

VOLUME LL STATE COLLEGE, NORTH DAKOTA, FRIDAY, MAY 22, 1936. NUMBER 33 Quota System T® Edit, Manage Spectrum 158 Seniors To Be Graduated; For Sorority Davies Commencement Speaker Pledging Set Heaton To Be Baccalaureate Brandes Elected Speaker Sunday, May 31, Panhellenic Council Gives In Festival Hall Recommendations for Board President Equal Membership SHEPPERD PRESIDES Gordon Brandes, junior in the PUBLISH RUSHING RULES school of applied arts and sciences, "The Fourth Mrs. Phillips," was elected president of the board Senior Class Play, Opens Two Girls From Each Group of publications at organization Exercises Make Membership of meeting held last Wednesday. He Organization succeeds Frieda Panimon. Other members of the board Delivering the baccalaureate ad- dress for 158 seniors to be gradu- The quota system is to be em- of publications are Donna Jean ated following class exercises ployed among sororities for the first Davis, Margaretta , Wayne dur- ing the coming week will be Dr. time on our campus, according to Krogfoss, and Wm. Murphy. Hold- Herbert Heaton, University of Min- new rules formed by the Panhel- over members of the board are nesota economist, who will speak lenic council. New rushing rules Brandes, Charles Pollock, Don in Festival hall Sunday, May 31. and regulations have been planned Ward, Prof. Rudolf Otterson, W. C. Another prominent Minnesotan, Dr. in line with recommendations from Palmer, and Miss Mathilda Thomp- James Davies, Minneapolis Tribune, the National Panhellenic congress. son. will deliver the Commencement ad- The ultimate object is to uniform dress the following morning, at the size of all sororities to a mem- Chosen recently' by the board of editor-in-chief, and Francis Ladwig, which time President Shepperd will bership of 35. This cannot be done right, business manager. They will publications to direct The Spectrum I Sixteen Will Finish present diplomas to candidates rep- all at once, but within three or four next year are Orville Goplen, left, assume their positions next fall. resenting the various divisions of the years the quota system will reach Local Prep School college following acceptance from its aim. The Panhellenic congress the respective deans. drew up an estimate of how many Both men were born in England. girls should comprise a sorority on Sixteen seniors will be graduated A. G. Arvold Given Professor Heaton, M. A., M. Corn„ certain size college and university Many Seniors by the college high school on Wed- D. Litt., was educated at University campuses, and on a campus this size Blue Key Trophy nesday, May 25 at 8:00 p. m. in the of Leeds, London, and Birmingham. Greek organizations should not ex- Already Placed Little Country' theater. The pro- He • at one time taught history and ceed 35 girls. A. G. Arvold, founder of the Little gram will be as follows: Music, The economics at the University of Tes- Another recommendation to be Country theater and head of the Many seniors of this year's gradu- Yellow and the Green; Invocation mania and Adelaide, Australia. In followed is the matter of summer public discussion department, on by Dr. Airheart; Address by' C. E. 1926, as head of the department of correspondence, whereby sororities ating class have been placed in jobs, Thursday evening at a banquet in Parr, pastor of the Plymouth Con- economics and political science, he may correspond with girls out of according to reports made by deans Ceres hall was awarded the Doctor gregational Church; selected music. came to Queen's University, King- Fargo and Moorhead. The purpose of the various departments on the of Service Award by Blue Key, cam- Graduates will be introduced by P. ston, Ontario. He has been at is it only for rushing, but bringing the pus service organization. The pres- campus. J. Iverson and diplomas will be University of Minnesota in the ca- sororities in the right light and se- entation was made by James Bac- Graduates in the school of edu- presented by President Shepperd. pacity of Professor of economic his- curing more students for the col- cus, president of Blue Key. cation who have positions for the Class night exercises will be held tory since 1927. Two of his book lege. The award is presented annually next year are John Jenkins, who Tuesday evening at 8:00 in the LCT were recently. published The party schedules have been to some member of the faculty in will teach at Oberon; Kenneth beginnig with an address by the James Davies, although born in somewhat changed and have been recognition of outstanding service to Pringle, at Harvey; and Beverly Hill class president, Herbert Stenberg. England, came to America for his incorporated into the regular rush- the school. Mr. Arvold has gained at Portland. Vardi Thorwardson has The class history will be read by education at the Boston University ing pamphlet which will be pub- world-wide fame as founder of the left for a job with the Nash-Finch Robert Ostlund and the class proph- were he took his Ph. B. and M. A. lished before school is closed. Little Country theater. Many fam- company at, New Rockford. ecy by Emily' Meyer, and Evelyn degrees. His Ph. D. was acquired The Panhellenic council is corn- ous names on the register in the Engineers who will leave for jobs Beaton. The class will, will be at Leipzig, Germany. During his posed of two girls from each soror- tower of the theater pay tribute to soon, include Harold McCannel and given by Evelyn Ellingson and Vio- career he has done extensive lecture ity plus their one alumni advisor, Mr. Arvold's genius. Through his Sidney Shannon, General Electric la Holmen, and the class poem by work both here and in Leipzig. delegate and Dean Pearl Dinan. This influence, NDSC students have wit- company; Hubert Smith, Detroit Francis Rust. Frank Stowell has council, with the aid of a rushing Baccalaureate nessed exceptional presentations on Steel company; George Friese, Wil- composed the class song. committee composed of the different Professor Heaton has chosen "New the annual lyceum course. Mr. Ar- son Neperud, Gus Gerlitz, Kenneth Those graduating are Benedict sororities' next year's rushing cap- Frontiers for America" for his Bac- vold, with his co-workers, sponsors Brandby, and Ralph Rauch, the Aiken, Evelyn Beaton, Emma Burk, tains, have drawn up the new rush- calaureate address to be delivered Babcock and Wilcox company in Evelyn ,- Edwin Gruneich, ing regulations which are to be put such organizations and activities as May 31 in Festival Hall at 4 o'clock. the Lincoln Debate club, the Edwin Ohio; Robert Pierce, American Viola Halmen, Joe Leyden, Emily into effect this summer and next The remainder of the program will Booth Dramatic club, the lilac fes- Blower company; Albert Kramer, Meyer, Wilfred Moore, Robert Ost- fall. consist of selected musical num- tival, numerous plays, pageants and Deep Rock Oil company; Edward lund, Frances Rust, John Schultz, bers. other productions. Herda, Chicago Transformer Works; Jeanne Scott, Ralph Shamp, Her- Commencement All-College Day This marks the seventh year that (Continued on Page Six) bert Stenberg, and Frank Stowell. Following the traditional proces- Blue Key has honored a faculty sional from "Old Main" to Festival Is Well Received member for outstanding service to Hall at 10:00 o'clock, Commence- the campus. Previous recipients of Complete Spectrum Duties Today ment exercises will begin with Displaying well planned manage- the award are Dr. Putnam, Dean (Continued on Page Six) ment, the 1936 all-college day pro- Bolley, Dr. Churchill, Dr. C. I. Nel- gram last Tuesday moved at a rapid, son, Dean Walster, and Dr. 'Wal- ROTC Unit Holds entertaining pace. Every item on dron. the program from the variety pro- Annual Inspection gram in Festival hall to the all- THREE INITIATED INTO college dance in the field house in • LINCOLN DEBATE CLUB ROTC students assembled this the evening was attended by an en- morning at 8:00 for the annual thusiastic audience. Neil McCabe, Arwin Hoge, and spring inspection. Colonel R. H. The hits of the stage program were Tom Donovan were initiated into McMaster and Major Rhodes Arnold Don Putnam and Virginia Smith, the Lincoln Debate club Monday were in charge. comedy duo, and the two Roosevelt afternoon. The program was as follows: 8:00, junior high jugglers. Also appear- assembly; 8:30, review and inspec- ing were the Kappa Kappa Psi band The club met for a luncheon in tion; 9:30, close order drill by squads in a comedy skit, the senior trio, the the Lincoln Log cabin. Initiation platoons and companies, extended New Rockford tro, pianist Ed Brek- was held in Thor's Chamber of the order drill platoon and calisthenics ke, the Sigma Alpha Epsilon quar- Log Cabin after the luncheon. platoon; and 11:00, tactical exercises tet, and Fern O'Daniels in a tap New officers are to be elected this afternoon. Retiring officers are by full strength company. dance. Last Wednesday' sophomore sec- Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity Frieda Panimon, president; Cathryn tion, and freshman six were given won the inter-fraternity sing con- Ray, secretary-treasurer; and Rob- theoretical examination. Freshman test sponsored by Alpha Phi Omega ert Hagen, vice-president. section five, and sophomore four, for the second successive year. were given practical examinations Other groups competing were Alpha Colgate university is sponsoring a Thursday. Juniors and seniors Tau Omega, Theta Chi, and Sigma contest to find the best student after- received practical and theoretical Chi fraternities. dinner speaker. EDITOR SPALDING BUS. MGR. WALTERS examinations Thursday afternoon. The CRYSTAL Dance Tomorrow Night The AVALON Glen Dahl and his Orchestra Fargo's Better Ballrooms Lem Hawkins and His Hillbillies THE SPECTRUM TWO DELTA PSI KAPPA ELECTS SPECTRUM Theatre Reviews JORDRE FOR SECOND TERM BISON BRIEFS I Emma Jordre was re-elected pre- Official publication of the students of the North Dakota sident of Delta Psi Kappa, honorary Stat• college published every Friday during the school year. "Wife Versus Secretary" with physical education sorority' last By BOB WILLIAMS Myrna Loy, Jean Harlow, and Clark week-end at Lake Trowbridge. Y 93 5 Member 1936 Gable will be on the screen of the The Progressive party's Senior Ball and the Not- Other elections to offices were: Fargo theatre tomorrow through chaplain, Ethel Olson; secretary, Associated Collegiate Press so-puce's Junior Ball both ended up in the red—and Tuesday. exhibits her Distributor of Olive Murchie; treasurer, Grace I'm going to get even with that guy that bumped into own particular brand of talent in Gruttle; and soil reporter, Mary Fay the movie "Klondike Annie" show- Colle€5iate West, me last Friday night—there was absolutely no excuse Wenger. MEMBER NORTH CENTRAL PRESS ASSOCIATION for it—any time the ATO's and Gamma Rho's and at the same theatre next Wed- Mary Fay Wenger, Grace Gruttle, nesday, Thursday, and Friday. Vic- Entered as second class matter at the State College Sta- Theta Chi's can't put six couples each on the floor and Olive Murchie were in charge tion under the Act of 8, 1879. without overcrowding the field house there is some- tor McLaglen has the male lead. of a steak fry at Oak Grove this and Robert TELEPHONE 2221 thing wrong—the whole trouble is that fraternities on morning at 9:00. TELEPHONE 2221 Young act in "Red Salute" at the this campus look upon each other with the same greed EDITORIAL STAFF State theatre today and tomorrow. John B. Spalding ______Editor -in-Chief and selfishness that two babies would show over a Eleanor Powell, Robert Taylor, and "All on a Summer's Day," by Orville Goplen____ Associate Editor single sucker—the Progressives didn't attend the Jun- Robert Williams Associate Editor June Knight have the leads in Florence Ryerson, will be presented Walter McGrath Sports Editor ior Ball because they didn't want to give anyone the "Broadway Melody of 1936" coming by the Senior class in the Little Don Buchanan, John Raymond Sports Writers Kent Helland_. _Desk Editor satisfaction of gaining their support—the same thing Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday. Kent Country theater Friday evening, Lennea Frisk __Desk Editor became about play at the senior—as a result, both Taylor and Wendy Barrie head the May 29. Marjorie Laliberte Desk Editor Marjorie Arnold_ Society Editor classes fell in the red—my suggestion would he that cast of "College Scandal" next Wed- __Feature Editor Bob Taylor the Junior and Senior Balls be held concurrently with nesday' and Thursday. All freshman, sophomore and REPORTORIAL STAFF Boris Karloff is starred in the junior girls desiring to become Pfeffer, Torn Donovan, Leslie a senior as manager and a junior as assistant—the Roberta Gregg, Eloise thriller "The Walking Dead" show- "big sisters" during orientation Gruber, Joseph Wright, Jane Chaney, Phyllis Rowe, student body has acted as catalyst to too many' ex- Vinnie Olson, FIersohel Hutsinpiller, Jo Connelly, Florenz ing at the Grand theatre Sunday week next fall should sign im- periments of the Junior class—this idea of getting a Dinwoodie, John Lynch, Alfred Murfin. and Monday. He is assisted by mediately with Vinnie Olson. BUSINESS STAFF 200 dollar orchestra for the Junior prom and then Ricardo Cortez and Marguerite —Ethel Olson, President Francis Walters __Business Manager charging the senior class with the deficit is putrid—if Churchill Warren William and YWCA this plan would not work I would suggest that the June Travis appear in "Times .....■•■•■■•••■ managers be held responsible—Frame meetings are Square Playboy" the next two days. held to elect a candidate for prom manager—only one "The Sky Parade" with Jimmie Al- FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE Perennial Mr. Lum Blossoms man is elected—the candidate is supported at the class len, , Katherine De-. CUT THIS OUT! Again meeting by the leader's fraternity, the fraternity that Mille, and Kent Taylor is scheduled for next Thursday, Friday, and Sat- No more certain sign that spring is finally has a promise of second in line, and the sorority that Movie Calendar is promised first in line, and a few barbs who attend urday. WEEK 'STARTING MAY 24 here could be found than the fact that that "Diamond Jim" with Edward Ar- just because they like to follow politics. publishing perennial, Mr. Lum of Wahpeton, • « • • nold, Jean Arthur, and Binnie has blossomed forth again with his annual Barnes is showing at the Roxy thea- message that this college as well as the uni- Bud Tompkins is passing nickels in an effort tre Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday. F ARGO Theatre versity, Minnesota and Ames are "hotbeds to find a metal nameplate dated 1883 which he "Jalna" with Kay Johnson and Ian SAT., SUN., MON., TUES., of communism." is alleged to have swiped from the wreckage of Hunter wll snow Wednesday and MAY 23-24-25-26 Wrapped in a sanctified cloak of patriot- the Front Street bridge. The rap is that some Thursday. Clark Gable ism, Mr. Lum has issued practically the same civic organization of Fargo has dubs on the Jean Harlow, Myrna Loy plate for a souvenir. In the meantime someone in "Wife vs. Secretary" statement he made last year except that this Dean Slocum of the Civil Engi- • • • has swiped the plate from Tompkins and his neering Department has obtained year he has changed the position of the verb. WED., THURS., FRI., efforts to give it back to the city have become several pieces of the old Front Street Perhaps he meant well when he issued his May 27-28-29 futile. The engineers had the token for a day bridge for exhibit. This bridge is statement yet it is as untrue this year as it MAE WEST and we wonder if it isn't hidden some place typical of steel construction of fifty was last year. The word communism has in "Klondike Annie" years ago. taken an awful beating the last few years until the city gives up its search. In the mean- with Victor McLaglen from such men as Mr. Lum. There was a time Tompkins will remain a recluse and the time when the word designated something architecture department will chuckle. definite, but now it is applied to any move- • • • • ment which dares depart from the conserva- Speaking of Who's Who and great names brings G RAN D Theatre tive and become liberal. We doubt if Mr. to my attention a list of seniors as they appear in the SUN., MON., MAY 24-25 Lum could give a satisfactory definition of commencement folder. Such names as Roman Hubert Boris Karloff communism without first looking in the dic- Pung, the Calio prize-fighter—and Fargo's contribu- in "The Walking Dead" tion, Morton Frede Wilsbech Larson, sports writer, with Marguerite Churchill tionary. • • • The administration has denied the truth and Gamma Tau Siger—and Benjamin Walter Dun- of Mr. Lum's charges, but it might have gone kelberger, jr.—what's in a name—and that class motto TUES., WED, MAY 26-27 —ONWARD AND UPWARD—that is about as old as Warren William, June Travis a step further and taken pains to shut up in "Times Square Playboy" Mr. Lum for good; the denial of the charges education itself—perhaps whoever chose that motto • • might easily have been more emphatic with- had the same one upon graduation from high school THURS., FRI., SAT., out doing any damage. By saying that the and didn't see any use of hitching his wagon to a No Need to CRIB MAY 28-29-30 situation here is not "as bad as at such insti- different star after all these years. Jimmy Allen tutions as the Universities of Minnesota and • a when you take this in "The Sky Parade" Wisconsin" is merely passing the buck. If Because Joe Wright spoke of my column as a with Katherine DeMille the citizens of this state are going to con- degenerate scandal sheet comparable to Whiz tinue sending their children to this college Bang, I'll have to show him that I can write it is up to the administration, faculty, stu- silly poetry, too. It really isn't so hard—all you STATE Theatre dents and alumni to discredit such baseless have to do is get in a subconscious mood such as ___ SUN., MON., TUES., charges as Mr. Lum's and to bring enough is characteristic of Joe twenty-three hours of MAY 24-25-26 pressure to bear upon him that he will no I the day. Eleanor Powell, Robt. Taylor longer issue his annual report. A mere de- Hickory dickory dock ON SUMMER TIM VEL in "Broadway Melody" nial of the charges is not enough. Of course Two mice ran up the clock • • • • Mr. Lum might admit that he is in error The clock struck one WED., THURS., MAY 27-28 . What method of transpor- about this college, but no doubt he loves too And the other one got away Q Arlene Judge, Kent Taylor well his little custom of accusing us of being Hickory dickory dock. tation is the most educational? in "College Scandal" communistic to forsake this annual pleasur- C * * • able pastime. It is time that the adminis- And now in one of those sentimental moods char- Q. What is America's biggest FRI, SAT., MAY 29-30 tration, students, faculty and alumni did acteristic of Joe the other hour of the day—usually transportation system? Name its Joan Blondell, Glenda Farrell in "Miss Pacific Fleet" something about such reports and the sooner before breakfast with Joe. boundaries. with Hugh Herbert and the more emphatically the better. The roses kiss the tree tops • • * . What is the best way home The tree tops kiss the grass Q SATURDAY MORNING All-College Response Indicates The little birds kiss everything from school? May 30 at 10 O'clock And you my' friend Joe. (On Our Stage) Interest in Event a • * * Q. If your allowance is nearly "Uncle Ken's Kiddies Klub" exhausted and it's out of the One of the most successful all-college The official program of the commencement (On Our Screen) exercises is interesting, too. Friday, the senior question to wire for more, or if JOE E. BROWN days in the history of the school has just in "Six Day' Bike Rider" been held. The efficient way in which the class will exercise and play at 8:15, it doesn't say you have better ways of spend- events were handled and the smooth manner where but most likely won't be around here.— ing money than on transporta- in which the entire program was conducted At 9:30, Sunday, there will be a reception for tion, how would you travel? and the response on the part of students and friends of the graduates—this will not likely MOORHEAD Theatre take long—and Monday, the Little Country the- faculty is ample proof that such a program to ater will unveil another window—probably the To be sure of an -.4"—and SUN., MON., MAY 24-25 has a definite part in the school program. become traoel-wise—see the "THE CRUSADES" attic window where the pigeons enter—that In view of the response accorded all- answers on the opposite page. All Star Cast college day it has the possibilities of becom- must be the only one left—Friday, during class • • « exercises, Paul Boleyn, senior pruesident of the ing a much more comprehensive and inclu- Bus Depot, 506 N. P. Ave., Fargo TUES., WED., MAY 26-27 sive occasion with a definite day -being set junior class, will take the hatchet from Cliff WALTER C. KELLY Altermatt—at last it is going to happen—but at in "The Virginia Judge" aside for it. To the student commission, the a YMCA, the YWCA, Blue Key, Alpha Phi ten they will have the pipe of peace ceremony. After the Yellow and the Green is played let us THURSDAY, MAY 28 Omega, Kappa Kappa Psi, Women's Senate, Patricia Ellis, Warren Hull and Senior Staff goes the credit for cooper- all pray for the seniors before the senior trio sings—hope somebody will pray for the rest of in "Freshman Love" ating in putting on an all-college day which a a a us, too—there is a chance for somebody to pick Viking Cafe was entertaining and packed with action up a few pennies changing tassels from the right FRI., SAT., MAY 29-30 from start to finish. May next year find an Pat O'Brien, Jane Froman to the left side of the caps for the seniors. even bigger and better all-college day. in "Stars Over Broadway"


ATTENTION SENIORS NDSC MUSIC STUDENTS Helen Pease Will Six Campus Groups There will be a very important TO GIVE PROGRAM SUNDAY meeting of the Senior Class, Gives Song Recital End Social Program Monday, May 25, at 12:45 in the Mrs. W. P. Tarbell, piano instruc- Little Country Theater. All tor, and Miss Adda M. Blakeslee, Helen Pease, soprano, daughter of The social program of the year seniors are urged to attend. voice instructor, will present a group Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Pease, Hills- will be concluded this week-end —Clifford M. Altermatt, of their pupils at a musical tea to- boro, will be presented by the music with six groups entertaining. Alpha President. day at 4 p. m. in Miss Beard's studio department of Miss Adda M. Blakes- Gamma Delta and Kappa Delta sor- in Festival hall. lee in a graduate song recital in orities and the Cosmopolitan club Of Miss Blakeslee's pupils, Jennie Festival hall at 4 p. m. Sunday, May have chosen Friday night, and Kap- SOCIAL CALENDAR Barton, Rosemary' Lee, Helen Pease, 24. She will be assisted by Marie pa Gamma, Kappa Sigma Chi, and LaVahn Buhrman, and Marjorie Friday, May 22: Amidon, Wheaton, Minnesota. Kappa Epsilon, Saturday. Arnold, will present vocal numbers. Alpha Gamma Delta and Kap- Miss Pease, accompanied by Mrs. A Grecian theme will be featured Eleanor Isaacs, Ruth 'Cooley, Mona pa Delta party, 9:00, Waldorf Oscar Moen, will open her recital when Kappa Delta and Alpha Gam- Davis, Carol Lunde, Donna Jean hotel. with a group of three selections ma Delta hold their spring formal Davis, and June Lowe will give "Caro Mio Ben" by , "Voi in the Waldorf hotel from 9 to 12 Cosmopolitan Club picnic, 5:00, piano selections. Che Sapete" (Marriage of Figaro) p. m. Friday. Grethe Jones and Tourist park—informal gath- by , and "Cherry Ripe" by Eleanor Oman are in general charge. ering at YMCA after the pic- Sigma CM—The Horn. Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Dwight, Dr. and nic. Sigma CM Moth- ers club gave a father-son banquet Mrs. C. S. Putnam, Mr. and Mrs. Saturday, May 23: Marie Amidon, piano student of at the_fraternity house last night. , Miss Marguerite Beard, will present Rudolf Otterson, and Miss Delaphine Kappa Kappa Gamma party, two piano solos, "Claire de Lune" by Rosa will chaperon. Jimmie Baccus 9:00, Island Park Recreation , and "Valse C Sharp Min- and his orchestra will furnish the rooms. or" by . HELEN PEASE music. Kappa Sigma Chi party, 9:00, YMCA. The balance of the program will The Cosmopolitan club will hold Elanor Oman and Grethe Jones are a picnic in the tourist park at 5:30 Kappa Epsilon party, 8:30, consist of two numbers by Pucinni, Gardner hotel. Day" (Madame Butter- in charge. p.`m. Friday, followed by' an infor- "One Fine Alpha Gamma Rho, 8:30, Fes- fly), and "Vissi D'Arte" (La Tosca); * * mal evening in the "Y". Mrs. Psyche Gooden and Mrs. N. C. Gil- tival hall. "0 Lively Night" by Ronald, "The Kappa Delta—Initiation was held Sunday, May 24: Lass with the Delicate Air" by Arne, for Jean Leake Sunday morning at bert will chaperon. Dorothy Moen is in general charge. Lutheran Student's Association "The Wind's in the South Today" eight o'clock followed by a break- meeting, 4:00, YMCA. by Scott, Scene and Aria (Der Frei- fast in the chapter rooms . . . Grace Kappa Kappa Gamma has chosen Look for the Sign of the Elf Tuesday, May 26: schutz) "How Could I Fain Have South, alumna who is teaching in the Island Park Recreation room Final Examinations Wandered" by von Weber, and Sharon, North Dakota, was a visitor for its annual spring formal to be begin. Saturday, May 30: xforb Club "Lullaby" (Jocelyn) by Godard over the week-end. held tomorrow evening from 9 to 12 Decoration day. East end of the South Bridge with violin obligato by Mrs. Mar- * * p. m. A summer theme will be car- MOORHEAD jorie Larson Reinhart, will conclude ried out under the general direction Monday, June 1: Kappa Sigma Chi—Guests over Commencement. Phone 48 Lots of Parking the recital. the week-end included: Elmer Lis- of Harriet Berg. Sergeant and Mrs. ED. LODGARD, Mgr. The following ushers will assist at cheski, former student; Chet Walla; L. L. Detroit and Mr. and Mrs. Paul the recital: Wanda Peterson, Lar- Gale Monson, former student and E. Zerby will be chaperons. The raine Engel, Betty Kretzshmar, and editor of The Spectrum; and Lyness Crystal Ballroom Orchestra will Mr. Fitch of the Civil Engineering Pease, and Jennie Barton, pupil of Iloyd. play. Department has received an ap- Ruth Piper, sorority sisters of Miss • • * Edward Pfau is in general charge pointment to work during the sum- Miss Blakeslee's. Theta Chi—Actives and pledges of the Kappa Sigma Chi informal mer as a research assistant in high- Helen Pease, a Kappa Delta, is a had a dancing party' at the house dancing party to be held in the way engineering at Iowa State col- senior in education and a member last Wednesday . . . Ed Brekke, Al College "Y" from 9 to 12 p. m. Sat- lege. of the Glee Club. Murfin, and Bob Will spent the urday. Decorations will feature fra- ternity colors, purple and gold. Mr. weekend fishing at Lake Cormorant. Phi Omega Pi — Dorothy Olson * * * and Mrs. Richard Warner and Dr. Phi Mu—The Mother's club and spent the week-end at her home alumnae are sponsoring a picnic for Gamma Phi Beta—Mercedes Mor- and Mrs. F. L. Brinley' will chaperon. the active and pledge chapters in ris and Irene Martin were guests of Guests will be Dr. and Mrs. Ded- in Jamestown . . . The Pop Pie the Tourist park Monday . . . Mary Alpha Beta chapter at Grand Forks rick, Mr. Chris Jensen, and Mr. and Lawn party will be held at the May Hall is in charge of the senior last weekend. Mrs. Donald Hay. house next Friday from 4:00-6:00 breakfast Sunday at 9:30 at the * The Powers hotel has been chosen under the supervision of Margaretta by' Kappa Epsilon for its spring Bjornson and Kathryn McEnroe. Here are the Waldrof Hotel. ____Sigma Alpha Epsilon—Joint pic- • • • formal from 8:30 to 11:30 p. m. Sat- A breakfast honoring graduating nics were held on Monday and Wed- urday. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Red- Alpha Tau Omega—Cy Lorsbor- nesday with Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority sisters will be held at the answers to the ough, '32, former N. D. S. C. foot- man and Dean and Mrs. W. F. Sud- house Sunday at 9 a. m. Miss Lorna and Gamma Phi Beta sororities, re- ro will be chaperons. ball star, Nebraska; and Vaun Mor- spectively . . . Clark Jenkins of Mitchell is in charge. ris, alum from Beach, have been Erie was initiated on Sunday . . . guests at the house. Warner Litten was given the • • • Adolph Pahl Award, honor con- Sigma Phi Delta—Initiation will ferred upon a Senior who most ful- be held Sunday' for Robert Crust ly represents his class and fratern- Fairmont's Better Food UlZ and Clarence Putnam. Howard ity . .. A banquet was held at the Bucholtz is in charge . . . Glenn house on Sunday in honor of the PRODUCTS ON SUMMER TRAVEL Schoessow of Boulder City, Nevada, graduating Seniors. . . . ALWAYS THE STUDENT'S CHOICE . • Head of the Research Dept. of Bab- • Q. What method of tsanspostation is the most cock and Wilcox Co. at the dam, Milk, Cream, Butter, Ice Cream, Poultry, Eggs, Frozen Fruit, educational? was a dinner guest Monday' . . . Cottage Cheese, Frozen Sea Fish, American Brick F ARGO CLI N I C and Pimento Cheese A. Greyhound Lines, because they Harold Naegeli and Albert Rum- Adjoining St. Luke's Hospital travel the highways and directly reach We particularly cater to School Parties and Socials for Punches, mele of Sioux City, Iowa, and Jack PHONE 4600 PHONE the spots of scenic and historic interest, Dingle and Ed Comm of Bismarck CALL US FOR INFORMATION — PHONE 730 reach more national parks and vaca- DR. OLAF SAND were guests over the week-end and tionlands, use the Main Streets of Diseases of Women, Diseases of Stomach Frappes and Orangeade Inclusive—Free Delivery Service attended the spring formal. DR. N. TRONNES towns, and serve 12,000 towns that • • • have no other means of transportation. General Surgery ■11====' Alpha Gamma Delta—Esther Wat- DR. 0. J. HAGEN is America's biggest transportation General and Thyroid Surgery Q. what was honored at a handkerchief SWIM& Neal* its boandaries. shower at chapter meeting Monday DR. WM. F. BAILLIE night . . . The out-of-town actives Genito Urinary Surgery and Skin Diseases A. Greyhound. I to boundaries are DR. WM. C. NICHOLS coast to coast. border to border, and were the guests of Delaphine Rosa Diseases of the Heart and Internal Medicine at a picnic breakfast Sunday morn- Seniors... it reaches into Canada and Mexico for DR. JOEL C. SWANSON good measure-50,000 travel miles. ing at Oak Grove Park .. The spring Bone and Joint Surgery Wherever you go in America. Grey- formal will be held in the Waldorf DR. WM. A. STAFNE hound will take you. hotel on Friday, May 22, in colla- Diabetes and Internal Medicine DR. GEO. C. FOSTER Congratulations borations with Kappa Delta Sorority. . r wkat the best way home from school? Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Q DR. G. W. HUNTER A. Greyhound, because of its frequent Obstetrics, Pediatrics and Gynecology !on your schedules, convenient down-town ter- oomis & Loomis DR.. RUSSELL A. SAND minals, choice of routes, liberal stop- T Dentistry over privileges, comfortable buses with DBY CLEANEIS DR. T. P. RCYIIINEM wide dear-vision windows on all four For Cleaning Bag Clewing X-Ray Diagnosis and Treatment sides. skilled veteran drivers, and be- D. M. ASHLAND, B. S. GRADUATION those 114 cause of the fun you'll have with con- Director of Pathological Laboratory genial fellow passengers. Ile ith Street S. FARGO, N. D. B. J. LONG, Manager and 807 Broadway FARGO, N. D. Q • If your allowance is nearly exhausted and it's otd of the question to were for more, or if you hero( batter ways of spending money than on trans- THANKS portation. how would you travel? SUMMER TERM .... A. Greyhound—every time! For convlete information see your local The summer term at the Interstate Business College opens Mon- for Your PATRONAGE Greyhound Agent day, June 1st; the summer review term, June 15th. Students who atart a course in June graduate three months ahead of the crowd • • • Bus Depot, 506 N. P. Ave., Fargo who start in the fall. Those who graduate first have the choice of the beat position& Plan your course in business training now. For information phone 1099 or write to the VOSS STUDIO INTERSTATE BUSINESS COLLEGE On First Avenue FARGO, NORTH DAKOTA THE SPECTRUM FOUR ..CONGRATULATIONS.. Congratulations A Good Place to Do Your Banking SENIORS From the DRUG STORE of a 1000 Bargains!! The Fargo National Bank 19 BROADWAY S 52 Broadway Fargo, North Dak. • • •

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FARGO, N. D. One Door North of First National Bank. E Two [2] beautiful 5x7 Enlargement FREE with each roll Films printed. a nd developed all for — 25c Visit our Cosmetic, Drug & Tobacco Departments for We can give you suggestions for GRADUATION GIFT SUGGESTIONS N novel and attractive Programs and Folders. Fur Storage I Place your Fur Coat in our modern vaults where it will be protected from fire, theft, dust and moths until you need it next fall. Repairing, cleaning and restyling done at low sum- mer rates. PHONE 370 0 GRADUATION.... Our Messenger Will Call Is Nothing Short of Thrilling in these 113 Fargo, Lovely Bdwy, DENIS FURS N. D. R


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1111■11. 3 JOIN THE CROWD AT NC, LAMS aft di/YE READY W. H. Diemert Cafe 58 BROADWAY South Bridge, Moorhead 6 Make EDWARDS your Headquarters for Shoes TIE SPECTICEI'M FIVE PECTRUM PORT BISON THIRD IN STATE INTERCOLLEGIATE S PECULATIONS By WALT McGRATH Westgate Sets Senior Officers Gamma Rho, Seven Trackmen With track season practically over, spring football gone, baseball and Get Appointments Leave For Loop kittenball turned into the hands of Javelin Record Delta Tau Win Five graduating cadet officers, the faculty and seniors, and a new Track Contests sports editor at the University we Jamestown Garners 44 Points Newel Beckwith, Robert Stegner, Baseball Games find very little to gripe about and as To Annex Title—Sioux Victor Nordlund, Walter McGrath, The annual conference track meet 111111■•■ a result this column is becoming Second With 33 and Sidney Shannon have received held at Brookings, South Dakota Opening games in the intramural damn tough to pound out. So to appointments for two weeks active gets under way this week-end when ease our word-weary minds, we'll Jamestown College, with a track baseball league have been played duty as second lieutenants in com- the seven members of the North begin by going back into the past team that was well balanced as it was with the Gamma Rhos trouncing the Central conference attempt to es- pletion of their ROTC training. for a little prep school stuff. efficient, completely took over the Kappa Psis, 6 to 0, and the Delta tablish their supremacy in the track state intercollegiate track meet at Twenty-seven seniors will receive * * * Tau Epsilon club whipping the Sig- and field events. Grand Forks last week and walked their commissions as second lieute- Seven scantily lads from North Lloyd Murphy still seems to have ma Phi Delts, 11 to 7. off with the state title by garner- nants in the infantry reserve on Dakota State will trek to Brook- the Indian sign on Harry Arneson There are seven teams entered in ing 44 points. The University' of ings where after their showing at when it comes to vaulting over the June 1. They are: William Akeley, North Dakota ended up in second this competition and an elimination the state intercollegiate meet at high bar. Murphy was a constant Newell Beckwith, Paul Boleyn, place with a total of 33 points while tournament will be run off. By Grand Forks last week they' will be thorn in the neck to Arneson as a North Dakota State and Mayvlle Paul Carah, Laurence Chloupek, greatly feared by the other teams high school athlete, trouncing Harry virtue of their win over the Sigma Teachers tied for third position with Arthur Christensen, i3jarne Dahl, especially in the weight events. Dietz by a mere inch or so every time nineteen points apiece Phi Deltas, the Delta Taus will meet Lynn Fredrickson, Gustav Berlitz, the Kappa Sigma Chis, who drew a pushed the shot put out some 45 they met throughout three years Sam Westgate of the Bison squad Robert Hagen, John Hanson, Berely bye in the first round, to decide odd feet last week to take the lead of high school competition. Arne- smashed the only record of the meet in who will enter the finals. In the the intercollegiate meet and as son had made better marks in meets when he tossed the javelin 190 feet Hill, John Jenkins, Vern Johnson, other half the Gamma Rhos will a result is given a good chance of where Murphy had not competed 8 inches, the previous mark being Charles Warner Litten, Mar- compete against the victor of the copping this event in the conference that his contestant, but when it 183 feet 3 1/2 inches. This feat was tin, Harold McCannel, Walter Mc- Dormitory-Theta Chi match for the contests. Reiners copped first place came to an out and out face-to-face all the more remarkable because Grath, Ed Nemetz, Wilson Neperud, right to advance to the finals. The in the discus throw and Westgate battle Murphy always seemed to be there was a high wind and the con- Victor Nordlund, Sidney Shannon, finals in this tourney will be Tues- set a new mark in the javelin throw able to get that extra inch or so to testants were forced to heave di- Hubert Smith, John Spalding, Ro- day afternoon. with a heave of some 190 feet. beat him out for first place. Now rectly into this. bert Stegner, Robert Steffen, and college careers are over and Mur- Edward Ballard. In the kittenball tourney, Art Emil May is all set to enter the The other schools entered in the phy is still on top. Each year there is a six weeks Skurdahl of the Gamam Rho team 100 and 220 yard dashes, Bill Olson meet ended up in the fallowing po- * * * period of camp training for juniors was ruled eligible after a complaint has been working on the discus and sitions: Dickinson, 13; Minot, 11; taking advanced ROTC training. was made as to his right to compete the 440 yard dash while Newman Did you ever know that our Bob Wahpeton Science, 9; Valley City, Those who attend this camp to be in the tourney. At a meeting of the shows continuous improvement in Lowe was one of the greatest grid- 4; and Ellendale, 2. held at Ft. Snelling, Minn., must representatives of the various teams his favorite, the 440, and may also ders ever to perform at the Uni- The only other mark that was report to the commanding officer it was decided that Skurdahl was be able to pick up some odd points versity of North Dakota? A couple close to being broken was Joe there on June 7. Captain Taglia- an eligible man and therefore the in the broad jump. Arneson is still of years ago a poll ampng the old- Blakeslee's heighth of 12 feet 21/2 bue is in charge of all NDSC stu- Gamma Rhos will meet the Theta in the running in the pole vault al- timers was taken to choose an all inches which he set in 1930. Lloyd dents attending camp. Chis for the title. This contest will though he did not enter this event time team of University greats and Murphy of the University Sioux, a be staged Monday p. m. in the intercollegiate meet. If he when the smoke of battle cleared The juniors who will attend this is able to pick up the standards he Bismarck lad who carved quite a camp are as follows: Hugh Anstett, Bob Saunders has been in charge there was Bob calmly holding down reputation for himself during his set up last season there is a fine Harry Anderson, Arthur Becker, of both the baseball and the kitten- a halfback post—and by a goodly prep school days, came within half ball tourneys. chance that the Bison will be able margin too. Lowe also was noted Donald Bettschen, William Breiten- to parner points in this event. an inch of bettering Blakeslee's , Donald Buchanan, Benjamin in northwest circles as quite a ball mark. player in his heyday', being an out- Cave, John Cook, Edgar Corneliu- High point honors were divided Nichols, Chester Olson, Walter Ol- standing twirler for professional and son, Walter Crane, Raymond Fitjar, between Fait of the University and son, Francis Osborne,, Dan Peterson, semi-pro clubs in these parts. May- William Gallagher, Robert Gwyther, Eck of Jamestown each man win- Ward Redmond, August Reep, Jack- be it was lucky for the Senior Donald Hill, Philip Hodgson, Donald ning two events and taking second son Riedesel, Arnold Rustad, Frank satellites that Coach Lowe didn't Howland, George Knauer, Robert place in one other for a -total of 13 Sorenson, Wayne Springer, Earl come out there and begin ramming Larson, Eldred- Lee, Edward Meath, points. Fait won both the dash Vollrath, Francis Walters, Donald fast balls down the throats of the Marvin Moll, Morgan, May- events and pounded out a second Ward, Anthony Walker, Frederick members of the graduating class. nard Nesvig, Beryl Newman, Frank • place in the low hurdles while Eck Seeba, and Robert Erickson. • But then tennis player Leslie seem- took both the hurdle events and ed to have pretty fair control of the garnered a second in the broad situation himself. * * * jump Let Your Baggage Weather conditions throughout :77:777!zmw:tzm Speaking of all conference ath- the meet were adverse and men letes, North Dakota State had their who might otherwise have set re- share of them last football season. cords were forced to be content Of the nine men left by graduation with lower znarks than have been Go Home from the championship grid team their standard. The result of the of last year, seven of them were relay came as rather a surprise mentioned for all-loop honors by with Wahpeton Science winning by the some one or other of the many and easily after leading the field the sundry elevens chosen. When you entire distance. look over the roster of the 1936 gridders just notice how many of Prof. R. W. Wood of John's Hop- the prospects are going to be mere kins has made a "specroscope" rul- LAUNDRY sophomores. They may not set the ed with 30,000 individual lines to league afire this fall but here's lay- the inch. ing a dirty shirt against a rusty jaclmife that by the time these ROUTE year's sophomores are seniors there will be another title eleven at North For . . . Dakota State. SPALDING'S Arrange to ship it off this June by your old friend A tree-ring calendar covering . Tennis Rackets Railway Express and when Commencement Day eighteen centuries has been discov- dawns, be fancy free to board the train for home. ered in Northern Arizona. . Golf Clubs Anything — trunks, bags, books, golf clubs, cups, U: S. Pat. Off. . Tennis and Golf Balls even your diploma— Railway Express will pick them all up on your phone call, forward them at passen- SEE . . . ger train speed, deliver them safe and sound at your home. And it's economical. Railway Express rates are low, and you pay nothing at all for pick- ILLUZTRATOR, D Eft G N E up and delivery service. There are no draymen's ENGRAVER..' LITHO PLATE MAKER/ HARDWARE ^= SPORTING GOODS demands, no tips, no standing in line, and sure- FARG 0 NO. OAK. 67 Broadway Phone 757 ness is made doubly sure by Railway Express's double receipts, with $50.00 liability included on every piece you ship. Besides, you have the choice LOOK FOR LABEL of forwarding your things either prepaid or collect, Smartest CASH in your texts and references and they'll be home as soon as you are. No other SUMMER way of shipping gives you this kind of service, SHADES BOOKS are worth money as you probably know, and to get it you have and • only to phone the nearest Railway Express office. Moonbeam White Old or Late - Used or New. Railway Express Agency, Inc., N. P. Depot, 701 Front St. Phone 103, Depot Office: G. N. Depot. Phone 1.05. Fargo, N. D. BUYER AT Broad ay A. C. BOOK STORE RAILWAY EXPRES S Tailoring Co. 8 A. M. - 5 P. M. AGENCY INC. FRIDAY MAY 29 - NATION-WIDE RAIL-AIR SERVICE Never Needs Laundering THE SPECTRUM

Students who will continue their Pringle, Roc elia B. Rud, Earl KNUTE HAUGSJAA ELECTED Many Graduates studies at other colleges are Robert Schranz, Lily Genevieve Simonson, COSMOPOLITAN PRESIDENT 158 Seniors Plan Froling, who received a fellowship Edward Arthur Steinhaus, Floyd at Texas A. and M.; Wm. Johnson, Warren Viel, Arland McLean Weeks. Knute Haugsjaa has been elected Receive Positions Class Exercises scholarship at Wisconsin university; Education president of the Cosmopolitan club Clifford Altermatt, fellowship at Rosemary Allen, Marcelle Ander- (Continued from Page One) for the corning school year, succeed- (Continued from Page One) Virginia Polytechnic Institute; Ellen son, Donald James Bettschen, Elea- partment; Ray Cruden, Works music by the College Concert Or- ing Robert Hagen. Other new offi- Blair, scholarship at University of nor LaVahn Buhrmann, Mona Muse Neville Reiners, State Highway de- chestra at 10:30. James Davies Wisconsin; Ed Steinhaus, fellowship Davis, Benjamin Walter Dunkelber- cers are Abner Jodak, vice-presi- Progress Administration; James will speak on "Then and Now" fol- at University of Iowa; and Harry ger, Jr., Thomas Owen , dent; Dorothy Moen, secretary; O'Laughlin, engineer in Moorhead; lowing Rev. R. A. Beard's opening Arneson, Francis Walters, and Lynn Charles Donald Fraser, John E. Haf- Helen Greenshields, treasurer; and and Walter Norby, county engineer, prayer. Frederickson, who will attend a strom, Evve Cecil Hammer, Edward Minnesota. Architects receiving One hundred and fifty eight seni- Marjorie Hanson, social chairman. medical school. Craig Hankenson, Clara L. Hansen, work are Robert Sundt, Bill Akeley, ors will receive their various de- The Cosmopolitan club will end Beverly H. Hill, Walter P. Jahnke, Ben Cave, and Walter McGrath. grees from President Shepperd fol- its social activities with a picnic to- John M. Jenkins, George Muret Jur- lowing their presentation by the day at 5:30 p. m. Following the pic- Agricultural students with posi- gens, Katherine Kaess, James Nel- Deans from the Divisions of Agri- nic, a dance will be held from 8:30 tions are Roman Pung, teacher at son Kent, Elizabeth Kretzschmar, Want A Cab... culture, Applied Arts and Sciences, to 11:30 in the college YMCA. Mary Wishek; Verne Kasson, teacher at Agnes M. Levorsen, Vivian Elvira Engineering, and Home Economics. Fay Wenger is in charge. Towner; William Purdy, the soil Luther, Millard Elder Mickelson, The unveiling of the Faust stained conservation project; Donald Scott, Lois Millar, Sister St. James Mc- 4 4 4 glass window in The Little Country NDSC experiment station; William Auliffe, Richard McKinnie, Doris Electrical Engineering theater will take place at the close Kluender, forest service at Denbigh, 11M1111111111•1111=a111111.111111111=111111111MIN Marguerite Nelson, Carmen Ostby, of the exercises. James Craig Armstrong, Kenneth N. D.,i; Alvin Johnson, in charge of Helen Amy Pease, Floyd L. Pen- Brandby, William Arthur Erickson, the grass nurseries; and Charles Traditional Exercises field, Gertrude Elizabeth Powers, E. Robert 0. Froling, Gustav Albert Waldron, ranger at Yellowstone Na- Senior class exercises and the Philip Robinson, Norman Sandberg, Gerlitz, Lloyd Orlando Hanson, Ed- tional Park. Model Laundry presentation of the senior class play Arthur Harold Skurdall, Robert W. ward J. Herda, Edwin Carl Schunke. Students from the department of "The Fourth Mrs. Phillips" by Carl It's Phone, 4 Stegner, Martha Hansina Stensholt, Mechanical Engineering arts and sciences who have plans Glick, Friday evening, May 28, at Earl Thomas, Vardi Thorwardson, made are: Floyd Viel, accountant 8::00 o'clock in The Little Country Gordon Joseph Baird, Kenneth Laundry & Dry Cleaning Ellsworth 0. Wilson. at the Northern States Power com- theater, will officially begin the Gordon Boyd, Lloyd Burman, Lloyd Pharmacy pany; Gordon Heggeness, ranger traditional exercises. Lawrence T. Bilden, Anna Roset- Bernard Erickstad, Romen A. Kaess, Albert A. Kramer, Milton Martin, naturalist at Crater Lake National At ten p. m. in the Little Country ta Bruil, A. Ruggles Clay, Oran Ar- "Expert Watch and Jewelry Harold Roderick McCannel, Edward Park; Nita Oleson, Fargo Forum; theater the Pipe of Peace ceremony nold Craychee, Bjarne Dahl, Maur- Ed Kuppich, Broadway Tailoring Reairing" and Alumni Ceremonial will take L. Nemetz, Wilson Fredrick Nepe- ice W. Hylden, Vern E. Johnson, company; Laurence Chloupek, Nor- place with class officers participat- rud, Victor V. Nordlund, Robert Edwin B. Knopp, Haaken Norman them Pacific Railway; William Of- WIMMER'S ing; president, Clifford Altermatt; Mickelson, Robert Burton Reimche, Earl Pierce, Ralph T. Rauch, Neville FARGO JEWELRY MFG. CO. M. Reiners, Arlan Axel Schonberg, tebro, to be employed at the college; vice-president, Vern Johnson; sec- Geo. V. Rumreich, John Julius Sev- and Frieda Panimon, who will take "Walk a Flight and Buy Right" retary, Sidney Shannon; treasurer, enants, Vernon 0. Trygstad. Robert Reynolds Scott, Sidney R. Shannon, Hobart Arthur Slingsby, advanced work in zoology. Bjorne Dahl. DIVISION OF ENGINEERING Hubert Smith, Robert W. Stephan, Those graduating and the various Architectural Engineering Keith Ivan Strinden. degrees to be awarded are: Walter Joseph McGrath MASTER OF SCIENCE Architecture Division of Home Economics AGRICULTURE William Glover Akeley, Ben Cave, Gertrude Backlund, Mary' Elise GRADUATION then Vacation Agricultural Economics Merrill Charles Grady, Robert A. Bibow, Ellen Marguerite Blair, Eliz- abeth Ann Bristol, Jane Bristol, John Waldo Porter. Sundt. How about a PALM BEACH SUIT? APPLIED ARTS AND SCIENCES Chemistry Helen Elinor Engel, Geraldine E. Only - — - - - $16 • 75 Erdahl, Esther Erickson, Winifred Botany Edward Cooper Ballard, Newell Ewald, Ruth Elaine Foote, Helen J. Crinkle Crepe 65 WoasnhlySlacks $1.65 Warren Charles Whitman. Pierce Beckwith, George Horejsi, e1. Galyen, Dorothy Arlene Halland, Education Lawrence John Koller, Norman Shirts — - tP Orphea High, Josephine M. Hoff- Olaf Sever Anderson. Richard Peterson, Donald Curtis man, Esther Evelyn Lindstrom, Genuine Catalina Swim Trunks, Summer Straws ENGINEERING Robbins. Mary Oline Ordahl, Lois Eugenia Chemistry Chemistry and Engineering and Polo Shirts'in !dozen of Patterns and Styles. Presler, Erma D. Romine, Elisabeth Florence Helene Beaudine. Harry' G. Hanson, John K. Oscar- M. Russell, Helen Josephine Tarp- BACHELLOR OF SCIENCE son, Doyon H. Pollock. GET 'EM AT lee, Hope Fton Tweet. Dvision of Agriculture Civil Engineering Clifford Martin Altermatt, Philip Raymond N. 'Cruden, John Anton Graduate in Pharmacy Chalog, Anton Dahl, Ralph Emil Hanson, William F. Kneeland, John Helene Elizabeth Eriksen, Robert Dietrich, Sam Dobervich, Flora Leo McCormick, Jr., Walter A. Nor- Lee Heemstra, Stanley F. Rudolph, • • Kathleen Eliott, Martin Eriksen, by, James Francis O'Laughlin. Kermit Solheim. SHOP' FOR_M EH: Vernon W. Huttemeier, Alvin A. Johnson, William M. Johnson, Verne E. Kasson, William H. Keup, George Styles for the Collegiate H. Krieger, Kenneth M. Meland, THREE MORE FAVORITES Roman Hubert Pung, William Ed- win Purdy, Raymond A. Quinnild, Banana Sensation, Butterscotch Nut and Donald Hyde Scott, John Clayton Before You Buy---Be Fair to Yourself! Spaulding, Ellis Eugene Thompson, Raspberry Sherbet. F. Richard VanHook. See The New CURLEE Spring Suits Applied Arts and Sciences Have been added to the many Refreshing flavors of Harry Rudolph Arneson, Orell Boyum, John Paul Carah, Laurence Ted Evanson Edmund Chloupek, Arthur George 219 BROADWAY Christensen, Mary Elizabeth Cle- mens, Marjorie Jean DePuy, Albert 51i? 13 Louis Elliott, Pearl L. Elofson, Wil- liam Inglis Fish, Lynn 'Charles Fre- Broadway 8th St. So. drickson, Robert P. Hagen, Harold Our Confections Are Gordon Heggeness, Gordon Hendry Wholesome — Fresh — Delicious Heller, Florence Wilson Hunsaker, Dixie Cups and Ice Cream Bars available at Henry Walter Jones, Edward L. Congress Candy Company Kuppich, Morton Frede Wilsbech A. C. Bookstore Larson, Charles Warner Litten, FARGO, NORTH DAKOTA Marvin Rudy Moll, Mavis Lowie McCain, Elizabeth H. Nelson, Willi- am Sidney Oftebro, Nita Pauline Oleson, Frieda Irene Panimon, Clare THE NEW SERIAL Vincent Poseley, Kenneth George CASH Professional Directory "Glamorous Adventure" DR. E. M. WATSON Physician and Surgeon Just starting in third Floor Edwards Bldg. Phone926W & R Paid for Used Books DR. N. J. BARNES, M. D. Medicine, Surgery, Child Diseases 6151/4 Broadway Office and Rea. 1620 THE FARGO FORUM DR. M. V. ASKANASE, Dentist Wednesday, Thursday, Suite 409 — Phone 1304 New Black Bldg. Fargo, N. D. DRS. SHERDAHL'S, Optometrists Friday and Saturday C. A. Sherdahl and C. G. Sherdahl Spring is the best time to repair, 805 Black Bldg. Fargo, N. D. DR. MELVIN 0. LOF THUS remodel, reshingle your home Chiropodist—Foot Specialist • • Merchants Nat'l Bank Bldg. — Phone 1046 We have the best materials FARGO GENERAL HEALTH SERVICE Drugless Methods—Phone 252 Dr. H. H. Werre, D.C. 60% Bdwy. Interior Lumber Company DRS. HENNING & BUR,SACK Phone 838 or 839 A. C. BOOK STORE Non-Med. Optometry & Naturopathy Phone 5485 411-414 Black Bldg. "WE BOOST THE BISON AT ALL TIMES"