vigorously to look for Nicaragua's interests, an usurpation of the rights of the matically. Faith, Stienuously Denies It, under and out house of communis." the old order under which the insur- MISHAP HALTS EXPEDITION and promptly if occasion demands. offered Madriz $15,000 a year to re- ance compunies controlled tb" des- In neither the state turn to service of country, The resolution was passed by a the meantime the that vote of 349 to tinies of the banks and (rust com- SENT FROM PHILADELPHIA department nor the Nicaraguan lega- which ho promptly did. IH. panies. The .lblli,UelUe t oiuiiicr tal club I llv Morning JutiriiHl Special Inikeil iVire tion officials Incusa matter. plain to us Zelaya By this vote the opposing torcas of will the "It is President commons are placed in News of the transfer was contained Is getting down to business. St. Paul, Dec. John J. Henor Rodriguez, charge d'affaires of ! desirous of finding a man whom he the lords and following e - legation, tonight he can to put in president's battlo array for one of the greatest in the brief statement from With the thirty-fiv- thousand dol- O'Connor of the police department the insisted that comamnd the Morgan fc Co.: Transport Prairie With Seven has not heard from his government, place. Naturally he turns to Madriz, constitutional struggles that has come the offices of lar loan from the Pacific Mutual Idle practically admitted that he consid- - before the country for centuries. "Mr. Morgan lions!'., tlie ma- Insurance company us a bisis the and the state department likewise pro- who has served him well In the pant has ered the strike situation serious today Fighting fesscd to be ignorant of the next and with the exception of the one re- Mr. Halfour, leader of the opposi- jority of the stock oí the Koultablc club has laid out a financial p olio Hundred Men w ( movement of Zelaya. volt Is to be depended upon. If Ma- tion, evidently was suffering from the Life Assurance society, formerly own- hich assures that it will k' p on; ol when he ordered all members of his effects of bis indisposition, and did by F. Hyun. This pur- debt and remain on a sound liusiness Aboard Fast in Mud in Lower When the alleged plot for the con- driz finds his way to the presidency ed Thomas day force lo stay on duty nt the cen- tinuation of the Zolayan power by conditions in Nicaragua will continue not speak at his best. 111s speech chase is subject to Ihe trust under basis. F.verything from now on is to Delaware River, proxy became known. It threw the the same as before, because the rule lacked the l ing of situ erity and con- which Grover Cleveland. Morgan J. he strictly business. Social cviils tral station until 10:.'10 In the even- into even though by viction that rharricterr.eiT the prime uTtrien and George Weslinghouse are to be replaced hy business meet- ing. Central American contingent hero will be Zelayan, The easy ings; will devote a frenzy. One of diplomats ex proxy." minister's. Inter nail an were made voting trustees for the the cluli Itself to the The order goes Into elicit tonight the task in pouring upon be it upbuilding of city and ridicule what benefit of tbo policy holders and the environs: and w ill continue until till danger of B.r Morning Journal Hnt'ciul I.euiefri Wirej described as a "new tangled Caesar-Ism- " covers all Mr. In- Indebtedness s to be kept under a Uvan's interests. a clash h elided. Washington, Dec. 2. Xavul forces "this arro;;anl usurpation" of cluding all the stock purchased by certain limit; useless and ieln,(ii,ni in to went to the bouse of lords. Hyde." members arc to be eliminated and The chief also Issued orders recall- of the I'nited .States are bring moved marines there are 1S3 bluejackets bassndor the I'nited States, him from James II. the crew of the Prairie. Clnipullepoc castle where th"y re- The premier's Ironical reference to "l'lubT the terms of the trust agree- the members will have an incentive to ing all patrolmen and oflleers absent forward tonight to both coasts of Cen- Mr. Morgan's an- strengthen the membership by an ar- on Sub-statio- No aditional marines reached tb' mained for a long time in private the "instinct of divination'' of the ment referred to in leave. were notified tral America to protect American life navy yard after the departure of the peers on reaching manlioon dissolved nouncement the Hyun stock could not rangement whereby the dues are to n,, to permit any men to stay off duty with Diaz. be and property in Nicaragua by force Prairie this afternoon. but detach- audience President his bearers In laughter. He rpioted be sold without the consent of thi automatically regulated lo meet except for the most serious illness ry. every man went ol' whose term ot the demands. of arms if neces.su ments are expected from several parts The mouth of who with trenchant effect the speech surviving trustees, i 1 Several oiifci crie s between the chief With Hie departure to up com- Mr. less H year ago in power held until June 15, ill 0. and tbls afternoon of the country make the to see him, however, was sealed until llallour than The club directors held an import- and oflii In Is of have from Philadelphia of tbo troop ship pany to which tlie declared him- who might continue the agreement for H the railroads stationed at this yard and tonight when Minister Marisca! gave ant meeting last night. was a loday. Prairie with 70(1 murines, aboard for provide a force for the cruiser Dixie self as a "house of commons' man" another live years if (bey saw lit meeting businesslike In everv partic- been held According to Ihe the isthmus of Panama, and. if it be in case it is decided to send that ves-si- 'l ills statement to the Associated Press. and said: I loth of them are vorv busy men and spoke cloiiuently of Ihe new railroad ofllclals Ihe beginning of the wilh-ou- ular and society l , so decreed, for Nicaragua, and with to Join tile Prairie. Francisco Castro, the Nicaraguan "It is tile bous.' of commons, not as they have served the i y whereby the club is to regain end of the strike Is In sight. Onu the Railing from Magdalena bay of Before nailing Admiral Kimball was to Mexico, and a lose friend Hie house of lord,-- which settles our pav it ha long been taken for its o, influence and effective useful prominent official sold today thai the , minister be. willing lo the protected Albany (be hi.-- lillatielai svstein. If house of granted that they would h , criiiser and asked as to destination. of Zelaya, in speaking of the action the ness In ihe community allowing ra ilroads were handling; thirty per gunboat Yorktown for Coiinto, on tlie "I'm going to take1 h little sail with lords could touch '.be money bills the puss their responsibilities to oilier several pre tous meetings and """ of tlie I'nited Slates in reference to if they found they could do cent of alt business offered. Pacific roast of Nicaragua, the activ- Captain Kellogg. I'm going down to rliule executive machinery would be shoulders ferences with a special committee I lie "We employing ity of the navy department van tie. look things over; see my papers say Xlccragiia said: brought to standstill." so without prejudice to the policy- club last adopted the following are new men as fast nlh as they come w e coming manifest on both oceans that I ilon." "I believe it is unjust because the holders. Prior to confirmation of the rule to ginein the organization, rub's and are moving a ' I tr.'-ic'e-r neither, Mr Westinarbonse I" "o larg" of f wash Nicaragua!) shore". M ir Holler in command of thi main cause is apnurenllv the execu- w fueled! i radical il.ii'!ijiv iiiiiout't. package ivijrht." h. Meshles. the cruiaeii Dos Moim and batta lion from tins eitv, wild: tion of the two Air.i ricans and this nor Air. ii'l'.rien would discuss either Ilia i ways from past policies. The said. "In a week the public will nut Taconui and the gunboat Marietta arel "I lirinly believe we are I ootid for action of in y government was per- RUNAWAY its details or probabilities. resolutions adopted well a.s foil. iv.:: knmv that there is a strike on mating lying a Mr. Hyan's holding in the Fapiitable off Port I.imon, Costa llicn, Nicaragua, In fact there is not fectly in accordance with the laws of I That the committee w ilh such the sw lb hmen." ready for any call upon them, the it of any one country and was executed by com- were bought in large part from .lames and doubt of in tlie minds the Harri-mu- other i lull members as may call to Hot ween 200 .100 men guns of Vicksbnrg mand of a military Jury not by IE II. Hyde, although Kilward H. and arrived little gunboat and the on board." which, us sup- Its assistance, shall call for subscrip- today from Chicago a ml were distrib- are pointed toward the customs house direct order from the president of the had laid plans be mort- were to him the control tions to eight percent second uted SI. and town of Coriuto. : republic, as it seems the purpose of posed, assure about Paul, Minneapolis and di liT.MKT WITIIOIT GIRL SUFFERING went Instead to Mr. Hyun. II gage the ear bonds, on which Inter- The gunboat Princeton is endeavori- the press to establish. When presi- that est shall be payable ipiurterly. and Duluth The railway managers claim n ADVICI.S OK MISHAPS during hearings of the Arm- ng to make her way from tlie lirem-erlo- dent Zelaya has disappeared from the was the which shall be redeemable separately they can get plenty of men to tak Co- AV.ishington, Dec. 2. officials' of is very strong insurance investigation that navy yard, Washington, to Central American scene it or t olleelively at their lace value on the places of the switchmen and that riuto, the navy department had no advices probable that Cabrera of Mr. Ilurrimun. when iptestioned on also. President w any Interest paving date. one of the men now on band ure ex-- I or doli- tonight of the running aground of the may have strong power ibis point, coined hat subse,uently With the probability many Guatemala was That there be substituted lor the eileiiceii in the work. Some will be ente ipicstions arising in Nicaragua, troopship Prairie ami the gunboat or control in the politics of that re- became a national lie iiltcriuite Wednesday night dances, navy Princeton. The former grounded in gion." asked if be had settled scores with Mr. placed at work In the yards and oth- the department decided to send 1 tersely: business ineotingM to consider any and Kvan and answered ers utilized as guards. h flag officer to Nicaragua to take the Delaware river and the Princeton Fstrada Cabrera the dictator of all mailers brought up by the mem- off Astoria, i ire. Not yet." Five sw Itch engines were woiklng-i- command of the American naval Central Amerita that is what .Mi- public with ready intui- bers that may be present at said Y. "It is believed highly improbable Tbi' added t depot forces. Hear Admiral Kimball was nister Castro sees in the latest step of of Haze! Di Ion meetings, all wioh considera Ions to lile I'lilon yards early today chosen for that dutv. He sailed for that either vessel was injured." said the American government in severing Strange Story tion: be subject to the approval and filial ami were expected to put secre- "lint soon." others be Colon today on the Prairie. He will Heekman Wintht'op,. assistant diplomatic relations with Nicaragua. action of the board of directors. In tary of ihe navy, lonigiit. "Otherwise Picked Up Unconscious At the offices of the Fipiiluhlc Pres- commission when needed. make his way from there to Corinto While Minister Castro would lint Morton professed ignor- That as the cash revenue received According to a statement issued by noubtlcsB as as possible. Ad- we would have been advised instant- a effect ident Paul past rapidly answer direct question to the Chicago Park, ance of transfer and news of the from dues and fees for the Third Vice Slade of miral Kimball is chairman of the na- ly." that this was Hie purpose of the the twelve years has av , raged $ii,i t.fi.mi President tbu laugh- change of control seemed to come as Northern Pacific, two coal trains were val board of examinations and retire- Another high navy ofticial I'nited States for interposing now, he iu per year, and during that period tiv ingly he supposed Nicar-agua- a surprise to other officers. It moving today between Duluth St. ments and of construction. declared the would admit that the downfall of of club lias kelil in, all Us expenses und and No nny would regard the two acci- Ily Morning Journal Special leaned Wire known, however, that the directors per on Paul and lour trains of grain nils- - marine have been landed at President Zelaya. would increase the the society and the principals of Ihe paid off about iii.Viui month and Point dents as "glorious victories for the power Guate-- L II i $ 7 .200. 'Ml were in Nicaragua. That statement of the present ruler of i Chicago, Dec Hazel Kirbcrtsou deal were in conference yesterday and; Old debts, believed Ihe cellaneous freight moved Into was ht Nicaraguan army.'' dom-- 1 ,e i rom, made to the Associated Press mala and would make him the Dillon, the gill, who was today and there is authority a year revenue to provided Duluth from the west. Way freight by Brigadier George F. inant power in America. until late Ihe source as a ufo to base (enera Central Lin- for statement that the transferí amount .service, he said, had been I I GS KXPKCT - found umonscious ysterdav in the upon: reg- Klliott. commanding the I'nited States POWKKI'l'l. The Daily Heeord, the only after- met with their approval. future ro'iuirenieiiis hence on practically till lines. niarine corps vi.ssi.i, today noon Knglish daily here, says eili- - coln pork and who Inter told how she Morgan J. O'l'.rlen, ular and associate membership dues to hi:i. i:si; Former Justice re-- , Certain St. Paul wholesale grocers "Neither are there any marines on , had esea.oed from a convent near to-- : shall automatically change tu Delaware Cits, Del.. Dec. 2. Three lorially: one of the surviving trustees, said g' York, was reported i or ave-a- reported today that shipping condi- board any of the I'nited States war tugs, two from Red no Tarrytown, New in commenting on tlie purchase ;a use to whether not the Vessels powerful the Star ,"Tbe Heeord holds brief for the be from hysteria today. night, h may at any be- were Improved now in Xiearagoan ." government tug Modoc to suffering or a majority In Ihe society ca: income that lini" tions but coal dealers line and the president of Nicaragua and if Zelaya: The police young interest coming in I," said General Klliott "The marines are lying alongside the Haw- is guilty of things charged against learned that the bv Mr. Morgan: from this sourc flcil 'and produce men said that conditions Prairie. the young per w nearest Nicaragua tonight are al Pan- to woman had appealed to two 'Although Mr. .Morgan has become above or below the $i!ilii.00 ere ttncha ngeil. " sers are being attached the stranded him by Secretary Knox, according to nu n on a car last Friday night month, being un b r amá cruiser and an effort will be made press dispatches afternoon, it street by purchase the majority ow ner, the the belief that Am airalnst the optimistic statement "Have they Nicar- the this to direct her to a downtown hotel, metilo, I all members will be in- been ordered to to float her about 4 o'clock. is easy lo understand the exaspera trustees retain the voting power of) this of the railroad managers the strike agua?" General Kliott was asked. telling them thai she was ill serious present at least terested In securing other members tion of the Washington government.! the stock and for Ihe leaders say I hey are pi a stronger po- "Not trouble. They did so later she I to reduce own dues. yet," replied the commander. MCAKAGI ANS THY TO The retirement, however, of Zelaya and we shall continue as trustees. knovv their telephoned otie of them und induced nothing about the transaction beyond That whenever Hie club for anv sition than ever. Tloy refer to the. III Y AMKKICAN I.SSI.I, will not materially lessen the load to at TKOOPSHII' STICKS FAST him to pose as lo r brother obtain the fact that Mr. Morgan has bought cause whatsoever shall be in debt fuel th tne lirothei'liooil of Hallway Dec. 2. The Nicaraguan which the I'nited States has evidentlty for quarters In a northside hotel. uoove mortgage m, lei, ten-- , IN Ml I): TI GS SKAT TO St I'.NK Panama. to carry In Amer- her a majority interest What Idea l,r over and Trainmen and the Order of Hallway is negotiating for undertaken Central I Philadelphia, Dec. 2 a consul general here He also telegraphed for her to her pur, liase I do not ness in any sum In excess of .nuo.iui Con, In, tors, a meeting In Carrying ica so long as Cabrera is permitted to Dillon, a of a had in making bis al Melrose, rear the purchase of a schooner named father, Walter member my with It shall be the duty ol the president, i Minn., a admiral of the I'nited States government remain at the head of affairs in Ferry, know, but from acpiainame on adapted resolution to "stand navy, two Herald for the use of the real estate firm at Glenn's in many am sure or in case of refusal or Inability m battalions of marines and Is to eipiip Guatemala." money. re- him other mailers iitr.il and refuse to do other than enough Implements of war to of Nicaragua. It planned Idaho, for Whether she the transaction will result to the his part, it shall be the duly of the conduct vessel with rapid fire guns ob- Among private citizens of the Mexi ceived money from him or not Is not that to a meet- Ihe work doire prior to the pending a vigorous campaign against the tur- the benefit of all policy holders." executive cominillo" call " bulent tained from the government of Pan- can nation there Is an apparent atti- known. ing of all members of the club tor n oal'ie Central Americf.n republic of tude of criticism of Secretary Knox, today her story purpose This means Nicaragua, the auxiliary eriuser Prai- ama. The girl reiterated the of adopting such rules. that the trainmen and rie ran The deal Is hardly possible of i because of the language used In his that she had run away from a con- plans or , bangos limy be de l, led coo,':,. Iocs w ill refuse lo ,lo anv- - uground on tlie soft mud of J is American to the Nicaraguan charge d'af- Investigation showed rv lio i 11 ii - the Delaware a few as the Herald letter vent and an thutj neecssa lo lie such sa il, bing eoepl at stations w here It river tonight of is In Washington. she, wcuring i pair of gyni-nuslu- ORGANIZER hours weighing owned and the republic Panama faires had been LABOR bad be, n , usloniaiy t lilt crews to aiter anchor at the not likely to furnish artillery to a bloomers This gave credenco all lab shall for Philadelphia navy yard bound for the The Mexican Herald, the morning sw lie,, ( la ir countrtv that is not on friendly terms Knglish daily paper, will say tumor-- ! to a report that the young woman lend and r trains. Caribbean sea. a Factory are being with the I'nited Statcts. row: i had eseupoil in dress taken from W'cdnesdav in 4hl hi s ss m eeiings at lor.es reilucd Tugs were hastily from O ' t ,1 g C summoned ,, . , Tj..t , " wnten sne had least on, e in ev el on, wh.it has I.ecaiIHe o llf .SUppIifS tliis city It . ,mb, ol... iinomei Kills rt.r le and with their assistance su.. i over gymnasium suit. In ON TRIAL FOR bv S'll be th-- ' fl'eiejlt, lie-u- p and the is hoped to so The only schooner Herald, reported rhild, wh thrown a been aieonipl shed said ommittec release the vessel that vicinity of Panama, sailed escaping she Is said to have fallen on and failure of inv commit!, , member two bbr shops or the Great Northern it may proceed innrii-itu- ? as in the wav at home, thinks It puto natural carlv tomorrow Philadelphia November 17, for a. fence and sustained Injuries whirl! for a n v ca use yei pt IlllleSS o r a hsolioe employing 1.1, ,111 fallecí from that he should also have his own way us !. mill It St. Thomas. IJ. W. 1. This vessel has were first diagnosed appendicitis. from ciiv ii be pi fsent on the lo opi i, fol liUMjii'-s- today is not believed that the vessel in the outside world and has to be it - not been reported from Panama. She by Wclnosda.v ni hts when the in in All bill "It. ,, IP, twenty big sustained any injury but If necessary a 144 made to understand the difference MURDER be be a of three the is 475 tons with length of feet. IN tee which nia.v member al- - cargo rough energetic meth- FIREMAN LOSES LIFE I oil" mills tn .Mimic pops are idle run be transferred tn the somewhat and should have i ported sha autonia - Dixie, She Is owned in Maine. s, y which lies in readiness at the ods." lo ma ke ;, i ha tige in ulli'll the uiilb rs Ho will know "iladelphla HEAD-O- N COLLISION callv opérale navy yard. The Prairie such conimille, bv dl'oplpllg the le :: hours iv In Mo I ley will open is be-'- MI.'XICO NOT AWKH S aground about thirty-fiv- e miles " ACTION' OK Six HKT.MtY KNOX liiupiciit and ll ap, mi til inent of an- - mills Ml.llt. this city. TO MIX IN ONTItOV KIISV ir Mexico City, Dee. 2. That Mexico SlTU'ltlsi: KOK 7,i:uY. Insanity Defense of Albert Ry- other member bj Ho- board ot direc mpoi P si riNe-b- r akers wearing Information that the Prairie had Sl l)ec. 1'. T. .V hiltlg to run does not expect to be drawn into the 2. Wichita Falls, Texas, tors, tile object eliminate I" badges Were reported aground ame n a wireless mes- Managua. Nicaragua, Dec. The on Worth Killing Two until all commit ices shall sage Nicaraguan controversy, but will In Hagwell. fireman a Fort an Charged With I ehitv b. Fnio station today from Admiral Kimball to the was a' tion of Secretary Knox dismissing ...i.l l,..n,...... uuciu-i.- ll uln UilS be on an active working basis d maintain a neutral attitude the . o Is when Star line, askinir that two nower- - Mariscal, Senor Kodrigucz. the Nicaraguan ki,, , evcral i.ansengers slightly Men in Los Angeles Hotel That two members of the editorial sin,. and President lugs be statement made by Señor a u I. v b .',1 men bad '"i sent to the assistance of tonight. charge d'affaires ut Washington, has injured a head-o- n colusión near si, ,11 of ca, b dally paper am! one that these minister of foreign relations, in I el '" stranded vessel. t w vve, klc a illlpe It. be call Hie attention 'I I'nited States in greatly surprised President Zelaya, here oday bet cm a southbound Fort Last Summer, tnoolher of such stall of eaeli he tugs The action of the I were ut once dispatc hed. was passenger tram ioaper 111 Ho- eilv of huí, a T 'o th state itcor commissioner o the " is severing relations with Nicaragua who reiterates today his belief lliat Worth and Deiivei expected the Prairie will be re- by Mexico, said tlie for- a Wichita Falls and Ishall. hy virtue of sin b position be r. lease,) 1U(, not resented the Nicaraguan government was jus- and northbound f,.m th(, at hlKn tlle it moHt The wreck Is said associate members of the iblb and I.a r i 4 eign minister, although came Northwestern train IRperltiJ nlonetch to the Morning Journal 'oioiniss'ioner MoKwiii said ""out o'clock tomorrow morning tified in executing the Americans, t, dues during lb" unexpectedly at a time when his to have been due the failure of the ,OS .V I lec. 2. At'oi IP s '"vemi't from lime il,e niel, wearing badges 'he miser is aground between New Groee and Cannon Zelayu will take llgeles, l"r h." bold such positions, felice was awaiting a reply to Its engineer on the pa ssenger Jocomotiw. Hyun, organizer f r V."t- - lot resob Ills of M Iniiesecta. tbev ' asile and Delaware City. peace. no ut tiou until he has received Mir- signals Albert the That al all me, lings of Ihe I, oar, ot suggested plan lor to obey .Muí, i w w tl! lose- x ' spolisihli' pres-1- 1 I'.eports that stern measures would th, r on subject and em Federation of ho eliie. tors, regular or soeci.il. it shall for their lie said: information the ,, , " adopted won-K'Vc- tw s .luiigc t t I ' were violating against Xl aragua not of the definitely of the t.o o murder b.u in ll, lie lllll V Ol ll' See, ' ' to the slate till We do resent the action learns the Intentions WATERLOGGED v y, added weight today when Hear I'nited States. Why should we? We I'nited States CREW OF ia v is' ourt nex! M,.i',.,i v. "ill ask a lis! 01 lite names of til UieillhitS av. Knell Is investiga-- e Admiral Kimball Cen- Hv be "I as lo hu- ar, in .1,1,1 to III ss report and said afte-rnoo- reached here from have absoletelv no Interests in The Anieii an vice consul, Mr. Cal- PICKED UP AT SEA that all examine who the ci this " mul boarded the Prairie America, except those in Guata-mal- a, VESSEL s.cnilv befóle the charge. aro hoard. ol $J4. and that ll'l anv mem that ll be leads nun reside nts Of Mine- a passenger tral dera, who is a Nicaragua n by blrlli 1,1 bound for the lurbu-n- t where there are about 40.1111 Their assertion that be s hope b ss.'v ber - III lb bl !" the elab M ess of II, Sol e spina! po!ie-- badges .lie. ,, baltal-"- 1 but a naturalized American, Is still at f 7 J a. 11 he turn, ll e.y el addition to the .Mexicans. We are still waiting for a Will be backed w lib posi- - be count sha lo H jti ii .nice oren r their arrest, as of rom-u.- illSalle. 1,1 4,) niaiineg govern- the ílen, ling to his duties . Z , vv OllMllltlee C"l'OSC1 11 under the reply from the I'nit.d States consulate. Siasc Mass Dec. The I OS ej- those- who brciiieht. nr cnsel. f tions from Nevada, Ariz, na ale her "lti", be- . tbat Major Smedlcy D. Hut Z laya water-logge- d ol ho stltll at'"!-- , lei. ment to our suggestion tor an amica- In the opinion of President of the schooner F.ugenc 111,1- - three llieinilels ,11 b. it tlu-- 1'ch describing a n Ulelll w le- lb. app' .ir liable under hud already been slated to go ,opposi- - f - states, lv llev.s at law, ami Iocs' elm' shall ble settlement of the trouble. Caldera sympathizes with the f torda Irom N'ov.c Sooha to Phlladel- v ,v 'Hnania, - previous t b rri a 1,1 s the la a second battalion i We made the suggestion spn- phia. .1 off Mas.,, bu- dtion lo colleel Iron, siall ,0 la in lb". tion paity and a close watih lias been was the ,1 vv 111. it illegal fol' bv Major A. sailed w, not Va- Angeles. Said lllll'llilll- - "I W ll O In ' "SS Tile ikes aU.VcOle - I. Hannon talloouslv Localise had Peen. coast hy the s reau!,;! th.- kept on him. although there has been sells toda ' , .1 'ii vessel The i.-- occasions, ap- two tie- lobby pul be ' o "Ignietil. not a gal voter of the slate te act combined force as on several previous in way. derlalld of tl (fed Star line. It is Klllll killed r no attepipt at restraint any I I I ' CW apon ic - .. 'he command r butenant proached by the t'nite.l States on the believed that ori board were saved of a local hot. Jal ' Shoot mu at th it I'll nie.l all as spec ll police' oft r. detective, votl- olonel Z'laya expresses Hie belief that in , II 1" e iiaUgeil to Mahonev. rei etl rais-'- to subject of in!' rv cinioii in Central The reset accompli "bed during uto Mill, r. a port. r. he killed both Slat' lali Mlabb ipiliiiamiii or patrolmen. If ,.r ....i.',,,.., I lank ! in representa- vv e'lllh i.lV III 101 herein en America. In view such advices all probability Calderas gale. g ilc St . bo Hie have been sworn in they are Hu Tn ,,,,.,. terrific northeast Mill, r and ll.irrv Snyder. b. f (t.tl artille rv .in,i ;, lb.- - we did not consider it dis- siiown partiality in favor - tain d. lb. !!,! ni tbioogh hi- one- past tives have S- at'-- ile g 11 neWS- to impías, eiiuient for year. K 11 li;is al he reac'll I, """"' in wi re added to mu-'"- ti .,1'fer tlleSe SO g g CSt Id S rl-- o make it nip.tative oil tin courteous to of the governments enemies. Tlirc-- li til Sea. - this Mayor been n l' ,,ap Tin- for tb bus t , luis retained as on board toda v. in at a turn- when Ibis g.iv-i- r motive the p: I ol lie lab ma 'lit to the Prairie unexpectedly asse-rte- I l.iglu. Mass, Dec. it is vv I l cecuiise for lb" switc hmen. H lo ih three-inc- h ol What Iligh'.ind pot been leiriled, but r b o el ,si ' I' Ul their "non field interest hiinianitv. - dele ' e tin the Hliar,l I'agiug iii Montana. vvr-- ,. I plai n,) on w I am still not Three men washed overboard Hyun and Milh-- we old .OH pat t anv ml at! ae eon ul may addressed a meeting of striker In board yster,!av. these sueestions 1 thai aere ' It, M lit . lec 2. line of th lost from th" HruKh huoner ill,. Minneapolis ami to ar. on liour.l kilO iota ,, ,.lu at llbeftv to st ile. llf. and I nelTlle S I' o the ellll, of said them: worst for tb season of the Misepah that ess l wa driven t 'imini,io. eook stoves, twits, snad-- . At an early hour to.biv Minister vbn Tb-w- ill Western F'-i- r.ctleell Miners the amount named to th coll ion , Some or the newspaper give the , r b tonight. t "Hi - Fred, rico ear is raging eastern Montana upon the be... Four other 1I- 1- .on-i- 'Villi ll. Ii. h ,r-i- irrou bail, ling rn- Mariscal, his n illS.I f" his i'tee. tlo that ie employers' side only and state i. fr Creel, ,n,l Wyoming tonight. Wyoming of tie- crew were taken provide that binents aii'l F.nriooe C. members , - other sin, olies of GaUi. and Governor . t Ci.ntiiiueil on page :!. column 21. manager ere no- - In i lies bltov. dens,.'. the railroad not de. ri. lions i;, sides Hie T"3 of the slate ot Chihuahua, former ani- 'In. kmen tear ashore in a THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1909.

lified until too lata of the contemplated to Die switchmen' strike forced the action of the wilclitm-n- ; but 1 átate Carrot mine of tin1 Amalgamated Cop here and now, tluit they knew ti 11 per company. at llutte to c lose tonight MURDER, BIGAMY SOUND REGION II man tluit the strike nrilrr wan Issued The Moonlight, another Amalgamated Scott's Emulsion ami thnt they mnli no offer of a (. property will shut down tomorrow. The two mines employ 4 men. Si to avert the ImpcndlnK trou- long as the Oregon Short Lino con- is the original has been the Holiday ble." to will be tinues operate Kulle sup' thirty-fiv- e AIID OTHER GRIP OF FLOOD Goods When Presiden llawley of the plied with fuel and other necessities standard for years. union n an of can Switchmen's shown the and the rest the minis kee There are thousands of so-call- statement of the wntTitl malingers pen We mention below a number of articles from our the refusal of the nun to ar- Two Northern pacific freight trains as good" Emul- today, "just bitral!' their (llf ferem-o- hi" said: left Helena lor.Missoula other CRIMES Northwest Washington Cut Off stock which will make appropriate holiday gifts: o wise the slrlke situation shows no sions, but they are not they "I do not cnri to make formal change. The derive much I sinkers From World : Answer to that until consult with encouragement troni a rumor that th are simply imitations which Save for Meagre coi im-- i'Kiu'oiAToiis Mayor Lnwlcr. Mr. Ijiwut, however, heads of Iheir respective brotherhoods are never as good as the Communication by Boat; Rail CHAFING DISHES lum answered every point rained by have directed the firemen, engineers St, Louis Woman Becomes tho general mil nutters' committee in and conductors to stop work if strike original. They are like thin roads Badly Crippled, f.VUVIXG SKTS his statement which was made public breakers ale emidoved in the places Nemesis of Brother's Widow here today." of the union switchmen. milk SCOTT 5 is thick like 1L.VTKI) CXMM'KK WARE Mayor nflernooli issued At Missoula, the Northern Pacific Whom Slew Hus this division officials worked in the yards a heavy cream. She Claims By Morning Journal Special I.eaaed Wire KMIIIlOinKKY KC1SNOHS a Ntatemetit dcl'iniiiK the position of - today and by night liad slv trains of band, Jiollinghum,- Wash., Dec. S.MWV A.M OTJIKIt ItAZOKS tho men and their refusal to arliltr.ile lime freight for way stations made up If you want it thin, do it three days northwest Washington ha under tho F.'rdinun law. lly utilizing extra clerks In the divis- been off communica JMZOII HOMO AXU STROPS nays offices, day night yourself with water but cut from quick The niuyor that the railroad ión and crews have tion with the outside world by a fluod ltiiuiHCars making concerted action In co orgiinl.i'd and It. Is expected thai don't buy it thin. lly Morning .Inn rnal Kiirrlul leased Wire Jtll)l(i SADDLES th press to ereate public oilnlon in the congest Ion of the yards will be St. J.ouls, Dec. 2. The Issuance boat service alone Turnihhlny a con IIV i.Ai i:oiu;.s favor are not in a posit Ion to relieved by tomorrow evening. Pas- FUR SALE AI.I. DRUGGISTS hero today of a warrant charging Mrs. necting link. No traliiB are moving their I Mini R. Ooxcy re- senger trains are tunning on time, and of Columbus, Neb. except between this illy and Hurling DOVS churns the men with unfairness in Paget Hfmd It,,., nama et i.uprr anil this Kt. for onr with the William Krdcr, WAGONS the Chicago. Milwaukee a Hlnftch-Book- . murder of J. ton, twenty miles south, service fusing to arbitrate under that law, for t,.,itifnl Havintc Haok and Chllft'ft was which and Sound continues In handle its regular bank contain! a Good Ltu-- Panny. the third charge Krder's cannot be renewed inside a week. th reason that from the botílntiinií of huslncMs. sister, Miss Kate Krdcr, has hud is- SCOTT & BOWNE, 409 Ptarl St.. New York Telegraph wires were today, tho dispute the managers refused to The close down of the (tostón & sued against the woman, who Is ul- - restored consider ii suiiKestiou relative to an Montana smelter at Ureal Falls be- cged to have been Krder's wife. Twenty mile of rallroud track in increase vchk.-- for the men. came complete today. Today's warrant alleges that Mrs. Skagit and AVhitcomb counties huve Mayor lawler says the Krdman law Poxey cuused her husband's death by been destroyed. The loss to railways RAABE & MAUGER administering u In no hedged should tho switch-tne- n TKAIXMEV III MI Mill It PAST arsenic. Yesterday will exceed $1,000,00. 'Whltcomb that document accusing Mrs. Doxey of I agree to tho arbitration under it i iti xt in ttv or1 switciimin BROTHERHOOD TO county lost $100,000 in bridges alone L bigamy In marrying Krdcr, was sworn 115-11- would be (dripped of all leual Chicago, dec. That little sup- Ferndale's losses aggregate $1)0,000. 7 North First Street I there port may he expected hy the striking to In St. Kouls county and on Novem leKltlmately to press 115, Five of Pacific pmvoi their nv itch men from the Hrolhchood of her Or. I.. II. Doxey and Mrs. miles Northern track claims and It would put them com- Hallway Trainmen was shown here Doxey were arrested on n statutory In this country has disappeared, even In power ( pletely the of the ra lironda. lotiigtit when V. I. Lee, president ol ASK WAGE barge. the grade being obliterated. The steel Mayor Lnwler says, admitting that the brot herbooil malli, to all loth;'- The warrant charging murder fol drawbridge on the Great Northern at the decision were favorable to the a let t ci which read: lowed the report of Dr. V. H. Warren Kerndale must be replnced. South of switchmen, the railroads might appeal "l.i I it he understood thai mem-bet- s that arsenic had been found in the vital organs of Krder. The body was Mount Vernon twenty miles of track to the courts and delay a final de- of the Switchmen's union filled is under water. the places of our members during iifl NCREAS E hiimcd ten days ago at the recpiest cision from one to two years during f Miss Krder, after she had caused The Anueorteg branch of the Great Statement of tho Condition of lito men com- authorized slrlke of the Itrolh rhcod which time the would be on lio the arrest of Dr. Doxey and Mrs. Northern has lost half a mile of grade pelled oi Kailwav Trainmen KoHh to work under the one sched- Worth Hi II railway In August of thb-yea- Doxey In Nebraska. at Avon, while a mile of track hag ule of wages and it would be Illegal and. In the fare of such action Krder was married In St. Louis been washed away at Whitney. About Bank of 1 county In April. Mrs. Commerce for them to strike or In any way aid by that organization, cannot under-stan- d Doxey, to eol Representatives of Three Hun led Insurance amounting to $3.20(1 forty miles of the Koekport branch In h strike. how Mr. Ilawley can expect our of must recon Of Albuquerque, Xftv Mexleo, members to disregard their own laws made an affidavit that she was Krd the Great Northern be dred Thousand Railway Em- er's widow. structed. The right of way between and decent methods Iti order that the ' iMox ornri i.K acci'skd present slrlke may be won lor him. overnor lladlev has Issued a Lyman and Hamilton must be relocat J Novouibcr 19, 109. OI' VIOLATION OK I'AIlt ,AY Members of the brotherhood must ployes Preparing to Present requisition on the governor of No ed for a distance of five miles. no; braska for the return of Mrs. Doxey t'hlcago, Dec. S. Tho com- take the places of strikers, hul Kaconner is under seven feet of Joint sl;m, Id u rn Demands, ,n the bigamy charge. managers to- jierf their regular duties water. The town's loss Is placed tit UESOinCLS: mittee of railway late or resign and seek employment else- Miss Krder has been Mrs. Tloxev single-hande- $1.",0,000 in of destroyed day Issued tho following statement: nemesis. Almost d she stocks goods where." two grain Loans and Discounts . .$1,005,900.72 "The millions of peoplo who will H'otlr labor recruiting- wci Ilv Morning Journal Pprrinl IMttfñ nlrr) worked up the evidence on which the and warehouses filled tvilh ' stations Honda and other Securities . . . 10,0110.00 suffer hy reason of the growimr pa- and nearly 1 .1100 men were warrants were Issued. She has filed aid hay which collapsed and slipped Dec. 1!. Representa get Ileal F.'Htate 11.82S. 44 ralysis of truffle of thirteen railways hind before sundown tonight. A New York, suit to have aside the action by into the flood. II Mrs. Doxey - St.. Minneapolis special train bearing fill trien for ser- lives of trainmen mi all the eastern which obtained the insur- In the country north of Lnconner Furniture and Fixtures 5,550.00 entering Paul and . :io0,-(ii)- ince. and KxchatiKe . . 711,358.36 nnd hy the throwing out of employ- vice on the (real Northern, left hen roads of the country comprising 1,000 head of entile were drowned. Cash tonight and preparation for more to- while; 400,000 8,000 ment of thousands of men engaged In way. emplojes Issued a statement sacks of oats and nl trains tomorrow are under HALF MILLION DOLLAR Total .$1,744,637.52 mining, matiufni luring and 001111111,.--cl- night declaring thai they will shortly tons of baled liny are h total loss. i'uoll-llle- s Sloughs bays for miles cov- business requiring railroad pres.-ii- i demand to the roads for a IN and are Itouts nomi: FIRE LOSS 3ALTIM0RF ered with drifting hay should know that this situation I uiiol;it. ur i w Miitao ten percent Increase. and sacks of LIABILITIES: Is duu to the, refusal of tho membet-slil- p Heatlle, I. loo. 2. Improved condi oats. A barn filled with hay was The statement in part: .' of the Switchmen's union of tions marked the second day of the reads found 'floating in Puget sound by a Capital Paid up $ 150,000.00 North American, to abide by the pro- switchmen's slrlke in western Wash- "The votes in the various districts Pit II linnrc, Dec. 2 1' .re broke out northbound steamer yesterday. Surplus and Profits 50,471.03 might In posed arbitration of difficulties. ington.. The railroads have moved have all boon taken tonight hy the in ii building South Sharp The loss to farmers Is at Deposits Subject to Check 1,030,016.42 some freight they express confi- street a block and a estimated "Cnlllng of this strike, notwith- and Itrolhorhood of Itallwriy Trainmen within half of ÍCOO.OOO In live stock, hay and grain. Time Certificates of Deposit 514,150.07 dence that they will be able to In- the point of origin of the great fire standing the managers' offer to ar- and will shortly be presented to all of I crease the volume rapidly until nor- f H04. Total $1,744,637.62 bitrate, violates the spirit of fair (day mal condltons ate restored the eastern railway companies. It spread rapidly and within a short The Itoponslble Parly. which every American cillaon must Hoth the tiren t Northern and Kvoryl hlng possihle will bo done to time had done damage estimated at Visiting Relutive How aristocratic regard as a fundamental principal, its Northern Pacific sent out their pas- avoid u strike. Though the Switch- tween $150,000 and $200,000, your father looks with all that gray OEllCEIlS AXD DIRECTORS: between employer and employe. The senger trains on lino-- . men s union of North America be- In lis spread the fire involved the hai- -. proposal that the iiucstion Involved The railroad are still refusing to lieves In radical mensures, the llrolh-erhoo- d staldlshmcnls of many shoe dealers The Naughty Son Yes, and he's got SOLOMON LUNA President accept freight tak- of Railway Tru Intncn does should he iirhlt rated was acouleseed In perishable but are nd house furnishers. The flames e to thank for it, too! fuck. ing olTcrihgs sub-le- d not. The agreements with east- limped a alley W. S. STRICKLER Vice President and Cashier In- this company, uhich assumed Hint all of other kind, the narrow in the rear and to Indefinite- delay. ern roads stipulate that they may be ained a momentary foothold In n big V. Uia switchmen shared the desire for e Foley's Orino Kaxatlve Is best for J. JOHNSON Assistant Cashier terminated upon thirty days' notii uilding occupied by a dry goods firm. women children, an itmloabk, adjustment of the ites-lioii- by party. No such notice has ,atei and its mild action J. C. BALDRIDGE. WJI. M INTOSH, denied mi: cither the total loss was estimated at and pleasant taste It preferable under consider,! i ion and would iii:.iiw i: it isi; as j et been given." ioo.noo. make not willingly upon asked roit lo violent purgatives, such as pills. A. M. BLACKWELL, O. E. CROMWELL. bring the public St Paul, Mee. 2. ("eiieral .Manager tablets, etc Cures constipation. J. the paralysis of business, the Im- Slade of the Northern Pacific and II O'ltb iiv Co mense monetary loss and the actual iletieral Manager Uriilur of the tireat hardship which it strike would Norihern, both denied tonight the PROBING DEATH OF WITNESSES WITH ciislon. ' i story from Hpoknne thnt the engi- "NolwIthHtunding that President neers 'nnd tlremeil of their respuMlve Hartley systems have demanded an advance RICHELIEU of the Switchmen' union in wages. Mr. timber said that the Joined with (his committee In the clc-grii- engineer and firemen asked for a WOMAN FOUND PAPERS TURN OP sent November 23 to Martin A. conference with the muna-e- r' ; general Knupp, chairman of the interstate c. mi in i. In October, shortly commerce commission and to Charles afbr the switchmen asked lor their TIME P. conference, but thai no Individual d TO ORDER Nell!, fulled .states commissi. in r I of labor, Inviting good offices mauds had been made on the two T MISSING their roads mentioned. as mediators under Kidman n.-t- the "Shortly after tin- swlli limen asked the strike ordur was issued without for a conference wllh the commit! the knowledge of the managers' com- of Hie general inanagets." said Mr mittee or of the mediators by the umber, "the engineers and llrcmcn Police Believe Husband of Vic- Switchmen' committee, directing the asked tor u conlererice and It was Government Encounters Unex OOSE switchmen to cease work In event agreed al that lime that alter th tim is Still Alive and Able to in 351 (111 pected Obstacle Prosecu their full demands had not con- b roncos between the swltclime been re ceded, ii violation good and the railroads wi adjusted that Throw Lii;ht Men THE POUND of faith which eases be up. on Strange tion of Accused of Fals led to the present condition. their would taken The engineers and flrem. ii have made n ll litis no few EAF "The transportation Tragedy, Weighing on Sugar Wharf. siiMTor mid hut of v.oges up e ileiuanils lor higior cither ci,ials. We guara, iti-- its falvor freight has become practically Im- on the tireat Northern or the North possible ami strength. It cannot he dun and the result cannot fall to ern Pucllle, In fact, thev do not wish Heated in the city at ttiivvt lure to htodncsH In way. Illy Morning Unrniil Hverlul Wlr I By Morning Juurnnl be nn actual hardship to the public. do that Thc Saerlsl ImhI Wire in ii r its price. ts to h New 2 A Ih New 2. govern Kvcry effort will he made to restore want whatever action taken York, Dec rumor that lork, Inc. rlie EDGERS transportation conditions to nor- general. The same procedure will ht the liii.il. mil of Mrs. ora hincad, the incut encountered n check todav in the as In the mal lit the possible followed the case of the suK.fl tilling woman found dead In the bath- prosecution of the American Sug earliest nioiiun'." men. In case u larger territory tub of in Knst ar Itcflning company when It devel Moth the their an unfurnished bouse 2 real Northern Pacific! covered In sw itchincii i N. ,1 , is oped documentary and hau that the "range, still alive is credited thnt evidence and Northern Pacific officials ad- controversy w ill be covered. " bv the pollen there. The husband, the many witnesses Important to the gov mitted tonight that men Imported A Muteniont Ihct a new schedul chief of police believes, could win einnietit s case have disappeared. The from Chicago and elsewhere wearing tell Don't wait until the end of the vear . . . badge was being pretuired mi the Ureal his voting wife bad been kept in seclu- - missing documents were records kept of special police had n sta Northern otliocs was declared by Mr. why she was separated front her t,y city weighers and neither the dm Chickens tioned on the propcriv ol tin com (iruber to be untrue. linl.y: why she was given barelv unicnts nor the men who kept them IVesli ami fat. home killed and nam, bin they denied thai in k. oiigh could be found today. iiorfivtly ilresscil. your they were violating any food to keep her alive and Send or DO IT NOW! law. t hf, all hough money was borrowed Hul, tilth, nigh tally sheets wen der today. COMMERCALCLUB her life Insurance policy, she ap missing, the government was able to 1)1 TiMM:its We rule the sheets needs. nn TO GET DOWN licáis lo have enjoyed the benefit of Introduce testiinonv shovt ing that can to suit your von; TO III II UN TO WoKli. TO WORK no penny of It. very scale on the Williamsburg luilufh, .Minn, I i.e. 2 - As a result play Was dock of the company had been tam- a rresuintion of foul further of meeting of the lirolhei hood id tr. iigl bene, I todav by the testimony pered with Itiillivuy Trainmen, late this iveniim. (Condoned page I. II.) f Julian T. a !nw Conrad Heller, a carpenter, Mi per cent from column Carabba. Itrooklvn testified H. of the striking switchmen ver, who to cutting out a portion of the wood Fresh Meats S. LITHGOW a committee, Hholl made up from volunteered the Information bore will return to work tomorrow. he had witnessed a will en stanchion of No. 1 scale. Through We tilwats na on Most law er members, will su, h de- that third to iinim a Manufacturer of of them will be for the Northern take made by .Mrs. Snead and drawn bv the hole thus cut the government choice; si'h-clio- of tint choicest Pacific cisive a.tlon as will in Hie future pre- tiltil in bis office. Miss Virglnii contends was operated the steel to he hud. BLANK BOORS, LOOSE LEAP DEVICES, BBEK STAMPS. II vent large mints ill was the sense ol the meeting that eccsslel. nicolllits tiotn W.irdlnw. now under arrest in 1,'ast spring thai manipulated the weights i being i Plumo 024. ioe omi-- lo NWMCIimcll 10 strike was made against the lub rniit:e. be said, had offered him rccoi tied on to,, betim. .ineotistituiioiial un. I nil advised That halls or dunces shall be given IV a , lite insurance tmlict for I0.U00 if h Thomas llovatt. government i by i lul, to member.-.- 1 lo hold out no bun:, The Ureal the lis not at .III. I See to It weigher, was asked If he had Inspect- oppor- lililí Hie Will Was Northern, and the Chicago. St. Paul. regular Inlirv.ils. lull at such In, wn III her favor and that of In ed all sixteen scales on the docks in Minneapolis A I'niaba. both an- tune times as Ho- olticcis of the n- - r company , os!, with Treasury Agent Parr. l I o, i tin- i nounced tonight that they are ren.lv ta ni, i, lit i. unlit lul. "Yes," he n nsw crcil, 'and I found all to may suhle.-t- receive freight Mid it Is reported dceni a.his.ihlc. h,weer. ' IT tout- moth, r bought bunch scales fixed the same way." that I OH t. wi;i to (In- ot or ev four Sealshipt strike leakers .e here board directors the of giap, s. the shopkeeper's price 'With springs in them'."' asked the o i ne morning to i ci vetoing enable them to il. iille committee such action ing inn, i, in a bunch, how much Judav. duet Itie business. i for ,inv particular ball or bin, c If in ,,11,-- would purchase cost her 'No. your honor, but the holes were The C - the members ol the I'.roi hcrhood tludr belief the expense Will be great- tsked the new teacher. there Just the same." Oysters i..nlwa lr.ilnm.il. whnh embraces i i i than the i lull could nfford. "You never can tell." majority of the men euiploed a' K' spe, tfollv submitted. answered FRESH DAILY ' . lommy. who was at head of the sw iti hoi, n at the head of the lakes I! the ait.-rnoo- class. "Ma's great at bargaining!' this iinanlmouslv ot,., t. G I.. Tt-liit- Is ItltooKS. RAILROADS INDICTED $51.03 TO CHICAGO AXD ItETl'ltX i.ntinue their w ork as switchmen. i N MA It lit N. no.- I, Dates Mile, November 19, 27, .iiltlaed take tills course l.v j u. II.IKI.D of II, V I' Nhlino. Ice president of III. S. 29. 30 ami It Ii ihmI ..Hi, org. in, Hi, w Ii Kail. i.f lib ib.- sw it, i, in, n MEDAL PINNED ON BREAST on ere mero I, i Territory of New Mexico, FOR REBATING limit return l;t, account It IS K..Í.I (li.it tin- ni. ti w bo arrived OF HEROIC BLUEJACKET oil tee of tho Secretary, Our of Inlrnialional l ile M,m k ExihikI-lion- , todav to till ti,,, Id. i, es of the Groceries w , strikers NovciiiImt 27 to December 10. re u ,,r - I lot mcrlv tubers tin- Am, .11. inn.. II. lie,. 2 't ...iiloiii MIm ella noons Certificate, lwas give satisfaction. m i' I I nl i:.,imj r. an, went nut ,,i Tatt toil.lt pintle. I a se, olid medal ol handle th- - very best grntln- - and tet suites ami IrtlHtioii lie la ir.Ki i i IVN ,o, In ami that the honor Waiii Tend.-- John King ot I. Nathan Jaffa, secretary of Louisville Nashville and amis. poNltion, Xovemner 20 lo Deccmlicr men now it nr. Hi., men w ho took (he Hill). ,,l..i,, '..!- tb.- 111. . I. . Mlleaily I to-l- , You Don't to Guess id.,1 tb n possessed 'I'll.- the Territory of New Mexico, Held lib. National Farm Lam Coiiirrc Have ..l,in..,v took place American Sugar by XovemlM-- r A .,,ll of tli,. sinkers si ,w r.4 at the While house, where do hereby certify that: 1A tu 2u. , that the FRESH FRUITS AND who it Is that bakes the finest bread - VM. IXH I"T cut of II,,. i it, lini.-- ar,- mem- I t had nit il. , t h, cabin, I. Whereas, on the i'lHh day of KentucKy Grand Jury for Vio- H. Atrent. , nI It is oi .Hi, I II I , I . 1 Alhu-iiieri- in city. Anyone will tell you th, l:i itailway Th.- Ille,l.. was i.l.it ir,-- upon . A. IV, !0!. the VEGETABLES the Tiatnmi-- t i . nt nr. a dialed iving vii aoi .itii.ii v heroism on citizen was designated lation of Commerce Laws. CONSOLIDATED LIQUOR The Pioneer Itakery. . Light delicious W lili t lie Sw it, i b oo-t- s rr CO. itni, II and the the .ii of an ac. i.l, n( t.i i.n, ot in i.aik.i: yi VoU do l i, In: bh tho Ofrielal Newspaper of wrnris loaves are baked here everyday rest not to ni, cation Ho- boiler on tie- .i a, ..ji y. piein-Pe- r Buccessora to Mellnl A Eakla New Mexico, and can them oven. We Isn't Whereas, (By Morning Joarasl Rafcial I Wire) and Haehechi & Oloml. have hot from the ,s- vt said Alhuquerqu MllMW s i The ftrM llleil.ii ! aw, IT. 1. K'lUt l.ouistlllc. ky. Kee. 1. I'he WHOLESALE use nothing hut the best high Mide MI lll I . Clllen has cease d publication; DEALERS I Hill t k n COM I'M bet,, sol ilisphm.l di.ittig ,.n a.il-.1- I I , grand Jury that has been sitting nourishing, na. I ice. J I i, ,.f , ,1 VI. ksbll, Now, therefore, public notice flour, and our bread is i. due lit en he if In the federal court to Investígate the WINES, LIQUORS & CIGARS is hereby given that; In com- .hobsome and tcninllnc to tin- ni"t ill, Red violation of the Interstate W handle verythlna- - pliance with section 9. chapter In tmr tin. fastidious. 7;i of the laws of lía, requir- mineicc law, today returned ind'et- - Write for Illustrated catalogue mod ing the Secretary of the Terri- nietit.s anainni the Louisville A Na.--h- RICHELIEU price list. Issued to dealers only. e. -- Js st!, II tory to desltrnnte an Official llle and the Louisville. Henderson leiepnone ill. . t. The Right Kind prefu-- l' l in on r itr, i. Newspap- r of New Mexico; the Louis r.itlioiids mid the Aniernun co PIONEER BAKERY .Uli-l- l. III v i,f out iliMKlll- - Alhn,ii-rtiie- Alomlnjr Journal 'ohai company for rebating. Ilia Kight R0CERY & MARKET li- Is to.ti. liin nts aggregating for And decor.it i,, - lilts our vt ... g lt ,v , Ho llllllolll-l.le- i. s hereby designated as auch .etc rt o 207 South First Street. official .c-,ato- r of Now counts were returned against mv right for w tie- - i too. nil in ur flower and ir ski.l lc.in. the former road ii i: e it km 1. one In. II. twenty-fiv- fu I K tnietit of In their prop IT a h,. I;! o n t t'lt oí lew II Citen itn.l.r my hand and TISOTTI:il. ITi.p. .IT the Ores! Seal of Territory OUIlts w. ictl.rn.-- Against the ltK SI UK DR. CHAS. A. FRANK orders our b, -- t attention the S:t5 . . . . j;tt of New Mexico at th City of American TmImci ii company. Itl'M I.Td Specialist in BY Satit.l Fe, the Capital, on this Two Indictments were returned ISIVti MiiKMVG Eurg-err- . - Disease of Women. i tit against Hen-rso- n JtM RX L fourth day of October, A. P. the Iouisvtilr. Qenlto-Urinar- y Disease. HENRY 1 int St. Lotus and Lucían Irwin. THE WM. FARR COMPANY WANT ADS Disease of the Rectum. tSe.iH NATHAN JAFFA. now pteaidrnt of the road, but at the Wholrsala " and retail dealer la Hours: to 1 1 a. m , I to 4 p. m., and 4th & SANTA FE AVE. lUlltlfT PHONE J J. K. retary of New Mexico. time f th? alleced offense th en- - rrwh aad Kali Meats. Kauaajre T p. m.; to IS a. nl freight net-i- and trsfflr man- - fwrtaHy. to I Sunday. .Pr rattle and hnw tha fthl- - t'lk-- t aitiket are pmUi ami 5. ItameO TcleihoDe lf,t. THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1909.

as a sop to his chagrin, Hint u spe- cial rlntiside box should be built for him mid his friends. OUTSIDER WINS THEL3 Tho giisrantecd purse lor this fltrht Is the largest ever ofTered, but eport-Iii- k men hclb ve the tnovinii plctureiit will net even more. An indication of FEATURE RACE their value is to be seen in the fact that Houseman, who had the Illinois IMPORTANT NOTICE rlKhts to the Corbetl-Fitzslmmtm- s pic- During our great closing-ou- sale of high-grad- e dia- tures, mid paid $104,00(1 to Dan Stu- AT JUAREZ t art us the promoters percentage for monds, watches arid jewelry, we have made arrangements to them, .still realized handsomely on his investment. Houseman Is now the provide for those who do not care to buy at auction. For their principal bidder for the Illinois and be- New York rights for the pictures of Another Good Crowd Witnesses convenience goods will be disposed of at private sale Gridiron Battle at Traction the coniniK fisht. Hotly Contested Card New tween the hours of 8 a. m. and 2:30 p m. and 4 to 7 p. m. at John i j, Sullivan was mentioned In at Ihe gossip today us u possible referee Track Beyond the Border, prices which cannot fail to prove attractive to the purchasers. this Afternoon to be but he was not seen tit headquarters. Park "John 1.. lias been on the water-wago- n so lonu,' a volunteer explained, (Hy Moralng Journal ftiwelal tenard Wire FIXTURES FOR SALE "that he will not permit himself to Juarez, Mexico, lee. ..'. Another Hard Fought Contest be tempted. For that reason he has good crowd witnessed the racing; at not been around." Juarez today and the races were all . 7 No one believes that Sullivan will hotly contested. The feature of the L. G. ROSENFIELD be selected as referee. His ase and card was the handicap, six furlongs, bulk are his only handicap, hut they and resulted lit u victory lor the out- 118 WEST CENTRAL RAN El THEB ELEVEN are sufficient. The referee may he sider, Marchnionet. Klnu Cobalt, the FR SCO chosen tomorrow when the final ar- well known eastern sprinter, wits ticles are signed, hut It Is i'onsldcred heavily played, 5 to 2, and after set- closing-stride- likely that Jeffries, Johnson and the ting 11 fast pace tired hi :he CONFIDENT OF promoters, all of whom have an equal and wus beaten a head. Tin' vote, will take plenty of time before Medwell entries, Hellwciber and Marsc WINS BATTLE selecting so important an official. Abe, were iavorltes in the belling at 3 10 but failed to show to an ad- WINNING Kit VNt rsCO FANS vantage, finishing- In the mm k. Sum- .11 r.n.AXT o i:it mary : (int'oin;. HI San 2. The news First race, selling, five furlongs l,e. to 1. won; CLAIMS OF BELEN from New York that the Jeffries- - Perfecto, 102 (Mondavi. INVESTIGATE THE OF CENTURY Johnson world's ehunipionsliip fitfht Lord Clinton. 102 (Austin 1. 11 to 2. saw hammer Is heurd on 1 I ." Wilh the inauguration of tlaj light Irain service The music of the and The Wolf, 0", W an 111 1, MERCHANTS WILL NOT would he held in San Francisco, al second: between AlbutiUctque and Kl Pas,, there will come a every side. Dozens id residence buildings are In though not unexpected, has caused 1, Tinie, 1:'M Steel to third. period of prosperit to the Kto Grande valley Much course of construction. Hrick blocks tire rising us If BE ASKED TO CLOSE keen satisfaction anion", rintt follow- King. Itounder, Tipster. Krunhilde, - as before known. bv magic. New enterprises are establishing- them- ers here. Already speculation is rife Lady and Slowfunt also ran. it has never Pandilla Is newest, town on route. selves daily. This great activity Is due not only to as to the location of the battle race, selling, six 'turloiigs Helen the livest this TEX RICKARD'S $101,000 ground. Thf concensus of opinion Second With completion of Ihe Coleman extension fad that the town has such bright futura pros- Mctiee, lfif, (J. Wilson 1. :i to the tic Brilliant and Well Played Game inclines to the belief that tin' contest Anne of the Sania Fe it becomes an important division point pects, but that The Helen Town and Improvement BID FORMALLY ACCEPTED be pulled in a, won; liolilttn, 'M anei, I" will off territory other t.il'i on t he line from San Francis, n and Los Angeles to cumpaiiy Is selling lots within the reach of all. of Football Expected to Hap- Ihe city proper, but immediately to I, second; Silver Stocking. 102 than Calvcstoii and New urleans. It is now on u direct line second lo adjacent. The laws of California per- Z to 1, third, 'lime, 1:19. The church and school facilities are (Kamseyi, (he to Mexico. II is the pen When Varsity and Aggies mit prize 1'inhts but the contests ia Hell,: Urady. Lillian Kay. from Denver and north none in New Mexico. Seven teachers uive instruc- and to Meet in Plume, crossing of two great transcontinental highways Jeff lies Johnson the city are so retaliated by the liright Fyes and Posing also ran. the tion to over 300 pupils ill one of tile last hullditiKS Meet Today, only twenty to Soiuli and K.n--t to West. municipal authorities that race, sellinii. one mile, lime from North from in the territory. . Ring July 4 Next for Biggest round can be javen. There Third exhibitions 4 The Santa Fe railway Is spending- thou- is round for the belief, however, lie Prince Charb y, llltl (Small I, 10 Four Protestant denominations' Hre establishing-wor- in History of Fight Moving-- , Phi (Kennedy). sands in the construction of terminal facilities. Purse owing- to tlie tremendous Importance 1, won; Keep s new are building: or noon LookiiiR in every detail a husky eating-house- and three churches may be Ü I oil Pick- New depots, both passenger and freight, new squad of gridiron artists, tin? "do or of the buttle, pressure brought to I. second; Arcourt, to be begun Game, ltickard-Cleaso- n Improvements now lire by the combination K 1. Time. I:4!i and oilier extensive die," siiirit beliiK prominent features ens to third. Th. people are friendly and snelul. Agricultural with the Incoming administration to Ceorg-- Young. Winebctiv, Aidetiia neurlntf completion. of their ronvcrsat Ion. the ion eleven arrived yesterday morning from waive all restriction and urant Dowuie also ran. f.eased Wlr to have an unlimited contest and lb'. Br Morning Junrnul Siieilal .Mesilla Park, twenty-fou- r hours ahead race, handicap, six furlongs a in the city of San Francisco. In such Fourth I York, Dec. 2. Tin? fight for of time in order to have ( 1. X,v schedule an event It is Hcticrally understood Marchmotiel. 1UÜ Pension, li to INVESTIGATE THE CLAIMS OF BELEN 'ood hltrht's rest before their battle f, the heavyweight championship of Hie with the varsity team. that the ball round park of the Pa- won; King Cobalt, 114 (Cic ivi. to this afternoon Coast baseball located on 113 (C. '! world between .lames J. Jeffries and A look at the sturdy bunch of farmers cific baxue. J, second; (lorio, Ilenryl, wonder how Valencia street, near Fourtentli, will Time. ,. r. Johnson will be held in Califm-nin- . makes the football fan seat- to .third. Lis Jink ttiey were ever worsted so badly by be the scene of the batile. The Abe am! Servile also In tin- vicinity of Han Francisco, ing put it y can be enlarged so 11s to Marsc the cadets at Itoswell ThnnksKivinif ran. mi July 4. 1!tm. and will bo staged hy accommodate approximately 2o,0u0 or day. otic-ha- lf fur- Í5.0IH). . Fifth race, five and T.'X Kirk. ml or Nevada ii ml John J. that his men Other than declare today as sporting men here Montgomery, lax I inn- of San Francisco. were all in tip-to- p shape and would Later longsDave received private advices from the ovan, II lo 2, won: Kiislein, I'll bid $10l.(i(Mi (mil two-third- s Uive the varsity one 01 mo naroesi Their of scene opening of bids r, trames of the season, Captain ) loya 01 of the the the ICrecrvl. to 1, second; Kiddy Lie, - nf tin- moving picture to the conviction ki'i vv that James W. Coi'f-roi- h the Atttiies declined to comment on 10s (Kennedy,, !i to 2, third. Time, b- cHHestnnts was formally accepted is Ihe man actually behind the the outcome of today's contest. 1:13. Crtiltor, Camera, 1'clf and Alva 3 ihirinu a stormy rnoiuinir at llobnketi. camp, offer hy Tex Kickard, and John J. kHf Annies' fes) All reports from the P. ran. X. J., to (ibason. also this afternoon, linal articles however, that the Farmers ry. indicate of beintv depressed by Sixth race, selling, one lie drawn and signed there tomorr- are in better shape for today's name Instead the ni news from New Vork, the close as- HH ti to I. won; .How- ow. It is believed the fight will than they ever were. Itedidnn, who liinrtii i'l, sociates of Coffroth were elated when 7 to ", more ash than any other was a star behind the line for the ard Pearson, 101 (McCahey). Farmers last year will make bis first thev heard how the matter had been second; Fred Mulholland. In4 (Small). fig lit in the history of the ring. In decided. appearance with them Ibis season .3 1:41) Tony J. McCitrcy of Los Angeles, It is well known that since his con- to 1. third. Time, Thomas today's Ritme, playinn tulioack. in Tromargo also ran. Iluso hid was considered highest by it expected he will nection with the "I'itiht trust" Faust and which position, is i'oif-rot- 4 game for his Pn- - AkiíIi'S. durum the Sclimitr,-- uef réjame, h ninny, made a race be a tower of strength for the " been to secure a per-ni- FJiwrj tille. " - i! Athletic-- ' his he expected a totiKh battle but has unable liesiilisat Coast dub, hut That a city a Coí-tml- h, to, lainduct the Lee. 2. TlianUu to imw 'WHHwit - expected to win as thy brief Oakland. limit lionu. Jnun fvnrby limits and for this reason he "con- ot by of bis control of the irient made on the ame yesterday good ride on the part .vrcniouiu. virtue Captain Walt. Allen of the Varsity structed his Sunshine arena over the handicap at Kltiervv Ule. two basic patents on moving pictures, line In San Mateo county. 1'ntil lately Ihe Modesto s(iiad. Iteliovinii discretion the better today weitl lo Fairly Tide, the favor lint! ilect'c, d against Mci'aicy and his part of valor, the sturdy little explain Coffrath was on wood terms with the n!ly, Ivhlie (Iranoy, of San Fruneisco, any "dope," on supervisors of that county but some ite. declined to nive the developed .Napa Nick, heavily played, led until nuil fight was given to Cilcason or to a probable score. friction when he made his the Kame, venture lasl application for a permit and it is wire, but nn,l Uickar.l, who, It is said by rport-in- g The Varsity o" into the name to- liiort distance from the champions of ter- not believed that his troubles in that Denny was o'f 110 assistance and Krtl'ly men. have 111 understanding with day undisputed the up. by no expect an easy direction half been patched For eaiiL'lil In few yards strengthened by ritory, but means con- Tld.. him the last YOU Accept This Relief FREE" Cl'troth a snrnilse victory over ihe Masilla boys. these reasons sport ins men here Will Instant tin' Coffroth while Fine weather prevailed but the track Tact that Cleason and Stores Will Not Close. tend that Coffroth nill remain o for several d tys tre.Ufient. The blcised relief that even the free past. Ihe power behind coniintt I'itiht. was muddy. us your name on a p.e.t.n. siiMiple In you will Imve shared one bid in the liecau.se of the nearness of Christ- the SKND r. i, our li hi p.ov to loa coaciiisivi iv will am uiicuiitiiKs name appear di- In denying a w rit of habeas col pus l v 'e until a Ab'Carey and (Iranoy estimate that mas and tin' consequent hardship it his will not as beintr mi a faiiip.e of tliat it is ti e iiiom iii.uvelous icmedv lor leu in continue un ue cuaipleia rectly with affair. in of charged e is eitceted. Hie net value of the moving pictures would work on merchants and others connected the the case Charles lirown. Komlou's Cal.irrh.,1 Jcin ' .11.11 lb, the p:i, cnlcsl, sliest, most t:ui a of AVulkor-uti- s :!iod ill" You cannot afford to neglect nasi! II if they were asked to close their busi- Willi violation the ki.otlililH and is Ill' lor h" at least íüOli.OOfi and probably : ( Y I In It ness houses the same, It was SALT LAM IT M IV law, in receiving' money on a wager, All DrJiggisisi tie.'iiiaciil of llii.i Pad diM.isc. c.il.nili even its eailiest slaves. Hilii.iiiKi. Kickiird and Cleason dnriuii At i will t In tte.i i,f imell. of by boys last even-i- n ;KT KH.HT. KondiM, s Cat. Icil j'lly is applied imt f, Nettled decided the Varsity STILL Till: the state supreme court expressed llu' GO c ra cold tin; Iie.id tint way (or tbo to estimate. 'Se and tai the r.ivv sin bo in o,eii to withdraw their request made Salt Lake, Dee. 2. Local business opinion law was valid. Ac- dircctlv e. germs. .Win- Lou Houseman of Chicago, that the Ruda. , l'.io tld. killed membranes. attack td tlmcataiili Wednesday lor a several hours holi- who Sanitary won-le- t men and liyhl fanciers commis- cordingly Carroll Cook, attorney for ell1, I'lll I lct,H (iv el b'UOOIKNIpsek.icesof tills (is of had called Jeffrie- Stops altlieinl.il J.e, muster ceremonies, day. ' 1, sioned Tex Kickard to pull the Tubes ri.- v - i ciaed v have sold in years. racing association, .warned lasers lac-.i- l (.,-- .ii;es for ) . ii :u ,d be been Hie meeting- u at of s-Johnson the to order in hotel "I liscussiiiK the abandonment the finht to Salt Lake are c s lio lsiilid'l liHV'e testdied lo its lllellla hi manager, idea to request a general closiiiu, Man- and players not lo pass monev. Ko- Sample In.,, and pe Is the Mil In p laicucii Sam Merger. Jeffries' open minded as to whether okks or 1:11,. .V ill V uiisohcilcd letters. Kc.ld ager Lawrence l.ee of the Varsity mi Us: FRLE t',,' '1 lie. ''!! I.IC.'S. llo: announced that his principal had flowers should be used at the next I ..i II. e lei i, al vi. i,' t'j cii.'o ra - 115I111111 i. eleven last nifiht declared that the here. had an First race, futurity course ,t I lor Kickard and tileason. lleorge Kiikard reception Kuks Mown tal, - I'l .Ilil, III S Seattle Wah. responded liberally, al- dis- 11 merchants had overwhelmine. majority when the won; Halnade, second: Hiirning Push, w, ii I.I ii .1 ' alt lo a Oanflaineie I hav hud a bad cold and Little, representing Johnson, made a Ven appiv water a man. to request v - 1 most to their for patches announced that San Francisco third. Time, 1:12 wound tu. i s,i.iy ii vi oh a a, lent intali- cularrli in Itin lioud tur luootha, bava fimilar announcement, find Stakehold- partial holiday, but that It had been got Was to ,e fiht. but tile flower Second race, five and one-ha- lf fur- er Hub Murphy was to declare Ihe Idea. As 11 about decided to abandon market Improved this eveninti upon won; Ilex, second; Hie m. McCarey rose business will conducted in a longs Kalelgh P. liter settled when icsull Je receipt of telegrams from member 1:0!) Aslc Your Pliysician or Druggist tn Insist on reading- the llickard bid tin- - business district as usual today. of the Salt deification In New Silver (irain, third. Time. like Ham-pas- s biaai to a doctor and had It treated, in "We concluded that it would he Vork. In which Kickard is quoted: Third race, futurity coins, cine vvliicli luna, Itch and Irritant fond an eff. ut to show that it was not but did not lint relief, mi I heard of too much of the men bants to 1 promised won; 1!.. Phillls-tina- . the i iw pi a s nineii llu- best. askiim "When left Salt Lake (irace second; ( Jelly and liava It have them close up for three or four Ihe leading business men that Salt third. Time, 112. ot t'.it sanie teas', it ton should snip Vuur tunhal ud "I vas induced to come across the hours.'' said Mr. l.ee, "especially on Ijike would have first consideration if tl,e ot ci(v,;, SI: ills, d ,11, lies and four Uv, and feel tino In tlis bead. "by Fourth race, five furlongs. Modesto lor a. 'I l.o ilelicaia Hease sand me a free snmpln at lllaasa. continent." protested Mcl'arey, account of the fact that Christinas is was successful and I will keep my atouiKct cuan Karly Tide won; Nn i U raw, B. O. STIÍWAKT. tin- representation that everything was only a short time away and business promise. It is up to Salt Lake." handicap Iiiicl' ol tic inc., p.csaKi'-- be litc ii,. c.i- - oih-nvis- e. second; Key Hindoo, third. Time, Main, d soi c (ion, uou of lliu la be above boa ril bu-e- I find it is quite brisk in all lines of trade. We Komlou's Catarrhal appreciate the nenorous response 1:01. t,.l ll Ur'l Hi'). i Renieinlier, that If my bid is not the best, - Komlou's C.it.irt li.il Jellv Is r,notl,liir, Jelly Is sold by over .'(S UO druggist in bien laldjo bid fnado to our request for a general SUTTON WINS RIGHT Fiflh race, one mile, selling'- Kd it vours not Crnnoy's is. Clancy's to express l,e:ilint'. ple.isant and i oohug Applv it the United Stales bat does 11111, í -- closinn and will endeavor won; Hilly Myer, second; Con- .mj ftUc units, ineludini! pb tures, to J 7 i . Hall once and von will iiisl.itit lelief. li ivo it. send to us lor or tube our appreciation in a substantial way TO MEET DEMAREST 1 ,ai' "HI to the fighters.'' vent Hell, third. Time, :43 teal mud ii .e, linee tanca a div, will (staitis or coin), and we will mail at .is occasions arise." '.,d, .,.,,! ,.,! e. postpaid The fide sue contains 'W, II. busi- a Sixth race, s"x furlongs Mauri- I'l. : fllcct a pcrrn.llielil, S., cine oik I've been in this fight Mr. l.ee also staled that Varsity ( li lífa: alie, won; Yrboro. second; K".v T-- Ol lililí,. 1. 11. ,'11,. I Ite.lllll" ), li.IV three tiiuc-- as mu. us the ness up would on business tania C.l-t.- c3 longer than ou have,' spoke committee call the I A ( old ii, .id. l'.vety p. u k a g U sold under our abo New York. Dee. 2 fjeorpre 1 1 ti .". ever. alaii.i. in t.ie men within a short time, with a sub- Sutton third. Time, . ,, Ideasen, and was about to continue, of Chicago by defeating Hairv 1'. ti ri be .V an.f li. ,T air,' ,,i (d a late a.irantcL. of satisfaction or moiic list and ask - ,1 ' lien Met 'a rey .lumped to ins feet and scription their assistance linn t , ul: ni,; h oi.n in o'lic i.i.- at ii ill. reliuided. Send foi ee sample tod.iv towards defraying the financial delicit ("line of Philadelphia tonight won th at Jacksonville. hurled his wallet 1,11'oss the lone right to contend tomorrow with Cil-vi- n ltosiills incurred by the team ilurinu the past Jacksonville. Fla., Pit. 2 A- table. ,ring: season. Demaresl. aLso of Chicago, for the ; ti Koiiiion MSg. Co., Minneapolis, Minn. '1 lthough wus miserable the There's at least that you Kickoir ut 2::;. world's championship of IS. oalk the weather line hllllards. Sutton won 500 to 4i0 crowd In the belling ring at Moucrict 57..'7 v..s rsTiíTSX tliTi.v haven't." Thhif-'- s will lieitin to happen fast in the inning. hut Cllne a I showed no de- "Put I've bigg, r lights." per- - and furious at 2::!(l this afternoon on thirtieth park this tern FREE FREE luid 11 11, rREE the Tril lion park cridimn when the pressed him hard and played plucky crease. ( icorge Sw eeiu y's 1. K. ra- flm gKgFREEv lost kickoll will occur, annotinciiin uphill game. In particular, his final tion was put across a winner In tin Ihe heirinnititt of the srrimmaue. cluster of 73 was a brilliant piece of rirst race and owing to the excellent Pa the stores work, and until it ended abruptly lav Byron l'at that the a single cushion showing made bv this horse Satur, Hot Springs Mill close, it is expected that 11 with dllficiilt carnui, not It it might out when he won at 4' In 1, he found eu w ill be on hand to w looked as he run the Ouarant'.d to cr.re rheumatic iartte crowd itness game. many backets, at to 5. Kiai k i 'a ICs and sciatica where no other organic tin struuide. which promises to be full llashy My defeating Albert li Culler of victory in the sixt li the prettiest disease exists. 2 2 hour from 8B of hinh lights and brilliant in of regu- pla ilitf Throughout. Itoston today the last the race of the dav. Francisco. Buy tickets and check d games, Slosson won m. un. Tine . I DOWNFALL PUNISHMENT FOLLOWS line-u- p w ill lar schclub third ATTRIP.il ILS bagiruge The lv: to Summaries. Ir-- fiirb.ngi. seliiog direct to Hymn, Cal. fourth place, which entitles him B II, ril-l-- Fittu raei. Mexico Am cultural follci.r fut ,ngs: li. K. Pan-no- , or- New First race. I. won. P.. 1. I: "10 LX1 RAVAGANT WIFE CLOSE ON HEELS OF CRIME environment; one of Calif Wilson. left ud: Itrownlee. left ten percent of the iash prize. Harvey second; T" in ulitis ilehc, cm nas t.est don wiui; k Pol,, third. Time. ,c7. liméis. Address Manager tackle; Itoseboroirjh. Kiiard; 1 .,. bit Polh-cma- Notch, Tino 1:17 selling Ci', at ;vr.,n : , ti- A Testimony. third. Sixth "ti. mile, Hot Spring!) Hotel P. Cal. Kirl.natrb k. IcH hall Howard. Sat la.' p. ' C Second race, li furl ,ngs, selling: Si i, do, second. True f I:ed-d.ii- ful. lee won. ci II- '.....Wlot Floyd . quarterback; J. N. Patterson, night policeman of I ,. I 'c i: ih Smith, for- PilW Dec 2 Twelve ter; (capt p.ov 'I 1 I Win. Iowa, I (iil. won: Movie. ecoiid; Ab'ticit . third. inn . hut. Fullcrtoii. fullback; Fausmaii. Nashua. writes: "Last winter nn rl in ut in th, regular bonis after he bad robbed a stun Board; Mer- a on my lungs third. Time. 1:17. - riiiht half; Ume, rÍKbt bad told and tried at r - t . V. I g lu night Paul .Tones, alius Puke )i Belling: tl-l- l lore toda cha re last cough furlongs. ).., to Cuba. i.i, at' ' rill, tackle; Hal!, riyht end; subs. least half it advertised Third race, I'lawr foul'-Vea- r rluhi d"en , III tllll'SS ilallali, began a selltelu'O Moat, Carlisle, Iuk- - nvdioiiies and had treatment from two Capticc w a,: Woo, Kane, I 'hi, ago. 1 .'. S. en ma ilh passing several Outing Inllou. Illaine. Poval In ill Hie Suits . served tin penitential)'. (m-i-t- physicians without Retting any re nel'lt. ond; N"l .ii. third. Tun. ie.'igue haseh'lil ''.p'.l' cl s I. II lonighl oil he. ks Siiuili. who I'niversily of Nov Mexico (alies, A friend recommended Foley's Honey Un to Cuba lo t'l.iv Willi an I'l,. In. s I.i - his .low lllall to li l:Ui ir I , two-third- s -l . i S .lovce. Ch, t e ll, .111 . X. IT.. left end: M.- '.innell, left tackle; Ham- and Tar and of a bottle li turbuigs Allli'l b an 1,'HIII in a tes of g.ito.s all. ...i, or ti., Mis. Fourth race, handicap, I Pryan, me. I consider It the greatest w t P Ma ana. n ilton, left Ktiard; Price. hit cured Hen won. Parker, s lib he ams nod cough lung In lioitlde .Ink ' .11 ,1 - half: Selva, tenter; Cornish, quarter and medicine the Hie gl'Olip ,'l pIll.'.T VV'Te .o',le, 1.. . d 111 Iss, I '. ' liosom, Time. 1:14 alniiiill.il.,1 ami S III kid- Allen (Ciipl.l. world." ond: third . It cured Ilie of a Vele case back: Mein, lolll.ack v I.I "W ll. O" - , 1 - il standing-- riybt Marsh. S 'Ulshcrry. riuht Fiflh ra.e. mile, selling: Flaiii, ,,,SS. lo'l. Cleveland .VllU '' ney if, able of s.MrnI vears hail; Addle pif t medl-- . Mcl'ie. won; so ond; Admonish, ,, -. A r. airo II e. ttaiulv is a gland, good iMiard: Areas, rlnht tackle; Sandpiper, :,),- .Punes r h. cat. her. chb -.- ARGUE IMMUNITY FOR . Mlal-.oi Pri'slih iil. I U." Silva, ris'llt end. third. Time. 1:41. Nailon. .Is. sin rw I .M.ig. ..mi. eld- utoiiiohile Inc. .mi heuriily - Mc'-kl- , 1 I II i Pb-ll- A Co. Ufa ials It) ier"c. Fischer. iPur- S'xHi race. 1 mile, selling: Iliad. er, pbiiadelphi.i Nationals: Flcl New Vol k. I a Lew is I: Sin ars 1 UNDER V . I ditei: field judge. yliler, Illinois PIERCE TEXAS LAWS Oak won; Ca I. let n, tn, second: I ára tiisl I'i.mc nan. Nei ak .Nation- ,r a, s(, in w as llll.l III llionslv r'-- 'act.'. 'oil, ; umpire, Hamilton. tVtrmni i me ijuecu. third. Tune. 1:43:-..- . als: .1 I.cdivelt. olilfleldel. president ol the Aim rb an Antoioobile Ad. recti. I i in.) ii S. Ik, .'l.r. fry a Morning Journal Want Amei leans. as.-- a ,t ion today. B0 ..Ud I ll'.ill Washington A in. i n alls Hi-m- I Taniim. K- d (ileason. Austin. Texas. .c. 2 For thre 'I In I'. t "I Ic lean, ill I" I'l' ttnlay Tampa. Fla . 2 -- Dlllv two 'I'll bet mv pi 011 hacn't, hours attorneys for the defense ''' ,,. the ll .O SO llll. argue,! under the laws of Texas vorites rewarded tie t'.la and ol shouted MeCarcy. that b W' t . Henry Clav Pi, was these tori" at so short prices th.t r nt re immune from ! 011 Houseman ,,uiited the nriiti-iii- prosecution on Ihe charge ,,f false the lll:,)orlt ot the p lav was ROOSEVELT INVITED TO )illd Unset of Ihe ,lav Albuquerque Foundry & Machine Works - '!) 1 but there was more nriitilin svveirliiR ami at the adjournment The '"JJ .nd w man. hefere Pciiier annoenced decisively hour night every iiiilienimii was '.n in the s, hen Stone (Vil LWAI.KEE t. from n to 7 to SPEAK i that Jeffries nou!, I not haime his that all ot tomorrow would he con- after hetng ba k'd iv. cortnntor, , fitJ in discussion of Hie I a. put up a u !.'). i ble race Soil, tie vrrdit t. Little made similar sumed further b w a woman no- hoi ill llns I .lie. was mu, Stake-hi- proposition of hether second ., niein for J.dins.oi and I in . l "'I M lW ll'lvCC tary has ihe b gal right to receive favor). and fiiosb.d front Vl.l V.I.Ik. . I." b" 1. Murphy deilar-- the to ( longs, 11, t - Good f, anard t he n know ledg. iiient an affidavit. Firt ra. e. nn .r. .1,1, tod., v t jlended all Callfnr. In- - .- la, New l.i. k. ud and Cleason. The affidavit thai Mr. I'tcrce is Lottie luir wo "tato, second. ,,,, ... toi'iii.-- I'r. ut Theo.ior- Uriho, feJ mi si ion having t on Tune. OS. Grates w r At Cica soil's the final hnrg'd with sworn and Fpe.tion. tllird ' .'k-- ireplace herv-- lie I," j li, I" jam v H. linos, veil to tie It'll signing im v. as postponed which he ws indicted by a grand Socoro! rae 'lirloiigH, IllllK n")T ii the article ) ;i.c J:!'.: r. imkr. !. o'cln. k. jury in Travis county, was ai know- oll won: Ano., Smith. Second, 'al ilia.l.it iv is. until tomorrow at II hen I l.l- - t,a iVnc. ledge! l.efore Miss Nag) I in the sec- than, third Ti l . 2 next vea!. l"le,'H'f I.I lawyers ill clin, h It. h I retary of St. tie s office. It is , lalmed Third race. !; . .,n,l one-hal- f fnr-- Al: I. a. th. date to ' s, a .1 I'V M C. sympathy was expressed f"r Sl ; ie THE WM. H. ncrai thai this aeknow lodgement was not longs, s. lpng II, US on Fa. l:.i,r'.v.lt H0EGEE CO. M. v He prejudiced his . 111 Time Car. had In any articular recognised .tint, ecolid . L thli d. t'l.lei;. I Lo,, . .. a lo Foundry & Machine Yoiks y ic All'iiquBiquc hy a .r..;s-countr- la. rather delicate h.alth 1:12 i lncurfMiratnd. - ner of the ah ' " S. trip in the lation ot p. r our) n i a m.le. selling "l,H- if M.io st Urn Ancrtn Journal Want Ads. Get Results. i ; M il- - several yv.il. the iiht. Kickard nssar-,- l him. loum'ts won. i ilo. so ond THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 3. 1909.

improve when they are thirty, und ROAD SO ROUGH IT until the deepening of their con- sciousness is checked by the decay of JOLTS THE BABIES they begin morning journal their faculties. But to the big FROM MOTHER'S bp pretty much earlier than thirty, of ARMS DO YOU KNOW HOW FAR Official NewapapM of New Mexico. und Indeed re sometimes nt their bent gest furniture In that respect Linn before their PnbUxhed by th A XEW ELECT lib ' alarm clock Albuiueriiie, X. M., l.Vc. 2. chattering is, apart 'rom the Illusion 0' manufacturing use dry to a bell, sup- Editor Morning Journal: batteries iíhh JOURNAL PUBLISHING CO. of rex, to he preferred In Herloua mo. ply a small incandescent light with There is h piece of road .just ml to the silent sympathy of a pet concerns in the United current, a in an alcohol of the .Mathews dairy is dtsgU!0 IV A. MAOPHEBBOM Prmnl mentí and start file that w. a. jui. uk e iinluitil. lump with a platinum wire, all In ing lo many ami a menace to all w'l i JAMKB a fll.ACK Cltr &lil..r States says: The completing a circuit when the hour travel that way. It is the extension of B. O. WHIGHT Advcrtlalnt Manaimr at North ail per c hi: mi i. si n ivk it. proper thing to use for hand touches third hand set I'onrth street and n! oOO designated time. Indianapolis News.. of the people livinjr up the river travel ni.rrd aa Mctind cUim tnattT at tha I i N. M , The prospect is brightening and mat ro.'Ht. This snort space of verv poatuffloa at AUuuUHriiun, under ail 11. iw can one be happy who finds cleaning furniture is uf CunnTua uf Maph 1, 1KJ. there is reason to hope that ti self- bad highway has been undisturbed by ll iiccc.-sa- rs to be identified at the clean water. If the starting fire In the kitchen range is the supervisor for the past two Go THK MORMVO JOrKN'AI. 1 TIIK I'nlied .latea iost office- In the capital it last In sig;ht. months. at our Stable? t.F.AIllva KM"l HI.ICAN I'AI'l-.- UK NKW or his own slate?" plaintively asks Of this 1 am certain for I have MKtll O, Ml M'flK I IN1 TIIK I'KIM 'H'l.r.N furniture is particu- r TIIK MKI'I HI.M A V I'AHTY All. THIS .luTinan. It may Jar TIIE 49TII AVENTE Methodist traveled that mud daily and see men UK- - HWE. AM Tlli; MKTIKUIN Ol' TIIK his pride a little, hut he will survive. larly dirty, add a little church in Chicago realized J!iOO on ii drive at a fast trot when their wives I't III ICA.N I' A II IV II1..N Tllr.V A Ha. can scarcely hold baby in HIOH T. Mr. Sherman, for example, does not kitty." There Is practical religion their their arms. 1 have seen this so often I VR rtltXTMI you rrT- - Impress us as a very unhappy-look- - Ivory Soap. Rub dry ith a vengeance. that wmi TI.KMH OV HI'IIMCHIPTION. have concluded that this piece of road TF.KS, JilDIVG SKIRTS, CHOI'S ilallr. by carrit-r- . on, nc.nUi dim: Ti'unan lienor.-- - .New m'K w oral is not only a had AM) A ;ooi SAOIUJO HOUSE us ne tu with a clean cloth. AI.CERT insists he is recommendation lor Uallr. mall. munih Patrick that .statehood, but savors stronglv of lX)lt :5 HOt I!S, 23c legally dead. The should the i:ru audi I MI V I Y. undertakers backwoods. TlOXAIi JIOl It. Laraer circulation Ihun any tlicr ptifr IK.I ItltlNt ike itdvunlnge this ta w Ilia only paper la aw of circumstance. J. A. ( HANK. Alaste laaurd nary úuj In Ilia year. It is to he regretted that there are so WE KKEI THESE FOR SADDLE A Washington i 'respondí nt of the few who realize that they are dead E X C I; V S I V E Ii Y. TI I E V A HE Morning- - bua a hlghar rlr- - New York World Is rcHpnnf-lhl- for Ivory Itiidous lliec. "Th Jnumiil Soap mes. WF.IJ, I'i:i AM) ÍJItOO.MKÜ, AXD ramllua rutina IIihu la aeciirdril In ni the stateini nl that li ar is entertained rnelc Ebon I tell ye that it's ex IT IS A ri.F.ASlItE TO ItllYE lliar paper In Alltuqiianiua or any otlirr cessive indulgence in i t Aldrich-Vree-lan- d pleasure that THEM. ami In Nata Mrilco." Tba jtmarlrau that the i ff' of the 99íío Per Cent. Pure IN TIC It EST In the Cherry mine hor kills so many men. WE ALSO HAVE A FEW tr.ner lllrwtor.T. liimfii'iiry Cuirency hill may be ror, the N'lcaraguan situation and Joe Uncle Ezra You're right on that. MCE TIHXOITS. t- - on Eben. Those up COME AXD AlJBt gl HWt K NEW MKXK'O to mak (iovcrnmcnt honda unattrai Cannons fight the Insurgents fellows that stay un INSPECT OUR Ivt, and that future issues may have pauses breathless to listen to Profes til a o chick pitcnln quoits by lantern STAIil.ES. IT WILL SU1PIMSE poor Riade hops. The hrcwors have sor .See expound his theory on tin light won t: realize it until their eves VOl'. J'Itl VATE ItlDIXfi LESSONS 11 lo carry higher rales of interest .or 1.11.11'IMVi; ANf.l.S. rot yet been pressed to Invade origin of the lunar craters. uegin to tail cm. Puck. OI K TERMS AI!E STRICTLY lie sold below par. i'anama 2s. of the CASH mal ki t in force, bul when they do so hnlletlii of "prolialillltled," 11I.1S, It Is oolrited out, now sell at Tin the price, local Imp dealers believe, TIIE SWITCHMEN', so to speak, cnngrc;innal side !l!l while government lis of !l 0 conduit from the will amount to thirty cents, per have sidetracked business, in the Washington, barely brink! par. The Issuance of the and PROFESSIONAL CARDS Wright's Riding School & Livery of the (fovernment at haps, exceed that figure. north west. clin ehanne more rapidly than the I'anama Canal bonds, authorized by 313 W. Silver Ave. Phone 241 i'ayne-AUii- li OSTEOPATHY the h bill, has been A - "Indications," ,cnl out liy the 'weather SEVENTY-YE- I; old J. M, Ash- DR. ('. postponed, It is said, hecause treasury Alio IT TIIHOWIMJ STONES. ol II. COXXEIl hute'iu. due day we are told that crolt Indiana who walked in his All Discuses, Successfully Treated In a fac- ifflclals fear Ihey could not lie Vloal- - sleep off a lc an hour train onto .. Klaleliood mire tliliin all It was said by distinguished lITico X. T. Amiijo lllil.) Tel. ,..-- tions want It. and even the few mem- 'd at pur. I'niler the new law slate, anoihcr track where he was hit by nu- philoroiher of old, that mber nn got bers who would otherwise be against iiunly, municipal and some railroad hour train and ASSAYEUS. "A little nonsense, now nnd then, off with a slight scalp wound, .certainly It are now (.'oIiikt to nippoit It to muds ore nn valuable for ordinary We carry Is relished by the wisest men" has earned a new lease of life. W. JENKS the Largest Stock of Polished Plates, Window Jilease the .i . Idcnl hanking purposes and draw higher and it would look as though Mr Assayer. And by the lime the Joiir-n:l- l Interest than novel nnient bonds. Mining and Metallurgical end Fancy Glasses in New Mexico. When in nee. MorniilK raiiKiiiirst, the militant sufTrngette Mil. PIN'OIIOT has thrown down Engineer can (et this KrutlfyliiK news to Hie the gauntlet ngain.. fre- 609 West Fruit Avenue. from over the sia, had come to our P'rom the of Glass write or call on us prices. it I AUM I S TO Postoffice Box 173, or at offlca of F for attention of renders hroiiKlioiit AltltlTltATI shores for purpose ipiemy with which the chief forester the of giving us performs this stunt he must have, a H Kent, 112 South Third atraet Iho territory, alonif comes anutlier a rellshahle every Now comes Die rumor from Wash relish in that peculiar stand In with the glove trust. Htory to the effect that while line. ATTOHXEYS. ington has, agreed In her Chicago speech of last body is III favor of the ultimate pas thai ('hile lo sub- K. W. D. SUPERIOR LUMBER AND MILL COMPANY Krlday night, as reported hy the In- BRYAN wp' of the Ktiiti'hood bill, and It mit the Alsop case lo arbitration, rill.; l'iil.lt E HAVE unearthed Attorney at Law. ter Ocean, she laid special stress on to Ib King Kdwnrd, of J rent Ürltaln, to net conspiracy assassinate John )fflc In success coneeiled, the president has D. First National Bank Build the political effect to be produced by Rockefeller. Now really what good , laid out nioro work for conK'ess than as arbitrator. It is not supposed that lng-- Albuquerque, N. M. throwing; stones, sho was. piirticulitr-l- y would that accomplish? poBslhly he dune at thl.i session the king will bother himself, person- Itio W. Wilson. Jno. A. "White Wmi AMPLE MEANS AJV D CNSUHPASSED FACILITIES tan firm In the belief, we are told, that, therefore some of bills ally, tihoiit the matter, but will desig- l ODTuAI.L may have pugilism WILSON & WHITE, and the that there Is a fixed relation beat ' will keep,' must be allowed to nate some capable man from among between on the mortality statistics, but Yale's Attorneys at Law. in throwing stouts ami getting; the right The Bank of Commerce of Albuquerque over, and the statehood bill Is one of hla subjects, to multe the Investiga- $SO,noo gridiron receipts for this sea to vote. She said was way son Rooms Cromwell Building tiles'... tion and write the decision, which that the impure, unfavorably with the Extends to Depositors Every Proper Accommodation and Solicita New the agricultural laborers of $100,11(10 or more w ill Meanwhile, the Morning Jourmi his maji sty w ill sign. England that he realized Accounts. Cap itul, $150,000.00. got It And she saw no reason why by the Jeffries-Johnso- n fisticuff. EDWARD A. MANN Officers and Directors: Solomon Lun a. President; W. S. Btrlckler, Vice keeps tali on the political kaleld The announcement of fho agree- the scheme shouldn't work in the case Attorney at Law. President and Cashier; V. J. Johnson, Assistant Cashier; William Mcln In eVerytlilnic ment has not yet been made offli ially. - o.icope, and im else of women. PROBABLY the only tangible ef- Room Í, N. T. Armljo Bldg. Pkene III tosh, George Amot, J. C. Balilriilge, A. M. Bluckwell, O. Ii Cromwell. Klvea the latest news every mornliiK but the report Is said to be authentic, feet that Standard Albuquerque, It is evident from speech oil dissolution will N. If. so that when you pay your nickel for and Hie consent of Chile wiib given her that have will be to increase the price of she looks forward hopefully to your nn per ou can take your choice ufler the receipt or a rut her sharp the oil. Robt. L. Moore Chas. C. time when women ut) Hendriek MONTEZUMA TRUST COMPANY letter from the secretary of state will rise bv MOORE & HENDRICK thousands, n 111.V1 itiix.i; ox war to Ihe effect that the Chilean govern- each with rock In Iter Rl EE wants release from Incar Attorneys-at-La- tiii: tatii hand, on Is ALBUQUERQUE NEW MEXICO ment would be expected to agree to and hurl missies at nil the men ceration the ground that he Rooms 24 and 25 Barnett Building- and losing his eyesight and has It In not at nil probable con-re- some windows In sight. And she nn. heart Capital and Surplus $1 00,000. ffl that terms of nettlement within ten weakness. The canny Mr. Knot going will days, pnrently thinks that that will settle HKNTISTS deliberately turn down oik or pay the amount of the claim. It blind und having heart failure is a - the whole of the favorite measures of the. ml- thing. novel spectacle. DR. J. K. KRAFT INTEREST ALLOWED ON SAVINGS DEPOSITS This reduction of the ministration, and yet a late report A Itl DIT TO run. problem of Dental Surgeon. from Washlniftiiri says Mr, l'i vFildr; Kitting votes lo a mere matter of THE HOUSE of Lawds, bah Jove. Rooms t-- Barnett Bulldlnr. Phone inaiririati or the pénate cnnir'Mii" on The Morning Journal lakes pleas throwing stones simplifies the cam- awsks the people to vindicate ll. There 744. Appointments made by mall paign Is likely to be a LEON HERTZOG lerrltories. Inti nils to lU,. ih n,.te- - uie In placing upon Its exchange list greatly, it will gave the militant vindication that will PHYSICIANS Wholesale and startle the pompous peers. AND SURGEONS. Retail B. surtragcttes lots of In V. hood bill the ine suit of ".'.brent the Havana I'osl, u progressive, ii trouble other Q. 6HORTLE, M. D. Hay treatment" that h" aiiinlnihcred to it modern newspaper, which directions. Why do anything else when Practice Limited te and Grain, and All Kinds of Native Product stone-throwlii- is only Fish for Great Salt Tuberculosis. bo efTeellvelv luM winter. The story a credit not only to Its publishers and the thing Lake. 501-50- 3 N. Hours: 10 to 12. Plome U. First St. Oor. Marquette Are. may or may not be true, but It Im to the city of Havana, but to the repuh which history shows Is capable of g Rooms State Natl. Bank Bldg this ctTect, It !h generally believed by lie of Colin. the desired result? ...... 'un íais oi tne state rish and game SOLOMON L. M. D. members of holh the house Is It not only simplifies BURTON. and the There no doubt of the soundness the cnmpnlgn, department, aH well as those of the Physician and Surgeon, but it senate, thai the large number ol of the claim made by the I'list, that suggests a basis Tor a tempor- government and of the 1'nlon Pacire Suite 9, Barnett Building. IF YOU WANT QUALITY USE ndinii'lslratlioi ineamiieH, of I aim is the Ideal winter resort of the ary agreement helween the tyrant railroad, are interested in a plan by Office phone 617 Res. phone 1010 which tli .MnrniiiK Journal printed u world, and Ihe value to the Island man and the militant suffragette means ot which It is proposed to shut Albuquerque, N. M. orr FLINT-KOT- full list two or three days iiko. will having a paper like the I'ost go Into which should relieve the' contest the north portion of the Oreut Salt REX E ROOFING of lake, require fur their proper Ihe hands of the people of our much of Its unpleasantness. known as Beiir River bay, and VETERINARY north This provine tioiiies more time than cungreH will be able ern statca could not be over newspaper akes particular of water where It will 423 North first st. estimated plen.sure bo possible to plant water Albuquerque Lumber Company to give to at I In p fresh and W. them Ibis sesslnn, and lie hcHt place to mend the winter, is pointing out and commending salt water fish. J. HYDE, V. S SOLE AGENT. therefore, no It to Veterinary. ' inherit wiy, hiiiiio of the the paramount question with untold public consideration It Is proposed to nccomnlish the Graduate pieHldent'a measures Phone 71. 105 West Gold which will not thousands of people In the northern i.et it he granted once and for all proposed end by means of dikes, built mi iter by walling, will have to go near cut-of- f. slati'H and Canuda, find when Cuba on the side of the tyrant man that the Linden The portion over lo next aersion, II so of the cut-of- f, th' and ts herself properly in the limelight the secret Is nt last out that throw lake north of the which haipens, urifortun.ilely for I lie would be separated R. L. GUYNN. teri iy Judicious advertising, she will have log stones is the most genuine, his- from the main the slat, hood s. more body of water, and which would Painter and Decorater. that bill cms wealthy winter tourists than loncai and effective way of have I getting the fresh waters of Phone 1131. be re koned Py i oiuinon consent, she will know what to do wllh. the Hear river GROSS, KELLY & CO the right to vote which has yet been i lowing it, In the list of those that can a fiord to into would have an extent ( ) found. That certainly repre of between twenty-fiv- e Incorporated Walt. would and forty t in; nm m:it i i.osis. sent a lair concession from the square miles, and would provide per CIVILE.GIXEEE And it Is ti male ENCÍÑEEK, further reported that the sex. haps the greatest place for ducks and Civil and Hydraulic. Wholesale Merchants and Dealers chairman of (he achate cuuniHIiee will I'll e w York World p Ints a copy-i- i for species Graduate Engineer, 14 years In In return let the various of fish to be found oppose the hill on other grounds than I'iglltiI'd lispat. h from 1' is whli h militant suffrn in the country. Railroad, Irrigation and in Wool, Hides and Pelts genes agree that the stone-throwln- ir Hint of time It Is said that he has l. s; i" red w. Chambers, slate fish and Power. Navajo Blankets, which Is ami ought to be infnlllhlv ERNEST II. FISHER Piñón Nuts, Beans, Chili, Potatoes and put on his war paint, nnd makes no Me ilical scientc is on the point ol name commissioner, said Saturday nun en i. y me rignt to vote Is not those 17 South Broadway Other Native Products. ecrrt of the fuel Hint he will fight Us. o .cring a cure I llhel , unit connected with the depart for ulosis the Phone 1256 I ordinary feminine variety, aireiniy the bill to the last ditch The New It is Miinouii again. I'rof Valee, but the ""'in had looked over the Albuquerque. Hotaes at Eust Las Vegas, N. M.; Albuquerque, N. M.; Tnmtocan. sort that goes direct in the mart. ground, and that it is hoped to have New Mexico Yolk Hcrald'n correspondent reporta ad of Ihe volerlnary i ichool at Al- - N. M.j Pecos, N. M.j Logan, N. M., nd let them the plan carried out. It Is said and Trinidad, Colo. the Match situation as iollows: fort. has obtained troni Itlberculosis further agree that until that the i Hill nil inn-- a the government undoubtedly will ARTHUR l have r.,i E. WALKER "Against the propoi-a- of statehood horses, a nerum wh h a p iit cnt ly has stock the lake if cgt'eo of proficiency through pri the work of building IT re for Arizona and New Mexico, which cured olln r anima s of tulier, ulosis, the dikes Is by Insurance. Rre retar tfnini vate practico thev will carried out the rail l'rcsident Tall has promised He he will in a ke a n a at Inn al.scil,. r,,,. nmci company Building Association. Phone rei sas ul lie nuil tne slate, and on 04, b- demonstrations. 7 14 West A wll! - adv. in. ei the argument live a lllli.lin,! inch! which he account of the benefit which wool I rvntral Whl.li put that .1. maii.l to slci p last hop, will encourage ph ins to Such an arrangement, entered Into accrue to the r.illroud, through the FANCY WORK EXCHANGE year. It is ih,. I. ell.. I held l,v some work along tin- - lines whi he has with good fallh, ought to postpone carrying out of this plnn, it Is thoug it SOl'TII TUMID STREET. the i I, a the road would be willing legishnnid that the transfer of the been pursuing for several Issue for at least i, ,... to stand a All large share of the expen.se of buildine kinds of Fancy Work in large selections, Stamping of all territories or one of Hem to the t i: t I'r. It.il.in, one of ihe most famous would certainly bo Joyfiflly Wel- - omed bv tne iiikes. it has been reported that of states will pelf.ct :l ,,., ) ,tnin spcela lists on tuberculosis in lairope, the innocent iirui.,n.i... If kinds done. Special orders promptly filled, lint the slate would put up Ü10.000 of enormous spe. ijii pi a iji, k repug- in a published Interview highly unfortunate Individual ennnot the amount ail the railroad company nant to those who have Investigated, alec, liobin sajs he knows lo realize that his lot w ill be more would furnish the rest of the funds t than usually hem. oí me experimenta which Valee ha sad unless Mrs. I'ank-hnrst- 's required, although Commissioner 'Statesmen returning t.. Washing- a making, and ihat the results ar g advice is met Chambers said yesterday that no ton report ihat vi wrought up over most valuable. in sume way. proposition ha.s been advanced vet as For chapped hands nothing equals our Velvet Skin Lotion to the the Munition is S. nator A J iioiuii ictuses to discuss Ihe cure In portion of the burden to he ' borne by the state. the , halrman of the senate detail, hut he savs he also has been About ihe most economical corres- WILLIAMS DRUG CO. pondents It is not known vet how mnnv ,11k, committee on territories, that he ran xpermit Mi inn along alec' lines, and I've heard ol." remarked would be needed to hold hack the 1 1 Bc.ireciv i ..i i oi ii liimselt when ih lit will rtpori whai he has found to Assistant Postmaster Ray Floyd. main body of water, but it is thought 7 W. Central ' Slllijecl m aclleil. This does not the acnieniv uf medicine. were two women who stopped a Ihat not more than three would have at to be constructed, the most. The promise well i ..r h 1, window at si.it. even with downsiairs the other day and plan would ,e to have the dike so the weight or p i mi: .inted to , bulll ioideiiti.il recommen ikoxv or r vii know if would bo all and screened that the fish from B. datioii lililí ll will have riKht if they both were Ihe body of water to the north could H. BRIGGS & CO behind it.' to write to tt not get through II the we The whirligig of time now menu on the screens into the We Want You other h.itlil Illllst Hot and tne same postal card and salt water In the dikes, while nt t thi n ticvists ip r loe mill ..I ih, at Ihat Ih" state-hoo- d wa'a of bringing mis save a cent. ("level. Plain- - the same time the water could lie re lo come and examine ORUGGISTS 111 li.-- Its re eliges plenished bill has iic-- ill. t ly listed IIS C.ihp ruin letter dealer. from the lamer :m. t..ii..r the latest models in ProDrtetom ol ' body hs needed. an .iitiiniiisii.iin.il m,as;fie," one for tells us that P; die irony of fate or a Alvnrsuio Miarmaoy, Oor. Gold I I .. Flat; which t gn.-- Mgarv of he s. asnas t he pi olniiiiion-sponsilil- e nivhland Pharmacy, Cor. the r.t h.n his Regal lOaiaa Umavdarma ., i Shoes Oniral and word of pi oi ls, ,.,,, ,u i, iis ai ni a liirg.. pai r. for he ir because liartn nl.ir a:.;ou p, h.ie pal the prt st in aluuiilaiii pi ospci ity we want to make through, Ulan-- e in.- p. my i.,nh has h.ip growers throughout tiie world you tegular customer, ri L. B. PUTNEY been pledged iti l.n. r ..I ,i. .iii.i ;,,,,ir and particularly In Cain. l toa a ml t he ..CHRISTMAS.. and we k ESTABLISHED 181. . tti.t-- i aeiage polm. i.it, or si i , ic.i n, who l'aelfic sialis". aii' in... ing. t Mi the surest y of 3ri Wholesale Cniwr, flour, Keod ant nUvayn has tl lat-u- ' si n...- - t.' to the ntlu r hand, huwcvt r ii is due in Sales Ajrent for Mltclicll Wajrona. t.ivors We ate jdacina; on exhibition our line of HOI.IIVW GOODS, anj doing it. - - utile, Is loth to puc ,.p H1 .iiit t.i their canil'. iIkii .1 !s AUHQl KltyVE NEW MEXICO ,,pp,,. th.it 10 .an aim compare prices , I ,. our with others. They sition to Ih. pow.r . f , rem rs me i. lug ian. l .l'l. --i ". io loen,. f..r in Mivor. Silver Plato Kbony and Coco Polo. h.. nn I I. -1 .... smartest r 1.ivoi He may tlo wh.it re .an to arc r ally at a I, 1111..M une 01 luiKS 111 Alligator. Sel t and leather in the citv. W. L. TRIMBLE & CO. keip the hmjs.. so busy ...or wh.re they will , I iniM-- s ut . law The World a beat Th ar si with mini daintimt, prettient h ui.l CORNER 1ST - 1.1 .inn. M i lililí ST. and COPPER Am thing that v 111 not bt- n!,,. t,, , , ,,. , lent hop to bre the I.e.it the ihe most complete line of Perfumes and Toilet Wa- - designed .1. iei in Iiwry. FeNl aa. Rale staMos. Journal Want Get Results tile sl.itihood 1ii:7. I. in if ih.. in.m.K. the lerntory. -- Ilrst Ads. ttieiils I II I r. season Oaa Tnrooata at Reasonable Rate nicc-oir- . Al the H of the mi" i', in Ull;g It .,,,nt time the California ake HEiorRTi:Ks itm nounw fHns. and Regal Telephone . North Second Street. Try a Morning Journal "Want." . K- li..i nr. ,;n 1'!', liiosl f tile ntN n 11 In urov.eia lc. Inn a.r.i(e quarter, r.- - . or menu-fn- e er to mil. Hi. r a .'.111 I.,-- i a found for their sues give twuitlly nillinr to m nine '"'I' Ixst ear Ihey were more ih.ui L 3" .! 7 inany ru!. latl'.r tlo. n ..t I'1''.' re, eie nine cents, and you an ifain.-.- the administration. ionn of them gold no.1,1 ho of .x- - J. H. O'RIELLY exact GET DON'T WAIT m CO. TOCR COAL IN BE FORE THE FIRST PTORM el. quality f,,r cicht t ents In ii 1 fit ANTHRACITE AMERICAN BLOCK IT AWITL? this car nop ua 1. E. FOX, Secy, Mgr. the attacked and (All alzea) K. HAHN GO. Tha Beat. IT by mildew and the output , not of CERRILLOS LUMP W. Gallup Lump !i'- -,,r ,,ru Women." Ooree Pcrtmrd Ihe usual high quality, but even ,' " Is in, cTiarito of Expert. Rcgisterert C May, 314 VV. Central MILL WOOD fin there twenty-tw- o S.n, us our Phone 91 Sha, ta be o l.ijly tubriiblr cent Is t,eint .tnj for """ prerlptio. Msil trder filled. WACTORT WOOD . ... K,N(; ...... iJRICK U4. BCILDINO ECfPLIES i.W THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, FRIDAY. DECEMBER 3. 1909.

after the court had expressed appre- ciation and thanks for service ren- dered. The report of this body would PLANS SELECTED SEVERELY BORNEO, Live Nelfrs From New SMexico and Arizona seem to indicate that the residents of the sixth Judicial district have been during the past six months. Only five true bills ere re- MAN SAVES What's Doing all Over the turned. Great Southwest I The only Indictment returned by he United States grand Jury which has public was mortgage placed on the land under to testify' to material facts. Since been made the one against AT ROSWELL RESIDENCE Williams, charged the Northern canal. This plan was entryman's affidavit is not a re- John with breaking the Into box car and mer- CITIES MAY BE approved by Mr. Norton, who said AFFIDAVIT OF THE quirement of law. he may not be con- a appropriating Williams boy. ap- there were plenty of Investors in the victed of perjury, no matter how false chandise. is Just a 1 years age. east who would furnish motley on hi may be. says ruling. parently about of When affidavit the he plea $130,000 Structure for Chavez Wife of Special Agent of such a plan and gave the names of It seems odd that the entryman, arraigned entered a of not Land guilty, Bnd the court appointed at- LIGHTED BY THE firms in Chicago. New York and Bos- ENTRYÉII NOT who might be called the principal in an County to Be Built at Once; Office in Santa Fe Proves Her ton, to be investigated by the secre- case, may give false testimony, torney to conduct his defense. The the case will be tried today. Q. Sadler, tary of the club. yet liable, while the two wit- Santa Fe Architects' Firm self a Heroine by Extinguish- not be of secret It is stated that the Peñasco would nesses who testify in his behalf, are chief the service department Paso & Successful, Fire, furnish about 1,500 horse power at liable. of the El Southwestern rout ing PEÑASCO every Mr. REQUIRED Is here on the case. three miles of its course. ground some of attor- Norton estimated the cost of running On this the neys go to tho length of holding that Morning such a plant at $2 per acre per year, A very pretty wedding was solemn-lae- d (Sptrial nUpatrh . th. Joaraal) (Ipeeial IMapateh tbs Mórulas tarsal) It would be possible for an entryman ltoswell, N. M., Deo. Ü. The coun- which is much lower than present nt four o'clock yesterday after- Santa Fe, N. M , Dec. 2. Hy to establish title to the entry without ty commissioners of Chavez county the i pumping cost. Mr. Norton said he noon at the D. C. Jones residence on exercl.se of rare presence of mind and ROSWELL CONSIDERING ALAM0G0RD0 CASE IS this afternoon adopted the plans of thought proposition could put himself making an affidavit. (that New York avenue. The contracting the be merely a deportment the I. H. and W. M. Kapp company courage Mrs. Frank Curtis, wife of the BIG POWER PROJEC through any trouble. UNDER NEW DECISION affidavit being parties were Miss Stein and coun- without regulation or requirement,) provided Martha of Santa Fe for the new Chavez special agent of the I'nited States land Hugh D. Cronkhlte. Rev. John II. ty court house. There were six archi- office here, yesterday the entryman had sufficient means to pastor of o race tects who submitted plans, hailing afternoon saved ARIZONA to Murray, Methodist NEWS NOTES carry the contest the I'nited States church performed the ceremony. The from various states, and the choice the handsome residence o'f H. P. Rushing River Will Generate Quay County Man Acquitted of supreme court. was made only alter a careful Investi- Bnrdshur from destruction Dy al- couple leaves today for High Rolls, t fir, gation new-cour- This decision holds good in every of all the plans. The though she was severely burned In Electricity to Pump Wells and Perjury; Grand Jury Dis- except where the groom is superintendent house Is to be built at once. It A deplorable accident was that particular, the alienation for the High Rolls Development the process. , clause. is to say, thn entryman will cost when complete $130,00(1 and Supply Light and Power to which happened on the Central road charged After Returning Five That will be one of the finest in the The Curr.se room at tho Hardshnr near Stafford, Ariz., when the horse Is required to testify that ho has not home on San Francisco street. While Pecos Valley Towns, driven by Mrs. Nathan Cooms ran Indictments. sold, nor contracted to sell, any part Mrs. Curns was absent from her room of the land. A false answer In this Judge John W. Thompson who re- the stove pipe fell down and the away. She jumped from the buggy cently removed to City, lias names alienation clause would lay the entry-ma- n Kansas from the stove set fire to some and was instantly killed, her skull returned to Alamogordo to try severul lace curtains and draperies, which fgneclal Corre oondr-Jie- to Moruro Journal (Special Correspondence.) liable to conviction, under an in- being cut open by a horse and buggy eases in the territorial court. JUDGES SWITCHED were In lull blaze when Mrs. Curns Roswell. N. St., Deo. 1. To harness that was racing up behind tho unfor- Alamogordo, N. M., Nov. 30. All dictment for perjury. entered. The latter seized the bed- waters of the Mo Ven tunate woman. Mrs. Lofgren of the time of the I'nited States court Further, Judge Lewis held that the spread, with which she heat the the rushing Peter M. J. was In buggy Mrs. yesterday was given to the trial of same rule or principle will obtain In Death has robbed Clark of flames until the last spark was out. whereby to generate electricity to the with Cooms e, turo S. of Endee, Quay Co., the matter of a foreigner filing a pe- Michigan, of the She was painfully burned about the valley and is in a critical condition. Jake Oswald WITH light the cities of the Pecos and Indicted for perjury. The indictment tition for citizenship in the United crowning ambition of a long life of hands and her eyebrows were singed. wells for irrigation is the inter- octlvity and success, building of Water remitís. pump A daring robbery was perpetrated alleged that in making affidavit as a States. The principal may swear the esting project and one with great pos- sup- San Carlos and re- Territorial Knglneer Vernon I .Su- the other evening the yards of witness for John F. liatson in the falsely, with impunity but the the reservoir the llivan that Is now occupying the in. the of 100,U0a acres of rich today granted the applications sibilities El Paso and Southwestern Railroad final commutation proof of home- porting witnesses must confine them- clamation for the diversion of waters of five of businessmen of Ros- con- In RAPIDITY attention the company opposite office of stead entry, he swore falsely. After selves to the truth, or take the farm' land the 'asa (rande valley. applicants who Intend to build small well. A meeting of the commercial the the at (lobo resident engineer, in Douglas. K, R. some thirty minutes deliberation the sequences. Clark died from irrigation works. committee on water power was by indigestion, No. ;!S9. club Mountain is the victim of the assault jury returned a verdict of not guilty. The I'nited States grand Jury filed caused acute Nicolas Rodriguez and held here this week in conference John F. liatson, etitryman, and Its final report at two o'clock yester- which developed serious symptoms Henigno A. Rodriguez of Arboles, Chicago an expert and subsequent robbery. lie was the Colo., 1.(1 with J. L. Norton of John Kampsey, the second witness are day afternoon, and was discharged near San Carlos last week. for second feet out of the on such projects and who is interested knocked senseless and relieved of all McFIE FINALLY TAKES San Juan to Irrigate 180 acres. he in also under indictment on the same No. .121. In great Niagara falls plant. Mr. had his clothes. Jackley and ICimple of the CHARGE VEGAS ft forty acres in charge. Their cases will not be tried AT LAS Alamogordo, for second feet out of Norton has bought the of court. Dog canyon, will home Overcome by a fainting spell as he at this term Otero county, of flood valley and make his here. waters 201) feet, 40 the possi- was ascending from the lower levels In. fact it is more than likely that second to reclaim The Record thus describes last cases will be ut Bernardino Man to Pilot acres, at a cost of Í5.000. of to the .surface at the Lowell shaft, the named not San Alamogordo to bilities the scheme: on all. Is by of Parker Called to No. SIM. J. L. Torres of Alamogor- is composed of J. F. near Bishce, John Regnier, aged trial at This reason do, This committee a recent decision which is of a vast six second feet out of Preston and Hlnkle, John T. McClure and L. K. about fifty, fell from the cage into Take Place of Judge Cooley Harrow canyons, 78 second feet dur- Mc.Oaffey. investigation the shaft and was crushed to death deal of importance in the southwest Giant Engines to Arizona ing flood season, to reclaim 640 acres, From their Is III; Dis- developed by the timbers against which he where so much of the public domain Who Cases in the at a cost of $1,500. it has that the Peñasco open runs a distance of about thirty struck. still lies to homestead and desert No. 1125. oleo Strand of Lake Ar- for by trict Court, Kddy county, sec- with a fall of about fifty feet entry. This decision was Judge one of the most skilled motorists In thur, to divert one miles E. of ond foot and 2,:i5 second feet of flood to the mile. The river has a rock bed James J. Harrington, formerly a Robert Lewis the I'nited States the country. well known miner of Bisbee and the circuit court of appeals, at Denver. (Special DUpatcB to iht Múralas Journal waters out of Cottonwood arroyo, to along this course and the land In the MONSTERS BEING Las Vegas, N. MM., lX'c. Judge reclaim 100 acres. ir- Cananea district, was recently killed This section of country lies within M immediate vicinity is not suited to That F. Hlsbee, of the Santa Fe of Crecenlo Salazur, one-hu- lf second at Mont., by 100 the Jurisdiction of court, and John It. McFle, associate justice rigation. The plan Is to harness the Butte, falling feet that engineering department. Is t lie man the .Yew Mexico supreme court anil foot out of ojito de lu Alameda, to through create down a chute at the Speculator mine therefore the decision will affect sub- who made it possible for Ta ft and presiding of reclaim fifty acres in Hio Arriba stream waterfalls and sequent judge the First Judicial electric power that could he easily of the North Butte company. He met decisions in local courts, it is PUT TOGETHER Diaz to meet. Is stated by the Kl Paso district, with headquarters In Santa county. The people of Coyote com- to all the farming country Instant death. said. Herald, which says; Fe. arrived in Las Vegas this after munity remonstrated, hut as the laud transmitted the point of Is up and down the valley, supplying Judge Iewis held that an etitryman F. M. Hlsbee Is the man who de noon to presidí' over the local district at diversion tdx miles court In below the settlement, the application power for pumping where the artesian One o'f the most Important mining may not be convicted of perjury by signed and supervised the construe the absence of Chief Justice ever made in Mohave reason of any false statement which W. J. Mills, who has gone east on was granted. flow does not come to the surface and transactions tlon of the Iron structure known as W. Notarle Public, county was effected a days ago he might make in his affidavit of III A urgent business. Judge Frank power for lighting machinery in the few TOPE the Mexican Central bridge. It Is not Parker of Las Cruces arrived here flovernor Curry today appointed cities and towns and also for street when all th property of the Mexico-Arizon- a final, or final commutation proof, be- the Mexican Central bridge at all. It last night to preside over the court, John McKlroy of Grant county and cara, etc. Even the water of the Peñ- Smelting and Refining com- cause his own affidavit is not required was planned and built by the Santa but this morning received a telegram Charles S. Worley of Colfux county, asco would not be wasted or Injured pany, operating the Needles smelter, by law. The law requires only that Fe railroad, but the Central paid for calling him to Alamogordo to preside notaries public. entryman prove over In place I.lfe Certificate. In the least. was transferred to A. P. Anderson of the his continuous Wil halt' or it. The bridge is therefore the federal court of 100,-00- upon Mallet Type Locomotives Judge W. Cooley, who was flovernor Curry today signed a Ufe It is estimated that there are 0 Alameda county, California, attorney residence the entry, etc,. by two the Santa Central bridge Alton! patented land for the I'nited States Smelting and credible witnesses. It Is merely a de taken suddenly 111 yesterday. This teacher's certificate ior Arthur Ralph acres of within Take Their Time to It in Tria Mr. Bisbee, who is now chief necessitated calling Judge McFie to Knot. reach of this plant that' cannof be ir- Refining company. The filing with partment regulation which requires of the Santa Fe lines, was then entryman Las Ve;:as. Attested for Flourishing a Weapon. rigated with artesian wells and could the recorder at Kingman of a deed the himself to make un Trip Across the West Under a construction engineer. He built the The case appearing before the dis- Mounted Policeman hteul at Demlllg be reclaimed with the electric pump. conveying the above property puts an affidavit. bridge when his road first came Into trict court this afternoon was that of arrested Diego Caballero for flourish- This land, mortgaged for $30 per acre, end to the speculation regarding the This decision is based upon the Own Steam, Kl Paso and is proud of the work the territory versus Julio Montuno, ing u deadly weapon. would produce $3,000,000 for the elec- many purchases of Mohave mines re- principle of law that it is possible to charged with having stolen property although he has designed hundreds of exposure, tric plant as proposed. It is stated cently made by Dr. L. D. (lodshull, convict of perjury only when the wit- greater structures since time, but In his possession, a saddle belonging After and when you feel big that to Alfred Kroenlg. A Jury was em- a cold coming on, take Foley's Honey that $30 per acre is $15 less than thej manager of the Needles smelter. ness Is required or compelled, by law, To pilot across the west the two It was the first International bridge, new engines of the panelled and the trial proceeded with. and Tar, the great throat and lung Mallet compound on the American hemisphere. remedy. It slops cough, relieves biggest world. M The case of Veeder and Veeder versus the Santa Fe, the in the Isidro Tufoya will be tomorrow. the congestion, and expels the cold P. engines tried Cheney, road foreman of Kitglne No. 109, which was dis- The charge against Tafoya is that he from your system. Is mildly laxative at San Bernardino, passed through Al charged Tuesday from the Albuquer signed a note as security for Cruz Ar- Refuse substitutes. J. II. O'Rielly ft buquerque this week en route to To que shops, will be put In service on agón. Tho note was for the sum of Co. peka, where the giunt engines arc be the Olorieta mountain us helper. one hundred dollars. Tafoya claims ing prepared for their trial trip to he signed the note with the under- Needles. Tho locomotives, which will standing that lie was signing as wit- A. D. Hazlett has upon only Taloya be di- entered the ness ami not us surety. BONO FIXED FOR ABE put in service on the Arizona suya signed in wrong vision, passenger en duties of general yardmustcr In the he the note the are the largest Las Vegas yards, relieving (Jeneral place. gines ever built. heads of the he-fo- The Tardinaster J. F. Anton, who will be W. It. Hunker will make a plea mechanical department looked around busied with greater the court tomorrow to iiiiih1i the they chose proper other matters of Indictment agHin.it Louis (b lsc, who AT i while before the Importante for some to come RUEF $300,000 man, for It is a big responsibility to time was recently indicted for embezzling new over the Frank Devine will be on the night the funds of the cast side fire deport- take these machines yurdmasler's position, while Haz- use on Santa Is dls Mr. ment while acting us treasurer. road. Their the lett is on the day Switch- tlnctiy an experiment and as the en shift and man F,. ca- glnes represent n huge outlay of A. West will act in the ALLEGED LEPER AGAIN Deposed Political Boss of San pacity of engine foreman on the night money they will be nursed carefully Francisco Expects to Again along; until they are well broken In shift. INVADES WASHINGTON The selection of Mr. Cheney is a sig Enjoy Liberty This Morning. nal recognition of his' ability. Engineer I. C. Huulnian and Fire- Washington, Dec. 2. John It. Far The two big engines will be pre man T. Trainer deadheaded to Albu- ley, the who is alleged by querque Wednesday to to Ijis pared at the Tnpekp, shops for the take some authorities, to be a leper, ap- Special liUpalch to the Múralas Jural trip and the delicate parts put to Vegas engine No. I!iti9, w hich has Just peared in Washington last night and Sun Francisco, Dec. i. Hy order of gether. The locomotives were towed come out of the shops after a general today circulated freely about the city. Judge Frank J. Cabunlss, bond for the Is The Most overhauling. Natural from the Baldwin locomotive works This afternoon he was arrested us a release of Abraham Huef was fixed and as yet have not been run under menace to public health. today nt 1300,000, with the sureties most human way of determining their own steam. All the railroads In the I'nited qualifying for double that amount. your The road foremen of engines of the Slates reporting for the two weeks Wool (.rowers to Meet In Ogdeu. itiief'H attorneys ure now preparing various divisions will ride the big en- of November show gross earnings of Cheyenne, Wyo., Dec. 2. (leorge S. the bonds and the securities will bo likes and dislikes. gines over their respective territory 1 15,r.1fi,742, an increase of 13.S per Walker, secretary of the National presented for the approval of the 12 2 court tomorrow morning at which anil probably other officials will in- cent over last year and per cent Woolgrow crs' association, has Issued spect distances, but over the corresponding period of 1907. to lime It Is expected that the former them for short the call for the annual convention political boss will be Mr. will dis- Freight trafile continues large, gen be Ogden. released from Right after drinking some other beer, call Cheney ride the entire held In I'tah, January county Jail, he two engines given eral merchandise shipments being wool the branch where has tance. The will be Public lands and the tariff on been confined since Heney a light tonnage, It Is is expected especially heavy. Francis J. for bottle or glass of BLATZ. Sip for will be chief loplcs considered. was shot while prosecuting him for a a it to consume two or three weeks on the bribery more than a year ago. Needles, point Fred T. Pcrrls, manager of the ( i!. trip to from which si iti:r woitKi At that time Ituef was out on bail placed in Sunla Fe oil properties, has received slowly give palate chance they win be immediately amounting to 1760,000, but in the ex- your a to do justice of advices of the phenomenal flow from The Ian I'ihiii Which toffee serviré over the heavy grade east w hich followed shooting well No. '! in section No. 6 of the ( tM'l'atcs. citement the that point. he was to custody and re- Midway lie Id. Coffee Is sin h a secret worker thai remanded to the occasion. Do this the first chance World wide Interest has been arous- mained ill Hie county Jail after his ed by the latest production in heavy Suddenly starting to spout, the fluid it Is nol suspected as the cause of was pouring from pipe disease, is a very conviction which followed shortly. motive power Weighing with the the at the rate sickness or bul there new was filed 2,00 hourly when mes sure way to find out The petition for ball you get. tender SilO tons, and having a hauling of barrels the the truth. several days ago at which time twenty lf sage was sent. It had A lady in Memphis gives an Inter- fiower one-ha- greater than the most maintained this signed u experience her bnd physicians statement assert- powerful passenger locomotive now in for four hours previous to the time esting husband of Ruer wus col seems lie h l ing that the Incarceration You will find that you are quite a con- use, these twin monsters. Nos. 13(10 advice was sent to he i''i,iiirter'i. with lee. It that undermining his health. and 1301, are the largest engines in This is the most remarkable flow been using if for some time and was an Hefore considering the petition the the world. in the history of the Santa Fe fields Invalid. court appointed a board of three phy- noisseur. You will be able to judge It The physician In charge slirewdly just as and before ceases it is probable that who examined the prisoner by yet suspected that coffee was the "Worm sicians According to the latest statements It will be far the greatest oc and reported today that he was Bu- be- at the root of ordered else. of officials the Santa Fe will divide curring at any of the muny wells the tree." and ttering a complication of mal- well as anybody It discontinued to from Its through passenger between longing to the compuny. According with instructions In traffic use I'ostum regularly in Its place. adies which would time endanger cut-o- ff to the advice received from the feld, the old line and the Helen as says: his lile. soon Harvey all there was no Indication that there The wife "We found that You will be surprised and gratified at the as the houses are was the true remedy for his stomach complete on the Ecastern railway and would be un immediate let up in the wus and heart trouble and we would hive Our iH.ulirv supply drartnient lias well-rounde- d, the company is prepared to "feed Its rate that the oil pouring forth. delightfully "complete," satis- passengers The well Is only down slightly over gladly paid a hundred times I he just revelled a new 'stock of alfalfal properly. Two California amount of the doctor's charges when outers, grvrn and dry lame cutter, fliers, one over the cut-of- f and one 1400 feet and the big underground stream was tHpped near that level w found how wise his Judgment IihiiiI grain grinders. K. W. 11 K, exclusive over the mountain, will give the de U-i- l . fying taste which has ever been an At oil was pouring out was. Lead Ate. ItKHie IS. luxe travelers to and from the roast the rate the ' use Instead of cor of well nt the time of the report The of Poetum their holre of the short route and the lee was beguu a year ago, and It has thirty-fiv- e cars had filled at BLA TZ feature. Comparison emphasizes the picturesque route, and according been the made my a strong, well rate of over eight an hour. How long husband to the officials there will be plenty gained thirty-liv- e keep up to be man He has A Big unfailing, un- of business for both trains. In short, this flow will remains pounds in that time and his stomach rut-of- seen. BLATZ character, and its the building of the f. It appears, and heart trouble have all disap- will be no more than adequate to peared. Auction Sale The death of C. K. McKcnzie has , Be judge. handle the extra business and will not "The first time I prepared it I did Turn-day- IV-iini- varying excellence. your own left a vacancy In position of gen- I will "ill at auction, afTect traffic en the old line. It is the not boil It long enough and he said í IX chairman of the Itrotherhood of II. ai p. nu a spci,. stated that while most or the through eral there was something wrong with it. didlv built, new house, iil cut-o- ff Locomotive Firemen and Kngtiiemen. freight will go over the there Sure enough It did taste very flat, at No. --'( f'4ist Santa IV street; will still be freight business to burn ,in,l mm h interest is manifested but the next morning I followed di- xrvlxa ir.Mil and hark, g"il cellar for the old route. among ruilroud men as to bis possible rections carefully, boiling it for fif- underneath. concrete foundation. successor. teen minutes, and he remarked, 'this gtNxl outbuilding..; lot Mix J 10; all leorge II. Ross, vice president of The board of directors of the broth Is better than any of the old coffee.' fctirvdk willi tlie entire furniture of Tpag the Toledo. St. Louis and Western erhood are in session at Angeles We use I'ostum regularly and sanie; al-- a nearly new single farm ays i railway, the Chicago and Alton, the this week, going over the affairs of never tire of telling our friends of w agon. Iowa Central and the Minneapolis and the order, and either a permanent or the benefit we have received from lat no iHie nils lids N4enlhl op St. Louis, passed through Albuquer- temporary general chairman will be leaving off roffee." A picture of Hm house que this week In his private rar. en named before the adjournment. Look for the little book, The Road ran he seen at I IT West ;lil A. tern Schlots A Co.. wholesale route to Chicago after a trip to Holly Mr. Mi Kenxle wa from the Arizona to Wellvllle," in pkga. "There's a 115-11- us yet appears to dealers. 7 W. Copper Ave. wood. Cal., where he is establishing division and there Reason. Phone 142. one of the finest mansions and estates he no real candidate Tor the position. Ktcr read tin above Mter? A new n the coast. Rosa mas accompanied The name of A. K. Walla.--e has been one airar from time In timo. Tliej J. M. SOLUE by his private secretary. C. V. Smith. mentioned, hut it has nrt been stated are true, and full of human AUCTIONEER. and his chauffeur, Chrisiisn Wilson, whether he Is. seeking the po'ltlun, ' Interest. J THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1909,

To Ask Congress for Issue of ELKS MEMORIAL TO Let Us Prove to You How quickly our druglesn methods Bonds Survey County will aid you to get h glow of health. for of You Get E ALL 6E IHSSIV That nnp and vim that makes life worth vhile. Come and see If there is not a new and easier method of v BETTER MILK IS curing you, lately discovered. Almost V ..v CIÍIZEIJS FOffli, AH OG every day adds somn valuable, new . í cure, and every day you wait makes 7 the Facts your disease that much hahrder to r BY cure. IMPROVEMENT WANTED THE We have nil the latest electrical SPLENDID PROGRAM FOR treatments for the rapid nnd eusy EXERCISES AT THEATER cure of nervous diseases, nervous prostration, hysteria, heartache, in SOCIETY somnia and female troubles. Dii't, Members of Albuquerque Lodge Swedish movements, and liaths are ncknovvlede.,,1 u,i' make the cure of dyspeppsla, the cure ot rheaiimatlsm. soralns .,..1.. fermentation. constipation, bilious- acid trouble, etc. We can ,i,,..ii Will Pay Beautiful Tribute to ness, IF HE HAS TO PAY hemorrhoids and all forms of the water of any of the famous heahh Will Try and Learn Fate of That the Brothers Who Have Join- intestinal disorders an easy and cer- resorts and have expert massen.-.- : 1.. AN INCREASED PRICE tain proeeednre. Administer them. County Platting Bill That Dis ed Great Majority, Ueforences, any hunk or business house in the city; ( ipcn to all oh, appeared; Enthusiastic Gath The special articles of Cosmopolitan Mag- sieians. Jlonse pliysician always in attendance. City Points Hours, I) to , to f., 7 to 8. erins at Club, Physician Out That The namcH and memory of the Some Dairies Barely Comply azine are always unusually vivid and read- members of Alliii(ieriUe J,odue No. 461, llenevnlent and Protective irrter v - City Oth- of Elks who have departed to Join the TJmt the bnrird of count coinmiH- With Standard and able studies of the most interesting of con- Bronson's real grand lodxe of the hereafter will Sanitarium fUOIIer he l'eilieKted to USk tilt dele- ers Double It, be honored with Impressive cere ítale In eonitress from New Mexico to temporary men and events. monies in the KlUs' theater Sunday af 224 West Central oek the authorization of a bun, I issue ternoon. if iiifi.OOO tur tile purpose of having. Kach year on Llie first Sunday In tho milkmen nre to raise tin H. Pruinislta, C. IhiiiIh I t lulver, boi tit county surveyed ami platted I'M. i coriMiinicr must have In tier They are prepared by can lleeetnher the Klk Indues throughout tary. was (hr most Important step decided writers that the country wither to hallow the milk. ALBUQUERQUE n. In i iiImIiI by memory of (heir dead brothers and f or i.. e. on thr liernalllin Omniy ThlB thi- Ki nlliTii nt Rcnenilly ex Illo Pnorcu IllviNloli No. write thinkers and cuKlom im- 410. Meet ecrv that can think men the has always been an SECRET rhursilay ut I. u. u, K, t Improvement association, which mm pressed iiinnug those who In SOCIETIES 2 Imll. H. J. Ii drink pressive and bountiful event in AII111- - R; John liUfh. aecrelai j'; ". yy j organized ii Id (front lit it tu , us n tin- - in enthusiasm iiki.iii result of rise This year it will he more so Ihi" In price ly Ij.v I hi- - women know what they saying--- at iieriU". Mm Commercial club. recent ndnpled local that are ever, Tlu association In formed of promt dairymen. ihan hrouu'ht home the more A. r. A. M. O. 1. A. II. OF r. e. forcibly in ni Turquoise Division M., nctit cjt lacen who believe thut the sur Thi' milk vendors, claim that tin its f canee because this Temple li.ileo No. 6. A. F. A. M. Hegll-in- r Meets pvirv great first and third Wednesday ea.-- n expense, only of 'f nnniiii vcy of i c ounty nit-ii- after months wee; has witnessed n ineeilnua flul and third Ttiuiadnj. hi will thousands military precautions teitulrod by tin the burial of eueh in ai I. II. O. V. hall. Mrs. H. I,. Abel, o - niunlli. Harry Hiaun. winahipful oí,.!. dollnm In hencflnclnl improvement i'ily and tin- standard ni tu Ik specified deceased member of the Indue. Since iiiaster; J. A. Millar, aeuretury. litem, acting ecretury. I first-han- to the taxpayers: that It will itlve tin .IS Will lis Mi I'lMtil COPt Clf feed, nnik expert, d investigation, Ihe friiimlinif of Hie local Indue tvven-ty-nn- e lllo Cianile ilmpur Nu. 4. K. A M. II. 1 ii a estate husillo. In th rounty a ii raise In i r necessary staled cuiivu. at Ion aecund Thura.luy ..r eu.-l- Ol'' nu mbers have passed away. month, l.'. o. , Paper-hanger- s bin booHt nnd open tin- - way for The cattle aa Hilary through cuahman, liiüh pri.-il- lOrrv Ieeoroti.rs and lodge No real board 011 Sunday a splendid pronram will Hruiill, aecrelarv. 23. Mecas first and third Wednesdays ,,f the rapid development of sur 111., .Morning; journal Iihh h the already lie rendered, participated In by 1'ilKilni iiiiiiiiiaiiilery No. 3. K T., alalcd month at lis West (.'ennui avenue 11 rounding; lands. The association will pointed out the t lln the ..un ...ve niuriii lnursilay of each m. I', llimiod. sevretury. that clnrcii lest The euliiKy .nil. also seek to lenrn of Unit recently Irinuüurnled to w h special articles arranged for the com- best available talent. The will .re una iMremlier f rat Mon. the fate discover any. l'..lwMi--.'Jriiiurc. All.n. lotitily plntllnft hill passed by both cowh have tulierculoHin I a test lie delivered by Judge li. A. Mann. vmlneiu commander II. OF K. T. free Harry flraun. recorder. Albuquerquo lodge No. 1,70. noted as an eloquent Meets d houses of tin lort legislature mid and ii.Hin the dairyman nothing. In ing provide orator.. Mrs. i.aiiut Ai.yna temple A. A. O. X. M S. und fourth Sundays 1. year a liberal education for ... at f. u. hall. which mysteriously dlsiippcnred at tin' recieii cow.s are killed nnd the owner frederic Winn of .Magdalena, will ar Ib'sular ineetiiiK ilia lecotid Monday of r.. iiBou, mauler; c ' i,. win. Mason, seel nil of tho session without ever hnv-ln- r allowed a 'I'he milk- rive iie.iiiii. ii. l'li;iml.,. na, jicten- - inr ircuiiuier. renitineialloii here tomorrow and take part in 'IB,,; vr jinn aiu, recuiaer. been signed by the liiivcriiur. men claim that Ihe killing of the coivs men and women interested in problems program Adah chapter No. I., O. E. S. - the Ihe Sunday, singing a sol Regular B. AXI) M. I. V. Thi following- K"'it lomen organized woikn a hardship on the owner an lit me iirat una Jrirniya. l.ucy ;;. from , "Show Me Thv Way." wormy llura bodge N'n. Meets every Thursday a tlw ussoi In t Ion J II. J r ml n . 1). K does not el a Mifllclcrit remunera- muirnii; .Mira l'utnam, aec- - of day in man- The memorial services will be pub iiim y lis West Central avenue. James l.'aiullni. It. Hellers, A. T. Thelin. Clink M. tion. When one consldi th the ftravo the presented an interesting president; M. Marino.. aecretury-lreuMire- A. iJaiiKi-- lie nnd the general public is invited furr, I. I'ortcrflcld, Mr. J. II to the public through milk A. O. V. W. ) 10 Wroth. H. Kloi k, A. I orIo, from Infected cowh. Ihe attend. Benefit lodge No. 2. A. O. IT. r. ami j. r. a. arifumetit thai ner. This month try W. Meet Lodge No. l.lta. Meets ofevery Krnnk Mi Ki'o, I). K. liill, V. l. killitiK Ktnh iinlimilH work a hard- - The following program, prepared by nt A. i). U. VV. hull, 31 7 l- - So. Meconii Friday at lr. sireet i. o. u. r . nan. r r, una red Alarley. president; l(oii', Wallace HesM.ldon, A. KIi'Ihi fhip on the milkman doesu t vei v Dr. ,7. W. I'olbcrt, assisted by nthi iionu rourin Mumiaya. A. I). John- G. 11. Hammond, to son, musler workman: W. H. Long, recorder. t'Cletaiy. 1). A. M.upln Hint, Till. Ni HII1-i'- r lar with the public. inemlier.s of the memorial day com otiil II. Ah Teed, '. M. I". Spit. Ihe price of the inlUee, will be rendered Sunday after Degree of Honor, A. O. W. I. Tho committee on porniiincnl d bran used lurxcly by the ot Honor, Margaret I. Local lodge No. I4;i. Meets Tuesdays at dalrleH. noon, commencing 2:.1n. riilef Wernlns; re :' ut H. lili W. i:euiral avenue Jolin kH, reported tli.it tilo oiiiiiip which Is shipped from Kansas and corder, Kita Allison. Meeti first and president; f). Kiniion, iverture, ".Meiliiation". . . Morrison flnunclat and of Iho ot'KHiilitiitloti shall bo ii presi- cnstM about twenty cenis a Ion unru luoiiuuyi ni udd fellnwa' hall. responding secretary. vice more It laid year. it cheslra. dent, oui' president from ouch than did The A. I. M. V. precinct In tin- - county, 11 secretary, n Inlrvmen nenerally uet II In carlniid funeral March .(Klk Entering). I, A. OF M. Itnlllin Pneli'ty or I'll listopher Clumhus. Lodge No. 131. Meets il ml executive of lots. Alfalfa Iihh In Chopin Meets firm .sna.liiy in second and fourth treasurer committee Incicased price Jnniiarv and every Wednesdays in lis West Central avenue, some n ( iwo motiilia 1', ihnellt, secre-tnr- five, of which iho president shall he two dollai'M ton. indiestra.. thi'iearier. lien. Craig, nresiilrnt ; Chas. .Schelke. bi t- - nit tiii'inbcr. Those riiturcH do not Indicate that Salutation by Exalted P.uler. retary. feed bus tltm-- The I'oiiiiiiltton reconinicndcd the reached hard nrlccH Calling roil of deceased brothers. B. P. O. K. iinunl-itloiiNl- y I. B. OF K. W. Toll. iu lug mimes, which were lieKardiiiB the compliiini Alliuqiierque .No. S. Mel.nn-drca- that the Wearer My Cod to Thee,'' by lodge lodge 4!. G. No. .106. Meets set'onil Vrl- - Haniiary K. Hoy M. se, nlul fotirll. elected In their respective of retiulatloiiH incur extra ex audience. A.: tlonuld, relurv. days of earli month at IIS West Central 1 ; II i.s and Meets second and fourth Wednesdays h ' ( fices: I'reMldcnt, Wiilluee IcHsclibn pense, Keliernlly imreeil that Ihe eni avenue. ieo. iiehu. president ; Harry 1'rv- - Solo. The Heller Land" month al Klks' hall, vomer Hold avenue vice president, precinct U, Ii, K. H. dairyman who coriHiiliTB II a burden and Klflh street. financial secretary and treasurer: Cima. Seller: Vice president, precinct ;'tl. D. to keep his dairy Haniiary better jjet .Mrs. emails Strickland, secretary, A. leiii : vice prt'HlilcntH Into Home hiiHinesH. S. ('nrtwright. II. U. II. I'orieil from other forest O. OF It. C. outside prcclucti) he by A to ol Tiosponse by Elnigkelta lodge No. 70, D. O. II, Meeta the will mimed the standard milk reipilied. officers. every Albuquerque Division .No. 3K3. Meets every the executive committee: seci clary, A. Ili!t Inter, sIIiik to note that Mime ot Charge by Exalted liuler. aecond and fourth Tuesday In the Monday at I. O. O. F. :ntll. He,., COSMOPOLITAN month in lied hull. Kied Uroaey, chief conductor; F. A. Ihe Non!, aecretary. l'lolscher: treasurer, Kriink McKce; dalrxmen exceed the Klandard by Sign of grief by lodge. Standing. ) U. 1!. 1. A Miicpher-Hon- . or ' executive eoiniiiillep, lc three limen while others fall Address Judge v.. A. Mann. J. H. Ileiniloti. W. (1. Hope, short of it. EAUI.EH. i'.'tvnp A. lr. Solo, .Me Thy Way" . Meets second and fourth Saturdays nt I. X. It. KwMn muí Al If a man nun to "Show Handel Albuquerqu Aerlc No. líü, i'raternai Or- Tholln. afford sell milk Kagles. O. o. hall. Mrs. Muugie Sheehaii, A twice an rich It At All Newstands 15 Copy Mrs. Frederic Winn, der of Meeta first and third Tues- Mrs. Mason, eliM cnmmlllee of five wiik mmicil to lis reiiuired appears Cents Per H sei'l ("losing by day of each month at p. m In lied wnlt on the counly ciniimlHliim ih iiiuI stranke to the layman that a man win Exalted liuler. Mena hall. West Hold avenue. President, link them to iiHk In fnllH belnw the sliindaril c(i ni .la ins Doxology. (Lodge and audience.) l.ei, .anona: secretary, l.'oral F. Itol.eria. K. OF TIIK .M. the delefiiite of Albuquerque Tent No. 1. n expense. " 11J West head avenue. feit nut to icqilCHt coriKreHM to ut Imrl.e Ilenedlctlnn. third Wednesdays at Ktks' bull II. ttuoi"-- h linnd iHHiif of I.Ti.iiiiii for the pur-pon- e If the price of milk Im to be raised Resignation M. 1 1' Iloiin.-ll- aecrrrarv: 11 S I'., Ic.,.! Caro liorna 1'UATF.RNAL BKtlTH F.Kit OOP. of IliivlllK the eiiunly lulldt. d il IH the desire of the people that Hie flnunce keener. Orchestra. ÜHS. 1. M .1 pllllted. dalljllleti sell belter milk. Alh.'uuerutia lodge No. Prnternil Alamo Hive No. Mullen ..f the el- nnd The absent brothers of A liuouerrUe Ilrotherliood Mien la Rlks' lodge room heea. Meets first and lhir.1 Ta.-sa- .it There wim filed with the Hecicluty The riKun s on the city chemist's re and Mondays nf l'r- - Oil. I Fellows' hi.!!. Mrs. c, lodge are as follow s: Lev i rini third nnh month s.irnb in, il copy fif art net prcHcntcil to Hie InHt port for Ihe im, nt Ii of October, sub- Ferdinand sldlng officer. Mrs B. I'. Whltson: Kraneea L. C. ; Mrs. A. M. Whllcomb. It K. I). M. I. liyo, aecretary. IcKlHlntiire which punned both limincf mitted to tin' .Morning Journal )V the Kdwin Harper, S. filero, hut flilleil to receive Hie ulumi t of cliy physician, (.how Hint while Freudenlierg, Chas. Myers. A. W M. II. lire the Brnvyour G. A. R. Acorna lodge No. Meols find and city one-fourt- h 11. 'Jt. the ni I'llmr. iIvIiik n niilurnl dentil, reunites three and pel 'avamiugh, J. Abel, Thomas third Mondáis at tteil Men's hull. W c. . K. Warren po. No. f. O. A. M Mesls ii h mipoi-ed- by cent of In Ihe milk, t . V, the pocket veto route. lats one dairyman Hughes, Abraham Kempenich, J. F I. i. F. hull first Katurday ntgtit of lest heich, president; Mvcr. nhovved n six-te- It wnH hii follow: by test seeu lid lis i'onü, Carl A. Halles. W. I ,. Childers, each month. II. R Steward. ost com- - Alt Kelnilve to niuty Surve.vH of per cent- - over twice the leyitlrcd A. X. munder; J. O. Caldwell, adjutant, i Tenner, A. D. Coleman, 11. J n. r. ,1. a. I.Hiid Tor I'urpo-c- K of liivnilon. stamliud. Al the same lime aiuulier r. of liowell, J. I'. Ooodlander, J. V. Key, I. O. O. F. Local union No. 1:111. Meets every Thurs- It Kmicted bv Hie l.t l."lnt Ive dairyman showed only two elnhl-lenth- s CI. .1. lie and MONOGRAPH chaR. Q. fioodman, J. L. Kimm, H Harmony day evening In A. I'. W. hull. A. J. lodge Hie or cent fitts little Hum No. i. t. o. r r. Meets cliHstophene. president; J. Votaw, re- of Tcnltiu. New hit iniue every 1. James o: of hi Slingle, Wm. II. Gepford. Friday night al O. o. F. hull. Kouth cording secreiiiry. Mexl. til third that fellow milkman. nd street li. .1. frouts, noble grand: fecllon I The boni d of i niinlv It im hurd to see why the i lly should Stevens, secretary. rninmlHHliinei'h ol em it I'ounty In tin not compel nil Ihe dallies to maintain thuilllerillle K.nenn.no.enl A 1 n r MaAalaiaataialavaiaialavAaaiakakakavasavaia- -' To date F., meeta ut 7:.'I0. territory of .New Mexico In hereby a landard of ay five per cent If up first und third Tue,tuv fats. f each month at I. o. 11. F in.u. on s.o.u. iIIn- - they to nnd empowered, In their are Kninir raise Ihe price. KEMPENICH OFFERS Second street. James J. Vntaw, arribe; 1'. to levy a lux hiiihiiiIK id mil The figuren of the chenilsl n report F. Kings, chief niitriurch. critlon. Triple r more 1 ii one mill upon each dollar for October are an follow, and inrm Link ltebekuh l...lff in n lull rest Many people are not getting all of f. F. Meets second und fourth Tuesday nf ol taxable property In the county, tin Iiik teadliiK. euou month at U. O. F. hull on South MALOY'S procoedH of which til x hIiiiII be known October 4, lleemek: Specific uruv-It- the entertainment they should out of ml street. Mrs. Henrietta Hallev auc- - an "louiilv toirvey luinl,' and xliall In l.tilH: fats or cream, :i.tl; ,,al ONLY THE BEST r.tary; Mrs. II. J. Fouts, noble gianJ. UMed lor no other put pone thnn ilin.x snllds, K' 3 their Edison Phonographs because In HiIh t her a. Kelly: I. O. B. B. Imllcateil act. specific Riavily. Alliuqiierque lodge No. .TS. TVnlter V M h Hit T they have not been equipped with the Sec. 1. The Mild "colintv Hiini'V nits or cream K: total solids Jaffa, presiden!; Samuel Neustadt. aerre- - íniid" hall be uhi ,i tor the imhihik. 1 5 tl Ainberol Reproducer. itrv. Meeis the first and third Tuen.ii.v - ' each nioiilh In the. vestry rooms of the ol tmiklnir Hiirveyn ol land held in prl- 'ctotier i. Itccki r: Specific urnvltv. F GOODS lemple. vii Ip owtieiHblii In the county mid fur 1 latn in cieain, 4 total solids. Your dealer has an attachment which nllM- - '!: lit' iiHcertnliiiiiLt of the nanicH of will make 1. O. OF K. M. ow ot Ho - I her Holder; your Kdison Phonograph imth niii h land. lar an iiccch- i. Specllle KtavitV, Navalo Trlhe No. :t. Meets second and CHASE AND nar.v to enable the coutilv iiHyi'mmr to ' fals o total solids play both the Lidison Standard Records ourth Wednesdays at Red Men's hall .1 c SANBORN'S il.. ; K M n hhchh t h, Brennan. P J Wilson. t I" I. K.n. make ni en with complete ami I'. ; four-minu- te Big Retiring Sale Sacrifices peler. F. of II Martin llyan. K. W. In 4, v and the new Amberol of i roner dexcrlntloim of all ml held her Loudon Spo Ific Rl'av il Annua roun.il No. 1. K. of P. I I: li I (t' o 111 lil'lvnte oWlieiiihiii In the colilitv. lats ii r i l ea 111. 4 3 lot. soll.H No teen, first and third Thursday nights at I '1 Records, thus trebling the enjoyment Price With Depreciation of w hich Hiu voyH hIiiiII lie niaile under M I cut. hi .ven aven a nan. t Hie direction of the hoard of countv iber Kchhc : Si" Kt'ilV and pleasure to be gotten out of it. Values Will Come to End ciiiiitiiiHuloticr-- , In I "'HI ot rea an K. OF I. the Mime iminuei H. ills in. tola Mineral lodge No. 4. Knights of - 1 By means of this Pythlm TEAS iim other county Hiirxryn an- mnde. Holn, attachment the Meela every Monday night In ' First of January, the i:il. lodge and all l,il incnlH fi otu n.ild luml shall t 'lo r III .eltli .pe Ific room. Visiting members cordially Invited. Phonograph will play both Standard O. A. Purtm-r- keeper of be minie only upon uci oiiihh made and ' ' ll:l.l. ats or i :.:i;. records and seals. AND pledeliti d to the bonid of coin- - "olid I .' fi. and Amberol Records, giving you eotintv K. OF C. ii i in -- t i li i i The biR Kem-nu- e TN. s now provided bv law "i ibei .Miser: le il v. retiriiiK sale the Albuquerque No 41 Knights I.e.! trin more kinds of music and a longer cata- council of islih rinaid to other in counls Ints i rea ni. ilal solids. lienich stole on 1'cntral i im- - Columbus Meets first and third Thursday of eu. h In K. i COFFEES See a. It Khali hereafter be IhelUB log month council chambers. to select from. tilines to be the baiiiain ni of til II West I'elilrnl avenue. duly of countv iiHNeHsotg to is- - I .her Specific Ity. Visiting broth- make "it Willi: Itrav icaMill. ers cordially Invited to vasil club rooms and HHlllelltH ol all land held lit private I. ils i ream, 4 !l. toti Soliils r ind out about this attachment today, attend meetings. John A. lteldy. grand oh m i Mhlp in their n e conn- - H Mr. Kempenich vvisiies to repeat for knight; T. F. K.leher. Jr.. financial aecre-ta- i because it will be just as giv-- y. 1, the same Hen. whether the Home be sublei'l tn tolnr 4, I tustiifHoii : the heiiciit of those who have not vis- SOLD ONLY BY or mil. and to put ihc h.i K"i a Il n.'iii; i ited the sale gnoils taxation me lats of team, ing you an entirely new Phonograph. that all the ate M. v. A. on tin- - lax ioIIh, hIiowíiii; by prut tal the very best slock and that the best Albuquerque or - snii of M W. of A. No. ilion ulereen ine tact ot nnn-- l li tol.el' i. Nil itis: Sp in, Fdinon Standard Record He. of uuality lines allhoimh Ihe prices l....tliit. Meela every Thurad.ly evening at i FdiKoo .Vic. ..'clock tu K. W. bllily to taxation and Hn' asoll 111. l.l'IIJ lats r i t ea in. 4 "; Amberol Kecnrdn Iptay twice as lonff) llave b.cn cut all to ple.es and tlUnyrv I. hall. Flka' building. U. 0 IKl Dexter, clerk; F. 11. I.osey, consul. therefor In every cose White sin 11 "oil. Is. I''. Kdiion t.ranil Opera Records 7V. ami f are being sold at actually less Ihan Kdlton l'lioucgraplis - - - 12 50 $l-- UO lit cxiMs. Ii to be I' civ: Specllle f to '5 cost There yet remains a splendid tlKllI K OF lltll.lt. Sec i. Tlu ai t shall t il,, Itv , I cleciiou of dress goods of descrlp-lion- s, Nest ':: errátil. :i.4. There are K.llsen dealers everywhere. On to Ihe neareat all Duke City No HI7J. Meets every A. J. tl.iin the date of passage solids. : line silks, second and fourth Monday, at 8 p. Maloy its And hear the KfllRt.n PhouotfrMpli plav buth Kdlvon Stautlatd men's and women's m. i 4. ready to wear very t K c. hall, nil l '' West Central avenue ict'iher Matthew S pi- Ific ami Aiuovrol Kecntds aod gc( cúmplele catalog troia. yuar garments, all the H F.. I T l. Cains, president, F. Shelley, sec Kolcv Honey and Tar in the best n:i4 rca nt. - s : mill Uealar or ftotn us. besf to be found in the city. It is retary. nr.il safeHi .n.ll. Is. I sufficient to sac 214 Central Avenue cmiKh remedy for children i.lT National Phooof rap' Ca., TS Laaaudr Axaua, Oraaia, N. X that the ho. ids now I. !' .. í OI.I1 TOWN I'KOTF.t TIVE AsS'X. At the llrst Hvinptoms ol il cold, give loll. . oil. u. i M.irshall bolón Micrifii ed are up to the standard - as directed, and on cilic Kia ll . I (;:; I a or which .Mr Keinpi nn li Sociedad Neo Mexicana de Mutua Pro- ward rtfuiüer "f is cream, has alvvavs New Society Phone 72 croup, bromhltm. H.ire In total Hilld i:t ; and is too tercian Mexican of Mutual throat, cold maintained which well Protection No 1 Meeta Wednesdays - I rystat win prove an enjoy. able 11 I first tin- head, and Minify Il I. toller treat. know to ti comment. e- -t rifle Al it end W. Central avenue. 01.1 brltiKs and .as. to the little Itv. o:i:l. I. Its o I .14. the I'.istinie the feature film will The sale positively has to to J. sus Hornera, president: Thomas c'intoit TWIN THEATERS TO cine Werner, ones Contains no om.it.s or other solids, i he a picture entitled Judnm. nt." an end by the first of Janu.cy, as secretary. ..n 7r. M.i II r Koinpeiiu h hur, v a- n.irmlul drun Keif alvvavs band October l'l Ific Kf.lV traue.lv with arranged to R. N. A. s .1. the blood and tliiind and teiusc substit uti H. i.'Kt.llv i:v. I. ".il 4 a;.: cate the establishment al time. I. a Ills mi. total and a that The Tloval Ne.gl, .is of Vmerb-- a. lilt. Try a Morning Journal Want Ad K Co. solids. 1, eliminated with Iwnutilul and At tin present rate the Mock will be vaiiij". .Meets a', ot.a Friday aft- palm-ti- love story and r.iurth E nended tlinnmli .tiniitilsliinir rapidly Ir.un now on as ernoons of each moruh at u. in 1 o o SPLENDID "in. 1 01111, tllm and illnsttai.d the bargains are especin'.lv T hall Mrs .less.e Clifford, recorder. Mrs w atlf.ntiv. A. Frank, iniiKs ill k" to make no a splendid to Christmas shoppers. '. oracle. pr.iuram at ibis pretty little theater SANTA FE TIME TABLE. For the W. OF W. patrons of the ovci potm- Mbuqurr.iue roup No I Woodmen nf Here is 1. 11 llcxilinel hvlciietelrani.iie. the Delightful Change a vv a .vmiii special program i.rl.l Meeta ihe In TODAY has The above is ihe name ot a Herman st Forest Ihe Flks' SHOWS oeen iiieparcd. w hich will 11, hoi.. . building every Friday evening at o'clock Juvl try p.irk.iB.' chemical, which is one nf many F. W ol the new. ti'tnprti e nlonri ph Him M.,1111 the consol commander: D. F. fllM.n.,t S,! üvliA than t!r K il i't h.-- htt kluvi l,,o.u entitled. "The valuable ingredients of Foley's Kidney I'hlllpps. clefk w .' :J (.urn s plot 01 ln.il 'ni .ft it iff litiu' whfn uu iiil aiui tiw vwa Honor. the which Kernel). II.'xaniotliyien.tatr. mime is C.,!l..oe,o...l drove V., ; Woodmen Circle is laid i the in.'UnUins. .1. in, t Ihht hy Mreis ihe second and fourth Tuesday aft- Ii. recocnized medical text hooks and ernoons at In 1,1.1 niaiiv illlllul sc. lies, as well as authorities us a uric acid solvent 2.1. Fellows' hail. Exceptionally Interesting Pk mirrlnit tal w h and lib cannot fail ntlseptle w. . Kellogg's move hiKhly for the urine. Take Folev'a r. r. Toasted Rice Flakes I - . I intercstiiiK. Kldnev Ueinedv na v.o. .,ii..-- l Meeta secon.l anj fourth Wednesdays In n , unmi . , . be , . . . . i r. ' p m tures to Seen at rupiiMi o , , chief rar.rer. Mrs in leguiaruies anil avoid H serious i. a,. r..i.. ording tecretary. Mrl Felia (Effertive November 14, ISO ) rn. ptenf .nc. latot pnnlih-- of the loo.l malady. J. H. .1 Hielly & t'rt. Fi na lite Kaet Arrive, laepaiff. rri Playhouses This Aitemnon No. P i Htm m isouihern cal. Einresa. I I ri f' mt tran pur. nt tihn nnd mt nui t No. J, California Limited lis 1 I to ul .' rlu'- toitri Try lt.Ms tlirtr Init I'm- M;.nr. Kuf is Ihe ..r l.t mil i d Eveninii. a Morning Journal Want Ad HYLAND'S MOTHER DEAD No. 7. N.vrth Cal. FaM Mali. . .1 p U k I'HmJ tl4- I (llk'fslll 1 ai LA30R ORGANIZATIONS til... snt nourishing nf ail omsIi-í- Faaa li ktvt i .Mkei u rJ Tralm oiler it in iik.m rmUny khbuniUblc twtin FIGHT IS POSTPONED No. ;i. R pa,. Passenger... Another New Food-Toas- ted Rice No i. Kl P. A Ilex, cuy bip.ll P IMIS Bitcutt The ptoiiianiH al tue Pastime and a. r. Froan the Hea- l- k fílT " tlrm- ftr i,h ,,r hilUrrn thrive on TovtM t. No. Chicago Fast MalL t isal uur m 1 H Mln.oiierqi.e ir?". Auk KtiKvfr ..t Keúwitg uaMeU Hut FqhX. Lmi lüc. iyst.ll, Albiuiu. r.iu.' popular moving Trpographtrat union Nn SM. No. 4. Chicago t.lmll.d Up f 7" p ka, FRENCH FEMALE Kansas ('itv. lKe. 2. Owir.tr to ih- - insf sun,i:ty in tjih-i- r Thm mo.eh in No 1. D KdloM ToMld Rice FUke A Biacuit Co, picture luiiim n. may iiIwhvh be de- - bill, j . .... p in c. Il -- hade, Chi Kan Cur 4i Bttl CrMk. Mctv l"Hih of Fighting Oick Hvlandf president, FlNrea V a I ley Trains E., 'eiided upon to - both intereMlna h II. ic u. gr. reiary-trrasure- -- - mmá S in Kranciino, gln. No. K.aiwell Ttt Ik, and PILL'S. mother San ton the all, Amarilh. an4 aniusiriit. but lr,.in time to time - . f ,.-- - Ilai.ee sm f d .'1 Cariaba J K.ittlt ( imk bout between viand and I. I . OF A. I Hi the niaii.ipenient set u re some eti'i 1 IIVII ! Tl fail. itaa,. K...I I 'yclone Johnny" Thompson, I. Nn. 111. from Carlsbad. Roa- - 1 . ,i R--nii r.dl. T.U-.- -- .jmttfii i,n,. illtiis which desirve 4.1. wpb. ' N. Meets fourth I.. nr II and Amai illo ... .1 1 SS i m (rial. M uld f..r IVeember 13. has ticen post-po- ath month al III West ace..... It Fpo.t..l mention falTlK 1. Ilwdaswu, ivmr.l Free I be (tenth d. The f(nh nrohahiv Kilesidonl. 4leu. ftliiu--r . C. S it- , e Ukr .vmaMtiata nill take v. K and Chicago The oneilnin at both tile. Iters Tor n place on iH'ipmlier lary. im. av wsiirf taco.cai,tto..eMi vv. LatitMBwa sea. ;0 No II. lili.. Dra. é K. C. F.I. t the matinee ihi afternoon and the 1 Hvl.in.l was preparing; No. 19 cot. nee Is (tawUN Wraa-f- c 1 to tnke a R. at Ijmf shows tin evelllliK are utlnHUally a .,1 trsin Ilia or i r. k. tram f.-- r Pama Fe an4 at,.ps at all lral - lor this citv when mother ai 11.I m i- H'ghljr.I lodge v m visit to In .tli the rastiim- unr) i SoM it Ait4irqi!t - O'tst rjr 6 C. lied. 4; seeond ta Nee UediM-ua)-a Mt. h u. ih al 1 o v. F. ball. WILLI A al B AI.FOI B, THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1909,

St. Louis and Sun Frun. 2d. pfd 58 St. Louis .Southwestern 33 7s The do pfd. . ,i., 75 Yt FINANCE ANO Sloss Sheffield Steel and Iron.. Sd Southern Pacific .127 Century Southern Hallwuy 30 20th do pfd. 67 I" These Columns Tennessee copper 3814 Fuel Saver Lpts Of Texas and 34 Bargains Pacific PERCE Toledo, St. Louis and Western.. 52 We have on demonstration do pfd 68 V 117 West Gold Villon Pacific 1K81 at avenue, the do pfd 10 Hi crude oil burner, which is fast United States Realty 81ft United States Rubber 01 becoming the wonder of the PERSONAL PROPERTY LOANS STORAGE FOR SALE Real Estate WALL STREET. I'nited States Steel . . 87 do pfd 123 ft day. It speaks for itself. Come MOMKY TO LOAN. goods,' 2. at- WANTED Fíanos, household We will not be responsible for ntcW York, Dec. Speculative 57 H On Furniture, J'lnn. Oritiini. JTnrws. " t'tah Copper it. t'l.ftttoli; ulau n Salaries etc., stored safely at reasonable ads ordered out over phone. from main 57V4 and see From 8 a, in, to 6 Wagons and ollitr tention whs diverted the Virginia Carolina Chemical .... ana Warhoi liscelpia, a lew $10 no and rates. Advances made. Pbona 640 FOB SALE Two modern Discontinuances must be made at current of affairs in the stork market Wabash 21 p. m. Agents wanted. ai hlKh ui l 0 00. Loans ara quickly mails The Security Warehouse and Improve houses, well located, close In, rented business otlice. do pfd 56 ana atrlrtly prlat. Time una month lo Co. Offices, rooms 4, for $82.00 per month, good homes, in some bye channels having t one year lven. Good! to remain In your ment t and today 45 Hun-inke- r, developments concern Western Maryland piiaaeMlon. , Our rale ara reasonable,. Call Grant Block, Third street and Cen- only $2,400, easy terms. Lloyd ,lo with special borrowing. relat- Westinghouse Klectrlc 83 and see us before Hteamshlp tral avenue. 203 W. Gold. )nit railroad properties and their parts of world. R RENT Rooms Western Union 77 Vi tickets to and from all the F0 The separation of the Rock M. Sollie, HOF.ÜHOLD COMPANY, ions. J. THK 8Vi lAN St. Louis & San Franc- Wheeling and Lake Erie , Urant Hl.lg., HELP WANTED FOB ÍIENT The most sanitary and Island and the 49 Boom and Male system has given ground from Wisconsin Central PRIVATE) OFFICES, THE Noulhn estéril Kealty Company. te rooms ut the Ulo Grand isco lf OVHN KVRN1N11H. . ecmber ut $1.06 und May at $1.05 201 E. somu valuable bar. 619 first, for suppositions of readjust- Total sales, 573,800 shares. 1031,4 Central ATenua. MEN LEARN barber trade Short Central, has West Central. the 1.05 West gains In und property for sale. ments to follow, which might invid'e lionds were steudy. Total sules, par H. time required; graduates earn $11 rentals MODERN rooms and first class Board. consequences to the existi- value, $5.257,000. States bonds The corn market closed unchanged to $30 week. Molor Barber College, D(TYTÍTlrÁl'Tu7iícinioiiie. all mod- Denver Hotel, Second and Coat. momentous United to c higher. AUCTION. ng liaUince of relations und control were unchanged on call. Los Angeles. ern improvements, best street In FOR BENT Furnished room; S17 properties. Today's Oats closed with prices Vic to c CXKAK1XO HOt'SU. Highlands; a bargain. Owner leming aininiK railroad above AICTIOX WANTED Carpenter for a few weeks South Fourth Bt.; phone 1037. Vul-le- y yesterday. you anything to sell or town. Address 3d S, Walter. announcement from the Lehigh BOSTON STOCKS AND HOXPS If huve call work In the country. Board and RENT Furnished room, $8.00 coming entry Into dire.:-tnrnt- We bring results. If you room wages. Ad- 12 Foil of the Its Closing Prices. write us. furnished. State Foil SALI-- Best farm ill valley, per month, 513 West Lead. of the dominant powers in ihe The Metals. need anything in the house furnish- dress B. B. B.. Journal office. truck; acres in alfalfa, fruit and room, lu. company Money 2. cop ing it, at NICELY furnished .lose Uock Island afforded light New York, Dec. Standard line, we have' auction WANTED Good bench man; one all under cultivation. Come and see OH Call loans 5 Kent reasonable, 4 N. Second St. in olio üuccimmi .vinco die raujuM- - per locally was weak; no quotations prices, at oiir large salesroom, 115 used to mill preferred. Apply Su- me. Wm. A. Brown, Alameda, N. M. Time 5 nK.nl was taking. The new forees loans for spot were made on can, nut later West Gold avenue. : Thone 451. Ed. perior Mill. R Honda Planing FO RENT Dwellings In Lehigh Valley were at Home palm bids and offers established the inur Lelireton, Auctioneer. FOR SALE Miscellaneous 4s 3 WANTED--Fiv- e good carpenter for any WnbiM'n Atchison Adjustable .... 81 m 1 3.0(1 FOÍÍTTenT Very choleo elgíít room to disclaim interest in Ikot about 2.87 for both W. D. So- - Atchison 4s 95 V! Kelly, N. M. Crablree, FOR SALE Ticket to Mexico City, apartment overlooking park. 110 which has been influenced for several spot and December; January, $12.87 N. LEGAL NOTICES corro, M. cheap, If taken at once. Address S liy an assumption it was to HaJlroatls Si 13.10; February, $1 2.87 fe 1 3.25 North Eighth St., Inquire and 4, days that M. J., care this office. come Into the plans for the direct.br.i Atelrlson llji'ii London closed easy, spot C58, 7s, tid (Irnnt block. pfd LLTiAL XOT1CK. WANTED Positions. i 1ÍONK rTTo of Lehigh Valley. The supposition re- - do 104. Futures, 59, 10s. Local dealers quote B XT ATKli pounds fór FOR RENT See our list In another Albany 228 $1; 60-l- b. $5. hy "deal" pointed as an al Boston and $ 1 3.25 1 3.50; electrolytic at WANTED by healthy lady to work can for Order giirding the lake at if Lnst will and testament of Alexan- Allen, O. Box 202, column. John M. Moor Realty Co. to the Delaware, Ronton and Maine 147 ii $13.00ifi) In private family for room and mall. W. P. P. ternntive Lacka $13.1213.37; casting at der M. Whitcomb, deceased. Albuquerque, N. M. wiinna & Western as an eastern outlet Boston Elevated 130 13.25. board. Address M. S., Journal Office FOR RENT- - Miscellaneous pfd 129 To F. S. Putnam, executor, Mrs. S A LE Nenriy new buggy, sin- for the Hock Island to be linked by Fllchburg, Lead tliet. spot $4.37 if 4.4 2 ; New FOlt V Mary Putnam, Temperance Amanda POSITION WANTED Swedish girl 612 N. fith. A, Jb did not Union Pacific 198 $4.20ifi) gle harness. GUNS TO RENT W. Goft Co., the Wabash. This alternative York and East St. Louis, Whltoomb, Juanita Belford now Mrs. to do general housework. Call 41 Miscellaneous 1 FOil SALE All sorts of barnyard phone 568. weaken the effect of the Lehigh Valley 4.27. London market lower ut and to whom owing to American Argc. Chemical 46 Albert Lee Guckert all West Lead. and slaughter house fertilisers transaction the close bank ...i 17s, 6. It may concern: do pfd 102 (fi green or thoroughly dry and pulver- FOR RENT Offices ing relations between the new forces Spelter weak, spot $fi.K 6.30; New heneby notified al- WANTED Agents American Pnéu. Tube 8 M You are that the Salesmen ized. Delivered In quantities to suit hi Lehigh Valley and the Lncfciwannn York and East St. Louis, $6.25 asked leged Lnst Will and Testament of FOR RENT Desk and olTicu room, In Lehigh Valley con American Sugar 118 23. purchnser. In any part of the city. element the old London market unchanged at Alexander M. Whitcomb, late of the SPECIALTY salesman wanted. Must 214 West Cold Ave. do pfd 117 51 43c Address phone 1403. tml. Silver, Uc; Mexican dollars, County of Bernalillo and Territory of be experienced. Best specialty on all A merlcan Tel. and Tel. . .140 "CLEA TÑE RST-- FOH RENT Office and storerooms Tli reports of plans for extension New Mexico, deceased, has been pro- the $200.00 to $500.00 per VAt'TTSf sizes and American Woolen . . . 34 market. 823, In the Commercial Club building. of the Western Maryland reorganized Cliicnuo Livestock. duced and read In the Probate Court of Colorado. Cull at prices, for salo or rent. Phone do pfd . .103 month. State S. Apply to secretary. property revived the conjectures of a Chicago, Dec. 2. Heceipts. of County of Bernalillo, Territory N'o. 41.'. High N. W. Alger, 124 Walter. Dominion Iron and Steel .. 68 '.i Cattle the South street. possible completion of its linking with beeves, $3.85 rr 9.1 5 ; Mexico, on 11th day of SALE cheap; u good piano. Ap- . 7,000; steady; of New the good want to Folt g Edison Electric Ilium.... .249 WE WANT men who FOR RENT Storerooms. the Wabash-Pittsbur- for the carry 4. i u; western November. 1909, and the day of the ply Zoo, care Journal. General Electric ..160 Texas steers. $3.701 iiuke big money. Call at Porter-l- b inir out of the project for an ocean steers. $4.00tfi 7.40; Blockers and feed proving of said alleged Last Will nnd peanut STOREROOM for rent, Apply Wright, Massachusetts Electric . . 15 HI company's office. The greatest Folt SALE Popcorn and outlet for the Gould systems, supposed $ 3 . 1 0 ifi 5.10; cows hellers, was by order of the .lodge office. (Jas .. 76 ers, and Testament money maker ever offered the peo- roaster. Enquire 1102 South Edith. this at one time to have been abandoned. Massachusetts 6.65; $6.25(5 8.50. of said Court thereupon fixed for I'nited Fruit 147 $2.10f calves. ple. SALE Spring wagon good con- At the same time a wide field for Hogs Heceipts, 20,000; steady; Monday, the 3rd day of January, A. Foil PERSONAL United Shoe Mach . 64 Experienced, class dition; also harness. Highland Liv- surmise was offered by the possible light, $7.70f8.20; mixed. S7.75 s.Sfi ; D. 1910, Term of said Court, at 10 WANTED binll do pfd 30 advertising, sign, novelty, ery barn. M N ESS Ar- of relations to acquisition heavy, $7.90 iff 8.40; rough, $7.90 iff o'clock in the fbrenoon of said day. calendar W. II. At Formerly of U. S. Steel 87 and re- of the Prisco as an adjunct to the S.10; good to choice heavy, $8.10 Given under my hand and the rteal and fan salesmen for Arizona kansas, and Iowa City, Iowa. A do pfd 123 U on FOR Ihuvley holdings. From this was in- fr' 7.70: bulk sale, of this Court, this 11th day of Nov., New Mtxieo. Most complete line SALE Livestock. ward of one hundred dollars for his Mining-Adve- nture S.40: pigs, $(.65 of ferred resale of the Missouri. Kansas 8.30. A. D. 1909. market. Fine opportunity for bust present address. In his Interest. Write 7 $8.10(9 SALE Fine singlo driver nnd & Texas, lately by ; (Seal) A. B. WALKER, lers. Send references with applica Foil or wire collect. E. A. Morton, 5550 acquired the same Sheep Receipts, 10,000; steady buggy, cheap. Inquire rupidlv growing power in the railroad Amalgamated 86 western, Prohnte Clerk. tions. Only reliable men need apply. rubber tired Drexel Ave., Chicago. 44 native, $2.755.00: $3.00íí 315 West Silver. world. The joint effect of these Arizona Commercial 5.00; yearlings, $5.40f6.80; lambs. Advertising Co,, Canisleo SEE Southwestern Kealty Co., bafort Atlantic 11 Notice to Bidders, My standard" bred h rumors was not stimulating to the native, $5.25 7.75 ; western, $5.25 if New York. Foil SALI': you buy real estate. Butte Coalition . . 29 0 Bids will be received by the under- market. 7.65. rtuiesmen, Mexico lion: iiImu work horse. J. Calumet and Arizona 101 signed, president of the Park Com- WANTED New Trotter. Considerable efect hi s been felt al- Centennial 37 mission of the City of Alhiuiuerqiie, exclusive. Complete advertising BUSINESS CHANCES ready from thd preliminary operations Huiisiim City Livestock. novelties. Good sellers, good com Copper Range 81 at his office on the corner of Gold 1.25 PER WORD Inserts classified In connection with the developments City, Mo., Dec. 2. Cattle 10 mission. Excellent proposition for Daly West 7 Kansas avenue nnd Third street, up to In S loading papers In U. .. mul it is evidently con- 400 wide man. Novelty, 4 ads feared that the Franklin . 16 Receipts, 5.000, Including south a. m. Monday, llerember 6, 1909, for awake Dake Advertising sequence of the actual accomplish- steers, Quiney Bldg., Denver, Colo. Send for list. The Hranhy .102 erns; steady; native jemiw the grading and filling in with gravel, Agency, 427 South Main street, Los ment would be reactionary. 8. $3.40 (fi B.fio ; Greene Cananea 50; southern steers, ready for the top dressing, of the Angeles, Cal. .in, 4.1 5 ; The serious effects of the switch- Isle Royale . 24 southern cows. Í 2.00 native roads in the Highland Park, In ac- HELP WANTED Female (i.00; of IS se. men's strike in the northwest and the Massachusetts Mining . 6 cows and heifers, 2.50 ii stock cordance with the plans nnd specifica FOR SALE Jersey dairy bulls, CLASSIFIED WS cows, owner city rea- fear of its spread had a depressing Michigan . 6 ers and feeders, 13.155,50; tions, which may be seen in the of WANTED Girl for cooking and gen leet leaving $3.50(fi 7.50; west son selling. 13. S. M., effect. There came a report from Mohawk . 1 $2.itW 4.10; calves. fice of tho City Engineer. The right eral housework. No washing. Mrs, for Address $3.S0(fi 5.50; cows, care Washington that national bank holdi- Nevada . 26?, ern steers, western Is reserved to re.lert nv amPríTr bids'." T. S.Hiihbell, 10:'3 W. Central. Journal. ngs In railroad securities were to he 1 $2.754.50. BKRTHOLD SPITZ Fiji! S A L E Ewia bllsb ed business; North Bulto steady WANTED Young girl. Unlit house scrutinized under the suggestion that Old Dominion . 61 Hogs Receipts, 10,000; Not Ice of bule. keeping work, mornings, two in good location: low rent; cheap. s, (á 8.20; heavy, $8.15 speculative Interest is the stock mar- Osceola .157 bulk of sab $7.95 Notice Is hereby given that as Spe family. 114 North High slreet. Strictly A. II. ('., this office. ket, especially by the greater New Parrot . 29 ÍP8.25: packers and butchers, $8.00W cial Mastery In Chancery under ap York's banks, played too large a part Ouincy sr. 8.20; light, $7.6008.05; pigs, $6.50$) pointment hy the Judge of the District WANTED Miscellaneous. FOR SALE Furniture In their conduct. Closing stocks: Shannon 15 7.50. Court of the Second Judicial District Sheep Receipts. 5,000; steady; WANTED Furniture to repaid W. Allls Chalmers, pfd 53 Trinity . 10 of tho County of Bernalillo, Territory WANTED Plumbing to repair. W. CASH $4.50(fi lambs. $5.75 W A. Ooff A Co., phone 661. Amalgamated Copper 86 H I'nited States Mining 53 mutton, 5.50: of New Mexico, I 111 sell nt public A. Goff & Co., phone 68. 7.(15; range wethers and yearlings, American Agricultural 46 United States Oil 36 vendue for cash at the front door of WANTED To buy secoiid-han- d dray range ewes, $3. 25 Si 6.25. LEGAL NOTICES American licet Sugar 45 Vt Utah 44 $4.25i the Post Office, In the City of Albu- float, capacity about Sf.OO pounds, American Can, pfd 83 Victoria 3 querque, New Mexico, on the 24th day (live price. Bclcit Livery St. lxMllM SM'ltCT. detail and First Published Nov. 1. HOD. American Car and Foundry... 7 1 Winona 8 of January, A. I)., 1!)10, nt the hour of Co., Belén, N. M. 05317 Not Coal l,Hnd. American Cotton Oil 66 v; Wolverine US St. Louis, Dec. 2. Lead, $4.27 ten o'clock A. M. of fol that day the art FOUND NOTICIO FOlt PUBLICATION. American pfd spelter, lowing to-w- WANTED To do stamping for U. 8. Hide and Leather, 44,4 $6.22. described real estate, FOUND Pocket book. Owner can Department of the Interior, American lee Securities 26 Chicago Board of Trade. number four (4) in Block number embroidery, latest styles in pat Lund Office nt Santa Fe, N. M., Iit terns. Call 518 High. have aaine by calling at this office, 2Ü. American Linseed 14 M Chicago, Dec. 2 Threatened spread New York (OlU.n. twenty-fiv- e. (25) of the Huning High- South October 1009. proving property and paying for ad. Is hereby given American 59 of 2. land Addition the Town, now city of WANTED Location for newspuper Notice that Emll Locomotive the switchmen's strike caused New York, Dec. Cotton closed to Mann, of Albuquerque, N. M., who, on 7 M., Is In some good New Mexico town FOUND Bunch of keys. Apply at American Smelting and Kef In.. 96 stampede among shorts In the whoat steady at net advances of to 12 Albuquerque, N. as Ihe same lanuary 8, 1905, made Homestead do pfd 110 market today and transformed a lire points. known and designated upon the plat am thorough newspaper man, looking Journal. Entrv, No. 12716, for northeast quar- American Sugar Refining ....US1 viously weak market Into one of the of said Addition filed in the office of fur location. Address II. E. N., euro ter, NE4), Section 30, Township 10 American Tel. and Tel 140 decided strength kind. Provisions St. Unit Wool. the Probate Clerk and Be Journal. TO LOAN V.. Range 4 E..N. M. P. Meridian, has American Tobacco, pfd 1 7 Vá closed strong. colder of HernaMlIo t ounty, N. M., on WANTED to St. Louis or filed notice of Intention to make Final St. 'Louis, Mo., Dec. 2. Wool, un- Ticket MONEY on hand to promptly make Proof, to establish American Woolen "4 The wheat market closed with De the 12th day of May, 18X7, Comity of point. Apply A. D., es- Commutation changed. Medium grades, combing oilier eastern deslrablo city or country real claim to land above described, .Anaconda .Mining Co 47 Bernalillo, Territory of New Mexico, 2 tho and clothing, 24 (ft 30c; light fine, 22(f) care Journal. tate loans. L. M. Drown, and t before A. K. Walker, Probate Clerk, Atchison llKVj said property to lie sold t" satisfy Stern block, phone 13'i on BALD-HEADE- 27c; heavy fine, 12fff21c; tub washed, Albuquerque, New Mexico, the A D WOMAN. it do pfd 104 2G(f)3fc. Judgment and costs In case Number Try a Morning Journal Want Ad 17th day of December, 190. Allunllc Coast Line ...131 in 133 S07.i, Mrs. W. II Worth and others LEGAL NOTICES Claimant mimes as witnesses: W. Halllmore and Ohio 114 Vs Mary C. Learning nnd George S D. Miller, Albert C. Il'one, Joseph shorn of Her I'rown of lleiwly Loses APPLICATION. do jifd 91 I Hod Try a Morning Journal Want Ad Learning nnd others. Judgment rend NOTICE OF Farr, J. II. Prune, all of Albuquerque in .ovo Marriage. LEGAL NOTICES. 11. OTERO, Hellilehein Steel 33 "4 ered on tho 23rd day of August, 1!IM (010001) N. M. MANUEL Land Office, Register. Brooklyn Rapid Transit "8 Is certainly most necessary to ANY T1MK YOi; TltADK WITH I S, and was bused upon the foreclosure KOTICK OF ÁPPU CATION. United States Hair N. Sept. 1909. Canadian Pacific ,.,.1777 woman. Who could love and marry audi l that you Hid not get your of n Dc d of Trust dated August 2Sth (010002) Santa Fe, M., 15. First Published Nov. S. 1Í09. bald-heade- back, United Land Office. Notice of application of K. Weyman Land. Central Leather 45 d woman? What charms money's worth, just nnk for it 1907, nnd recorded in the Probate States 0830! Coal - Kx-off- 15, Wad-de- ll : u pfd 107'. i could one array to offset such a dis that'- all. Clerk and li io liecorder's offio Santa Fe, N. M., Sept. 1909. 6trotber and Minna Strother NOTICI-- I'Oll PUHLICATIOV. tuitral .,f New Jersey 310 figurement? !8 in. red and white, mixed linen f Bernalillo County. N. M, August Notice of application of E. Weymun for a United States patent to Department of the Interior, U. S. yard Ilk- - Wad-de- ll Chesapeake mid Ohio 85 4 A woman's goal Is usually love nnd and cotton table cloth, per 30th, 1H07, In Book I". T. D.. page HIS Strutlier und Minna StroKier Rex Placer, building stone, mining Land Office nt Santa Fe, New 58 in. bleached ground bronze Clikano and Alton 65 marriage. Her crowning glory Is her half said Deed of Trust made to secure fine for a United States iatent to claim. Mexico, Nov. 1. 1909. Chicago floral design table linen, per yd. 50c ($I.OuOfl(M tho Abajo Placer, building atone, Is hereby given Oreat Western 1S hair. The loss Of her hair mars her ta- note of line Thousand Notice Is hereby given, that In pur Notice that Juan Chicago 62 In. handsome full bleached (X) mining claim. N. M., and Northwestern ....175' beauty, happiness and success. Yet ble linen .W Dollars, and eight coupon notes suance of Chapter 6 of Title 83 of the Domlnqucz, of Cabezón, who. Chicago. - Notice is hereby given that In pur- Desert-lan- d Mil. nnj st. 154 right where we live, are thous- Rleached bed sheets, ft."- ami (c if Twenty ($20.oai Dollars each, and Revised Statutes of the United States. on July 8, 1905, made Paul.... here suance of Chapter 6, of 32 of C C, c. and St. Louis 73 ands of women neglecting or In Jurln Pillow slips 12 f ami 2(o it the dale of foreclosure there was Title that F. Weyman Htrother of Annap- Entry (Serial 0S302), No. 652, for . . . the revised statutes of the United ; N E Vt , Colorado Fuel and Iron 4 9 their hair to such an extent that it is Children's black yarn mittens Lie io on mi Id notes, (be principal not, olis, Md., and Minna Strother Waddel) SE'i, NWU SW'i. Ntt. - gowns, Weyman of Calorado und Southern- 56 be Ladies' outing flannel night if One Thousand (1.000. 00) Dollars átules, that K. Ktrother, Columbus, Ocorgla, are claiming Section 34. Township 18 N.. only a matter of time when it will well made, all scams finished ..UOc Annapolis, Mil., Htrother of SEi. h 1st. pfd ... 81 utterly ruined. nd seven (7) Interest notes, making and Minna and are about to make application Rango 2 W.. N. M. I'. Meridian, has dn Children's heavy cotton fleeced un or Wuddell of Columbus, Oeorcla, ara 2d. pfd . ... 80 Many women destroy the beauty of a total amount due I.Hiino to through their attorney, Richard H. filed notice of Intention to make derwear, price accoroing 10 size, 2S claiming and are about to make ap- Consolidate,! Gas ..147 their hair through thoughtlessness or 15o to 40o gether with Interest from August Hanna, of Santa Fe. New Mexico, for Final five year Proof, to establish Corn uniler-wrapper- s, was the plication, through their attorney, described, Products . . 21 Ignorance of certain facts. They do Infanta' fine soft nil wool 1909. and there further due United Slates pstent for twenty claim to the land above Delaware and Hudson enoligh, according to size. plaintiff. Mrs. W. B. Worth, the sum l:lchard H. Honna, of Santa Fo, New before A. E. Walker, Probate Clerk .. ...181 not shampoo their Imlr often C acres of placer mining land contain- 2.-.- :t()c 0 Mexico, for a United patent . anil f Klght and $4i.40 States county, at Albuquerque, and Rio Grande . . 49 'i or too often. They use soaps or prep- Forty stone being H. H of ncrnallllo gray-be- I - for twenty acres of placer mining ing building and the lo pfd ... 85 which Ingredients A nice all woo, good size, Dollars for taxis paid on sal, prop- New Mexico, oil the 20th day of De- arations contain blanket 1 " land containing building stone and of N. K. 14 of N. W. U of section 12. Distillers' Securities . .. 36 rty .together with Interest at the rate cember, 1909. harmful to the scalp and hair. white fleece bed blanket . ,$7.50 being N. of N. K. H N. W. township 10 N, range f. E. of N. M. Kile . Pure one per cent per month, from the the ft of names witnesses: Ren- .. 33 As a result of such treatment dand- . t Claimant as Id Ladies all Jolt slippers 3(ith'dny Iliag, of H of section t2, township 10 N. P. R. A M., situated in the Sandia 1st. pfd ... 47 ruff Is created, the hair loosens, loses We something swell In neck of June, the date tara Haca, Jose Lobato, Pernio do have payment same Is paid, and range 5 E. of N. M. P. B. A M.. sit mountain, Tijeras canyon, mining dis all of 2d. prd .. . 39 color, falls out, and baldness com- mufflers, 5(k until the (almidón. Pablo Domlhquex. : uated In the Sandia mountain. Tijeras trict. In the county of Rernali") nnd enera Electric , . Till-- M the said defendants nre Indebted to Caber.on, New Mexico. .160 mences, unless proper und prompt canyon, mining In the county known tircat Northern pfd. ..140-- WM. KIKKK. Prop. the said plaintiff. Mrs. W. H. Worth district territory of New Mexico and MANUEL R. OTERO, Register. precautions are taken in time. Then territory of New a ""rent Northern Ore Ctfs. 77 In the sum of Thirteen Dollars af Bernalillo and ás tho Rex Placer mining claim, ... again, mlcrohes and certain diseases Mexico and known as the Abajo being posted. Illinois Central bring unhealthy scalp and hair VF.ll Y littij: MONKV will ($13.00) for Insurance paid on said plut of same herewith Interborough-Me- ...14! about Placer mining claim, a plat of the location of said Ties t 23 conditions. ;) MNCJ WAY WITH IS AM property, together with Interest at tli The notice of FOR SALE u" I'M AIM). fOMR A XI F1XA.MTXF. rate t.f one per cent per from same being herewith posted. Placer claim Is of record In the office , 54 S Most people can rid themselves of YOI month $00- 0- shingle roof adobe, OI R STOCK. F. J. PRATT CO., the JOth day of Jane, 19n., the dale The notice of said location of said of the recorder of Rernallllo county "'ier Harvester 10 dandruff and correct diseased scalp In shade trees, corner lot, high- "ter-M- S. ST. 1'HOXE 45. Is paid. Abajo Placer clsim la of record the Mexico, In Hook ine, ,,fd. . 24 and hair conditions if they will use 211 SFAOXI of payment until the same at Albuquerque, New lands, close In. International There la also lu. under said decree office of the recorder of Bernalillo "M," Folio Paper 14 the right remedy. We have that rem- county, at Albuquerque, New Mexico, 82. Jlo.Vl 5 room frame, near shops, International Pump 51 the sum of One Hundred and Twenty The said mining premises hereby edy, and we will positively guarantee . easy terms. Central I.FXiAL NOTKK. Dollars ($120.0(1) as attorney's in Book "J," folio 3S. sought be patented Is bounded as I"a 27 that It will eradicate dandruff and said mining premises hereby to tl.MMl brick, shade and and Special Master's fee. Pur The t: un- nias City Southern . . . 43 prevent baldness will not cost the follows, On north hy the trees, large burn, S. Broad- ilo or it Last will and testament of Marco pay ought to be patented is bounded as fruit pfd 70 the user anything. chaser to all the taxes due or to patented mining claim Abajo, on esat way. Dragóle, deceased. . follows, On north and east become against said property -- and Nashville".'. 14 a preety broad statement, but due and south by vucant, unoccupied pub- 11730 4 room bungalow, modern. MmneHpolis That's To Frances Ilragole, executrix. FRANK If. MOO It F., hy vacant, unoccupied public land, on and St. Louis 51 we will It prove It with Lucero, lic land, on the west by patented Und South Walter St. i tin. p. back and Frances Drsgole, Kiln Frances Special Master. (he west by patented land, known as st. and Sault St. M 133 our own money. Rexall ' f3 Hair May Dragóle, Dragóle, unpat known as Whitcomb. 12110(1 frame, modern, 8. iwouri Rosa Clarence JOHN A. WHITK. Whitcomb, on the south by Pacific 70 Tonic is the remedy that will grow devisees, and to all whom it may ented mining claim Rex. Any and all persons claiming, ad- p.roadway, easy terms. Missouri. Kansas and overcome Attorney for Complainant versely, mining ground, premises g2r.no frame, bath, sta- Texas.... 464 half and scalp and hair concern: Albuquerque, X. M. Any and all persons claiming ad the V" 'fJ 73 troubles. It will grow hair even on Ynu are hereby notified that Ihe al- - versely the mining ground, premises or any portion thereof so described, tionary nashtubs, large sleeping "tlonal Biscuit 117 First Publicad" November 26th, hereby porch, highlands, close In. bald heads, unless all life in the hair leered I.nst Will and Testament of nov.2,29.30.d3.10,17,24 or any portion thereof so described, platted and applied for are '"mal Lead 7 been extinguished. the. County of 150. hereby adverse $211.". brick, mod- Ityg. roots has Mareo Dragóle, late of the platted and applied for are notifica .that unless their Jut'l f Mexico, 1st. pfd. 5.1 closed, scalp Is Mex- to ern, good cellar, highlands, . follicles and the Bernalillo and Territory hi New notified that unless their adverse claims are duly filed a according York f... i glaied shiny. It gets Its name produced snd IF YOU HAVE PROPERTY, according to thereunder, close in. and ico, deceased, has been claims are duly iled as law and the regulations large k' r,n,a"o and West. 4 from Ihe fact that It grew hair In read In the Probate Court of the PKRSOXAI. Oil ItFAL, law, and the regulations thereunder. within the time prescribed by lew, I2K.V) brick.modern, J'Tolk and Western 93 S3 out of 100 cases, wheré It received County Bernalillo. Territory of CITY OH l(AX( II the preserlhed by law, United cellar, corner lot, E. Coal avt., Amerl.-a- of within time with the register of the States ""h Ht a thoroughly hard. Impartial and New Mexico, at an adjourned regular Which you want lo He'.l or Bent, with the register of the United Plates Fe, In county terms. Northern land office, at Santa the 1 . Pacific f'jmi.l.nn ' story brick. re-,- 141 practical test. term thereof, held on the sth day of LIST IT WITH I S We have hun- land office at Santa Ft. In the county of Fe, territory of Mxleo, MaM 44 Panta Nw modern, hardwood floors, near We want you to try Rexall "93" November. 1909, and the day of the dred ehnncci of handling It lo your of Santa Fe. territory of New Mexico, they will be hsrred In virtue of the p""nyvanin 128 rar line, 4th ward. Hair Tonic nt onr risk. Yon surely proving of said alleged Ijtst Will and one. If you want to buy a HOUSE. they III be barrad In virtu ot tht provisions of said ststute. v..'.."; los.- - Judge Several good pieces of business os 111 cannot anything hy doing so. Testament was by order of the LOT. BITMNESS Oft ItANCII. for provisions of said statute. Any all, parsons claiming ad p'l,'"hu,r C. Louis! a- - and property. Lots and houíe In all and St. M while you have everything to gain. of said Court thereupon fixed for or essy pnymenta. rom to ut Any na all persons claiming or desir- l Car eah versely tna land csftrlbea. of city. Ranrhef and WT 514 You would better think this over, and Monday, the 3rd day of January, A. nd we will put you on the right rersely the lands described, or desir any reason to parts the '""man oí 10 any reason to ing to object for the suburban homes., Honey to loan. Pace Car 10 then come In and see its about this II.. 11. Term said Court, at road. ing to object for tht entry by applicant should file stee, s 50 offer. will be well repaid In forenoon of said day. ty annum thereof ,!"ding.!, 8 You for o'clock the JMONFY TO I.F.XO. entry thereof appncani of protest In this of- your visit to our store. Two sizes. S Given under my hand and thd Heal file or protest in mia their affldsvlts A. FLEISCHER l'Ublie Stéél m GOLD AVENUE REALTY CO., their affidavits on or before 13th day f De 45 1 00. you day of NOTcm-be- r. day of fice the Ileal EMate lire Insurance pfd cents and Remember can of this Court, this tb office on or befora tha IJth - 105 Remedies in Albuquer- A. V. WT.ST SOM AVE. December, cember, 1101. Surety Uonds obtain Rexall 190. 117 10. OTETtO. Co. que store, The O A. F:. W'ALKFP.. M and IV V. Msnlrr, oTFrtO. MANTFL H. Second M. rttnna 914 pf.l onlv al onr Ritill tso. Sollle IHM'FT, I. lliu 5 Store J If. O Rtelly Co Probata clerk. rro'rh.-4r- . BtfOter. Hrtlster. i 8 THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1909.

GEO. W. HICKOX COMPANY FRENCH & LOWBER Handbags FUNERAL DIRECTORS can't be too particular about personal New Alr-tico- Pioneer Jeweler. appearances; Licensed Einbalinera YOU Will keep oM'ii cvciiiuus until lilísimas. rot In and sec tlio hand- many nifty. creations hc have selected. Pili-- right. LADY ASSISTANT Every lady uses a man counts THE ARCH FRONT. II. South Second Street. SOI W. Ceil I nil. Telephone 580 bag, Now, gentlemen, if one who is carlessly dressed, or you are looking for a nice lacking m small matters or neat- The Woodmen of the World will hold III ness. their nnniiiil election of officers present for a lady, why to nerve In 1910 they tonight, when I: i I I CRESCENT HARDWARE gather In of .; CO. the forest the Elks' - nice hand- mmlnJW II IM ln. in I II lodge rooms. not get her a I a All members are SI M ''SC?';.i I:. f & i. 1á Hart Schaf ner to K. I Marx Stove, Range, House Furnishing fiood. Cutlery ami Tools, iron attend. I. Phillips, bag and why not come to Fin, Valvca and l ilting, pliimhlii;;, Healing, Tin and Copper Work clerk; Kdward Moore, C. C. clothes are made for men The following puidls of Mrs. Lnwrv it, who SIS WEST CENTIIAI. AVENUE. PHOXK 815 our store to get We've ,. ', ti' nt the Barcias school have a record of are particular; and for men neither absent nor tardy during th who month of Novemher; Kred Haigon got one of the nicest as- ought to be, and ogne, mm are not partic- T If A T II I S C O I' a It M Celestina Dreyfus. Kuiniu Drey ( Incu-poi-atc- las, (.'urina Nuanes, Minnie lings, Joe sortments you ever saw, ular enough. and 1 nrent Salem Turner. ..(i will lini ii share lii 1. greatest Bags to Such clothes help profit maker in ihe Soiillivvcst an Mr. and Mrs. Robert rolloek havi for $1.00 $1.5.00. a man; in mi ntfalf, rami fur only returned from an extended vixlt to St they add to his force by giving $7.71 er acre. .Dividends or 20 per Joseph, Mo., and have taken up their And right here and now cent it it ml. lnr full particular residence at üoi North Walter street. him a sense of being well dress- address or mil on Mrs. Pollock us iieeomiiHnled by her we defy any one to show mm a. p. sister. Miss Caroline rienrgc. who will ed; it's like being in good so- ii. stiioi spend several months here visiting better goods for the ciety to wear good clothes; stim- F. F.O.G. In I he report of the Young Wnm- - money, n's Christian association In vestí ulates a fellow to do his best. ila,'s issue II wan stated thai the T - Iff n port covered the time from August ü You ought to wear Hart to Novemher 1. It should have been STRONG'S BOOK STORE, . i .r 7 a COFFEE We now from June 23, six weeks before the 1 1411. Schaffner & are In our new atore, Ncvt IKwir to I'oMolflce. Phone Marx clothes; you organization was effected, until No and kh have the finest vember 1. ought JS THE Kll TIIVT MIXV ffll.'-IM- il not to wear anything else; tlon Wall but it was In people u n - iu: m;mzi:. of Paper, Paint, Oils, The New Mexico Realty syndicate named llallcy's comet the best isn't II - memory of the man who had made too good for you WE U.W 1. IT. Varnlshc, Picture I 'milieu, al recent meeting elected the fol- linvlnK 10. N. Wilson, presi- a special study of its movements. olflcers: The and you think so yourself. i etc., In New Mexico. dent: t A Clerk, and treas- Morning Journal attempted to I KSKv''!is' urer; itlclmrd Hanna. altornev; II. 1). communicate yesterday with I'rofes- - O. A. HUDSON, Schuyler, general axciil: directors. r Lowell, but it is ascertained that !.''i-Wii'- , i to professor John A. White. Adolpb lildh-r- 10. N there some class the Suits, $22 to $35 40c. POUND Wilson, C. A. Clark, lavid W. (Ilcnn. nd he communii ui s bis findings Corner I 'our Hi and Copicr. nly to such eminent journals as the 'í fe Overcoats, ZZ3 The Hrotherhood of St. I'aul of tie New York World, the London Dailv $20 to $25 l.cad Avenue Metliodist church en- .Mail, the Tai ban Valley News and 4 This Is joyed it Cn,rrlt.ht l l,r Store The Home of nil elaborate bantiuet In the her periodicals. There was nought soli.iruer A Mara church parlors last evenliiR. covers Joint? with Tero, hut it was found Hart Scliaffner Mar .'lollies. belnx laid for thirty. The spread was hat he has been burninii out the prepared by the l.alles' Aid society wires lately and is evidently seeinu of the church unil was a culinary things at night.. achievement in every sense of the l'roftssor Hpot .Moore, the eminent tn tha avant tht rod should ant word. John A. White affiliated .is istronomer, when consulted yesterday raoatv your morning papar tala-pho- na tha POSTAL, TELEGRAPH loastmasler and culled upon numer- averred that the supposed comet was CO. divine your nam and addraas ous members of the hrotherhood for Ihe reflectiton of the searchlight on and tha papar will ba dallvarad by a toasts, the responses heinjr both In- the Colombo theater or mayhap the aiHiclal maaaangar. Tba talapbona la teresting ami clever. Prominent precursor of h moving picture mn- - STEMN No, la. SIMON among the speakers was hlne which he has Tom Ward's Store S A after dinner ordered. B E W RD CM. Judge 10. A. Maun, who one .Morrln, cemetery inspector, Tha abova reward will ba paid delivered stated THE CENTRAL AVENUE CLOTHIER for tha arraat and oenvlctloo of any of the most InterestiiiB nddresseg of that the knew it was Ilalley's comet Homci If. Ward, Mgr. nna caught ataallng ooplaa of tha the evening. because it wub the same one he saw SIS Marido Air, 1 'líame 206 Morning Journal from tba door forty years ago hack in lirooklyn. waya of autiaeribara. Col. Hopewell gravely opined that it JOURNAL PUBLIIHINO OO. was the headlight of a train coming in over the New Mexico Central while Nothing Starts Your Blood to Circulating these cool mornings HOW MANY others believed it was the Stiimm bal- LASATER ON loon en route to Mars. In fact the TRIAL eminent local authorities appeared like a good American Block Coal fire. We have STRONG BROTHERS seriously divided on the subject. I LOCAL ITEMS OF INTEREST UNDMiTAKEH 1 MAKE A Wanted to buy good horse and Mrs. H. Ii, patton, Laval) FOR MURDER OF, Eiubalnier saddle. Apply 315 West .Silver. The American Block Coal I Strong Block, Cor. Copper a Forecast. AZTEC FUEL CO. honie-mnd- o PHONE 251 fferond. Phone No. IS Washington, fee. 2. West Texai: Try our mincemeat. 2 I Fair Friday, rain and cooler at night SEE COMEIS? lbs. for 25 rents. Carcass mutton 6 or (Saturday; possibly mow in I'an ?r lb. Western Bleat Co. NATIVE Hand! New Mexico: Increasing cloudi- LAUNDRY ness in south, snow and colder In the north portion Friday; Snturduy rain CHAVES AND ARIAS AMATEUR ORATORS or snow and much colder. STAR GAZERS COMPETE Alleged Slayer of Nicholas Saa-che- z Arizona: Partly cloudy and colder in mouth, snow and much colder Fri- VIEW THE INVISIBLE Being Tried in Bernalil- s WHITE day in north portion with u cold wave NOT GUILTY at night; Saturday lair In south, lo County on Change of Ven- WAGONS snow in north portion.- - AT ELKS THEATER Heavenly Body Seen in the Gar ue from Valencia, Claud Hulto 1 Insure in the Occidental Life. ish Light of Day Turns Out to Orluk Olorletu liecr. Phone 483. Verdict of Acquittal in Case of Stenographer A murrlngc license was Issued yes- Be Our Old Friend Venus de TONIGHT The case of I ho territory versus terday to M Inch Hkylca of A Ibiupier-qu- e John I. Lasalcr, of Los I nuns, charged the Territory Versus San Jose Vegas. Medicine, and Notary Public FEE'S and Sadie l'uvey of Uis with the murder of Nicholas .Sanche:; Men Charged With Larceny Judge Morlarty, father of the hust- PURE HOREHOUND al Tome, N. M., on September K, 1108. ling town of Morlnrly In the Kslnucln High School Students Meet in from Box Cars, 117 1--2 W. Gold valley, was 11 visitor in the city yes- When slnld and respectable cllUcns was taken up in ihe district cou'l terday. get to seeing enmela flirting Ihelr TABLETS lulls around in Ihe blue empyrean In Annual Oratorical Contest here yesterday morning, Judge Ira A Mrs Floicni i P. Johnston has re- Ihe day lime, II Is a Sunday Abbott sitting on Phone . time the the bench. Lasat.'f I'lie first verdict of not guilty to be 898. For That Cold. turned an extended visit in l.os lid were extended lo cover week days, This Evening; General Public Is was- Indicted Tur by a li a Angeles and the truest of Mr. and or Hint an Investigation ol the much murder Vab returned in criminal case during the Mrs. A If Slroup at their home on mooted iiuestlon, "What Is Whiskey?" Invited, county grand Jury two days .il'c: present term of court was presented Norlh Klcvcnl Ii sire. I. he undertaken at once bv Ihe the cl'falr happened. A ciiango of the - The ladl.s of Ihe tl. A. It. will meet district court yesterday niorn- WALTON'S DRUG STORE in regular session nt 2:',Ui p. in. to- - That Mr Ilalley's ,usily celebrated The annual oratorical conlesl of the venue was secured from Wicncia iibT by the Jury vvhlclf sat 111 the case ilay in i iild Fellows' hall lor the elec- comet, tall and all, was visible in the Alluiipieripie high school, an event county to ilernalilbi (oiin'v because f the territory versus Krank Arias tion ul leers, lly pres portion of order of the southwestern of the heavens looked forward to with mm h interest of alleged feeling the low- ident. from noon yesterday until six year by exMil,f rl and Jose (Tiavcs. The men were in- - alter each people geiieraly through- er county regarding the .irittei-- T'..e 1.. o'clock last night was the startling out cltv. will be held ill dieted a year ago on a charge of lar-- I It. Thomson. fnrlncrly of this the the Klks' i ase is phenomenon I N belli;: prosecuted ir the ter- city, now tiHUl Ititi In Los Aúpeles IttHiMcd upon by numer- heater this ev ening, commencing at cfiiy from Santa I'e box cars in ih Good Family Group Pictures ous persons a ritory by All W. where be has Invested In property. Is who observed bright o'clock. alley Ocnoi.i! Krank lower freight yards, and extracted Wallace Hesselden shining in d'ist In Ihe cltv lor a lew looking al and liiniimiry the blue Klve orations will be delivered, nolle Cluing. I'onn.'iiy i.t aitoiiicy, therefrom numerous inicies f.lOMOKAlj Can be Made With das - and CONTKACTOK. A nulled dome yeslerdav and hist eveii- of which "ill be of such lengths as to who is fainl'lar with tit K. goods. ter tils Ihinptcrquc holdings. (Mhcrx including cases of brandy, Figures iau. more familiar with as- become tiresome. The subject . l.s and workmanship count. & f have Ilobson (.elcllilllli i.asater whiskey, boxes PORTER NEFF'S It. A. Klsller h aves Ibis eveninu tronomy declared ih.a the phuict was selected of cigars and cases of Wo bcin wllli much care and are Accoiilin,! t a i guarantee more for jour money a bap-hen- 'oti: bic three months' eastern trio during none other limn Venus, which s upon iniercsiiiig nud absorbing topics. ti lerin, ic butter. Portions of the goods were RENT CAMERAS vv In. h lo w ill Nil t'blcaiio, N to la' piirtlculnrlv bright, jusi nt The program of the ni in mil v. it i essi.s lo ih,. ter- shipped by the .Meyers Liipior com- than any other contracting firm in - will consist of vocal and YoiU i'lty nnd bis old home in Allen- Ihe present in id iaihlc a good insirunieiit.il selections by well known ritory .veste 'la v, lisaicr was i:i."i,. pany of this city to a firm in .Moun- - Albuiiuerque. Phone 435 - 220 W. Gold town. part ing a i1 Ia. of the day because of Hie rarefied soloists and the High school fiesta Tome, 'ogetlir with, tainair. The grand Jury considered tin: Office at the Superior Planing Mill. iilmoKpbere In region. Ibis his wife, his s n uud t'.t.iil ib.ngiili r. etuieuce siroug enough to indict Arias 377. The rumor I lint was Ilal- A A I'llOXt the slar purse of fifty dolíais has been dance wis ni k i u a ;cM, and llaves, both of whom reside in ley's comet probably resollé,! , , the bung up by Mr. Simon Stern, to be Lasater and ,i mm name Liicaa Ar- San Jose, south of Alhuipic 4omh1p that has been going on about divided among the five contestants ns npic, and agón beca ne involve i m , lilev- were nt this celestial visitor for the past sev- lollows The dol-- eail.il tried tile last term of ii best oration, fifteen I . on and went i; tn-- l. cn!(r-eiicc- s. inr eral Hecks II Is rile that llalbys irs: the second best, twelve dollars i, set:!' court, the trial resulting In a doa.fr linn CASES Suggestions comet n a An ". ii., v '.. ,kc i,v Holiday has visible for more than and hall beat, oft v up ineiu ine jury. rue nun bird ten ,,re uní IIIIHAL , dollars: izo a monib. but vlraordinarllv high loiiitb best, seven dollars anil fifty the scriip. Hienliij I ..i eiier. wit . was brought lo trlil again ties 'eim r.d pnvv tcb scopes necessary oh v it are to ceins. and the fifth best, five dollars. released tile i l,;s pn in to i n; I ;rh .heir acipntlal i slerd y fol- serve II I'l'ol Lowell, tb The judges on We are ready for Christmas, arc You? Early I'erclval thought and composi- bond, Lai i' .i t' ll tow ai ds a lowed. The case was begun vlon liv veil Known astronomer, has heel tion will be: W I'. K. L. lev litio. place where ii" Ii lliu bi d v.,.;- - allernoon and was not compl-- ! i,;itil ON buying while stock is complete in de- Keeping a record of the comet's ae Mcdler ami I'. K Wood, his t THEJOCKET our every and on, being .1. Uil- - late Wednesday oig!;l lions t,.r more than two weeks', using on delivery. Iir. W. ;. Mope, J. i.H.o.M ace. ldl'lg i,. li:.iri t A- x ttorney S. Kl o, k partment will be the most pleasing to you. Try it. bis large telescope and other appar II. i'Kiellv an, I K. V. I'lancy. ran. by s t cii.nt in, n, Ihe w i!. proee,tel He ease .'ins in the Lowell observatory at The general public is cordlaly in- later growing lilty p"is,ins. K. - for Ihe territory an. i tie- : ''. n L. n to i on i In- arrv the research vited to all, ml the contest, admission delltly believ I ba . his l:i;'i.r was were represented AUcr-u- V. C. w Many Var- I . I 1 1 : vvork to hleh Alleged Violators of MI'.V.S It II IK II s Mi:vs v i iiom:. will he gratis. in danger, ,opic; i.asdicr secured an lleacock of Ileacock f: I..M':;h.i . ni r It is said that Ihe comet will be The program in . . . V. It, U..MI II , lull follows: I axe ilii-ni- $1, 1.50. uud plain color-.- Oiiy hriiiid.. visible i,, the naked eve Solo, ' and mile hi, way the ious Statutes Remain to be within the When the Heart Is Young".. - I i rowd to i point by MIOVS sMIlklM; .IXCMOTs -- ", und 50 li nts llext six weeks and those who Were Iiudby Luck ilea.- tid. r I in Di- . . . . V H 7.50. up 1. 1. .'HI positive about the slar iiiiiieiiring in Viola luirán placed Lasater. Sr., Brought to Trial the .'.. to MI N S ( 111 I lllellher. Alt ll).s, all the heavens Vestir, lav being Mr. Hal-le- v under SCHUMANN MUSICA T s , ,. "ration The National I'roblem" arrest and stalled lo take him iiovs' ii ittmi , v strict im color, $l.2.-- .7. 2.2.-- 2. .Ml. h will have another i,in,rl u n it to IMgar Jaffa. lo Jain. lim ing the excitement Nicho Court, M.nil lo so. siitr-ga.ii- t oe "rallón was .: MIOVS II II K It C I I las siaiuicii. ily.iig in . i: II I' was .Men novs UN; s , llalbv's comet first noticed in ."The Who Made nur Nation.'' short lino, and Liisal.-,- ' .y.is cb,irg"i n,iti .i2.-- Hie war II I!. C. Since (hen it has I '.'.".: nil si:s lialph ttibson. with his Une hundred and twenty-fiv- e crim ppeared regularly every Tfi or 77 Solo. ".May Morning" lini dor. WOMAN'S CLUB S I i It is likely In MIN I'VNH sl. si its ears, in all "Ii limes. In IDiltj the William W ill that the m. will. not inal cuses still remain on the ducket ii:mi Newell cumplcK-,- .... . :.o to ..Vntl 7.t l ;l.on ,p iirmice of ih, met was consul- Irfda Neher. :ore Monday. in the Second Judicial district court, ted to be tb.. precursor of the fun "ration "Industrial gues! of Kngland by William of Nor- Kdm alien In according to a summing: up of un- man, the Public Schools." CH Ii M, M h i: Mt i i : i ci i i;im max MUtK MV IV- - 1. II was ii magnificent oblect Helen Heucock. Interesting Program Arranged tried criminal cases taken yesterday. n 114.1 and again in 1 22M. I HI.S.S is im,. at which "ration MEDIC L These rases per r.iti une II was supposed lo torelell the ."Leaders, Ancient and .Modern." SOCIETY for Regular Meeting of Or- are against various bath of riiillp Augustus of France. Fred Calkins. sons who have been Indicted for dif In It.'iR il appeared shortly the Solo, "All .;uv , PURE SILK after I'nr You". li'Hardeloi ganization This Afternoon ferent of-th- e from TIES. 50c TO $2.50 Turks had taken Conslanlinnnle. In Charlotte Pratt, violations law, Xh2 It observed bv llallev. who Conser- murder to refusing to send children (imputedim "ration ELECTS OFFICERS MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY Its orbit and showed that II vation of Our National Ucsoureeg." to school, and Include cases allcgin KILLED was identical with the great comets of 1'avid KosenwHld. The music of Schumann will be the I S3 1 and I Ml i. and predicted its re- - Select inn High School orchestra feature of the program for the meet- mayhem, cruelty to animals, violations 11 1 7 ó S II- Mini lor ml of llal- - ,.r 1...- -- - or 175!. Judges' decision and awarding of ing of the Woinan'a club at the club tut- ouu,m.v0 1.... itttt, aiüJ'if..llln " ley died before Its appearance In 175R. priaes A. Maloy. litlvcll, J. house this afternoon at 3:43. The full (juor to transgres- Bernalillo County Association program s as follows: minors and other C. L sions of a more or lest, serious nature. WASHBURN COMPANY Chooses Men to Head Organi- (a) Novelette Schumann Put very few of these cases III 1" (h) Warum? (Why?) reached during present term, how- Incororatr zation Dm ing Schumann the Ensuing Year. (c) Ktude Paganltii-Schiiman- n ever. The number of cases on the 122 S. Second St. 119 West Gold Ave. Mrs. Mabel Stevens Himoe. ducket is about Ihe average number (a) Ich kann'a nicht fassen (Krau- - left over from term to term. Most f At an interesting ami well attended enlii-he- l the persona charged with tho various meeting or the Hernalillo County Med- tb) lu iting an meiuen Finger crimes aro out on bond. ical association, held In the office ..i Miss K. Hlanehe liothceb. - Tlic Two Crenailicrs s, WATER TAX 1)1 K AM i'AVA- Hr. II. l Hust. Wednesday evening. binnaiin Hl,i; AT WATER CO.. Mr. Forrest Cnrtw rlglit. OFr'ICfc OF the following officers ere rlecte. I i, 219 W. OOI.I. CHARLES CO. a) tirlllcn Scliiuuann serve during year: IIMD the ensuing 4 AH the leading shapes styles (b Night Piece No. OF and in the season's President - C. Kice. Schumann WK ILXILJE A FINE LTXE Ir. (c Fnihlingsnacht . . Schumann-Ll.)c- t FRESH AND CANNED FRl'ITS. Klrsl Vii'.. lr..t...l.,..t T ii i; Mrs. a. Wholesalers of Everything prettiest hat creations. SPECIAL PRICES ' Kant Iman. Himoe riioxE vs yocit order, e. aft Sei on, I nil iic Nusbaum Schumann PRATT CO, 214 & SECON HATnitW llOWIXU 601 Weal Ceatnü AvratM, aVIbaajortira. Ice President Iir c LAS VEGAS ALBUQUERQUE SANTA ROSA i ra n k Ibi Iu hist wie Kine Illume 46. Set ret.iry Hr. V. K. Toll. . Schumann , Miss Uotiigcb. If you iH'eil a canx-ntcr- telephone Treasurer fir. K. 'siina. llesM-lden- ; is ipy Life phone 377. IT WILL PAY YOU TO CALL We t'perut only In i' Mr. Walter C. Hope. the milking machine this section of the country. la (hi The N It lich-gate- - Swallows Schumann TtTlV-DOW- v lllC Jtll ftiltll ligliien or the onlv t ly to th- annual meeting of TO THOSK WHO WEAR , ,nMH.. tri .in it.uy method of milking cows and a feature of modern (ci May Hay K . T.. mr.-- Jmshinu Cita-- so i me M l f,,,,If ,. the New M.xico Medical OI R NEW 2T1I i asierii Mar. dalrvhiK. They may be in K. socit. Iir ml.KARS lo ft IV (lo II, ll laeforr seen action any afternoon from three to four J I'earce ami fir II It. Kauttman Woman's flub fborus. CENTl'ltY COLLAR SUA PER Or- - n'c K lock. ' An Inter. sung paper on "Puerperal ' .mi is are required to FK.I5S THE I'EltreCTION OF COI.-I.A- . was read hy I r. I'J A . Kaiiffman. Ir a'. K. lay cents admission. COMFORT. POESNT CRACK EVERITT The Matthew Dairy & Supply Co. Liik.na ,.l i,i tb. ..s. iission whitb TIIFM, EITHER, I FTS TH. I 0rl loll, AM I I .tied I ll(i Jl I l; Ti l rrilONK 120. 1700 NORTH RTII STI! T the reading of the paper and TIE SLIP EASY. IMPERIAL KI"N iril H lr. W. U. Hope na . fry a Morning Journal Ad. ottniated uuiii.-r- Want lKY CO.. PHONE 118.