
place! therefore and


many several, four, . clauses or

right the in right the use to

 and, or, but, nor, for, yet, yet, for, nor, but, or, and, Which? the, this, that this, the,

, , phrases , single of form

you are able able are you

means speech of clauses. or phrases, words,

What? blue, poor, happy poor, blue,

Understanding the eight parts parts eight the Understanding appear in the the in appear ca

n words that join join that words :

. or a

that answers a question from from question a answers that mark. exclamation  loudly Loud


# Speech of Part

are usually followed by an an by followed usually are a descriptive word word descriptive a :

 carefully Careful

alone in a sentence and they they and sentence a in alone  quickly Quick

preposition. a with Parts of Speech #4 Speech of Parts

interjections often stand stand often interjections : Note

extent. what to or how,

never end a sentence sentence a end never :


the questions: when, where, where, when, questions: the


 they Dogs

in , beside under, on,

ly and answer answer and ly – in end always,


 he Mailman object. an of position

, but not not but , usually Adverbs


a word that describes the the describes that word a is . or noun

adjective, or another . adverb. another or adjective,

emotion. or feeling strong

in simplest terms, terms, simplest in : Preposition

the place of a a of place the takes : Pronoun , verb, a modifies : Adverb

expresses a a expresses : Interjection

6 # Speech of Part #3 Speech of Part

#5 Speech of Part

8 # Speech of Part

PARTS OF SPEECH Rhyme Review #1 The eight parts of speech A noun’s the name of anything, As school, or garden, or hoop, or swing. help to explain when a word Verb: expresses an action or tell the kind of noun, is best used. You already use state of being. As great, small, pretty, white, or brown. the eight parts of speech in  Action: talk, walk, run Instead of nouns, the stand, Her head, his face, your arm, my hand. your everyday ,  State: is, has, been, am tell of something to be done, whether you realize it or not! To read, count, sing, laugh, jump, or run.

How things are done, the adverbs tell, 1. Verb Part of Speech #2 As slowly, quickly, ill or well. 2. Noun Conjunctions join words together, Noun: identifies a person, As men and women, wind or weather. 3. Pronoun place, thing, or idea. The preposition stands before, 4. Adjective A noun, as in, or through a door. 5. Adverb  Person: Mr. Smith The interjection shows surprise, 6. Preposition  Place: Canada As oh! how pretty – ah! how wise. 7. Conjunction  Thing: Candy The whole are called the parts of speech, 8. Interjection Which reading, writing, speaking, teach.  Idea: Honesty -Alfred J. Lawrence

Step 1: Step 2: Step 3: Fold the mini book in half by Open it up and make a shutter fold Open up again and fold the book in making a hotdog fold. (folding outlined sections back). half by making a hamburger fold.

Step 4: Step 5: Step 6:

Keeping the hamburger fold, cut Open it up and make another hotdog fold. While in the hotdog fold, take both ends along the outlined section. There will now be a cut in the center of and pinch them to make a star shape.

the book.

Step 7 : After making the star shape, fold your mini book!

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