THE SPECTRUM VOLUME LL STATE COLLEGE, NORTH DAKOTA, FRIDAY, MAY 22, 1936. NUMBER 33 Quota System T® Edit, Manage Spectrum 158 Seniors To Be Graduated; For Sorority Davies Commencement Speaker Pledging Set Heaton To Be Baccalaureate Brandes Elected Speaker Sunday, May 31, Panhellenic Council Gives In Festival Hall Recommendations for Board President Equal Membership SHEPPERD PRESIDES Gordon Brandes, junior in the PUBLISH RUSHING RULES school of applied arts and sciences, "The Fourth Mrs. Phillips," was elected president of the board Senior Class Play, Opens Two Girls From Each Group of publications at organization Exercises Make Membership of meeting held last Wednesday. He Organization succeeds Frieda Panimon. Other members of the board Delivering the baccalaureate ad- dress for 158 seniors to be gradu- The quota system is to be em- of publications are Donna Jean ated following class exercises ployed among sororities for the first Davis, Margaretta Bjornson, Wayne dur- ing the coming week will be Dr. time on our campus, according to Krogfoss, and Wm. Murphy. Hold- Herbert Heaton, University of Min- new rules formed by the Panhel- over members of the board are nesota economist, who will speak lenic council. New rushing rules Brandes, Charles Pollock, Don in Festival hall Sunday, May 31. and regulations have been planned Ward, Prof. Rudolf Otterson, W. C. Another prominent Minnesotan, Dr. in line with recommendations from Palmer, and Miss Mathilda Thomp- James Davies, Minneapolis Tribune, the National Panhellenic congress. son. will deliver the Commencement ad- The ultimate object is to uniform dress the following morning, at the size of all sororities to a mem- Chosen recently' by the board of editor-in-chief, and Francis Ladwig, which time President Shepperd will bership of 35. This cannot be done right, business manager. They will publications to direct The Spectrum I Sixteen Will Finish present diplomas to candidates rep- all at once, but within three or four next year are Orville Goplen, left, assume their positions next fall. resenting the various divisions of the years the quota system will reach Local Prep School college following acceptance from its aim. The Panhellenic congress the respective deans. drew up an estimate of how many Both men were born in England. girls should comprise a sorority on Sixteen seniors will be graduated A. G. Arvold Given Professor Heaton, M. A., M. Corn„ certain size college and university Many Seniors by the college high school on Wed- D. Litt., was educated at University campuses, and on a campus this size Blue Key Trophy nesday, May 25 at 8:00 p. m. in the of Leeds, London, and Birmingham. Greek organizations should not ex- Already Placed Little Country' theater. The pro- He • at one time taught history and ceed 35 girls. A. G. Arvold, founder of the Little gram will be as follows: Music, The economics at the University of Tes- Another recommendation to be Country theater and head of the Many seniors of this year's gradu- Yellow and the Green; Invocation mania and Adelaide, Australia. In followed is the matter of summer public discussion department, on by Dr. Airheart; Address by' C. E. 1926, as head of the department of correspondence, whereby sororities ating class have been placed in jobs, Thursday evening at a banquet in Parr, pastor of the Plymouth Con- economics and political science, he may correspond with girls out of according to reports made by deans Ceres hall was awarded the Doctor gregational Church; selected music. came to Queen's University, King- Fargo and Moorhead. The purpose of the various departments on the of Service Award by Blue Key, cam- Graduates will be introduced by P. ston, Ontario. He has been at is it only for rushing, but bringing the pus service organization. The pres- campus. J. Iverson and diplomas will be University of Minnesota in the ca- sororities in the right light and se- entation was made by James Bac- Graduates in the school of edu- presented by President Shepperd. pacity of Professor of economic his- curing more students for the col- cus, president of Blue Key. cation who have positions for the Class night exercises will be held tory since 1927. Two of his book lege. The award is presented annually next year are John Jenkins, who Tuesday evening at 8:00 in the LCT were recently. published The party schedules have been to some member of the faculty in will teach at Oberon; Kenneth beginnig with an address by the James Davies, although born in somewhat changed and have been recognition of outstanding service to Pringle, at Harvey; and Beverly Hill class president, Herbert Stenberg. England, came to America for his incorporated into the regular rush- the school. Mr. Arvold has gained at Portland. Vardi Thorwardson has The class history will be read by education at the Boston University ing pamphlet which will be pub- world-wide fame as founder of the left for a job with the Nash-Finch Robert Ostlund and the class proph- were he took his Ph. B. and M. A. lished before school is closed. Little Country theater. Many fam- company at, New Rockford. ecy by Emily' Meyer, and Evelyn degrees. His Ph. D. was acquired The Panhellenic council is corn- ous names on the register in the Engineers who will leave for jobs Beaton. The class will, will be at Leipzig, Germany. During his posed of two girls from each soror- tower of the theater pay tribute to soon, include Harold McCannel and given by Evelyn Ellingson and Vio- career he has done extensive lecture ity plus their one alumni advisor, Mr. Arvold's genius. Through his Sidney Shannon, General Electric la Holmen, and the class poem by work both here and in Leipzig. delegate and Dean Pearl Dinan. This influence, NDSC students have wit- company; Hubert Smith, Detroit Francis Rust. Frank Stowell has council, with the aid of a rushing Baccalaureate nessed exceptional presentations on Steel company; George Friese, Wil- composed the class song. committee composed of the different Professor Heaton has chosen "New the annual lyceum course. Mr. Ar- son Neperud, Gus Gerlitz, Kenneth Those graduating are Benedict sororities' next year's rushing cap- Frontiers for America" for his Bac- vold, with his co-workers, sponsors Brandby, and Ralph Rauch, the Aiken, Evelyn Beaton, Emma Burk, tains, have drawn up the new rush- calaureate address to be delivered Babcock and Wilcox company in Evelyn Ellington,- Edwin Gruneich, ing regulations which are to be put such organizations and activities as May 31 in Festival Hall at 4 o'clock. the Lincoln Debate club, the Edwin Ohio; Robert Pierce, American Viola Halmen, Joe Leyden, Emily into effect this summer and next The remainder of the program will Booth Dramatic club, the lilac fes- Blower company; Albert Kramer, Meyer, Wilfred Moore, Robert Ost- fall. consist of selected musical num- tival, numerous plays, pageants and Deep Rock Oil company; Edward lund, Frances Rust, John Schultz, bers. other productions. Herda, Chicago Transformer Works; Jeanne Scott, Ralph Shamp, Her- Commencement All-College Day This marks the seventh year that (Continued on Page Six) bert Stenberg, and Frank Stowell. Following the traditional proces- Blue Key has honored a faculty sional from "Old Main" to Festival Is Well Received member for outstanding service to Hall at 10:00 o'clock, Commence- the campus. Previous recipients of Complete Spectrum Duties Today ment exercises will begin with Displaying well planned manage- the award are Dr. Putnam, Dean (Continued on Page Six) ment, the 1936 all-college day pro- Bolley, Dr. Churchill, Dr. C. I. Nel- gram last Tuesday moved at a rapid, son, Dean Walster, and Dr. 'Wal- ROTC Unit Holds entertaining pace. Every item on dron. the program from the variety pro- Annual Inspection gram in Festival hall to the all- THREE INITIATED INTO college dance in the field house in • LINCOLN DEBATE CLUB ROTC students assembled this the evening was attended by an en- morning at 8:00 for the annual thusiastic audience. Neil McCabe, Arwin Hoge, and spring inspection. Colonel R. H. The hits of the stage program were Tom Donovan were initiated into McMaster and Major Rhodes Arnold Don Putnam and Virginia Smith, the Lincoln Debate club Monday were in charge. comedy duo, and the two Roosevelt afternoon. The program was as follows: 8:00, junior high jugglers. Also appear- assembly; 8:30, review and inspec- ing were the Kappa Kappa Psi band The club met for a luncheon in tion; 9:30, close order drill by squads in a comedy skit, the senior trio, the the Lincoln Log cabin. Initiation platoons and companies, extended New Rockford tro, pianist Ed Brek- was held in Thor's Chamber of the order drill platoon and calisthenics ke, the Sigma Alpha Epsilon quar- Log Cabin after the luncheon. platoon; and 11:00, tactical exercises tet, and Fern O'Daniels in a tap New officers are to be elected this afternoon. Retiring officers are by full strength company. dance. Last Wednesday' sophomore sec- Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity Frieda Panimon, president; Cathryn tion, and freshman six were given won the inter-fraternity sing con- Ray, secretary-treasurer; and Rob- theoretical examination. Freshman test sponsored by Alpha Phi Omega ert Hagen, vice-president. section five, and sophomore four, for the second successive year. were given practical examinations Other groups competing were Alpha Colgate university is sponsoring a Thursday. Juniors and seniors Tau Omega, Theta Chi, and Sigma contest to find the best student after- received practical and theoretical Chi fraternities. dinner speaker. EDITOR SPALDING BUS. MGR. WALTERS examinations Thursday afternoon. The CRYSTAL Dance Tomorrow Night The AVALON Glen Dahl and his Orchestra Fargo's Better Ballrooms Lem Hawkins and His Hillbillies THE SPECTRUM TWO DELTA PSI KAPPA ELECTS SPECTRUM Theatre Reviews JORDRE FOR SECOND TERM BISON BRIEFS I Emma Jordre was re-elected pre- Official publication of the students of the North Dakota sident of Delta Psi Kappa, honorary Stat• college published every Friday during the school year.
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