Border Police (Bulgaria)
Top View
- Why Do Border Guards Shoot? an Explanation of Shoot to Kill Policies Which Target Illegal Border Crossers
- Swiss Border Guard and Police
- Vladkova, G.: Intercultural Communication at Risk /Analysis of a Case of the Border Police
- Counterterrorism in North Africa: from Police State to Militia Rule and the Quagmire of “CVE”
- List of National Services Responsible for Border-Controls for the Purposes
- Permanent Monitoring and Analysis Body on Organized Crime
- Law on State Border Protection
- Annual Report 2017
- Between Expansion, Demilitarization and Dissolution
- Feasibility Study for the Setting up of a European Border Police
- Italy's Contribution in Relation to the Guidance for the Preparation of the National Evaluation Reports Pursuant to HRC Resolu
- Cross Border Cooperation in the Combating of Organised Crime
- The Paradox of Gendarmeries: Between Expansion, Demilitarization and Dissolution
- European Union Member States Law Enforcement Agencies & Services
- Practical Manual on Border Controls Along the Danube and Its Navigable Tributaries
- SPOC) for International Law Enforcement Information Exchange - International Law Enforcement Cooperation Structures in Each Member State
- Bulgaria, October 2006
- Brazilian Security Structure1