Assistance for rebuilding the police force in Afghanistan | Foreword by the Federal Minister for Foreign Affairs, Dr. Frank-Walter Steinmeier

After decades of war and destruction Afghanistan entered Today we can look back on four productive years of coop- a new era in December 2001: with the signing of the Peters- eration with our Afghan partners. The Afghan police force berg Accord, the foundation for the political and economic is once again able to perform its essential tasks. This is a reconstruction of the country had been laid. Since then considerable success. Yet much remains to be done. The Germany has contributed significantly in the rebuilding of reconstruction efforts must be spurred on in all regions. Afghanistan, both financially as well by way of personnel. The police force requires a structure that ensures profes- Two aspects of this cooperation stand out in particular: the sionalism in the long-term. In the years to come, major commitment of the Bundeswehr (German Federal Armed challenges include reforms within the police force and the Forces) to guarantee security and stability in the country Interior Ministry as well as rebuilding an efficient border and Germany’s assumption of responsibility for the recon- management regime. At the Doha II conference in late Feb- struction of Afghanistan’s police force. ruary 2006 we will therefore actively encourage, together with our Afghan partners, the establishment of regional The reconstruction of a professional police and border cooperation structures as regards police and border man- police force, committed to the principles of rule of law, agement collaboration between Afghanistan and its neigh- continues to present an enormous challenge – primarily for bouring states. the Afghans themselves, but also for us as key partner and advisor. We are well aware of this immense responsibility, Our commitment towards police reconstruction goes as we are mindful of this project’s importance: the security, beyond the project itself: indeed, this venture has the stability and economic development of Afghanistan are potential to develop into a model for peace-keeping and at stake. It is clearly in everyone’s interest to see that this the creation of an environment of stability and security project succeeds. – thus becoming part of a strategy for confronting the new global challenges of terrorism and cross-border crime 40 German police advisors and a German Special Ambas- beyond the borders of Afghanistan. sador have been advising the Afghan Ministry of Interior on-site for the past four years with regard to rebuilding the police force. They are providing vocational and further training for police officers. Moreover, they are developing a customised Afghan education and training scheme and are organising incoming international support for the police and border police in general. The German Federal Foreign Office and the Federal Ministry of the Interior in Berlin Dr. Frank-Walter Steinmeier jointly coordinate these activities. Federal Minister for Foreign Affairs

1 Foreword by the Federal Minister of the Interior, Dr. Wolfgang Schäuble

Since early 2002 Germany has been playing a leadership The German staff does a very good job in Afghanistan, role in international assistance in building a modern which is reflected in their high reputation among the police force in Afghanistan. Our country also feels a moral Afghan people. In their work they can rely on close con- obligation to support the Afghan state in fulfilling one of tacts between our two countries, which have grown over its core tasks, together with international partners. After history into a relationship of mutual trust. years of war and belligerent conflict, security is what the young freedom of Afghanistan needs most. With a rebuilt We regard these figures as positive progress which gives professional, ethnically balanced police force abiding by us courage for the future. But for sustained security, the rule of law, the state has regained its monopoly on Afghanistan still needs the support of Germany and the power and thus its ability to secure peace and freedom for international community. Therefore, in accordance with all the people in Afghanistan. the Federal Government’s continuity-oriented security policy, Germany will extend the agreed deployment In line with how we understand our role, Germany focus- period of German officers due to end in December 2005 es its efforts on providing a whole range of training and for a further year. Germany wants to contribute also in the equipment assistance to the Afghan police. Germany has future to managing key challenges such as effective bor- deployed highly-skilled officers from the der surveillance and better regional cooperation. (BPOL), the Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA) and the police forces of the Länder to Kabul and other field offices. Germany is fully committed to its responsibility to sup- Through basic and advanced training projects we hope to port Afghanistan, not only in the interest of the latter as a convey our conviction that rule of law, efficient criminal friendly country, but also in Germany’s and Europe’s secu- prosecution and averting of dangers are interdependent. rity policy interests. So far, more than 63,000 male and female police officers in Afghanistan have been trained in this spirit thanks to the German commitment.

Dr. Wolfgang Schäuble Federal Minister of the Interior

3 4 Contents 2. Staff 1. Duties The Police Project Office Kabul 3. 2 1. Background 3. 2. Advancedtraining AcademyKabul 1. Basictraining/Police Training assistance and equipment aid . Reform of security areas . Reformofsecurity Chronology Chronology situation Starting Equipment aid 3 2 1

10 12 12 10 6 7 6 6 8 9 8

More detailsavailableonthe Internet inthe provinces ofreconstructionprojects Overview ofreconstruction projects Overview I+II Annex Conclusion Current key features and plans asfrom 2006 6. Women inthepolice force 5. Combatingdrugs 4. Borderpolice 3. Crimecontrol 2. Uniformedpolice 1. ReorganisationoftheAfghanpoliceforce projects development Individual Scope of assistance in the provinces so far

4 8 5 6 7

14 24 22 26 16 21 20 18 18 17 16

5 THEMEN DER INNENPOLITIK Afghan President Hamid Karzai at the International Afghanistan Conference in Berlin on 1 April 2004. BACKGROUND Background

Background 3. Chronology The dates in Afghanistan’s development and in Germany’s commitment to rebuild the police force following the end of the Tali- 1 ban regime: USA: 1. Starting situation 5 December 2001 UN Afghanistan Conference held at Petersberg near Bonn (1st Petersberg Conference): arrange- Army ments made to set up a transitional government for Afghanistan; national process of reconciliation In 2002, after 23 years of war and succession of despotic launched regimes, the Afghan police force was in a dismal state. 22 December 2001 Hamid Karzai sworn in as chair of a six-month interim government There were no functioning police infrastructures and German Bundestag approves deployment of German armed forces (implementing Resolution 1386 organizational structures. No regular pay scheme was in of the United Nations Security Council) place; police officers were insufficiently equipped and GB: 13 February 20021 1st Donors Conference in Tokyo Germany: policing resources were being stretched by a plethora of Counter 13 March 2002 2nd Donors Conference in Berlin; Federal Government resolves to set up a project office to rebuild Police non-police tasks. The country lacked a whole generation Security Narcotics the Afghan police force 15 of qualified police officers. Fighters of the former North Sector March 2002 The Seat and Status Agreement to set up a police project office and the agreement to grant training Alliance or Mujahiddin were employed as police officers, assistance and equipment aid for the police force signed by the Federal Ministry of the Interior of but they were loyal mainly to local rulers and used military Reform (SSR) the Federal Republic of Germany and the Ministry of the Interior (MoI) of the interim government of methods rather than police methods. Afghanistan 3 April 2002 The Project Office in Kabul commences work 17 May 2002 3rd Donors Conference in Geneva 2. Reform of security areas 11 June 2002 Convention of the Emergency Loya Jirga: decision to set up an interim government for 18 months, Japan (until 30.06.2005): Hamid Karzai elected president (13 June) Assistance in rebuilding the Afghan police force is an inte- Italy: Demobilisation, Disar- 24 August 2002 Police Academy in Kabul reopens gral part of reforming the five security areas in Afghani- Justice mument, Reintegration 1 December 2002 2nd Petersberg Conference stan that were assigned to various lead nations within the (DDR)* 12 March 2003 Germany: Cabinet decision to extend running of the Project Office in Kabul until 31 December 2005 framework of the international Stability Pact for Afghani- and to increase staffing (17 police advisers) stan. 28 March 2003 UN Security Council Resolution 1471: to extend the UN mandate in Afghanistan by another 12 months 7 April 2003 Afghanistan: Presidential decree on police reform: sole competency of the interior ministry for internal security and the border police; delimiting the duties of the army and the intelligence ser- * S ince 1 July 2005, Japan continues the DDR-Process by the disbandment and disar- vice, desired number of police officers: 50,000 mament of Illegal Armed Groups (DIAG). 6 October 2003 NATO decision to lift limitation on ISAF activities to Kabul and environs 13 October 2003 UN Security Council Resolution 1510 to expand and extend the ISAF mandate 24 October 2003 German Bundestag approves continuation and expansion of Germany’s commitment to interna- tional reconstruction efforts in Afghanistan (preceded by a relevant cabinet decision on 15 October). 4 January 2004 Afghanistan: New Afghan constitution approved by the Constitutional Loya Jirga 31 March – 01 April 2004 International Conference on Afghanistan in Berlin 18/19 May 2004 Conference on Police Reconstruction in Afghanistan in Doha/Qatar 9 October 2004 Election of Hamid Karzai for President of Afghanistan in free elections 18 September 2005 Afghanistan: Parliament and Provincial Council Elections 7 December 2005 Germany: Cabinet decision to continue and extend Germany’s commitment to assistance in rebuilding the police force in Afghanistan 19 December 2005 Afghanistan: First Parliamentary Meeting 27/28 February 2006 Conference on “Border Management in Afghanistan – A Regional Approach” in Doha/Qatar A destroyed tank.

6 7 From left to right: Project Office Manager Walter Dederichs, Deputy Project Office Manager Fritsch, Interpreter, former Commander of the border police General Quattra.

2. Staff

The staffs of the Project Office are law enforcement officers The Police Project of the Federal Police and the police forces of the German OFFICE KABUL THE POLICE PROJECT federal states (Länder). They are recruited on a voluntary basis. To prepare for their mission in Afghanistan, all police Office Kabul officers take part in a five-day seminar at the Federal Police Academy in Lübeck prior to their secondment.

At present, there are 39 German employees at the Project Office, including one female law enforcement officer. This ThePoliceProjectOfficeKabul is of special importance against the backdrop of the efforts being made to integrate women into the Afghan police force. As a rule, the secondment of the law enforcement 2 officers lasts for one year. The project office is supported 1. Duties by Special Ambassador Dr. Helmut Frick who coordinates international police cooperation in the German Embassy The duties of the German Police Project Office in Kabul in Kabul. were finalised in a Seat and Status Agreement that was con- cluded on 15 March 2002 in Berlin between the Ministry of Experts of the Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA), the the Interior of the Interim Government of Afghanistan and Federal Border Police (BPOL) and the Länder are seconded the Federal Ministry of the Interior of the Federal Republic to Afghanistan temporarily to implement special train- of Germany: ing and equipment measures. The Project Office employs Advising the Afghan security authorities in an effort to local Afghan staff as interpreters and drivers. rebuild an Afghan police force which is bound by rule-of- law principles and has a respect for human rights, and on With its decision of 7 December 2005, the Federal Cabi- combating drug cultivation, drug processing and drug net extended the mandate of the Project Office until 31 trafficking, December 2006. The decision has made the extension of Assisting in the training of police recruits in light of the Germany’s commitment contingent on safeguarding the principles mentioned above, security and protection of the Project Office and its staff Assisting in the setting up of a police academy, also by the presence of the International Security Assis- Implementing bilateral police funding assistance and tance Force (ISAF) in Afghanistan. Coordinating the international support for the establish- ment of the Afghan police force.

The German police mission in Afghanistan therefore has a consultative and supportive mandate. The German police Ambassador Dr. Steck and the Director of the Police Academy Rochani. officers will not have any executive powers such as the police officers with UN mandate had in Kosovo. The police The Team of the Police Project Office Kabul. officers are armed only for self-defence purposes. The Project Office is involved in developing and arranging Mention must also be made of the close cooperation for suitable development projects within the framework of between the German embassy in Kabul and the units of the the coordination of international financial, material and German armed forces (Bundeswehr) represented within personnel assistance provided by other countries for the the framework of the ISAF operation. Other important rebuilding of the Afghan police force. It presents plans for cooperation partners are the Federal Agency for Technical and progress in rebuilding the police force to interested Relief (THW), the Civil Military Cooperation of the Bun- guests on site visits. deswehr (CIMIC) as well as the Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) (a government-owned corporation The cooperation between German, European and inter- for international cooperation in technical assistance with national institutions seated in Kabul, particularly UNAMA worldwide operations). The Association of Experts in the (United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan), is very Fields of Migration and Development Cooperation (AGEF) constructive and has proven highly effective in practice. and other foundations support basic and advanced train- ing programmes for police officers, judges and public Police Project Office Kabul. prosecutors.

8 9 Conduct training in tha case of a simulated attack.

Two training courses have been set up at the Police Acad- Training emy rebuilt by Germany: AID EQUIPMENT 1. Training as Saran (comparable to higher intermediate TRAINING ASSISTANCE AND AND TRAINING ASSISTANCE service) lasts five years, including two years of on-the-job assistance and training. 2. Training as Satanman (comparable to intermediate ser- equipment aid vice) lasts one year.

In August 2005, the first police officers (Saran) graduated from the Police Academy after three years of training; with German assistance they were assigned to key posts within Training assistance and the new Afghan police force, the border police and the inte- rior ministry as representatives of a new generation of law equipment aid enforcement officers. They continue to receive advice and 3 further training from the Project Office.

1. Basic training/Police Academy Kabul The training of officers in the ordinary police service (patrolmen and Satunkai) is organized and conducted by After the Project Office was set up, its most urgent task the United States in coordination with Germany. So far, was to swiftly resume basic and advanced training of the some 54,000 police officers were trained as patrolmen Afghan police force. The police force with around 150,000 in four- to eight-week training courses in US-led training police officers displayed a strong military influence. Techni- centres. However, illiteracy is still a major problem among cal skills matched the qualification standards of the 1970s. police officers in Afghanistan. To improve their reading Now, the Afghan interior ministry wants to build a police and writing skills, special campaigns are being prepared. force with a required strength of 62,000 police officers including 12,000 border police officers with appropriate In consultation with the UK, which plays a leading role in technical skills. drug enforcement, the premises of the Police Academy are currently being expanded to accommodate a new Counter Within just six months, the Federal Agency for Technical Narcotics Training Unit. It is planned to offer additional Relief (THW) rebuilt the totally derelict Police Academy training facilities for 200 students who will receive basic building in Kabul. It was officially reopened at a ceremony and special counter-narcotics training. In addition, the on 24 August 2002 with the Afghan president in atten- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit dance and was then handed over to the Afghan govern- GmbH (GTZ) set up a narcotics enforcement documenta- ment. tion centre at the office of the Counter-Narcotics Police Afghanistan (CNPA).

Training group with its german trainer. Training at the Academy (as of 12/2005)

Number Of whom were female in percent Saran graduates 251 7 2,79 % In consultation with the Afghan interior ministry, German Project Office staff has developed a basic concept for train- Satanman graduates 2.299 50 2,18 % ing the Afghan police forces as well as curricula, examina- Border Police graduates 752 0 0 % tion rules and criteria for selecting police recruits. The Police Academy targets in particular young police officers Total number of graduates 3.302 57 1,73 % who are interested in professional police work in compli- ance with the rule of law. Saran in training 1.365 0 0 %

Satanman in training 322 2 0,62 %

Total number in training 1.687 2 0,12 % Recruitment at the Police Academy.


2. Advanced training The installation of infrastructures and logistics for the border and the highway police forces continues to be a Since the start of its activities the Project Office has pro- primary focus. After the erection of the headquarters vided advanced training to Afghan police staff who already buildings of the border police and the highway police had basic police knowledge. They should function as mul- forces in Kabul there are plans to establish border crossing tipliers within the Afghan police. The training at the Acad- points at the borders with Iran and Tajikistan that com- emy to become a Satanman is now being provided fully by ply with the standards of modern border management. Afghan instructors. Together with the United States, Germany establishes effective highway police structures along the country’s Germany has overseen or supported the training of more bypass road, thus making this major traffic route a safer than 6,300 police officers in the various areas of policing. road to travel on. These include in particular: Basic drug enforcement seminars for a total of 442 mem- Mobility of the Afghan police has tremendously improved bers of the Afghan National Police and the Counter-Nar- after the supply of 950 motorised vehicles (police cars, cotics Police Afghanistan (CNPA) as well as for motorbikes, buses, and lorries). officers (third quarter of 2005); Basic seminars on criminal policing for members of the Provincial Criminal Police Office Kabul, the CNPA and the Anti-Terrorism Agency as well as for criminal police officers from Kabul and the provinces (fourth quarter of 2005); Management and personnel management seminars for some 1,100 generals and colonels of the Afghan police force.

been extended to the offices of the Afghan police force in 3. Equipment aid the provinces, the police headquarters in Kunduz, Herat, Taloqan and Feyzabad. For 2006 it is planned to build and Around €58 million from the Stability Pact for Afghanistan equip two regional counter-terrorism offices in Jalalabad was spent each year in 2002 and 2005 on aid to rebuild the and Zaranj. Afghan police force. The same amount has been earmarked for 2006 in order to continue with the projects launched in Kabul and to rebuild the police forces in the provinces. Police vehicle in action.

Initially, the equipment aid was focused mainly on estab- lishing the functioning of the interior ministry, the border police at Kabul International Airport, the rebuilding and equipping of the Police Academy, the creation and equip- ping of the anti-narcotics and anti-terrorism agencies and the Provincial Office of Criminal Police. These efforts have

Training in riding a motorcycle.

12 13 The new building of the police headquarters in Feyzabad. Scope of PROVINCES SO FAR PROVINCES

assistance IN THE OF ASSISTANCE SCOPE in the provinces so far

Scope of assistance in the Since Herat can be considered as a model project in rebuilding the Afghan police force, it is planned to gradu- provinces so far ally delegate advisory activities currently performed by 4 the field office of the Project Office to international police advisers and deploy own resources in less developed areas. The Federal Ministry of the Interior’s assistance and adviso- However, the coordination and technical support will ry activities in the provinces are built around the activities remain with the Project Office in Kabul. of the Bundeswehr and the Federal Foreign Office, which allows benefiting from synergies. In this constellation, the Bundeswehr takes care of the safety of civilian personnel.

The province of Kunduz lies in northern Afghanistan; together with three other provinces (Takhar, Baghlan, Badakhshan) it forms an operational area. The Kunduz and Feyzabad field offices (Badakhshan province) of the Project Office have been set up on the premises of the Ger- man Provincial Reconstruction Team (PRT) in January 2004 and January 2005, respectively. Their main duties will be to implement the training measures designed to teach Handing out of equipment aid. regional police staff basic police skills and knowledge, provide equipment to them and give advice to local police managers. In this region, where drug cultivation has left its mark, particular emphasis is placed on special anti-narcot- ics seminars and the creation of regional drug enforcement offices.

Landscape Feyzabad, province Badakhshan. Herat lies in the West of Afghanistan and is the second most important region in Afghanistan in terms of the economy and culture after Kabul. Herat was not too badly affected by the turmoil of war and unlike other Afghan provinces has a relatively intact infrastructure. This also holds true for the state of the police forces there. Since the beginning of 2004 staff members from the Project Office and the Federal Foreign Office have worked together in the rooms of a field office of the German embassy in Herat. Here, too, police assistance concentrates on giving advice to local police man- agers, reconstructing police and border police buildings, and Explanation for search persons in Herat. on providing basic and advanced training for police staff.

14 15 Opening of the highway police station on the road Kabul – Ghazni.

receive, relay and dispatch emergency calls. In the province of Kabul including the Afghan capital more than three mil- lion people can now contact the police dialling 100. This Individual service will gradually be extended to the whole country.

The working conditions for the traffic police which is PROJECTS DEVELOPMENT INDIVIDUAL responsible for traffic control and regulation have to be development projects improved. Evaluating the traffic police in Kabul city and the provinces is an important task of the Project Office which will help coordinate assistance with international donors. Moreover, the Project Office will continue to hold special seminars for the training of traffic police staff. At Individual development The key elements of the organisational reform are: present, a traffic infrastructure plan of Kabul city is being Future target strength: 62,000, 12,000 of whom will be drawn up together with the director of traffic police. projects border police officers; 5 Streamlining the remit of the state secretary for police Highway police and security tasks at the interior ministry and restriction In 2003 with the assistance of the Project Office the high- 1. Reorganisation of the Afghan of his mandate to genuine police tasks; way police was established as a separate organisation with police force Establishing Regional Commands to reduce the scope of its own command structure whose scope of responsibility command responsibility of the Afghan interior ministry covered the whole of Afghanistan. This has proved to be The implementation of a comprehensive organisational and to facilitate task performance; key to improving the security situation in Afghanistan. The reform of the Afghan police force shall start at the begin- Implementing the remuneration reform and the reform high importance of the traffic police is underlined by the ning of 2006. The new organisational structure of the of ranks; fact that it has already seized weapons, explosives and nar- Afghan police force developed under the aegis of the Placing the border police headquarters under the direct cotics on numerous occasions. This police branch is divided Project Office in Kabul has been submitted to President authority of the Afghan interior ministry and integrating into one headquarters in Kabul and eight battalions in dif- Karzai for approval. The organisational restructuring will it into the administrative structure of the ministry. ferent provinces and has a total of 3,400 staff members. be accompanied by a remuneration reform and a reform of ranks. To reduce susceptibility to corruption, the salaries Installation of a police emergency call system in Kabul. These new developments are supported by the Project of police officers will be raised significantly and adapted to 2. Uniformed police Office: it has built a new headquarters building in Kabul, those of military staff. Police officers shall be able to sustain a new building for the 8th battalion and a highway police their families above the minimum subsistence level. The After the reorganisation of the Afghan police force, the uni- station on the Kabul-Ghazni highway. The Project Office existing structure of ranks will be changed into a homoge- will closely monitor this process and provide assistance, formed police force shall comprise the Kabul City Police, a has also coordinated construction projects led by other neous, lean and effective command structure. Germany with the focus being on advisory activities. traffic police force, a highway police force and a stand-by countries. The building up of the traffic police is supple- police force. The individual police forces will be coordi- mented by seminars on traffic accident response and traffic nated and led by the Uniformed Police Department of the surveillance; the seminars are held by German police offi- Organization of Ministry of the Interior (Mol) Afghan interior ministry. cers.

Minister Kabul City Police and Traffic Police Stand-by police So far, five of the sixteen regional police offices in Kabul As a result of the reform of the Afghan police force, the Deputy Minister for Civilian & Deputy Minister for Deputy Minister for Deputy Minister for have been fully renovated or rebuilt by the THW (Federal former Rapid Action Division and the Facility Protection Government Affairs Police Administration Counter Narcotics Agency for Technical Relief) and the Civil-Military Coop- Division are transformed into the new stand-by police eration of the Bundeswehr (CIMIC). Further construction force. Situation and Intelligence Center activities are necessary, and plans to this effect are under- way. The intention is to start renovating the regional police It will have eight battalions with four squadrons each. Uniformed Police Criminal Investigation Border Police Training/Education Administration Logistics headquarters in Kabul in 2006. The evaluation of the seven Three of the battalions and the headquarters are located in Department Department Department Department Department Departments police districts outside Kabul City has been concluded. Kabul, the remaining battalions are located at the Regional According to the evaluation, renovation measures are nec- Commands in Gardez, Kandahar, Herat, Mazar-e Sharif and State Office of Criminal Police Academy Personnet Logistics General Police essary there, too. in Kunduz. Investigation CTC/RTC Finances Facilities (see separate organiza- Highway Police Counter Terrorism tion chart) For the first time a police emergency call system has gone Recruitment Organization Comms into operation in Afghanistan with the assistance from Criminal Investigation Education Legal Affairs Procurement Standby Police Germany in August 2005. In less than four months the Affairs German police advisers were able to set up an emergency Passport Medical call dispatch centre at the headquarters of the Kabul City Police and roll out the necessary technical installations to

16 17 18 3. Crimecontrol Technische hasremodelled ZusammenarbeitGmbH(GTZ) für Gesellschaft oftravellers.TheDeutsche ing thesecurity iscrucialforensur-deployed atKabulInternationalAirport The trainingandequipmentofborder policeofficers ment lists. training, personnelselectioncriteriaanddrewupequip- developedcurricula forbasicandadvanced committee Atthesametime and squadronswithseparateoffices. structuring intoeightbrigadeswithsubordinatebattalions andbordercontroltasks; bordersurveillance security, border strength: 12,000policeofficers; divisionbetween required force inlinewiththefollowingrequirements: anAfghanborderpolice a basicconceptforestablishing developed attheAfghaninteriorministry tural committee withtheProjectOffice,First ofall,inconsultation astruc- task. istry. ThisgavetheProjectOfficeanaddedadvisory totheinterior min- fromthedefenceministry was shifted fortheAfghanborderpolice In late2002,responsibility airports. the country. Kabul,HeratandKandaharhaveinternational into andoutof andnarcoticsarebeingsmuggled terrorists Thisiswhere mainly ineasternandsouthernAfghanistan. oftheborder, parts difficultalongcertain is particularly Bordersurveillance are 12officialbordercrossingpoints. Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan). Atpresent there with sixneighbouringcountries(Iran,Pakistan, China, Afghanistan hasaround5,530kmofnationalboundaries 4. Border police nars forpoliceofficerstobedeployedtherehavebegun. Terrorism in theprovincesaswellspecialsemi- Agency fully equipped.ThebuildingupoffieldofficestheAnti- THW hasfinishedrenovatingthebuilding; ithasalsobeen management. The andadvisestheagency’s Office assists TheProject with subordinatefieldofficesintheprovinces. Moreover, anAnti-Terrorism wassetupinKabul Agency wassetupattheAfghaninteriorministry. department Given theneedtofightterrorismeffectively,aspecial Counter-terrorism into scientific methodsandtechniques. insights staff fromGermanytogivelaboratory sic experts France andtheUK.For 2006itisplannedtosecondforen- fully operationalsincespring2004incooperationwith whichhasbeen A keyelementistheforensiclaboratory facilitieshavebeenrenovated. office's buildingandallits structure oftheProvincialOfficeCriminalPolice, the onthefuture Simultaneously withthoroughconsultations Provincial OfficeofCriminalPolice Provincial OfficeofCriminalPolice. Structure oftheborderpolice: Brigade 1 Turkham 4 BAT 1 BCP 8 CO BCP Gulam Khan Brigade 2 3 BAT (Quick ReactionForce) 1 BCP 8 CO BCP Reserve Battailon Battailon Reserve Brigade 3 2 BAT 8 CO Spin Boldak Brigade 4 Headquarters ofBorderPolice Headquarters 4 BAT 1 BCP 8 CO BCP Ministry ofInterior Ministry processing inlinewithinternationalstandards. and goodsensureprofessionaleffectiveborder channel cross-bordertrafficofpersons,motorvehicles way. Inthefuture, thisbordercrossingpointshould Afghanistan andTurkmenistan inToorghondi areunder- to buildabordercrossingpointatthebetween the Afghanborderpolice. Currently constructionworks wascompletedandhandedoverto and GreatBritain, ofNorway ters inKabul,builtwiththefinancialsupport At thebeginningof2004newborderpoliceheadquar- uled tobecompletedearlyin2006. isfinancedbyGermanyandsched- International Airport atKabul stationed facilities fortheProtectionBattalion The constructionofnewaccommodationandtraining UV lamps,microscopesanduniforms. has includedmotorvehicles,document analysisdevices, and aviationsecurity. Sofar, equipmentaidfromGermany onissuesrelatingtobordersecurity staff advising airport advisersfromtheFederal Police are and aviationsecurity technicalequipment.Document installed thenecessary and the terminalbuildingatKabulInternationalAirport Headquarters oftheborderpoliceKabul. Headquarters Rah-e-abrischim Brigade 5 3 BAT 1 BCP 9 CO BCP Islma Quala Toorghondi Brigade 6 2 BCP 3 BAT 9 CO BCP BCP Kandahar Airport Herat Airport KAIA Airport Brigade 7 Heratan Aquina 2 BCP 3 BAT 7 CO BCP BCP Shir KhanBandar Eshkeshem Ai Khanem Brigade 8 Nusay 4 BCP 3 BAT 7 CO BCP BCP BCP BCP 19 INDIVIDUAL DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS 20 development. by 53%comparedtothepreviousyearisamostwelcome oftheGerman PRT inFeyzabad) Badakhshan (headquarters the reductionofpoppycultivationareasinprovince fortheheroingainedfromit.For Germany, gest markets and Germanyisoneofthebig- to comefromAfghanistan, ably 87%oftheopiumproducedworldwidewillcontinue Presum- only aminimalreductionofheroinproduction. the previousyear. However, atthesametimetherewas poppy cultivationhadbeenreducedby21%comparedto wascarriedout,theareausedforopium time thesurvey on DrugsandCrime)29August2005showsthatatthe presented byUNODC(UNOffice Afghanistan OpiumSurvey opium, issent primarilytoWestern Europe. Thedraft national revenue. Heroin,whichismanufacturedfrom trafficking accountforapproximately60%ofAfghanistan's of rawopiumsincethe1990s.Narcoticscultivationand Afghanistan hasbeenoneoftheworld'smainproducers 5. Combatingdrugs cess ofbuildinguptheborderpoliceinAfghanistan. The GermanProjectOfficecontinuestoassistwiththepro- techniques. and enforcement unittolearnaboutoperationaltactics QRF iscurrentlytrainedbyGermanpoliceofficersfroman This forcetodealwithviolentborderincidents. as areserve A QuickReactionForce wassetupwithintheborderpolice standards. border managementsystemcomplyingwithinternational border policeonstrategiesforimplementinganintegrated border policeofficersadvisesenioroftheAfghan of allranks.InregularmanagementseminarsGerman advanced trainingfor12,000Afghanborderpoliceoffi cers German policeofficersworkfeverishlytoprovidebasicand An Afghanfarmercheckstheripenessofanopiumpoppycapsule. order toburnthem. in Afghan soldierspourpetrolover1,200kilosofconfiscateddrugs cepts andassistedinthefieldofequipmenttraining. cepts regarding structures,humanresourcesandtrainingcon- theCNPA, inparticular organisational adviceforsetting-up Project OfficerefurbishedbuildingsfortheCNPA, provided UK asaleadnationinnarcoticscontrol.For example, the Counter-Narcotics Police (CNPA) incooperationwiththe theAfghan aleadingroleinestablishing Germany takes Opening ofthewomensbuildingat Police Academy. for Afghanistan. training training courses,whichwillincludeanti-narcotics In addition,thePolice Academywillprovideabuildingfor customs authorities. for theborderandhighwaypoliceforcesaswell seminarswereandwillbeheldalso specific anti-narcotics authorities.For example, but alsoatotherAfghansecurity ing upsimilarnarcoticscontrolcapacitiesintheprovinces organised andmanned–Germanywillnowfocusonbuild- whichiswell –anarcoticscontrolauthority headquarters theKabulCNPAStates andUNODC.Havingestablished and institutions,especiallytheUnitedKingdom, withothercountries incloseconsultation dent department isbeingbuiltupasanindepen- Afghan interior ministry unitatthe Established inlate2002,theanti-narcotics ties of taking part inpolicetraining. part ties oftaking emy campusweresetupinordertoimprovetheirpossibili- accommodation facilitiesforwomenonthePolice Acad- for womenareprovidedatthePolice Academy. In2004, specialtrainingcourses In cooperationwiththeGTZ, Afghan womentothePolice Academy. and throughthemediain2003wassuccessfulrecruiting however, atschoolsanduniversities increasedadvertising fromvariousgovernmentalandotherorganisations, port regime theywerenotallowedtogoschool.Withsup- poor readingandwritingskillssinceundertheTaliban ficult. Themainreasonforthisisthatwomentendtohave To recruitandtrainwomenpoliceofficersremainsdif- force 6. Women police inthe 21 INDIVIDUAL DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS 22 6 standards fordischarging therelevanttasks. management potentials andtoimplement professional police managers,toenhancecommunication andconflict tions inKabulandtheprovinces inordertotrainthelocal 50 international policeadvisersareworkinginkeyposi- instructed by30Germanmentors. Inaddition,morethan Kabul, Kunduz,HeratandFeyzabad arecurrentlybeing andseveralpolicebranchesin Afghan interior ministry cept drawnupbyGermany,22executiveswithinthe In theframeworkofmentorsandadviserscon- workplace. consultation forseniorstaff, anditisprovidedatthe and functionalpoliceforce. Mentoring isaprofessional accelerated developmentofaconstitutional,welltrained and thesustainable Afghan policeforcesistosupport Seconding internationalmentorsandadviserstothe Mentoring will beintroduced. ties aswellwiththeCNPA andcounter-terrorism units cooperation withthehighwaypoliceandcustomsauthori- authorities. Inthiscontext, acloseandinstitutionalised cooperationwithothersecurity border policeaswellits effective bordermanagementandstrengthentheAfghan neighbouring countriesandtobuildupamodern with its regionalcooperationofAfghanistan to intensify 2006.Theconferenceaims take placeon27/28February Afghan policeforce. Afollow-up conference(DohaII)isto 2004and2007forrebuildingthe 350 millionbetween ofUS$at theconferencethattheywouldprovideatotal thedonorsannounced tion. Asaresultofthesolicitation, adopted theDohaDeclarationonRegionalPolice Coopera- the EU UK,ItalyandJapan) aswelltheleadnationsUSA, theGulfCooperationCouncilcountries, of Afghanistan, (includingtheneighbouringcountries the participants police cooperationandrebuildingtheAfghanforce At theDohaconferenceon18and19May2004regional Preparing theDohaIIconference and plans as from 2006 keyCurrent features features Current key and plans as from 2006 mentoring andtraining.Theheads ofselectedKabul approachwhichincludes the frameworkofaconcerted Police (KCP)isinstructedin In addition,theKabulCity participation ofISAF withinternation- PRT undertheauthority in every of theKabulPolice Academy. Theaimisto deploymentors Afghan policeforceandinstructingthegraduateofficers implementation ofneworganisationalstructures ofthe The mentors’ the workiscurrentlyfocusingonsupporting

confidence-building measure.confidence-building asa behaviour ofthepolicetowards the publicistoserve Improvingthecourses fortherespectivepolicestations. Project Office, byISAF forces,providespolicing supported to improvetheirleadershipskills.Atthesametime police officesarebeinginstructedbyamentorinorder ISAF–PRT OEF–PRT NZL CAN USA USA LTU ESP ITA NOR NLD GBR/SWE DEU Advanced trainingforborderpoliceofficers. building-up afieldofficeinMazar-ebuilding-up Sharif intheprovinces/ Increasing assistance PRTs intheWest, SouthandEastofAfghanistan. ning moduleswillbegraduallyimplementedalsointhe Thesetrai- policeservice. tan byinvolvingtheordinary situationalloverAfghanis- This istoimprovethesecurity ching personsandvehiclesaswelltotrainmultipliers. situations suchasstoppingvehicles,controlling andsear- knowledgeonhowtoreactinstandardpolice to impart by theUS inclosecooperationwithGermany. Theaimis policeofficerswhichhasbeencarriedout of ordinary shan. Thisenhancesthefourtoeightweeksbasictraining provincesofKunduz,Takharthe northern andBadakh- Afghanpoliceofficersin mission instructorsofordinary Bundeswehr conceivedadvancedtrainingmodulesfor The ProjectOffice, Kunduzfieldoffice, together withthe region the northern Training Afghanpoliceofficersin ordinary Project OfficeinMazar-e Sharifinthefirsthalfof2006. Therefore, Germanyintends tosetupafieldofficeofthe processes. nation meetingsandpromotedecision-making er, bringtogetherandshareinformation,organizecoordi- oftheInterior,the Federal Ministry thispersonwillgath- Regional Commander. Together with representativesof asacontact personforthefuture lomatic rankwillserve continued. To thisend,acivilcommissionerholdingdip- now openanewfieldofficeinMazar-e Sharif, willbe Office, field officeinHeratandwill whichhasclosedits developed inthisfield.CooperationwiththeForeign structures inthisregionwhichsofarhasbeenonlyweakly police ence ofarmedforcesitwillbepossibletobuild-up acting fromMazar-e Sharif. Thankstothesecuringpres- ofAfghanistan fortheNorth the leadingresponsibility in theISAF missionandinthiscontext Germanytookover destag) decidedtoextendtheBundeswehrparticipation On 28September2005theGermanparliament (Bun-

23 CURRENT KEY FEATURES AND PLANS AS FROM 2006 24 7 responsibility asasovereignstate. responsibility graduallyassumeits tomakeAfghanistan pending task itremainsa Nevertheless inAfghanistan. tional partners with theAfghangovernmentandnationalinterna- andtrustingcooperation fruitful in doingso, willrelyon its withundiminishedenthusiasminfutureand in thiseffort on Germany willcontinuetoplaytheleadroleithastaken asanexample. elections inOctober2005mayserve tial electionsinSeptember2004andtheparliamentary Thepeacefulcourseofthepresiden- force inAfghanistan. torebuildthepolice providing asoundbasisforassistance beganinearly2002are laid sincereconstructionefforts The successesachievedsofarshowthatthefoundations interest incombatingterrorismandnarcotics. hasaspecial Asian region.Theinternational community oftheentire Central contribution tothesecurity important isan inAfghanistan The restorationofpeaceandstability andtoworktowardsademocratic future. their country give themtheself-confidence togetinvolvedinrebuilding andalso will increasetheAfghans’ trustintheir country tohumanrights A constitutionalpoliceforcecommitted Conclusion Conclusion Afghan landscape. rebuild theAfghanpoliceforce. inrecent yearsinorderto personnel andmaterialsupport authorities oftheFederal Government whohaveprovided andpublic specialthanks,asindeed dotheLänder very The lawenforcementofficersdeployedinKabuldeserve Assistance inpolicetraining. German policeadvisors. rule of law and peace will be sustainable inthisregion.”rule oflawandpeacewillbesustainable a fullyfunctionalpoliceforceinAfghanistan,democracy, worldwide. Onlyifwecanbuildup but alsoensuresecurity not onlycontinuetocontributerebuildingthecountry activitiesdo combating internationalterrorism.Germany’s for isofgreatimportance ofAfghanistan “Internal stability mission torebuildtheAfghanpoliceforce: the German concerning thecabinetdecisiononextending the Interior, Dr. Wolfgang Schäuble, of7December2005 Extract fromthepressreleaseofFederal Ministerof 25 CONCLUSION Special training of Intelligence Group On-the-job training for CNPA officers ANNEX Developed special training curriculum Continue basic and advanced as well as Drug Enforcement Delivered motor vehicles and small-sized special training (CNPA) equipment Assess efficiency measures carried out so Set up the Counter Narcotics Training Unit far Annex (CNTU) at the Police Academy

Basic training in criminal policing, and train- Implement new structure the-trainers seminars Build facilities for the criminal police force Crime control Drew up a model equipment list for the crimi- in Kabul nal police forces in the provinces Continue the training measures begun in Equipped the criminal police forces of seven 2005 Overview of reconstruction projects provinces Continue equipping the criminal police facilities in the provinces according to pri- 8Area Projects / Major Measures until 2005 Plans for 2006 oritization Advised the Minister of the Interior and responsible Continue advising the MoI Reconstructed and renovated the province Implement the new structure personnel on reorganization and reconstruction Continue training for the staff office of the criminal police Set up an analysis section and a documen- Ministry of the Interior matters of the Command and Control Province Office of Crimi- Gave advice regarding the development of an tation section; provide necessary equip- (MoI) Renovated and equipped the building of the interior Centre; computer skills training nal Police, incl. forensic effective structural and functional organization ment ministry Implement the new organiza- laboratory Provided basic criminal police training On-the-job training Created a Command and Control Centre at the MoI tional structure Equipped a lab for ballistic investigation Provide equipment for training by Afghan Training of forensic experts (responsible: trainers France) Second forensic experts Advised the director of the Police Academy and the Second German instructors Department for Basic and Advanced Training of the Build facilities for counter-nar- Rebuilt anti-terrorism agency building in Build counter-terrorism field offices in the MoI cotics seminars Kabul provinces of: Developed curricula Add on to the Police Academy Counter-Terrorism Supplied equipment and furniture Nimroz (Zaranj), Faryab (Maymana), Built and equipped special training facilities and a building to accommodate train- Department Provided advanced training for anti-terrorism Takhar (Taloqan), Balkh (Mazar-e Sharif) Police Academy library ing places for another 400 stu- agency staff in Kabul Advanced training Expanded the medical centre dents Trained staff of regional offices in Kunduz and Prepared, organized and carried out various training Evaluate training to become a Herat measures for the individual policing areas saran Built separate accommodation facilities for female Rebuilt the office facilities On-the-job training by German police officers and a day-care centre for their children Arranged study visits to BKA and Lyon officers Interpol Supplied equipment and furniture Developed a border police structure Monitoring and mentoring of the Installation of I-24-7 Interpol network connec- Rebuilt the border police headquarters in Kabul border police at KAIA tion Trained the instructors of border policing seminars Further equipment aid Provided on-the-job training for police officers at Continue to provide training for Trained mechanics in AFG and Germany Establish repair workshops and garages KAIA the reserve battalion at the bor- Built and equipped a police-car garage in for cars, radio equipment and arms Border Police Equipped and trained the reserve battalion at the bor- der police headquarters in Kabul Police-car garage Herat Continue mechanics and drivers training der police HQ in Kabul Create a training centre for Maintained the delivered vehicles Rebuilt the facilities of the Protection Battalion at police canines, train police Rebuilt the gas station KAIA canines and canine officers Drivers training Rebuilt the border crossing point Toorghondi Pilot project: Use of police horses in border policing 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th and Implemented the new organizational structure Continue mentoring measures simulta- 10th District Headquar- Renovated the headquarters buildings neously with training measures Built the highway police headquarters in Kabul, facili- Equip the 8th battalion ters of the Kabul City Supplied equipment and furniture ties for the 8th battalion and one highway police sta- Advisory and coordination assis- Police Mentoring of the chief of police and training Highway Police tion on the Kabul-Ghazni highway tance regarding further recon- of patrol officers Drew up an equipment and project inventory struction activities Delivered patrol vehicles Further equipment aid Mobility Delivered 950 patrol cars, minibuses, pick-ups Provide additional motorbikes Build highway police stations and lorries and 155 motorbikes (since 2002)

26 27 More details available on the Internet Overview of reconstruction projects in the provinces

Area Projects / Major Measures until 2005 Plans for 2006 Federal Ministry of the Interior: Assistance for rebuilding THW: THW abroad / Afghanistan Built and equipped police headquarters in Training for criminal police and uniformed the police force in Afghanistan Kunduz and Taloqan police SiteGlobals/Categories/Region/Ausland/Afghanistan. Basic and special training Training of chiefs of police Content/Themen/Polizei/DatenundFakten/Polizeiliche__ html__nnn=true Equipped 8th border police brigade Extension of radio communication in the Aufbauhilfe__Afghanistan__Id__94047__de.html Kunduz Installation of emergency call-system in HQ province Kunduz Order of Malta: “Further assistance for Afghanistan!” Kunduz Build highway police and uniformed police Federal Foreign Office: Current development in Basic training for police officers (satunkai) stations on the important Kunduz – Feyza- Afghanistan Center/ together with the German Bundeswehr bad highway es&Index1=337 Build and equip provincial police complexes aussenpolitik/friedenspolitik/afghanistan/index_html in the districts of Kunduz European Union: Afghanistan (English) Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Devel- opment: Afghanistan topic.htm#afg Built and equipped police headquarters in Equipment of border crossing point Herat Toorghondi afghanistan/index.html United Nations: United Nations Assistance Mission in Equipped police sections in the responsible Extension of radio communication in the Afghanistan (English) area of the police headquarters Herat province Herat and further equipment Federal Ministry of Defence: Bundeswehr operation in Equipped 6th border police brigade for different areas of police with Afghanistan Built border crossing point Toorghondi communication technology Equipped police workshop for different Equipment of 4th highway police brigade CurrentBaseLink/W265HK9Y385INFODE Herat areas Further basic and advanced training Installation of a radio net for the police in focusing on police tasks Federal Government: e.velop Nr.29 04/2005, Focal point the town Herat Equipment of the airport Herat with Afghanistan Installation of emergency call-system in the technology for aviation security province Herat ,11813.819331/emagazine_entw/e.velop-Nr.-29-04-2005-| Different basic and advanced training -Schwe.htm?link=bpa_zum_ezine measures as computer and literacy courses and special training courses

Built and equipped police headquarters in Installation of radio communication in the Feyzabad province Badakhshan Feyzabad Pilot project for the 8th border police Training for criminal police and uniformed brigade in Badakhshan, equipment with police horses/mules Training of chiefs of police Special training for border police

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28 Editor: Federal Ministry of the Interior Project Group “Assistance for rebuilding the Afghan police force” Alt-Moabit 101 D 10559 Berlin, Germany

Editing: Federal Ministry of the Interior Project Group “Assistance for rebuilding the Afghan police force” Federal Foreign Office, Division GF 11

Design and editing: MEDIA CONSULTA Deutschland GmbH

Photo credits: Federal Government, Federal Ministry of the Interior, Federal Foreign Office, Federal Ministry of Defence, Federal Press Office, picture-alliance

Print: Druckerei Dehl, Düsseldorf

2nd edition (December 2005) 1.000 copies

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