
INTERJECTION USED BY THE STUDENTS IN ENGLISH SKILL (A Descriptive Research at Eleventh Grade Students of SMA Muhammadiyah 9 Makassar)


Submitted to the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Muhammadiyah University of Makassar in partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of Education in English Department







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Judul Skripsi : STUDENTS’ INTERJECTION IN SPEAKING ENGLISH (A Descriptive Research at Eleventh Grade Students of SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Makassar)

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ABSTRACT Andi Riswandi Putra. 2019. Students’ Interjection in Speaking English. Thesis. Supervised by Syamsiarna Nappu, and Muh. Arief Muhsin. English Education Department, faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Muhammadiyah University of Makassar.

This research is written to find out types, classification and function of interjection in students English speaking. This research applied descriptive qualitative research in order to find out interjection in students English speaking. The data of this research is collected from students conversation by using recording to record students conversation. The participants of this research are the students of SMA Muhammadiyah 1 makassar at Grade eleventh. The analysis data is done by recording, finding and selecting the interjection that are found in students conversation. The research findings shown that there are some interjection types are found in students‟ conversation and primary interjection is the types of interjection that are mostly used by the students in their conversation. Then, the researcher found some classification of interjection and expressive is the classification of interjection that are mostly used by the students in their conversation and the last is the researcher also found the function of interjection and emotive function are mostly used by the students in their conversation.

Keyword: Interjection, Speaking, Student.


ABSTRAK Andi Riswandi Putra. 2020. Interjeksi Siswa dalam Berbahasa Inggris. Tesis. Dibimbing oleh Syamsiarna Nappu, dan Muh. Arief Muhsin. Departemen Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar. Penelitian ini ditulis untuk mengetahui jenis, klasifikasi dan fungsi interjeksi pada siswa berbahasa Inggris. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian kualitatif deskriptif untuk mengetahui interjeksi pada siswa berbahasa Inggris. Data penelitian ini dikumpulkan dari percakapan siswa dengan menggunakan rekaman untuk merekam percakapan siswa. Partisipan dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa-siswi SMA Muhammadiyah 9 makassar kelas XI. Analisis data dilakukan dengan merekam, menemukan dan memilih kata seru yang ditemukan dalam percakapan siswa. Temuan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada beberapa jenis kata seru yang ditemukan dalam percakapan siswa dan kata seru utama adalah jenis kata seru yang sebagian besar digunakan oleh siswa dalam percakapan mereka. Kemudian, peneliti menemukan beberapa klasifikasi kata seru dan ekspresif adalah klasifikasi kata seru yang sebagian besar digunakan oleh siswa dalam percakapan mereka dan yang terakhir adalah peneliti juga menemukan fungsi kata seru dan fungsi emosi yang paling banyak digunakan oleh siswa dalam percakapan mereka. Kata kunci: Interjeksi, Berbicara, Siswa.




– QS AR-RAHMAN (55:13)

I dedicated this thesis to My beloved parents, my families and all of my friends.



Alhamdulillahi Robbil Alamin. I myself as the researcher express my highest gratitude to the almighty Allah SWT, who has given guidance, blessing, and mercy to me in completing this thesis. Salam and Shalawat are addressed to the final, chosen, religious messenger, the prophet Muhammad S.A.W.

Further, I myself as the researcher also express sincerely deepest gratitude to my beloved parents; my father Andi Jufri and my lovely Andi Rosdiana for their prayer, financial, motivation and sacrificed for my success, and their love sincerely and purely without time and also my beloved brother Andi Risaldi Putra and my beloved sister, Andi Jumriana.

The researcher realized that in carrying out the research and writing this thesis, many people have contributed their valuable suggestion, guidance, assistance, and advice for the completion of this thesis. Therefore the researcher would to acknowledgment them: a. Prof. Dr. . Abd. Rahman Rahim, MM., the Rector of Muhammadiyah

University of Makassar. b. Erwin Akib, M.Pd., Ph.D., the Dean of FKIP UNISMUH Makassar. c. Ummi Khaerati Syam, S.Pd, M.Pd, the head of English education department

of FKIP UNISMUH Makassar, who gave her valuable authorities and

suggestion in doing this thesis.

ix d. My greatest thanks are due to the first consultant Mrs. Dr. Syamsiarna Nappu

M.Pd. as the first consultant and Mr. Muh. Arief Muhsin S.Pd.,M.Pd. as the

second consultant who have given their valuable time and patient, to support

assistance and guidance to finish this thesis. e. My greatest thanks to Mr. Firman, S.Pd., M.Pd. the head master of SMA

Muhammadiyah 1 Makassar for permitting me to do a research. f. My greatest thanks to Mrs. Ika Sastrawati for guidance me during my research

in SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Makassar. g. My greatest thanks to BRITISH Class as a class who have given experiences

in developing my character. h. My greatest thanks to my Squad “Pejuang Skripsi”. Annas Akis and Nurul

Hikmah Ramadhani i. My greatest thanks to my family who always give me support, motivation, and

suggestion in completing this thesis. j. My greatest thanks also to everybody that ask me „Apa Kabar Skripsi?‟ here

you go! Finally, I finished it. k. Finally, for everyone who have given valuable suggestion, guidance,

assistance, and advice to completion this thesis may Allah S.W.T. be with us

now and ever after.

Makassar, 30 August 2019

The Researcher

Andi Riswandi Putra



COVER ...... i APPROVAL SHEET ...... ii SURAT PERNYATAAN...... iii SURAT PERJANJIAN ...... iv MOTTO...... v ABSTRACT ...... vi ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ...... vii TABLE OF CONTENTS ...... ix LIST OF FIGURES...... xi LIST OF TABLES ...... xii LIST OF APPENDIXES ...... xiii CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ...... 1 A. Background ...... 1 B. Problem Statement ...... 5 C. Objectives of the Study ...... 5 D. Significance of the Study ...... 5 E. Scope of the Study ...... 6

CHAPTER II REVIEW OF THE RELATED LITERATURE ...... 7 A. Previous Related Research Findings ...... 7 B. Theoretical Framework ...... 10 C. Conceptual Framework ...... 15

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHOD ...... 22 A. Research Design ...... 22 B. Research Participant ...... 23 C. Research Instrument ...... 24 D. Technique of Data Collection ...... 25 E. Technique of Data Analysis ...... 27 CHAPTER IV FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS...... 31 A. Findings...... 31 B. Discussions...... 35 CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTIONS...... 36


A. Conclusions...... 36 B. Suggestions...... 36




Figure 2.1. Conceptual Framework…………… ...... 18



Table 4.1 Types of Interjection ...... 22 Table 4.2 Classification of interjection ...... 29 Table 3.3 Function of Interjection ...... 27



APPENDIX I Observation Checklist APPENDIX II Field Note APPENDIX III Script of Students‟ Conversation Recording




A.Background of the Study

Nowadays, people or in this case students just know interjection as just

“kata seru”. They said that interjection is the simplest of parts of speech because we just have to look at the exclamation mark in the end of , phrases or sentences to know that it is an interjection but that people did not know that interjection is not as simple as they thought. Interjection has types, classification, function, form, meaning and etc. So in speaking English, we have to pay attention in using interjection.

Every consists of sounds and sound pattern, basic unit of meaning or words, and rules to combine them to form new sentences. Those elements constitute the grammar of the language. Therefore, to understand a language, people have to know its grammar. But in conversation sometimes people use that grammatically have no connection with the previous or next sentences. They use it to express their feeling or perform a certain sense, it is called interjection.

An interjection, sometimes called a filled pause, is a that usually has no grammatical connection to the rest of the sentence and simply expresses emotion on the part of the speaker, although most interjections have clear definitions. Interjections are uninfected function words that express the attitude or emotion of the speaker. They are used when the speaker encounters



events that cause some emotions, such as unexpectedly, painfully, surprisingly or in many other sudden ways.

In daily conversation, consiously or unconsiously people always involve interjection in it. For example, when someone is finding something, he/she spontaneously says Aha!, or when someone is surprised about something happened, he says Wow!, or Oh my God! Interjections are so complex. Sometimes people make the variation of interjection according to the sense of their emotion.

Ouch express more sense than Oh, although it is based on the same interjection and expressed the same emotion. On the other hand, an interjection can express several kinds of emotion. People use Oh my God to express several kinds of emotion such as astonishment, unexpection or maybe pain. It is concerned with the context of the situation of .

There are some researchers have conducted a research about interjection.

The first is a research fromYuniarty (2018) in her research entitled “interjections in students‟ conversation”. In her research mentioned that emotive and conative interjection are frequently used by the students followed by phatic interjection.

The students used the emotive interjection to express or show their feelings or emotions towards something and the conative interjection to get someone‟s attention or demand on action or response from someone of speaker‟s wants. Then another reseaarch from Anggoro (2013) in his research entitled “ Interjection In

English Comic Books Scooby-Doo Where Are You” found that there are 20 primary interjection and 10 secondary interjection and also found emotive, cognitive, conative, and phatic and emotive was the highest used followed by


cognitive, conative, and phatic. Next, a research from Kinasih (2015) in her research entitled “ Interjection in Nanny Mcphee Movie” found the same resulth with Anggoro that emotive is the highest used in the conversation of characters in that movie.

Another research about interjection has conducted from Anggraini (2011) in her research entitled “ Discourse Analysis of Interjection Used in the Script of

Harry Potter Film”. In her research shown that there are some interjection found, they are cognitive, phatic, emotive, and conative and phatic was the highest used in the conversation of script. The last research from Iqbal (2019) in his research entitled “ Analysis of The Use of Interjection in The Graphic of Warkop Novel

DKI Reborn” shown that conative is the mostly interjection used then followed by emotive, cognitive and phatic.

Based on the previous related research mentioned before, we can see that the gap between previous research and my research is on the focus of the research.

The previous research just focused on two aspects of interjection (types and classification) while my research focused on three aspects of interjection (types, classification and function).

In this research, the researcher will analyze interjections uttered by the students in speaking English by using speech act theory and approach.

Knowing the context of utterance is the basic need in understanding the function and meaning of interjections those are uttered by the speaker. So, the most


appropriate theories in analyzing interjections are speech act theory and pragmatics.

B.Problem Statements

Based on the explanation above, the problems of the study were formulated as follows:

1. What types and classification of interjection are uttered by the students in

speaking English ?

2. What functions of interjection are used in students‟ English Speaking ?

C.Objectives of the Study

Based on the problems statement above, the objectives of the study were to find out:

1. The types and classification of interjections that are uttered by the

students in speaking English.

2. The function of interjection used in students‟ English Speaking.

D.Significances of the Study

Theoritically, the researcher expects that this study will give contribution to anyone who is interested in interjection or everything that deals with the topic that will be presented in this research.

Practically, it will enrich the knowledge in understanding interjection especially that are used in students‟ English Speaking, since it is not impossible that.


E. Scope of the Study

The researcher focused on the interjections that are uttered by the students in speaking English, especially in interjection types (primary and secondary), interjection classification (expressive, conative and phatic) and interjection function (referential, emotive, conative, phatic, metalingual, and poetic).



A. Some Pertinent Ideas

1. Pragmatics

Language is the one of the important things in a society. In

everyday life, people use language to communicate with others. The

language is used by people for delivering the intended messages from one

person to another. From , dialects and words that are chosen by

people when they are speaking can show their background, character, and

intention. In the social context, the study of language shows how people

organize a social relationship within a particular community. Based on

Radford et. al., (2009: 14) there are some possible relationships between

language and society. The first is that social backgrounds of the speaker

and the addressee. The social backgrounds include age, sex, social class,

ethnic background, etc. The second is the relationship between the speaker

and the addressee. The relationship meant is good friends, employer -

employee, grandmother – grandchild, teacher – student, etc. The last is the

context and manner of the interaction i.e. in bed, in the supermarket, in the

classroom, loudly, whispering, etc.

In reference to language study, pragmatics is a very wide field and

interesting to be investigated because it examines our use and

understanding of the language we speak and listen. Therefore, pragmatics

deals with utterances, by which people will mean specific events and the



intentional acts of speaker in a context. According to Trask (2005: 161), pragmatics is the branch of linguistics that studies the use and meaning of utterances in relation to their context. Here, the context is considered as the previous utterances (discourse context), participants in the speech events, and the physical setting of the speech.

A different idea about pragmatics is stated by Finch (2000 : 150).

He says that pragmatics is concerned with the meaning of utterance. He asserts that pragmatics focuses on what is implicitly stated and on how people interpret utterances in situational contexts. In the other words, it is about how language is used in communication, including how people use language to establish their identities, to express their emotions, and to carry on conversations with others.

However, the previous statements mention that pragmatics not only concerns the language use but also concerns the aspects of conversation.

To make it clearer, a broader definition is proposed by Yuniarti (2018) in

Yule who mentions four definitions of pragmatics. Firstly, pragmatics is the study of speaker‟s meaning. It has to do with the analysis of what people mean by their utterances. Secondly, pragmatics is the study of contextual meaning. It involves the interpretation of what people mean in a particular context and how the context influences what is said. Thirdly, pragmatics is the study of how the meaning gets communicated more than what is said by the speaker. It is the way how listeners can make inferences what is said in order to get the interpretation of the speakers‟


intended meaning. Fourthly, pragmatics is the study of the expression of relative distance. It investigates the assumption of the speakers about the distance of the shared experience between the speakers and the listeners in order to determine how much needs to be said.

Based on some definitions of pragmatics, it can be concluded that pragmatics studies the aspects of meaning and the language use that are dependent on the speaker, the addressees and other features of the context of utterance. It deals with the ways people reach the goal in a communication. Pragmatics covers the study of implicature, presupposition, speech acts, reference, , definiteness and indefiniteness (Horn and Ward, 2005: 1). Because the objective of this study is to investigate the functions and the effects of speech acts in

Bilingual English – Indonesia classroom, the next section discusses the theory of speech acts.

2. Speech Act Theory

According to Austin in Nugroho (2013) states that the term „speech act‟ was found by the linguist named Austin and it was developed by another linguist named Searle. They explain that people describe situations and communicative actions in a conversation when they use language or words. When people communicate with others, they do not only produce utterances which contain grammatical structure and words, but also perform some actions via those utterances. He states that speech acts as the actions performed in saying something. He also distinguishes the act of


saying something, what one does in saying, and what one does by saying it

and dubs these a locutionary, an illocutionary, and a perlocutionary.

The theory of speech acts judges that people do more things with

words rather than convey information and when people convey

information, they often convey more than their words encode. Further,

Aitchison (2003: 106) defines speech act as a number of utterances that

behave somewhat like actions. He states that when a person utters a

sequence of words, the speaker often tries to achieve some effects with

those words; an effect which may in some cases has been accomplished by

an alternative action. In conclusion, speech act is utterances that can

replace action for a particular purpose in a certain situation.

3. Classification of Speech Act

Grundy (2008) based on Austin‟s classification explained that when people say something, they may involve the three dimensions, which are locutionary acts, illocutionary acts, and perlocutionary acts a. Locutionary acts

Locutionary acts are basic utterances uttered by people shaped in

the right grammar and understandable vocabulary. From the examples

given by Yuniarti (2018) in Yule‟s book, it is clear that he tried to say

that one of the requirements to meet in performing locutionary acts is

that both the speaker and the hearer share the same language; otherwise,


there will be misunderstanding or the meaning intended will not be

understood by the hearer. b. Illocutionary acts

Yuniarti (2018) in Yule stated that the term “illocutionary acts” is

often closely associated with the term speech act. When people have

communicative force in saying an utterance, it means that they are

performing an illocutionary act. For example, saying “put it out” may

have a different kind of force behind that. The speaker may say that

because he tries to stop a lady smoking in a smoke free area, or he sees

a window curtain is on fire. Having intention to say particular utterances

contribute to the idea of illocutionary acts. c. Perlocutionary acts

People (speakers) perform perlocutionary acts by expecting to

affect other people‟s (hearers‟) behavior. Affecting behavior does not

necessarily mean getting the hearer to do physical movements; it also

deals with the change of thought or habit of the hearer. This statement is

in line with Yule who pointed out that perlocutionary acts bring the-so-

called perlocutionary effect. One of the examples illustrating this

situation is when a speaker is feeling sad of being left out, he says “I am

useless” to a friend. By hearing the utterance, the hearer is affected and

feels sorry. Felling sorry is the effect of the perlocutionary acts of the

utterance “I am useless”. The term “speech act” comprises many

theories under it. It includes the theory of performative , IFIDs


(Illocutionary Force Indicating Devices, felicity conditions, speech acts

classification, direct and indirect speech acts, speech events, and so on.

To make clear about the meaning from the utterance, Nugroho (2013)

in Searle proposed that speech act could be grouped into general

categories based on the relation of and world. There are five basic

kinds of actions that one can perform on speaking or utterance, by means

of the following types: a. Assertive / Representative

The assertive refers to the dimension of assessment which includes true

and false. Therefore, this speech act describes states or events in the world

such as stating, claiming, reporting, announcing, etc. Testing an assertive

speech acts can be done by giving questions that are categorized as true and

false. According to Yule assertive / representative is a kind of speech acts

that states what the speaker believes to be the case or not. In using assertive

or representative, the speaker makes the words fit the world. The examples of

assertive / representative are illustrated below:

(1) The earth is flat

(2) The color “Red” in Indonesia is merah.

The two examples above represent the world‟s events as what the speaker



b. Directive

Directive refers to a speech act that has a function to make the hearer to do

something such as ordering, requesting, demanding, begging, and etc.

According to Yule, directive is a kind of speech acts that speakers use to get

someone else to do something. By performing directive, the speaker attempts

to make the world fit the words (via the hearer). It can be concluded that

directive expresses what the speaker wants. The examples of directive are

shown below:

(1)Don‟t touch that!

(2)Could you lend me your pen, please?

Example 1 shows that the speaker gives command to get the hearer acts what

8the speaker wants. Meanwhile, in example 2, in the form of interrogative,

the speaker has an intention to perform a request that has a function to get the

hearer to do what speaker wants. c. Commisive

Commisive refers to a speech acts that commits the speaker to do

something in the future such as promising, offering, swearing to do

something, etc. Yule states that commisive is a kind of speech acts that the

speakers use to commit themselves to do some future actions. He also adds

that in using commisive, the speaker makes the world fit the words (via the

speaker). It express what the speaker intends. The examples of commisive are

as follows:


(1)I‟ll be back soon.

(2)I‟m going to give you a gift.

The modal „will‟ or to be „going to‟ in certain rules, contexts, and situation

signifies a promise in which it will do in the future. Therefore, these

examples are considered as commisive. d. Expressive

In using expressive speech acts, the speaker expresses feelings and

attitudes about something. Yule states that expressive is a kind of speech acts

that states what the speaker feels. It expresses psychological states and can be

statements of pleasure, pain, like, dislike, joy or sorrow. In this case, the

speaker makes the words fit the world, which incorporates his/her feeling.

The examples of expressive are:


(2)I‟m really sorry.

Example 1 is used to congratulate someone and example 2 is an expression of

sympathy. e. Declarative

Declaration refers to a speech act which changes the state of affairs in the

world such as naming, resigning, sentencing, dismissing, excommunicating,

and christening. According to Yule declarative is a kind of speech acts that

change the world via the words (utterance). This is a very special category of


speech acts. In order to perform a declaration appropriately, the speaker has to have a special institutional role in specific context that provides rules for their use. The examples of declarative are as follows:

(1)Time out!

(2)Game over!

Utterance 1 and 2 bring about the changes in reality. They are not just statements. Utterance 1 is used to perform the act of ending the test and utterance is used to perform the ending of a game.

4. Interjection

According to Yuniarti (2018) in Ameka, interjections are little words

or nonwords which can stand on its own and have their own word class

found in any languages.

“It is perhaps true that apart form and verbs, interjections–

those little words, or „non-words‟, which can constitute utterances by

themselves – are another word class found in all languages”

Ameka also states that interjections are relatively conventionalized

vocal gestures (or more generally linguistics gestures) which express a

speaker‟s mental state, action or attitude or reaction to a situation.

Interjection could also called as a filled pause, a part of speech that usually

does not have grammatical connection to the rest of the sentence that

simply expresses emotion of the speaker to the hearer or the listener.


Interjection is uninflected function words that express the attitude or emotion of the speaker. Besides being self-oriented expressions of emotions and attitude, interjection may also be directed at someone to acquire a desired reaction, for example to stop an action or to serve communicative intentions more broadly. a. Types of Interjection

Ameka states that interjections can be divided into two types there are primary Interjections and secondary Interjections.

1). Primary Interjections

Primary Interjections are little words or non-words which can stand on its own and do not normally include in other word classes such , , , etc. For example, Ouch!, Wow!, Gee!, Oho!, Oops!, etc.

Example in sentence:

Gee, you look like you have it!

Oho, I have another suit! Wow!

You look fantastic today Ouch!

This scarf hurts me Oops! I am sorry

Primary Interjections may be made up of sounds and sounds sequences that are not found in other parts of the language such as tut-tut,

Psst!, Sh!, and etc.


2).Secondary Interjections

Secondary Interjections are those words which have independent

semantic values but can be used conventionally as utterances by

themselves to express a mental attitude or state. The examples of

secondary interjections are alarm calls and attention getters like Help!,

Fire!, Careful!, etc. Swearing and taboo words like Damn!, Hell!,

Heavens!, Christ! And other emotively used words such as Shame!,

Bother! And Drats! Are also the examples of secondary interjections.

Besides those examples, according to Yuniarti in Ameka (1992)

there also multi- morphemic one which constitute a phonological word

such as Goddammit! That may be referred to as complex interjections.

As quoted by Ameka from Bloomfield there are interjectional expressions called as secondary interjections. There are multiword expressions, phrases, which can be free utterance units and refer to mental acts, such as, bloody hell!, dear me!, My Goodness!, Thank God!, etc. These utterances are called as „interjectional phrases‟.

b. Classification Of Interjection

According to Yuniarti in Ameka (1992), interjections can be

classified into three classifications there are Expressive Interjections,

Conative Interjections and Phatic Interjections.

1) Expressive Interjections are vocal gestures which are symptoms of the

speaker‟s mental state. They may be subdivided into two groups:


(a) Emotive Interjections are those that express the speaker‟s state with

respect to the emotions and sensations they have at the time. For

example as quoted by Ameka, Yuk! „I feel disgust‟, Wow! „I am

surprised‟, Ouch! „I feel pain‟ etc.

(b) Cognitive Interjections are those that pertain to the state of

knowledge and thoughts of the speaker‟s at the time of the

utterance. For example, Aha! „I know this‟.

2) Conative Interjections are those expressions which are directed at an auditor. They either aimed at getting someone‟s attention or they demand on action or response from someone of a speaker‟s wants.

For example, sh! „I want silence here‟, eh? „I want to know something‟.

3) Phatic Interjections are used in the establishment and maintenance of communicative contact. A variety of conventional vocalizations, which express a speaker‟s mental attitude towards the ongoing discourse, that is back channeling or feedback signaling vocalizations, may be classified as phatic. For instance, mhm, uh-uh, yeah. c. Function of Interjection

According to Jakobson in Nugroho (2013), in Esai de Linguistique

Générale, said there are 6 language functions that are related to the constituent factors of verbal communication. Before knowing the functions of language need to know the factors that make up the communication process.In sending messages to opponents, the speakers need to know the


context to whom the message is sent and the text can be handled by

opponents in both oral and other forms. The message requires a code that is

understood by two parties.

The message requires contact, namely the physical channel and

psychological support between speakers and opponents of speech. This

contact allows both to build and maintain communication. Schematically the

constituent factors of communication can be described as follows. Each of

these factors gives birth to different linguistic functions like the following:

1. Referential

It is denotative,cognitive function which is oriented toward the „context‟.

To show things or facts, the refential function is the most obvious function of

language: for example:

“The earth is round.”

“Water boils at 100 degrees.”

Referential function is a function of language related to the context of

speech, namely the language used to refer to other things outside the

utterance. Jakobson explained that this function is a denotative function that

places the message reference as the most important element

2. Emotive

It is also known as “expressive function”. This function focuses on the

„addresser‟. This function comes out when we want to express our emotions


although we don‟t speak to give an information. In this function, we

communicate for ourselves more than other people who hear us or not. For

example: the interjections, which are words or phrases used to express sudden

surprise, pleasure or annoyance such as : “Bah!” , “Oh!” , “Yuck!” “Ouch”

,”Aie”. They are not components but equivalent of sentences. Moreover, as

Roman Jakobson‟s example in “Linguistics and Poetics” , only from the

changes in the sound shape of the same two words ( like “this evening” ), we

can make a list of forty or more emotional situations by diversifying its

expressive tint.

3. Conative

The conative function is an orientation toward „addressee‟. This function

finds it purest grammatical expression in vocative and imperative sentences,

and it helps us to make people do something and it includes orders and

prayers. For example: “Drink!” or “Go Away”

4. Phatic

The phatic function which sets for „contact‟ establishes, prolongs or

discontinues the communication. We use this function to know whether

channel works or whether the contact is still there. Our purpose in this

function firstly to maintain the contact with the person we are talking to. For

example: “Hello!” “Are you listening?” “Do you hear me?”.

It is also the first verbal function which is acquired by infants before they are

able to send or receive informative communication.


5. Metalingual

„Code‟ performs the “ metalingual function” which is used whenever the

addresser and the addressee need to check whether they use same code and

when the language is used to speak about language. For example: “What do

you mean by “krill”?” , “ What is plucked?”. In the process of language

learning, the acqusition of mother tongue includes wide use of metalingual

actions; for example aphasia may be described as a loss of capability for

metalingual actions.

6. Poetic

The poetic function which is orientation toward “message” and “the focus

on the message for its own sake”. This function includes more than poetry,

linguistics cannot limit itself just to the field of poetry. When we say “John

and Margery” instead of “Margery and John” or when we say “horrible

Harry” instead of “ terrible Harry , dreadful Harry” which have same

meaning, we use the poetic function of language.

When we analyze the functions of language for a given unit such as a

word, a text, or an image, we specify which functions are present or absent, to

which class or type this unit belongs and which characteristics these functions

have regarding hierarchical and other relations that can operate between them


C. Conceptual Framework













Figure 2.1: The Stages of Students’ Interjection Analyzing

This research applied descriptive qualitative approach in which the

researcher focuses on interjection uttered by the students in SMA

Muhammadiyah 9 Makassar. The researcher asked the students to speak, in this

case the researcher has given a current topic that students will speak about. The


speaking was in conversation form. Then, the researcher recorded students conversation and analyzed interjection contained and then identified it based on the types, classification and function of interjection.



A. Research Design

The method that is used in this research was descriptive qualitative method. It is intended to identify students‟ interjection in speaking English. Qualitative research refers to process - oriented methods use to understand, interpret, describe and develop a theory on a phenomenon or setting. It is a systematic, subjective approach use to describe life experiences and give them meaning.

Descriptive qualitative research is mostly associated with words, language and experiences rather than measurements, statistics and numerical figures. In this case, the researcher identified the students‟ interjection. The data were collected from the students‟ conversation to analyze what types, classification and function of interjection that students use in speaking English.

B. Research Participants

The subject in this study were the students of SMA Muhammadiyah 9

Makassar at Grade 11, whereas the object of this research were words, phrases and sentences in the form of interjections contained in students‟ English speaking.

C. Research Instrument

Burns (1994:925) states that the role of the researcher in qualitative

approach is as an instrument. The researcher acts as the planner, data

collector, analyst, the data interpreter and the reporter of the research findings



(Moleong, 2001: 121). There were two instruments that researcher used in

conducting the data. The instrument that was used in this research was

recording. Recording was used to record students English speaking or in this

case students‟ conversation in order to analyze students‟ interjection in script

of conversation that have been transcribed from students‟ recording.

D. Technique of Data Collection

The data is the object of the research target and its context. The data in this

study were all words, phrases and sentences containing interjections in

students‟ English speaking. In collecting data, the first the researcher observed

the subject that will be studied whether the subject is rich of source or not to

avoid dry source in the data. After the researcher was sure that the research

subjects were capable to be studied, the researcher started to do research.

So to conduct the main data, the researcher used recording technique to

record students‟ English speaking. The researcher listened to students English

speaking recording and find out the available interjection. Next, the researcher

transcribed the recorded students‟ conversation into script of conversation.

After the interjections are found, the interjections were collected and analyzed

based on its type, classifications and functions.

E.Technique of Data Analysis

According to Djajasudarma (2006), states that "Activities in data

analysis include three concurrent activities (1) data reduction, (2) data

presentation, and (3) conclusion drawing.


1. Data Reduction

Reduction is part of the analysis, not separate. Its function is to

sharpen, classify, direct, dispose of unnecessary, and organize so that

the interpretation can be drawn. The reduced data gives a sharper

picture of the results of the observation, also makes it easier for the

author to look back on the data obtained if needed. In this case the

researcher only focused in interjection contained in students‟

conversation recording. The researcher ignored another part of speech

that exist in the students‟ conversation recording.

2. Data Presentation

Data presentation is a set of structured information that gives the

possibility to draw conclusions and take action. The form of

presentation includes technical narratives, matrices, graphs, networks,

and charts. The aim was to make easily in reading and drawing

conclusions. In this case, the researcher presented a table contained

students‟ interjection analysis used in their conversation.

3. Conclusion Drawing

Drawing conclusions is only a part of one activity from a

complete configuration. In this stage, the researcher formulates

propositions related to the principle of logic, raises them as research

findings, then continues to review repeatedly the existing data,

grouping the data that has been formed, and propositions that have

been formulated. The next step is to report the full research results,


with new findings that are different from the findings that already exist. In this case, the researcher identified the types, classification and function of interjection mostly used.



A. Findings

1. Types and Classification of Interjection

a. Types of Interjection

According to Ameka, interjection can be divided into two types.

Those are primary interjection and secondary interjection. Primary

interjections are little words or non-words which can stand on its own

and do not normally include in other word classes such verb, noun,

adjective etc while Secondary interjections are those words which

have independent semantic values but can be used conventionally as

utterances by themselves to express a mental attitude or state. The

following is the discussion of interjection types that are found in

students‟ conversation script.

b. Classification of interjection

According to Ameka, interjection can be classified into three

classifications. Those are expressive interjection, conative interjection

and phatic interjection. Expressive interjections are vocal gestures

which are symptoms of the speakers‟ mental state, that express the

speakers‟ state with respect to the emotion and sensation they have at

the same time and to pertain to the state of knowledge and thoughts of



the speakers‟ at the time of the utterance. Conative interjections are

those expression which are directed at an auditor. They are either

aimed at getting someone‟s attention or they demand on action or

response from. Phatic interjections are used in the establishment and

maintenance of communicative contact. A variety of conventional

vocalizations, which express a speakers‟ mental attitude towards the

ongoing discourse, that is back channelling or feedback signalling

vocalizations, may be classified as phatic interjection. c. Function of Interjection

According to Jacobson (1963: 64-66), interjection can be divided into

six functions of interjection. Those are referential function, emotive

function, conative function, phatic function, metalingual function and

poetic function. Referential functions are language functions that relate

to the context of speech, that is the language used to refer to anything

other than speech. Jakobson explained that this function is a denotative

function that places the message reference as the most important

element. Emotive functions express the speakers‟ state with respect to

the emotions and sensations they have at the same time. Conative

function are aimed at getting someone‟s attention or they demand on

action or response from someone of speakers‟ want. The function of

the language is associated with the phatic component of

communication in the form of contact. Language is used to build,


continue, or break communication. In addition, language is also useful

for knowing the functioning of flow of communication, and attracts

the attention of the speaker. Metalingual Function, this function is

centered on code, in this case is language. Language as the object of

description or conversation. Poetic Function, the function of this

language is emphasized in the message delivered in communication.

Language is used to convey a message. According to Jacobson the

function of poetic language is the function that makes message into

works of art.

Below is the data that are found after doing research. The data were the

students‟ conversation. there were 26 students in the class and then each

students had done conversation in pair. It means that there were 13 pairs but

from that pairs the researcher just found 11 pairs that contained interjection in

their conversation. it means that there were just 11 data found and the

researcher will be presented interjections that are found in students‟

conversation based on its types, classification and function.

Data 1:

Angga: Good morning. Bima: Good morning too. Angga: What do you think about my new hair cut? Bima: Wow! You look handsome. Angga: Really? Oh thank God! I thought that will be looked weird.


Based on Data 1, it can be seen that there are interjection Wow! and interjection Thank God! In types of Interjection, interjection Wow! can be determined as primary interjection and interjection Thank God! can be determined as secondary interjection. Then in classification of interjection, these interjections can be determined as expressive interjection. There are no conative and phatic interjection found. The last in function of interjection, these interjections can be determined as emotive function. There are no referential, conative, phatic, metalingual and poetic function are found.

Data 2:

Nabiel: Hi, good morning. Ikram: Hi, good morning too. Nabiel: What do you think about our independence day celebration? Ikram: Wow! I am impressed. There are a lot of competition that held and I join in one of them. Nabiel: Really? Wow! It is good. So how is the result? Ikram: Sshh! I lose. Nabiel: Oops! It is alright. At least you have tried. Ikram: yups!

Based on Data 2, it found 2 interjection Wow! 1 interjection Sshh!, 1 interjection Oops! and 1 interjection Yups! These interjections can be determined as primary interjection. There is no secondary interjection is found in this data 2. In


classification of interjection, interjection Wow! and interjection Oops! can be determined as expressive interjection, interjection Sshh! can be determined as conative interjection and interjection Yups! can be determined as phatic interjection.

The last is in function of interjection. Interjection Wow! and interjection Oops! can be determined as emotive function, interjection Sshh! can be determined as conative function and interjection Yups! can be determined as phatic function. There are no referential, conative, metalingual and poetic function are found in data.

Data 3:

Septian: Hi. Ahmad: Hello. Septian: Have you read about “Penemuan Mayat” in “Makassar Info”? Ahmad: No, I have not. What‟s happened? Can you tell me more detail about it? Septian: Sure. So there is a man who assume has killed and his body is found in Tello river. Ahmad: Oh my God! It is terrible. Septian: Yups! I think so.

Based on Data 3, it shown that there is 1 interjection Oh My God! and 1 interjection Yups! Interjection Oh My God! can be determined as secondary interjection and interjection Yups! can be determined as primary interjection. In classification of interjection, interjection Oh My God! can be determined as expressive interjection and interjection Yups! can be determined as phatic interjection.

There is no conative interjection found. The last is in interjection function.


Interjection Oh My God! can be determined as emotive function while interjection

Yups! can be determined as phatic function. There are no referential, conative, metalingual and poetic function are found in data.

Data 4:

Aulia: Good morning. Siska: Good morning too. Aulia: Where are you going in this weekend? Siska: I don‟t have a plan yet. How about you? Aulia: Ouch! Me too. Siska: Aha! I have idea. Aulia: What is it? Siska: how about going to Tope Jawa? Aulia: Wow! It is a good idea. Let‟s go there. Siska: Alright.

Based on Data 4, it can be seen 1 interjection Ouch!, 1 interjection Aha!, and

1 interjection Wow!. These interjections can be determined as primary interjection.

There is no secondary interjection is found in this data 4. Next, in classification of interjection, these interjections can be determined as expressive interjection. There are no conative and phatic interjection found. The last is in interjection function.

Interjection Ouch! can be determined as referential function, interjection Aha! can be determined as metalingual function and interjection Wow! can be determined as


emotive function. There are no conative, metalingual and poetic function are found in this data.

Data 5:

Anwar: Hello. Rifai: Hello too. Anwar: Do you see the independence ceremony? Rifai: Yes, I do. Anwar: What do you think about it? Rifai: Wow! It is awesome. How about you? What do you think about it? Anwar: Hhmm… I did not see it. Rifai: Hhmm… poor you. Anwar: Hhmm… shut up!

Based on Data 5, it found 1 interjection Wow! and 1 interjection Shut up!

Interjection Wow! can be determined as primary interjection and interjection Shut up! can be determined as secondary interjection. In classification of interjection, interjection Wow! can be determined as expressive interjection and interjection Shut up! can be determined as conative interjection. There is no phatic interjection found.

The last is in function of interjection. Interjection Wow! can be determined as emotive


function while interjection Shut up! can be determined as poetic function. There are no referential, conative, phatic and metalingual function are found in this data.

Data 6:

Rahmat: Good morning. Janwar: Good morning too. Rahmat: I have a bad news. Janwar: What is it? Rahmat: My neighbor pass away last night. Janwar: Oh my God! I am sorry to hear that.

Based on Data 6, it just only found 1 interjection Oh My God! that can be determined as secondary interjection. There is no secondary interjection found. Next, in classification of interjection, this interjection can be determined as expressive interjection. There are no conative and phatic interjection found. The last is in function of interjection. Interjection Oh My God! can be determined as emotive function. There are no referential, conative, phatic, metalingual and poetic function are found in this data.

Data 7:

Akif: Hello. Eda: Hello too. Akif: Have you finished your homework? Eda: Ha? What homework?


Akif: Oh my Goodness! Don’t you remember? We have homework to write our experience during holiday. Eda: Oh my God! I forget it. Akif: Oops! Do it now before Mrs. Ika come.

Based on Data 7, it shown that there are 1 interjection Oh My Goodness!, 1 interjection Oh My God! and 1 interjection Oops!. Interjection Oh My Goodness! and interjection Oh My God! can be determined as secondary interjection while interjection Oops! can be determined as primary interjection. In classification of interjection these interjections can be determined as expressive interjection. There are no conative and phatic function found. The last is in function of interjection. These interjections can be determined as emotive function. There are no referential, conative, phatic, metalingual and poetic function are found.

Data 8:

Rina: Good morning. Sasmita: Good morning too. Rina: I have a news for you. Sasmita: What is it? Rina: Do you know that Angga got accident yesterday? Sasmita: Really? Oh my God! How is his condition now? Rina: Don‟t mind. He is fine. Sasmita: Oh thank God! Let’s see Angga later. Rina: O.K.


Based on Data 8, it can be seen that there are 1 interjection Oh My God! and 1 interjection Thank God! These interjections can be determined as secondary interjection. There is no primary interjection is found in this data 8. In classification of interjection, these interjections can be determined as expressive interjection. There are no conative and phatic interjection found. The last is in function of interjection, these interjections can be determined as emotive function. There are no referential, conative, phatic, metalingual and poetic function found.

Data 9:

Fajar: Hello, good morning. Rahmi: Hello, good morning. Fajar: This is invitation for you. Rahmi: Wow! Are you doing birthday party? Fajar: Yups! Come and join us. Rahmi: O.K. thank you. Fajar: You are welcome.

Based on Data 9, it shown that there are 1 interjection Wow! and 1 interjection

Yups! These interjections can be determined as primary interjections. There is no secondary interjection is found. Interjection Wow! can be determined as expressive interjection and interjection Yups! can be determined as phatic interjection. There is no conative interjection found. The last is in interjection function. Interjection Wow! can be determined as emotive function while interjection Yups! can be determined as


phatic function. There are no referential, conative, metalingual and poetic function are found in data.

Data 10:

Harti: Hi. Tika: Hi too. Harti: Why you did not come to school yesterday? Tika: Hhmm… I am sick. Harti: Ouch! How is your feeling now? Tika: I am fine enough. Harti: Oh thank God! I worry about you. Tika: Thank you. Harti: You are welcome.

Based on Data 10, it found 1 interjection Ouch! and 1 interjection Oh My

God! Interjection Ouch! can be determined as primary interjection while interjection

Oh My God! can be determined as secondary interjection. In classification of interjection, these interjections can be determined as expressive interjection. There are no conative and phatic interjection found. The last is in function of interjection.

Interjection Oh My God! can be determined as emotive function while interjection


Ouch! can be determined as referential function. There are no conative, phatic, metalingual and poetic function are found in this data.

Data 11:

Kinta: Good morning. Andira: Good morning. Kinta: What do you think about “Kakak Magang”? Andira: I like how they teach us but I sometimes don‟t like too. Kinta: Sshh! Don’t be noise. Andira: Oops!

Based on Data 11, it can be seen that there are 1 interjection Sshh! and 1 interjection Oops! These interjections can be determined as primary interjection.

There is no secondary interjection is found. In classification of interjection, interjection Sshh! can be determined as conative interjection and interjection Oops! can be determined as expressive interjection. There is no phatic interjection found.

The last is in interjection function. Interjection Sshh! can be determined as phatic function while interjection Oops! can be determined as emotive function. There are no referential, conative, metalingual and poetic function are found in this data.


According to all of the data above, the researcher can determine about how many types of interjection, classification of interjection and function of interjection that are found in the students‟ conversation. the types, classification and function of interjection found are presented on the table below:

Table 4.1 Types of Interjection

No Interjection Types of Interjection Frequency

Primary Secondary

1 Oh my God!  4

2 Oh my  1


3 Thank God!  3

4 Sshh!  2

5 Yups!  2

6 Wow!  6

7 Aha!  1

8 Oops!  4

9 Sorry!  1

10 Ouch!  2

11 Shut Up!  1


Table 4.2 Classification of Interjection

No Interjection Classification of Interjection Frequency

Expressive Conative Phatic

1 Oh my God!  4

2 Oh my  1


3 Thank God!  3

4 Sshh!  2

5 Yups!  2

6 Wow!  6

7 Aha!  1

8 Oops!  4

9 Sorry!  1

10 Ouch!  2

11 Shut Up!  1


Table 4.3 Function of Interjection

No Interjection Functions of Interjection Frequency

Referential Emotive Conative Phatic Metalingual Poetic

1 Oh my God!  4

2 Oh my  1


3 Thank God!  3

4 Sshh!  2

5 Yups!  2

6 Wow!  6

7 Aha!  1

8 Oops!  4

9 Sorry!  1

10 Ouch!  2

11 Shut Up!  1

B. Discussion

1. Types and Classifications of Interjection

d. Types of Introduction

According to Ameka, interjection can be divided into two types.

Those are primary interjection and secondary interjection. Primary


interjections are little words or non-words which can stand on its own and do not normally include in other word classes such verb, noun, adjective etc while Secondary interjections are those words which have independent semantic values but can be used conventionally as utterances by themselves to express a mental attitude or state. The following is the discussion of interjection types that are found in students‟ conversation script.

1) Types of Interjection in Data 1

Based on the data 1 in findings we can see that there are 1

interjection Wow! and 1 interjection Thank God! are found in

students‟ conversation. Data 1 described about conversation

between Angga and Bima. Angga asked Bima‟s opinion about his

new haircut. interjection Wow! in the data means that Bima feels

amazed with Angga‟s new haircut while interjection Thank God!

in the data is Angga‟s response about Bima‟s opinion. It also

means that Angga feel relief because he thought that his new

haircut will be looked weird but it did not.

Interjection Wow! in the conversation can be determined as

primary interjection because it is a little word or non-words which

can stand its own and do not normally include in other word

classes such verb, noun, adjective and etc. it is related with the

previous research, Yuliana (2013) in her research entitled


“Interjection in English Comic Books Scooby-Doo Where Are

You” that found that interjection Wow! is a primary interjection because it is a little word which is not include in any words classes and it can stand on its own. Then, Interjection Thank God! in the conversation can be determined as secondary interjection because it has multiword expression, phrases, which can be free utterance unit and refer to mental act. If we compare with the previous research, it is related with Yuniarty (2018) in her research entitled

“Interjection in Students Conversation” that found interjection

Thank God! and determined it as secondary interjection because it refers to mental act.

2) Types of Interjection in Data 2

Based on the data 2 in findings, it found 2 interjection

Wow!, 1 interjection Sshh!, 1 interjection Oops! and 1

Interjection Yups!. Data 2 described about conversation

between Nabiel and Ikram. Nabiel asked Ikram‟s opinion about

independence day‟s celebration. Interjection Wow! appear

twice in conversation. the first, interjection Wow! that said by

Ikram. It expressed Ikram‟s opinion about independence‟ day

celebration. Ikram feel impressed about it. The second

interjection Wow! is from Nabiel. It expressed Nabiel‟s


respond about competition that held as independence‟ day

celebration. It also expressed that Nabiel feel good that Ikram

joined in that competition. Interjection Sshh! in conversation

means that Ikram want Nabiel to be silence because he lost in

the competition. Next is interjection Oops! in conversation

means that Nabiel will be silence and will not tell anyone else.

The last is interjection Yups! that expressed Nabil respond

after Nabiel gave support.

Interjection Wow!, Sshh!, Oops!, and Yups! can be

determined as primary interjection because all of them are little

words or non-words which can stand on its own and do not

normally include in other word classes such verb, noun,

adjective and etc. It is related with the previous research by

Yuniarty (2018) that found those interjection in students

conversation and determined it as primary interjection because

it can stand on its own.

3) Interjection Types in Data 3

Based on the data 3 in findings, it shown 1 interjection Oh

my God! and 1 interjection Yups!. Data 3 described about

conversation between Septian and Ahmad. Septian tell Ahmad

that there is a death body is found in Tello river. Interjection

Oh my God! is said by Ahmad to expressed his feeling about


Septian‟s story that said there is a man who assume has killed

and his body is found in Tello river. Then, interjection Yups!

that said by Septian means that he agreed with Ahmad‟s

opinion about the death body that is found in Tello river.

Interjection Oh my God! in conversation can be

determined as secondary interjection because it has multiword

expression, phrases, which can be free utterance unit and refer

to mental act. If we compare with the previous research, it is

related with Yuniarty (2018) in her research entitled

“Interjection in Students Conversation” that found interjection

Oh my God! and determined it as secondary interjection

because it refers to mental act while interjection Yups! can be

determined as primary interjection because interjection because

it is a little word or non-words which can stand its own and do

not normally include in other word classes such verb, noun,

adjective and etc. it is related with the previous research,

Yuliana (2013) in her research entitled “Interjection in English

Comic Books Scooby-Doo Where Are You” that found that

interjection Yups! is a primary interjection because it is a little

word which is not include in any words classes and it can stand

on its own.

4) Types of Interjection in Data 4


Based on the data 4 in findings, it can be seen that there are

1 interjection Ouch!, 1 interjection Aha! and 1 interjection

Wow! are found in conversation. Data 4 describe about

conversation between Aulia and Siska. Aulia asked about

Siska‟s plan in the weekend. Interjection Ouch! In

conversation said by Aulia to expressed her feeling after Siska

said that she don‟t have a plan yet in the weekend. Then,

interjection Aha! that said by Siska to expressed that she get an

idea. The last is interjection Wow! that said by Aulia to

expressed that she totally agree with Siska‟s idea to go to Tope

Jawa in the weekend.

Interjection Ouch!, Aha! and Wow! can be determined as

primary interjection because all of them are a little words or

non-words which can stand on its own and do not normally

include in other word classes such verb, noun, adjective and

etc. It is related with the previous research by Yuniarty (2018)

that found those interjection in students‟ conversation and

determined it as primary interjection because it can stand on its


5) Types of Interjection in Data 5


Based on the data 5 in findings, it shown 1 interjection

Wow! and 1 interjection Shut up! that found in students‟ conversation. Data 5 described about conversation between

Anwar and Rifai. Anwar asked Rifai‟s opinion about independence ceremony. Interjection Wow! that said by Rifai to express his opinion about independence ceremony. it expressed that Rifai feel amazed with it while interjection Shut up! that said by Anwar to ask Rifai to be silence because he don‟t like what Rifai said.

Interjection Wow! in the conversation can be determined as primary interjection because it is a little word or non-words which can stand its own and do not normally include in other word classes such verb, noun, adjective and etc. it is related with the previous research, Yuliana (2013) in her research entitled “Interjection in English Comic Books Scooby-Doo

Where Are You” that found that interjection Wow! is a primary interjection because it is a little word which is not include in any words classes and it can stand on its own. Then,

Interjection Shut up! in the conversation can be determined as secondary interjection because it has multiword expression, phrases, which can be free utterance unit and refer to mental


act. If we compare with the previous research, it is related with

Yuniarty (2018) in her research entitled “Interjection in

Students Conversation” that found interjection Shut Up! and

determined it as secondary interjection because it refers to

mental act.

6) Types of Interjection in Data 6

Based on the data 6 in findings, it can be seen that there is

only 1 interjection is found in conversation. It is interjection

Oh my God!. Data 6 described about conversation between

Rahmat and Janwar. Rahmat tell Janwar that his neighbour

passed away. Interjection Oh my God! that said by Janwar to

tell Rahmat that he feel sorry to hear that Rahmat‟s neighbour

passed away.

Interjection Oh my God! in conversation can be

determined as secondary interjection because it has multiword

expression, phrases, which can be free utterance unit and refer

to mental act. If we compare with the previous research, it is

related with Yuniarty (2018) in her research entitled

“Interjection in Students Conversation” that found interjection

Oh my God! and determined it as secondary interjection

because it refers to mental act.

7) Types of Interjection in Data 7


Based on the data 7 in findings, it found 1 interjection Oh

my Goodness!, 1 interjection Oh my God!, and 1 interjection

Oops! in students conversation. Data 7 described about

conversation between Akif and Eda. Akif tell Eda about their

homework but Eda forget to finish it. Interjection Oh my

Goodness! that said by Akif to express his unbelieve that Eda

forget that they have a homework. Then, interjection Oh my

God! that said by Eda to express his feeling because she

forgets that they have a homework. The last is interjection

Oops! that said by Akif to mock Eda because she forgets that

they have a homework.

Interjection Oh my Goodness! and interjection Oh my

God! can be determined as secondary interjection because

these interjections have multiword expression, phrases, which

can be free utterance unit and refer to mental act. If we

compare with the previous research, it is related with Yuniarty

(2018) in her research entitled “Interjection in Students

Conversation” that found those interjection and determined it

as secondary interjection because it refers to mental act.

8) Types of Interjection in Data 8


Based on the data 8 in findings, it found 1 interjection Oh

my God! and 1 interjection Thank God! in students‟

conversation. Data 8 described about conversation between

Rina and Sasmita. Rina tell Sasmita that Angga got an

accident. Interjection Oh my God! that said by Sasmita to

express her shocked about what Rina said that Angga got an

accident while interjection Thank God! that also said by

Sasmita to express her relief to know that Angga is just fine.

Interjection Oh my God! and interjection Thank God! that

found in conversation can be determined as secondary

interjection because these interjections have multiword

expression, phrases, which can be free utterance unit and refer

to mental act. If we compare with the previous research, it is

related with Yuniarty (2018) in her research entitled

“Interjection in Students Conversation” that found those

interjection and determined it as secondary interjection because

it refers to mental act.

9) Types of Interjection in Data 9

Based on the data 9 in findings, it can be seen that there are

1 interjection Wow! and 1 interjection Yups! are found in

students‟ conversation. Data 9 described about conversation


between Fajar and Rahmi. Fajar give a birthday invitation to

Rahmi and ask her to join in that party. Interjection Wow! that

said by Rahmi to express her surprise because Fajar gave her

an invitation while interjection Yups! that said by Fajar is to

answer and give stressing that he will do a birthday party.

Interjection Wow! and interjection Yups! can be

determined as primary interjection because all of them are a

little words or non-words which can stand on its own and do

not normally include in other word classes such verb, noun,

adjective and etc. It is related with the previous research by

Yuniarty (2018) that found those interjection in students‟

conversation and determined it as primary interjection because

it can stand on its own.

10) Types of Interjection in Data 10

Based on the data 10 in findings, it can bee seen that there

are 1 interjection Ouch! and 1 interjection Thank God! found

in students‟ conversation. Data 10 described about

conversation between Harti and Tika. Harti asked Tika why

she did not come to school yesterday. Interjection Ouch! that

Harti said is to express her feeling after Tika said that she did

not come to school yesterday because she was sick while


interjection Thank God! that also said by Harti to express that

she feel relief because Tika already fine.

Interjection Ouch! in the conversation can be determined

as primary interjection because it is a little word or non-words

which can stand its own and do not normally include in other

word classes such verb, noun, adjective and etc. it is related

with the previous research, Yuliana (2013) in her research

entitled “Interjection in English Comic Books Scooby-Doo

Where Are You” that found that interjection Ouch! is a

primary interjection because it is a little word which is not

include in any words classes and it can stand on its own. Then,

Interjection Thank God! in the conversation can be

determined as secondary interjection because it has multiword

expression, phrases, which can be free utterance unit and refer

to mental act. If we compare with the previous research, it is

related with Yuniarty (2018) in her research entitled

“Interjection in Students Conversation” that found interjection

Thank God! and determined it as secondary interjection

because it refers to mental act.

11) Types of Interjection in Data 11


Based on the data 11 in findings, it shown 1 interjection

Sshh! and 1 interjection Oops! in students‟ conversation. Data

11 described about conversation between Kinta and Andira.

Kinta asked Andira‟s opinion about students college that do

“magang 3” in their school. Interjection Sshh! that Kinta said

is to tell Andira to be silence because she afraid their

conversation will be heard by anyone else while interjection

Oops! that said by Andira to respond Kinta that has asked her

to be silence.

Interjection Sshh! and interjection Oops! that found in

conversation can be determined as primary interjection because

because all of them are a little words or non-words which can

stand on its own and do not normally include in other word

classes such verb, noun, adjective and etc. It is related with the

previous research by Yuniarty (2018) that found those

interjection in students‟ conversation and determined it as

primary interjection because it can stand on its own. e. Classifications of Interjection

According to Ameka, interjection can be classified into three

classifications. Those are expressive interjection, conative interjection

and phatic interjection. Expressive interjections are vocal gestures


which are symptoms of the speakers‟ mental state, that express the speakers‟ state with respect to the emotion and sensation they have at the same time and to pertain to the state of knowledge and thoughts of the speakers‟ at the time of the utterance. Conative interjections are those expression which are directed at an auditor. They are either aimed at getting someone‟s attention or they demand on action or response from. Phatic interjections are used in the establishment and maintenance of communicative contact. A variety of conventional vocalizations, which express a speakers‟ mental attitude towards the ongoing discourse, that is back channelling or feedback signalling vocalizations, may be classified as phatic interjection.

1) Classification of Interjection in Data 1

Based on the data 1 in findings we can see that there are 1

interjection Wow! and 1 interjection Thank God! are found in

students‟ conversation. Data 1 described about conversation

between Angga and Bima. Angga asked Bima‟s opinion about his

new haircut. interjection Wow! in the data means that Bima feels

amazed with Angga‟s new haircut while interjection Thank God!

in the data is Angga‟s response about Bima‟s opinion. It also

means that Angga feel relief because he thought that his new

haircut will be looked weird but it did not.


Interjection Wow! and interjection Thank God! in

conversation can be determined as expressive interjection because

it is a vocal gestures which are symptoms of the speakers‟ mental

state and it express the speakers‟ state with respect to the emotions

and sensations they have at the time and it is relate with the

previous research by Anggoro (2013) in his research entitled

“Interjection in English Comic Books” that found interjection

Wow! and then classified it as expressive interjection because it

expressed amazed feeling. He also found interjection Thank God!

and classified it as expressive interjection because it shows relief.

2) Classification of Interjection in Data 2

Based on the data 2 in findings, it found 2 interjection Wow!, 1 interjection Sshh!, 1 interjection Oops! and 1 Interjection Yups!. Data

2 described about conversation between Nabiel and Ikram. Nabiel asked Ikram‟s opinion about independence day‟s celebration.

Interjection Wow! appear twice in conversation. the first, interjection

Wow! that said by Ikram. It expressed Ikram‟s opinion about independence‟ day celebration. Ikram feel impressed about it. The second interjection Wow! is from Nabiel. It expressed Nabiel‟s


respond about competition that held as independence‟ day celebration.

It also expressed that Nabiel feel good that Ikram joined in that competition. Interjection Sshh! in conversation means that Ikram want

Nabiel to be silence because he lost in the competition. Next is interjection Oops! in conversation means that Nabiel will be silence and will not tell anyone else. The last is interjection Yups! that expressed Nabil respond after Nabiel gave support.

Interjection Wow! and interjection Oops! can be determined as expressive interjection because it is a vocal gestures which are symptoms of the speakers‟ mental state and it express the speakers‟ state with respect to the emotions and sensations they have at the time and it is relate with the previous research by Yuniarti (2018) in her research entitled “Interjection in Students Conversation” that found interjection Wow! and classified it as expressive interjection because it expresses amazement and also she found interjection Oops! and classified it as expressive interjection because it expresses something like mock. Then, interjection Sshh! can be determined as conative interjection because it aimed at getting someone‟s attention or they demand on action or response from someone of a speakers‟ want.

Based on the previous research by Yuniarty (2018), interjection Sshh! can be determined as conative interjection because it is to point that


someone who are they talking about will come. The last is interjection

Yups! that can be determined as phatic interjection because it is a variety of conventional vocalization, which express a speakers‟ mental attitude towards the ongoing, discourse, that is back channelling, or feedback signalling vocalization.

3) Classification of Interjection in Data 3

Based on the data 3 in findings, it shown 1 interjection Oh my

God! and 1 interjection Yups!. Data 3 described about

conversation between Septian and Ahmad. Septian tell Ahmad that

there is a death body is found in Tello river. Interjection Oh my

God! is said by Ahmad to expressed his feeling about Septian‟s

story that said there is a man who assume has killed and his body

is found in Tello river. Then, interjection Yups! that said by

Septian means that he agreed with Ahmad‟s opinion about the

death body that is found in Tello river.

Interjection Oh my God! in conversation can be

determined as expressive interjection because it express the

speakers‟ state with respect to the emotions and sensations they

have at the time and it is relate with the previous research by

Yuniarti (2018) in her research entitled “Interjection in Students

Conversation” that found interjection Oh my God! and classified


it as expressive interjection because it expresses Ahmad shock

about a news that he heard while interjection Yups! can be

determined as phatic interjection because it is a variety of

conventional vocalization, which express a speakers‟ mental

attitude towards the ongoing, discourse, that is back channelling,

or feedback signalling vocalization.

4) Classification of Interjection in Data 4

Based on the data 4 in findings, it can be seen that there are 1 interjection Ouch!, 1 interjection Aha! and 1 interjection Wow! are found in conversation. Data 4 describe about conversation between

Aulia and Siska. Aulia asked about Siska‟s plan in the weekend.

Interjection Ouch! In conversation said by Aulia to expressed her feeling after Siska said that she don‟t have a plan yet in the weekend.

Then, interjection Aha! that said by Siska to expressed that she get an idea. The last is interjection Wow! that said by Aulia to expressed that she totally agree with Siska‟s idea to go to Tope Jawa in the weekend.

Interjection Wow!, interjection Aha! and interjection Ouch! can be determined as expressive interjection because it is a vocal gestures which are symptoms of the speakers‟ mental state and it express the speakers‟ state with respect to the emotions and sensations they have at the time and it is relate with the previous research by


Yuniarti (2018) in her research entitled “Interjection in Students

Conversation” that found interjection Wow! and classified it as expressive interjection because it expresses amazement and also she found interjection Aha! and classified it as expressive interjection because it expresses that she got an idea. Then, interjection Ouch! can be also classified as expressive interjection because it expressed the speakers‟ state with respect to the emotions and sensations they have at the time.

5) Classification of Interjection in Data 5

Based on the data 5 in findings, it shown 1 interjection Wow! and 1 interjection Shut up! that found in students‟ conversation. Data

5 described about conversation between Anwar and Rifai. Anwar asked Rifai‟s opinion about independence ceremony. Interjection

Wow! that said by Rifai to express his opinion about independence ceremony. it expressed that Rifai feel amazed with it while interjection

Shut up! that said by Anwar to ask Rifai to be silence because he don‟t like what Rifai said.

Interjection Wow! can be determined as expressive interjection because it is a vocal gestures which are symptoms of the speakers‟ mental state and it express the speakers‟ state with respect to the emotions and sensations they have at the time and it is relate with the


previous research by Yuniarti (2018) in her research entitled

“Interjection in Students Conversation” that found interjection Wow! and classified it as expressive interjection because it expresses amazement while interjection Sshh! can be determined as conative interjection because it aimed at getting someone‟s attention or they demand on action or response from someone of a speakers‟ want.

6) Classification of Interjection in Data 6

Based on the data 6 in findings, it can be seen that there is only

1 interjection is found in conversation. It is interjection Oh my God!.

Data 6 described about conversation between Rahmat and Janwar.

Rahmat tell Janwar that his neighbour passed away. Interjection Oh my God! that said by Janwar to tell Rahmat that he feel sorry to hear that Rahmat‟s neighbour passed away.

Interjection Oh my God! in conversation can be determined as expressive interjection because Interjection Oh my God! in conversation can be determined as expressive interjection because it express the speakers‟ state with respect to the emotions and sensations they have at the time and it is relate with the previous research by

Yuniarti (2018) in her research entitled “Interjection in Students

Conversation” that found interjection Oh my God! and classified it as expressive interjection because it expresses Janwar‟s sadness.


7) Classification of Interjection in Data 7

Based on the data 7 in findings, it found 1 interjection Oh my

Goodness!, 1 interjection Oh my God!, and 1 interjection Oops! in students conversation. Data 7 described about conversation between

Akif and Eda. Akif tell Eda about their homework but Eda forget to finish it. Interjection Oh my Goodness! that said by Akif to express his unbelieve that Eda forget that they have a homework. Then, interjection Oh my God! that said by Eda to express his feeling because she forgets that they have a homework. The last is interjection

Oops! that said by Akif to mock Eda because she forgets that they have a homework.

Interjection Oh my Goodness!, interjection Oh my God! and interjection Oops! can be determined as expressive interjection because it is a vocal gestures which are symptoms of the speakers‟ mental state and it express the speakers‟ state with respect to the emotions and sensations they have at the time and it is relate with the previous research by Yuniarti (2018) in her research entitled

“Interjection in Students Conversation” that found interjection Oh my

Goodness! and classified it as expressive interjection because it expresses unbelieve and also she found interjection Oh my God! and classified it as expressive interjection because it expresses shocked.


Then, interjection Oops! can be also classified as expressive interjection because it expressed the speakers‟ state with respect to the emotions and sensations they have at the time.

8) Classification of Interjection in Data 8

Based on the data 8 in findings, it found 1 interjection Oh my

God! and 1 interjection Thank God! in students‟ conversation. Data 8 described about conversation between Rina and Sasmita. Rina tell

Sasmita that Angga got an accident. Interjection Oh my God! that said by Sasmita to express her shocked about what Rina said that Angga got an accident while interjection Thank God! that also said by

Sasmita to express her relief to know that Angga is just fine.

Interjection Oh my God! and interjection Thank God! that found in conversation can be determined as expressive interjection because it is a vocal gestures which are symptoms of the speakers‟ mental state and it express the speakers‟ state with respect to the emotions and sensations they have at the time and it is relate with the previous research by Yuniarti (2018) in her research entitled

“Interjection in Students Conversation” that found interjection Oh my

God! and classified it as expressive interjection because it expresses shocked and also she found interjection Thank God! and classified it as expressive interjection because it expresses relief.


9) Classification of Interjection in Data 9

Based on the data 9 in findings, it can be seen that there are

1 interjection Wow! and 1 interjection Yups! are found in

students‟ conversation. Data 9 described about conversation

between Fajar and Rahmi. Fajar give a birthday invitation to

Rahmi and ask her to join in that party. Interjection Wow! that said

by Rahmi to express her surprise because Fajar gave her an

invitation while interjection Yups! that said by Fajar is to answer

and give stressing that he will do a birthday party.

Interjection Wow! can be determined as expressive interjection because it is a vocal gestures which are symptoms of the speakers‟ mental state and it express the speakers‟ state with respect to the emotions and sensations they have at the time and it is relate with the previous research by Yuniarti (2018) in her research entitled

“Interjection in Students Conversation” that found interjection Wow! and classified it as expressive interjection because it expresses happiness. While is interjection Yups! that can be determined as phatic interjection because it is a variety of conventional vocalization, which express a speakers‟ mental attitude towards the ongoing, discourse, that is back channelling, or feedback signalling vocalization.


10) Classification of Interjection in Data 10

Based on the data 10 in findings, it can bee seen that there are

1 interjection Ouch! and 1 interjection Thank God! found in students‟ conversation. Data 10 described about conversation between Harti and

Tika. Harti asked Tika why she did not come to school yesterday.

Interjection Ouch! that Harti said is to express her feeling after Tika said that she did not come to school yesterday because she was sick while interjection Thank God! that also said by Harti to express that she feel relief because Tika already fine.

Interjection Ouch! and interjection Thank God! that found in conversation can be determined as expressive interjection because it is a vocal gestures which are symptoms of the speakers‟ mental state and it express the speakers‟ state with respect to the emotions and sensations they have at the time and it is relate with the previous research by Yuniarti (2018) in her research entitled “Interjection in

Students Conversation” that found interjection Ouch! and classified it as expressive interjection because it expresses shocked and also she found interjection Thank God! and classified it as expressive interjection because it expresses relief.

11) Classification of Interjection in Data 11


Based on the data 11 in findings, it shown 1 interjection Sshh!

and 1 interjection Oops! in students‟ conversation. Data 11 described

about conversation between Kinta and Andira. Kinta asked Andira‟s

opinion about students college that do “magang 3” in their school.

Interjection Sshh! that Kinta said is to tell Andira to be silence

because she afraid their conversation will be heard by anyone else

while interjection Oops! that said by Andira to respond Kinta that has

asked her to be silence.

Interjection Sshh! can be determined as conative interjection

because it aimed at getting someone‟s attention or they demand on

action or response from someone of a speakers‟ want while and

interjection Oops! can be determined as expressive interjection

because it is a vocal gestures which are symptoms of the speakers‟

mental state and it express the speakers‟ state with respect to the

emotions and sensations they have at the time and it is relate with the

previous research by Yuniarti (2018) in her research entitled

“Interjection in Students Conversation” that found interjection Oops!

and classified it as expressive interjection because it expresses

something like mock. f. Function of Interjection


According to Jacobson (1963: 64-66), interjection can be divided into six functions of interjection. Those are referential function, emotive function, conative function, phatic function, metalingual function and poetic function. Referential functions are language functions that relate to the context of speech, that is the language used to refer to anything other than speech. Jakobson explained that this function is a denotative function that places the message reference as the most important element. Emotive functions express the speakers‟ state with respect to the emotions and sensations they have at the same time. Conative function are aimed at getting someone‟s attention or they demand on action or response from someone of speakers‟ want. The function of the language is associated with the phatic component of communication in the form of contact. Language is used to build, continue, or break communication.

In addition, language is also useful for knowing the functioning of flow of communication, and attracts the attention of the speaker.

Metalingual Function, this function is centered on code, in this case is language. Language as the object of description or conversation.

Poetic Function, the function of this language is emphasized in the message delivered in communication. Language is used to convey a message. According to Jacobson the function of poetic language is the function that makes message into works of art.


1) Function of Interjection in Data 1

Based on the data 1 in findings we can see that there are 1 interjection Wow! and 1 interjection Thank God! are found in students‟ conversation. Data 1 described about conversation between

Angga and Bima. Angga asked Bima‟s opinion about his new haircut. interjection Wow! in the data means that Bima feels amazed with

Angga‟s new haircut while interjection Thank God! in the data is

Angga‟s response about Bima‟s opinion. It also means that Angga feel relief because he thought that his new haircut will be looked weird but it did not.

Interjection Wow! and interjection Thank God! in conversation can be classified as emotive function because it expressed the speakers‟ state with respect to the emotions and sensations they have at the time and if we compare with previous research it is related with research by Anggoro (2013) that found those interjection and classified them as emotive interjection because interjection Wow! expressed amazement while interjection Thank

God! can be interpreted as an expression of relief.

2) Function of Interjection in Data 2


Based on the data 2 in findings, it found 2 interjection Wow!, 1 interjection Sshh!, 1 interjection Oops! and 1 Interjection Yups!.

Data 2 described about conversation between Nabiel and Ikram.

Nabiel asked Ikram‟s opinion about independence day‟s celebration. Interjection Wow! appear twice in conversation. the first, interjection Wow! that said by Ikram. It expressed Ikram‟s opinion about independence‟ day celebration. Ikram feel impressed about it. The second interjection Wow! is from Nabiel. It expressed Nabiel‟s respond about competition that held as independence‟ day celebration. It also expressed that Nabiel feel good that Ikram joined in that competition. Interjection Sshh! in conversation means that Ikram want Nabiel to be silence because he lost in the competition. Next is interjection Oops! in conversation means that Nabiel will be silence and will not tell anyone else. The last is interjection Yups! that expressed Nabil respond after Nabiel gave support.

Interjection Wow! and interjection Oops! in conversation can be determined as emotive function because because it expresses the speakers‟ state with respect to the emotions and sensations they have at the time. Interjection Sshh! can be determined as conative interjection because it aimed at getting someone‟s attention or they


demand on action or response from someone of speakers‟ want.

The last is interjection Yups! that can be determined as phatic

interjection because it associated with the phatic component of

communication in the form of contact. Language is used to build,

continue, or break communication. In addition, language is also

useful for knowing the functioning of flow of communication, and

attracts the attention of the speaker.

3) Function of Interjection in Data 3

Based on the data 3 in findings, it shown 1 interjection Oh my

God! and 1 interjection Yups!. Data 3 described about

conversation between Septian and Ahmad. Septian tell Ahmad that

there is a death body is found in Tello river. Interjection Oh my

God! is said by Ahmad to expressed his feeling about Septian‟s

story that said there is a man who assume has killed and his body

is found in Tello river. Then, interjection Yups! that said by

Septian means that he agreed with Ahmad‟s opinion about the

death body that is found in Tello river.

Interjection Oh my God! can be determined as emotive

function because it expresses the speakers‟ state with respect to the

emotions and sensations they have at the time while interjection

Yups! can be determined as phatic function because it associated


with the phatic component of communication in the form of

contact. Language is used to build, continue, or break

communication. In addition, language is also useful for knowing

the functioning of flow of communication, and attracts the

attention of the speaker.

4) Function of Interjection in Data 4

Based on the data 4 in findings, it can be seen that there are 1

interjection Ouch!, 1 interjection Aha! and 1 interjection Wow!

are found in conversation. Data 4 describe about conversation

between Aulia and Siska. Aulia asked about Siska‟s plan in the

weekend. Interjection Ouch! In conversation said by Aulia to

expressed her feeling after Siska said that she don‟t have a plan yet

in the weekend. Then, interjection Aha! that said by Siska to

expressed that she get an idea. The last is interjection Wow! that

said by Aulia to expressed that she totally agree with Siska‟s idea

to go to Tope Jawa in the weekend.

Interjection Ouch! in conversation can be determined as

referential function because it places the message reference as the

most important element. Then, interjection Aha! can be

determined as metalingual function because metalingual function

because it centered on code, in this case is language. Language as


the object of description or conversation. It can be seen in the data

4. it shows to emphasize that Aulia has an idea. The last is

interjection Wow! that can be determined as emotive function

because it expresses the speakers‟ state with respect to the

emotions and sensations they have at the time.

5) Function of Interjection in Data 5

Based on the data 5 in findings, it shown 1 interjection Wow!

and 1 interjection Shut up! that found in students‟ conversation.

Data 5 described about conversation between Anwar and Rifai.

Anwar asked Rifai‟s opinion about independence ceremony.

Interjection Wow! that said by Rifai to express his opinion about

independence ceremony. it expressed that Rifai feel amazed with it

while interjection Shut up! that said by Anwar to ask Rifai to be

silence because he don‟t like what Rifai said.

interjection Wow! can be determined as emotive function

because it expresses the speakers‟ state with respect to the

emotions and sensations they have at the time while interjection

Shut up! can be determined as poetic function because because it

is emphasized in the message delivered in communication.

Language is used to convey a message. According to Jacobson the

function of poetic language is the function that makes message into


works of art. As we can see in the data 5. it signs that Anwar did

not want to Rifai to discuss it.

6) Function of Interjection in Data 6

Based on the data 6 in findings, it can be seen that there is only

1 interjection is found in conversation. It is interjection Oh my

God!. Data 6 described about conversation between Rahmat and

Janwar. Rahmat tell Janwar that his neighbour passed away.

Interjection Oh my God! that said by Janwar to tell Rahmat that

he feel sorry to hear that Rahmat‟s neighbour passed away.

Interjection Oh my God! in conversation can be determined

as emotive function because because it expresses the speakers‟

state with respect to the emotions and sensations they have at the


7) Function of Interjection in Data 7

Based on the data 7 in findings, it found 1 interjection Oh my

Goodness!, 1 interjection Oh my God!, and 1 interjection Oops!

in students conversation. Data 7 described about conversation

between Akif and Eda. Akif tell Eda about their homework but

Eda forget to finish it. Interjection Oh my Goodness! that said by


Akif to express his unbelieve that Eda forget that they have a

homework. Then, interjection Oh my God! that said by Eda to

express his feeling because she forgets that they have a homework.

The last is interjection Oops! that said by Akif to mock Eda

because she forgets that they have a homework.

Interjection Oh my Goodness!, interjection Oh my God! and

interjection Oops! can be determined as emotive function because

it expresses the speakers‟ state with respect to the emotions and

sensations they have at the time.

8) Function of Interjection in Data 8

Based on the data 8 in findings, it found 1 interjection Oh my

God! and 1 interjection Thank God! in students‟ conversation. Data 8 described about conversation between Rina and Sasmita. Rina tell

Sasmita that Angga got an accident. Interjection Oh my God! that said by Sasmita to express her shocked about what Rina said that Angga got an accident while interjection Thank God! that also said by

Sasmita to express her relief to know that Angga is just fine.

Interjection Oh my God! and interjection Thank God! can be determined as emotive function because it expresses the speakers‟ state with respect to the emotions and sensations they have at the time.


9) Function of Interjection in Data 9

Based on the data 9 in findings, it can be seen that there are 1 interjection Wow! and 1 interjection Yups! are found in students‟ conversation. Data 9 described about conversation between Fajar and

Rahmi. Fajar give a birthday invitation to Rahmi and ask her to join in that party. Interjection Wow! that said by Rahmi to express her surprise because Fajar gave her an invitation while interjection Yups! that said by Fajar is to answer and give stressing that he will do a birthday party.

Interjection Wow! in conversation can be determined as emotive function because because it expresses the speakers‟ state with respect to the emotions and sensations they have at the time while interjection Yups! in conversation can be determined as phatic function because because it associated with the phatic component of communication in the form of contact. Language is used to build, continue, or break communication. In addition, language is also useful for knowing the functioning of flow of communication, and attracts the attention of the speaker.

10) Function of Interjection in Data 10


Based on the data 10 in findings, it can bee seen that there are

1 interjection Ouch! and 1 interjection Thank God! found in

students‟ conversation. Data 10 described about conversation

between Harti and Tika. Harti asked Tika why she did not come to

school yesterday. Interjection Ouch! that Harti said is to express

her feeling after Tika said that she did not come to school

yesterday because she was sick while interjection Thank God!

that also said by Harti to express that she feel relief because Tika

already fine.

Interjection Ouch! in conversation can be determined as

referential function because it places the message reference as the

most important element. For example in the data 10. it shows a

message that Harty feel worrying about Tika‟s condition while

interjection Thank God! can be determined as emotive function

because it expresses the speakers‟ state with respect to the

emotions and sensations they have at the time.

11) Function of Interjection in Data 11

Based on the data 11 in findings, it shown 1 interjection Sshh!

and 1 interjection Oops! in students‟ conversation. Data 11

described about conversation between Kinta and Andira. Kinta

asked Andira‟s opinion about students college that do “magang 3”


in their school. Interjection Sshh! that Kinta said is to tell Andira to be silence because she afraid their conversation will be heard by anyone else while interjection Oops! that said by Andira to respond Kinta that has asked her to be silence.

Interjection Oops! in the data can be determined as emotive function because it expresses the speakers‟ state with respect to the emotions and sensations they have at the time while interjection

Sshh! can be determined as conative function because it aimed at getting someone‟s attention or they demand on action or response from someone of speakers‟ want.



A. Conclusion

Based on the researcher findings in the previous chapter, the result

conclude that :

1. Primary interjection is the types of interjection that are mostly used by the

students in their English speaking or in this case in their conversation and

then followed by secondary interjection. Next, Expressive interjection is

the classification of interjection that are mostly used by the students in

their conversation and then followed by conative interjection and phatic


2. Emotive is a function of interjection that are mostly used by the students

in their conversation (there 9 kinds of emotive function are found) and

then followed by referential function, phatic function, conative function,

metalingual function and poetic function which all of them just found only

one kind.

B. Suggestion

1. For the College Students of Unismuh Makassar

My suggestion for college students especially English students

department of Unismuh Makassar to pay attention about interjection

because interjection is not as simple as we thought. Interjection is a



complex one that has types, classification, meaning, form, function and


2. For the Next Researcher

My suggestion for the next researcher especially researcher who want

to do a research about interjection to do a research not just only focus on

types, classification and function of interjection but try the other kinds of

interjection such meaning and form of interjection.


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(Available:https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https:// jurnal.ummi.ac.id/index.php/JAD/article/download/132/62/&ved=2ahUKEwj K7LDr4rHjAhXXXisKHVHhB0QFjASegQIBxAB&usg=AOvVaw0PducMf PN8g49KDewjw6cQ) Accessed on 12 January 2019

Check List

No Question Yes No Description 1 Is English teacher teaching  The teacher teaches about about Interjection? interjection but just the basic material 2 Is there lesson material that  There are some lesson related with interjection? material that contain interjection material such expression of surprise etc. 3 Is English teacher teaching  Just teach the basic material part of speech 4 Is there any special lesson  There is no special material material about interjection? about interjection 5 What is the students‟ Students just know that perception about Interjection? interjection is “kata seru” (Djajasudarma, 2006)

Field Note

No Items Description 1 Technique Used Recording 2 Time of Data Collection 13-15 August 2019 3 Place of Activity SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Makassar 4 Exposure To Results And Notes The teacher did not teach about interjection especially, but there are enough sources because in lesson material contain about interjection. 5 Impressions And Comments I did not find any obstacles in doing the research because the students have enough skill in speaking English. (Djajasudarma, 2006)


Data 1

Angga: Good morning. Bima: Good morning too. Angga: What do you think about my new hair cut? Bima: Wow! You look handsome. Angga: Really? Oh thank God! I thought that will be looked weird.

Data 2

Nabiel: Hi, good morning. Ikram: Hi, good morning too. Nabiel: What do you think about our independence day celebration? Ikram: Wow! I am impressed. There are a lot of competition that held and I join in one of them. Nabiel: Really? Wow! It is good. So how is the result? Ikram: Sshh! I lose. Nabiel: Oops! It is alright. At least you have tried. Ikram: yups!

Data 3

Septian: Hi. Ahmad: Hello. Septian: Have you read about “Penemuan Mayat” in “Makassar Info”?

Ahmad: No, I have not. What‟s happened? Can you tell me more detail about it? Septian: Sure. So there is a man who assume has killed and his body is found in Tello river. Ahmad: Oh my God! It is terrible. Septian: Yups! I think so.

Data 4

Aulia: Good morning. Siska: Good morning too. Aulia: Where are you going in this weekend? Siska: I don‟t have a plan yet. How about you? Aulia: Ouch! Me too. Siska: Aha! I have idea. Aulia: What is it? Siska: how about going to Tope Jawa? Aulia: Wow! It is a good idea. Let‟s go there. Siska: Alright.

Data 5

Anwar: Hello. Rifai: Hello too. Anwar: Do you see the independence ceremony? Rifai: Yes, I do. Anwar: What do you think about it? Rifai: Wow! It is awesome. How about you? What do you think about it? Anwar: Hhmm… I did not see it.

Rifai: Hhmm… poor you. Anwar: Hhmm… shut up!

Data 6

Rahmat: Good morning. Janwar: Good morning too. Rahmat: I have a bad news. Janwar: What is it? Rahmat: My neighbor pass away last night. Janwar: Oh my God! I am sorry to hear that.

Data 7

Akif: Hello. Eda: Hello too. Akif: Have you finished your homework? Eda: Ha? What homework? Akif: Oh my Goodness! Don‟t you remember? We have homework to write our experience during holiday. Eda: Oh my God! I forget it. Akif: Oops! Do it now before Mrs. Ika come.

Data 8

Rina: Good morning.

Sasmita: Good morning too. Rina: I have a news for you. Sasmita: What is it? Rina: Do you know that Angga got accident yesterday? Sasmita: Really? Oh my God! How is his condition now? Rina: Don‟t mind. He is fine. Sasmita: Oh thank God! Let‟s see Angga later. Rina: O.K.

Data 9

Fajar: Hello, good morning. Rahmi: Hello, good morning. Fajar: This is invitation for you. Rahmi: Wow! Are you doing birthday party? Fajar: Yups! Come and join us. Rahmi: O.K. thank you. Fajar: You are welcome.

Data 10

Harti: Hi. Tika: Hi too. Harti: Why you did not come to school yesterday? Tika: Hhmm… I am sick. Harti: Ouch! How is your feeling now? Tika: I am fine enough.

Harti: Oh thank God! I worry about you. Tika: Thank you. Harti: You are welcome.

Data 11

Kinta: Good morning. Andira: Good morning. Kinta: What do you think about “Kakak Magang”? Andira: I like how they teach us but I sometimes don‟t like too. Kinta: Sshh! Don‟t be noise. Andira: Oops!


Andi Riswandi Putra is the last child of Andi Jufri and Andi Rosdiana. He was born on July 20th, 1997 in Selayar, South Sulawesi. He has a brother and a sister (Andi Risaldi Putra and Andi Jumriana). He began his study at SD Negeri Lembongan and graduated in 2009. Then, He continued his study at SMP Negeri 3 Pasimasunggu Timur and graduated in 2012. Afterwards, she continued his study at SMA Negeri 1 Pasimasunggu Timur (Now called as SMAN 3 Selayar) and graduated in 2015. In the same year, she was registered as a student of English Education Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty of Muhammadiyah University of Makassar. During his study, he joined in some of English Courses as tutor to apply what he got as long as become an English student collage. At the end of his study, He could finish his thesis with the title “Students’ Interjection in Speaking English (A Descriptive Research at The Eleventh Grade Students of SMA Muhammadiyah 9 Makassar)”