Hans Globke
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- Braune Diener Des Neuen Staats Zeitgeschichte Innenminister De Maizière Lässt Die Gründerzeit Seiner Behörde Erforschen
- Hans Mommsen
- 01-070 Hans Globke
- Hannah Arendt, "Eichmann in Jerusalem"
- Still Blind in the Right Eye? a Comparison of German Responses to Political Violence from the Extreme Left and the Extreme Right
- Hitler's Shadow: Nazi War Criminals, U.S. Intelligence
- Political and Transitional Justice in Germany, Poland and the Soviet Union from the 1930S to the 1950S
- Die Rosenburg
- (Re-) Shaping Hatred: Anti-Semitic Attitudes in Germany, 1890-2006
- The Eichmann Trial on East German Television
- October 28, 1962 Memorandum of Conversation, Federal Republic of Germany Chancellor Konrad Adenauer and US Ambassador Walter Dowling, Rhöndorf, West Germany
- Aryan Blood:” Seroanthropology in Weimar and National Socialist Germany
- Chapter Two Campaigning Against West Germany: East
- Der Bimbes-Kanzler Am Anfang Und Am Ende Der CDU-Affäre Steht Helmut Kohl
- Information Issued by the Association of Jewish Refugees in Great Britain 8 Fairfax Mansions
- Germany and the Holocaust”
- The Cultural Legitimacy of the Federal Republic Assessing the German Kulturstaat
- A Critical Look at the Eichmann Trial Ruth Bettina Birn