Code Noir
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- From Lorient to Louisiana on a French Atlantic Circuit Dissertation Presented in Partial Fu
- There Were No Innocents: Slavery in the Old Northwest 1700-1860 Daniel Rhoades
- Brochure.Pdf
- Ameliorating Empire: Slavery and Protection in the British Colonies, 1783-1865
- The Origins and Authors of the Code Noir Vernon Valentine Palmer
- Translated Subjects: Visions of Haiti in 19Th-Century Literary Exchange
- Slaves, Free Blacks, and Race in the Legal Regimes of Cuba, Louisiana, and Virginia: a Comparison Ariela Gross
- The French Revolution and Napoléon
- The Journal of the Vodou Archive Table of Contents
- The "Code Noir" (1685) the Black Code
- Never Black and White: Representing Black Women in Revolutionary France
- Condamné À Mort: Slavery and the Hangman of New France, 1733-1743 Gregory Coulter a Thesis in the Department of History Presen
- The Black Executioner: the Intercolonial Interactions of a Martinican Slave in Quebec, 1733-1743
- A Story of Marguerite: a Tale About Panis, Case Comment, and Social History
- Redalyc.Public Slavery, Racial Formation, and the Struggle Over
- Legal Transplants: the Code Noir and the Cdigo Negro in the Slave Code